ftp ftopl Cfette ltd. ©olmttat latlg INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) Mid THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866)


IN THE HOUSE FRENCH AND ITALIAN gJNp^EOTAl NEW YORK STOCK THEY SAY That the Floral Pageant is growing j£n_e Programme Arranged MARKET so fast that the difficulty will be DEMANDS PROVE Business Plentiful, but finding space for the display. What promises to be one of the m * » * Members .Scarce mo* delightful musical events of That the promoters wiU be equal to 1 STUMBLING BLOCK the season wiU be given next Thurs­ the occasion. day at the Colonial Opera House, Yesterday's Closing * * * Debate Begun on Pub- mhep, well-known singers wUl That the half-holiday for the yacht present a '"high-class programme. Prices races is pract'cally certain. These are Mrs. CUssold, whlse * * * Ik Health Bill singing has given so much pleasure That if it isn't granted there wi 1 be during her stay in Bermuda, Mrs. a lot of French leave. Adah Spurling, and Mr. Guy Alleghany Corp 32. * * » Motor Boat Duty Bidgway, who wiU contribute the AUied Chemical..... 290} That the Naval Conference is stiU Rumour of Liberal-Labour Pact .'Ughter numbers. Am. Can..—™.! 147} at the conversation stage ~m wfll probably be Mrs. Cliss- Am. & Foreign Power. 881 * » * Refund olfs last appearance here, and a Am. Locomotive. 87} That it might even be described as large audience will gather to give Am. Power & Light. 112 at the whisper stage. "•*-H*- practical expression to their appre­ Am. Smelting & Refining. 73} * * * ciation of the valuable aid she has Am. Waterworks 109} That the Memor'al of the suf­ Carried by Majority of rendered music in Bermuda. The Am. Tel. & Tel 243f fragists has been widely read. lovely voice of Mrs. Spurling wUl be Anaconda Copper.... 72} « » » World Pays Tribute to Dead Statesman—Serious One in Division heard to great advantage in a num­ Atchison R.R_. 238 That most opponents are beyond Disorder in Calcutta—Churchill Proposes ber of songs speciaUy chosen for the Atlantic Refining 47 } the range of argument. occasion, and Mr. Ridgeway's repu­ American Tobacco "B** 234J * * * tation, enormously enhanced by Am Steel Foundry____. 50. That nevertheless they are not Sub-Parliament—Another Reduction Business was much more plenti­ Baltimore & Ohio 120 j ful than members in the House of bis recent appearance in opera, will pleased at learning one or twd in Bank Rate—New Ambassador be fully maintained by his selec­ Bethlehem Steel.... 103} home truths. Assembly yesterday afternoon. His Canadian Pacific ___. _____ Honour the Speaker having saUed tion of clever and humourous sket­ * * * Arrives in America—Weather ches and songs. Ches. & Ohio R. R 232} That perhaps some doughty cham-> for the Bahamas, Mr. J. S. Pear­ Chrysler Motors. 39 man, "Father of the House," was Tickets are on sale at the office of pion will become spokesman for Delays Speed Trials in Florida - the Royal Gazette and Colonist Ool. Gas 94} the silent brigade* in the chair, and at no time were Cons. Gas 121} there half the members present, Daily and reservations can be made * * * Corn Products 96} there was no quorum during a from 10 a.m. to noon, and. from 2 That the tanks were filled by the Delaware & Hudson 177 large part of the proceedings, but as p.m. to 4 p.m. downpour. * * * Dupont...™ 138} the Speaker's attention was not That some of the sportsmen suf-» Eastman Kodak. 236} NAVAL CONFERENCE lowed by the leader of the opposition caUed to the fact, the sitting con­ fered. * * * tinued. IHE PICTURE EXHIBITION Electric AutoUte..._„ 105} Mr. Baldwin and by Mr. Lloyd Electrie P. & L_____ 78} That it's hard to please everyone. Determined Effort to Prevent Dead­ George who is not only the Liberal The only message from the Gov­ * * * lock By an error it was stated in our Erie R.R. Oo___un_.___ 58} leader but also father of the House. ernor forwarded the report of the Fox Film. = 28} That a trip to the Marsh Reclama­ In the House of Lords a similar yesterday's issue that the exhibi­ Director of Agriculture on the General Electric l~» , , ,, 77} tion is interest ng. LONDON, March 20—It is evident procedure will be foUowed. At a tion of pictures now being held in inter-Colonial conference held at General Motors 48} * * • that the British delegates with memorial service to be held at Mu. Bank of Bermuda buUding Trinidad last month, which rose Goodrich Rubber..... 49} That new maps of Bermuda will active assistance of the American Westminster Abbey on Saturday out of a resolution of the West would be closed today, Friday at 1 p.m. __r_. Northern Ore 22f will soon be necessary. delegation are engaged on a most the heads of all foreign missions Indies Standing Committee. Mr. * * » determined effort to surmount wiU attend. A memorial service . It was opened on March 10th and Hudson Motors ___. 57| McCallan's report is mostly tech­ Hupp Motors.. __. 21} That the new road might be called the Franco-Italian deadlock which will also be held at Saint Giles, nical, but he observes that in the wiU close tomorrow, Saturday, af­ ter a most successful short season Int. Nickel of Canada . 40} after a very old EngUsh—or is holding up the naval conference. Edinburgh, at the same time. future many West Indian Colonies Roman—road. during whieh many visitors have Int. TeL & let 66} Mr. MacDonald and Messrs. Alex­ At Whlttinghame, Lord Balfour's wUl.be making a bid for Canadian * * * ander, Stimson, and Morrow, with attended and enjoyed the exhibi­ Kennecott Copper 55} Scottish home, the funeral will agricultural trade, and in many That this is Watlington Street. the British experts Oraigie and Bel­ be as private as possible and only tion. Kreuger & ToH_-__ 301 cases strict Government control of Loews, Ine______; _. 75} * * * lairs, for two hours yesterday even­ relatives and a few intimate friends exports is exercised, j '.Bearing in Mack Truck 83} ing examined further figures in will attend. mind that the House would not That the House keeps busy: Montg. Ward 42} the hope of discovering a method « * * proceed with a BUI to set up the BERMUDHiNNEL CLUB That it gets through an awful lot Nash Motors 48 f of overcoming the difficulty. Later DISORDER IN CALCUTTA same thing here, Mr. McCaUan of work in good shape Mr. MacDonald and Mr. Craigie adds that "while Bermudians ar­ Natl. Biscuit , .. 221} * * * Natl. Power & Light . 45} dined with M. Briand who travelled RANGOON, March 19— More gue, West Indians are acting." Six Annual Dog Show That there are exceptions. New York Central 188 to Paris today and is expected to than 100 persons www injured to­ Montserrat is the only Colony * * * North American 120} return to London with M. Tardieu day at a disturbance outside the down there likely to compete seri­ That when a three-hour debate* On Wednesday last the Bermuda Northern Pacific. , 93} Saturday. This morning the ex­ courtroon wherein J. N. Senguaya, ously with Bermuda in the fresh Kennel Club held their six annual results in practically a unanim­ perts are again at work and tonight Mayor of Calcutta, was being tried fruit and vegetable business, and Otis SteeL 34 ous vote, some one has talked to Dog Show and the event was most Packard Motors. 22} Mr. MacDonald has arranged a for sedition growing out of utter­ that is in the tomato branch of the successful both from the number good purpose. meeting with Senor Grandi. Hopes ances made in support of Gandhi's trade. It is hoped to find a market Penn. R.R. 83} » » * and class of dogs exhibited and the Postum (Gen. Foods)._„ .. 51 are still entertained that the week­ campaign of civil disobedience. for luxury-vegetables in the West increased attendance. That that is unless some one has end wiU ease the situation. It fs Indies, for sale in the higher-class PubUc Service, N.J_ 101} talked a lot to Uttle purpose. * * * The olub was fortunate in securing Pullman Company 82 f generaUy agreed that the present WINSTON SUGGESTS SUB- greengrocers', and one firm is al­ the services of two most competent -00- state of affairs cannot be prolonged ready in the trade. Pure ______24 PARLIAMENT judges, J. Willoughby MitcheU, Paramount Pictures. , 72| PERGONAL indefinitely and that if the confer­ Esq., of England, and Alan J. Baker, ence is to register further results Col. DUl took up the Colonial Radio 52 EPPING, England, March 19— Loan BUI on second reading, and Esq., of the U.S.A. Their decisions The C.N.S. Lady Rodney brought there must be some development Radio Keith Orph... _. 36} a number of distinguished visitors A change in the constitution was pointed out that tt is mainly a gave universal satisfaction and the Reading R.R 126} during the week-end. to Bermuda on her last trip from suggested by the Bt. Hon. Winston consolidating measure, bringing thanks of the Club are due to them. Remington Rand 39} * * * ChurchiU addressing his consti­ under one head various old Acts. The foUowing were the awards: Kingston. In addition to Mr. and SheU Union OH. 22} Mrs. Rudyard Kipling, the passen­ WILL THERE BE A LIBERAL- tuents last night. "What we want, Most of it is concerned with the Sinclair Oil 27} LABOUR PACT? temporarily at any rate is a sort Airedales: Imported male, T. W. ger Ust included: Lt.-Col. and Mrs, machinery of the law, the only pro­ Oatham, 1st; imported female, F. Southern Pacific. 124} J of sub-ParUament, to deal with visions Ukely to affect the people H. Molson, Colonel and Mrs. D. JeUy, 1st; Bermuda-bred, F. O. Southern R.R __ _ 130} Mackenzie, Lady Parry Price, LONDON, March 20—Much in­ economic issues," Mr. ChurchiU being that stock is to be issued in Standard Brands _ 24} terest is displayed in the Press in declared. It could present its Norton 1st; T. W. Oatham 2nd. O.B.E., The Hon. Mrs. Hardinge, multiples of ao, so that smaUer Standard Gas &_Elec 117 the change in the poUtical situation conclusions after a full open candid Alsatians; Imported male, Mr. Capt. and Mrs. F. Russell, ..ady Mocks can be taken up—probably St. Oil of California. 64 resulting from the announcement discussion of all the most difficult, Cyril Nelmes 1st; Mr. J. C. Huber Evelyn Ward. In all there were 46 by smaller investors—and also that St. OU of New Jersey....: 66} that the Liberal party in the Com­ delicate and harassing topics. Mr. 2nd. Imported female, Dr. C. J. passengers for Bermuda, it is tax free, so that if income tax Cooper 1st; Mr. E. M. Young 2nd. St. OU of New York 34} mons wiU abstain from voting on Churchill said the C vil Service should be imposed, this will not » * » the Conservative amendment to was faithful and competent to the Bermuda-bred male, Mr. Durham Studebaker. 42} Among the arrivals by the Lady come under that. Col. DiU suggest­ Stephens 1st; Mr. S. Floyd 2nd. Sears Roebuck 90} omit the price fixing provisions last degree but could not supply ed that although it was not likely Somers from Halifax were! Mrs, from the Government's Coal Mines the constructive inspiration neces­ Bermuda-bred female, Mrs. Harold Texas Corp 56} E. T. Brewer, Miss G. Hines, Mr. in the neaz future, it was possible Hutchings 1st. Texas Gulf Sulphur. 61 BiU debated today. Importance is sary. that the succeeding generations and Mrs. W. Hinks, Mr. and Mrs. attached in some quarters to the * » * Aberdeen Terrier: Imported male, Timken R. B _. 84 St Clair Holland, Col. J Hough, might establish machinery for Union Carbide. 98 fact that Mr. Lloyd George, Runci­ BANK RATI AGAIN REDUCED collecting income tax, at a cost Mrs. Benedict 1st. Miss C. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. man, Samuel and other prominent Baston Bull: Imported female, Union Pacific 234 J. Kinney, Mr. and Mrs. H. Outer- equal to or greater than the yield U-S. Rubber . 28| Liberals, and Mr. Snowden, Mr. LONDON, March 20—The Bank which would be obtained from the Mrs. Brenton Tomkins 1st; Mrs. F. bridge, Mrs. E. Taylor, Mr. F. Alexander, Lord Arnold and other E. Blackwell 2nd. Bermuda-bred, U.S. Realty. 71} Thompson, Mr. J. Starke, Mr. F. of England discount rate was today tax.' The BUI passed the committee UJ3. SteeL 186} members of the Government were reduced to three and a haU per stage without further discussion. Mrs. C. Ledyard Blair, 1st. Import* Baldwin, Mr. M. Werder present at what is called a first-rate ed puppy, Miss Gady 1st. United Corporation — 40} * * * cent from four per cent. It was On the PubUc Health BiU most of Westinghouse Air Brake 49} luncheon given Tuesday by Mrs. reduced to four per cent a fort­ Borsoi: Mrs. W. H. Potter 1st. Senator and Mrs. Curry, of Cedar Snowden at 11 Downing Street. the discussion centred around the Bull Terriers: Mr. If. p. Emmons, Westinghouse Electrie 188} night ago and is the sixth change in position of the General Board of Lodge, Paget, were passengers by The DaUy MaU, says a Liberal- 1st; Mr. B. MeUo and. Western Union Telegraph...... 206} the Lady Rodney Tuesday having the 'course of the year it having Health as compared with that of Woolworth 65 Labour pact is in prospect. The been reduced by progressive stages ColUes: Imported male,. Miss closed their winter residence for the old local boards, and the two YeUow Truck 22} DaUy Telegraph declares that it is from six and « half per cent which Black weU 1st. Bermuda-bred male, the season. fantastic to associate a Uberal local boards which will survive if H. G. WilUams 1st; Mrs. Wurz, 2nd. high rate was largely atrributable this passes—the two corporations. Total Sales 4,248.400 Legislative duties have called the decision on the Coal BiU with any­ Imported female, Mr. A. W. West, Senator away, but, as usual, he to speculative boom current at Mr. Talbot had drawn attention to Money Opened. 2% thing that occurred at the lunch­ that time. Today's reduction was 1st. Bermuda-bred puppy, Mr. A. and his famUy wiU return in the eon. the fact that the powers of the W. West 1st. Money Closed 2}% generaUy anticipated, yesterday's municipalities were not sufficiently Fan. * * * Tha Manchester Guardian says investment securities displaying Daschunds: Imported male, Mrs. Ste.ai___5--_._~™; -4-86} defined and Col. DUl introduced an Alec Tucker 1st; Mrs. Alec Tucker A group of eight students of the there was no arranged coincidence activity and strength on the Stock amendment which gave them co­ Brokers Loans increased 121 mill­ Choate School at Walling, ord, and there was no diplomacy in the Exchange. This tendency was also ordinate control with the General mm ion doUars 20/3/30. Conn., are in Bermuda this week luncheon. It was merely an attempt marked this morning before the Board in matters of house sanita­ Dalmatian: Imported male, Mrs. at the Belmont and Princess Hotels to get free traders of both parties announcement of the reduction tion aad so on. Charles Wainwright 1st. for their Easter vacation. In­ together in view of the menace to was made. A three and a half per Mr. GUbert was anxious that as Fox Terrier (Wire haired): Im­ cluded in the party is Mr. Clarence free trade, and there was no connec­ cent bank rate is the lowest for parish vestries are to be no longer ported; male, Mrs. W. B. Hughes 1st, Ingraham, eldest son of Mr. and tion between it and the decision seven and a half years. local boards, ample check should be Miss Lockward 2nd; Mr. H. F. Mrs. Ei Morton Ingraham of Bris­ taken a few hours later by the Lib­ * » • put on the general board. If they Pierce 3rd. Bermuda-bred female, OBITUARY tol, Conn., who is in his fourth erals on the Coal BiU. The Guardi­ NEW AMBASSADOR ARRIVES AT were to undertake garbage coUec­ Mr. H. R. Davis 1st. Bermuda-bred year at Choate. Mr. Ingraham's an, however, expresses the hope that NEW TORK tion, for example, he wished to Puppy, Mrs. Corbett 1st. mother was Miss Emma Kempe of such a connection may come. * Griffon: Imported . male, . Mrs. Bermuda, and he is the guest of » » » know the system they would adopt, John A. Rankin NEW TORK, March 19—Sir Ron­ and it must not be with motor Pogue 1st. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Purvis at "The TRIBUTE TO DEAD STATESMAN ald Lindsay, newly appointed Br t- trucks. Mr. Hand repUed that the Greyhounds: Imported males, Highlands," Warwick. ish Hiii-Mi i in dor to the United system at present used in the three Mr. L. SeUey 1st, Mr. Alec Burrows, * « » LONDON, March 20—News of States, And Lady Lindsay arrived central parishes, where the General 2nd; Mr. Eric Frith, 3rd. Imported We regret to announce the death Prominent among the passengers Lord Balfour's death has brought aboard the Aquitania last night. Board already does the collecting, female, Mr. James White, 1st. at the advanced age of 92 years and by the Fort St. George today are: from all parts of the world tributes • * * » was by horse and cart, but it was Irish Terrier: Imported male, 0 months of Mr. John Cox Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. North, Mr. to the late statesman. In ParUa­ TOLL OF FRENCH FLOODS impossible to say yet what would be Mrs. Frank White, 1st. who passed away on Wednesday at Wellington Cummor, N.Y.C; Mr. ment, which ont of respect for him Newfoundland: Imported male, 6.30 p.m. at his residence .Garble and Mrs. WiUiam 1. Dalton, N.Y.C; PARIS, March 19—Official figures done when tho whole matter came adjourned yesterday Immediately Baroness de Stubner 1st. HaU, _*t.- George's. The funeral Mr. and Mr . W R. Dickinson, on the loss of Ufe resulting from under their jurisdiction. _ At any after assembly, the leaders of all Pekingese: Imported male, service was held yesterday %after- Miss M. Dickinson and Miss 0. recent floods in south-western rate it waa. already being found parties wiU today pay tribute. Im­ cheaper, more expeditious and more Baroness de£tubner 1st; Mrs. Wm. noon and the deceased was laid to Wilson and Mr. W. R. Wilson, Jr., mediately after questions the Prime France were issued tonight and put Brown 2nd; Mrs. Nelles 3rd. Im- rest in tho family vault in St.Peter's Chicago, IU.; Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Minister wiU speak and will be fol­ (f•__.-_•_ I - ft* 12) (C__ti____ ea ***** U) (Cillwil •• Pat* 2) Churchyard. :.remer, Boston, Mass. _ Raleigh's Offer Best Value—Ask Us WiU_^ON'S-^v^f<>

. ^BqW^^H*-atf65*iSE06!'^-fr-HA-_*id6^jl'__H^^ THE IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF ROUND THE HOTELS Hft^^j h*ns%&ttn piilji h*n $*s \m md TROPICAL AGRICULTURE The Diary From time to time we have in % "i these columns briefly reported on of the work of the above- coUege, Social Activities—Airivals—Departures though,-so far as we are aware, 1 "' 1 no Bermuda scholar has yet availed ;: SAMUEL PEPYS.TEUCER -: | HAMILTON HOTEL \ himself of the advantages it offers. ARRIVALS IMPERIAL HOTEL Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Seeler, Maple­ "The objects of the CoUege are to I • * * wood. provide training in the science and March 20. Mrs. Robby A. Warner, Brook­ .* * * I TERRACE ROOM I practice of tropical agriculture to I verily beUeve our beloved island line; Mrs. Annie W. Seitz, Harris- Other New Jerseyites at the In­ students intending to become tro­ is gradually become what a bene­ burgh; Mrs. EmUy Warner Guss, verurie are Miss Elizabeth Thorn- pical planters, agricultural admin­ ficent Providence orda ned it for, Brookline; Miss Florence T. Smith, weU, Princeton, and arriving on the istrators or officers, or specialists in a resting place for the great ones Port Jefferson; Miss Elizabeth Bermuda were the Misses Mary C. ***** • 'mt- different branches of agricultural of the Earth. Guswold, Port Jefferson; Miss Hamilton of Bayonne and Helen science and technology, and to For no sooner has Lord and Lady Nancy E. Lucas, Norwich, Conn.; E. Bannon of RosseUe; the Misses offer faciUties for the study of PoweU shaken our rain out of their Miss Mary Lucas, Norwich, Conn.; Marie Deuhelof South Orange, and | i|| Fulfills Your Ideal of | tropical agriculture to graduates goloshes than Rudyard KipUng, the Miss Jane and Mrs. E. Aiker, Nor-,' Dorothy W. O'Connor of East of other coUeges and universities. inventor of Imperialism, arrives wich, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. Johns A. Orange; and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. An increasingly important feature in our midst. He has been with Holden, Mount Vernon; Mr. and Knight of Newark, who spent con­ I a Good Time, Good Music 11 of the CoUege is the provision for us before, but thafwas long ere we Mrs. F. J. Andrews, Toronto; Mr. X. L. Kanfanian, Paris; Mr. M. siderable time in Bermuda three research and investigation work had developed into a suburb of years ago. Also returning for their which its laboratories and fields New York. He then said he could CecU Porch, Monte Carlo; Mrs. Marjorie Carew,, Cheltenham. second visit were Mr. and ___£§. Mar­ i and Good Entertainment jf afford." contemplate a Ufe in our beloved vin HaU of Cranford. * * * ***** **** Being aided by the Imperial island an he could reside at Ad­ • * * * Government, the coUege is able to miralty House. Now we have pro­ ARRIVALS HOTEL LANGTON offer,these facilities at reasonable Mr. and Mrs. Everett B. Daven­ gressed so far in culture that he can port of South Dartmouth, Mass., rates, certainly not more than have his choice of a dozen hotels Miss MeUersh, Miss Kelly, Eng­ | THE MARCELLE TRIO I ±'300 a year, and the remarkable land; Miss A. Dolet, Biarritz, returned on the S.s. Lapland for and he can pay his'bills with bills their annual vacation which they success of its graduates would seem instead of slaving over the arith­ France; Mrs. J. LesUe, Miss J. A. S Are Sensational Adagio Dancers /? to prove that there are ample open­ Leslie, N.Y.C; Mr. and Mrs. Henry have been spending for the past two metical difficulties of EngUsh cur­ seasons at the Inverurie. ings for those who have taken the rency. The last time he was here Nellis, Brooklyn, New York; Mrs. "g Who Bring You to Your g full course. there were no governmental motor A. R. Johnstone, St. Louis, Mo.; * * * oc lorries slaying citizens by th3 Mrs. M. Weinsheimer, Miss Blanche Mr. and Mrs. Wanderman and son §* Toes With Excitement ™ thousand and reducing labour'by Weinsheimer, Miss Frances Wein­ of Cleveland, Ohio* wiU be at the SIDEWALKS the million. There were bell-boys sheimer, Allentown, Pa.; Miss G. Inverurie whUe vacationing in Ber­ I it but they couldn't perform the Schultz, Jackson Heights, L.I.; muda. __) u Wk 19th March, 1930. cake-walk and Black Bottom, nor Mrs. J. W. Stinemann, St. David's, * * * a11 Editor, Royal Gazette and Colonist. were they dressed ir uniform. There Pa.; Miss A. C. Carter, Mr. J. Starr, Mrs. A. P. Baxter of Port Wash­ ' $__ H& Dear Sir: were sheds on our wharves, but Chester, Pa.; Miss S. L. Starr, ington, N.Y., arrived on the Fort : St. George. She is joining Mr. Bax­ Might I register a protest at the they were lovely corrugated iron PhUadelphia, Pa.; Miss L. Wallis, ter at the Inverurie for an inde­ 1" ; | SAM ROBBINS I most unsatisfactory way in which roofed erections intended to diveit St. Hamide, Pa.; Mr. %nd Mrs. F. G. finite stay on the islands. the pavement on the South side rain from the roof onto the goods Griscom, Mrs. J. Briscoe, PhUadel­ J3 , and his d* of Reid Street lias recently been stored below. There was no woman phia, Pa.; Miss R. Briscoe, Orono, * * * repaired—so-eaUed? At present it i§ suffrage society stirring our souls Maine; Miss M. LeffingweU, Miss V. Among the New Yorkers atthe nothing but fine sand for a consid­ to the very core and endangering Lorraine, N.Y.C •Inverurie are Mrs. Cook Spinney 1 ORCHESTRA | erable distance and this blows up in our sacred Constitution. B_e was * * * Mr. E. R. WUbur, Miss O. Halpern, a meet objectionable manner. here at a time when a committee of Miss Dorothy RaU and Miss the Messrs. Douglas T. and J. A. S- . § Oould not the Corporation have the House promised a report on Josephine Fergusan of Buffalo, Hopkins; Mrff. C. T. Kraentler and j ' Provide Exhilarating -*g tUn properly rolled in and occa^ fiscal reform, and when the Coun­ New York, arrived on Monday for a Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Christopher of sioiially watered until it beeoines cU's .« youngest member was 83tw o week's visit at the HamUton. Brooklyn; Mrs. H. D. Whiton, Miss 'waikable' for pedestrians? and therefore debarred from ex­ ' * * * ' Eleanor Maier and Mr. and Mrs. *^s I ^. Yours faithfuUy, pressing any youthful and indis­ A birthday dinner party was given W. Bradshaw and son. JJS . _.2655

* * *• THE ST. GEORGE HOTEL This World of Ours and before my Golden Stairway Both the Bermuda an d Arcadian reared its auriferous head. Mr. and Mrs, H. S. Lyhne of brought a representative group of ST. GEORGE'S — BERMUDA The first volume pubUshed by In short, he came among us when Bridgeport, Conn., arrived on Mon­ guests from Massachusetts. Among the independent Vatican State-is a we were primitive and simple- day for an extended visit at. the the recent arrivals at the Inverurie Direction of J. Au Sherrard, General Manager list of 5,000 books Roman Oath- minded. - Now he finds us with a HamUton. Mr. Lyhne is President ara the Misses Mable M. Fortier oUcs may not read! Rotary Club. of the Bridgeport Metal Goods and E. A. Maloney of Springfield; Located on Rose Hill overlooking the beautiful harbour of St. * * * Manufacturing Co. of Bridgeport. Mr. Stephen P. Cabot of Boston; George's and surrounded by ar___ti___ly landscaped grounds, * * * Mrs. Mable E. Pong, Miss Grace I. the St. George Hotel offers the discriminating guest every The faithful foUowers' of the When I was a very young and Catholic Church are no doubt more INVERURIE NOTES Dickinson and Mrs. D. B. Beede of modern comfort at most reasonable rates. enthusiastic Imperialist, I did War ches .errand Mrs. E. L. Bouney obedient to orders from their Aquatic sports are featured in the magnificent 40 x 80 indoor seek and gain the honour Among the numerous guests ar­ of WoUaston; JGSS AUce P. Tapley spiritual leaders -than are the pro- of meeting Mr. Rudyard Kip­ swimming pool, the use of which is free to gueste. testants. So this Weighty request riving on the S.s. Arcadian at the of Boston; the Messrs. Ernest Lover- ling. He, has assuredly for­ Inverurie were Mrs. J. Wood Rut­ ing, Jr., of Brookline, and Stuart E. There is a sporty nine-hole golf course on the Hotel property and U ni :o without e_ gotten the incident, but it is true ter and son. Mrs. Rutter is joining EUiott of Boston; the Misses Edith special privileges are accorded guests. that since he saw and conversed At the same time book prohibi­ her husband and daughter who Beaudois- of Chicopee FaUs and MuSc is furnished for luncheon dances, also for the evening with me he has risen to the greatest have been at the Inverurie for tne Helen M. ParoUne of Westfield; and tion may be as two-edged a sword heights attainable by mortal man. dances in the ballroom and outdoor dancing pavilion. as that of Uquor? past two weeks and are planning to Mr. and Mrs E. O. Davidson of I claim no credit for this. Like be here indefinitely. Brookline. Accommodations for 200 guests. * # * our dear old Bishop Jones,- whose * * * In spite of its terrible punisbment joiningrof the volunteer force coin­ * * * the. curiosity of .Mother Eve has cided with the abandonment of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. CampbeU and A. tLe Inverurie for a rather come down through the genera­ the proposed French invasion of daughter of Brantford, Ont., are lengthy stay are Mr. and .__._. J.P. tions, and this bunch of 5,$.00 for­ occupying one of the Inverurie cot­ litch of Chicago, with their son and , ,, England, so my meeting with the _S5_^__g'_-;*||* n n"^-^'^'J''J^''fl*'*^ bidden Uterary articles, may prove great poet may be merely coinci­ tages for an indefinite stay in Ber­ .also Mr. Kteh's mother. Mrs. Helen SM^-_B_i_i^-TO-ii---»-n.-_;_rii___-_ii__y__ii__ii_,ii__% the faU of even some of the elect. dental with his great success, or it muda. P. Fitch. * * * may have been, for some inscrutable * * * * * * One notices too that the Pope reason, the cause of it. What said Old friends of the Inverurie re­ From Connecticut at the Inver­ has backed up this new book "In­ he himseU? turning for their sixth visit to Ber­ urie are _vir. ard Mrs. H. O. Hugins dex" with a fine, straightly-worded muda are the Misses Agnes Sey­ of Ooffinsviii-; Sir. and Mrs. John EncycUcal in condemnation of the "I reckon there's more things mour, Edith Pardee, Lois Allison M. Wadhs-iis and Mr. and Mrs. SHOTEL BERMUDIANA! modern novel for its pornographic told than are true, and Mfs. L. S. Allison of Harwich F. L. Bra__s_t and son of Torring- tendencies. And more things true than are Port, Massachusetts. They will ton, havinganived on the Arcadian. •V- -_• * * m told. be at the Inverurie for the next six * » • m Especially does His Holiness de­ weeks. Among the recent arrivals at the nounce the hypocritical methods * » * Inverurie from the Bermuda are ERNIE VALLE of many novel writjrs, who profess Among the New Jerseyites arriving Mr. K. H. Smith of Toronto and Mr. m and Mrs. H, E. MacArthur of Mon­ m to paint evil that good may come. BERMUDA KENNEL CLUB on the Arcadian for their second and * * * visit to Bermuda and the Inverurie treal; Mrs- Sara R. Washburn and m Hi This atrocious hypocrisy .is ob­ were Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roemer, Mrs. WaUace R. Chandler of Pro­ m Hi vious enough but it has been left (CoBtiaant tram Page 1) East Orange; Mr. and Mrs. L. C. vidence, RJi.; and Miss Lydia At­ m ORCHESTRA Hi to the Pope to say it in plain words. Knapp, South Orange; Mr. and Mrs. water and her father, Mr. Walter m Vhe authors know quite weU their ported female, Mr. C. J. Woolard A. C Knight, South Orange; and HUU Atwater of Evanston, DI. best seUer circulation depends on 1st. Bermuda-bred male, Mrs. I NOW PLAYING IN , _*_> the vivacity of the sex chapter. Tbe Leland Simmons 1st; Mr". Doj»?.t?. *\*!*9f**X**f* 3-\frJ--J^ Hi rest is mere cover. 2nd, Permuda-bred fem*?!e, ___-. * * * C. "f. Wot lard Is;; Miss D H_VS_>__G. I ITHE NEW BERMUDIANA SILVER GRILL! Old Boccacio told his ^a_ghty Pomeranian: Mrs. Tho— 1st. -—hotel Langton a Quiet and. \ stories with no d__^_ "S3, aaC thoy e_lyhams: Imported m.. •••, M;_r. H Accompanied By jp vers taken oz left ___ _x_at. The NeUes 1st, Billy Wilson _rd. Im­ offers— Restful place | modern snake in the grass novelist ported female, Jimmie Schorb 1ST_. works on the sugar coated pill Spitz Pomeranian: Bermuda- Grounds: A Hilltop Park— IJPAUL CADIEUX — THE NOTED CANADIAN TEN0R| principle, blinding the critics, and bred male, Mr. B. MeUo 1st. Im­ Air-view: Of All Bermuda— Soloist escaping the law. ported female, Mr. B. MeUo 1st. Bermuda-bred male puppy, Mrs. Table: Homelike and Wholesome— * * * IOIIOOOI As the Pope, with a simple sin­ L. Pugh 1st. Bermuda-bred fe­ Baths: Fresh Water Throughout- cerity which ignores the pounds, male puppy, Mr. B. MeUo 1st. Sports : Tennis, Miniature Golf, Croquet— shillings and pence. side of the mat­ Salukis: Imported male, Rev. ter, puts it "It is supremely re­ W. J. F. Groves 1st. Imported fe­ Free Bus: For Shopping, Town Trips— BALLOON DANCE EVERY FRIDAY EVENING grettable that writers who boast male, Rev. W. J. F. Groves 2nd. of being Christians consecrate their Bermuda-bred male, Dr. O. J. at moderate rates! Prize awarded Winning Contestants talents to a literature so noxious." Cooper 1st. *% • * phone 611 >ooo<>c>t "Naming no names" there are Spratt Cap, presented by Messrs. women writers of the day whose Spratts, Ltd., for best dog ln show, works seU by the million who, in won by Mrs. Alec Tucker's Dasch- THIS EVENING IN THE NEW SILVER GRILL theU influence as seducers, far unde "Minor Tucker." outdo in effect the most blatant Visitors Gap: presented by Ber­ courtesans, because they leave tho muda Trade Development Board, •street and enter the home. for the best dog exhibited by a NEW WINDSOR HOTEL » * » * visitor, won by Baroness de S.ub- CARLO and NORMA ner's Pekingese. — American Plan But Society is far from hound­ European Plan Character Artists ing them out as outcasts. UsuaUy Carpenter Cap: presented by Mrs. in fact its widest doors are opened A. E. Carpenter, for best Bermuda- PALM QARDSs. S in to these ladies of the dem "-pen! owned dog in show, won by Dr. 0. * ** • DAMC1NG IN A FAIRY GARDEN • JJ Cooper's "Rory of Luxbery." Entirely New Programme Yet if the pen is mightier than Alsatian. ' Monday. Friday and Saturday Nights %M the sword it is assuredly mightier Cap, presented by the Bermuda (Other nights by anangement) than any personal feminine guide Kennel Olub for best Bermuda-. ITHE PIRATE CHEST — RUSSIAN FOLK DANCE I in producing widespread corrup­ bred dog in gnow, won by Mrs. 0. BREAKFAST g| LUNCHEON — DINNER ____••' x^m - * - tion of morals. Ledyard Blair's Boston BuU "Mid­ _ . Table D'Hote—Service a la Carte' |g|| - * » »* get. ' * lj0ca ecic,xies In days of old the panders trade, . Cap, presented by the Bermuda ____£ __Bi_i_ir * sp '' Was plain and quite outspoken, Kennel Olub for best Bermuda- N jfr; A LA CARTE SERVICE IN GRILL UNTIL MIDNIGHT DAILY i-.ow phraseS fine, with lust com­ bred puppy, won by Miss Suzanne Lobsters — J0reen Turtle — Steaks .tCOISINEandSERVICE EQUAL TO BEST METROPOLITAN STi bine, ~%$Sj&ii£L Oatham's Airedale "Peggy." W Squabs -^ Scallops Vo keep the laws unbroken Judges: J, WiUoughby Mitchsll, i^ffi2_(_«fc__ED QJmiE #®NItStVINTAGES &m£- *** wvIsq. , Alan Gv Baiwr, ___«i.' • /,;:^C'; nm^ ijlg|^ BBRKflL^I CIGtVH,.SfPflt mmmm


CAPTIVATING COSHLLO LAKE IDEALLY FITTED TO HERE AS "COLLEGE ROLE IN MUSIC-FILM i4 Sparkling Comedy Romance of College Ufe Today I WIDOW" He Sings and Talks in "Tanned REID HALL, Limited Legs" DOLORES Even Dolores Costello has never NATHAN MACHAT, Managing Director been quite so devastating, as she is in "The CoUege Widow," the War­ A part perfectly suited to the Presents § I COSTELLO ner Bros, production' which will he unique talents of Arthur Lake, the shown at Mechanics Hall tonight. "lovable kid" of the Aims, has been IN We are familiar with Miss Coste__-*s found in Radio Pictures' joyful tears, here is her laughter—gay, dramatic revue, "Tanned Legs." winning, Maytime laughter, for Lake taks, sings and performs in the "College Widow*' is the daugh­ his best juvenUe manner, creating ter of a college president, who, to a new character that matches his "The win money for the institution and inimitable "Harold-Teen." With to secure her father's job, us§s her June Clyde and the gorgeous bath­ I feminine charm, t© recruit a team ing beauty chorus, he introduces of pig-skin-kickers which sweeps Levant and Clare's new song Mt, "the school to victory. Forty have "With You, With Me." fallen for her, and she has*fal_en_for Lake has spent most of his life on WIDOW" one. The latter discovers her the stage and in pictures. His par­ duplicity and there is pandemon­ ents were playing in an act of their I The College. Widow,**. ium among the hob-nailed heroes, own in Corbin, Kentucky, when Warner Bros, big screen re­ each of which had thought himself Arthur arrived. Just a year later he vival of George Ade's spec­ her favourite. In the cast are made his debut before the footlights William Collier, Jr., Anders Rand- as the baby in an "Uncle Tom's 11 // tacularly successful play of olf, Douglas "Gerrard, Charles Hill Cabin" show. At three years of mh^^^i^x, the same name. Is without Mailes, Robert Ryan, Sumner age he was taking part in his fath­ _#*__**_'' *^ er's acrobatic act. Getchel, Big Boy "Williams, Grace WYmW*~ \aW*-t^ doubt the most thorougly Gordon and Jess Hibbs. Archie I*. Arthur deserted the stage for the delightful college play ever Mayo directed. Jolliest college screen early in life. He was only comedy ever written. Loveliest thirteen, when, accompanied by his written and the film is even star of the screen. Therefore'go. mother and sister, Florence, he better.than the stage version. came to HoUywood. The two chU­ —CURRENT EVENTS— oo dren were given smaU bits in several pictures, and finaUy Arthur was Also PATHE REVIEW POPULAR DEMAND FOR selected for a role in a Universal And PATHE NEWS production featuring Franklyn Far- "STREET GIRL" num. A contract with that com­ *»! pany foUowed and Arthur remained __%_I^_M_-_._____! MECHANICS HALL with them five years. During that |. So many requests for another time he was loaned to other studios TO-NIGHT ' showing of "Street Girl" have been to play the title role in "Harold receivedfby Reid Hall, Ltd. that it Teen," and the leads in "The Air Do>rs open 8 Show 8.30 has beem decided to show the pic­ Circus" and "On With the Show." Iff #fis PPJWf#§f i ture again .^atiReidiHalliTheatre, "Tanned Legs" wiU charm you tomorrow night. __~I_f£_f'__ tt Ml^i-^ffLFf again tonight, at Reid HaU Theatre. THE HUMANOPHONE CO. » Betty Compson, who has reached 2613**\*W- new heights through the medium of talking pictures, heads thejcast'of -oo- well-known players. This talented star possesses a rich, sweet voice REALLY THE LAST OF MRS. A ^u^oldivyn-Yffltx PICTURE and a wealth of dramatic power. Her role in "Street Girl" is regarded CHEYNEY as the greatest characterisation of 100% ALL TALKING REID HALL, Limited her career. The last performance of "The NATHAN MACHAT, Managing Director Miss Compson is seen as a girl Last of ___rs. Cheyney ."-perhaps the Production of the great Lonsdale play of the streets-who obtains employ­ finest example of talkies yet brought ment as a voilin player and enter­ into Bermuda, wiU take place at the TWO SK©WS Presents tainer in a small Hungarian cafe in Colonel Opera House on Saturday, New York's East Side. The abUity when there wUl be both a matinee At the of the Uttle group of musicians with and evening show. The picture *T" whom she works is finaUy recognis­ which has made such a deep impres­ J* ed after an umpromising start. sion on the. Reid HaU Theatre COLONIAL OPERA HOUS Success obtains for them a night audiences should not leave Ber­ dub of their own after a series of muda with a single regret from disheartening experiences. Miss those who have not yet seen it. To - I__©I* •' •*« Compson is well qualified to play They should go, whUe there is a this particular part, for she started chance, and enjoy its sparkling Matinee 3 pan. Night 8.30 p.m. her professional career as a violin­ comedy and its near tragedy, and ist on a western vaudeviUe circuit. also much of the finest acting seen ADMISSION featured in support of .vliss recently on the screen. The last Compson is John Harron, whose two showings at the Colonel Opera MATINEE Adults 2\* Children **._".?:_" 12 , ?ars 1/- performance marks him as one of House .hould give aU a last oppor­ the most accomplished of those tunity to see the wonderful per- NIGHT 31- and 2/- stars of the silent screen who have mance of Sforma Shearer in the successfully made the change to title role, a piece of work which she *-__=Lr-_s£_Er.-ag' ___j__r .__•-.--_. _^-_-_3 dialog pictures. Coupled with the has never before equaUed. tense drama of "Street Girt" is sparkling comedy furnished by -oo- Jack Oakie, Ned Sparks and Joseph CHILDREN'S MATINEE PRICES Oawthorn, three of the screen's best comics. The matinee performances here­ Seldom can a picture claim four' after at the Colonial Opera House, GREYHOUND RACING distinct song hits, but Sidney beginning tomorrow, wiU be one Clare and Oscar Levant ,weU-known shuling for chUdren, and they wfll L.roadway song-writing team, have thus have a better chance to enjoy composed a quartet of popular the talkies at the lower price. numbers for "Street Girl" that promise to gain national recogni­ tion. "My Dream Memory," -oo- Bermuda Sports Arena "Broken Up Tune," a "hot" step­ ping number which has originated at 8.30 the new "Broken Up" dance, "Lov­ EVENTS OF THE WEEK able and Sweet," and "Prince of Six or more events Good Fellows" contain aU the ele­ ments that go to make up popular Friday—Orthophonic Concert, Par- hits. la-VUle, 10.30-12.00 noon. Band Admission $1.00 or 4/- Two orchestras are to be heard in Concert, Par-la-ViUe, 3.00-5.00 Pari-Mutuels • p.m. Greyhound Races, Sports the picture, the first the Uttle five _-»2tmw.f.te. piece.stringed combination which Arena. 8.30 p.m. forms .the unit in the Hungarian Saturday—Band Concert, Par-la- cafe, and the second, Gus Arnheim's VUle, 10.30-12.30 noon. Cocoanut Grove dance band, re­ cording artists and radio favourites, Sunday—Band Concert, Imperial who are featured in the lavish night \ SUver Band, Victoria Park, REID HALL THEATRE club sequences. 3.15 p.m. REID HALL, LIMITED REID STREET NATHAN MACHAT, Managing Director

Presents TO-NIGHT | By Kind Permission of His Worship the Mayor and Corporation R.K.OS. ADMISSION 3/- or 75c 100% Music and Dialogue Romance Doors open 8.00 Show 830 THE BERMUDA IMPERIAL SILVER BAND "STREET GIRL" 2-.6_.-_.-. will play Starring BETTY COMPSON and JACK OAKIE Every Sunday Afternoon at 3.15 p.m. Follow the International Yacht Races in your own .Boat Atthe I FOR SALE 20 FOOT RUNABOUT Il VICTORIA PARK, I__AMILTON WHITNEY INSTITUTE Rom Runner Cabin During Four Cylinder Universal 15 H.P. | JANUARY, FEBRUARY, AND MARCH I I TO-NIGHT f . Everything in absolutely first class condition -j*P^a Poors open 730 Show 8 pjn. I £125 | ^ 81 ill Conluctor MR. JOHN FROUD Admission 3/- or 75c Apply G. S. SPEKCER, King Edward Hospital .M24tta._i to__Z4 . 4-l&M___-___: %Wl ' __£_ -S7.tf.-»Ji---_t. 1 ililil ?mM WMM^ *«4____.t_,_. .tSlif 111

(QmM _(__*-* H-t-f\ ???!^ \ - 1+mmmm J mi.. 's^m -___-___i_____i-__. •j&sm3-^&Mm''~- mm £-______jam mm mssssmsm TH_S^|A_L" GA0jm AND COt-^^^aiY: '^A^'.^^m^^^^

'•ar i nit Whe TRo^al ©a3ette mcKENS's ymrs TO If Mid-Ocean anb Colonist Bailie H.A.&>E.SMmjQmit.id P INCORPORATING PHILADELPHIA THS ROYAL, GAZETTE ICSTAR. ISMI Katherine Garrison Chapin .FOUNDED 1*889 •HE COLONIST AND DAILY MEWS CESTAS. ISMI Dickens lovers in,Philadelphia— PUBUSHEO DAILY. EXCEPT SUNDAY. In the manuscript room of the 1 am • child, blue tea, BY and. indeed those elsewhere who Pennsylvania Historical Society is a I have come home again- THE BERMUDA PRESS. LTD. know and highly regard not only letter from Dickens Jo CMlds, dated Spread wide yonr arms to me, REID STREET. HAMILTON the great novelist but the Quaker WasMngton Hotel, New York, Jan. I that have lain A. ML PURCELL . City itself—will certainly offer 2,1868. Attached to the letter is a Too long, *-flb long upon ijj Ladies* . |p MANAGING-EDITOR thanks to the London Dickensian, newspaper cUpping wMch CMlds The breast of the still earth. ASSISTANT EDITOR: G. CANT whose Spring humber, Just at hand, had evidently sent Dickens in a for­ The slow firm years have gone ASSISTANT MANAGER, ERNEST J. BELL' suppUes many interesting details of mer commuMcation, reading as Past me. I have watched the tilth ADVERTISING MANAGER. M. M. HANSFORD TELEPHONES , the celebrated writer's two visits to follows: And death of seasons. Flame, FELT HATS EDITOR AND ADVERTISING MANAGER 101 _b_) city on thejsanks of the Schuyl­ "Miss. Dickens, daughter of the And light and shadow ASSISTANT MANAGER • *** kill; from the pen of J. K. Thomp­ Breaking ont of tin- same ASSISTANT EDITOR - - *** great author, broke ground, not son, who for more than twenty long since, a story called 'Aunt Mar­ Carth. The same meadow For Sports Wear SUBSCRIPTION RATES: years has been secretary of the local, garet's Trouble,' and has just com­ Shining under snow 3_. per copy, Postage Inland ****% Foreiga V4- branch of the Dickens Pellowship. pleted a second novel, entitled Or soft" with new grass, £2 per Annum Inland, £2. IB. 0 ($12) Foreiga A person may well smile at Dick- but always below 'Mabel's Progress,* which the Athe-- Where the foot must pass, kens's characterisation of a leading naeum decidely affirms, 'at once NOTE.—All correspondence submitted must be ac­ Philadelphian at 1868 (the date of ' Deep plunged rock companied hr tbe writer's, name and address as a places her in the first rank of Uving And earth for a firm tread, This showing includes the new Thistle­ tnarantee of aothentidtr, not necessarily for pablica- Ms second visit) as "one Mr. EngUsh novelists.' " tion. Tbe Editor reserves tbe rifbt to accept sr reject Childs." It was in the course of a To bury the fighting's shock down, Chenise and Homespun light weight In the letter is this paragraph: "I any letten forwarded, aad pablication does aot imp. letter written to his daughter And hold the still dead. felts. There are many smart models by- agreement vitb opinions expressed. Mamie, running thus: hasten to let you know that the sec­ ond article of inteUigence you kind­ Lincoln Bennett &. Co., of London and **__%,arrived last night toward 13 But now under my feet FRIDAY. MARCH 21. 1930 ly sent me this morning is alto­ other well known English and French o'clock, more than an hoar after gether baseless. My daughter had The lift and fall our time. TMs is one of the im­ no more to do with 'Aunt Mar­ Of water, flowing to meet makers. mense American hotels jit *s called garet's Trouble* or 'Mabel's Pro­ Water, the haul Horns For Princes I the Co_jti__ent__ljW but I find myself gress,' than you had." Downward into the deep, just as quiet here as elsewhere. The plunge, the rise, __.erything is very good Indeed, the When Dickens sailed for home A wide cradle for sleep waiter is German, and the greater CMlds was one of the last'to leave Under rocking skies. . Colours to match the Prince Nicholas ol "Rumania will part of the house servants seem to Mm, and later in the year he and- Life moving and seething. have a_ special automobile born. be coloured people. The town is Mrs. CMlds were guests at Gad's Motion that is rest, new sports costtames TMs cabled announcement irom very clean, and the day is as blue HiU. In Ms "Recollections," Childs Uke .fie long soft breathing Bucharest- was a matter tor head­ and bright as a fine ItaUan day. * * * states that he had an edition of Of a deep breast. lines rather than item for the auto­ The great man of tMs place is one D.'ckens tn fifty-six ^volumes, InS Here >: would stay mobile accessory trade because tl_e Large and small head sizes Mr. CMlds, a newspaper proprieter, each one of which is inserted an Where the skyUne dips Rumanian Government decided who was waiting for mo at the sta­ autograph letter to Mm from the With the salt spray that a distinctive horn would be tion (always caUed depot here) with author, the first being dated 1855. not only a warning to-pcople in the- Stinging my lips. his carriage." It was CMlds who purchased the With space as wide • path ol the royal car but also a manuscript of "Our Mutual 2653 be many a New Yorker fiU only the end of a shelf must by world. Here hundreds of expat­ molasses and add to the dry in­ who wishes more power to his arm this time have found out his mis­ riates Uve from day to day dashing gredients and stir weU. Add last and more gristle to his kiluckles. take. For Bronte books have re­ Mther and tMther at the whim the cherries cut in half. TUrn into Double-breasted Polo Style Some might even lavour calling his cently been appearing in such num­ of a moment with the buying ol greased muffin tins and bake in a attention to a happier hunting bers as to require a special compart­ clothes for each flitting, one of the moderate oven for twenty-five ment in one's library. Rosamond heaviest tasks in their dally Uves. minutes.— £15.0*0 or $72.00 ground than the streets of Buchar­ ___ est. Unfortunately, when he was in Langbridge's "Charlotte Bronte: A Here at one time or another comes . 00 _. this country three years ago no Psychological Study" (pubUshed in aU of smart Europe "for to admire taxicab.cutin before Prince Nicholas America by Doubleday, Doran & and for to see," and, incidentally, Street Mode Tailored Single-breasted Raglan Style or crowded his car out ol line. ___ls Co.), employed Freudian methods to be seen. with ruthless persistence wMch is because it is the custom of this For street one must be smart, £13.10.0 or $64*80 -republican country and democratic brought her to the conclusion that A City of Smart Women the adolescent minds of the sisters perfectly taUored, "bien soignee," city o wMsk royalty through the preferably in dark blue or black, streets under police motorcycle es­ were fearfully obsessed by their So, while we might direct oar brother and their father. On the and, if the costume be a suit,' cort, which shoos traffic aside as fasMon Mstorian to other places With a _e_r_nine touchrin a bouton- speedily as Rumanians hereafter other hand, Charles Simpson, in for her copy on sports wear or the his "Emily Bronte" (Country Life Mere, and _heer Ungerie or soft crepe are expected to get out of the way informal mode, it is to Paris she blouse. Frocks for street go in for T. J. PEARMAN & SONS of royalty. Press) wiU have nothing to do with should go to study the afternoon the theory of the ogre father and simple Unes, usually have accom­ 2*n**ffl. There is no evidence that the pri- and evening attire of tfie fashion­ panying jackets or three-quarter the terrified chUdren, and he repre­ able woman of 1930. First to tfie v.ifcfces accorded the Rumanian sents the Ufe and surroundings of coats, and may be an inch or so royal party in America inspired the Ritz, to inspect tfie throng of weU longer than the sports costume. the Haworth parsonage as much dressed men and women who clearing of traffic in Bucharest. But For formal afternoon wear eleg­ less grim and depressing than has assemble there. Tfie picture is whether responsible OJ. not, it ap­ ance is the keynote, introducing commonly been supposed. We read characteristic of tfie times, a pic­ pears probably thatthis country will soft clinging fabrics, long slender today into the story of the Bron- ture suggesting a spirit of-ease feel the eifect- The distinctive horn Unes, the hat with irregular brim tes's childhood what we know of combined with restlessness." Our for royal Rumanian automobiles which lends piquant beauty to the the gloomy years that foUowed, but Mstorian might describe it as must be fearfully distinctive if it is face, a stunning bracelet, ring or the cMldren themselves wrote their "animated leisure" or "leisured to be immediately recognised by all jewelled cUp for a MghUght, shoes juvenUe tales with the future bright animation." It is the predominant il classes of Rumanians. And if the and bags wMch match. EIGHTY-FIVE YEARS OF LEADERSHBHW WEAWWO APPABBL before them. Mr. Simpson knows note of the times expressing itself horn is something distinctive The evening mode—the last act of 1 the Yorkshire moors well, and he in every detail of Ufe. and novel.it will be only* a question beUeves that to those bo_n and bred the clothes drama—presents a stir- of time before it will be turned out This essentiaUly busy world is ing climax, for here we have fasMon p.mong chem they do not convey thu not too busy for the lashion-mind­ in quantities in this country to suggestion of gruesomeness thai; in its most romantic and seductive give distinction to millions of Am­ ed woman to find plenty of time guise. Every woman may pretend they offer to the stranger in bad to study the minutest details of Men's erican automobiles weather. Indeed, the laom valu­ she is somebody else when the Ughts ps.sonal adornment; to interest are Ughted—somebody far removed able feature of Ms biography is'Ms herself in ail the fads and fancies interpretation of the Bronte envir­ from the exigencies of everyday Ufe. of tfie moment. Tfie little matter of The Greek, the Empire, the Direc- onment. He is himself a distin­ gloves, for instance, is all-important Outing Shirts guished artist—the illustrations of toire, even the quaint charm of the today. No woman's wardrobe is Victorian era, are hers for the choos­ tMs volume are one of its attrac­ complete without several pairs of April Bridal Gowns tions—and he has used Ms sense of ing. Or, if she perfers, she may don long gloves, plain, patterned or a frock as modern in inspiration as That Fit! landscape as an instrument of Ut­ even bejeweUed for evening wear. erary criticism. By Ms identifica­ tomorrow's skyscraper. She has but to consult her mirror, decide upon Most of the AprU brides are tions he enables us to realise how the genius loci helped to mold The Importance of Gray her type, and fasMon is prepared to choosing satin for the wedding do the rest. dress. TMs supple gleaming fabric Emily's character and to inspire her Made in England to out special Uterary efforts. At the Ritz one sees many gray lends itself perfectly to the long, gloves, for gray is stepping along' order with great attention paid to slender lines of the princess and with the first breath of spring and detail To be had ip. White or Empire silhouette,, and gives the Tfie edition of "Wuthering seriously challenging the long po­ bride added height and distinction Heights" that wiU appear shortly scarves are worn at tea time over Coloured Oxford.. Flannel or pularity of beige. Gray is a deUght­ silk; and satin dresses and deep amid the pastel tinted frocks of her in the world's Classics series wiU re­ fancy -effects—Collar attached ful colour when worn either with cuffs and huge coUars of Persian bridal attendants. store its text to that of 1847, the black or with blue—and while styles. However, as warm weather ap­ lamb, caracul, broadtail or of the oxdy edition pubUshed during Em­ black always is a favourite of the longer, softer furs are found on proaches, we shaU undoubtly see Parisienne, blue. has a perenMal many wedding frocks in sheer dia- ily's lifetime. This was revised in coats. popularity as a spring shade. Gloves At a recent Parisian dog show phanous materials, lace, net, even 1850 by Charlotte, who not only of white are trimmed with gray ||| From 13\6 ($324) organdie for the very young bride. modified its Yorkshire dialect but which drew the members of the and black, and many of the women social world to view the aristocrats Norman HartneU has just sent over also softened or "refined" certain; who prefer black gloves, which of the canine world some of the one of the loveUest of the Easter phrases and passages wMch of­ have been so smart all winter, new A Particularly Pleasing Collection bridal gowns*, in ivory net, embroi-. season's smartest toUettes were fended her sense of propriety. It is are wearing them with their sever­ seen. One, which for richness and dered in long, trailing sprays of ity reUeved by touches of gray afid leaves. This frock has a round neck­ tMs 1850 edition that has hitherto wMte. !!! *^pi grace- especiaUy characterised the line and is cut ln a slim sheath, occupied the field, so the present woman to today, consisted of a 26Uqqt-l-.f21.t_25. molding the figure to the knees, generation of admirers of Emily's Gray hose and gray shoes are in­ black cloth coat with short sleeves. naMironmnjnmfflriiffljm..^ creasingly popular, and may be It was finished at the neck and el­ where the fullness breaks away work wiU now have, their first op- found in many shades with darker bow with luxurious gray fox. With in a soft flounce, widening to a train portuMty of reading it as nearly as at the back. The long sleeves are tones predominating. Tince this it? was worn a simple black satin slit to a point above the elbow and possible in tho form in which she colour is such a favourite witSi gov;n with an incurstatlon of white left It. Professor H. W. Garrod will many women, its use for accessories geo gette at the neckUne. A close faU in lines of medieval grace. The ! eMffon underdress is embroidered contribute an introduction to the is ah deal one. ^__5. fit .iag black fiat and long white frith a tracery of silver. ' -*^m r _-__»u«.. _$££_ stb_ Pvjis appears in lavish profusion gloves completed a picture of ex­ at all smart gatherings. Silver fax ceptional grace and dignity. j§|i_£111

•^_-^---^__g^f_^-f^ ______£I______B M-___..^v ^^---ii^ii^i^i^^.gi i_----_____8 _a___£a_2__2__a_j THE ROYAL GA7BttE AND COt&SlST DAIUf FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1930 Page 5

WHEN AMERICA STORMED TYPICALLY BERMUDIAN LONDON AND PARIS By Pad -_•_*••• is TW New Yerk Herald-Trine In each of yonr homes you have your .-parafe "Sox we're sorry to inform you given carte blanche with the fas­ water supply— That unless we chloroform you cinating speciality dances that had You will never see the humour been found so irrestibly "agitated" Just so will be your of our jokes, boop-a-doop, and "nervous" by Parsians. You win never see the humour And "Bose-Marie" remained two of our jokes." years at the Mogador. Stfll more important, for the purposes of this Over a period of approximately article, it fixed so firmly the trail CAS five j nam I have been watching with blazed by its predecessor that Paris mounting Interest the effect of is today supplied with an unbroken In an attractive cabinet outside your these words, or their equivalent, up­ line of American musical comedies on more or less helpless theatre which has no foreign counterpart kitchen door audiences in various parts of Eur­ unless it be the one that streams ope, particularly Paris and London. through Drury Lane to London. Thus you will have uninterrupted supply and It must be said that the evil as­ London, ef course, has been ex­ pect of the lines is considerably claiming "By gad!" over American always the same efficiency for— softened by the fact that they are musical comedies for many years. invariably spoken to the accom­ If the Brothers Isola had much to COOKING—BAKING—HEATING paniment of so-called catchy tunes. answer for to Paris, surely Sir Alfred Moreover, and more important, Butt was answerable to charges of they are usually lisped by a few ho less than arch-treason for his dozen sprightly maidens who wag calm and persistent introduction of BERMUDA GAS COMPANY their heads and shake their fingers musical plays from across the At­ Will demonstrate to you SOON playfully at objects of their pro­ lantic into the sacred Drury Lane posed clinical ministrations. theatre. "Bose-Marie," "The Des­ MELLOW WATCH THIS SPACE Despite these reassuring accom­ ert Song" and "Show Boat" are but 2643Qqw.eitp. paniments to the actual speaking of a trio of that astonishing array of the druggy threat, I have frequently American invaders that not only A$ A FINE RHINE WINE seen ladies and gentlemen so ad­ stormed the majestic old play­ dressed rise from their seats and house, with its liveried attendants, hurriedly leave the theatre. By far butj_actually won over the native SPARKLIN<_ AS A the majority, however, remain fro­ defenders to their support. zen' to their chairs, either in hor­ But I do not think any of these ror or indifference. provided London with the curious RARE CHAMPA6NB This last fearless category is, of shock that "No, No, Nanette" pro­ Large Motors course, the most interesting. People duced among Parisians. It was not who are indifferent to threats of until that cacophonic tornado If SPARKLIN* V. Shaped Belts forced anesthesia in the theatre are known as "Good News" came along frequently those who reap an ulti­ that Piccadilly Circus got the full mate reward in being exhilarated to force of the Yankee musical comedy "CANADA DRY" Oversized Valves a pitch where no amount of chloro­ blow. I, myself, shall never for­ form could possibly dispel their de­ get how strangely, after two years Dependable Workmanship licious foot-tapping, shoulder- absence from the homeland, I A* REALLY well-balanced ginger ale is as rare swaying mood. was agitated by those raucous as a well-mellowed wine! The .ast majority of It was four years ago that Paris rhythms and satanic stampings. ginger ales are either too sweet or too dry. There was given its first real taste of Am­ Word went round that the hyp­ Combined with the best erican musical comedy. The piece notically frenzied person known as is one ginger ale that is always exactly right. * - was "No, No, Nanette," and the Zelma O'Neil was verging on de­ "Canada Dry." of material in making the Brothers Isola had seemed willing mentia when she appeared so intent Myers the best and most to risk life and limb to bring it into upon stamping her pretty foot This mellow mixer is a splendid addition to the handsome Theatre Mogador. through the floor of the Carlton liquors. Gin, whisky, rum and brandy all blend up-to-date pump sold. Their colleagues of the theatre had Theatre stage. How else could she dolefully shurgged shoulders and summon the energy to expend in themselves subtly and pleasantly with this de­ eyebrows simultaneously at what those seeming paroxysms of synco­ lightful beverage. As a drink by itself, "Canada appeared to be voluntary ruination. pated rage? StiU less explicable was Dry" is superbly good! Others merely scowled fiercely and the concerted epilepsy of the chorus wanted to know whether the works boys and girls, who could preserve "Canada Dry** contains the best quality of Charles Lecocq, Bobert Jean such uniform and even method in Jamaica ginger and other pure ingredients* Planquette and Louis Ganne were their madness. not good enough for the hyphenat­ The London County Oouncii had These ingredients are blended and balanced id ed Freres Isola. Indeed, the bro­ been busy with deafening electric exact proportions. "Canada Dry's" goodness is FRITHS thers encountered no little diffi­ drills and cement mixers in the standard. A secret method of carbonation BliMj Hardware Store culty in finding merely a roof to torn-up Haymarket outside the shelter their American visitor. Carlton Theatre, where "Good possible the cooling sparkle for whieh it's 10 266©«5-_.._. At last, with the aid ot a cast of News" was being perfomed. But deservedly famous. So pure is "Canada Dry** French principals, a chorus of Eng-. the visitor from America, in the that leading hospitals and famous physicuigf i lish girls and boys and conductor" wprds of the critic, was "pouring Mackey, of the Palace Theatre, forth such a staggering melange of prescribe it! London, the American piece was ear-splitting jazz, epileptic foot / put on. The MM. Isola had not stamping, and reverberating song, deemed it advisable to let their that many startled Englishmen little American protegee speak en­ were only too glad to hasten back tirely for herself. Anxious that the into the chaotic Haymarket during The New World behaviour of Nanette the entr'acte for a few moments of and her friends seem not totally comparative silence." without reason to the French, they Notwithstanding, the "wild in­ appended an analysis of the even­ cantations and rites from an un­ ing's plot, in French, to their gilded fathomable country across the programmes. The "analyse" con­ ocean" had cast their spell. And it Reg. U. S. Pit. OS. cluded with these reassuring was not long before that arch-de­ The Champagne of Ginger Ale* offer words:— fender of American musical comedy "Billy and his fiancee are recon­ the Prince of Wales, was himself to Sole Agents for Bermuda, Gosling Brother! ** ciled through the financial graces of be seen gently swaying his royal Jimmy. And the latter is again shoulders in unison with Miss O'- FORGANS GOLF CLUBS happy at the side of the wife, who, Neil's frenzied stampings. Like as a result of all this affair, has Paris, London had succumbed—and learned, if nothing else, the im­ it had no been a case of lese-ma- jeste. Matched sets from this world portance of the toilette in the eyes of men and will therefore use that "Good News" did not last any­ renowned maker of St. Andrew's, knowledge to her advantage." thing like a year in London. But, Scotland. The new ones are par- In view of the phenomenal year's like "No, No, Nanette,"-it blazed a run which the "operette" enjoyed, it trail that has not yet disappeared ticulary well balanced. is interesting to recall the profes­ through disuse and gives no indica­ sional reactions of the Paris dram­ tion of doing so. atic critics following that bizarre first night. Silver Kiag and Dunlop Balls "Childish" and "barbaric" were Every School-child Needs the least unflattering of the epithets hurled at poor little Nanette and 2610__tuI8.f21.t_25. her friends. It was pointed out A Hot Cereal Breakfast! that absurd characters who alter­ / \ nately waved their arms and stamp­ ed their feet in frenzied accompani­ •M ment to "agitating" times, were School tests show that die child not to be encouraged. Indeed, tt who eats a hot cereal breakfast is was even hinted that such fantastic stage behaviour and such a con­ better prepared mentally and phytt* cj ATTHE stant and maddening repetition of cally to do good work. haunting musical rhythms could Hi have no salutary effect upon Paris London Clothing House theatregoers. Doctors recommend Cream of Whatever else the effect may have Wheat because it is such a wonder­ 43 Front Street been, it certainly was not transi­ tory. "No, No, Nanette" became fully rich energy-food. It contains the talk of the Paris monde. You only the most nourishing part of were theatrically naughty unless CLEARANCE SALE you had seen it at ieast-t wice. Its the wheat. Builds strong bodies, tunes were heard everywhere. In order to make room for incoming goods Hardened theatregoers went again steady nerves, and active minds* and again to see and hear "les girls" and "les boys" frisk about A, ' £ Men's Blue and Black Diagonal Serge Suits also Fancy the stage while they chanted the Tweed Suits and Grey Flannel Suits. These Suits are "agitating" strains of "The Pour made up ia the latest American Styles, of English Material Deux" and "Pour Etre Heureux." and the Dye used is Indigo Dye that will not fade. Prices— £3. 10. £4. 10. £5.10. £6. 10. per suit. Flushed with sheer success that We allow 10% off on all these prices. had confounded the critics, the Freres Isola were not lacking *-- CANADIAN Men's, Women's and Children's Boots and Shoes in all confidence or interprise when all the latest up to date lasts, we are making quite a cut in the Paris had finally been satiated with prices for tite next Two. Weeks until the different Unes are "No, So, Nanette," and was eagerly HEALING closed out. looking for more suoh charming visitors. That other musical com­ I West of Fnjjhind Doeskin in .the Different Shades, also edy classic, "Bose-Marie," had al­ OIL in White. Our price is $9.60 per yard for this splendid quality ready attracted their attention to" A GREAT DNIMENT of material. It will wash or dry clean and is unshrinkable. New York and London. A cond-ho sad-o-l&iat Bat­ •1 We have decided to sell what we have left of it- for $9 per yard. With little delay another "ana­ man- whieh fc»s toe-tds lyse" was prepared, another chorus years been fo popular _s- ^-Mya*di**i-Uytntjvii ___nd for tbe i_Bt* of jH Cmm ef Wheat i* die ideal J. HENRY COOPER Proyictor i «f "les girl-" and "les boys" was ' aad tatem! i recruited, and ths _»••••• J. Kath- toed for tke whole faaxlty. 2SUf__.w_.. rjra Scott and June Boberts were Page <> THi. ftOYM #AZETTE AND COLONIST P&LY FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1930

********** OVER THE RADIO COSTA R1CAN AT 114 STILL RISES AT 4 AM. Save with Safety FOOD BALANCE IS esu.sj P 8 * r* T ./ REXALL DRUG STORE Tonight's Programmes Meter Gu-bkd or DaMed bit JLet them ran liked a little Driak MOST IfilPOHTAItr Start That TJW, Bermuda Approx. 200 m. X 7.30—TtW Special Programme-^ Read CoU X Miss Fay Beek, soloist; Eddie SAN JOSE, Oosta Rica—By liv­ TO GOOD HEALTH X Walker at the piano; Susan ing 114 years and being ill only once on the Run! X Tompkins and Ed. J. Query, in that time, Felix Alvarado San­ violin solos, by the courtesy doval of Tobosi, a mountain village of Mr. Stanley Howe of the near Cartago, who goes to bed with Analysis of Oat Grain Show; Inverurie Hotel. the chickens and gets up at 4 a.m., 8 8 has proved part of the old adage r ***** 8.-0—-? S. Vallis programme of that it has High £ about "early to bed and early to _____ •• X recordings. rise." He has had no desire to be Nutritive Value X 8.30—Grocery Co programme of H -st wealthy, and so probably proves S recordings. X the part of the adage about "mak­ I _•_•« 9.00—Gosling Brothers programme X ing a man wise." —Sam Robbins and his Or­ Cereals are rich in food values. Bat of ail. X In an interview for the Diario de chestra. Costa Rica he placed his. birth as the cereals, white oats is especially nutritious. X 9.30—Bobert Aitken programme. X "six years before the earthquake of Scientists are-now able to analyze the San Estanislao in 1822," when X Head stuffed up? Vapure XX WEAF, New York 454 m.-660 kc. James Madison was President of various nutritive elements in foods, and they ]££ is what you need. This J£ 6.00—Children's programme. the . His father was know what effect each element has upon th. wonderful inhalant will 6.15—Children's Books—Ernestine a post runner and Felix began fol­ X loosen up the tightness Evans. lowing him over the trails at an body. In a angle oat grain, they find the X quickly. It will soothe the 6.30—Tea Timers'Dance Band. early age. He doesn't care to ride following nutrients: carbohydrate, protein, EPLENISH the. energy X irritated membrane and 6.45—Old long Cole. a horse and would not dream of X give you pleasant relief. 7.00—-Summary of programmes. riding in an automobile or train. fat, eight separate minerals, vitamins and R which children exhaust _taf Save discomfort and mon- 7.05—Black and Gold Orchestra. He has not visited Cartago, a few roughage. in play by a nourishing meal **r ey by using Vapure. Sold 7.15—World in Music—Pierre Key. miles distant, for five years, be­ __f= onlA«1TyT oaft DAVOIRexalIl <__-____-__Stores_ . 7.30—American Home Banquet. cause he says he is getting too old All of these elements are found in Quaker of Quaker Oats every day. X 8.00—The Family Goes Abroad— to walk. Oats. Nature, in her infinite wisdom, put sketch. Twenty years ago he walked to Quaker Oats abounds in g THE PHOENDC j| 8.30—Raybestos Twins, songs; San Jose to see a trolley ear. them there. Since scientists know the effect energy ingredients; it is rich X The Rexall Drug Store X Lannie Ross, tenor. "I never returned there and I each has upon the body and health, we know 9.00—Cities Service Concert Or­ never will," he said, "because I was in the elements which build chestra; Jessica Dragonette, that 673% of Quaker Oats yields energy, 7% 8 Phone 99 • j| disgusted with the noise, and, as bone and muscle. A natural, soprano; Cavaliers Quartet. my legs trembled from the long is strengthening fats, 16% builds muscle and 1£ Hamilton }£ 10.00—Clicquot Eskimos Orchestra. walk, I noticed a policeman watch­ delicious food, it _s easily pre­ J@( 1292tt_uf.tp. 1&~. }_[ 10.30—OM Company's Songalogue. ing me, believing I was drunk and tissue. Farther, the eight mineral salts have 11.00—Alpha and Omega Opera 3o. hoping to take me to gaol." distinct values in developing teeth, bones, pared, easily digested and most Deluxe, Inc. Discussing his life, he said: "I economical. 11.30—Mystery House—sketch. have cared only for my wife. I blood, hair and nerves; the vitamins are 12.00—St. Regis Orchestra. never gambled or danced, but I have essential to health; the roughage is a natural Guard the health of all the always liked a little drink, and in WLW, Cincinnati 428 m.-700 kc. my time I was a famous singer." aid to digestion and elimination. family by serving Quaker Oats Assorted Chocolates 6.00—Tea Time Group. "Father has never had a special Seldom, indeed, are all these elements com­ daily. 6.30—Live stock reports. diet," one of his daughters added. 6.40—Musicale. "He has never worn a coat and in­ bined in a single food. When they are so com­ 6.45—Old Nick. clement weather (Cartago is 5,000 bined, as in Quaker Oats, scientists call it a Special 7.00—Orchestra. feet above sea level and cold for 7.30—Time; Dynacoil Diners. the tropics) has never troubled "balance" of nutrients. One of the best bal­ 7.45—Same as WJZ. him. He has never been ill except anced foodsknow n is Quaker Oats. Quaker Oats 2/6 per lb 8.00—Hotel Gibson Orchestra. once when he had a little fever that 8.15—Univ. of Cincinnati talk. was cured by one pin given to him 8d per quarter lb 8.30—Vocal and Piano. by a doctor." A. J. GORHAM, Agent 8.45—Tony's Scrap Book. As the interviewer left he saw Exceptional Quality and 9.00—Studebaker Champions. the old man hobble into the barn­ 9.30—American Scribe. yard, and kick a pig that was steal­ Value 9.45-10.30—Same as WJZ. ing food from some chickens. The _.., ~-« 10.30—Heatrolatown. last view was of a shrivelled, aged THE GOODY SHOPPE 11.00—Armstrong Quakers. man, five feet tall, with a sparse 11.30—Historical Highlights. gray beard, white hair, sun-tanned -it 12.00—Howard Trio and Jane Fro- SUPREME 2636

_^i^i^_^^^_^SEESS2ii2disaaffl&SL___4_fc JH^9S^BB^^@l£raiffii TUB __0*3tt.a_.ZEITBvA^ DAILY, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1930 Page 7

ther" where it occurs in Mr. LOBLEIN moved to substi­ 1 matter. He states or he admits valued for -duty, and 4 tho reason '- itaelof ite-WaS** **' tute the foUowing as Clause 42:— that before 192l|,:the ruling was given was that it put too much COLONIAL PARLIAAlBNT "__. (1) Any person or hte agent T different. This new.ruling slipped bureaucratic power in the hands THE AGBIOULTUBE AOT, 1-30 aggrieved by the Inspectors' decis­ in through this". House by some­ of the department. I do not agree mend that it be agreed to now. Besumption in Committee ion that any lot of crate material or body not being here to*take*the at aU that the reason was true in OFHC-AL REPORT cooperage or produce or packages is a* Your Committee therefore re­ matter up, and it would have sUpped that case. I thmk that the reason­ spectfuUy recommend that the Lt.-Col. the Hon. T. H-.B-LL unfit fer use or shipment may ap* through this time had it not been ing was false and the logic faulty, Executive be asked to have a BUI (Devonshire Parish) .—Mr. Speaker, peal forthwith from sueh decision for the hon. member for Smith's, because aU that the CouncU said Proceedings of the prepared to amend section 16 of The this has stood as an order of the as detailed in the next sub-section Mr. DarreU, drawing attention to was that the person imported the of tills section. Schools Act, 1922, so as to provide day for several meetings past, and I this clause. I had not a copy of the goods, declared them at a certain Honourable House that the Board may pay the At­ know we are glad to ape the hon. "(2) Two impartial and dis­ BiU before me at the time, and I value, and if that was so, and the of Assembly tendance Officer a salary not ex­ member for Southampton, Mr. interested persons having practical assumed that the Bffl was being valuation seemed too smaU, the ceeding £350 per annum out of the Loblein, back with us today. (Hear, experience in handling and dealing read through on its basis. Evidently Colony would take the goods at General Grant and that the pre­ hear.) I hope he te in good voice with produce shaU be appointed, it was not. I iett it was very wrong their own valuation and seU them, SESSION 1929—30 sent Officer shaU be eligible for and recovered after his illness. It one by the Inspector and the other for any such measure to pass here giving the person who owned them superannuation on complying with wttl be remembered that the com­ by the aggrieved person, who shaU, to make the law commit the farmer the proceeds of the sale. There the Act with respect to the payment mittee rose, reported progress, and before considering the question at. to a practice much against hte in­ was nothing at all of a judicial Day No. 45—Tuesday, March 18, obtained leave to sit again at clause issue, jointly appoint a third per­ terests. He had no way of over­ 1930. of deductions. nature in that: it was purely an 42 of the printed Bffl, and in ac­ son to act as umpire in case of their coming it. If his goods were brought executive function if I may so so. failing to agree, and their decision AU of which is respectfully cordance with the suggestion of the into tbe market late in the after­ But this question brings in the MINUTES hon. member for Southampton on pr the decision of a majority of noon there would be no possibUity power ef what smacks of a judicial submitted. them shaU be final." (Signed) J. D. B. TALBOT the last day this was considered, I of having any redress. The Director function, and for that reason I The minutes of the last meeting prepared and forwarded for his of Agriculture may not be in, and were read and confirmed. F. C. MISICK think that if a clause of that sort J. J. ABNOLD approval an amendment which Hon. S. S. SPUBLING:—Mr. it would take probably an hour to passed, there would be good reason Committee. more or less covers the ground and Chairman, I hope the House wffl get him. By then the ship would for its being amended as giving MESSAGES FBOM GOVEBNOB 13/2/30. which I think he te prepared to move not agree to change the proceed- have stopped to take produce. Does too much of a bureaucratic flavour today. ure as it at present exists. The pro­ any one in the House imagine that to it, in the appeal from one officer The following Messages from His cedure as laid down in clause 42 has that is a proper thing to submit of the department to another. But Excellency the Governor:—' (No. 118) L. J. BOLS, On motion of CoL DiU considera­ been in force since 1921, and as far the farmer to? If they do I think that by no means applied to the as I have been able to get the records they are wrong in their ideas. Mr. other Bffl, which involved a purely (No. 116) Lieut.-General, Governor and Com­ tion of the BiU entitled "The Agri­ mander-in-Chief. culture Act, 1930," was resumed in checked up at the Department, Spurling also speaks about the executive function. L. J. BOLS, there Lave been only four appeals in The Governor has the honour to committee for general purposes. Canadian boats. This particular Lieut.-General, Governor and Com­ the last nine years. I beUeve that transmit to the Honourable House clause is not referring to the Canad­ mander-in-Chief - something in the nature of what Mr. T. H. H. OUTERBRIDGE of Assembly, under the provisions ian boats or any other boats: it The Governor has the honour to Mr. PATTEBSON in the Chair. the hon. member has moved was in (Hamilton Parish):—Mr. Chairman, of The Boards Aet, 1929, tiie ac­ te for shipment of produce. The transmit for the favourable consid­ existence prior to 1921, but the re­ I do not agree witb what hon. companying copy of Bye-Laws made New York boats take a large pro­ eration of the Honourable House of Col. T. M. DILL:—Mr. Chairman, sult under that procedure was felt members who have spoken have by the Board of Trade for protec­ portion of this stuff, and their Assembly the accompanying copy of as I said in the House the Commit­ not to be as satisfactory as it might said. We have an agricultureal tion against fires in hotels and inspection days are Mondays and a BiU entitled "The Schools_.Act, tee rose and reported progress at .have been. In the first place, the department in Bermuda; you hire boarding houses &c. These Bye- Fridays, and on those days there 1922, Amendment Act, 1930." clause 42. I understand that the inspector is the person from whose a man and put him at the head of Laws were approved by the Govern- would probably be goods condemn­ Publie Buildings, Hamilton. hon. member for Southampton has decision the appeal is being made, that department. You pay him. a or-in-OouncU on the 12th March, ed much oftener than any other 13th March, 1930. an amendment to that. I also and it seemed unwise to place in his sufficient sala/y so that he wffl be 1930. days. I think that what I have pro­ independent of the sale of any pro* understand from the hon. member hands the selection of one of the posed here te only a reasonable Publie BuUdings, HamUton, duce in any way. If he te not in­ (No. 117) for St. George's, the Hon. S. S. judges here, and have him one of allowance to the farmers of the L. J. BOLS, 14th March, 1930. Spurling, that he te net prepared to the referees in the case. The Direc­ terested for the farmers of Bermuda. country. The way the original then he should not be at the head Lieut.-General, Governor and Com­ agree to the clause which the hon. tor of Agriculture is an impartial clause was put is unreasonable: mander-in-Chief. BERMUDA member for Southampton wttl sub­ authority who te only anxious to of that department. I say that the BOARD OF TBADE it was an unreasonable thing to agricultural head in Bermuda te The Governor has the honour to mit. So I can only introduce, Mr. protect the interests of the planter, put before the House. I think any transmit for the consideration of Chairman, on my left the hon. and it seemed very much better the man that should be the essence BYE-LAWS MADE BY THE BOARD right-thinking man would say so. as it were of stimulant for the the Honourable House of Assembly, member for Southampton, and on that the selection of the persoas The farmer has no chance of any the accompanying copy of extracts OF TBADE my right the hon. member for St. who are to hear the case should be farmer, in every way, and I believe redress whatever. He has very we have that man at the head of the from a minute of the 15th February under the authority of the Board of George's (Laughter.) left to an impartial person, the Di­ Uttle time to bring his goods down from the Director of Education on Trade Act, 1921. rector, rather than leaving it to department today. I have been as­ into the market. If he brought sociated with the Department of the subject of the status of the Hoi_ S. S. SPUBLING (St. Geor­ people actuaUy aggrieved—the in­ them in at four or five o'clock in the Attendance Officer. 1. From and after the First day spector, from whose decision the Agriculture in one way or another ge's Parish):—Mr. Chairman, be­ afternoon, and if through some ever since Mr. McCaUan has been Public Buildings, Hamilton of July next it shall not be lawful for appeal is being made, and the ship­ fore we take up the question of misjudgment of the inspector they at the head of it, and before that 14th March, 1930. any buUding outside of Municipal clause 42, I wanted to offer an per whose goods are being con­ are condemned, he has no redress. areas, of more than two storeys iii demned. I think it would work out, I was associated with it as a mem­ amendment to sub-clause eighteen He has to go to the gardens to get ber of the Board, and I can say Extracts of Minute of height above the ground level to be of clause one. That defines pro­ but I think the clause in the Bill the Director of Agriculture. He used as a hotel, boarding house or a very much better one. One of the unhesitatingly that Mr. McCaUan 15/_/_S_ duce as "all vegetables intended for is not in. He may be out somewhere. has acted fearlessly in the interests Department of Education. lodging house unless such buUding shipment out of these Islands." difficulties with which we would be How is he going to get his goods te provided with adequate fire ex­ faced under the proposed clause of the farmers. I understand on Hamilton, Bermuda. At the present time Easter lily bulbs judged by independent people? He good authority that only four actual tinguishers and outside fire escapes are among the things in respect tp moved by the hon. member for cannot do it. They are going to be approved by the Inspector. Southampton te that the boat sails appeals have ever been made to The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. which we Ueense shippers, and left behind, and be a dead loss to Mr. McCaUan for his decision 2. From and after the First day of unless the definition of produce te for Canada in the summer months the farmer. It te a known fact that July next tt shaU not be lawful on Mondays and Thursdays. in nine years. Now if that is so, This question of the future status broadened it wttl prevent the licen­ there have been cases when people and I think you can find out that of the Attendance Officer was fur­ for any person to, use any buUding sing of shippers for the shipment of Thursday te our Bermuda half- have had stuff condemned and it outside of Municipal areas as a holiday in summer, and in at least it is so from reference to the de­ ther considered at two meetings of Easter lily bulbs. It is very desir­ could not be referred to arbitrators. partment, I do not think anybody the Board of Education and was theatre, cinema, dance hall, con­ able that shippers of these bulbs one of the appeals that I have in I understand, also on good authority cert haU or any other public exhibi­ mind it was practicaUy impossible has been very harshly treated by finally referred to a Committee of should be licensed, so as to try to that it was due to the Director that department. I have heard the Board. The Beport of this tion, entertainment or perform­ get co-operation among shippers of to find any one of the nature of Agriculture not being at the j ance without a Ueense from the specified in this proposed clause also on good authority that very Committee was presented to the lily bulbs in the same way that we gardens at the time. I persume the often men will bring produce to Board at a meeting held yesterday Board of Trade. are getting co-operation between around the dock that day. These stuff was taken back by the owner 3. The License may perscribe:— "two impartial and disinterested Hamilton, expecting to get it passed, and was adopted. the shippers of produce to. Caaada and lost, or else fed to hte pigs. I do knowing part of the time that they 2. A copy of the Report is at­ (a) the number of persons to be at the present time. persons having practical experience not think it is the correct tiring to aUowed in the buUding dur- of the methods of handling and were likely to be turned down, tached hereto, from which it will do. I am not going to have too and then the merchant to whom • ing any performance, dealing with produce and who are much to say about this, because be seen that the Board adhere to Mr. SPURLING moved to amend that produce was to go, and to their opinion that the Attendance (b) the means of egress and in­ willing to act as referees," could I am not in a position to talk; I am gress, i sub-section (18) of Section 1 of The not possibly be found around the whom that farmer was indebted, Officer should remain an Officer of very hoarse, but I think the clause was more anxious that that stuff (c) precautions to be taken to Agriculture Act, 1930, by striking dock that Thursday afternoon. I have proposed is a reasonable one, the Board and not be made a Civil out the word "vegetables" and in­ should be shipped than the farmer Servant. provide for the safety of per­ J imagine that during Thursday and entirely for the benefit of the sons attending any such per­ serting in Ueu thereof the words afternoon half-holidays it wttl be himself. I think that te an in­ 3. It will also be noted from the produce business of the country, stance where you want the absol­ formance. "agricultural and horticultural very difficult. In the case I have in and I do not thmk the Board of last paragraph of the Beport that it products." utely independent head of the de­ is recommended that Section 16 of 4. Any such License may be sus­ mind the Director adjudicated the Agriculture should object to it in case, it was settled, and I think aU partment to set those things right. the Schools Act, 1922, should be pended or canceUed at any time by the least. This matter has been I think Mr. McCallan would act amended so as to provide that the notice from the Board and during Hon. S. S. SPUBHNG-^M.. parties felt reasonably satisfied. I ventilated in the House on several Chairman, the definition will then think the Director was able to con­ absolutely fearlessly, in the in­ Board may pay the Attendance such time as any License te sus­ occasions. terests of both, to do what is right Officer a salary not exceeding £350 pended or canceUed, any person us­ read: "Produces includes all agri­ vince the farmer whose goods were cultural and horticultural products being turned down that he was in by the merchant and the farmer. per annum. This is slightly differ­ ing the buUding for which such Hon. H. W. WATLINGTON (De­ intended for shipment out of these the wrong. He visited the farm af­ I say that for him to be able to ent Jrom the previous recommenda­ License was granted for any pub­ vonshire Parish):—Mr. Chairman, Islands." terwards and explained the use of the pick out independent men, that he tion and would leave it open to the Uc exhibition, performance or en­ as far as the motion made by the grader, and why the farmer's pota­ knows are not indebted to the part­ Board to fix the amount and num­ tertainment shaU be Uable to be hon. member for Southampton, toes were condemned. I think that icular merchant, or who have no ber ef the increments. prosecuted. Mr. F. C. MISICK (Sandys Par­ Mr. Loblein, te concerned, I feel we should hesitate to change some­ associations with the department, 4. It te further recommended 5. If in the opinion of the Board ish):—Mr. Chairman, the hon. it is a bit too cumbrous. In a way thing that has worked reasonably to judge the case is necessary— that the salary should be paid from any pubUc exhibition, entertain­ member te certainly broadening I do not like clause 42 as it.now well for the last nine years, and I That te the right position for the the General Grant, and in this ment or performance being held that definition with a vengence. I stands. For instance it says the think it is very much better to leave farmer and the merchant to be in, connection it should be pointed out or proposed to be held in any such take it that if that te agreed to it Director "may appoint two impart­ the clause as it te at present than to and I do not know anybody that that, although it te laid down in licensed buUding is contrary to includes Easter Lily buds as weU as ial and disinterested persons." But change it as suggested. would give a more fearless decision The Schools Act that this Salary pubUc morality or the pubUc good, bulbs, and also the export of any of he can decide it himself if he does than the agricultural head himself. should be paid from the General the Board may stop or prohibit the flora of the country in the event not appoint those persons. I do If it came to the point where he Grant, it has been the practice dur­ suoh exhibition, performance or of any industry of that character Mr. H. T. NOBTH (Hamilton not want to say anything against could not get two disinterested ing the last two or three years to entertainment. being developed. Possibly if it Parish):—Mr. Chairman, I feel that the Director, and I do not want parties, I for one, if I had any pro­ show the salary as a separate item 6. Licenses granted under these should even become profitable to the hon. member for St. George's, any one to take anything from my duce to be decided on, would rather in the Appropriation Acts. In fram­ Bye-Laws shaU not be for any period grow gladoili bulbs for the export of Mr. Spurling, te entirely wrong words as a hint that the present see Mr. McCallan, as Director of ing the amendment to the Act, it greater than two years, but may be the flowers, I take it that anybody about this. I feel that the clause as Director is partial, but one official Agriculture, and knowing more may therefore be advisable to omit renewable from time to time at the exporting the flowers would have to proposed by the hon. member for te as a rule incUned to back up an­ about produce than anybody else the words "to be paid out of the discretion of the Board. be licensed under that definition. Southampton, Mr. Loblein, te the other. If it was obligatory that he here, give that decision. I think it annual General Grant placed at 7. Any person committing or It te certainly broadening the de­ correct one. I have had quite a lot would have to appoint two impartial is a pity, when we have a good exe­ the disposal of the Board for the permitting an offence against these finition to a tremendous extent. I of experience around the docks, and disinterested persons I think cutive and a fearless one, and one purposes of this Aet.'* Bye-Laws may be prosecuted for an remember when this matter was and I know in years gone by it was I would support it. Now it te per­ who te trying to be fair on aU hands, 6. It is now recommended that offence against The Boards Act, under consideration some years the practice for any aggrieved per­ missive for him to do it. He may not to uphold him here. H it were the amendments should take effect 1929. ago, respecting the same point that son, and any farmer that had his or may not do it, whichever he known that we should do other­ as from the 1st January, 1931. Made by the Board of Trade on the hon. member has raised today, produce condemned, to have the likes. Therefore I do not like the wise, if that department could no the eleventh day of February, one I asked about the definition clause, right to appeal to the inspector, who clause as it stands, and yet I feel longer be upheld by the House (sgd.) C. G. G. GILBEBT, thousand nine hundred and thirty. and was informed by the hon. would appoint one disinterested that the clause offered by the hon. fearlessly, then it would be time Director of Education. and learned member for Devonshire party and the farmer or shipper member for Southampton is very to do away with it, It would be ot 15th February, 1930. J. B. PEABSON, that under the previous definition would appoint a disinterested party cumbrous, and is going to create no use. Clerk. the Easter lily bulb industry was also. Those two men would look delay. I wish there was some included. Beport of Committee on Salary of the produce over. If they could not middle course by which we could Attendance Officer. MESSAGE FBOM LEGISLATIVE arrive at a decision they would ap­ get these people appointed. Mr. E. F. ZUILL (Devonshire COUNCIL No. 10. Hon. S. S. SPUBLING-—Mr. point a referee to decide it. That Parish):—Mr. Chairman, the hon. Amendment Proposed to The Tuck­ Chairman, I might explain that seemed to work out very weU. The Ool. T. M. DILL:—Mr. Chairman, member Mr. T. H. H. Outerbridge To the Chairman and Members of boasts of having been associated Board of Education— er's Town Boads Act, 1930 clause 49 te the clause that gives the hon. member Mr. Spurling states I think I shaU support the motion Board the authority. "The Board that these boats satt on Thursday of the hon. member for Southamp­ with the Department of Agricul­ ture as a member of the Board for Your Committee appointed to The foUowing Message from the may Ueense such persons or firms afternoons. I think he te wrong, ton. I am very sorry that the word­ as shippers of produce as a commit­ but if they did sail- on Thursday ing of the clause te so cumbrous, quite some time, but I think I can consider and report on the salary Hon. the Legislative CouncU:— boast of having been a member of the Attendance Officer, respect­ tee of the Board, consisting of afternoons the produce te always but I could not see any possible members who are not shippers and received by the shipping agent not way of shortening it. That is of the Board and associated with fully beg to report as follows:— (No. 10) the Department for a much longer As it has practically been agreed Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the I have no interest in any shipping lat__r than ten or eleven o'clock in practically the ordinary arbitration firm or association. shaU deem it the morning. It is just the same on clause: each side appoints one re­ time than he. I would advise the by the Board to increase the salary Honourable House of Assembly:— House very strongly to adopt the of this Officer by four yearly incre­ The Legislative CouncU have the expedient. The. Beard may pre­ Thursday morning as any other feree, and if they do not agree scribe the forms of Ucenses. morning around the dock. There they appoint an umpire. There . motion made by the hon. member ments of 112 each and to provide honour to return to Your Honour­ Mr. Loblien. The Director of Agri­ that he shall, on complying with able House the BUI entitled "The Bona fide planters shall ot right be are plenty of men. On Thursday Is a good deal in what the entitled to be granted licenses to afternoon probably there would be hon member my coUeague said. He culture te the head of the depart­ the provisions of the Superannua­ Tucker's Town Boads Act, 1930," ment, and the inspectors are sub­ tion Acts, be eUgible for superan­ and to request the concurrence of ship produce grown by them." I a scarcity ef men, but all produce is knows I am keen oh not having take it that the Board may or, may received ln the morning by the watery legislation: to be any good ordinates under him. It seems nuation, Your Committee are of Your Honourable House tn an rather hard for him to have to opinion that this can be easily ef fee-' I amendment whieh' the CouacU not bring any product under the steamship company, by about ten it must be drastic, but at the same . requirements of Ucensing, with re­ o'clock, -therefore hte argument time I think one wants to avoid condemn work done by some of his ted by amendments to the 16th deem it expedient to be made there­ staff, and I do not think he should section of The Schools Act, 1922. to, a copy of which amendment te gard to shipinent and export. But falls down. I think we had better giving, a departmental flavour to •gree to this clause proposed by the be called upon to act in that capacity It is understood that the Attor­ deUvered herewith. it is certainly very desirable that it. The effect of the clause at pre­ hon. member' for Southampton, I do not think you can do better. ney General is of opinion that this : Oouncii Chamber, expoiters of Easter lily bulbs should sent would be that the inspector and that wffl safeguard the planter. than adopt the motion by the hon. Officer should be made a CivU Ser­ 18th March, 1930. be brought under the requirements would be an officer of the depart­ of the Act, and have to take out ment, and I do not think there member]|Mr. Loblein. It te said vant as defined by the CivU Service that very few appeals have been Ucenses. (Mr. Misick:—Buds also?) MT. O..B. LOBLEIN ^euthamp- should be an appeal to another Establishments Acts,. but that Proposed Amendment made, and if this new clause is Z do not know that any necessity ton Parish}**—Mr. Ohainnan, I take officer of the same department. A would make this Officer an appoint­ adopted it wffl not Increase the has arisen to do that, but it might exception to the re___irJi*made by little whUe ago ln another place ment by the Governor and not by The Tucker's Town Boads number of appeals in the slightest be desirable to do it. Mr. Spurling, who is chairman of they saw fit not io pass a Bffl which the Board, which the Board has not Act, 1930. degree, I take it. hitherto been willing to agree to, the Board of Agriculture, beeause | was passed here with lespeut to Hor do Your Coramittee recom­ preamble) Delete the word "fur­ —whieh was agreed to. .MU X think it is quite irrelevant to the goods suspected of being under­

for a stiff er inspection of produce was different, but this got slipped requested to mrve this, and COLONIAL PARLIAMENT to .keep the quality of Bermuda into this Bill. This is something thought it was a convenient place CANADIAN NATION AL STEAMSHIPS vegetables up to standard and en­ different, and against the farmer, for it to come in. I have not any direct information on this, os any "CANADA'S COMMERCE CARRIERS" <_-iii.l-iill___.j_ti 7) hance the prices that they will and it was not detected, and if it fetch. X have been down to the had not been for the hon. member direct interest in it. IN CONNECTION WITH Mr. W. A. MOORE (Warwick dock recently, and I know the hon. Mr. Darreil it would not have been CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS _ Parish).—Mr. Chairman, If the member Mr. Talbot' has, and I detected now. I had not the Bill Col. DILL move that* the com­ clause as It stands was agreed to, suppose other hon. members have. before me at the time, and as soon mittee rise, report progress and CANADA-BERMUDA-WEST INDIES SERVICE it -seems to me that It would-be It is a difficult job the inspector is as I looked at it I saw the old system ask for leave to sit again, EASTERN GROUP—DEMERARA the bounden duty of the Director faced with. The farmers brings was changed. Specially Built and Equipped fer Tropica, Travel of Agriculture to be down at dock bis goods in, and they represent —which was agreed to. or the shed when the produce was his season's work. It is difficult Hon. S. S. SPURLING:— Mr. Fortnightly freight, passenger and maU service be^e°* ***^"' being brought in. Ordinarily be for the inspector to turn them down. Chairman, I would like to disabuse The House resumed. H.S., and St. John, »_B., and Demerara, calUng each way at Ber­ might be at the other end of the On the other hand it is undesirable the hon. member'3 mind of any muda, St. Kitts, Nevis. Antigua, Montserrat, Dominica, St. Luaa, island, and he could not get back that low quality goods should be intention on my part to support • The CHAIRMAN reported pro­ Barbados, St. Vincent, ©renada, Tflhidad in time to deal with this. The passed, because one shipment pro­ any scheme which he thinks the gress, and obtained leave to sit steamer would not be waiting for bably ot a small number of crates, Board of Agriculture are trying again. Winter Rates him. The farmer would lose his if allowed to go, would ruinlthe to put over. The hon. member stuff. I met a gentleman the other BETUBN FABE: BEBMUDA—DEMEBABA $200 and up. | market for a lot of good produce. thinks one way of hearing this ap­ (To be coBtinned) day who is an official but not an I really feel that it is better not to peal is better than the way which I inspector. He said he saw crates have tbe aggrieved parties selecting suggest, and I think that my way Arr. & Dep. Leave Leave Leave of stuff turned down that fo his their arbitrators. The aggrieved is better than the way which he HaUfax Arrive Bda. for Bda. for St. mind had some of the best he had persons are the inspector from whose suggests. It is up to the House. Steamer St. John John, N.B. N.B. N.S. Bermuda W. Indies seen in Bermuda in them, simply decision the appeal is being made because the inspector thought they and the farmer whose goods are Mr. F. C. MISICK:—Mr. Chair­ forGRIPPE.FLl) Apr. 5 should be turned down. He did being condemned, and for them man, the hon member for St. Lady Drake Apr. 19 Lady Nelson Mar. 13 Mar 21 Mar. 24 Mar. 25 not worry about tlie farmer at all. to appoint two people to hear the George's has stated that he is an May 3 That man knew what he was talk­ COLDS Lady Hawkins Mar. 27 Apr 4 Apr. 7 Apr. 8 appeal will in my opinion result advocate of one point of view, and JXLai. te, I *»£_•.* - —* Apr. 28 May 17 ing about. Something should be Lady Drake A__c 10 | Apr. 18 I Apr. -1 in there being two advocates, and the hon. member for Southampton Instant done- to ameliorate the troubles the umpire will be the deciding an advocate of another, and they the farmer has to put up with. factor. I am willing to come half­ ReUef WESTERN GROUP SERVICE are both equally convincing ad­ way to meet the hon. member.for vocates of their respective points efusi' Fortnightly freight, passenger and matt service between MONTBEAL Mr. A. W. BLUCK (Pembroke Southampton, and take out the of view, and for my part it is diffi­ (in Summer) HALIFAX (in Winter) calling at HAMILTON, NASSAU Parish):—Mr. Chairman, it seems appeal to the Director himself. cult to know which to support. I Breathe and KINGSTON, making O.N.S. connection at Jamaica for Belize to me that both these clauses, the I am going to offer amendments, felt there was something to be said British Honduras. one submitted by the hon. member though I cannot tell whether they in favour of what the hon. member Bermuda to Nassau $50.00 and np for Southampton and the one in the will commend themselves to the Mr. Loblein moved, but I could not Ctfarrhozone Bermuda ta Halifax and Return $80 and up. present Bill, are a bit cumbersome. committee or not, which will get him to produce that reason, or You can stop tbat nasty nasal dis­ I do not know anything about make the clause read that an any reason that would convince charge in an hour by breathing Arr. & Dep. produce, but it looks to me that the Bda. for aggrieved person shall appeal to me that his point, of view was ••Catarrhozone.** Sneezing, run­ Steamer Leave Arrive Leave Bda. position is this: you have two people the Director, ox if he cannot be for Nassau Halifax sound, and the hon. member for ning eyes and itchy nose are prompt HaUfax Bermuda at variance, the farmer who brings found to the next senior officer St. George's stated that there had ly corrected. No medicine to tak- in the produce and the inspector Apr. 1 of the Department, and that the been in nine years only four appeals —you simply inhale the soothing Lady Somers. Mar. 15 Mar. 18 Mar. 19 who submits that it is not fit for Apr. 15 Director or this officer shall appoint against the old practice. Neither fumes of Catarrhozone and get weU. Lady Rodney Mar. 29 Apr. 1 Apr. 2- shipment. What you Want is a Apr. 29 t two impartial and disinterested per­ the hon. member for Southampton That grippy, neuralgic headache Lady Somers. Apr. 12 Apr. 15 Apr. 16 referee. It looks to me as if the sons to hear the appeal with him. nor any one in support of him of­ Apr. 30 May 13 f passes away. Nose aad throat are Lady Rodney APr. 26 Apr. 29 Department of Agriculture and the In that way I think we would take fered anything to controvert that, cleared of offensive discharges, farmers should get together (Mr. tFor Montreal out what I regard as undersirable: but it seemed a good reason in Catarrh, nose colds, coughing and Hand:—Tou try and get the farm­ that is having the aggrieved parties favour of the point of view of the spitting come to an end when you ers together.) and appoint a referee CARGO SERVICE appoint the people to hear the ap­ hon. member Mr. Spurling. But use Catarrhozoae. It is safe, re- for the season, at the beginning peal. It would take out also any Monthly cargo and matt service calUng at Bermuda, Porto Rico, I was indebted to the hon. member Uable, sure to eradicate your cold. of the season. It should be some question of the Director acting Mr. Zuill in a very few remarks Get Catarrhozone from aay drug­ St. Kitts, Antigua, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Laeia, Barbados, one who would be disinterested, and alone, and thereby leave no op­ Grenada, Trinidad and Demerara. for having put his finger on the gist. Two months treatment one acceptable to both sides, and who portunity for imputations that he strongest argument in favour of dollar; small size; 50c knew something of the business, might be backing up his inspector, the hon. member for Southamp­ and who could be reached easily Steamer Leave Halifax Arrive Bermuda and and I think to appoint two impartial ton. He pointed out that the old Leave for West Indies and got on the Job at any time. It and disinterested persons is much practice would have the appeal would save considerable time. When more likely in the long run to re­ against the inspector who condemn­ Mar. 13 Mar. 17 Direct to St. George's you have to go about to get those sult from the Director's selection ed the produce to the Director, and Cornwallis. two disinterested parties to act as Colborne.... Apr. 10 Apr. __= " " than from the persons aggrieved if the latter went contrary to the referees, under this clause, and selecting them, I am going to move point of view of the inspector a For sailings, passenger and freight rates apply to: call out the Director to appoint one amendment now to the first certain measure of departmental JOHN S. DARRELL & COr Agents them, you are likely to lose a lot sub-clause, and if that commends friction would arise. If he agreed of time. itself to the committee I will offer with the point of view of the in­ Subject to change without notice. 42 Front St., Hamilton other amendments to the rest of spector then both the inspector Mr. H. T. NORTH.—Mr. Chair­ the clause to make it read as I and the Director laid themselves man, there is one point I would just outlined. open to charges of being bureau­ like to bring to the notice of the crats and unfair to the farmers. committee. I have been rathei It seems to me that that was the diffident about this, and do not Mr. SPURLING moved to amend strongest point in the debate in like saying much about it, but sub-clause one of clause 42 by favour of his point of view, and I nobody else has touched on it, adding thereto the words: "or if he am going to support the motion MUNSON STEAMSHIP LINE and I suppose I shall have to. cannot be found to the next senior of the hon. member for Southamp­ (Laughter.) In this clause 42, and officer of the Department.'' ton. also in the clause submitted by the Ool. T. M. DELL:—Mr. Chairman, hon. member for Southampton, Mr. SPURLING'S motion was NEW YORK—BERMUDA—SOOTH AMERICA it speaks of crate material or cooper­ that is going to be rather awkward, negatived: age. I am diffident about saying is it not? The officers of the De­ anything about this, because I have partment are the Director of Agri­ Free from strong stimulants, Ayes, 7; His Honour the Speaker, which impede sleep, impair Finest Ships — Fastest Time been in this line of business for a culture; he cannot be found: the Sir R. Gray, Messrs. N. W. Hutch­ 21,000 Tons Displacement good many years, but I know some plant pathologist; he cannot be ings, T. H. H. Outerbridge, B. 0. C. digestion, and disturb the years ago the Director of Agricul­ found: the agricultural assistant; Outerbridge, S. S. Spurling, H. W. nerves, Postum is a healthful they may not be able to find him. as. AMERICAN LEGION &_. PAN AMERICA ture endeavoured to get a clause Watlington. beverage, with a rich, mellow, in the Agriculture Act to have coop­ The inspector of produce himself Nays. 22: Messrs. L. D. Bell, R. C. delicious flavor all its own. S.s. SOUTHERN CROSS S_s. WESTERN WORLD erage stock and crate material comes next. What are you going Crawford, W. S. Cooper, T. H. Davis, inspected on arrival. After a while to do after him—carry on with Postum is so pure, so harm­ H. J. B. Dunkley, T. M. Dfll, J. M. less that you may drink as much These deluxe South American Express liners will make the run I understood that his department the horticulturist, the Govern­ Darreil, L. D. Fox, A. T. Gosling, J. of it as you please, and at any between Bermuda and New York ia a day and a half, offering was informed by the Attorney- ment veterinary officer and the P. Hand, J. N. Lambe, O. R. Loblein, passengers all the advantages of steady deep draft liners having General that it would be illegal clerk to the Board? (Mr. Spurling:— W. A. Moore, F. C. Misick, H. T. time of day or night. Many pre­ superior spacious accommodations. to do that. But that has been slip­ You are bound to find one of them— North, J. S. Pearman, H. V. Smith, fer it above any other mealtime ped in recently, and it is also pro­ Mr. Zuill:—The steamer will be J. D. B. Talbot, W. J. H. Trott, F. G. drink. Children lave it—and it SCHEDULE OF SAILINGS posed in this Bill. It seems to me gone.) Yes, but are they fixed stars, Ward,G. A. WiUiams, E. F.ZuiU. is good for them, too, for Pos­ that if I want te import cooperage that you can always put your finger NEW TORK—BERMUDA BERMUDA—NEW YORK tum is just pure, wholesome stock or crate material, I can do it, on them? I think a good deal is to Mr. LOBLEIN'S motion was then grains, delightfully blended be said for what was suggested Leave Arr. Leave Arr. or if any other member of the com-« affirmed: and skillfully roasted. New York Bermuda Bermuda N.Y. munity, wants to, it is his right by Mr. Speaker just now, to have Fridays Sundays Mondays Wed. to do so. If the Department is to a good referee standing by, but he Ayes, 25; Nays, 4. Prepared in a jiffy-: pour boil­ would have to be moving in a re­ Western World.—-Feb. 24 Feb. 26 turn it down when it is presented ing water (or hot milk) over *Pan America Feb. 21 Feb. 23 for export, and say that goods or gular elliptical orbit to be got at Western World Feb. 28 Mar. 2 Western World Mar. 3 Mar. 5 Col. T. M. DILL:—-Mr. Chairman, a teaspoonful in a cup—more or produce shall not be shipped in at any time. I do not understand my next amendment is at clause less Postum as you prefer—and •"•Western World—Mar. 7 Mar. 9 American Legion Mar. 10 Mar. 12 What the hon. member for St. American Legion Mar. 17 Mar. 19 those crates, but in crates of a 50. That clause as originaUy moved sweeten to "taste. American Legion..Mar. 14 Mar. 16 different size or material, that is George's said about two aggrieved •American Legion..Mar. 21 Mar. 23 Southern Cross. Mar. 25 Mar. 27 was struck out. I shall have to Try a tin—serve Postum to alright, but not to stop a man im­ persons. I do not see why the in­ move a little later on to renumber Southern Cross. Mar. 28 Mar. 30 Southern Cross. Mar. 31 Apr. 2 spector should be aggrieved. I am all the family. Pan America Apr. 7 Apr. 9 porting goods into these islands. the clauses, but this seemed a •Southern Cross.—Apr. 4 Apr. 6 I do not see wbat right they have sure if I was appealed from, from Pan A___rica____Apr. 11 Apr. 13 Pan America. Apr. 14 Apr. 16 convenient place to move a new FREE—A sample tin, good foi 2 leaps to do that. It is right.to stop it the Supreme Court to the Privy of Postum, will be sent, upon receipt of •Pan America__~._Apr. 18 Apr. 20 Western World...... Apr. 22 Apr. 24 clause, at the suggestion of the when it is going out, but I do" not Council, I should not be aggrieved. hon. member for St. George's, Id. to cover mailing, by addressing: Western World Apr- 25 Apr. 27 Western World. Apr. 28 Apr. 3§" Any grievance I should feel, or J.S. VALUS American Legion....May 5 May 7 see what right the Department Mr. Spurling. •Western World May 2 May 4 has to stop the importation of that I did feel when I was arguing Burnaby Street Hamiltoa in a lower court and it was appealed •These vessels Southbound to Rio de Janeiro, Santos, crate material or cooperage stock Col. DILL moved to insert the fol­ to a higher court, was that they were at all. It seems to me that it is lowing as clause 50: Montevideo and Buenos Aires taking away a right a man should hopelessly lacking in vision. (Laugh­ have. In the case of shipment the ter.) I do not see that the inspec­ tor should be aggrieved. It seems "50. In the event of shipments of matter is entirely in their hands, green vegetables being likely to ex­ For information, rates, etc-, apply to and the case is different. I must that this present method sug­ ceed the quantity of chill-room ac­ say that since this has been law gested by tte hon. member for commodation available, the Dir­ JOHN S. DARRELL & GO., Agents, the Department have been very Southampton was the one in use ector shall aUot space in the said previously. I admit the clause is 42 Front Street, Hamilton. fair, and only on one occasion that accommodation between the several I can recall did I have any trouble cumbersome, and if any hon mem­ shippers." wi.h them, and that was gotten ber can suggest any way in which it General Office, Munson Steamship Line, can be rendered less cumbrous, I over. They have been very fair. .Col. T. M. DILL:—Mr. Chairman, 67 Wa_t_St., . But stiU I do not like this in the should be glad to accept any vari­ ation in wording. But it is the I understand that up to the pre­ Sailings subject toxhange without notice. law, and I do not know whether sent there has not been any ques­ I will be in tte business much ordinary system of arbitration, and I do not see any better way out of it. tion of that sort, and where there 1579tf.".w.tp. longer, but I presume somebody is a dispute between shippers and will, and I do not think this is the Director he is acting in a more necessary. Mr. O. R. LOBLEIN:—Mr. Chair­ or less judicial capacity, in much INSTANT man, I would like to say that I the same way'as the inspector. Hon. S. S. SPURLING:—Mr. feel that Mr. Spurling, chairman Mr. W. J. H. TROTT (Smith's Chairman, last year we started of the Board of Agriculture, is Parish)?—Mr. Chairman, I hope POSTUM shipping goods to Canada. The using his influence to prevent a that at this stage the hon. member »H* secretary to the Trade Development cause that is legitimate and honest in charge will move that the com­ SPRATTS M Board was up there and at the in­ to the farmers of this country. mittee rise, report progress and ask stance of the Board gave some of We are _tot taking from the Board for leave to sit again, as this is his time to looking around the of Agriculture any privilege that something that I should iike to Parrot Mixture, Bird Seed, markets. When he got back and they have. Their inspector is an consider rather more before it is we had a written report from him. officer of the Board, and he does the put to a vote. This is practicaUy Dog Biscuits and Ovals it emphasized the poor condition condemning, and he does the ap­ putting in the hands of the Director Ask for of some of the Bermuda produce pointing of one of the referres. The the entire chill-room space in the that he saw, and he expressed tho man aggrieved does another ap­ ships trading between here and BEECH-NUT fust Arrived at opinion that goods of an inferior pointment, and they two appoint Canada and New York, and that is quality had got past the inspection a third party. If that is anything unwise in my opinion unless some in Bermuda and were damaging against his department, I do not basis is laid down for the method CONFECTIONERY WILLIAM MURPfflE'S GROCERY the sale of Bermuda products in sea where his idea comes in. I think of carrying it out. Canadian markets. The Depart­ it is quite a legitimate matter Front Street Prompt Deliveries ment of Agriculture had a letter that I have proposed here, and I Ool. T. M. DILL:—Mr. Chairman, For Sale Eve**y*~*here Phones 718 m 493 recently from the secretary of the think the House should pass it. I shaU be glad to move that the Associated Shippers, Mr. Bushell, The hon member Mr. SpurUng said committee rise, roptat progress and I S. VALLIS 2C7«__T. and he emphasised the necessity himself that prior to 1881 the ruling ask for leave to sit again. I was Distributor

,.;.-,> I'i*,l •l'**!**9''-±ie-±i9sm9*-*a*am m***M***r*mm .T_l__f%_W_!>Swli- AND COfQNlST DAILY FR_§AY> uMoi 21, 1930 :£age_*_*


The Australian Aerial Services, in AustraUa. Three large com­ - ^LUMBIA" •§(•' Ltd., and tho commonwealth _l.au- panies operate regular.air services ways are completing arrangements over 5.404 miles. The oldest and tor a combined air-rail service longest of these services is that VIVA-TONAL PORTABLES from Sydney to Perth, which will maintained weekly each way be­ -with be avaUable for Melbourne pas­ tween Perth and Derby, a distance sengers." The journey, it is ma- of 1,467 miles. The newest and AUTOMATIC STOP mated, will take thirty-nve hours, second longest regular service is and the total distance will be 2,187 between Perth and Adelaide, South and miles. .•„ Australia. Joing this service is a Plans are that passengers win Une Unking Adelaide with Coota- TONE VOLUME OF A CABINET MODEL leave Sydney at 5:30 on one morning mundra, New South Wales, a dis­ arrive af Port Augusta, in time to tance of 578 miles. The services i r take tite Western express at 6 o clocJt between Mildura and Broken Hill £3e5e0 each that evening, arrive in Ooldea at and between Melbourne and Hay 6:30 the following morning, and are operated twice weekly. A new leave there by plane in time to .service from Brisbane to Townsvule r«aeh Perth at 6 _» that evening. in Queensland has been announced Melbourne passengers will con­ for January. J Ten triple-engine- J- B. ASTWOOD & SON nect with __*» service from Sydney monoplanes are to come from Eng­ land to inaugurate the service. 25694jrcs._a.ta. at Hay by means of airplane from BUTTER CRUST BREAD Melbourne to Kay. An extension of this service to There are 102 registered aircraft Cairns, Queensland, and Port The Choice of the most exacting and rightfully so. It is care- owners, 230 licensed private pilots Moresby, New J Guinea, within -iully made of the finest materials and wrapped and sealed in and 153 licensed commercial pilots twelve mo nths is promised. 'Jjj __= waxed paper. This delicious bread must reach you perfect condition. A Beer to quench one's thirst and satisfy one's palate. A Beer with just that amount of stimulation to make Pegasus is obvious. The motto is HERE and THERE and adaption of the words, "Times Butter Crust Bread one happy with oneself, and happy with the world-»- Past," "The Times," and * -fu­ An aid to digestion. ture," which appear .on the familiar SOLD J.Y YOUR GROCER Big Game Shooting headpiece to the daily index of The A beer of clistinction, a very aristocrat of beers from Times and the leading articles in Destruction of Fauna in Africa the Weekly Edition. BERMUDA BAKERY, LTD. Burton-on-Trent, the centre of the brewing world. "The whole," the grant declares, Lord Onslow in the House of is, "to be borne and used for ever 649<_«_s.ei_p. Telephone 241 Say r Lords called the attention of the hereafter for The Times PubUshing Government to the alleged destruc­ Company, Limited, on seeds, tion of wild fauna in certain parts of shields, or otherwise, according to Africa, and urged the need for pro­ the Laws of Arms." ALLSOPPS! tection. He referred to statements NEW PERFECT!... OIL STOVE in the Press that great damage had -oo been done by people who were too The Better Beer lazy or cowardly to pursue big game in a sportsmanlike fasMon, but who Rights of Americans slaughtered large numbers of beasts by the nse of motor-cars. He had In France also heard that aeroplanes had been JOHN F- BURROWS <&_ Co, called into use. The Belgians had PAHIS—The French rent court Bemvuda's Leading Wine-Merchants established, in a small tract of country called Kivu, a sanctuary for recently held that foreigners are 257-«_*"*_ gorillas, and had asked us -f we not entitled to the same protection would institute similar protection as the French under the rent laws. so that there would be a complete The court made its decision in sanctuary in the country which denying Paul Rockwell's suit to get :e^;s§^..®g;._. those animals inhabited. possession of a house he bought six * * * years ago. The tenant, whos3 lease had expired, refused to vacate, Mr. Lloyd George as Sessions Chair­ asserting that a Frenchman could Bottom Prices Guaranteed man not be ousted by a foreigner. Rock- We have just received from the manufacturers Mr. Lloyd George sat in January weU is a citizen of the United a splendid line of Ladies* Silk Dresses, latest ¥ for the first time as chairman of the States. styles, and gx___ranteed washable, all sizes, j. Carnarvon Count£_ Quarter Ses­ This was the fourth time the suit and have placed them cn sale now for 15/° sions, in the Courthouse where had been tried in six years, RockweU cn- $3.60. i nearly 40 years ago he practised as a losing each time but renewing his solicitor. Tho first prisoner was a plea that foreigners were guarante­ Also Ladies' Silk Stockings, 2/= up. 70-yeard-old labourer, Samuel Dew, ed equal treatment with the French Ladies* Shoes (good value), 15/'= or $3.60. charged sfith theft, who had nearly under the Franco-American con­ Ladies' Silk Bloomers, 3/= or 72c. m 30 previous convictions. Mr. Lloyd vention of 1853. Ft George told Dew that he seemed to His latest suit, the first brought Our Men's and Children's Departments are have spent most of his time in his by a foreigner before the newly in­ ¥ Majesty's service, and bound him stituted rent court, was filed after worth looking over. over. Dew promised to go into the Premier Briand last July had is­ workhouse, and said: "You are a sued a circular contending that the WEST INDIA OIL COMPANY very clever man. Thank you, and courts should recognise that and God bless you." similar treaties with other coun­ Odourless, Efficient, Economical * * * tries. NATIONAL STORES Largest Granite Block RockweU's case will be appealed. For Sale by All Dealers Enterprise Building, Front St. It was described as a test case by the The largest single block of granite opposition attorney, who said he Opp. No. 6 Shed. in the world is considered to be feared the French judicial inde­ DISTRIBUTORS 2650tw.f. Pompey's pillar, in Alexandria. The pendence was endangered by the monument was erected in 207 A.D. pressure of foreign embassies. He and rises 88 feet, and is nine feet in pictured RockweU as a speculator diameter, weighing 246 tons. who had taken adr'.-"!*" ^e of the low * » * value e. tho franc . b^./ r..'. ruse at apric> .JD higi c. & *_.•_. :lu sr I* ALLIANCE ASSURANCE CO. The Times" but a: .x.'&s ___7 _ an Ar_t_»_•;._.." Dispense with water UMITED Goat of Arms Granted . The College of Arms has granted Grants Insurance of All Kinds arsaorial bearings to The Times for window cleaning. FIRE, LIFE, BURGLARY, REGISTERED MAIL Publishing Company, Limited. It is the first occasion upon which tho PLATE GLASS, Etc right to bear arms has b-__t con­ Use ferred upon a Newspaper company. The Patent Arms, which 1s dated December.., 1929, recites the his­ tory of the incorporation of'the company in 1908, when it acquired Windolene The Times from its former pro­ prietors, and of the incorporation of Tho Times Holding Oompany, ASSETS EXCEED Limited, in 1923. It recalls that under the articles of association of Ask your dealer fi_w.ooo.-too the latter company no ordinary If :__3 pcrsocic ii-,:..'xl t'-at Baay share may be transferred to an. won!' . experience tite,-** .-.-Ruled, strict for a free sample* Telephone 581 and we will call on yoa person other than the present chi.f •Iter.' J:I BBsi be p-_'.'. teSstmostfunda- proprietors, unless such persou ___-t____aUiie_Ilk-_-t. Ia other words, shall have been approved as a proper AVOID CONSTIPATION. M the bowel* BUTTERFIELD & CO., Agents person to hold ordinary shares ir. are e'ei-ti with unhealthy wastes there b 23899 _f. to 28/3/30. the company by a resolution of tt.* tare te he headache, back-pains, depres­ committee of trustees specially sion, f iktness ead nervousness. created for that purpose. Every s&xkms woxaa will find in Dr. w. m PURVIS The bearings assigned are as Hansen's P__s*____i___e of remarkable follows:— . , t value. These tlay, sugar-coated pUls never Bermuda Distributor __rms.-Argent, eight barr-let- gripe « *i--.~l tie system. They regulate, ENGLISH AND SCOTCH sable, over ail a Oaduceus in pale tone >(_$ assfci certain suctions to per- _528«Wl4._21.-2-. oat. _ fora at Mine intends. Device or Badge.—Issuantfrom a Dr. Has-fltea _ Pills will prove j*~S GOLF HOSE AND HALF HOSE mural crown or, a dexter arm em- greatest stand-by in tiaKS of sickness, aal bowed proper grasping in the hand a K ased regalarljr promote health, vitality thunderbolt gold. ! aal vigor. S_MSIU|_4M..' 'Distinctive' SUOTOrtera—On either side a CBROHWM PLATED •Pegasus sable, **&**&, cringed and and unguled or, holding in the mouth WlAMflJflNS MIS » a sprig of oakfructed gold. _____MpMSt- ILLS 'Dependable The motto chosen Is Tempus fait est et erit. EV^___DY The symbolism of thi* achieve­ ment will, no doubt, be apparent. Golf Hose From 12/6 ($3.00) Stop Buffering. One applica­ The argent ___»ld striped with tion of soothing FAZO FLASHLIGHTS black represents the printed page, OINTMENT will Half Hose From 3/6 (84c) and the superimpeg-S caducous, or quickly ^^^|| la' Colour. steff of Hermes, tho nows-b-aring f«__«_-_-» ot Tho Time*. -_3to dffrtce of any kind. e_ the arm issuing team ** «***•» fliaeiMwful immmr THE BERMUDIANA CYCLJS** 1 c-ovm and wielding a thunderbolt yean. It helps even in IPX *L WILSON .calls "The Thunderer," and also -rtafcten eaaeaT PBt ft to the teat Corner cT Reid and Burnaby Street the _dttta*_--_^% Printinf^euso- M32___. M*sm*-* ; square within tho.o^nfiniil^-f tho PA7C OINTMENT 1 city. Tho symbolic pt-itOO- of

_§ifiiliillilii!_§ife^ ... .._v\ ..:...__.._." 'S &_^..:ir:^vcK*jSsa f_$e id THflOYAL OA_l__Tti!fiAN0 OtHiMST bAfLY MfeAY, MAMM 2i, 1936

bared or bowed, the footstep gentle, better instruction and building-up BETHEL the voice hushed. Its character to the faith of the toner circle. But manifests an endeavour to set to these days, the missionary spirit *Th_s improved Ccanpoun^ is hospital tested forth in stone and wood and crafts­ the evangelical message, the seek­ Special Prices We hose much pleasure in pub­ manship the desire of faithful lishing the Sermon preached at ing 6f}the lost sheep, the preaching hearts to offer of our best to God. the dedication of St. Michael's, of conversion, is too often lacking. Small and simple though the Somerset Bridge, on Monday 17th And no Church is fulfilling its mis­ TO-DAY and structure be ih comparison with Do periodic discomforts March 1930, by his Lordhsip the sion if its ministrations be not Bishop of Bermuda. York or Ely or Lincoln, it none the blessed by God to the recovery of the SATURDAY less bears witness to the faith and lapsed, the.arousing of the careless homage of its founders. Glorious and the turning of the sinner from . make you miserable? music,stately ceremonial, may fitly No need, at this moment, to the error of his way. accompany the ordinances of wor­ discriminate between the several ship^, inf those great temples: yet Palmolive artists whose hands have been m remember that the one Oblation engaged upon the tapestry: the pic­ SOAP Do you have cramps ture, as it is given to us, reveals may be as acceptably, as reverently We dedicate the Chapel, then, to a man like ourselves, a man sin­ offered at this village altar as in the glory of God in the building-up 3 Cake .I for 1/- each month? ful and sorrowful yet not without the most splended Qathedral. of the kingdom of the Lord Christ hope, a man bound on a journey, The 3ook of Common Prayer ex­ in the hearts and Uves of men. ~--*------^-^o-^-w**mW^mmi^mmeema^m^^m**aam to whom God manifests the as­ pressly directs the Parochus, if he And shall we not humbly yet fer­ Do you have backaches and surance of His presence and His be not hindered by sickness or vently consecrate ourselves this day Pineapple headaches? Are you nervous, protecting care, whose eyes are other urgent cause, to repair to his to the Lord? It happens to be St. excitable, depressed and irrita­ opened to behold an angel-tenanted Church daily for the recitation Patrick's day. Some of you know CHUNKS ble at these times? Do you ladder reaching from the earth of the Divine Office, and by the ring­ his famous Lorica or Breastplate— ing of a bell to invite his people to feel tired? Most women ex­ to heaven, the symbol of prayer, of Christ as a Ught worship, and cf the love which assemble to hear God's word and IUumine and. guide me: IV2 per tin perience such periodic discom­ bends down to greet the aspiration to pray with him: and now that in Christ as a shield forts. They are due, in part, that soars upward. To Jacob, that this place Church and parsonage Overshadow and cover me: to the intense emotional life hour was for ever memorable, that are con-iguous, I trust that the ______be under me, Christ be CREMA which we all lead today. "She place for ever sacred. He would 'sound of the Church-going bell' over me: return thither, once and again, as may be heard echoing through woman who leads a modern Christ be beside me on left hand Evaporated Milk God permitted, there to lift up bis 'these valleys and rocks' morning active life and does not suffer and right: may be obtained by continuing heart, to offer his thansgiving, to by morning. But nobody would Christ be before me, behind me, some such pains is indeed un­ renew his self-oblation. "Surely per tin 6d the Vegetable Compound as come? That, no doubt, would be about me, usual. the Lord is in this place. This is discouraging, should it prove to he directed. It will tone up the Christ this day be within and none other but Beth-el, the house the case: but it is not the thing without me. generative organs and assist of God, and this is the gate of hea­ that matters most. The Ohapel And the Church takes its title . BEE SOAP TEMFORARY RELIEF ven.*' than to function normally. stands here, the Priest is set to from St. Michael and All Angels, To obtain* temporary relief minister, first and above all things Today this wayside Chapel has may the ladder now set up be to the glory of God. Forgive me if 3 9 tablets ifor 1/- from these pains and discom­ been solemnly set apart and de­ thronged by a celestial train, as­ I labour the point: and believe that forts, a recognized uterine tonic CARE OF THE HEALTH dicated, that it may be a Bethel, a cending to offer your prayers as | I speak to my own conscience at such as Lydia E. Pinkham's holy place wherein man may hold incense from a golden censer before j least as plainly as to any other. Certain general health rules converse with God, receive His the throne of God, descending to Empire Creamery is the Vegetable Compound (im­ The chief besetment of the Minister must be followed. No medi­ revelation, find comfort, guidance bring to you the benediction of the best butter sold in proved formula) should be labouring in Bermuda, Bishop and cine can work efficiently if the and strength, and go on his way Father Who is in, heaven. When ! Priests, is the temptation to secul- Bermuda taken according to directions. rejoicing. And it has been com­ you come hither conscious of your j health ts in other- ways neg­ arity. There is so much in the It will assist in bringing about mitted, as it were, to the special own weakness and of the power of lected. Eat a proper amount social life around us that is innoc­ normal conditions and in elim­ guardianship of the holy angels. the evU one, or bowed beneath the of good plain food.' Get -at ent to itself, so much to attract and Here it stands, a reminder even to burden of anxiety and sorrow, may inating pain. Heat applied engross us, that all too easily we least eight hours sleep each the careless passer-by of the things the Angel of God strengthen you, externally is excellent. 'Do may be subtily but surely drawn into night. Get plenty of fresh air unseen and eternal: and if men even as the Lord HimseU was -Q.a. a way of life not indeed sinful but not use opiates. ask 'What Church is this? and the strengthened in the wUderness and exercise. Rest in bed subversive of our best-ideals and answer be 'St. Michael's*, surely and in Gethsemane. May the love STORE during painful periods. Keep inimical to our spiritual power. Is he who knows and loves his bible and the adoration of forgiven souls, PE_-_ANENT RELIEF the bowels open. Remember it not true—I speak for the mo­ will bethink him of Jacob's ladder kneeling here before the Altar, be ment to my brethren in the min­ The Low Price Store Provided there is no surgical to take the Compound REGU­ and behold with the inward eye uplifted with the unending anthem istry—that most of our people, even LARLY. a vision fairer than blue sea and of aU the company of heaven. And 2S93 e determined tion of Churches presupposes the not to be i to seeuie a seat FURNESS BERMUDA LINE ministration of the Chief Pastor _'hi_ i& a unique FOR JADED APPETITES orsta dii.i- :o*xxn. (Uader Contract with Bermuda Governmeat) of the diocese, and Includes the occasi-B. at t" i. DO of you who Fresh fruit stimulates tiie appetite and solemn setting-apart and bene­ live _i_uni riil come regularlyt Royal and United States Mail Steamers adds a new delight to the marvelous diction of Font and Altar and faithfully, and to the spirit of de­ Fastest Ships on New York - Bermuda Route flavour of Kellogg-. Corn Flakes. sacred vessels. The solemnity is votion to our . ord and fellowship consummated In the offering by with your brethem to Lhrist. You PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF SAILINGS Enjoy Kellogg's Corn Flakes with cold the bishop of the Eucharistic sac­ will be here, and with a humble, milk or cream, for breakfast, lunch or rifice, without which it would be penitent hea c, when the blessed Vessel Leave Arrive Leave Arrive incomplete: and we trust that opportunity is offered to yon of I New York Bermuda Bermuda New York dessert. No cooking necessary. Sold by all many of you will be here tomorrow partaking to the Lord's supper of grocers—in the red-and-green packet. morning, to unite with angels and the very life of your Glorified Re­ Fort St. George.. V. e-_ _•'\r.l9 Fri. Mar.21 Sat. Mar.22 Mon. Mar. 24 archangels and with all the com­ deemer. And because you are Bermuda Sat. " 22 Moa. " 24 Tue. " 25 Thur. " 27 pany oi heaven in that act of wor­ members of the One ilod. which is Fort St. George.. Wed " 26 Fri. " 28 Sat. " 29 Mon. " 31 ship which presents and pleads be- fitly framed and knit together Bermuda Sat. " 29 Mon. " 31 Tue. Apr. 1 Thur. Apr. 3 om the. im one of God the all- through that which every joint Fort St. George.. Wed Apr. 2 Fri. Apr. 4 Sat. " 5 Mon. " 7 .aijaci.-.. sacrifice of ou-' Divine supplieth, according to the working Bermuda Sat. " 5 Mon. " 7 Toe. .. g Thur. " 10 Redeemer, and to recoive from in due ni-asare of each several part, Fort St. George.. Wed " 9 Fri. 1 11 Sat. " 12 Mon. " 14 Him Who is the one High P-iest yet yoa trill realise the privilege and Sat. " 12 Mon. " 14 Tue. " IS Thur. " 17 CORNFLAKES vouchsafes to use human instru­ duty of service. Church work is Fort St. George.. Wed. " 16 Fri. " 18 Sat. " 19 Mon. " 21 ments as the stewards of His my­ not simply the Parson's job it is Bermuda: Sat. " 19 Mon. " 21 Tne. " 22 Thur. " 24 steries, the Food of the heavenly yours. Choir, Sunday-school, the Fort St. George.. Wed. " 23 Fri. " 25 *M. " 25 Sun. 27 manna, the Bread of eternal life. care of the sanctuary—there is Bermuda Sat. " 26 Mon. " 28 Tue. " ~o Thur. May 1 Abo makers of always work for wiUing labourers. Fort St. George.. Wed. " 30 Fri. May 2 S___ May 3 Mon. KeUogg*. ALUBRAN 5 —»_____-_• ****** Angels and men alike have their Bermuda Sat. May 3 Mon. " 5 Wed. " 7 Fri. 9 tot II part in God's wonderful order: Bermuda Sat. " 10 Mon. " 12 Wed. * 14 Fyi. 16 we, like them, may be worshipping Sat. " 17 Mon. " 19 Wed. " 21 Fii. There is something homely and 23 spirits sent forth to minister to the Bermuda Sat. " 24 Mon. " 26 Wed. " 28 Fri. W.S. PURVIS, Bermuda Distributor personal in our solemnity this 30 heirs of salvation. Fort St. George.. Sat. " 31 Mon. June 2 Toe. June 3 afternoon. Every one here present Thur. June 5 Fort St. George.. Sat. June 7 Mon. " 9 Tue. " 10 has some intimate relation to the (c) And the Church stands here Thur. " %2 Sat. " 14 Mon. - 16 Tue. " 17 place and to his fellow-worshippers. that it may be used, by the power of Fort St. George.. Thur. ** 19 Here, now, is another link in the the Holy Spirit, as a means of the Subject to change without notice if cfrcaautaace* retake golden chain which binds us to awakening of the careless and t__* the wider fellowship of the holy bringing of sinners to repentance. .i4i«-.wi. WATLINGTON & CONYERS, Agents. Church throught all the world': I make no apology for repeating a this little sanctuary set apart for well-worn anecdote. An Evangel­ che ministry of the Word and Sac­ ist, not of our oommtintan, was A Real Good raments is the baby of a noble conducted over a famous Cathedral CONSISTENT QUALITY family, tbe descendant of. an il­ by rts courteous and accomplished lustrious line. Even as its Minister Dean. When he had been showa its SCOTCH WHISKY may trace his pedigree back to the treasures-and -Old something of its Shepherd and Bishop of our souls history, he turned to the Dean and from Whom his commission is de­ asked 'Have you had many conver­ At a Reasonable Price rived, so may the Church of St. sions here lately?' Perhaps we <_» Michael at Somerset Bridge reckon should not put the question quite itself one with the Innumerable in the same way—yet you feel that holy places of Christendom. What, it went straight to the point. We McCALLUM'S PERFECTION then, is its meaning and purose? spend, and rightly, time and care fc (a) First, and above all things the end money upon the beautifying of Chapel stands here to the g. ory of our Churches, the must©, the rever­ God. "Surely the £.ord is ln this ent and seemly ordering of the IE. LIOHTBOURN & .CO. place: this is none other but the j services. We are much concerned, Can always be Hied upon. Use It 7tt___.-_t.- houseof God." Henceforth, its must and lightly, witn the spiritual _-_- be entered with reference: the head fare of our oonuaunicants and the POWELL & COMPANY — Bermuda Distributors

#__ m


DAILY COMMUNICATIONS *f**fi*(9 _^ g K LIST if' The wireless station at St. s I MILLINERY George's is in communication with _*»_ the following ships at sea:— 1 . S.s. Araguaya, bound for Ber­ 5*5 OPE ef-** X muda; S.s. Lady Somers, Nassau; 1 Hats with larger brims for the sunny days.* . S.s. Lady Rodney, Halifax; S.s. Lady A 2_£ We are now showing a new selection of Drake, in West Indies; S.s. Lady Hawkins, Bermuda; S.s. Oarmania, H IN THE NEW X Bangkok and Baku Hats in Natural Shades. New York; Sis. Eugenie, Marseilles; l Also an inexpensive Gage Hat in Pastel S.s. Motagua, Dartmouth; S-s. Fa- l BASEMENT Shades tuca, Turks Island; R.F.A- Hum- I leaf , United Kingdom; S.s. Ouse- X bridge, Avonmouth; S.s. Pleiodon, ATTHE X Key west; S.s. Mexique, France; S X S.s. Maraval, New York; S.s. Oro- X at 18/6 pesa, Bermuda; S.s. San SUves_r#. g WOMAN'S SHOP Tampico; S.s. Jacques Cartier, E Philadelphia. S x x — 00 x X 1 X f LOCKWARD &. CO. MIUTARY BAND CONCERT x jf Bargains X Reid Street West E 2675qt_f21.w26j.31. x IN ft* Programme for Today x X The following is the programme 1 PYREX X of the Military Band Concert to x X be given today by the band of the I TINWARE X West Yorkshire Regiment (by kind x X permission of Major H. D. Haring­ X ton, D.S.O., M.C., and officers.) I CHINAWARE "PADDY" in Par-la-Wle, from 10 a.m. to 1 X 12.30 p.m. X GLASSWARE Conductor: Mi. U.S. Macdonald. X Well-known Irish Whiskey X ALUMINIUM March—The Cr__aders....O'DonneU 1 X Guaranteed 10 Years Old Overture—La Dame Blanche .~ X Boieldieu X BRUSHWARE Scena—Alpine Echoes Herfurth i X (a) Valse des Allouettes. I ENAMELWARE X (b)- Reconciliation. X X A Real Good Whiskey at a Drigo I KITOHENWARE X Incidental Music from Shake­ X X Moderate Price speare's "Henry VIII" _ i LAUNDRY SOAPS X SulUvan X X X X Star Spangled Banner x X COMMENCING Interval X GOSLING BROTHERS Reminiscences of Mendelssohn ___ -«*__. m arr. Godfrey X w 267HHJf.mw.tp. -m^'Jmv . i^-a J^j MmS SSL "iHto0*f Intermezzo—Canterbury Chimes... X \^ ***T -__"&-> <**-*» Sf -j? Satur t Ancliffe X Patrol—Ma Braw Laddie X Macdonald Continuing For One Week Selection—The Yellow Mask Duk X Regimental Marches:— X An Excellent Opportunity to Secure Quality Merchandis t X Slow March:—"God Bles the X X Featuring Prince of Wales." X BARGAIN PRICES X Quick Step:—"Oa Ira." X X God Save the King X X MEN'S- SUITS -oo- GIBBONS C _r\ X BERMUDA MILITIA ]g_ 2656«3

Parades for Wednesday 26-3-30 YOUNG BROTHERS 8.00 to 8.30 p.m.—Trained Men, I_oader Drill; Recruits, Squad Drill. J2669«_«IJ. 8.30 to 9.00 p.m.—Trained Men, .rectnre. Recruits, Standing Gun Drill. 9.00 to 9.30 p.m.—Trained Men, Gun Drill; Recruits, Standing Gun THE LINEN SHOP rrPL F irades for Th J rsday 27th March, 1-3- b_ Ansco Roll Film Camera, IRISH LINEN DAMASK CLOTHS RECKOITS ONLY 1. piece decorated Japanese Tea Set, Neck Chain and Pendent with With Napkins to Match Bar Pin, 30 piece Tableware Set, 8.00 to 8.30 p.m.—Squad Drill. and Mantel Clock, we have a hun­ All White, also White with Coloured Borders 9.00 to 9.30 p.m.—Standing Gun dred other gifts to choose from. DriU. Don't miss this wonderful offer, __-__ENDID SELECTION but order today, you do not have to pay until tiie plasters are sold, ST. GEORGE'S WE TRUST YOU. 2494 .far. - s Dr. Ordway Plasters are the sur­ Sea Bermuda's Beauty Spot— est remedy known for rheuma­ SOMERSET tism, indigestion, sprains, strains, weak backs, all aches and pains. Than drop In for Lunch, or any Applied externally, they work other timeat while yon work. Everyone wants FONGS CAFE Dr. Ordway Plasters, and having SUMMERSIDE HOTEL once tried them they use them A LA CARTE DAY AND NIGHT year in and year out. ~ Open from 8 sum. to 2.30 aum. ExceUent Cuisine Send ns your name and address today! Don't delay! Fifty years Afternoon Teas honest dealing and One Million CHOP SUEY Special Rates during Summer satisfied customers oor guarantee. Dinners and Suppers, 2/9—66c ' - William Madden, Manager. Or. D. P. Ordway Plaster Co., LUNCH ANY TIME Beat arrives Cavello Bay 1 p.m. Can-ten, Maim, U.S.A. Reid Street — Phone 778 — Hamilton Phone Somerset Number 9. ?*"• M-l. 2343tw*«i*P- tf30-6-30



i jj !§__ RADI H HAVE? ARRIVED I - * £ I fif «pCHESLEY' E. WHITE* S ~~~~'%___\^..'~ * ' iWm '•• ,-."•-" W*§- • II' ifii"11" - * ii_l

i^B BHH ?.$$r u

•na? sm Cable News EMPLOYMENT (Caatiaaed fraai Pag * 0 WANTED—AN INTELLIGENT the total at 206 bodies recovered GIRL (WHITE) FOR OFFICE with 15 persons stiU missing. The WORK. PREVIOUS EXPERI­ Ministry of the Interior also said ENCE NOT NECESSARY. AP­ that 2,893 houses have been des­ PLY IN WRITING TO BOX troyed ln the flooded territory the NC. 2261, BERMUDA PRESS area of which equals 100 square 2_.ltf.eitp. For Real Value f||-', ..'ftf miles. WANTED — EXPERIENCED FISHING INDUSTRY OF WIST MAN FOR GROCERY 8TORE INDIES IN HAMILTON, GOOD WAGES W REFERENCES REQUIRED. RIDE A "RALEIGH HALIFAX, N.S., March 19—For WRITE BOX 2360 BERMUDA the purpose of gathering informa­ PRESS. tion regarding the fishing industry of the West Indies, Captain Fred­ 2360,__.eitp. Fitted with more comfortable saddles erick WUliam WaUace, of Montreal, editor of the Canadian Fisherman WANTED and more Chromium parts than. and author-of a number of novels »any other cycle in Bermuda on sea life, win saU on the Lady Nelson Friday. WANTED TO BUY—House or Land, Captain WaUace win go as far as easy distance to HamUton, near British Guiana. water if possible. Write Box 2667, * * * Bermuda Press. 2667*th___ KAYE DON DELAYED BY WEATHER DAYTONA BEACH, Florida, FOR SALE March 19—Adverse weather and FOR SALE—Horse Runabout as beach conditions have caused Kaye new, also SmaU Pony Carriage (gov­ mmmw® Don, British automobUe racer, to erness) and harness. Phone 244. decide not to make an attempt -3_6ftu.eitp. . Z679t]-fi today to break the world's auto­ * mobUe speed record. FOR SALE—Mounted Collection of British and Colonial Postage Stamps Including many rarities. reasonable concession to make as Write Box 2379 Bermuda Press. TODAY In the House the boat was unsuitable and was 2379tth. eltp. exported in about three weeks, hav­ ^^.fr&MW^ ing been used only twice on trials. FOR SALE—Single Victoria Car­ Mr. GUbert urged that as at least Orthophonic Concert (Caatiaae- frae Page 1) riage. Apply Dr. C. J. Cooper, Par-la-VUle, 10.30-12.00 noon. £117 had been spent in legislating Telephone 700. on this, including the reporting * • * efficient to have a eentraUsed coUec­ 2603t_Q.eitp. tion. of the debates, the Colony ought Band Concert to keep the money, but the House FOR SALE—1 Electric Refrigerator, Par-la-VUle, 3.00-5.00 p.m. On the powers of the corporations coming up for detaUed discussion (in committee) voted ten to seven in • practicaUy new, 1 Lady's Bicycle, * * * in committee, there was some de­ favour of the refund. 1 Man's Bicycle. No reasonable Grey ho and Races bate as to whether their "powers On the report stage things were offer for cash wttl be refused. Write "Bermuda Sports Arena, 8.30 p.m. would over-lap with those of the different. Mr. 3. O. C. Outer- "DURO" Box 2661, Bermuda Press. * # * bridge had been in the chair of the 2661*th. el to w26. general board when it came to a mm~mamm*m*****m^.9——mmaa—m—^—maam^^mmmmmm———~—*mmmm****i Miss Hunter's Q aarry Garden question of Ucensing hotels and committee, and so had not voted. FOR SALE—Electric Fireless Cook­ St. George's boarding houses. Mr Misick was Mr. Pearman, deputy-Speaker, had er, 3-burner, almost new. Price £4. Open to the pubUc from 3.00-6.00 afraid that co-ordinate jurisdiction voted for the motion. When the Write Box 2652, Bermuda Press. Proceeds fee SUP .CA. might not work too smoothly al­ House resumed with Mr. Speaker SEVEN YEARS'SERVICE 265_tw.thJ. . * * • ways, though it had worked weU in in the chair, it meant one less for Moving Pictures the past, and nothing was laid down the "ayes," and as Mr. Outerbridge STILL GOING STRONG •Reid Han Theatre, "Tanned in the BiU to have disputes settled "turned out to be a "nay," the next FOR RENT Legs," 8.3©P_HU in these cases. Mr. Talbot'suggest­ division, on the report stage was Mechanics' HaU, "The College ed tbat an appeal to the general nine to eight. FURNISHED APARTMENT—In pri­ Widow,""8.30 p.m. board would probably meet with no The Legislative CouncU's mo­ vate residence, Hamilton. One or Whitney Institute, "Street _____,*** objection from the corporations, mentous amendment to the Tuck­ The weary work of pumping water by hand two rooms with kitchen, modern 100% Music and Dialogue Ro­ and presumably this wiU be pro­ er's Town Roads BiU, to avoid split­ has been forgotten in many Bermudian conveniences, large grounds, pri­ mance, 8.00 p.m. vided for late.. ting an infinitive, was concurerd in. homes. vate entrance. Very reasonable for * * * The new board is to consist of 18 Mr. Watlington raised the ques­ long period. Phone 840. J_ighting-up Time: 7.01 p.m. members—very cumbersome as Mr. tion of the CouncU's power in For seven years Duro Electric Pumps have 2626tw.ei.totu.25 finance matters when Mr. Spurling Hand put it—eleven of whor_ win been doing this work efficiently and FOR RENT—Five room Flat, fur­ took up a BUI to provide for estab­ be chosen by the corporations and nished or unfurnished, with bath. lishing an engineer unit under the economically for those who have the bene­ vestries (one each). The other sev­ Apply F. H. BeU, Wesley Street. WEATHER FORECAST Bermuda Volunteer Force Associa­ fits that "Power" can bring to die home. en wiU be appointed by the Gover­ 2648*w. ei. to tu25. ' BERMUDA AND VICINITY nor, and need not be doctors, tion. Mr. Spurling's idea was to cut The 250 gallon model will do all the pump­ veterinarians, or Naval or mUitary out of this BiU any mention of FOR RENT—Rooms with Table March 20. officers, as is now the case. The amounts to be paid to the men, ing you require. Running cost l/6d per Board. Washington House. idea is to appoint two women. except the daily capitation rate, month (average.) 2694 f.s. Moderate Southwest probably Mr. Talbot suggested an amend­ and leave it to the annual Appro­ shifting to North winds and over­ ment so that the parochial repre­ priation Act to settle the. total Price £16.0.0 MRS. GROSVENOR TUCKER cast weather tonight and Friday, sentatives .on the borad might be amount fer the force. Mr. Wat­ REAL ESTATE showers tonight. appointed each year, as weU as Ungton felt that it was unfair to Houses for reat, furnished and un­ those of the corporations. The the CouncU to tie their hands in We also distribute Duro Pressure furnished. Land for sale. WESTBURY, Ridta-oad Road oo- vestries, he said, seemed to change, this way. They were not able to Systems, constant running water though the corporations did not. amend a finance measure, but must in the home. Absolutely auto­ Cable* "Teacra" Phase 287 At this point Mr. Spurling inter­ either reject it or pass it. If this MOVEMENTS OF SHIPS jected that the corporation changed went in the Appropriation Act, matic, fitted with die new auto­ a good deal down his way. The and they objected, they must pass matic air valve. No more air HOMES change was made, and local mem­ it or else stop the finances of the regulation by hand. For Rent or Sale S.s. Araguaya (R.M.S.P.) is due to bers wiU be appointed annuaUy, the Colony. GRAY REAL ESTATE AGENCY arrive today on a cruise from the others every three years. - Mr. Spurling repUed that new West Indies, saUing tomorrow for A good deal of discussion took principles ln legislation were now Telephoae Baildiaf______, Reid Street "Power " is the Cheapest Servant 573 Cable "Haatet" New Tork. Agents, Harnett & Rich­ place on the question of whether brought up separately, to give the Tdefho ardson. the Director of Health, or the exe­ CouncU a chance to express its * * * cutive officer of any other depart­ views, but after that they went into S.s. Fort St. George (Furness- ment, is answerable to the Gov­ the annual Act, once they were ap­ Bermuda) is due in today with 145 ernor or the Board, and to which proved of. This bad been in exist- THE ELECTRIC UGHT CO. VmMIMDIN THE tUUEMBUHKT POODS passengers, saiUng tomorrow at of them he should make his report. ance for years, and it was only a 10 a.m. for New York. Agents, The general feeling, expressed by small corps that was being added. Phone 394 WatUngton & Conyers. Mr. Spurling and Mr. Watlington as Col. DUl added that the greatest * * * chairman of two boards each, right of the elected Assembly was S.s. Arcadian (R.M.S.P.) is due seemed to be that the Director's re­ its dominant power in finance, FrL Mil. -19. in from New York tomorrow, port, representing his views, should once the principle had been ap­ How to**£ & saUing the foUowing day at 10 a.m. go to the Board, who would send it proved by the whole Legislature. on return trip. Agents, Harnett & to the Governor with a covering After a playful jibe from Mr. Misick. a perfect Quia Richardson.. report in which they would say to the effect that Mr. Watlington's DOYCJUKNOVr * * * - how far they agreed er disagreed championing of the CouncU's rights S.s. Lady Hawkins (C.N.S.) is with the Director. At this point suggested that he expected an early due to arrive from St. Kitts to­ the debate was adjourned, as the translation to that political bourne THAT an adequate morrow, saiUng at 2 p.m. the BUI may need amendment. from which no good Assemblyman same day for Saint John, N.B. On the Resolve coming up to re­ ever returned,—Which was prompt­ wpf3_yofVhamu,l> Agents, J. S. DarreU & Co. fund £117 duty paid on a motor ly denied by Mr. Watlington, amid ts necessary fcr pertect * * * boat to Mr. C. 3. "_acDonald and some laughter—the objection was The S. S. Oropesa wiU arrive Mr. H. M. Atkinson, there was a dropped. ^one-formation f at this port on Saturday, 22nd in­ good debate and a close division—or It is axiomatic of modern British stant, and wiU anchor in Grassy rather two Close divisions,. The constitutions that the lower house fHAT Buckets tt Bay. The passenger tender wUl boat was imported in January, has supreme power in matters of aJe leave HamUton at 3.00 p.m. The 1929, found to be unsuitable, and finance, so this question is hardly

*WmM$^ iniiiit.. i '^iMJ.. t a' ___£______!_ ^'re-.yfr-TifoffiHT^Im jfefe-___liMi_B_W-__mj^i__: __££