Uchideshi Manual

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Uchideshi Manual Uchideshi Manual Principles of Aikido ......................................... 2 Dojo Etiquette ................................................. 3 Training Etiquette ............................................ 4 Dues Policies.................................................... 5 Uchideshi Policies .......................................... 6 Responsibilities .............................................. 6 Dojo Chores ................................................... 8 Daily Duties .................................................... 9 Weekly Duties ................................................ 9 Monthly Duties ............................................... 10 Basic Terms .................................................... 11 Common Phrases ........................................... 14 Japanese Numbers ......................................... 14 Aikido Attacks ................................................. 15 Adult Test Requirements ............................... 16 20 Jo Suburi ......................................................20 Aikido of South Florida 01 o benefit and enjoy training in Aikido, to create an atmosphere of mutual respect among the students and T teachers, and for safety, there are certain rules of etiquette that are followed in the dojo. Aikido is more than just a physical form of self-defense. It is a physical, mental and spiritual path for growth and development; 1. Aikido is the path which joins all paths of the universe therefore the greatest understanding is gained when each motion throughout eternity; it is the universal mind which contains all is done with your whole body, mind and spirit. things and unifies all things. Bowing is a form of paying homage to Aikido, O'Sensei, the dojo, Sensei, and your training partners, and it is the spirit in which it 2. Aikido is the truth taught by the universe and must be applied to is done that gives it value and meaning. A bow done simply out of our lives on this earth. habit is but a hollow shell. Aikido is not a sport. It is a discipline, an educational process 3. Aikido is the principle and the path which joins humanity with for training the mind, body and spirit. Physical technique is not the the universal consciousness. true object, but a tool for personal refinement and development. An Aikido dojo is not a playground. It is a place where the 4. Aikido will come to completion when each individual, following principles and techniques of Aikido, based on the teachings of his or her true path, becomes one with the universe. Morihei Ueshiba, are studied. It is not a place to display one's ego, but a place for uplifting and cleansing one's body, mind and spirit. 5. Aikido is the path of strength and compassion which leads to The correct attitude, respect, sincerity, modesty, and the proper the infinite perfection and ever-increasing glory of God. atmosphere are essential to the learning process; and as Aikido is also a martial way, essential to the safety of each individual. The dojos affiliated with Iwama-Ryu operate in the strict traditional manner following the traditional rules of proper conduct. As taught by the founder Morihei Ueshiba Once a week a full dojo clean-up day is designated. All members who are present that evening are to stay and clean the dojo after practice. It is a spiritual cleansing of the dojo. The cost of practicing Aikido is fairly low. Therefore, I expect you to support the dojo by purchasing your Gi and your weapons from your dojo. Weapons- Upon starting Aikido, a major part of practice requires the bokken (wooden sword) and Jo (wooden staff). It is expected that you purchase these weapons for your own personal use through the dojo within the first month of your membership. Attire- The proper attire for Aikido consists of a white Gi (jacket and pants). For those having achieved the rank of Sho-dan, a black or blue Hakama should also be worn. Only white belts should be worn by all Kyu levels. Attendance- Upon joining our dojo please remember to add your name to the attendance sheet and mark your practices accordingly. To avoid injury to yourself as well as others, do not wear rings, watches, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, or any other kind of jewelry while on the mat. I welcome you to Aikido of South Florida and hope that you will thoroughly enjoy your training for a long time to come. Stephanie B. Yap 02 03 t is the moral responsibility of each student to never use Aikido to your partner and quickly line up in seiza. Never stand around idly techniques to harm another person, or as a way to display ego. on the mat - you should be practicing or seated formally awaiting I It is not an art of destruction, but of creation. It is a tool to your turn. When bowing to your partner during practice, always develop a better society through the character development of the keep your eyes on your partner. If it is absolutely necessary to ask individual. a question to Sensei, go to her, or await for her to come around to There will be no ego conflicts on the mat. The purpose ofAikido you, and bow respectively. is not in fighting and defeating an enemy, but in fighting and When receiving personal instructions during class, sit in seiza defeating your own aggressive instincts. The strength of Aikido is and watch intently. Bow formally to the Sensei when she has not in muscular force, but in flexibility, timing, control and modesty. finished. When she is instructing another, you should stop your Everyone has different reasons and physical abilities for practice to watch. Sit formally and bow when she is finished. studying Aikido. These must be respected. True Aikido is the The opening phrase, after every demonstration, and after your proper and flexible application of technique appropriate to partner has been corrected is “Onegaishimasu.” The closing changing circumstances. It is your responsibility to cause no injury phrase, and after personally being corrected is “Domo arigato or distress, to protect yourself and your training partners. gozaimashita.” Receive the sensei's instruction and carry out her suggestions for training sincerely and to the best of your ability. All students are Respect those more experienced. Never argue about studying the same principles. The dojo membership is one family technique. Keep talking to a minimum. Aikido is experience. and the essence ofAikido is harmony. The Sensei is to be treated with complete respect. Upon entering and leaving the mat as well as the dojo, make a formal sitting bow towards the shomen, or Kamiza. Before you enter the mat, place your shoes with the toes pointing away from the head of the mat. he dues are to be paid at the beginning of your uchideshi Always do a standing bow in the direction of the shomen when period. Please be sure to take care of all your financial stepping on and off the mat. T responsibilities before your departure, and if you have made A few minutes before practice is to begin, you should be seated any long distance telephone calls, please be sure to account for formally in order of rank, and in quiet meditation. These few those bills also. moments are to rid yourself of the day's problems and to prepare for study. The cost to be an uchideshi is as follows: When Sensei enters onto the mat within the two minutes of ! 1-3 weeks $150.00/week seiza, you must bow and say: Ohayoo Gozaimasu (in the morning ! 1-3 months $275./month training), Konnichi wa (in the afternoon training), or Konban wa (in ! 3-6months $250.00/month the evening training). ! 6months-1 year $200.00/month The practice session is opened and closed with the formal bowing. It is important to be on time and participate in the Departing uchideshi gift to the Kamisama: ceremony. If you are unavoidably late, you must bow formally in ! 2 ½ liter bottle of sake and the monetary gift of: towards the shomen and be seated until Sensei signals permission ! less than or equal to one month $40.00 to join the class. ! more than one and less than three months $80.00 At the end of class, the mat must be swept by the six newest ! more than three and less than six months $120.00 students of the dojo in the current class. This rule excludes guests. ! more than six months $160.00 The proper way to sit in class is seiza. You may sit cross- legged if you have an injury which prevents you from sitting in seiza. Do not leave the mat during practice except in the case of injury, There will be absolutelyno refunds under any circumstances. illness, or the previous consent of Sensei. When the Sensei demonstrates a technique for practice, you should sit quietly and attentively in seiza. After demonstration, bow to Sensei and then to your partner (quickly) and begin practice. When the end of a technique is signaled, stop immediately, bow 04 05 Commitment 3.Administration Responsibilities cont. A person applying for uchideshi status should understand that this ! Answer the phone immediately. If it rings during class, be sure commitment is not to be taken lightly. Although the rewards for one to politely explain aikido or any other information professionally who totally immerses him/herself in aikido training are great, the by getting to know the appropriate information ahead of time. If hardships of uchideshi life can also be great. Living conditions are you have been out of the dojo, make sure you play the answer austere, while the demands for care and cleaning of the dojo and machine and record all messages . attention to the needs and wishes of the Sensei are unrelenting. ! Greet guest, inform them of our training times and programs, Training is top priority in the life of an uchideshi. This training is not and answer any questions they may ask.. only more demanding than that asked of the dojo members at large, ! Alert Sensei when supplies are running short, or are to be but more frequent. For these reasons, one should consider very ordered. (Such as Gi’s, toilet paper, flowers) carefully before committing to a period of study as an uchideshi.
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