Whaling on Trial Japan's whale meat scandal and the trial of the Tokyo Two l a i r t n o g n i l a h W Whaling on Trial This dossier outlines the key elements of Greenpeace's investigation of the Japanese government-sponsored whaling programme and the subsequent arrest, detention and prosecution of Junichi Sato and Toru Suzuki. The Whale The Meat Scandal Tokyo Two An informant's allegations, our The arrest of Junichi Sato subsequent investigation and the and Toru Suzuki, and the beginnings of the backlash against harshness of the Japanese Greenpeace in Japan criminal justice system The Struggle Information for a Fair Trial Unanswered questions, quick facts, timelines and how the Tokyo Two are being supported around the world. The pre-trial processes, and emerging clues for a cover-up Published in August 2010 For more information contact:
[email protected] JN 298 greenpeace.org Whaling on Trial Japan's stolen whale meat scandal and the trial of the Tokyo Two © In early 2010, two Greenpeace activists went on trial in Japan in an unprecedented court case - one that court G R E E papers will register simply as a case of theft and trespass but which, over the course of the past two years, N P E has become so much more. Corrupt government practices, Japan’s adherence to international law, freedom A C E / of speech and the right of individual protest and the commercial killing of thousands of whales are all under the J E R E spotlight. Before the verdict has even been rendered, the United Nations has already ruled that, in the M Y S defendants' attempts to expose a scandal in the public interest, their human rights have been breached by U T T O the Japanese government.