Asia Today, LLC, 1050 E Ray Road, Suite 5 #318, Chandler, AZ 85225 SIA • May 2012 ATODAY 1 Uniting all South Asians in the Valley Monthly Newspaper • Vol-V • Issue-5 • Phone : 480-250-2519 •
[email protected] • May 2012 Ram Vaisakhi Mela Navmi by Desi at Ekta Sports & Mandir Cultural GANDHI’S STORY 12 Club 24 28 Review: Housefull 232 Vaisakhi celeberations in Arizona Ishq 2012 Concert in the Valley By Mahesh Shah Ankush fame (Itni shakti ha- (April 7th 2012) men de na data). Jaswinder hat an amazing voice? primerily learned music un- WGhazal lovers in the der the watchful and self- valley got a chance to en- less guidance of his father. joy this amazing style of Jaswinder got initial training poetry on Saturday, April in classical vocals from Pt 7 at the Piper Theater at Ajay Pohankar and contin- Mesa Center of Arts thanks ues to be under the tutorship to Indo-American Cultural of Dr. Sushila Pohankar. The and Religious Foundation ghazal maestro Late Shri of Arizona (IACRF) and the Jagjit singh has also given lot Gas Station and Convenient of encouragement and has Store Owners of Arizona inspired Jaswinder’s work. (GSCSOA). The artist we are After years of fine tuning , he talking about is Jaswinder has perfected the nuances of Singh. Jaswinder Singh is ghazal gayaki that differenti- * Vaisakhi Mela by Desi Sports & Cultural Club, see the most promising ghazal ates the ordinary from the Page 24-25. singer of this generation with rare. As Jaswinder pointed * Vaisakhi Celebrations and Nagar Kirtan at Nishkam a soft and silky voice and has out “Jagjit uncle” told him Seva Gurudwara, see Page 26.