' S T A F F rH£UB(MsyoFlUE \J 1^ ii«£lu/Js ill 5PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLI NO^rfcW^ DOWFS HOMIBATBD AIR UFIVERSITT As was announced in the November Director Downs flew to the Air issue of the Bulletin, Director Downs University, Maxwell Field, Alabama, has been nominated for first vice- to be there February lU-lS for a meeting presidentf president elect of JUL-A* of the recently appointed Library Advisory This announcement was formally con­ Board. The Board will study and make firmed "by the nominating "board at the recommendations for the organization, midwinter meeting. Director Downs administration, staffing, and services will be opposed by "Ralph £• Ellsworth, of the University1s library division. Librarian, University of Iowa. Librarians on the Board with This is a great honor for Mr* Downs. Director Downs are Louis Shores, Florida Also, it is an honor for the University, State University, Maurice Tauber, the Library, and for each member of the Columbia University, and Jack Dalton, Staff. We are all aware of what University of Virginia. Mr* Downs has done for the University, the Library, the profession, and for each of us on his staff, and it is PHI KAPPA PHI certain that if elected, he will do as much for the American Library Director Downs, president of Phi Association* Kappa Phi, presided over the initia­ tion of 75 nw members, Saturday, February 10. The fraternity is an REPLACEMENT PRIORITIES all-university honorary to recognize achievements in scholarship. Membership A new priority policy is now in is not restricted to any one college, effect for the replacement of lost but includes all schools and colleges books. This policy is to assist the on campus. Acquisition Department in deciding how extended a search should be made for a replacement copy of a book if it is A.C.R.L. out-of-print, and to inform the Depart­ ment of the relative need for a replace­ The A.C.R.L. membership chairman ment copy of the book. for Illinois, Mr. Maxfield, reports The librarian or individual that 80 Illini staff members belong to reconsnending the replacement will assign this professional organization, and that priority numbers to each order as additional memberships are now being follows (briefly): solicited. Relatively few U. of I. RP-1. Feed is essential* members have so far failed to send in RP-2» Desirable to replace. their 1950/51 dues. These ar^ herewith RP-3. Feed is doubtful. reminded. RPP-4- . Mot worth replacing. Editors: fiuth E'ockwood and Dick COyfVEHTIOH WOTBS Chapin Reporters: Avis Ball, Mary Lois Bull, Snow, sub zero temperatures, and Beth Kessler, Helen Knights, Lellia poor train connections failed to keep McLaughlin, Beulah Olinger, Ruth approximately 50 members of the staff Protzman, Lucy Rumble from the A*L*A« midwinter meeting* Many more from the staff would have been at the meeting if trains had been !TOTIFICATIO>T OE KM BOOKS available* All in all, however, the Library was very well represented* The Public Service Departments has The Illinois Alumni Coffee Hour put into effect a new procedure for the was well attended* This get-together, notification of faculty and departmental held on Friday, had over a hundred librarians about the receipt of new alums present* Many of the staff books sent to the bookstacks. members appreciated this opportunity In both cases a duplicate order to renew acquaintances with old card is to be used* This duplicate classmates. card will remain in the book throughout Beta Phi Mu took the opportunity its preparation for use* When the book to hold a business meeting during the reaches the Circulation Department the convention* Bill Woods, president of order card will be sent to the proper the honorary, presided* departmental library. If the book Library School placement service was ordered by the librarian, the book was in full-swing again this yesr* will be sent to the stacks immediately. Misses Knights and Hiffey did a good In the case of a faculty member order­ job getting prospective employers ing the book, the book will be held at and employees together. the Circulation Desk for ten days, and Arthur McAnally, assistant director the departmental librarian will forward for public service departments, was the order card to the faculty member. nominated for the position of vice- If the book is not called for in the chairman of the University Library allotted time it will be sent to the Division of A*C.R*L. He will be opposed stacks. by Robert Vosper, associate librarian at U.C.L.A. UNIVERSITY CLUB COLLECTION BICKER COLLECTION The University Club recently turned over its club library to the University Twenty years ago 28 packing boxes Library. The library contained several full of books were deposited in the thousand volumes of general literature* basement of the library. These boxes At the present time this collection is have remained untouched except for being used for replacements. Later counting* Each new librarian, White there will be some added entries, and and Downs, was asked to note that the selected duplicates will be sent to boxes were still there* southern negro high schools* These books are from the library In return for the collection, the of the late Dean Bicker of the Archi­ Library has added the Club to the tecture School. They have remained in recreational reading circuit* This will the basement untouched due to legal be handled as other recreational reading entanglements* Finally, they are the with the exception that the collection library's! Dean Ricker*s daughter will not be a circulating one* has recently presented them* As of the time of this writing, the boxes were not yet opened* It is expected* however, that the books will be very useful to the Architecture Library which, incidentally, is named for Dean Bicker* -J" LAFCOTJR IN THE NEWS CABEER COHEERENGB ,rWe are just "back from three fine February 26 through March 1 are weeks on the continent* Our three the dates for the All-University thousand mile car trip took us thrcvugh Career Conference. There will be over France to the Riviera and clear to a hundred speakers at the conference Rome in time for the famous midnite from the colleges of Engineering, mass at Christmas eve in St. Peters* Commerce, L.A.S., F.A.A., Agriculture, Then back through Florence, Milan, Veterinary Medicine, Law, Library, and eastern ^ance to Paris. The warm Journalism, Physical Education, Student southern sun felt wonderful to our Religious Council, and"Women*. England-chilled hones. The trip was Beta Phi Mu is sponsoring the successful as well bibliographically conference in the Library School* Bill and musically. I was able to see at Woods, Map Librarian, is representing first hand the fine inscription at the the Library School on the committee* hase of Trojans column, and to visit Assisting Woods in making arrangements the great Italian libraries that I had are Louise Lodge, Kathryn Luther, and not seen before including the St* Madeline Piffey* Lowenzian at Florence sxid. the Ambrosien Speaking on librarianship as at Milan. a career will be Marian McFadden, We heard Tannh&user at LaScala Librarian, Indianapolis Public Library; from the hot and garlicy gallery and Mildred Fickel, Director of School two interesting modern pieces in the Libraries, State Department of Public Opera at Paris from the best seats in Instruction, Springfield; and John the house* Both were pleasant and Moriarty, Director of Libraries, Purdue exciting experiences. University* One supplementary advantage of the Beta Phi Mu is also planning trip was we missed the worst London luncheons for the speakers. Miss December since 1933* ^e returned in Fickel, a member of Beta Phi Mu, will time for me to attend the whole of the be honored at noon, February 2J. annual conference of the College and Miss McFadden and Mr* Moriarty will be Research Section at Chaucer House this the guests at luncheon March 1* past week-end. My talk on "Education for Librarianship in America11 was the concluding paper, yesterday afternoon* MUSIC LIBBAET As it was my first major appearance I am glad to report that it seemed to go Jay Allen will again conduct the off satisfactorily. It will be 11 University Chorus this semester. On published* ...letter, Jan.g,195l. May 2k the chorus will share a concert with the Women's Glee Club, The program is planned to include excerpts from ^BOWF TO LEAVE The Seasons, by Haydn, an English sea chantey, a Brazilian folk song, and a George Prown, Acquisition Librarian, lullaby, attributed to Mozart* has been alerted far recall into the Few members are welcome, and Army. Major Prown expects to report in while experience is desirable, it is Washington around April 1. He will not essential. Rehearsals are on probably be stationed in the Pentagon Mondays from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m*, in doing strategic research for the room 200 Davenport Hall, and start Intelligence Division. February 19* While Major ^rown is gone on Jay Allen has been appointed military leave of absence, Helen Welch, chairman of the music committee of Assistant Acouisition Librarian, will the Urbana Exchange Club for the period serve as acting head of the department* January 1 to July 1, 1951. LAFCOUR BT THE TIMES LABOR APD INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS LIBRARY It seems as if Harold Lancour can Ralph E* McCoy presided at the not be satisfied with being one of the meeting of the Presidents and Editors main news sources of the Bulletin* He Round Table of the American Library is now getting "ink" in the London Times* Association, Friday, February 2.
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