Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution
A STUDY OF PREHISTORIC ANTHROPOLOGY* HAND-BOOK FOR BEGINNERS. By Thomas Wilson. Prehistoric anthropology is susceptible of many divisions, each of which is sufficiently extensive to form an independent branch of sci- ence, such as the following: Biology and comparative anatomy. Architecture. Fine arts—Continued. Human anatomy. Cliff or cave dwellings. Anthropometry, craniometry. Towers, ruined or otherwise. Comparative psychology. Engraving. Literature, language (written, oral, Paiuting. Sculpture. Industry. Ceramics. Materials andimplements of every craft. Decoration. Clothing and personal adornment. Ornamentation. Habitations, and household utensils. Sociology. Weapons. Love and marriage, child-life. Objects for amusement. Social organizations, customs and be- Articles, uses unkown. liefs, pastimes. Architecture. Fine arts. Tribal organization. Monuments and public works. Government, property, law, etc. Roads, trails, canals, irrigating, etc. Religion, myths, creeds and cults, Folk- Mounds— sepulchral, eflBgy, altar. lore. Forts and earth-works. Education, relief and charities. Graves and cemeteries. Mortuary customs and furniture. Idols and temples. Short experience in the field will demonstrate the necessity of a knowledge of science, or of certain branches, of even wider scope than those enumerated. Remains of human industry may be found which, insignificant in themselves, derive their value from their geologic ho- rizon. Of this kind may be mentioned the Trenton implements found by Dr. Abbott in the gravel deposits of the Delaware River ; the same of the quartz implements found by Miss Babbitt in the terraces of the Mississippi River, at Little Falls, Minn. ; the discovery of the remains of a prehistoric fireplace, decided by Professor Gilbert to the * The imperfcctious of this fragmentary paper are known to no one better than to the author.
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