Some Dewey Luminaries
EDITORIAL BOARD Editor,and, Chairman of the Editorial Board . ...... peur S. DuNxrN AssistantEditors: Rrcnenn M. Doucrrrnry ...... for Acquisitions Section Peur. S. Dur.qrrN for Cataloging and Classification Secrion Wrlrralr H. Hurr .. for Serials Section Ar,r,rr.r B. VreNrn . for Copying iVlethods Section Ed.i.torial Aduisers: Maurice F. Tauber (for Technical Services) Louis A. Schultheiss (for Regional Groups) Managing Editor: .. DonarvN f. Hrcr<nv Circulation Manager: Mns. Euz.lsnru Ronnu. "second-class postage paid at Richmond, Va., and at additional mailing offices." ZR?S is indexed in Library Literature and, in Library Science Abstracls. fts reviews are included in t}ne Book Reui,eu Digest and. Book Reaiew Ind"ex. Editors: Material published in IRTS is not copyrighted. when reprinting the courtesy of citation to the original publication is requested. publication in zRrj does not imply official endorsement by the Resources and Technical Services Division nor by Ard, and the assumption of editorial responsibility is not to be construed necessarily as endorsement of the opinions expresed by individual contributors. E.J. P. Editor, JCC, LRTS, r95o'r957 There they stand, her r7 volumes, The journals that she edited and gave us. Through their pagesfor r7 yearsshe entered Recurrently, irresistibly, our lives. For always there, behind the authors, Behind the articles, the comments and reviews, We felt her presence,personal, insistent, A pervading ethos unmistakably hers. Some editors leave their offspring at the printer's door, "You're on your own now, sink or swim." She could not so become detached But accompanied her chargesto the printed page and beyond With worry, or relish, or content; Perhaps with worry more than anything- Worry not for the article but for the subject of the article; For every issue,each debate, took its toll of her.
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