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Chapter 23: The Temporomandibular 1

TABLE 23-1 Muscles and of the


Digastric N: trigeminal Anterior belly: depression Common tendon to the Mandibular depression and and facial on inner side of inferior hyoid elevation of hyoid border of mandible (in ) Posterior belly: mastoid notch of the Temporalis N: Temporal and deep Medial and anterior Elevates mandible to close the mandibular division surface of temporal coronoid process and and approximates teeth of anterior ramus of (biting motion); retracts the mandible mandible and participates in lateral grinding motions Masseter N: Superficial: zygomatic Angle and lower half of Elevates the mandible; active in up mandibular division arch and maxillary process lateral ramus and down biting motions and of trigeminal nerve Deep portion: zygomatic Lateral coronoid and of the teeth arch superior ramus in mastication Medial pterygoid N: Greater wing of sphenoid Medial ramus and angle of Elevates the mandible to close mandibular division and pyramidal process the mouth; protrudes the mandible of trigeminal nerve of (with lateral pterygoid). Unilaterally, the medial and lateral pterygoid rotate the mandible forward and to the opposite side Lateral pterygoid N: Superior: inferior crest of Articular disk, capsule, and Protracts mandibular and mandibular division greater wing of sphenoid condyle disk of the temporomandibular of trigeminal nerve of mandible and joint forward while the mandibular Inferior: lateral surface of medial condyle rotates on disk; aids in pterygoid plate opening the mouth. Joint action of the medial and lateral pterygoid rotates the mandible forward and to the opposite side Mylohyoid N: Medial surface of of the Elevates the hyoid bone and mylohyoid branch of mandible, entire (floor of the mouth) for swallowing; depresses the trigeminal nerve length the mandible when fixed Geniohyoid N: of mandible Body of the hyoid bone Assists in depression of the ventral ramus of C1 mandible; elevates and protracts through hypoglossal the hyoid bone; moves the tongue nerve forward Stylohyoid N: facial Styloid process of Body of the hyoid bone Draws the hyoid bone upward temporal bone and backward in swallowing; assists in opening the mouth and participates in mastication

Hall & Brody: Therapeutic Exercise: Moving Toward Function, 2nd Edition © 2005, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins