College and Research Libraries
ROBERT B. DOWNS The Role of the Academic Librarian, 1876-1976 . ,- ..0., IT IS DIFFICULT for university librarians they were members of the teaching fac in 1976, with their multi-million volume ulty. The ordinary practice was to list collections, staffs in the hundreds, bud librarians with registrars, museum cu gets in millions of dollars, and monu rators, and other miscellaneous officers. mental buildings, to conceive of the Combination appointments were com minuscule beginnings of academic li mon, e.g., the librarian of the Univer braries a centur-y ago. Only two univer sity of California was a professor of sity libraries in the nation, Harvard and English; at Princeton the librarian was Yale, held collections in ·excess of professor of Greek, and the assistant li 100,000 volumes, and no state university brarian was tutor in Greek; at Iowa possessed as many as 30,000 volumes. State University the librarian doubled As Edward Holley discovered in the as professor of Latin; and at the Uni preparation of the first article in the versity of · Minnesota the librarian present centennial series, professional li served also as president. brarHms to maintain, service, and devel Further examination of university op these extremely limited holdings catalogs for the last quarter of the nine were in similarly short supply.1 General teenth century, where no teaching duties ly, the library staff was a one-man opera were assigned to the librarian, indicates tion-often not even on a full-time ba that there was a feeling, at least in some sis. Faculty members assigned to super institutions, that head librarians ought vise the library were also expected to to be grouped with the faculty.
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