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tlM Worid's rUr ft New Folk diulBc which he carried on ^ for the BrlUeh War Belief ^ local «rgBi>lshUon. (FOURTEEN PAGEB) PRICE THREE CBMT$j Town Clerk Mlae Hattie ______ nd, of 31 Church atrect, Lady Pepperell Finai ^ Clearance _ Sale on. I aajoylny her annual vacatloa. si^ COLGATE Baaefne^ Weatey Chorlatera, the Sh^ts *and CAses Sp^idls Guard M obilization Girla’ choir of the South PAUII0U VE^‘ 2« 33« a n d church held an outlns lATffEa OM a m n ttL U o AT JULY SALE PRICES Weatardaiy at Oyatal lake under R ^gnlar^7.95 Silk Print Dreaaea f^ | )i W t Buperrtalon at Mr. and Mra. Boxed — Pro^Laandcred' ^ Vtrt Swallow of Center street and I LARCE CASHMERE ^ O m O l t $2i,MGliders A special, 5 boxed and corded Printed aheara and printed crepek. Saaa Ethel Woodward of Hollister TIM BOUQUET ■^‘"T L i ^ edge cuahlona, ,. ball-bearing Also solid colors. $ Street. Riecen'lly they enjoyed a 6.00 Program Is Extended ktkngc'* and coil apringa. lenlc at Brtton\Center. on the Reg. $1.59y 81x108 $1.39 kwn of the home bf Rev. and Mra LiWeE _ Regular $5.98 Silk Print Dreaaea Brought to Front AlfredS Kline of the GongreKatlonal CAKE COLGATE 2 " !N Reg. $1.69,'Sk)xl08 .................................$ 1 . 4 9 . church there. Contests were con $18.50 Smart, small print patterns. $5.00 ducted and prlres awrded bjr Mrs. Reg. $1.49, 72x108 ............. $ 1 . 2 ^ ' Roosevelt Proposes to I Police Aato Hits Car Swallow. Mrs. Arthur l*ratt, the Main Floor, Rear. To 32-Year-Old Class Just Reported as Stolen former Miss Ann Strlckland.orgsn- ‘Z COLGATE ro W D E R m m m 33« R e g . $ 1 . 2 9 , 6 3 x 9 9 ^ ..................................IfTf.lO ‘ Put 50,000 Militiamen . laed the choir and was its director $27,50 Gliders for the past year. / Last Day of 8aieT>C 69c D. G. A In Field for Active New Orleans, July l i . —UP)— U Q U ID O Q a S-cuahion, ball-bearing. Detectives Henry Hoffstadt and Sightseers Bigger Mensce Nation Dips Deeper Into Service; No Immediate WoiiH Start To Crops Than Nazi Bombs' George Lundberg, son of Dr. T DENTIFRICE m m m m m Arthur Lelninger heard the po Reserves of Manpower and Mrs. O. A. F. Lundberg of CUE Lady Pepperell Pilldw Cases lice radio report "stolen car, li Silk Hosiery Comment on Proposal London, July 13.— Sight Bast Center street is spending the 42” x36” — iy x K r $23.95 cense No. 260-934." Total Attack To Meet Threat o f In summer at Camp Waya-Awi on URGE Mnglasa sheerir chiffons anda Mniice weights. All new Surtunar On Capitol H i 1 K Lelninger drove to the side seers are proving a worse men- | ■hadies. Sizes 8Vk to lOVt ace to crops than German vasion; .4pproximaUil3r, Itangeley lake. «ISIZE 'VASELINE'Z*c. 37< of the atsaet to write down the $29.50 DeLuxe number.-Ttis automobile hit an Till AU Set bombs in some instanbes, the 500,000 Called to R ^ - General Welfare Center No. 41 3 for 9 ^ Washington, July 13.— i abandoned car. On it was li Ministry of Agriculture Indlcat-'v Will meet at the East Side Becre- 5 5 ° pr. (AP)— President Roosevelt’s ! cense No. 200-924. ed today in Issuing an order isier Before Niglitfallc'^' atton Center at eight o’clock this Gliders 2 4>r- $1.0Q proposal to put 50,000 militia making 'trespassers' liable to a COLGATE...37« EXTRA SPECIAL! tlMITEDi QUANTITY! Lochner Sees Hitler $200 fine. Growing'Bombing Ae> evening for its regular business One-piece seat ctiahlon, three men in the fleld for active aeaaion. These meetings are open ,” In a recent Instance.” the Substandard^ of Regular 37c Pepperell cuahlon back with adjustable service brought *the contro Waiting Until Every tivity I^ending Urgent^ to the public. arm cuahiona. ministry said, "negligible dam- 39c Kefiay Rayons versial subject of National Huge Camacho Precaution fpr Success age’-was done by a bomb to a David Hawley, son of Mr. and ■ Guard mobilization back to wheat fleld, but the entire crop London, July 13.— (A P)— Plain or pencil stripe tailored garments In Vesta, Panties, Step- of 25 acres was completely Mra. Robert Hawley of Coburn Percale Pillow Cases ins and Briefs. Tearoae color. ■ " German sources identifled this picture, transmitted by radio from Berlin to New York, ns British Of Blitzkrieg Is Taken. Britain’s new, highly-geared Rbad, la at Camp Woodstock for snjSr. $25.95 the fore today. The decision ruined by being trampl^ by (Ticketed Auburn). Size 42” x3€” Only. to recommend calling out al Majority Will shells falling into the water near an Italian warship during an engagement In the Ionian sea, first major mobilization program, whijch several weeks. _ u i m m . encounter between the two navies. Both sides claimed important damage to opposing forces^ in the Editor’s Note: TOe big ques sightseers.” most one-fourth of the total baltle. tion of the war 1s; When will has been putting 700 men • According to the "Mary Cheney I 573 MAIN STREET National Guard strength was Be Disputed Hitler strike against Britain day into khaki, was extended XJbrary Uncs”' Just out for July, ' 4 for $1.00 $1,6.50 Gliders 3 fw $ 1 .0 0 with the full fury of the blitz trjday to include 32-year-oIds a ISw of the items left In library PH O NE 7 0 5 7 reached late yesterday by Mr. S cushions, bail-bearing. krieg 7 Louis P. Lochner, as the nation dipped deeper hooka or In the. litirary were an A beautiful quality percale, very soft and fine. Slight oil . Roosevelt and Henry L. Stim- chief of The Associated Presa ItaUans Say s,^ngagement rln^—of all things— apota or miaweaves—nothing to impair the wearing quail- son, his new secretary of war. Almazan Party Claims 1,610 Persons Berlin Bureau, discusses this into its reserves of jnanpow- ~kercbiefa, scarfs, mittens, tiea. Congress must approve be Rumania Ready to Cut question In the following dis--’’ cr to meet the threat of invB« combs, nail files, needles, $13.95 10% Reduction on Vicloi^ in Mexican fore the plan can be put, into patch. He reports that> the Three British sion. Approximately 300,000 0^, tickets. Insurance pre- Regular 17c Fast Color Election; Police Raid On Last Trip Germans , are so confident of nilum bb^a, cards of all kinds action. men called to registMT $16.95 Sun Tan Turkish Entente Ties ■victory that they are moving and clipping^ The carelessness VAN'S 'All Sportswear with Cohgreis in recess for the Offices of Contender. troops eastward—away from Ships Are Hit before nightfall in respone# o f patrons wak^indlcated when two Democratic National Convention, Of U.S. Liner Britain. The present air war to th^ latest cajj to the colons books were retun^d to the library Percale Prints there was no imihedfatc comment Mexico City, July I.Y.—(O—Fol- against the British Isles ia from a rummage sale, one was Cut Rate Tire Shoppe on Capitol Hill. However, when bringing the total (summoned Lounge lowers of General Juan Andreau merely preparation for the picked up on the sti^ t and an Mr. Roosevelt In a special message full attack, and is described ^^Continiie to Pursue” to date to more than 3,300,- 427 Htfd. Road Tel. S866 Angle steel frame, large Almazan, Independent candidate Washington Docks from "osill' Lavalls Now other found In an attic. ' 8 yds. $ 1 .0 0 coaster wheels for easy moving, on May 31 asked authority to by German.*! as mere "child's Uuits o f July 8 Fight; 000. Simmons innerspiing cushions. Cotton Dresses Reduced mobUlze the guard for any defense for president. Indicated today they Galway on Final War For P ad with Briiain play” In comparison with what Lending urgency to the mobil Harry Maidment and Robert Bright colorful prints for dreaaea, aprona, draperiea, etc. Back lowers into position. emergency, the request ran into a would challenge the official tabula Kcy Leader of is yet to come, i Lochner dis Report Capture of Post ization speedup was the growing All fast colors. barrage of criticism. rranrp RpiilflrpfflL Kurland are at Camp Pioneer, the Colors: red, blue, green. Reg. $ 1 .9 8 ... .now $1.79 Reg. $3198... .now $3.29 tion which the administration’s Refugee Removal Voy-1 And France Replacedi, closes.) activity of Germany's bombing Boy Scout camp at Winsted. To Call Out Four Divisions On the Kin va Frontier. squadrons, which ropred acrOM the Distributors for these | Reg. $2.98.^ . .now $2.49 Reg. $ 5 .9 8 ... .now $5.29 The White -House announcement Revolutionaiy party said last night age; 273 Are Aliens.' _ . ,'“77 /.J By Louis P. Lochner , Extra Special! Regular 29c Fast Color gave its candidate. General Manuel * ’ ____ _ Bucharest, July 13.— (AP) French State channel again during the'night Owners of the remodeled yesterday aald that tentative plans Berlin, July 13-(-iP)—Adolf Hit- | Rome, July 13.—'S’) — Italian rain explosives ori aouthwest Eng Cowles Hotel building on North $14.50 • Reg. $ 7 .9 8 ... .now $6.98 were to call out four of the Guard's Avila Camacho. 94 per cent of the New York. July 13- (/P )-T hc to tires ip this area. All , —Rumania was reported au- 18 divisions, seven anti-alrcratt votes cast In 8undSy.> turbulent ler, a past master at keeping the ; bombing planes, continuing to pur land.