
oltilip ak telum inkil ip

The Oltilip Book in English

Justin Kunimune

August 2019 2 Contents

1 Introduction 5

2 Specification 7 2.1 Phonology and orthography ...... 7 2.1.1 ...... 7 2.1.2 Punctuation ...... 9 2.1.3 Extensions ...... 10 2.1.4 Phonotactics ...... 12 2.2 Grammar ...... 12 2.2.1 Sentence particles ...... 12 2.2.2 Postpositional phrases ...... 13 2.2.3 Predicates ...... 14 2.2.4 Noun phrases ...... 15 2.2.5 Numerals ...... 17 2.2.6 Do no wrong principle ...... 20 2.2.7 Tips and tricks ...... 20 2.3 Vocabulary ...... 22 2.3.1 Inversion ...... 22 2.3.2 Compound words ...... 22 2.3.3 Affixes ...... 23 2.3.4 Loanwords ...... 24 2.4 Common phrases ...... 25 2.5 Flag ...... 26

3 Dictionary 27 3.1 Є ...... 27 3.2 Ƌ ...... 29


3.3 O ...... 33 3.4 I ...... 36 3.5 U ...... 39 3.6 Y ...... 41 3.7 L ...... 42 3.8 W ...... 49 3.9 Λ ...... 51 3.10 M ...... 57 3.11 H ...... 64 3.12 C ...... 68 3.13 S ...... 76 3.14 F ...... 83 3.15 K ...... 87 3.16 ...... 97 3.17 P ...... 105

4 Corpus 117 4.1 Declaration of human rights ...... 117 Chapter 1


This book is about Oltilip, an international auxiliary language. Oltilip was designed to facilitate international communication across all hu- mankind, and as such, is designed to be as neutral, elegant, and easy- to-learn as possible. Here you will find all of the information needed to learn and speak Oltilip, as well as some information about how Oltilip came to be. This document assumes that you speak English. If you’re reading this, that seems like a pretty safe assumption. Please do not actually learn this language. I created Oltilip to sat- isfy my personal desire for a language that I thought was optimal. I publish it such that those who are interested can see my ideas and potentially gain something from them. However, were I to actually push it as a contender for the of humanity, it would be a waste of my time at best and another divisive factor in the al- ready splintered auxlang community at worst. Therefore, I beseech that if you want to support the idea of an international auxiliary lan- guage by learning one and communicating with it, you look into Ele- fen or Neo Patwa instead. With that out of the way, let’s get onto the language!



2.1 Phonology and orthography

Before you read any further, you’ll need to know how to read, say, and write these words. Luckily, this is extremely easy. Oltilip’s phon- ology is minimal, though still larger than those of some natural lan- guages. It emphasises universal learnability over root recogniseabil- ity.

2.1.1 Alphabet

Oltilip uses only the seventeen sounds that are most common glob- ally, each of which comes with a considerable amount of allowable variation. For example, while “pace”, “base”, and “Bess” sound dif- ferent to most English speakers, all are acceptable pronunciations for Oltilip “pes”, which means “fish”. Approximately half of all hu- mans can distinguish between all of these sounds in their native phonology, and only 5% need to learn three or more new sounds. The is a simple Latin-derived alphabet with one letter for every sound. It’s so simple that a wise man can acquaint himself with it before the hour is over; even a stupid man can learn it in the space of two days.


Name Glyph Alt. Glyphs English IPA1 Alt. IPA Inv. e Є egg, fray e ɛ~e~ej o a a Ƌ, ɑ, α taco, hack a a~ɑ a o o O oat, organ o ɔ~o~ow e i i I, ι eat, screech i ɪ~i u u u U, v fruit, ooze u ʊ~u i yo y Y soy, yell j i, ʲ, j~ʝ we la l L lime, fall l l~r ta we w W, ɯ chow, weep w u, ʷ, w~ʋ yo na n Λ nectar, pain n n, ŋ~ɴ ko me m M melon, scream m m pe ho h H, Һ honey, hide h ~h, ɦ co co c C cheese, shriek tʃ͡ tʃ~t͡ ʂ,͡ ʃ ho sa s S salt, hiss s s fe fe f F fish, cough f ɸ~f sa ko k K cake, grab k k, kʰ, ɡ na ta t T tea, deep t t, tʰ, d la pe p P pear, burst p p, pʰ, me

The inverse column is not that important; it just comes up later in the derivational morphology section. You don’t have to learn that part if you don’t want to. If you’re a linguist, the following IPA table may prove easier to read:

Labial Coronal Palatal p t k c f s h Nasal m n w l y (w)

Front Back Close i u Mid e o Open a

Most of the letters match their IPA transcriptions as well as their English counterparts. The only things of which to be careful are 〈c〉 2.1. PHONOLOGY AND ORTHOGRAPHY 9

4 4 e a o i u yo la we na

me ho co sa fe ko ta pe

Figure 2.1: The alphabet song of Oltilip. and the vowels. There’s a handy alphabet song given in figure 2.1 to help you remember them all if you like.

Note that while all of these symbols come from the Latin alphabet, the Latin alphabet is not the Oltilip alphabet. The basic Oltilip alpha- bet does not include 〈b〉, 〈d〉, 〈g〉, 〈q〉, 〈r〉, 〈v〉, 〈x〉, 〈y〉, 〈〉, or any cap- ital letters. Some capital Latin letters are acceptable substitutes for their lowercase forms, as indicated by the alternate symbols column, but these are merely to allow stylistic variation, and carry no mean- ing different from their lowercase counterparts. Furthermore, note that unlisted capital letters are too different to be easily readable by Oltilip-speakers who are unfamiliar with the entire Latin alphabet, and thus should not ever be used.

2.1.2 Punctuation

In addition to this subset of Latin letters, a subset of other Latin sym- bols may be used with Oltilip to aid parsing. None of these are strictly required, but it is important to understand what they mean in case you come across them in Oltilip texts.

1International Phonetic Alphabet 10 CHAPTER 2. SPECIFICATION

Name Glyph Usage katilon Word separator or digit group separator pelapas ’ Loanword indicator tyen . Sentence terminator or tapamila , Pause indicator tospelapas ” Quotation mark nefwesak kiles ( Open parenthesis nefwesak nules ) Close parenthesis fulopas ~ Range indicator men - Abbreviation of “men” pok + Abbreviation of “pok” or “aw” funtanyopas / Abbreviation of “pel” nul 0 Abbreviation of “nul” kan 1 Abbreviation of “kan” tos 2 Abbreviation of “tos” san 3 Abbreviation of “san” fol 4 Abbreviation of “fol” lim 5 Abbreviation of “lim” cah 6 Abbreviation of “cah” pit 7 Abbreviation of “pit” hat 8 Abbreviation of “hat” mes 9 Abbreviation of “mes” tes A Abbreviation of “tes” tup B Abbreviation of “tup” set C Abbreviation of “set” fak D Abbreviation of “fak” lef E Abbreviation of “lef” nak F Abbreviation of “nak”

2.1.3 Extensions

Finally, there are twenty-nine more letters that may be used for tran- scribing foreign names in Oltilip, though it is recommended that for- eign names be Oltilipised into the seventeen basic letters when pos- sible. The extensions here are only for cases where two related for- eign words would be normally indistinguishable, or where the per- son named prefers that their name be pronounced with a particular phone. When these extensions are used, all Oltilip phonotactic re- strictions are dropped. They fill out the simplified IPA tables below. 2.1. PHONOLOGY AND ORTHOGRAPHY 11

Labial Coronal Palatal Nasal m n ŋy Plosive/Implosive p b t d ky gy pf bv tθ dð ts dz tʃ dʒ kxy gʀy Fricative f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ xy ʀy Lateral fricative lf lv lh lʒ lx lʀ Approximant w ɹ y Lateral approximant lw l ly Tap/Trill ʙ r Click ! ! ! Secondary articulation tw ty

Dorsal Laryngeal Nasal ŋ Plosive/Implosive k g ʔ Affricate kx gʀ ʔh Fricative x ʀ h ʕ Lateral fricative lx lʀ Approximant ɯ ʕ Lateral approximant lɯ Tap/Trill ʀ Click ! Secondary articulation tʀ tʔ

Front Central Back y ɥ y w ɯ w Close i ɥ ɨ ʉ ɯ u Mid e ø ə ə ɤ o Open a ɒ a ɒ a ɒ

Voiceless nh Stress ˈ Aspirated nh Long əə Rhotic əɹ High ˥ Nasalised əŋ Mid ˧ Nasal release dn Low ˩ Lateral release dl 12 CHAPTER 2. SPECIFICATION

2.1.4 Phonotactics

Oltilip generally follows a simple yet permissive (C)(G)V(G)(C) sylla- ble structure, where any letter can appear in any position according to its class. The only restrictions are the disallowance of double let- ters and the clusters “ey”, “ow”, “iy”, “uw”, “yi”, and “wu” within roots. These restrictions are dropped for compound words, where such combinations may arise at morpheme boundaries, and loan- words, where root recognition is more important. The one root that defies this syllable structure is the pronoun “l”, which can be analysed as a syllabic consonant. However, because it is syntactically always adjacent to a consonant, it need never be pro- nounced as such. All nouns, pronouns, numerals, and postpositions end with consonants, while verbs and sentence particles end with vowels. Note that while “w” and “y” are morphologically distinct from “u” and “i”, they never contrast, so speakers of languages without glides in medial positions can use vowels instead. Stress always falls on the penultimate vowel of a word, unless the IPA extensions are used and a stress marker indicates otherwise.

2.2 Grammar

The grammar of Oltilip can be characterised as an analytic, active- stative, head-final system with free word order.

2.2.1 Sentence particles

A sentence particle, when included, is the first thing in a sentence or clause. It specifies the mood of that clause: whether it’s a statement, a question, etc. There are six. • “sa” marks a declarative sentence, or indicates acknowledge- ment when used alone; 2.2. GRAMMAR 13

• “cu” marks an interrogative sentence, or indicates confusion when used alone; • “na” marks an imperative sentence, or indicates an implied command when used alone; • “pana” marks a polite imperative sentence, or indicates an im- plied request when used alone; • “wa” marks an exclamatory sentence, indicates surprise at the following noun phrase, or indicates general surprise when used alone; and • “ke” marks a subordinate clause. When these are used to mark sentences and clauses, the rest of the phrase comprises a series of postpositional phrases, optionally with a predicate included.

2.2.2 Postpositional phrases

Every postpositional phrase describes one aspect of the event or state described by the clause, and comprises two parts: the complement, which is a noun phrase, and the postposition, which is drawn from the following list of fifteen. The postposition specifies what aspect of the clause is being described, and the complement describes that aspect. These postpositional phrases may occur in any order. Post- positions can be categorised into two types Adjunctive postpositions have complements with predictable and general meanings, and can be used with any predicate, or multiple times with the same predicate if used in different contexts (e.g. us- ing “yot” once for location in virtual space and again for location in physical space). There are eight of these. • “yan” marks the extent or quantity of the action, either as a or another noun against which to compare; • “yot” marks the location of the action; • “wel” marks the date or time of the action; • “ial” marks the cause or purpose of the action; • “uat” marks the tool or medium of the action; • “ayf” marks the hypothetical conditions surrounding the ac- tion (like “if” in English); 14 CHAPTER 2. SPECIFICATION

• “ip” marks the manner or method of the action, usually as a subordinate clause; and • “ak” marks something that is related to the action in some other way. Argumentative postpositions have complements with meanings specific to their predicate, and can only be used once per clause. The definition of each Oltilip verb describes which argumentative post- positions are applicable and what roles they mark, but they can gen- erally be qualified as three classes of semantic role. • “” marks the agent, the entity that initialises and carries out the action; • “on” marks the patient or experiencer, the entity whose state is changed or described by the action; and • “um” marks the theme or stimulus, an entity that is not directly involved in the action but is essential to it nonetheless. When adjunctive postpositional phrases are included or omitted, it often appears to change the meaning of a sentence’s English trans- lation. This is because Oltilip uses the same word for what English treats as transitive and intransitive pairs of verbs. For example, the verbs for “enter” and “insert” are both “neki” in Oltilip; “it enters” is “et on neki”, and “I insert it” is “min es et on neki”.

2.2.3 Predicates

The predicate of a clause describes the action or state being described in the most general sense. It usually comprises a single verb. In Oltilip, verbs do not conjugate for tense, aspect, or anything else, so “et es nyama” can mean “they had eaten”, “they ate”, “they are eat- ing”, “they eat”, or “they will eat”. Therefore, if the time of a predi- cate is important, make sure to manually and specifically include it with “wel”. More complex predicates can be formed by appending auxiliary verbs, which are any verbs that take clauses as arguments, such as “nyo”, “ki”, “nu”, “calu”, “powi”, and “tewi”. For example, since the sentence “et es pola min on” means “they speak to me”, appending “nyo”, “be false”, to the predicate turns it into “et es pola nyo min 2.2. GRAMMAR 15 on”, which means “they do not speak to me”. This is shorthand for subordinating the entire sentence to “nyo”: “et es pola min on on nyo” translates to “it is false that they speak to me”. Unlike in most languages, the predicate can also be completely omitted in Oltilip. When it is, it can usually be inferred to be either the predicate of the last sentence or the copula “esta”.

2.2.4 Noun phrases

Noun phrases are the primary building blocks with which one de- scribes complex concepts. There are many ways to construct these. The first, and by far the simplest, isa noun. Each one describes an instance or instances of a concept or class of things. In Oltilip, nouns do not decline for number, gender, or anything else, so “won” can mean “people”, “women”, “men”, “the person”, “a woman”, or “every man”. Therefore, if the quantity or quality of a noun phrase is important, make sure to manually and specifically include it with the mechanisms described below. Anywhere a noun can be used, one can also opt for a pronoun. Like nouns, Oltilip pronouns do not decline at all; most solely indi- cate person or definiteness. Some of them are fairly common and intuitive, while others are more complicated. • “min”, “me”, is the singular first person pronoun; • “puk”, “you”, is the second person pronoun; • “et”, “it” or “that”, is the third person, distal, and definite pro- noun; • “minet”, “us”, is the plural first person pronoun; • “minpuk”, “us”, is the plural first person inclusive pronoun, though “minet” can be used for both inclusive and exclusive; • “puket”, “y’all”, is the plural second person pronoun, though “puk” can be used for both singular and plural; • “ol”, “this”, is the proximal pronoun; • “wan”, “one”, is the indefinite pronoun; • “sif”, “oneself”, is the reflexive pronoun; • “kulan” refers to the next item in the implied series; • “nitak” refers to the previous item in the implied series; 16 CHAPTER 2. SPECIFICATION

• “kon” stands in for missing information in interrogative sen- tences; and • “l” stands for the referenced noun in relative clauses. Relative clauses are another kind of noun phrase, and the most versatile. A relative clause is simply any clause, optionally using “ke” as its particle, with “l” optionally inserted as a noun as late as possi- ble in it. It describes anything that could go where “l” is in a full sentence. This is commonly used with stative verbs such as “luci”, which means “be red”. Since “sa luci et on” means “it is red”, “ke luci l on” or “luci l on” means “one that is red”, or “red thing”. It is also frequently used with the vague postposition “ak”. Since “ciuh ak et on” describes some state of “it” generally related to plants, “ke ciuh ak l on” or “ciuh ak” means “one that is of or related to plants” or “botanical”. A similar but distinct kind of noun phrase is the content clause.A content clause is syntactically equivalent to a sentence, except that when it takes a particle, it always take “ke”. Semantically, it refer- ences the action or state described by that sentence as a noun. This structure is especially useful for verbs like “calu”, “continue”, which almost always take content clauses as arguments. The sentence “puk es nyama”, “you eat”, can be converted into a content clause and used as such as in “puk es nyama on calu”: “you eating continues”. This can equivalently be phrased as “puk es nyama calu”, “you con- tinue to eat”. Similar to pronouns are numerals, which specifically indicate the number of a noun phrase. They have special derivation rules and are therefore described in the next subsection. Any noun phrase can also be preceded by a specifier. Specifiers manipulate the meanings of noun phrases that describe sets, and each works in a pretty distinct way. • “en”, “any”, indicates that the sentence is true for one element of the noun phrase, regardless of which one is picked; • “ok”, “each”, indicates that the sentence is true for every ele- ment of the noun phrase individually; • “alkun”, “some”, specifies that the sentence is true for some subset of the noun phrase; 2.2. GRAMMAR 17

• “sol”, “only”, indicates that the sentence is true for the given noun phrase and nothing else; • “ifen”, “even”, emphasises a noun phrase that is surprising or especially important; • “yo” optionally starts a conjunctive phrase; and • “aw” separates elements of a conjunctive phrase.

Conjunctive phrases combine noun phrases that reference differ- ent things into a single noun phrase. It takes the form “myawf aw pawaf aw pes” or “yo myawf aw pawaf aw pes”. The exact mean- ing of the conjunction “aw”, like that of the modern English “-slash-”, is ambiguous. It can be made more specific by prepending “ok” or “kit” before the “yo” for an analogue to English’s “and”, or prepend- ing “en”, “kan”, or “kon” for an analogue to English’s “or”.

Finally, noun phrases of all kinds can also be concatenated to form more specific ones. When two noun phrases are combined, the resulting meaning is the intersection of both. For example, it is not uncommon for a noun phrase to comprise a pronoun for its definiteness, a numeral for its number, multiple nouns for its class and gender, and a relative clause for added specificity, as in “ifen et tos supot myawf muti l on”, “even the two orange tomcats”.

2.2.5 Numerals

The last Oltilip part of speech is the numeral. Oltilip contains many mechanisms for describing numbers in precise mathematical ways. However, for the non-mathematician, most of this is unnecessary. Luckily, basic numbers are also extremely easy to construct. The ten basic numerals are the digits from zero to nine. 18 CHAPTER 2. SPECIFICATION

Glyph Word 0 nul 1 kan 2 tos 3 san 4 fol 5 lim 6 cah 7 pit 8 hat 9 mes

Numbers larger than nine are described in , either with or without spaces:

Glyph Word 10 kannul 11 kankan 12 kantos 20 tosnul 21 toskan 100 kannulnul 1 000 kan nulnulnul

This can quickly become unwieldy for large orders of magnitude. For that reason, the prefix “lyon” exists. Appending to an existing numeral “lyon” plus another numeral raises its order of magnitude by the second amount. Thus, “lyon” can be translated as “times ten to the power” or “×10^”. So where “kan lim” means “fifteen” and “tos” means “two”, “kan lim lyon tos” means “fifteen times ten to the power two”, “fifteen hundred”, or “1 500”. “lyontos” can also beused on its own to simply mean “one hundred”. For numbers smaller or more precise than one, the particle “tyen” serves as the . “tyen lim” means “point five”, “cah tyen tos hat” means “six point two eight”, and “fol tyen nul” means “four point zero”. While it can usually be assumed that this is all in base ten, the system itself is radix-independent. To specify a radix, the base plus the suffix “imal” can be prepended to the number. Digits existfor bases up to 17dec. 2.2. GRAMMAR 19

Glyph Word A tes B tup C set D fak E lef F nak G hes

Thus, while “kan nul” usually means “tesimal kan nul”, the atomic number of neon, it can also be made to mean “cahimal kan nul”, the atomic number of carbon, “hesimal kan nul”, the atomic number of sulfur, or even “tesimalcahnulimal kan nul”, the atomic number of neodymium.

Negative numbers are formed by simply prepending “men” to their opposite, as in “men san”. These can also be used with “lyon”, as in “hat tyen mes lyon men kan tos”. When it is useful to emphasise the sign of a positive number, this can be done with the otherwise meaningless prefix “pok”, as in “pok kan aw men kan”.

Fractions are formed with the separator “pel”, which simply di- vides the numeral before it by the numeral after it. For example, “tostos pel pit”. If no number precedes the “pel”, then the numerator can be assumed to be one.

Finally, three subjective numerals exist for some situations when a number would not typically be used in English.

• “pih” means some small quantity; • “muc” means some large quantity; and • “kit” means the maximum possible quantity given the context.

These can be used in tandem with other numbers, as in “muc nul nul” for “many hundreds”, but are usually used alone, often followed by the postposition “yan”.

All numbers can be converted from cardinals to ordinals by ap- pending “-ak”. 20 CHAPTER 2. SPECIFICATION

2.2.6 Do no wrong principle

The most important rule in Oltilip is that there are no rules. While the grammar here was designed to be as flexible as possible specifi- cally to reduce the number of ways speakers can be wrong, it is still trivial and tempting to bend the rules. If you say something that does not precisely fit into the grammar outlined here, but it is still understandable within that framework, then you are correct. Oltilip is a means of communication, and as long as you are communicating to anyone else who has read this document, then you are speaking Oltilip.

2.2.7 Tips and tricks

That’s all of the official grammar. You may find it rather short. “Wh- ere are the tenses, the participles, the directionals?” you ask. While these do not exist explicitly in Oltilip, they can be expressed using preexisting structures. Therefore, while their inclusion here is not strictly necessary, I will explain them so that everyone understands best practices for such situations without needing come up with them themselves. Tenses are simple. If it is important to a sentence whether it hap- pened in the past, present, or future, the dative postposition “wel” can be used with the appropriate word. For generic past and future tense, “citu wel” and “huli wel” are the recommended forms. Participles in Oltilip are usually unnecessary, as verbs resulting in state changes are usually derived from the state, and not the other way around. While the verb for “burn” is “cyauki”, the English par- ticiple “burnt” simply translates to “cyau”, “be burnt”. In cases that cannot be handled with the removal of a suffix, relative clauses can serve the purpose of participles. Say one really needs to describe something that has recently been burned, and not just something burnt. The phrase “cyauki l on”, “one that is burned”, or more specif- ically “citu wel cyauki l on”, “one that was burned”, will serve that purpose well. Adverbs in English come in two flavours: things like “quickly” 2.2. GRAMMAR 21 and things like “hopefully”. Adjectives-turned-adverbs like “quickly” are derived in Oltilip by simply using stative verbs along with the postposition “ip”: “yala ip” means “in the manner of being quick”. The second type, which really modifies an English sentence more than its verb specifically, typically mandates rephrasing: “I will hope- fully get paid” becomes “I hope that I receive money”, which is “min on cai ke min on tueki mailuat um um”. Directionals, usually realised in English with phrasal verbs as in “run away” or “sit down”, are also translated using “ip”, along with directional Oltilip verbs. The word for “run” is “fepucocalu”, and the word for “go away” is “kuleki”, so “run away” is simply “kuleki ip fepucocalu”. Similarly, “sit down” is “pahoki ip swo”. Adpositions and cases describing location and motion like “atop” and “toward” are achieved through subordinate clauses passed to the postposition “yot”. The sentence “they stand atop the mountain” translates to “et on upe pil um mace yot”, literally “they stand in the place that is to be above the mountain”. The sentence “you swim toward the island” translates to “puk on cwehila pihtayl um nitoki yot”, literally “you swim in the place that is to approach the island”. Similar temporal adpositions can be translated with “wel”: “I will sleep until noon” translates to “min on tolmi nefuhalwel um kitcitu wel”, literally “I sleep at the time that is being until noon”. The verb “to have”, as you may notice, is missing from Oltilip’s dictionary. The verb “tue” can be translated as “have”, but that only applies to possession, and not to “have” as in “I have a sibling”. In- stead the verb “esta” should be used with the postposition “ak”: “min ak esta pemamalon on”, literally “a sister exists in a way that some- how involves me”. The verb “to need” is similarly absent from the vocabulary. The verb “cai”, which literally means “want”, can be used in many con- texts where “need” would be used in English. However, true neces- sity as in “humans need food to survive” should be rephrased as a conditional: “won on nyamalon um tue nyo ayf, uhuki”, literally “if humans don’t have food, they die”. Dates and times in Oltilip can be expressed several ways. For max- imal unambiguity, one would use the Oltilip equivalent of “on the fifty-sixth minute of the second hour of the twenty-first day ofJuly”: 22 CHAPTER 2. SPECIFICATION

“pitak fikkwelwel ak toskanak sunkwelwel ak tosak tapakwelwel ak limcahak kankwelwel wel”. Note that hours, minutes, and seconds index from zero by convention, and that months in Oltilip do not have names. This can all be shortened substantially by separating the date and time with a comma, and removing the units of the day, hour, minute, and second. This is analogous to the more common “on July twenty-first, two-fifty-six”: “pitak fikkwelwel ak toskan, tos ak limcah wel”.

2.3 Vocabulary

Oltilip has 426 basic roots, of Chinese, Italic, Germanic, Indo-Iranian, Atlantic-Congo, Malayo-Polynesian, Esperanto, and onomatopoetic origins. The source languages were selected and weighted in order to give the most mnemonic value to the greatest number of people while remaining neutral. While these root words cover many con- cepts, with only 426, there are inevitably many lexical gaps and am- biguities. These are filled with Oltilip’s morphological derivation sys- tem. New words are derived in three main ways: inversion, com- pounds, affixes, and loans.

2.3.1 Inversion

Inversion is by far the least intuitive and most unique of the four. It is used to derive antonyms and opposites of verbs and nouns. For example, the word for “to be near”, “nito”, is derived by inverting the word for “to be far”, “kule”. This is accomplished by simply re- placing every letter in “kule” with its inverse letter, as specified in the phonology table above. The “ke” goes to “na”, the “u” goes to “i”, the “la” goes to “ta”, and the “e” goes to “o”.

2.3.2 Compound words

A more standard way to form a new word is with a simple compound. This involves combining two or more existing words to form a new 2.3. VOCABULARY 23 one. It takes the part of speech of the second, and represents some- thing between the meanings of both. For example, “pahopoltilum”, meaning “underwear”, is derived from “paho”, meaning “to be un- der”, and “poltilum”, meaning “clothing”.

2.3.3 Affixes

A more precise way to derive new terms is through the addition of affixes. In Oltilip, all affixes are themselves words, and the resultof adding one means the same thing as the base word and affix placed together in a sentence, albeit lexicalised. For example, if the rela- tive “l es” is placed next to the verb “noki”, which means “to teach”, one gets “noki l es”, which means “one who teaches”. When “les” is used as a suffix, that phrase is lexicalised into “nokiles”, which means “teacher”. This form carries two concrete advantages over the phrase “noki l es”; specifically, “nokiles” cannot be misinterpreted as unconnected words in adjacent phrases should the surrounding grammar be com- plicated, and further can refer to the concept of a teacher even when there is no one in the discussion who is actively teaching. Learning a word like “nokiles” is also easier than repeatedly parsing a phrase like “noki l es”. There are ten suffixes that can turn verbs into nouns: • “-les” references the agent of a verb, similar to “-er” in English; • “-lon” references the patient of a verb, similar to “-ee” in En- glish; • “-lum” references the theme of a verb; • “-lyan” references the extent to which a verb takes place; • “-lwel” references the time at which a verb takes place; • “-lyot” references the location at which a verb takes place; • “-lial” references the cause because of which a verb takes place; • “-luat” references the instrument by which a verb takes place; and • “-lip” references the way in which a verb takes place. There are four suffixes that can turn verbs into other verbs: 24 CHAPTER 2. SPECIFICATION

• “-nyo” describes the negative of a verb, similar to “non-” in En- glish; • “-ki” describes the inception of a verb, similar to “-ise” or “-en” in English; • “-nu” describes the cession of a verb, similar to “de- -ise” or “un- -en” in English; • “-powi” describes the potential of a verb, similar to “-able” or “-ible” in English; and • “-calu” describes the continuation of a verb, similar to “-ing” in English. Finally, there is one suffix that turns nouns into other nouns: • “-ak” describes anything of or related to a noun, similar to “-al”, “-ic”, or “-’s” in English.

2.3.4 Loanwords

For words that describe deeply technical concepts like “deoxyribonu- cleic acid”, cultural concepts like “ahupuaʻa”, or a combination of the two like “oriental ladyfern”, a class of word that is neither root nor compound is needed. This is the loanword, a word taken directly from a specific language. The word should be taken from a language that has regional or historical ties to the concept. For example, the word for “persimmon”, “’kaki”, comes from the Japanese “柿” /kaki/, due to the persimmon’s historical and economic ties to Eastern Asia. Because these words have fewer phonotactic restrictions than base words, they may be marked with an apostrophe to distinguish them, much as italics are commonly used in English. Even with the looser restrictions, Oltilip’s small phonology often forces loanwords to differ from their sources substantially, as “’fahanse” does from “France” /fʀɑns/. This is a worthwhile trade-off for the learnability of the phonology. Loanwords are especially common as toponyms. The word for “Japan”, “’nippon”, comes directly from the Japanese word “日本” /niʔ- poɴ/. These are commonly compounded to form related words, such as “’nipponwon” for “Japanese person”, “’nippontilip” for “the Japan- ese language”, and “’nipponkwelyot” for “the Japanese archipelago”. 2.4. COMMON PHRASES 25

While it is less common, an ethnonym can also serve as the root off of which the toponym is derived, depending on the etymology of the endonym. For example, from “’alap” for “Arab”, we get “’alaptec” for “Saudi Arabia”, “’alaptilip” for “”, and “’alapkwelyot” for “the Arabian peninsula”.

2.4 Common phrases

Here are some useful expressions in Oltilip.

English Oltilip Hello. wa cai. Good morning. wa fuhakilwel. Good day. wa fuhalwel. Good evening. wa sicakilwel. Goodbye. wa cai. Good night. cai ip tolmi. Yay! wa cai. Fuck! wa hau. Welcome. pana neki. Please. pana. Thank you. kanci. You’re welcome. wawi nyo. I’m sorry. suotu. Excuse me. pana oketi. You’re excused. sa oketi. Is it okay? cu oke. It’s okay. sa oke. What is your name? puk um co kon on. My name is “Marshall” min um co ”’cikacikaslimceyti” on. I know a little Oltilip. min on pih yan oltilip on no. Please speak slower. pana wata ip pola. Where is the bathroom? pukak mamales on seksomailes um. 26 CHAPTER 2. SPECIFICATION

Figure 2.2: The flag of Oltilip.

2.5 Flag

The flag of Oltilip, shown in figure 2.2, is a white and azure bicolour, divided by a sinusoid. In the center, it bears an orange six-pointed star circumscribed by an azure and white circle. The white field represents peace, which Oltilip could facilitate, while the azure represents knowledge, which Oltilip could prolifer- ate. The boundary between them is a sinusoid instead of the tradi- tional straight line to represent the fluidity of Oltilip’s grammar, and its free word order in particular. The circle represents the Earth—blue, white, and circular. The star both separates it into six sections, for the six continents, and bridges the gap between them. It represents both natural languages, which divide us, and Oltilip, which can link us together. Chapter 3


3.1 Є ’elefenak n. (’elefen+ak) Lingua Franca Nova; in Lingua Franca Nova ’elefenwon n. (’elefen+won) Lingua ’e n. (ono. [e]) e; /e/; mid front unrounded Franca Novist; Lingua Franca Nova vowel speakers ’e n. (Lat. 〈e〉 [eː]) e; Euler’s number; ’elin n. (Ell. 〈Έλλην〉 [ˈelin]) Greek; Gre- 2.718… cian; Hellene; the Greek people ealwik n. (Fil. 〈earwig〉 [eaɾwiɡ]) earwig; ’elinak n. (’elin+ak) Greek; Grecian; Hel- Dermaptera lenic; from Greece elehe v. (Spa. 〈elige〉 [eˈlixe]) choose; de- ’elin’kilistosfitilip n. (’elin+ cide; ʟєꜱ chooses ʟᴏᴧ ’kilistosfitilip) Greek Orthodoxy; Ortho- eleheestaki v. (elehe+estaki) design; ʟєꜱ dox Catholicism; Eastern Orthodoxy designs ʟᴏᴧ ’elintec n. (’elin+tec) Greece eleheestakiles n. (eleheestaki+les) de- ’elintilip n. (’elin+tilip) Greek; the Greek signer language eleheestakilon n. (eleheestaki+lon) de- ’elitla n. (Tir. 〈ኤርትራ〉 [ertra]) Eritrea sign ’elitlaak n. (’elitla+ak) Eritrean; from Er- eleheles n. (elehe+les) arbitrator itrea elehelon n. (elehe+lon) choice; decision ’elitlawon n. (’elitla+won) Eritrean; the elehehau v. (elehe+hau) be apprehen- Eritrean people sive; hesitate; ʟᴏᴧ is apprehensive to do ’elya n. (Gle. 〈Éire〉 [ˈeːɾʲə]) Ireland (land- ʟᴜᴍ mass) elehehaulon n. (elehehau+lon) appre- ’elyaak n. (’elya+ak) Irish; from Ireland hensive ’elyawon n. (’elya+won) Irishman; the elehetunciki v. (elehe+tunciki) elect; ʟєꜱ Irish people elects ʟᴜᴍ to office over ʟᴏᴧ ’elyatec n. (’elya+tec) Ireland; the Repub- elec n. (Spa. 〈helecho〉 [eˈletʃo])͡ fern; Poly- lic of Ireland podiopsida ’elyatilip n. (’elya+tilip) Irish; Gaelic; the ’elefen n. (Lfn. 〈Elefen〉 [elefen]) Lingua Irish language Franca Nova; LFN; Elefen


’ewlo n. (Spa. 〈euro〉 [ˈewɾo]) euro; € naða]) empanada ’ewlope n. (Grc. 〈Εὐρώπη〉 [ēwrɔ́ːpɛ̄ː]) Eu- ec n. (Yor. 〈ẹṣẹ́〉 [ɛ̄ʃɛ́]) gland; organ; node; rope functional organic module ’ewlopeak n. (’ewlope+ak) European; ecak n. (ec+ak) glandular; nodal; bodily; from Europe internal ’ewlopewon n. (’ewlope+won) European; es post. (ø) by; marks agent the European people ’eskutelya n. (Cat. 〈escudella〉 en spec. (Eng. 〈any〉 [ˈɛni]) any; one of; [əskuˈðeʎə]) escudella describes a single arbitrary instance of the este v. (Spa. 〈este〉 [ˈeste]) be east; ʟᴏᴧ has following noun phrase a higher longitude than ʟᴜᴍ eni v. (oku) be cold; be cool; ʟᴏᴧ is colder estelon n. (este+lon) the East; east than ʟᴜᴍ estelum n. (este+lum) standard merid- eniufa v. (eni+ufa) be snow; be shaved ian; prime meridian ice; be slush; ʟᴏᴧ is made of snow estelyan n. (este+lyan) longitude eniufalon n. (eniufa+lon) snow; shaved estelyanpucolon n. (estelyan+pucolon) ice; slush meridian enilon n. (eni+lon) cold; cool esteseswicon n. (este+ses+wicon) enilono v. (eni+lono) be cool-coloured; Sinosphere; East Asia; the East Asian cul- ʟᴏᴧ is green, blue, purple, or black tural sphere; Asia; the Sinic world enilonolon n. (enilono+lon) cool- esteki v. (este+ki) go east; ʟєꜱ increases coloured the longitude of ʟᴏᴧ relative to ʟᴜᴍ enihila v. (eni+hila) shiver; shudder; este’timol n. (este+’timol) East Timor; tremble; quiver; ʟᴏᴧ is shivering Timor-Leste; Democratic Republic of enicipcip n. (eni+cipcip) penguin Timor-Leste enisison n. (eni+sison) winter este’timolwon n. (este’timol+won) Tim- eniki v. (eni+ki) cool; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ cool orese; East Timorese; Maubere; the East down relative to ʟᴜᴍ Timorese people enikiles n. (eniki+les) cooler; air condi- esta v. (Spa. 〈estar〉 [estar]) be; exist; tioner have; equal; be the same; copula; ʟᴏᴧ ex- enitayl n. (eni+tayl) tundra ists and is the same thing as ʟᴜᴍ ʔemaːraːti]) estaak n. (esta+ak) fair; uniform; equal] 〈ﺇﻡﺍﺭﺍﺕﻱﻱﻥ 〉 .emalati n. (Ara’ Emirati; the Emirati people estalon n. (esta+lon) thing; the same ’emalatiak n. (’emalati+ak) Emirati; estaloncolon n. (estalon+colon) noun Emirian; Emiri; from the United Arab estalyan n. (esta+lyan) number; count; Emirates amount ’emalatitec n. (’emalati+tec) United Arab estalyanhulum n. (estalyan+hulum) Emirates graph; plot emana v. (opaka) be transparent; be see- estanu v. (esta+nu) delete; destroy; take; through; ʟᴏᴧ lets unreflected light pass disappear; ruin; end; ʟєꜱ deletes ʟᴏᴧ through it estanules n. (estanu+les) deleter; de- emanalon n. (emana+lon) window; stroyer transparent; see-through estanulon n. (estanu+lon) deleted; disap- emanaki v. (emana+ki) transparify; ʟєꜱ peared makes ʟᴏᴧ become transparent estanyolon n. (esta+nyo+lon) other; not; emanapato v. (emana+pato) be glass; anything but ʟᴏᴧ is made of glass estaki v. (esta+ki) create; make; give; get; emanapatolon n. (emanapato+lon) glass appear; produce; originate; ʟєꜱ makes ’emoci n. (Jpn. 〈絵文字〉 [emodʑi])͡ emoji ʟᴏᴧ into ʟᴜᴍ ’empanata n. (Spa. 〈empanada〉 [empaˈ- estakiles n. (estaki+les) creator 3.2. Ƌ 29 estakilon n. (estaki+lon) creation that’s estakilip n. (estaki+lip) recipe et ial n. (et+ial) therefore; for that reason estakilyot n. (estaki+lyot) factory; mak- et ip n. (et+ip) thus; thereby ery; source et uat n. (et+uat) with that; thus ’esti n. (Est. 〈eesti〉 [eːsti]) Estonian; the et yot n. (et+yot) there Estonian people etle v. (olto) be number from the end; be ’estiak n. (’esti+ak) Estonian; from Esto- in order from the end; negatively index; nia ʟᴏᴧ has an early position in ʟᴜᴍ ’estitec n. (’esti+tec) Estonia etlelon n. (etle+lon) number from the ’estitilip n. (’esti+tilip) Estonian; the Esto- end; in order from the end nian language etlelyan n. (etle+lyan) position from end; ’espelanto n. (Epo. 〈Esperanto〉 [es- negative index; number from end peˈranto]) Esperanto etleki v. (etle+ki) move up; position; ʟєꜱ ’espelantoak n. (’espelanto+ak) Es- moves ʟᴏᴧ up the sequence ʟᴜᴍ peranto; Esperantist; Esperanta et wel n. (et+wel) then ’espelantowon n. (’espelanto+won) Es- perantist; Esperanto speakers ’espanya n. (Spa. 〈españa〉 [espaɲa]) Spain 3.2 Ƌ ’espanyaak n. (’espanya+ak) Spanish; from Spain ’a n. (ono. [a]) a; /a/; open central un- ’espanyawon n. (’espanya+won) rounded vowel Spaniard; the Spanish people ’aa n. (Haw. 〈ʻaʻā〉 [ʔəˈʔaː]) aa ’espanyatilip n. (’espanya+tilip) the ’aikito n. (Jpn. 〈合気道〉 [aikidoː]) Aikido ’ayiti n. (Hat. 〈Ayiti〉 [ajiti]) Haiti ’espaketti n. (Ita. 〈spaghetti〉 [spaˈɡetti]) ’ayitiak n. (’ayiti+ak) Haitian; from Haiti spaghetti ’ayitiwon n. (’ayiti+won) Haitian; the efe v. (oso) be less; be negative; be not Haitian people enough; be too little; ʟᴏᴧ is numerically ’ayititilip n. (’ayiti+tilip) Haitian creole less than ʟᴜᴍ ayuta v. (Spa. 〈ayuda〉 [aˈʝuða]) help; be efelon n. (efe+lon) less; negative; not for; ally; support; benefit; work with; as- enough; too little sist; be auxiliary; ʟᴏᴧ is working toward efeki v. (efe+ki) decrease; diminish; the same goal as ʟᴜᴍ dwindle; consolidate; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ de- ayutaici v. (ayuta+ici) synergise; have crease relative to ʟᴜᴍ mutualistic relation; ʟᴏᴧ benefits from efekiles n. (efeki+les) decreaser helping ʟᴜᴍ ’ekwatol n. (Spa. 〈Écuador〉 [ˈekwaðoɾ]) ayutaicilon n. (ayutaici+lon) symbiote Ecuador ayutaicilum n. (ayutaici+lum) host ’ekwatolak n. (’ekwatol+ak) Ecuadorian; ayutalon n. (ayuta+lon) helper; assistant; from Ecuador for; auxiliary ’ekwatolwon n. (’ekwatol+won) Ecuado- ayutalum n. (ayuta+lum) ally; friend rian; the Equadorian people ayutaki v. (ayuta+ki) align with; join; et pn. (Ben. 〈টা〉 [eʈa]) it; they; them; she; team up; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ ally with ʟᴜᴍ her; he; him; the; that; third person; defi- ayutakiles n. (ayutaki+les) alliance nite; distal; a previously mentioned noun forger phrase that is neither the speaker nor lis- ayutapaltolum n. (ayuta+paltolum) tener team et ayf n. (et+ayf) in that event ayf post. (Eng. 〈if〉 [ɪf]) if; for; marks hy- etak n. (et+ak) its; her; hers; his; their; pothetical world 30 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY alaktan n. (Fil. 〈alakdan〉 [alakdan]) scor- is working toward a goal contrary to that pion; Scorpiones of ʟᴜᴍ ʕarab]) Arab; the awilaici v. (awila+ici) mooch; leech; haveˈ] 〈ﻉﺭﺏ〉 .alap n. (Ara’ Arabian people parasitic relation; ʟᴏᴧ benefits from hin- ’alapak n. (’alap+ak) Saudi; Saudi Ara- dering ʟᴜᴍ bian; Arabia; from Saudi Arabia awilaicilon n. (awilaici+lon) parasite; ’alaplawt n. (’alap+lawt) Arabian Sea leech; freeloader ’alapkwelyot n. (’alap+kwelyot) Arabia; awilaicilum n. (awilaici+lum) host the Arabian peninsula awilalon n. (awila+lon) opposer; against ’alaptec n. (’alap+tec) Saudi Arabia awilalum n. (awila+lum) opponent; com- ’alaptilip n. (’alap+tilip) Arabic; the Ara- petitor; enemy bic language awilaki v. (awila+ki) turn against; betray; ’alon n. (Oss. 〈Аллон〉 [alon]) Ossetian; split up; ʟєꜱ turns ʟᴏᴧ against ʟᴜᴍ Ossete; the Ossetian people awilakiles n. (awilaki+les) instigator ’alonak n. (’alon+ak) Ossetian; of the Os- awilakilon n. (awilaki+lon) traitor setians anemon n. (Epo. 〈anemono〉 [aneˈmono]) ’alontilip n. (’alon+tilip) Ossetian; Ossete; sea anemone; Actiniaria Ossetic; the ano v. (ake) be behind; be backward; ’aloha n. (Haw. 〈aloha〉 [əˈloha]) aloha; lag; ʟᴏᴧ has a negative y coordinate from the Aloha Spirit ʟᴜᴍ’s point of view ;æˈnɒːɾ]) pomegranate] 〈ﺍﻥﺍﺭ〉 .alik n. (atun) adult; fully-grown animal ’anol n. (Fas alikak n. (alik+ak) adult Punica ’aluminium n. (Lat. 〈aluminium〉 anolon n. (ano+lon) back; behind; back- [alʊminɪʊ̃]) aluminium; aluminum ward ’alhentina n. (Spa. 〈Argentina〉 [aɾx- anonoki v. (ano+noki) primarily edu- enˈtina]) Argentina; the Argentine Repub- cate; elementary school; middle school; lic ʟєꜱ teaches ʟᴏᴧ ’alhentinaak n. (’alhentina+ak) Argen- anonokiles n. (anonoki+les) elementary tinean; Argentine; from Argentina school teacher ’alhentinawon n. (’alhentina+won) Ar- anonokilon n. (anonoki+lon) elementary gentinean; Argentine; the Argentinean schooler people anonokilyot n. (anonoki+lyot) elemen- ’alsenikum n. (Lat. 〈arsenicum〉 [ar- tary school; middle school senɪkʊ̃]) arsenic anonokilwel n. (anonoki+lwel) primary ͡ aldzaːjiːr]) Al- education] 〈ﺍﻝﺩﺯﺍﻱﺭ〉 .alsayil n. (Ara’ giers anocalu v. (ano+calu) follow; trail; ʟєꜱ ’alsayiltec n. (’alsayil+tec) Algeria makes ʟᴏᴧ follow ʟᴜᴍ ’alsayiltecwon n. (’alsayiltec+won) Alge- anocalulon n. (anocalu+lon) follower; rian; the Algerian people tail alkas n. (Spa. 〈algas〉 [ˈalɣas]) algae; moss; anocalulum n. (anocalu+lum) followed tiny clumping photosynthetic prokaryote anoki v. (ano+ki) retreat; fall behind; ’alkon n. (Lat. 〈argon〉 [arɡɔn]) argon go backward; lose; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ move alkun spec. (Spa. 〈algunos〉 [alˈɣunos]) backward from ʟᴜᴍ’s point of view some; describes an unspecified subset of anokiles n. (anoki+les) retreater the following noun phrase ani v. (Ibo. 〈anị〉 [anɪ]) be soil; be dirt; be aw spec. (Cmn. 〈和〉 [xɤ˧˥]) and; and/or; /; earth; ʟᴏᴧ is made out of dirt delineates a conjugate phrase anilon n. (ani+lon) soil; dirt; earth awila v. (ayuta) hinder; be against; op- ’anime n. (Jpn. 〈アニメ〉 [aɲime]) anime pose; harm; compete; fight; counter; ʟᴏᴧ animaceki v. (ani+maceki) exhume; un- 3.2. Ƌ 31 cover; ʟєꜱ exhumes ʟᴏᴧ pendage used for manipulation anicwelon n. (ani+cwelon) mud ’amelika n. (Spa. 〈América〉 [aˈmeɾika]) aniki v. (ani+ki) disintigrate; decompose; America; the Americas; the New World turn to dirt; ʟєꜱ turns ʟᴏᴧ to dirt ’amelikaak n. (’amelika+ak) American; anipahoki v. (ani+pahoki) bury; ʟєꜱ from America buries ʟᴏᴧ ’amelikatec n. (’amelika+tec) America; anco v. (Spa. 〈ancho〉 [ˈantʃo])͡ be broad; U.S.A.; the United States of America be wide; ʟᴏᴧ is broad in the dimension ’amelikatecwon n. (’amelikatec+won) that is not length or thickness American; the American people ancolon n. (anco+lon) ribbon; blade; ’amelikatulsetupel n. (’amelika+ broad; wide tulsetupel) sweet potato ancolyan n. (anco+lyan) breadth; middle ama v. (Sot. 〈ama〉 [ɑmɑ]) can feel; feel; dimension touch; ʟᴏᴧ can physically feel ʟᴜᴍ ancosapu v. (anco+sapu) sweep; ʟєꜱ amaec n. (ama+ec) skin sweeps ʟᴏᴧ off of ʟᴜᴍ amaak n. (ama+ak) tactile; tactual ancosapuluat n. (ancosapu+luat) broom amanu v. (ama+nu) hide tactually; ʟєꜱ ancoki v. (anco+ki) broaden; ʟєꜱ broad- makes ʟᴏᴧ stop feeling ʟᴜᴍ ens ʟᴏᴧ amamai v. (ama+mai) buy good; pro- ancokiles n. (ancoki+les) broadener duce; ʟᴏᴧ gives ʟᴜᴍ to ʟєꜱ in exchange for ’ankola n. (Por. 〈Angola〉 [ɐ̃ˈɡɔlɐ]) Angola money ’ankolaak n. (’ankola+ak) Angolan; from amamailes n. (amamai+les) consumer Angola amamailon n. (amamai+lon) producer; ’ankolawon n. (’ankola+won) Angolan; vendor the Angolan people amamailum n. (amamai+lum) good anta v. (akla) be dull; be blunt; be blurry; amamailwel n. (amamai+lwel) sale be nebulous; be wide; be gradual; ʟᴏᴧ has amak n. (am+ak) brachial; appendicular a long radius of curvature amaki v. (ama+ki) show tactually; ʟєꜱ antalon n. (anta+lon) dull; blunt; blurry; shows ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ tactually nebulous; wide; gradual amapowi v. (ama+powi) be tangible; be antalyan n. (anta+lyan) radius of curva- physical; be objective; ʟᴜᴍ is tangible to ture ʟᴏᴧ antaki v. (anta+ki) dull; blur; ʟєꜱ dulls amapowilon n. (amapowi+lon) tangible; ʟᴏᴧ physical; objective ’antola n. (Cat. 〈Andorra〉 [ənˈdorə]) An- amapowilum n. (amapowi+lum) object; dorran; the Andorran people thing ’antolaak n. (’antola+ak) Andorran; from amapowinu v. (amapowi+nu) scan; ab- Andorra stract; intangiblise; ʟєꜱ takes ʟᴏᴧ out of ’antolatec n. (’antola+tec) Andorra the physical realm ’antometa n. (Grc. 〈Ἀνδρομέδα〉 amapowinules n. (amapowinu+les) [an˦dro˧me˦da˧]) Andromeda (galaxy) scanner abstracter ’antometaak n. (’antometa+ak) An- amapowinyo v. (amapowi+nyo) be dig- dromedan ital; be intangible; be abstract; be non- ’antika n. (Aig. 〈Antigua〉 [ænˈtiːɡə]) An- physical; ʟᴜᴍ is abstract from ʟᴏᴧ’s point tigua; Waladli; Wadadli of view ’antikaak n. (’antika+ak) Antiguan amapowinyolon n. (amapowinyo+lon) ’antikatilip n. (’antika+tilip) Antiguan digital; intangible; abstract; nonphysical Creole; Leeward Caribbean Creole En- amapowinyolum n. (amapowinyo+lum) glish concept am n. (Eng. 〈arm〉 [ɑɹm]) arm; long ap- amapowiki v. (amapowi+ki) print; tangi- 32 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY blise; soidify; ʟєꜱ brings ʟᴏᴧ into the phys- acapulon n. (acapu+lon) amazing; ex- ical realm treme; incredible; absurd amapowikiles n. (amapowiki+les) ’asalpaycan n. (Aze. 〈Azərbaycan〉 printer [ɑːzæɾbɑjˈdʒɑn])͡ Azerbaijan ami v. (Epo. 〈ami〉 [ˈami]) love; be in love; ’asalpaycanak n. (’asalpaycan+ak) Azer- be infatuated; ʟᴏᴧ is romantically in love baijani; from Azerbaijan with ʟᴜᴍ ’asalpaycantec n. (’asalpaycan+tec) Azer- amiyohau v. (ami+yohau) date; court; baijani; the Azerbaijani people ʟᴏᴧ is dating ʟᴜᴍ ’asalpaycantilip n. (’asalpaycan+tilip) amilon n. (ami+lon) lover; in love; infat- Azerbaijani; the uated ([assuːdaːn] 〈ﺍﻝﺱﻭﺩﺍﻥ 〉 .assutan n. (Ara’ amilum n. (ami+lum) love; object of af- Sudan fection ’assutanak n. (’assutan+ak) Sudanese; amiki v. (ami+ki) set up; fall in love; in- from Sudan troduce; infatuate; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ fall in ’assutanwon n. (’assutan+won) Su- love with ʟᴜᴍ danese; the Sudanese people amikiles n. (amiki+les) matchmaker; cu- ’aflika n. (Swa. 〈Afrika〉 [afrika]) Africa pid ’aflikaak n. (’aflika+ak) African; from amla v. (Jav. 〈ambra〉 [ɑmpɽɔ]) be Africa widespread; be prevalent; be expansive; ’aflika’yewlasia n. (’aflika+’yewlasia) ʟᴏᴧ exists in many places Afro-Eurasia; the Old World amlalon n. (amla+lon) widespread; ([avɣɒn] 〈ﺍﻑﻍﺍﻥﺱﺕﺍﻥ 〉 .afhan n. (Prs’ prevalent; expansive Afghan; the Afgan people amlalyan n. (amla+lyan) prevalence ’afhanak n. (’afhan+ak) Afghan; from amlaki v. (amla+ki) spread; expand; Afghanistan copy; advertise; ʟєꜱ spreads ʟᴏᴧ ’afhantec n. (’afhan+tec) Afghanistan amlakiles n. (amlaki+les) spreader ak post. (Hin. 〈का〉 [kaː]) of; -’s; marks mod- amlakilon n. (amlaki+lon) spread ifier or associate amlakipowi v. (amlaki+powi) be conta- ake v. (Hin. 〈आगे〉 [aːɡe]) be in front; be gious; ʟᴏᴧ is contagious ahead; be forward; ʟᴏᴧ has a positive y amlakipowilon n. (amlakipowi+lon) con- coordinate from ʟᴜᴍ’s point of view tagious akelon n. (ake+lon) field of view; in front; amlut n. (Hin. 〈अम셂द〉 [amruːd]) guava; ahead; forward Psidium akelyan n. (ake+lyan) y coordinate; amhila v. (am+hila) flail; ʟєꜱ flails ʟᴏᴧ progress amhilalon n. (amhila+lon) flail; flailing akenoki v. (ake+noki) secondarily ed- limb ucate; high school; middle school; ʟєꜱ amhulinoluat n. (am+hulinoluat) watch; teaches ʟᴏᴧ wristwatch akenokiles n. (akenoki+les) high school amtokalyot n. (am+tokalyot) shoulder teacher ampoltilum n. (am+poltilum) sleeve; akenokilon n. (akenoki+lon) high armband schooler ahami v. (acapu) be average; be meh; be akenokilyot n. (akenoki+lyot) high moderate; ʟᴏᴧ is to a low degree school; middle school ahamilon n. (ahami+lon) average; meh; akenokilwel n. (akenoki+lwel) sec- moderate ondary education acapu v. (Swa. 〈ajabu〉 [aʄaɓu]) be amaz- akeki v. (ake+ki) advance; go ahead; go ing; be extreme; be incredible; be absurd; forward; progress; gain; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ ʟᴏᴧ is to a very high degree move forward from ʟᴜᴍ’s point of view 3.3. O 33 akekiles n. (akeki+les) advancer goose; chicken; ; pheasant; Gal- akla v. (Epo. 〈akra〉 [ˈakra]) be sharp; be loanserae clear; be tight; ʟᴏᴧ has a short radius of ’apswa n. (Abk. 〈Аҧсуа〉 [apʰswa]) Abk- curvature hazian; Abkhaz; the Abkhazian people aklalon n. (akla+lon) blade; edge; point; ’apswaak n. (’apswa+ak) Abkhazian; sharp; clear; tight Abkhaz; from aklalyan n. (akla+lyan) sharpness; clar- ’apswatec n. (’apswa+tec) Abkhazia ity ’apswatilip n. (’apswa+tilip) Abkhaz; aklanyec n. (akla+nyec) porcupine Abkhazian; Abxaz; the Abkhaz language aklanyamaluat n. (akla+nyamaluat) apta v. (amla) be confined; be rare; ʟᴏᴧ fork exists in few places aklasapu v. (akla+sapu) scratch; ʟєꜱ aptalon n. (apta+lon) confined; rare scratches ʟᴏᴧ aptaki v. (apta+ki) extinguish; erase; con- aklasapuluat n. (aklasapu+luat) fine; recede; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ less prevalent scratcher aptakiles n. (aptaki+les) extinguisher aklaki v. (akla+ki) sharpen; clarify; ʟєꜱ sharpens ʟᴏᴧ aklakiluat n. (aklaki+luat) sharpener aklatun n. (akla+tun) seaurchin 3.3 O aklapal n. (akla+pal) needle akhe v. (anco) be narrow; be thin; ʟᴏᴧ ’o n. (ono. [o]) o; /o/; mid back rounded is narrow in the dimension that is not vowel length or thickness oye v. (Spa. 〈oye〉 [ˈoʝe]) can hear; hear; akheyehkac n. (akhe+yeh+kac) pine tree ʟᴏᴧ hears ʟᴜᴍ akhelon n. (akhe+lon) narrow; thin oyeec n. (oye+ec) ear akheki v. (akhe+ki) narrow; ʟєꜱ narrows oyeak n. (oye+ak) auditory; acoustic ʟᴏᴧ oyelum n. (oye+lum) sound; audio akhekiles n. (akheki+les) narrower oyenu v. (oye+nu) mute; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ ’aktolos n. (Grc. 〈Ἀρκτοῦρος〉 stop hearing ʟᴜᴍ [ark˦to˦˨ːros]) Arcturus oyemocaki v. (oye+mocaki) sing; play aktua v. (Spa. 〈actúa〉 [akˈtua]) act; say; music; stream; ʟєꜱ sings or plays ʟᴜᴍ to ; fill; ʟєꜱ acts as though ʟᴏᴧ is true ʟᴏᴧ aktuales n. (aktua+les) actor oyemocakiles n. (oyemocaki+les) musi- aktualon n. (aktua+lon) act; role; cha- cian rade; character; farce oyemocakilum n. (oyemocaki+lum) mu- at n. (Eng. 〈art〉 [ɑɹt]) art sic; song atak n. (at+ak) artistic oyemocakilyot n. (oyemocaki+lyot) con- 儿童 atun n. (Cmn. 〈 〉 [ɚ˧˥tʰʊŋ˧˥]) child; cert hall youth; girl; boy; adolescent; kid; not fully- oyecolon n. (oye+colon) onomatopoeia grown animal oyeki v. (oye+ki) listen; ʟєꜱ shows ʟᴜᴍ to atunak n. (atun+ak) juvenile; adolescent ʟᴏᴧ audially ʔatˤlas]) Atlas oyepowi v. (oye+powi) have hearing; ʟᴏᴧ] 〈ﺍﻝﺃﻁـﻝـﺱ 〉 .atlas n. (Ara’ mountains has hearing ’atlaslawt n. (’atlas+lawt) Atlantic Ocean oyepowiluat n. (oyepowi+luat) hearing ’atlaslawtak n. (’atlaslawt+ak) Atlantic aid athwok n. (at+hwok) canvas oyepowinu v. (oyepowi+nu) deafen; ʟєꜱ attilip n. (at+tilip) artlang; artistic lan- causes ʟᴏᴧ to become deaf guage oyepowinules n. (oyepowinu+les) deaf- ap n. (Spa. 〈ave〉 [ˈaβe]) fowl; duck; swan; ening 34 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY oyepowinyo v. (oyepowi+nyo) be deaf; oltokiles n. (oltoki+les) sorter ʟᴏᴧ is deaf oltokilip n. (oltoki+lip) order oyepowinyolon n. (oyepowinyo+lon) oltokilum n. (oltoki+lum) sorted deaf oltilip n. (ol+tilip) Ulcwoliel oyepowiki v. (oyepowi+ki) hearify; re- olpumkwelwel n. (ol+pumkwelwel) this store hearing; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ able to hear year ol pn. (et) this; proximal; associated with owon n. (Yor. 〈ọwọn〉 [ɔwɔ̃]) barnacle; the time and place of the utterance copepod; Cirripedia ole v. (Spa. 〈huele〉 [ˈwele]) can smell; ’owmun n. (Yue. 〈澳門〉 [ōu˧muːn˧˥]) smell; ʟᴏᴧ smells ʟᴜᴍ Macau; Macao oleec n. (ole+ec) olfactory gland on post. (Epo. 〈-on〉 [on]) on; to; marks oleak n. (ole+ak) olfactory patient or experiencer olelih n. (ole+lih) skunk ona v. (Yor. 〈ọ̀na〉 [ɔ̀na]) stand struc- olelum n. (ole+lum) scent; odor; aroma; turally; ʟᴏᴧ stands structurally on ʟᴜᴍ smell onalon n. (ona+lon) structure; building olenu v. (ole+nu) smother; suppress onalum n. (ona+lum) foundation; site odor; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ stop smelling ʟᴜᴍ onanu v. (ona+nu) deconstruct; disas- oleki v. (ole+ki) waft; sniff; smell; semble; demolish; take apart; ʟєꜱ decon- show aromatically; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ start structs ʟᴏᴧ smelling ʟᴜᴍ onanules n. (onanu+les) deconstructor oletapalon n. (ole+tapalon) nose onaki v. (ona+ki) construct; build; assem- ol ayf n. (ol+ayf) given this ble; erect; ʟєꜱ constructs ʟᴏᴧ olak n. (ol+ak) this’s onakiles n. (onaki+les) constructor; ol ial n. (ol+ial) herefore; because of this builder ’oliwa n. (Lat. 〈oliva〉 [ɔˈliwa]) olive; Olea onakiluat n. (onaki+luat) construction europaea tool ol ip n. (ol+ip) like so; hereby ’ontulas n. (Spa. 〈Honduras〉 [onˈduɾas]) ol uat n. (ol+uat) with this; like so Honduras ol yot n. (ol+yot) here ’ontulasak n. (’ontulas+ak) Honduran; ol wel n. (ol+wel) now from Honduras ’olsotoksia n. (Ell. 〈Ορθοδοξία〉 [orθoðoˈk- ’ontulaswon n. (’ontulas+won) Hon- sia]) Eastern Orthodoxy; Orthodox duran; Catracho; the Honduran people ɔˈmeɪ̯n]) amen] 〈אָמֵ ן〉 .Catholicism; Greek Orthodoxy ’omeyn n. (Heb ’olsotoksiaak n. (’olsotoksia+ak) Eastern oso v. (Ibo. 〈ọzọ〉 [ɒzɒ]) be more; ex- Orthodox ceed; be positive; be greater; be enough; olsunkwelwel n. (ol+sunkwelwel) today be too much; ʟᴏᴧ is numerically greater olto v. (Epo. 〈ordo〉 [ˈordo]) be number; than ʟᴜᴍ be in order; be -th; index; ʟᴏᴧ has a late osolon n. (oso+lon) more; positive; position in ʟᴜᴍ greater; enough; too much oltolon n. (olto+lon) item; element; num- osolum n. (oso+lum) zero; reference ber; in order; -th osolyan n. (oso+lyan) numerical value; oltolum n. (olto+lum) list; order; se- positiveness quence; queue; line; series osolyanak n. (osolyan+ak) numerical; oltolyan n. (olto+lyan) position; index; cardinal number osoki v. (oso+ki) increase; multiply; oltolyanak n. (oltolyan+ak) ordinal spread; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ increase relative to oltoki v. (olto+ki) move down; position; ʟᴜᴍ sort; arrange; order; ʟєꜱ moves ʟᴏᴧ down osokiles n. (osoki+les) increaser the sequence ʟᴜᴍ osimi v. (Ben. 〈অসীম〉 [os̪im]) be infinite; 3.3. O 35

ʟᴏᴧ is infinitely so ofloki v. (oflo+ki) go west; ʟєꜱ decreases osimilon n. (osimi+lon) infinity; infinite the longitude of ʟᴏᴧ relative to ʟᴜᴍ osiminyo v. (osimi+nyo) be finite; ʟᴏᴧ is ok spec. (en) each; every; describes every not infinitely so instance of the following noun phrase indi- osiminyouhu v. (osiminyo+uhu) be co- vidually matose; ʟᴏᴧ is in a coma oke v. (Eng. 〈okay〉 [ˌoʊ̯ˈkʰeɪ̯]) be okay; osiminyouhulon n. (osiminyouhu+lon) be fine; be all right; be acceptable; ʟᴏᴧ is comatose okay osiminyolon n. (osiminyo+lon) finite okelon n. (oke+lon) okay; fine; all right; osimimota v. (osimi+mota) be infinitely acceptable large; ʟᴏᴧ is infinitely large okenu v. (oke+nu) make not okay; cross osimimotalon n. (osimimota+lon) in- the line; make unacceptable; ʟєꜱ makes finitely large ʟᴏᴧ not okay osimipela v. (osimi+pela) be infinitessi- okeki v. (oke+ki) make okay; make ac- mal; ʟᴏᴧ is infinitessimally small ceptable; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ okay osimipelalon n. (osimipela+lon) in- oketi v. (oke+ti) excuse; pardon; forgive; finitessimal accept; tolerate; ʟєꜱ excuses ʟᴏᴧ ’ostalayc n. (Deu. 〈Österreich〉 oku v. (Ibo. 〈ọkụ〉 [ɒkʊ]) be hot; be warm; [ˈøːstɐraɪç]) Austria ʟᴏᴧ is hotter than ʟᴜᴍ ’ostalaycak n. (’ostalayc+ak) Austrian; okul n. (Ibo. 〈ọ́kụ̀rụ̀〉 [ɒ́kʊ̀ɹʊ̀]) okra; from Austria ochro; ladies’ fingers; Abelmoschus escu- ’ostalaycwon n. (’ostalayc+won) Aus- lentus trian; the Austrian people okulon n. (oku+lon) hot; warm ’ostwaylya n. (Eng. 〈Australia〉 okulono v. (oku+lono) be warm- [əˈstɹʷæɪ̯ljə]) Australia (landmass) coloured; ʟᴏᴧ is red, orange, yellow, or ’ostwaylyaak n. (’ostwaylya+ak) Aus- white tralian; from Australia okulonolon n. (okulono+lon) warm- ’ostwaylyaoposum n. (’ostwaylya+ coloured oposum) possum; glider; cuscus okulum n. (oku+lum) reference tempera- ’ostwaylyawon n. (’ostwaylya+won) Aus- ture; lukewarm tralian; the Australian people okulyan n. (oku+lyan) temperature ’ostwaylyatec n. (’ostwaylya+tec) Aus- okunoluat n. (oku+noluat) thermometer tralia; the Commonwealth of Australia okumihutatuniluhilasoma v. (oku+ ’ospek n. (Uzb. 〈Oʻzbek〉 [ozbek]) Uzbek; mihutatu+nilu+hila+soma) do thermo- the Uzbek people magnetohydrodynamics; ʟєꜱ studies the ’ospekak n. (’ospek+ak) Uzbek; Uzbek- heat transfer of conductive fluids in mag- istani; from Uzbekistan netic fields to learn about ʟᴏᴧ ’ospektec n. (’ospek+tec) Uzbekistan okumihutatuniluhilasomalon n. (oku- ’ospektilip n. (’ospek+tilip) Uzbek; the mihutatuniluhilasoma+lon) thermomag- Uzbek language netohydrodynamics ofla v. (esta) be opposite; be contrary; ʟᴏᴧ okumihutatuniluhilasomales n. (oku- is the opposite of ʟᴜᴍ mihutatuniluhilasoma+les) thermomag- oflalon n. (ofla+lon) opposite; contrary netohydrodynamicist oflati v. (ofla+ti) be sarcastic; ʟєꜱ conveys okucwelon n. (oku+cwelon) sweat; per- ʟᴜᴍ sarcastically to ʟᴏᴧ spiration oflatilon n. (oflati+lon) sarcastic okucwelonkoki v. (okucwelon+koki) oflo v. (este) be west; ʟᴏᴧ has a lower lon- sweat; perspire; ʟєꜱ sweats out ʟᴏᴧ gitude than ʟᴜᴍ okusison n. (oku+sison) summer oflolon n. (oflo+lon) the West; west okuki v. (oku+ki) heat; warm; ʟєꜱ makes 36 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY

ʟᴏᴧ heat up relative to ʟᴜᴍ ’ilaktilip n. (’ilak+tilip) Iraqi; the Iraqi okukiles n. (okuki+les) heater people okupil n. (oku+pil) volcano ilu v. (Ibo. 〈iru〉 [iɾu]) face; point; con- ot n. (Mar. 〈ओट〉 [oʈ]) oat; Avena front; ʟᴏᴧ is oriented in the direction to- ope v. (Eng. 〈obey〉 [oʊ̯ˈbeɪ̯]) obey; com- ward ʟᴜᴍ mand; follow; lead; ʟєꜱ does ʟᴏᴧ because ilulon n. (ilu+lon) direction ʟᴜᴍ said to do it ilulum n. (ilu+lum) target; front opeles n. (ope+les) obedient; follower ilunu v. (ilu+nu) turn away; avert; ʟєꜱ opelon n. (ope+lon) order; command makes ʟᴏᴧ turn away from ʟᴜᴍ opelum n. (ope+lum) leader; comman- iluki v. (ilu+ki) turn; face; rotate; point; der; manager; authority ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ turn toward ʟᴜᴍ opaka v. (Epo. 〈opaka〉 [oˈpaka]) be ilukiles n. (iluki+les) pointer; guide opaque; ʟᴏᴧ absorbs light that it does not ilupoltilum n. (ilu+poltilum) mask; reflect glasses opakalon n. (opaka+lon) opaque ina v. (Yor. 〈iná〉 [ĩ̄ á]) be charged; be elec- opakalyan n. (opaka+lyan) opacity trified; ʟᴏᴧ has electric energy stored opakaki v. (opaka+ki) opaquify; ʟєꜱ inaisi v. (ina+isi) conduct; be conductive; make ʟᴏᴧ become opaque ʟᴏᴧ conducts electricity oposum n. (Fil. 〈oposum〉 [oposum]) inaisilon n. (inaisi+lon) conductor; con- opossum; Didelphimorphia ductive inaisilyan n. (inaisi+lyan) conductivity inaufu v. (ina+ufu) insulate; resist; be re- sistive; ʟᴏᴧ resists electrical current 3.4 I inaufulon n. (inaufu+lon) insulator; re- sistor; resistive ’i n. (ono. [i]) i; /i/; close front unrounded inaufulyan n. (inaufu+lyan) resistance vowel inalon n. (ina+lon) battery; charged; elec- ial post. (Epo. 〈ial〉 [ˈial]) because; since; trified marks cause inalyan n. (ina+lyan) electric potential; iawo v. (Yor. 〈ìyàwó〉 [ìjáwó]) be married; voltage; electricity ʟᴏᴧ is married to ʟᴜᴍ inanu v. (ina+nu) discharge; shock; elec- iawolon n. (iawo+lon) married trify; power; ʟєꜱ releases the electric en- iawolum n. (iawo+lum) spouse ergy of ʟᴏᴧ onto ʟᴜᴍ iawonu v. (iawo+nu) divorce; ʟєꜱ di- inanulip n. (inanu+lip) conduit; wire; cir- vorces ʟᴏᴧ from ʟᴜᴍ cuit; component iawoki v. (iawo+ki) marry; wed; ʟєꜱ mar- inanulum n. (inanu+lum) machine; elec- ries ʟᴏᴧ to ʟᴜᴍ tric circuit iawokilwel n. (iawoki+lwel) wedding inacyaunyama v. (ina+cyau+nyama) vape; e-smoke; ʟєꜱ vapes ʟᴏᴧ ’ilawankappattay n. (Tam. 〈இலவங்கப்பட்டை〉 [ilʌʋʌŋˈɡʌpːʌʈːʌj]) cinnamon; Cinnamo- inaki v. (ina+ki) charge; electrify; ʟєꜱ im- mum bues ʟᴏᴧ with electric energy inakiles n. (inaki+les) charger ʔiːɾɒːn]) Iran] 〈ﺍﯼﺭﺍﻥ 〉 .ilan n. (Fas’ ’ilanak n. (’ilan+ak) Iranian; from Iran inatupan n. (ina+tupan) thunderstorm ’ilanwon n. (’ilan+won) Iranian; Persian; inapowi v. (ina+powi) be capacitive; ʟᴏᴧ the Iranian people is a capacitor ’ilantilip n. (’ilan+tilip) Persian; Farsi; inapowilon n. (inapowi+lon) capacitor; the capacitive inapowilyan n. (inapowi+lyan) capaci- ʕiraːq]) ] 〈ﻉﺭﺍﻕ〉 .ilak n. (Ara’ ’ilakak n. (’ilak+ak) Iraqi; from Iraq tance 3.4. I 37 inco v. (Cmn. 〈应受〉 [iŋ˥ʂoʊ̯˥˩]) deserve; be ’imeyl n. (Eng. 〈email〉 [ˈiːmeɪ̯l]) email entitled; ʟᴏᴧ deserves ʟᴜᴍ imelon n. (ime+lon) pregnant; pre- incolon n. (inco+lon) worthy; deserving; gant; gregnant; pegnate; pregegnant; entitled prregnant; pergert; pergenat; peegnant; incolum n. (inco+lum) dessert pgrenant; pregananant inconu v. (inco+nu) lose privelage; ʟєꜱ imenu v. (ime+nu) abort; get abortion; makes ʟᴏᴧ stop deserving ʟᴜᴍ ʟєꜱ gives ʟᴏᴧ an abortion incoki v. (inco+ki) earn; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ imenules n. (imenu+les) aborter deserve ʟᴜᴍ imeki v. (ime+ki) impregnate; insemi- ’inkil n. (Eng. 〈Engl-〉 [ˈɪŋɡl]) Englishman; nate; get pregnant; ʟєꜱ impregnates ʟᴏᴧ the English people imekiles n. (imeki+les) impregnator ’inkilak n. (’inkil+ak) English; Anglic; imal num. (Eng. 〈-imal〉 [ɪml̩]) radix from England imo v. (upe) lie; be prone; ʟᴏᴧ is prone ’inkiltec n. (’inkil+tec) England imolon n. (imo+lon) lying down; prone ’inkiltilip n. (’inkil+tilip) English; the En- imoki v. (imo+ki) lie down; knock over; glish language ʟєꜱ lays down ʟᴏᴧ ’intelinkwe n. (Ile. 〈Interlingue〉 [inter- ihoha v. (uceca) be normal; be ordinary; lingwe]) Interlingue; Occidental be usual; be commonplace; blend in; be ’intelinkweak n. (’intelinkwe+ak) Inter- average; ʟᴏᴧ is expectable from its sur- lingue; in Interlingue ’intelinkwewon n. (’intelinkwe+won) Oc- ihohalon n. (ihoha+lon) layperson; civil- cidentallist; Interlingue speakers ian; normal; ordinary; usual; common- ’intelinkwa n. (Ina. 〈Interlingua〉 [in- place; average teɾˈliŋɡwa]) Interlingua ihohaki v. (ihoha+ki) conform; nor- ’intelinkwaak n. (’intelinkwa+ak) Inter- malise; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ become normal lingua; in Interlingua ihin n. (ono. [ĩː˥]) fly; housefly; gnat; ’intelinkwawon n. (’intelinkwa+won) In- midge; Muscidae terlinguist; Interlingua speakers ice v. (Yor. 〈iṣẹ́〉 [īʃɛ́]) work; work hard; ’intanet n. (Eng. 〈Internet〉 [ˈɪntɚnɛt]) be productive; be driven; ʟᴏᴧ is working The World Wide Web; The Internet; The hard on ʟᴜᴍ Cloud icelon n. (ice+lon) worker; productive; ’intanetak n. (’intanet+ak) Internet; driven cloud; cyber icelum n. (ice+lum) job; work ’intonesia n. (Ind. 〈Indonesia〉 [ɪndone- icelyan n. (ice+lyan) productivity; effi- sia]) Indonesia (archipelago) ciency; work ’intonesiaak n. (’intonesia+ak) Indone- icelyot n. (ice+lyot) workplace; worksta- sian; from Indonesia tion; office ’intonesiawon n. (’intonesia+won) In- icemai v. (ice+mai) employ; contract; donesian; the Indonesian people work for; ʟᴏᴧ works on ʟᴜᴍ for ʟєꜱ in ex- ’intonesiatec n. (’intonesia+tec) Indone- change for money sia; the Republic of Indonesia icemailes n. (icemai+les) employer; boss ’intonesiatilip n. (’intonesia+tilip) In- icemailon n. (icemai+lon) employee donesian; the Indonesian language icemailum n. (icemai+lum) job; work ime v. (Ibo. 〈ime〉 [ime]) be pregnant; icemailwel n. (icemai+lwel) employ- be pregant; be gregnant; be pegnate; be ment; career pregegnant; be prregnant; be pergert; be iceki v. (ice+ki) put to work; make pro- pergenat; be peegnant; be pgrenant; be ductive; employ; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ start pregananant; ʟᴏᴧ is pregnant working on ʟᴜᴍ imeec n. (ime+ec) uterus ici v. (Swa. 〈-ishi〉 [iʃi]) live; be alive; be 38 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY lively; survive; reside; ʟᴏᴧ is alive isepowi v. (ise+powi) be functional; be ef- iciestaki v. (ici+estaki) birth; give birth; fective; work; ʟᴏᴧ works get born; ʟєꜱ gives birth to ʟᴏᴧ by ʟᴜᴍ’s isepowilon n. (isepowi+lon) functional; seed effective iciestakiles n. (iciestaki+les) biological isepowinyo v. (isepowi+nyo) be nonfunc- mother tional; be broken; be incapacitated; ʟᴏᴧ iciestakilon n. (iciestaki+lon) offspring; does not work biological child; newborn isepowinyolon n. (isepowinyo+lon) non- iciestakilum n. (iciestaki+lum) biologi- functional; broken; incapacitated cal father isa v. (ufa) be chunky; be coarse; be gran- iciestakilwel n. (iciestaki+lwel) birth; ulated; be piled; be in bits; ʟᴏᴧ is a loose birthdate aggregation of fragments of ʟᴜᴍ iciestakisunkwelwel n. (iciestaki+ isalon n. (isa+lon) chunky; coarse; gran- sunkwelwel) birthday ulated; piled; in bits icilet n. (ici+let) ecosystem; environment isaseleal n. (isa+seleal) cereal; breakfast icilon n. (ici+lon) life; organism; living cereal thing; alive; lively isaki v. (isa+ki) chunk; grind; pile; ʟєꜱ icilyot n. (ici+lyot) residence turns ʟᴏᴧ into a pile of chunky bits icilwel n. (ici+lwel) life isakiles n. (isaki+les) chunker icicalu v. (ici+calu) save; rescue; sustain; isi v. (Eng. 〈easy〉 [ˈiːzi]) be easy; be con- ʟєꜱ keeps ʟᴏᴧ from dying venient; ʟᴜᴍ is easy to ʟᴏᴧ icicalules n. (icicalu+les) saver; life sup- isilum n. (isi+lum) easy; convenient port isiki v. (isi+ki) facilitate; convenience; icicakalum n. (ici+cakalum) carbon; coal make easy; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴜᴍ easier for ʟᴏᴧ icicwelon n. (ici+cwelon) water; dihydro- ’islan n. (Isl. 〈Ísland〉 [ˈistlant]) Iceland gen monoxide (landmass) icisoma v. (ici+soma) do biology; ʟєꜱ stud- ’islanak n. (’islan+ak) Icelandic; from Ice- ies lifeforms to learn about ʟᴏᴧ land icisomales n. (icisoma+les) biologist ’islanwon n. (’islan+won) Icelander; the icisomalon n. (icisoma+lon) biology Icelandic people iciki v. (ici+ki) bring to life; come to life; ’islantec n. (’islan+tec) Iceland (country) ʟєꜱ brings ʟᴏᴧ to life ’islantilip n. (’islan+tilip) Icelandic; the icitutumu v. (ici+tutumu) heartbeat; Icelandic language ;ʔɪsˈlaːm]) Islam] 〈ﺇﺱﻝﺍﻡ〉 .have pulse; ʟᴏᴧ has a heartbeat ’islam n. (Ara icitutumulyan n. (icitutumu+lyan) Muhammadanism heartrate ’islamak n. (’islam+ak) Islamic icipeta v. (ici+peta) be undead; ʟᴏᴧ is un- ’islamwon n. (’islam+won) Muslim; fol- dead lowers of Islam icipetalon n. (icipeta+lon) undead ’istanpul n. (Tur. 〈İstanbul〉 [isˈtanbuɫ]) icipetalwel n. (icipeta+lwel) afterlife Istanbul ’ickip n. (Alb. 〈Shqip〉 [ʃcip]) Albanian; ifen spec. (Eng. 〈even〉 [ˈiːvn̩]) even; so; the Albanian people too; neither; emphasises something sur- ’ickipak n. (’ickip+ak) Albanian; from Al- prising bania ifenaw spec. (ifen+aw) but; and even ’ickiptec n. (’ickip+tec) Albania ifenyo spec. (ifen+yo) despite; though ’ickiptilip n. (’ickip+tilip) Albanian; the ikci v. (unhu) be evil; be immoral; be Albanian language wrong; be bad; if ʟᴏᴧ happens, it will be ise v. (Yor. 〈isẹ〉 [isɛ]) function; work; go; morally bad ʟᴏᴧ does what it is supposed to do ikcilon n. (ikci+lon) evil; sin; immoral; 3.5. U 39 wrong; bad good; be proper; be correct; ʟᴏᴧ should ikcinati v. (ikci+nati) tempt; entice to happen to make ʟᴜᴍ happen something appealing but immoral; ʟєꜱ en- ipalon n. (ipa+lon) fit; good; proper; cor- courages ʟᴜᴍ to do ʟᴏᴧ rect ikcinatiles n. (ikcinati+les) tempter; ipalum n. (ipa+lum) value function; goal temptress ipati v. (ipa+ti) suggest; advise; recom- ikcinatilon n. (ikcinati+lon) temptation mend; ʟєꜱ suggests that ʟᴏᴧ do ʟᴜᴍ ikcinatilum n. (ikcinati+lum) temptee ipatiles n. (ipati+les) advisor; recom- ikciki v. (ikci+ki) wrong; turn evil; ʟєꜱ mender makes ʟᴏᴧ become evil ipatilon n. (ipati+lon) advisee ’ikpo n. (Ibo. 〈Ịgbò̀ 〉 [ìɡbò])͡ Igbo; the Igbo ipatilum n. (ipati+lum) suggestion; ad- people vice; recommendation ’ikpoak n. (’ikpo+ak) Igbo; in Igbo ipis n. (Fil. 〈ipis〉 [ipis]) cockroach; roach; ’ikpotilip n. (’ikpo+tilip) Igbo; the Igbo termite; Blattodea language itea v. (Spa. 〈idea〉 [iˈðea]) think of; come up with; invent; have an idea; ʟєꜱ thinks of ʟᴏᴧ 3.5 U iteales n. (itea+les) creative; clever; idea person ’u n. (ono. [u]) u; /u/; close back rounded itealon n. (itea+lon) idea; thought; inven- vowel tion uat post. (ial) by; with; through; marks itealial n. (itea+lial) inspiration instrument ’italya n. (Ita. 〈Italia〉 [itaːlja]) Italy ul n. (Jav. 〈wulu〉 [wuɭu]) feather; ’italyaak n. (’italya+ak) Italian; Italic; plumage; rigid organic extension of a from Italy bird or dinosaur lined with hairs ’italyawon n. (’italya+won) Italian; the ulak n. (ul+ak) plumal; feathery; feath- Italian people ered ’italyatilip n. (’italya+tilip) Italian; the ulu v. (iti) act crazy; be unreasonable; be illogical; jump to conclusion; guess; ʟєꜱ ’ito n. (Ido. 〈Ido〉 [ˈido]) Ido comes to the conclusion ʟᴏᴧ without any ’itoak n. (’ito+ak) Ido; Idist; Ida logic ’itowon n. (’ito+won) Idist; Ido speakers ulules n. (ulu+les) unreasonable; crazy iti v. (Yor. 〈ìdí〉 [ìdí]) deduce; compute; ululon n. (ulu+lon) unreasonable; illogi- reason; be reasonable; be logical; figure; cal figure out; think through; ʟєꜱ logically de- ’ulukway n. (Spa. 〈Uruguay〉 [uɾuˈɣaj]) duces ʟᴏᴧ Uruguay itiles n. (iti+les) reasonable ’ulukwayak n. (’ulukway+ak) itilon n. (iti+lon) conclusion; computa- Uruguayan; from Uruguay tion; reasonable; logical ’ulukwaywon n. (’ulukway+won) ’ityopya n. (Amh. 〈ኢትዮጵያ〉 [ʔɨtjoppʼja]) Uruguayan; the Uruguayan people Ethiopia ’ulkwanta n. (Kin. 〈Rwanda〉 [ɾɡwanda]) ’ityopyaak n. (’ityopya+ak) Ethiopian; Rwanda from Ethiopia ’ulkwantaak n. (’ulkwanta+ak) Rwan- ’ityopyawon n. (’ityopya+won) dan; Rwandese; from Rwanda Ethiopian; the Ethiopian people ’ulkwantawon n. (’ulkwanta+won) ip post. (ø) by; as; via; marks method or Rwandan; the Rwandan people manner ’ulkwantatilip n. (’ulkwanta+tilip) ipa v. (Yor. 〈ìbá〉 [ìbá]) should; be fit; be ; Urufumbira; the Kin- 40 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY yarwanda language those around it -ʔurdunn]) ucecalon n. (uceca+lon) specialist; per] 〈ْﺃﺭﺩﻥ〉 .ultun n. (Ara’ river sonnel; outlier; special; unique; weird; ’ultunak n. (’ultun+ak) Jordanian; from rare; especial Jordan ucecaki v. (uceca+ki) specialise; cus- ’ultunwon n. (’ultun+won) Jordanian; tomise; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ specially the Jordanian people ufa v. (Nya. 〈ufa〉 [ufa]) be powder; be ’ultuntec n. (’ultun+tec) Jordan; the fine; be dust; ʟᴏᴧ is a powder Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan ufalon n. (ufa+lon) powder; fine; dust unhu v. (Sho. 〈unhu〉 [unhu]) be moral; ufalonsapu v. (ufalon+sapu) sand; ʟєꜱ be right; be virtuous; be good; if ʟᴏᴧ hap- sands ʟᴏᴧ pens, it will be morally good ufalonsapules n. (ufalonsapu+les) unhulon n. (unhu+lon) good deed; moral; sander right; virtuous; good ufalonsapulon n. (ufalonsapu+lon) unhulyan n. (unhu+lyan) morality; good- sanded ness ufaseleal n. (ufa+seleal) flour unhuki v. (unhu+ki) rectify; turn good; ufaki v. (ufa+ki) pulverise; powder; ʟєꜱ ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ become moral turns ʟᴏᴧ into a powder um post. (Pan. 〈ਨੂੰ〉 [nũː]) to; by; marks ufakiles n. (ufaki+les) pulveriser theme, stimulus, or recipient ufataka v. (ufa+taka) be dusty; ʟᴜᴍ is cov- uma v. (ipa) should not; be bad; be un- ered in ʟᴏᴧ dust wise; be incorrect; ʟᴏᴧ should not happen ufatakalon n. (ufataka+lon) dusty to make ʟᴜᴍ happen ufatakanu v. (ufataka+nu) undust; dust; umalon n. (uma+lon) problem; bad; un- ʟєꜱ removes the ʟᴏᴧ dust from ʟᴜᴍ wise; incorrect ufatakanuluat n. (ufatakanu+luat) ʕʊˈmaːn]) Oman duster] 〈ﻉﻡﺍﻥ 〉 .uman n. (Ara’ ’umanak n. (’uman+ak) Omani; from ufatakaki v. (ufataka+ki) dust; ʟєꜱ covers Oman ʟᴜᴍ in ʟᴏᴧ dust ’umanwon n. (’uman+won) Omani; the ufapiac n. (ufa+piac) garlic; Allium Omani people sativum uho v. (ice) be unproductive; be lazy; ʟᴏᴧ ufu v. (isi) be difficult; be hard; be incon- is working little on ʟᴜᴍ venient; ʟᴜᴍ is hard for ʟᴏᴧ uholon n. (uho+lon) unproductive; lazy ufulum n. (ufu+lum) difficult; hard; in- uholum n. (uho+lum) neglected convenient uhoki v. (uho+ki) retire; give up; make ufuki v. (ufu+ki) restrict; resist; incon- unproductive; fire; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ become venience; make difficult; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴜᴍ unproductive at ʟᴜᴍ harder for ʟᴏᴧ uhu v. (ici) be dead; ʟᴏᴧ is dead ukik n. (ono. [u ki ki]) primate; monkey; uhulon n. (uhu+lon) corpse; dead thing; ape; Primates dead ukikak n. (ukik+ak) simian uhulwel n. (uhu+lwel) death ukikcim n. (ukik+cim) peanut; ground- uhuki v. (uhu+ki) kill; murder; die; pass nut; goober away; ʟєꜱ kills ʟᴏᴧ ’ukulele n. (Haw. 〈ʻukulele〉 [ˈʔukuˈlɛlɛ]) uhukiles n. (uhuki+les) killer; murderer ukulele uhutunmailyot n. (uhu+tun+mailyot) ’uklayina n. (Ukr. 〈Україна〉 [ukrɑˈjinɑ]) butchery ; the Ukraine uceca v. (Pan. 〈ਉਚੇਚਾ〉 [ʊtʃet͡ ʃɑ])͡ be spe- ’uklayinaak n. (’uklayina+ak) Ukranian; cial; be unique; be weird; be rare; stand from Ukraine out; be especial; ʟᴏᴧ is distinguished from ’uklayinawon n. (’uklayina+won) 3.6. Y 41

Ukrainian; the Ukranian people ’yehutimfitilip n. (’yehutim+fitilip) Ju- ’uklayinatilip n. (’uklayina+tilip) daism Ukrainian; the ’yehutimfitilipwon n. (’yehutimfitilip+ ut n. (Pan. 〈ਊਠ〉 [uʈʰ]) camelid; camel; won) Jew; religious Jew; followers of Ju- llama; alpaca; guanaco; Camelidae daism uto v. (Ibo. 〈uto〉 [uto]) can taste; taste; ’yehutimtec n. (’yehutim+tec) Judah; the ʟᴏᴧ tastes ʟᴜᴍ Kingdom of Judah utoec n. (uto+ec) tongue yehcwelon n. (yeh+cwelon) tea utoecsapu v. (utoec+sapu) lick; ʟєꜱ licks yehkol n. (yeh+kol) kale; leaf cabbage ʟᴏᴧ yehpet n. (yeh+pet) chard; spinach beet utoecsapules n. (utoecsapu+les) licker yehpiac n. (yeh+piac) scallion; green utoecsapulon n. (utoecsapu+lon) licked onion; spring onion; salad onion utoak n. (uto+ak) gustatory yek n. (won) beast; wild animal; non- utolum n. (uto+lum) taste; flavour human animal utonu v. (uto+nu) obscure taste; ʟєꜱ yekak n. (yek+ak) wild; beastial; animal- makes ʟᴏᴧ stop tasting ʟᴜᴍ istic; visceral utoki v. (uto+ki) sample; show taste; ʟєꜱ yayu v. (wawi) relieve; calm; reassure; makes ʟᴏᴧ start tasting ʟᴜᴍ ʟᴜᴍ gives ʟᴏᴧ relieved feelings upe v. (Mar. 〈उभे〉 [ub̤e]) stand; be erect; yayulon n. (yayu+lon) soothed ʟᴏᴧ is standing yayulum n. (yayu+lum) relief up n. (Ibo. 〈uba〉 [uba]) flea; yayuki v. (yayu+ki) assuage; sooth; re- Siphonaptera lieve; calm; ʟєꜱ causes ʟᴏᴧ to feel relieved upelon n. (upe+lon) standing; erect by ʟᴜᴍ upelip n. (upe+lip) posture yayukiles n. (yayuki+les) reliever upeki v. (upe+ki) stand up; erect; ʟєꜱ yala v. (Yor. 〈yára〉 [járā]) be fast; be stands up ʟᴏᴧ quick; be frequent; hurry; ʟᴏᴧ progresses, upekiles n. (upeki+les) stand oscillates, or decays quickly yalaiti v. (yala+iti) differentiate; take derivative; ʟєꜱ takes the nth derivative of ʟᴏᴧ with respect to ʟᴜᴍ 3.6 Y yalaitiles n. (yalaiti+les) differentiater yalaitilon n. (yalaiti+lon) antiderivative; jeʁuʃaˈla- differentiation function] 〈יְרוּשׁ ָ לַיִם〉 .yelucalayim n. (Heb’ jim]) Jerusalem yalaitilum n. (yalaiti+lum) differentia- ’yewlasia n. (Rus. 〈Евразия〉 [jɪˈvrazʲɪjə]) tion variable Eurasia yalaitilyan n. (yalaiti+lyan) derivative ’yewlasiaak n. (’yewlasia+ak) Eurasian; order from Eurasia yalalon n. (yala+lon) fast; quick; fre- ’yewlasiasutaestelawt n. (’yewlasia+ quent sutaeste+lawt) South China Sea yalalonnyec n. (yalalon+nyec) rabbit; ’yewlasiatulsetupel n. (’yewlasia+ hare tulsetupel) yam yalalyan n. (yala+lyan) speed; angular yeh n. (Cmn. 〈叶〉 [jɛ˥˩]) leaf; blade of grass; velocity photosynthetic structure of a plant yalamuf n. (yala+muf) antelope yehak n. (yeh+ak) foliar; leafy yalacalunyo v. (yala+calunyo) undergo jehuˈdim]) revolution; ʟᴏᴧ goes through a revolution] 〈יְהוּדִ ים〉 .yehutim n. (Heb’ Jew; the Jewish people yalacalunyolwel n. (yalacalunyo+lwel) ’yehutimak n. (’yehutim+ak) Jewish; of revolution the Jews yalakunciki v. (yala+kunciki) launch 42 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY coup d’etat; seize power; ʟєꜱ suddenly yatoki v. (yato+ki) diverge; make differ- seizes control of ʟᴏᴧ ent; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ become different from yalakuncikilwel n. (yalakunciki+lwel) ʟᴜᴍ coup d’etat; coup; putsch; golpe yo spec. (Cmn. 〈又〉 [jow˥˩]) both; begins a yalati v. (yala+ti) text; message; instant- conjugate phrase message ʟєꜱ sends ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ ’yo n. (ono. [j]) y; /j/; palatal approximant yalatiles n. (yalati+les) sender of a text ’yolupa n. (Yor. 〈Yorùbá〉 [jōɾùbá]) yalatilon n. (yalati+lon) recipient of a Yoruba; Ioruba; Joruba; the Yoruba peo- text ple yalatilum n. (yalati+lum) text message ’yolupaak n. (’yolupa+ak) Yoruba; of the yalapum n. (yala+pum) Mercury Yoruba yalapumak n. (yalapum+ak) Mercurian ’yolupatilip n. (’yolupa+tilip) Yoruba; the yalapucocalu v. (yala+pucocalu) fast- Yoruba language walk; ʟᴏᴧ is doing a fast walk on ʟᴜᴍ yohau v. (Cmn. 〈友好〉 [joʊ̯˧˩˧xɑʊ̯˧˩˧]) be yan post. (Cmn. 〈量〉 [ljaŋ˥˩]) than; as; friendly; be nice; be kind; ʟᴏᴧ considers marks amount or degree ʟᴜᴍ a friend yam n. (Cmn. 〈亚麻〉 [ja˥˩ma˧˥]) flax; lin- yohaulon n. (yohau+lon) friendly; nice; seed; linen; Linum kind jaman]) Yemen yohaulum n. (yohau+lum) friend] 〈ﻱﻡﻥ〉 .yaman n. (Ara’ ’yamanak n. (’yaman+ak) Yemeni; from yohaulyan n. (yohau+lyan) friendliness; Yemen amity ’yamanwon n. (’yaman+won) Yemeni; yohauki v. (yohau+ki) befriend; intro- Yemenite; the Yemeni people duce; soften; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ become jahwe]) YHWH; friends with ʟᴜᴍ] 〈יהוה 〉 .yahwe n. (Heb’ Yahweh; Jehovah; God; Allah; Abrahamic yohaukiles n. (yohauki+les) friend- God arranger ’yok n. (Eng. 〈York〉 [jɔːk]) York yata v. (Hin. 〈याद〉 [jaːd]) recall; remind; remember; remember to; jog memory; yot post. (wel) on; at; in; marks location jisʁael]) Israel] 〈ישראל〉 .ʟєꜱ helps ʟᴏᴧ recall ʟᴜᴍ from memory ’yishael n. (Heb yatales n. (yata+les) mnemonic ’yishaelak n. (’yishael+ak) Israeli; from yatalon n. (yata+lon) recaller Israel yatalum n. (yata+lum) factoid; datum ’yishaelwon n. (’yishael+won) Israelite; yatapowi v. (yata+powi) can remember; the Israeli people remember; know; ʟᴏᴧ has ʟᴜᴍ stored in ’yishaeltilip n. (’yishael+tilip) Hebrew; memory the yatapowilon n. (yatapowi+lon) knowl- ’yuan n. (Cmn. 〈元〉 [ɥæn˧˥]) yuan; yen; edgeable; smart won; ¥; ₩ yatapowinu v. (yatapowi+nu) forget; ’yunikowt n. (Eng. 〈〉 [ˈjunɪkoʊ̯d]) erase memory; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ forget ʟᴜᴍ Unicode yatapowinules n. (yatapowinu+les) mind-eraser yatapowiki v. (yatapowi+ki) memorise; drill; remind; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ memorise 3.7 L ʟᴜᴍ yatapowikiles n. (yatapowiki+les) l pn. (ø) which; that; relative driller; crammer; memoriser le v. (Cmn. 〈累〉 [leɪ̯˥˩]) be fatigued; be yato v. (Yor. 〈yàtọ̀〉 [jàtɔ̀]) differ; be differ- tired; ʟᴏᴧ is fatigued ent; be distinct; ʟᴏᴧ is different from ʟᴜᴍ lealac n. (Epo. 〈realaĵo〉 [reaˈlaʒo]) real- yatolon n. (yato+lon) different; distinct ity; universe; dimension; collection of all 3.7. L 43 canonical existing things lef num. (tos) E; fourteen; only used for lealacak n. (lealac+ak) real; realistic; pos- sible lefak n. (lef+ak) fourteenth lealacsoma v. (lealac+soma) do philoso- lek n. (Eng. 〈leg〉 [lɛɡ]) leg; appendage; phy; ʟєꜱ uses reasoning and deduction to long appendage used for transportation ponder ʟᴏᴧ lekak n. (lek+ak) crural; appendicular lealacsomales n. (lealacsoma+les) leki v. (le+ki) fatigue; tire; burn out; ʟєꜱ philosopher makes ʟᴏᴧ tired lealacsomalon n. (lealacsoma+lon) phi- lekiles n. (leki+les) tiring losophy lekcoh n. (lek+coh) leyawt n. (Eng. 〈layout〉 [leɪ̯aʊ̯t]) layout; lekcohak n. (lekcoh+ak) pedal topography; geography lekcohtokalyot n. (lekcoh+tokalyot) an- leyawtak n. (leyawt+ak) topographical; kle geographical lekcohpoltilum n. (lekcoh+poltilum) leyawthulum n. (leyawt+hulum) map shoe leyawthulumpatililip n. (leyawthulum+ lekcipcip n. (lek+cipcip) stork patililip) map projection lekcuc n. (lek+cuc) centipede; millipede ’leykos n. (Eng. 〈Lagos〉 [ˈleɪ̯ɡɒs]) Lagos lektokalyot n. (lek+tokalyot) hip lele v. (Yor. 〈rere〉 [rērē]) prosper; fare; lekpoltilum n. (lek+poltilum) bottom; be-well; be-good; ʟᴏᴧ is doing well pants; shorts; skirt lelon n. (le+lon) fatigued; tired let n. (Spa. 〈red〉 [reð]) network; net; lene v. (toko) be unsour; ʟᴏᴧ is not very web; system; collection of interconnected sour nodes lenelon n. (lene+lon) unsour letak n. (let+ak) web leneki v. (lene+ki) desour; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ letus n. (Ben. 〈েলটুস〉 [l̪etus̪]) lettuce; become less sour chicory; Lactuca lena v. (Hin. 〈लेना〉 [lenaː]) take up; con- letpu v. (tolmi) be awake; be concious; sume; hold; occupy; ʟᴏᴧ is taken up by ʟᴏᴧ is awake ʟᴜᴍ letpulon n. (letpu+lon) awake; concious lenalon n. (lena+lon) slot; space; re- letpuki v. (letpu+ki) wake up; come to; source ʟєꜱ (alarm clock) wakes ʟᴏᴧ up lenalum n. (lena+lum) allocation lep n. (Epo. 〈rebo〉 [ˈrebo]) climber; vine; lenanu v. (lena+nu) free; revoke; ʟєꜱ creeper; ivy; long, climbing plant frees up ʟᴏᴧ from ʟᴜᴍ leptil n. (Spa. 〈reptil〉 [repˈtil]) reptile; lenaki v. (lena+ki) allocate; allot; spend; Reptilia ʟєꜱ allocates ʟᴏᴧ to ʟᴜᴍ leptilak n. (leptil+ak) reptilian lem n. (Sot. 〈lema〉 [lemɑ]) paleognath; ’la n. (ono. [l]) l; /l/; alveolar lateral ap- ostrich; emu; rhea; tinamou; kiwi; cas- proximant sowary; Palaeognathae lais n. (Spa. 〈raíz〉 [raˈis]) root; under- les n. (l+es) who (relative) ground component of a plant that gathers lesla v. (Pan. 〈ਲੇਸਲਾ〉 [leslɑ]) be viscous; be nutrients thick; ʟᴏᴧ is viscous laisak n. (lais+ak) radical; rooted leslalon n. (lesla+lon) paste; gel; goop; laispet n. (lais+pet) garden beet; beetroot viscous; thick layoh n. (Epo. 〈rajo〉 [ˈrajo]) ray; manta leslalyan n. (lesla+lyan) viscosity ray; stingray; skate; sawfish; Batoidea leslaki v. (lesla+ki) thicken; increase vis- layf n. (l+ayf) for which cosity; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ more viscous ’laypiwia n. (Eng. 〈Liberia〉 [laɪ̯ˈbɪɹʷiə]) leslakiles n. (leslaki+les) thickener; vis- Liberia cosity increaser ’laypiwiaak n. (’laypiwia+ak) Liberian; 44 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY from Liberia lamanoluat n. (lama+noluat) stopwatch ’laypiwiawon n. (’laypiwia+won) lamacuc n. (lama+cuc) dragonfly; dam- Liberian; the Liberian people selfly ’law n. (Lao. 〈ລາວ〉 [laːw˧]) Lao; Laotian; lamasiklalon n. (lama+siklalon) tube the Lao people lamafuloki v. (lama+fuloki) stretch; ʟєꜱ ’lawak n. (’law+ak) Lao; Laotian; from stretches ʟᴏᴧ Laos lamaki v. (lama+ki) lengthen; grow; ʟєꜱ lawt n. (Msa. 〈laut〉 [lawt]) ocean; sea; lengthens ʟᴏᴧ large interconnected bodies of liquid cov- lamakiles n. (lamaki+les) lengthener ering most of a planet ’lahol n. (Pan. 〈ਲਾਹੌਰ〉 [ləˈhɔːɾ]) Lahore ’lawtec n. (’law+tec) Laos ’lasapuac n. (Ltz. 〈Lëtzebuerg〉 lawtalkas n. (lawt+alkas) algae; alga [lətsəbuːəɕ])͡ Luxembourg lawtak n. (lawt+ak) marine; oceanic ’lasapuacak n. (’lasapuac+ak) Luxem- ’lawtilip n. (’law+tilip) Lao; the Lao lan- bougish; Luxembourgian; from Luxem- guage bourg lawtnyamaeccipcip n. (lawt+nyamaec+ ’lasapuacwon n. (’lasapuac+won) Lux- cipcip) pelican embourger; the Luxembourgish people lawthihin n. (lawt+hihin) seahorse ’lasapuactilip n. (’lasapuac+tilip) Luxem- lawtcic n. (lawt+cic) pantopod bourgish; the Luxembourgish language lawttayl n. (lawt+tayl) Oceania lasi v. (Swa. 〈radhi〉 [ɾaði]) feel pleasure; lawttaylak n. (lawttayl+ak) Oceanic feel good; feel satisfied; feel euphoria; ʟᴏᴧ lawtpum n. (lawt+pum) Neptune feels pleased about ʟᴜᴍ lawtpumak n. (lawtpum+ak) Neptunian lasilon n. (lasi+lon) satisfied lawtpyah n. (lawt+pyah) manatee; sea- lasilum n. (lasi+lum) satisfying cow lasiki v. (lasi+ki) please; satisfy; soothe; lanau v. (takai) be turned off; be inani- ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ feel pleased by ʟᴜᴍ mate; be passive; be closed; ʟᴏᴧ is turned lak n. (l+ak) whose (relative) off ’latium n. (Lat. 〈Latium〉 [ˈɫatiũː]) Latium lanaulon n. (lanau+lon) turned off; inan- ’latiumak n. (’latium+ak) Latin; of Latin imate; passive; closed ’latiumwon n. (’latium+won) Latin; the lanauki v. (lanau+ki) turn off; deactivate; Latin people kill; ʟєꜱ turns off ʟᴏᴧ ’latiumwon’amelika n. (’latiumwon+ lanaukiles n. (lanauki+les) deactivator ’amelika) Latin America ’lanka n. (Sin. 〈ලංකා〉 [laŋkaː]) Sri Lanka ’latiumwon’amelikaak n. (’latium- (landmass) won’amelika+ak) Latin American ’lankaak n. (’lanka+ak) Sri Lankan; from ’latiumtilip n. (’latium+tilip) Latin Sri Lanka ’latwiya n. (Lav. 〈Latvija〉 [ˈlatvija]) ’lankawon n. (’lanka+won) Sri Lankan; Latvia the Sri Lankan people ’latwiyaak n. (’latwiya+ak) Latvian; from ’lankatec n. (’lanka+tec) Sri Lanka; Latvia the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri ’latwiyawon n. (’latwiya+won) Latvian; Lanka the Latvian people lama v. (Msa. 〈lama〉 [lama]) be long; be ’latwiyatilip n. (’latwiya+tilip) Latvian; tall; ʟᴏᴧ is long in time or space the Latvian language lamaaklalon n. (lama+aklalon) sword lo v. (te) erase; overwrite; obscure; ʟєꜱ re- lamalon n. (lama+lon) protrusion; moves traces of ʟᴏᴧ from ʟᴜᴍ length; long; tall loles n. (lo+les) one who erases; eraser lamalyan n. (lama+lyan) length; maxi- lolon n. (lo+lon) erased mum physical dimension; length of time loluat n. (lo+luat) eraser 3.7. L 45 lolum n. (lo+lum) blank slate sure; ʟєꜱ takes pressure off of ʟᴏᴧ lon n. (l+on) which (relative) lota v. (Spa. 〈rueda〉 [ˈrweða]) roll; tum- lono v. (Ben. 〈রঙ〉 [rɔŋɔ]) be coloured; ble; be rolling; ʟᴏᴧ is rolling have colour; ʟᴜᴍ is the colour of ʟᴏᴧ lotalon n. (lota+lon) wheel; roller; rolling lonolon n. (lono+lon) coloured lotanu v. (lota+nu) stop rolling; roll into; lonolum n. (lono+lum) colour ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ stop rolling lonowicon n. (lono+wicon) spot; dot lotaki v. (lota+ki) start rolling; roll from; lonowiconak n. (lonowicon+ak) spotted; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ start rolling dotted lotakiles n. (lotaki+les) roller lonowiconmuf n. (lonowicon+muf) cow; loto v. (Spa. 〈roto〉 [ˈroto]) be in pieces; be bull; beef broken; be piecemeal; ʟᴏᴧ is in multiple lononyamaeccipcip n. (lono+nyamaec+ pieces cipcip) toucan; Ramphastidae lotolon n. (loto+lon) in pieces; broken; lonomilumutihutyeh n. (lono+ piecemeal milumutihutyeh) butterfly lotonu v. (loto+nu) mend; fix; put back lonositelon n. (lono+sitelon) stripe together; ʟєꜱ puts ʟᴏᴧ back together lonositelonak n. (lonositelon+ak) lotonules n. (lotonu+les) fixer striped lotonyolon n. (loto+nyo+lon) whole; en- lonositelonmyawf n. (lonositelon+ tirety; entire myawf) tiger lotonyolonpoltilum n. (lotonyolon+ lonokap n. (lono+kap) koi; koi fish poltilum) suit; costume; uniform lonoki v. (lono+ki) colour; shade; ʟєꜱ lotoki v. (loto+ki) break; shatter; destroy; colours ʟᴏᴧ ʟᴜᴍ ʟєꜱ breaks ʟᴏᴧ into multiple pieces lonokiles n. (lonoki+les) colourer lotokiles n. (lotoki+les) breaker ’lontan n. (Eng. 〈London〉 [ˈlʌndən]) Lon- lotokihepuki v. (lotoki+hepuki) explode; don blow up; detonate; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ explode ’loma n. (Ita. 〈Roma〉 [ˈroːma]) Rome lotokihepukilon n. (lotokihepuki+lon) ’loma’kilistosfitilip n. (’loma+ exploded ’kilistosfitilip) Roman Catholicism; lotokihepukiles n. (lotokihepuki+les) ex- Catholicism ploder ’lomatec n. (’loma+tec) Rome; the Roman lotokicomiki v. (lotoki+comiki) implode; Empire ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ implode ’lomin n. (Ron. 〈român〉 [romɨn]) Roma- lotokicomikilon n. (lotokicomiki+lon) nian; the Romanian people imploded ’lominak n. (’lomin+ak) Romanian; from lotokicomikiles n. (lotokicomiki+les) im- Romania ploder ’lomintec n. (’lomin+tec) Romania lotokipowi v. (lotoki+powi) be fragile; be ’lomintilip n. (’lomin+tilip) Romanian; structurally weak; be crumbly; be brittle; the Romanian language ʟᴏᴧ is easy to break ’locpan n. (Ljb. 〈.lojban.〉 [ˈʔloʒbanʔ]) Lo- lotokipowilon n. (lotokipowi+lon) frag- jban ile; structurally weak; crumbly; brittle ’locpanak n. (’locpan+ak) Lojban; in Lo- lotokipowinu v. (lotokipowi+nu) jban strengthen; brace; glue; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ ’locpanwon n. (’locpan+won) Lojbanist; structurally stronger Lojban speakers lotokipowinules n. (lotokipowinu+les) lokfe v. (tenso) be relaxed; be lax; be strengthener; glue chill; ʟᴏᴧ is not under pressure lotokipowinyo v. (lotokipowi+nyo) be lokfelon n. (lokfe+lon) relaxed; lax; chill unbreaking; be structurally strong; be lokfeki v. (lokfe+ki) relax; take off pres- durable; ʟᴏᴧ is difficult to break 46 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY lotokipowinyolon n. (lotokipowinyo+ limpucolon n. (lim+pucolon) pentagram; lon) unbreaking; structurally strong; pentalpha; pentangle; star pentagon durable lih n. (Cmn. 〈狸〉 [li]) musteloid; red lotokipowinyolyan n. (lotokipowinyo+ panda; skunk; raccoon; coatis; kinka- lyan) structural integrity; strength; dura- jou; olingo; olinguito; ringtail; cacomis- bility tle; weasel; badger; otter; marten; ferret; lotokipowiki v. (lotokipowi+ki) weaken; mink; stoat; wolverine; Musteloidea compromise; sabotage; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ lic n. (Pan. 〈ਿਰੱਛ〉 [ɾɪːtʃʰ])͡ bear; Ursidae structurally weaker licak n. (lic+ak) ursine lotokipowikiles n. (lotokipowiki+les) ’licilkentawlus n. (Lat. 〈Rigil Centau- weakener; saboteur rus〉 [rɪdʒɪl͡ kɛntawrʊs]) Alpha Centauri A; lotiha v. (teluca) be disgusted; ʟᴏᴧ is dis- Rigil Kentaurus gusted by ʟᴜᴍ ’lictenectayn n. (Deu. 〈Liechtenstein〉 lotihalon n. (lotiha+lon) disgusted [lɪçtn̩ʃtaɪ̯n]) Liechtenstein lotihaki v. (lotiha+ki) disgust; make dis- ’lictenectaynak n. (’lictenectayn+ak) gusted; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ disgusted by ʟᴜᴍ Liechtensteiner; from Liechtenstein ’lietuwa n. (Lit. 〈Lietuva〉 [lʲɪɛtʊˈvɐ]) ’lictenectaynwon n. (’lictenectayn+won) Lithuania Liechtensteiner; the people of Liechten- ’lietuwaak n. (’lietuwa+ak) Lithuanian; stein from Lithuania lisat n. (Eng. 〈lizard〉 [ˈlɪzɚd]) lizard; Lac- ’lietuwawon n. (’lietuwa+won) Lithua- ertilia nian; the Lithuanian people ’litium n. (Lat. 〈lithium〉 [lɪtɪʊ̃]) lithium ’lietuwatilip n. (’lietuwa+tilip) Lithua- ’lithe n. (Fra. 〈litre〉 [ˈlitʁ]) litre; liter; L nian; the Lithuanian language litfo v. (tulse) be unsweet; be unsweet- lial n. (l+ial) why (relative); because of ened; ʟᴏᴧ is unsweet which litfolon n. (litfo+lon) unsweet; unsweet- lialkweki v. (l+ial+kweki) result; follow; ened bear responsibility; bear fault; ʟᴏᴧ results litfoki v. (litfo+ki) unsweeten; ʟєꜱ makes from ʟᴜᴍ ʟᴏᴧ become less sweet lialkwekilon n. (lialkweki+lon) effect lip n. (l+ip) how (relative); by which ’lila n. (Vec. 〈lira〉 [lira]) pound; lira; libra; liːbija]) Libya] 〈ﻝﻱﺏﻱﺍ 〉 .lipiya n. (Ara’ £ ’lipiyaak n. (’lipiya+ak) Libyan; from ’liwla n. (Gmy. 〈λύρα〉 [ly˦ra]) lyre Libya 鳞 lin n. (Cmn. 〈 〉 [lin˧˥]) scale; squame; ’lipiyawon n. (’lipiya+won) Libyan; the flake; rigid, external, organic plate used Libyan people in array with others ([lɪbˈnɛːn] 〈ﻝﺏﻥﺍﻥ 〉 .lipnen n. (Ara’ linak n. (lin+ak) squamous; scaly Lebanon linli v. (ono. [riŋ riŋ]) ring; trill; coo; ’lipnenak n. (’lipnen+ak) Lebanese; from chime; SBU makes ʟᴏᴧ Lebanon linlilon n. (linli+lon) ring; trill; coo; ’lipnenwon n. (’lipnen+won) Lebanese; chime; noisy, concordant sound or action the Lebanese people linmamul n. (lin+mamul) pangolin lu v. (ti) consult; look up; reference; refer; lim num. (Jav. 〈lima〉 [lima]) 5; five read; ʟєꜱ retrieves ʟᴜᴍ from ʟᴏᴧ limak n. (lim+ak) fifth luat n. (l+uat) with which (relative) limnul num. (lim+nul) 50; fifty luatkweki v. (l+uat+kweki) use; work limnulnul num. (lim+nul+nul) 500; five through; ʟᴏᴧ is using ʟᴜᴍ hundred luatkwekilon n. (luatkweki+lon) user limsunkwelwel n. (lim+sunkwelwel) Fri- luatkwekipowi v. (luatkweki+powi) be day usable; be practical; ʟᴏᴧ is usable 3.7. L 47 luatkwekipowilon n. (luatkwekipowi+ lumah n. (Jav. 〈lumah〉 [ɭumɑh]) surface; lon) usable; practical plane; layer; two-dimensional locus luatkwekipowinyo v. (luatkwekipowi+ lumahak n. (lumah+ak) planar; superfi- nyo) be impractical; be unusable; ʟᴏᴧ is cial; facial not usable lumahmwoni v. (lumah+mwoni) draw; luatkwekipowinyolon n. (luatk- ʟєꜱ paints ʟᴜᴍ as ʟᴏᴧ wekipowinyo+lon) impractical; unusable lumahmwoniles n. (lumahmwoni+les) luo v. (tie) be along; be longitudinal; be drawer with; be parallel; ʟᴏᴧ is along ʟᴜᴍ lumahmwonilon n. (lumahmwoni+lon) luolon n. (luo+lon) along; longitudinal; drawing with; parallel lumahmwonilum n. (lumahmwoni+ luoki v. (luo+ki) align; move along; move lum) drawn; drawing subject with; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ go along ʟᴜᴍ lumahhila v. (lumah+hila) climb; ʟᴏᴧ lulon n. (lu+lon) reference; table; source; climbs consult; dictionary lumahhilalon n. (lumahhila+lon) luna v. (Pan. 〈ਲੂਣਾ〉 [luɳɑ]) be salty; ʟᴏᴧ is climber salty lumahhilaluat n. (lumahhila+luat) lad- lunaufalon n. (luna+ufalon) salt der; handholds lunalon n. (luna+lon) salty lumahsikla v. (lumah+sikla) be spheri- lunalyan n. (luna+lyan) saltiness; salt cal; be round; ʟᴏᴧ is spherical lunacakalum n. (luna+cakalum) sodium lumahsiklalon n. (lumahsikla+lon) lunacyolyan n. (luna+cyolyan) pickle; sphere; ball; spherical; round ʟєꜱ pickles ʟᴏᴧ lumahsiteponto v. (lumah+siteponto) be lunacyolyanlon n. (lunacyolyan+lon) polyhedral; ʟᴏᴧ is polyhedral pickled; pickle lumahsitepontolon n. (lumahsiteponto+ lunaki v. (luna+ki) salt; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ be- lon) polyhedron; gem; polyhedral come salty lumahfunta v. (lumah+funta) be box- luni v. (Cmn. 〈容易〉 [ɻʊŋ˧˥i˥˩]) be likely; be shaped; ʟᴏᴧ is box-shaped normal; be unremarkable; be expectable; lumahfuntalon n. (lumahfunta+lon) be common; ʟᴏᴧ is likely true box; rectangular prism; box-shaped lunilon n. (luni+lon) likely; normal; un- lumahtokanu v. (lumah+tokanu) slice; remarkable; expectable; common ʟєꜱ slices ʟᴏᴧ into ʟᴜᴍ lunilyan n. (luni+lyan) P-value lumahtokanulum n. (lumahtokanu+ lunisoma v. (luni+soma) do statistics; ʟєꜱ lum) slice studies data to learn about ʟᴏᴧ luci v. (Epo. 〈ruĝi〉 [ˈrudʒi])͡ be red; ʟᴏᴧ lunisomales n. (lunisoma+les) statisti- reflects short wavelength light cian lucilon n. (luci+lon) red lunisomalon n. (lunisoma+lon) statistics lucilyan n. (luci+lyan) redness luniki v. (luni+ki) increase chances; ex- lucimuta v. (luci+muta) be magenta; be plain away; favour; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ more fuchsia; ʟᴏᴧ looks magenta likely lucimutalon n. (lucimuta+lon) magenta; ’lunti n. (Run. 〈Rundi〉 [ˈɾundi]) Burun- fuchsia dian; the Rundi people lucimutaki v. (lucimuta+ki) colour ma- ’luntiak n. (’lunti+ak) Burundian; from genta; colour fuchsia; ʟєꜱ colours ʟᴏᴧ ma- Burundi genta ’luntitec n. (’lunti+tec) Burundi lucicipcip n. (luci+cipcip) flamingo ’luntitilip n. (’lunti+tilip) ; Rundi; luciki v. (luci+ki) redden; colour red; ʟєꜱ the Rundi language colours ʟᴏᴧ red lum n. (l+um) whom (relative) lucikwah n. (luci+kwah) watermelon 48 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY lucitawh n. (luci+tawh) peach; nectarine ’lupli n. (Rus. 〈рубль〉 [rublʲ]) ruble; rou- lucipilapilu v. (luci+pila+pilu) be ble; ₽ brightly coloured; be saturated; be lyan n. (l+yan) the amount that colourful; be vibrant; ʟᴏᴧ reflects some lyon num. (Spa. 〈-illón〉 [iˈʝon]) ×10^; - wavelengths of light much more than oth- llion; times the radix to the ers lyonlim num. (lyon+lim) 100 000; one lucipilapilulon n. (lucipilapilu+lon) hundred thousand; hundred thousand brightly coloured; saturated; colourful; lyonmenmes num. (lyon+men+mes) vibrant .000000001; one billionth; billionth; nano- lucipilapilulyan n. (lucipilapilu+lyan) ; n chroma; saturation; brightness lyonmencah num. (lyon+men+cah) lucipilapiluki v. (lucipilapilu+ki) colour; .000001; one millionth; millionth; micro-; ʟєꜱ brightens the colours of ʟᴏᴧ μ lucipum n. (luci+pum) Mars lyonmencahnoluat n. (lyonmencah+ lucipumak n. (lucipum+ak) Martian noluat) micrometre; micron luso v. (Nya. 〈-luso〉 [ɽuso]) be skillful; be lyonmensan num. (lyon+men+san) .001; apt; be effective; be good; ʟᴏᴧ is good at one thousandth; thousandth; milli-; m causing ʟᴜᴍ lyonmensan’lithe n. (lyonmensan+ lusolon n. (luso+lon) skillful; apt; effec- ’lithe) millilitre tive; good lyonmensan’methe n. (lyonmensan+ lusolyan n. (luso+lyan) skill level ’methe) millimetre lusonitatatu v. (luso+nitatatu) be steel; lyonmensan’kaham n. (lyonmensan+ ʟᴏᴧ is made of steel ’kaham) milligram lusonitatatulon n. (lusonitatatu+lon) lyonmenkan num. (lyon+men+kan) .1; steel one tenth; tenth; deci-; d lusocoh n. (luso+coh) dominant hand lyonmenkantos num. (lyon+men+ lusoki v. (luso+ki) train; teach; ʟєꜱ makes kantos) .000000000001; one trillionth; tril- ʟᴏᴧ become skillful at ʟᴜᴍ lionth; pico-; p lusokiles n. (lusoki+les) trainer lyonmentos num. (lyon+men+tos) .01; lusokilon n. (lusoki+lon) trainee one hundredth; hundredth; centi-; c lusotihutatu v. (luso+tihutatu) be lyonmentos’methe n. (lyonmentos+ bronze; ʟᴏᴧ is made of bronze ’methe) centimetre lusotihutatulon n. (lusotihutatu+lon) lyonmes num. (lyon+mes) 1 000 000 000; bronze one billion; billion; giga-; G ’lusi n. (Rus. 〈рось〉 [rusʲ]) Kievan Rus’ lyoncah num. (lyon+cah) 1 000 000; one ’lusiak n. (’lusi+ak) Russian; from million; million; mega-; M ’lusitec n. (’lusi+tec) Russia lyoncah’kaham n. (lyoncah+’kaham) ’lusitecwon n. (’lusitec+won) Russian; tonne the Russian people lyonsan num. (lyon+san) 1 000; one thou- ’lusitectilip n. (’lusitec+tilip) Russian; sand; thousand; kilo-; k the lyonsan’methe n. (lyonsan+’methe) kilo- luti v. (Epo. 〈ludi〉 [ˈludi]) play; ʟᴏᴧ is play- metre ing ʟᴜᴍ lyonsanmamales n. (lyon+san+ lutilon n. (luti+lon) player mamales) great grandparent lutilum n. (luti+lum) game; sport lyonsan’kaham n. (lyonsan+’kaham) ’lupitium n. (Lat. 〈rubidium〉 [rʊbidɪʊ̃]) kilogram rubidium lyonfol num. (lyon+fol) 10 000; ten thou- ’lupya n. (Hin. 〈셁पया〉 [ɾʊpjɑː]) rupee; ₹; sand Rs lyonfolmamales n. (lyon+fol+mamales) 3.8. W 49 great great grandparent lwanules n. (lwanu+les) peace maker lyonkantos num. (lyon+kantos) lwaki v. (lwa+ki) attack; sick; aggravate; 1 000 000 000 000; one trillion; trillion; ʟєꜱ causes ʟᴏᴧ to fight ʟᴜᴍ terra-; T lwakiles n. (lwaki+les) attacker lyontosmamales n. (lyon+tos+mamales) grandparent lyot n. (l+yot) where (relative) lyotkweki v. (l+yot+kweki) be present; 3.8 W attend; be around; be strong; be; ʟᴏᴧ is present at ʟᴜᴍ ’we n. (ono. [w]) w; /w/; labial-velar ap- lyotkwekilon n. (lyotkweki+lon) pres- proximant ence; present; around; strong wel post. (Mar. 〈वेळ〉 [ˈʋeɭə]) at; on; in; lyotkwekinu v. (lyotkweki+nu) dispose; marks time throw away; get rid; get away; remove; wecai v. (yohau) be hostile; be mean; be leave; ʟєꜱ disposes of ʟᴏᴧ harsh; ʟᴏᴧ is hostile toward ʟᴜᴍ lyotkwekinulon n. (lyotkwekinu+lon) wecailon n. (wecai+lon) hostile; mean; trash; garbage harsh lyotkwekinyo v. (lyotkweki+nyo) be ab- wecailum n. (wecai+lum) enemy; infa- sent; be gone; be away; be weak; ʟᴏᴧ is mous absent wecaiki v. (wecai+ki) drive apart; aggra- lyotkwekinyolon n. (lyotkwekinyo+lon) vate; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ become hostile to- absent; gone; away; weak ward ʟᴜᴍ lyotkwekiki v. (lyotkweki+ki) summon; wecaikiles n. (wecaiki+les) enemy- bring forth; pull up; place; ʟєꜱ summons maker ʟᴏᴧ wep n. (Ibo. 〈wep〉 [wep]) wasp; Apocrita lyotkwekikilyotkwekinu v. (lyotk- minus Anthophilia and Formicidae wekiki+lyotkwekinu) replace; substitute; wa ptcl. (Cmn. 〈哇〉 [wa]) wow; how; neu- swap; ʟєꜱ removes ʟᴜᴍ and replaces it tral exclamative mood with ʟᴏᴧ wale v. (yato) be similar; be the same; be lyotpensi v. (lyot+pensi) be found; ʟᴏᴧ like; be alike; ʟᴏᴧ is similar to ʟᴜᴍ knows where ʟєꜱ is walelon n. (wale+lon) similar; the same; lyotpensilon n. (lyotpensi+lon) found like; alike lwel n. (l+wel) when (relative) waleswa v. (wale+swa) empathise; share lwelkweki v. (l+wel+kweki) be at; coin- feelings; ʟᴏᴧ empathises with ʟᴜᴍ cide; ʟᴏᴧ happens at the same time as ʟᴜᴍ waleki v. (wale+ki) converge; make simi- lwelkwekilon n. (lwelkweki+lon) event; lar; resolve; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ become smilar at to ʟᴜᴍ lwelkwekilum n. (lwelkweki+lum) time walepemamalon n. (wale+pemamalon) of occurence twin; triplet; quadruplet lwa v. (Xho. 〈-lwa〉 [lwa]) fight; battle; ʟᴏᴧ wawi v. (Eng. 〈worry〉 [ˈwɚɹʷi]) worry; is in a violent engagement with ʟᴜᴍ bother; trouble; concern; ʟᴜᴍ troubles lwalon n. (lwa+lon) fighter; warrior ʟᴏᴧ lwaluat n. (lwa+luat) weapon wawilon n. (wawi+lon) worried; both- lwalum n. (lwa+lum) adversary; oppo- ered nent wawilum n. (wawi+lum) problem; trou- lwalwel n. (lwa+lwel) battle ble; issue lwanu v. (lwa+nu) make peace; call off; wawiki v. (wawi+ki) make worried; deescalate; ʟєꜱ causes ʟᴏᴧ to stop fighting make bothered; ʟєꜱ causes ʟᴏᴧ to be both- ʟᴜᴍ ered by ʟᴜᴍ 50 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY wawikiles n. (wawiki+les) https://xkcd. watilum n. (wati+lum) exclamation com/1015/ ’watikana n. (Lat. 〈Vāticāna〉 [vatiˈkaːna]) wan pn. (Eng. 〈one〉 [wən]) something; Vatican Hill someone; one; indefinite; a noun not af- ’watikanaak n. (’watikana+ak) Vatican; formentioned of the Vatican City ’wan n. (Eng. 〈rand〉 [ɹʷɑnd]) rand; R ’watikanatec n. (’watikana+tec) Vatican wan ayf n. (wan+ayf) in some event City ’wanatium n. (Lat. 〈vanadium〉 ’wolfamium n. (Lat. 〈wolframium〉 [wɔl- [vanadɪʊ̃]) vanadium framɪʊ̃]) tungsten; wolfram wan ial n. (wan+ial) for some reason won n. (Jav. 〈wong〉 [wɔŋ]) person; wan ip n. (wan+ip) somehow woman; man; human; Homo sapiens wan uat n. (wan+uat) with something; wonak n. (won+ak) personal; humanis- somehow tic; domesticated wan yot n. (wan+yot) somewhere wonmocaki v. (won+mocaki) perform; wan wel n. (wan+wel) one day; some- play; ʟєꜱ performs ʟᴜᴍ for ʟᴏᴧ time; at some point wonmocakiles n. (wonmocaki+les) wahauti v. (wa+hau+ti) complain; de- player; performer; actor nounce; condemn; ʟєꜱ makes a negative wonmocakilum n. (wonmocaki+lum) utterance of ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ performance; show; play wahautiles n. (wahauti+les) complainer wonmocakilyot n. (wonmocaki+lyot) wahautilum n. (wahauti+lum) com- theatre; amphitheater plaint; denouncee wonmyawf n. (won+myawf) cat wacaiti v. (wa+cai+ti) praise; celebrate; wonhihin n. (won+hihin) horse ʟєꜱ makes a positive utterance of ʟᴜᴍ to wonhulilon n. (won+hulilon) legacy ʟᴏᴧ wonsulak n. (won+sulak) pig; pork wacaitiles n. (wacaiti+les) praiser wonsun n. (won+sun) Sol; The Sun wacaitilum n. (wacaiti+lum) praised; oc- wonfolmo v. (won+folmo) be humanoid; casion be human-shaped; ʟᴏᴧ is a bipedal entity ’wacintontisi n. (Eng. 〈Washington D.C.〉 with two legs, two arms, and a head [ˈwɑʃiŋtɪn diː siː]) Washington D.C.; Wash- wonfolmolon n. (wonfolmo+lon) hu- ington manoid; human-shaped wɑːqeʔ]) Vega wonfik n. (won+fik) Luna; The Moon] 〈ﻭﺍﻕﻉ 〉 .wake n. (Ara’ wata v. (yala) be slow; be gradual; be won’kalasias n. (won+’kalasias) Milky periodic; ʟᴏᴧ progresses, oscillates, or de- Way cays slowly won’kalasiasak n. (won’kalasias+ak) ’wataiko n. (Jpn. 〈和太鼓〉 [ɰadaikɔː]) Milky taiko; taiko drum wonki n. (won+ki) personify; humanise; watalon n. (wata+lon) slow; gradual; pe- anthropomorphise riodic wonkio v. (won+kio) be plastic; ʟᴏᴧ is watalyan n. (wata+lyan) period; time made of plastic constant wonkiolon n. (wonkio+lon) plastic watamamul n. (wata+mamul) sloth wonpawaf n. (won+pawaf) dog watafepucocalu v. (wata+fepucocalu) wonpatolon n. (won+patolon) ceramic jog; ʟᴏᴧ jogs on ʟᴜᴍ wonpum n. (won+pum) Earth wati v. (wa+ti) exclaim; ʟєꜱ makes an ex- wonpumak n. (wonpum+ak) global; clamatory utterance of ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ earthling; terran ’watian n. (Eng. 〈radian〉 [ˈɹʷeɪdiɪn]) ra- wompa v. (ono. [wumba]) rumble; dian; rad flicker; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ watiles n. (wati+les) exclaimer wompalon n. (wompa+lon) rumble; 3.9. Λ 51 flicker; noisy, low-pitched sound or ac- nelum n. (ne+lum) container tion nelyan n. (ne+lyan) innerness ’wotka n. (Rus. 〈водка〉 [ˈvotkə]) vodka nemuctayl n. (ne+muctayl) subconti- ’wino n. (Kat. 〈ღვინო〉 [ɣvinɔ]) wine nent; subsection of a continent bounded wicon n. (Eng. 〈region〉 [ˈɹʷiːdʒən])͡ re- by divisors of geographical and cultural gion; volume; interval; continuous locus significance, e.g. Europe, South Asia bounded on all sides nehu v. (ne+hu) be private; ʟᴜᴍ is pri- wiconak n. (wicon+ak) regional; volu- vately concealed from ʟᴏᴧ metric; periodic nehulon n. (nehu+lon) private nesicalwel n. (ne+sicalwel) midnight ’wicnu n. (San. 〈व�णु〉 [ʋɪʂɳʊ]) Vishnu ’wicnufitilip n. (’wicnu+fitilip) Vaishnav- nefilalum n. (ne+filalum) equator ism nefilalum’kine n. (nefilalum+’kine) ’wicnufitilipak n. (’wicnufitilip+ak) Equatorial Guinea; the Republic of Equa- Vaishnist; of Vaishnavism torial Guinea ’wicnufitilipwon n. (’wicnufitilip+won) nefilalum’kinewon n. (nefilalum’kine+ Vaishnava; Vaishnavite; followers of won) Equatorial Guinean; Equatogu- Vishnu inean; the Equatorial Guinean people wit n. (Eng. 〈wheat〉 [wiːt]) wheat; nefilalum’kineak n. (nefilalum’kine+ Triticum ak) Equatorial Guinean; from Equatorial witsekal n. (wit+sekal) triticale Guinea ’wipaplikan n. (Eng. 〈republican〉 nefuhalwel n. (ne+fuhalwel) noon; mid- [ɹʷɪˈpʰɜblɪkɪn]) Republican Party (United day States); the Grand Old Party neflu v. (kosti) be cheap; ʟᴏᴧ does not cost ’wulpes n. (Lat. 〈vulpes〉 [ˈwʊɫpɛs]) fox; a lot dog; vixen; Vulpes neflulon n. (neflu+lon) cheap nefluki v. (neflu+ki) discount; mark down; ʟєꜱ decreases the cost of ʟᴏᴧ nefwes n. (ne+fwes) parenthetical; side 3.9 Λ note neki v. (ne+ki) enter; insert; put in; go in; ne v. (Cmn. 〈内〉 [neɪ̯˥˩]) be inside; be in; ʟєꜱ moves ʟᴏᴧ into ʟᴜᴍ contain; be inner; be central; be in the nekikoki v. (neki+koki) go through; ʟᴏᴧ middle; ʟᴏᴧ is inside ʟᴜᴍ moves into and then out of ʟᴜᴍ ne’aflika n. (ne+’aflika) Central Africa nekikokilum n. (nekikoki+lum) tube; ne’aflikatec n. (ne’aflika+tec) Central hallway; corridor African Republic nekwelon n. (ne+kwelon) province; ne’aflikatecwon n. (ne’aflikatec+won) state; territory; constituent country; sub- Central African; the Central African peo- polity ple nekwelonak n. (nekwelon+ak) provin- ’neon n. (Lat. 〈neon〉 [neɔ̃]) neon cial; state; territorial ’neopatwa n. (Npt. 〈Neo Patwa〉 [neˈo neta v. (Epo. 〈neta〉 [ˈneta]) be neat; be or- paˈtwa]) Neo Patwa; Neo Patwah derly; be organised; be clean; be tidy; ʟᴏᴧ ’neopatwaak n. (’neopatwa+ak) Neo is neat Patwa; in Neo Patwa ’netalan n. (Nld. 〈Nederland〉 [neːdər- ’neopatwawon n. (’neopatwa+won) Neo lɑnt]) ; Holland; the Low Patwist; Neo Patwa speakers Countries nelon n. (ne+lon) indoors; room; content; ’netalanak n. (’netalan+ak) Dutch; center; middle; heart; bowels; inside; in; Netherlandic; from the Netherlands inner; central; in the middle ’netalanwon n. (’netalan+won) Dutch; 52 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY

Netherlander; the Dutch people ’nayciwiaak n. (’nayciwia+ak) Nigerian; ’netalankwelyot n. (’netalan+kwelyot) from Nigeria the Low Countries; the Low Lands; the ’nayciwiawon n. (’nayciwia+won) Nige- Netherlands rian; the Nigerian people ’netalantilip n. (’netalan+tilip) Dutch; nalkas n. (Spa. 〈nalgas〉 [ˈnalɣas]) but- the tocks; butt; bum; soft region between the netalon n. (neta+lon) neat; orderly; or- back of an animal’s legs and torso ganised; clean; tidy nalkasak n. (nalkas+ak) gluteal; poste- netalyan n. (neta+lyan) order; neatness; rial organisation; cleanliness nalkaskokilyot n. (nalkas+kokilyot) netacoto v. (neta+coto) be woven; ʟᴏᴧ is anus; asshole woven nalkaskutilon n. (nalkas+kutilon) feces; netacotolon n. (netacoto+lon) woven excrement; poop; manure; guano netacotonu v. (netacoto+nu) unweave; nalkaskutilonec n. (nalkaskutilon+ec) ʟєꜱ unweaves ʟᴏᴧ rectum netacotoki v. (netacoto+ki) weave; ʟєꜱ nalkaskutilonkoki v. (nalkaskutilon+ weaves ʟᴏᴧ koki) defecate; poop; ʟєꜱ defecates out netacotokiles n. (netacotoki+les) weaver ʟᴏᴧ netaki v. (neta+ki) order; organise; clean; ’nawatla n. (Nah. 〈Nahuatl〉 [ˈnaːwatɬ])͡ tidy; sort; put in order; structure; finalise; Nahuatl; the Nahuatl language ʟєꜱ puts ʟᴏᴧ in order ’nawatlaak n. (’nawatla+ak) Nahua; of netakiles n. (netaki+les) organiser; the Nahuas cleaner; tidier ’nawatlawon n. (’nawatla+won) Nahua; netakiluat n. (netaki+luat) organisation Aztec; the Nahua people tool ’nawatlatec n. (’nawatla+tec) Aztec Em- ’nepal n. (Nep. 〈नेपाल〉 [neˈpal]) Nepal pire ’nepalak n. (’nepal+ak) Nepalese; Nepali; nawtil n. (Epo. 〈naŭtilo〉 [nawˈtilo]) nau- from Nepal tilus; Nautilidae ’nepalwon n. (’nepal+won) Nepalese; namo v. (kape) ignore; disregard; ʟᴏᴧ Nepali; the Nepalese people pays little attention to ʟᴜᴍ ’nepaltilip n. (’nepal+tilip) Nepali; the namooyemocakilum n. (namo+ Nepali language oyemocakilum) background music; nepuci v. (ne+puci) squeeze; compress; soundtrack ʟєꜱ squeezes ʟᴏᴧ namoki v. (namo+ki) distract; ʟєꜱ makes na ptcl. (Hin. 〈ना〉 [nɑː]) »; let; do it.; imper- ʟᴏᴧ stop paying attention to ʟᴜᴍ ative mood ’namipia n. (Naq. 〈namib〉 [naˈmip]) ’na n. (ono. [n]) n; /n/; alveolar nasal Namib desert ’naoelo n. (Nau. 〈Naoero〉 [naoero]) ’namipiaak n. (’namipia+ak) Namibian; Nauru; Pleasant Island (landmass) from Namibia ’naoeloak n. (’naoelo+ak) Nauruan; from ’namipiawon n. (’namipia+won) Namib- Nauru ian; the Namibian people ’naoelowon n. (’naoelo+won) Nauruan; ’namipiatec n. (’namipia+tec) Namibia; the Nauruan people Republic of Namibia ’naoelotec n. (’naoelo+tec) Nauru; the Re- nak num. (kan) F; fifteen; only used for public of Nauru hexadecimal ’naoelotilip n. (’naoelo+tilip) Nauruan; nakak n. (nak+ak) fifteenth the Nauruan language nata v. (kala) be gentle; be flat; be shal- ’nayciwia n. (Eng. 〈Nigeria〉 [naɪ̯ˈdʒɪɹʷiə])͡ low; be gradual; ʟᴏᴧ is not very steep Nigeria; the Federal Republic of Nigeria natalon n. (nata+lon) gentle; flat; shal- 3.9. Λ 53 low; gradual not know ʟᴜᴍ nataki v. (nata+ki) flatten; right; ʟєꜱ nonyolum n. (nonyo+lum) unknown makes ʟᴏᴧ less steep nonfut n. (non+fut) avocado nati v. (na+ti) tell; implore; command; in- nosyon n. (Spa. 〈noción〉 [noˈsjon]) no- struct; lead; ʟєꜱ tells ʟᴏᴧ to make ʟᴜᴍ hap- tion; idea; information; data; number; in- pen tangible facts or falsehoods natiles n. (nati+les) boss; commander nosyonak n. (nosyon+ak) conceptual; natilon n. (nati+lon) instructee ideal; theoretical; informational natilum n. (nati+lum) command; instruc- nosyonmailyot n. (nosyon+mailyot) call tion shop ’natiwitas n. (Lat. 〈nātīvitās〉 [naːˈtiːwɪ- noki v. (no+ki) teach; learn; study; in- taːs]) Christmas form; ʟєꜱ teaches ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ natula v. (Epo. 〈natura〉 [naˈtura]) be nat- nokiles n. (noki+les) teacher; professor; ural; ʟᴏᴧ is natural master natulalon n. (natula+lon) nature; natu- nokilon n. (noki+lon) student; learner ral nokilyot n. (noki+lyot) school; college; natulaki v. (natula+ki) naturalise; ʟєꜱ university makes ʟᴏᴧ become natural nokilwel n. (noki+lwel) lesson; educa- natulapet n. (natula+pet) sea beet; wild tion spinach nokisoma v. (noki+soma) do pedagogy; no v. (Eng. 〈know〉 [noʊ̯]) know; be ʟєꜱ studies pedagogy to learn about ʟᴏᴧ informed; be educated; ʟᴏᴧ remembers nokisomales n. (nokisoma+les) pedagol- ʟᴜᴍ, believes and thinks it to be true, and ogist correctly understands why it is true nokisomalon n. (nokisoma+lon) peda- nolon n. (no+lon) knower; smart; in- gogy formed; educated nota v. (Spa. 〈nota〉 [ˈnota]) notice; be noluat n. (no+luat) meter; measure; read- aware; ʟᴏᴧ is conciously aware of the out; measuring device presence of ʟᴜᴍ nolum n. (no+lum) knowledge notalon n. (nota+lon) noticer; aware ’nolka n. (Nor. 〈Norge〉 [nʊɾɡə]) Norway notalum n. (nota+lum) noticed ’nolkaak n. (’nolka+ak) Norwegian; from notalyan n. (nota+lyan) awareness Norway notaki v. (nota+ki) point out; notify; call ’nolkawon n. (’nolka+won) Norwegian; attention; wave; ʟєꜱ calls ʟᴏᴧ’s attention the Norwegian people to ʟᴜᴍ ’nolkatilip n. (’nolka+tilip) Norwegian; nopowi v. (no+powi) be apparent; be ob- the Norwegian language vious; be knowable; be deducable; be no- ’nowial n. (Nov. 〈novial〉 [novial]) Novial torious; be famous; be smart; ʟᴜᴍ is ap- ’nowialak n. (’nowial+ak) Novial; in parent to ʟᴏᴧ Novial nopowilon n. (nopowi+lon) fast learner; ’nowialwon n. (’nowial+won) Novialist; smart Novial speakers nopowilum n. (nopowi+lum) apparent; non n. (Nya. 〈ng’ona〉 [ŋona]) crocodilian; obvious; knowable; deducable; notori- crocodile; alligator; Crocodilia ous; famous nonu v. (no+nu) unteach; unlearn; con- nopowinyo v. (nopowi+nyo) be unappar- found; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴜᴍ unlearn what they ent; be secret; be unknowable; be con- thought they knew about ʟᴏᴧ cealed; be obscure; be anonymous; be nonules n. (nonu+les) unteacher stupid; ʟᴜᴍ is not easily apparent to ʟᴏᴧ nonulum n. (nonu+lum) unlearner nopowinyolon n. (nopowinyo+lon) nonyo v. (no+nyo) be unknown; ʟᴏᴧ does https://forum.tfes.org/index.php? 54 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY topic=6098.msg132382#msg132382; stupid nilututumulwel n. (nilututumu+lwel) nopowinyolum n. (nopowinyo+lum) wave unapparent; secret; unknowable; con- ’niwe n. (Niu. 〈Niuē〉 [niweː]) Niue (land- cealed; obscure; anonymous mass) ni v. (ku) be unbitter; ʟᴏᴧ is not very bit- ’niweak n. (’niwe+ak) Niuean; from Niue ter ’niwewon n. (’niwe+won) Niuean; the Ni- ’niukini n. (Tpi. 〈Niugini〉 [niuɡini]) uean people Papua; New Guinea; Irian ’niwetec n. (’niwe+tec) Niue (country) ’niukiniak n. (’niukini+ak) Papua New ’niwetilip n. (’niwe+tilip) Niuean; the Ni- Guinean; Papuan; from Papua New uean language Guinea ninap n. (kukam) senior citizen; elder; ’niukiniwon n. (’niukini+won) Papuan; very old and decrepit animal the Papuan people ninapak n. (ninap+ak) elder ’niukinitec n. (’niukini+tec) Papua New nihu v. (kuci) be sad; be sorrowful; be an- Guinea; Independent State of Papua New guished; be distressed; ʟᴏᴧ feels sad Guinea nihulon n. (nihu+lon) sad; sorrowful; an- ’niukinitilip n. (’niukini+tilip) Tok Pisin guished; distressed nilon n. (ni+lon) unbitter nihucalu v. (nihu+calu) be depressed; nilu v. (kuti) be fluid; be amorphous; ʟᴏᴧ ʟᴏᴧ is chronically sad is fluid nihucalulon n. (nihucalu+lon) de- nilulon n. (nilu+lon) fluid; amorphous pressed niluhila v. (nilu+hila) flow; ʟєꜱ makes nihucwelon n. (nihu+cwelon) tears ʟᴏᴧ ʟᴏᴧ nihucwelonkoki v. (nihucwelon+koki) niluhilalon n. (niluhila+lon) current; cry; weep; sob; tear; ʟєꜱ cries out ʟᴏᴧ stream nihuki v. (nihu+ki) sadden; anguish; dis- niluhilalip n. (niluhila+lip) streamline tress; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ sadder niluhilamace v. (niluhila+mace) be up- nice v. (Ben. 〈িনেচ〉 [n̪itɕe])͡ be below; stream; be upwind; ʟᴏᴧ is upstream of be down; be low; ʟєꜱ appears below ʟᴏᴧ ʟᴜᴍ from the point of view of ʟᴜᴍ niluhilamacelon n. (niluhilamace+lon) niceles n. (nice+les) header; top upstream; upwind nicelon n. (nice+lon) below; down; low niluhilasoma v. (nilu+hila+soma) do hy- nicelumah n. (nice+lumah) layer drodynamics; ʟєꜱ studies the motion of nicelyan n. (nice+lyan) altitude angle; fluids to learn about ʟᴏᴧ distance down page niluhilasomalon n. (niluhilasoma+lon) ’niceh n. (Fra. 〈Niger〉 [niʒɛʁ]) Niger hydrodynamics river; the Republic of the Niger niluhilasomales n. (niluhilasoma+les) ’nicehtec n. (’niceh+tec) Niger; hydrodynamicist ’nicehtecwon n. (’nicehtec+won) Nige- niluhilapaho v. (niluhila+paho) be rien; the Nigerien people downstream; be downwind; ʟᴏᴧ is down- niceki v. (nice+ki) go down; lower; sink; stream of ʟᴜᴍ ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ appear to move down from niluhilapaholon n. (niluhilapaho+lon) the point of view of ʟᴜᴍ downstream; downwind nicekiles n. (niceki+les) one who moves niluki v. (nilu+ki) melt; sublimate; ʟєꜱ down melts ʟᴏᴧ ’nifis n. (Aig. 〈Nevis〉 [ˈnivis]) Nevis nilukiles n. (niluki+les) melter ’nifisak n. (’nifis+ak) Nevisian; from nilukilon n. (niluki+lon) molten Nevis nilututumu v. (nilu+tutumu) ripple; ’nikelium n. (Lat. 〈nichelium〉 [nɪkelɪʊ̃]) wave; waves ripple through ʟᴏᴧ nickel (substance) 3.9. Λ 55

’nikalakwa n. (Spa. 〈Nicaragua〉 nitoesta v. (nito+esta) coexist; tolerate; [nikaˈɾaɣwa]) Nicaragua ʟᴏᴧ coexists with ʟᴜᴍ ’nikalakwaak n. (’nikalakwa+ak) nitoam n. (nito+am) bicep; upper arm Nicaraguan; from Nicaragua nitolek n. (nito+lek) thigh; upper leg ’nikalakwawon n. (’nikalakwa+won) nitolon n. (nito+lon) near; close; before; Nicaraguan; the Nicaraguan people approximately; almost; like niki v. (ni+ki) debitter; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ be- nitolwel n. (nito+lwel) meeting come less bitter nitoki v. (nito+ki) approach; go toward; nikhu v. (kunci) be free; be independent; meet; draw close; bring together; gather; be weak; ʟᴜᴍ cannot tell ʟᴏᴧ what to do go to; go in; ʟєꜱ moves ʟᴏᴧ toward ʟᴜᴍ nikhulon n. (nikhu+lon) free; indepen- nitokiles n. (nitoki+les) gatherer; joiner dent nitokiti v. (nitoki+ti) greet; bid hello; nikhulum n. (nikhu+lum) weak salute; ʟєꜱ says hello to ʟᴏᴧ nikhuki v. (nikhu+ki) lose control; re- nitokitiles n. (nitokiti+les) greeter lease; free; ʟєꜱ releases ʟᴏᴧ from ʟᴜᴍ’s nitu v. (kuli) be unsavoury; ʟᴏᴧ is not control very savoury nikhukiles n. (nikhuki+les) releaser nitulon n. (nitu+lon) unsavoury nikhukilon n. (nikhuki+lon) freed nituki v. (nitu+ki) desavoury; ʟєꜱ makes nita v. (kula) be hard; be rigid; be firm; ʟᴏᴧ become less savoury be strong; be unforgiving; the surface of ’nippon n. (Jpn. 〈日本〉 [ɲipːoɴ]) Japan ʟᴏᴧ feels hard ’nipponak n. (’nippon+ak) Japanese; nitaec n. (nita+ec) bone from Japan nitaicilon n. (nita+icilon) coral ’nipponwon n. (’nippon+won) Japanese nitaicilonlawt n. (nitaicilon+lawt) Coral person; the Japanese people Sea ’nippontilip n. (’nippon+tilip) Japanese; nitalon n. (nita+lon) hard; rigid; firm; the strong; unforgiving nu v. (ki) end; stop; cease; cancel; unbe- nitamamul n. (nita+mamul) armadillo come; come from; go from; change from; nitafut n. (nita+fut) gourd; Cucur- send; leave; depart; from; de- -ify; ces- bitaceae with rigid shells sative; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ transitions from nitak pn. (kulan) previous; last truth to falsehood nitaki v. (nita+ki) harden; firm; ʟєꜱ nul num. (Epo. 〈nulo〉 [nulo]) 0; zero; makes ʟᴏᴧ become hard none; no nitakio v. (nita+kio) be diamond; ʟᴏᴧ is nules n. (nu+les) stopper made of diamond nulak n. (nul+ak) zeroth nitakiolon n. (nitakio+lon) diamond nulon n. (nu+lon) complete; finished nitakuhol n. (nita+kuhol) snail nulyot n. (nu+lyot) end; edge nitaksunkwelwel n. (nitak+sunkwelwel) nulwel n. (nu+lwel) ending yesterday nulwelak n. (nulwel+ak) final nitakpumkwelwel n. (nitak+ nulnokipumkwelwel n. (nul+noki+ pumkwelwel) last year pumkwelwel) kindergarden nitatatu v. (nita+tatu) be iron; ʟᴏᴧ is nulnyolon n. (nul+nyolon) at all; made of iron nonzero nitatatulon n. (nitatatu+lon) iron nulfitilip n. (nul+fitilip) agnosticism; sec- nitatun n. (nita+tun) vertebrate ularism; religious nonaffiliation nitapic n. (nita+pic) nut nulkot n. (nul+kot) athiesm nito v. (kule) be near; be close; be before; nultunnyamales n. (nul+tun+nyamales) be approximately; be almost; be like; ʟᴏᴧ vegetarian; something that does not eat is physically or numerically close to ʟᴜᴍ meat 56 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY nucolon n. (nu+colon) cessative (linguis- buys ʟᴜᴍ from ʟєꜱ tics) nyamamailes n. (nyamamai+les) restau- nusison n. (nu+sison) autumn rant; server nyec n. (Cmn. 〈啮齿〉 [njɛ˥˩ʈʂʰɨ˧˩˧])͡ rodent; nyamamailon n. (nyamamai+lon) diner treeshrew; rabbit; hare; pika; hedgehog; nyamamailum n. (nyamamai+lum) mole; shrew; Glires restaurant meal nyecak n. (nyec+ak) murine nyamamailyot n. (nyamamai+lyot) nyama v. (ono. [njam njam]) eat; drink; restaurant; food court; dining area take; ʟєꜱ eats ʟᴏᴧ nyamamat n. (nyama+mat) platter; plate nyamaec n. (nyama+ec) mouth nyamahwok n. (nyama+hwok) lip nyamaecnepuci v. (nyamaec+nepuci) nyamacai v. (nyama+cai) feel hungry; bite; ʟєꜱ bites ʟᴏᴧ ʟᴏᴧ is hungry for ʟᴜᴍ nyamaecnepucilon n. (nyamaecnepuci+ nyamacohtuelon n. (nyama+cohtuelon) lon) bitten bowl nyamaecnepuciles n. (nyamaecnepuci+ nyamaciuh n. (nyama+ciuh) venus fly- les) biter trap nyamaecmat n. (nyamaec+mat) hard nyamacwelon n. (nyama+cwelon) saliva palate nyamacwelonkae v. (nyamacwelon+ nyamaechwok n. (nyamaec+hwok) soft kae) drool; ʟєꜱ drools ʟᴏᴧ palate; velum nyamacwelonkoki v. (nyamacwelon+ nyamaecsapu v. (nyamaec+sapu) suck; koki) expectorate; spit; salivate; ʟєꜱ spits ʟєꜱ sucks on ʟᴏᴧ ʟᴏᴧ out nyamaecsapules n. (nyamaecsapu+les) nyamakulalon n. (nyama+kulalon) sucker gums nyamaecsapulon n. (nyamaecsapu+lon) nyamapowi v. (nyama+powi) be edible; sucked be potable; ʟᴏᴧ is edible to ʟєꜱ nyamales n. (nyama+les) eater nyamapowilon n. (nyamapowi+lon) edi- nyamalon n. (nyama+lon) food; drink; ble; potable meal nyo v. (Ben. 〈না〉 [naː]) no; not; be false; nyamalonestakilyot n. (nyamalon+ be wrong; be incorrect; be not happening; estakilyot) kitchen be fake; negative; ʟᴏᴧ is not happening nyamaloncyauki v. (nyamalon+cyauki) nyoayfhaumailyot n. (nyo+ayf+hau+ cook; fry; bake; boil; simmer; grill; ʟєꜱ mailyot) grocery store cooks ʟᴏᴧ nyoaw spec. (nyo+aw) instead; rather nyamaloncyaukilon n. (nyamalon- nyolon n. (nyo+lon) falsehood; fiction; cyauki+lon) cooking false; wrong; incorrect; not happening; nyamaloncyaukiles n. (nyamalon- fake cyauki+les) cook; chef; baker nyonoki v. (nyo+noki) disprove; falsify; nyamaluat n. (nyama+luat) eating uten- compromise; log out; ʟєꜱ proves ʟᴏᴧ false sil; silverware nyotewi v. (nyo+tewi) be forbidden; be nyamalyot n. (nyama+lyot) dining room; against the rules; be illegal; be prohibited; dining hall ʟᴏᴧ is not allowed to make ʟᴜᴍ happen nyamalwel n. (nyama+lwel) meal; meal- nyotewilum n. (nyotewi+lum) banned; time forbidden; against the rules; illegal; pro- nyamanitalon n. (nyama+nitalon) tooth hibited nyamanitalontapalon n. (nyamani- nyotewinu v. (nyotewi+nu) allow; per- talon+tapalon) alveolar ridge; alveolar mit; ʟєꜱ permits ʟᴏᴧ to make ʟᴜᴍ happen margin nyotewinyo v. (nyo+tewinyo) may; be al- nyamamai v. (nyama+mai) dine out; ʟᴏᴧ lowed; be legal; be permitted; ʟᴏᴧ is al- 3.10. M 57 lowed to make ʟᴜᴍ happen Mexico nyotewinyolum n. (nyotewinyo+lum) al- ’mehikowon n. (’mehiko+won) Mexican; lowed; legal; permitted the Mexican people nyotewiki v. (nyotewi+ki) forbid; pass mes num. (Yor. 〈mẹsan〉 [mɛsan]) 9; nine rules against; prohibit; ban; ʟєꜱ forbids mesak n. (mes+ak) ninth ʟᴏᴧ from making ʟᴜᴍ happen mesnokipumkwelwel n. (mes+noki+ nyotewikiles n. (nyotewiki+les) author- pumkwelwel) freshman year of high ity school nyoti v. (nyo+ti) lie; be dishonest; ʟєꜱ ex- mesnul num. (mes+nul) 90; ninety presses ʟᴏᴧ, which they think to be false mesnulnul num. (mes+nul+nul) 900; nyotilon n. (nyoti+lon) lie; feint; false- nine hundred hood; dishonest mekle v. (ponto) be open; be cupped; be nyotikolwa v. (nyoti+kolwa) mistrust; U-shaped; be confined; ʟᴏᴧ is open on one find untrustworthy; ʟᴏᴧ does not trust side ʟᴜᴍ meklelekpoltilum n. (mekle+ nyopensi v. (nyo+pensi) be wrong; be in- lekpoltilum) skirt correct; ʟᴏᴧ thinks ʟᴜᴍ to be true even meklelon n. (mekle+lon) cup; bowl; cor- though it is not ner; hole; bay; dip; U; open; cupped; U- nyopensilon n. (nyopensi+lon) wrong; shaped; confined incorrect meklesaman n. (mekle+saman) door nyopensilum n. (nyopensi+lum) myth mekleki v. (mekle+ki) open; dig; cup; nyopensiki v. (nyopensi+ki) decorrect; divot; carve out; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ open wrong; ʟєꜱ feeds ʟᴏᴧ false information meklekiles n. (mekleki+les) opener about ʟᴜᴍ meklepowi v. (mekle+powi) be unlocked; nwes n. (Spa. 〈nuez〉 [nwes]) walnut; ʟᴏᴧ is unlocked Juglans meklepowilon n. (meklepowi+lon) un- locked meklepowinu v. (meklepowi+nu) lock; close; ʟєꜱ locks ʟᴏᴧ 3.10 M meklepowinyo v. (meklepowi+nyo) be locked; ʟᴏᴧ is locked ’me n. (ono. [m]) m; /m/; labial nasal meklepowinyolon n. (meklepowinyo+ ’melanesi n. (Fra. 〈Mélanésie〉 lon) locked [ˈmelɐnezi]) Melanesia meklepowiki v. (meklepowi+ki) unlock; ’melanesiak n. (’melanesi+ak) Melane- open; ʟєꜱ unlocks ʟᴏᴧ sian; from Melanesia metus n. (Epo. 〈meduzo〉 [meˈduzo]) jelly- ’melanesiwon n. (’melanesi+won) fish; medusa; Medusozoa Melanesian; the Melanesian people ’methe n. (Fra. 〈mètre〉 [ˈmɛtʁ]) metre; men num. (Spa. 〈menos〉 [ˈmenos]) minus; meter; m negative; - ’maoli n. (Mri. 〈Māori〉 [maːɔɾi]) Maori; meha v. (poca) be fresh; ʟᴏᴧ is fresh the Maori people mehalon n. (meha+lon) fresh ’maoliak n. (’maoli+ak) Maori; of the mehaki v. (meha+ki) freshen; ʟєꜱ fresh- Maori ens ʟᴏᴧ ’maolitec n. (’maoli+tec) New Zealand; ’mehiko n. (Spa. 〈México〉 [ˈmexiko]) Aotearoa Mexico ’maolitilip n. (’maoli+tilip) Maori; Te ’mehikoak n. (’mehiko+ak) Mexican; Reo; the Maori language 卖 from Mexico mai v. (Cmn. 〈 〉 [maɪ̯˥˩]) sell; buy; vend; ’mehikolawt n. (’mehiko+lawt) Gulf of purchase; ʟᴏᴧ legally obtains ʟᴜᴍ from 58 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY

ʟєꜱ ’malayutilip n. (’malayu+tilip) Malay; mailes n. (mai+les) vendor; salesperson Malaysian; the mailesak n. (mailes+ak) private ’malakasi n. (Mlg. 〈malagasy〉 mailet n. (mai+let) economy [ˌmalaˈɡasʲ]) Malagasy; the Malagasy peo- mailetsoma v. (mailet+soma) do eco- ple nomics; ʟєꜱ studies economies to learn ’malakasiak n. (’malakasi+ak) Malagasy; about ʟᴏᴧ from Madagascar mailetsomales n. (mailetsoma+les) ’malakasikwelyot n. (’malakasi+ economist kwelyot) Madagascar (island) mailetsomalon n. (mailetsoma+lon) eco- ’malakasitec n. (’malakasi+tec) Mada- nomics gascar (country); Republic of Madagascar mailon n. (mai+lon) buyer; customer ’malakasitilip n. (’malakasi+tilip) Mala- mailuat n. (mai+luat) money; currency gasy; the Malagasy language mailum n. (mai+lum) good; service ’malata n. (Mar. 〈मराठा〉 [məˈɾaʈʰa]) mailyot n. (mai+lyot) store; shop Marathi; Maratha; the Marathi people mailwel n. (mai+lwel) financial transac- ’malataak n. (’malata+ak) Marathi; of the tion Marathi maih n. (Cmn. 〈蚂蚁〉 [ma˧˩˧i˧˩˧]) ant; Formi- ’malatatec n. (’malata+tec) Maharashtra cidae ’malatatilip n. (’malata+tilip) Marathi; maihwok n. (mai+hwok) ticket; voucher the Marathi language maihwokmailyot n. (maihwok+mailyot) ’mali n. (Bam. 〈Mali〉 [mali]) Mali ticket booth ’maliak n. (’mali+ak) Malian; Malinese; maihnyamamamul n. (maih+nyama+ from Mali mamul) anteater ’maliwon n. (’mali+won) Malian; the maicuaki v. (mai+cuaki) advertise; ʟєꜱ Malian people advertises ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ ’malta n. (Mlt. 〈Malta〉 [mɐlta]) Malta maicuakiles n. (maicuaki+les) adver- ’maltaak n. (’malta+ak) Maltese; from tiser Malta maicuakilon n. (maicuaki+lon) adver- ’maltawon n. (’malta+won) Maltese; the tisee Maltese people maicuakilum n. (maicuaki+lum) adver- ’maltatilip n. (’malta+tilip) Maltese; the tisement Maltese language mais n. (Spa. 〈maíz〉 [maˈis]) corn; maize; manca v. (Nya. 〈-manja〉 [mandʒa])͡ be to Zea mays the right; ʟᴏᴧ has a positive x coordinate maipaltolum n. (mai+paltolum) corpora- from ʟᴜᴍ’s point of view tion; company; business mancalon n. (manca+lon) right side; to mayo v. (pawe) leave bare; expose; leave the right open; ʟᴏᴧ covers little of ʟᴜᴍ mancalyan n. (manca+lyan) x coordi- mayolum n. (mayo+lum) bare; open; ex- nate posed mancaki v. (manca+ki) go right; ʟєꜱ mayoki v. (mayo+ki) uncover; bare; ex- makes ʟᴏᴧ move right from ʟᴜᴍ’s point of pose; open; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ stop surround- view ing ʟᴜᴍ ’manka n. (Jpn. 〈漫画〉 [maŋɡa]) manga mayokiles n. (mayoki+les) uncoverer ’mankanum n. (Lat. 〈manganum〉 ’malayu n. (Msa. 〈Melayu〉 [məlaju]) [manɡanʊ̃]) manganese Malaysian; Malay; the Malaysian people mantis n. (Spa. 〈mantis〉 [ˈmantis]) man- ’malayuak n. (’malayu+ak) Malaysian; tis; Mantodea from Malaysia mama v. (ono. [mama]) raise; parent; ʟєꜱ ’malayutec n. (’malayu+tec) Malaysia raises ʟᴏᴧ 3.10. M 59 mamaec n. (mama+ec) mamary gland Mashriq; from the Mashriq ͡([mɑtʃˈbuːs] 〈ﻡﭺﺏﻭﺱ〉 .mamales n. (mama+les) parent; mother; ’macpus n. (Ara father; guardian; mentor makbūs mamalon n. (mama+lon) child; daugh- ’masyel n. (Mah. 〈M̧ajeļ〉 [mˠɑzʲɛʌ̯ɫ]) Mar- ter; son; tutee shall Islands (archipelago) mamacwelon n. (mama+cwelon) milk ’masyelak n. (’masyel+ak) Marshallese; mamacwekutilon n. (mama+cwe+ Marshall Islander; from the Marshall Is- kutilon) cheese lands mamatapalon n. (mama+tapalon) ’masyelwon n. (’masyel+won) Mar- breast; bussom; boob; nipple shallese; the Marshallese people mamapemamalon n. (mama+ ’masyeltec n. (’masyel+tec) Marshall Is- pemamalon) anticle; aunt; uncle lands mamul n. (Epo. 〈mamulo〉 [maˈmulo]) ’masyeltilip n. (’masyel+tilip) Mar- mammal; Mammalia shallese; Ebon; the Marshallese language mɑsˁɾ]) Egypt; the] 〈ﻡﺹﺭ〉 .mamulak n. (mamul+ak) mammalian ’masli n. (Ara ’mampalam n. (Tam. 〈மாம்பழம் 〉 Arab Republic of Egypt [maːmpɐɻɐm]) mango; Mangifera ’masliak n. (’masli+ak) Egyptian; from mɑɣreb]) Egypt] 〈ﻡﻍﺭﺏ 〉 .mahlep n. (Ara’ Maghreb; Maghrib ’masliwon n. (’masli+won) Egyptian; the ’mahlepak n. (’mahlep+ak) Maghrebi; Egyptian people Maghreb; from the Maghreb ’maskwa n. (Rus. 〈Москва́〉 [mɐˈskva]) ’mahleptec n. (’mahlep+tec) Morocco; Moscow the Kingdom of Morocco ’masta n. (Ave. 〈ଁଛର଀ନ〉 [mazdaː]) Ahura ’mahleptecwon n. (’mahleptec+won) Mazda; Ohrmazd; Ahuramazda; Hour- Moroccan; the Moroccan people mazd; Hormazd; Hurmuz ’mahleptilip n. (’mahlep+tilip) Berber; ’mastafitilip n. (’masta+fitilip) Zoroastri- Amazigh; Tamazight; the Berber lan- anism; Mazdayasna guages ’mastafitilipak n. (’mastafitilip+ak) mace v. (paho) be high; be over; ʟᴏᴧ has Zoroastrian; Zarathustrian; of Zoroastri- a higher altitude than ʟᴜᴍ anism macelek n. (mace+lek) stilt ’mastafitilipwon n. (’mastafitilip+won) macelon n. (mace+lon) top; heights; high; Zoroastrian; Zarathustrian; followers of over Zoroastrianism maceki v. (mace+ki) lift; heighten; as- ’maketon n. (Mkd. 〈Македон〉 cend; elevate; ʟєꜱ increases ʟᴏᴧ’s altitude [makɛdɔn]) Macedon; Macedonia relative to ʟᴜᴍ ’maketonak n. (’maketon+ak) Macedo- macekiles n. (maceki+les) one who nian; from Macedonia heightens ’maketonwon n. (’maketon+won) Mace- macetayl n. (mace+tayl) plateau; high- donian; the Macedonian people lands ’maketontilip n. (’maketon+tilip) Mace- macetielon n. (mace+tielon) go over; donian; the Macedonian language cross; ʟєꜱ moves ʟᴏᴧ over ʟᴜᴍ ’makahiki n. (Haw. 〈makahiki〉 macepoltilum n. (mace+poltilum) blazer [makɐˈhiki]) Makahiki; the Makahiki sea- macin n. (Eng. 〈machine〉 [məˈʃiːn]) ma- son chine; robot; automaton; artificial me- ’makyal n. (Hun. 〈maygar〉 [mɒɟɒr]) Hun- chanical structure garian; the Hungarian people ;maʃreq]) ’makyalak n. (’makyal+ak) Hungarian] 〈ﻡـﺵـِﺭﻕ 〉 .maclek n. (Ara’ Mashriq; Mashreq from Hungary ’maclekak n. (’maclek+ak) Mashriqi; ’makyaltec n. (’makyal+tec) Hungary 60 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY

’makyaltilip n. (’makyal+tilip) Hungar- ’moltofaak n. (’moltofa+ak) Moldovan; ian; the Hungarian language from Moldova ’maknesium n. (Lat. 〈magnesium〉 ’moltofawon n. (’moltofa+won) [maɡnezɪʊ̃]) magnesium Moldovan; the Moldovan people mat n. (pal) plate; board; wall; rigid two- ’moltofatec n. (’moltofa+tec) Moldova dimensional object ’moltofatilip n. (’moltofa+tilip) matu v. (pali) be light; ʟᴏᴧ is light Moldovan; the Moldovan language matulon n. (matu+lon) lightweight; light ’monako n. (Fra. 〈Monaco〉 [mɔnako]) matuki v. (matu+ki) lighten; ʟєꜱ lightens Monaco ʟᴏᴧ ’monakoak n. (’monako+ak) Monacan; mapametlo v. (pamapolte) be turned Monégasque; from Monaco clockwise; ʟᴏᴧ appears rotated clockwise ’monakowon n. (’monako+won) Moné- from the orientation ʟᴏᴧ from the point gasque; Monacan; the Monacan people of view of ʟᴜᴍ ’monkol n. (Mon. 〈ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠣᠯ〉 [mɔŋɢɔɮ]) mapametlolon n. (mapametlo+lon) Mongol; the Mongolian people turned clockwise ’monkolak n. (’monkol+ak) Mongolian; mapametloki v. (mapametlo+ki) rotate from Mongolia clockwise; ʟєꜱ turns ʟᴏᴧ clockwise from ’monkoltec n. (’monkol+tec) Mongolia ʟᴜᴍ’s point of view ’monkoltilip n. (’monkol+tilip) Mongo- mapametlokiles n. (mapametloki+les) lian; the Mongolian language clockwise turner monta v. (Spa. 〈monta〉 [ˈmonta]) ride; mo v. (pe) be without; be apart; be away; transport; ʟєꜱ rides on ʟᴏᴧ ʟᴏᴧ does not accompany ʟєꜱ montales n. (monta+les) passenger moye v. (Yor. 〈mòye〉 [mòjē]) under- montalon n. (monta+lon) vehicle stand; comprehend; be sensical; know; ’mohis n. (Mfe. 〈Moris〉 [moʁis]) Mauri- be smart; ʟᴏᴧ understands ʟᴜᴍ well tius moyelon n. (moye+lon) understander; ’mohisak n. (’mohis+ak) Mauritian; from smart Mauritius moyelum n. (moye+lum) understood; ’mohiswon n. (’mohis+won) Mauritian; sensical the Mauritian people moyelyan n. (moye+lyan) level of under- ’mohistilip n. (’mohis+tilip) Mauritian standing creole; Morisien moyecai v. (moye+cai) feel curious; won- moc n. (Ben. 〈মশা〉 [mɔɕa]) mosquito; Culi- der; ʟᴏᴧ is curious about ʟᴜᴍ cidae moyeki v. (moye+ki) explain; describe; moca v. (Ben. 〈মজা〉 [mɔdʑa])͡ have fun; ʟєꜱ teaches ʟᴏᴧ to understand ʟᴜᴍ be amused; play; entertain; ʟᴏᴧ is enter- moyekiles n. (moyeki+les) tutor; teacher tained by ʟᴜᴍ moyekilon n. (moyeki+lon) tutee; stu- mocaufu v. (moca+ufu) challenge; be dent challenging; ʟєꜱ challenges ʟᴏᴧ with ʟᴜᴍ moyetiluat n. (moye+tiluat) smart mocaufules n. (mocaufu+les) challenger phone; phone mocaufulon n. (mocaufu+lon) chal- moyepatili v. (moye+patili) decode; lenged; challenging parse; ʟєꜱ decodes ʟᴏᴧ into ʟᴜᴍ mocaufulum n. (mocaufu+lum) chal- mola v. (peta) reverse; do back; return lenge from; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ happen in reverse af- mocalon n. (moca+lon) entertained; au- ter having happened dience; amused molon n. (mo+lon) without; apart; away mocalum n. (moca+lum) show; enter- ’moltofa n. (Ron. 〈Moldova〉 [moldova]) tainment Moldova river mocalwel n. (moca+lwel) performance; 3.10. M 61 game; show mota’kantatec n. (mota’kanta+tec) mocacwelon n. (moca+cwelon) alcohol Uganda mocacwelonak n. (mocacwelon+ak) al- motaki v. (mota+ki) grow; expand; di- coholic late; swell; ʟєꜱ grows ʟᴏᴧ mocafake v. (moca+fake) be drunk; be in- motakiah n. (mota+kiah) condor toxicated; ʟᴏᴧ is drunk motakiles n. (motaki+les) grower mocafakelon n. (mocafake+lon) drunk; motakilon n. (motaki+lon) balloon; intoxicated swollen; bulb mocafakenu v. (mocafake+nu) sober; ʟєꜱ motakilonpes n. (motakilon+pes) puffer- makes ʟᴏᴧ become sober fish mocafakeki v. (mocafake+ki) drink; get motapum n. (mota+pum) Jupiter drunk; intoxicate; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ drunk motapumak n. (motapum+ak) Jovian mocaki v. (moca+ki) entertain; make fun; motapus n. (mota+pus) pumpkin ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ be entertained by ʟᴜᴍ mota’pwitan n. (mota+’pwitan) Great mocakiles n. (mocaki+les) entertainer Brittan mota v. (Mar. 〈मोठा〉 [moʈʰaː]) be big; be mila v. (Sho. 〈mira〉 [mira]) wait; ʟᴏᴧ is large; be spacious; ʟᴏᴧ has a high volume waiting for ʟᴜᴍ motaipis n. (mota+ipis) cockroach milalon n. (mila+lon) in wait motayeh n. (mota+yeh) taro; elephant milalwel n. (mila+lwel) wait; wait period ears milu v. (puti) be black; be dark; be tan; motalamasiklalonkil n. (mota+ ʟᴏᴧ reflects little light lamasiklalon+kil) beard worm miluilulih n. (milu+ilu+lih) raccoon motalon n. (mota+lon) big; large; spa- milulon n. (milu+lon) black; dark; tan cious milumuti v. (milu+muti) be brown; be motalonicelum n. (motalon+icelum) murky; ʟᴏᴧ looks brown project milumutilon n. (milumuti+lon) brown; motalyan n. (mota+lyan) size; volume murky motanilututumulwel n. (mota+ milumutihutyeh n. (milumuti+hutyeh) nilututumulwel) tsunami; tidal wave; ʟᴏᴧ moth is struck by a tsunami from ʟєꜱ milumutiki v. (milumuti+ki) brown; motanilututumulwelles n. (motanilutu- colour brown; ʟєꜱ colours ʟᴏᴧ brown tumulwel+les) oceanic earthquake miluki v. (milu+ki) blacken; darken; motamontalon n. (mota+montalon) shade; burn; tan; ʟєꜱ darkens ʟᴏᴧ truck min pn. (Pan. 〈ਮ∂〉 [mɛ̃ː]) I; me; first person; motacim n. (mota+cim) fava bean; broad the speaker bean; horse bean; Vicia faba minet pn. (min+et) us; first person plural motacutalawt n. (mota+cuta+lawt) Pa- exclusive; the speaker and others cific Ocean minetak n. (minet+ak) our motacutalawtak n. (motacutalawt+ak) minak n. (min+ak) my; mine Pacific minpuk pn. (min+puk) us all; first person motaswa v. (mota+swa) feel awe; ʟᴏᴧ plural inclusive; the speaker, the listener, feels awe at ʟᴜᴍ and possibly others motaswalon n. (motaswa+lon) awed minpukak n. (minpuk+ak) all our motaswalum n. (motaswa+lum) awe- mih n. (Spa. 〈mijo〉 [ˈmixo]) millet; re- some; awful silient, productive cereal crop mota’kanta n. (mota+’kanta) Ugandan; ’mihowtaw n. (Cmn. 〈猕猴桃〉 the Ugandan people [mi˧˥xoʊ̯˧˥tʰaʊ̯˧˥]) kiwifruit; kiwi; Chinese mota’kantaak n. (mota’kanta+ak) Ugan- gooseberry; Actinidia dan; from Uganda mihu v. (puci) pull; attract; ʟєꜱ pulls on 62 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY

ʟᴏᴧ mitulon n. (mitu+lon) void; vacuum; mihules n. (mihu+les) attraction empty; blank mihulon n. (mihu+lon) pulled mituki v. (mitu+ki) empty; clear; ʟєꜱ mihutatu v. (mihu+tatu) be magnetic; empties ʟᴏᴧ of ʟᴜᴍ ʟᴏᴧ is magnetic mip n. (pum) sky; atmosphere; weather; mihutatulon n. (mihutatu+lon) magnet; heavens; all space above the ground magnetic mipalaktan n. (mip+alaktan) scorpionfly mihutatuniluhilasoma v. (mihutatu+ mipak n. (mip+ak) celestial; atmo- nilu+hila+soma) do magnetohydrody- spheric; meteorological; aerial; heavenly namics; ʟєꜱ studies the motion of con- mipinanu v. (mip+inanu) strike; ʟᴏᴧ is ductive fluids in magnetic fields to learn struck by lightning from ʟєꜱ about ʟᴏᴧ mipinanules n. (mipinanu+les) thunder- mihutatuniluhilasomalon n. (mihutatu- cloud; thunderstorm niluhilasoma+lon) magnetohydrodynam- mipmontalon n. (mip+montalon) flying ics machine; airplane; helicopter; balloon mihutatuniluhilasomales n. (mihutatu- miphila v. (mip+hila) blow; gust; wind niluhilasoma+les) magnetohydrodynami- blows on ʟᴏᴧ from ʟєꜱ cist miphilales n. (miphila+les) wind system miclo v. (Ben. 〈িম〉 [miɕrɔ]) be mixed; miphyolon n. (mip+hyolon) air; atmo- be impure; be tainted; permeate; ʟᴜᴍ is sphere; nitrogen and oxygen and all that mixed into ʟᴏᴧ jazz miclolon n. (miclo+lon) solvent; mixed; miphwolon n. (mip+hwolon) comet impure; tainted mipcakalum n. (mip+cakalum) nitrogen miclolum n. (miclo+lum) solute mipsilakipowinules n. (mip+ miclolyot n. (miclo+lyot) mixer; mixing silakipowinules) umbrella pot mipkae v. (mip+kae) rain; precipitate; micloki v. (miclo+ki) mix; taint; pollute; ʟᴏᴧ falls from the sky disolve; infuse; ʟєꜱ mixes ʟᴜᴍ into ʟᴏᴧ mipkaelon n. (mipkae+lon) rain; precipi- ’mikhonesi n. (Fra. 〈Micronésie〉 tation [ˈmikʁonezi]) Micronesia (region) mippes n. (mip+pes) lungfish ’mikhonesiak n. (’mikhonesi+ak) Mi- mippum n. (mip+pum) Uranus cronesian; from Micronesia mippumak n. (mippum+ak) Uranic ’mikhonesiwon n. (’mikhonesi+won) Mi- muafa v. (piasa) be unfamiliar with; be cronesian; the Micronesian people unaccustomed; be strange; be foreign; ’mikhonesitec n. (’mikhonesi+tec) Mi- ʟᴜᴍ is unfamiliar to ʟᴏᴧ cronesia; Federated States of Micronesia muafalon n. (muafa+lon) unfamiliar ’mikhonesitecwon n. (’mikhonesitec+ with; unaccustomed; strange; foreign won) Micronesian; the Micronesian citi- muafalum n. (muafa+lum) unfamiliar to; zenry stranger mita v. (pula) be unclean; be dirty; be muafaki v. (muafa+ki) unfamiliarise; get filthy; be grimy; be ; be unsanitary; unaccustomed; forget; lose; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ is unclean ʟᴏᴧ become unfamiliar with ʟᴜᴍ mitalon n. (mita+lon) filth; unclean; muafakiles n. (muafaki+les) unfamil- dirty; filthy; grimy; gross; unsanitary iariser -muːriː] 〈ﻡﻭﺭﻱﺕﺍﻥﻱﺍ 〉 .mitaki v. (mita+ki) dirty; grimify; desani- ’mulitanya n. (Ara tise; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ unclean taːnijaː]) Mauritania mitakiles n. (mitaki+les) dirtier ’mulitanyaak n. (’mulitanya+ak) Mauri- mitu v. (puli) be empty; be blank; ʟᴏᴧ is tanian; from Mauritania empty of ʟᴜᴍ ’mulitanyawon n. (’mulitanya+won) 3.10. M 63

Mauritanian; the Mauritanian people wealthy munaklo v. (pikante) be mild; be cool; muctunci v. (muc+tunci) govern as a re- ʟᴏᴧ is not spicy public; ʟᴜᴍ rules ʟᴏᴧ munaklolon n. (munaklo+lon) mild; cool muctuncilum n. (muctunci+lum) repre- munakloki v. (munaklo+ki) mild; cool; sentative; house; legislature despice; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ become less spicy muctuncilyot n. (muctunci+lyot) repub- mumu v. (ono. [mː]) hum; buzz; ʟєꜱ lic; representative democracy makes ʟᴏᴧ mucpatolon n. (muc+patolon) boulder mumulon n. (mumu+lon) hum; buzz; mucpil n. (muc+pil) vast mountain drawn-out, low-pitched sound or action mucpihtayl n. (muc+pih+tayl) mumucipcip n. (mumu+cipcip) hum- archipelago mingbird ’musampiki n. (Por. 〈Moçambique〉 ’mumpai n. (Mar. 〈मुंबई〉 [mumbaiː]) Mum- [musɐ̃ˈbikɨ]) Island of bai ’musampikiak n. (’musampiki+ak) muc num. (Spa. 〈mucho〉 [ˈmutʃo])͡ much; Mozambican; from Mozambique many; very ’musampikitec n. (’musampiki+tec) muconalon n. (muc+onalon) skyscraper; Mozambique; the Republic of Mozam- mansion bique muclono v. (muc+lono) be vibrant; be ’musampikitecwon n. (’musampikitec+ colourful; ʟᴏᴧ has many hues and colours won) Mozambican; the Mozambican peo- muclonolon n. (muclono+lon) vibrant; ple colourful muf n. (ono. [muː]) bovid; cow; calf; beef; mucmai v. (muc+mai) go shopping; ʟᴏᴧ buffalo; antelope; sheep; lamb; mutton; is going shopping goat; kid; Bovidae muccai v. (muc+cai) love; adore; be at- muk n. (Ben. 〈মুখ〉 [mukʰ]) face; front part tached; ʟᴏᴧ platonically loves ʟᴜᴍ of a head muccailon n. (muccai+lon) attached mukak n. (muk+ak) facial muccih n. (muc+cih) megacity; mut n. (pil) valley; large locally de- metropole pressed region of a planet’s crust muccwelon n. (muc+cwelon) lake; sea muta v. (pila) be purple; be violet; ʟᴏᴧ re- muccwepucolon n. (muc+cwepucolon) flects short and long wavelength light vast river mutalon n. (muta+lon) purple; violet mucsite v. (muc+site) be jagged; be zig- mutak n. (mut+ak) valley zag; be pointy; ʟᴏᴧ is jagged mutaki v. (muta+ki) colour purple; mucsitelon n. (mucsite+lon) zig-zag; colour violet; ʟєꜱ colours ʟᴏᴧ purple jagged; pointy mutatawh n. (muta+tawh) plum muckot n. (muc+kot) polytheism; pan- muti v. (pilu) be orange; be warm; ʟᴏᴧ re- theon flects long and medium wavelength light muctec n. (muc+tec) empire mutilais n. (muti+lais) carrot muctecak n. (muc+tecak) international mutilon n. (muti+lon) orange; warm muctecaktilip n. (muctecak+tilip) muticeluk n. (muti+celuk) orange; man- auxlang; international auxiliary lan- darin; tangerine guage mutiki v. (muti+ki) colour orange; ʟєꜱ muctayl n. (muc+tayl) continent; large colours ʟᴏᴧ orange landmass bounded by ocean on most mutikwah n. (muti+kwah) cantelope sides, e.g. Eurasia, North America mutitawh n. (muti+tawh) apricot muctue v. (muc+tue) be rich; be wealthy; myawf n. (ono. [mjaw]) feline; cat; kit- ʟᴏᴧ is financially rich ten; Felidae muctuelon n. (muctue+lon) rich; myawfak n. (myawf+ak) feline 64 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY mwe v. (pyo) be angry; be mad; ʟᴏᴧ is an- hetaki v. (heta+ki) narrow; shrink; con- gry about ʟᴜᴍ tract; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ span a smaller angle mwelon n. (mwe+lon) angry; mad from the point of view of ʟᴜᴍ mwelum n. (mwe+lum) maddening hetut n. (colil) soul; spirit; metaphysical mweki v. (mwe+ki) anger; embolden; ʟєꜱ essence makes ʟᴏᴧ angry about ʟᴜᴍ hepu v. (comi) be sparse; be spacious; mwepowi v. (mwe+powi) be bold; be be infrequent; be loosely distributed; be courageous; be brave; be brash; be hot- coarse; ʟᴏᴧ is few and far between in ʟᴜᴍ headed; ʟᴏᴧ is quick to anger hepulon n. (hepu+lon) sparse; infre- mwepowilon n. (mwepowi+lon) bold; quent; loosely distributed; coarse courageous; brave; brash; hot-headed hepulum n. (hepu+lum) space; room; mwepowiki v. (mwepowi+ki) embolden; open space; spacious encourage; embraven; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ hepuki v. (hepu+ki) spread out; separate; bolder distribute; ʟєꜱ decreases the spacial fre- mwa v. (ono. [mwa]) kiss; snog; make quency of ʟᴏᴧ out; ʟєꜱ kisses ʟᴏᴧ hai v. (Eng. 〈high〉 [hɑɪ̯]) be high-pitched; mwales n. (mwa+les) kisser be shrill; ʟᴏᴧ is highly pitched mwalon n. (mwa+lon) kissee hailon n. (hai+lon) high note; high- mwoni v. (Cmn. 〈模拟〉 [mwɔ˧˥ni˧˩˧]) model; pitched; shrill replicate; image; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ after ʟᴜᴍ hailyan n. (hai+lyan) pitch; frequency mwoniles n. (mwoni+les) modeler hailyanoltolum n. (hailyan+oltolum) mwonilon n. (mwoni+lon) model; image melody; tune mwonilum n. (mwoni+lum) source; orig- haiki v. (hai+ki) raise; pitch up; modu- inal late; ʟєꜱ raises the pitch of ʟᴏᴧ mwok n. (Cmn. 〈蘑菇〉 [mwɔ˧˥ku]) mush- hau v. (cai) dislike; be averse; be bad; dis- room; toadstool; superterranean fungus favour; be unappealing; be displeasing; with a stem and cap want not; be ugly; be gross; be negative; ʟᴏᴧ has negative inclinations toward ʟᴜᴍ haulon n. (hau+lon) pessimist; -phobe; averse; unappealing; displeasing; nega- 3.11 H tive haulum n. (hau+lum) unfavourable; ’helium n. (Lat. 〈helium〉 [hɛlɪʊ̃]) helium anathema; least favourite; bad; ugly; ’helsekowina n. (Bos. 〈Hercegovina〉 gross [xɛ̌rtsɛɡov̞ina]) Herzegovina haulyan n. (hau+lyan) cost ’helsekowinaak n. (’helsekowina+ak) haulyot n. (hau+lyot) hell Herzegovinian; from Herzegovina hauki v. (hau+ki) discourage; worsen; in- ’helsekowinawon n. (’helsekowina+ sult; argue against; negatively impact; ʟєꜱ won) Herzegovinian; the Herzegovinian lowers ʟᴏᴧ’s opinion of ʟᴜᴍ people haukiles n. (hauki+les) discourager; hes num. (Eng. 〈hex〉 [hɛks]) G; sixteen; worsener only used to describe hexadecimal haukilon n. (hauki+lon) discouraged hesak n. (hes+ak) sixteenth hauti v. (hau+ti) dissent; disapprove; ʟєꜱ heta v. (cola) be narrow; be acute; be disapproves of ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ small; be little; ʟᴏᴧ spans a narrow angle hautiku v. (hau+tiku) be unlucky; be un- from the point of view of ʟᴜᴍ fortunate; that ʟᴏᴧ happens is unlucky hetalon n. (heta+lon) dot; point; narrow; hautikulon n. (hautiku+lon) unlucky; un- acute; small; little fortunate hetalum n. (heta+lum) corner haupowi v. (hau+powi) be dangerous; 3.11. H 65

ʟᴜᴍ is dangerous to ʟᴏᴧ haupowilum n. (haupowi+lum) danger; hawku v. (cayni) be matte; be dull; be dangerous rough; ʟᴏᴧ reflects light diffusely haupowinyo v. (haupowi+nyo) be safe; hawkulon n. (hawku+lon) matte; dull; be secure; ʟᴜᴍ is safe for ʟᴏᴧ rough haupowinyolon n. (haupowinyo+lon) se- hawkuki v. (hawku+ki) matte; ʟєꜱ makes cure ʟᴏᴧ become matte haupowinyolum n. (haupowinyo+lum) ’han n. (Cmn. 〈漢〉 [xan˥˩]) Han; the Han safe people haupowinyolyan n. (haupowinyo+lyan) ’hanak n. (’han+ak) Han; of the Han safety ’hanfitilip n. (’han+fitilip) Han folk reli- ’hayk n. (Hye. 〈Հայք〉 [hɑjkʰ]) Armenian; gion; Chinese folk religion the Armenian people haha v. (ono. [ha ha]) laugh; ʟєꜱ laughs ’haykak n. (’hayk+ak) Armenian; from out ʟᴏᴧ hahales n. (haha+les) laugher ’hayktec n. (’hayk+tec) Armenia hahalon n. (haha+lon) laughter ’hayktilip n. (’hayk+tilip) Armenian; the hacu v. (ono. [haˈtʃuh])͡ sneeze; ʟєꜱ sneezes out ʟᴏᴧ ’halwati n. (Hrv. 〈Hrvati〉 [xr̩ʋăːti]) Croat; hacules n. (hacu+les) sneezer the Croat people haculon n. (hacu+lon) sneeze ’halwatiak n. (’halwati+ak) Croatian; hat num. (Ben. 〈আট〉 [aʈ]) 8; eight from Croatia hatak n. (hat+ak) eighth ’halwatitec n. (’halwati+tec) Croatia hatnul num. (hat+nul) 80; eighty ’halwatitilip n. (’halwati+tilip) Croatian; hatnulnul num. (hat+nul+nul) 800; eight the Croatian language hundred hawa v. (ono. [ˈha̤ːa̤ː]) yawn; ʟєꜱ yawns hatcyenlektun n. (hat+cyenlektun) octo- ʟᴏᴧ pus ’hawayi n. (Haw. 〈Hawaiʻi〉 [həˈvɐjʔi]) ho v. (Cmn. 〈厚〉 [xoʊ̯˥˩]) be thick; ʟᴏᴧ is Hawaii (landmass) thick in its smallest dimension ’hawayiak n. (’hawayi+ak) Hawaiian; Ka- ’ho n. (ono. [h]) h; /h/; glottal fricative maʻaina; from Hawaii hol n. (Sot. 〈holo〉 [holo]) hippopotamus; ’hawayikwelyot n. (’hawayi+kwelyot) hippo; Hippopotamidae Hawaii (archipelago) holon n. (ho+lon) slab; thick ’hawayikwelyotwon n. (’hawayikwe- holyan n. (ho+lyan) thickness; minimum lyot+won) Hawaiian; the Hawaiian peo- dimension ple ’honolulu n. (Haw. 〈Honolulu〉 [hon- ’hawayitec n. (’hawayi+tec) Hawaii; the oˈlulu]) Honolulu State of Hawaii hom n. (Eng. 〈home〉 [hoʊ̯m]) home; ’hawayitilip n. (’hawayi+tilip) Hawaiian; place of residence of an individual or fam- the Hawaiian language ily hawales n. (hawa+les) one who yawns ’homeopati n. (Deu. 〈homöopathie〉 hawalon n. (hawa+lon) yawn [hoːmœoːpatiː]) homeopathy ’hawnkon n. (Yue. 〈香港〉 [hœːŋ˥kɔːŋ˧˥]) homak n. (hom+ak) domestic Hong Kong hoki v. (ho+ki) thicken; ʟєꜱ thickens ʟᴏᴧ ’hawsa n. (Hau. 〈Hausa〉 [hawsa]) Hausa; hokiles n. (hoki+les) thickener Ausa; the Hausa people ’hokyen n. (Nan. 〈福建〉 [hok˨kjeŋ˨˩˧]) Fu- ’hawsaak n. (’hawsa+ak) Hausa; of the jian; Fujien; Min Hausa ’hokyenak n. (’hokyen+ak) Fujianese; ’hawsatilip n. (’hawsa+tilip) Hausa; the from Fujian 66 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY

’hokyenwon n. (’hokyen+won) Fu- able; be tight; be fixed; be fast; ʟᴏᴧ is jianese; Fujian; the Fujianese people bound to ʟᴜᴍ ’hokyentilip n. (’hokyen+tilip) Min Chi- hilapowinyolon n. (hilapowinyo+lon) nese; the Min languages sticker; stuck; bound; immobile; immov- ’hial n. (Por. 〈real〉 [ʁɨˈaɫ]) real; R$ able; tight; fixed; fast hila v. (Hin. 〈हला〉 [ɦilaː]) move; jostle; be hilapowinyolum n. (hilapowinyo+lum) energetic; be restless; go; ʟᴏᴧ is deform- binding; binder ing and moving relative to ʟᴜᴍ hilapowiki v. (hilapowi+ki) unstick; un- hilaec n. (hila+ec) muscle bind; mobilise; loosen; extricate; unfas- hilalon n. (hila+lon) energetic; restless ten; ʟєꜱ frees ʟᴏᴧ to move relative to ʟᴜᴍ hilalum n. (hila+lum) reference; frame hilapowikiles n. (hilapowiki+les) of reference loosener hilalyan n. (hila+lyan) motion; energy hilapic n. (hila+pic) coffee; Coffea hilanoki v. (hila+noki) explore; probe; ’hintu n. (Hin. 〈हꅍ饂〉 [ɦɪnduː]) India; ʟєꜱ sends ʟᴏᴧ to ʟᴜᴍ to learn about it South Asia; the Hind; the Indian sub- hilanokilon n. (hilanoki+lon) probe continent hilamocaki v. (hila+mocaki) dance; ʟєꜱ ’hintuak n. (’hintu+ak) Indian; from In- dances the ʟᴜᴍ for ʟᴏᴧ dia hilamocakiles n. (hilamocaki+les) ’hintulawt n. (’hintu+lawt) Indian Ocean dancer ’hintulawtak n. (’hintulawt+ak) Indian hilamocakilum n. (hilamocaki+lum) Oceanic dance; dance move ’hintufitilip n. (’hintu+fitilip) Hinduism hilamocakilyot n. (hilamocaki+lyot) ’hintufitilipwon n. (’hintufitilip+won) dance floor Hindu; followers of Hinduism hilasoma v. (hila+soma) do physics; ʟєꜱ ’hintutec n. (’hintu+tec) India; Hindus- studies motion to learn about ʟᴏᴧ tan; the Republic of India hilasomales n. (hilasoma+les) physicist ’hintutecwon n. (’hintutec+won) Indian; hilasomalon n. (hilasoma+lon) physics the Indian people hilaki v. (hila+ki) set off; set in motion; ’hintutilip n. (’hintu+tilip) ; the move; energise; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ start mov- Hindi language ing relative to ʟᴜᴍ ’hintu’pakistantilip n. (’hintu+ hilakiles n. (hilaki+les) motor; actuator ’pakistan+tilip) Hindustani; the Hindus- hilatiluat n. (hila+tiluat) mobile phone; tani language cellural phone; cell phone ’hintu’pakistantilipwon n. (’hintu’pakistantilip+ hilapowi v. (hila+powi) be mobile; be won) Hindustani speakers movable; be loose; be portable; ʟᴏᴧ hiha v. (ono. [hi̤ːha̤ː]) breathe; ʟєꜱ makes moves freely and easily relative to ʟᴜᴍ ʟᴏᴧ breathe hilapowilon n. (hilapowi+lon) mobile; hihahyolon n. (hiha+hyolon) oxygen movable; loose; portable hihacwelon n. (hiha+cwelon) mucus; hilapowinu v. (hilapowi+nu) stick; bind; snot tighten; fasten; trap; ʟєꜱ sticks ʟᴏᴧ to ʟᴜᴍ hihacwelonkoki v. (hihacwelon+koki) hilapowinules n. (hilapowinu+les) tight- have runny nose; drip mucus; ʟєꜱ’s nose ener runs ʟᴏᴧ hilapowinuluat n. (hilapowinu+luat) hihin n. (ono. [hi hin]) equid; horse; ze- glue; bond; fastener bra; pony; wild butt; Equidae hilapowinufut n. (hilapowinu+fut) ba- hihinak n. (hihin+ak) equine nana; plantain hiki v. (ono. [hik]) hiccup; ʟєꜱ hiccups hilapowinyo v. (hilapowi+nyo) be stuck; ʟᴏᴧ stick; be bound; be immobile; be immov- hikiles n. (hiki+les) one who hiccups 3.11. H 67 hikilon n. (hiki+lon) hiccup view ’hitlocenium n. (Lat. 〈hydrogenium〉 hulumah n. (hu+lumah) screen [hidrɔdʒɛnɪʊ̃])͡ hydrogen hunu v. (hu+nu) hide; obscure; remove hu v. (Ibo. 〈hụ〉 [ɦʊ]) can see; see; view; from view; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ stop seeing ʟᴜᴍ ʟᴏᴧ sees ʟᴜᴍ humocaki v. (hu+mocaki) screen; huec n. (hu+ec) eye; eyeball stream; show; ʟєꜱ entertains ʟᴏᴧ visually huechu v. (huec+hu) make eye contact; with ʟᴜᴍ ʟᴏᴧ has eye contact with ʟᴜᴍ humocakiles n. (humocaki+les) huak n. (hu+ak) visual; optic screener; streamer; television network huylu v. (ciwti) be general; be vague; ʟᴏᴧ humocakiluat n. (humocaki+luat) is general screen huylulon n. (huylu+lon) general; vague humocakilum n. (humocaki+lum) video; huyluki v. (huylu+ki) generalise; ʟєꜱ gen- movie; TV show eralises ʟᴏᴧ humocakilyot n. (humocaki+lyot) cin- hulon n. (hu+lon) seer ema huli v. (Fil. 〈huli〉 [huli]) be late; be re- ’humuhumunukunukuapua n. (Haw. cent; be after; be tardy; positive time; ʟᴏᴧ 〈humuhumunukunukuapuaʻa〉 [ˈhu- happens after ʟᴜᴍ muˈhumuˈnukuˈnukuˈwaːpuˈwɐʔə]) reef hulioleciuh n. (huli+ole+ciuh) aspara- triggerfish; rectangular triggerfish gus; sparrow grass huc n. (cih) countryside; country; large hulilon n. (huli+lon) future; late; recent; but sparse distribution of human resi- after; tardy dences hulilyan n. (huli+lyan) lateness hucalu v. (hu+calu) watch; stare; ʟєꜱ hulinoluat n. (huli+noluat) clock; watch forces ʟᴏᴧ to watch ʟᴜᴍ hulinoki v. (huli+noki) tertiarily educate; hucak n. (huc+ak) rural college; university; higher educate; ʟєꜱ husaman n. (hu+saman) window teaches ʟᴏᴧ huki v. (hu+ki) look; reveal; ʟєꜱ shows hulinokiles n. (hulinoki+les) professor ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ visually hulinokilon n. (hulinoki+lon) college stu- hukilum n. (huki+lum) show; visualisa- dent tion hulinokilyot n. (hulinoki+lyot) college; hutyeh n. (Cmn. 〈蝴蝶〉 [xu˧˥tjɛ˧˥]) butter- university fly; moths; Lepidoptera hulinokilwel n. (hulinoki+lwel) tertiary hupowi v. (hu+powi) be sighted; ʟᴏᴧ is education sighted hulisunnyama v. (huli+sun+nyama) eat hupowilon n. (hupowi+lon) sighted merienda; lunch late; eat linner; ʟєꜱ eats hupowinu v. (hupowi+nu) blind; ʟєꜱ ʟᴏᴧ causes ʟᴏᴧ to become blind hulisunnyamalwel n. (hulisunnyama+ hupowinules n. (hupowinu+les) blind- lwel) linnertime ing hulisunnyamalon n. (hulisunnyama+ hupowinyo v. (hupowi+nyo) be blind; lon) late lunch; linner ʟᴏᴧ is blind hulisunnyamales n. (hulisunnyama+les) hupowinyolon n. (hupowinyo+lon) late luncher blind huliki v. (huli+ki) delay; postpone; put hupowiki v. (hupowi+ki) sighten; restore off; push back; procrastinate; travel for- sight; ʟєꜱ causes ʟᴏᴧ to become sighted ward through time; ʟєꜱ pushes ʟᴏᴧ for- hyo v. (cwe) be gaseous; be air; ʟᴏᴧ is ward through time gaseous hulikiles n. (huliki+les) postponer hyoyeh n. (hyo+yeh) tobacco; Nicotiana hulum n. (hu+lum) image; picture; sight; hyolon n. (hyo+lon) gas; cloud; gaseous; 68 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY air 3.12 C hyomiclo v. (hyo+miclo) be arid; be dry; ʟᴏᴧ is not humid hyomiclolon n. (hyomiclo+lon) arid; dry ce v. (ho) be thin; ʟᴏᴧ is thin in its small- hyoki v. (hyo+ki) boil; evaporate; ʟєꜱ est dimension boils ʟᴏᴧ celon n. (ce+lon) film; thin hyokiles n. (hyoki+les) boiler celun n. (Msa. 〈jerung〉 [dʒeruŋ])͡ shark; hyotaka v. (hyo+taka) be dry; ʟᴜᴍ is dry Selachimorpha of ʟᴏᴧ celuk n. (Msa. 〈jeruk〉 [dʒeruk])͡ citrus; hyotakalon n. (hyotaka+lon) dry Citrus hyotakaki v. (hyotaka+ki) dry; ʟєꜱ dries ’celmanium n. (Lat. 〈germanium〉 [dʒɛr-͡ ʟᴏᴧ off of ʟᴜᴍ manɪʊ̃]) germanium hyopeka v. (hyo+peka) bake; ʟєꜱ bakes ’cewa n. (Nya. 〈Chewa〉 [tʃewa])͡ Chewa; ʟᴏᴧ Nyanja; Nyasa; the Chewa people hyopekales n. (hyopeka+les) baker ’cewaak n. (’cewa+ak) Chewa; Malawian; hyopekalon n. (hyopeka+lon) pastry; from Malawi baked good ’cewatec n. (’cewa+tec) Malawi hwe v. (cyo) be young; be new; ʟᴏᴧ is ’cewatilip n. (’cewa+tilip) Chichewa; young Chinyanja hwe’yok n. (hwe+’yok) New York City; ͡ ’cen n. (San. 〈जैन〉 [dʒɛːn]) Jain; follower New York of Jainism hwelon n. (hwe+lon) kid; girl; boy; ’cenak n. (’cen+ak) Jain; Jainist; of Jain- young; new ism hweki v. (hwe+ki) renew; update; ʟєꜱ ’cenfitilip n. (’cen+fitilip) Jainism makes ʟᴏᴧ become new ’ceh n. (Ces. 〈čech〉 [ˈtʃɛx])͡ Czech; the hwekiles n. (hweki+les) updater Czech people hwetilum n. (hwe+tilum) news; current ’cehak n. (’ceh+ak) Czech; from the Czech events; media Republic 火 hwo v. (Cmn. 〈 〉 [xwɔ˧˩˧]) be on fire; be ’cehtec n. (’ceh+tec) Czechia; Czech Re- flaming; ʟᴏᴧ is on fire public hwolon n. (hwo+lon) fire; flame; on fire; ’cehtilip n. (’ceh+tilip) Czech; the Czech flaming language hwonu v. (hwo+nu) douse; put out; extin- cece v. (ono. [tʃət͡ ʃə])͡ chatter; wobble; rus- guish; quench; ʟєꜱ puts out the fire on ʟᴏᴧ tle; rattle; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ hwonules n. (hwonu+les) fire extin- cecelon n. (cece+lon) chatter; wobble; guisher rustle; rattle; noisy, high-pitched sound hwonulon n. (hwonu+lon) doused or action hwok n. (cyen) sheet; page; flexible two- cecim n. (ce+cim) lentil dimensional object ceki v. (ce+ki) thin; ʟєꜱ thins ʟᴏᴧ hwoki v. (hwo+ki) ignite; light on fire; ʟєꜱ cekiles n. (ceki+les) thinner lights ʟᴏᴧ on fire ’ca n. (ono. [tʃ])͡ c; /tʃ/;͡ post-alveolar af- hwokiles n. (hwoki+les) fire starter fricate hwokilon n. (hwoki+lon) ignited cai v. (Ben. 〈চাই〉 [tɕai])͡ want; like; be hwokcyen n. (hwok+cyen) strip; ribbon; good; desire; favour; be appealing; be a shape where all three dimensions are pleasing; hunger; have an appetite; hope; very different be beautiful; be positive; ʟᴏᴧ has positive hwoksiltokalyotpoltilum n. (hwok+ inclinations toward ʟᴜᴍ siltokalyotpoltilum) scarf cailon n. (cai+lon) liker; optimist; hoper; wanter; desirous; hungry; -phile; positive 3.12. C 69 cailip n. (cai+lip) style; stylisation calunyohaulon n. (calunyohau+lon) con- cailum n. (cai+lum) desire; wish; hope; servative preference; favourite; good; appealing; calunyocai v. (calunyo+cai) be liberal; pleasing; beautiful encourage change; ʟᴏᴧ is liberal cailyan n. (cai+lyan) value; goodness; calunyocailon n. (calunyocai+lon) lib- preference level eral cailyot n. (cai+lyot) heaven; paradise calunyocolon n. (calunyo+colon) verb caiki v. (cai+ki) encourage; improve; de- calupowi v. (calu+powi) be stable; be sus- fend; argue for; positively impact; ʟєꜱ tainable; ʟᴏᴧ can continue without chang- raises ʟᴏᴧ’s opinion of ʟᴜᴍ ing caikiles n. (caiki+les) encourager; im- calupowilon n. (calupowi+lon) stable; prover sustainable caikilon n. (caiki+lon) encouraged calupowinyo v. (calupowi+nyo) be un- caiti v. (cai+ti) consent; approve; ʟєꜱ ap- stable; be unsustainable; ʟᴏᴧ cannot con- proves of ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ tinue forever caitiku v. (cai+tiku) be lucky; be fortu- calupowinyolon n. (calupowinyo+lon) nate; that ʟᴏᴧ happens is lucky unstable; unsustainable caitikulon n. (caitiku+lon) lucky; fortu- ’cawa n. (Jav. 〈Jawa〉 [dʒɔwɔ])͡ Java (is- nate land) cau v. (hai) be low-pitched; be deep; be ’cawaak n. (’cawa+ak) Javanese; from sonorous; ʟᴏᴧ is lowly pitched Java caulon n. (cau+lon) low note; low- ’cawawon n. (’cawa+won) Javanese; the pitched; deep; sonorous Javanese people cauki v. (cau+ki) lower; deepen; ʟєꜱ low- ’cawatilip n. (’cawa+tilip) Javanese; the ers the pitch of ʟᴏᴧ Javanese language cayni v. (Eng. 〈shiny〉 [ˈʃɑɪ̯ni]) be shiny; cawh n. (Cmn. 〈爪〉 [ʈʂɑʊ̯˧˩˧])͡ claw; quill; shine; be reflective; be smooth; be metal- fingernail; rigid, sharp, organic protru- lic; ʟᴏᴧ reflects light specularly sion caynilon n. (cayni+lon) mirror; shiny; re- cawhak n. (cawh+ak) ungual; sharp flective; smooth; metallic cawhcim n. (cawh+cim) cowpea; black- caynilyan n. (cayni+lyan) shininess eye pea; yardlong bean; Vigna unguicu- cayniki v. (cayni+ki) shine; polish; ʟєꜱ lata makes ʟᴏᴧ become shiny cawhfut n. (cawh+fut) pineapple calu v. (Pan. 〈ਚਾਲੂ〉 [tʃɑˈlu])͡ continue; be cawku v. (Cmn. 〈照顾〉 [ʈʂɑʊ̯˥˩ku])͡ take happening; keep; stay; be in progress; un- care; support; ʟᴏᴧ takes care of ʟᴜᴍ dergo; maintain; preserve; progressive; cawkulon n. (cawku+lon) caretaker; staff ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ hold true for some time cawkulum n. (cawku+lum) dependent; calules n. (calu+les) maintainer cared for calulon n. (calu+lon) happening; in cawkunu v. (cawku+nu) abandon; take progress away; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ stop taking care of calulwel n. (calu+lwel) equilibrium ʟᴜᴍ calunyo v. (calu+nyo) change; be in flux; cawkunulon n. (cawkunu+lon) aban- switch; ʟєꜱ changes ʟᴏᴧ somehow doner calunyoles n. (calunyo+les) bringer of cawkuki v. (cawku+ki) entrust; take change charge; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ start taking care of calunyolon n. (calunyo+lon) in flux ʟᴜᴍ calunyoluat n. (calunyo+luat) switch cawkukiles n. (cawkuki+les) entruster calunyohau v. (calunyo+hau) be conser- ’cawta n. (Eng. 〈chowder〉 [ˈtʃaʊ̯dɚ])͡ vative; resist change; ʟᴏᴧ is conservative chowder 70 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY

’cantu n. (Cmn. 〈成都〉 [ʈʂʰə˧˥ŋtu˥])͡ catuikap n. (catui+kap) magikarp Chengdu ’catwon n. (’cat+won) Chadian; the Cha- ’cameli n. (Hin. 〈चमेली〉 [tʃəmeːliː])͡ jas- dian people mine; Jasminum capa v. (Jav. 〈sap〉 [ʂɑp]) be stacked; be cah num. (Hin. 〈छः〉 [tʃəɦ])͡ 6; six layered; ʟᴏᴧ is stacked on ʟᴜᴍ cahak n. (cah+ak) sixth capalon n. (capa+lon) layer; stacked; lay- cahnul num. (cah+nul) 60; sixty ered cahnulnul num. (cah+nul+nul) 600; six capalum n. (capa+lum) book; stack hundred capanu v. (capa+nu) unstack; unlayer; cahsunkwelwel n. (cah+sunkwelwel) ʟєꜱ unstacks ʟᴏᴧ from ʟᴜᴍ Saturday capanules n. (capanu+les) unstacker casi v. (Epo. 〈ĉasi〉 [ˈtʃasi])͡ hunt; chase; capaki v. (capa+ki) stack; layer; ʟєꜱ pursue; ʟєꜱ hunts for ʟᴏᴧ stacks ʟᴏᴧ onto ʟᴜᴍ casiles n. (casi+les) hunter capakiles n. (capaki+les) stacker casilon n. (casi+lon) hunted capakiciuh n. (capaki+ciuh) onion; bulb caka v. (Jav. 〈saka〉 [ʂɔkɔ]) be made of; onion; common onion; Allium cepa comprise; ʟᴏᴧ is made out of ʟᴜᴍ ’caputi n. (Som. 〈Jabuuti〉 [dʒæbuːt])͡ Dji- cakalon n. (caka+lon) construction; ob- bouti City; Djibouti ject; product; made of ’caputiak n. (’caputi+ak) Djiboutian; cakalum n. (caka+lum) material; sub- from Djibouti stance; chemical; element ’caputiwon n. (’caputi+won) Djiboutian; cakasoma v. (caka+soma) do chemistry; the Djiboutian people do material science; ʟєꜱ studies chemicals ’caputitec n. (’caputi+tec) Djibouti; the to learn about ʟᴏᴧ Republic of Djibouti cakasomales n. (cakasoma+les) chemist co v. (Zul. 〈-sho〉 [ʃo]) mean; call; name; cakasomalon n. (cakasoma+lon) chem- be significant; ʟᴏᴧ means ʟᴜᴍ to ʟєꜱ istry; material science cola v. (Hin. 〈चौड़ा〉 [tʃɔːɽaː])͡ be wide; be cakaki v. (caka+ki) make out of; turn to; obtuse; be big; be large; ʟᴏᴧ spans a wide ʟєꜱ changes ʟᴏᴧ to be made out of ʟᴜᴍ angle from the point of view of ʟᴜᴍ cakakiles n. (cakaki+les) alchemist colalon n. (cola+lon) splotch; blotch; ’cakti n. (Hin. 〈श〉 [ʃəkti]) Shakti wide; obtuse; big; large ’caktifitilip n. (’cakti+fitilip) Shaktism colalyan n. (cola+lyan) angle;angular ’caktifitilipak n. (’caktifitilip+ak) Shakta; size of Shaktism colaki v. (cola+ki) widen; grow; spread ’caktifitilipwon n. (’caktifitilip+won) out; dilate; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ span a wider an- Shaktist; followers of Shakti gle from the point of view of ʟᴜᴍ cat n. (Hin. 〈छाती〉 [tʃʰaːtiː])͡ chest; breast; colon n. (co+lon) name; signal; word; se- bosom; upper front surface of a torso meme; significant ’cat n. (Fra. 〈Tshad〉 [tʃad]) Chad colonoltolum n. (colon+oltolum) dictio- catak n. (cat+ak) chestal; mamillary nary ’catak n. (’cat+ak) Chadian; from Chad colontipalum n. (colon+tipalum) part-of- ͡ catui v. (Hin. 〈जा饁ई〉 [dʒaːduiː]) be magi- speech cal; do magic; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ happen mag- colil n. (Ben. 〈শরীর〉 [ɕɔrir]) body; chassis; ically physical manifestation catuiles n. (catui+les) magician; sorcerer; colilak n. (colil+ak) bodily; physical; cor- wizard poral catuilon n. (catui+lon) magic trick; spell; colip n. (co+lip) convention; protocol magical colum n. (co+lum) definition; meaning; catuiluat n. (catui+luat) magic denotation; named 3.12. C 71 con n. (Pan. 〈ਜ㈂〉 [dʒɔ̃])͡ barley; Hordeum cohpoltilum n. (coh+poltilum) glove ’cona n. (Sna. 〈Shona〉 [ʃona]) Shona; the coc n. (Cmn. 〈手指〉 [ʂoʊ̯˧˩˧ʈʂɨ˧˩˧])͡ finger; toe; Shona people small manipulator attached to a hand or ’conaak n. (’cona+ak) Shona; of the foot Shona cocak n. (coc+ak) digital ’conatilip n. (’cona+tilip) Shona; chiS- cos n. (Ben. 〈শসা〉 [ɕɔs̪a]) cucumber; hona; the gherkin; Cucumis sativus comi v. (Cmn. 〈稠密〉 [ʈʂʰoʊ̯˧˥mi˥˩])͡ be ’cosawn n. (Kor. 〈조선〉 [tɕosʰʌn])͡ Korea; dense; be cramped; be frequent; be the Korean peninsula tightly packed; be fine; be urban; ʟᴏᴧ oc- ’cosawnak n. (’cosawn+ak) Korean; from curs frequently and close together in ʟᴜᴍ Korea comilon n. (comi+lon) dense; frequent; ’cosawnwon n. (’cosawn+won) Korean; tightly packed; fine; urban the Korean people comilip n. (comi+lip) distribution ’cosawntilip n. (’cosawn+tilip) Korean; comilum n. (comi+lum) cramped the Korean language comilyan n. (comi+lyan) density; resolu- cosfolmo v. (cos+folmo) be cucumiform; tion be cucumber-shaped; ʟᴏᴧ is cylindrical, comiki v. (comi+ki) gather; collect; clus- with rounded tapers on the ends ter; densify; ʟєꜱ increases the spacial fre- cosfolmolon n. (cosfolmo+lon) cucumi- quency of ʟᴏᴧ form; cucumber-shaped coh n. (Cmn. 〈手〉 [ʂoʊ̯˧˩˧]) hand; multi- costun n. (cos+tun) seacucumber appendaged manipulator coto v. (Ben. 〈জট〉 [dʑɔtɔ])͡ be tangled; be cohak n. (coh+ak) manual knotted; ʟᴏᴧ is tangled together with ʟᴜᴍ cohluso v. (coh+luso) be dexterous; ʟᴏᴧ cotolon n. (coto+lon) knot; tangled; knot- is dexterous ted cohlusolon n. (cohluso+lon) dexterous cotonu v. (coto+nu) untie; unknot; untan- cohtokalyot n. (coh+tokalyot) wrist gle; ʟєꜱ unties ʟᴏᴧ from ʟᴜᴍ cohtokalyotpoltilum n. (cohtokalyot+ cotomeklelon n. (coto+meklelon) basket poltilum) bracelet cotoki v. (coto+ki) tie; knot; tangle; ʟєꜱ cohti v. (coh+ti) gesture; sign; ʟєꜱ ges- ties ʟᴏᴧ to ʟᴜᴍ tures ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ ci v. (Cmn. 〈试〉 [ʂɨ˥˩]) try; attempt; will; cohtilip n. (cohti+lip) gesture intend; do for; do so; do in order to; ʟєꜱ cohtife v. (coh+tife) be clumsy; ʟᴏᴧ is makes ʟᴏᴧ happen in order to make ʟᴜᴍ clumsy happen cohtifelon n. (cohtife+lon) clumsy ciestaki v. (ci+estaki) design; ʟєꜱ makes cohtue v. (coh+tue) hold; carry; have ʟᴏᴧ with the goal of ʟᴜᴍ with one; have on one’s person; ʟᴏᴧ holds ciestakiles n. (ciestaki+les) designer ʟᴜᴍ ciestakilon n. (ciestaki+lon) designed cohtuelon n. (cohtue+lon) holder ciestakilum n. (ciestaki+lum) design cohtuelum n. (cohtue+lum) held; acces- goal sory ciestakitilip n. (ciestaki+tilip) conlang; cohtuenu v. (cohtue+nu) put down; re- constructed language ;ʃiːʔah]) Shia Islam] 〈ﺵﻱﻉﺓ 〉 .lease; ʟєꜱ takes ʟᴜᴍ out of ʟᴏᴧ’s hand ’ciah n. (Ara cohtuenules n. (cohtuenu+les) putter Shia downer; taker ’ciahak n. (’ciah+ak) Shia; of Shia Islam cohtueki v. (cohtue+ki) pick up; hand; ’ciahwon n. (’ciah+won) Shia of Ali; Shia; grab; ʟєꜱ puts ʟᴜᴍ in ʟᴏᴧ’s hand followers of Shia Islam cohtuekiles n. (cohtueki+les) hander; ciuh n. (Cmn. 〈植物〉 [ʈʂɨ˧˥u˥˩])͡ plant; veg- picker upper etable; Plantae 72 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY ciuhak n. (ciuh+ak) botanical; vegetal have an accident; ʟєꜱ accidentally makes ciuhnyamales n. (ciuh+nyamales) herbi- ʟᴏᴧ happen vore; something that eats plants cinyokwekilon n. (cinyokweki+lon) mis- ciuhcomiki v. (ciuh+comiki) harvest; ʟєꜱ take; accident harvests ʟᴏᴧ from ʟᴜᴍ cinci v. (Cmn. 〈亲戚〉 [tɕʰin˥t͡ ɕʰi])͡ be re- ciuhcomikilon n. (ciuhcomiki+lon) crop lated; share blood; ʟᴏᴧ is genetically re- ciuhcomikilyot n. (ciuhcomiki+lyot) lated to ʟᴜᴍ farm cincilon n. (cinci+lon) relatee; related ciuhtayl n. (ciuh+tayl) jungle; rainforest cincilum n. (cinci+lum) relative; kin; ’cile n. (Spa. 〈Chile〉 [ˈtʃile])͡ Chile family; blood; ethnic; ethnicity ’cileak n. (’cile+ak) Chilean; from Chile cincinu v. (cinci+nu) defocus; ʟєꜱ makes ’cilewon n. (’cile+won) Chilean; the ʟᴏᴧ not be about ʟᴜᴍ Chilean people cinciki v. (cinci+ki) focus; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ ciles n. (ci+les) purposeful; intentful about ʟᴜᴍ ͡ cinkul n. (Hin. 〈 〉 [dʒ͡ iːŋɡur]) cricket; cilaf n. (Hin. 〈जराफ़〉 [dʒiraːf]) giraffe; झĂगुर ̤ okapi; Giraffidae grasshopper; locust; tatydid; Orthoptera cilon n. (ci+lon) means cinta v. (Ben. 〈িচা〉 [tɕin̪t̪a])͡ ponder; think cilum n. (ci+lum) purpose; reason; goal; about; imagine; consider; ʟєꜱ is thinks end; intention; beneficiary about ʟᴏᴧ cintaec n. (cinta+ec) brain ’ciwa n. (San. 〈शव〉 [ɕiʋɐ́]) Shiva ’ciwafitilip n. (’ciwa+fitilip) Shaivism cintales n. (cinta+les) thinker; ponderer ’ciwafitilipak n. (’ciwafitilip+ak) Shaiva; cintalon n. (cinta+lon) train of thought of Shaivism cintaluat n. (cinta+luat) mind; imaaagi- ’ciwafitilipwon n. (’ciwafitilip+won) nation Shaivite; Saivite; followers of Shiva ’cinto n. (Jpn. 〈神道〉 [ɕintoː]) Shintoism ciwn n. (Cmn. 〈菌〉 [tɕyn˥])͡ fungus; Fungi ’cintoak n. (’cinto+ak) Shinto; of Shinto- ciwnak n. (ciwn+ak) fungal; fungic; fun- ism gous ’cintowon n. (’cinto+won) Shintoist; fol- ciwti v. (Cmn. 〈具体〉 [tɕy˥˩tʰi˧˩˧])͡ be spe- lowers of Shintoism cific; be particular; ʟᴏᴧ is specific cim n. (Ben. 〈িশম〉 [ɕim]) legume; pulse; ciwtilon n. (ciwti+lon) specific; particu- bean; pea; Fabaceae lar cih n. (Cmn. 〈市〉 [ʂɨ˥˩]) settlement; city; ciwtiki v. (ciwti+ki) specify; identify; ʟєꜱ town; village; dense collection of human specifies ʟᴏᴧ residences cin n. (Cmn. 〈鲸〉 [tɕiŋ˥])͡ cetacean; whale; cihak n. (cih+ak) urban; villestial dolphin; porpoise; Cetacea cihwa v. (Cmn. 〈计划〉 [tɕi˥˩xwa˥˩])͡ plan; ex- ’cin n. (Eng. 〈jeans〉 [dʒiːnz])͡ jeans pect; ʟᴏᴧ expects ʟᴜᴍ to happen ’cinitsel n. (Deu. 〈schnitzel〉 [ˈʃnɪtsl̩]) cihwalon n. (cihwa+lon) expecting schnitzel cihwaluat n. (cihwa+luat) planner; plan- cinu v. (ci+nu) give up; quit; stop trying; ning tool ʟєꜱ stops trying to make ʟᴜᴍ happen by cihwalum n. (cihwa+lum) plan; expecta- doing ʟᴏᴧ tion cinules n. (cinu+les) quitter cihwicon n. (cih+wicon) square; lot; park 蜘蛛 cinya v. (Cmn. 〈惊讶〉 [tɕiŋ˥ja˥˩])͡ surprise; cic n. (Cmn. 〈 〉 [ʈʂɨ˥ʈ͡ ʂu˥])͡ spider; astonish; shock; ʟєꜱ surprises ʟᴏᴧ with Araneae 技术 ʟᴜᴍ cicu v. (Cmn. 〈 〉 [tɕi˥˩ʂu˥˩])͡ employ cinyales n. (cinya+les) surprising technology; engineer; ʟєꜱ uses technical cinyalon n. (cinya+lon) surprised skills and fine problem-solving to solve cinyokweki v. (ci+nyo+kweki) mistake; ʟᴏᴧ 3.12. C 73 cicules n. (cicu+les) engineer brunch; brunch; ʟєꜱ eats ʟᴏᴧ ciculesitea v. (cicules+itea) invent; inno- citusunnyamalwel n. (citusunnyama+ vate; ʟєꜱ invents ʟᴏᴧ lwel) brunchtime ciculesiteales n. (ciculesitea+les) inven- citusunnyamalon n. (citusunnyama+ tor lon) brunch ciculesitealon n. (ciculesitea+lon) inven- citusunnyamales n. (citusunnyama+les) tion bruncher ciculon n. (cicu+lon) technical problem cituki v. (citu+ki) pass; advance; move ciculuat n. (cicu+luat) technology up; travel back in time; ʟєꜱ causes ʟᴏᴧ to cik n. (Eng. 〈chick〉 [tʃɪk])͡ chickpea; gram; become before ʟᴜᴍ garbanzo; Cicer arietinum citukiles n. (cituki+les) time machine cikweki v. (ci+kweki) succeed; ʟєꜱ suc- citukilon n. (cituki+lon) passing; present ceeds at making ʟᴏᴧ happen citukucinihu v. (citu+kucinihu) be nos- citai v. (Cmn. 〈期待〉 [tɕʰi˥taɪ̯˥˩])͡ anticipate; talgic; ʟᴏᴧ feels nostalgia about ʟᴜᴍ be prepared; be careful; be cautious; be- citukucinihulon n. (citukucinihu+lon) ware; ʟᴏᴧ anticipates ʟᴜᴍ nostalgic citailon n. (citai+lon) anticipative; pre- citupensi v. (citu+pensi) predict; ʟᴏᴧ pre- pared; careful; cautious dicts ʟᴜᴍ citailum n. (citai+lum) anticipated citupensilon n. (citupensi+lon) pundit citainu v. (citai+nu) lower anticipation; citupensilum n. (citupensi+lum) predic- ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ stop anticipating ʟᴜᴍ tion citaiki v. (citai+ki) build anticipation; citupensipowi v. (citupensi+powi) be prepare; caution; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ anticipa- predetermined; be predictable; be deter- tive about ʟᴜᴍ ministic; ʟᴏᴧ can be easily predicted citu v. (huli) be early; be soon; be before; citupensipowilon n. (citupensipowi+ be timely; negative time; ʟᴏᴧ happens be- lon) predetermined; predictable; deter- fore ʟᴜᴍ ministic citulon n. (citu+lon) past; early; soon; be- citupensipowinyo v. (citupensipowi+ fore; timely nyo) be random; be unpredictable; ʟᴏᴧ citulonsoma v. (citulon+soma) do his- cannot possibly be predicted tory; ʟєꜱ studies the past to test and up- citupensipowinyolon n. (citupen- date ʟᴏᴧ sipowinyo+lon) random; unpredictable citulonsomales n. (citulonsoma+les) his- citupensipowinu v. (citupensipowi+ torian nu) randomise; scramble; make unpre- citulonsomalon n. (citulonsoma+lon) dictable; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ more random history citupensipowinyonyo v. (citupen- citulyan n. (citu+lyan) earliness sipowinyo+nyo) be pseudorandom; ʟᴏᴧ citunoluat n. (citu+noluat) timer is pseudorandomly determined citunoki v. (citu+noki) pre-educate; ʟєꜱ citupensipowinyonyolon n. (citupen- teaches ʟᴏᴧ sipowinyonyo+lon) pseudorandom citunokiles n. (citunoki+les) pre-school citupensipowiki v. (citupensipowi+ki) teacher make predictable; order; determine; ʟєꜱ citunokilon n. (citunoki+lon) pre- makes ʟᴏᴧ less random schooler cipcip n. (ono. [tʃip͡ tʃip])͡ bird; Aves citunokilyot n. (citunoki+lyot) pre- cipcipak n. (cipcip+ak) avian school cipcippul n. (cipcip+pul) bird of paradise citunokilwel n. (citunoki+lwel) pre- cu ptcl. (Epo. 〈ĉu〉 [tʃu])͡ ?; huh?; interrog- kindergarden education ative mood citusunnyama v. (citu+sun+nyama) eat cua v. (Swa. 〈jua〉 [ʄua]) perceive; sense; 74 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY observe; be perceptible; see; hear; feel; cutakilyot n. (cutaki+lyot) stop; station smell; taste; ʟᴏᴧ perceives ʟᴜᴍ cuti v. (cu+ti) ask; interrogate; ʟєꜱ asks cuaec n. (cua+ec) sensor; sense ʟᴏᴧ about ʟᴜᴍ cuaak n. (cua+ak) perceptual cutiles n. (cuti+les) curious; interrogator cualon n. (cua+lon) perceiver; observer cutilon n. (cuti+lon) interrogatee cualuat n. (cua+luat) sense; sensor cutilum n. (cuti+lum) question cualum n. (cua+lum) perception; experi- cyen n. (Cmn. 〈线〉 [ɕjɛn˥˩]) string; thread; ence; perceptible wire; hair; flexible one-dimensional ob- cualumak n. (cualum+ak) subjective ject cuanu v. (cua+nu) obscure; hide; re- cyenam n. (cyen+am) antenna move; cloud; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ stop perceiv- cyenut n. (cyen+ut) alpaca ing ʟᴜᴍ cyenlek n. (cyen+lek) tentacle cuanules n. (cuanu+les) cloud cyenlektun n. (cyenlek+tun) molusk; cuanulum n. (cuanu+lum) cloudy cephalapod cuaki v. (cua+ki) show; look; listen; sniff; cyenmuf n. (cyen+muf) sheep; mutton taste; read; ʟєꜱ shows ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ cyenhwok n. (cyen+hwok) cloth; fabric cuakiles n. (cuaki+les) shower; looker; cyenciuh n. (cyen+ciuh) jute; mallow- listener leaves cuakilum n. (cuaki+lum) thing that is cyencim n. (cyen+cim) green bean; shown french bean; string bean; snap ’cun n. (Cmn. 〈中〉 [ʈʂʊŋ˥])͡ Chinese; the cyenseleal n. (cyen+seleal) noodle; lin- Chinese people guini ’cunak n. (’cun+ak) Chinese; from China cyenfut n. (cyen+fut) coconut ’cuncin n. (Cmn. 〈重庆〉 [ʈʂʰʊŋ˧˥t͡ ɕʰi˥˩ŋ])͡ cyau v. (Cmn. 〈焦〉 [tɕjɑʊ̯˥])͡ be burnt; be Chongqing; Chungking burned; ʟᴏᴧ is burnt ’cuntec n. (’cun+tec) China cyaulon n. (cyau+lon) ash; char; char- ’cuntilip n. (’cun+tilip) Chinese; the Chi- coal; burnt; burned nese macrolanguage cyaunyama v. (cyau+nyama) smoke; ʟєꜱ ’cumieka n. (Jam. 〈Jamaica〉 [dʒʊmiɛka])͡ smokes ʟᴏᴧ Jamaica (landmass) cyauhyolon n. (cyau+hyolon) smoke ’cumiekaak n. (’cumieka+ak) Jamaican; cyaufekiluat n. (cyau+fekiluat) firearm; from Jamaica gun ’cumiekawon n. (’cumieka+won) Ja- cyauki v. (cyau+ki) burn; ʟєꜱ burns ʟᴏᴧ maican; the Jamaican people cyaukiufalon n. (cyauki+ufalon) gun- ’cumiekatec n. (’cumieka+tec) Jamaica powder (country) cyaukiles n. (cyauki+les) burner ’cumiekatilip n. (’cumieka+tilip) Ja- cyaukilon n. (cyauki+lon) fuel maican Patois; Patwa; Jamaican Creole cyaukicwelon n. (cyauki+cwelon) oil; petroleum cuc n. (Ben. 〈জজু 〉ু [dʑud͡ ʑu])͡ bug; insect; arachnid; myriapod; entognath; small cyaukicwelonkac n. (cyaukicwelon+kac) terrestrial invertebrate oil palm cuta v. (hila) be still; be unenergetic; cyaukicwelonpic n. (cyaukicwelon+pic) move with; ʟᴏᴧ is motionless relative to sesame ʟᴜᴍ cyaukipowi v. (cyauki+powi) be cutalon n. (cuta+lon) still; unenergetic flammable; ʟᴏᴧ can burn cutaki v. (cuta+ki) stop; still; settle; deen- cyaukipowilon n. (cyaukipowi+lon) ergise; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ stop moving rela- flammable tive to ʟᴜᴍ cyaukipowinu v. (cyaukipowi+nu) cutakiles n. (cutaki+les) brake deflammibify; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ less 3.12. C 75 flammable cwemwoni v. (cwe+mwoni) paint; ʟєꜱ cyaukipowinyo v. (cyaukipowi+nyo) be paints ʟᴜᴍ as ʟᴏᴧ unflammable; be fire-resistant; be flame- cwemwoniles n. (cwemwoni+les) retardant; ʟᴏᴧ does not burn easily painter cyaukipowinyolon n. (cyaukipowinyo+ cwemwonilon n. (cwemwoni+lon) paint- lon) unflammable; fire-resistant; flame- ing retardant cwemwonilum n. (cwemwoni+lum) cyaukipowiki v. (cyaukipowi+ki) flam- painting subject mibify; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ flammable cwehila v. (cwe+hila) swim; ʟᴏᴧ swims cyacun n. (Cmn. 〈甲虫〉 [tɕja˧˩˧ʈ͡ ʂʰʊŋ˧˥])͡ bee- cwehilalon n. (cwehila+lon) swimmer tle; Coleoptera cwecai v. (cwe+cai) feel thirsty; ʟᴏᴧ is cyatin n. (Cmn. 〈家庭〉 [tɕja˥tʰiŋ˧˥])͡ family; thirsty for ʟᴜᴍ intimate group of people cwecohtuelon n. (cwe+cohtuelon) cyatinak n. (cyatin+ak) familial bucket cyo v. (Cmn. 〈旧〉 [tɕjoʊ̯˥˩])͡ be old; ʟᴏᴧ is cwekaelyot n. (cwe+kae+lyot) waterfall old cwekaeki v. (cwe+kaeki) take shower; cyolon n. (cyo+lon) elder; senior; adult; shower; ʟєꜱ showers ʟᴏᴧ with ʟᴜᴍ grown-up; relic; old cwekaekilum n. (cwekaeki+lum) shower cyolyan n. (cyo+lyan) age cweki v. (cwe+ki) condense; liquidify; ʟєꜱ cyoki v. (cyo+ki) age; wear; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ condenses ʟᴏᴧ into a liquid get older cwekiles n. (cweki+les) condenser cyokiles n. (cyoki+les) ager; Father Time cwekilon n. (cweki+lon) condensed; cwe v. (Cmn. 〈水〉 [ʂweɪ̯˧˩˧]) be liquid; be cloud water; ʟᴏᴧ is a liquid cwekuhoki v. (cwe+kuhoki) float; be cweancosapuluat n. (cwe+ buoyant; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ float in ʟᴜᴍ ancosapuluat) mop cwekuhokiicilwel n. (cwekuhoki+ cweap n. (cwe+ap) waterfowl; duck; icilwel) plankton goose; swan cwekuhokilon n. (cwekuhoki+lon) buoy- cweufalon n. (cwe+ufalon) mist ant cweyeh n. (cwe+yeh) tea; Camellia sinen- cwekuhokilial n. (cwekuhoki+lial) buoy- sis ant force; buoyancy cwelon n. (cwe+lon) body of water; liq- cwetayl n. (cwe+tayl) swamp; marsh; uid; water bog; wetlands cwelyan n. (cwe+lyan) liquidity cwetaka v. (cwe+taka) be wet; ʟᴜᴍ is wet cwenalkaskutilon n. (cwe+ with ʟᴏᴧ nalkaskutilon) diarrhea cwetakalon n. (cwetaka+lon) wet cweniceki v. (cwe+niceki) sink; sub- cwetakalyan n. (cwetaka+lyan) wetness merge; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ sink in ʟᴜᴍ cwetakaki v. (cwetaka+ki) wet; wetten; cwenyamaluat n. (cwe+nyamaluat) ʟєꜱ wets ʟᴜᴍ with ʟᴏᴧ spoon cwetatu v. (cwe+tatu) be mercury; be cwemaceki v. (cwe+maceki) flood; ʟᴏᴧ is quicksilver; ʟᴏᴧ is made of mercury struck by a flood from ʟєꜱ cwetatulon n. (cwetatu+lon) mercury; cwemacekiles n. (cwemaceki+les) flood- quicksilver waters cwetuekilyot n. (cwe+tuekilyot) well cwemontalon n. (cwe+montalon) boat cwetyen num. (cwe+tyen) oasis; water- cwemiclo v. (cwe+miclo) be humid; be ing hole dank; ʟᴏᴧ is humid cwepucolon n. (cwe+pucolon) river; cwemiclolon n. (cwemiclo+lon) humid; stream; brook ͡ dank cwal n. (Hin. 〈煍वार〉 [dʒvaːr]) sorghum; 76 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY great millet; milo; Sorghum bicolor seltiki v. (selti+ki) convince; persuade; make sure; ʟєꜱ provides new information that leads ʟᴏᴧ to come to find ʟᴜᴍ proba- ble 3.13 S ’senekal n. (Wol. 〈Senegaal〉 [sɛnɛgaːl]) Senegal seyoh n. (Spa. 〈sello〉 [ˈseʝo]) seal; walrus; ’senekalak n. (’senekal+ak) Senegalese; sea lion; Pinnipedia from Senegal ’seynfinsen n. (Svc. 〈Saint Vincent〉 ’senekalwon n. (’senekal+won) Sene- [seɪnt ˈvɪnsənt]) Saint Vincent; Yurumei; galese; the Senegalese people Hairouna ’senliwsi n. (Acf. 〈Sainte-Lucie〉 [sɛ̃t lysi]) ’seynfinsenak n. (’seynfinsen+ak) Saint Saint Lucia (landmass) Vincentian; Vincentian; from Saint Vin- ’senliwsiak n. (’senliwsi+ak) Saint Lu- cent cian; from Saint Lucia ’seynfinsentilip n. (’seynfinsen+tilip) ’senliwsiwon n. (’senliwsi+won) Saint Vincentian Creole Lucian; the Saint Lucian people seleal n. (Spa. 〈cereal〉 [seɾeˈal]) cereal; ’senliwsitec n. (’senliwsi+tec) Saint Lucia grain; cereal grain; grass cultivated for its (country) edible seeds ’senliwsitilip n. (’senliwsi+tilip) Saint Lu- selealcwelon n. (seleal+cwelon) beer cian Creole selealpul n. (seleal+pul) buckwheat ’senkitsi n. (Aig. 〈Saint Kitts〉 [sɛnt kits]) ’selenium n. (Lat. 〈selenium〉 [selenɪʊ̃]) Saint Kitts; Saint Christopher Island; Lia- selenium muiga selyo v. (Spa. 〈serio〉 [ˈseɾjo]) be serious; ’senkitsiak n. (’senkitsi+ak) Kittitian; admire; respect; awe; ʟᴏᴧ takes ʟᴜᴍ seri- from Saint Kitts ously ’senkitsitilip n. (’senkitsi+tilip) Saint selyolon n. (selyo+lon) in awe; respectful Kitts Creole; Leeward Caribbean Creole selyolum n. (selyo+lum) admired; awe- English ͡ some; serious ses n. (Sot. 〈setso〉 [setsʼo]) culture; na- selyoki v. (selyo+ki) awe; command re- tion; tribe; clan; human social group spect; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ take ʟᴜᴍ seriously ’sesel n. (Crs. 〈Sesel〉 [sesɛl]) Seychelles ’selnakola n. (Cnr. 〈Црна Гора〉 [tsr̩ːnaː͡ (landmass) ɡɔra]) Montenegro ’seselak n. (’sesel+ak) Seychellois; from ’selnakolaak n. (’selnakola+ak) Montene- the Seychelles grin; from Montenegro ’seselwon n. (’sesel+won) Seychellois; ’selnakolawon n. (’selnakola+won) Mon- the Sechellois people tenegrin; the Montenegrin people ’seseltec n. (’sesel+tec) Seychelles ’selnakolatilip n. (’selnakola+tilip) Mon- ’seseltilip n. (’sesel+tilip) Sechellois Cre- tenegrin; the Montenegrin language ole ’selsyus n. (Swe. 〈celcius〉 [ˈsɛːlsjʊs]) de- sesak n. (ses+ak) cultural; national; gree Celsius; degree centigrade; °C tribal; social selti v. (Epo. 〈certi〉 [ˈtserti])͡ be sure; be sesyohau v. (ses+yohau) be polite; act ap- certain; be probable; be likely; be easy; propriately; ʟєꜱ is polite to ʟᴏᴧ ʟᴏᴧ is likely to happen according to ʟᴜᴍ; sesyohaulon n. (sesyohau+lon) polite see ”believe” and ”think” seswecai v. (ses+wecai) be rude; act inap- seltilon n. (selti+lon) sure; certain propriately; ʟєꜱ is rude to ʟᴏᴧ seltilum n. (selti+lum) probable; likely; seswecailon n. (seswecai+lon) rude easy sekal n. (Epo. 〈sekalo〉 [seˈkalo]) rye; Se- seltilyan n. (selti+lyan) probability cale 3.13. S 77 sekso v. (Spa. 〈sexo〉 [ˈsekso]) have sex; sayhuki v. (sayhu+ki) make important; make love; ʟєꜱ initiates and has sex with inflate; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ care about ʟᴜᴍ ʟᴏᴧ ’salon n. (Kri. 〈Salone〉 [salon]) Sierra seksoec n. (sekso+ec) genital Leone seksonyolon n. (sekso+nyo+lon) virgin ’salonak n. (’salon+ak) Sierra Leonean; seksomai v. (sekso+mai) prostitute; sell from Sierra Leone one’s body; ʟєꜱ has sex with ʟᴏᴧ for pay ’salonwon n. (’salon+won) Sierra seksomailes n. (seksomai+les) prosti- Leonean; the Sierra Leonean people tute; whore; harlot ’salontilip n. (’salon+tilip) Krio; Sierra seksocai v. (sekso+cai) feel horny; sex- Leonean Creole ually attract; be sexy; ʟᴏᴧ is sexually at- salmon n. (Spa. 〈salmón〉 [salˈmon]) tracted to ʟᴜᴍ salmon; trout; pike; dragonfish; smelt; seksocailum n. (seksocai+lum) sexy Protacanthopterygii seksocwelon n. (sekso+cwelon) semen ’saltenya n. (Spa. 〈salteña〉 [salˈteɲa]) seksocwelonkoki v. (seksocwelon+koki) salteña ejaculate; ʟєꜱ ejaculates out ʟᴏᴧ ’salpatol n. (Spa. 〈Salvador〉 [salβaˈðor]) seksokokilyot n. (sekso+kokilyot) vagina El Salvador seksopal n. (sekso+pal) penis ’salpatolak n. (’salpatol+ak) Salvadoran; set num. (fol) C; twelve; ; only used from El Salvador for hexadecimal ’salpatolwon n. (’salpatol+won) Salvado- setak n. (set+ak) twelfth ran; Salvadorian; Salvadorean; Guanaco; setlu v. (folti) be weak; be wimpy; ʟᴏᴧ is the Salvadoran people not capable of exerting very much force ’salpi n. (Srp. 〈Срби〉 [sr̩̂biː]) Serb; the Ser- setlulon n. (setlu+lon) weak; wimpy bian people setluki v. (setlu+ki) weaken; ʟєꜱ weakens ’salpiak n. (’salpi+ak) Serbian; from Ser- ʟᴏᴧ bia setlukiles n. (setluki+les) weakener; ’salpitec n. (’salpi+tec) Serbia junk food ’salpitilip n. (’salpi+tilip) Serbian; the sep n. (Hin. 〈सेब〉 [seb]) apple; Malus Serbian language sepu v. (fomi) be consistent; be solid; be ’sawntume n. (Por. 〈São Tomé〉 [sɐ̃w smooth; be filled; ʟᴏᴧ is solid all the way tuˈmɛ]) São Tomé; São Tomé city through ’sawntumetayl n. (’sawntume+tayl) São sepulon n. (sepu+lon) consistent; solid; Tomé Island smooth; filled ’sawntumetaylak n. (’sawntumetayl+ak) sepusiklalon n. (sepu+siklalon) disc São Toméan; Santomean sepuki v. (sepu+ki) compress; solidify; ’sawmpawlu n. (Por. 〈São Paulo〉 [sɐ̃w̃ smooth; coalesce; ʟєꜱ removes the small ˈpawlu]) São Paulo pockets from ʟᴏᴧ san num. (Cmn. 〈三〉 [san]) 3; three; triple sepukiles n. (sepuki+les) defoamer sanak n. (san+ak) third sa ptcl. (Eng. 〈that〉 [ðæt]) .; okay.; indica- sano v. (Spa. 〈sano〉 [ˈsano]) be healthy; tive mood ʟᴏᴧ is healthy ’sa n. (ono. [s]) s; /s/; alveolar fricative sanolon n. (sano+lon) healthy sayhu v. (Cmn. 〈在乎〉 [tsaɪ̯˥˩xu])͡ care; mat- sanolyan n. (sano+lyan) health ter; value; be important; hold dear; ʟᴏᴧ sanoki v. (sano+ki) heal; treat; ʟєꜱ heals cares about ʟᴜᴍ ʟᴏᴧ sayhulon n. (sayhu+lon) caring; passion- sanokiles n. (sanoki+les) doctor; healer ate sanokilon n. (sanoki+lon) patient sayhulum n. (sayhu+lum) value; main; sanokiluat n. (sanoki+luat) medicine primary; important sannul num. (san+nul) 30; thirty 78 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY sannulnul num. (san+nul+nul) 300; ’sampesiwon n. (’sampesi+won) Zam- three hundred bian; the Zambian people ’sanmalino n. (Ita. 〈San Marino〉 [san ’sampesitec n. (’sampesi+tec) Zambia; mariːno]) San Marino the Republic of Zambia ([sˤaħraːwiː] 〈ﺹﺡﺭﺍﻭﻱ〉 .sanmalinoak n. (’sanmalino+ak) Sam- ’sahlawi n. (Ara’ marinese; from San Marino Sahrawi; the Sahrawi people ’sanmalinowon n. (’sanmalino+won) ’sahlawiak n. (’sahlawi+ak) Sahrawi Sanmarinese; the Sanmarinese people ’sahlawitec n. (’sahlawi+tec) Sahrawi Re- ’sanhe n. (Wuu. 〈上海〉 [zɑ̃hɛ]) Shanghai public; the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Re- ’sanhetilip n. (’sanhe+tilip) Shang- public hainese; the Shanghainese language; the sas n. (ono. [sː]) snake; Serpentes Shanghainese dialect; the Hu dialect saskwakwak n. (sas+kwakwak) caecilian sansunkwelwel n. (san+sunkwelwel) saspes n. (sas+pes) eel Wednesday ’sakantium n. (Lat. 〈scandium〉 ’sanskaltam n. (San. 〈संकृतम्〉 [ˈsɐ̃skr̩tɐm]) [skandɪʊ̃]) scandium ; the Sanskrit language sati v. (sa+ti) declare; say; tell; answer; ’sanskaltamak n. (’sanskaltam+ak) San- give information; ʟєꜱ tells ʟᴏᴧ that ʟᴜᴍ is skrit; in Sanskrit true ’sanskaltamwon n. (’sanskaltam+won) satiles n. (sati+les) lecturer; professor Sanskrit speakers satilon n. (sati+lon) tellee sanpelfol num. (san+pel+fol) three- satilum n. (sati+lum) fact; opinion; no- quarters; three-fourths; 3/4; .75 tion; sentence sama v. (Msa. 〈sama〉 [sama]) corre- sapu v. (Msa. 〈sapu〉 [sapu]) rub; slide; spond; match; be respective; ʟᴏᴧ corre- slip; scrub; wipe; ʟєꜱ rubs ʟᴏᴧ sponds to ʟᴜᴍ sapuluat n. (sapu+luat) wipe; scrubber samalon n. (sama+lon) respective sapupowi v. (sapu+powi) be slippery; be saman n. (Swa. 〈samani〉 [samani]) fur- smooth; ʟᴏᴧ is slippery on ʟᴜᴍ niture; large movable equipment used to sapupowilon n. (sapupowi+lon) slip- make a space more livable pery; smooth ’samoa n. (Smo. 〈Sāmoa〉 [ˈsaːmoa]) sapupowinyo v. (sapupowi+nyo) grip; Samoa (landmass) drag; be grippy; ʟᴏᴧ exerts a frictional ’samoaak n. (’samoa+ak) Samoan; from force on ʟᴜᴍ Samoa sapupowinyolon n. (sapupowinyo+lon) ’samoawon n. (’samoa+won) Samoan; grippy the Samoan people sapupowinyolyan n. (sapupowinyo+ ’samoatec n. (’samoa+tec) Samoa; the In- lyan) coefficient of friction dependent State of Samoa sol spec. (Spa. 〈solo〉 [ˈsolo]) only; just; ’samoatilip n. (’samoa+tilip) Samoan; describes the following noun phrase and the Samoan language nothing else ’samliti n. (San. 〈मृत〉 [smr̩ti]) Smriti ’solowen n. (Slv. 〈slovén-〉 [slɔˈʋeːn]) ’samlitifitilip n. (’samliti+fitilip) Smar- Slovene; Slovenian; the Slovene people tism; Smarta tradition ’solowenak n. (’solowen+ak) Slovenian; ’samlitifitilipwon n. (’samlitifitilip+won) Slovene; from Slovenia Smartism; followers of Smriti ’solowentec n. (’solowen+tec) Slovenia ’samlitifitilipak n. (’samlitifitilip+ak) ’solowentilip n. (’solowen+tilip) Slovene; Smarta; of Smartism the Slovene language ’sampesi n. (Eng. 〈Zambezi〉 [zæmˈbɛzi]) ’solowak n. (Slk. 〈Slovák〉 [sɫɔʋaːk]) Slo- Zambezi river vak; Slovakian; the Slovak people ’sampesiak n. (’sampesi+ak) Zambian ’solowakak n. (’solowak+ak) Slovak; Slo- 3.13. S 79 vakian; from Slovakia sosialum n. (sosia+lum) society; commu- ’solowaktec n. (’solowak+tec) Slovakia nity ’solowaktilip n. (’solowak+tilip) Slovak; sosialumsoma v. (sosialum+soma) do Slovakian; the Slovak language sociology; ʟєꜱ studies societies to learn ’solomon n. (Pis. 〈Solomon〉 [solomon]) about ʟᴏᴧ Solomon Islands (archipelago) sosialumsomalon n. (sosialumsoma+ ’solomonak n. (’solomon+ak) Solomon lon) sociology Island; Solomon Islander; from the sosialumsomales n. (sosialumsoma+les) Solomon Islands sociologist ’solomonwon n. (’solomon+won) sosialuso v. (sosia+luso) be charismatic; Solomon Islander; the people of the ʟᴏᴧ is charismatic Solomon Islands sosialusolon n. (sosialuso+lon) charis- ’solomontec n. (’solomon+tec) Solomon matic Islands (country) sosialyan n. (sosia+lyan) extraversion ’solomontilip n. (’solomon+tilip) Pijin; sosiamoca v. (sosia+moca) party; throw Solomons Pidgin party; play; hang out; celebrate; ʟєꜱ initi- soma v. (Swa. 〈soma〉 [soma]) study; ates a social gathering with ʟᴏᴧ measure; conduct science; investigate; sosiamocales n. (sosiamoca+les) partier; observe; experiment; test; research; ʟєꜱ host uses empirical observation to learn the sosiamocalon n. (sosiamoca+lon) party- answer to or more about ʟᴏᴧ goers; attendee somales n. (soma+les) scientist sosiamocalwel n. (sosiamoca+lwel) somalon n. (soma+lon) science; field of party; play-date study; big question; the body of knowl- sosiaki v. (sosia+ki) integrate; ʟєꜱ socially edge formed by the scientific process integrates ʟᴏᴧ with ʟᴜᴍ ’somali n. (Som. 〈Soomaali〉 [sɔ̀ːmɑ́ːlì]) sosiatafu v. (sosia+tafu) be awkward; be Somali; Somalian; the Somali people uncomfortable; ʟᴏᴧ finds ʟᴜᴍ awkward ’somaliak n. (’somali+ak) Somalian; sosiatafulon n. (sosiatafu+lon) uncom- from Somalia fortable ’somalitec n. (’somali+tec) Somalia sosiatafulum n. (sosiatafu+lum) herp; ’somalitilip n. (’somali+tilip) Somali; the awkward Somali language sosiatife v. (sosia+tife) be awkward; ʟᴏᴧ somaluat n. (soma+luat) measuring de- is habitually awkward with people vice; instrument; meter sosiatifelon n. (sosiatife+lon) awkward somalyot n. (soma+lyot) laboratory; lab ’sokot n. (Sco. 〈Scot〉 [skɔt]) Scot; the Scot- somasoma v. (soma+soma) do metrol- tish people ogy; ʟєꜱ studies instruments and mea- ’sokotak n. (’sokot+ak) Scottish; from surement to learn about ʟᴏᴧ Scotland somasomales n. (somasoma+les) metrol- ’sokot’kealtilip n. (’sokot+’kealtilip) ogist Scots Gaelic; the Scots Gaelic language somasomalon n. (somasoma+lon) qual- ’sokottec n. (’sokot+tec) Scotland ities of measurement and the scientific ’sokottilip n. (’sokot+tilip) Scots; Low- method land Scots; the Scots language soh n. (Spa. 〈soja〉 [ˈsoxa]) soy; soybean; sota v. (Hin. 〈सौदा〉 [sɔːdaː]) deal; have soya bean; Glycine max deal; do business; ʟᴏᴧ has a deal with ʟᴜᴍ sosia v. (Epo. 〈socia〉 [soˈtsia])͡ be social; sotalon n. (sota+lon) dealer; en- socialise; ʟᴏᴧ socialises with ʟᴜᴍ trepreneur sosialet n. (sosia+let) society sotalip n. (sota+lip) agreement; deal sosialon n. (sosia+lon) extravert; social sotalum n. (sota+lum) business; beau- 80 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY racracy; business partner silakipowinupolti v. (silakipowinu+ sotanu v. (sota+nu) break deal; violate polti) be armoured; ʟᴜᴍ armours ʟᴏᴧ agreement; cut ties; ʟєꜱ causes business silakipowinupoltilon n. (silakipowin- to cease between ʟᴏᴧ and ʟᴜᴍ upolti+lon) armoured sotanules n. (sotanu+les) deal breaker silakipowinupoltilum n. (silakipowin- sotanulum n. (sotanu+lum) ex-business upolti+lum) armour partner silakipowinupoltiki v. (silakipowinu+ sotaki v. (sota+ki) strike deal; make deal; poltiki) armour; ʟєꜱ armours ʟᴏᴧ in ʟᴜᴍ do business; negotiate; ʟєꜱ causes ʟᴏᴧ to silakipowinupoltikiles n. (silakipowin- come to a business agreement with ʟᴜᴍ upoltiki+les) armourer sotakiles n. (sotaki+les) negotiator silakipowinyo v. (silakipowi+nyo) be in- ’sotlonsium n. (Lat. 〈strontium〉 [stron- vulnerable; be invincible; be durable; ʟєꜱ tsɪʊ̃])͡ strontium cannot harm ʟᴏᴧ sope v. (Mar. 〈सोपे〉 [sope]) be simple; be silakipowinyolon n. (silakipowinyo+lon) basic; be elementary; ʟᴏᴧ is simple invulnerable; invincible; durable sopelon n. (sope+lon) simple; basic; ele- silakipowiki v. (silakipowi+ki) vulner- mentary ate; expose; lower defenses; ʟєꜱ makes sopeki v. (sope+ki) simplify; ʟєꜱ simpli- ʟᴏᴧ vulnerable to ʟᴜᴍ fies ʟᴏᴧ ’silius n. (Lat. 〈Sīrius〉 [sirɪʊs]) Sirius sopekiles n. (sopeki+les) simplifier ’silicium n. (Lat. 〈silicium〉 [sɪlitʃɪʊ̃])͡ sili- sil n. (Hin. 〈सर〉 [sir]) head; bulge on top con of an animal containing many of its sen- silkol n. (sil+kol) cabbage; brassica sual and cognitive capabilities silkiah n. (sil+kiah) bald eagle sila v. (Fil. 〈sira〉 [siɾa]) be damaged; be siltokalyot n. (sil+tokalyot) neck hurt; be wounded; be in tatters; ʟᴏᴧ is siltokalyotpoltilum n. (siltokalyot+ damaged poltilum) necklace silalon n. (sila+lon) damaged; hurt; ’sinapula n. (Msa. 〈Singapura〉 wounded; in tatters [siŋəpurə]) Singapore silanu v. (sila+nu) repair; mend; fix; ’sinapulaak n. (’sinapula+ak) Singa- clean; ʟєꜱ repairs ʟᴏᴧ porean; Singapore; from Singapore silanules n. (silanu+les) repairperson ’sinapulawon n. (’sinapula+won) Singa- silak n. (sil+ak) cranial; cephalic porean; the Singaporean people silaki v. (sila+ki) damage; hurt; harm; ’sinkum n. (Lat. 〈zincum〉 [zincʊ̃]) zinc wear; ʟєꜱ damages ʟᴏᴧ ’simpapwe n. (Sna. 〈Zimbabwe〉 [zim- silakiles n. (silaki+les) harmer babwe]) Zimbabwe silakipowi v. (silaki+powi) be suscepti- ’simpapweak n. (’simpapwe+ak) Zim- ble; be vulnerable; be exposed; ʟєꜱ can babwean; from Zimbabwe harm ʟᴏᴧ ’simpapwewon n. (’simpapwe+won) silakipowilon n. (silakipowi+lon) suscep- Zimbabwean; Zimbo; the Zimbabwean tible; vulnerable; exposed people silakipowinu v. (silakipowi+nu) protect; sica v. (ono. [ʃː]) be quiet; dim; soft; faint; defend; guard; ʟєꜱ prevents ʟᴜᴍ from weak; ʟᴏᴧ is quiet harming ʟᴏᴧ sicalon n. (sica+lon) quiet silakipowinuec n. (silakipowinu+ec) sicalwel n. (sica+lwel) nighttime; night shell sicalwelkiah n. (sicalwel+kiah) owl silakipowinules n. (silakipowinu+les) sicaki v. (sica+ki) dampen; quiet; dim; shield; protection; defense; guard soften; weaken; decrescendo; ʟєꜱ damp- silakipowinuswa v. (silakipowinu+swa) ens ʟᴏᴧ feel defensive; ʟᴏᴧ is defensive about ʟᴜᴍ sicakiles n. (sicaki+les) damper 3.13. S 81 sicakilwel n. (sicaki+lwel) evening; dusk ’sital n. (Pan. 〈ਿਸਤਾਰ〉 [sɪˈtaːr]) sitar sicapola v. (sica+pola) whisper; ʟєꜱ says ’sipili n. (Rus. 〈Сиби́рь〉 [sʲɪˈbʲirʲ]) Siberia ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ without voicing ’sipiliak n. (’sipili+ak) Siberian; from sicapolalum n. (sicapola+lum) whisper Siberia sison n. (Eng. 〈season〉 [ˈsiːzən]) sea- ’sipiwit n. (Eng. 〈spirit〉 [ˈspɪɹʷɪt]) spirit son; period of time characterised by some (Spiritualism) thing or event ’sipiwitfitilip n. (’sipiwit+fitilip) Spiritu- sisonak n. (sison+ak) seasonal alism sif pn. (Zul. 〈zí-〉 [z̤í]) self; themself; it- ’sipiwitfitilipwon n. (’sipiwitfitilip+won) self; herself; himself; themselves; myself; Spiritualist; followers of Spiritualism yourself; ourselves; yourselves; reflexive; ’sipiwitfitilipak n. (’sipiwitfitilip+ak) a noun phrase mentioned previously in Spiritualist; of Spiritualism this sentence ’suomi n. (Fin. 〈Suomi〉 [ˈsuo̯mi]) Finland sifak n. (sif+ak) its own; her own; his ’suomiak n. (’suomi+ak) Finnish; from own; their own; my own; your own; our Finland own ’suomiwon n. (’suomi+won) Finn; the siftueki v. (sif+tueki) be resourceful; en- Finnish people terprise; ʟᴏᴧ resourcefully acquires ʟᴜᴍ ’suomitilip n. (’suomi+tilip) Finnish; the siftuekilon n. (siftueki+lon) resourceful Finnish people ’sik n. (Pan. 〈ਿਸੱਖ〉 [ˈsɪkkʰ]) Sikh; followers suotu v. (fieli) be ashamed; be sorry; of Sikhism be remorseful; regret; ʟᴏᴧ feels ashamed ’sikak n. (’sik+ak) Sikh; of Sikhism about ʟᴜᴍ sikla v. (Epo. 〈cirkla〉 [ˈtsirkla])͡ be circu- suotulon n. (suotu+lon) ashamed; sorry; lar; be round; ʟᴏᴧ is circular remorseful siklalon n. (sikla+lon) circle; ring; circu- suotulum n. (suotu+lum) shameful lar; round suotuki v. (suotu+ki) shame; ʟєꜱ makes siklalonpum n. (siklalon+pum) Saturn ʟᴏᴧ feel ashamed about ʟᴜᴍ siklalonpumak n. (siklalonpum+ak) Sat- sul n. (Pan. 〈ਸੂਰ〉 [suɾ]) suid; swine; boar; urnic pig; hog; piglet; pork; Suidae siklaki v. (sikla+ki) circularise; round; sulak n. (sul+ak) swine suːriː]) ] 〈ﺱﻭﺭﻱ 〉 .circle; ʟєꜱ turns ʟᴏᴧ into a circle ’suli n. (Ara siklakio v. (sikla+kio) be-pearl; ʟᴏᴧ is ’suliak n. (’suli+ak) Syrian; from Syria made of pearl ’suliwon n. (’suli+won) Syrian; the Syrian ’sikfitilip n. (’sik+fitilip) Sikhism; Sikhi people site v. (Hin. 〈सीधे〉 [siːd̤e]) be straight; be ’sulinama n. (Nld. 〈Suriname〉 [ˌsyːriˈ- linear; be flat; ʟᴏᴧ is straight naːmə]) Suriname sitelon n. (site+lon) line; plane; straight- ’sulinamaak n. (’sulinama+ak) Suri- edge; straight; linear; flat namese; from Suriname siteki v. (site+ki) straighten; flatten; ’sulinamawon n. (’sulinama+won) Suri- splay; open; ʟєꜱ straightens ʟᴏᴧ namese; the Surinamese people sitekiles n. (siteki+les) straightener; flat- ’sulu n. (Zul. 〈Zulu〉 [zuːlu]) Zulu; the Zulu tener people sitetayl n. (site+tayl) plains; flatlands ’suluak n. (’sulu+ak) Zulu; of the Zulu siteponto v. (site+ponto) be polygonal; ’sulutilip n. (’sulu+tilip) Zulu; the Zulu ʟᴏᴧ is polygonal language sitepontolon n. (siteponto+lon) polygon; zulman]) Alpha] 〈ﻅﻝﻡﺍﻥ〉 .sulman n. (Ara’ polygonal Centauri B; Toliman sitepontoki v. (siteponto+ki) polygonise; ’sulfulium n. (Lat. 〈sulphurium〉 [sʊl- ʟєꜱ turns ʟᴏᴧ into a polygon furɪʊ̃]) sulfur; sulphur; brimstone 82 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY sun n. (Epo. 〈suno〉 [ˈsuno]) sun; star; sutaestelon n. (sutaeste+lon) southeast gravitationally-bound mass of burning suta’alon n. (suta+’alon) South Ossetian; plasma Alanian; the South Ossetian people sunak n. (sun+ak) solar; stellar suta’alonak n. (suta’alon+ak) South Osse- sunnah]) Sunni tian; of South Ossetiaˈ] 〈ﺱﻥﺓ〉 .sunnah n. (Ara’ Islam; Sunniism suta’alontec n. (suta’alon+tec) South Os- ’sunnahak n. (’sunnah+ak) Sunni; of setia; Alania Sunni Islam suta’amelika n. (suta+’amelika) South ’sunnahwon n. (’sunnah+won) Sunni; America followers of Sunni Islam suta’assutan n. (suta+’assutan) South Su- sunnunyama v. (sun+nu+nyama) eat dan supper; eat dinner; sup; dine; ʟєꜱ eats ʟᴏᴧ suta’assutanak n. (suta’assutan+ak) sunnunyamales n. (sunnunyama+les) South Sudanese; from South Sudan diner; supper suta’assutanwon n. (suta’assutan+won) sunnunyamalon n. (sunnunyama+lon) South Sudanese; the South Sudanese peo- dinner; supper ple sunnyama v. (sun+nyama) eat lunch; suta’aflika n. (suta+’aflika) Southern lunch; ʟєꜱ eats ʟᴏᴧ Africa sunnyamales n. (sunnyama+les) luncher suta’aflikatec n. (suta’aflika+tec) South sunnyamalon n. (sunnyama+lon) lunch Africa; the Republic of sunnyamalwel n. (sunnyama+lwel) suta’aflikatecwon n. (suta’aflikatec+ lunchtime won) South African; the South African sunfolmo v. (sun+folmo) be stelliform; people be star-shaped; ʟᴏᴧ is covered in sharp ra- sutaoflo v. (suta+oflo) be southwest; ʟᴏᴧ dial points is southwest of ʟᴜᴍ sunfolmolon n. (sunfolmo+lon) star; stel- sutaoflolon n. (sutaoflo+lon) southwest liform; star-shaped sutalawt n. (suta+lawt) Antarctic Ocean sunkinyama v. (sun+ki+nyama) eat sutalon n. (suta+lon) the South; south breakfast; breakfast; ʟєꜱ eats ʟᴏᴧ suta’hokyentilip n. (suta+’hokyentilip) sunkinyamales n. (sunkinyama+les) Southern Min; Minnan; Hokkien- fast-breaker Taiwanese; the Southern Min languages sunkinyamalon n. (sunkinyama+lon) suta’cosawn n. (suta+’cosawn) South Ko- breakfast rea; the Democratic Republic of Korea sunkinyamalwel n. (sunkinyama+lwel) suta’cosawnak n. (suta’cosawn+ak) breakfast time South Korean; from South Korea sunkwelwel n. (sun+kwelwel) day; date suta’cosawnwon n. (suta’cosawn+won) suntaykunpatolon n. (sun+taykun+ South Korean; the South Korean people patolon) asteroid sutaki v. (suta+ki) go south; ʟєꜱ decreases suntun n. (sun+tun) seastar; sealily the latitude of ʟᴏᴧ relative to ʟᴜᴍ sunpul n. (sun+pul) sunflower; He- sutatayl n. (suta+tayl) Antarctica lianthus sutatyen num. (suta+tyen) south pole sumsum n. (ono. [zum zum]) bee; An- ’sutu n. (Sot. 〈Sotho〉 [sʊ́tʰʊ̀]) Basotho; thophilia Sotho; the Sotho people suta v. (Epo. 〈suda〉 [ˈsuda]) be south; ʟᴏᴧ ’sutuak n. (’sutu+ak) Mosotho; from has a lower latitude than ʟᴜᴍ ’suta n. (Pan. 〈ਸੁੰਢ〉 [suɖə]) ginger; Zin- ’sututec n. (’sutu+tec) Lesotho giber ’sututilip n. (’sutu+tilip) Sesotho; Sotho; sutaeste v. (suta+este) be southeast; ʟᴏᴧ the is southeast of ʟᴜᴍ supot n. (fimel) male; man; animal 3.14. F 83 biologically characterised by testicles, smooth; be polished; be flat; ʟᴏᴧ is penises, and testosterone smooth supotak n. (supot+ak) male swapelon n. (swape+lon) smooth; pol- supotaktua v. (supot+aktua) be mascu- ished; flat line; ʟᴏᴧ is masculine swapeki v. (swape+ki) smoothen; polish; supotaktualon n. (supotaktua+lon) man; ʟєꜱ smoothens ʟᴏᴧ boy; masculine swo v. (Cmn. 〈坐〉 [tswɔ˥˩])͡ sit; be sitting; ’swensek n. (Swe. 〈svensk〉 [svɛnːsk]) ʟᴏᴧ is sitting Swede; the Swedish people swolon n. (swo+lon) sitting ’swensekak n. (’swensek+ak) Swedish; swoki v. (swo+ki) sit down; sit up; sit; ʟєꜱ from Sweden sits down ʟᴏᴧ ’swensektec n. (’swensek+tec) Sweden swokiles n. (swoki+les) sitter ’swensektilip n. (’swensek+tilip) ’swis n. (Roh. 〈sviz-〉 [svits])͡ Swiss; the Swedish; the Swedish language Swiss people swa v. (Zul. 〈-zwa〉 [zwa]) feel; emote; ’swisak n. (’swis+ak) Swiss; from Switzer- be emotional; be excited; ʟᴏᴧ emotionally land feels ʟᴜᴍ ’swistec n. (’swis+tec) Switzerland swaec n. (swa+ec) heart (metaphorical); soul; spirit swalon n. (swa+lon) emotional; excited swalum n. (swa+lum) emotion; feeling 3.14 F ’swana n. (Tsn. 〈tswana〉 [tswana])͡ Batswana; the Tswana people fe v. (Cmn. 〈飞〉 [feɪ̯˥]) fly; soar; ʟᴏᴧ moves ’swanaak n. (’swana+ak) Botswanan; through the air, not necessarily of its own from Botswana accord ’swanatec n. (’swana+tec) Botswana ’fe n. (ono. [f]) f; /f/; labial fricative ’swanatilip n. (’swana+tilip) Setswana; feam n. (fe+am) wing the feammontalon n. (feam+montalon) air- ’swahili n. (Swa. 〈swahili〉 [swahili]) plane; jet; plane Swahili; the Swahili people ’feycuata n. (Por. 〈feijoada〉 [fejʒuˈadɐ]) ’swahiliak n. (’swahili+ak) Swahili; of the feijoada Swahili felon n. (fe+lon) projectile; bullet ’swahilitilip n. (’swahili+tilip) Swahili; felonak n. (felon+ak) ballistic the fenu v. (fe+nu) land; down; ground; take swahulum n. (swa+hulum) emoticon; down; alight; ʟєꜱ brings ʟᴏᴧ down from emoji the air swakolwa v. (swa+kolwa) intuit; be intu- femamul n. (fe+mamul) bat; flying fox itive; ʟᴏᴧ intuitively believes ʟᴜᴍ to be so femo v. (sope) be complex; be compli- swakolwalum n. (swakolwa+lum) intu- cated; be wicked; ʟᴏᴧ is complex itive femolon n. (femo+lon) complex; compli- ’swati n. (Ssw. 〈Swati〉 [swatˈi]) Swazi; cated; wicked Swati; the femoki v. (femo+ki) complicate; ʟєꜱ com- ’swatiak n. (’swati+ak) Swazi; Swati; plicates ʟᴏᴧ from femokiles n. (femoki+les) complicator ’swatitec n. (’swati+tec) eSwatini; Swazi- fefua v. (sosia) be introverted; be iso- land lated; ʟᴏᴧ is socially isolated from ʟᴜᴍ ’swatitilip n. (’swati+tilip) Swazi; Swati; fefualon n. (fefua+lon) introvert; intro- siSwati; the verted; isolated swape v. (Spa. 〈suave〉 [ˈswaβe]) be fefuaki v. (fefua+ki) isolate; ʟєꜱ socially 84 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY isolates ʟᴏᴧ from ʟᴜᴍ sickens ʟᴏᴧ feki v. (fe+ki) throw; shoot; take off; fakekiles n. (fakeki+les) poisoner jump; launch; ʟєꜱ sends ʟᴏᴧ into the air fakekilon n. (fakeki+lon) poisoned fekiles n. (feki+les) shooter; launcher fakekiluat n. (fakeki+luat) poison fekiluat n. (feki+luat) gun; cannon; fakekiluatlekcuc n. (fakekiluat+lekcuc) launcher centipede fepucocalu v. (fe+pucocalu) run; ʟᴏᴧ is fakak n. (fak+ak) thirteenth running on ʟᴜᴍ fol num. (Eng. 〈four〉 [fɔɹ]) 4; four; fepucocalulum n. (fepucocalu+lum) quadruple treadmill folak n. (fol+ak) fourth fawci v. (sayhu) be unimportant; be in- folnul num. (fol+nul) 40; forty different; ignore; ʟᴏᴧ does not care about folnulnul num. (fol+nul+nul) 400; four ʟᴜᴍ hundred fawcilon n. (fawci+lon) indifferent folmo v. (Epo. 〈formo〉 [ˈformo]) be fawcilum n. (fawci+lum) fringe; sec- shaped; be shaped like; ʟᴏᴧ is shaped like ondary; unimportant ʟᴜᴍ fawciki v. (fawci+ki) make unimportant; folmolon n. (folmo+lon) sculpture; devalue; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ stop caring about shaped; shaped like ʟᴜᴍ folmolum n. (folmo+lum) shape fan n. (Cmn. 〈饭〉 [fan˥˩]) rice; Oryza folmonu v. (folmo+nu) deform; ʟєꜱ ’fanuatu n. (Bis. 〈Vanuatu〉 [vɑnuɑtu]) makes ʟᴏᴧ lose its shape Vaunatu (archipelago) folmonulon n. (folmonu+lon) deformed ’fanuatuak n. (’fanuatu+ak) Ni-Vanuatu; folmoki v. (folmo+ki) shape; form; Vanuatuan; from Vanuatu sculpt; ʟєꜱ shapes ʟᴏᴧ into ʟᴜᴍ ’fanuatuwon n. (’fanuatu+won) Ni- folmokiles n. (folmoki+les) shaper; Vanuatu; Vanuatuan; the Ni-Vanuatu peo- sculptor ple folsunkwelwel n. (fol+sunkwelwel) ’fanuatutec n. (’fanuatu+tec) Vanuatu; Thursday the Republic of Vanuatu folti v. (Epo. 〈forti〉 [ˈforti]) be strong; be ’fanuatutilip n. (’fanuatu+tilip) Bislama; forceful; ʟᴏᴧ is capable of exerting a lot of the Bislama language force ’fancwey n. (Cmn. 〈风水〉 [fəŋ˥ʂweɪ̯˧˩˥]) foltilon n. (folti+lon) strong; forceful feng shui foltilyan n. (folti+lyan) strength; force ’fansi n. (Eng. 〈fancy〉 [ˈfænsi]) fancy foltimuf n. (folti+muf) ox ’fahan n. (Fra. 〈franc〉 [fʁɑ̃]) franc; ₣ foltiki v. (folti+ki) strengthen; exercise; ’fahanse n. (Fra. 〈France〉 [ˈfʁɑ̃s]) France ʟєꜱ strengthens ʟᴏᴧ ’fahanseak n. (’fahanse+ak) French; foltikiles n. (foltiki+les) strengthener; from France trainer ’fahansewon n. (’fahanse+won) French- foltikwap n. (folti+kwap) mantisshrimp man; the French people fomi v. (Eng. 〈foamy〉 [ˈfoʊ̯mi]) be foamy; ’fahansetilip n. (’fahanse+tilip) French; be spongy; be fluffy; ʟᴏᴧ is foamy the fomiicilon n. (fomi+icilon) sea sponge fak num. (san) D; thirteen; baker’s dozen; fomilon n. (fomi+lon) foam; sponge; only used for hexadecimal foamy; spongy; fluffy fake v. (sano) be sick; be ill; ʟᴏᴧ is sick fomilono v. (fomi+lono) be mottled; be fakelon n. (fake+lon) sick; ill speckled; ʟᴏᴧ is mottled in colour fakelip n. (fake+lip) sickness; disease; ill- fomilonolon n. (fomilono+lon) mottled; ness speckled fakeki v. (fake+ki) sicken; poison; ʟєꜱ fomiciuh n. (fomi+ciuh) cotton 3.14. F 85 fomiseleal n. (fomi+seleal) bread ern Ireland fomifut n. (fomi+fut) eggplant; filaeste v. (fila+este) be northeast; ʟᴏᴧ is aubergine; brinjal; Solanum melongena northeast of ʟᴜᴍ fomiki v. (fomi+ki) foam; froth; rise; air; filaestelon n. (filaeste+lon) northeast ʟєꜱ fills ʟᴏᴧ with small pockets fila’amelika n. (fila+’amelika) North fomikiles n. (fomiki+les) foamer; frother America ’fosfolus n. (Lat. 〈phosphorus〉 [fosfɔrus]) filaoflo v. (fila+oflo) be northwest; ʟᴏᴧ is phosphorus northwest of ʟᴜᴍ fotlu v. (selti) be skeptical; be improba- filaoflolon n. (filaoflo+lon) northwest ble; be unlikely; ʟᴜᴍ is unlikely to happen filalawt n. (fila+lawt) Arctic Ocean according to ʟᴏᴧ filalon n. (fila+lon) the North; north fotlulon n. (fotlu+lon) skeptic; skeptical filalum n. (fila+lum) standard parallel; fotlulum n. (fotlu+lum) improbable; un- usually the equator likely filalyan n. (fila+lyan) latitude fotluki v. (fotlu+ki) unconvince; become filalyanpucolon n. (filalyan+pucolon) skeptical; ʟєꜱ provides new information parallel that leads ʟᴜᴍ comes to beI ʟᴏᴧ improba- fila’maketon n. (fila+’maketon) North ble Macedonia; the Former Yugoslav Repub- fotwe v. (selyo) be funny; amuse; be silly; lic of Macedonia be ironic; goof off; ʟᴜᴍ is funny to ʟᴏᴧ fila’maketonak n. (fila’maketon+ak) fotwelon n. (fotwe+lon) goof; ironic North Macedonian; from North Macedo- fotwelum n. (fotwe+lum) amusing; nia funny; silly fila’cosawn n. (fila+’cosawn) North Ko- fotweki v. (fotwe+ki) mock; make fun; rea; the People’s Democratic Republic of ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ stop taking ʟᴜᴍ seriously Korea ’fi n. (Grc. 〈φ〉 [pʰi]) phi; the ; fila’cosawnak n. (fila’cosawn+ak) North 1.618… Korean; from North Korea fieli v. (Epo. 〈fieri〉 [fiˈeri]) be proud; ʟᴏᴧ fila’cosawnwon n. (fila’cosawn+won) feels proud of ʟᴜᴍ North Korean; the North Korean people fielilon n. (fieli+lon) proud fila’cuntilip n. (fila+’cuntilip) Mandarin; fielilum n. (fieli+lum) pride the Mandarin language ([filastˁiːn] 〈ﻑﻝﺱﻁﻱﻥ〉 .fieliki v. (fieli+ki) make proud; ʟєꜱ makes ’filastin n. (Ara ʟᴏᴧ feel proud about ʟᴜᴍ Palestine ’fiat n. (Vie. 〈Việt〉 [viə̯t˦˨]) Vietnamese; ’filastinak n. (’filastin+ak) Palestinian; the Vietnamese people Palestine; from Palestine ’fiatak n. (’fiat+ak) Vietnamese; from ’filastinwon n. (’filastin+won) Pales- Vietnam tinian; the Palestinian people ’fiattec n. (’fiat+tec) Vietnam ’filastinkwelyot n. (’filastin+kwelyot) ’fiattilip n. (’fiat+tilip) Vietnamese; the Palestine (region) Vietnamese people filaki v. (fila+ki) go north; ʟєꜱ increases ’fiola n. (Ita. 〈viola〉 [viˈɔːla]) viola the latitude of ʟᴏᴧ relative to ʟᴜᴍ ’fiolino n. (Ita. 〈violino〉 [vioˈlino]) violin fila’kiplostec n. (fila+’kiplostec) North- fila v. (suta) be north; ʟᴏᴧ has a higher ern Cyprus; Turkish Republic of Northern latitude than ʟᴜᴍ Cyprus fila’elyatec n. (fila+’elyatec) Northern fila’kiplostecwon n. (fila’kiplostec+won) Irish; the Northern Irish people Northern Cypriot; the Northern Cypriot fila’elyatecak n. (fila’elyatec+ak) North- people ern Irish; from Northern Ireland fila’kiplostecak n. (fila’kiplostec+ak) fila’elyatectec n. (fila’elyatec+tec) North- North Cypriot; from Northern Cyprus 86 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY filatyen num. (fila+tyen) north pole fitinu v. (fiti+nu) lose faith; destroy faith; fimel n. (Eng. 〈female〉 [ˈfiːmeɪ̯ɫ]) fe- lose hope; ʟєꜱ causes ʟᴏᴧ to lose faith in male; woman; animal biologically char- ʟᴜᴍ acterised by ovaries, vaginas and estro- fiticai v. (fiti+cai) be hallowed; worship; gen ʟᴏᴧ worships ʟᴜᴍ fimelak n. (fimel+ak) female fiticailon n. (fiticai+lon) worshiper; hal- fimelaktua v. (fimel+aktua) be feminine; lowed ʟᴏᴧ is feminine fitiki v. (fiti+ki) give faith; take faith; fimelaktualon n. (fimelaktua+lon) build up hope; ʟєꜱ causes ʟᴏᴧ to gain faith woman; girl; feminine in ʟᴜᴍ ’fici n. (Fij. 〈Viti〉 [ˈβitʃi])͡ Fiji (archipelago) fititelum n. (fiti+telum) holy book; holy ’ficiak n. (’fici+ak) Fijian; Fijindian; from text Fiji fulo v. (site) be wavy; be curly; be bent; ’ficiwon n. (’fici+won) Fijian; the Fijian be bumpy; ʟᴏᴧ is wavy people fulolon n. (fulo+lon) squiggle; wave; curl; ’ficitec n. (’fici+tec) Fiji; the Republic of wavy; curly; bent; bumpy Fiji fuloki v. (fulo+ki) bend; flex; curl; kink; ’ficitilip n. (’fici+tilip) Fijian; the Fijian ʟєꜱ bends ʟᴏᴧ language fulokiles n. (fuloki+les) bender; curler fik n. (sun) moon; satellite; solid object fulokipowi v. (fuloki+powi) be flexible; gravitationally orbiting another be flimsy; be malleable; be soft; ʟᴏᴧ bends fikak n. (fik+ak) lunar easily fiknyama v. (fik+nyama) eat dessert; eat fulokipowilon n. (fulokipowi+lon) flexi- midnight snack; ʟєꜱ eats ʟᴏᴧ ble; flimsy; malleable; soft fiknyamales n. (fiknyama+les) dessert fulokipowinu v. (fulokipowi+nu) rigid- fiknyamalon n. (fiknyama+lon) dessert; ify; brace; harden; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ more midnight snack rigid fikfolmo v. (fik+folmo) be luniform; fulokipowinules n. (fulokipowinu+les) be moon-shaped; ʟᴏᴧ is long, bent, and brace; hardener pointy on the ends fulokipowinyo v. (fulokipowi+nyo) be fikfolmolon n. (fikfolmo+lon) crescent; unbending; be rigid; be brittle; be firm; luniform; moon-shaped ʟᴏᴧ does not bend fikkwelwel n. (fik+kwelwel) month fulokipowinyolon n. (fulokipowinyo+ fiti v. (Epo. 〈fidi〉 [ˈfidi]) have faith; be lon) rigid body; unbending; rigid; brittle; faithful; hope; ʟᴏᴧ faithfully believes in firm ʟᴜᴍ fulokipowiki v. (fulokipowi+ki) flimsen; fitiici v. (fiti+ici) live monastically; ʟᴏᴧ weaken; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ more flimsy lives as a monk fulopucolon n. (fulo+pucolon) tilde fitiicilon n. (fitiici+lon) monk; nun; ceno- ’fuluolum n. (Lat. 〈fluorum〉 [flʊorʊ̃]) flu- bite; hermit; anchorite; hesychast; soli- orine tary funta v. (sikla) be square; be rectangular; fitiicilyot n. (fitiici+lyot) monastery be right; ʟᴏᴧ is rectangular fitilon n. (fiti+lon) faithful funtalet n. (funta+let) grid; hatch fitilip n. (fiti+lip) religion; faith funtalon n. (funta+lon) rectangle; fitilippaltolon n. (fitilip+paltolon) sect square; rectangular; right fitilippaltolum n. (fitilip+paltolum) funtanu v. (funta+nu) skew; make diago- church nal; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ stop being rectangular fitilum n. (fiti+lum) faith; belief funtanyopucolon n. (funta+nyo+ fitilyan n. (fiti+lyan) faith; faithfulness pucolon) slash 3.15. K 87 funtaki v. (funta+ki) square; rectify; drawn-out, high-pitched sound or action right; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ rectangular fuha v. (sica) be loud; be bright; be strong; ʟᴏᴧ is bright fuhalon n. (fuha+lon) loud; bright; 3.15 K strong fuhalyan n. (fuha+lyan) volume; ampli- ke ptcl. (Spa. 〈que〉 [ke]) would; subjunc- tude; brightness tive mood fuhalwel n. (fuha+lwel) daytime; day ’keal n. (Gla. 〈Gàidheal〉 [ˈkɛːəɫ]) Gael; the fuhalweltolmicua v. (fuhalwel+ Gaelic people tolmicua) daydream; hallucinate; ʟᴏᴧ hal- ’kealak n. (’keal+ak) Gaelic; of the Gaels lucinates ʟᴜᴍ ’kealtilip n. (’keal+tilip) Goidelic; Gaelic; fuhalweltolmicualum n. (fuhalwel- a Goidelic language tolmicua+lum) daydream kela v. (nota) be oblivious; be unaware; fuhalweltolmicualon n. (fuhalwel- ʟᴏᴧ fails to notice the presence of ʟᴜᴍ tolmicua+lon) daydreamer kelalon n. (kela+lon) oblivious; unaware fuhaki v. (fuha+ki) amplify; louden; kelalum n. (kela+lum) inconspicuous; brighten; strengthen; crescendo; ʟєꜱ am- stealthy plifies ʟᴏᴧ kelaki v. (kela+ki) hide; obscure; ʟєꜱ fuhakiles n. (fuhaki+les) amplifier hides ʟᴜᴍ from ʟᴏᴧ fuhakilwel n. (fuhaki+lwel) morning; kelakiles n. (kelaki+les) hider; obscurer dawn ’kenya n. (Swa. 〈Kenya〉 [kɛɲɑ]) Mount fuhapola v. (fuha+pola) shout; yell; Kenya scream; raise voice; ʟєꜱ shouts ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ ’kenyaak n. (’kenya+ak) Kenyan; from fuhapum n. (fuha+pum) Venus Kenya fuhapumak n. (fuhapum+ak) Venusian ’kenyawon n. (’kenya+won) Kenyan; the fut n. (Eng. 〈fruit〉 [fɹʷuːt]) fruit; seed- Kenyan people bearing structure of a flowering plant ’kenyatec n. (’kenya+tec) Kenya; the Re- futak n. (fut+ak) pomonal; fruity public of Kenya futlep n. (fut+lep) grape ’kento n. (Jpn. 〈剣道〉 [kɛndoː]) Kendo ’futpal n. (Eng. 〈football〉 [fʊtbɑl]) Ameri- kehe v. (ono. [kʰ]) pop; clap; slap; tick; can football spark; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ ’futpol n. (Eng. 〈football〉 [ˈfʊʔbɔːl]) foot- kehelon n. (kehe+lon) clap; slap; tick; ball; soccer spark; flash; sudden, high-pitched sound fyamo v. (swape) be rough; be abrasive; or action be sharp; ʟᴏᴧ is rough kehemais n. (kehe+mais) popcorn fyamolon n. (fyamo+lon) rough; abra- kes n. (Mar. 〈केस〉 [kes]) hair; fur; organi- sive; sharp cally extruded strings fyamohwok n. (fyamo+hwok) sandpaper kesak n. (kes+ak) pilar; hairy fyamoki v. (fyamo+ki) roughen; rough kesmyawf n. (kes+myawf) lion up; scratch; ʟєꜱ roughens ʟᴏᴧ kescuc n. (kes+cuc) louse ’fyoloncelo n. (Ita. 〈violoncello〉 keskap n. (kes+kap) catfish ͡ [vjolonˈtʃɛllo]) cello; vioncello kespoltilum n. (kes+poltilum) hat fwes n. (Eng. 〈phrase〉 [fɹʷeɪ̯z]) phrase; ɡɪtˤɑr]) Qatarˈ] 〈ﻕﻁﺭ 〉 .ketal n. (Ara’ sentence; meaningful string of words ’ketalak n. (’ketal+ak) Qatari; from Qatar fwesak n. (fwes+ak) phrasal; sentential ’ketalwon n. (’ketal+won) Qatari; the fwi v. (ono. [fwiː]) screech; wail; whistle; Qatari people ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ kae v. (Spa. 〈cae〉 [ˈkae]) fall; be falling; fwilon n. (fwi+lon) screech; wail; whistle; ʟᴏᴧ moves uncontrollably under gravita- 88 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY tional forces kalitalon n. (kalita+lon) artificial; unnat- kaelon n. (kae+lon) falling ural kaelial n. (kae+lial) gravity kalitaki v. (kalita+ki) process; artifi- kaenu v. (kae+nu) catch; fall on; land; col- cialise; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ become artificial lapse; stop; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ stop falling ’kallium n. (Lat. 〈gallium〉 [ɡallɪʊ̃]) gal- kaenules n. (kaenu+les) catcher; landing lium kaenulon n. (kaenu+lon) caught ’kalcium n. (Lat. 〈calcium〉 [kaltʃɪʊ̃])͡ cal- kaeki v. (kae+ki) drop; fall; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ cium start falling ’kalsone n. (Ita. 〈calzone〉 [kalˈtsoːne])͡ kaekiles n. (kaeki+les) dropper calzone kaekilon n. (kaeki+lon) dropped; fallen ’kaltwel n. (Kat. 〈ქართველ-〉 [kʰɑrtʰvɛl]) kaepowi v. (kae+powi) be precarious; Georgian; the Georgian people ʟᴏᴧ is precariously placed ’kaltwelak n. (’kaltwel+ak) Georgian; kaepowilon n. (kaepowi+lon) precarious from ’kao n. (Cmn. 〈刻〉 [kʰɤ˨˩]) ke (unit) ’kaltwelkwelyot n. (’kaltwel+kwelyot) ’kayana n. (Eng. 〈Guyana〉 [ɡaɪ̯ˈɑːnə]) Kartli Guyana ’kaltweltec n. (’kaltwel+tec) Georgia ’kayanaak n. (’kayana+ak) Guyanese; ’kaltweltilip n. (’kaltwel+tilip) Georgian; from Guyana the Georgian langauge ’kayanawon n. (’kayana+won) ’kawai n. (Jpn. 〈かわいい〉 [kaɰaiː]) Guyanaese; the Guyanese people kawaii kala v. (Ben. 〈খাড়া〉 [kʰaɽa]) be steep; ʟᴏᴧ ’kawtay n. (Vie. 〈Cao Đài〉 [kaːw˧ ɗaːj˦˨]) is steep Cao Đài; Cao Đài Tiên Ông Đại Bồ Tát Ma kalalon n. (kala+lon) steep Ha Tát kalalyan n. (kala+lyan) slope ’kawtayfitilip n. (’kawtay+fitilip) Cao- kəˈɾaːtʃi])͡ Karachi daism; Đại Đạo Tam Kỳ Phổ Độ; the Cao] 〈ﮎﺭﺍﭺﯼ 〉 .kalaci n. (Urd’ ’kalaclit n. (Kal. 〈Kalaallit〉 [kalaːɬit]) Đài religion Greenlander; the Greenlandic people ’kawtayfitilipwon n. (’kawtayfitilip+ ’kalaclitak n. (’kalaclit+ak) Greenlandic; won) Caodaist; followers of Caodaism from Greenland ’kawtayfitilipak n. (’kawtayfitilip+ak) ’kalaclittec n. (’kalaclit+tec) Greenland Caodaist; of Caodaism ’kalaclittilip n. (’kalaclit+tilip) Green- kan num. (Yor. 〈okan〉 [okan]) 1; one; sin- landic; the Greenlandic language gle; individual ’kalasias n. (Gre. 〈γαλαξίας〉 [ɡalaksíaːs]) kana v. (Spa. 〈gana〉 [ˈɡana]) win; beat; galaxy lose; ʟєꜱ wins ʟᴏᴧ against ʟᴜᴍ kalaki v. (kala+ki) steepen; tilt; rock; ʟєꜱ ’kana n. (Eng. 〈Ghana〉 [ˈɡɑːnə]) Ghana steepens ʟᴏᴧ ’kanaak n. (’kana+ak) Ghanian; from ’kalate n. (Jpn. 〈空手〉 [kaɾate]) Karate Ghana ’kalinako n. (Crb. 〈Kalinago〉 [kalinaɡo]) kanales n. (kana+les) winner; victor Island Carib; the Carib people; the Kali- kanalon n. (kana+lon) contest; game nago people kanalum n. (kana+lum) loser; defeated ’kalinakoak n. (’kalinako+ak) Island ’kanawon n. (’kana+won) Ghanian; the Carib; Carib Ghanian people ’kalinakolawt n. (’kalinako+lawt) kanak n. (kan+ak) first; single; unit Caribbean Sea ’kanata n. (Eng. 〈Canada〉 [ˈkænədə]) ’kalinakotilip n. (’kalinako+tilip) Island Canada Carib; Igneri ’kanataak n. (’kanata+ak) Canadian; kalita v. (natula) be artificial; be unnatu- from Canada ral; ʟᴏᴧ is artificial ’kanatawon n. (’kanata+won) Canada- 3.15. K 89 ian; the Canadian people school kanol n. (Hin. 〈कैनोला〉 [kæːnolaː]) rape- kankatalum n. (kan+katalum) canon seed; rape; canola; Brassica kankot n. (kan+kot) monothiesm kanosolon n. (kan+osolon) multiple; plu- kanki num. (kan+ki) unify; combine; ral join; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ into one kanlim num. (kan+lim) 15; fifteen kankwelwel n. (kan+kwelwel) minute kanlimnokipumkwelwel n. (kanlim+ ’kankwes n. (Eng. 〈congress〉 noki+pumkwelwel) junior year of college [ˈkʰɑŋɡɹʷɨs]) Congress kanwale v. (kan+wale) be unique; be spe- ’kanta n. (Lug. 〈-ganda〉 [ɡâːndá]) Ganda; cial; ʟᴏᴧ is unique among ʟᴜᴍ Muganda; the Ganda people kanwalelon n. (kanwale+lon) unique; ’kantaak n. (’kanta+ak) Ganda; from special Buganda kannokipumkwelwel n. (kan+noki+ ’kantatec n. (’kanta+tec) Buganda pumkwelwel) first grade ’kantatilip n. (’kanta+tilip) Ganda; Lu- kannu num. (kan+nu) divide; split up; ganda; the Ganda language separate; dissolve; ʟєꜱ divides ʟᴏᴧ into kantos num. (kan+tos) 12; twelve multiple parts kantosnokipumkwelwel n. (kantos+ kannul num. (kan+nul) 10; ten noki+pumkwelwel) senior year of high kannulnokipumkwelwel n. (kannul+ school noki+pumkwelwel) sophomore year of kantunci v. (kan+tunci) rule as a high school monarch; ʟᴜᴍ rules ʟᴏᴧ kannulnul num. (kan+nul+nul) 100; one kantuncilon n. (kantunci+lon) peasant; hundred; hundred; hecto kingdom kannulcyenlektun n. (kannul+ kantuncilum n. (kantunci+lum) cyenlektun) decapus; squid; cuttlefish monarch; king; queen kanmes num. (kan+mes) 19; nineteen kantuncilyot n. (kantunci+lyot) king- kanhat num. (kan+hat) 18; eighteen dom; monarchy kancah num. (kan+cah) 16; sixteen kanpoltilum n. (kan+poltilum) dress kancahnokipumkwelwel n. (kancah+ kanpit num. (kan+pit) 17; seventeen noki+pumkwelwel) senior year of college ’kamae n. (Khm. 〈ែខ䮘រ〉 [kʰmae]) Khmer; kanci v. (Cmn. 〈感激〉 [kan˧˩˧tɕi˥])͡ be grate- Cambodian; the Khmer people ful; be thankful; ʟᴏᴧ feels grateful to ʟєꜱ ’kamaeak n. (’kamae+ak) Khmer; Cam- kancilon n. (kanci+lon) grateful; thank- bodian; from Cambodia ful ’kamaetec n. (’kamae+tec) Cambodia kansan num. (kan+san) 13; thirteen ’kamaetilip n. (’kamae+tilip) Khmer; kansannokipumkwelwel n. (kansan+ Cambodian; the Khmer language noki+pumkwelwel) freshman year of col- ’kamli n. (Cym. 〈Cymry〉 [ˈkəmrɨ]) Welsh; lege the Welsh people kansunkwelwel n. (kan+sunkwelwel) ’kamliak n. (’kamli+ak) Welsh; from Monday Wales kanswa v. (kan+swa) feel lonely; feel ’kamlitec n. (’kamli+tec) Wales alone; ʟᴏᴧ feels alone ’kamlitilip n. (’kamli+tilip) Welsh; the kanfol num. (kan+fol) 14; fourteen Welsh language kanfolnokipumkwelwel n. (kanfol+ ’kamhun n. (Fra. 〈Cameroun〉 [kamʁun]) noki+pumkwelwel) sophomore year of college ’kamhunak n. (’kamhun+ak) Cameroo- kankan num. (kan+kan) 11; eleven nian; from Cameroon kankannokipumkwelwel n. (kankan+ ’kamhunwon n. (’kamhun+won) noki+pumkwelwel) junior year of high Cameroonian; the Cameroonian people 90 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY

’kampia n. (Eng. 〈Gambia〉 [ˈɡæmbiə]) kaktus n. (Spa. 〈cactus〉 [ˈkaktus]) cactus; Gambia river; the River Gambra Cactaceae ’kampiaak n. (’kampia+ak) Gambian; kata v. (Mar. 〈कथा〉 [kətʰaː]) storytell; ʟєꜱ from The Gambia tells ʟᴏᴧ the story of ʟᴜᴍ ’kampiawon n. (’kampia+won) Gam- katales n. (kata+les) storyteller bian; the Gambian people katalum n. (kata+lum) story; tale ’kampiatec n. (’kampia+tec) The Gambia; ’katolicismo n. (Lat. 〈Catholicismo〉 Republic of The Gambia [kaˈtɔlɪtʃismɔ])͡ Catholicism; the Catholic kaha v. (ono. [ʡah]) cough; ʟєꜱ coughs up Church; the Roman Catholic Church ʟᴏᴧ ’katolicismoak n. (’katolicismo+ak) kahales n. (kaha+les) cougher Catholic; Roman Catholic; of the Catholic kahalon n. (kaha+lon) cough Church ’kaham n. (Fra. 〈gramme〉 [ɡʁam]) gram; ’katolicismowon n. (’katolicismo+won) g Catholic; followers of the Catholic Church ;qaːhiɾah]) Cairo kati v. (Swa. 〈kati〉 [kati]) be betweenˈ] 〈ﻕﺍﻩﺭﺓ〉 .kahilah n. (Ara’ kac n. (Ben. 〈গাছ〉 [ɡatɕʰ])͡ tree; tall woody be among; ʟᴏᴧ exists in the space encom- plant structure passed by the elements of ʟᴜᴍ kacyeh n. (kac+yeh) palm; palm tree katilon n. (kati+lon) spacing; separation; kaccaka v. (kac+caka) be wood; be whitespace; between; among wooden; ʟᴏᴧ is made out of wood katilum n. (kati+lum) bounds; boundary; kaccakalon n. (kaccaka+lon) wood; edge wooden katinu v. (kati+nu) remove from be- kaccakalonipis n. (kaccakalon+ipis) ter- tween; pull from; take out of; ʟєꜱ removes mite ʟᴏᴧ from among ʟᴜᴍ kackas n. (kac+kas) bamboo katiki v. (kati+ki) put between; place kackol n. (kac+kol) broccoli among; ʟєꜱ puts ʟᴏᴧ among ʟᴜᴍ 〈 〉 kas n. (Hin. 〈घास〉 [ɡ̤ aːs]) grass; sedge; Po- kape v. (Jav. gapé [kɑ̤pe]) pay attention; ales focus; watch; occupy; ʟᴏᴧ pays attention ’kasak n. (Kaz. 〈Kazak〉 [qɑzɑq]) Kazakh; to ʟᴜᴍ Kazakhstani; the Kazakhstani people kap n. (Eng. 〈carp〉 [kʰɑɹp]) carp; koi; ’kasakak n. (’kasak+ak) Kazakhstani; catfish; loach; minnow; herring; tetra; from Kazakhstan Cypriniformes ’kasaktec n. (’kasak+tec) Kazakhstan kapelum n. (kape+lum) attention; focus ’kasaktilip n. (’kasak+tilip) Kazakh; kapelyan n. (kape+lyan) attention; focus Kazak; the Kazakh language kapeki v. (kape+ki) give attention; draw kascihwicon n. (kas+cihwicon) park attention; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ pay attention to ’kastilya n. (Spa. 〈Castellano〉 [kasˈtiʎa]) ʟᴜᴍ Castile (region) ’kapon n. (Fra. 〈Gabon〉 [ɡabɔ̃]) Gabon ’kastilyaak n. (’kastilya+ak) Castillian; ’kaponak n. (’kapon+ak) Gabonese; from Castile Gabonaise; from Gabon ’kastilyawon n. (’kastilya+won) Castil- ’kaponwon n. (’kapon+won) Gabonese; lian; the Castillian people Gabonaise; the Gabonese people ’kastilyatec n. (’kastilya+tec) Castile; the ’kapufelti n. (Por. 〈Cabo Verde〉 Kingdom of Castile [kaβu veɾðɨ]) Cabo Verde; Cape Verde ’kastilyatilip n. (’kastilya+tilip) Castil- (archipelago) lian; the Castillian language ’kapufeltiak n. (’kapufelti+ak) Cabo ’kaka n. (Non. 〈kaka〉 [kaka]) cake Verdean; Cape Verdean; from Cabo Verde ’kaki n. (Jpn. 〈柿〉 [kakʲi]) persimmon; ’kapufeltiwon n. (’kapufelti+won) persimon; Diospyros Cabo Verdean; Cape Verdean; the Cabo 3.15. K 91

Verdean people kolwalon n. (kolwa+lon) believer ’kapufeltitec n. (’kapufelti+tec) Cabo kolwalum n. (kolwa+lum) belief; feeling Verde; Cape Verde; the Republic of Cabo kolwaki v. (kolwa+ki) convince; sway; Verde ʟєꜱ leads ʟᴏᴧ to believe that ʟᴜᴍ is true ’kapufeltitilip n. (’kapufelti+tilip) Cape kon pn. (Pan. 〈ਕੌਣ〉 [kɔːɳə]) what; what Verdean Creole kind; interrogative ko v. (ne) be outside; be outer; be out; be kon ayf n. (kon+ayf) under what condi- peripheral; ʟᴏᴧ is outside of ʟᴜᴍ tion; when (interrogative) ’ko n. (ono. [k]) k; /k/; velar plosive kon ak n. (kon+ak) whose (interrogative) koec n. (ko+ec) skin; hide; peel ’konakhi n. (Fra. 〈Conakry〉 [konakʁi]) koal n. (Epo. 〈koalo〉 [koˈalo]) koala; wom- Conakry bat; Vombatiformes ’konakhi’kine n. (’konakhi+’kine) kol n. (Spa. 〈col〉 [kol]) cabbage; Guinea; Guinea-Conakry; the Republic cauliflower; broccoli; kale; Brussels of Guinea sprouts; collard greens; savoy; kohlrabi; ’konakhi’kinewon n. (’konakhi’kine+ gai lan; Brassica oleracea won) Guinean; the Guinean people kola v. (neta) be chaotic; be disorganised; ’kono n. (Kon. 〈Kongo〉 [koŋo]) Kongo; the be messy; be in disarray; be askance; ʟᴏᴧ Kongo people is chaotic ’konoak n. (’kono+ak) Kongo; Congolese; kolalon n. (kola+lon) chaotic; disorgan- from the Congo ised; messy; in disarray; askance ’konotec n. (’kono+tec) Kongo; the King- kolalyan n. (kola+lyan) entropy; chaos dom of Kongo kolaki v. (kola+ki) disorganise; mess up; ’konotilip n. (’kono+tilip) Kongo; disrupt; trash; throw into chaos; ʟєꜱ puts Kikongo ʟᴏᴧ into chaos kon ial n. (kon+ial) why (interrogative) kolakiles n. (kolaki+les) disorganiser; konitatun n. (ko+nita+tun) arthropod trasher konitatunak n. (konitatun+ak) arthro- ’kololium n. (Lat. 〈chlorium〉 [klorɪʊ̃]) podic chlorine kon ip n. (kon+ip) how (interrogative) kolon n. (ko+lon) outdoors; edge; fringe; kon uat n. (kon+uat) with what (interrog- outside; outer; out; peripheral ative) ’kolona n. (Nor. 〈krone〉 [ˈkruːnə]) krona; kon yan n. (kon+yan) how much krone; króna; kr. kon yot n. (kon+yot) where (interroga- ’kolomium n. (Lat. 〈chromium〉 tive) [kromɪʊ̃]) chromium kon wel n. (kon+wel) when (interroga- ’kolompya n. (Spa. 〈Colombia〉 [koˈlom- tive) bja]) Colombia kontal n. (Ben. 〈গার〉 [ɡɔndar]) ’kolompyaak n. (’kolompya+ak) rhinoceros; rhino; rhinocerotidae Columbian; from Colombia ’kontapaso n. (Ita. 〈contrabbasso〉 [kon- ’kolompyawon n. (’kolompya+won) trabˈbasso]) double bass; bass; string Colombian; the Columbian people bass; contrabass kolopo v. (ono. [korop]) burp; belch; ʟєꜱ ’komoli n. (Zdj. 〈Komori〉 [komori]) Co- burps out ʟᴏᴧ moros (archipelago) kolopoles n. (kolopo+les) one who burps ’komoliak n. (’komoli+ak) Comoran; kolopolon n. (kolopo+lon) burp from Comoros kolwa v. (Zul. 〈kholwa〉 [ˈkʰɔːlwa]) be- ’komoliwon n. (’komoli+won) Comoran; lieve; seem; ʟᴏᴧ accepts that ʟᴜᴍ is true the Comoran people on a subconscious level; see ”be sure” and ’komolitec n. (’komoli+tec) Comoros; the ”think” Union of the Comoros 92 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY

’komolitilip n. (’komoli+tilip) Comorian; ’kostalikaak n. (’kostalika+ak) Costa Ri- the Comorian language can; from Costa Rica komput n. (Xho. 〈khomputha〉 [kʰɔm- ’kostalikawon n. (’kostalika+won) Costa putʰa]) computer; artificial device capa- Rican; the Costa Rican people ble of arithmetic or logical operations kosti v. (Epo. 〈kosti〉 [ˈkosti]) cost; be ex- komputak n. (komput+ak) digital; elec- pensive; ʟᴏᴧ costs a lot tronic; computerised kostilon n. (kosti+lon) valuable; expen- komputnati v. (komput+nati) code; pro- sive gram; ʟєꜱ codes ʟᴏᴧ with ʟᴜᴍ kostilyan n. (kosti+lyan) price; cost komputnatiles n. (komputnati+les) pro- kostiki v. (kosti+ki) mark up; ʟєꜱ in- grammer creases the cost of ʟᴏᴧ komputnatilum n. (komputnati+lum) ’kof n. (Eng. 〈golf〉 [ɡɒf]) golf code; program koki v. (ko+ki) exit; remove; release; es- komputsoma v. (komput+soma) do com- cape; take out; go out; extract; emerge; puter science; ʟєꜱ studies computers to ʟєꜱ moves ʟᴏᴧ out of ʟᴜᴍ learn about ʟᴏᴧ kokilyot n. (koki+lyot) hole komputsomales n. (komputsoma+les) kot n. (Eng. 〈god〉 [ɡɒd]) god; deity; super- computer scientist human entity worshiped as having great komputsomalon n. (komputsoma+lon) influence over reality, but not any god in computer science particular komputti v. (komput+ti) use internet; go kotak n. (kot+ak) divine; godly; deific online; signal; ʟєꜱ digitally sends ʟᴜᴍ to kotokanu v. (ko+tokanu) peel; ʟєꜱ peels ʟᴏᴧ ʟᴏᴧ komputtiles n. (komputti+les) sender koti v. (ko+ti) comment; commentary; (engineering) ʟєꜱ comments ʟᴏᴧ on ʟᴜᴍ komputtilon n. (komputti+lon) receiver kotiles n. (koti+les) commenter (engineering) kotilon n. (koti+lon) metadata; comment; komputtilip n. (komputti+lip) communi- commentary cation protocol; protocol (engineering) ’kotifwah n. (Fra. 〈Côte d’Ivoire〉 [kot di- komputtiluat n. (komputti+luat) socket vwaʁ]) Ivory Coast; Côte d’Ivoire (engineering) ’kotifwahak n. (’kotifwah+ak) Ivorian; komputtilum n. (komputti+lum) packet from Ivory Coast (engineering) ’kotifwahwon n. (’kotifwah+won) Ivo- kohu v. (ko+hu) be public; ʟᴜᴍ is openly rian; the Ivorian people exposed to ʟᴏᴧ kotsoma v. (kot+soma) do theology; ʟєꜱ kohulon n. (kohu+lon) the public; public studies religion to learn about ʟᴏᴧ ’kosa n. (Xho. 〈Xhosa〉 [kǁʰɔ́ːsa]) Xhosa; kotsomales n. (kotsoma+les) theologist the Xhosa people kotsomalon n. (kotsoma+lon) theology ’kosaak n. (’kosa+ak) Xhosa; of the Xhosa kotkwelip n. (kot+kwelip) religion ’kosatilip n. (’kosa+tilip) Xhosa; the kopic n. (ko+pic) cashew kopuci v. (ko+puci) stretch; expand; ʟєꜱ ’kosowa n. (Sqi. 〈Kosovë〉 [kɔˈsɔvə]) pulls outward on ʟᴏᴧ Kosovo; the Republic of Kosovo ki v. (Cmn. 〈开始〉 [kʰaɪ̯˥ʂɨ˧˩˧]) begin; start; ’kosowaak n. (’kosowa+ak) Kosovan; commence; initiate; become; go to; come Kosovar; from Kosovo to; change to; summon; arrive; to; -ify; in- ’kosowawon n. (’kosowa+won) Kosovan; cohative; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ transition from Kosovar; the Kosovan people falsehood to truth ’kostalika n. (Spa. 〈Costa Rica〉 [kosta kiah n. (ono. [kijɑː]) raptor; hawk; eagle; rika]) Costa Rica kite; vulture; condor; osprey; owl; falcon; 3.15. K 93 bird of prey ’kiskeya n. (Spa. 〈Quisqueya〉 [kisˈkeʝa]) kio v. (Swa. 〈kioo〉 [kioo]) be crystal; ʟᴏᴧ Dominican Republic is made out of crystal ’kiskeyaak n. (’kiskeya+ak) Dominican; kiolon n. (kio+lon) jewel; gem; crystal Quisqueyan; from Dominican Republic kioki v. (kio+ki) crystalise; ʟєꜱ turns ʟᴏᴧ ’kiskeyawon n. (’kiskeya+won) into crystal Quisqueyan; the people of the Domini- kil n. (Hin. 〈कड़ा〉 [kiːɽaː]) worm; long can Republic limbless invertebrate kit num. (nul) all; absolute; maximum; kiles n. (ki+les) starter exact; complete kilon n. (ki+lon) begun kitak n. (kit+ak) last; universal ’kilistos n. (Grc. 〈Χριστός〉 [kʰriːstós]) kitakeki v. (kit+akeki) achieve; accom- Christ (title) plish; complete; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ achieve ’kilistosfitilip n. (’kilistos+fitilip) Chris- ʟᴜᴍ tianity kitakekilon n. (kitakeki+lon) achiever ’kilistosfitilipwon n. (’kilistosfitilip+ kitakekilum n. (kitakeki+lum) accom- won) Christian; followers of Christ plished; achieved; completed ’kilistosfitilipak n. (’kilistosfitilip+ak) kititi v. (kit+iti) integrate; take integral; Christian; of Christianity ʟєꜱ takes the n-dimensional integral of ’kilipas n. (Gil. 〈Kiribati〉 [kiɾipas]) Kiri- ʟᴏᴧ over ʟᴜᴍ bati; the Gilbert Islands kititiles n. (kititi+les) integrator ’kilipasak n. (’kilipas+ak) I-Kiribati; from kititilon n. (kititi+lon) derivative; inte- Kiribati gration function ’kilipaswon n. (’kilipas+won) I-Kiribati; kititilum n. (kititi+lum) integration vari- Gilbertese; the I-Kiribati people able ’kilipastec n. (’kilipas+tec) Kiribati; the kititilyan n. (kititi+lyan) integral dimen- Republic of Kiribati sionality ’kilipastilip n. (’kilipas+tilip) Gilbertese; kititilyot n. (kititi+lyot) integration Kiribati; Kiribatese; the Kiribati language bounds ’kilipton n. (Lat. 〈krypton〉 [kriptɔn]) kitwale v. (kit+wale) be common; be nor- krypton mal; be standard; ʟᴏᴧ is common among kilyot n. (ki+lyot) start ʟᴜᴍ kilwel n. (ki+lwel) beginning kitwalelon n. (kitwale+lon) common; ’kine n. (Por. 〈Guiné〉 [ɡiˈne]) Guinea (re- normal; standard gion) kitcitu v. (kit+citu) be until; be since; hap- ’kincasa n. (Fra. 〈Kinshasa〉 [kinʃasa]) pen from; happen to; ʟᴏᴧ is happening Kinshasa from the present until ʟᴜᴍ ’kincasa’konotec n. (’kincasa+’konotec) kitcitulon n. (kitcitu+lon) until; since Democratic Republic of the Congo kitcitulum n. (kitcitu+lum) end date; ’kincasa’konotecwon n. (’kin- deadline casa’konotec+won) Congolese; the people kitcitulwel n. (kitcitu+lwel) start date; of the Democratic Republic of the Congo kickoff ’kincasa’konotecak n. (’kin- kitki num. (ø) universalise; popularise; casa’konotec+ak) Congolese; from Demo- permeate; pervade; ʟєꜱ causes ʟᴏᴧ to be- cratic Republic of the Congo come everything ’kimono n. (Jpn. 〈着物〉 [kʲimono]) ki- kittecak n. (kit+tecak) global; interna- mono tional kicolon n. (ki+colon) incohative; incep- kittunci v. (kit+tunci) govern as a direct tive (linguistics) democracy; ʟᴜᴍ rules ʟᴏᴧ kisison n. (ki+sison) spring kittuncilum n. (kittunci+lum) voter; elec- 94 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY toral base kuletiluat n. (kule+tiluat) telephone; kittuncilyot n. (kittunci+lyot) democ- telegraph racy; direct democracy kula v. (Hin. 〈खुला〉 [kʰulaː]) be soft; be kipowi v. (ki+powi) be ready; ʟᴏᴧ is ready flimsy; be squishy; be weak; give; the sur- to make ʟᴜᴍ happen face of ʟᴏᴧ feels soft kipowilon n. (kipowi+lon) ready kulaec n. (kula+ec) flesh; meat kipowiki v. (kipowi+ki) ready; prepare; kulalon n. (kula+lon) soft; flimsy; ʟєꜱ gets ʟᴏᴧ ready for ʟᴜᴍ squishy; weak ’kiplos n. (Ell. 〈Κύπρος〉 [ˈcipros]) Cyprus kulan pn. (Xho. 〈okulandelayo〉 [ɔkʼu- (landmass) landɛlajɔ]) next ’kiplosak n. (’kiplos+ak) Cypriot; from kulansunkwelwel n. (kulan+ Cyprus sunkwelwel) tomorrow ’kiplostec n. (’kiplos+tec) Cyprus; the Re- kulanpumkwelwel n. (kulan+ public of Cyprus pumkwelwel) next year ’kiplostecwon n. (’kiplostec+won) kulaki v. (kula+ki) soften; melt; ʟєꜱ Cypriot; the Cypriot people makes ʟᴏᴧ become soft ku v. (Cmn. 〈苦〉 [kʰu˧˩˧]) be bitter; ʟᴏᴧ is kulatatu v. (kula+tatu) be tin; ʟᴏᴧ is bitter made of tin kule v. (Sho. 〈kure〉 [kure]) be far; be dis- kulatatulon n. (kulatatu+lon) tin tant; be beyond; be not at all; be remote; kulatun n. (kula+tun) invertebrate tele; ʟᴏᴧ is physically or numerically far kulapic n. (kula+pic) bean from ʟᴜᴍ kulon n. (ku+lon) bitter kuleam n. (kule+am) forearm; lower kuli v. (Jav. 〈gurih〉 [kṳɽɪh]) be savoury; arm have umami; ʟᴏᴧ is savoury kulelek n. (kule+lek) shin; lower leg kulilon n. (kuli+lon) savoury kulelon n. (kule+lon) far; distant; be- kulilyan n. (kuli+lyan) savouriness; yond; not at all; remote umami kulelum n. (kule+lum) space kuliki v. (kuli+ki) make savoury; ʟєꜱ kulelyan n. (kule+lyan) distance makes ʟᴏᴧ become savoury kulelyanti v. (kulelyan+ti) bid farewell; kululun n. (ono. [gululu]) turkey (bird); say goodbye; ʟєꜱ bids goodbye to ʟᴏᴧ Meleagris kulenoluat n. (kule+noluat) meterstick; kulyan n. (ku+lyan) bitterness ruler; measuring tape; stick ’kulkus n. (Kir. 〈кыргыз〉 [qɯrʁɯs]) Kyr- kulehila v. (kule+hila) travel; ʟєꜱ travels gyz; Kyrgyzstani; the Kyrgyz people from ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ ’kulkusak n. (’kulkus+ak) Kyrgyz; Kyr- kulehilalon n. (kulehila+lon) destina- gyzstani; Kirgiz; Kirghiz; from Kyrgyzs- tion; getaway tan kulecalu v. (kule+calu) keep apart; sep- ’kulkustec n. (’kulkus+tec) Kyrgyzstan arate; divide; avoid; ʟєꜱ keeps ʟᴏᴧ away ’kulkustilip n. (’kulkus+tilip) Kyrgyz; the from ʟᴜᴍ Kyrgyz language kuɾd]) Kurd; the] 〈ﮎﻭﺭﺩ 〉 .kulecalules n. (kulecalu+les) wall; bar- ’kulti n. (Kur rier Kurdish people kulecalulon n. (kulecalu+lon) other side ’kultiak n. (’kulti+ak) Kurdish; of the kulecincilum n. (kule+cincilum) first Kurds cousin ’kultitec n. (’kulti+tec) Kurdistan kuleki v. (kule+ki) distance; go away; sep- ’kultitilip n. (’kulti+tilip) Kurdish; the arate; come from; go out; ʟєꜱ distances Kurdish language ʟᴏᴧ from ʟᴜᴍ kulpa v. (ono. [glup a̤ː]) swallow; suck; kulekiles n. (kuleki+les) separator consume whole; ʟєꜱ swallows ʟᴏᴧ 3.15. K 95 kulpales n. (kulpa+les) swallower ʟᴏᴧ feels bittersweetly about ʟᴜᴍ kulpalon n. (kulpa+lon) swallowed kucinihulum n. (kucinihu+lum) bitter- kunci v. (Cmn. 〈控制〉 [kʰʊŋ˥˩ʈʂɨ˥˩])͡ be in sweet control; be in charge; be powerful; de- kuciki v. (kuci+ki) bring joy; brighten; pend; ʟᴜᴍ controls ʟᴏᴧ ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ happier -kuskus]) cous] 〈ﻙﺱﻙﺱ〉 .kuncilon n. (kunci+lon) oppressed; de- ’kuskus n. (Ara pendent cous kunciluat n. (kunci+luat) controls; con- ’kukaylan n. (Eng. 〈Cook Islands〉 [ˈkʊk troller; harness ˈaɪləndz]) Cook Islands (archipelago) kuncilum n. (kunci+lum) oppressor; con- ’kukaylanak n. (’kukaylan+ak) Cook Is- troller; leader; official; in control; in land; Cook Islander; from the Cook Is- charge; powerful lands kunciki v. (kunci+ki) take control; cap- ’kukaylanwon n. (’kukaylan+won) Cook ture; give control; put in charge; ʟєꜱ puts Islander; the Cook Islander people ʟᴜᴍ in control of ʟᴏᴧ ’kukaylantec n. (’kukaylan+tec) Cook Is- kuncikiles n. (kunciki+les) capturer lands (country) kuncikilon n. (kunciki+lon) captured ’kukaylantilip n. (’kukaylan+tilip) Cook kumna v. (Hin. 〈घुमना〉 [ɡ̤ umnaː]) spin; ro- Islands Maori tate; revolve; ʟᴏᴧ is spinning about ʟᴜᴍ kukam n. (ono. [ɡuː ɡaː]) baby; infant; kumnalon n. (kumna+lon) spinning newborn; very young and underdevel- kumnalum n. (kumna+lum) axis; centre oped animal kumnanitoki v. (kumna+nitoki) spiral kukamak n. (kukam+ak) infantile in; ʟᴏᴧ spirals into ʟᴜᴍ kuki v. (ku+ki) bitter; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ be- kumnanitokilip n. (kumnanitoki+lip) come bitter spiral kukulik n. (ono. [kuk kurikoː]) chicken; kumnamipmontalon n. (kumna+ chick; junglefowl; Gallus mipmontalon) helicopter kuti v. (Cmn. 〈固体〉 [ku˥˩tʰi˧˩˧]) be solid; be kumnakulelyan n. (kumna+kulelyan) coherent; be coagulated; ʟᴏᴧ is solid spiral out; ʟᴏᴧ spirals outward from ʟᴜᴍ kutilon n. (kuti+lon) solid; coherent; co- kumnatupan n. (kumna+tupan) hurri- agulated cane; typhoon kutilyan n. (kuti+lyan) solidity; rigidity kuho v. (nice) be above; be up; be high; kutimwoni v. (kuti+mwoni) sculpt; etch; ʟєꜱ appears below ʟᴏᴧ from the point of carve; ʟєꜱ carves ʟᴜᴍ as ʟᴏᴧ view of ʟᴜᴍ kutimwoniles n. (kutimwoni+les) carver kuhol n. (Fil. 〈kuhol〉 [kuhol]) slug; land kutimwonilon n. (kutimwoni+lon) sculp- slug; shell-less terrestrial gastropod mol- ture lusc kutimwonilum n. (kutimwoni+lum) kuholes n. (kuho+les) footer; bottom sculpture subject kuholon n. (kuho+lon) above; up; high kutihila v. (kuti+hila) dig; ʟᴏᴧ digs kuhoki v. (kuho+ki) go up; raise; rise; ʟєꜱ kutihilalon n. (kutihila+lon) digger makes ʟᴏᴧ appear to move up from the kutiki v. (kuti+ki) freeze; solidify; de- point of view of ʟᴜᴍ posit; ʟєꜱ freezes ʟᴏᴧ kuhokiles n. (kuhoki+les) one who kutikiles n. (kutiki+les) freezer moves up kutikilon n. (kutiki+lon) frozen; ice kuhokiluat n. (kuhoki+luat) stool ’kupa n. (Spa. 〈Cuba〉 [kuβa]) Cuba (is- kuci v. (Ben. 〈খুিশ〉 [kʰuɕi]) be happy; be land) joyful; ʟᴏᴧ feels happy ’kupaak n. (’kupa+ak) Cuban; from Cuba kucilon n. (kuci+lon) happy; joyful ’kupawon n. (’kupa+won) Cuban; the kucinihu v. (kuci+nihu) feel bittersweet; Cuban people 96 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY

’kupatec n. (’kupa+tec) Cuba; the Repub- lestanyo+lon) busy; unavailable lic of Cuba kwelwelak n. (kwelwel+ak) temporal; kwe v. (nyo) yes; be true; be right; be cor- dative (linguistics) rect; be real; be happening; positive; ʟᴏᴧ kwelwelmontalon n. (kwelwel+ is happening montalon) time machine kwelayf n. (kwe+layf) condition; world kwelwelhila v. (kwelwel+hila) time kwelayfak n. (kwelayf+ak) conditional travel; ʟᴏᴧ travels through time (linguistics) ’kwenatin n. (Svc. 〈Grenadines〉 kwelon n. (kwe+lon) state; truth; reality; [ɡɹɛnədiːnz]) Grenadines; Grenadine Is- true; right; correct; real; happening lands kwelial n. (kwe+lial) cause; inciting ’kwenatinak n. (’kwenatin+ak) Grenadi- event; at fault; responsible nese; from the Grenadines kwelialak n. (kwelial+ak) causal (linguis- kwenoki v. (kwe+noki) prove; verify; log tics) in; ʟєꜱ verifies ʟᴏᴧ’s veracity kwelip n. (kwe+lip) method; way; path; kwenu v. (kwe+nu) undo; ʟᴏᴧ happens in manner reverse kwelipak n. (kwelip+ak) methodical; for- kwenyokwenyo v. (kwe+nyo+kwe+nyo) mal; instructive (linguistics) alternate; be every-other; ʟᴏᴧ exists in an kweluat n. (kwe+luat) tool; medium; in- alternating pattern strument kwenyokwenyolon n. (kwenyokwenyo+ kweluatak n. (kweluat+ak) instrumen- lon) checkerboard; every-other tal; prolative (linguistics) kweh n. (Cmn. 〈龟〉 [kweɪ̯˥]) turtle; tor- kwelyan n. (kwe+lyan) amount; number; toise; terrapin; Testudine quantity; extent; magnitude kweki v. (kwe+ki) do; happen; cause; pro- kwelyanak n. (kwelyan+ak) numerical; verb; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ come true to ʟᴜᴍ quantitative; equative kwekiles n. (kweki+les) agent; partici- kwelyansoma v. (kwelyan+soma) do pant math; do maths; ʟєꜱ studies numbers to kwekilesak n. (kwekiles+ak) agentive learn about ʟᴏᴧ kwekilon n. (kweki+lon) effect; patient kwelyansomales n. (kwelyansoma+les) (linguistics); experiencer (linguistics) mathematician kwekilonak n. (kwekilon+ak) patientive kwelyansomalon n. (kwelyansoma+lon) (linguistics) mathematics kwekilum n. (kweki+lum) theme (lin- kwelyot n. (kwe+lyot) location; place; guistics); stimulus (linguistics); recipient space (linguistics) kwelyotestalyan n. (kwelyot+estalyan) kwekilumak n. (kwekilum+ak) thematic address (linguistics) kwelyotak n. (kwelyot+ak) spacial; loca- kwekimai v. (kweki+mai) buy service; tive (linguistics) serve; ʟᴏᴧ performs ʟᴜᴍ for ʟєꜱ in ex- kwelwel n. (kwe+lwel) time; date; in- change for money stance kwekimailes n. (kwekimai+les) cus- kwelwelesta v. (kwelwel+esta) be avail- tomer able; be free; ʟᴏᴧ has nothing scheduled kwekimailon n. (kwekimai+lon) server kwelwelestalon n. (kwelwelesta+lon) kwekimailum n. (kwekimai+lum) ser- available; free vice kwelwelestanyo v. (kwelwelesta+nyo) kwekimailwel n. (kwekimai+lwel) ser- be busy; be unavailable; ʟᴏᴧ has things vice kweːt]) Kuwait] 〈ﻙﻭﻱﺕ〉 .scheduled ’kwet n. (Ara kwelwelestanyolon n. (kwelwe- ’kwetak n. (’kwet+ak) Kuwaiti; from 3.16. T 97

Kuwait nate; light up; ʟєꜱ illuminates ʟᴏᴧ kweti v. (kwe+ti) tell the truth; be honest; kwanpes n. (kwan+pes) anglerfish ʟєꜱ expresses ʟᴏᴧ, which they think to be kwanpic n. (kwan+pic) candlenut; can- true dleberry; Indian walnut; kukui nut tree; kwetilon n. (kweti+lon) the truth; truth; Aleurites moluccanus honest kwah n. (Cmn. 〈瓜〉 [kwa˥]) melon; kwetilyan n. (kweti+lyan) honesty; in- any member of Cucurbitaceae with sweet, tegrity fleshy fruit kwetikolwa v. (kweti+kolwa) trust; find kwakwak n. (ono. [kwak kwak]) frog; trustworthy; ʟᴏᴧ trusts ʟᴜᴍ toad; Anura ’kwetwon n. (’kwet+won) Kuwaiti; the kwakwaklisat n. (kwakwak+lisat) sala- Kuwaiti people mander kwepensi v. (kwe+pensi) be correct; be ’kwatemala n. (Spa. 〈Guatemala〉 [gwateˈ- right; ʟᴏᴧ thinks ʟᴜᴍ to be true, and it is mala]) Guatemala kwepensilon n. (kwepensi+lon) correct; ’kwatemalaak n. (’kwatemala+ak) right Guatemalan; from Guatemala kwepensiki v. (kwepensi+ki) correct; ’kwatemalawon n. (’kwatemala+won) right; rectify; ʟєꜱ corrects ʟᴏᴧ’s view of Guatemalan; the Guatemalan people ʟᴜᴍ kwap n. (Eng. 〈crab〉 [kʰɹʷæb]) crus- kwepensikilum n. (kwepensiki+lum) tacean; crab; lobster; crayfish; shrimp; correction prawn; krill; Crustacea kwan n. (Cmn. 〈光〉 [kwɑŋ˥]) light; elec- ’kwonsaw n. (Yue. 〈广州〉 [kʷɔ˧˥ːŋtsɐw˥])͡ tromagnetic radiation Guangzhou;Canton; Kwangchow ’kwaneyta n. (Eng. 〈Grenada〉 ’kwontun n. (Yue. 〈廣東〉 [kʷɔ̌ːŋ tʊ́ŋ]) [ɡɹʷəˈneɪ̯də]) Grenada (landmass) Guangdong; Canton Province ’kwaneytaak n. (’kwaneyta+ak) ’kwontunak n. (’kwontun+ak) Yue; in Grenadan; from Grenada Yue ’kwaneytawon n. (’kwaneyta+won) ’kwontuntilip n. (’kwontun+tilip) Yue Grenadan; the Grenadan people Chinese; Cantonese ’kwaneytatec n. (’kwaneyta+tec) Grenada (country) kwanestakilyot n. (kwan+estakilyot) light; light source 3.16 T kwanak n. (kwan+ak) photic; optic; lumi- nescient te v. (Ibo. 〈de〉 [de]) write; record; type; kwanilukiles n. (kwan+ilukiles) lens mark; save; transcribe; ʟєꜱ encodes ʟᴜᴍ kwanlamanoluat n. (kwan+lama+ physically on ʟᴏᴧ noluat) spectrometer teak n. (te+ak) literary; scriptural kwansica v. (kwan+sica) be dim; be dark; teles n. (te+les) writer ʟᴏᴧ is dimly lit telon n. (te+lon) record; book; paper; file kwansicalon n. (kwansica+lon) shadow; telonmailyot n. (telon+mailyot) book- dim; dark store kwansicaki v. (kwan+sicaki) darken; telip n. (te+lip) script; writing system; en- dim; ʟєꜱ darkens ʟᴏᴧ coding kwanfuha v. (kwan+fuha) be lit; be illu- teluat n. (te+luat) writing utensil minated; be bright; ʟᴏᴧ is brightly lit telum n. (te+lum) text; writing; passage; kwanfuhalon n. (kwanfuha+lon) lit; illu- data; ; note minated; bright teluca v. (Msa. 〈teruja〉 [terudʒa])͡ be ex- kwanfuhaki v. (kwan+fuhaki) illumi- cited; be interested; be hype; ʟᴏᴧ is ex- 98 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY cited about ʟᴜᴍ at large; free; out of prison telucalon n. (teluca+lon) excited; inter- tewikunciki v. (tewikunci+ki) imprison; ested; hype throw in jail; ʟєꜱ imprisons ʟᴏᴧ telucalum n. (teluca+lum) exciting ’tenim n. (Eng. 〈denim〉 [ˈdɛnəm]) denim telucaki v. (teluca+ki) excite; interest; tenso v. (Spa. 〈tenso〉 [ˈtenso]) be tense; ʟєꜱ gets ʟᴏᴧ excited about ʟᴜᴍ be intense; be under pressure; ʟᴏᴧ is un- ’teluku n. (Tel. 〈Ŵĸğ〉 [t̪el̪uɡu]) Telugu; der pressure Telugu vaaru; the Telugu people tensolon n. (tenso+lon) tense; intense; ’telukuak n. (’teluku+ak) Telugu; of the under pressure Telugu tensolyan n. (tenso+lyan) pressure ’telukutilip n. (’teluku+tilip) Telugu; the tensonoluat n. (tenso+noluat) barome- ter telyot n. (te+lyot) desk; writing surface tensoki v. (tenso+ki) tense up; intensify; tewi v. (Epo. 〈devi〉 [ˈdevi]) must; have to; pressurise; ʟєꜱ puts ʟᴏᴧ under pressure be responsible; be obligated; ʟᴏᴧ is obli- ’temoklat n. (Eng. 〈democrat〉 gated to make ʟᴜᴍ happen [ˈdɛməkɹʷæt]) Democratic Party (United tewilon n. (tewi+lon) responsible; obli- States) gated tehwok n. (te+hwok) paper; piece of pa- tewilum n. (tewi+lum) obligation; duty; per; sheet of paper responsibility; rule tehwokti v. (tehwok+ti) mail; send letter; tewinu v. (tewi+nu) alleviate responsibil- ʟєꜱ sends ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ as a letter ity; unassign; deobligate; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ tehwoktiles n. (tehwokti+les) sender of a no longer responsible for ʟᴜᴍ happening letter tewinyo v. (tewi+nyo) not have to; may tehwoktilon n. (tehwokti+lon) recipient not; ʟᴏᴧ does not have to make ʟᴜᴍ hap- of a letter pen tehwoktilum n. (tehwokti+lum) letter tewicitu v. (tewi+citu) be timely; be on tec n. (Hin. 〈देश〉 [deʃ]) state; country; time; ʟᴏᴧ is at the correct time polity; politically independent group of tewicitulon n. (tewicitu+lon) timely; on people time tecak n. (tec+ak) political; national; fed- tewiki v. (tewi+ki) assign; obligate; re- eral quire; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ responsible for ʟᴜᴍ teclwa v. (tec+lwa) be at war; ʟᴏᴧ is at happening war with ʟᴜᴍ tewikiles n. (tewiki+les) assigner teclwalon n. (teclwa+lon) at war tewikunci v. (tewi+kunci) be in prison; teclwalum n. (teclwa+lum) belligerent be incarcerated; ʟᴏᴧ is imprisoned by ʟᴜᴍ teclwanu v. (teclwa+nu) make peace; tewikuncilon n. (tewikunci+lon) pris- make truce; ceasefire; end war; ʟєꜱ oner; in prison; incarcerated causes ʟᴏᴧ to stop being at war with ʟᴜᴍ tewikuncilum n. (tewikunci+lum) war- teclwanyo v. (tec+lwa+nyo) be at peace; den ʟᴏᴧ is at peace with ʟᴜᴍ tewikuncilyot n. (tewikunci+lyot) teclwanyolon n. (teclwanyo+lon) at prison; jail peace tewikuncinu v. (tewikunci+nu) release teclwanyolum n. (teclwanyo+lum) non- from prison; set free; ʟєꜱ releases ʟᴏᴧ belligerent from prison teclwaki v. (teclwa+ki) wage war; de- tewikuncinyo v. (tewikunci+nyo) be at clare war; invade; ʟєꜱ causes ʟᴏᴧ to go to large; be free; be out of prison; ʟᴏᴧ is not war with ʟᴜᴍ imprisoned by ʟᴜᴍ teclwakiles n. (teclwaki+les) aggressor; tewikuncinyolon n. (tewikuncinyo+lon) warmonger 3.16. T 99 teclwakilum n. (teclwaki+lum) defender taylnitolon n. (taylnito+lon) local tecwelon n. (te+cwelon) ink taylkatilum n. (tayl+katilum) beach tecsota v. (tec+sota) have treaty; ʟᴏᴧ has taylkatilumcipcip n. (taylkatilum+ a treaty with ʟᴜᴍ cipcip) seagull tecsotalon n. (tecsota+lon) contracting taylkule v. (tayl+kule) be foreign; ʟᴏᴧ is party foreign relative to ʟᴜᴍ tecsotalip n. (tecsota+lip) treaty; deal; in- taylkulelon n. (taylkule+lon) foreign ternational agreement ’taywan n. (Cmn. 〈台湾〉 [tʰaɪ̯˧˥wan˥]) Tai- tecsotalum n. (tecsota+lum) ally; trading wan (island) partner ’taywanak n. (’taywan+ak) Taiwanese; tecsotalwel n. (tecsota+lwel) diplomacy from Taiwan tecsotanu v. (tecsota+nu) break treaty; ’taywanwon n. (’taywan+won) Tai- expire; violate agreement; ʟєꜱ terminates wanese; Chinese; the Taiwanese people a treaty between ʟᴏᴧ and ʟᴜᴍ ’taywantec n. (’taywan+tec) Taiwan; the tecsotaki v. (tecsota+ki) strike treaty; ʟєꜱ Republic of Taiwan; Chinese Taipei sets up a treaty between ʟᴏᴧ and ʟᴜᴍ tayc n. (Cmn. 〈袋鼠〉 [taɪ̯˥˩ʂu˧˩˧]) macropod; tecsotakiles n. (tecsotaki+les) diplomat; kangaroo; wallaby; Macropodiformes ambassador ’taycicwen n. (Cmn. 〈太极拳〉 [tʰaj˥˩.tɕi˧˥͡ tes num. (Spa. 〈diez〉 [djes]) A; ten; only tɕʰɥɛn˧˥])͡ Tai chi used for duodecimal and hexadecimal taykun n. (Cmn. 〈太空〉 [tʰaɪ̯˥˩kʰʊŋ˥]) outer tesak n. (tes+ak) tenth space; cosmos; vacuumic space above the ’tekila n. (Spa. 〈tequila〉 [teˈkila]) tequila atmosphere ’tekwanto n. (Kor. 〈태권도〉 [tʰɛ.k͈wʌn.do]) taykunak n. (taykun+ak) cosmic; astral; Taekwondo interstellar tepaltolon n. (te+paltolon) glyph; charac- taykunmontalon n. (taykun+montalon) ter; letter; grapheme spaceship tepaltolonoltolum n. (tepaltolon+ taykunpatolon n. (taykun+patolon) me- oltolum) alphabet; syllabary teor; meteorite tepaltolonoltolumak n. (tepal- ’taytec n. (’tay+tec) Thailand tolonoltolum+ak) alphabetical ’taytilip n. (’tay+tilip) Thai; Siamese; the tepato v. (te+pato) be graphite ʟᴏᴧ is Thai language made of graphite tal n. (Hin. 〈धड़〉 [d̤əɽ]) torso; trunk; stem; tepatolon n. (tepato+lon) graphite ʟᴏᴧ is core; central base of a body made of graphite ’tala n. (Eng. 〈dollar〉 [ˈdɑlɚ]) dollar; $ ta v. (Cmn. 〈打〉 [ta˧˩˧]) hit; strike; collide; talak n. (tal+ak) torsal; basal ʟєꜱ hits ʟᴏᴧ taluat n. (ta+luat) hammer ’ta n. (ono. [t]) t; /t/; alveolar plosive talpaholon n. (tal+paholon) pelvis; hips ’tay n. (Tha. 〈ไทย〉 [tʰaj˧]) Thai; Siamese; talpoltilum n. (tal+poltilum) top; shirt the Thai people ’taw n. (Cmn. 〈道〉 [taw˥˩]) Dao; Tao ’tayak n. (’tay+ak) Thai; from Thailand ’taw n. (Grc. 〈τ〉 [taw]) tau; 6.283… tayl n. (lawt) land; landmass; solid sur- tawh n. (Cmn. 〈桃〉 [tʰɑʊ̯˧˥]) plum; peach; face above and surrounded by ocean cherry; apricot; Prunus minus Prunus taylalkas n. (tayl+alkas) moss; liverwort; dulcis hornwort ’tawfitilip n. (’taw+fitilip) Daoism; Tao- taylak n. (tayl+ak) terrestrial ism taylnelawt n. (tayl+ne+lawt) Mediter- ’tawfitilipak n. (’tawfitilip+ak) Daoist; ranean Sea Taoist; of Daoism taylnito v. (tayl+nito) be local; ʟᴏᴧ is local ’tawfitilipwon n. (’tawfitilip+won) relative to ʟᴜᴍ Daoist; Taoist; followers of Dao 100 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY tan n. (Cmn. 〈蛋〉 [tan˥˩]) egg; first cell ofa mate; active; open new organism takaiki v. (takai+ki) turn on; go off; ani- ’tan n. (Dan. 〈Dan-〉 [dan]) Dane; the Dan- mate; activate; trigger; ʟєꜱ turns on ʟᴏᴧ ish people takaikiles n. (takaiki+les) activator; trig- tanec n. (tan+ec) ovary ger tanak n. (tan+ak) ovary; eggy takalon n. (taka+lon) at rest; on top; on ’tanak n. (’tan+ak) Danish; from Den- ’takalok n. (Tgl. 〈Tagalog〉 [tɐˈɡaːloɡ]) mark Tagalog; the Tagalog people tanul n. (Jav. 〈dangur〉 [tɑ̤ŋʊɽ]) cas- ’takalokak n. (’takalok+ak) Tagalog; of sava; manioc; yuca; macaxeira; man- the Tagalog dioca; aipim; Manihot esculenta ’takaloktilip n. (’takalok+tilip) Tagalog; tanmamul n. (tan+mamul) platypus the Tagalog language ’tansania n. (Swa. 〈Tanzania〉 [tanzania]) takalum n. (taka+lum) table; ground; Tanzania floor; support; base ’tansaniaak n. (’tansania+ak) Tanzanian; takanu v. (taka+nu) take off; get off; put from Tanzania down; ʟєꜱ takes ʟᴏᴧ off of ʟᴜᴍ ’tansaniawon n. (’tansania+won) Tanza- takaki v. (taka+ki) put on; get on; pick up; nian; the Tanzanian people ʟєꜱ rests ʟᴏᴧ on ʟᴜᴍ ’tantec n. (’tan+tec) Denmark tatu v. (Hin. 〈धातु〉 [d̤aːtu]) be metal; be ’tantilip n. (’tan+tilip) Danish; the Danish metallic; ʟᴏᴧ is made out of metal language tatulon n. (tatu+lon) metal; metallic ’tamil n. (Tam. 〈தமிழ் 〉 [t̪ɐmɨɻ]) Tamil; tatulonfik n. (tatulon+fik) satelite; artifi- Tamilian; the Tamil people cial satelite ’tamilak n. (’tamil+ak) Tamil; of the tatuki v. (tatu+ki) metallicise; ʟєꜱ turns Tamil ʟᴏᴧ into metal ’tamiltilip n. (’tamil+tilip) Tamil; the tapa v. (lama) be short; ʟᴏᴧ is short in time or space tafu v. (lasi) hurt; be in pain; ʟᴜᴍ hurts ’tapa n. (Tah. 〈tapa〉 [tapa]) tapa; tapa ʟᴏᴧ cloth tafulon n. (tafu+lon) in pain tapalon n. (tapa+lon) nub; knob; bump; tafulum n. (tafu+lum) pain; place where short it hurts tapamilalwel n. (tapa+milalwel) comma; tafunihu v. (tafu+nihu) sympathise; take pause pity; ʟᴏᴧ sympathises with ʟᴜᴍ tapafuloki v. (tapa+fuloki) compress; tafunihuti v. (tafunihu+ti) congratulate; squeeze; ʟєꜱ compresses ʟᴏᴧ apologise; ʟєꜱ expresses sympathy to ʟᴏᴧ tapaki v. (tapa+ki) shorten; shrink; ʟєꜱ tafuki v. (tafu+ki) torture; inflict pain; shortens ʟᴏᴧ ʟєꜱ causes ʟᴏᴧ to be pained by ʟᴜᴍ tapakiles n. (tapaki+les) shortener tafukiles n. (tafuki+les) torturer tapakwelwel n. (tapa+kwelwel) hour tafukuci v. (tafu+kuci) feel schaden- tapil n. (Spa. 〈tapir〉 [taˈpir]) tapir; Tapiri- freude; ʟᴏᴧ feels schodenfreude at ʟᴜᴍ dae taka v. (Ben. 〈থাকা〉 [t̪ʰaka]) be on; rest to v. (le) be rested; be energetic; be bright; on; lean; support; hold; carry; ʟᴏᴧ rests have a bushy tail; ʟᴏᴧ is well-rested on ʟᴜᴍ ’toyc n. (Deu. 〈Deutsch〉 [ˈdɔʏ̯tʃ])͡ German; ’taka n. (Ben. 〈ঢাকা〉 [ɖʱaka]) Dhaka the German people takai v. (Cmn. 〈打开〉 [ta˧˩˧kʰaɪ̯˥]) be turned ’toycak n. (’toyc+ak) German; Germanic; on; be animate; be active; be open; ʟᴏᴧ is from turned on ’toyctec n. (’toyc+tec) Germany takailon n. (takai+lon) turned on; ani- ’toyctilip n. (’toyc+tilip) German; the Ger- 3.16. T 101 man language tosnokipumkwelwel n. (tos+noki+ tolon n. (to+lon) rested; energetic; bright pumkwelwel) second grade tolmi v. (Epo. 〈dormi〉 [ˈdormi]) sleep; tosnul num. (tos+nul) 20; twenty nap; be asleep; be unconscious; ʟᴏᴧ is tosnulnul num. (tos+nul+nul) 200; two sleeping hundred tolmioyelum n. (tolmi+oyelum) snoring; toscohluso v. (tos+coh+luso) be ambidex- snores trous; ʟᴏᴧ is ambidextrous tolmilon n. (tolmi+lon) asleep; uncon- toscohlusolon n. (toscohluso+lon) am- scious bidextrous tolmicua v. (tolmi+cua) dream; ʟᴏᴧ tossunkwelwel n. (tos+sunkwelwel) dreams ʟᴜᴍ Tuesday tolmicualon n. (tolmicua+lon) dreamer toskwelwel n. (tos+kwelwel) second tolmicualum n. (tolmicua+lum) dream tospelsan num. (tos+pel+san) two-thirds; tolmiki v. (tolmi+ki) fall asleep; put to 2/3; .̅6 sleep; fall unconscious; ʟєꜱ puts ʟᴏᴧ to tofta v. (lesla) be inviscous; be thin; ʟᴏᴧ sleep is inviscous ton n. (Ben. 〈ধেন〉 [d̪̤ ɔn̪e]) coriander; toftalon n. (tofta+lon) lubricant; oil; liq- cilantro; anise; star anise; badiane; fen- uid; inviscous; thin nel; Chinese parsley; Coriandrum toftaki v. (tofta+ki) thin; decrease viscos- ’tona n. (Ton. 〈Tonga〉 [ˈtoŋa]) Tonga ity; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ less viscous (landmass) toftakiles n. (toftaki+les) thinner; viscos- ’tonaak n. (’tona+ak) Tongan; from ity reducer Tonga toka v. (Spa. 〈toca〉 [ˈtoka]) touch; meet; ’tonawon n. (’tona+won) Tongan; the ʟᴏᴧ and ʟᴜᴍ are so close to each other Tongan people that they cannot physically get any closer ’tonatec n. (’tona+tec) Tonga; the King- (please don’t get tecnical with my defini- dom of Tonga tion of this) ’tonatilip n. (’tona+tilip) Tongan; the Ton- tokalon n. (toka+lon) touching gan language tokalyot n. (toka+lyot) joint; corner; in- tomat n. (Msa. 〈tomat〉 [tomat]) tomato; tersection; edge Solanum lycopersicum tokanu v. (toka+nu) cut; separate; divide; ’tominika n. (Eng. 〈Dominica〉 split; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ stop touching ʟᴜᴍ [dɒmɪˈniːkə]) Dominica; the Common- tokanuluat n. (tokanu+luat) knife; wealth of Dominica wedge ’tominikaak n. (’tominika+ak) Domini- tokanulyot n. (tokanu+lyot) gap; separa- can; from Dominica tion; cut; split ’tominikawon n. (’tominika+won) Do- ’tokamak n. (Rus. 〈токамáк〉 [tɔkɐmɐk]) minican; the Dominican people tokamak ’tocik n. (Tgk. 〈Тоҷик〉 [tɔdʒik])͡ Tajik; the tokaci v. (toka+ci) reach; extend; ʟєꜱ Tajik people reaches ʟᴏᴧ toward ʟᴜᴍ ’tocikak n. (’tocik+ak) Tajik; from Tajik- tokaki v. (toka+ki) touch; join; ʟєꜱ istan touches ʟᴏᴧ to ʟᴜᴍ ’tociktec n. (’tocik+tec) Tajikistan tokatoka v. (toka+toka) chain; be ’tociktilip n. (’tocik+tilip) Tajik; Tajiki; chained; ʟᴏᴧ is chained together in ʟᴜᴍ the Tajik language tokatokalon n. (tokatoka+lon) link; tos num. (Spa. 〈dos〉 [dos]) 2; two; double chained tosak n. (tos+ak) second; dual; binary tokatokalum n. (tokatoka+lum) chain toslekpoltilum n. (tos+lekpoltilum) tokatokaki v. (tokatoka+ki) chain; link; pants; shorts incorporate; chain together; ʟєꜱ chains 102 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY

ʟᴏᴧ together into ʟᴜᴍ tilipak n. (tilip+ak) linguistic; lingual toko v. (Ben. 〈টক〉 [tɔkɔ]) be sour; ʟᴏᴧ is tilipsoma v. (tilip+soma) do linguistics; sour ʟєꜱ studies languages to learn about ʟᴏᴧ ’toko n. (Fra. 〈Togo〉 [togo]) Togo tilipsomales n. (tilipsoma+les) linguist ’tokoak n. (’toko+ak) Togolese; from Togo tilipsomalon n. (tilipsoma+lon) linguis- tokolon n. (toko+lon) sour tics tokolyan n. (toko+lyan) sourness tiluat n. (ti+luat) phone; cell phone; com- ’tokowon n. (’toko+won) Togolese; the To- municator; communication device golese people tilum n. (ti+lum) message; idea; signal; tokoki v. (toko+ki) sour; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ utterance become sour ’tiwehi n. (Div. 〈ހި ވެ ދި 〉 [diˈʋehi]) Maldivian; toki v. (to+ki) rest; recharge; ʟєꜱ makes Dhivehi; Divehi; the Maldivian people ʟᴏᴧ feel rested ’tiwehiak n. (’tiwehi+ak) Maldivian; ’tokipona n. (Tok. 〈toki pona〉 [ˈtoki from the Maldives ˈpona]) Toki Pona ’tiwehikwelyot n. (’tiwehi+kwelyot) Mal- ’tokiponaak n. (’tokipona+ak) Toki Pona; dives (archipelago) in Toki Pona ’tiwehitec n. (’tiwehi+tec) Maldives; the ’tokiponawon n. (’tokipona+won) Toki Republic of Maldives Ponist; Toki Pona speakers ’tiwehitilip n. (’tiwehi+tilip) Maldivian; ’tokyo n. (Jpn. 〈東京〉 [toːkʲoː]) Tokyo Dhivehi; Divehi; the Maldivian language toto v. (lele) struggle; be-bad; ʟᴏᴧ is not ’tiwlki n. (Tur. 〈Türk〉 [tyɾk]) Turk; the doing well Turkish people ’topeykow n. (Eng. 〈Tobago〉 [təbeɪɡəʊ]) ’tiwlkiak n. (’tiwlki+ak) Turkish; Turkic; Tobago from Turkey ’topeykowak n. (’topeykow+ak) Tobago- ’tiwlkimen n. (Tuk. 〈türkmen〉 [tʏɾk- nian mɛn]) Turkmen; the Turkmen people ti v. (Xho. 〈thi〉 [tʰi]) say; convey; commu- ’tiwlkimenak n. (’tiwlkimen+ak) Turk- nicate; ʟєꜱ conveys ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ men; from Turkmenistan tie v. (Ben. 〈িদেয়〉 [d̪ie̯e]) be across; be ’tiwlkimentec n. (’tiwlkimen+tec) Turk- transverse; straddle; be perpendicular; menistan ʟᴏᴧ is across ʟᴜᴍ ’tiwlkimentilip n. (’tiwlkimen+tilip) tielon n. (tie+lon) cross; cross member; Turkmen; the across; transverse; perpendicular ’tiwlkitec n. (’tiwlki+tec) Turkey tielonfolmo v. (tielon+folmo) be cruci- ’tiwlkitilip n. (’tiwlki+tilip) Turkish; the form; be cross-shaped; ʟᴏᴧ comprises two crossed segments tinus n. (Epo. 〈tinuso〉 [tiˈnuso]) mack- tielonfolmolon n. (tielonfolmo+lon) cru- erel; tuna; tunny; Scombridae ciform; cross-shaped tinti v. (ono. [tiŋ tiŋ]) ding; ping; chime; tielum n. (tie+lum) crossed ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ tielyan n. (tie+lyan) transverseness; tintiles n. (tinti+les) bell obliqueness tintilesfolmo v. (tintiles+folmo) be cam- tieki v. (tie+ki) cross; move across; pass; panula; be bell-shaped; ʟᴏᴧ is rotationally ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ cross ʟᴜᴍ symmetric, closed on one end, and flared tiekilyot n. (tieki+lyot) intersection; on the other cross tintilesfolmolon n. (tintilesfolmo+lon) tiles n. (ti+les) sayer campanula; bell-shaped tilon n. (ti+lon) addressee tintilon n. (tinti+lon) ding; ping; chime; ’tili n. (Hin. 〈द쥍ली 〉 [dɪlliː]) Delhi sudden, concordant sound or action tilip n. (ti+lip) language; protocol ’timensio n. (Lat. 〈dīmensiō〉 [diːˈmẽː- 3.16. T 103 sioː]) dimension (mathematics) plant; palm of Christ ’timensioak n. (’timensio+ak) dimen- ’titanium n. (Lat. 〈titanium〉 [tɪtanɪʊ̃]) ti- sional tanium ’timol n. (Tet. 〈Timór〉 [timor]) Timor titi v. (ti+ti) communicate; talk; speak; (landmass) correspond; ʟєꜱ has a two-way interac- ’timolak n. (’timol+ak) Timorese; from tion with ʟᴏᴧ about ʟᴜᴍ Timor titilon n. (titi+lon) interlocutor tihu v. (luci) be green; ʟᴏᴧ reflects titilum n. (titi+lum) topic; passage medium and long wavelength light titilwel n. (titi+lwel) conversation; dis- tihulon n. (tihu+lon) green course tihuceluk n. (tihu+celuk) lime tipa v. (Epo. 〈tipa〉 [ˈtipa]) be typical; ex- tihuki v. (tihu+ki) green; colour green; emplify; qualify; represent; the type of ʟєꜱ colours ʟᴏᴧ green ʟᴏᴧ is ʟᴜᴍ tihukio v. (tihu+kio) be emerald; ʟᴏᴧ is tipalon n. (tipa+lon) instance; example; made of emerald typical tihukiolon n. (tihukio+lon) emerald tipalum n. (tipa+lum) category; class; tihukwah n. (tihu+kwah) honeydew kind; type tihutatu v. (tihu+tatu) be copper; ʟᴏᴧ is tipanu v. (tipa+nu) disqualify; declassify; made of copper ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ not be an instance of ʟᴜᴍ tihutatulon n. (tihutatu+lon) copper tipaki v. (tipa+ki) categorise; classify; ʟєꜱ ’ticat n. (Eng. 〈T-shirt〉 [tʰiː ʃɚt]) T-shirt places ʟᴏᴧ as an instance of ʟᴜᴍ tife v. (luso) be inept; be unskillful; be tu v. (Cmn. 〈读〉 [tu˧˥]) read; load; inter- ineffective; be bad; ʟᴏᴧ is bad at causing pret; ʟєꜱ reads ʟᴜᴍ from the physical state ʟᴜᴍ of ʟᴏᴧ tifelon n. (tife+lon) inept; unskillful; inef- tue v. (Jav. 〈duwé〉 [tṳwe]) own; have; fective; bad possess; belong; ʟᴏᴧ owns ʟᴜᴍ tifecoh n. (tife+coh) nondominant hand tuelon n. (tue+lon) owner tifeki v. (tife+ki) untrain; forget; become tuelum n. (tue+lum) property rusty; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ become unskillful at tuenu v. (tue+nu) take; lose; give away; ʟᴜᴍ renounce ownership; ʟєꜱ takes ʟᴜᴍ from tifekiles n. (tifeki+les) untrainer ʟᴏᴧ tifekilon n. (tifeki+lon) rusty tuenules n. (tuenu+les) taker tifaoh n. (Epo. 〈tifao〉 [tiˈfao]) bulrush; tuenulon n. (tuenu+lon) loser reed; cattail; water sausage; Typha tuenulum n. (tuenu+lum) theft; prize; tik n. (Mar. 〈टक〉 [ʈik]) tick; mite; Acari taken tika v. (luna) be unsalty; ʟᴏᴧ is not salty tuecalu v. (tue+calu) keep; retain owner- tikalon n. (tika+lon) unsalty ship; ʟєꜱ lets ʟᴏᴧ keep ʟᴜᴍ tikaki v. (tika+ki) desalt; purify; ʟєꜱ tuecalulon n. (tuecalu+lon) keeper; makes ʟᴏᴧ less salty hoarder tiku v. (luni) be unlikely; be weird; be tuecalulum n. (tuecalu+lum) kept remarkable; be rare; be unexpected; be tueki v. (tue+ki) give; receive; obtain; get; strange; ʟᴏᴧ is unlikely transfer ownership; ʟєꜱ gives ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ tikulon n. (tiku+lon) coincidence; un- tuekiles n. (tueki+les) giver likely; weird; remarkable; rare; unex- tuekilon n. (tueki+lon) receiver; ob- pected; strange tainer tikulyan n. (tiku+lyan) rarity; weirdness tuekilum n. (tueki+lum) gift; given tikuki v. (tiku+ki) decrease chances; ʟєꜱ tuekilyot n. (tueki+lyot) source; dealer- makes ʟᴏᴧ less likely ship tikpic n. (tik+pic) castor bean; castor oil tuepowi v. (tue+powi) be obtainable; be 104 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY common; ʟᴜᴍ is obtainable to ʟᴏᴧ vore; something that eats meat tuepowilum n. (tuepowi+lum) obtain- tunci v. (Cmn. 〈统治〉 [tʰʊŋ˧˩˧ʈʂɨ˥˩])͡ govern; able; common administer; have citizenship; ʟᴜᴍ serves tuepowinyo v. (tuepowi+nyo) be rare; be as the governing body to ʟᴏᴧ unobtainable; ʟᴜᴍ is difficult for ʟᴏᴧ to tuncilon n. (tunci+lon) citizen; governed; obtain people tuepowinyolum n. (tuepowinyo+lum) tuncilum n. (tunci+lum) government rare; unobtainable tuncilumak n. (tuncilum+ak) public tul n. (Mar. 〈तूर〉 [tuːr]) pigeon pea; red tuncilwa v. (tunci+lwa) rebel; ʟєꜱ rebels gram; tropical green pea; gandule; Ca- against ʟᴏᴧ janus cajan tuncinu v. (tunci+nu) secede; collapse; tules n. (tu+les) reader impeach; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴜᴍ stop governing tulum n. (tu+lum) reading; sign; interpre- ʟᴏᴧ tation tuncinyotewi v. (tunci+nyotewi) be ille- tulse v. (Spa. 〈dulce〉 [ˈdulse]) be sweet; gal; be against the law; ʟᴏᴧ is prohibited be sweetened; ʟᴏᴧ is sweet by law from making ʟᴜᴍ happen tulseufalon n. (tulse+ufalon) sugar tuncinyotewilon n. (tuncinyotewi+lon) tulselon n. (tulse+lon) candy; sweet; illegal; against the law sweetened tuncinyotewilum n. (tuncinyotewi+lum) tulselyan n. (tulse+lyan) sweetness crime; felony; misdemeanor tulsekas n. (tulse+kas) sugarcane; cane tuncinyotewiki v. (tunci+nyotewiki) pro- sugar hibit; ban; pass law against; ʟєꜱ legally de- tulseki v. (tulse+ki) sweeten; ʟєꜱ makes clares that ʟᴏᴧ may not make ʟᴜᴍ happen ʟᴏᴧ become sweet tuncihauti v. (tunci+hauti) protest; ʟєꜱ tulsetupel n. (tulse+tupel) yam; sweet protests ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ potato tuncihautiles n. (tuncihauti+les) tulsepet n. (tulse+pet) sugar beet protester tulsepic n. (tulse+pic) cacao; cocoa; tunciki v. (tunci+ki) take over; elect; chocolate come to power; conquer; annex; ʟєꜱ ’tuwalu n. (Tvl. 〈Tuuvalu〉 [tuːvalu]) Tu- makes ʟᴜᴍ become the government of valu (archipleago); the Ellice Islands ʟᴏᴧ ’tuwaluak n. (’tuwalu+ak) Tuvaluan; tuncitewi v. (tunci+tewi) be legally re- from Tuvalu quired; be mandated by law; ʟᴏᴧ is re- ’tuwaluwon n. (’tuwalu+won) Tuvaluan; quired by law to make ʟᴜᴍ happen the Tuvaluan people tuncitewilon n. (tuncitewi+lon) legally ’tuwalutec n. (’tuwalu+tec) Tuvalu (coun- required; mandated by law try) tuncitewilum n. (tuncitewi+lum) law ’tuwalutilip n. (’tuwalu+tilip) Tuvaluan; tuncitewiki v. (tunci+tewiki) legislate; the Tuvaluan language mandate; pass law; ʟєꜱ legally declares tun n. (Cmn. 〈动物〉 [tʊŋ˥˩u˥˩]) animal; that ʟᴏᴧ must make ʟᴜᴍ happen meat; Animalia tuncitewikiles n. (tuncitewiki+les) legis- tunak n. (tun+ak) animal; meaty lator; legislature; parliament; congress (tuːnis]) Tunis tuncitewikilum n. (tuncitewiki+lum] 〈ﺕﻭﻥﺱ〉 .tunis n. (Ara’ ’tunisak n. (’tunis+ak) Tunisian; from new law Tunisia tumocalum n. (tu+mocalum) literature; ’tunistec n. (’tunis+tec) Tunisia book; blog; web serial; paper ’tunistecwon n. (’tunistec+won) ’tukiw n. (Dzo. 〈 〉 [ʈuk̚˩.yː˩]) འབྲུག་蝴ལ་ Tunisian; the Tunisian people Bhutan tunnyamales n. (tun+nyamales) carni- ’tukiwak n. (’tukiw+ak) Bhutanese; from 3.17. P 105

Bhutan ’pe n. (ono. [p]) p; /p/; bilabial plosive ’tukiwwon n. (’tukiw+won) Bhutanese; peal n. (Msa. 〈pear〉 [pear]) pear; Pyrus the Bhutanese people pealfolmo v. (peal+folmo) be pyriform; ’tukiwtilip n. (’tukiw+tilip) Dzongkha be pear-shaped; ʟᴏᴧ is fatter on one side tutumu v. (ono. [dudum dudum]) be than the other rhythmic; pulse; cycle; oscillate; flash; pealfolmolon n. (pealfolmo+lon) pyri- beat; ʟᴏᴧ happens rhythmically form; pear-shaped tutumuec n. (tutumu+ec) heart ’peycin n. (Cmn. 〈北京〉 [pej˨˩˦tɕiŋ˥])͡ Bei- tutumulon n. (tutumu+lon) rhythm; rou- jing; Peking tine; rhythmic pel num. (Msa. 〈per〉 [per]) over; ; tutumulyan n. (tutumu+lyan) frequency ; / tutumuhila v. (tutumu+hila) shake; vi- peles n. (pe+les) accompanied brate; ʟᴏᴧ shakes pela v. (mota) be small; be little; ʟᴏᴧ has tutumuhilaki v. (tutumuhila+ki) shake; a low volume vibrate; ʟєꜱ shakes ʟᴏᴧ pelaicilon n. (pela+icilon) plankton tutumucwelon n. (tutumu+cwelon) pelalon n. (pela+lon) small; little blood pelalic n. (pela+lic) tardigrade; water tutumucwelonkoki v. (tutumucwelon+ bear; moss piglet; Tardigrada koki) bleed; ʟєꜱ bleeds out ʟᴏᴧ ’pelaw n. (Pau. 〈Belau〉 [bɛlaw]) Palau; tutumucwelonkil n. (tutumucwelon+kil) Belau; Palaos; Pelew (landmass) leech ’pelawak n. (’pelaw+ak) Palauan; from tutumutilum n. (tutumu+tilum) maga- Palau zine; periodical ’pelawwon n. (’pelaw+won) Palauan; the tup num. (lim) B; eleven; only used for Palauan people duodecimal and hexadecimal ’pelawtec n. (’pelaw+tec) Palau; the Re- tupel n. (Epo. 〈tubero〉 [tuˈbero]) tuber; public of Palau enlarged nutrient-storing structure of a ’pelawtilip n. (’pelaw+tilip) Palauan; the plant Palauan language tupan n. (Pan. 〈ਤੂਫਾਨ〉 [t̪upʰɑn]) storm; pelamontalon n. (pela+montalon) tempest; violent and dangerous distur- sedan; saloon; car bance of the atmosphere pelacai v. (pela+cai) adore; be cute; ʟᴏᴧ tupanak n. (tupan+ak) stormy; cycloni- finds ʟᴜᴍ cute cal pelacailum n. (pelacai+lum) cute tupak n. (tup+ak) eleventh pelafut n. (pela+fut) berry tyen num. (Cmn. 〈點〉 [tjɛn˧˩˥]) point; radix pelakap n. (pela+kap) minnow point; period pelakol n. (pela+kol) Brussels sprouts ’tyencin n. (Cmn. 〈天津〉 [tʰjɛn˥tɕin˥])͡ pelaki v. (pela+ki) shrink; contract; con- Tianjin; Tientsin strict; ʟєꜱ shrinks ʟᴏᴧ ’twinitat n. (Eng. 〈Trinidad〉 [tɹɪnɪdæd]) pelakiles n. (pelaki+les) shrinker Trinidad; Cairi; Tukusi pelakwap n. (pela+kwap) shrimp ’twinitatak n. (’twinitat+ak) Trididadian pelatawh n. (pela+tawh) cherry pelapucolon n. (pela+pucolon) apostro- phe pelapus n. (pela+pus) zucchini; cour- 3.17 P gette pelon n. (pe+lon) companion; accompa- pe v. (Cmn. 〈陪〉 [pʰeɪ̯˧˥]) accompany; niment; mate; partner; company; com- come with; be together; be beside; accom- rade; together; beside panitive; ʟᴏᴧ accompanies ʟєꜱ ’pelillium n. (Lat. 〈beryllium〉 [bɛrillɪʊ̃]) 106 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY beryllium the Beninese people ’pelis n. (Eng. 〈Belize〉 [bəˈliːz]) Belize ’peneswela n. (Spa. 〈Venezuela〉 ’pelisak n. (’pelis+ak) Belizean; from Be- [beneˈswela]) Venezuelan; the Venezue- lize lan people ’peliswon n. (’pelis+won) Belizean; the ’peneswelaak n. (’peneswela+ak) Belizean people Venezuelan; from Venezuela ’pelu n. (Spa. 〈Perú〉 [peˈɾu]) Peru ’peneswelatec n. (’peneswela+tec) ’peluak n. (’pelu+ak) Peruvian; from Venezuela Peru pensi v. (Epo. 〈pensi〉 [ˈpensi]) think; ap- ’peluwon n. (’pelu+won) Peruvian; the pear; be apparent; ʟᴏᴧ consciously de- Peruvian people cides that ʟᴜᴍ is true; see ”be sure” and pellim num. (pel+lim) fifth; one fifth; 1/5; ”believe” .2 pensiyato v. (pensi+yato) disagree; ʟᴏᴧ pelhat num. (pel+hat) eighth; one eighth; disagrees with ʟᴜᴍ 1/8; .125 pensilon n. (pensi+lon) thinker; accepter pelsan num. (pel+san) third; one third; pensilial n. (pensi+lial) evidence 1/3; .̅3 pensilum n. (pensi+lum) opinion; appar- pelfol num. (pel+fol) quarter; fourth; one ent fourth; 1/4; .25 pensiwale v. (pensi+wale) agree; ʟᴏᴧ ’pelkia n. (Nld. 〈België〉 [bɛlɣiə]) Belgium agrees with ʟᴜᴍ ’pelkiaak n. (’pelkia+ak) Belgian; from pensisoma v. (pensi+soma) do psychol- Belgium ogy; ʟєꜱ studies the human mind to learn ’pelkiawon n. (’pelkia+won) Belgian; the about ʟᴏᴧ Belgian people pensisomales n. (pensisoma+les) psy- peltos num. (pel+tos) half; ; 1/2; chologist .5 pensisomalon n. (pensisoma+lon) psy- peltosefe v. (peltos+efe) be minority; ʟᴏᴧ chology is less than half of ʟᴜᴍ pensiki v. (pensi+ki) persuade; convince; peltosefelon n. (peltosefe+lon) minority ʟєꜱ leads ʟᴏᴧ to determine that ʟᴜᴍ is true peltososo v. (peltos+oso) be majority; be pemamalon n. (pe+mamalon) sibling most; ʟᴏᴧ is most of ʟᴜᴍ ’pehen n. (Dan. 〈Bering〉 [beʁɛŋɡ]) peltososolon n. (peltososo+lon) majority; Bering; Vitus Jonassen Bering; Ivan most Ivanovich Bering pewo v. (moye) misunderstand; be con- ’pehenlawt n. (’pehen+lawt) Bering Sea fused; be cryptic; ʟᴏᴧ does not under- peha v. (moca) be bored; ʟᴏᴧ is bored by stand ʟᴜᴍ well ʟᴜᴍ pewolon n. (pewo+lon) confused pehalon n. (peha+lon) bored pewolum n. (pewo+lum) misunderstood; pehalum n. (peha+lum) boring cryptic pehafake v. (peha+fake) be sober; be dry; pewoki v. (pewo+ki) confuse; unlearn; ʟᴏᴧ is sober ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ stop understanding ʟᴜᴍ pehafakelon n. (pehafake+lon) sober; pewokiles n. (pewoki+les) confuser dry pewopatili v. (pewo+patili) encode; ʟєꜱ pehaki v. (peha+ki) bore; tire; kill joy; ʟєꜱ encodes ʟᴏᴧ as ʟᴜᴍ makes ʟᴏᴧ be bored by ʟᴜᴍ pewopatililip n. (pewopatili+lip) code pehakifake v. (peha+ki+fake) have hang- ’penen n. (Fra. 〈Bénin〉 [benɛ̃]) Benin over; ʟᴏᴧ has a hangover ’penenak n. (’penen+ak) Beninese; Beni- pes n. (Spa. 〈pez〉 [pes]) fish; nois; from Benin pisces; ichthyes; Gnathostomata minus ’penenwon n. (’penen+won) Beninese; Tetrapoda 3.17. P 107 pesak n. (pes+ak) pescous; aquatic ’pala n. (Ind. 〈pala〉 [pala]) nutmeg; ’peso n. (Spa. 〈peso〉 [ˈpeso]) peso; $; ₱ Myristica fragrans balɑħ]) date; date] 〈ﺏﻝﺡ〉 .peslisat n. (pes+lisat) amphibian ’palah n. (Ara peslisatak n. (peslisat+ak) amphibious palm; Phoenix dactylifera pesfolmo v. (pes+folmo) be pisciform; be ’palahnu v. (’palah+nu) break up; stop fish-shaped; ʟᴏᴧ has a larger round bit going out; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ stop dating ʟᴜᴍ connected to a triangular bit ’palahki v. (’palah+ki) ask out; set up; pesfolmolon n. (pesfolmo+lon) pisci- start going out; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ start dating form; fish-shaped ʟᴜᴍ peka v. (Xho. 〈-pheka〉 [pʰɛka]) cook; pre- ’palahkiles n. (’palahki+les) match- pare; make; boil; steam; broil; marinate; maker grill; smoke; bake; toast; microwave; ʟєꜱ ’palasiw n. (Por. 〈Brasil〉 [bɾaˈziw]) Brazil cooks ʟᴏᴧ ’palasiwak n. (’palasiw+ak) Brazilian; pekales n. (peka+les) cook; chef; baker from Brazil pekalon n. (peka+lon) cooking ’palasiwwon n. (’palasiw+won) Brazil- pekaluat n. (peka+luat) pot; pan ian; the Brazilian people pekweki v. (pe+kweki) interact; inter- ’palasiwtec n. (’palasiw+tec) Brazil fere; involve; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ interact with ’palakway n. (Gug. 〈Paraguái〉 ʟᴜᴍ [paɾaˈɰwaj]) Paraguay pekwekiluat n. (pekweki+luat) interface ’palakwayak n. (’palakway+ak) pet n. (Epo. 〈beto〉 [ˈbeto]) beet; beetroot; Paraguayan; from Paraguay sugar beet; chard; Beta ’palakwaywon n. (’palakway+won) peta v. (Sot. 〈pheta〉 [pʰetʼɑ]) repeat; do Paraguayan; the Paraguayan people again; return to; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ happen pali v. (Hin. 〈भार〉 [b̤aːriː]) be heavy; multiple times weigh; be massive; ʟᴏᴧ is heavy petalwelkwekilon n. (peta+ palilon n. (pali+lon) weight; heavy- lwelkwekilon) tradition; ritual; cere- weight; heavy; massive mony palilyan n. (pali+lyan) weight; mass petasoma v. (peta+soma) research; ʟєꜱ palinoluat n. (pali+noluat) scale; balance finds information about ʟᴜᴍ and uses it paliki v. (pali+ki) weight; weigh; burden; to update ʟᴏᴧ ʟєꜱ weighs down ʟᴏᴧ petasomales n. (petasoma+les) re- palitatu v. (pali+tatu) be lead; ʟᴏᴧ is searcher made of lead petasomalon n. (petasoma+lon) re- palitatulon n. (palitatu+lon) lead ([brunaj] 〈ﺏﺭﻭﻥﻱ〉 .search; notes; archive ’palunay n. (Kxd petasomalum n. (petasoma+lum) Brunei reasearch topic ’palunayak n. (’palunay+ak) Bruneian; petue v. (pe+tue) share; be communal; from Brunei the members of ʟᴏᴧ share ʟᴜᴍ ’palunaywon n. (’palunay+won) petuelon n. (petue+lon) sharers Bruneian; the Bruneian people petuelum n. (petue+lum) commons; ’palunaytilip n. (’palunay+tilip) Brunei communal Malay pale v. (Pan. 〈ਬਾਰੇ〉 [bɑɾe]) be related; be palnyamaluat n. (pal+nyamaluat) chop- about; focus; ʟᴏᴧ is about ʟᴜᴍ sticks pal n. (Spa. 〈palo〉 [ˈpalo]) stick; rod; palcuc n. (pal+cuc) stickbug limb; beam; rigid roughly straight one- ’palkali n. (Bul. 〈българи〉 [ˈbɤɫɡɐri]) Bul- dimensional object garian; the Bulgarian people palelon n. (pale+lon) related; about ’palkaliak n. (’palkali+ak) Bulgarian; palelum n. (pale+lum) topic; subject from Bulgaria 108 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY

’palkalitec n. (’palkali+tec) Bulgaria cover; environment; context ’palkalitilip n. (’palkali+tilip) Bulgarian; pawelum n. (pawe+lum) surrounded; the Bulgarian language covered palto v. (Epo. 〈parto〉 [ˈparto]) be part; be pawelyan n. (pawe+lyan) coverage in; compose; contain; comprise; include; paweki v. (pawe+ki) surround; cover; ʟєꜱ ʟᴏᴧ is part of ʟᴜᴍ surrounds ʟᴏᴧ with ʟᴜᴍ paltolon n. (palto+lon) piece; compo- pawekiles n. (paweki+les) coverer nent; element; detail; part; in pawaf n. (ono. [baw waw wof]) canine; paltoloniti v. (paltolon+iti) be detail- dog; wolf; dingo; fox; pup; cub; Canidae oriented; ʟᴏᴧ tends to focus on small de- pawafak n. (pawaf+ak) canine tails pana ptcl. (Cmn. 〈吧〉 [pa]) please; polite paltolonitilon n. (paltoloniti+lon) detail- imperative mood oriented ’panama n. (Spa. 〈Panamá〉 [panaˈma]) paltolum n. (palto+lum) group; whole; Panama set; party; association; organisation; insti- ’panamaak n. (’panama+ak) Panama- tution nian; from Panama paltolumiti v. (paltolum+iti) think big ’panamawon n. (’panama+won) Pana- picture; think grandly; ʟᴏᴧ tends to think manian; the Panamanian people of the big picture panati v. (pana+ti) request; ʟєꜱ politely paltolyan n. (palto+lyan) portion; frac- asks ʟᴏᴧ to make ʟᴜᴍ happen tion panatiles n. (panati+les) requester paltonu v. (palto+nu) leave; separate; re- panatilon n. (panati+lon) requestee move; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ leave ʟᴜᴍ panatilum n. (panati+lum) request paltonules n. (paltonu+les) remover ’panla n. (Ben. 〈বাংলা〉 [ˈbaŋla]) Bangla paltokanu v. (pal+tokanu) stab; ʟєꜱ stabs ’panlaak n. (’panla+ak) Bangladeshi; ʟᴏᴧ from Bangladesh paltokanulon n. (paltokanu+lon) pin- ’panlawon n. (’panla+won) Bengali; the cushion Bengali people paltokanuluat n. (paltokanu+luat) dag- ’panlatec n. (’panla+tec) Bangladesh ger; stake ’panlatecwon n. (’panlatec+won) paltoki v. (palto+ki) join; incorporate; Bangladeshi; the Bangladeshi people add; append; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ join ʟᴜᴍ ’panlatilip n. (’panla+tilip) Bengali; paltokiles n. (paltoki+les) joiner Bangla; the Bengali language paltopowi v. (palto+powi) be inclusive; ’pancap n. (Pan. 〈ਪੰਜਾਬ〉 [pə̃dʒɑːb])͡ Pub- be open; be eligible; ʟᴜᴍ is open to ʟᴏᴧ jab; Panjab joining ’pancapak n. (’pancap+ak) Punjabi; in paltopowilon n. (paltopowi+lon) eligible Punjabi paltopowilum n. (paltopowi+lum) inclu- ’pancapwon n. (’pancap+won) Punjabi; sive; open the Punjabi people paltopowinyo v. (paltopowi+nyo) be ex- ’pancaptilip n. (’pancap+tilip) Punjabi; clusive; be closed; be ineligible; ʟᴜᴍ ex- the cludes ʟᴏᴧ from joining ’pama n. (Mya. 〈 〉 [bəmà]) Bamar; paltopowinyolon n. (paltopowinyo+lon) Burmese; Burman; theဗမာ Burmese people ineligible ’pamaak n. (’pama+ak) Myanma; paltopowinyolum n. (paltopowinyo+ Burmese; from Myanmar lum) exclusive; closed ’pamatec n. (’pama+tec) Myanmar; pawe v. (Cmn. 〈包围〉 [pɑʊ̯˥weɪ̯˧˥]) sur- Burma round; cover; ʟᴏᴧ covers most of ʟᴜᴍ ’pamatilip n. (’pama+tilip) Burmese; pawelon n. (pawe+lon) surroundings; Myanmar; the Burmese language 3.17. P 109 pamapolte v. (Ben. 〈বামাবেত쇍 〉 [bamabɔrt̪e]) der; deep be turned counterclockwise; be widder- paholum n. (paho+lum) standard alti- shins; ʟᴏᴧ appears rotated counterclock- tude; usually sea level wise from the orientation ʟᴜᴍ from the paholyan n. (paho+lyan) lowness; deele- point of view of ʟᴜᴍ vation; altitude; layer pamapoltelon n. (pamapolte+lon) pahonyec n. (paho+nyec) mole turned counterclockwise; widdershins pahocwemontalon n. (paho+ pamapoltelum n. (pamapolte+lum) orig- cwemontalon) submarine inal orientation; right-side up pahoki v. (paho+ki) lower; descend; de- pamapoltelyan n. (pamapolte+lyan) ori- press; ʟєꜱ decreases ʟᴏᴧ’s altitude relative entation; rotation to ʟᴜᴍ pamapolteki v. (pamapolte+ki) rotate pahokiles n. (pahoki+les) one who low- counterclockwise; ʟєꜱ turns ʟᴏᴧ counter- ers clockwise from ʟᴜᴍ’s point of view pahotayl n. (paho+tayl) lowlands pamapoltekiles n. (pamapolteki+les) pahotielon n. (paho+tielon) go under; counterclockwise turner ʟєꜱ moves ʟᴏᴧ under ʟᴜᴍ -ba˨ˈha˦ʔi˦]) pahopoltilum n. (paho+poltilum) under] 〈ﺏﻩﺍﺉﯼ 〉 .pahai n. (Fas’ Bahá’í; the Bahá’í Faith; Bahaism wear ’pahaiak n. (’pahai+ak) Bahá’í; of the ’pahi n. (Fra. 〈Paris〉 [paˈʁi]) Paris ([baħrajn] 〈ﺏﺡﺭﻱﻥ 〉 .Bahá’í Faith ’pahlayn n. (Ara ’pahaiwon n. (’pahai+won) Bahá’í; fol- Bahrain lowers of Bahá’u’lláh ’pahlaynak n. (’pahlayn+ak) Bahraini; ’pahama n. (Eng. 〈The Bahamas〉 from Bahrain [bəˈhɑːmə]) The Bahamas ’pahlaynwon n. (’pahlayn+won) ’pahamaak n. (’pahama+ak) Bahamian; Bahraini; the Bahraini people from the Bahamas ([pəʂt̪aːnə] 〈ﭖښﺕﺍﻥﻩ 〉 .pactan n. (Prs’ ’pahamatec n. (’pahama+tec) Bahamian; Pashtun; Pakhtun; Afghan; Pathan; the the Bahamian People Pashtun people ’pahamatilip n. (’pahama+tilip) Ba- ’pactanak n. (’pactan+ak) Pashtun; of hamian Creole Pashtuns ’pahasafil n. (Fra. 〈Brazzaville〉 ’pactantilip n. (’pactan+tilip) Pashto; the [bʁazavil]) Brazzaville Pashto language ’pahasafil’konotec n. (’pahasafil+ pas n. (Eng. 〈path〉 [pʰæθ]) path; line; ’konotec) Republic of the Congo curve; one-dimensional locus ’pahasafil’konotecwon n. (’pa- pasak n. (pas+ak) linear; curvilinear hasafil’konotec+won) Congolese; the peo- ’pakistan n. (Pan. 〈ਪਾਿਕਸਤਾਨ 〉 [pɑːkɪstɑːn]) ple of the Republic of the Congo Pakistan ’pahasafil’konotecak n. (’pa- ’pakistanak n. (’pakistan+ak) Pakistani; hasafil’konotec+ak) Congolese; from Re- from Pakistan public of the Congo ’pakistanwon n. (’pakistan+won) Pak- paho v. (Spa. 〈bajo〉 [ˈbaxo]) be low; be istani; the Pakistani people under; be deep; ʟᴏᴧ has a lower altitude ’pakistantilip n. (’pakistan+tilip) ; than ʟᴜᴍ the Urdu language ’pahoehoe n. (Haw. 〈pāhoehoe〉 pakha v. (manca) be to the left; ʟᴏᴧ has a [paːˈhoweˈhowe]) pahoehoe negative x coordinate from ʟᴜᴍ’s point of paholekcohpoltilum n. (paho+ view lekcohpoltilum) sock; stocking pakhalon n. (pakha+lon) left side; to the paholon n. (paho+lon) bottom; depths; left ground; earth; hell; underlayer; low; un- pakhaki v. (pakha+ki) go left; ʟєꜱ makes 110 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY

ʟᴏᴧ move left from ʟᴜᴍ’s point of view Babylon paktel n. (Jav. 〈baktèri〉 [pɑ̤ktɛɽi]) ’papyuta n. (Aig. 〈Barbuda〉 [bɑːˈbjuːdə]) prokaryote; bacterium; archaeon; cellu- Barbuda lar organism with no nucleus ’papyutaak n. (’papyuta+ak) Barbudan paktelcwelon n. (paktel+cwelon) pus poyn n. (Eng. 〈point〉 [pʰɔɪ̯nt]) point; par- paktelcwelonnelum n. (paktelcwelon+ ticular time or place nelum) pimple; abscess poynak n. (poyn+ak) particular; local patam n. (Hin. 〈बादाम〉 [baːdaːm]) almond; ’pol n. (Pol. 〈pol-〉 [pɔl]) Pole; the Polish Prunus dulcis people pato v. (Fil. 〈bato〉 [bato]) be stone; be pola v. (Ben. 〈বলা〉 [bɔl̪a]) speak; voice; rock; be earthen; ʟᴏᴧ is made out of earth say out loud; ʟєꜱ says ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ out loud patoisa v. (pato+isa) be gravel; course polaec n. (pola+ec) larynx; vocal chords; sand; ʟᴏᴧ is made of gravel voice box patoisalon n. (patoisa+lon) gravel polaak n. (pola+ak) phonetic patoufa v. (pato+ufa) be sand; be dust; polai v. (Ben. 〈বড়াই〉 [bɔɽai]) bounce; ʟᴏᴧ is made of sand spring; ʟєꜱ bounces ʟᴏᴧ off of ʟᴜᴍ patoufaut n. (patoufa+ut) camel polailes n. (polai+les) bouncer patoufalon n. (patoufa+lon) pile of sand; polailon n. (polai+lon) spring sand; dust polaikio v. (polai+kio) be rubber; ʟᴏᴧ is patoufatayl n. (patoufa+tayl) desert made of rubber patolon n. (pato+lon) stone; rock; polaikiolon n. (polaikio+lon) rubber earthen polaipowi v. (polai+powi) be elastic; be patolontuekilyot n. (patolon+tuekilyot) bouncy; be springy; ʟᴏᴧ bounces well mine; quarry polaipowilon n. (polaipowi+lon) elastic; patocwelon n. (pato+cwelon) lava; bouncy; springy magma polaipowilyan n. (polaipowi+lyan) elas- patoki v. (pato+ki) turn to stone; earthify; ticicity ʟєꜱ turns ʟᴏᴧ to stone polaipowinu v. (polaipowi+nu) deelas- patoteluat n. (pato+teluat) pencil tify; make inelastic; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ less patili v. (Swa. 〈-badili〉 [ɓaɗili]) convert; elastic translate; transform; represent; encode; polaipowinyo v. (polaipowi+nyo) be in- ʟєꜱ conveys ʟᴏᴧ in the form ʟᴜᴍ elastic; be unbouncy; be flat; be hard; ʟᴏᴧ patililes n. (patili+les) converter; transla- does not bounce well tor polaipowinyolon n. (polaipowinyo+lon) patililip n. (patili+lip) transformation inelastic; unbouncy; flat; hard patililum n. (patili+lum) translation; polaipowikac n. (polaipowi+kac) rubber symbol; representative tree; latex patilihwok n. (patili+hwok) flag; banner polaipowiki v. (polaipowi+ki) elastify; ’papeytos n. (Bjs. 〈Barbados〉 bouncify; make elastic; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ [bɑːɹˈbeɪ̯dɒs]) Barbados (landmass) elastic ’papeytosak n. (’papeytos+ak) Barba- polales n. (pola+les) speaker dian; from Barbados ’polalis n. (Lat. 〈Polaris〉 [polaris]) Po- ’papeytoswon n. (’papeytos+won) Barba- laris; the North Star dian; Bajan; the Barbadian people ’polalisawstalis n. (Lat. 〈Polaris Aus- ’papeytostec n. (’papeytos+tec) Barba- tralis〉 [pɔlarɪs awstralɪs]) Sigma Octantis; dos (country) Polaris Australis; the South Star ’papeytostilip n. (’papeytos+tilip) Bajan polalip n. (pola+lip) accent; manner of Creole speech ’papilim n. (Akk. 〈↍‭⊏↠〉 [baːbili]) polaluat n. (pola+luat) voice 3.17. P 111 polalum n. (pola+lum) quote; words; powinu v. (powi+nu) prevent; ʟєꜱ makes phrase; utterance; speech ʟᴏᴧ stop being possible polamocaki v. (pola+mocaki) storytell; powiki v. (powi+ki) enable; ʟєꜱ makes ʟєꜱ tells ʟᴜᴍ to ʟᴏᴧ ʟᴏᴧ become possible polamocakiles n. (polamocaki+les) sto- ponto v. (Ben. 〈ব〉 [bɔn̪d̪̤ ɔ]) be closed; ryteller; host be hollow; be looped; be complete; ʟᴏᴧ is polamocakilum n. (polamocaki+lum) closed on all sides story; tale; audiobook; radio pontolon n. (ponto+lon) shell; loop; cir- polacipcip n. (pola+cipcip) parrot; cuit; circle; ring; closed path; closed sur- Psittaciformes face; closed; hollow; looped; complete ’polak n. (’pol+ak) Polish; from Poland pontosiklalon n. (ponto+siklalon) ring; polapaltolon n. (pola+paltolon) sound; hoop; band; circlet phoneme pontoki v. (ponto+ki) close; shut; loop; ’polium n. (Lat. 〈borium〉 [borɪʊ̃]) boron ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ closed ’polinesi n. (Fra. 〈Polynésie〉 [ˈpolinezi]) pontokiles n. (pontoki+les) closer Polynesia ’pohotestantismus n. (Deu. 〈Protes- ’polinesiak n. (’polinesi+ak) Polynesian; tantismus〉 [ˌpʀ̥otɛstanˈtɪsmʊs]) Protes- from Polynesia tantism ’polinesiwon n. (’polinesi+won) Polyne- ’pohotestantismuswon n. (’pohotes- sian; the Polynesian people tantismus+won) Protestant; follower of ’polipya n. (Spa. 〈Bolivia〉 [boˈliβja]) Bo- Protestantism livia ’pohotestantismusak n. (’pohotes- ’polipyaak n. (’polipya+ak) Bolivian; tantismus+ak) Protestant; of Protes- from Bolivia tantism ’polipyawon n. (’polipya+won) Bolivian; poca v. (Ben. 〈পচা〉 [pɔtɕa])͡ be rotten; ʟᴏᴧ the Bolivian people is rotten ’polum n. (Lat. 〈Porrum〉 [pɔrːʊ̃]) leek pocalon n. (poca+lon) rotten ’poltec n. (’pol+tec) Poland pocaki v. (poca+ki) rot; ʟєꜱ rots ʟᴏᴧ polti v. (Epo. 〈porti〉 [ˈporti]) wear; be ’posna n. (Bos. 〈Bosna〉 [bɔ̂sna]) Bosna; clothed; ʟᴏᴧ wears ʟᴜᴍ the River Bosna poltilon n. (polti+lon) clothed ’posnaak n. (’posna+ak) Bosnian ’poltilip n. (’pol+tilip) Polish; the Polish ’posnawon n. (’posna+won) Bosnian; the language Bosnian people poltilum n. (polti+lum) clothing; clothes; ’posnakwelyot n. (’posna+kwelyot) article Bosnia poltinu v. (polti+nu) take off; undress; ’posnatec n. (’posna+tec) Bosnia and disrobje; ʟєꜱ takes ʟᴜᴍ off of ʟᴏᴧ Herzegovina; Bosnia–Herzegovina; poltinules n. (poltinu+les) undresser Bosnia poltinulon n. (poltinu+lon) undressee ’posnatilip n. (’posna+tilip) Bosnian; the poltinyokiah n. (polti+nyo+kiah) vulture Bosnian language poltiki v. (polti+ki) put on; dress; robe; pok num. (men) positive; plus; + ʟєꜱ puts ʟᴜᴍ on ʟᴏᴧ ’poksimacentawli n. (Lat. 〈Proxima Cen- poltikiles n. (poltiki+les) dresser tauri〉 [prɔksɪma tʃɛntawrɪ])͡ Proxima Cen- poltikilon n. (poltiki+lon) dressee tauri powi v. (Epo. 〈povi〉 [ˈpovi]) be possible; ’potasium n. (Lat. 〈potassium〉 [pɔtassɪʊ̃]) can; might; may; possibility; ʟᴏᴧ can hap- potassium pen ’ n. (Grc. 〈π〉 [pi]) pi; 3.142… powilon n. (powi+lon) possibility; possi- piac n. (Pan. 〈ਿਪਆਜ〉 [pɪɑdʒ])͡ onion; gar- ble lic; leek; scallion; Allium 112 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY piasa v. (Msa. 〈biasa〉 [biasa]) be famil- pilucakalum n. (pilu+cakalum) cobalt iar with; know; be accustomed; be used (substance) to; ʟᴜᴍ is familiar to ʟᴏᴧ pilus n. (Spa. 〈virus〉 [ˈbiɾus]) virus piasalon n. (piasa+lon) familiar with; ac- piluki v. (pilu+ki) colour blue; ʟєꜱ colours customed; used to ʟᴏᴧ blue piasalum n. (piasa+lum) familiar to; ac- pilut n. (pil+ut) llama quaintance pilutihu v. (pilu+tihu) be cyan; be teal; be piasaki v. (piasa+ki) familiarise; get to blue-green; ʟᴏᴧ looks cyan know; get accustomed; practise; intro- pilutihulon n. (pilutihu+lon) cyan; teal; duce; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ become familiar blue-green with ʟᴜᴍ pilutihuki v. (pilutihu+ki) colour cyan; piasakiles n. (piasaki+les) familiariser colour teal; colour blue-green; ʟєꜱ colours pil n. (Nya. 〈phiri〉 [pʰiɽi]) mountain; ʟᴏᴧ cyan large elevated region of a planet’s crust pilmuf n. (pil+muf) goat pila v. (Hin. 〈पीला〉 [piːlaː]) be yellow; ʟᴏᴧ pih num. (muc) little; few; slight reflects medium wavelength light pihonalon n. (pih+onalon) hut; cottage pilalon n. (pila+lon) yellow pihlono v. (pih+lono) be monochromatic; pilalyan n. (pila+lyan) yellowness ʟᴏᴧ has few colours pilaceluk n. (pila+celuk) lemon pihlonolon n. (pihlono+lon) monochro- pilacwelon n. (pila+cwelon) urine; pee matic pilacwelonec n. (pilacwelon+ec) bladder pihcai v. (pih+cai) have affinity; be fond; pilacwelonkoki v. (pilacwelon+koki) uri- not mind; ʟᴏᴧ has an affinity for ʟᴜᴍ nate; pee; ʟєꜱ urinates out ʟᴏᴧ pihcailon n. (pihcai+lon) fond pilak n. (pil+ak) mountainous; montani- pihcih n. (pih+cih) village; town cal pihcwelon n. (pih+cwelon) puddle pilaki v. (pila+ki) yellow; colour yellow; pihcwepucolon n. (pih+cwepucolon) ʟєꜱ colours ʟᴏᴧ yellow brook; stream; rivulet pilatatu v. (pila+tatu) be gold; ʟᴏᴧ is pihtec n. (pih+tec) tribe made of gold pihtayl n. (pih+tayl) island; landmass pilatatulon n. (pilatatu+lon) gold that is smaller than a continent and ’pilinsipi n. (Por. 〈Príncipe〉 [ˈpɾĩsɨpɨ]) bounded by ocean Príncipe pihtafu v. (pih+tafu) itch; ʟᴏᴧ’s ʟᴜᴍ itches ’pilinsipiak n. (’pilinsipi+ak) Príncipean; pihtafulum n. (pihtafu+lum) itch from Príncipe pihtue v. (pih+tue) be poor; be destitute; ’pilipinas n. (Fil. 〈Pilipinas〉 [pɪlɪpinas]) ʟᴏᴧ is financially poor Philippines (archipelago) pihtuelon n. (pihtue+lon) poor; destitute ’pilipinasak n. (’pilipinas+ak) Filipino; pihtunci v. (pih+tunci) rule as an oli- Philippine; from the Philippines garchy; ʟᴜᴍ rules ʟᴏᴧ ’pilipinaswon n. (’pilipinas+won) Fil- pihtuncilum n. (pihtunci+lum) oligarchy ipino; Filipina; Pinoy; Pinay; the Filipino pihtuncilyot n. (pihtunci+lyot) oli- people garchic kingdom ’pilipinastec n. (’pilipinas+tec) Philip- pihpatolon n. (pih+patolon) pebble pines; the Republic of the Philippines pihpil n. (pih+pil) hill ’pilipinastilip n. (’pilipinas+tilip) Fil- pihpyo v. (pih+pyo) creep out; ʟᴏᴧ finds ipino ʟᴜᴍ creepy pilu v. (Msa. 〈biru〉 [biru]) be blue; be pihpyolon n. (pihpyo+lon) creeped out cool; ʟᴏᴧ reflects short wavelength light pihpyolum n. (pihpyo+lum) creepy; pilulon n. (pilu+lon) blue; cool creeper pilulyan n. (pilu+lyan) blueness ͡ pic n. (Hin. 〈बीज〉 [biːdʒ]) seed; small 3.17. P 113 courier of genetic information pulakiles n. (pulaki+les) cleaner picec n. (pic+ec) testicle pulakiluat n. (pulaki+luat) cleaning uten- picak n. (pic+ak) seminal sil picin n. (Eng. 〈pigeon〉 [ˈpʰɪdʒɪn])͡ pigeon; ’pulomium n. (Lat. 〈bromium〉 [bromɪʊ̃]) dove; sandgrouse; mesite; Columbimor- bromine phae puli v. (Pan. 〈ਪੂਰੀ〉 [puɾi]) be full; ʟᴏᴧ is pis n. (Epo. 〈pizo〉 [ˈpizo]) pea; green pea; full of ʟᴜᴍ Pisum pulilon n. (puli+lon) full ’pisaw n. (Por. 〈Bissau〉 [biˈsaw]) Bissau pulilum n. (puli+lum) filling ’pisaw’kine n. (’pisaw+’kine) Guinea- puliki v. (puli+ki) fill; ʟєꜱ fills ʟᴏᴧ with Bissau; the Republic of Guinea-Bissau ʟᴜᴍ ’pisaw’kineak n. (’pisaw’kine+ak) ’pulusel n. (Nld. 〈Brussel〉 [ˈbrʏsəl]) Brus- Bissau-Guinean; from Guinea-Bissau sels ’pisaw’kinewon n. (’pisaw’kine+won) pulciuh n. (pul+ciuh) orchid Bissau-Guinean; the Bissau-Guinean peo- pultun n. (pul+tun) sea anemone; sea ple fan; seawhip pikante v. (Spa. 〈picante〉 [piˈkante]) be ’pultukal n. (Por. 〈Portugal〉 [puɾtuˈɣal]) spicy; be hot; ʟᴏᴧ is spicy Portugal pikantelon n. (pikante+lon) spicy; hot ’pultukalak n. (’pultukal+ak) Por- pikantelyan n. (pikante+lyan) spiciness; tuguese; in Portuguese spice; heat ’pultukalwon n. (’pultukal+won) Por- pikantefut n. (pikante+fut) pepper tuguese; the Portuguese people pikanteki v. (pikante+ki) spice; ʟєꜱ ’pultukaltilip n. (’pultukal+tilip) Por- makes ʟᴏᴧ become spicy tuguese; the pit num. (Jav. 〈pitu〉 [pitu]) 7; seven pulpiac n. (pul+piac) chives; Allium pitak n. (pit+ak) seventh schoenoprasum pitnul num. (pit+nul) 70; seventy pum n. (Hin. 〈भूम〉 [b̤uːmi]) ground; pitnulnul num. (pit+nul+nul) 700; seven planet; gravitationally-bound solid mass hundred puma v. (ono. [bum]) boom; crash; ʟєꜱ ’pitsa n. (Ita. 〈pizza〉 [ˈpitsːa])͡ pizza makes ʟᴏᴧ pitsunkwelwel n. (pit+sunkwelwel) Sun- pumalon n. (puma+lon) boom; crash; day sudden, low-pitched sound or action ’pitkoyn n. (Eng. 〈bitcoin〉 [ˈbɪtkɔɪ̯n]) bit- pumak n. (pum+ak) terrestrial; plane- coin; ₿ tary pitkwelwel n. (pit+kwelwel) week pumap n. (pum+ap) landfowl; chicken; turkey; pheasant pul n. (Hin. 〈फूल〉 [pʰuːl]) flower; pollen- bearing structure of a flowering plant pummontalon n. (pum+montalon) car; pula v. (Epo. 〈pura〉 [ˈpura]) be clean; be truck sanitary; ʟᴏᴧ is clean pumhila v. (pum+hila) earthquake; ʟᴏᴧ pulalon n. (pula+lon) clean; sanitary is struck by an earthquake from ʟєꜱ pulanelon n. (pula+nelon) bathroom; re- pumhilales n. (pumhila+les) faultline stroom pumkwelwel n. (pum+kwelwel) year pulasapu v. (pula+sapu) scrub; brush; pumtupel n. (pum+tupel) potato; tuber; ʟєꜱ scrubs ʟᴏᴧ Solanum tuberosum pulasapuluat n. (pulasapu+luat) scrub- ’puhkinafaso n. (Fra. 〈Burkina〉 [buʁk- ber; brush ina]) Burkina Faso pulak n. (pul+ak) floral ’puhkinafasoak n. (’puhkinafaso+ak) pulaki v. (pula+ki) clean; sanitise; ʟєꜱ Burkinabé; Burkinabè; from Burkina cleans ʟᴏᴧ Faso 114 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY

’puhkinafasowon n. (’puhkinafaso+ putiluci v. (puti+luci) be pink; be rose; won) Burkinabé; the Burkinabé people ʟᴏᴧ looks pink puhte v. (miclo) be pure; ʟᴏᴧ is pure of putilucilon n. (putiluci+lon) pink; rose ʟᴜᴍ putiluciki v. (putiluci+ki) pinken; rose- puhtelon n. (puhte+lon) pure tint; colour pink; ʟєꜱ colours ʟᴏᴧ pink puhtecwelon n. (puhte+cwelon) fresh- putilyan n. (puti+lyan) whiteness; value water putimilu v. (puti+milu) be gray; be grey; puhteki v. (puhte+ki) purify; precipitate; be dull; be bland; be desaturated; ʟᴏᴧ re- extract; ʟєꜱ purifies ʟᴏᴧ of ʟᴜᴍ flects all wavelengths of light about the puhtekilum n. (puhteki+lum) precipi- same tate; extract putimilulon n. (putimilu+lon) gray; grey; puco v. (Cmn. 〈步骤〉 [pu˥˩ʈʂoʊ̯˥˩])͡ step; ʟєꜱ dull; bland; desaturated steps on ʟᴏᴧ putimiluhihin n. (putimilu+hihin) zebra pucolon n. (puco+lon) path; walkway; putimiluki v. (putimilu+ki) colour gray; walk colour grey; dull; desaturate; ʟєꜱ desatu- pucolonmontalon n. (pucolon+ rates the colours of ʟᴏᴧ montalon) train putikol n. (puti+kol) cauliflower pucolonpatolon n. (pucolon+patolon) as- putiki v. (puti+ki) whiten; lighten; wash phalt out; dodge; ʟєꜱ lightens ʟᴏᴧ pucocalu v. (puco+calu) walk; tread; ʟᴏᴧ putipilu v. (puti+pilu) be azure; be sky is walking on ʟᴜᴍ blue; ʟᴏᴧ looks azure pucopal n. (puco+pal) cane; staff; walk- putipilulon n. (putipilu+lon) azure; sky ing stick blue puci v. (Epo. 〈puŝi〉 [ˈpuʃi]) push; repell; putipiluki v. (putipilu+ki) colour azure; ʟєꜱ pushes on ʟᴏᴧ colour sky blue; ʟєꜱ colours ʟᴏᴧ azure puciles n. (puci+les) force putipicin n. (puti+picin) dove pucilon n. (puci+lon) pushed puthu v. (ono. [pʰut]) fart; ʟєꜱ farts out pus n. (Sho. 〈budzi〉 [budzi])͡ squash; ʟᴏᴧ gourd; pumpkin; zucchini; Cucurbita puthules n. (puthu+les) one who farts puk pn. (min) you; second person; the lis- puthulon n. (puthu+lon) fart; flatulence tener pupu v. (ono. [buːp buːp]) beep; hum; puket pn. (puk+et) y’all; ye; second per- doot; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ son plural; the listener and others pupulon n. (pupu+lon) beep; hum; doot; puketak n. (puket+ak) y’all’s; yer drawn-out, concordant sound or action pukak n. (puk+ak) your; yours ’pyelalus n. (Bel. 〈Biełaruś〉 [bʲɛlarusʲ]) Belarus ’puta n. (San. 〈बुद्ध〉 [bud̚˨dʱɐ˦]) Buddha (ti- tle) ’pyelalusak n. (’pyelalus+ak) Belarusian; ’putafitilip n. (’puta+fitilip) Buddhism from Belarus ’putafitilipak n. (’putafitilip+ak) Bud- ’pyelaluswon n. (’pyelalus+won) Belaru- dhist; of Buddhism sian; the Belarusian people ’putafitilipwon n. (’putafitilip+won) Bud- ’pyelalustilip n. (’pyelalus+tilip) Belaru- dhist; followers of Buddha sian puti v. (Fil. 〈puti〉 [puti]) be white; be ’pyawistok n. (Pol. 〈Białystok〉 light; be fair; ʟᴏᴧ reflects a lot of light [bʲaˈwɨstɔk]) Białystok putilais n. (puti+lais) turnip pyah n. (ono. [bjãː]) elephant; Elephanti- putilon n. (puti+lon) white; light; fair dae putilonkio v. (putilon+kio) be quartz; pyo v. (Ben. 〈ভয়〉 [b̤e̯ɔ]) fear; be scared; be ʟᴏᴧ is made of quartz afraid; ʟᴏᴧ is afraid of ʟᴜᴍ putilonkiolon n. (putilonkio+lon) quartz pyolon n. (pyo+lon) fearful; scared; 3.17. P 115 afraid tish pyolum n. (pyo+lum) scary ’pwenosayles n. (Spa. 〈Buenos Aires〉 [ˈb- pyocinya v. (pyo+cinya) jump scare; ʟєꜱ wenos ˈajɾes]) Buenos Aires jump-scares ʟᴏᴧ with ʟᴜᴍ ’pwitan n. (Eng. 〈Britain〉 [ˈbɹʷɪʔən]) pyoki v. (pyo+ki) scare; frighten; make British Isles; Britain afraid; ʟєꜱ makes ʟᴏᴧ afraid of ʟᴜᴍ ’pwitanak n. (’pwitan+ak) British; UK; pyotafu v. (pyo+tafu) be anxious; ʟᴏᴧ from the feels anxious about ʟᴜᴍ ’pwitantec n. (’pwitan+tec) Brittan; the pyotafulon n. (pyotafu+lon) anxious UK; the United Kingdom of Great Brittan pyopowi v. (pyo+powi) be timid; be skit- and Northern Ireland tish; ʟᴏᴧ is easily scared ’pwitantecwon n. (’pwitantec+won) pyopowilon n. (pyopowi+lon) timid; skit- Briton; Brit; the British people 116 CHAPTER 3. DICTIONARY Chapter 4


4.1 Declaration of human rights won on cai.