ftp ftopl Cfette ltd. ©olmttat latlg INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) Mid THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 15—NO. 68 HAMILTON, BERMUDA FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1930 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM MINISTERS AND EXPERTS AT WORK ON FINAL AGREEMENT IN THE HOUSE FRENCH AND ITALIAN gJNp^EOTAl NEW YORK STOCK THEY SAY That the Floral Pageant is growing j£n_e Programme Arranged MARKET so fast that the difficulty will be DEMANDS PROVE Business Plentiful, but finding space for the display. What promises to be one of the m * » * Members .Scarce mo* delightful musical events of That the promoters wiU be equal to 1 STUMBLING BLOCK the season wiU be given next Thurs­ the occasion. day at the Colonial Opera House, Yesterday's Closing * * * Debate Begun on Pub- mhep, well-known singers wUl That the half-holiday for the yacht present a '"high-class programme. Prices races is pract'cally certain. These are Mrs. CUssold, whlse * * * Ik Health Bill singing has given so much pleasure That if it isn't granted there wi 1 be during her stay in Bermuda, Mrs. a lot of French leave. Adah Spurling, and Mr. Guy Alleghany Corp 32. * * » Motor Boat Duty Bidgway, who wiU contribute the AUied Chemical..... 290} That the Naval Conference is stiU Rumour of Liberal-Labour Pact .'Ughter numbers. Am. Can..—™.! 147} at the conversation stage ~m wfll probably be Mrs. Cliss- Am. & Foreign Power. 881 * » * Refund olfs last appearance here, and a Am. Locomotive. 87} That it might even be described as large audience will gather to give Am. Power & Light. 112 at the whisper stage. "•*-H*- practical expression to their appre­ Am. Smelting & Refining. 73} * * * ciation of the valuable aid she has Am. Waterworks 109} That the Memor'al of the suf­ Carried by Majority of rendered music in Bermuda. The Am. Tel. & Tel 243f fragists has been widely read. lovely voice of Mrs. Spurling wUl be Anaconda Copper.... 72} « » » World Pays Tribute to Dead Statesman—Serious One in Division heard to great advantage in a num­ Atchison R.R_. 238 That most opponents are beyond Disorder in Calcutta—Churchill Proposes ber of songs speciaUy chosen for the Atlantic Refining 47 } the range of argument. occasion, and Mr. Ridgeway's repu­ American Tobacco "B** 234J * * * tation, enormously enhanced by Am Steel Foundry____. 50. That nevertheless they are not Sub-Parliament—Another Reduction Business was much more plenti­ Baltimore & Ohio 120 j ful than members in the House of bis recent appearance in opera, will pleased at learning one or twd in Bank Rate—New Ambassador be fully maintained by his selec­ Bethlehem Steel.... 103} home truths. Assembly yesterday afternoon. His Canadian Pacific ___. _____ Honour the Speaker having saUed tion of clever and humourous sket­ * * * Arrives in America—Weather ches and songs. Ches. & Ohio R. R 232} That perhaps some doughty cham-> for the Bahamas, Mr. J. S. Pear­ Chrysler Motors. 39 man, "Father of the House," was Tickets are on sale at the office of pion will become spokesman for Delays Speed Trials in Florida - the Royal Gazette and Colonist Ool. Gas 94} the silent brigade* in the chair, and at no time were Cons. Gas 121} there half the members present, Daily and reservations can be made * * * Corn Products 96} there was no quorum during a from 10 a.m. to noon, and. from 2 That the tanks were filled by the Delaware & Hudson 177 large part of the proceedings, but as p.m. to 4 p.m. downpour. * * * Dupont...™ 138} the Speaker's attention was not That some of the sportsmen suf-» Eastman Kodak. 236} NAVAL CONFERENCE lowed by the leader of the opposition caUed to the fact, the sitting con­ fered. * * * tinued. IHE PICTURE EXHIBITION Electric AutoUte..._„ 105} Mr. Baldwin and by Mr. Lloyd Electrie P. & L_____ 78} That it's hard to please everyone. Determined Effort to Prevent Dead­ George who is not only the Liberal The only message from the Gov­ * * * lock By an error it was stated in our Erie R.R. Oo___un_.___ 58} leader but also father of the House. ernor forwarded the report of the Fox Film. = 28} That a trip to the Marsh Reclama­ In the House of Lords a similar yesterday's issue that the exhibi­ Director of Agriculture on the General Electric l~» , , ,, 77} tion is interest ng. LONDON, March 20—It is evident procedure will be foUowed. At a tion of pictures now being held in inter-Colonial conference held at General Motors 48} * * • that the British delegates with memorial service to be held at Mu. Bank of Bermuda buUding Trinidad last month, which rose Goodrich Rubber..... 49} That new maps of Bermuda will active assistance of the American Westminster Abbey on Saturday out of a resolution of the West would be closed today, Friday at 1 p.m. __r_. Northern Ore 22f will soon be necessary. delegation are engaged on a most the heads of all foreign missions Indies Standing Committee. Mr. * * » determined effort to surmount wiU attend. A memorial service . It was opened on March 10th and Hudson Motors ___. 57| McCallan's report is mostly tech­ Hupp Motors.. __. 21} That the new road might be called the Franco-Italian deadlock which will also be held at Saint Giles, nical, but he observes that in the wiU close tomorrow, Saturday, af­ ter a most successful short season Int. Nickel of Canada . 40} after a very old EngUsh—or is holding up the naval conference. Edinburgh, at the same time. future many West Indian Colonies Roman—road. during whieh many visitors have Int. TeL & let 66} Mr. MacDonald and Messrs. Alex­ At Whlttinghame, Lord Balfour's wUl.be making a bid for Canadian * * * ander, Stimson, and Morrow, with attended and enjoyed the exhibi­ Kennecott Copper 55} Scottish home, the funeral will agricultural trade, and in many That this is Watlington Street. the British experts Oraigie and Bel­ be as private as possible and only tion. Kreuger & ToH_-__ 301 cases strict Government control of Loews, Ine_______; _. 75} * * * lairs, for two hours yesterday even­ relatives and a few intimate friends exports is exercised, j '.Bearing in Mack Truck 83} ing examined further figures in will attend. mind that the House would not That the House keeps busy: Montg. Ward 42} the hope of discovering a method « * * proceed with a BUI to set up the BERMUDHiNNEL CLUB That it gets through an awful lot Nash Motors 48 f of overcoming the difficulty. Later DISORDER IN CALCUTTA same thing here, Mr. McCaUan of work in good shape Mr. MacDonald and Mr. Craigie adds that "while Bermudians ar­ Natl. Biscuit , .. 221} * * * Natl. Power & Light . 45} dined with M. Briand who travelled RANGOON, March 19— More gue, West Indians are acting." Six Annual Dog Show That there are exceptions. New York Central 188 to Paris today and is expected to than 100 persons www injured to­ Montserrat is the only Colony * * * North American 120} return to London with M. Tardieu day at a disturbance outside the down there likely to compete seri­ That when a three-hour debate* On Wednesday last the Bermuda Northern Pacific. , 93} Saturday. This morning the ex­ courtroon wherein J. N. Senguaya, ously with Bermuda in the fresh Kennel Club held their six annual results in practically a unanim­ perts are again at work and tonight Mayor of Calcutta, was being tried fruit and vegetable business, and Otis SteeL 34 ous vote, some one has talked to Dog Show and the event was most Packard Motors. 22} Mr. MacDonald has arranged a for sedition growing out of utter­ that is in the tomato branch of the successful both from the number good purpose. meeting with Senor Grandi. Hopes ances made in support of Gandhi's trade. It is hoped to find a market Penn. R.R. 83} » » * and class of dogs exhibited and the Postum (Gen. Foods)._„ .. 51 are still entertained that the week­ campaign of civil disobedience. for luxury-vegetables in the West increased attendance. That that is unless some one has end wiU ease the situation. It fs Indies, for sale in the higher-class PubUc Service, N.J_ 101} talked a lot to Uttle purpose. * * * The olub was fortunate in securing Pullman Company 82 f generaUy agreed that the present WINSTON SUGGESTS SUB- greengrocers', and one firm is al­ the services of two most competent -00- state of affairs cannot be prolonged ready in the trade. Pure _________ 24 PARLIAMENT judges, J. Willoughby MitcheU, Paramount Pictures. , 72| PERGONAL indefinitely and that if the confer­ Esq., of England, and Alan J. Baker, ence is to register further results Col. DUl took up the Colonial Radio 52 EPPING, England, March 19— Loan BUI on second reading, and Esq., of the U.S.A. Their decisions The C.N.S. Lady Rodney brought there must be some development Radio Keith Orph... _. 36} a number of distinguished visitors A change in the constitution was pointed out that tt is mainly a gave universal satisfaction and the Reading R.R 126} during the week-end. to Bermuda on her last trip from suggested by the Bt. Hon. Winston consolidating measure, bringing thanks of the Club are due to them. Remington Rand 39} * * * ChurchiU addressing his consti­ under one head various old Acts. The foUowing were the awards: Kingston. In addition to Mr. and SheU Union OH. 22} Mrs. Rudyard Kipling, the passen­ WILL THERE BE A LIBERAL- tuents last night. "What we want, Most of it is concerned with the Sinclair Oil 27} LABOUR PACT? temporarily at any rate is a sort Airedales: Imported male, T.
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