Technical specifications – ETCS level 1

Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ...... 3 2. SCOPE OF THE PROJECT ...... 3 3. INFORMATION POINTS ...... 3 3.1. Types of information points used in the project ...... 3 4. ETCS LEVEL 1 VERSION 2.3.0d, ROAD EQUIPMENT. REQUIREMENTS ...... 4 4.1. General requirements ...... 4 4.2. Functional requirements ...... 5 4.3. Technical requirements ...... 8 5. CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION ...... 11 6. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE FOR THE DESIGN AND PROGRAMMING OF ROAD EQUIPMENT DATA ...... 12 7. CLIMATIC REQUIREMENTS ...... 12 8. WARRANTY PERIOD, SPARE PARTS, DOCUMENTATION ...... 12 9. TRAINING AND TRAINING EQUIPMENT ...... 13 9.1. Training Objectives ...... 13 9.2. Stages of training ...... 13 9.3. Training instructors ...... 14 9.4. Training courses ...... 14 9.5. Learning on the job ...... 15 9.6. Training Equipment ...... 15 9.7. Surveillance ...... 15 9.8. Place of training and resources...... 16 9.9. Administration ...... 16 10. PACKAGING AND STORAGE OF TECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS ... 16 10.1. Transport and storage ...... 16 10.2. Palletizing ...... 17 10.3. Precautions ...... 17 10.4. Packaging procedures ...... 18 11. MANAGEMENT OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ...... 18 12. STANDARTS ...... 18


2 1. INTRODUCTION This document “Technical specifications ETCS – 1” defines the requirements that the detailed design must comply with for construction of the ETCS system, level 1, version 2.3.0d in the section Manole – Burgas. It sets out common technical and functional requirements of the ETCS system, level 1, version 2.3.0d, specified for the designed section.

2. SCOPE OF THE PROJECT The conceptual project “Construction of signaling on railway Plovdiv – Burgas (ETCS level 1, version 2.3.0d)” envisages the construction of new ETCS system, level 1, version 2.3.0d in the section Manole – Burgas. This system aims to allow effective control of train movements in the area, increasing safety and improving the train movement control and reducing the human factor in the control.

The scenario includes the following activities:

− complete dismantling of road equipment of the JZG-703 system in the section Orizovo station –Stara Zagora station; − dismantling of all and LEU of the ALTRACS BDZ system in the section Stara Zagora – Burgas; − supply and installation of new balises and LEU for the entire segment Manole – Burgas − create a new database for ETCS level 1, version 2.3.0d − technical and detailed design; − supply and installation of equipment and cables for new ETCS system, level 1, version 2.3.0d in the section Manole station – Burgas ; − delivery of a tool for loading of LEU and balises; − loading of LEU and balises; − static and dynamic tests of telegrams.

Scope of the project includes:

− the section from the entry traffic lights at the Manole station, Plovdiv side, to warning traffic lights at the Stara Zagora station, with stations Manole, Belozem, Orizovo, Chirpan, Mihaylovo Kaloyanovets and adjacent interstations; − section from Stara Zagora station to Burgas station.


3.1. Types of information points used in the project Variable information point will be installed at the main train signals. In case of a decentralized system ETCS (railway Plovdiv) it consists of encoder LEU (linear electronic unit), a permanently encoded and a variable (controlled) balise. Balises are mounted to the signal

3 in accordance with paragraph of document UNISIG Subset - 040 “Rules for sizing and design.” LEU is mounted near the controlled balise. Usually this distance is determined by the length of the specialized balise cable. At a greater distance between LEU and balise, a junction box will be mounted from which the distance to LEU will be extended by the same specialized balise cable.

In Centralized system, requirements for installation of balises are the same as for decentralized but there is no mounted encoders at a close distance to the signal points.

At warning signals, variable information point will be mounted or one LEU and one variable balise. The decision will be made by the designer.

Infill information points usually consist of a variable balise connected to LEU in the corresponding input (output) signal in a decentralized system or with the corresponding encoder in a centralized system. Balise is usually located at 400 m from the input signal (between the warning and the input signal). At the discretion of the designer and the Contracting Authority such information point can be positioned between the input and output signals of existing roads. Balises of output signals on existing roads will be mounted after the stop sign of passenger trains, when the distance from the stop place of passenger trains to the output signal is large and affects the train movement schedule.

Information point at the device for detecting hot boxes is a variable information point, through which a signal for temporary speed limit is given after having received a signal from the device to detect hot boxes.

At distances greater than 2000 meters between two linked, consecutive information points, an information point for adjusting the distance will be used. This point consists of a constant balise. Later in the text the term fixed balise will be used.

At input/output in a section with ETCS, an additional information point will not be mounted.


4.1. General requirements The Contractor shall deliver, install, integrate, test and commision the control system of train movements type ERTMS / ETCS level 1 with “infill” function by on railway section Manole station – Burgas (according to items 3 and 4 of the conceptual design of the Contracting Authority), subject of this specification. The system must meet the requirements of ERTMS SRS UNISIG, Class 1 version 2.3.0d, defined in Regulation 919/2016 and any subsequent amendments to the TSI subsystem “Control, command and signaling”.

To modes of operation of the system, UNISIG Class 1 ERTMS / ETCS SRS, SUBSET - 026-4 “modes and transitions” should be used.

4 The delivered system should include:

− Trackside equipment for the entire section described in item 4, from warning sinal of Manole station, Plovdiv side, to Bourgas station including; − Additional road equipment for the introduction of temporary speed restrictions by installing permanent balises – minimum 30; − Supply and installation of a number of onboard equipment for testing needs; − All materials, specialized tools and auxiliary equipment required for the installation and maintenance of the system in accordance with the requirements of this specification; − Supporting documentation for installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the system.

Contractor of the detailed design should develop data for road equipment, including topology, accurate number of transmit information points, signal indications for routes profiles of speed and gradient, and to coordinate with the Contracting Authority.

The Contractor must make connectivity of the installed system with installed on another project equipment for ETCS in the section Plovdiv – Skutare.

Activities on building the ETCS system should be integrated into the detailed work program of the project Contractor.

The project Contractor shall be fully responsible for the installation and programming of all the equipment, and to provide and maintain the most stringent standards in the performance of all activities related to installation, testing and debugging the system.

In view of the fact that electronic circuits of trackside equipment are involved in critical applications regarding safety, the project contractor must prove the means that achieve safety in different failures and their impact on system performance.

All equipment provided, installed and put into operation must comply with these design criteria and the requirements of the TSI “DSB” (Regulation 919/2016) and all entered into force subsequent amendments.

The processes of designing, manufacturing and system testing should be performed in compliance with the requirements for quality control according to ISO 9001 range of standards.

All equipment and materials must meet international and internationally valid national standards for telecommunications, power supply, electromagnetic compatibility, degree of protection, etc. The Contractor must state standards met by its equipment.

4.2. Functional requirements The system must be designed to work at train movements speeds to 200 km/h.

5 The contractor must provide full details of the technical operation of the proposed equipment to meet design criteria.

The equipment must be operated on one-way and multi-path sections, allowing two-way (depersonalized) movement.

The equipment has to work properly, regardless of the type of ballast, sleepers and rails in the area.

The set of data which must be transmitted to the road equipment is given in Table 1.

6 Table 1

Package Type Contains

Leading part Identification information of balise group

3 National values

5 Information for linkage

12 Permission to move in Level 1

16 Repositioning information

21 Information about gradient profile

27 Information about static speed profile

41 Command to change the level of control

65 Information for temporary speed restriction

66 Repeal of the temporary speed restriction

67 Road conditions: large metal tables

72 Text messages

80 Information for changing the operating mode

132 A ban on movement in the “shunt” mode

136 Repositioning information about “infill” data

137 Stop in “own responsibility” mode

Package Type Contains

141 Default gradient under temporary speed restrictions (TSR)

254 Default telegram from balise

255 End Telegram

The set of national values (Package 3) must be transmitted when entering ETCS section along with a package 41 (changing the level of control in level 1). National values should be repeated

7 in the next balise group consisting of two balises, which announces entering a zone equipped with ETCS. This requirement does not apply to level control change after inviting signal.

Due to imposed traditions and various other causes any railway administration has developed their own rules for controlling the train movement and the specific values of certain parameters, which are also used in ETCS systems. For these reasons in ETCS, there is a defined set of parameters that must be changed when crossing a state border. In this connection, the set of national values for the designed system should be formulated by the Contractor and completed by the Contracting Authority.

4.3. Technical requirements Road equipment of designed ETCS system consists of Eurobalises and encoders LEU (linear electronic unit). It provides the necessary information from the road and with the help of balises transmit the respective telegrams to the locomotive. It is developed on safe principle (EN 50125, EN 50129 for safety level SIL 4).

Balises and encoders, must comply with the ETCS specifications.

Balises must be certified for compliance with the specification SUBSET-036 Edition 2.4.1 or later to Annex A of TSI for “Control, command and signaling” subsystem.

Eurobalise supplied must be the latest modification of the manufacturing plant, with proven RAM parameters, produced after 2010;

There are two kinds of balises in use – fixed and variable. One variable information section may be composed of the two kinds of balises.

Variable balises are managed by the encoder (LEU), which transmits to the balises information about signal indications of traffic lights.

All balises must be of the same type. The difference between them should be achieved through encryption.

In case of fault, balises should not transmit any information leading to a dangerous condition.

Balises must be passive devices that do not require a separate power supply. Both types of balises are powered and activated (in accordance with the specifications for ETCS) by a locomotive antenna of the passing over them locomotive. Both Balises send telegrams with information in accordance with interface A.

Balises should be read and programmed in a contactless manner through interface A5 (air gap) that allows staff to work outside the static gauge of the rolling stock.

Encoding device LEU is of decentralized type and is mounted near variable balise according to the length of the specialized balise cable (usually up to 20 m). At greater distances, the

8 connnection between the variable balise and LEU should be done by a junction box and additional specialized cable.

LEU encoders are included in signal lamps chains and transmit, to the variable balise, information about signal indications of traffic lights.

LEU encoder should recognize information from the respective signal (actual signal values), choose the appropriate telegram and continuously send it on a serial connection to the balise. Signal readings to be identified by speed signaling are given in Table 2.

LEU encoder should be designed be safe in case of fault. If a failure occurs, it should not send anything, or wrong telegram to the balise.

LEU encoder should be able to manage one or more balises on a two-wire line with a length of not less than 500 meters.

The signal lamp work should not be influenced by the LEU.

Isolation between outputs of balise and between inputs and outputs must provide protection against 2000VAC for a period of 60 s.

Short circuit in the output of the encoder should not damage it, but should lead to a protective state.

Short circuit in the signal lamp input to the encoder should not be detected as normal state.

Fault in the encoder must not alter the signal indication.

LEU encoder must have inputs for reading from the relay if the relay is mounted in a relay room.

If LEU encoder is not powered by the chains of signal lamps, the Contractor shall provide a cable to a suitable point in the technical room of systems.

LEU encoder must have a modular structure, with which at a maximum to limit the number of information points affected by a failure.

LEU encoder must be designed as a fail-safe device.

Each of the possible states of the LEU encoder (running, damage protected refusal, etc.) should be clearly indicated.

Table 2

Signal Signal light Signal indication Speed (km/h)

9 Type Number Color At the signal Signal point

1 2 3 6 7 8




З ЗМ 1ЖМ <40 1Ж З+2Ж+ Vmax Vmax ЗI ЗМ+ 2Ж 0 Vmax +Зl 1Ж З Ч 2Ж 1ЖМ+2Ж+ЗI



10 0


G – green light; GF – green flashing light; Y – yellow light; YF – yellow flashing light; 1Y – First yellow light; YF – first yellow flashing light; 2Y – Second yellow light; GB – green band of light; W – white light; WF – white flashing light; R – red light;

5. CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION Equipment must be designed on a modular basis with high quality connecting plugs, allowing quick and easy replacement.

Wherever possible, the modules have to be implemented as separate units.

The replacement of a module should not require compensating adjustments to achieve the specified operating parameters.

Balises should be designed for installation both on wooden and reinforced concrete sleepers. Each balise should be installed only on one sleeper.

Contractor of the project must deliver each balise with a set of components for assembly suitable for the type of sleepers in this section. The manner of installation should not require drilling or undermining sleepers. Along with kits for installation, Contractor must deliver the necessary assembly tools.

Encoders must be installed in the appropriate boxes next to the traffic lights and the variable balise in case of a decentralized system. If balise cable does not reach the encoder, additional specialized balise cable must be used. The connection in this case should be done through a junction box.

Cables to all road equipment must be provided with resources for disassembly to facilitate maintenance of and maintenance and repair of the equipment itself.

The wires making the connection between the encoder and signal lamps, and encoders and management schemes for signal lamps should be divided into separate cables so that any combination of short circuits between the wires should not lead to sending to the locomotive more authorizing indication of what is submitted by the signal point.

All connecting terminals must be protected against accidental and unauthorized access.

The Contractor shall provide a new, independent cable network for road equipment of ETCS in the section. The cable network has to be dimensioned and planned on cable stations plans for all variable information points to the train signals and infill-information points. The Contractor

11 shall propose and agree, with the Contracting Authority, the type of power cord for coding devices.

6. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE FOR THE DESIGN AND PROGRAMMING OF ROAD EQUIPMENT DATA Road equipment of the ETCS system Level 1 version 2.3.0d must be delivered with the necessary hardware and software for diagnostics and maintenance. It should include:

− A tool for the preparation, design, verification and updating of for road equipment data through which to carry out definition of projects with their respective topology, transmission points, the signal readings planning for routes, introduction of profiles (speed, gradient) input of temporary speed restrictions, generating telegrams and chargeable files, generating audit reports, etc.; − Chargeable copies of the software used in the tool for preparation of road equipment data; − Hardware for programming and maintenance of the encoder, which must be designed for general use; − Tool for diagnostic and programming of Eurobalises, which must be specially designed to work in adverse weather conditions. The tool for diagnostic and programming should allow working with all manufacturers of Eurobalises at the time of project development; − Contractor must provide the Contracting Authority with all necessary licenses for operating the tools for designing and programming of road equipment data and relevant technical documentation.

7. CLIMATIC REQUIREMENTS Eurobalises and encoder must comply with the requirements of climatic class T1 and T2 defined in BS EN 50125-3.

Device for balise programming must meet the requirements of climatic class T1 defined in BS EN 50125-3.

8. WARRANTY PERIOD, SPARE PARTS, DOCUMENTATION For delivered technical means for construction works and others, the warranty terms should be under Ordinance No 2/31.07.2003 of The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works on commissioning of buildings in Bulgaria and minimum warranty periods.

The supplier of the equipment must ensure the repair of damaged nodes in the warranty period and after the warranty period, should be able to provide spare parts for a period not less than 10 years after putting the system in operation. Spare parts must include all types of modules (blocks) of equipment. Their amount shall be determined by the designer, but not less than 3 for each species.

12 The system should be accompanied by the necessary packages of technical documentation for maintenance of the system and a sufficient number of manuals in Bulgarian. Documentation for the supplied equipment must be 5 copies in the Bulgarian language. It is desirable also to provide 5 copies of the original in English, if the devices are not produced in Bulgaria.


9.1. Training Objectives Contractor will be required to organize technological transition to the staff of the Contracting Authority regarding the project, manufacture, construction, delivery to the site, operation and maintenance of the equipment provided for in the Contract. The staff will include representatives of the management, operational, technical and training areas.

The contractor must train or organize training of personnel nominated by the Contracting Authority consistin of 10 people who will maintain and operate the system.

Trainees will be technical staff of the Contracting Authority with the following training:

− good skills in the field of safety equipment, electronics, measurements; − basic computer knowledge.

The trainees will not be expected to be familiar with specific equipment included in the delivery.

The contractor must assess the need for training of individual groups of personnel and to adapt training courses to be in line with the topics and the level specified in the assessment of training needs.

This will require the Contractor to train the personnel of the Contracting Authority in sufficient detail so that they be able to:

− Understand and monitor the system in technical and functional aspect, maintenance, management and administration; − Operate, maintain and manage the system effectively and safely.

9.2. Stages of training The contractor must propose an appropriate number of man-days of training.

All courses must be conducted in Bulgarian.

If the instructor uses different language, the Contractor shall provide a translation of materials and a full time translator.

13 9.3. Training instructors Training instructors that will be provided by the Contractor must be qualified and experienced electrical and mechanical engineers with good knowledge of English. They should have experience in the training of engineers and technicians in similar professional field or are completely familiar with the supplied and installed equipment.

Before any of the training instructors being appointed, the Contractor shall present the Contracting Authority and the Consultant a detailed biography of each of the proposed instructors for approval.

When a representative of the Contracting Authority is attached to the Contractor (or subcontractor) to teach, all trainees will be controlled and monitored by a qualified trainer supervisor, so as to ensure that all students will have the best opportunities to acquire theoretical and practical experience.

9.4. Training courses During the training, the Contractor will be responsible for the safety, health and welfare of trainees.

Therefore, interpretations of rules and safety standards will form a separate part of the basic introductory course conducted by the Contractor and if deemed necessary a book will be started in which each trainee will sign that he/she accepted and understood the rules.

The courses must be planned in accordance with the stages of production and assembly, so that trainees be present at all stages of manufacture, installation and commissioning of equipment and systems, subject of the training course.

The Contractor must ensure that the courses fully cover all aspects of basic design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and maintenance of devices and equipment, paying special attention to the instructions for maintenance of the facilities.

Training should be conducted in modules, each module can be provided independently or together with others similar in theme modules.

The Contractor shall prepare a plan for training, including at least:

− Schedule for the courses; − Objectives; − Curriculum; − Form of education; − Required training aids or such that will be supplied; − A list of materials and documents; − Test procedures; − Qualification of teachers;

14 − Methods of course assessment.

In the process of training the Contractor must use multimedia and computer techniques in the preparation and delivery of training packages, including all necessary teaching materials and technical literature, manuals, photographs, drawings, videos and movies, samples and other materials needed for training.

All materials except videos, movies and reproductions will be retained by the Contractor at the end of each training program.

The Contractor shall provide all training materials including at least:

− Syllabus; − Objectives; − Plans of the lectures; − Schedule of presentations; − Manuals for the equipment / software; − Aids such as multimedia; − Computer-based training requirements.

9.5. Learning on the job Once the system is put into operation, the Contractor shall provide training on the job, including assistance in the operation and maintenance as a follow-up training courses.

9.6. Training Equipment In general, the Contractor must use equipment that is specially designed for training purposes. With the consent of the Contractin Authority and Consultant, he will be able to use equipment that is already installed, tested and put into operation when it is not available otherwise. The Contractor shall not used for this purpose spare parts from kits.

If trainees require special or protective clothing, it will be provided by the Contractor. Personal pieces of clothing will be new and may be retained by the trainee upon completion of training.

9.7. Surveillance During the entire period of training, the Contracting Authority and the Consultant will have free access to all seminars to be able to monitor the work of teachers and the progress of learners.

To ensure that the objectives of courses are achieved, the Contractor shall periodically carry out theoretical and practical tests of the trainees.

The results of these tests, along with a report on the general perception, abilities, technical skills and presence of trainees should be regularly sent to the Contracting Authority, which in some cases may require additional information.

15 Methods for monitoring the learning process should include, but not necessarily limited to the following:

− Theoretical tests and evaluation systems; − Practical partial tests and objective evaluation systems; − Reports on the progress of the training.

The data on the progress of trainees must continuously be updated and made available to the Contracting Authority for review upon request.

Upon completion of each course, the Contracting Authority will be transmitted copies of the test results and progress reports for each trainee.

9.8. Place of training and resources Training should be conducted in locations that will provide the best opportunities for meeting.

They can be in Bulgaria, abroad, in places of production, assembly, testing or elsewhere if necessary.

Each place for training should be discussed with the Contracting Authority.

Training programs presented by the Contractor shall include a detailed description of training.

9.9. Administration The Contractor shall:

− be responsible for meeting, arrange transport and hotel for the Contracting Authority and Consultant and all trainees who will travel abroad; − Be responsible for the general welfare of the trainees under his control.


10.1. Transport and storage The Contractor shall be responsible for the preparation, preservation and storage of all the equipment and materials so as to avoid damage and losses caused by repetitive manipulation, climate impacts and other hazards due to transportation or storage at or outside the jobsite.

The Contractor shall provide closed and guarded warehouses for all equipment and materials, except when the Contracting Authority and the Consultant agreed that the storage can be done outdoors.

16 10.2. Palletizing Each case, box or pallet must be of robust construction and meet the purposes for which it was intended. Do not use packaged materials that are likely to impair their quality due to climate conditions during transportation from the factory to the construction site.

The content of each case, box or pallet must be protected from water penetration through thick waterproof internal coating and a suitable drying substance (eg. Silica gel) to be added inside.

Each case, box and pallet must be marked legibly and indelibly in large letters with the address, contract number, where to open marks as “To be transported upright,” “Fragile” and other so they can be easily recognized and processed when transporting and receiving at the jobsite.

Each case, box and pallet must contain a detailed inventory list with number, name, size, weight and content together with relevant drawings.

A second copy of the inventory list must be applied in a waterproof pocket on the outside of each pallet, box, case.

Additional copies of the inventory list should be provided as required by the Contracting Authority and the Consultant.

All items that are heavier than 100 kg must be specially marked on the outside, in terms of net and gross weight and the places where they should be raised.

Necessary measures must be taken against displacement in containers by fastening mechanisms, belts and security bolts.

Packages of bulk materials must be packed in boxes clearly marked by a well-protected metal labels, on which quantity, batch number, and index or catalog number are marked.

Cases, boxes, pallets or containers that contain important or sensitive products should be clearly communicated to the Contracting Authority and the Consultant for approval.

10.3. Precautions Spare parts must be properly packaged for storage indefinitely without damage and be clearly marked with the full name and batch number so that they can be recognized without unpacking. Electrical and other delicate devices or equipment to be tightly wrapped to prevent rust.

Cable connectors, cable sockets in equipment and other tips and openings must be closed and darkened to be protected against penetration of dust and moisture. The openings of the pipes must be thoroughly cleaned and then sealed and coated so that they are prevented against penetration of dust and moisture.

Canted edges must be protected with adhesive tape or sealing materials, coated with a well- protected timber seals, not smaller than the openings.

17 Particular attention should be paid to the protection from damage or corrosion of axles and shafts that are touching wooden fastening parts or other fastening parts exposed to moisture. In these points paper should be placed impregnated with anti-rust product with sufficient strength to withstand the effort and movements during transport.

Measures must be taken to reduce the risk of damage of ball and roller bearings and brittle materials during transport.

10.4. Packaging procedures The Contractor shall clean up the work site of cases, boxes and pallets within one month after emptying.

11. MANAGEMENT OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Suppliers of systems providing software should ensure built-in defense mechanisms and systems of programs to allow control over restricted access to certain programs or operations in them and / or the necessary staff or service.

Any attempt of unauthorized access should be alerted and identified.

12. STANDARTS During the execution of the project the provisions of the TSI Bulgarian legislation and standards must be complied with, some of which are:

1. DECISION OF THE COMMISSION of 25 January 2012 concerning the technical specification for interoperability of subsystems for control, management and signaling of the trans-European rail system (2012/88 / EU)

2. DECISION OF THE COMMISSION of 6 November 2012 amending Decision 2012/88 / EC concerning the technical specification for interoperability of subsystems for control, management and signaling of the trans-European rail system (2012/696 / EU)

3. DECISION (EU) 2015/14 OF THE COMMISSION of 5 January 2015 amending Decision 2012/88 / EC concerning the technical specification for interoperability of subsystems for control, management and signaling of the trans-European rail system

4. Technical requirements for railway NRIC / 2012.

5. Law on Spatial Planning;

6. Railway Transport Act;

7. Public Procurement Act;

8. Law on Chambers of Architects and Engineers in Investment Design;

18 9. Ordinance No 4 of 2001 on the scope and content of investment projects (prom. SG. 51 of 5.06.2001)

10. Ordinance No 4 of 27.03.1997 on railway crossings. Issued by the Minister of Transport and Minister of Interior, prom. SG. 32 of 18.04.1997. Amend. and supplemented No. 145 of 09.12.1998, Effective as of 09.12.1998.

11. Ordinance No 55 of 29.01.2004 on design and construction of railway lines, railway stations, level crossings and other elements of the railway infrastructure. Issued by the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works and the Minister of Transport and Communications prom. SG. 18 of 05.03.2004, Corr. SG. 20 of 12.03.2004 No. 42 of 21.05.2004.

12. Ordinance No57 of 09.06.2004 on achieving interoperability of national rail system with the rail system within the European Union.

13. Ordinance No 58 of 2.08.2006 on the rules for the technical operation, the movement of trains and railway signaling (issued by the Minister of Transport, prom. SG. 73 of 2006, effective as of 1.11.2006)

14. Ordinance No 13 of 2005 on ensuring healthy and safe working conditions in the (prom. SG. 12 of 2006)

15. Ordinance No Iz-1971 of 29 October 2009 on building technical rules and standards for ensuring fire safety (prom. SG. 96 of 2009)

16. Ordinance No 2 of 22.03.2004 on the minimum requirements for occupational health in carrying out construction works (prom. SG. 37 of 2004)

17. Ordinance No 3 of 2004 on planning of electrical installations and power lines (prom. SG 90 of 2004 and SG. 91 of 2004);

18. Ordinance No 16-116 of 2008 on technical operation of power equipment (prom. SG. 26 of 2008)

19. Ordinance No 7 of 1999 on the minimum requirements for health and safety at workplaces and the use of working equipment (prom. SG. 88 of 1999)

20. Ordinance No 13 of 2005 on ensuring healthy and safe working conditions in the rail transport (prom. SG. 12 of 2006)

21. Ordinance No 17 of 2005 of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works. Rules for construction of cable and telecommunications networks and related facilities.

22. Rules for Safety and Health at Work on electrical equipment with voltage up to 1000V (SG 21/2005.)

19 23. Instructions for grounding of catenary (approved by the Director General of the National Company “Railway Infrastructure 2009”)

24. Law on technical requirements for products promulgated, SG. 86 of October 1, 1999

25. BDS EN 10240: 2000 and BDS EN ISO 1461: 2009 for protection of metal components from corrosion

26. ETSI EN 300 019-2-3 V 2.1.2 (1999-09) class 3.1 E - installed equipment in rooms without air conditioning;

27. EN 50129: 2003 Railway equipment. Messaging systems, signaling and data processing. Safety related electronic systems for signaling;

28. EN 50126-1: 1999: Railway applications - Specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) - Part 1

29. EN 50128: 2001 Railway equipment. Messaging systems, signaling and data processing. Software for monitoring and protection.

30. DS DS / CLC / TS 50459-1 Railway applications - Communication systems, signaling and data processing - European System for Rail Traffic Management - interface motorman - locomotive - Part 1: Ergonomic principles for the presentation of ERTMS / ETCS / GSM -R-information;

31. ISO 6385: 2004: Ergonomic principles in the design of operating systems;

32. BS EN ISO 14040: 2006 - Environmental Management. LCA. Principles and general requirements (ISO 14040: 2006).

33. BS EN ISO 14021: 2006 - Labels for grading and declarations of environment - Private declared claims / claims regarding the environment (Type II environmental labeling) (ISO 14021: 1999)

34. BDS ETS 300 253: 1999 General technical issues (EE). Grounding and bonding potential equalization of communications equipment in communication centers;

35. BS EN 300 253 V2.1.1: 2003 Techniques for environment (EE). Grounding and bonding potential equalization of telecommunications equipment in telecommunication centers;

36. BS EN 50310: 2006 Use of connection for potential equalization and grounding in buildings with IT devices;

37. Instructions for building of grounding installations in telecommunications sites, Edition of BTC-NIIS, 2000.;

38. Law on Environmental Protection;

20 39. Law on Waste Management effective as of 13.07.2012, Prom. SG. 53 of July 13, 2012


Contents 1. Reason for development ...... 3 2. General ...... 3 3. Functional and operational requirements ...... 5 3.1. Security ...... 5 3.2. Working Language ...... 5 3.3. Functional separation ...... 5 4. Remote indication and signalling equipment control ...... 6 5. Input data (commands) for centralized management ...... 7 6. Automatic tracking of trains ...... 8 7. Visualization of the trains schedule ...... 8 8. Automatic setting of the (train) routes (ATR) ...... 8 9. Traffic control ...... 9 10. Generation of forecast information on train ...... 10 11. Passenger information and warning systems ...... 10 12. Alarms ...... 10 13. Recording and storing events ...... 12 14. Statistical reports...... 12 15. Dispatchers’ CTC room ...... 13 16. Manipulation Boards (MMI) ...... 14 17. Requirements to manipulation boards ...... 15 18. System architecture and design requirements ...... 16 19. CCTV at stations of the section...... 20 20. Subsystem for highly responsible telecommunications ...... 22 21. Performance of the CTC system ...... 23 22. CTC - centre ...... 25 23. Power supply ...... 25 24. Requirements for operating personnel (OP) ...... 26 25. Training ...... 26 26. LEGAL DOCUMENTS ...... 29



1. Reason for development This specification was developed based on an open procedure for procurement under the project “Rehabilitation of the railway line Plovdiv – Burgas, Phase 2” for “Preparation and coordination of preliminary designs and technical specifications for the implementation of interlocking systems in the railway section Kaloyanovets - Karnobat, dispatching interlocking in the section Plovdiv-Burgas and completing the project developments of fibre optic cable in the section Plovdiv-Burgas under project “Rehabilitation of the railway line Plovdiv - Burgas, Phase 2”. A Contract for implementation was signed No 5414 / 30.05.2016. Contracting Authority is the State Enterprise National Railway Infrastructure Company, and the Designer is Transgeo OOD. The project is in the preliminary design and covers the equipment for a computer based interlocking (CBI) at stations: Kaloyanovets, Kalitinovo, Han Asparuh, Nova Zagora, Konyovo, Bezmer, Yambol, Zavoy, Straldza and Tserkovski, delivery and installation of dispatching interlocking in the section Plovdiv – Burgas, complementing the conceptual design and technical specifications for “Construction of fibre optic cable on the line Plovdiv – Burgas” by providing for the installation of a second optical cable with 36 single-mode optical fibre in the section Stara Zagora – Karnobat and preparation of technical specifications and applications for supply and installation of computer based interlocking in the section Kaloyanovets – Karnobat and dispatching interlocking with a view to its application in the section Plovdiv – Burgas.

This specification is under the Section “Signalling” for subproject “Implementation of dispatching interlocking in the section Plovdiv – Burgas”.

2. General 2.1. The Contractor shall provide a system for centralized traffic control (CTC), which shall provide control and monitoring of traffic flow on the line Plovdiv – Burgas from one control station. CTC system shall meet the requirements of these tender documents and in particular the design criteria defined in this specification.

2.2. CTC system shall support operational staff by automatically executing routine operations to allow the staff to concentrate on efficient and cost-effective operation of railway lines. For this purpose, the CTC system shall provide real-time information on the current status of the movement and the signalling system. The information shall be provided on a “need to know” principle and visualized in an ergonomic way.

2.3. CTC system shall be designed in accordance with the requirements specified in EM 50128 for Security Level 4 and shall achieve very high reliability and operational readiness.

2.4. CTC system shall be based primarily on standard, commercial equipment and components and shall be able to adapt to changing technologies. If the use of specialized licensed equipment and components cannot be avoided, it shall be reduced to a minimum, and its use shall be approved by the Engineer.

2.5. CTC system shall provide the following functions:

a) Remote interlocking by introducing centralized commands allowing interlocking for train and shunting movements, releasing a route, switching switches, switching signals, asking the cancellation of temporary speed restrictions, blocking the road sections etc .;


b) Remote indication of the signalling equipment status through visualization of real-time information about the status of managed objects travelling along the route, including individual identification; status of train and shunting routes, as well as additional information such as alarms, diagnostic information, etc .; c) Function to describe the train, allowing identification of all trains and separate vehicles as they move through the controlled area and display real-time information about their location and movement, supported by a set of commands allowing the entering, deletion, connection, division, change and more of the identification numbers of the trains; d) Function to automatically order train routes (ATR) that enables automatic interlocking of trains in accordance with their actual movement, identification and pre-defined schedules to ensure minimum traffic delay. ATR function gives the operator the ability to include or exclude the ATR function for a specific route area, route or train; e) Possibility of manual intervention from CTC operational personnel to modify the automatic order and to exercise direct control over interlocking(s); f) Transfer of control from the central control station to the local and vice versa; g) Generation of forecast information for a train, certain number of points on the line and detecting potential conflict situations; h) System-advisor to assist the operational personnel at CTC in resolving potential conflict and normalization of train traffic after its disturbance; i) Passenger information system, to provide traffic information of trains (i.e. direction, estimated time of arrival) of passengers in stations and stops; j) Manage the Schedule of movement, allowing entering, editing and storing information in the system database with information about traffic plan, respective schedule, routing information and other information, e.g. passenger information; k) Monitoring the status and condition of the insurance system by generating alarms for failures together with displaying in real time and prints of information providing diagnostic information for the failure in regard to all security system. Alarms shall be divided into categories according to their priority and necessary actions to take; l) The Register of events allowing the recording of events related to the system control and movement of trains throughout the section, performing analyzes and finding solutions to problems that may arise during the operation of the line; m) Saving and compilation of statistics that can be used to measure the operational function of the railroad. n) The system shall have the opportunity to enter in “controlled operation mode”.

“Controlled mode” allows sending some highly responsible (controlled) commands to controlled objects.

The use of controlled mode is allowed only after inspection in situ by an authorized person of the actual situation in the faulty object of signalling and reporting on controlled telecommunications. It is possible to use the CCTV system, as well.

Entering the “controlled mode” shall be authorized by a senior dispatcher who shall ensure that the dispatcher has enough information about the safe use of “controlled mode”.


The “controlled mode” function shall exist in the system and its activation will be possible after making appropriate changes in the regulations.

A list of commands which shall be transmitted in “controlled mode”:

• Switching the point in artificial occupation of its controlled section; • Restoration of cut switch; • Artificial unlock the route and route sections; • Reset axle counters in artificial occupation of controlled section; • Forced returns of adopted local shunt; • Isolation of dependency with crossing device • Forced opening of the crossing device; • Opening of inviting signal.

3. Functional and operational requirements

3.1. Security Restricted access shall be established in order to ensure system security and prevent unauthorized users to input system commands or receive system information. The procedure will allow the use of CTC system only after entering a valid username and password.

3.2. Working Language CTC system shall allow bilingual job – Bulgarian and English. The operator shall be able to select a preferred language after successfully logging in.

The operating environment of the Bulgarian language shall cover all associated with line screens, menus, operation and information dialogue windows, help, messaging and all other parts of MMI needed to operate the system in normal and degraded mode of operation. For greater clarity, Bulgarian and English inscriptions do not have to be displayed simultaneously.

3.2.1. Selecting the language shall be applicable only to the MMI and the different MMIs shall be able to work simultaneously in different languages.

3.2.2. During the development, Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval Bulgarian translation of commands, indications, menus, messages and more.

3.3. Functional separation 3.3.1. Each control console shall work in accordance with the specific functional profile that is set when entering the procedure. The functional profile shall include a specific subset of the CTC functionality needed for a specific user, for example, dispatcher, senior dispatcher and others, designated by the Contracting Authority. At one console only one functional profile can be set at a time.

3.3.2. CTC system shall support the entering and use of areas for traffic management, each of which is part of the railway network controlled by the system. The division of the whole area to separate areas of traffic management shall be based on their size, traffic density and other operational

5 considerations. The boundaries of these areas shall be able to change from System Administrator’s workstation

3.3.3. Each area of traffic management shall be connected to one control console at a time. Each console shall manage only those areas that are assigned to it.

3.3.4. The functional profile of the user registered to the console and the corresponding areas for traffic management shall determine the application programs, management functions, indications and communication requirements and rights of access to that particular console.

3.3.5. CTC system shall enable the user who is specifically authorized (eg. Senior dispatcher) to assign and modify user profiles, and assign and re-assign areas of traffic management to consoles.

3.3.6. User with special powers (e.g. Senior CTC dispatcher) shall be able to verify the CTC system about who is connected to and to what equipment has access.

4. Remote indication and signalling equipment control 4.1. CTC system shall allow the operational personnel to receive all information for carrying out management and monitoring of the movement of trains at any time. It is also necessary, events that may require intervention by the dispatcher immediately be communicated to him, regardless of for what purpose the system is used at the moment.

4.2. The user of the system shall be able to select and set the level of detail that can be shown in the track schemes on the display. The user shall be able to change the level of detail at any time.

4.3. The system shall be able to display location information for all trains, both in the diagram showing the general plan and on video displays and panoramic panel. Opportunities to display all train locations is paramount especially when conditions arise for troubles in high ranking interlocking system or CTC system.

4.4. The information shall be presented so that the possibility can be minimized of information being incorrectly interpreted by the user. Any wrong or outdated information shall be clearly and unambiguously shown as such in visualization.

4.5. CTC dispatcher shall be able to manually enter information in cases of failure in which interlocking cannot provide the information automatically. Any manually entered information shall be clearly distinguished from automatically received when displayed.

4.6. When switching to different views of information, the first view shall continue to visualize and shall not be obscured, until the system is ready to update the information on the screen to minimize the time in which no data is shown.

4.7. At each control console operating staff shall be able to view information about the configuration of the CTC system and the state of processors, peripherals and basic communications equipment, and be able to switch configuration (main/backup) of periphery. On this display shall also be obtained diagnosis information.

4.8. For stations in remote mode, the system shall ensure control for:


• The position of the switches; • Work load of tracks in the operating points, sections with no-switches and with switches; • Open traffic lights at stations and dividing posts; • Define and establish routes; • The beginning of the train on the track; • Transmission switches from a certain area to local control; • Transition of the station in RMU mode; • The effect of the devices for automatic routes setting; • Automatic operation of traffic lights; • Group faults in station and interstation devices of safety equipment; • Occupation of stations or parts thereof in the presence of dividing post; • The established direction of movement of automatic block system and status (free / pre blocked / locked); • Faults in the work of crossing devices (station and in the area between the stations); • Operation of a device on / off (station and in the area between the stations); • Sending and implementation of control commands.

4.9. For stations operating under an autonomous control (local self control) CTC shall ensure control over:

• The established direction of movement of automatic block system in adjacent interstations; • Opening of entry and exit traffic lights (for exit traffic lights, a control group is allowed to open traffic light in this direction); • Occupation of tracks in the passenger fleet; • For entry routes, displaying information about the track, which the train will take.

4.10. The list of all controlled states of objects and visualization of CTC shall be determined by the contractor and approved by the Engineer and Contracting Authority.

5. Input data (commands) for centralized management 5.1. CTC shall allow the entering of a full set of centralized commands.

5.2. It shall be used a two-step mechanism for the selection and implementation where control can have a significant effect on train movement. This mechanism shall enable the operator to interrupt the function between the selection and implementation.

5.3. It shall be provided a visual feedback for setting commands and the actual status of the equipment.

5.4. All information or commands that are entered into the signal control system shall be verified before it can be accepted by the system. Detectable errors shall be clearly indicated to the user.

5.5. It shall be used menu selection and speed dial (short cut) techniques to reduce user actions required for the most commonly used functions.


6. Automatic tracking of trains 6.1. The actual movement of trains shall be shown to the general and detailed charts by consistently occupying controlled areas and transferring numbers of trains from one station to another.

6.2. CTC system constantly compares the timetable with actual implementation of the train movement schedule. The comparison of the timetables shall be done as often as it is required by the CTC system design, at least in any transfer of train number.

6.3. CTC system shall provide the CTC dispatcher information on deviations in the timetable of each train. It shall be shown together with the number of trains in the general and detailed diagram. Information on the deviation in the schedule for early departures and late trains shall be presented in different colours.

7. Visualization of the trains schedule 7.1. CTC system shall support the visualization of the train schedule to provide real-time view of the processes of movement and to support CTC dispatcher to detect in advance and resolve conflicts. The trains schedule shall show schedule in a Time/Distance diagram with automatically generated graphs for time/distance in real time, showing the actual movement of trains.

7.2. CTC system shall support graphic interface that allows the dispatcher to edit charts by setting new brake parameters, cancel and introduce new trains, collect and divide trains and more and to monitor the effects of these changes on other trains. The dispatcher shall be able to change the schedule with changes in planned movement of trains with a view to resolving the conflict situation.

8. Automatic setting of the (train) routes (ATR) 8.1. CTC system shall keep the automatic route setting (ARS) for all areas covered by the interlocking system(s). The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval a list of routes for which a function will be provided of automatic route setting (ARS), indicating any areas or routes where it does not propose to introduce the function ARS. The list of ARS routes shall also show the distribution of routes to ARS sub-areas if the Contractor proposes the establishment of such areas for greater convenience.

8.2. ARS function shall be supported by an extensive set of commands giving the manager greater flexibility to deal with different scenarios under normal and degraded mode of operation. At a minimum, ARS area commands shall allow the operator to activate/deactivate ARS for the entire ARS area, sub-areas of ARS, a specific train or a specific signal.

8.3. The Contractor shall consider the need to introduce semiautomatic mode of ARS, ie when the CTC system indicates the route to be ordered, but which will be ordered only after receiving confirmation from the manager. ARS commands shall operate only during the period when the schedule is active.

8.4. ARS shall function on the basis of actual movement of trains, the train number and working timetable. The working timetable shall contain all ARS data such that the conditions for setting routes

8 and actions to be taken and the strategy to be adopted when a train reaches the starting ARS point, including:

a) the number and frequency of repeated attempts to verify ARS; b) the number of interruptions to implement the repeated commands of setting route; c) selection of alternative routes, for example, a list of alternative platforms; d) delays in the setting of the route; e) other data necessary to determine the priorities at junctions, for example weight factor for train category, the maximum waiting time for certain routes and more.

8.5. The Contractor shall develop and submit for approval of the Engineer detailed information about ARS strategy to be realized. The general principle shall be that ARS strategy shall not result in unnecessary restrictions on the maximum speed of trains and cause delays in the movement of trains.

8.6. ARS shall allow for setting alternative routes where the main route in schedule is not available. This shall include the choice of an alternative platform, alternative interstation (in two-way sections) or an alternative route between the two signals. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval details of the terms and conditions to be applied in the selection and setting of alternative routes.

8.7. CTC system shall enable the dispatcher to control the operation of ARS by changing the schedule to reflect the actual situation. Any modification shall be checked for conflicts before being transferred to the current timetable. All modifications shall be entered and individually identified.

8.8. When traffic is disrupted with late or early arriving trains ARS shall enable trains to pass through the key places outside the schedule to minimize these delays. ARS shall set the trains based on forecast information for trains to determine the additional delay of any train if another train goes first.

9. Traffic control 10.1. CTC system shall maintain schedule control function, so as to provide information base for operation of the system during the hours of movement. Schedule control function shall provide opportunities for:

a) copy of the schedule; b) conservation and management of different versions of the schedule; c) charging the relevant schedule and creating operational schedule.

10.2. The format of the schedule (including timetable, calendar trains, schedule for composition, appointment and revocation of windows, etc.) has to generally follow the format of the actual rail schedule and meet all requirements for information for ATS, ARS and other subsystems.

10.3. Schedule control shall ensure that, in the CTC system, only approved schedules are entered and that at some point in time there is only one valid version.


10.4. Schedule control system shall retain original daily schedules by creating working copies of the daily work.

10.5. Loading the appropriate daily schedule shall be initiated automatically on a daily basis, at a certain point in time. The system shall also permit the operator to manually load the new daily schedule.

10.6. The system shall allow the loading time to be reconfigured by the system administrator.

10.7. Automatic loading of the respective daily schedule shall be under predetermined plan for the movement determining what daily scheduled will be used for each day. The operator of the CTC (e.g. Senior CTC dispatcher) shall be able to edit and store the plan of movement for a subsequent period of time (e.g. 10 days). For editing of daily schedules and the movement plan, special permission shall be required.

10.8. The operator shall be able to modify the content of the work schedule. CTC system shall keep any changes in the schedule to facilitate the restoring of the system after a crash.

10. Generation of forecast information on train CTC system shall provide a possibility (hardware and software) to compile, edit and manage schedules (annual schedules, special timetables, temporary timetables, operating schedules, schedules of deviations, extraordinary trains).

Drawing up the timetable shall be done with a minimum of control operations using ready database including: initial station, terminus, departure time, type of train, traction (locomotives, wagons), brake mass, load, maximum speed, load features, set stay in stations for passenger trains and more.

The Contractor shall conduct training of specialists of the Contracting Authority in scheduling with a CTC system.

11. Passenger information and warning systems CTC system shall provide travel information for train movements to be shown on boards and through automatic loudspeaker announcements. Passenger information in real time shall be generated and displayed automatically based on the work schedule and information about the actual location and movement of trains. CTC system shall also allow the dispatcher to initiate communication to passengers manually through the user interface function for travel information.

12. Alarms 12.1. CTC system shall support the generation, visualization and processing of specific events relating to the state and condition of the signalling systems and CTC. Alarms shall include, but not be limited to the following:

a) Hardware and software error of CTC system; b) Alarms received by the security system; c) Error in communication;


d) Alarm in application programs and more.

12.2. Alarms shall be differentiated depending on the criticality of their influence and actions required by the user to enable or confirm a specific alarm. As a minimum, the CTC system shall supports three types of alarms, as follows:

a) Critical, i.e. alarms with the highest priority that require confirmation and actions to be undertaken by the operator; b) Emergency, i.e. medium priority alarms, requiring only confirmation; c) Non-emergency, i.e. alarms with low priority, which are for information only;

12.3. The type of alarm shall determine the way in which the alarm is signalled and registered. The parameters of the alarm shall be able to be modified by the console of the system administrator.

12.4. The Contractor shall offer the Engineer for approval a list of events that can be defined as critical, emergency and non-emergency alarms.

12.5. Alarms shall be displayed only on the control console, which is responsible for the management area, where conditions have arisen for alarm.

12.6. The alarm shall be displayed to the operator in a clear and consistent manner, which will ensure attracting his attention. If the current video display is different from that which contains the indications for alarm, the second shall automatically be shown on the display.

12.7. The list of all alarms shall be displayed in the alarms display area (window) to be shown in the same location on the video display.

12.8. Alarm display area (window) shall contain a list of all the “Incoming alarms” and “OK” messages. The list shall give a clear indication of the type of alarm and confirmation status. This shall be achieved through the use of colours, marking and/or flashing.

12.9. If there are more alarms than the capacity of the alarms window, then a message shall come up or mnemonic symbol indicating that there are still unaccepted alarms for visualization. Where there is indication of unaccepted alarms, Contractor shall offer the Engineer and the Contracting Authority for approval a procedure for action.

12.10. The format of the alarm message shall consist of one row with information indicating the timing, identification and brief information about the alarm.

12.11. Alarm zone visualization shall allow for the introduction of a short comment of the operator.

12.12. The alert messages shall be printed on request to a specific printer in order of their occurrence. If the printer is turned off, messages shall be printed on a backup printer to be determined.

12.13. The user shall be able to confirm, erase and allow alarms. The user shall, under certain conditions, terminate alarms; such conditions shall be defined in the specification of the system requirements. When the operator confirms alarm, CTC system shall enter, in the register for events and the register for alarms, a message containing an identification number of the operator,

11 identification of the alarm and the time of acceptance. No information on alarms should be lost due to communication interruption or blockage of the CPU.

12.14. The operator shall be able to receive alerts individually or in groups. The group acceptance shall be performed with command of not one step. Adoption of individual alarms shall be initiated by the two-step sequence of commands for selecting and performance.

12.15. There shall be provided ways for the registration of all alarm messages in the log of events and/or in the separate register of alarms and to be archived.

13. Recording and storing events 13.1. A function shall be incorporated for registering events, allowing constantly recording of all changes in CTC system status for the purpose of maintenance and engineering. Events (changes in indications, commands input, alarms, etc.) shall be submitted together with time of occurrence, with accuracy of up to one second and recorded in order of occurrence on energy independent media.

13.2. The Contractor shall offer the Engineer for approval a form of the events register and the types of events that need to be registered.

13.3. The events register shall have sufficient storage capacity to keep the events from at least the last 48 hours. When the capacity of the system for storing events is full, its contents shall be automatically archived without affecting the normal operation of the system. This shall be notified by a message to the operator. The capacity of the events register shall be started from the beginning, as the oldest events shall be overwritten by new events in order of their occurrence. It shall also be possible to manually backup by the operator.

13.4. The events register shall not be damaged as a result of power interruption or system failure (other than the subsystem for recording the events itself).

13.5. Registration of events shall allow quick and accurate review of past events, and provide concise review for subsequent analysis in case of accidents.

13.6. Area for storage of archival information shall be able to keep the records of events for at least 28 days and be available for editing and obtaining information at any time.

13.7. MMI shall support interactive functions for monitoring and processing of events.

13.8. All events shall be able to target printer and backup by various criteria.

14. Statistical reports 14.1. It is necessary to provide ways for reporting statistics about delays which shall be made available upon request from the CTC system. The format of reports and situations, in which they will be required, shall be submitted for approval to the Engineer.

14.2. It is necessary provided conditions for sending reports with basic information to other systems in different formats so that they can be presented as required. Sending reports should not degrade the performance of management system.


15. Dispatchers’ CTC room 15.1. Access to the system from different workstations shall be password that restricts unauthorized access. In case of refusal to allow access to one of the workstations, the function shall be taken over by another workstation.

15.2. The Contractor shall perform ergonomic analysis to be prepared by appropriate experts and include ergonomic rooms, the design of the integrated workstations for operating personnel, as well as devices for interaction between dispatchers and CTC system.

15.3. CTC dispatching control room shall include technical means necessary for monitoring and controlling the movement of trains. As a minimum, they shall include:

A panoramic view of the entire controlled line;

As many integrated workplaces (control positions), as necessary for the implementation of all aspects of traffic interlocking in the most efficient manner.

15.4. In the preliminary design, it is estimated that, for the size of the railway line Plovdiv – Burgas and the expected traffic volume, three integrated workplaces (control consoles) will be sufficient. In addition, a redundant workplace shall be ensured.

15.5. Workplace (control positions) shall be used from the following operating personnel:

a) CTC dispatcher responsible for the overall operation of train movement; b) Senior dispatcher responsible for traffic monitoring and controlling; c) Controller engineering, responsible for monitoring and controlling of rail traffic during engineering hours, authorization and revocation of windows, etc. ; d) Additionally another workplace shall be ensured (maintenance terminal) in the computer room that can be used by the following maintenance staff: • Employee working on maintenance responsible for system maintenance and diagnostics • System administrator responsible for configuring the CTC system and information files.

15.6. The Contractor will coordinate with the Engineer the design and appearance of the display with the panoramic view and control consoles and will forward detailed information for verification and approval by the Engineer before proceeding with detailed design. The Contractor shall submit detailed design to the Engineer for review and approval at the start of production and supply of equipment.

15.7. The display with the panoramic view shall have built-in automatic control of brightness to provide the lowest level of brightness depending on the brightness of the room.

15.8. The displays shall provide static and dynamic information. The display for view of shall include, without limitation, track development, showing all the main passage signals with their indications and categories, arranged routes, elements of the line that are occupied without indication of specific controlled areas, location of platforms, passenger stations, trains location, direction of trains, routes setting, configuration of switches, sections without traction power and other indicators of the stations.


15.9. Each control position shall contain a computer workstation with keyboard, input devices, video displays and panoramic panel. Also it shall unite and integrate, as appropriate, telecommunication equipment such as control panels for the communication system and GSM-R, informational displays, a common microphone for radio and passenger information system in stations and telephone lines for PABX and for direct calls.

16. Manipulation Boards (MMI) 16.1. The number and distribution of video displays (VD) that shall be provided for each control position shall be based on the results of ergonomic research. The number of VDs shall include a 20% reserve capacity and allow for visualization of the largest station in the area.

16.2. VD shall allow the user to:

a) Monitor system(s) for interlocking to peripheral interlocking level including signal objects that are controlled and monitored by at least one chart with General view of the entire controlled area and two diagrams with detailed views, one showing full and the other middle level of detail; b) Monitor the location and movement of trains in the controlled area to identify each train or engine.

16.3. Each display (general or detailed) shall present each element of the security system and relevant details of the railway infrastructure in a clear, concise and consistent manner. Dynamic planning of the observed area shall be ensured.

16.4. General view diagram displayed on VD shall be a view of the entire line, including:

a) schematic diagram of track development; b) displaying all major line signals with their indications and categories; c) routes set; d) the position of switches in routes set; e) the elements of the line that are occupied without indication of specific controlled areas; f) identification of trains; g) all points not correspond or not defined; h) information about infrastructure (e.g. railway stations, bridges, etc.) i) other information deemed necessary.

16.5. The diagram with the common view shall be used as a way to select an object as part of the procedure of entering a command or method for selecting an area to be visualized or diagrams with full level of detail or those with a medium level of detail.

16.6. The full detailed diagram shall show elements related to the operation of the controlled area and shall have the highest level of detail. It shall have a predetermined scale with the possibility of visualization from different angles. Train dispatcher shall be able to selectively display or hide elements of signalling and/or their identification by the system or type of equipment. In addition to the information required for the Common View diagram, the full detailed diagram shall also show:

a) All shunting signals with their indications;


b) Individual controlled section that are occupied; c) Slips; d) Тhe position of the switches; e) Identification of signals, switches, sections to detect the location of trains, etc. (upon request); f) Other indications deemed necessary;

16.7. It shall be provided a console for the system administrator, usually in the computer room. It shall be functionally similar to the control consoles. System operator console will be used for configuration in off-line mode, of the default parameters of the control system, display and registration.

16.8. At or near the control room, at least two printers shall be located to provide printouts of records and copies of VD. Each of the printers shall be adapted to any task.

16.9. High-speed printer shall be provided, usually in the computer room, for everyday printing of registers, program listings and other large prints. This printer shall serve as a reserve of the printers in the control room and vice versa.

17. Requirements to manipulation boards 17.1. Manipulation boards (MMI) shall provide the user a means of interactive retrieving and entering information from video displays (VD) by selecting with the cursor to facilitate the completion of command or query to the system.

17.2. MMI shall support data entry into the system through menu, scrollbar, dialog boxes and icons and graphical presentation of information from the interlocking system in the form of text messages, icons, graphics and tables.

17.3. During setting of a request to the system or command, MMI of the CTC system shall assist the user in selecting icons, text or graphics. CTC system shall offer only possible choices.

17.4. Ways of marking shall guide the user to the critical item on the screen to be localized by the user to enable action to be taken. It shall be considered the use of colours, flashing, symbolic inversion and added symbols for marking alarms and data entry location.

17.5. MMI shall provide user feedback for every action or interaction. This shall be done in the form of text messages, change in colours, flashing and illuminated icons to achieve the required confirmation of user action. All user activity associated with entering information shall lead to some form of feedback, if only to show that the action is denied or that the required function is waiting.

17.6. Interaction shall allow the user to refuse and re-enter information during the multi-step procedure without having to repeat all the previous steps.

17.7. CTC system shall make detailed checks of input from users for debugging. Wrong entry, like entering the wrong number of switch or illogical sequence of actions, has to be detected and rejected. It shall also be displayed to the user in an error message.


17.8. Confirmation of message for wrong action will not be required. The user will not be required to repeat the steps that have been implemented correctly before the wrong action.

17.9. When the entering of information by the user needs to be followed by additional data entry, CTC system shall start response timer. If the user fails to respond before the expiration time, the system shall deny this action. If the user takes action different from that required, in order continuing the sequence of actions, the action will be cancelled and an error message will appear on the video display.

17.10 Contractor shall provide furniture with economical design for the control room including control console for the operator, chairs repository, buffets and cabinets.

18. System architecture and design requirements 18.1. CTC system architecture shall be defined together with the type of architecture and design of the interlocking system(s) and covered areas of control. The architecture shall use local intelligent units, coordinated by a central computer with high fault tolerance and reserved communication channels.

18.2. Longitudinal architecture

Interlocking in support stations (SS), together with the adjacent controlled operating points (COP) shall be separately identified (Figure 1).

Adjacent COP can be subject to support station singly or more points grouped in a single branch.

• In support stations there are permanently operators on duty. • In COP, equipment shall be installed at level A, which if necessary will be used to manage the tracks in the respective COP. • In all cases, the operating points shall be interconnected by a highly responsible B-channel, passing also through the support station;



Fig. 1 Configuration of support station with controlled operating points

• In remotely operated stations it is not required to provide equipment for the central level (B) of the computer interlocking; • The equipment at the central level B shall be installed only in support stations that take the functions at this level and for operational posts, fulfilling them through a highly responsible D-channel; • Information on interstation interlock of operating points is carried by D-channel, among other highly responsible information; • The dispatcher in the traffic control centre in Plovdiv shall receive all the information about railway section needed to directly control the movement of trains. Depending on the data received on the D-channel and in accordance with the structure of fig. 2 the entire railway section shall be displayed and all events of service interest registered; • Visualized information on the panoramic panel and monitors in CTC shall reflect real-time schedule of the train movement on the entire line, and be able to record and playback information; • Dispatch centre shall directly control rail traffic across the entire railway section. Flowchart of the controlled railway line Plovdiv - Burgas is shown in Figure 2; • The section dispatcher shall be able to decentralize management at the section by simply switching to “local control” and controller areas will be controlled separately by the respective supporting stations;

18.3. Since the interlocking system (s) and CTC system will be closely interrelated in terms of function, they shall have clearly defined interfaces so as to eliminate any possibility of the occurrence of a malfunction in one of the interacting systems causing improper functioning or impact on the work of the other. The interfaces shall be defined so as to:

a) allow the CTC system to operate at high levels of functionality with minimal risk to safety; b) allow the preservation of minimal complexity of high responsible interlocking system; c) facilitate the validation, testing and debugging.

18.4. CTC system shall be structured so as to minimize the possibility of system failure and to facilitate the rapid detection of hidden faults.

18.5. CTC system shall have self-regenerating mechanisms necessary to ensure that in the event of a dangerous event impacting on system performance; it will reduce its ability to work in a “smart” way, so properly functioning parts of the CTC system can be used safely. The system shall be structured so that in the event of a hardware or software failure in a single module, the functionality of the entire system can be automatically restored in such a time period that the required criteria for the operation of the system to be met. Reports of good working order shall give enough information about the problem to enable quick and efficient removal.


Fig. 2 Flowchart of controlled railway line Skutare – Burgas

18.6. The fault in any major subsystem shall not hinder the work of the rest of the system.

18.7. The architecture of the CTC shall include the necessary degree of redundancy to provide the required operating mode.

18.8. CTC system shall be designed so as to use no more than 60% of their working capacity in peak loads condition.

18.9. CTC system shall have 25% additional opportunities for inputs and outputs than currently required.

18.10. The system architecture of the CTC shall present emergency (reserve) modes in states of disrepair.

18.11. Sufficient memory and adequate resources shall be provided in order to enable the inclusion of additional displays in accordance with the requirements for system expansion.


18.12. The architecture of the CTC shall allow other systems, such as operational communications, management and monitoring system of energy facilities (SCADA), passenger information system and others be managed and monitored by integrated workstations of operating personnel. Providing these opportunities shall not hinder the work of the CTC system.

18.13. All hardware and all materials used in the CTC system shall be purchased from established manufacturers under approved projects. They will be used in a specific operating environment and will have disclosed probability of failure to be able to fulfil the functional criteria.

18.14. If the CTC system uses adequate capacity of information transfer over networks, additional equipment shall be installed in the network to ensure that the specific performance criteria will be met in all circumstances. The design of the system shall avoid prolonged delays and have 25% spare transfer capacity.

18.15. Protocols for network communications shall follow the general principles of the Basic base model for connections between open systems of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 7498) unless the requirement for more efficient form of transmission of information is insurmountable and can be justified.

18.16. Contractor shall define which levels the basic model will be implemented and which standards and which options to these standards will be used at every level. Priority will be given to the protocols used, which were published by a recognized certification organization, in particular, minutes of ISO standards shall be used in the physical, data transmission, network and transport levels.

18.17. The integrity of all communication paths that do not currently transmit continuous information shall be verified at regular intervals.

18.18. All interfaces with other systems shall be specified in detail in the technical specification including bandwidth capacity of the interface and the maximum allowed time for passing through the interface.

18.19. During the design, the Contractor will evaluate the consequences of a mistake in the interface and where necessary will provide dual interfaces to meet the requirements for operational readiness.

18.20. Requirements for visualization and corresponding control equipment shall be in accordance with standard IEC73 or another approved standard.

18.21. Each monitor (VDU) shall be capable of displaying all the colours set for mission-applications. The colours used on different monitors shall be the same.

18.22. Time and date shall be displayed on any console, and the view will be the same way and at the same place.

18.23. There shall be continuously flashing object or indication change displayed on each monitor to indicate that the screen is refreshed. Any faults in the CTC system that prevents the screen refresh will lead to freezing of the screen image.


18.24. The control system shall not limit the number of graphic elements, their location or the cursor location on the screen. The only limitation shall be the physical boundaries of the monitor screen.

18.25. CTC system shall use an operating system that supports working environment with windows. All windows shall be active and dynamically refreshing, regardless of which window is displayed at the moment. In this environment all active windows shall be implemented and tasks necessary to create a graphic image and fulfilling the requirements of the CTC user.

18.26. It is desirable to have more than one way for quick and easy positioning of the cursor. The scope of the cursor shall be large enough and separate from other areas to allow quick selection of elements. The amount of each target area shall be regulated by software specialist.

19. CCTV at stations of the section 19.1. Contractor of the project shall obtain and install the equipment (servers and MMI) for CCTV in the centre for traffic management in Plovdiv. The equipment shall enable remote monitoring of stations, by making a connection with local CCTV centres at stations via LAN or Ethernet network.

19.2. Transmission of information between CCTV and local CCTV centres will use high-speed backbone network – 10G which will be installed under the project for telecommunications on the line Plovdiv – Burgas.

19.3. The servers shall have the ability to manage and archive information. Backup function shall start automatically upon failure of station DVR.

19.4. The system shall allow for real-time monitoring and access to records via remote access, records review and individual frames print. These modes would be able to be carried out in parallel and independently of one another.

19.5. Management and backup software on the servers shall be compatible with the software of video surveillance systems at stations.

19.6. The system shall be equipped with four workstations consisting of a PC, monitor with a minimum diagonal 32", and keyboard and mouse control.

19.7. MMI of the CCTV system shall provide easy access for the selection of stations and cameras in stations, through appropriate graphical representation of the section, stations and the location of the cameras. The system shall offer only possible choices. MMI shall provide user feedback for each overdue action.

19.8. The normal state of the system is “standby”.

19.9. The system shall be activated in 2 seconds upon request from the dispatcher.

19.10. The system shall be capable of printing images and recording on no energy carrier.

19.11. The system shall have the ability to automatically switch to mode “standby” after a certain time interval when it is not used. The system shall provide access to selection of this time by the operator.


19.12. Servers of CCTV system shall be located in room with authorized access.

19.13. The workplace of the video surveillance system shall be integrated into the console of the workplace of the system in preparing the design of the signalling system.

19.14. Contractor of the project shall obtain and build IP video surveillance system and CCTV control of stations: Skutare, Manole, Belozem, Stara Zagora, Kermen, Karnobat, Chernograd, Ajtos, Balgarovo, Druzhba, Dolno Ezerovo, DP Lozovo, Vladimir Pavlov and Burgas.

19.15. CCTV system shall allow for the monitoring and playback in real time. The video surveillance system shall be equipped with devices allowing monitoring around the clock and in different meteorological conditions.

19.16. The number, type and location of the cameras shall be selected so as to provide monitoring of inlets of the stations, station level crossings, platforms before the entrance building of the station, the station square, subways and security technique rooms.

19.17. The cameras shall be IP stationary type with minimal technical parameters, but not limited to:

• Sealed with a minimum 4 MP resolution 1280x960, 25fps; • WDR mode to work in contrasting light • EXIR (infrared light) technology with a minimum range of operation 60 meters; • Sensitivity - 0.01Lux @ (F1.2, AGC ON) Colour / Gray scale mode • AF Mode • Real mode Day / Night • Protection IP66 – vandal resistant • Operation in the temperature range of -30 ~ 60C ° • Power supply 12/24 Vdc/PoE • Detection of movement. Protocol: TCP/IP, HTTP, DHCP, DNS, DDNS, RTP, RTSP, PPPoE, SMTP, NTP • The cameras shall be equipped with mounting base. • The cameras shall have a definition that allows identification of individuals.

19.18. Requirements to recorder/server:

• Network recorder/server, according to the number of supported IP cameras. • Input capacity to 200 Mbps; • H.264 compression; • USB2.0 port; • For each recorder to 4xSATA hard drives (up to 4TV/CD); • HDM1 + VGA monitor output; • Control with the mouse; • Adjustable volume of network traffic for each channel; • observation via Internet/LAN/mobile phone; • CMS free software

19.19. Monitor


• TFT LCD with minimum 32 inches diagonal flat panel monitor • 3D combined filter • Resolution 1366 x 768 pixels • Contrast 1500: 1 • 16,7 million colours • Protective glass • Multilingual OSD (On Screen Display) • Inputs – 1 x Video In, 1 x VGA, 1 x S-Video, 1 x DVI • Audio • Mains voltage 230 VA

19.20. CCTV system shall allow the record that shall be kept for at least 10 days.

19.21. Contractor shall deliver and install all necessary cables for operation of the CCTV system. When building a network using standard connectors RJ45 for network cables to correspond with the standards TIA / EIA 568B and TIA / EIA 568A. The cables that will be used for connection and power supply of the cameras shall be of “twisted pair” type, category 5. For video signal transmission, optical cables can be used.

19.22. Detailed design for CCTV equipment for traffic control on the line Skutare – Burgas is subject to approval by the Engineer.

20. Subsystem for highly responsible telecommunications 20.1. Information security systems of the railway station shall be processed, exchanged and transferred in a closed telecommunication environment.

20.2. At Level D (Figure 1) highly responsible telecommunication shall be performed relating to a special class of systems for which standards EN 50 126, EN 50 129 and EN 50 159 are valid.

20.3. Depending on the nature of the information transmitted, subsystems, units, sources and receivers, between which it is transmitted, different level of safety SIL (EN50129) shall be ensured as follows:

20.3.1. Safety level 4 (SIL 4) – when the information conveyed concerns:

• Manage and control of train movement in stations and operating points in the field of management of support station; • The locking criteria and signals of interstation interlocks; • Occupation of railway stations; • Between travel and locomotive devices of ETCS equipment; • Between computers in LAN of the support station.

20.3.2. Safety level 2 (SIL 2) - in transport of not highly responsible information (Figure 2).

20.4. Despite the different safety requirements, in railway section, a technically unified transmission system shall be used that meets SIL 4 safety.


• The highly responsible D-channel shall pass through all stations and carry information from station to station and between stations and the Central Dispatch office; • In the equipment at level D in stations and operating points, the signals shall be amplified, the information shall be processed and shared with local sources of information, and part of it shall be transited to the next point.

20.5. To ensure high reliability of the D-channel in the project shall be possible to reserve the equipment and information channels as follows:

Of the equipment – by fault-tolerance means;

Of the linear chain – through primary and backup fibre optic cables.

20.6. The mode of transmission of the data shall not impose restrictions on the scope of the DC system;

20.7. Used in DC system means of transmitting data shall have built-in tools for self-diagnostics and remote monitoring;

20.8. Channels of transmission of data in the DC system shall provide:

20.8.1.Probability of transformation (occurrence of undetected errors) of the signal for remote signalling TC, no more than 10-10;

20.8.2. The probability of transformation (occurrence of undetected errors) of the signal for remote control TU, no more than 10-14;

20.9. Regarding the accuracy class of the channel for transmission of information for data signalling, it shall be brought to class J2 according to BDS HD 546.4 HB S1: 2003 – Devices and systems for remote control. Part 4: Requirements for performance (IEC 60870-4: 1990);

20.10. The accuracy class of data for remote control transmitted over telecommunication channel for transmitting signals is defined as class J3 according to BDS HD 546.4 HB S1: 2003 – Devices and systems for remote control. Part 4: Requirements for performance (IEC 60870-4: 1990). In accordance with BDS EN 60870-5-1: 2003 - Devices and systems for remote control. Part 5: Transmission protocol format. Section 1: Format of Transmission Protocol (IEC 60870-5-1: 1989), for the channel of this class, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of transformation (incidence of undetected error) not greater than 10-12 for each frequency of data distortion

21. Performance of the CTC system 21.1. Response time (response)

During the design phase, the Contractor shall define the maximum allowed response times of CTC system that shall be achieved to ensure very high operational work and achievement of the required values for operational readiness and deliver them to the Engineer for approval. This shall include, but is not limited to:


a) The period of time for collecting, updating the operational database and presentation of OP information on changes in the state of controlled entities (from the time of change occurrence until the appearance of the corresponding image on the monitor) shall be no more than 6 seconds; b) Upon receipt of information on the data channel for more than one minute, the image of the current state of the facilities shall turn out; c) Response time of the DC system under the effect of the devices for entering information (keyboard, mouse, or the like) should be less than 0.5 seconds; d) Time for transmission of commands from the CTC control terminal (from the moment of entering the command until transmit to the controlled object) shall be no more than 1 second; e) The response time of the DC system since the entering of TU command until the display of information about the beginning of its implementation shall be less than 7.5 seconds; f) The storage time of the preliminary part of the control command for controlled object in KP shall be no more than 30 seconds; g) The duration of formation of data packages series for the executive part of the controlled command for the object control shall not exceed 3 minutes at a frequency of generation of packages in series shall not be greater than 15 seconds; h) The time to reach readiness at power up of the DC system shall be less than 3 minutes; i) The storage term of DC system data archive shall be not less than 10 days.

21.2. Safety

21.2.1. CTC system shall be in compliance with safety level 4 as defined in the EN 50128, the requirements of this standard shall be respected at all stages during the service life of the system.

21.2.2. The average TTSN preceding the failure of one channel for each function shall be no less than 40,000 hours;

21.2.3. CTC system shall not give any wrong indication to the operator that is not obviously wrong more often than once in every 1500 hours.

21.2.4. The project shall be provided for such security measures as are necessary to reduce the degree of loss or risk after the occurrence of a dangerous mode. It shall ensure that the safety device does not bring additional danger or cause damage to the system.

21.3. Flawlessness

CTC reliability of the system shall be commensurate with the system configuration, operational readiness and mean time to repair (MTTR) of the system. It is desirable that the mean time between failures (MTBF) be at least 10 000 hours.

CTC shall have a minimum length of service life 15 years from the moment of entry into operation.

21.4. Operational readiness

CTC system shall reach operational readiness more than 99.9995%, excluding scheduled maintenance. This value shall be applied to hardware and software malfunctions that cause the loss

24 of basic functions, such as route setting function, and does not include malfunctions that may affect performance of the CTC system, but is carrying full control and monitoring without causing a delay of trains, for example, loss of information about the operation of a switch, where the keyboard can still be used to input commands.

Mean time to repair (MTTR) shall be no more than 60 minutes from the start of repairs, including diagnosing the failure.

To reach the target values for operational readiness, repairs shall be able to be made with functioning CTC system.

22. CTC - centre 22.1. The CTC centre of the Plovdiv – Burgas line shall be installed on the sixth floor of the administrative building of NRIC in Plovdiv, 2 Macedonia Blvd in the traffic management room.

22.2. Traffic management centre shall meet the requirements for installing the equipment.

22.3. The sixth floor is equipped with double floor with space for cables of 30 cm.

22.4. The apparatus of dispatching interlocking will be mounted in areas designated by the Contracting Authority in the same building.

22.5. The power supply of dispatching interlocking and CTC Plovdiv – Burgas will be installed in the basement next to the power supply room of CTC Plovdiv – Svilengrad. The Contractor shall submit a draft to the Engineer for the accommodation of power supply equipment room.

22.6. Contractor of the project shall adapt the premises to accommodate the equipment of dispatching interlocking and power supply according to state standards and requirements for the installation of the equipment.

23. Power supply 23.1. DC system power supply shall be from the national grid for general purpose of alternating current with a nominal frequency of 50 Hz, nominal voltage 220 V, maximum tolerance -30% to + 20% and other quality indicators established by norms and standards in force in the Republic Bulgaria;

23.2. Power supply devices shall secure the DC system, as electricity consumer of first class special group and protect them from weather and surge into the grid. Power supply devices shall be protected against short circuit of load;

23.3. Power supply devices shall provide reliable power supply to the DC system from at least two independent sources of electricity. The transition from primary to backup power supply system and vice versa shall be automatic for no more than 1.5 seconds;

23.4. Power supply devices shall ensure the continued operation of DC system technical means during power failure;


23.5. All equipment, systems and subsystems of CTC Plovdiv – Burgas shall be secured by separate UPS devices for uninterruptible power supply.

24. Requirements for operating personnel (OP) To work in DC system, OP shall be allowed trained in the respective program, tested and provided with documents upon the established order. The training program shall be profiled according to the specifics of the work of operational-management and servicing staff. The number of staff shall be determined by its workload, taking into account the variability of the transport process in time.

25. Training a. Training objectives

Contractor will be required to organize technological transition to the staff of the Contracting Authority regarding the project, manufacture, construction, delivery to the site, operation and maintenance of the equipment provided for in the Contract. The staff will include representatives of the management, operational, technical and training areas.

The contractor must train or organize training of personnel nominated by the Contracting Authority.

Trainees will be technical staff of the Contracting Authority with the following training:

• good skills in the field of safety equipment, electronics, measurements; • basic computer knowledge.

The trainees will not be expected to be familiar with specific equipment included in the delivery.

The contractor must assess the need for training of individual groups of personnel and to adapt training courses to be in line with the topics and the level specified in the assessment of training needs.

This will require the Contractor to train the personnel of the Contracting Authority in sufficient detail so that they are able to:

• understand and monitor the system in technical and functional aspect, maintenance, management and administration; • operate, maintain and manage the system effectively and safely. b. Stages of training

The contractor must propose an appropriate number of man-days of training.

All courses must be conducted in Bulgarian.

If the instructor uses different language, the Contractor shall provide a translation of materials and a full time translator. c. Training instructors


Training instructors that will be provided by the Contractor must be qualified and experienced electrical and mechanical engineers with good knowledge of English.

They should have experience in the training of engineers or technicians in similar professional field or be completely familiar with the supplied and installed equipment.

Before any of the training instructors being appointed, the Contractor shall present the Contracting Authority and the Consultant a detailed biography of each of the proposed instructors for approval.

When a representative of the Contracting Authority is attached to the Contractor (or subcontractor) to teach, all trainees will be controlled and monitored by a qualified trainer supervisor, so as to ensure that all students will have the best opportunities to acquire theoretical and practical experience. d. Training courses

During the training, the Contractor will be responsible for the safety, health and welfare of trainees.

Therefore, interpretations of rules and safety standards will form a separate part of the basic introductory course conducted by the Contractor and if deemed necessary a book will be started in which each trainee will sign that he/she accepted and understood the rules.

The courses must be planned in accordance with the stages of production and assembly, so that trainees be present at all stages of manufacture, installation and commissioning of equipment and systems, subject of the training course.

The Contractor must ensure that the courses fully cover all aspects of basic design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and maintenance of devices and equipment, paying special attention to the instructions for maintenance of the facilities.

Training should be conducted in modules, each module can be provided independently or together with others similar in theme modules.

The Contractor shall prepare a plan for training, including at least:

• Schedule for the courses; • Objectives; • Curriculum; • Form of education; • Required training aids or such that will be supplied; • A list of materials and documents; • Test procedures; • Qualification of teachers; • Methods of course assessment.

In the process of training the Contractor must use multimedia and computer techniques in the preparation and delivery of training packages, including all necessary teaching materials and

27 technical literature, manuals, photographs, drawings, videos and movies, samples and other materials needed for training.

All materials except videos, movies and reproductions will be retained by the Contractor at the end of each training program.

The Contractor shall provide all training materials including at least:

• Syllabus; • Objectives; • Plans of the lectures; • Schedule of presentations; • Manuals for the equipment / software; • Aids such as multimedia; • Computer-based training requirements. e. Training at work

Once the system is put into operation, the Contractor shall provide training on the job, including assistance in the operation and maintenance as follow-up training courses. f. Training equipment

In general, the Contractor shall use equipment that is specially designed for training purposes.

With the consent of the Contracting Authority and Consultant, he will be able to use equipment that is already installed, tested and put into operation when it is not available otherwise.

The Contractor shall not use for this purpose spare parts from kits.

If trainees require special or protective clothing, it will be provided by the Contractor. Personal pieces of clothing will be new and may be retained by the trainee upon completion of training. g. Surveillance

During the entire period of training Contracting Authority and the Consultant will have free access to all seminars to be able to monitor the work of teachers and the progress of learners.

To ensure that the objectives of courses are achieved, the Contractor shall periodically carry out theoretical and practical tests of the trainees.

The results of these tests, along with a report on the general perception, abilities, technical skills and presence of trainees should be regularly sent to the Contracting Authority, which in some cases may require additional information.

Methods for monitoring the learning process should include, but not necessarily limited to the following:

• Theoretical tests and evaluation systems; • Practical partial tests and objective evaluation systems;


• Reports on the progress of the training.

The data on the progress of trainees must continuously be updated and made available to the Contracting Authority for review upon request.

Upon completion of each course, the Contracting Authority will be transmitted copies of the test results and progress reports for each trainee. h. Place of training and resources

Training shall be conducted in locations that will provide the best opportunities for meeting.

They can be in Bulgaria, abroad, in places of production, assembly, testing or elsewhere if necessary.

Each place for training shall be discussed with the Contracting Authority.

Training programs presented by the Contractor shall include a detailed description of training. i. Administration

The Contractor shall:

• Be responsible for meeting, arranging transport and hotel for the Contracting Authority and Consultant and all trainees who will travel abroad; • Be responsible for the general welfare of the trainees under his control.

26. LEGAL DOCUMENTS DIRECTIVE 2001/16 / EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 19 March 2001 on the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system

DIRECTIVE 2004/50 / EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 29 April 2004 amending Directive 96/48 / EC on operational compatibility of the trans-European high-speed rail system and Directive 2001/16 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on interoperability of the European conventional rail system

DIRECTIVE 2007/32 / EC of 1 June 2007 amending Annex VI to Directive 96/48 / EC on the interoperability of the European high-speed rail system and Annex VI to Directive 2001/16 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on interoperability of the European conventional rail system

DIRECTIVE 2008/57 / EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 17 June 2008 on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community

Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) of subsystems “Command and signalling”, “Infrastructure”, “Energy”, referring to the conventional rail system

Railway Transport Act (Prom. SG. 97 of 28.11.2000, effective from 1.01.2002)

Law on Spatial Planning (Prom. SG. 1 of 2 January 2001).

Law on Chambers of Architects and Engineers in Investment Design (Prom. SG. 20 of 4 March 2003).


Law on technical requirements for products (Prom. SG. 86 of 10.01.1999)

Decree No 4 of 21 May 2001 on the scope and content of investment projects (Issued by the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works, prom. SG 51 of June 5, 2001, effective from June 5, 2001)

Decree No 55 of 29.01.2004 on the design and construction of railways, railway stations, level crossings and other elements of railway infrastructure (Prom. SG. 18 of March 5, 2004).

Decree No 57 of 9.06.2004 on achieving interoperability of national rail system with the rail system within the European Union (prom. SG 55 of 25.06.2004, effective from 26.06.2005)

Decree No 58 of 02.08.2006. The rules for technical operation, movement of trains and railway signaling (Prom. SG 73 of September 5, 2006).

Rules for technical operation of the railway infrastructure of the National Company “Railway Infrastructure”

Ordinance on categorization of railway lines in Bulgaria, included in rail infrastructure and closing of separate lines or sections of lines (Prom. SG. 112 of 29.12.2001, effective from 1.01.2002)

Ordinance No 4 on railway level crossings of 27.03.1997.

Ordinance No 59 of 5.12.2006 on management of railway safety (Prom. SG 102 of 19.12.2006)

Ordinance No 13 from 30.12.2005 on ensuring healthy and safe working conditions in railway transport (effective from 08.08.2006.; Prom. SG 12 of 7 February 2006).

Ordinance No 3 of June 9, 2004 on planning of electrical installations and power lines (Prom. SG. 90 of 13.10.2004 and SG. 91 of 14.10.2004, effective from 15.01.2005)


BDS EN 60 870 – Devices and systems for remote control

BDS EN 61000 – Electromagnetic compatibility

BDS EN 50122-1: 2004 – Railway applications. Fixed installations. Part 1: Protective provisions relating to electrical safety and earthing.

BDS EN 50124 – Railway applications. Insulation coordination

BDS ISO 2382-6: 2001 Systems for information processing. Glossary. Part 6: Data preparation and processing

BDS EN 50129: 2004 - Railway applications. Communication, signalling and processing systems. Safety related electronic systems for signalling

BDS EN 60300 – Management of reliability


BDS EN 60870-5-1: 2003 – Devices and systems for remote control. Part 5: Transmission protocols. Section 1: Format of Transmission Protocol (IEC 60870-5-1: 1989);

BDS EN 61508-1: 2010 – Functional safety of electrical / electronic / programmable electronic safety systems. Part 1: General requirements (IEC 61508-1: 2010)

BDS EN 61508-2: 2010 – Functional safety of electrical / electronic / programmable electronic safety systems. Part 2: Requirements for electrical / electronic / programmable electronic safety systems (IEC 61508-2: 2010)

BDS EN 61508-3: 2010 – Functional safety of electrical / electronic / programmable electronic safety systems. Part 3: Requirements for the software (IEC 61508-3: 2010)

BDS EN 61508-4: 2010 – Functional safety of electrical / electronic / programmable electronic safety systems. Part 4: Terms, definitions and abbreviations (IEC 61508-4: 2010)

BDS EN 61508-5: 2010 – Functional safety of electrical / electronic / programmable electronic safety systems. Part 5: Examples of methods for determining of integrated safety levels (IEC 61508-5: 2010)

BDS EN 61508-7: 2010 – Functional safety of electrical / electronic / programmable electronic safety systems. Part 7: Overview of techniques and tools (IEC 61508-7: 2010)

BDS EN 50126-1: 2006 – Railway applications. Identification and proof of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)

BDS EN 60300 – Management of reliability

BDS EN 60706-2: 2006 – Reparability of facilities. Part 2: Requirements for Maintainability and studies during the design phase and the development phase (IEC 60706-2: 2006)

BDS EN 50125-3: 2004 – Railway applications. Environmental conditions on the equipment. Part 3: Equipment for signalling and telecommunications

BDS EN 55022: 2006 – Devices for information processing. Characteristics of RF disturbance. Limits and methods of measurement (CISPR 22: 2005 modified)

BDS HD 546.4 S1: 2003 – Devices and systems for remote control. Part 4:Performance requirements (IEC 60870-4: 1990)

BDS EN ISO 9241-1: 2003 + A1: 2005 – Ergonomic requirements for work with video terminals (VT). Part 1: General introduction (ISO 9241-1: 1997 + Amd 1: 2001)

BDS EN ISO 9241-5: 2000 – Ergonomic requirements for office work with video terminals (VT). Part 5: Requirements for the workplace and working posture (ISO 9241- 5: 1998)

BDS EN ISO 9241-6: 2000 – Ergonomic requirements for office work with video terminals (VT). Part 6: Recommendations to the working environment (ISO 9241-6: 1999)

BDS EN ISO 9241-300: 2009 – Ergonomics of human-system interaction. Part 300: Commissioning requirements for electronic video display (ISO 9241-300: 2008)


BDS 15263: 1981 - Unified ergonomics system. Workplace in carrying out the work seated. General ergonomic requirements

BDS EN 12464-1: 2004 - Light and lighting. Lighting of work places. Part 1: Indoor work places

BDS EN ISO 11203: 2009 – Acoustics. Noise emitted by machinery and equipment. Determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work place and other specified positions from the sound power level (ISO 11203: 1995)

BDS EN ISO 11205: 2009 – Acoustics. Noise emitted by machinery and equipment. Engineering method for the determination of emission sound pressure levels in situ at the work station and at other specified positions using sound intensity (ISO 11205: 2003)

BDS EN ISO 1683: 2009 – Acoustics. Recommended supporting values for acoustic and vibration levels (ISO/FDIS 1683: 2008)

BDS EN 60 068 on the environmental impacts

BDS EN ISO 14040: 2006 – Environmental Management. LCA. Principles and general requirements (ISO 14040: 2006)

BDS EN ISO 14021: 2006 – Labels for grading and environment declarations – Personal declared claims / claims regarding the environment (Type II labelling of environment) (ISO 14021: 1999);

IEC 60870-1-1: 1998 – Devices and systems for remote control. Basic requirements. General Principles;

BDS HD 546.4 S1 & 2003 – Devices and systems for remote control. Part 4: Performance requirements (IEC 60870-4: 1990) and BDS EN 60870-5-1: 2003

BDS EN 60870-5-1: 2003 – Devices and systems for remote control. Part 5: Protocols for transmission. Section 1: Format of Transmission Protocol (IEC 60870-5-1: 1989);



Contents 1. COMPUTER-BASED INTERLOCKING ...... 6 1.1. General system requirements ...... 6 1.1.1. General requirements for the functions of the overall system ...... 6 1.1.2. Technical structure of the system: ...... 6 1.1.3. Requirements for system reliability ...... 7 1.1.4. Safety requirements for CBI ...... 7 1.1.5. Ergonomic and aesthetic requirements – requirements for lighting and acoustics at the workplace ...... 9 1.1.6. Requirements for the operation, maintenance and prevention of system components ..... 9 1.1.7. Requirements for protection of information against unauthorized access ...... 9 1.1.8. Environmental requirements ...... 9 1.2. Requirements for CBI system functions ...... 10 1.2.1. Time to perform functions ...... 10 1.2.2. Quality requirements in the implementation of functions ...... 10 1.3. Requirements for different types of provisions ...... 13 1.3.1. Requirements to information provision: ...... 13 1.3.2. Requirements for language: ...... 14 1.3.3. Requirements for software ...... 14 1.3.4. Requirements for technical equipment ...... 14 1.3.5. Requirements to methodological provision ...... 14 1.3.6. Requirements for organizational provision ...... 15 1.4. Conditions for the implementation of the basic functions ...... 15 1.4.1. Features of the program and route management regimes ...... 15 1.4.2. Functions of auxiliary control mode ...... 20 1.5. Configuration Requirements ...... 21 1.6. Requirements for human-machine interface (MMI) ...... 22 1.7. Terms of application ...... 24 2. MANAGEMENT OF SWITCHES – TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ...... 24


3. SIGNALS – TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ...... 25 4. CABLE ROUTES AND CABLES – TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS...... 26 4.1. Cable routing - technical requirements ...... 26 4.2. Cables – technical requirements ...... 28 4.3. Cable connections – Technical requirements ...... 30 4.4. Cable systems – technical requirements ...... 30 5. AUTOMATIC BLOCK SYSTEM WITHOUT SIGNALS WITH AXLE COUNTERS – TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ...... 31 6. EUROPEAN TRAIN CONTROL SYSTEM ( ETCS ) ...... 32 6.1. General requirements...... 32 6.2. Functional requirements...... 33 6.3. Technical requirements ...... 35 6.4. Construction and installation ...... 38 6.5. Hardware and software design and programming data for road equipment and centralized ETCS system...... 39 6.6. Climatic requirements ...... 39 7. AXLE COUNTERS – TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ...... 39 7.1. General requirements ...... 39 7.2. Functional requirements ...... 40 7.3. Compatibility and integrity ...... 41 7.4. Construction and installation requirements ...... 42 7.5. Requirements for Rail/Wheel Profile ...... 42 7.6. Requirements for power of axle counters ...... 43 7.7. Requirements for wiring ...... 43 7.8. Requirements for the environment ...... 43 8. REQUIREMENTS FOR POWER SUPPLY OF ...... 44 8.1. General requirements ...... 44 8.2. Requirements for grounding and securing connections ...... 45 8.3. Special design requirements ...... 45 8.4. General requirements transformer devices 25 / 0.22 KV for CBI power supply ...... 45 8.5. General requirements for diesel aggregates ...... 50 9. LEVEL CROSSING DEVICES - TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ...... 50 9.1. General requirements ...... 50 9.2. Technical requirements ...... 51 10. SYSTEM FOR CONTACTLESS DIAGNOSTICS OF ROLLING STOCK BOGIE ...... 52


10.1. Main objectives ...... 52 10.2. Technical requirements ...... 52 10.3. Power supply ...... 55 10.4. Requirements for functions architecture ...... 55 10.5. Requirements for ergonomics and health and safety at work ...... 56 10.6. Controls and visualization ...... 56 10.7. Requirements in function performance ...... 56 10.8. Requirements for reliability and safety ...... 57 11. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FOR VIDEO SURVEILLANCE OF STATIONS ...... 57 11.1. General requirements ...... 57 11.2. Equipment requirements: ...... 58 11.2.1. Requirements for IP cameras for outdoor installation: ...... 58 11.2.2. Requirements for recorder/server ...... 59 11.2.3. Monitor ...... 59 11.2.4. Reserved power supply ...... 59 11.2.5. Adjusting and adapting working condition ...... 59 12. REQUIREMENTS FOR DELIVERY OF DIESEL GENERATOR AND BATTERY FOR RELAY-BASED INTERLOCKING OF KARNOBAT STATION ...... 60 12.1. Requirements for diesel generator...... 60 12.2. Requirements for Battery ...... 60 13. PRODUCTION AND DELIVERY OF EQUIPMENT ...... 60 13.1. Introduction ...... 60 13.2. General ...... 61 13.3. Supply management and subcontracts ...... 61 13.4. Management of manufacturing and production ...... 61 13.5. Testing ...... 62 13.6. Verification by the Employer and Consultant staff ...... 62 13.7. Quality Assurance and Control ...... 62 13.8. Transportation ...... 63 13.9. Organizational activities, storage and delivery ...... 63 13.10. Provision of documents confirming the production and delivery ...... 63 14. INSTALLATION ...... 64 14.1. Installation plan and program ...... 64 14.2. Explanatory note on the method of installation ...... 64


14.3. Determination of fixed assets ...... 64 15. TESTING AND COMMISSIONING ...... 65 15.1. General ...... 65 15.2. Test programs and procedures ...... 65 15.3. Sequence of tests ...... 66 15.4. Standard tests ...... 66 15.4.1. Factory acceptance tests (FAT)...... 67 15.4.2. Tests at installation ...... 67 15.4.3. Tests of the integrated system ...... 69 15.4.4. Tests during the trial operation ...... 69 15.4.5. Samples for testing ...... 70 15.4.6. Documenting tests ...... 70 16. MAINTENANCE ...... 70 17. GUIDES ...... 71 18. SPARE PARTS, SPECIAL TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT ...... 72 18.1. General ...... 72 18.2. Tools and test equipment ...... 72 18.3. Spare parts list ...... 72 18.4. Additional delivery sources ...... 73 18.5. Long delivery time ...... 74 18.6. Periodic replacement ...... 74 18.7. Duration of storage ...... 74 18.8. Identification and control of configuration ...... 74 18.9. Testing of the spare parts ...... 74 19. DESIGNATION OF EQUIPMENT ...... 74 20. EDUCATION AND TRAINING TOOLS...... 75 20.1. Training Objectives ...... 75 20.2. Stages of training ...... 75 20.3. Training instructors ...... 75 20.4. Training courses ...... 76 20.5. Learning on the job ...... 77 20.6. Training Equipment ...... 77 20.7. Surveillance ...... 77 20.8. Place of training and resources ...... 77


20.9. Administration ...... 77 21. PACKAGING AND STORAGE OF TECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS ...... 78 21.1. Transport and storage ...... 78 21.2. Palletizing ...... 78 21.3. Precautions ...... 79 21.4. Packaging procedures ...... 79 22. KEYS AND LOCKS ...... 79 23. MANAGEMENT OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ...... 79 24. LEGAL DOCUMENTS ...... 79



1.1. General system requirements

Computer-based interlockings (CBI), which will be installed in the project section, shall meet the technical requirements for the elements of the railway infrastructure of SE “NRIC” TC-RI V02 2015, Section 1602 00 “Computer-based interlocking”. The system shall meet functional and technical requirements for devices and systems of the interlocking equipment provided in Ordinance № 58 and meet the safety requirements of SE “NRIC”, as evidenced by a certificate issued by an authorized certification body.

1.1.1. General requirements for the functions of the overall system The system shall be constructed of the following main subsystems:

− Subsystem “Management and control of the railway automation means”, which shall ensure implementation of the traditional functions of interlocking system on management of its external objects to perform station work technology; − Subsystem “Dialogue mode”, which shall provide interaction of operational staff with all subsystems; − “Normative-reference subsystem”, which shall contain all information necessary for the effective operation of the system such as: profile of the section, transit tracks and tracks for acceptance of trains, length of arrival-departure tracks, speed limits, etc.; − Subsystem “Diagnostics of technical condition of devices”; − “Events log” providing the “black box” function, i.e. registering all submitted commands from the operating personnel, changes in the schedule of trains, failures in the functioning of the systems, results of diagnostic systems and also - based on accumulated data – report on the work done. The information shall be kept at least 1 year; − “Interfaces” for a direct bonding with other information and control systems, without the need for any other equipment.

1.1.2. Technical structure of the system: CBI shall be implemented using central industrial computer as a core system that safely perform all set relationships, interact with automated workplaces and the object controller system (computers) directly managing and controlling all objects of interlocking, providing in the same time information to all other systems in connection with CBI; All connections between components in the system shall be implemented on the basis of computer networks (Ethernet or other types). With the appropriate protocol (TCP / IP or other), it shall be provided a high degree of physical independence and connection with other systems; The system shall contain the required redundant equipment, related to hardware and software control of the work; The system shall be reserved, including at least two processing modules – processor devices that are implemented as safe central processor devices. It shall be ensured hot redundancy of all system functions: one module shall be working, and the other – hot standby;

6 Means of visualization at the station traffic manager, dispatcher, technical personnel and others shall be implemented on standard monitors or other topical at the moment technical visualization tools adopted by SE “NRIC”, as part of the common set of relevant PCs. At larger stations visualization tools for collective monitoring can also be used; Controls of the system are: a mouse and keyboard or other means consistent with the current level of the art; To enable centralized and/or decentralized deployment of CBI equipment (next to the managed sites); Managing complex should be able to develop and if necessary upgrade the management functions and facilities, which shall be achieved by:

− Use of mass produced hardware tools; − Modularity of the equipment construction; − Simplified comprehensive (applicable to all cases) description of the sites for management and control; − Module implementation of programming subsystems; − Use of standard protocols for exchanging information between subsystems; − Storing information in standard files and database; − Use of standard interfaces to exchange information with other systems of different hierarchical levels.

1.1.3. Requirements for system reliability Criterion for system failure is the failure of any of the underlying functions. Equipment shall be operated in continuous mode with minimal preventive maintenance. In single failures in the equipment, operation of the system as a whole should not be disrupted – the system shall be fault-tolerant; The operational life of the system shall be not less than 15 years;

The total intensity of failures should be no more than 5.10-51/hour;

The average recovery time of the system shall be no more than 2 hours;

The power supply of the individual nodes of the CBI ensuring traffic safety shall be done by using sources of uninterruptible power supply.

1.1.4. Safety requirements for CBI CBI shall meet all requirements for safe failure systems:

− A single failure should not bring the whole system into a dangerous condition; − Detection of failure shall be done so quickly that the probability of occurrence, during this time, of a second independent failure shall be minimal; − In detection of failure, the system shall switch to a safe condition, while the corresponding objects pass into protective position (prohibitive state);


− The central computer shall safely carry out all interdependencies adopted in Bulgaria for conventional electric interlocking, which is manifested by the control system passing in a protective state in compliance with the applicable standards of CENELEC. Software and hardware shall be built on the principle of protected programming (use of programs that can detect and react adequately in advance to possible random errors manifested in the process of transmitting commands for remote control, data communication or in case of destruction of the object code). Secure software shall meet the following requirements that allow ensuring the highest degree of safety at CENELEC– SIL4 level by:

− Control over the operation and implementation of programs; − Controlling the message flow; − Changes in data; − Controlling of caution and stop signals; − Verification of authenticity; − Protection from external disturbing influences; − Safe transmission of information; − Program versions check; − Timing control; − The software used in the CBI shall be based on the technology equivalent to the principle of safety failures for input and output devices connected to external equipment, with redundant software (with additional algorithms beyond the mandatory implementation of a function, which provides different ways to describe the same action) and data redundancy, by which data and data operations are protected; − The system approach is based on the specified level of safety and corresponding method for its security, protection from systematic and random errors, diversification of the safety features related software and system architecture (of the central processor), which allow to ensure the highest degree of safety at CENELEC SIL4 level, ensuring the realization of: initial check-up, endless cycles and interruptions control; reliable file system and more. The interlocking system shall ensure real time registration of the following events:

− Managing impacts on duty traffic manager or dispatcher; − Train situation; − System response; − Disturbances and interruptions in the operation of the system; − Results of regulated inspections during maintenance; − Results of diagnostics after recovery of the system working capacity. The safety of technical equipment shall be demonstrated by the system manufacturer through an assessment by an independent certification body, adopting, as a normative probabilistic safety indicator, the intensity of hazardous failures λ = 7,7.10-9 1/hour for one switch; Cable connections between the CPU and object controllers (computers) shall be designed and built in such a scheme, that the interruption of cable in one place should not lead to interlocking

8 failure. Disturbing electromagnetic influences from overhead lines and other transmission lines should not be allowed; CBI shall be designed with a system of self-diagnostics, through which pre-failure status of the interlocking elements is manifested, to control all failures and display the information on the automated workplace of the technical staff on duty and/or other service centre; The system should allow the opportunity for future modernization related to the station track development amendment and functional requirements, which should not prejudice the safety related software. Changes in the software, depending on local conditions in interlocking should be reviewed and checked again only in respect to the specific data of the respective station.

1.1.5. Ergonomic and aesthetic requirements – requirements for lighting and acoustics at the workplace Requirements for equipment in the traffic manager on duty workplace design shall be in accordance with the terms of the adopted in the European Union and local for Bulgaria standardization and regulations and documents which formulate the fundamental ergonomic principles that apply to the use of monitors, the general principles and requirements in terms of technical design of furniture and other equipment for workplace, workplace lighting, acoustic and vibration requirements and more.

1.1.6. Requirements for the operation, maintenance and prevention of system components CBI equipment shall be installed in rooms or in suitable containers. Premises where electronic devices and UPS are mounted shall be conditioned when it is explicitly required for the proper functioning of the technical means; Prevention of technical equipment shall be carried out periodically, without disrupting the functional operation of the system;

Periodicity and timing of service, and staff qualifications are determined based on the requirements and recommendations of the relevant technical means;

1.1.7. Requirements for protection of information against unauthorized access Access to information and management of the CBI should be granted only to persons involved in the operation and servicing. It shall be provided a staff identification system; Protection of data from unauthorized changes and destruction shall be provided by software and organizational. Permanent and temporary information stored in the CBI system shall be protected from:

− Unauthorized access – through software and passwords determining the level of authorization and/or additional hardware tools; − Destruction in failures or interruptions in the power supply devices; − Damage and destruction from the impact of computer viruses.

1.1.8. Environmental requirements The requirements shall meet of BDS EN ISO 14040: 2006 – Environmental Management. LCA. Principles and general requirements (ISO 14040: 2006).


It shall be evidenced by product declaration in accordance with BDS EN ISO 14021: 2006 – Labels for grading and environment declarations – Private declared claims / claims regarding the environment (Type II environmental labelling) (ISO 14021: 1999).

1.2. Requirements for CBI system functions

1.2.1. Time to perform functions The system works in real time, so the time for presenting the information to change the controlled entities state should be no more than 1 sec., and the response time of the system to submitted commands – no more than 0.5 seconds.

1.2.2. Quality requirements in the implementation of functions Processing of operational information should be carried out in accordance with the functional tasks of the common database, which is based on information on the state of external objects of the system, the characteristics of moving vehicles, etc .; Preservation of operational information is regulated by its functional purpose. To increase the reliability of data and control of connection channels in processing the emerging changes in the state, cyclical update of the information shall be used; CBI system in terms of objects to provide the following options: For controlled areas of point and no-point sections (arrival-departure tracks, pre-sections, block sections „approaching”, „distancing” and others.), it shall be provided:

− Control of rolling stock vacancy/occupancy upon data from the primary sensors; − Status control upon the diagnostic results and logical analysis of previous events to determine incidence of false occupancy and false vacancy of the section; − Management of rolling stock number transfer and the possibility of its correction; − Section lock in a route with fixing the direction of movement and the category of the route; − Individual lock and possibility of subsequent unlocking; − Exclusion of managing specific section in fencing and subsequent return (in normal and emergency operation); − Unlocking the section in the route cancellation; − Unlocking in tracing the rolling stock route; − Unlocking unused shunting route for the next shunting route in the opposite direction of the rolling stock movement; − Artificial release in breach of the device normal operation; − Fencing of the section; − Providing interface with objects. For single and twin (between running lines) switches, CBI provides the performance of the following tasks:

− Control of the final position of the “plus” tongues; − Control of the final position of the “minus” tongues; − Fixing the intermediate position of tongues;


− Fixing the control loss on the tongues position in the absence of an order to reverse; − Fixing the slitting of the switch; − Locking and unlocking of the switch participating in the route; − Locking and unlocking of the switch as the security for the route; − Individually locking and unlocking of the switch; − Loss of the ability to control the switch with maintaining control of its position (“electrical” lock of the switch); − Providing the possibility of turning from one extreme position to another; − Providing switch turning from intermediate position (uncontrolled state) to end (controlled); − Providing control for the duration of switch turning and switching off the command to turn after the expiration of the time to turn, plus specified time reserve (protection against continuous operation of “friction”); − Providing consistent turning of switch in “turning of railroad” connection; − Ability to consecutive turning the switches in a route; − Ability to automatically return the switch in guarding position after its electrical unlocking; − Ability to reverse the switch at artificially occupied controlled section with controlled command; − Ability to restore the switch after slitting with controlled command; − Control the position of the switch in manual turn (with crank); − Ability to manage the electric heating of the switches. Signals indications shall comply with the statutory requirements of the Ordinance No 58. For each signal, it shall be provided:

− “Day/night” light mode − Control the intensity of light in constant and flashing mode; − Control of the actual illumination of each indication, and control the integrity of the chain in “cold” mode; − Closing the signal at beacon circuit break from the permit indication or submission in lower level permit indication; − Prohibitive state of the signal in the absence of command for opening; − Choosing a permit indication of any possible train route; − Opening permit indication with control of conditions necessary for traffic safety; − Excluding the possibility to reopen the signal consumed from a previous command, after the restoration of safety conditions (against repetition); − Possibility of automatic operation of train signals; − Possibility of excluding management of signals permit indications (“electrical” lock of signals); − Possibility of opening inviting signal to the exclusion of any other permit indications; − Closing the signals in violation of the traffic safety; − Closing the signals in giving a command to cancel the route; − Closing the signals at artificial unlocking of the route or part thereof; − Ability to reopen the signals with explicit command and availability of all safety conditions (reserve control).

11 The train and shunting route as a defined set of objects state requires solving the following functional tasks:

− Fixing the signs of the route – beginning, end, direction and category; − Choosing the main trace of the route; − Possibility to choose a variant of the route; − Formation of control commands to external objects on already chosen trace of the route; − Continuous monitoring of conditions for realization of the route; − Control of the conditions for traffic safety on the route; − Monitoring the proper implementation of each of the commands in the realization of the route; − Lock objects in the route; − Manage supporting subsystems to provide the conditions for the existence of the route; − Control of the state of ancillary subsystems and safety conditions outside the route; − Changing the direction of automatic block system in stations; − Direct control of the balises of the ERTMS/ETCS system is an option. By design 2 Position 3 “Construction of signalling systems on the railway line Plovdiv - Burgas (ETCS level 1)”, it is provided for the delivery of LEU equipment and balises. The Contractor shall provide a reserve of cable at signals to connect this equipment. − Ability to cancel the train route; − Ability to cancel shunting route; − Automatic closing of signals at the train route – when occupying the first section of the train route; − Automatic closing of signals at shunting route – before the release of the route section or the vacation of the first route section by the vehicle; − Sectional automatic unlocking of the route sections –after their tracking by the vehicle; − Automatically unlock the path of slipping (if any) – after tracing the entire route, establishing the target section and not occupying the way of slipping until the expiration of a predetermined time-delay; − Unlocking the unused parts of shunting route – after their vacation from a vehicle travelling on the next shunting route with the opposite direction of motion (angular half routes); − Input, correction and transfer the number of rolling stock; − Individual locking of objects on the route; − Disable the ability to open the signals; − Providing locking in automatic operation mode of signals; − Ability to software control, providing a sequence of group of routes setting (queue). CBI shall have the appropriate safety interfaces to work with self-acting automatic level crossing devices:

− Electric barrier (EB) in the station area; − Automatic crossing signals (ACS) or automatic half barrier (AHB) for level crossing, located between warning and entry signal at the station;

12 Ability for remote control from a single workplace (no need to build another workplace) of devices, linearly arranged in a section of railway line, including neighbouring stations, switches on open line, level crossing devices, etc. ; Provide opportunity for joint action of CBI with other supporting systems of safety equipment (automatic block system, semi-automatic block, dispatching interlocking, etc.) that have their own equipment as follows:

− Availability of safe interface; − Possibility of forming control commands; − Control of the objects state. − Power supply of CBI devices shall be done with consideration of: − The state of feeders and internal power networks; − Ability to connect to the catenary as a backup power supply feeder; − Ensuring uninterruptible power supply with capacity to take the CBI full load for at least four hours in the absence of external power supply. Locking of controlled section

The function shall be realized with the entering of a special individual command, which preclude the use of the blocked section for participating in the route by opening the signal.

Cancellation of individually blocked controlled section shall be done by entering the command without additional conditions. Locking of signal

The function shall be performed in the closed position of the signal on a special individual command and its task is to exclude the possibility of its opening in route.

The cancellation of signal locking shall be done by entering individual command without any additional conditions.

1.3. Requirements for different types of provisions

1.3.1. Requirements to information provision: Information provision is a set of arrays in the memory of the managing complex; Information provision is used to perform the following tasks:

− Identification of objects for management and ongoing events; − Formalizing the data presentation; − Distribution of data between arrays; − Search and receiving data. Information provision shall be compatible with other systems to automate the management of train movements;

13 It should be possible to change the database with a view to changes of functions and the quantity of objects to be managed by the system.

1.3.2. Requirements for language: Requirements to language reflect the requirements for organizing the dialogue of the staff with the system – in Bulgarian language, in Cyrillic; Entering of commands shall be done by keyboard, mouse or other means consistent with the current level of the art.

In the performance of text commands, control of format, grammar and logic shall be done; Format control shall verify the conformity of the size of the entered command with the established limits; Grammatical control shall include semantic and syntactic command control; Logical control shall check the feasibility of command; Wrong actions of staff and occurred emergencies should be displayed on the displays, and accompanied by an audible signal and/or a text menu; The rules for the operation of the staff should be reflected in a special instruction.

1.3.3. Requirements for software The software shall ensure the implementation of all functions of the system and shall have the following qualities:

− Reliability; − Modular structure; − Self-test. For each subsystem, the software shall have a functional completeness and possess standard data connections.

1.3.4. Requirements for technical equipment Reliability, technical, operational and functional characteristics of technical equipment shall meet the relevant parts of this specification.

The core of the system shall be built from hardware tools without forced cooling of processors or with preset reliability in terms of cooling.

1.3.5. Requirements to methodological provision The system shall conform to those referred to in Section A “Legislation” – of TC RI 24-2012 applicable national and European standards or other documents referred to the Technical Specification for interoperability of subsystems for control, management and signalling of the trance-European rail system (Decision 2012/88 / EC).


1.3.6. Requirements for organizational provision Organizational provision shall be based on the respective instructions for use of the system reflecting the structure and functions of the operating divisions, as well as the rules of interaction of staff with technical equipment; Basic protection against errors of staff shall be provided by the CBI system algorithm.

1.4. Conditions for the implementation of the basic functions

1.4.1. Features of the program and route management regimes Locking the route, i.e. excluding the possibility of turning the switches on the route and establishing adverse routes.

Locking the route, in case of command, shall be done under the following conditions:

− Control of the correct end position of the travel and security points of the route and the path of slipping, if any; − Free state of controlled sections in the route, non-gabarit adjacent sections and the path of slipping, if any; − Absence of adverse routes; − Availability of flank guards on the route; − Absence of blocked objects participating in the route and the path of slipping, if any. Open signals

Opening of signals is subject to the following conditions:

1. Existence of command to open the signals (routing, re-opening, automatic action); 2. Control of the correct end position of the travel and security points of the route and the path of slipping, if any; 3. Free state of controlled sections in the route, non-gabarit adjacent sections and the path of slipping, if any; 4. Presence of locked route sections participating in the route and the path of slipping, if any, and exclusion of adverse routes; 5. Lack of artificial release of the route sections participating in the route and the path of slipping, if any; 6. Lack of blocked signals, route cancelling or open invite signal; 7. Availability of flank guards of the route; 8. Free position of the target section – on train routes. For entry routes – respectively arrival / arrival-departure track, and for exit routes – the respective span (direction of lock in direction “Send” and the free state of the section to the next on-route main signal); 9. In shunting routes, the status of the target section (tracks, non-switch sections and draw-out tracks) is not checked; 10. Availability of monitoring of the actual glow of the prohibition indication of signal, which will be opened. Keeping an open state of the signal


Maintaining the open state of the signal shall be subject to the following conditions:

1. The function was executed to open the signal and there is no command to close it; 2. There is control of circuit integrity of all the signals involved in the permit indication. Upon discontinuation of any circuit of the permit indication, there should be automatic closure of signal or giving a permit indication for a lower speed; 3. The conditions were not violated of existence of the route, guarded by the signal (item, sub-items 1 to 9 inclusive). In violation of these conditions, there should be automatic closure of the signal; 4. In shunting routes, the signal shall be kept open to the release of the controlled section before the signal (before route section) or until the release the first after the signal route section, or controlled section by the vehicle. Reopen signal

The reopening of signal shall happen under the following conditions:

1. Enter the command to reopen or automatic action mode of the signal; 2. Fulfilled conditions for the opening of signal (item Close signal

Signal going at prohibitive indication should be in the following cases:

1. Violated conditions for maintaining the open state of the signal (item; 2. Presence of command for signal blocking (Prohibition of Traffic on the signal, without cancelling the route); 3. Availability of command to cancel the route; 4. Availability of command for opening inviting signal. Cancellation of the route

The cancellation of the route should be performed when the following conditions are fulfilled:

1. Existence of command for cancellation; 2. There has been a shift of signal at prohibitive condition; 3. All running and route security switches are in the end position and locked; 4. All controlled sections of the route are free and locked; 5. In a free pre-route controlled section, unlocking of the route should be performed with a time-delay of 5 seconds after the closure of the signal; 6. In an occupied pre-routing section, unlocking of the route shall be made for train paths with a delay not less than three minutes, and for shunting – with a delay of at least 1 minute after closing the signal.


1. Pre-route section of the train route includes controlled section before the signal with an overall length of less than the stopping distance at the maximum permissible speed of the trains at the section;


2. Pre-route section of the trolling signal includes the established shunting route or controlled section in front of the signal.

Interrupting the cancellation of route shall be made when:

1. There is a command to reopen the signal; 2. The condition is violated of the travel control and routing security switches and the condition for free and locked state of its route sections; in this case normally occurs cancellation of the route (from item; 3. There is a command for artificial release of any of the sections of the route. Automatic action of train signal

Automatic action of the signal shall happen under the following conditions:

− Enabled automatic action mode; − Cancellation of automatic action could be done by entering the appropriate command. Unlocking the route when tracing the composition

Automatic release of sections of the route in its tracing can be done:

− By section, i.e. consecutively; − In group, i.e. releasing simultaneously one or more not tracked route sections when changing the direction of the shunt composition (corner halfroute).


1. By-section release shall be done controlling for consistent occupancy by the front of the vehicle and the consistent release of route sections of tail in the movement in the route upon open signal and further tracing the route without changing the direction of movement; 2. Group release of the route sections should be done by an algorithm that takes into account the consistent establishment and implementation of two opposite shunting routes that have at least one not unlocked route section from the first route as pre-routing section of the second route (corner halfroute) with control for performed reverse movement on authorizing signal of the second route; 3. Specific cases of release: − Consecutively entered routes and their implementation shall be mutually bonded in the algorithm to release through the state of pre-routing section (occupied/free) for each consecutive route; − In the train entrance route of the track with switch in the middle, release of the routing section of the switch should be done after the entire train composition gets in the last part of the track and release it; − In the train exit route of the track with switch in the middle, the routing section of the switch shall be released after releasing the first switch section of the route. − In train entrance route of approach with a dangerous slope (six or more ppm), automatic unlocking of slipping path should be done after retraction of the entire composition of the train on the track and the predetermined time-delay shall start after releasing the


last route section. After the expiry of time-delay, if the slipping path is not occupied, it will be released. Management (turn) of switch The management of the switch may be carried out in the following modes:

1. Route management; 2. Individual control in normal (basic) and auxiliary mode; 3. Automatic reset after using in the route; 4. The control commands, in any one of the above modes, shall be given for one or several switch machines; 5. For “turning of railroad” switches, consecutiveness in their turning shall be ensured. 6. In all cases, management conditions of turning should be controlled by software and hardware resources. Management of the switch shall be performed if the following conditions:

1. Existence of control command, in accordance with the modes of item; 2. The switch is not locked in route or individually as routing or guarding; 3. Switch road section is free of rolling stock; 4. The switch is not slit (when used slittable switch machines); 5. For individual control of the switch in auxiliary control mode, the check for virtually free status of the switch road section shall be performed by the supervisor/ dispatcher on duty. The interface of the management and control system of the switch machine shall provide:

1. Control of the extreme positions of tongues – “+” and “-“; 2. Control of switch tongues staying in intermediate state (loss of control) with distinction of cases: 3. During the turning of the switch; 4. Slitting the switch; 5. For other reasons. 6. Management of the switch from one to the other end position; 7. Management of intermediate position of the tongues of the switch to each end position; 8. Reversing switch engine during movement from any position of tongues; 9. Control of operating current at turning and availability of all phases of the operating voltage; 10. Control for the duration of turning on and switching off the operating current, after the time of turning, plus a time reserve (protection from continuous operation of “friction”); 11. Mode of consecutive turning of switches; 12. Adoption of control commands in each of the operating modes of item with control of defined terms of traffic safety; 13. Violation of controlled safety conditions after switching on the engine of the switch machine should not affect the completion of the full cycle of turning the switch. Changing the direction of movement in open line


The “Change of direction” function of automatic block system, securing the train movement on the respective current open line, shall be undertaken upon commanding of exit route, automatically and/or individually with separate command by the operator on duty. This is realized in the following conditions:

1. The relevant current path in the open line to the next station should be free of rolling stock; 2. In the next station, if it is in mode of transmission, there should not be locked exit route to the respective current path in the span; 3. The established direction of the lock should not be blocked. 4. CBI shall have the technical possibility, when sending railway vehicle to a place of the open line with a back return to the sending station, this to happen with regularly open exit signal without changing the mode of movement of trains (passing to the phone mode) and the accepting of trains going with regularly open entry signal. Fencing of tracks for performing technical inspection of rolling stock

Fencing of tracks for performing technical inspection of rolling stock shall be subject to the following conditions:

1. Existence of a request by the authorized operator at the point of carrying out a technical examination for fencing of this track; 2. No set routes and tracks; 3. Protective switch for the track are in controlled guarding position; 4. Availability of consent from the duty manager.

Returning to the track should be done by entering command by the authorized operator in points for performing technical inspection and entered command of duty traffic manager consent. Modes of signal lights

The luminous intensity of the light sources of signals shall be able to be operated in two modes with the input of relevant commands:

1. “Day” mode – full luminosity; 2. “Night” mode – reduced by 20 to 30% luminosity. Bonding of CBI with other systems of safety equipment and other IT systems

Bonding with other systems should be carried out taking into account the following conditions:

1. The exchange of information on the conditions of traffic safety shall be done in real time; 2. Used signals and the way of transmission should provide the required protection from dangerous distortions in interference and transceiver equipment should not have dangerous failures.


1.4.2. Functions of auxiliary control mode The auxiliary control shall be used in the inability to establish the route by opening the signal due to artificial occupancy of controlled sections, failures in the cable network or other failures violating controlled conditions when opening the signal (item

In all cases it is necessary to achieve the highest possible safety of the movement, the most important above all is the locking (block) of the objects in route.

The on duty traffic manager actions in the implementation of the auxiliary mode functions should cause query from CBI to confirm and clarify the need to introduce this command. In order to achieve the required safety, commands shall be protected from dangerous distortions, reliably fixed and controlled in the system itself.

The commands in this control mode are performed by interlocking after receiving the control information that they have already been recorded in the events log.

Key features of the auxiliary mode: Individual switch turning without control for vacancy of switch road section

In artificial occupancy of the switch road section, turning switches in it or on non-gabarit stretches shall happen using the command “Individual turning the switch in artificial occupancy of the switch section”. In this respect the following requirements shall be met:

1. The command should be adopted only after submission of instructions that the given section is with artificial occupancy; 2. CBI system should require re-affirmation of the command; 3. The command shall be able to be fulfilled only if the section in which the switch is located or the switch itself are not locked and if the switch is not slit. Otherwise, the command shall be rejected. Normalization of slit switch

With slit switch, its normalization (recovery) shall happen by using the command “Restore slit switch”. In this respect the following requirements shall be met:

1. The command should be adopted only after submission of instructions that the switch was recovered from the consequences of slitting; 2. CBI system should require re-affirmation of the command; 3. The command shall be able to be fulfilled only if the switch is slit and if the section in which the switch is located or the switch itself are not locked. Otherwise, the command shall be rejected. Inviting signal

The function is used for receiving or sending train compositions when the regular signal cannot be open. Opening of inviting signal shall happen using the command “Inviting signal”. In this respect the following requirements shall be met:


1. The command should be adopted only after submission of instructions that a regular signal cannot be open; 2. CBI system should require re-affirmation of the command; 3. The command shall be executed only if there is no open signal with regular indication in the area of operation of the inviting signal and if the switches along the route behind signal are locked routing or individually. If in the area of operation of the inviting signal there is ADF, the command shall be fulfilled only if the crossing is guarded – in good order and closed or damaged, isolated and fenced by level crossing guard/switchman. 4. CBI shall exclude the possibility of opening more than one inviting signal. 5. The time of action of the inviting signal is at least 3 minutes. CBI shall have the functionality to increase the duration of the inviting signal.

It is an advantage the ability to automatically lock all switches at the neck by opening of inviting signal.

Closing the inviting signal shall be performed either by special command without additional conditions or when the train taking the route section behind the open signal with inviting signal that had previously been free. Artificial release of route

This function is used to unlock the unlocked parts (sections, controlled areas) or entire routes remained unreleased after passing composition. Releasing the routes after acceptance of the command hall be carried out with time-delay not less than 3 min. Reset of controlled sections of the station and open line equipped with axle counters

The function is used to release the artificially occupied controlled area after a report for the actual vacancy of the area and its open distances. Isolating the effect of level crossing device

This function is used to disconnect the dependence of the signals on the condition of level crossing device in their opening on set route with regular indication or inviting signal.

Condition for entering is a report by an authorized person for the secured level crossing.

The command shall be entered each time when opening the signal and shall be valid until the closing of signal with command by duty officer or by passing vehicle. Forced opening of the crossing device

The function is used for unconditional opening of the closed blocked level crossing until entering of a single uncontrolled command for cancelling.

1.5. Configuration Requirements CBI system, its power supply and axle counters system shall be placed in specialized equipment room (cabinets, containers, etc.).


The project Contractor shall deliver all necessary equipment, software, tools and training to enable the Beneficiary to modify variable data for interlocking, to test existing input data and have set possibility for a higher level control.

Interlocking systems shall be designed as a highly integrated system and its vital functions shall meet the level of integrated safety 4 (SIL 4) as defined in BDS EN 50129: 2004.

Each CBI should be able to exchange data with neighbouring interlocking systems.

1.6. Requirements for human-machine interface (MMI) By means of MM1 it shall be possible to manage the interlocking and to display the status of the objects on the chosen visualization device. The concept of system building shall allow its conversion in accordance with the needs of SE “NRIC” and shall have set possibility to upgrade with higher level dispatching management. All commands and text indications shall be in Bulgarian.

Kaloyanovets, Han Asparuh, Konyovo, Bezmer, Turn and Straldza Stations should be able to be managed and controlled both remotely and locally – from the workplace of the on duty traffic manager. Following stations shall be managed remotely:

− Kaloyanovets Station from Mihaylovo Station; − Han Asparuh Station from Kalitinovo Station; − Konyovo Station from Nova Zagora Station; − Bezmer and Zavoy Stations from Yambol Station; − Straldzha Station from Tserkovski Station.

CBI in stations shall be designed and implemented so as to have the opportunity for future management and control from the Centre for traffic management (CTM) in Plovdiv station. The actual management and control of stations from CTM Plovdiv will be implemented under the project “Implementation of dispatching interlocking Plovdiv – Burgas”.

In support stations – Mihaylovo, Kalitinovo, Nova Zagora, Yambol and Tserkovski, the Contractor shall provide an interface for automatic control of trains in support and managed stations and automatically transmit the numbers of trains between neighbouring CBIs.

Management shall be built in accordance with the following principles:

− Duty traffic manager/dispatcher (the user) at any time shall be fully informed about the progress of the processes through ergonomic, fully graphical operator station; − The commands shall be entered directly via mouse and keyboard or other means consistent with the current level of the art and shall be shown on the interlocking display. − Commands shall be further simplified by object-oriented method, providing the user only those commands that can be performed with the selected object. Selected command shall be displayed on the screen as text; − The consumer shall be protected from operational errors by flashing displays and acoustic signals through active speakers. − Human-machine interface shall allow the user to participate in the setting of command or inquiry by incoming information from the display.


− Human-machine interface shall support work in the system through the main menu, pull-down menus, dialog boxes and icons, as well as graphical basic data of interlocking in the form of text messages, icons, charts and graphs. − During the inquiry or when entering a command, human-machine interface should assist the user in selecting the icons, text or graphics. Human-machine interface should offer valid only possible choices. − Highlighting techniques shall indicate to the user on display critical object that needs to be defined by the user, so that action can be realized. You have to use a different colour, flashing, italic, attaching characters and others to highlight the alarm and location of relevant data. − Human-machine interface should provide the user with feedback about any action or interaction. This should be in the form of a text message, colour changes, flashing, and running lights and the like, to achieve the required acknowledgment of the user action. All user entering actions shall end with some form of feedback, even if only to show that the act was or was not accepted or that desired function waits its turn. − Interaction should allow the user to cancel or re-enter inputs without going through multistage procedure, i.e. without repeating all the previous steps. − There should not be the need the user to repeat the steps that have been properly met before the wrong action. − Human-machine interface should make expanded inspection on user inputs data to identify errors. Invalid entries such as entering an invalid number of switches or illogical sequence of actions should be identified and rejected. They should also be announced to the user as an error message. − Where necessary additional data input by the user, human-machine interface shall start response timer. If the user fails to respond before the expiry of the relevant time, human-machine interface should stop progressive action. If the user performs a different action than the required to continue the sequence, the action shall be stopped and, on the display screen, an error message shall appear. − The visualization of symbols on the CBI video display shall meet, but not limited to the document “Technical requirements of railway infrastructure V02” - point 16 02 50 10 "Symbols on the status of the objects in CBI”; − The video display shall display track development of the railway station, and the state of the controlled sections and switches and signals is displayed by LED. All switches, derailers and tracks are numbered and images of signals are indicated by initials. On current paths from open line, the name of the neighbouring service station shall be inscribed. All arrival-departure tracks, centralized switches and pre-sections have to be separated as controlled areas. − Information from alarm, fire and air conditioning systems shall be indicated on the display. − For each central switch, there shall be an indication for: o The position of the switch at a given moment in the presence of electrical control; o Status “loss of control”; o The condition of the controlled area, which includes “Free” or “Occupied”; o Status “locked in route”; o When turning switch - an indication of the normal cycle of turning for the set time with subsequent receipt of control for end position or absence of control;


o Status “slit switch” for a certain type ECOA; o Individual electric lock. − For non-switch controlled areas there shall be an indication for: o Free of rolling stock; o Occupied by rolling stock; o Locked in route. − For each basic signal there shall be an indication for prohibition or permit. − The image of the condition of the objects in CBI shall be with symbols set out in paragraph 16 02 50 10 of “Technical requirements of the railway infrastructure”.

1.7. Terms of application Functional requirements for the scope of the capabilities of the particular CBI system shall be irrevocably integrated in its creation, testing, demonstrating safe behaviour and certification requirements of the legislation.

Thus created CBI can be used for each specific case of an operating point in which part of the requirements do not apply, without the need to perform any individual change in the software of the central processing unit - is sufficient to do not bet on draft CBI relevant modules for control of unused objects.

2. MANAGEMENT OF SWITCHES – TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS The project Contractor should provide switch machines for actuating and control of switches that shall be delivered corresponding to switch type 60 E1 and type S 49 1:9 R-300 without joint (featured in the trough sleeper) for speeds of trains to 160 km/h, and type S 49 1:9 R-190 (featured in the trough sleeper) for switches in shunting branches with speeds up to 50 km/h.

In the switches of current roads and main tracks at stations in the section new switch machines are installed in a previous project, as detailed in the explanatory note of the preliminary design. For those switches the project Contractor will not deliver new switch machines, but shall ensure CBI interface with already mounted switch machines, which provide management and control of switches, on which they are mounted.

The project Contractor shall confirm and submit for approval by the Employer, the minimum holding force (kN), at normal movements against tongues and maximum holding force (kN) for shear switch movements for which the tongue of the switch shall be securely locked without damage to the equipment for turning the switches.

The project Contractor should be responsible that all drive, locking and control and any other mechanical interfaces to the switches are suitable for configuration and installation of corresponding switches. If necessary, the Contractor shall require from the Employer copies of drawings and other information needed to confirm this.

The project Contractor shall define all requirements affecting the design and construction of the switches, allowing installation of the switch machine and associated equipment, which requirements shall be submitted for acceptance by the Employer.


All mechanical, electrical and other interfaces shall be provided with appropriate separating points/connectors/ to ease installation and service.

Switch machines and their related equipment shall be physically and electrically compatible with the switch heaters.

All switch machines shall be for use in electrified lines, as well as belonging to them operational and control circuits and equipment shall have guaranteed protection against disruptive action of the electric-powered train.

3. SIGNALS – TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS All train and shunting movements in stations shall be carried out by the indications of signals in accordance with the effective SE “NRIC” speed signalling. Normal indication of train and shunting signals should be closed.

To provide work technology of station, the interlocking shall manage these types of signals:

Entry signals from the adjacent open lines;

− Warning signals located on the front braking distance; − Combined exit signals; − Shunting signal. − Repeaters of exit signals

Signals should be able to be opened at any time if all the necessary conditions are fulfilled – in accordance with item The latter shall be checked all the time, while the signal has permit indication – according to item

Signal shall be installed in accordance with the schematic plans of the stations to the approved by the Beneficiary table of routing dependencies (TRD). All signal modules shall be completed with LED optics.

The project Contractor has to offer signals based on modern technology of light emitting diode (LED) and to show that these signals have been installed in similar applications. Each signal head shall be ventilated and protected to prevent the ingress of moisture and dust by protection IP 55 under IEC 60529. Signal heads shall be constructed of suitable noncorrosive material and be provided with protection against unauthorized access. Signals should be fitted with canopies of appropriate size to reduce the possibility of influence from direct sunlight and to provide protection against rain, snow and ice. The signal heads shall be marked in accordance with TC-RI-011-2008 “Signal” of SE “NRIC”. The project Contractor shall secure that each type of LED module be certified on standard nominated by an independent testing laboratory

Delivery of all signals and signs shall meet the criteria of Ordinance № 58 of the Ministry of Transport, TC-RI-017-2010 “Signals” along with TC-RI 017-2010 – Signals – Amendment №1 of 2014 and Installation Instruction to it, UIC 732 R and all other applicable standards. Any deviation between the Contractor's equipment and the equipment in the drawings and the alternative design and construction shall be identified and clarified to the satisfaction of the Employer.


Assembly of signals is shown in the schematic plans of the stations attached to the project.

Signal shall be equipped with appropriate identification signs.

The project Contractor shall submit for approval by the Employer the minimum distances, from which signals and signs should be clearly visible so as to ensure the safety requirements and exploitation. They shall be located in accordance with the and any special installation requirements that may be applicable to specific placements. The deployment of signals, the orientation of the beam of light and visibility distance of signals shall meet the requirements of SE “NRIC”. All the recommendations of the Commission of the Employer on visibility of the signal in accordance with art. 85 of Ordinance № 58 of 2006 on the rules of technical operation, the movement of trains and signaling in railway transport.

The types of signals used shall be for mast and ground installation.

Exit signals to arrival-departure and departure tracks should be of combined type of train movement and shunting.

Signal pillars, “U” shaped bridges and structures should be provided and constructed of appropriate materials with corrosive protection and be hot-dip galvanized able to meet the requirements of load (including vibration and wind loads). They should form a suitable strengthening of the signal head.

The installation of signals by the Contractor shall allow access for service and include ladders, where necessary. Ladders shall be extended, shortened, formed or further modified as required in each case.

The Contractor shall secure the project so that neither ladders nor their users to obstruct the visibility of signals (indicators) from any position, nor impede access to the signal heads when used.

Ladders are subject to the Employer approval. Sloping ladders shall be equipped with upper and intermediate stands. Ladders, longer than 1.1 meters shall be fitted with a safety cage (belt).

At locations where it cannot be achieved complete visibility of exit signal as a result of natural or other obstacles, a repeater of the signal shall be provided that corresponds to all requirements as specified in the regulations of SE “NRIC”.

Signals should be installed on the right side in the direction of movement of trains with the exception of warning and entry signals on unusual roads that shall be mounted on the left in the direction of movement of trains (left signaling).


4.1. Cable routing - technical requirements The pipe channel network and basic cable route shall be designed and built in accordance with Ordinance 58/2006 of the Ministry of Transport, Ordinance 55/2004 of the Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Regional Development and Ordinance 35 of 30.11.2012 on rules and standards for design, construction and commissioning of cable electronic communication networks and related infrastructure.


In most stations on the project “Rehabilitation of sections of railway line Plovdiv-Burgas” Phase 1 there are cable trays performed with concrete cable ducts and piping network with 4, 6, 8 and 10 pipes Ø110. In there, new cables are installed for the existing signaling systems.

The contractor of this project should reveal all routes performed with concrete cable channels outside the tracks at stations and protect with sand installed in there cables to the upper edge of the concrete channel. Then the Contractor shall restore the cable route.

In this project, the Contractor shall build a pipe channel network with 12 (twelve) pipes Ø110 from the technical room to the first entry switch at stations Kaloyanovets, Kalitinovo, Han Asparuh, Nova Zagora, Konyovo, Bezmer and Tserkovski. Pipe network with a minimum of 16 (sixteen) pipes Ø110 to the first entry switch has to be built in stations Zavoy and Straldzha. From the first switch to entry signals at all stations, the pipework need to be a minimum of 6 (six) pipes Ø 110. In the trace of the pipe network, shafts shall be built. The pipe channel network in the stations shall be protected with concrete casing.

From entry to warning signals, cables will be laid in a trench. Making the trench and laying of cables in these areas shall be combined with the laying of HDPE -Ø40 protective pipe for optic cable on project “Construction of fibre optic cable along the line Plovdiv – Burgas”

The depth of the wells and pipework shall be consistent with the established drainage facilities. Drilling under the railway line shall be executed at a minimum depth of 1.7 meters below ground level rail.

All outdoor facilities of signaling systems shall have direct pipes from the shafts, as the maximum distance shall be 30 meters.

The construction of the cable route shall comply with the following conditions:

− Location of external facilities; − Maximum possible straightness of the route with maximum facilities for operational staff and the possibility of mechanization; − Minimal cable expense; − Compliance with required gauge under the regulations of SE “NRIC” − Cannot be built under the tongues and hearts of the switches; − Does not cross the places where there are pillars of ; − Compliance with the minimum number of intersections with other ground and underground facilities; − Measures are taken against collapse, breaking and bending of tube bundle pipes. In the area of the station, pipework shall be protected by a concrete casing.

When designing the locations of the shafts, the following shall be taken into account:

− Where the cable bundles will enter or leave (telecommunication room, security equipment, etc.); − Construction lengths of; − Possibility to manually laying cables in terms of their diameter and weight;


− The dimensions of the shafts shall be such that they allow the deployment of reserve in certain shafts and decent working conditions of operating staff; − The maximum distances between the shafts in the area from input to input are 50-75 m. At each branch of the pipe channel network, a shaft shall be provided; − All shafts shall be provided with the necessary number of openings for cables coming out to individual facilities, RC and cable cabinets. − Shafts shall comply with all applicable requirements for safety and health.

The Contractor shall provide cable shafts with a signalling system for opening the lids, with which to prevent the theft of cables and equipment. The lids of shafts should be locked.

Ø110 pipes should be crimped with mechanical strength 750N.

After completion of the construction, Contractor shall produce executable of underground cadastre in digital format which will show GPS coordinates of shafts, intersections, deviations and any other specific points. The information will be transmitted to the Employer and contractors for the construction of optical cable Plovdiv – Burgas.

4.2. Cables – technical requirements The project Contractor should be responsible for the specification, sizing, purchase, installation, wiring and testing of all cables.

All cables and wiring shall be copper wires for applications, except for the cables intended for connections from object to object, which shall be optical fibre. In the project for field sites management of interlocking systems, cables are set for operation in electrified section of 25kV/ 50Hz, and the cables for axle counters that connect technical room (distribution frame) with electronic connection boxes are of type AJ-2Y(L)2YDB2Y with 0.9 mm2 section and are organized by fours (nx4x0,9S) and all other cables are of type AJ-2Y2YDB2Y with 1.4 mm2 section and are organized by conductors (nx1x1,4S).

In replacing the type of cable, the project Contractor should take appropriate measures to ensure that:

a) The levels of electromagnetic influences (EMI) generated inside the cables from external sources are at any time in the acceptable range of equipment and compatible with the operation of the system; b) EMI generated by the circuits in the cable does not affect back the operation of any other equipment; c) All cables and wiring shall be suitable in every respect for continuous operation in the climatic conditions prevailing in the locality, where they will be installed according to design. d) The cables are shielded to protect against EM influence. This screen shall be earthed at both ends of the cable when the cable length is greater than 500 meters.

When a cable ends in a cabinet (box office), it is essential that cable grounding is the grounding of the cabinet in order to avoid potential difference between the screen and the cabinet, which can be dangerous for workers.


Ground loops of cable signalling shall have a resistance below 4Ω. Places of earthing shall be shown in the cable plans.

All cables and wiring that are not completely in the rooms for equipment or hardware boxes on the track, shall be insulated and shielded. Wiring, which is entirely in cabinets and boxes, shall meet the requirements, including insulation and mechanical protection specified in the standards.

The entire cable insulation and the screens sheath shall be suitable for the climatic conditions in which the cable is installed, and the type of structure of the route of the cable, which is used. In particular, the isolation and the material on the screen shall be resistant to decomposition and erosion due to external factors such as temperature, humidity, atmospheric pollution, sunlight (infrared and ultraviolet) radiation, chemical substances, molds, fungi, insects and rodents.

All copper conductors shall consist of circular tempered core of high conductivity – copper, that meets the requirements of IEC 60228, IEC 60287 and IEC 60364-5-523. The wires shall be smooth, uniform in quality, free from flakes and bumps, splits and other defects.

No solder by manufacturer shall be allowed in cables and wires. No joints or splices of any kind will be permitted between hardware boxes and cable ends, unless agreement is reached and agreed in writing by the Employer. Where connections are allowed, their number should be kept minimal and the method used shall comply with the standards adopted by the Employer.

All multicore cables shall have at least 10% spare cores of those used, or two cores, whichever is greater. All cable cores, whether of main or diversion cable, shall end with terminals at each end. The spare cores may not be cut.

All sections of the cables and wires shall be such that adequate voltage, current and power shall be in line with IEE instructions for wiring. As a minimum, cables and wires should be selected so that the voltage drop between the beginning and end of the cable should not exceed 10% of the applied voltage.

All wires should be of sufficient cross-section to withstand all normal operating currents plus the maximum level of the defective currents which may occur within the system. Current-carrying capacity should be at least in line with IEC 60287 or IEC 60364-5-523, which is appropriate.

All cables, wiring materials and aids shall be fire-resistant structures and not flammable material, satisfying at least the requirements of IEC 60287 and IEC 60364-5-523.

All power control cables shall be of type of low emission of smoke and halogen-free (LSOH) meeting the IEC 60754-1, IEC 60754-2, IEC 60134, IEC 60332-3-10 and IEC 61034 or other approved standards of low corrosive materials for emissions of acid gas and flame-retardant.

On all cables, the maximum operational voltage shall be shown.

All cables shall be protected from external tension and sources of interference, such as:

• Lightnings; • Electromagnetic fields; • Break-through tensions.


For all installed cables the project Contractor shall submit measuring reports from an accredited laboratory for values of resistance and insulation of the wires. For cables with twisted star fours used in axle counters systems and contact balise system ETCS the reports need to include measurements of the transient decay in the proximal end measured at a frequency of 800 hertz, the value of which cannot be lower than 45 dB. If the systems installed by the Contractor require more rigorous standards, they will prevail.

4.3. Cable connections – Technical requirements Cable and wire dry separation, electrical connections and contacts shall be suitable for the respective function, current and voltage. Tinning should be used as less as possible as a tool for termination of wires. The project Contractor should offer a method for termination of cables and wires that shall be subject to specific acceptance by the Employer. Not more than two wires shall be connected to any terminal. Using terminals to splice shall not be allowed.

Where practical, multidirectional plugs and sockets shall be used to connect multi-wire cables or individual wires to modules of equipment or group of panels. Assemblies should be easy connecting and disconnecting manually, without using a special tool and they shall have suitable locking device to protect them against vibration, shock and no axial alignment of joints.

Cable connections in the boxes with the apparatus on the railroad line side shall be provided with protection against surface moisture or other involuntary short circuit of contacts. They shall be specially designed to withstand the mechanical vibrations in and around the railroad.

4.4. Cable systems – technical requirements The project Contractor shall provide funds for securing, anchorage and protection of all cables against accidental damage. The cables shall be arranged and placed on chutes, trays, ducts and cabinets without undue intersection and interplay. When large and small cables are laid in a common route, small cables shall be laid on the big cables.

The project Contractor should provide enough cable distance inside the route, allowing bends and detours. In addition, relevant clearances have to be provided with wiring and cabling to facilitate the connection and movement of each plug coupling or modular connections.

The cables to be laid on the ballast to reach a piece of railroad equipment or to cross the railway line shall first be connected to the terminal box adjacent to the cable routing. The length of cable variations shall be as shorter as possible compatible with these requirements, so as to reduce the amount of cable, which shall be replaced in the event of any damage.

All cables entering the junction boxes, terminal boxes, boxes of apparatus to railway lines and equipment rooms shall be properly secured with clamps and cable glands sealed against fire, pests and moisture. The seals should be ready for inspection, replaceable and allow additions and changes.


5. AUTOMATIC BLOCK SYSTEM WITHOUT SIGNALS WITH AXLE COUNTERS – TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS In accordance with the terms of reference of the Employer, the railway section of Kaloyanovets – Karnobat shall be equipped with automatic block system without passage signals with axle counters in open lines.

The automatic block system without passage signals is a complex of counting points, processing unit and control equipment. Counter point in entry signal should be common for the station and the open line.

Information for passed through the meter points wheelsets of railway vehicles shall be transmitted to the counting processing unit to process and then comparing the number of entered in and going out wheelsets, the result is reduced to zero difference as “free open line” or in other cases - as “occupied open line”.

Automatic block system without passage signals with axle counters should provide an objective review of the state of the open line;

Automatic block system without passage signals with axle counters nodes are:

• Normal position – free open line and the absence of a locked exit route in the station of departure; • Pre-blocked direction – there is a locked exit route in the station of departure; • Blocked direction – after the train occupies, in the station of departure, the last controlled station section of its route.

Changing the direction of the automatic block system from “Accept” mode in the “Send” mode should be carried out in normal position mode and operable automatic locking and interlocking.

In “Pre-blocked direction” mode the operator on duty at the station of “Send should be able to cancel the exit route in terms of instructions for handling electrical interlocking, due to which the automatic block system should automatically be normalized. This should allow rearranging the exit route from another track, and the reopening of the exit signal.

Different modes of automatic block system shall be shown on the display (console for visualization) of the two adjacent stations and the Centre for Traffic Management (at the next stage).

In the event that after the train release the open line, it remains occupied, at the station, where the station control processor device is mounted, it should be used controlled and registered command entered by the traffic manager on duty to reset it. If after this command the open line keeps displaying “Occupied”, this command shall be entered again after removing the cause.

The contractor of this project should replace the axle counters system EAA-A3 of Alcatel for vacancy/ occupancy control of open line by using installed systems for axle counters for vacancy/ occupancy control of track in stations. Counter point at entry signal should be common for the station and the open line where systems axle counters at two adjacent stations are of the same type. In different axle counters systems at two neighbouring stations, in one of the stations there will be two counting points at the entry signal.


It is advisable at stations outside the scope of the project (Mihaylovo, Stara Zagora, Kermen, Zimnica and Karnobat) not to carry out restructuring of existing and delivered on other projects axle counters systems for vacancy/ occupancy control of track in stations.

Interface of control systems of open line should be carried over fibre optic cable.

The project Contractor will have to provide new equipment for semi-kits CCH in spans: Kaloyanovets – Stara Zagora – Kalitinovo, Konyovo – Kermen – Bezmer, Zavoy – Zimnitsa – Straldzha and Tserkovski – Karnobat with interface working on fibre optic cable.

It is recommended that the new equipment be able to PC diagnostics or be equipped with diagnostic equipment.

The supply of new equipment shall be of the interlocking systems.

The new equipment should have integrated safety level SIL4 on family BDS EN 50126, BDS EN 50128, BDS EN 50129, BDS EN 50159 and BDS EN 61508.

The project Contractor shall deliver internal electronic lock between interlockings in two neighbouring stations covering the integrated safety level 4 /SIL 4/ as defined in EN 50129 and meeting the technical requirements for automatic block without passage signals with axle counters. Lock of this type should be installed at, but is not limited to the following spans:

• Kalitinovo – Han Asparuh; • Han Asparuh – Nova Zagora; • Nova Zagora – Konyovo; • Bezmer – Yambol; • Yambol – Zavoy; • Straldza – Tserkovski.

For open line Nova Zagora – Radnevo, the Contractor shall replace the existing relay-based semi-automatic locking with ABS without passage signals with axle counters. The axle counters system for station control should be the same axle counters system as in the Nova Zagora station. The interface should work on existing copper telecommunication cable type МККАЕПБП 4x4x1,2 + 15x4x1,2.

The project Contractor will have to comply with future investment intentions of NRIC to build a fibre optic network in the area of Nova Zagora – Simeonovgrad where should be possible to implement the AB system without passage signals with axle counters on fibre optic cable.


6.1. General requirements. The Contractor shall deliver, install, integrate, test and commission the system to manage train movements type ERTMS/ETCS level 1 with “infill” function through centralized Eurobalises in railway stations Kaloyanovets, Kalitinovo, Han Asparuh, Nova Zagora, Konyovo, Bezmer Yambol, Zavoy, Straldza and Tserkovski subject of this specification. The system shall meet the requirements of


ERTMS SRS UNISIG, Class 1, version 2.3.0d defined in the EC Decision 2007/153 / EC and any subsequent decisions of EC amending Annex A of TSI subsystem “Control, command and signalling”.

For the modes of operation of the system UNISIG Class 1 ERTMS/ETCS SRS, SUBSET – 026-4 “Modes and passages” should be used.

The delivered system should include:

− Trackside equipment (balises) for all stations described in Item 3.1.11 of the explanatory note KLCKN-1-00-I-SIOZ-001-R0 to conceptual design; − All materials, specialized tools and auxiliary equipment required for the installation and maintenance of the system in accordance with the requirements of this specification; − Supporting documentation for installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the system.

Contractor of the detailed design should develop data for road equipment, including topology, accurate number of transmit data points, signal indications for routes, profiles of speed and gradient, and to coordinate them with the Employer.

Building activities of the ETCS interlocking system shall be integrated into the detailed work program of the project Contractor.

The project Contractor shall be fully responsible for the installation and programming of all equipment, and to provide and maintain the most stringent standards in the performance of all activities related to installation, testing and debugging the system.

Since electronic circuits of trackside equipment are involved in critical applications in terms of safety, the project Contractor shall prove the means to achieve safety in different failures and their impact on the system performance.

All equipment provided, installed and put into operation shall comply with these design criteria and the requirements of the “DSB” (2006/679/EC) and all entered into force subsequent amendments.

The processes of designing, manufacturing and testing of the system shall be performed in compliance with the requirements for quality control according to ISO 9001 range of standards.

All equipment and materials shall meet international and internationally valid national standards for telecommunications, electricity, electromagnetic compatibility, degree of protection, etc. The Contractor shall state standards met by Contractor’s equipment.

6.2. Functional requirements. The system shall be designed to work at train movements’ speeds to 200 km/h.

The contractor shall provide full details of the technical operation of the proposed equipment to meet design criteria.

The equipment shall be operated on one-way and multi-path sections, allowing double track movement.


The equipment has to work properly, regardless of the type of ballast, sleepers and rails in the area.

The set of data which must be transmitted to the road equipment is given in Table 10.

Table 10

Package Type Contains

Leading part Identification information of balise group

3 National values

5 Information for linkage

12 Permission to move in Level 1

16 Repositioning information

21 Information about gradient profile

Package Type Contains

27 Information about static speed profile

41 Command to change the level of control

65 Information for temporary speed restriction

66 Repeal of the temporary speed restriction

67 Road conditions: large metal tables

72 Text messages

80 Information for changing the operating mode

132 A ban on movement in the “shunt” mode

136 Repositioning information about “infill” data

137 Stop in “own responsibility” mode

141 Default gradient under temporary speed restrictions (TSR)

254 Default telegram from balise

255 End Telegram

The set of national values (Package 3) must be transmitted when entering ETCS section along with a package 41 (changing the level of control in level 1). National values should be repeated in the next

34 balise group consisting of two balises, which announces entering a zone equipped with ETCS. This requirement does not apply to level control change after inviting signal.

Due to imposed traditions and various other causes any railway administration has developed their own rules for controlling the train movement and the specific values of certain parameters, which are also, used in ETCS systems. For these reasons in ETCS, there is a defined set of parameters that must be changed when crossing a state border. In this connection, the set of national values for the designed system should be formulated by the Contractor and completed by the Employer.

Provided that the centralized system ETCS level 1 supplied by the Contractor also features remote input of speed profiles for different preset sections of track, it should be done by a regional train dispatcher or supervisor on duty at the adjacent station.

6.3. Technical requirements Road equipment of the designed ETCS system consists of centralized Eurobalises serving to transmit telegrams to the locomotive.

Balises shall comply with the ETCS specifications..

Balises must be certified for compliance with the specification SUBSET-036 Edition 2.4.1 or later to Annex A of TSI for “Control, command and signalling” subsystem.

Eurobalises supplied must be the latest modification of the manufacturing plant, with proven RAM parameters. They shall be made up to one year before delivery and their installation;

Balises shall be Class A in accordance with the TSI.

There are two kinds of balises – fixed and variable. One variable information section may be composed of two kinds of balises.

Variables balises are controlled by computer based interlocking, which transmits information to the balise for the signal indications.

All balises must be of the same type. The difference between them should be achieved through encryption.

In case of fault, balises should not transmit any information leading to a dangerous condition.

Balises must be passive devices that do not require a separate power supply. Both types of balises are powered and activated (in accordance with the specifications for ETCS) by a locomotive antenna of the passing over them locomotive. Both Balises send telegrams with information in accordance with interface A.

Balises should be read and programmed in a contactless manner through interface A5 (air gap) that allows staff to work outside the static gauge of the rolling stock.

Encoding device LEU is of decentralized type and is mounted near variable balise according to the length of the specialized balise cable (usually up to 20 m). At greater distances, the connection

35 between the variable balise and LEU should be done by a junction box and additional specialized cable.

LEU encoders are included in signal lamps chains and transmit, to the variable balise, information about signal indications of traffic lights.

LEU encoder should recognize information from the respective signal (actual signal values), choose the appropriate telegram and continuously send it on a serial connection to the balise.

LEU encoder should be designed be safe in case of fault. If a failure occurs, it should not send anything, or wrong telegram to the balise.

LEU encoder should be able to manage one or more balises on a two-wire line with a length of not less than 500 meters.

The signal lamp work should not be influenced by the LEU.

Isolation between outputs of balise and between inputs and outputs must provide protection against 2000VAC for a period of 60 s.

Short circuit in the output of the encoder should not damage it, but should lead to a protective state.

Short circuit in the signal lamp input to the encoder should not be detected as normal state.

Fault in the encoder must not alter the signal indication.

LEU encoder must have inputs for reading from the relay if the relay is mounted in a relay room

If LEU encoder is not powered by the chains of signal lamps, the Contractor shall provide a cable to a suitable point in the technical room of interlocking systems.

LEU encoder must have a modular structure, with which at a maximum to limit the number of information points affected by a failure.

LEU encoder must be designed as a fail-safe device.

Each of the possible states of the LEU encoder (running, damage protected refusal, etc.) should be clearly indicated.

The contractor of this project can use a decentralized type LEU only for warning signals located at a great distance (≥ 3 km) from the premises for signalling in stations. In this case the contractor can perform and upgrade of existing LEU with software version 2.3.0d., which is recommended to align the repair and maintenance of the system in the area. Using a decentralized LEU type Contractor shall provide new power cables to them.

Signal readings to be identified by speed signalling are given in the following table:


Legend: G – green light; GF – green flashing light; Y – yellow light; YF – yellow flashing light; 1Y – First yellow light; YF – first yellow flashing light; 2Y – Second yellow light; GB – green band of light; W – white light; WF – white flashing light; R – red light;


Type Number Colour At the signal Target signal (point)

1 2 3 6 7 8 Warning 2 Y G ≤ Vmax ≤ Vmax Y ≤ Vmax 0 G GF ≤ Vmax ≤ 100 YF ≤ Vmax ≤ 40


Entry 6 1Y G ≤ Vmax ≤ Vmax G GF ≤ Vmax ≤ 100 R 1YF ≤ Vmax ≤ 40 2Y 1Y ≤ Vmax 0 GB G +2Y + GB ≤ 100 ≤ Vmax W GF +2Y + GB ≤ 100 ≤ 100 1YF + 2Y+GB ≤ 100 ≤ 40 1Y + 2Y + GB ≤ 100 0 G + 2Y ≤ 40 ≤ Vmax

GF + 2Y ≤ 40 ≤ 100 1YF + 2Y ≤ 40 ≤ 40 1Y +2Y ≤ 40 0 WF ≤ 25 R 0

G ≤ Vmax ≤ Vmax 6 1Y GF ≤ Vmax ≤ 100 Exit 1YF ≤ Vmax ≤ 40 R 1Y ≤ Vmax 0 2Y G +2Y + GB ≤ 100 ≤ Vmax W GF +2Y + GB ≤ 100 ≤ 100 GB 1YF + 2Y+GB ≤ 100 ≤ 40 1Y + 2Y + GB ≤ 100 0

G + 2Y ≤ 40 ≤ Vmax GF + 2Y ≤ 40 ≤ 100 1YF + 2Y ≤ 40 ≤ 40 1Y +2Y ≤ 40 0 WF ≤ 25 R 0

6.4. Construction and installation Equipment must be designed on a modular basis with high quality connecting plugs, allowing quick and easy replacement.

Wherever possible, the modules have to be implemented as separate units.

The replacement of a module should not require compensating adjustments to achieve the specified operating parameters.

Balises should be designed for installation both on wooden and reinforced concrete sleepers. Each balise should be installed only on one sleeper.

Contractor of the project must deliver each balise with a set of components for assembly suitable for the type of sleepers in this section. The manner of installation should not require drilling or undermining sleepers. Along with kits for installation, Contractor must deliver the necessary assembly tools.


Terminal boxes shall be mounted directly to the variable balise. Cables to balises shall be provided with resources for disassembly to facilitate maintenance of track and maintenance and repair of the equipment itself.

All connecting terminals shall be protected against accidental and unauthorized access.

The Contractor shall provide a new, independent cable network for road equipment of ETCS in stations. The cable network shall be dimensioned and planned on cable stations plans for all variable information points to the train signals and infill-information points.

6.5. Hardware and software design and programming data for road equipment and centralized ETCS system. Road equipment of the ETCS system Level 1 version 2.3.0d must be delivered with the necessary hardware and software for diagnostics and maintenance. It should include:

− Software and the necessary technical means (consoles, devices, etc.) for the preparation, design, verification and updating of data for road equipment and a centralized ETCS system by which to carry out the entering of temporary speed restrictions, telegrams generating and chargeable files, audit reports generating and more. − Chargeable copies of the software used in the tool for preparation of road equipment data; − Hardware for programming and maintenance of the encoder, which shall be designed for general use; − Diagnostic tool and programming of Eurobalises, which shall be specially designed to work in adverse weather conditions. The diagnostic and programming tool should allow to work with all manufacturers of Eurobalises at the time of project development; − The Contract shall provide the Employer all necessary licenses for operating the tools for designing and programming data for road equipment and the centralized ETCS system, relevant technical documentation and instructions and carry out training of personnel of the Employer.

6.6. Climatic requirements Eurobalises and encoder must comply with the requirements of climatic class T1 and T2 defined in BDS EN 50125-3.

Device for balise programming must meet the requirements of climatic class T1 defined in BDS EN 50125-3.


7.1. General requirements The contractor shall provide the means for detecting trains, which should fully meet the requirements of the Project of signalling systems for accurate and current information on the positioning and movement of trains. Means of train detection at stations and in open lines shall be axle counters.


The sections between stations equipped with axle counters should surround the span from entry signal to entry signal that include appropriate sections “Approaching” (SA) between the warning signal and the entry signal at stations.

In the implementation of Phase 1 of the project, on the main track and adjoining switch sections new systems of axle counters are installed. For these road sections the project Contractor will not deliver new systems for axle counters. Therefore in the supply of new systems for axle counters to other road sections their compatibility with already installed systems shall be envisaged. Computer based interlocking shall have an interface to work with already installed systems.

Axle counters shall have a safety certificate to be presented to the Employer.

Envisaging axle counters shall include the necessary requirements and additional equipment in order to achieve interoperability with all interface systems/equipment.

The supply shall also include all necessary documentation, drawings, software (where applicable), design and engineering data, all necessary manuals, specialized tools and equipment to enable operational staff of the Employer to operate, maintain, recover from errors and to test the system of axle counters. All documentation referred to above shall be delivered in the Bulgarian language.

7.2. Functional requirements Train detection equipment shall provide a conclusion that positive and ambiguous to show vacancy or occupancy of the controlled section, which is under detection.

The conclusion shall be presented with certain conditions, such as: free-controlled section, occupied controlled section, presence of axle or no axle in a specific location.

The conclusion should not be influenced by the state of vacancy of the neighbouring controlled section for detection.

The transition between the designated states should not lead to the creation of hazardous conditions.

The output of vehicle detection equipment shall constantly show the occupancy with the vehicle (fully or partially) embarked on respective section for detection.

There should be no loss of detection between controlled sections. This should also be done on vehicle detection sections with more than two input/output points.

Axle counters system shall be designed to work properly with the required integrity and reliability in sections of rail lines with train speed at least 250 km/h and electric traction 25 kV, 50 Hz AC.

The system of axle counters shall be able to provide information on detection of the train as it is necessary to achieve the required operational performance of the signal system for the train tracks configurations at the stations and the points shown in the schematic plans of the stations.

Axle counters system shall be designed so as to ensure safe operation for the whole range of climatic and train conditions such as:


• Type of ballast, sleepers, rails and range of changes in the parameters of the track due to climate change, different geological areas, etc; • Track surface (change of contact resistance between the rail and wheel). • Location of the vehicle along the track; • Presence/absence of vehicles on an adjacent section of the track or the location of other vehicles; • The system of axle counters shall be designed so as to ensure the safe and secure operation of the whole range of characteristics of the rolling stock; • The axles counting equipment shall be able to directly connect with the interface of the station interlocking or automatic block system and provide appropriate processing of detection counts; • In axles counters detectors there will be no mechanisms with moving parts; • The capacity of the equipment of the axles counters shall be not less than 500 axes; • Axles counter shall be so designed as to prevent inadvertent clearing the state of the counter, consequential damage to power supply and erroneous enumerations. Strict procedure to reset when necessary should be established and approved by the Employer; • Loss of power should not cause any dangerous situation and show occupancy in the relevant section.

The project Contractor shall present for approval by the Employer, the measures to be adopted to protect the detection equipment on the train from damage by lightning.

Equipment shall be designed so as to achieve high reliability operation. The project Contractor should declare minimum level of reliability, which will be achieved by axles counters. The average number of correctly counted axles shall be at least 5.105 in accordance with UIC 790 R.

The system of counting points and processing devices shall meet the standards of CENELEC with the highest level of safety SIL4 under EN 50129.

All equipment, materials, design, testing, installation and secured work shall adhere to internationally renowned range of ISO 9001-2000 standards and comply with the relevant international and national standards for Communications, Electrical Supply, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Protection level, etc.

All sections of the train detection shall be identified on the schematic plans of the stations to the tables of the route dependencies and documentation of interlocking systems using constant nomenclature according to SE “NRIC” requirements.

7.3. Compatibility and integrity Train detection system shall meet the interoperability requirements under the Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI) of subsystems for control, management and signaling - Part “Detecting the presence of a train”. The project Contractor shall receive an EC Certificate of Operational compatibility of subsystem “Control, command and signaling of the track side” – part “Train detection” by a notified body and on the basis of this certificate, draw up an EC declaration of conformity accompanied by the technical file according to Annex VI to Directive 2008 / 57EO of the


European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community.

The project Contractor shall take the necessary steps to ensure that the system for trains detecting is running safely and securely in the presence of sparks, noise, radio interference, permanent and transient harmonics in the traction current during normal operation or fault conditions (degradation conditions).

Train detection system should be compatible with all types of rolling stock that are expected to operate in the line Plovdiv – Burgas. The compatibility should include, but is not limited to the following:

• Compatibility with the parameters of vehicles required to ensure proper operation of the equipment of train detection, including the vehicle wheel rim, the length of trailer suspension, wheel profile, contact between the rail - wheel; • Electromagnetic compatibility, including inviolability of all permanent or transient harmonics generated by the train drive.

The range of the detector should be not more than 200 mm on both sides of the detector.

7.4. Construction and installation requirements Equipment on the track side shall be mounted in a sturdy, compact box, which shall not allow the penetration of moisture.

Train detection equipment shall be designed so as to facilitate maintenance and adjustment. Where possible, it should include diagnostic tools (status and failure indicator, test points, etc.). Do not allow any dangerous voltages and currents to appear on accessible and unprotected parts under normal conditions and fault conditions.

Rail detector should be placed in a box to be mounted on rails regardless of their profile. The box shall be protected against shocks with protection degree minimum IP67 according IEC 60529.

Interface equipment box at the track side shall be so designed as to adequately protect incoming and outgoing cables.

Equipment shall be designed based on the model with high-quality connectors that allow fast and quality replacement. The modules shall be designed so as to be portable by one person. The replacement of a module should not require the presence of a second person. Improper replacement of a module with a different type shall be prevented.

Indoor mount equipment for train detection system should be installed in the electronic equipment room or others as appropriate. The design shall allow mounting in cabinets or racks designated for train detection equipment.

7.5. Requirements for Rail/Wheel Profile The equipment of the track shall be designed so as to allow mounting to rails type S 49 and UIC 60. The delivery of the equipment shall include appropriate fasteners or other material for installation.


The detector should be installed so as to ensure proper detection of the wheels to the profile meeting the requirements of the specification UIC 510-2.

7.6. Requirements for power of axle counters Power supply of axle counters shall be continuous. Power supply of outdoor equipment shall be galvanically separated from the supply of other equipment.

The power supply shall be the same for the entire area.

Tolerance in the supply voltage shall be from + 20% to -10%.

7.7. Requirements for wiring The Contractor shall specify the requirements for cabling including characteristics of cables and any limitation on the maximum length.

The Contractor shall deliver the cables connecting the electronic connection boxes (ECOC) to track detectors, while allowing these cables to be an integral part of the detector.

Cables to equipment for train detection, mounted on the track, shall be provided with resources for disassembly to ease procedures for rails maintenance and for maintenance and repair of the equipment itself.

7.8. Requirements for the environment Equipment shall be designed so that it can operate without damage when working in these weather conditions:

• equipment for outdoor use – from -40 °C to + 80 °C; • equipment for indoor use (Electrical device room) – from -5 °C to + 50 °C.

Equipment fitted to the track shall be able to withstand without damage at a relative humidity of 10 to 95% under the influence of salty fog, solar radiation and other aggressive influences.

Equipment fitted to the track shall be able to withstand without damage to the coating of snow and flooding to 300 mm depth. This equipment shall be protected so as to satisfy the minimum requirements of the IP67.

Equipment for indoor installation shall be of such a degree of protection to cover at least the requirements of the iP40.

Equipment shall withstand without damage to these vibrations:

• Pulse form – sinusoidal; • Frequency range – 10 to 150 Hz; • Amplitude of movement due to vibrations from - 0.06 to 3.5 mm; • Number of axles that have to be tested - 3 (x, y, z); • Amplitude of acceleration of track detectors and equipment installed to rails – 20 m/s2; • Amplitude of acceleration of the equipment for indoor installation – 10 m/s2.


The equipment shall be able to withstand against mechanical impact the following sample characteristics:

• Pulse Form – semi-sinusoidal; • Pulse of rail detector - 18 ms; • Acceleration peak - 300 m/s2; • Number of hits: o 4000 for rail detector; o 3 for equipment to railway.


8.1. General requirements The main power supply of interlocking shall be done by the settlement network through connection of the main switchboard of the host building. Backup power supply should be provided from the catenary by lowering transformers (25kV / 220V); switching between the main and backup power supply and back should be automatic. Backup power supply from overhead lines (220V) shall have a tolerance range of + 20% and -30%. The project Contractor shall calculate the required power consumption. Employer’s requirement is the maximum power supply of CBI for Nova Zagora and Yambol stations to be limited to 25 kW and all other stations to 15 kW.

Under the license of SE NRIC, the reserved power supply of KM is done with a transformer to 16 kW. In stations where installed capacity of signalling systems is greater than 16 kW, diesel generators will be installed for backup the power supply further. The project Contractor is required to calculate the necessary power of the unit and determine a site for its installation within the easement of NRIC.

At the request of the Employer for all CBI, it shall be provided an external port for connection of portable diesel generator to the power supply of CBI. Place, manner and type of connection of signalling systems to the power supply shall be the responsibility of the project Contractor.

When designing power supplies Contractor shall provide guaranteed protection of batteries (against overvoltage, pulses, etc.).

Necessary protection of incoming voltage 220V / 50Hz (primary and backup) shall be provided.

The power supply of axle counters shall meet the requirements specified by the manufacturer.

All equipment for the power supply of the station CBI shall be through uninterruptible power supply (UPS), which works in continuous mode using its own batteries. UPS devices providing the necessary voltage for operation of interlocking, in the absence of tension in the primary and backup power supply should ensure the normal operation of CBI for 4 hours.

Switching from one to another energy source shall be carried out without disruption to the system.

The project Contractor shall specify the maximum load capacity, the selected voltage level, the protective measures of power supply, etc. in each node.

The project Contractor shall submit the power supply for approval by the Employer.


The project Contractor shall determine the maximum working load for each of the systems of safety equipment by providing reserve capacity of 20% for each system.

The project Contractor shall offer adequate system of local control information with indicators of the power supply system status, but also for remote monitoring and control of the power supply system in main control centre and provide its proposal for adoption by the Employer.

It shall be provided individually uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for each main operating voltage. UPS shall be supported by not serviceable VRLA batteries (closed cell) providing life for more than 10 years, suitable for the climatic conditions in Bulgaria.

8.2. Requirements for grounding and securing connections The project Contractor should provide earthing system and safety system of connections that:

• Provides one low-impedance line for fast action of the protective electrical equipment to protect people in touch or outbreak of fire; • Provides potential reduction, i.e. the induced voltages of the grid or discharges of lightning, that should not present a danger to life; • Provides means for grounding the metal screens of signal cables and equipment.

In addition to these requirements, also the safety grounding connections shall comply with the “Instruction for grounding equipment in electrified sections of the National Company Railway Infrastructure” or other specific standards proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Employer.

8.3. Special design requirements Provision of equipment for monitoring and reporting of consumed electricity from safety equipment facilities.

The electrical power supply equipment shall be provided with appropriate measuring devices, including:

• Voltmeters of the cabinets on all main power supplies and batteries; • Ammeters on any battery charger and any power supply where the rated current is over 10A.

Measuring instruments that should be read by an operator or technician shall be clearly visible from the observation position or from a position located directly in front of the equipment.

8.4. General requirements transformer devices 25 / 0.22 KV for CBI power supply Power supply of interlockings from the overhead line, as a second independent power supply, according to Art. 99 para. 2 of Ordinance No 58 / 02.08.2006 of MTITC shall be carried out in compliance with SE NRIC license.

Elements of transformer devices 25 / 0.22 kV shall be in accordance with the following requirements:

• Transformer 25 / 0.22 kV, 16 kVA, single phase; U1H= 25 kV; U2H = 0.22 kV; fH = 50 Hz; linkage group - I /I-0; outdoor installation; copper coils; terminals of the secondary winding + 15%, + 10%, + 5%, 0%, -5% .; dry insulation; test alternating voltage with a frequency of 50 Hz for 1


min - 95 kV; test impulse voltage 1.2 / 50 μs - 250 kV; the degree of protection of the transformer casing IP54.

Transformers shall meet the requirements of: BDS EN 60076-1: 201, BDS EN 60076-11: 2006, BDS EN 60076-3: 2004, BDS EN 50124-1: 2003.

• Insulators supporting, composite with polymeric coating; With their parameters and attributes they shall meet the requirements for composite insulators in accordance with BDS EN 50151: 2004. Rated voltage, frequency: 25kV, 50 Hz (BSD EN 50163: 2006); Insulating class of voltage: 52 kV (BDS EN 50124-1: 2003, BDS EN 60071-1: 2006); Test impulse voltage 1.2 / 50 μs - 250 kV; Test AC voltage with a frequency of 50 Hz for 1 min - 95; Minimum length of the leakage current path: determined according to the operating conditions (degree of pollution of the environment); Path length of arc (minimum distance by air between the reinforcement ends of the insulator not less than 480 mm) in accordance with BDS EN 50124-1: 2003;

Trekking and erosion resistance: more than 1,000 h (BDS EN 61952: 2008).

Mounting fixtures, as well as its ties with the body of the insulator shall be protected against corrosion and the connection with the supporting body of the isolator ensures its protection from moisture, chemical attack, baring in changes of temperature and development of internal trekking breakthrough.

The qualities of the insulators shall be confirmed by certificates for type tests in accordance with the requirements of BDS EN 61952: 2008, HD-606 – test for gas emission, HD-602 – test for toxicity of the gases emitted during combustion of insulators materials and ANSI C29.1 – test for impact resistance. In conducting these tests also the requirements of BDS EN 50124-1: 2003, BDS EN 60507: 2001 shall be taken in consideration.

• High voltage fuse: UH = 36 kV; IH = 2 A. Fuses to comply with BDS EN 60282-1; • Single pole circuit breaker with grounding knife;

Requirements for electrical parameters of breakers, as follows:

• Rated voltage Un 25 kV; • Maximum sustained voltage UNm 29 kV; • Isolation voltage Ui 52 kV; • Test impulse voltage 1.2 / 50 μs - 250 kV for category OV3 and 325 kV for category OV4; • Test AC voltage with a frequency of 50 Hz for 1 min - 95 kV for category OV3 and 140 kV for category OV4; • Rated frequency 50 Hz; • Rated permanent current 400 A.

Switches, drives and their installation shall meet the requirements of: BDS EN 50152-2: 2012, BDS EN 62271-1: 2008, BDS EN 62271-102: 2007, Ordinance No 3 of 9 June 2004 for the structure of

46 electrical equipment and power lines issued by the Minister of energy and energy resources and their valid amendments (Ordinance No 3 SEEPL).

All steel parts of the substructure, control lever and lever mechanisms shall be protected from corrosion by hot dip galvanizing in accordance with the requirements of BDS EN ISO 1461: 2009, with the thickness of the zinc coating as follows: local thickness - min 70 μm and an average thickness – min 85 μm.

• Metal-oxide arrester valve without air gaps; 36 kV; IH (8/20 μs) ≥ 10 kA, polymer insulation, parameters according to the requirements of BDS EN 60099-1, 4 and 5.

The most common requirements for metal-oxide surge arresters are:Insulation level: identical to that of the catenary – 52 kV; nominal discharge current with form 8/20 μs – not less than 10 kA; energy intensity (nominal ability to absorb energy) ≥ 5 kJ/kV of Un.

For outdoor installation in composite solid performance with a thick insulating sheath of vulcanized silicone rubber;

Strength: nominal bending moment – not less than 250 Nm, nominal torque – not less than 50 Nm and nominal tensile strength - 1.0 kN;

• Conductor connector type SGA-35 mm2; • Cable LV type CABT 2x10 mm2 in the pipe on steel structure; • Electrical LV switchboard – RTKM, protection class IP 54 adapted to grip the pole; • Grounding wires galvanized one steel-core conductors Ø10.

All elements of transformer devices shall be for insulation voltage 52 kV and designed for outdoor installation. Measuring is envisaged of the consumed electricity of the LV side of transformer devices by static electrometers. To static electrometers there shall be a modem for data transfer for remote reading.



1.In CBI electrical switchboard a single phase electrometer for control measurement shall be mounted.

2. The meter can be static with remote reading

Fig. 1 Front view of power transformer dry type 25 / 0.22 kV and scheme

When performing installation work, requirements of TC RI 007/2006 and Ordinance No 3 SEEPL. Working earthing of transformer and protective earthing of the hulls and metal structures of facilities for power supply installed together with the transformer on a pole near the electrified railways shall be performed to rail and an independent earthing in accordance with Instructions for earthing equipment in electrified sections of the National Railway Infrastructure Company. Resistance of transformer grounding system 25 / 0,22 kV, powered by overhead lines shall be less than 4 Ω. It is allowed R3 ≤ 10 Ω (when soil resistivity is greater than 100 Ω.m).

Pursuant to the requirements of TS RI 007/2006, item 5.8.8., transformers with capacity over 5 kVA shall be mounted on bearing platforms. The Technical requirements to the elements of the railway infrastructure v02, m. 11, 2015 published on the website of NRICТИЕЖИ%20V02.pdf allow installation of transformers up to 16 kVA, dry type to be carry on bearing consoles (stands) on the mast. In view of the significantly reduced volume of activities in the operation of such transformers (dry type) and their installation on existing steel lattice masts, in this project it is offered same be mounted on bearing consoles.

The numbering of breakers shall comply with the requirement of TS RI 007/2006, item and schemes of sectioning and power supply at the stations.


Applicable regulations for CBI power supply from the catenary

− BDS EN 60076-1: 2011 Power transformers. Part 1: General; − BDS EN 60076-11: 2006 Power transformers. Part 2: Dry transformers; − BDS EN 60076-3: 2004 Power transformers. Part 3: Levels of insulation, testing the electric strength of the insulation and external clearances; − BDS EN 50124-1: 2003 Railway application. Insulation coordination. Part 1: General requirements. Clearances through the air and clearances on the surface of the insulation of all electrical and electronic equipment; − BDS EN 50151: 2004 Railway applications. Fixed installations. Electric traction. Special requirements for composite insulators; − BDS EN 61952: 2008 Insulators for overhead power lines - Composite linear supporting insulator for AC networks with nominal voltages greater than 1000 V. Terms and definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria (IEC 61952: 2008); − BDS EN 50163: 2006 Railway applications. Supply voltages of traction systems; − BDS EN 60071-1: 2006 Insulation coordination. Part 1: Terms and definitions, principles and rules (IEC 60071-1: 2006); − BDS EN 61467: 2008 Insulators for overhead power lines. Insulator chains and insulator sets for lines with a nominal voltage above 1 kV AC. Tests with high AC voltages arc; − BDS EN 60507: 2001 Tests with artificial contamination of insulators for high voltage electrical systems used in alternating current electrical systems (IEC 60507: 1991); − BDS EN 60282-1: 2010 High voltage fuses. Part 1: Current limiting fuses (IEC 60282-1: 2009); − BDS EN 50152-2: 2012 Railway applications. Fixed installations. Specific requirements for alternating current switching devices. Part 2: Joints, earthing switches and switches for rated voltage above 1 kV; − BDS EN 62271-1: 2008 High voltage switchgear. Part 1: General technical requirements; − BDS EN 62271-102: 2007 High voltage switchgear. Part 102: Breakers and earthing breakers for AC (IEC 62271-102: 2001 + amendment 1 April 2002 + corr. 2 May, 2003); − Ordinance No 3 of 9 June 2004 on the structure of electrical installations and power lines issued by the Minister of Energy and Energy resources − BDS EN ISO 1461: 2009 Hot zinc coating of finished products of iron and steel. Technical requirements and test methods (ISO 1461: 2009); − BDS EN 60099-1: 2003 Surge arresters. Part 1: Valve outlets with dischargers with nonlinear resistance for AC electrical systems (IEC 60099-1: 1991); − BDS EN 60099-4: 2014 Surge arresters. Part 4: Metal oxide surge arresters without dischargers for AC electrical systems (IEC 60099-4: 2014); − BDS EN 60099-5: 2003 Surge arresters. Part 5: Recommendations for selection and application. Amendment A1 (IEC 60099-5: 1996 + A1: 1999); − BDS EN 60529: 2001 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code) (IEC 60529: 1989 + A1: 1999); − BDS EN 50119: 2009 Railway applications. Fixed installations. Electrical aerial catenary; − BDS EN 50122-1: 2011 Railway applications. Fixed installations. Electrical safety, grounding and feedback circuit. Part 1: Requirements for protection against electric shock; − BDS EN 50395: 2006: Electrical test methods for low voltage power supply cables;


− BDS EN 62053-22: 2004 AC gauges for electricity metering. Specific requirements. Part 22: Static meters for active energy (classes 0,2 S and 0,5 S) (IEC 62053-22: 2003); − BDS EN 50124-1: 2003 Railway applications. Insulation coordination. Part 1: Basic requirements. Clearances through the air and clearances on the surface of the insulation of all electrical and electronic equipment; − BDS 12.2.096-86: Labour protection. Electrical safety. Nomenclature of protection events; − BDS 12.3.032-85: Labour protection. Electrical installation work. General safety requirements; − BDS 9970-83: Transformers, dry. Key parameters; − BDS 414-74: Earthing of transformer; − BDS 11425-73: Transformers, single-phase to 63 kVA and rated voltage to 27.5 kV for outdoor installation; − Instruction for earthing of equipment in electrified sections of National Railway Infrastructure Company, May 2009; − TC RI 007/2006 Subsystem power supply of traction rolling stock 25 kV, 50 Hz. Overhead line system. Pantograph. Mechanical interaction between pantographs and overhead line.

8.5. General requirements for diesel aggregates Generator shall be of noise-dampening type, with ABS-board for automatic startup and shutdown. It shall be equipped with a rechargeable battery and an autonomous heating system.

Shall work reliably in the temperature range from -25 °C to +55 °C.

Tolerance output voltage shall be within ± 1%.

Be equipped with fuel tank ensuring at least 12 hours work. Low fuel consumption.

Shall have interface for remote management and control.

Shall be vandal protected with sensors to control opening.

The project Contractor shall calculate the required unit power, determine the installation site and build a platform for mounting the unit according to the manufacturer's installation requirements. The site additionally shall be surrounded by a suitable fence and access gate. Provide video surveillance of the site and the unit.

Contractor shall build an underground link between the installation site and the nearest shaft to the signalling room with a minimum of 3 pipes Ø110. One pipe will be used for the power cord from TO to CBI. The second is for cables for TO connecting. The third is a redundant.


9.1. General requirements The operation of all electrical barriers shall be depending on the routes realized through them. They shall be triggered automatically in route setting through the level crossing. Their opening should be done automatically to 3 seconds after the railway vehicle passing through the crossing or by the traffic manager on duty for level crossings on station tracks. In case of damage the possibility shall be

50 realised of isolating the crossing device. It should be realized a minimum time of closed (energized) crossing devices before railway vehicle passing.

On the project “Rehabilitation and reconstruction of sections of the railway line Plovdiv – Burgas – Phase 1”, it was carried out partial or complete replacement of electrical barriers equipment and machineries.

The project Contractor shall make additional equipment of each electrical barrier as described in section 3.1.16 of the conceptual design of the Employer.

Installed equipment at a level crossing device shall meet the requirements of the following specifications adopted by the Council on Standards in SE NRIC and approved by the Director General of SE NRIC:

• TS-RI-002-2005 – Automatic Crossing Devices; • TS-RI-021-2011 – Road Crossing Traffic Lights; • TS-RI-006-2006 – Barrier Mechanisms.

The components of the ADF shall be so designed and/or provided that they are consistent in their functional interaction and ADF generally built on their base shall realize all the requirements of its technical specification. The crossing devices shall satisfy the integrated safety level SIL-4.

Level crossing equipment management shall be outside the CBI system.

The project Contractor should implement external interface between CBI system and the electric barrier devices with integrated safety level SIL4. In the CBI system, it shall be possible through external programming hardware dependencies of electrical barrier and CBI to be simulated (excluded). Information on the status of the barrier will be received on independent remote information board. In its turn this should be connected to the interface that corresponds to the dispatch interlocking. Additionally TDI is displayed in the support (ruling) station for level crossings located in the serviced performance posts (SMO / managed stations /). The management of the crossings shall be done from the terminal of the operator on duty and from which the interlocking system is managed.

The power supply of all electric barriers in the stations within the scope of the project should be from the CBI system in the station in which they are located.

9.2. Technical requirements Road sensors should be used on CBI road sections.

The apparatus of crossing device shall be positioned according to the requirements of Ordinance No 55 of January 29, 2004 for the design and construction of railway lines, railway stations, level crossings and other elements of the railway infrastructure.

Automatic crossing devices shall provide:

• Signalling to vehicles for the upcoming transition of rolling stock through the crossing; • Submission of information to the CBI system to trigger the automatic crossing devices and permission to pass through the crossing;


• Submission of information about the condition and operation of the automatic crossing devices to traffic manager on duty at the station; • Signalling of the vehicles about properly working automatic crossing devices and the absence of a rail vehicle in the area of notification by white flashing lights of the road signal.

Crossings equipped with automatic level crossing device shall be fitted by the road side with road traffic light, audible signals and barrier mechanisms:

• The indication of road signal, the position of the barrier mechanisms and sound signalling are dependent on the actual condition of the automatic crossing devices: o Normal position – no train near the crossing – the barrier beams are vertical, red lights of road signal are doused and lunar-white light flashing at a frequency of 30 flashes per minute (0.5 Hz), audio alarm does not work; o Activation of crossing device – there is set route passing through the crossing. Crossing device goes into guarding position – beeper is switched on and red lights of the road signal start flashing at a frequency of 60 flashes per minute (1 Hz), after not more than six seconds the barrier beams go in horizontal position; o Closed position – the audible alarm is turned on, red lights flashing on road traffic light with a frequency of 60 flashes per minute (1 Hz), barrier beams are horizontally; o Normalization of crossing device – after passing the last axle of a railway vehicle in the area of the crossing – the audible alarm and red lights of road signal go out, barrier beams pass in a vertical position and the slow flashing lunar white light goes on showing that crossing device is properly working and there is no approaching train to the crossing.


10.1. Main objectives The introduction of the system for contactless diagnostics of rolling stock bogie will create conditions for an objective analysis of events of importance for road safety, which will reflect positively on the quality of preventive measures to reduce and prevent risks arising from damage underneath the vehicle and/or associated with oversized or shifted load and overload. The Employer objectives of the system are:

− ensure safety; − improve passenger and freight transport; − avoid damage during work (delays and uncertainty); − reducing costs by preventing accidents and through rails wear; − minimize environmental hazards when transporting dangerous goods

10.2. Technical requirements The project Contractor shall install 4 (four) systems for contactless diagnostics of rolling stock bogie as follows:

• Zimnitsa – Straldza Span


The system will be mounted on the double track at km 202 +200 on each road. The main and backup power supply will be from overhead line through lowering transformers 25kV / 220V 50 Hz; the power supply switching shall be carried out automatically. The contractor of the site will need to calculate the required power.

Transmission of data to adjacent stations will be carried over fibre optic cable.

The apparatus can be accommodated in the available cabin of open line equipment that is in good condition. It is recommended that equipment of systems in the other spans be installed in such booths.

• Mihailovo – Kaloyanovets Span The system can be mounted on double track at km 88 + 980 in a straight section of 492 meters, which is the sole straight section in the open line satisfying the requirements for installation. The main and backup power supply will be from overhead by lowering transformers 25kV / 220V 50 Hz; power supply switching shall be carried out automatically. The contractor of the site will need to calculate the required power. Transmission of data to adjacent stations will be carried over fibre optic cable.

• Kalitinovo – Han Asparuh Span

The system can be mounted on a single track at km 119 + 966 in a straight section of 4000 m (550 m after Gorno Botevo stop). The main power supply will be from urban network and the backup of the overhead line. Transmission of data to adjacent stations will be carried over fibre optic cable.

• Chernograd – Ajtos Span

The system will be mounted on the double track at km 251 +900 (400 m before Karageorgievo stop). Distances to the CP of Chernograd station – 6350 m and CP of Ajtos station – 4900 m. The design provides for the use of existing power supply to Karageorgievo block post, main and backup. Contractor shall perform replacement of oil transformer for power supply from the overhead line with a dry one.

The detectors that are mounted on rails shall be placed in a box protected against impacts with a degree of protection not less than IP 67 according IEC 60529. The control logic containing electronic modules for control and evaluation of measurement data, power supply to the entire device, and modules controlling communication between the parts of the device and the control centre shall be located in the open line equipment booth.

If through the system for contactless diagnostics of rolling stock bogie a train passes with heated bearings or brakes, with load outside gauge, overloaded axles or dragged equipment it shall generate alarms and send information to the system for remote notification. The information is transmitted also to the balises installed at 900 meters on either side of the reference point, which transmit it to the driver in the locomotive.

The Contractor shall provide the sending of these alarms, without limitation:

− Warm and hot alarm – if the measured temperature of the bearing or brake is higher than a certain threshold for warm and hot alarm;


− Relative alarm – if the measured temperature is above the average temperature of all axes but below the threshold for warm and hot alarm; − Differential alarm – if the temperature difference between left and right bearing of one axis is greater or equal to the threshold of warm or hot alarm; − Alarm outside dimensions – if detected load outside the established dimensions; − Alarm overload – if detected axle with load more than the permissible; − Alarm dragged equipment; − Alarm derailment;

Supplied by the contractor system should include the following major components, without limitation:

• Freight Dimensions Detector of– consisting of sensors to determine the gauge of the freight. Alarms for disturbed gauge shall only be submitted if there is a train in the controlled area. • Hot Axle Box and Wheels Detector – detection system for hot axle box shall be able to measure the temperature of axle bearings, brake discs and the rim of the wheel. The system should submit an alarm for inadmissible heating of bearings, wheels and brakes of passing rolling stock. The parameters for warm or hot alarm shall be a fixed value (80 °C for warm alarm and 100 °C for hot alarm) and with the additional capability to be dependent on the ambient temperature. Temperature measurement range up to 600 °C. Applicable Standards: EN 50121-4 and 50125-3. • Dragged Equipment Detector – it is necessary to detect the gravitational forces of the impact of the towing equipment. System shall submit alarm for inadmissible hit with a force greater than the threshold. Measuring range of g-force 300g do5000g. • Inductive sensors for wheels. The sensors for the wheels serve for identification and assessment of the passing of a train and its axis, and calculation of its speed and direction. They also measure the distance between the axle of rolling stock and give indication of rolling stock. Measurements are carried out in both directions of movement of railway vehicles as follows: o Wheel diameter from 300 mm to 2100 mm; o Wheel rim (flange) max 36 mm below the top of the rail; o Wheel offset - transverse to 50 mm. • Device reporting axle load; • Device registration derailment of rolling stock; • Control logic. It contains electronics for monitoring and evaluation of the entire system, power supply, internal and external communication including device for uninterrupted power supply (UPS) • External network. The device is connected to the system for remote notification in the two adjacent stations via an external network over fibre optic cable. • The system for remote notification – give status information of passing railway vehicles in adjacent stations.

System functions:

• gathering information on weight of wheel, axle, wagon; • gathering information on the vibration of the wheels;


• gathering information on the equivalent size of the flat sections in mm (length of the flat area); • accurate assessment of the collected data as compared with those the wheel should meet; • accurate assessment of speeds and distances between the wheels; • secure identification between wagons and locomotives; • remote diagnostics and assessment of critical load conditions (for example, overloading or improper loading (optional); • visualization of data in stations.

10.3. Power supply The main and backup power supply shall be realized by overhead line through lowering transformers. In the presence of settlements network (for systems at km 119 + 966 and km 251 +900 there is near available), one of the feeders shall be from it.

Provide necessary protections of input voltage 220V / 50Hz (primary and backup).

Switching from one to another energy source should not lead to distortion of the system performance.

The project Contractor shall specify the maximum load capacity, the selected voltage level and protections of the power supply of each node.

The Contractor shall submit for approval by the Employer the supplied power.

The project Contractor shall determine the maximum working load for each of the systems by providing reserve capacity of 20% for each system.

10.4. Requirements for functions architecture The architecture of the system shall be determined by the type of structural elements and their interaction and shall be classified by the following features:

On the feature “territorial distribution of structural elements”, the control system for rolling stock shall be built hierarchically by building these distinct levels:

− Linear level – service station / Checkpoint (CP); − Level of gathering information (JRC) – at this level in the control station (CS) technical means shall be located for collecting, processing and transmitting the data for remote signalling (RS), technical resources for the formation and maintenance of operational database, the data array for information services (IS) and backup. At JRC Level automated workplaces shall be deployed of managers on duty.

The control system of the rolling stock shall ensure the functional interaction between the complex of equipment at level control station (CS) and level Checkpoint (CP) in a hierarchical principle “top – down”. The technical devices in the complexes of the same hierarchical level, and devices of related hierarchical levels shall interact through standardized systems for data transmission and comply with the requirements for protection of information against unauthorized access. The devices of the automated control system for rolling stock shall, in the interaction with each other and the

55 information management systems of higher level, be synchronized with the eastern European time in 24 hour dimension.

10.5. Requirements for ergonomics and health and safety at work Ergonomic requirements for workplace organization of staff shall comply with the standards of the series BDS EC ISO 11064, BDS EN ISO 9241, BDS 15263: 1981.

Ergonomic requirements for arrangement of items in the workplace should comply with the standards of the series BDS EN ISO 9241, BDS 15263: 1981

10.6. Controls and visualization The operating staff of the automated workplace shall enter commands and data using standard data input devices – alphanumeric keyboard, mouse or other modern technical means, CP does not necessarily have to be equipped with stationary mounted controls and visualization. Possibility to work with a laptop is an option.

Linguistic provision should be Bulgarian. Labels and text information on monitors of all workplaces shall be written in the Cyrillic alphabet using standard professional terms adopted in SE NRIC.

Access to the devices of the CP in verification of their functioning or changes in the software shall be provided by:

− its dedicated workplace; − certain methods for remote administration; − use of portable appliances - (laptop)

10.7. Requirements in function performance To perform its functions, the dialog subsystem of the control system of rolling stock shall ensure:

− interaction with the OP via dialogue windows; − input of commands for manual printing of alarms; − input of commands for manually call the entire list of passed vehicles alarms; − entering a request for access to archive data and array data for IS; − generating sound signals; − displaying the current status of the system; − reporting on the results of the diagnostic tests and calibration of measuring instruments; − reporting on archive data, data array in IS and others.

The list of sounds that will be formed for the respective situations shall be determined by the specific project and their switching off can be done from the operator on duty if this is explicitly stated in the System Operation Manual. In the realization of the subsystem functions for recording, the control system of the rolling stock shall ensure:

− formation of archival data; − timing of registered archive data; − registration in the archives of the following data: o remote signalling of the current status of sensors;


o failures and defects in the operation of devices and systems; o results of the self diagnostics of devices and systems; − protection and access control to archived data − providing data from the archive at the OP request and the possibility of their review at any selected time for the period of storage, both chronologically and in other selected order; − formation and provision of information for passed trains; − formation and provision of data from the archive using a special technology for downloading from the archive in accordance with the regulations of the Republic of Bulgaria; − Issuing a protocol on paper and in electronic format for the information in response to the request;

Upon realizing the subsystem functions the interfaces of the control system for rolling stock shall ensure:

− interconnection between the devices of the system; − interconnection between the system for telecommunication and channels for data transmission; − interconnection with other information systems; − protection of transmitted information and system data; − control of access rights.

10.8. Requirements for reliability and safety The architecture of the system should provide backup to the most responsible technical devices of the complex located in the control station (CS) of the automated workplace, file servers, responsible communication links, devices in CP and data transmission. The system shall provide continuous around the clock work, allowing only brief loss of function with subsequent recovery. The average recovery time of performance of the devices in the system should not exceed 15 minutes; this time does not including the time of arrival of personnel engaged in maintenance and repair system.

The control system of the rolling stock shall have a minimum length of service life 20 years from the date of entry into operation. The requirements and procedures for determining the assessment of reliability, safety and security are defined with the following standards:

− Standards of BDS EN 60300 Series; − Standards of the EN 50126-1: 2006 (RAMS); − BDS EN 61508-1: 2010 (IEC 61508-1: 2010); − BDS EN 50122-1: 2004.


11.1. General requirements The project Contractor shall build IP video surveillance and control system CCTV covering inlets of the stations in the section, station crossings and platforms at the entrance building of the station, waiting rooms, square in front of the station, subways, as well as premises for signaling in stations.


It is envisaged that the cameras be mounted on existing metal poles for lighting or catenary at height of at least 6 meters. In the absence of suitably located metal poles, the cameras will be installed on existing reinforced concrete poles for overhead lines or new poles dedicated for mounting a video camera.

In the area of crossings cameras will be mounted on existing reinforced concrete pillars of the overall framework.

The system shall meet the following standards:

• BDS EN 50 132 – Alarm systems, closed circuit television systems for surveillance used in security applications. • BDS EN 60065 - Audio, video and similar electronic equipment. Safety requirements

The video surveillance system shall provide maximum quality video image at any time of day or night and in all weather conditions, in live monitoring mode, review of records, remote monitoring and print of individual frames. These modes would need to be carried out in parallel and independently of one another. Provide specialized stationary cameras enabling adaptive monitoring and, if necessary, detailed monitoring of specific sites. The recording of the information shall be digital and allows for data backup over 30 days.

In each station of the section it is necessary to build local CCTV centre located in the room of the operator on duty.

The system should have an interface for connection with video surveillance centre located at the train dispatcher at the Centre for Traffic Management in Plovdiv.

Through video surveillance system train movements at stations shall be controlled in real time.

The Contractor shall prepare and coordinate with the Employer detailed design of the CCTV of stations.

11.2. Equipment requirements:

11.2.1. Requirements for IP cameras for outdoor installation: • The cameras shall be stationary, sealed with a minimum 4 MP resolution 1280x960, 25fps; • VDR operation mode at light contrast • EXIR (Infrared light) technology with a minimum range of 60 meters operation; • Sensitivity - 0.01 Lux @ (F1.2,AGC ON) Colour / Grayscale mode • Mode AF • Real mode Day / Night • Protection IP66 – vandal resistant • Working temperature range -30 – 60 °C • Power supply 12/24 Vdc/PoE • Detection of movement. Protocol: TCP/IP, HTTP, DHCP, DNS, DDNS, RTP,RTSP, PPPoE, SMTP, NTP • The cameras shall be equipped with mounting base.


11.2.2. Requirements for recorder/server • Network recorder/server, after the number of supported IP cameras. • Input capacity to 200Mbps; • H.264 compression; • USB2.0 port; • For each recorder to 4xSATA hard drives (up to 4TB/CD); • HDMI +VGA monitor output; • Mouse Control; • Adjustable volume of network traffic for each channel; • monitoring through Internet/LAN/ mobile phone; • free software

11.2.3. Monitor • TFT LCD with minimum 32 inches diagonal flat panel monitor • 3D combined filter • Resolution 1366 x 768 pixels • Contrast 1500: 1 • 16,7 million colours • Protective glass • Multilingual OSD (On Screen Display) • Inputs - 1 x Video In, 1 x VGA, 1 x S-Video, 1 x DVI • Audio • Mains voltage 230 VA

11.2.4. Reserved power supply Contractor shall deliver to the local control centre located in the premises of the technical manager UPS providing uninterruptible power supply guaranteeing minimum four hours work in case of mains failure;

11.2.5. Adjusting and adapting working condition Contractor is obliged to adjust and align the system in working condition by showing the Employer:

• Overview area of each camera. Its activation upon entering the survey camera scope; • The action of the built-in IP searchlight; • Network connectivity to the server for recording; • The ability of software for visualization and processing of video streams coming from the cameras; • The autonomous operation of the system;

Putting the system into operation shall take place after successful completion of the 72-hour test run.

Contractor is obliged to carry out Employer’s staff training for maintenance and operation of the system.



12.1. Requirements for diesel generator. Contractor shall supply three-phase diesel generator for outdoor installation, with rated power of 64 KVA. Installation location in the eastern side of the station entrance building.

Specific requirements for diesel engines are detailed in Section 8.5. of this specification.

12.2. Requirements for Battery The project Contractor shall deliver rechargeable battery with 24V rated voltage and rated capacity of 420 Ah to replace AB of RBI. Battery shall meet the following requirements:

• Encapsulated gel battery in AGM technology or equivalent, allowing to be installed in the technical room with equipment • Minimum period of use 10 years • Support minimum 8 hours work of the device after turning off the voltage – primary and backup (calculated according to the consumption of interlocking) • Operating temperature according to the standards of ETSI 300019-2-3 class 3.1E. • The battery shall meet fire safety standards, have relevant certificates from the National Fire Brigade and can be placed in a standard room without the need for mechanical ventilation.


13.1. Introduction Presented here requirements of the Employer outline procedures that shall be followed by the Contractor in the work related to signalling systems covered by the Contract.

These requirements relate to the production, purchase and delivery of equipment and devices and requirements for installation, testing and commissioning, as well as the additional requirements (providing manuals, spare parts, training, etc.).

The Contractor shall notify the Employer for commissioning of parts produced at the manufacturer.

Employer and Consultant shall be given the possibility to be present at the testing of batches before delivery to the site.

The Contractor shall arrange these visits as required and at his expense.

A batch shall mean any group of materials submitted by the manufacturer with one transport operation.

The materials delivered to site shall be made up to 1 year prior to the date of delivery and their warranty should cover the Malfunction Reporting Period.

Defining standards for the materials shall be BDS, EN, DIN, BS, UIC and other European standards according to the country producer.


Also other European standards may be applied provided that they are equivalent or higher level than those listed.

All standards, norms, regulations and others shall be approved by the relevant Bulgarian authorities.

The part relating to the specific material shall be translated in Bulgarian by the Contractor.

The Contractor shall obtain approval of the software, materials and measuring devices by the relevant Bulgarian authorities before conducting the tests.

If such approval is not obtained, the Contractor shall replace the material with approved in Bulgaria equivalent material on his account.

13.2. General The Contractor shall prepare a plan for production, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning, which shall determine the mode of action and Managerial staff, managing the delivery, coordination and compatibility, production, testing and commissioning, ensuring the required quality of facilities, equipment and spare parts which will be delivered under the contract.

The plan includes administration and delivery of spare parts and warranties under the contract and shall be submitted to the Employer and Consultant for review within 180 days of the contract beginning.

13.3. Supply management and subcontracts Contractor shall implement a plan for quality assurance based on the standards of family ISO 9000 in the management systems and approaches for the procurement of materials and additional agreement sufficient to provide technical, administrative, quality and contract monitoring in accordance with these standards by contract.

Contractor management system shall allow monitoring the origin of the materials, part numbers, serial numbers, etc., and when the parties unilaterally or bilaterally make changes in their contractual relations, sub-contracts (annexes) will be developed amending the contract.

Project does not require registration of the Contractor organization, subcontractors or e-consultants, but management plan for project quality in the provided form shall comply in the meaning with the requirement of ISO 9001-2008, for a detailed and documented approach to reaching the design requirements for quality.

13.4. Management of manufacturing and production The management system of production and workmanship provided by the Contractor shall cover all aspects of production, processing of raw materials and components, manufacturing, installation, testing and all moments of ongoing control.

• As part of the plan for production management, the Contractor shall provide factory data such as: • Brief description of all time delays for inspection and testing and linking them to the programming schedule; • A list of all subcontractors;


• Schedule of transport and delivery of each piece of equipment in accordance with the plan for installation.

13.5. Testing Contractor shall prepare a detailed program for testing, which will include all equipment, subsystems, components and materials so as to ensure compliance with specifications.

The program shall be approved by the Consultant and the Employer.

The objective of this comprehensive program will be:

• Detailing of design and performance, where specified in the contract; • Ensuring interoperability; • Checking for confirmation and acceptance of the equipment; • Perform all requirements for demonstration of flawlessness, repair, fitness and safety. • Testing shall fulfil the requirements contained in Clause 4 of this document.

13.6. Verification by the Employer and Consultant staff The Contractor shall prepare Verification Program approved by the Employer and the Consultant and. based on it, the Consultant and Employer personnel will have access at key moments during the production of materials and equipment to test, inspect and measure the materials and quality work and check the pace of work if necessary. The positive assessment of the Employer shall entitle the Contractor to proceed with the next stage.

When such an inspection is carried out during the completion of production, it can be combined with the testing program.

13.7. Quality Assurance and Control Contractor management system shall focus on quality assurance and control and shall be based on standards of the family ISO 9000.

The program shall provide an acceptable level of quality of equipment supplied.

The concept of full quality assurance is based on the principle that quality is the primary responsibility of the Contractor’s organization and will be evidenced by:

• Practicable and verifiable projects; • Specifications of supplies and the performance of work; • Procedures for transfer of information and data to subcontractors and to confirm their consent; • Testing for providing multiple product conformity with the design requirements; • Overall program for supervision and verification of physical functioning and responsibility for the configuration.

The Contractor shall keep appropriate records to provide evidence of the quality and availability. These records shall contain the results of inspections, tests, process control, certification processes and staff, mismatched materials and other requirements for quality control.


Backups with results of inspections and tests shall at least reflect the nature of the observations, the number and type of the discrepancies and the measures offered for their removal.

Archives for monitoring the course of the operation, inspection and testing shall reflect the removal of discrepancies.

Before transport, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer and the Consultant a request for approval of delivery of all manufactured units. It can be accompanied by a Document for Confirmation that will provide sufficiently documented evidence of the suitability of equipment and materials to be supplied.

The delivery will not begin until the Employer and the Consultant have confirmed that they have no objections to the delivery.

13.8. Transportation The management plan of production prepared by the Contractor, shall provide inspection of equipment to ensure satisfactory production and final testing before shipment.

All consignments shall be adequately protected to avoid damage during transport.

Contractor's personnel in quality control will confirm the verification and preparation for shipment.

13.9. Organizational activities, storage and delivery The management plan for production shall anticipate the actions and instructions for checking organization, transportation, storage, preservation, packaging, packing and marking, so as to protect the quality of the equipment and prevent injury, loss, deterioration and degradation in quality or replacement.

Organizational activities include the use of special cases, boxes, containers, vehicles, and equipment for handling materials.

Provide remedies against injury or damage to equipment in storage. When the period for storage of equipment in warehouse is limited, it shall be clearly stated in transit. For more expensive products, protective equipment shall be provided.

13.10. Provision of documents confirming the production and delivery Upon completion of the production of equipment, materials and relevant testing, as well as process control and providing quality assurance and control, a document for confirmation of “Production and Delivery” shall be prepared, which will provide sufficiently documented evidence of the suitability of equipment and materials for subsequent installation. The document shall contain, but not limited to the following:

• Confirmation that the produced items of equipment or manufactured materials fully comply with the production working drawings; • Confirmation that all necessary tests were successfully conducted with full accompanying test documentation;


• Confirmation that all quality assurance and control procedures have been completed with the required satisfactory level and have accompanying full documentation for quality assurance; • Confirmation that equipment and materials are not damaged or injuries during transportation to the jobsite.

The Contractor shall not begin the phase of installation prior to receiving notification by the Consultant for approval of the document for confirmation of the Production and Delivery.

The Consultant may issue such notification of completion of the production and delivery of essential and characteristic element of the main building.


14.1. Installation plan and program The plan for the installation shall show how the Contractor proposes to organize and execute the installation and complete the overall performance according to key dates.

Contractor shall provide a plan to the Employer and Consultant 90 days before the start of works at the construction site.

“Installation” includes all construction activities related to signalling systems and telecommunication.

14.2. Explanatory note on the method of installation The explanatory note on the method of installation shall be provided to the Employer and Consultant for review at least 30 days before the start of installation on site. It shall specifically show load and load ways and route for delivery of items of equipment.

Before starting the installation the Contractor shall submit to the Employer and the Consultant for approval six copies of drawings showing all installations, including dimensions, fixings, metal structures, methods of installation and documentation confirming the availability and location of special assembly tools and equipment, and all other necessary data.

The manufacturer's instructions for delivery and installation shall be strictly observed.

The Contractor shall ensure that the installation of fixings, seals, and other metal structures is performed to ensure safe, accurate and properly fitted installation.

Improperly installed equipment shall be dismantled, checked / tested and reinstalled. Damages caused by improper installation or disassembly shall be removed before reinstalling.

14.3. Determination of fixed assets The Contractor shall provide the Employer and the Consultant to review the database of fixed assets. The database shall contain a complete list of fixed assets for signalling.

The database shall contain the following minimum information:

• Description of fixed assets;


• Archive of damages; • Installation date; • Test date(s).

All equipment and software shall have a unique identification number that can be identified physically and electronically.


15.1. General Contractor shall execute all test procedures laid down for the system and run tests in production, installation and site acceptance.

Testing to be undertaken primarily under the requirements contained in the relevant sections of the latest versions of the standards relating to specific equipment provided and together with other standards that relate specifically to test in the following order of priority:

1. European standards (EN or ISO); 2. IEC standards; 3. Other standards with international use (e.g. Mandatory slips UIC ANSI/IEEE; BS, DIN, etc.).

The commissioning shall include period of testing the integrated system, followed by a period of testing during operation, accompanied by staff training and preparation of definitive timetable.

The contractor should bear in mind that representatives of the Employer will periodically check the construction works in order to determine whether the systems meet functional and infrastructure safety under the Bulgarian law.

Without belittling the other conditions of the Contract, the Contractor will be responsible for works complying with the required by the Employer functionality.

The Contractor shall assist the representatives of the Employer in the performance of their duties on checks and comply with their instructions regarding removal of faults and irregularities.

The Contractor shall assist the Commissions related to obtaining permission to use and permission for commissioning of the facility and will comply with the requirements of the Commissions for removal of faults and irregularities.

15.2. Test programs and procedures Within three months after starting construction, Contractor shall submit a comprehensive program of testing and commissioning, which will state the staff, procedures and types of tests.

In terms of signalling and telecommunications systems, the program shall be based on the Strategy and the Plan for Testing and Commissioning made during the design phase.

Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Employer and the Consultant, the staff engaged with testing shall be different from those directly involved in the design or installation of the same equipment.


All test equipment shall have a label with the valid calibration. It shall be regularly checked for calibration accuracy.

Contractor shall sign all test results.

All test procedures programs shall be submitted at least 30 days prior to a test.

Test procedures shall indicate the scope of testing for each procedure, the method of testing, acceptance criteria, corresponding stage of drawings (or modification) and specific location.

Test procedures shall be modified if necessary by the Contractor during the contract to reflect changes in the system design or set additional test requirements.

The Employer, Consultant and/or their personnel shall be allowed to monitor all tests and have access to all test results.

Under the test program sufficient time shall be given to adjust the equipment, systems and projects, as well as additional testing before commissioning.

Contractor shall be aware that at certain points the system for traction power supply will be switched on and for the purpose to provide additional safety measures to staff and the programs for installation, testing and commissioning will be subject to reorganization actions after switching on the power.

15.3. Sequence of tests In the sequence of the tests, the following tests are listed respectively:

1. Type tests; 2. Factory acceptance tests (FAT) or tests of construction works; 3. Tests of installation; 4. Partial Acceptance Tests (PAT); 5. Functional tests; 6. Integrating tests; 7. Dynamic tests; 8. System Acceptance Testing (SAT); 9. Tests on completion (testing of the integrated system); 10. Tests after completion of construction (testing during operation).

15.4. Standard tests If the contract provides for the use of equipment that was not tested in operation or which has modified design, the Contractor shall undertake a comprehensive testing of pre-production units to approval by the Employer.

At the tender proposal Contractor shall describe the equipment coming into this category or what is materially different from commonly used.

Type tests, including prototypes will be conducted prior to full production before FAT.


Type tests shall confirm whether the proposed equipment complies with the design criteria and meets the requirements of the Contract.

15.4.1. Factory acceptance tests (FAT) Working tests will include at least:

• Physical inspection; • Dimensions check; • Electrical measurement; • Calibration; • Output parameters check; • Functionality; • Test at full load; • Test at excess temperature; • Insulation check; • Test at risk of flooding; • Any other tests imposed by the relevant standards or generally accepted rules.

Within four months from the date of commencement of construction, the manufacturer shall present a plan for the factory acceptance tests to the Employer and Consultant for approval.

All materials, components, assemblies, separate subassemblies (incl. processing equipment, cables and wires) will undergo testing and certification.

Announcing these tests to the Employer and the Consultant will be made 30 days before conducting the test, then the Employer will determine which products may be accepted based on previous experience or delivery.

FAT shall show that each subsystem and the system as a whole meet the functional specification.

At the construction site no equipment or software will be delivered, while the contractor proves by FAT to the Employer and the Consultant that they meet the specifications.

If necessary, the interactions will be presented by simulation.

When the equipment contains processor systems, operational tests will have to also include verification of software used in the application.

15.4.2. Tests at installation Prerequisites for installation:

• Before installing Contractor shall certify that delivered equipment at the jobsite was not damaged during transportation and to ensure its dimensional accuracy; • Projects to test sections shall be prepared and submitted to the Employer and the Consultant for approval before installation.



• checks shall verify that the equipment was installed in accordance with the procedures and design for assembly, approved by the Employer and Consultant as well as proper placement and designation; • checks shall verify the removal of improper power supply, temporarily wiring and additional facilities, as well as verifying that the equipment is properly protected against interference, damage and deterioration; • The Contractor shall keep records of checks to verify that each piece of equipment has been checked and approved and shall apply to the log detailed list of discrepancies and measures for their elimination; • When defects are remedied, this shall be reflected in the corresponding log inspection.

Tests at installation

• For each subsystem before functional tests, the Contractor shall perform installation test to verify proper performance and that each item is correctly fitted and cemented; • During and after completion of the installation, the Contractor shall test, in order of installation, all cables, wiring and associated equipment, control and measuring and protective equipment in accordance with the full test program; • This procedure shall be completed by the functional tests that will confirm proper operation of all equipment and reliable performance of the control commands and monitoring functions.

Partial Acceptance Tests (PAT)

• Before the start of each PAT, the Employer and Consultant shall be submitted for review logs of checks after completion of the installation. • PAT plan shall be submitted for approval to the Employer and the Consultant at least one hundred and twenty (120) days before the beginning of each PAT.

Functional tests

• Functional tests of PAT shall be performed on installed equipment before system acceptance tests (SAT) to prove that the construction work part is done correctly according to the requirements of the specifications; • Functional tests shall be conducted consistently in all the activities necessary to prove that the system works in accordance with the specification and that configured data in situ (i.e. Control tables) are true. • If necessary, the input states of the system shall be simulated; • Functional tests shall be identified and conducted by the Contractor's personnel, regardless of the activity of design and installation.

Integrating tests


• Partial Acceptance Tests (PAT) include integrating tests covering various subsystems of the system and demonstrate trouble-free operation of all internal and external interfaces; • After successful completion of these tests, the Contractor shall prepare the plant for a formal demonstration before the Consultant.

System Acceptance Test (SAT)

System Acceptance Test implemented on the system shall include at least verification showing that the required criterion is reached in modes of ordinary commonly occurring errors.

• The Contractor shall prepare and organize a comprehensive program of tests to demonstrate the Employer and Consultant that all systems, subsystems and equipment under the Contract after they are installed, connected and configured as a complete system meet specified performance requirements in every respect; • Before beginning the System Acceptance Test ( (SAT) the following requirements shall be satisfied: 1. All documentation on System Safety Report shall be submitted to the Employer and the Consultant for review; 2. All PAT shall be completed and test results submitted to the Employer and Consultant for review; 3. Instruments of servicing the system shall be available; 4. SAT Plan shall be submitted to the Employer and Consultant for review at least one hundred and twenty (120) days before the SAT.

15.4.3. Tests of the integrated system The Contractor, together with subcontractors interacting, shall submit to the Employer and the Consultant requirements and procedures for testing of the integrated system by which to prove that the entire system is fully functional and meets the specific performance criteria.

Testing of the integrated system include trial period.

The integrated system test in terms of signalling and their links with the electrification system and with each of them should include verification activities to demonstrate that the required criteria have been achieved for normal operation and emergency modes.

15.4.4. Tests during the trial operation After the successful completion of the System Acceptance Tests and Integrated System Tests, Contractor shall start testing during the trial operation to check the operation of all technical systems on schedule, to allow them to settle in operation mode and staff to be trained in operating procedures.

Tests during the trial operation include:

• Regular movement of full package trains, including in peak load; • Provide intentional disruptions of operations upon proposed by the Contractor and approved by SE NRIC methodology (e.g. extended downtime, damage to vehicles, failure in power systems, in ATP, in ATO, in turning of switches and systems to determine the location of


trains) in order to verify the operational stability and system safety and efficiency of software with control functions used to reduce the impact of such failures; • Failures shall be generated outside normal hours of operation of railways; • Determining the actual interval of movement of trains at any station in any set routes and connections to other lines; • The contractor shall take into account the service throughout this period, in which can be expected defects and remedial actions, as well as further opportunity for staff training.

15.4.5. Samples for testing The samples that were subjected to testing can be included in the works, provided that:

• The specimen meets the set requirements; • The specimen is not damaged; • The specimen shall not be preserved under any other provisions of the Contract.

At the Employer and Consultant discretion, additional samples will be available to test further if:

• Material tested so far is not consistent with the specified requirements; or • The material has been processed or stored in a way that cannot meet those requirements.

Unless otherwise agreed, all tests will be carried out by the Contractor in the presence of Employer, Consultant and/or their authorized representatives.

Presence during testing, including of the Employer, Consultant and/or their authorized representatives and the Contractor will be as described in the procedures for quality assurance.

15.4.6. Documenting tests Tests reports shall be stored by the Contractor and not later than 15 days after completion of the tests, the Employer and Consultant shall be presented a report and all results. Besides the additional requirements, the report shall contain:

• Tested material or part of tested Construction Works; • The location of the part of the construction works; • The place where the test was carried out; • Date and time of the test; • Technical personnel conducted or supervised the test; • Used instrumentation and method of testing • Data and measurements taken during the test; • Test results, including calculations and graphs; • Defined criteria for acceptance of results; • Other details required by the Contract.

16. MAINTENANCE Contractor shall prepare a maintenance plan, which shall include, without limitation, the following:

• Procedures for maintenance of any device, unit/equipment, including current inspection, periodic overhaul and conducting tests;


• Technical manuals; • Initial provision of spare parts, auxiliary equipment, test equipment, tools, assembly and fixtures; • Training requirements; • Procedures for removal or replacement of components; • Periodically commissioning of equipment or machinery that could be damaged if they are not in use for more than a week; • Full-time schedule for required maintenance.

After completing tests during operation, the Contractor shall provide the Employer and the Consultant copies of all production drawings, schematics and software for all components, and as built drawings.

17. GUIDES The Contractor shall provide Manuals on all equipment delivered and all systems. This should include, but not limited to, the following:

• System Instructions – a full description of all system principles at block diagrams level; • User Guides – divided into as many subdivisions as necessary and containing sufficient information to enable non-technical staff to exploit fully the capabilities of each system; • Technical Manuals – description of installations and electrical circuits, complete drawings, circuits, electrical circuits, mechanical construction drawings and a list of listed parts enabling the commissioning and maintenance; • System Software Guides - for every programming package and for each piece of equipment, which includes programmable devices with specialized software provided for the application. For specialized software source code listings shall be provided, accompanied by a detailed description and configuration listings for the overall configuration of standard software packages; • Equipment Room Guides – all electrical circuits and chains, plans of the equipment, list of the terminals and cables and including any external equipment that may be necessary for the set; • Maintenance Manual – describe the requirements, procedures and periods of service in the planned prevention and, in addition, provide sufficient information on the functions and the use of equipment in order to carry out an initial diagnostics of faults and their elimination by the technical staff.

System Operation Guides (user), and a brief statement (suitable for use on a technical level) by the maintenance manual shall be drawn up in Bulgarian and English. The remaining technical manuals should be only in Bulgarian.

Before conducting the acceptance tests from the manufacturer, the Contractor shall submit all guides to the Consultant for review.

The Contractor shall provide six (6) control copies of all guides to the Employer / Consultant.


Contractor shall update all guides throughout the Contract period.


18.1. General During the time limit for notifying defects, the Contractor shall be deemed instructed to provide all materials, supplies, single replaceable parts and spare parts, according to the Technical Specification, parts necessary for the maintenance of all systems and structures built under this contract.

The contractor can also be instructed to deliver spare parts, materials, and assembly fixtures not later than six (6) weeks before putting the system into operation.

The contractor will provide an approved list of such spare parts and materials needed for maintenance during the Defects Notification Term.

18.2. Tools and test equipment If the contractor is instructed so, he shall provide six (6) months before the start of trial operation, special tools and test equipment that will be needed for daily prophylactic and repair service and for use in an overhaul of all modules and units that likely will be needed throughout the service of facilities.

The Contractor shall submit, along with its proposal, a list of all tools and equipment with details of calibration and suppliers.

18.3. Spare parts list The Contractor shall provide a list of spare parts needed for signalling (consistent with the requirements of the Technical Specification), which marks accordingly for what functional unit they are, description, batch number, drawing, time of delivery, duration and conditions of storage in warehouse, number of units required for ten years (beyond DNP) and the expected service life of the electrical and mechanical system and mainly additional sources of supply and unit price.

Spare parts cannot be less than 5% of the value of the parts used in construction.

This list should include all types of disposable parts, replacement into functional units and emergency replacement. With a view to the delivery times of various products, Contractor shall recommend inventory period.

If ten years after the deadline for reporting defects, the Contractor plans to discontinue production of spare parts, he shall immediately inform the Employer of that intention.

The Employer should be given the opportunity to order such a quantity of spare parts at a reasonable price, as necessary depending on the expected life of the systems for signalling and telecommunication.

If the Contractor is unable to fulfil this order, he is obliged to provide for free to the Employer drawings, specifications, samples and other necessary information to enable the latter to produce or ordered elsewhere the necessary parts.


The Employer will be entitled to retain the aforementioned drawings, etc. only during the execution time according to the rules in this clause.

The drawings will be returned if the Contractor requires it, in good order and condition (not dull) at the end of this period.

In these circumstances, the Contractor shall provide the Employer, without payment of fees and charges, the full rights and freedom of contract or manufacture spare part(s), and for this purpose can use, order or make copies of all drawings, samples , specifications and other information provided by the Contractor to the Employer under the Contract.

The Contractor shall, as far as possible, require its subcontractors to comply with the requirements of this section and before signing a contract with subcontractors, he shall communicate the Employer of a subcontractor non-conforming with these conditions, in which case the Employer may direct the Contractor to look for another subcontractor.

If the Contractor fails to deliver spare parts, as described in this subsection and those parts are supplied by a subcontractor, the Employer will be entitled to receive those parts from the subcontractor or another provider, the additional cost for the Employer will be reimbursed by the Contractor.

Where the Contractor considers that the delivered equipment cannot economically or technically be serviced by the Employer (e.g. microprocessors and other items), then he has to specify and give suggestion for their maintenance by the original / initial equipment manufacturer .

The Contractor shall:

• Provide the Employer and Consultant a list of spare parts required for the lifespan of the system; • Base the calculations of the number of spare parts on data for fault tolerance and availability, as well as according to the critical operation of the equipment; • Provide his calculations and the list of spare parts for a review by the Employer and Consultant; • Provide the Employer and Consultant a System for easy identification of spare parts.

The list of spare parts shall:

• Be grouped in subsystems, test equipment and special tools, so that it is convenient for storage maintenance; • Provide detailed description of the relevant drawings and instructions for using the respective manuals.

18.4. Additional delivery sources The Contractor shall indicate the main and ancillary providers of listed spare parts for systems and subsystems.

The Contractor shall provide the Employer and the Consultant additional information about providers in the presentation of the final design.


18.5. Long delivery time For all spare parts, Contractor shall determine the time for delivery.

The parts with long delivery time shall be specifically stated for the Employer and Consultant as such in the list of spare parts.

18.6. Periodic replacement In the event that any item of supply should be replaced or calibrated, whether it appears in a list of spare parts or not, it should be indicated to the Employer and Consultant with an indication of the period of replacement.

18.7. Duration of storage In the event that any of spare parts has a certain storage time or special storage conditions, the Employer and the Consultant shall be informed at the presentation of the list of spare parts, including the necessary instructions for action in storage.

18.8. Identification and control of configuration All parts of the equipment shall meet the requirements of Control for Identification and Configuration performed by the Contractor for the equipment supplied under the contract.

18.9. Testing of the spare parts The contractor will be responsible all parts to be properly calibrated, tested and marked before delivery.

Certificates of tests will be presented to the Employer and Consultant.

19. DESIGNATION OF EQUIPMENT Supplied materials and equipment shall be marked indelibly or otherwise marked, so their identity, type, version, function, location, nominal parameters or deadline be clear as it befit.

Interchangeable modules shall have the same indelible mark put also on the fixed platform on which are mounted. The mark shall be next to the module or be clearly marked on the unit and not be overshadowed.

The markings shall be in accordance with unified system and shall meet the requirements of the Employer and Consultant.

Where dangerous to human conditions can arise due to changes in tension, air pressure maladjustment, erroneous operations, etc., visible warnings of the danger should be placed.

In general, all signs and labels shall be in Bulgarian.

Where possible, labels shall be in accordance with accepted national or international standards, or with the approval of the Employer and the Consultant.



20.1. Training Objectives Contractor will be required to organize technological transition to the staff of the Contracting Authority regarding the project, manufacture, construction, delivery to the site, operation and maintenance of the equipment provided for in the Contract. The staff will include representatives of the management, operational, technical and training areas.

Contractor must train or organize training of personnel nominated by the Employer.

Trainees will be technical staff of the Employer with the following training:

• good skills in the field of safety equipment, electronics, measurements; • basic computer knowledge.

The trainees will not be expected to be familiar with specific equipment included in the delivery.

Contractor must assess the need for training of individual groups of personnel and to adapt training courses to be in line with the topics and the level specified in the assessment of training needs.

This will require the Contractor to train the personnel of the Employer in sufficient detail so that they are able to:

• understand and monitor the system in technical and functional aspect, maintenance, management and administration; • operate, maintain and manage the system effectively and safely.

20.2. Stages of training Contractor must propose an appropriate number of man-days of training.

All courses must be conducted in Bulgarian.

If the instructor uses different language, the Contractor shall provide a translation of materials and a full time translator.

20.3. Training instructors Training instructors that will be provided by the Contractor must be qualified and experienced electrical and mechanical engineers with good knowledge of English.

They should have experience in the training of engineers and technicians in similar professional field or be completely familiar with the supplied and installed equipment.

Before any of the training instructors being appointed, the Contractor shall present to the Employer and the Consultant a detailed CV of each of the proposed instructors for approval.

When a representative of the Employer is attached to the Contractor (or subcontractor) to teach, all trainees will be controlled and monitored by a qualified trainer supervisor, so as to ensure that all students will have the best opportunities to acquire theoretical and practical experience.


20.4. Training courses During the training, the Contractor will be responsible for the safety, health and welfare of trainees.

Therefore, interpretations of rules and safety standards will form a separate part of the basic introductory course conducted by the Contractor and if deemed necessary a book will be started in which each trainee will sign that he/she accepted and understood the rules.

The courses must be planned in accordance with the stages of production and assembly, so that trainees be present at all stages of manufacture, installation and commissioning of equipment and systems, subject of the training course.

The Contractor must ensure that the courses fully cover all aspects of basic design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and maintenance of devices and equipment, paying special attention to the instructions for maintenance of the facilities.

Training should be conducted in modules, each module can be provided independently or together with others similar in theme modules.

The Contractor shall prepare a plan for training, including at least:

• Schedule for the courses; • Objectives; • Curriculum; • Form of education; • Required training aids or such that will be supplied; • A list of materials and documents; • Test procedures; • Qualification of teachers; • Methods of course assessment.

In the process of training the Contractor must use multimedia and computer techniques in the preparation and delivery of training packages, including all necessary teaching materials and technical literature, manuals, photographs, drawings, videos and movies, samples and other materials needed for training.

All materials except videos, movies and reproductions will be retained by the Contractor at the end of each training program.

The Contractor shall provide all training materials including at least:

• Syllabus; • Objectives; • Plans of the lectures; • Schedule of presentations; • Manuals for the equipment / software; • Aids such as multimedia; • Computer-based training requirements.


20.5. Learning on the job Once the system is put into operation, the Contractor shall provide training on the job, including assistance in the operation and maintenance as a follow-up training courses.

20.6. Training Equipment In general, the Contractor must use equipment that is specially designed for training purposes. With the consent of the Employer and Consultant, he will be able to use equipment that is already installed, tested and put into operation when it is not available otherwise. The Contractor shall not use for this purpose spare parts from kits.

If trainees require special or protective clothing, it will be provided by the Contractor. Personal pieces of clothing will be new and may be retained by the trainee upon completion of training.

20.7. Surveillance During the entire period of training, the Employer and the Consultant will have free access to all seminars to be able to monitor the work of teachers and the progress of learners.

To ensure that the objectives of courses are achieved, the Contractor shall periodically carry out theoretical and practical tests of the trainees.

The results of these tests, along with a report on the general perception, abilities, technical skills and presence of trainees should be regularly sent to the Employer, which in some cases may require additional information.

Methods for monitoring the learning process should include, but not necessarily limited to the following:

• Theoretical tests and evaluation systems; • Practical partial tests and objective evaluation systems; • Reports on the progress of the training.

The data on the progress of trainees must continuously be updated and made available to the Employer for review upon request.

Upon completion of each course, the Employer will be transmitted copies of the test results and progress reports for each trainee.

20.8. Place of training and resources Training should be conducted in locations that will provide the best opportunities for meeting.

They can be in Bulgaria, abroad, in places of production, assembly, testing or elsewhere if necessary.

Each place for training should be discussed with the Employer.

Training programs presented by the Contractor shall include a detailed description of training.

20.9. Administration The Contractor shall:


• be responsible for meeting, arrange transport and hotel for the Employer and Consultant and all trainees who will travel abroad; • Be responsible for the general welfare of the trainees under his control.


21.1. Transport and storage The Contractor shall be responsible for the preparation, preservation and storage of all the equipment and materials so as to avoid damage and losses caused by repetitive manipulation, climate impacts and other hazards due to transportation or storage at or outside the jobsite.

The Contractor shall provide closed and guarded warehouses for all equipment and materials, except when the Employer and the Consultant agreed that the storage can be done outdoors.

21.2. Palletizing Each case, box or pallet must be of robust construction and meet the purposes for which it was intended. Do not use packaged materials that are likely to impair their quality due to climate conditions during transportation from the factory to the construction site.

The content of each case, box or pallet must be protected from water penetration through thick waterproof internal coating and a suitable drying substance (e.g. Silica gel) to be added inside.

Each case, box and pallet must be marked legibly and indelibly in large letters with the address, contract number, where to open, marks as “To be transported upright,” “Fragile” and other so they can be easily recognized and processed when transporting and receiving at the jobsite.

Each case, box and pallet must contain a detailed inventory list with number, name, size, weight and content together with relevant drawings.

A second copy of the inventory list must be applied in a waterproof pocket on the outside of each pallet, box, and case.

Additional copies of the inventory list should be provided as required by the Employer and the Consultant.

All items that are heavier than 100 kg must be specially marked on the outside, in terms of net and gross weight and the places where they should be raised.

Necessary measures must be taken against displacement in containers by fastening mechanisms, belts and security bolts.

Packages of bulk materials must be packed in boxes clearly marked by a well-protected metal labels, on which quantity, batch number, and index or catalogue number are marked.

Cases, boxes, pallets or containers that contain important or sensitive products should be clearly communicated to the Employer and the Consultant for approval.


21.3. Precautions Spare parts must be properly packaged for storage indefinitely without damage and be clearly marked with the full name and batch number so that they can be recognized without unpacking. Electrical and other delicate devices or equipment to be tightly wrapped to prevent rust.

Cable connectors, cable sockets in equipment and other tips and openings must be closed and darkened to be protected against penetration of dust and moisture. The openings of the pipes must be thoroughly cleaned and then sealed and coated so that they are prevented against penetration of dust and moisture.

Canted edges must be protected with adhesive tape or sealing materials, coated with a well-protected timber seals, not smaller than the openings.

Particular attention should be paid to the protection from damage or corrosion of axles and shafts that are touching wooden fastening parts or other fastening parts exposed to moisture.

In these points paper should be placed impregnated with anti-rust product with sufficient strength to withstand the effort and movements during transport.

Measures must be taken to reduce the risk of damage of ball and roller bearings and brittle materials during transport.

21.4. Packaging procedures The Contractor shall clean up the work site of cases, boxes and pallets within one month after emptying.

22. KEYS AND LOCKS For all cabins, cabinets and boards, the Contractor shall provide the necessary means of locking as appropriate to the place.

All locks shall comply with the requirements of the Employer and Consultant.

23. MANAGEMENT OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Suppliers of systems providing software should ensure built-in defence mechanisms and systems of programs to allow control over restricted access to certain programs or operations in them and / or the necessary staff or service.

Any attempt of unauthorized access should be alerted and identified.

24. LEGAL DOCUMENTS During the execution of the project the provisions of the TSI Bulgarian legislation and standards must be complied with, some of which are:


1. DECISION OF THE COMMISSION of 25 January 2012 concerning the technical specification for interoperability of subsystems for control, management and signaling of the trans-European rail system (2012/88 / EU)

2. DECISION OF THE COMMISSION of 6 November 2012 amending Decision 2012/88 / EC concerning the technical specification for interoperability of subsystems for control, management and signaling of the trans-European rail system (2012/696 / EU)

3. DECISION (EU) 2015/14 OF THE COMMISSION of 5 January 2015 amending Decision 2012/88 / EC concerning the technical specification for interoperability of subsystems for control, management and signalling of the trans-European rail system

1. Law on Spatial Planning; 2. Railway Transport Act; 3. Public Procurement Act; 4. Law on Chambers of Architects and Engineers in Investment Design; 5. Energy Act; 6. General guidelines for analyzing the costs and benefits of projects supported by the Cohesion Fund and the European Regional Development Fund 2007-2013 .; 7. Ordinance № 4 of 2001 on the scope and content of investment projects (prom. SG 51 of 5.06.2001) 8. Ordinance № 4 of 03.27.1997 on railway crossings. Issued by the Minister of Transport and Minister of Interior, prom. SG 32 of 18.04.1997, amended and supplemented no. 145 of 09.12.1998, effective as at 09.12.1998 9. Ordinance № 55 of 29.01.2004 on design and construction of railway lines, railway stations, level crossings and other elements of the railway infrastructure. Issued by the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works and the Minister of Transport and Communications prom. SG. 18 of 05.03.2004, Corr. SG. 20 of 12.03.2004 No. 42 of 21.05.2004. 10. Standards for the design of railways and railway stations (approved by the Ministry of Transport and KSTU 1987) - applies to all parameters and rules that are not explicitly written in Ordinance № 55 of January 29, 2004 for design and construction of railway lines, railway stations, railway crossings and other elements of railway infrastructure and if not contrary to the technical specifications for interoperability; 11. Ordinance on categorization of railway lines in Bulgaria, included in rail infrastructure and closing of separate lines or sections of lines (prom. SG 112 of 2001, SG 2 of 2004); 12. Ordinance No 57 of 09.06.2004 on achieving interoperability of national rail system with the rail system within the European Union. 13. ORDINANCE № 58 of 2.08.2006 on the rules for the technical operation, the movement of trains and railway signaling (issued by the Minister of Transport, prom. SG. 73 of 2006, effective as of 1.11.2006) 14. Ordinance № 13 of 2005 on ensuring healthy and safe working conditions in the rail transport (prom. SG. 12 of 2006) 15. Ordinance No Iz-1971 of 29 October 2009 on building technical rules and standards for ensuring fire safety (prom. SG. 96 of 2009)


16. Ordinance No 2 of 22.03.2004 on the minimum requirements for occupational health in carrying out construction works (prom. SG. 37 of 2004) 17. Ordinance No 3 of 2004 on planning of electrical installations and power lines (prom. SG 90 of 2004 and SG. 91 of 2004); 18. Ordinance No 16-116 of 2008 on technical operation of power equipment (prom. SG. 26 of 2008) 19. Ordinance No 7 of 1999 on the minimum requirements for health and safety at workplaces and the use of working equipment (prom. SG. 88 of 1999) 20. Ordinance No 13 of 2005 on ensuring healthy and safe working conditions in the rail transport (prom. SG. 12 of 2006) 21. Ordinance №35 of 30.11.2012 on rules and standards for design, construction and commissioning of cable electronic communication networks and related infrastructure. 22. TC RI 024-2012 “Computer based interlocking” 23. Technical requirements for the elements of the railway infrastructure-V02 of 11.2015 24. Rules for Safety and Health at Work on electrical equipment with voltage up to 1000V (SG 21/2005); 25. Instructions for Overhead line (approved by the Director General of SE NRIC 2009) 26. BDS 3636 (1981) Shafts cable channel for communication networks; 27. BDS EN 50110-1 (2013) Operation of Electrical Equipment Part 1: General requirements; 28. BDS EN 50 249 (2002) Electromagnetic locators for hidden pipes and cables. Performance and security; 29. BDS EN 61386-1 (2008) Piping systems for laying cables. Part 1: General requirements; 30. BDS EN 61386-21 (2004) Piping systems for laying cables. Part 21: Particular requirements. Rigid pipe systems; 31. BDS EN 61386-24 (2010) Piping systems for laying cables. Part 24: Specific requirements. Underground piping systems; 32. BDS EN 1401-1 (2009) - Plastic piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Non-plasticised polyvinyl chloride (PVC-11). Part 1: Requirements for pipes, fittings and the system; 33. IEC 61643-1: 2000-09 Low Voltage Surge Protective Devices 34. Law on technical requirements for products Prom. SG 86 of October 1, 1999 35. BDS EN 10240: 2000 and BDS EN ISO 1461: 2009 on protection of metal components from corrosion 36. ETSI EC 300 019-2-3 V 2.1.2 (1999-09) 3.1 Class E - installed equipment in rooms without air conditioning; 37. ETSI 300019-2-3 class 3.1E on the operating temperature of the battery; 38. EN 50129: 2003 Railway equipment. Messaging systems, signalling and data processing. Safety related electronic systems for signalling; 39. EN 50126-1: 1999: Railway applications - Specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) - Part 1 40. EC 50128: 2001 Railway equipment. Messaging systems, signalling and data processing. Software for monitoring and protection. 41. DS DS/CLC/TS 50459-1 Railway applications - Communication systems, signalling and data processing - European System for Rail Traffic Management - Interface machine - machine - Part 1: Ergonomic principles for the presentation of RTMS/ETCS/GSM-R-information; 42. 42.18 6385: 2004: Ergonomic principles in the design of operating systems;


43. BDS EN ISO 14040: 2006 - Environmental Management. LCA. Principles and general requirements (ISO 14040: 2006). 44. BDS EN ISO 14021: 2006- Labels for grading and declarations environment. Personal declared claims / claims regarding the environment (Type II environmental labeling) (ISO 14021: 1999) 45. BDS ETS 8. 300 253: 1999 General technical issues (EE). Grounding and bonding potential equalization of communications equipment in communication centers; 46. BDS EN 300 253 V2.1.1: 2003 Environment Techniques (EE). Grounding and bonding potential equalization of telecommunication equipment in telecommunication centers; 47. BDS EN 50310: 2006 Use of connection for potential equalization and grounding in buildings with IT devices; 48. Instructions for building grounding installations in telecommunication objects. Edition of BTC Research Institute of Communications, 2000; 49. Law on Environmental Protection; 50. Law on Waste Management effective as at 13.07.2012, Prom. SG no. 53 of July 13, 2012



1. Technical rooms Contractor shall implement repair and reconstruction of existing rooms on site. In the absence of sufficient space in existing technical rooms, the contractor shall build new buildings of container type in the stations of the section.

1.1. General Rooms for deployment of internal facilities of the future interlocking systems and telecommunications stated in the conceptual designs are only for preliminary assessment. Contractor is required to request re-appointment of a Commission by the Director General of State Enterprise “Railway Infrastructure” which, depending on the dimensions of a particular offered by the Contractor instrumentation and specifically the proposed work technology to determine whether to use the proposed premises or offer another solution.

1.2. Technical requirements for buildings or premises • Floor of buildings or premises – non-flammable – terracotta, granite, marble or other similar; antistatic; it is allowed two levels floor of a metal structure; • Walls and ceilings – latex, no spots, no moisture and condensation; • Lighting – LED – according to the standards set out in BDS EN 12464 for the artificial lighting of premises for the branch “Electrical industry” – at least 300 lux. • Windows – aluminium with thermal bridge or PVC, at least 50% of them shall be openable as a minimum. The windows on the first floor of the premises shall have robust metal bars outside to prevent vandalism and theft. Sunscreen blinds to be installed in rooms where the equipment is exposed to direct sunlight. • Doors – metal, meeting the requirements of fire resistance and thermal insulation. The doors of the technical rooms for signalling shall be locked by two passkeys. • Lightning protection – it is necessary to provide 99% probability protection from direct lightning strikes on buildings. • All metal bars, metal doors and metal frames must be grounded. • In all rooms, where equipment for communication and security equipment will be installed, to provide delivery and installation of fire station. • The technical buildings shall be equipped with alarm control against unauthorized access. • Buildings that have technical rooms must have or be equipped with thermal insulation in accordance with the regulations.

In existing buildings, to provide for the repair of the following premises:

• Room for equipment and power supply • Office of mechanics • Workshop • Bathroom

1 Repair/adaptation of the premises of the dispatchers on duty shall be provided, in accordance with the requirements of items 1.2., 1.3 and 2 of this specification.

Repair / adaptation of the break room and bathroom shall also be provided.

1.3. Climatic parameters and conditioning of rooms and containers Notwithstanding the requirements for equipment for a wide temperature range – Class 3.1 E, the Contractor shall deliver and install new air conditioning in all rooms, where telecommunications equipment and safety equipment will be deployed, no matter whether there are conditioners available now. In preparing the detailed design the typical climate of this region of Bulgaria should be considered, featured by very low temperatures in winter (to -20° C), unheated premises at stations where telecommunications equipment and security equipment are located, and high summer temperatures up to and above + 40 °C.

Since it is provided that all systems shall be maintenance-free, air conditioners need to be professional grade service equipment with auto start system – recovering their work with the set parameters after a power failure. It is necessary to ensure the heating of the room to a minimum + 15 °C, even at low winter temperatures in the range of -20 °C, and cooling to normal room temperature of about 20-22 °C with external equipment over + 40 °C (radiated heat outputs from the equipment must be taken into account). Air conditioners must work automatically year round - 365 days non-stop.

Cooling capacity – according to calculated necessary capacity, but not less than 12000 BTu and with reserve of at least 6000 BTu.

The outer part of the air conditioning shall be protected from harm by a metal grille. Removal of condensation from the air conditioning system shall be to the water and sewerage network. In failure of the air-conditioning system, information shall be submitted to the dispatch center.

1.4. Temperature sensors Technical rooms shall be equipped with temperature sensors.

Temperature sensors shall have displays for displaying the temperature and be connected to the data network.

Current information from temperature sensors shall be submitted in the dispatch center.

1.5. Specific requirements for buildings of container type In addition to the general requirements of this Technical Specification, the buildings of container type must meet the following conditions:

• To have an area sufficient for the installation of technological equipment, cables, power supply, batteries, etc.; • To have a separate area for the deployment of workplace for device control; • To have a visor and entrance, not allowing bringing in snow, water, mud; • To be equipped with bathroom;

Adequate landscaping shall be implemented of the area around the container.

2 2. Power supply and electrical installation

2.1. Reconstruction of electrical installations The Contractor shall provide and reconstruct the electrical installations in technical rooms to meet the following requirements:

• The power supply for all rectifiers of the equipment in the rooms must be mono phase 220U / 50 Hz or three phases 380 V/50 Hz, depending on the requirements of the supplier of the equipment. • The power supply for all devices in rooms must be reserved by providing supply from 2 sources with automatic switching (ABP) – normally from the public grid and backup power supply from overhead lines. It is necessary to design new cable lines LV for the main and backup power supply to the main switchboards. • Switchboards must be provided with arresting protection against surge in voltage and electric shocks according IEC 61643-1: 2000-09, providing protection against electric shock and peak load in power cords. In switchboards, the required starting and protective equipment shall be provided; • Switchboards must be equipped with meters (separately for primary and backup power supply). Meters must be connected to the data network. Information on energy consumption shall be submitted to the dispatch center.

2.2. Three-wire electrical safety The electrical installation must be built with a three-wire cable (F, N, PE). Preferably wiring 220 V shall be of type TN-S.

3. CCTV Technical rooms shall be equipped with CCTV.

Video surveillance can be performed with stationary IP cameras, with minimum requirements:

• Resolution 1.3 megapixel (1280 x 960); • Network Ethernet RG-45; • Infrared illumination EXIR.

The information must be recorded locally and be passed to the technical dispatcher in CCT Plovdiv.

4. Equipment All technical rooms shall be equipped with working table and two chairs.


1. General requirements

Scope of the project is construction of new power supply for the heating of turnouts and the consequent reconstruction of power substations and external electrical power supply of stations in the section by the Electricity Distribution Company networks in the area. The heating of railway turnouts in terms of electric power is III-rd category and backup power supply from the catenary is not envisaged. The power supply will be carried out by LV distribution grid under Ordinance No 6 on connecting consumers and producers to electricity transmission and distribution networks.

The specification indicates types of work, which must be designed and the standards and regulations that the design must meet.

2. Scope

The volume and scope of the project must be in accordance with Ordinance No 4 of 2001 on the volume and range of investment projects.

Contractor must carry out detailed design that includes:

− Plans of stations showing the location of the individual components of electric power supply and heating of turnouts; − Cable plans showing connections among consumers; − Electrical circuits.

Project documents (plans, drawings, diagrams, etc.) must be prepared for all stations that are part of the project. Power supply and the accompanying equipment shall be designed to distance marker in compliance with the Ordinance No 55 of 29.01.2004 on design and construction of railway lines, railway stations, level crossings and other elements of the railway infrastructure.

Detailed design should include:

• electric power supply of the heating of turnouts; • external power supply and reconstruction of existing power stations, which will provide the power supply;

2.1. Electric power supply Contractor shall implement all necessary renovations and additional construction work on the power supply to provide the necessary power for the heating of turnouts and all other station consumers.

With the assistance of the Contracting Authority, the Contractor shall take the necessary steps to coordinate the reconstruction and power supply with local power company.


2.2. Heating of turnouts Contractor shall design power supply for the heating of all centralized turnouts at stations in close collaboration with the designer of the signalling systems. The project has to achieve the utmost security for the heating of turnouts and its control.

Besides the automatic control, manual control shall be provided from the local panel for heating of turnouts (MCHS) and from the dispatcher room by command panel for heating of turnouts (CPHS). In both boards a red signal lamp shall be placed to indicate the on/off status of the heating. The required number and electric power of the heaters shall be tailored to the type of turnouts and the radius of their curve.

According to the above requirements, the design for heating railway turnouts shall include:

− LV power cables; − Switchboards for power supply of heating of turnouts (MCHS); − Power cables to each switch; − Terminal boards (boxes) to each switch (TBS); − Control panel (board) for controlling the heating of railway turnouts (CPHS).

LV power cables to the panels MCHS and TBS shall be aluminium wires and pulled in pipe-channel network in protective tubes. Power cords from TBS to each arrow shall be flexible with copper conductors. Control cables shall be armoured, with copper conductors. The construction of the cable routes shall comply with the following conditions:

− Location of external facilities; − Maximum possible straightness of the track; − Minimal cable length; − Compliance with the required distance, according to the regulations of SE “NRIC”" − Do not build under the tongues and hearts of turnouts; − Have a minimum number of intersections with other ground and underground facilities; − In the station area, the pipe work and crossings under the tracks shall be protected with concrete casing; − In order to facilitate the laying of cables, to provide cable shafts according to regulatory documents; − Equipment for heating of turnouts should be appropriate to the particular type of turnouts.

MCHS boards and TBS shall be planned to be installed outdoors with a degree of protection min. IP54. Under an order No 8 / 07.01.2000 of the BDZ, in designing new heating of railway switch, instead of isolating transformer, standard devices for emergency shutdown of electric power shall be used (earth leakage switch - ELS) to be installed in MCHS.

Heating of turnouts command shall be made:

− manual by buttons start-stop from MCHS; − automatically by sensors for snow and ice, and a temperature sensor connected to a control unit (controller);


− remotely from CPHS. CPHS shall be installed in the dispatcher room. The control cable shall connect MCHS and CPHS. − remote - for certain stations, according to preliminary design.

2.3. Grounding installations of transformer stations, switchboards and equipment Earthing systems, protection against electric shock, surges, selection of cables and their deployment are the subject of the design with a requirement regulations and standards to be met.

− Protection systems of transformation stations shall be implemented in compliance with the

requirement the grounding loops to have transient resistance R3≤4Ω. All metal parts of the transformation station equipment that are not under voltage shall be earthed. − Switchboards shall be earthed in compliance with the requirement the transition resistance to be R≤10Ω.

2.4. Cables – Technical Requirements Contractor of the project shall be responsible for the specification, sizing, purchase, installation and testing of all cables;

All cables shall be suitable for continuous operation in climatic conditions prevailing in the locality, where they will be installed under the project;

The cables shall have a minimum 10% reserve;

All cable sections shall be tested to current load and voltage drop.

2.5. Boards – Technical Requirements Boards shall be performed with the appropriate degree of protection.

In switchboards starter-protective equipment shall be mounted calculated for the current loads, short-circuit current and voltages.

Each main distribution switch board shall provide reading of consumed electricity.

Electrical consumption shall be accounted remotely via Ethernet port.

Panels MCHS shall be secured against unauthorized access.

2.6. Requirements for the operation, maintenance and support Maintenance of technical installations shall be performed periodically, without compromising their functionality.

Periodicity and timing of service, and staff qualifications shall be determined based on the requirements and recommendations of the relevant technical means producers.

2.7. Environmental requirements The requirements of BDS EN ISO 14040: 2006 - Environmental Management. LCA. Principles and general requirements (ISO 14040: 2006) shall be met.


It shall be evidenced by product declaration in accordance with BDS EN ISO 14021: 2006

Levels of electromagnetic interference shall be secured within acceptable for the equipment range.

All equipment, products and materials that will be implemented in the project shall be new, unused and of type or model currently produced.

2.8. Project requirements for safety Project requirements for the safety of all elements should include the following situations:

− Eliminate hazards or risks associated with them discovered during the design, including the selection or substitution of materials; − Isolate hazardous substances, components and activities from other activities, areas, personnel and incompatible materials; − Equipment shall be positioned so that access during operation, maintenance, repair or adjustment to minimize the exposure of personnel to hazards (e.g. dangerous chemicals, high voltage, electromagnetic emissions, cutting edges or sharp edges); − Minimize the risk resulting from adverse environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, pressure, noise, toxicity, accelerations and vibrations); − The project shall eliminate the risk posed by human errors during operation and maintenance;

3. Standards and regulations The project must comply with the relevant regulations, standards, instructions and other requirements of this technical specification. During the execution of the project, the provisions of Bulgarian legislation must be complied with:

1. Law on Spatial Planning;

2. Railway Transport Act;

3. Energy Act;

4. Law on Technical Requirements for Products (SG 86/1999);

5. Ordinance No 4 of 2001 on the scope and content of investment projects (prom. SG 51of 5.06.2001);

6. Ordinance No 55 of 29.01.2004 on the design and construction of railway lines, railway stations, level crossings and other elements of the railway infrastructure. Issued by the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works and the Minister of Transport and Communications, Prom. SG 18 of 05.03.2004., Corr. SG 20 of 12.03.2004, No 42 of 21.05.2004;

7. Ordinance No 58 of 2.08.2006 on the rules for the technical operation, the movement of trains and railway signalling (issued by the Minister of Transport, Prom. SG 73 of 2006, effective as at 1.11.2006);

8. Ordinance No 13 of 2005 on ensuring safe and healthy conditions at work in the railway transport (Prom. SG 12 of 2006)


9. Ordinance No 1z-1971 of 29 October 2009 on building and technical rules and standards for ensuring fire safety (Prom. SG 96 of 2009)

10. Ordinance No 2 from 22.03.2004 on the minimum requirements for occupational health in carrying out construction works (Prom. SG 37 of 2004)

11. Ordinance No 3 of 2004 on planning of electrical installations and power lines (Prom. SG 90 of 2004 and SG 91 of 2004);

12. Ordinance No 16-116 of 2008 on the technical operation of power equipment (Prom. SG 26 of 2008)

13. Ordinance No 7 of 1999 on the minimum requirements for safety and health at workplaces and use of work equipment (SG 88/1999);

14. Rules for Safety and Health at Work on electrical equipment with voltage up to 1000 V (SG 21 / 2005.)

15. Instructions for grounding the equipment on electrified railways of BDZ - 2009;

16. BDS EN 50110-1 (2013) Operation of Electrical Equipment, Part 1: General requirements;

17. BDS EN 10240: 2000 and BS 15 ° EC 1461: 2009 on protection of metal components from corrosion;

18. BDS EN 60529: 2001: Degree of protection provided by the insulation/jacket (IP code);

19. BDS 5034-74: Power transformers;

20. BDS 1156-74: LV switchboards in transformation stations;

21. BDS 414-74: Grounding of transformation station;

22. BDS 1555-74: Transformation stations, closed; 20 kV; 63-400 kVA


Technical Specification, “Signalling, buildings, power supply and heating of turnouts of Burgas junction” section

1. Territorial scope of Burgas junction From Druzhba Station, including warning signal, balises and sensors before the warning signal, Balgarovo side, to Burgas Station

2. General requirements.

2.1. For the signalling system in Burgas junction, all the requirements are valid of Technical specifications, Sections “Signalling”, “Dispatching interlocking” and "ETCS".

2.2. For the system for electrical supply and heating of switches, all the requirements are in force of Technical specification, Section “Power supply and turnouts heating.”

2.3. For the buildings, all the requirements are in force of the Technical Specification, Section “Buildings.”

3. Current state of signalling 3.1. Balgarovo – Druzhba Span

• double track section • maximum speed 130 km/h • rails UIC 60 • specialized movement • automatic block system without passage signals with axle counters of type EAA-A3 (Thales) • level crossings - no • ETCS – type ALTRACS BDZ

3.2. Druzhba station

• rails on the main track, type UIC 60 • rails on side tracks, type 49 • type of interlocking: Relay system for key dependencies (RSKD) • type of signalling: Speed • systems for train detection on main tracks – phase sensitive track circuits with two-power plug relay–13 • systems for train detection on side tracks – phase sensitive track circuits with two-power plug relay–13 first and fifth tracks • level crossings - no • ETCS – type ALTRACS BDZ

3.3. Druzhba – Dolno Ezerovo Span 1

• double track section • maximum speed 130 km/h • rails UIC 60 • depersonalized movement • automatic block system without passage signals with axle counters type EAA A3 (Thales) • level crossing 277 + 620 – Automatic Crossing Device ACD in connection with Druzhba station • level crossing 279 +100 - ACD • ETCS – type ALTRACS BDZ

3.4. Dolno Ezerovo Station

• rails on the main track, UIC 60 • rails on side tracks, type 49 • type of interlocking H 68 Y • type of signalling: Speed • interlocking turnouts and derailer: o 1 (old 3) - Thales 550V o 3 (old 5) - Thales 550V o 5 (old 9) - Thales 550V o 7 (old 11) - Turnout 1 o 9 (old 13) - Thales 550V o 11/11 (old 15) – Turnout 1 o 13/13 (old 17) - LS 6 o 15 (old 19) - LS 6 o 17 (old 21) - LS 6 o vi I (old III) - Turnout 1 o vi III (old I) - Turnout 1 o 2 - Thales 550V o 4 - Thales 550V o 6 - Thales 550V o 8 - Thales 550V o 10 - Thales 550V o 12 - Thales 550V o 14 - Turnout 3 o 16 - Turnout 1 o 18 - LS 6 o 20 - Turnout 1 o vi II (old IV) - Turnout 1 • systems for train detection on the main track and first track – axle counters • systems for train detection on side tracks (except the first) – phase sensitive track circuits with two- power plug relay–13 • level crossing 282 + 520 - EB • bifurcation to industrial branch Vaya with Relay-based semi-automatic block • ETCS – type ALTRACS BDZ


3.5. Dolno Ezerovo – Lozovo DP Span • double track section • maximum speed 130 km/h • rails UIC 60 • depersonalized movement • automatic block system without passage signals with axle counters type EAA A3 (Thales) • level crossings - no • ETCS – type ALTRACS BDZ

3.6. Lozovo dividing post • rails on the main track UIC 60 • type of interlocking ECM • type of signalling: Speed • interlocking turnouts: o 2 - Thales 550V o 4 - Thales 550V o 6 - Thales 550V o 8 - SP 6 • systems for train detection – phase sensitive track circuits with two-power plug relay–13 • level crossings - no • ETCS – type ALTRACS BDZ

3.7. Lozovo DP – Vladimir Pavlov Span • double track section • maximum speed 130 km/h • rails UIC 60 • specialized movement • automatic block system without passage signals with axle counters type EAA A3 (Thales) • level crossings - no • ETCS – type ALTRACS BDZ

3.8. Vladimir Pavlov station • rails on the main track UIC 60 • rails on side tracks type 49 • type of interlocking RSKD • type of signalling: Speed • systems for train detection on main tracks - no • systems for train detection on side tracks - no • level crossings - no • ETCS – type ALTRACS BDZ

3.9. Vladimir Pavlov – Burgas Span • double track section • maximum speed 80 km / h


• rails UIC 60 • specialized movement • Relay-based semi-automatic block (RSAL) • crossings - no • ETCS – type ALTRACS BDZ

3.10. Burgas station • rails on the main track UIC 60 • rails on side tracks type 49 • type of interlocking: Relay system for key dependencies (RSKD) • type of signalling - Speed • systems for train detection on main tracks - no • systems for train detection on side tracks - no • level crossings - no • ETCS – type ALTRACS BDZ

4. Current situation of power supply and heating of switches. There are no heated switches in the section.

Power supply to the stations shall be performed as follows:

4.1. Druzhba station Power is supplied by its own transformer 20 / 0,4 kV 630 kVA.

4.2. Dolno Ezerovo station Power is supplied by its own transformer 20 / 0,4 kV 250 kVA.

4.3. Lozovo dividing post Power is supplied by its own transformer 20 / 0,4 kV 250 kVA.

4.4. Vladimir Pavlov station Power is supplied from the EVN substation.

4.5. Burgas station Power is supplied by its own transformer 20 / 0,4 kV 630 kVA.

5. Existing state – premises used for signalling

5.1. Druzhba station For signalling, it is necessary to build a separate building of container type

5.2. Dolno Ezerovo station

Relay room is located in the technical building and has an area of 31 m2.

The battery compartment is designed for new telecommunication installations. 4

5.3. Lozovo dividing post For signalling, it is necessary to build a separate building of container type.

5.4. Vladimir Pavlov station For signalling, it is necessary to build a separate building of container type.

5.5. Burgas Premises for signalling and telecommunications in Burgas station were repaired on another project.

For signalling, room 1.115 is provided with an area of 90 square meters

For telecommunications, room 2.18 is provided with an area of 28 square meters

6. New signalling system in the section Druzhba – Burgas

6.1. The new signalling system must be built in accordance with technical specifications “Signalling”, “Dispatching interlocking” and “ETCS”.

6.2. In the section must be installed computer-based interlocking (CBI) in all stations.

6.3. CBI in Lozovo DP must be able to be managed both locally and remotely from Dolno Ezerovo station.

6.4. Build pipe-channel network in station areas.

6.5. Replace all the cables for signalling in stations (including to LS). The use of installed under Phase 1 cables for axle counters is allowed.

6.6. Replace traffic lights at stations (including LS) with new, with LED lights.

6.7. Replace point machines with new with external locking. The use of installed under Phase 1 point machines along the main roads in Dolno Ezerovo is allowed.

6.8. Switches working with point machine with internal lock to be equipped with elements of external locking.

6.9. Replace track circuits with axle counters.

6.10. Build control of sections approximation of stations and sensors be placed 300 meters before the warning signal.

6.11. Introduce depersonalized movement in all spans with left signal in an unusual way.

6.12. Span lock to be automatic block system with axle counters. The connection between the stations for the automatic block system shall be carried over fibre optic cable.

6.13. Crossings in span shall have connection with TDI in the station via fibre optic cable.

6.14. Dismantle the old system ETCS. Install a new interlocking ETCS system.


7. New system for heating of switches

7.1. Heating for all interlocking turnouts.

7.2. The turnouts heating should be performed by public grid.

7.3. The necessary supplies and reconstruction to meet consumption shall be provided for. The Contractor shall, with the assistance of the Contracting Authority, implement the coordination with the energy distribution company.

7.4. The turnouts heating in Lozovo DP shall be able to be managed both locally and remotely from Dolno Ezerovo station.




1.1. General requirements 1.1.1. Capacity Capacity – 36 nos single mode 9/125 x ITU/T G.652 D optic fibres grouped in tubes with multi- coloured tubes with non-recurrent colours; all fibres located in one tube must also be with different colours. An additional cable with 12 optic fibres will be installed for making of branches from the main cable to Traction substations and overhead contact line sub-regions, to signalling rooms, for connection of telecommunications room with ODF board in the administrative buildings of the divisions of SE NRIC in telecommunication centres Plovdiv, Stara Zagora and Burgas Station. An additional cable with 12 optic fibres will be installed for connection of the spare optic-fibre cable with signalling systems. The spare optic-fibre cable in the section Skutare – Burgas should be identical with the main optic-fibre cable, with absolutely same optical characteristics of the fibres.

1.1.2. Location of the ODF ODF is located in 19" standard board, mandatory lockable, located in specially designated rooms for telecommunication equipment at the stations, overhead contact line sub-regions and control room of traction substations.

1.1.3. Cable type The type of the cable for underground laying should be single mode 9/125 x ITU/T G.652 D, type A-DQ(or F)(ZN)2Y4Y AxB E 9/125 or equivalent, fully dielectric, waterproof and protected against rodents. The fibre-optic cable should fully comply with standards EN 187000, IEC 60794-1-2, VDE 088/part 3. А – for outdoor installation D – tubes with fibres Q – filling of swelling fibres (tape) for protection against moisture F – hydrophobic filling (petroleum jelly or other) ZN – Kevlar fibre yarn

1 2Y4Y – fully non-metal elements and protected against rodents AxB – number of tubes X number of fibres E – single mode, with stepping profile of the refractive index and core/sheath 9/125 μm.

1.2. Requirements to the optical fibre • The optical fibre must be single-mode. • The optical parameters of the fibres must comply with Recommendation G.652D of ITU-T and the requirements of the present document. • The fibres should be grouped in tubes with not more than 6 fibres in one tube. • Fibres located in one tube should have different colours. The colour covering should not obstruct the work of identifiers and LID devices.

1.3. Requirements for underground laying of the fibre-optic cable • Mode of underground laying – the cable will be pulled in protective HDPE pipes preliminary laid in the trench. Where a channel network of Employer exists, available free tube will be used. • Laying of the HDPE tubes in the ground – in a trench with depth of minimum 1100 mm, within the service zone of the railway line of SE "NRIC", outside the drainage ditches, at least 1 m away from them and not more than 0,5 m from the end of zone of alienation (service zone). Construction of the necessary connecting shafts at a distance 1.9 ÷ 2 km apart and deflectors at all facilities between the stations (base stations for GSM-R, crossings, detectors for heated jacks, etc.). • Cable sleeves should be installed in shafts and a technological reserve of at least 30 m should be provided at each side of the sleeve. Over the laid HDPE pipes, at a depth equal to half the distance between the surface of the terrain and the cable, a yellow warning tape marked “Caution! Optic cable!” should be laid. • Lead-ins in the buildings should be in fire-resistant tubes or channels of non- combustible materials. A reserve of cable should be left at the entering points of the buildings. • The shafts should be constructed in such way so as they may be covered with a minimum of 20-40 cm of earth embankment to the terrain level. Shafts (they may be plastic with adequate padding and waterproofing) should be of a size suitable for the installation of a second fibre optic cable in the second HDPE tube in the future. • Marking of the track and shafts of the fibre-optic cable should be implemented by benchmark bars and passive markers located at distances and locations in accordance with Chapter Six of Ordinance No 35 dated 30.11.2012 on “Rules and regulations for the design, construction and commissioning of cable electronic

2 communications networks and associated infrastructure” (published in SG, n. 99 dated 14.12.2012). GPS coordinates shafts, intersections, deviations and any other typical points should be marked and shown during the preparation of the underground cadastre.

1.4. Requirements for overhead installation of the fibre-optic cable 1.4.1. The installation should be overhead, on poles or other elements of the contact network, at the opposite side of the track (the outer side). The consoles of the feeders may be used for the installation; in such case, anti-corrosion coating should be applied on them. 1.4.2. Two types of devices will be used for fixing of the fibre-optic cable to the poles: • Tensioning device (anchor) providing a solid grip of the cable to the pole; • Supporting device – a roller providing suspension of the cable on the intermediate poles. 1.4.3. Tensioning device should consist of a gripping device in the form of two spirals – inner and outer, as well as metal elements for fixing of the outer spiral to the pole. 1.4.4. Supporting device should consist of a roller suspended on a metal bracket, fixed to a console. The bracket may be fixed to upper fixing rope or flexible cross bar. 1.4.5. The diameter of the rollers in the point of contact with the fibre-optic cable should be not less than 90 mm. 1.4.6. Brackets for supporting devices should be horizontal, positioned on the poles on the opposite side of the power line, or vertical, arranged on top of the pole. 1.4.7. Crossing of a contact wire or power feeder should be executed as overhead line by anchoring to the closest poles at both ends, or as underground line. 1.4.8. Fixing of the rollers to the brackets will be flexible, allowing the roller to be rotated to about 90° in two planes. 1.4.9. Installation accessories should be constructed in such a way so as to not cause any damage to the cable during its entire lifetime. 1.4.10. The maximum nominal distance between two tensioning/supporting points (span between poles of the overhead contact line) is 66 m. In case of greater distances, it will be necessary to provide additional poles or underground passage. 1.4.11. As a rule, the distance between to adjacent anchorages should be 1500 m. 1.4.12. At the ends of the cable, as well as at each 3000 m, a reserve length should be provided. 1.4.13. The reserve length of the fibre-optic cable should be 120 m and to be rolled in a form of number “eight”. 1.4.14. The reserve length may be located in a room of overhead on a pole, as the lower end of the cable should be at not less than 3 m from the ground.

3 1.4.15. All metal elements provided for outdoor installation of the fibre-optic cable should be made of stainless material or be hot galvanized according to the provisions of BDS EN 10240:2000, BDS ISO 1461:2000 and technical Specifications ТС-ЖИ 007 – 2006. The thickness of the zinc coating should be not less than 85 μm. The thickness of the coating should be verified according to BDS ISO 1460:2000. 1.4.16. Minimum distances from the fibre-optic cable (ОК) to the top of the rail: • In open line (between stations) – 5500 mm; • At a level crossing – 6200 mm; • In the area of a station – 6000 mm; • In an area for loading/unloading activities – 6000 mm • At crossings with powered rail tracks – 7000 mm. 1.4а.16. Minimum distances from the fibre-optic cable (ОК) to the ground level: • Horizontal distance from ОК – D = 3000 mm • Vertical distance from ОК to the ground – H = 6000 mm • Distance from ОК to an arbitrary point – according to dimensions shown on the figure:

1.4.17. Minimum distances to electrical live parts of the overhead contact line – 300 mm. The minimum distance should be observed for free slack of the cable, as well as for horizontal deviation – position that cable will take in case of maximum cross wind. 1.4.18. At the points between the suspensions, cable should not contact any objects for all possible environmental conditions.

1.5. Requirements for underground installation of the fibre-optic cable

4 • The cable tubes should be coloured in different colours. • The cable tubes should have S-Z twist. • Spaces in the tubes or buffers should be filled with material that prevents water penetration – hydrophobic filling. • The cable should be able to withstand static load not less than 2 500 N. • The cable should contain "ripcord" elements for easy processing. • The outer polyethylene coating should have good tensile strength and tear resistance, as well as protection against rodents. • The outer sheath should be marked at each meter of length, as follows: - Current length (meters); - Cable type and number of fibres (cable designation); - Name of the manufacturer and month/year of production; - Name in Cyrillic letters – ОПТИЧЕН КАБЕЛ (optic cable); - Warning sign in Bulgarian language: ВНИМАНИЕ – ЛАЗЕРНО ИЗЛЪЧВАНЕ (WARNING – LAZER RADIATION); - Name of the owner in Cyrillic letters – ДП "НКЖИ" (SE "NRIC"). • The fibre-optic cable should comply with standards EN 187000, IEC 60794-1-2 and VDE 088/part The tests, parameters and test results should comply with: - Tensile strength – according to IEC 60794-1-2-E1. - Crash strength – according to IEC 60794-1-2-E3. - Impact strength – according to IEC 60794-1-2-E4. - Torsion strength – according to IEC 60794-1-2-E7. - Bending strength – according to IEC 60794-1-2-E11А. - Bending under pressure – according to IEC 60794-1-2-E18. - Repeated bending – according to IEC 60794-1-2-E6. - Temperature cycling – according to IEC 60794-1-2-F1. - Water penetration – according to IEC 60794-1-2-F5В. - Leakages (drip) of hydrophobic filling – according to IEC 60794-1-2-E14.

1.6. Requirements to the fibre optic cable for overhead installation 1.6.1. The fibre-optic cable should be fully dielectric and self-supported (ADSS - All Dielectric Self Supported). 1.6.2. The cable should withstand static load not less than 6 000 N, without changing of optical and mechanical characteristics of the fibres. 1.6.3. The outer polyethylene sheath should be resistant to the effects of solar radiation, the influence of the weather and chemical contaminants, providing not less than 30 years of lifetime

5 to the cable. 1.6.4. The outer polyethylene sheath should be tracking resistant according to IEEE 1222, Item 2.7, class B. 1.6.5. The thickness of the outer polyethylene sheath should at least 1.6 mm.

1.7. Requirements to HDPE protection tubes for laying of fibre-optic cable • HDPE tubes should be produced according to standards for HDPE tubes and have "Permit for installation in telecommunication networks" issued by an EU member-state. • HDPE tubes should have specially grooved inner surface in order to reduce the coefficient of friction between the cable and the pipe and to facilitate the laying. • HDPE should be produced only of primary material brand 273-79 and with minimum dimensions Ø 40 х 3.5 or larger – at the discretion of the Designer and Contractor. At each meter of the tube, a mark with inerasable white lettering will be put showing the trade mark/brand, size, material, standard, current length and direction of growth of the length in meters. • Waterproof connection of the tubes should be made by quick-connection fittings (connection elements). • Both HDPE tubes should have inerasable, multi-coloured, clearly visible marking for easy identification (or to have different colours), inscription in Cyrillic letters – ДП "Национална Компания Железопътна инфраструктура" or ДП "НКЖИ" (State Enterprise "National Railway Infrastructure Company" or SE "NRIC") and current length in meters.

1.8. Requirements to the termination and splicing of fibre-optic cables • Suitable dielectric sleeves should be used for connection of cables lengths, as well as for cables branches. Sleeves should be installed underground in shafts. • Fibres of the cable should be connected in the sleeves by means of thermal weld. • At the end points, the fibre-optic cable should end at terminal and distribution devices – ODF. • Optical couplings should be FC/APC type.

1.9. Ambient conditions for operation of the fibre-optic cable The installed fibre-optic cable should work without interference both under normal and under the most adverse environmental conditions, and in accordance with the climate zone where the track will be built.

1.10. Requirements to measurement reports • Cable type.

6 • Reflectogram of each fibre in directions А-В and В-А at 1310 nm and 1550 nm. • Table of the special points with description, distance from the beginning, railway mileage and input attenuation. • Length of the installed cable (marking of meters), length of each fibre. • Attenuation for each fibre in directions А-В and В-А at 1310 nm and 1550 nm measured using optical power source and measuring device.

1.11. Specification of structured cabling 1.11.1. The structured cable telecommunication system should be based on the following principles: • Network technology should be "star"; • Cables used to build the network from the cable splitter to the appropriate endpoint should be copper cables with twisted pairs of conductors type FTP, S-FTP Cat 6 or Cat 7, and all fasteners, components and sockets should also meet the requirements of Cat 6 or Cat 7; • The cable system for LAN should provide data transmission at a speed of not less than 1000 Mbit/s to each workstation and endpoint; • Creation of an opportunity for high quality, ease and quick provision of each of the basic services (General and Special Telephony, Internet, etc.) that uses the cable system to any room in the buildings and to each workstation; • The communication terminals in the rooms of the should provide installation of computers, servers, terminals, network printers, telephones, fax machines, modems, etc. For this reason, the sockets will be RJ-45 – Cat 6 and RJ-11 for the telephony. Thus, a possibility for easy removal or replacement of the connected equipment will be provided; • The terminals of the cables in the telecommunications room should be located in patch panels arranged in 19" EIA cabinets with ventilation system and lock. There all cable systems will terminate on suitable cable splitters and the active network equipment will be installed.

1.11.2. In preparation of the detailed design all the conditions necessary for the protection against unauthorized access, lighting, humidity, temperature, protection against electromagnetic radiation, external influences, electrostatic charges, fire protection, etc. should be taken into account.

1.11.3. All cables from cable structured system should be continuous (without interruptions) along the entire length from the respective splitter to the premises without mounting extensions. All cables should be marked at both ends with a unique sign. The cables should have a permanent marking printed on their outer sheath, indicating the manufacturer, type, impedance,

7 category, number of twisted pairs and cores. The cables of the system will be laid mainly on suitable trays in a suspended ceiling (where available) and in offices – in corrugated tubes dug into the wall or in cable channels of appropriate size.

1.11.4. In preparation of the detailed design and its implementation, the requirement for the distance from bundles of telecommunication cables UTP, FTP, S-FTP and TSVV to the cables of the electrical installation to be not less than 20 cm should be observed.

1.11.5. The maximum permissible length of routes from each cable distribution cabinet to each of the sockets is not more than 94 meters.

1.11.6. Distribution panel in the communication cabinet will be provided with a sufficient number of ports for connection of all subscribers. It should meet the specifications of ISO/IEC 11801 - 1999 (8824), EN 50173-1995, Cat 6 or Cat 7. The face panel of the distributor panel should be equipped with RJ-45 connectors (ISO 8877) for connection of computer systems. For telephone systems, cables will be connected to a panel with the RJ-11 connectors (ISO 8877). The construction of the panels should be designed for installation in a 19" EIA cabinet. Connection of the cables to the connectors on the distribution panel with communication boxes (sockets) should be executed following 4-pairs scheme of crimping according to ISO/IEC 11801. The communication cabinet should include at least one piece arrangement panel for arrangement of cables of the building system and active network equipment.

1.11.7. Communication terminals (sockets) for computer workstations and endpoints in the premises should comply with the requirements of TIA/EIA TSB 40-A, TIA/EIA 568-A, ISO/IEC 11801-1995, EN 50173-1995 minimum for category Cat 6. The scheme of crimping of the cables to the RJ-45 connectors of the communication boxes (sockets) should be executed in T 568A configuration. Each communication box (socket) for computer workstations should be RJ- 45 type. The scheme of crimping of the cables to the RJ-11 connectors of communication boxes (sockets) also should be executed by four-terminal on two leads (two rosettes per workstation) for connection of a phone, fax or digital phone device. Each panel with communication terminals should be numbered with a unique number.

1.11.8. After building of the entire structured cable system, it is necessary to test the system and to measure parameters with a special measuring device. The following parameters should be measured: • measuring of the noise level in the cable system; • measurement of the length of the individual cable segments;

8 • measuring of the attenuation; • measuring of the audition at the proximal end; • measuring audition at the distal end; • comparative measurement of the echo (Return Loss) and, if necessary, eco fences should be installed.


2.1. Introduction 2.1.1. At present, the GSM-R system is available. In Plovdiv, a NSS is built consisting of the following: • MSC - rel.19 R4; • HLR - rel. 19; • IN; • Signalling gateway USP; • SMSC; • Voice recording system – VRS; • Billing System – BS; and GPRS consisting of: • GGSN • SGSN

2.1.2. The GSM-R network in the section Plovdiv – Burgas should interact with the existing GSM-R network in the section Plovdiv – Svilengrad, as well as with GSM-R networks in construction in the other sections. 2.1.3. By the present specification, some of functions mentioned in GSM-R specification as optional are provided as mandatory for implementation. 2.1.4. The stationary equipment should be able to work at a speed of travelling of the mobile station equal to 240 km/h.

2.2. Network configuration 2.2.1. The covering of the field with radio signal will be measured at the roof of an engine, at a height of 4 m above the rails, with isotropic antenna with amplification of 0 dBi. 2.2.2. The value of the radio signal should be determined in the design for the particular section.

9 2.2.3. Handover should be successfully implemented in not less than 99.5% of the situations (at design load), with interruption up to 300 ms.

2.3. Requirements to subsystem of base substations (BSS) 2.3.1. The subsystem of the base substations of GSM-R consists of base substation controllers (BSC), base transmitter stations (BTS) and repeater stations. 2.3.2. Connection of the elements of BSS should be made by means of the optic transmission system. For connection of a remotely located individual base station, a copper cable may be used. 2.3.3. The connection of the BTS to the relevant BSC should be made by means of ring structure that should include up to 5 pieces of BTS in each ring. 2.3.4. The equipment of the BTS and repeater stations, together with power supply modules and cable terminals, should be located in suitable cabinets that provide the necessary protection against weather conditions and air conditioning. 2.3.5. In case roofs of high buildings will be used for installation of masts, the equipment may be located in a suitably equipped room in the vicinity to the mast. 2.3.6. As a rule, BTS should be located at the area of railway stations. 2.3.7. A fence with lockable door should be installed around the base stations. 2.3.8. Cabinets with the equipment should be locked and equipped with security alarm system. 2.3.9. Cabinets with the equipment should be equipped with video surveillance (CCTV) system working in non-stop mode. 2.3.10. A tubular-channel network should be built from the base station to the technical room in the station or to an existing tubular-channel network for laying of the power supply and telecommunication cables. 2.3.11. BSS will be controlled and configured from a control centre OMC. 2.3.12. All units and devices in the BSS that are involved in the implementation of voice connections or data connections must be duplicated to ensure high reliability of the system.

2.4. Requirements to the masts and antenna systems 2.4.1. Construction of the masts should comply with Ordinance No 21/11.5.2007 on the Rules for the construction of mobile telecommunication networks and facilities. 2.4.2. Masts should be designed in accordance with the legislation in force. 2.4.3. Masts should be sized to withstand installation of 4 pieces of antennas type K 7345647 (or similar) and 4 vertical feeders 7/8" connected to the structure. 2.4.4. A secure ladder and secure platform at the top with railing at least 900 mm high should be provided to ensure access to the antennas. 2.4.5. Masts should be constructed in such way so as to withstand loading created by two

10 workers who have climbed on the mast for completion of operative activities. 2.4.6. All metal elements of the masts' structure should be hot galvanised for protection against corrosion according to BDS EN 10240:2000 and BDS EN ISO 1461:2009. 2.4.7. Masts should be equipped with adequate lightning protection system. 2.4.8. The height of the masts of the base stations above the ground level should be at least 28 m (counted without the height of the lightning arrester). 2.4.9. Masts should have no tensioning device. Tensioning device will be allowed only for masts located on roofs. 2.4.10. The foundation of each mast should be adequate for the ground parameters of each particular place. 2.4.11. The maximum gabarit of the mast at foundation must be 1.5 m. 2.4.12. Masts should be grounded according to the regulations. 2.4.13. The antennas should work with separate receiving and use vertical polarization or X- polarization.

2.5. Requirements to the power supply 2.5.1. All GSM-R devices should be supplied from two independent power sources. Generally, these two power source may be an urban power network and voltage received from the overhead contact line. 2.5.2. When voltage from the overhead contact line is used, the rectifiers should work in wide range of deviation of the input voltage 220 V, at least + 20 % / - 30%, as well as in presence of significant harmonic components. 2.5.3. Base stations and repeater stations located between the stations will be supplied from two independent sections of the overhead contact line or from the overhead contact line and one more power source that may be: a) Supply from a source of the urban power network located in close vicinity to the supplied facility; b) Supply from of the urban power network of an adjacent railway station leaded by means of supply cable installed in the service zone of NRIC; c) Generator equipped with automatic switch on/off. In case a generating set is used for reserve power supply, for double track line, two independent power supplies from the overhead contact network of both tracks should be mandatory constructed, equipped with automatic transfer switch. The Contractor should provide separate measuring of the energy consumed from the urban network and from the overhead contact network with option for remote reading. 2.5.4. GSM-R systems should be equipped with accumulator batteries or UPS, sized for 4-hour autonomous power supply. The batteries should be sealed type (AGM or similar) and to have at

11 least 10 years lifetime. Parameters of the rectifiers that supply the batteries should comply with parameters of the battery (voltage, harmonic components, temperature compensation, etc.) 2.5.5. Power supply sources should be equipped with surge arresters for protection against overvoltage.

2.6. Requirements to video surveillance system of the base stations and telecommunications rooms 2.6.1. The Contractor should build an IP video surveillance system (CCTV) for the base stations and rooms with telecommunication equipment in section Plovdiv – Burgas. The video control centre will be based in the room of the Technical Dispatcher in Plovdiv. 2.6.2. The video surveillance system should provide control of the access to the equipment in the base stations and entrance of the telecommunication rooms. Cameras for control of the access to the technical rooms should be installed in the rooms. 2.6.3. Before starting of the civil and installation works, the Contractor is obliged to prepare and coordinate with the Employer a Technical/Detailed design for video surveillance of the base stations and telecommunications rooms. 2.6.4. Requirements to the equipment: Requirements to IP cameras for outdoor installation: • Cameras should be stationary, sealed, with minimum resolution of 1.3 МР, 1280 х 960, 25 fps; • WDR mode for operation at contract illumination; • EXIR (infrared illumination) technology with minimum range of operation of 30 meters; • Sensitivity – 0.01 Lux @ (F1.2, AGC ON) colour/BW mode; • AF (auto focus) mode; • Real mode Day/Night; • Protection IP66 – resistant to vandalism; • Operation in temperature range from -30 to 60°C; • Supply voltage 12 Vdc/PoE; • Detection of movement. Protocols: TCP/IP, HTTP, DHCP, DNS, DDNS, RTP,RTSP, PPPoE, SMTP, NTP • Cameras should be equipped with installation base. Requirements to cameras for indoor installation: • Cameras should be stationary, sealed, with minimum resolution of 1.3 МР, 1280 х 960, 25 fps; • WDR mode for operation at contract illumination; • EXIR (infrared illumination) technology with minimum range of operation of 15 meters;

12 • Sensitivity – 0.01 Lux @ (F1.2, AGC ON) colour/BW mode; • AF (auto focus) mode; • Real mode Day/Night; • Protection IP66 – resistant to vandalism; • Supply voltage 12 Vdc/PoE; • Detection of movement. Protocols: TCP/IP, HTTP, DHCP, DNS, DDNS, RTP,RTSP, PPPoE, SMTP, NTP • Cameras should be equipped with installation base. Requirements to the recorder/server: • Network recorder/server should be able to support 70 IP cameras. Several networks recorders may be used for implementation of the system. • Input capacity up to 200 Mbps; • Compression H.264; • USB2.0 port; • Up to 4хSATA hard drives for each recorder (up to 4 ТВ per drive); • HDMI + VGA monitor output; • Control by a mouse; • Adjustable volume of network traffic for each channel; • Monitoring via Internet/LAN/mobile phone; • CMS software free of charge. Monitor: • TFT LCD flat monitor with 42" minimum length of the diagonal; • 3D combined filter; • Resolution: 1366 x 768 pixels; • Contrast 1500:1; • 16.7 million of colours; • Protection glass; • Multilanguage OSD (On Screen Display); • Inputs – 1 x Video In, 1 x VGA, 1 x S-Video, 1 x DVI; • Audio; • Network voltage 230 V AC +20% / -30%. Power supply reservation • The Contractor should deliver a UPS for the Central Control Centre located in the room

13 of the Technical Dispatcher that will provide uninterrupted power supply for minimum 4 hours of operation in case of failure of the main power supply. Set-up and commissioning of the system: The Contractor should set-up and bring the system into working condition and demonstrate to the Employer the following: • Control (monitoring) zone of each camera and its activation upon entering the range of the camera; • Work of the integrated IR floodlight; • Network connectivity with the server for recording; • The ability of software for visualization and processing of video streams coming from the cameras; • The autonomous operation of the system. Commissioning of the system should take place after successfully completion of 72- hour test operation. The Contractor is obligated to conduct training of the Employer's personnel for work and maintenance of the system.

2.7. Requirements to the signal lamps for marking of the base stations 2.7.1. The Contractor should install LED signal lamps on all base stations for notification of aircrafts. The lamps should comply with the international standards of ICAO-FAA-L810, L864 type A and B. 2.7.2. Technical requirements to the LED lamps: • Minimum luminous intensity of the lamps should be 32.5 cd; • Scattering angle: - Vertical - 3°; - Horizontal - 360°; • Visibility >1.5 km; • Mode of operation: flashing/steady light; • Colour: red; • Power supply: 230 V from the mains of low-voltage DC.

2.8. Requirements to the mobile (hand-held) terminals

2.8.1. GSM-R terminals should support the following voice telephone services:

14 Voice services Local GPH OPH, Dispatcher radio OPS (Operator) Voice connection point-to-point Yes Yes Yes Yes Emergency calls to the public network Yes Yes Yes Yes Voice announcements Yes Yes Yes Yes Group voice call Yes Yes Yes Yes Multilateral voice calls Yes Yes Yes Yes

2.8.2. GSM-R terminals should support the following data services:

Data services Local GPH OPH, Dispatcher radio OPS (Operator) Text message Yes Yes Yes Yes Main data application Yes Yes Yes Automatic fax message Applications for train control

2.8.3. GSM-R terminals should support the following services related to the calls:

Services related to the calls Local GPH OPH, Dispatcher radio OPS (Operator) Identification of the calling person Yes Yes Yes Yes Identification of the called person Yes Yes Yes Yes EIRENE closed group of users Yes Yes Yes Yes Call forwarding: Yes Yes Yes - unconditional - in case of busy line - in case of no answer - is case the user is not available Call on hold Yes Yes Yes Yes Waiting call Yes Yes Yes Yes Show Billing Information Intervention in a call Yes Yes Yes Yes Automatic reply Yes Yes Yes Yes Call information Yes Yes Yes Yes Multilevel priority and pre-emption Yes Yes Yes Yes

2.8.4. GSM-R terminals should support the following special railway services:


Special railway services Local GPH OPH OPS Dispatcher radio (Operator) Functional addressing Yes Yes Yes Yes Location Depending Addressing (LDA) Yes Yes Yes Yes Manoeuvre mode Yes Yes Communication several engine-drivers in one Yes train Train emergency call Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

2.8.5. Requirements to the engine radio: • The engine radio should comply with all mandatory requirements of the EIRENE specifications. • The engine radio, subject to the present specification, is intended to be installed in the engines of NRIC involved in repairs and maintenance of the railway infrastructure. • The engine radio should be supplied from the on-board DC voltage. • The engine radio should be able to work in “dual mode” – as with GSM-R, as well as with the analogue system for train dispatcher's radio communications (TDRCS), operated by NRIC. This system works in the range of 450 MHz and complies with BDS 16988:89. • The inscriptions on the engine radio should be in Bulgarian language. Menus, prompts and other information displayed on the screen should be in Bulgarian language, with Cyrillic letters. An option for change of the language should be provided; the following languages should be supported: English, German, French, Italian, Romanian, Serbian, Greek, Turkish and Hungarian.

2.8.6. Requirements to GSM-R terminal for general use (GPH): • GSM-R terminal for general use should comply with all mandatory requirements of the EIRENE specifications. • The terminal for general use should support the following functions related to the calls: - Calls of authorized users (including dispatchers); - Sending of a train emergency call; - Receiving of a train emergency call; - Receiving of an incoming call; - Group and announcement call; - Call break-up; • The terminal for general use should also support the following functions: - Switching on/off;

16 - Language selection – menus, prompts and other information displayed on the screen should be in Bulgarian language, with Cyrillic letters. An option for change of the language should be provided; the following languages should be supported: English, German, French, Italian, Romanian, Serbian, Greek, Turkish and Hungarian. - Selection of mobile network; - Adjusting of the speakers; - Registration and de-registration of a functional number; - Saving and recalling of numbers and details; - Computer interface. • The terminal for general use should be small, compact and its weight with the battery should not exceed 200 g. • The terminal for general use should be equipped with Li-ion battery providing at least 14 hours of works with one charging based on the following loading (usage): - Calls point-to-point – 20 %; - Croup calls – 5 %; - Stand-by – 75 %. • Replacing of the battery should not cause loss of data stored in the device. • The terminal for general use should be able to work with a car adapter. • The terminal for general use should have front panel (MMI) with: - display; - control panel; - speakers; - microphone. • The front panel should be suitable for use during day and night. • The front panel should have 4 keys for memorising of phone numbers. It is not necessary these keys to be separated. • The stored numbers and other settings must be protected against accidental changes. • The terminal for general use should have audible indication when it is outside the network service range. • The terminal for general use should be delivered with adapter and leather case suitable for wearing on the belt.

2.8.7. Requirements to the operative GSM-R terminal (OPH) • The operative GSM-R terminal should comply with all mandatory requirements of the EIRENE specifications. • The operative terminal should support the following functions related to the calls:

17 - Calls of authorized users; - Calls of dispatchers; - Sending of a train emergency call; - Receiving of a train emergency call; - Receiving of an incoming call; - Group and announcement call; - Call break-up; • The operative terminal should also support the following functions: - Switching on/off; - Language selection – menus, prompts and other information displayed on the screen should be in Bulgarian language, with Cyrillic letters. An option for change of the language should be provided; the following languages should be supported: English, German, French, Italian, Romanian, Serbian, Greek, Turkish and Hungarian. - Selection of mobile network; - Adjusting of the speakers; - Registration and de-registration of a functional number; - Saving and recalling of numbers and details; - Computer interface. • An option for activation and deactivation of emergency call function should be provided. • The operative terminal should be able to withstand exposure to the following extreme environmental conditions: - Salt splashes; - Heavy rain up to 2 mm/min; - Strong hailstorms; - Snow and sand storms; - Icing; - Corrosive atmosphere (including sulphur dioxide, sulphuric acid, nitrogen oxides, ozone, organic hydrocarbons). • The weight of the operative terminal with the battery should not exceed 800 g. • The operative terminal should be equipped with Li-ion battery providing at least 14 hours of works with one charging based on the following loading (usage): - Calls point-to-point – 20 %; - Croup calls – 60 %; - Stand-by – 20 %. • The operative terminal should be able to work with a car adapter. • The operative terminal should have front panel (MMI) with:

18 - display; - control panel; - speakers; - microphone. • The front panel should be suitable for use during day and night. • The front panel should have 4 keys for memorising of phone numbers. • The operative terminal should have audible indication when it is outside the network service range.

2.8.8. Requirements to the manoeuvre GSM-R terminal (OPS) • The manoeuvre terminal should be delivered with an additional chest microphone/speaker РТТ button and suitable fixing belt. • The manoeuvre terminal should have holder (bag) that allows the operator to free both hands without releasing it. An option for immediate releasing of the holder (bag) should be provided in case the holder is caught by a protruding part of a moving train composition. • Parameters of the manoeuvre terminal should comply with the parameters of the operative terminal. • The colour of the case/panel of the manoeuvre terminal should be different from those of the operative terminal and terminal for general use.

2.8.9. Requirements to the devices of the dispatchers (operators) • The device of the dispatcher should support the following functions related to the calls: - Calls of authorized users; - Sending of a train emergency call; - Receiving of a train emergency call; - Sending of an incoming call point-to-point; - Receiving of an incoming call point-to-point; - Sending of a group and announcement call; - Receiving of a group and announcement call; - Call break-up; - Forwarding of a call and cancellation of call forwarding; • The device of the dispatcher should also support the following functions: - Language selection – menus, prompts and other information displayed on the screen should be in Bulgarian language, with Cyrillic letters; - Adjusting of the speakers; - Saving and recalling of numbers and details.

19 • The Call Forwarding function should be permitted for the dispatch terminal individually after the taking of action by the technical staff. The actual activation and deactivation should be performed by a dispatcher. Any activation and deactivation should be registered. • A standard interface for connection to a computer should be provided. • The device of the dispatcher should be equipped with MMI, including: - touchscreen; - control panel; - speaker; - microphone (intentionally connected to an external socket); - headset (hands-free) with a button for switch on of a microphone. • MMI should fulfil the following functions: - Putting in a queue and display on the screen incoming calls; - Displaying of the functional identity and priority of the на calls in the queue; - Arrangement of the calls in the queue according to their priority; - Possibility of switching to any one of the calls in the queue; - Possibility of making an emergency train call, public emergency call or train call of high priority by selection on the display; - Possibility of making, ending, joining or leaving a group call (in case of emergency train call, public emergency call or train call of high priority); - Possibility of receiving and sending of text messages. • The device of the dispatcher should be able to record all calls and text messages. • The incoming emergency train calls should be answered automatically according to the procedure for this type of calls. • The device of the dispatcher should be able to work in a temperature range from +5 to +40°C. • The device of the dispatcher should be shock-resistant.

2.9. Testing of the GSM-R system in the new sections • Before commissioning and during the test operation detailed tests of GSM-R system in the new section Plovdiv – Burgas should be carried out. • The programme for testing will be prepared by the Contractor and approved by the Employer. • The programme for testing should be prepared in compliance with Chapter 11 of “GSM- R Procurement and Implementation Guide” - UIC, 2009. • The following types of tests will be carried out: • Individual testing of the subsystems:

20 - Factory acceptance tests; - Qualification tests; - Routine tests; - Functional tests. • Static tests of the installed subsystems: - Testing of subsystems without power; - Testing of subsystems under power. • Static integration tests. • Dynamic integration tests. • Tests during test operation.


3.1. Type, capacity and structure of the digital transmission system SDH, type STM-16 3.1.1. The transmission system in section Plovdiv – Stara Zagora – Burgas should have synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH), type STM-16 (2.5 Gbit/s) and to comply with recommendations G.707, G.783, G.774 of ITU-T. 3.1.2. In section Plovdiv – Filipovo – Skutare – Trakiya – Plovdiv the SDH system should consist of a real ring that works using 2 fibres of two different routes of the fibre-optic cable. 3.1.3. In section Skutare – Burgas – of a real ring that works using 2 fibres of both fibre-optic cables. 3.1.4. In the one direction, one branch of the SDH ring should come out at each station for implementation of the necessary operational, special, administrative and other telecommunications links. 3.1.5. Between Plovdiv and Stara Zagora, between Stara Zagora and Karnobat and between Karnobat and Burgas a direct optical connection though the other branch of the ring should be provided; passage through add/drop multiplexers will not be allowed, and only through a regenerator, if necessary. 3.1.6. In order to optimize traffic and increase the reliability of operation of the transmission system, the ring Plovdiv – Burgas should be split into two smaller sub-rings: Plovdiv – Stara Zagora and Stara Zagora – Burgas. In this case, only the necessary information will be transferred from one sub-ring to the other and vice versa. Thus, the traffic will be optimized and a higher capacity for expansion in the future will be ensured. 3.1.7. Between every two adjacent stations a transmission interface should be ensured for connection to the base stations BTS of the GSM-R network, for dispatchers and other service lines, for general telephony, for special of the traction substations and sectional piles –

21 construction of SCADA system, remote control and signalling, CCTV, etc. 3.1.8. Transmission interface 16 STM should be provided at each station even though the capacity of required interfaces will be smaller. 3.1.9. Generally, the structure of the ring STM 16 Plovdiv – Stara Zagora – Karnobat – Burgas should have the layout shown on drawings SH-002. 3.1.10. The control of the entire transmission digital transmission network in the section should be provided by a Control Centre, located in the Telecommunication unit Plovdiv.

3.2. Connections that should be provided by the transmission system SDH • One STM 4 from Plovdiv to Stara Zagora – optical interface according to recommendation G.957 of ITU/T, S 1.1 Short haul, wavelength 1310 nm/1550 nm; purpose – connection to another SDH ring along 1st railway line; • One STM 4 from Plovdiv to Karnobat – optical interface according to recommendation G.957 of ITU/T, S 1.1 Short haul, wavelength 1310 nm/1550 nm; purpose – connection to another SDH ring along 3rd railway line; • Four links Е1 between every two adjacent points (two stations), intended for station operative and general service telephone connections and GSM-R network; • Е1 (1 pc) between Plovdiv and Chirpan for general purpose and special connections; • Е1 (1 pc) between Plovdiv and Mihaylovo for general purpose and special connections and transit low-frequency connections along 4th railway line; • Е1 (10 pcs) between Plovdiv and Stara Zagora for general purpose and special connections, for transit connections to other directions (Stara Zagora – Dimitrovgrad, Stara Zagora – Tulovo – Gorna Oryahovitsa); • Е1 (5 pcs) between Stara Zagora and Karnobat general purpose and special connections; • Е1 (2 pcs) between Plovdiv and Karnobat for general purpose and special connections; • Е1 (2 pcs) between Карнобат and Burgas for general purpose and special connections; • Е1 (3 pcs) between Stara Zagora and Burgas for general purpose and special connections; 3.2.1. E1 Interfaces should comply with G 703/704 and to be symmetrical, 120 Ohms. 3.2.2. Transmission interface STM 16 at each station with 21 х Е1 and n х 8 х RJ 45 Ethernet. 3.2.3. At each junction, SDH system should ensure data transmission for service use of telecommunications and security equipment via interface Fast Ethernet 10/100 Base T or Gigabit Ethernet, as their capacity should be able to be programmed from 2 to 100 Мbit per junction. Ports should be led to RJ-45. Minimum mandatory number of free ports at small stations is 8, and for the bigger stations (base junctions Filipovo, Skutare, Chirpan, Nova Zagora, Yambol, Zimnitsa, Karnobat, Druzhba and Vladimir Pavlov) – 16 pieces. For Plovdiv,

22 Stara Zagora and Burgas – 24 ports. 3.2.4. Fast Ethernet 10/100 Base T of the SDH system should work independently from the common high-speed backbone network for data transmission. The two networks may be connected at the two end points in order to provide reserve supply in case of failure of devices. 3.2.5. Free installed capacity of each station and operation unit for expansion in the next years – 25%. 3.2.6. It should be possible for the remaining free capacity of the SDH system to be used for future extension according to the present specification.

3.3. Protection of the transmission system 3.3.1. For each of the multiplexers in the SDH system circuit protection should be provided by E1 interface boards and power boards. This means that the failure of a board E1 or a power supply board should not lead to the interruption of connections for more than 1 s. 3.3.2. The SDH system should provide linear protection type 1+1 where the traffic is transmitted simultaneously via the working ring and the protective ring; or 1:1 where the traffic is transmitted via the working ring with an option for the whole traffic to be transmitted via the reserve ring. 3.3.3. The SDH system should provide ring protection UPSR type (Unidirectional path- switched ring), ULSR (Unidirectional line-switched ring) or BLSR (Bidirectional line-switched ring) according to G.842. The ring protection should ensure preservation of all the connections in case of a single interruption of a SDH ring and operation of the remaining "spots" in case of a failure of a SDH ring at two points.

3.4. Synchronization of the systems 3.4.1. The synchronization of all systems will be performed by an existing clock located at telecommunications unit Plovdiv and delivered under another project (the major source of synchronization). 3.4.2. Under the present project, a source of high-precision signal for synchronization of the devices should be delivered and installed; it will be used as a "hot reserve" in case of failure of the major source of synchronization. 3.4.3. The STM/SDH system should have synchronization leads with an impedance of 120 Ohms.

3.5. Requirements to the high-speed backbone MPLS network for data transfer - The proposed equipment should be new, unused and included in production list of the manufacturer as of the delivery date. - The 10 Gbps high-speed backbone MPLS network for data transfer should be

23 implemented by routers of one and the same production series. - All installed software, operating systems and virtualization platform should be equipped with the relevant termless licenses and rights to use according to the conditions of the manufacturers and developers of these products. - The proposed equipment should be entirely of one manufacturer. - Systems should provide comfortable and intuitive configuration interface. - A detailed technical description/design of the implemented technical equipment and software should be provided. - The Contractor should install, configure, test and commission the communication infrastructure.

3.5.1. Minimum technical requirements to the backbone MPLS router To have a modular architecture and to provide a high degree of fault resistance. To have a modular software architecture. To have two control modules that may be withdrawn and placed on the base of the device without interruption of work. To have at least 4 contacts for alarms. To have at least 3 reserve DC power supply units. To support input voltage in the range from 40 to 72 V. To have maximum power consumption not more than 1300 W at full load with communication cards and modules. To have the possibility for simultaneous work with AC and DC power supply units. To have at least 16 slots for interface cards. To be installed in 19" cabinet and to occupy not more than 7RU (Rack units). To have at least 1 fan module with back-up fan units. Minimum range of the operating temperature: -5 to 55°C. Operating humidity from 10 to 85%. To be compatible at least with the following radiation standards: • EN55022, class A • EN 300 386, class A • ЕN61000-3-2 to EN61000-3-3 To be compatible at least with the following immunity standards: • EN 300 386 • EN 61000-6-1 • EN 50082-1 • EN 55024 • EN/KN 61000-4-2 to EN/KN 61000-4-6

24 • EN 50121-4 • EN/KN 61000-4-8 • ЕN/KN 61000-4-11 To be compatible at least with the following safety standards: • UL 60950-1, 2nd edition • IEC 60950-1, 2nd edition • EN 60950-1, 2nd edition To be compatible at least with the following standards for power supply: • IEEE1613 (2009) • IEC-61850-3 (2002) • IEC 60870-2-2 Bm Class To comply at least with the following standards: • ITU-T G.813 • ITU-T G.823 • ITU-T G.824 • ITU-T G.703 clause 5 • ITU-T G.703 clause 9 • ITU-T G.8261/Y.1361 • ITU-T G.781 • ITU-T G.8262 • ITU-T G.8264 • IEEE1588-2008 To comply at least with the following standards: • IEEE1588-2008 • Carrier Ethernet 1.0 и 2.0 • MEF 9 и 14 To have at least 8 GB DRAM memory of the control module. To allow increasing of the size of the packages of 10 Gbps interfaces minimum 9216 MTU. To have a capacity of at least 380 Gbps. To have at least the following synchronization ports with connectors type mini-coax: • 1 pps input • 1 pps output • 2.048/10 MHz input • 2.048/10 MHz output To be able to process at least 570Mpps for version IPv4.

25 To be able to process at least 570Mpps for version IPv6. To have at least 1 piece of 10/100/1000Base-T management interface on each of the control modules. To have at least 1 console interface with RJ-45 connector. To have at least 1 auxiliary interface with RJ-45 connector. To have at least 1 console interface with USB 2.0 connector type A. To have at least 1 USB 2.0 port for connection of external memory. To support at least 150 000 MAC addresses. To support recording of at least 120 000 IPv4 routes. To support recording of at least 11 000 IPv6 routes. To support recording of at least 3 900 multicast routes. To support at least 950 MPLS VPN. To support recording of at least 30 000 MPLS Labels. To support at least 7800 EoMPLS tunnels. To support at least 47 000 queues. To support at least 23 000 classifications. To support at least 23 000 input limiting devices. To support recording of at least 900 IPv4 limiting lists with minimum 400 records per list. To support standards IEEE 802.3ah Link OAM and IEEE 802.1ag Connectivity Fault Management. To support at least 1020, IEEE 802.1ag (CFM) sessions. To support hierarchic classification of the traffic (HQoS). To support hierarchic VPLS (H-VPLS). To support Layer 2 Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) To support MPLS OAM To support MPLS (Label Distribution Protocol [LDP] and VPN) protocol. To support MPLS traffic engineering. To support MPLS Fast Reroute. To support Еthernet over MPLS (EoMPLS). To allow for support of Circuit Emulation Service over Packet Switched Network (CESoPSN), RFC 5086 To allow for support of Structure-Agnostic TDM over Packet (SAToP), RFC 4553. To support at least OSFP and BGP protocols for dynamic exchange of routes. To be compatible at least with the following standards RFC 1112, RFC 2236, RFC 3376, RFC 4443, RFC 5340, RFC 2615, RFC 1661, RFC 1990, RFC 1994, RFC 4447.

26 To support ssh version 2 for remote encrypted access. To support SNMP for monitoring. To support at least RADIUS protocol for authentication, authorisation and reporting. To be able to support ITU-T SyncE with Ethernet Synchronization Messaging Channel (ESMC). To allow for support of IEEE 1588-2008 end-to-end Transparent Clock over Ethernet, IP and MPLS. To allow for support of IEEE 1588-2008 Ordinary Clock over Ether- net, IP and MPLS. To support IEEE 802.1p Class of Service (COS) based QoS To allow for future upgrade by adding of interface cards supporting at least 8 ports 10Gbps. To allow for future upgrade by adding of interface cards supporting at least 1 port 100Gbps. To allow for future upgrade by adding of interface cards supporting at least 2 ports 40Gbps. To have at least 8 ports Gigabit Ethernet with connectors type RJ-45. To have at least 6 optic slots 10 Gigabit Ethernet distributed between at least 4 interface cards. To have at least 8 optic slots Gigabit Ethernet.

3.5.2. Minimum technical requirements to the aggregating MPLS router To have a modular architecture and to provide a high degree of fault resistance. To have a modular software architecture. To have two control modules that may be withdrawn and placed on the base of the device without interruption of work. To have at least 4 contacts for alarms. To have at least 2 reserve DC power supply units. To support input voltage in the range from -40 to -72 V. To have maximum power consumption not more than 1300 W when is fully loaded with communication cards and modules. To have the possibility for simultaneous work with AC and DC power supply units. To have at least 6 (six) slots for interface cards. To be installed in 19" cabinet and to occupy not more than 3RU (Rack units). To have at least 1 fan module with back-up fan units. Minimum range of the operating temperature: -5 to 55°C. Operating humidity minimum from 10 to 85%. To be compatible at least with the following radiation standards:

27 • EN55022, class A • EN 300 386, class A • ЕN61000-3-2 to EN61000-3-3 • CISPR22, class A To be compatible at least with the following immunity standards: • EN 300 386 • EN 61000-6-1 • EN 50082-1 • EN 55024 • EN/KN 61000-4-2 to EN/KN 61000-4-6 • EN 50121-4 • EN/KN 61000-4-8 • ЕN/KN 61000-4-11 To comply at least with the following safety standards: • UL 60950-1, 2nd edition • IEC 60950-1, 2nd edition • EN 60950-1, 2nd edition To be compatible at least with the following standards for power supply: • IEEE1613 (2009) • IEC-61850-3 (2002) • IEC 60870-2-2 Bm Class To comply at least with the following standards: • ITU-T G.813 • ITU-T G.823 • ITU-T G.824 • ITU-T G.703 clause 5 • ITU-T G.703 clause 9 • ITU-T G.8261/Y.1361 • ITU-T G.781 • ITU-T G.8262 • ITU-T G.8264 • IEEE1588-2008 • Carrier Ethernet 2.0 Metro Ethernet Forum 9 и 14 To have at least 4 GB DRAM memory of the control module. To allow increasing of the size of the packages of 10Gbps interfaces minimum 9216 MTU.

28 To have a capacity of at least 120 Gbps. To have at least the following synchronization ports with connectors type mini-coax: • 1 pps input • 1 pps output • 2.048/10 MHz input • 2.048/10 MHz output To be able to process at least 170Mpps for version IPv4. To be able to process at least 170Mpps for version IPv6. To have at least 1 piece of 10/100/1000Base-T management interface on each of the control modules. To have at least 1 console interface with RJ-45 connector. To have at least 1 auxiliary interface with RJ-45 connector. To have at least 1 console interface with USB 2.0 connector type A. To have at least 1 USB 2.0 port for connection of external memory. To support at least 15 000 MAC addresses. To support recording of at least 19 000 IPv4 routes. To support recording of at least 3 000 IPv6 routes. To support recording of at least 900 multicast routes. To allow for future upgrade by adding of interface cards supporting at least 2 optical 10Gbps ports. To support at least 125 MPLS VPN. To support recording of at least 15 000 MPLS Labels. To support at least 3800 EoMPLS tunnels. To support at least 7000 queues. To support at least 9000 classifications. To support at least 5000 input limiting devices. To support recording of at least 1200 IPv4 limiting lists with minimum 400 records per list. To support standards IEEE 802.3ah Link OAM and IEEE 802.1ag Connectivity Fault Management. To support at least 900, IEEE 802.1ag (CFM) sessions. To support hierarchic classification of the traffic (HQoS). To support hierarchic VPLS (H-VPLS). To support Layer 2 Connectivity Fault Management (CFM). To support MPLS OAM. To support MPLS (Label Distribution Protocol [LDP] and VPN) protocol. To support MPLS traffic engineering.

29 To support MPLS Fast Reroute. To support Еthernet over MPLS (EoMPLS). To allow for support of Circuit Emulation Service over Packet Switched Network (CESoPSN), RFC 5086. To allow for support of Structure-Agnostic TDM over Packet (SAToP), RFC 4553. To support at least OSFP and BGP protocols for dynamic exchange of routes. To be compatible at least with the following standards RFC 1112, RFC 2236, RFC 3376, RFC 4443, RFC 5340, RFC 2615, RFC 1661, RFC 1990, RFC 1994, RFC 4447. To support ssh version 2 for remote encrypted access. To support SNMP for monitoring. To support at least RADIUS protocol for authentication, authorisation and reporting. To be able to support ITU-T SyncE with Ethernet Synchronization Messaging Channel (ESMC). To be able to support IEEE 1588-2008 end-to-end Transparent Clock over Ethernet, IP and MPLS. To be able to support IEEE 1588-2008 Ordinary Clock over Ethernet, IP and MPLS To support IEEE 802.1p Class of Service (COS) based QoS. To allow for future upgrade by adding of interface cards supporting at least 8 ports 32 Т1/Е1 ports. To allow for future upgrade of the system that will allow adding of interface cards supporting at least 1 optical 100Gbps port. To allow for future upgrade of the system that will allow adding of interface cards supporting at least 8 optical 10Gbps ports To have at least 8 ports Gigabit Ethernet with connectors type RJ-45. To have at least 2 optic slots 10 Gigabit Ethernet distributed between at least 2 interface cards. To have at least 8 optic slots Gigabit Ethernet.

3.5.3. Minimum technical requirements to MPLS VPN router To have a capacity of at least 2.4 Gbps. To allow for increasing of the capacity by unlocking an additional software license up to at least 20 Gbps. To have a built-in hardware module for traffic encrypting. To be able to process at least 8 Gbps encrypted traffic. To have at least 6 optical 1 Gigabit Ethernet slots. To have at least 2 optical 10 Gigabit Ethernet slots.

30 To have at least 1 slot for future upgrade with network interfaces. To allow for software back-up. To be installed in 19" cabinet and to occupy not more than 1RU (Rack unit). To allow for connection of at least 1GB external USB memory. To have back-up DC power supply. To support input voltage within the range from 40 to 72 V. Maximum power consumption at DC power supply should not exceed 250 W. Operating temperature from 0 to 40ºC. Operating humidity from 10 to 85%. To comply at least with the following safety standards: • EN 60950-1 • UL60950-1 • No. 60950-1-03 To comply at least with the following standards on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC): • EN55022/CISPR 22 Information Technology Equipment. • EN55024/CISPR 24 Information Technology Equipment. • EN300 386 Telecommunications Network Equipment. • EN50082-1/EN61000-6-1 Generic Immunity Standard. To comply at least with GR-1089 standard. To work on 64bit operating system. To have at least 1 built-in special processor for processing of the network traffic. To have at least 1,9GHz Quad-Core CPU. To have at least 8GB DRAM memory. To allow for upgrade to at least 16GB DRAM. To have at least 8GB flash memory. To allow for upgrade with at least 400 GB SSD hard drive. To support at least 960 000 IPv4/IPv6 routes. To be compatible with standard RFC 2737. To support at least telnet, ssh, console, RFC 2665, SNMP for management. To have at least Aux and Console ports. To have at least one RJ-45 10/100/1000 Ethernet port for control. To have at least 9 Mb ТCAM available memory. To have at least 18Mpps productivity for processing of packages per second. To have at least 6Mpps productivity for combined work with the following services: IPv4 forwarding, ACL, QoS. To support at least 3800 lists for access control (ACL) and at least 48 000 ACE

31 (access control records) per system. To be able to support at least 3800 L2TP tunnels. To support at least 96 000 multicast routes. To support at least 3 500 multicast groups. To be able to support at least 15 000 QoS queue. To support at least 3 levels of QoS hierarchy. To support at least 2 low-latency queuing (LLQ) QoS policy. To allow for at least 1800 real time CRTP sessions. To allow for support of at least 7 000 IPsec tunnels by the hardware. To enable functionality of a firewall that can process at least 1700000 sessions. To be able to process at least 1700000 NAT sessions. To support at least 7800 Layer 3 VPN. To allow for at least 1 900 GRE tunnels. To support route-reflector BGP functionality. To support Ethernet over Multiple Protocol Label Switching (EoMPLS). To support Virtual Private Lan Service (VPLS) services. To support Layer 3 VPN services. To support Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS). To support RIP, OSPF и BGP routing protocols. To support Protocol Independent Multicast. To allow for future extension by at least 4 ports OC48/STM16. To allow for future extension by at least 1 port 10GE LAN/WAN-PHY. To allow for future extension by at least 8 ports Gigabit Etheret.

3.5.4. Minimum technical requirements to the switch for access to railway stations, substations and overhead contact line sub-regions To allow for connection of commutating switches in a stack (single switching device) with a minimum speed of the connection between them of 450 Gbps. To have at least 24 Ethernet 10/100/1000Мbps PoE ports. To have at least 18W PoE input power at each Ethernet port. To have at least 4 optical Gigabit ports. To allow for upgrade with at least 2 optical ports 10Gigabit. To support commutation matrix with capacity of at least 80 Gbps. To support productivity of at least 65 Мpps. To have at least 4 GB operating memory (DRAM). To have at least 2 GB flash memory. To support at least 32 000 MAC addresses.

32 To support at least 24 000 IPv4 routes. To support maximum size of the Ethernet frame of 9198 bytes. To support at least 1000 virtual interfaces (SVI). To support at least 1000 VLANs. To have a port for control console. To provide API for use of the commutation switch in Software-defined Networking (SDN) environment. To maintain automatic configuration of ports on connection of devices to them. To support built-in functionality to detect different events in the network and subsequent automatic reaction. To support automatic MDIX and automatic selection of half/full duplex mode of the ports. To support Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) for aggregation of ports. Master commutation switch in a stack system should be able to check and update automatically the software version of the other switches in the stack system. To support TFTP and NTP protocol. To support RMON for control and monitoring. To maintain functionality for remote monitoring of traffic in a particular port. To support protection of ports against MAC flooding attacks. To support DHCP snooping. To support protection against ARP spoofing attacks. To support protection against IP spoofing attacks. To support user authentication though 802.1Х, MAC authentication bypass nd web authentication. To support Layer 2 method for limitation of communication between devices in one and the same VLAN. To support security policed based on VLAN. To support security policed based on port. To support SSH and SNMPv3. To support authentication through RADIUS protocol. To support Rapid Spanning-tree Protocol (IEEE 802.1w). To support Rapid Spanning-tree Protocol for each VLAN individually. To support STP (IEEE 802.1d). To support protection method that prevents unwanted changes in the STP network topology. To support IEEE 802.1Q VLAN. To support a mechanism for automatic activation of the ports after their dropping out

33 due to network errors. To support a technology for real-time monitoring of network events. To support OSPF with basic capabilities. To support RIPv1, RIPv2, RIPng and static routes. To be able to support BGP. To support 802.1p Class of Service. To support Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) for classification of packages according to IP, MAC and TCP/UDP port. To support at least 8 outgoing queues per port for different types of classified traffic. To support mechanisms for avoidance of congestion in outgoing and incoming queues. To support limitation of transfer speed according to IP address, MAC address and TCP/UDP port. To support technology for monitoring traffic streams through the commutating switch, with the possibility of storing information about at least 20 000 different streams. To have a built-in functionality for managing of wireless access that will be unlocked if necessary by means of an additional license. To provide at least 250 000 hours Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF). To have DC power supply voltage within the range from 36 to 72 VDC. The power supply should be reserved with by separate power supply modules. Each of the power supply modules should provide at least 450 000 hours Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF). The consumed power should not exceed 450 W per a power supply module. To allow for sharing of power between commutating switches in one stack system. To allow for installation in communication cabinet and to occupy not more than 1 RU. Operating temperature within the range from -5º to 45 ºC. Operating relative humidity from 10 to 95 % (without condensation). To comply with standards EN55022, EN55024 (CISPR 24) on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).

3.5.5. Minimum technical requirements for Backbone switches for administrative buildings – type 1 To have at least 24 pieces of 1Gbps optical Ethernet ports. Two of the commutating switches should have at least 2 optical ports 10 Gigabit Ethernet, the other two switches should have at least 4 optical Gigabit Ethernet

34 ports. To support commutation matrix with capacity of at least 90 Gbps. To support productivity of at least 65 Мpps. To have at least 4 GB operating memory (DRAM). To have at least 2 GB flash memory. To support at least 32 000 MAC addresses. To support at least 24 000 IPv4 routes. To support at least 9198 bytes size of the Ethernet frame (packages). To support at least 1000 virtual interfaces (SVI). To support at least 4000 VLAN ID. To provide API for use of the commutation switch in Software-defined Networking (SDN) environment. To support automatic configuration of ports on connection of devices to them. To support built-in functionality to detect different events in the network and to allow for automation through execution of commands and scripts. To support automatic MDIX and automatic selection of half/full duplex mode of the ports. To allow for connection of commutating switches in a stack (single switching device) with a minimum speed of the connection between them of 470 Gbps. Master commutation switch in a stack system should be able to check and update automatically the software version of the other switches in the stack system. To support TFTP and NTP protocol. To support RMON for control and monitoring. To maintain functionality for remote monitoring of traffic in a particular port. To support protection of ports against MAC flooding attacks. To support DHCP snooping. To support Dynamic ARP Inspection To support protection against IP spoofing attacks. To support user authentication though 802.1Х, MAC authentication bypass and web authentication. To support security policed based on VLAN. To support security policed based on port. To support SSH and SNMPv3. To support authentication through RADIUS protocol. To support Rapid Spanning-tree Protocol (IEEE 802.1w). To support IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP). To support Rapid Spanning-tree Protocol for each VLAN individually.

35 To support protection and filtering method that prevents unwanted changes in the STP network topology. To support IEEE 802.1Q VLAN. To support the following routing protocols: RIPv1, RIPv2 and RIPng. To support the following protocols OSPF, IS-IS, BGP, PIM, and IPv6 routing. To support 802.1p Class of Service. To support VRF-lite and Policy Base routing (PBR). To support modular MQC QoS. To support Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) for classification of packages according to IP, MAC and TCP/UDP port. To support at least 8 outgoing queues per port for different types of classified traffic. To support mechanisms for avoidance of congestion in outgoing and incoming queues. To support limitation of transfer speed according to IP address, MAC address and TCP/UDP port. To support technology for monitoring traffic streams through the commutating switch, with a possibility of storing information about at least 20 000 different streams. To provide at least 300 000 hours Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF). To have AC power supply voltage within the range 100-240 V with frequency 50-60 Hz. To have backed-up power supply. The consumed power should not exceed 380 W per a power supply module. To allow for sharing of power between commutating switches in one system. To allow for installation in communication cabinet and to occupy not more than 1 RU. Operating temperature within the range from -5º to 45 ºC. Operating relative humidity from 10 to 95 % (without condensation). To comply with standards EN55022, EN55024 (CISPR 24) on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). To have at least one Ethernet management RJ-45 port. To have at least one console management RJ-45 port.

3.5.6 Minimum technical requirements for Backbone switches for administrative buildings – type 2 To have at least 12 pieces of 1Gbps optical network ports. Two of the commutating switches should have at least 2 optical ports 10 Gigabit

36 Ethernet, the other two switches should have at least 4 optical Gigabit Ethernet ports. To support commutation matrix with capacity of at least 65 Gbps. To support productivity of at least 50 Мpps. To have at least 4 GB operating memory (DRAM). To have at least 2 GB flash memory. To support at least 32 000 MAC addresses. To support at least 24 000 IPv4 routes. To support at least 9198 bytes size of the Ethernet frame (packages). To support at least 1000 virtual interfaces (SVI). To support at least 4000 VLAN ID. To provide API for use of the commutation switch in Software-defined Networking (SDN) environment. To support automatic configuration of ports on connection of devices to them. To support built-in functionality to detect different events in the network and to allow for automation through execution of commands and scripts. To support automatic MDIX and automatic selection of half/full duplex mode of the ports. To allow for connection of commutating switches in a stack (single switching device) with a minimum speed of the connection between them of 470 Gbps. Master commutation switch in a stack system should be able to check and update automatically the software version of the other switches in the stack system. To support TFTP and NTP protocol. To support RMON for control and monitoring. To maintain functionality for remote monitoring of traffic in a particular port. To support protection of ports against MAC flooding attacks. To support DHCP snooping. To support Dynamic ARP Inspection To support protection against IP spoofing attacks. To support user authentication though 802.1Х, MAC authentication bypass and web authentication. To support security policed based on VLAN. To support security policed based on port. To support SSH and SNMPv3. To support authentication through RADIUS protocol. To support Rapid Spanning-tree Protocol (IEEE 802.1w). To support IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP).

37 To support Rapid Spanning-tree Protocol for each VLAN individually. To support protection and filtering method that prevents unwanted changes in the STP network topology. To support IEEE 802.1Q VLAN. To support the following routing protocols: RIPv1, RIPv2 and RIPng. To support the following protocols OSPF, IS-IS, BGP, PIM, and IPv6 routing. To support 802.1p Class of Service. To support VRF-lite and Policy Base routing (PBR). To support modular MQC QoS. To support Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) for classification of packages according to IP, MAC and TCP/UDP port. To support at least 8 outgoing queues per port for different types of classified traffic. To support mechanisms for avoidance of congestion in outgoing and incoming queues. To support limitation of transfer speed according to IP address, MAC address and TCP/UDP port. To support technology for monitoring traffic streams through the commutating switch, with a possibility of storing information about at least 20 000 different streams. To provide at least 310 000 hours Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF). To have AC power supply voltage within the range 100-240 V with frequency 50-60 Hz. To have backed-up power supply. The consumed power should not exceed 380 W per a power supply module. To allow for sharing of power between commutating switches in one system. To allow for installation in communication cabinet and to occupy not more than 1 RU. Operating temperature within the range from -5º to 45 ºC. Operating relative humidity from 10 to 95 % (without condensation). To comply with standards EN55022, EN55024 (CISPR 24) on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). To have at least one Ethernet management RJ-45 port. To have at least one console management RJ-45 port.

3.5.7. Minimum technical requirements for switches for the data centre Provide the ability to connect switches in stack (single switching device) with a

38 connection rate of minimum 450 Gbps Have a minimum of 24 Ethernet ports 10/100/1000 Mbps Have a minimum of 4 optical Gigabit ports Support switching matrix with minimum capacity of 80 Gbps Support productivity of at least 65 Mpps Have a minimum of 4 GB RAM (DRAM) Have a minimum of 2 GB flash memory Support at least 32,000 MAC addresses Support at least 24,000 IPv4 routes Support the maximum of 9198 bytes of Ethernet frame Support at least 1,000 virtual interfaces (SVI) Support a minimum of 255 VLAN Have a console port for control Provide API to use the switch in Software-defined Networking (SDN) environment Support automatic configuration of ports when devices are plugged to them Support the built-in functionality to detect different events in the network and subsequent automatic reaction Support automatic MDIX and automatic selection of half/full duplex mode of ports Support Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) for port aggregation Master switch in a stack system to be able to check and automatically update the software version of the other switches in the stack system Support TFTP and NTP protocols Support RMON for monitoring and management Support functionality for remote monitoring of traffic in a given port Support port protection of MAC flooding attacks Support DHCP snooping Support protection from the ARP spoofing attacks Support protection from IP spoofing attacks Support user authentication through 802.1X, MAC authentication bypass and web authentication; Support Layer 2 method for limiting communication between devices in the same VLAN Support security policies based on VLAN Support security policies based on port Support SSH and SNMPv3 Support authentication through RADIUS protocol

39 Support Rapid Spanning-tree Protocol (IEEE 802.1w) Support Rapid Spanning-tree Protocol for each VLAN separately Support STP (IEEE 802.1d) Support security method to prevent unwanted changes in the STP network topology Support IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Support a mechanism to automatically activate the ports after dropping out due to network error Be able Support RIPv1, RIPv2, RIPng and static routes Support 802.1p Class of Service Support Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) classifying of packages by IP, MAC and TCP/UDP port Support at least 8 outgoing queues per port for different types of classified traffic Support mechanisms to prevent congestion in outgoing and incoming queues (congestion avoidance) Support the transmission rate limit by IP address, MAC address and TCP /UDP port Support a technology for traffic flows monitoring through the switch with the capability of storing information for at least 20,000 different flows Provide Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) not less than 300,000 hours Have AC power supply in the range 100 to 240 V with a frequency range of 50- 60 Hz Power supply shall be reserved with two separate power supply modules Power consumption shall be not more than 380 W per power supply module Allow sharing of power supply between switches in a stack system Possibility of mounting rack, occupying no more than 1 RU Operating temperature range from -5 °C to 45 °C Operating relative humidity from 10 to 95% (non-condensing) Meet the certificates EN55022, EN55024 (CISPR 24) for EMC

3.5.8. Minimum technical requirements for switch for access to administrative buildings - type 1 Be able to connect switches in stack (single switching device) with a connection rate of minimum 70 Gbps Have a minimum of 48 Ethernet 10/100/1000 Мbps PoE ports Support a minimum of 30 W PoE power supply of 12 Ethernet ports or 15.4 W PoE power supply 24 Ethernet ports

40 Have a minimum of 2 optical 10 Gigabit ports Support switching matrix with a capacity of minimum 200 Gbps Support at least 1,000 simultaneously active VLANs Support 4096 VLANs ID Support maximum frame size of 9198 bytes in Layer 3 packages Support maximum frame size of 9216 bytes in Ethernet packages Support productivity least 100 Mrr5 Have a minimum processor dual core 600MHz Have at least one console USB port Have at least one console RJ-45 port Have minimum one USB port for external flash storage media Have a minimum of a 10/100Mbps Ethernet Management interface for out-of- band management Have at least 512 MB RAM (DRAM) Have at least 128 MB flash memory Have AC power supply in the range 100 to 240 V with a frequency range of 50- 60 Hz Have a maximum power consumption of no more than 0.9 kVA Possibility of mounting rack, occupying no more than 1 RU Operating temperature range from -5 °C to 45 °C Operating relative humidity from 10 to 95% (non-condensing) Meet certificates EN 60950-1 Second Edition, EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3, EN55024 Support at least 16,000 MAC addresses Support a minimum of 2,000 direct Unicast routes Support at least 1000 IGMP groups and Multicast routes Support IEEE 802.3az EEE (Energy Efficient Ethernet) Support mechanisms for reserved links at convergence less than 100ms Support Network Timing Protocol (NTP) and TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) Support technology for remote monitoring of Layer 2 traffic on other switches in the network Support protective mechanisms to prevent faulty terminal stations Support Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) Support technology to detect one-way data transmission over optical links Support the standard IEEE 802.3ad to combine several links Support IEEE 802.1s/w Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) and Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP)

41 Support RADIUS protocol Support SNMPv3 and SSH protocols for administration Support 802.1p class of service (CoS) Support classification based on source and destination IP addresses, source and destination IP addresses, MAC addresses or Layer 4 Transmission Control Protocol/User Datagram Protocol (TCP/UDP) port numbers Minimum 8 output queues per port Support IEEE 802.1x Support at least 625 Security ACL rules and 500 QoS policies Permit the application of security policies for each switch port

3.5.9. Minimum technical requirements for switch for access of administrative buildings - type 2 Be able to connect switches in stack (single switching device) with a rate of minimum 70 Gbps Have a minimum of 24 Ethernet 10/100/1000Мbps PoE ports Support a minimum of 30 W PoE power supply of 12 Ethernet ports or 15.4 W PoE power supply of 24 Ethernet ports Have a minimum of 2 optical 10 Gigabit ports Support switching matrix with a capacity of minimum 200 Gbps Support at least 1,000 simultaneously active VLANs Support 4096 VLANs ID Support maximum frame size of 9,198 bytes in the packet Yaueg Support maximum frame size of 9,216 bytes in Ethernet packages Support productivity of at least 95 Mpps Have a minimum dual core 600 MHz processor Have at least one console USB port Have at least one console RJ-45 port Have minimum one USB port for external flash storage media Have a minimum of a 10/100 Mbps Ethernet management interface for out-of- band management Have at least 512 MB RAM (DRAM) Have at least 128 MB flash memory Have AC power supply in the range 100 to 240 V with a frequency range of 50- 60 Hz Have a maximum power consumption of no more than 0.5 kVA Possibility of mounting rack, occupying no more than 1RU

42 Operating temperature range from -5 °C to 45 °C Operating relative humidity from 10 to 95% (non-condensing) Meet EN 60950-1 Second Edition, EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3, EN55024 certificates Support at least 16,000 MAC addresses Support a minimum of 2000 direct Unicast routes Support at least 1,000 indirect Unicast routes Support at least 1000 IGMPR groups and Multicast routes Support IEEE 802.3az EEE (Energy Efficient Ethernet) Support mechanisms for reserved links at convergence not less than 100 ms Support Network Timing Protocol (NTP) and TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol Support technology for remote monitoring of Layer 2 traffic on other switches in the network Support protective mechanisms to prevent faulty terminal stations Support Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) Support technology to detect one-way data transmission over optical links Support the standard IEEE 802.3ad to combine several links Support IEEE 802.1s/w Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) and Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) Support RADIUS protocol Support SNMPv3 and SSH protocols for administration Support 802.1p class of service (CoS) Support classification based on source and destination IP addresses, source and destination IP addresses, MAC addresses or Layer 4 Transmission Control Protocol/User Datagram Protocol (TCP/UDP) port numbers Minimum 8 output queues per port Support IEEE 802.1x Support at least 625 Security ACL rules and 500 QoS policies Permit the application of security policies for each switch port

3.5.10. Minimum technical requirements for optical interface modules – 10 Gbps type Single Mode to 80 km. The optical interface shall be compatible with the proposed communication equipment and be seen on the manufacturer’s website The optical interface shall have double LC-PC connectors Provide 10 Gbps transmission at distances at least 80,000 m through single- mode optic cable

43 Have Transmit Power of the transmitter minimum in the range of 0 bBm to 4 dBm Have a range of the receiver (Receive Power) minimum in the range of -24 bBm to -7 bBm Work at least in the following range of 1,530 nm to 1,565 nm wavelength of receiver and transmitter Work in the following temperature range from 0 to 55 °C Support the monitoring of the interface parameters in real time, including at least the level of the outgoing optical signal, the level of the input optical signal, temperature and voltage Support on/off of the optical interface in the device without the need to stop it Be compatible with the following minimum safety standards: • Laser Class 1 21CFR-1040 LN#50 7/2001 • Laser Class 1 IEC60825-1 Be compatible at least with the following standards: • IEEE 802.3: 10-Gigabit Ethernet • ITU-T G.709: Interfaces for the Optical Transport Network • ITU-T G.975: GFEC • ITU-T G.975.1: EFEC • GR-20-CORE: Generic Requirements for Optical Fiber and Optical Fiber Cable • GR-326-CORE: Generic Requirements for Single-Mode Optical Connectors and Jumper Assemblies

3.5.11. Minimum technical requirements for optical interface modules – 10 Gbps type Single Mode to 40 km. The optical interface shall be compatible with the proposed communication equipment and be seen on the manufacturer’s website The optical interface shall have double LC-PC connectors Provide 10 Gbps transmission at distances at least 40,000 m through single- mode optic cable Have Transmit Power of the transmitter minimum in the range of -4.7 bBm to 4 dBm Have a range of the receiver (Receive Power) minimum in the range of -15.8 bBm to -1 bBm Work at least in the following range of 1,530 nm to 1,565 nm wavelength of receiver and transmitter Work in the following temperature range from 0 to 55 °C Support the monitoring of the interface parameters in real time, including at least

44 the level of the outgoing optical signal, the level of the input optical signal, temperature and voltage Support on/off of the optical interface in the device without the need to stop it Be compatible with the following minimum safety standards: • Laser Class 1 21CFR-1040 LN#50 7/2001 • Laser Class 1 IEC60825-1 Be compatible at least with the following standards: • IEEE 802.3: 10-Gigabit Ethernet • ITU-T G.709: Interfaces for the Optical Transport Network • ITU-T G.975: GFEC • ITU-T G.975.1: EFEC • GR-20-CORE: Generic Requirements for Optical Fiber and Optical Fiber Cable • GR-326-CORE: Generic Requirements for Single-Mode Optical Connectors and Jumper Assemblies

5.3.12. Minimum technical requirements for optical interface modules – 10 Gbps type Single Mode to 10 km. The optical interface shall be compatible with the proposed communication equipment and be seen on the manufacturer’s website The optical interface shall have double LC-PC connectors Provide 10 Gbps transmission at distances at least 10,000 m through single- mode optic cable Have Transmit Power of the transmitter minimum in the range of -8.2 bBm to 0.5 dBm Have a range of the receiver (Receive Power) minimum in the range of -14.4 bBm to 0.5 bBm Work at least in the following range of 1,260 nm to 1,355 nm wavelength of receiver and transmitter Work in the following temperature range from 0 to 55 °C Support the monitoring of the interface parameters in real time, including at least the level of the outgoing optical signal, the level of the input optical signal, temperature and voltage Support on/off of the optical interface in the device without the need to stop it Be compatible with the following minimum safety standards: • Laser Class 1 21CFR-1040 LN#50 7/2001 • Laser Class 1 IEC60825-1 Be compatible at least with the following standards:

45 • IEEE 802.3: 10-Gigabit Ethernet • ITU-T G.709: Interfaces for the Optical Transport Network • ITU-T G.975: GFEC • ITU-T G.975.1: EFEC • GR-20-CORE: Generic Requirements for Optical Fibre and Optical Fibre Cable • GR-326-CORE: Generic Requirements for Single-Mode Optical Connectors and Jumper Assemblies

5.3.13. Minimum technical requirements for optical interface modules – 1 Gbps type Single Mode to 10 km. The optical interface shall be compatible with the proposed communication equipment and be seen on the manufacturer’s website The optical interface shall have double LC-PC connectors Provide 1 Gbps transmission at distances at least 10,000 m through single-mode optic cable Provide 1 Gbps transmission at distances at least 500 m via multimode fiber optic cable Have Transmit Power of the transmitter minimum in the range of -9.6 bBm to -3 dBm Have a range of the receiver (Receive Power) minimum in the range of -20 bBm to 3 bBm Work at least in the following range of 1,270 nm to 1,355 nm wavelength of receiver and transmitter Work in the following temperature range from 0 to 55 °C Support the monitoring of the interface parameters in real time, including at least the level of the outgoing optical signal, the level of the input optical signal, temperature and voltage Support on/off of the optical interface in the device without the need to stop it Be compatible with the following minimum safety standards: • Laser Class 1 21CFR-1040 LN#50 7/2001 • Laser Class 1 IEC60825-1 Be compatible at least with the following standards: • IEEE 802.3z • IEEE 802.3ah • GR-20-CORE • GR-326-CORE • GR-1435-CORE


5.3.14. Minimum technical requirements for optical interface modules – 1 Gbps type Single Mode to 40 km. The optical interface shall be compatible with the proposed communication equipment and be seen on the manufacturer’s website The optical interface shall have double LC-PC connectors Provide 1 Gbps transmission at distances at least 40,000 m through single-mode optic cable Have Transmit Power of the transmitter minimum in the range of -1 bBm to 3 dBm Have a range of the receiver (Receive Power) minimum in the range of -22 bBm to 1 bBm Work at least in the following range of 1,290 nm to 1,355 nm wavelength of receiver and transmitter Work in the following temperature range from -5 to 55 °C Support the monitoring of the interface parameters in real time, including at least the level of the outgoing optical signal, the level of the input optical signal, temperature and voltage Support on/off of the optical interface in the device without the need to stop it Be compatible with the following minimum safety standards: • Laser Class 1 21CFR-1040 LN#50 7/2001 • Laser Class 1 IEC60825-1 Be compatible at least with the following standards: • IEEE 802.3z • IEEE 802.3ah • GR-20-CORE • GR-326-CORE • GR-1435-CORE

3.5.15. Minimum technical requirements for Monitoring and Management System of High- Speed Backbone Network for Data Transmission System shall combine the following functionalities: • monitor of network devices; • configure network devices; • detect and isolate network problems (fault management); • tracking network performance; • inventory of network devices;

47 • reporting; • configuration management of network devices; • software management of network devices. System shall support all types of devices, building high-speed backbone network for data transmission, IP PBX servers and voice routers. System shall include a license for monitoring and management of at least 240 devices. System shall allow future increase of supported devices by adding additional licenses. System shall support custom web interface. System shall support Command Line Interface (CLI) accessible through SSH. System shall include an operating system that does not require an additional license. System shall support embedded database, which does not need an additional license. System shall support automatic database backup. System shall allow remote database backup via FTP and SFTP. System shall allow direct connection to the manufacturer's website in order to: • download software for supported network devices; • download updates for the system; • opening service requests through the system. System shall support methods for authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA) of its users through protocols TACACS+ and RADIUS. System shall support automatic detection and scanning of network devices. System shall support the following methods for detecting devices: • By ICMP ping; • By Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP); • By analyzing the routing table of devices; • By Address Resolution Protocol (ARP); • By OSPF; • by BGP. System shall support role control access to various features of the user interface and allow the creation of additional user roles. System shall have a centralized interface for visualization of events and alarms. System shall support the following protocols for communication with network devices: • SNMP (v1, v2c and v3); • SSH;

48 • Telnet; • HTTP/HTTPS. System shall support SMTP to automatically send e-mail notifications with alarms and reports. System shall handle SNMP and syslog messages received from network devices. System shall support reception and processing of at least 1,000 SNMP/syslog messages per second. System shall allow setting limit thresholds for the observed parameters. System shall allow manual exclusion/inclusion of certain network devices parameters/resources monitoring. System shall support monitoring and analysis of IP traffic and active sessions in data network using Netflow/Jflow/sFlow or another alternative protocol. System shall support a minimum of 80,000 Netflow/Jflow/sFlow flows per second. System shall support local backup of software for network devices. System shall support remote upgrade of software for network devices. System shall support downloading software for network devices directly from the manufacturer's website. System shall have built-in functionality for analyzing requirements to install new version of software for network devices. Support local archive of network devices configuration. Retrieve device configuration in getting system message (syslog) for configuration changes made on it. System shall be able to retrieve the configuration of network devices in the following cases: • manually on demand; • periodically; • during an inventory of the devices. System shall allow comparison of configurations: • different versions of the configuration of a network device; • configurations of two separate network devices. System shall support remotely configuration of one or more network devices at once. System shall support baseline configuration templates and enable the creation of additional configuration templates. System shall support a complete inventory of devices on the network, and the information shall be updated automatically in a set period of time. System shall support automatic updating of device information when receiving a system message (syslog) for a change in its inventory.

49 System shall allow the generation of a report on configuration inconsistencies and anomalies. System shall allow the generation of a report on configuration changes of network devices for a specified period of time. System shall allow the generation of a report on inventory information for network devices that includes at least: • details of the chassis (serial number, manufacturer) • data for installed modules in the drive (type, description, manufacturer) • data for interfaces of the device (type, status, MAC address, IP address, description) • data for the device memory (type, memory occupied memory) • data for the device software (type, version) • a list of files in the device memory (if any). System shall allow the generation of a report with updated information on current weaknesses in the network devices software in terms of security. System shall allow the generation of reports with information on declared by the manufacturer end dates of the maintenance of hardware and software of the network devices and their modules. System shall allow the generation of reports with information on IP traffic flows in the network. System shall have included support for a period of 2 years which allows software updates to a newer version. System shall be delivered with suitable hardware, to cover all its resource requirements according to the manufacturer. The system software shall be reserved in two separate physical locations in Plovdiv and Stara Zagora

3.5.16. Minimum technical requirements to the server of monitoring and management system: System server shall occupy maximum 1 RU. Have redundant AC power supply 200-240V. Have a maximum power consumption of no more than 800 W. Have a minimum of 4 core processor with an operating frequency of at least 2.30 GHz. Have a minimum of 64 GB RAM DDR4. Have RAID controller and Support RAID level 10. Have minimum disc capacity 4x900. The drives can be replaced without the need to shutdown the server (hot-swap).

50 Support read/write speed of drives at least 320 MBps. Have SD card with a capacity of at least 32 GB. Allow for remote management and diagnostics of the server via independent or shared interface.

3.6. Power supply and control: 3.6.1. The SDH system shall have fully functional and centralized control. Gigabit Ethernet backbone network for data transmission shall also have complete centralized control. Command modules need to control all SDH nodes and all devices and equipment for access along the stations and checkpoints throughout the route Plovdiv – Stara Zagora – Burgas. 3.6.2. Control centre of all SDH devices, the Gigabit Ethernet backbone network for data transmission and access equipment will be in the Plovdiv telecommunication unit. It is necessary to also build a duplicate (local backup) centre in the local unit for maintenance in Stara Zagora. The redundant centre shall have all the functionality of the basic one. 3.6.3. Devices and equipment of control centres (computers, peripherals, office equipment) shall be supplied by the Contractor. 3.6.4. Power supply to all nodes of the STM/SDH digital transmission system, equipment access, Gigabit Ethernet backbone data network, station hubs and dispatch connections, etc., shall be 48 V DC from rectifier and built-in/separate encapsulated gel battery.

3.7. Air conditioning requirements for equipment: 3.7.1. All delivered equipment for digital transmission transport of type STM/SDH and data transmission - Gigabit Ethernet shall meet all standards set out in the ETSI EN 300 019- 2-3 V 2.1.2 (1999-09) class 3.1 E - Equipment installed in rooms without air conditioning. 3.7.2. The equipment shall operate reliably under the following minimal environmental conditions: • Temperature – -5 °C to + 45 °C • Relative humidity – from 5 to 90%


4.1. Designation 1.1 Connection (cross-connect) of 64 kbit/s channel of one E1 port to 64 kbit/s channel of another E1 port for transiting of level 64 kbit/s; 1.2 Connection (cross-connect) of 64 kbit/s channel of E1 port to a local analogue or digital

51 port, including analogue-to-digital conversion and a conference mixing, where and if necessary. 1.3 Equipment (devices) for access shall be installed to ensure a telecommunication connections of stations, operating stations and substations listed in section 9 of conceptual design.

4.2. Specification of equipment (devices) for access 4.2.1. General requirements: • Power supply – from the station voltage 48 V DC. • Speech signals shall be compressed by A law on ITU-T. • Multiplex equipment shall be able to be configured, monitored and controlled both locally and remotely. 4.2.2. Ports of access equipment • E1Ports. E1 ports shall have interface G.703/704, 120 Ohm symmetrical. The E1 ports interface shall be connected to respective ports of the SDH equipment. • Ports having interface with local battery (LB). Ports shall ensure the normal operation when switched both to the phone – local battery (with magnet-inductor, local battery LB) and the respective interface of station hubs for communication connection of traffic operators on duty. The impedance shall be 600 ohms. Call-voltage of transmission – 80 V on 1μF to + 4.7 kΩ frequency 25 Hz; Call-voltage of acceptance – from 120 V to 12 V, frequency of 16 Hz to 60 Hz. The ports serve the realization of telephone connections between stations. • Ports with interface central battery active (FXS). Ports shall ensure normal operation of the phone device-central battery with tone and pulse dialling. The impedance shall be 600 ohms. Call-voltage of transmission – 80 V on 1μF to + 4.7 kΩ frequency 25 Hz; When calling towards a connected phone device, the port shall allow transmission of signals to identify the caller (CLIP) by FSK and DTMF systems between first and second call and DTMF before the first call. The ports serve to connect an analogue telephone subscriber connected to the opposite end to the PBX, and emergency telephone connections of emergency phone columns (Lineside, Emergency phone). • Ports with interface central battery passive (FXO). The port shall provide normal operation when connected remote phone with tone and pulse dialling.

52 The impedance shall be 600 ohms. When calling towards connected telephone device, the port shall allow transmission of signals to identify the caller (CLIP) by FSK and DTMF systems between first and second call and DTMF before the first call. With such ports shall be equipped only access devices located in stations with RATEs. It serves to connect the line of phone number from RATE. • 4 W E&M Ports. 4 W E&M ports consist of four conversational wires (two pairs) and two signal wires. The impedance of the conversation pairs shall be 600 ohms. The ports serve to establish a telephone channels with different functions. • Dispatcher connections ports. The ports serve to ensure the normal operation of the station terminals for train dispatch connection, energy-dispatcher connection and relationship with the technical manager. Ports for dispatch connections have interface 4 W E&M, with parameters as indicated above. Each port is connected internally via a separate conference bridge 64 kbit/s channels of E1 connection to the previous station and E1 connection to the next station. To these ports as a rule, respective ports of station hubs are connected.

According to preliminary estimates, the expected minimum number of ports for each station or post shall be: • E1 – minimum by 2/4 for each direction at the stations – to operate the MUX access system. • LB – local battery – two for each of the neighbouring stations for direct telephone connection between stations. For stations with railroad branches, each of them is taken into account. • 4 W E&M – four wires for dispatch connections with conference bridge – minimum 4 in the stations and substations – two for each of the dispatch connection types. • 4 W E&M – four wires for common needs – connections between telecommunication units – specialized, operational, telephone and Backup of IP digital connections – TE – minimum according to the table. In preparing the detailed design, contractor shall bear in mind that it is possible to increase the number of ports of some types.

4.2.3. Requirements for conference bridges

53 Conference bridges for each dispatcher connection shall ensure unification by summing the following conversational channels: • 64 kbit/s channel of E1 composition to the previous station; • 64 kbit/s channel of E1 composition to the next station; • duly converted from analogue to digital 64 kbit/s signals from local ports for dispatcher connections. Aggregation of signals shall be carried out in digital form of 12 bit words. For this purpose 8 bit words of three digital streams are uncompressed to 12 bit words.

4.3. Power supply and control of access equipment and multiplexing

4.3.1. MUX system shall have fully functional and centralized control. Command modules need to control all nodes of the equipment devices for access and multiplexing (MUX) located at stations and points along the entire route Plovdiv – Stara Zagora – Burgas. 4.3.2. Control centre of all MUX devices and equipment will be available in telecommunication unit Plovdiv. It is necessary to build also a duplicate (local redundant) centre in the local unit for maintenance in Stara Zagora. Redundant centre shall have all the functionality of the basic one. 4.3.3. Devices and equipment of the control centres (computers, peripherals, office equipment) shall be supplied by the Contractor / Contractor. 4.3.4. Power supply to all nodes of the digital transmission system STM/SDH, access equipment (MUX) Gigabit Ethernet backbone data network, station hubs and dispatch connections, etc., shall be 48 V from the rectifier and built-in/separate encapsulated gel battery.

4.4. Air conditioning requirements for the equipment

4.4.1. All delivered equipment for transmission type STM/SDH, access and multiplexing equipment (MUX) shall meet all standards set out in the ETSI EN 300 019-2-3 V 2.1.2 (1999-09) 3.1 Class E – equipment installed in rooms without air conditioning. 4.4.2. The equipment shall operate reliably under the following minimal environmental conditions: • Temperature – -5 °C to + 45 °C • Relative humidity – from 5 to 90%


54 5.1. General information about the work of the operational connections

5.1.1. Telephone connection between stations Connection between stations shall be a direct analogue connection between adjacent stations. In the section, as many connections shall be built between stations as there are interstations. Terminal equipment shall be located at the traffic operator in the station and is a port of the station hub. The existing connection between stations works with interface local battery – LB (Local Battery). Between any two adjacent stations in the section, a connection between stations shall be built which shall work through optical transmission medium in sections with two optic cables. Between any two adjacent stations in the section Stara Zagora – Karnobat, two connections between stations shall be built: • Basic connection between stations that works through optical transmission medium; • Redundant connection between stations that works on a pair of copper cable and with interface local battery.

5.1.2. In-station telephone connection An in-station telephone connection is operational connection between the traffic operator at the station and: • turnouts cabins of the station; • manual level crossing in the station area; • connection to sub-stations and stabling of road maintenance machines; • connection to the station areas; • connection to industrial branches. An in-station telephone connection as a rule is a “central battery”, but in some special cases can be “local battery”. An in-station telephone connection shall use pairs of in- station copper cables. An in-station telephone line is connected to ports on the station hub.

5.1.3. Automatic general service telephone connection Automatic telephone connection in the section shall be provided by the network of railway automatic IP telephone exchanges that are under construction in this project. The automatic phone line of the traffic operator shall be plugged into a port on the station hub.


5.1.4. Train dispatcher connection The train dispatcher connection is closed analogue connection consisting of train dispatcher and traffic operators in the stations of his section. The train dispatcher is connected at all times through a loud speaker to train dispatcher connection. The train dispatcher is able to send a call to stations – individually or in group. Stations are connected in line with the opening of the conversation device and can listen to the ongoing conversation or talk themselves. Talks within the train dispatcher connection are open. The talks shall be held on a conference principle – speaking subscriber is listened by all other subscribers.

5.1.5. Energy-dispatcher connection Energy-dispatcher connection is closed non-switching connection consisting of energy-dispatcher and traffic operators at stations, traction substations, subregions and section positions in his controlled section. The structure and functions of energy-dispatcher connection are completely identical with those of train dispatching connection.

5.1.6. Electrical dispatcher connection Electrical Dispatcher connection is a closed non-switching connection consisting of electrical dispatcher and traffic operators at stations. The structure and functions of the electrical dispatcher connection are completely identical with those of train dispatcher connection.

5.1.7. Emergency phone columns Emergency phone columns serve to call from interstations by connecting portable device of “Central Battery” type. Emergency telephone columns work on a pair of trunk cable, as the pair is connected simultaneously to both stations to the interface of station hub type FXS, both interface supply identical voltage in the line. Working in the Plovdiv – Burgas section emergency columns will be removed. Station hubs of station with railway lines in deviations shall be equipped with appropriate FXS interfaces for connection to emergency columns in deviations. 5.1.8. Train dispatch radio connection (TDRC). Areas of TDRC coincide with sections of train dispatcher connection. To function, the TDRC uses channels 4WE&M for connection.

56 Typically in any point in the line, up to 2 channels are used: • between the dispatcher and the nearest radio transmission station FESA – 1 piece • between any two adjacent FESAs – 1 piece • between FESA and conversational unit of a neighbouring station FADA – 1 piece.

5.2. Requirements to work of train (energy, electrical) dispatcher connections 5.2.1. General requirements Each dispatcher connection is closed non-switching connection consisting of dispatcher and regulated subscribers. Connecting one dispatcher connection to other lines and subscribers shall not be permitted except in cases as provided by regulations. Dispatcher telephone connections shall allow the consolidation into one dispatcher round of subscribers belonging to railway stations, which can be found on the same line, in deviations from the line or in areas not adjacent to each other. Dispatcher telephone connections shall operate separately from the transmission equipment of automatic telephone connections. Conversation tract of dispatcher telephone connections shall retain their ability to work as “islands” in interruption of the line in one or more points. Dispatcher telephone connections shall allow for bypass connection of “islands” formed in interruption of the line by using bypass analogue telephone channels. Each dispatcher connection shall have a terminal for connection to a recording device for recording conversations 365 days, 24 hours. Registration devices are located in the control centre in Plovdiv. Call quality shall be equivalent to the telephone channel with parameters corresponding to Recommendation M.1020 of ITU-T. The time delay of the signal between any two analogue/digital points of the conversation tract shall not exceed 150 ms.

5.2.2. Calling subscribers The dispatcher shall be able to call each individual subscriber (individual call). The dispatcher shall be able to call predefined groups of subscribers (group call). Call to all subscribers simultaneously is a “Circular call”. Subscribers shall not be able to call other subscribers or the dispatcher. Upon successful activation of subscriber’s call-device due to individual call, an acoustic signal “Call control” shall be transmitted to the dispatcher, lasting 0.5 to 1 sec. The signal is given after individual call stop. The signal “Call control” may not be sent in a group call.


5.2.3. Acoustic features Conversation tract of dispatcher connections shall be built on the conference principle. The voice of the speaker (dispatcher or subscriber) shall be disseminated to all others involved in dispatcher connection. Within dispatcher connection talks are open, i.e. they shall be able to be heard from each subscriber who has opted into the connection before or during the call. The dispatcher is on at all times in the dispatcher connection and listens on loudspeaker the conversation tract. Subscribers shall be able to include in the connection at any time, regardless of whether they received a call or not. Microphone circuits of all devices shall switch on enforced by the speaker in accordance with the principle – push to talk. To switch on the microphone circuits, the dispatcher units shall have pedal, button on the console and tangent on the handset; specialized telephones of the subscribers can only have tangent on the handset. From the dispatcher equipment, no other signals shall be sent in conversation tract except calls and call signals. A subscriber may not send any other signals in conversation tract except calls and signals “Call control”.

5.2.4. Subscribers equipment Subscribers equipment, with which subscribers switch in dispatcher connections is of two types: • connection hub of the operator in the station; • separate specialized telephones.

5.3. Requirements to station hubs

5.3.1. General requirements Station hubs serve to make phone calls of traffic operators in the station with subscribers of different types of operational connections: • interstation connection; • emergency columns; • railway crossing telephone connection; • in-station telephone connection; • automatic phone connection; • train dispatcher connection; • energy dispatcher connection;

58 • electrical dispatcher connection. The station hub equipment consists of: • main unit; • additional unit; • switching device; • terminal device. Main unit shall be installed at the workplace of the operator and shall serve only him making phone calls. Additional unit shall be installed in the room of the operator and shall serve other persons making calls associated with the movement of trains. Only calls transferred from the main unit can be made from it. Switching device controls the device and performs switching of lines. Terminal device is intended for termination of telephone wires leading to the hub. Main unit shall have touch screen – working by a touch screen, and it will display individual status indicators for each of the lines (repose, call, talk, etc.) as well as individual buttons for switching to each port on the hub. Main and additional units shall be shockproof performance. Main and additional units shall have housings closed with a seal. The hull of the switching device shall also have seal if it is installed in the room of the operator. Detachable cable connector and controller of the call devices (bells, buzzers) shall be available only in unsealed unit. Station hub shall be powered by the station constant voltage 48 V. The main hub/switch shall make voice recording of calls, 365 days / 24 hours carried out from the main unit and additional unit. Station hub shall restore its normal operation without intervention by staff after power outages. Ports on the station hub shall be defended with five-point surge protection under Recommendation K-12 of ITU-T.

5.3.2. Calling the hub When receiving a call on given port, the call shall be displayed on the main unit and stay until the main unit connects to this port. Upon receipt of any call on given port, it shall activate the acoustic device (bell, buzzer) whether the main unit is connected to any port or is at rest. After a certain time – from 30 to 60 sec., the acoustic call can be cancelled and there will stay only visual indicator of the port for Missed Call. Each individual port shall the ability to program one of two modes of call when

59 receiving an incoming call: • once for 1-3 sec; • continuously until the main unit connects to this port. Main unit shall be able to stop the buzzer for a call without taking the conversation without stopping visual indicator of the call and the status of the call; this action shall not stop bell on subsequent calls to the same or another line. The hub call device shall be able to include additional external bell with a separate power supply. Each individual port shall be able to program one of two modes of sending a signal “Call control” when receiving an incoming call: • once for 0.5 to 1 sec (369 Hz, -20 dB); • continuously (369 Hz, -20 Db with cadence 1 sec/4 sec, which is interrupted by a call from the main unit or after 30 sec).

5.3.3. Acoustic features Main unit shall be able to work as loudspeaker and with a headset. Additional unit shall only works with headset. The construction of the main unit, microphone and other accessories shall provide strong immunity to background noise, which may be present in the room. Microphone circuits of main and additional unite shall switch on enforced by the speaker in accordance with the principle push-to-talk. For switching on the microphone circuit, the main unit shall have pedal, button on the console and tangent on the headset; additional unit has only a tangent on the headset. A subscriber shall not send any other signals in conversation tract than conversation and “Call control” signal.

5.3.4. Interfaces of hub ports Local battery (LB): • interface shall provide normal operation when switching to both the phone – local battery (with magnet inductor) and the respective interface of access devices; • impedance shall be 600 ohms; • Call-voltage of transmission – 80 V on 1μF to + 4.7 kΩ frequency 25 Hz; • call-voltage of acceptance – from 120 V to 12 V, frequency of 16 Hz to 60 Hz. • incoming call is carried out by submitting a call-voltage to the port; • outgoing call is performed from the main unit by pressing (could be repeatedly, e.g. submission of Morse signals) the call button on the main unit; call-up voltage is

60 supplied until the button is pressed; • Acknowledgement signals to respond the caller or breaking the connection shall not be submitted. Central battery active (FXS): • interface shall provide normal operation when connected to a telephone – central battery; • impedance shall be 600 ohms; • Call-voltage of transmission – 80 V on 1μF to + 4.7 kΩ frequency 25 Hz; • incoming call to a station hub/switch shall be done with the closing of the current loop (lifting the handset of the opposite phone). Central battery passive (FXO). It serves to create connections to FXS interfaces of other hubs or analogue telephones from RATE: • impedance shall be 600 ohms; • Number dial – tone and pulse; • in a call in the direction from RATE to the hub, the interface shall allow the receipt and indicate on the main unit signals to identify the caller (CLIP) upon DTMF systems before the first call, and DTMF or FSK between first and second call. Interface to dispatcher connection: • interface shall allow switching in the four core dispatcher connection, such as 4WE&M interface of station multiplexer; • impedance shall be 600 ohms; • the security between transmission and reception shall be better than 40 dB (across the conversational range of 0.3 kHz to 3.4 kHz); The Hub with the port for dispatcher connections shall qualify for dispatcher connections in accordance with Paragraph. 2.

5.3.5. Switching requirements Incoming calls shall be routed to the main unit. Main unit can create a connection between the additional unit and any port. Main unit can create a connection between two specific ports if software allowed for the combination of ports. Main unit can interrupt established connection, and connect to it, creating a tripartite conference. Each created through the main unit connection shall be indicated on the main unit during the existence of the connection.

5.3.6. Control system

61 Hubs shall be controlled both locally and remotely from a control centre. The Control Centre shall be equipped with computers, software, communication devices, printers and appropriate office equipment necessary for its functioning. The control system shall provide possibilities for: • Management of damage; • Configuration; • Accountability and Administrative Control\performance monitoring; • Control of security (access). The management system shall provide remote access to the recorded data of station hubs/switches to perform analyzes after the incident. Control systems shall include the necessary software for graphical display of network status.

5.4. Requirements for specialized telephones for dispatcher connections 5.4.1. The specialized phone is designed to service a subscriber of dispatcher connection. Typical applications are in substations, in sub-regional and sectional posts. 5.4.2. The interface shall allow switching in the four core dispatcher connection, such as 4WE&M interface of station multiplexer. 5.4.3. The impedance shall be 600 ohms. 5.4.4. The security between transmission and reception shall be better than 40 dB (across the conversational range of 0.3 kHz to 3.4 kHz). 5.4.5. The specialized phone shall qualify for dispatcher connections in accordance with Paragraph. 2. 5.4.6. The specialized phone shall be shockproof performance. 5.4.7. The specialized phone shall have a casing, closed with a seal. 5.4.8. Detachable cable connectors and the controller of the call device (bell, buzzer) shall be available only in unsealed device. 5.4.9. The specialized phone shall be powered by a constant voltage. 5.4.10. Call-unit of specialized phone shall be able to include additional external bell with a separate power supply. 5.4.11. Upon receiving the call, the call device of the phone shall be activated (ring) whether the handset is lifted or is placed on the switch. The call shall be once for 1-3 seconds.

5.5. Requirements for dispatchers’ equipment 5.5.1. The equipment of dispatchers shall be designed to make phone calls of the dispatcher with:

62 • Dispatcher connection; • Automatic phones; • Number of public GSM operator; • Other dispatchers. 5.5.2. The equipment of dispatchers consists of: • individual devices of the dispatcher; • switching device; • terminal device. 5.5.3. The individual device of the dispatcher consists of: • loudspeaker conversation device; • control panel, built on PC with touch screen; • additional telephone. 5.5.4. Loudspeaker conversation device shall be switched on reception in the line of dispatcher connection. 5.5.5. Switching in transmission mode of conversation device shall be done by pedal, as well as irretentive button on the console. 5.5.6. The dispatcher control panel shall provide: • individual call button for each subscriber of dispatcher connection; • call buttons for groups of subscribers of dispatcher connection in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph. 2; • the possibility of switching to and dialling to automatic phone and GSM; • the possibility to talk with other dispatchers; • menus and directories; • graphical user interface. 5.5.7. Additional unit shall be used for calls to an automatic phone, GSM and to other dispatchers. 5.5.8. Dispatcher’s equipment shall be contained in sealed casing of anti-shock performance. 5.5.9. Dispatcher’s equipment shall be powered by voltage 48 VDC. 5.5.10. Switching device is connecting and switching on the following ports: • ports to individual devices of the dispatcher – shall be standard Ethernet or other standard interface (1 per dispatcher); • ports to dispatcher lines - Interface 4WE&M (1 per dispatcher); • ports to connect numbers from IP PBX with FXO interface (2 per dispatcher); • ports to connect GSM numbers (1 per dispatcher); • ports for calls to other dispatchers with FXS interface (4 per dispatcher); • ports for calls to other dispatchers with LB interface (4 per dispatcher). 5.5.11. Ports to dispatcher lines shall ensure transmission in the line of calls to

63 subscribers in accordance with the requirements under p. 2. 5.5.12. Characteristics of analogue ports shall be the same as specified for the station hubs in section 5.3.4. 5.5.13. Analogue ports on the switching device shall be protected by a five-point surge protection under Recommendation K-12 of ITU-T. 5.5.14. All units of the switching device shall be duplicated to ensure high reliability. Switching from a damaged block to duplicate block shall be in under 0.5 sec, and ongoing talks shall not break. 5.5.15. Ports to dispatcher lines shall be equipped with a system to detect incoming voice signals, automatic amplification control of the received voice signals and noise reduction during the pauses. 5.5.16. Switching device shall provide voice recording of conversations made by dispatchers. 5.5.17. Along with switching device, also a console shall be delivered and installed for its configuration. 5.5.18. Terminal device serves for termination of cables to the various ports and termination of external cables.


6.1. Type of clocks 6.1.1. Clocks shall show the current hour and minute. 6.1.2. Clocks shall have a size that can be read with normal vision at the following minimum distances: • platforms and on the front of the station premises – from 20 meters; • in waiting rooms – from 10 meters; • At the traffic operator and other services – from anywhere in the room. 6.1.3. The clocks shall have appropriate backlights, canopies and other items to allow unequivocally reading at any time of day, regardless of the lighting – natural or artificial.

6.2. Clocks control 6.2.1. The clocks shall be managed centrally by the main stopwatch – primary master clock in Plovdiv. 6.2.2. The clocks shall have possibility for control and verification from a local device located in the station. 6.2.3. Clocks control devices shall work automatically mainly in remote mode of verification and control. In emergency situations it is allowed also an autonomous automatic

64 synchronization (control) from equipment in the station. 6.2.4. Control devices shall allow automatic switching between summer and winter time.

6.3. Technical requirements 6.3.1. The clocks shall be powered by the station constant voltage 48 V. It is allowed their backlight to be powered by the station voltage 220 V/50 Hz. 6.3.2. The accuracy of the control devices of the clocks shall be not less than 10-6 hours at a local operation; the central unit shall be checked against GPS signal. 6.3.3. The connection between the clocks and control unit in the station shall be made with twisted pairs of an in-station cables and installations and new installation cables for operation of the clocks shall be built by the Contractor. 6.3.4. Clocks located outdoors shall have a waterproof design and dust protection following high professional standards and meeting minimum IP65. 6.3.5. The backlight of clocks shall be made with LED light sources.

7. INFORMATION LOUDSPEAKERS SYSTEM 7.1. Requirements for control Information loudspeakers shall be controlled in each of the following modes: • Locally manually – by the staff in the station; • Remotely manually – from remote control centre; • Remotely automatically – by the device receiving information from the control system of train movements.

7.2. Technical requirements for information loudspeakers 7.2.1. Information loudspeakers shall be powered by the 220 V AC and reserved by the station constant voltage 48 V DC. Redundant power supplies and batteries are required. At full power failure at the stations, disaster, accidents, fires, etc., the information loudspeaker warning system for passengers and staff shall work in all cases. 7.2.2. With sectioned information loudspeakers, stations shall be equipped that have 3 or more platforms open to passenger traffic and capable of carrying passenger traffic, in the aim to inform only necessary areas (platforms, waiting rooms, etc.). 7.2.3. Places for speaker placement shall be chosen so that there is even audibility (average level of speech, even in noisy areas) in waiting rooms and station platforms. The attenuation of sound shall be taken under consideration in waiting rooms and platforms, and the level of background sound pressure. 7.2.4. PAS systems shall have the operator console with a microphone, amplifier and relevant speakers. Messages shall be live (on line) or pre-recorded in digital format.

65 7.2.5. The speakers shall be for indoor and outdoor mount – adequately protected from dust, moisture, external influences of climate and the environment – rain, snow, etc. 7.2.6. Loudspeakers shall comply with the requirements of Regulation (EC) 1300/2014 on the technical specifications for interoperability relating to the accessibility of the railway system in the Union for persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility.

8. ELECTRONIC INFORMATION BOARDS 8.1. Structure of the equipment of electronic information boards 8.1.1. Electronic information boards have two types of displays: • Display in waiting rooms – Indicates information relating to all tracks, related to the travel activity; • Display on platform – displays information related to a track. 8.1.2. The displays on platforms are bilateral and only be installed on these stations with more passenger traffic: Philipovo, Stara Zagora, Yambol, Karnobat and Burgas. 8.1.3. The displays shall be TFT or plasma screens and can have a size at which the text is read at normal vision from 10 m. 8.1.4. The displays shall have appropriate backlights, canopies and other elements that allow to be read at any time of day, regardless of the lighting – natural or artificial. 8.1.5. The time on displays shall be displayed in 24 hour format. 8.1.6. Outdoor displays of electronic information boards shall have shockproof protective glass. 8.1.7. The displays of the information boards shall not contain mechanical moving parts.

8.2. Technical requirements for electronic information boards 8.2.1. Electronic information boards shall be powered by redundant station voltage 220 V / 50 Hz (+20% -30%). System server shall be powered by 48 V DC. 8.2.2. Electronic information boards shall be able to work in any of three modes: • Local manual; • Central manual; • Automatic. 8.2.3. In local manual control the display readings shall be set by the station operator. 8.2.4. In central manual control the display readings shall be set by the control centre. 8.2.5. In automatic control the display readings shall vary depending on the information submitted by the train movement control. 8.2.6. Electronic information boards in waiting rooms at railway stations with intensive passenger train movement on two or more main lines, namely Philipovo, Stara Zagora, Karnobat and Burgas need to have at least 8 horizontal rows to enter at least 8 different trains. In all other stations on the section, it is enough the board to have 4 to 5 lines.

66 Platform information boards shall have at least two lines for information regarding the respective track. 8.2.7. Electronic information boards shall comply with the requirements of Regulation (EC) 1300/2014 on the technical specifications for interoperability relating to the accessibility of the railway system in the Union for persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility.


9.1. General requirements for IP telephone exchanges • The proposed equipment shall be new, unused and in production list of the manufacturer to the date of submitting the offer. • All software, operating systems and virtualization platform shall be completed with appropriate licenses and rights to use according to the terms of the manufacturers and developers of these products. • We recommend that all the equipment be from a single manufacturer, with a view to stable operation of the system. • The systems shall provide a convenient and intuitive interface for configuration. • Make a detailed technical description/design of the used hardware and software. • The Contractor shall install, configure, test and operate the communication infrastructure.

9.2. Minimum technical requirements for IP telephone exchange 9.2.1. The proposed system shall support installation in a virtualized environment, virtual machine mode. 9.2.2. With a view to reserve, phone exchanges can be grouped into one cluster, so that the failure of any of them does not disturb in any way the performance of IP phones that the exchanges serve. 9.2.3. To offer appropriate hardware and operating system to meet the requirements of described IP exchanges according to the manufacturer. 9.2.4. The system shall be able to create a cluster with up to 8 servers with the purpose of upgrade, redundancy and balancing of traffic. 9.2.5. System shall support service of required number of corresponding type IP phones listed in the requirements. 9.2.6. System shall be provided with the necessary licenses for IP phones and analogue devices (fax, telephone, etc.) specified in the requirements. 9.2.7. The system shall be able to further increase the number of supported IP telephones to at

67 least 40,000 per cluster. 9.2.8. System shall be able to serve video terminals. 9.2.9. System shall support URI dialling. 9.2.10. System shall provide the possibility for making conference calls, unconditional transfer of conversation, advisory transfer the call, an advisory conversation on alternate line without interrupting the first line, call back , call forward, call transfer, call pickup, call park, call hold, caller ID, call waiting, music on hold, automatically transfer calls and restrict calls according to time interval, on-hook dialling. 9.2.11. System shall provide the following functionality: • Integration with Active Directory; • Remote access via SSH Protocol; • Automatic alternative routing of the call; • Control of calls construction; • Retention of the existing call in case of phone exchange failure (Call Preservation); • Outbound call blocking; • Out-of-band Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF); • Private Line Automated Ringdown; • Toll-fraud Prevention; • Unified Numbering Plan; • Support Bulgarian language (user locale); • Call Detail Records; • Multilevel Precedence and Preemption (MLPP); • To spread information on date and time to all related IP phones; • Dynamic distribution/exchange on numbering plan with external system clusters; 9.2.12. System shall support the following audio and video codecs: • G.711(u-law and a-law); • G.722, G.722.1, G.723.1, G.728, G.729A/B; • GSM-EFR, GSM-FR iLBC, ACC; • H.261, H.263, H.264. 9.2.13. System shall support SIP devices. 9.2.14. System shall support IPv4 and IPv6. 9.2.15. System shall support SNMP Protocol. 9.2.16. System shall have administrative web interface supporting SSL. 9.2.17. System shall be able to encrypt the signalling and voice traffic. 9.2.18. System shall perform text recording of the calls with the necessary details – time, duration, calling subscriber, called subscriber and more. 9.2.19. System shall provide audio recording of calls (incoming and outgoing) of

68 specified by the Contracting Authority subscribers. 9.3. Minimum technical requirements for server platform for IP telephone exchange 9.3.1. Server shall be considered and sized following the condition to support the above proposed software systems. 9.3.2. To allow for remote control and diagnostics of server via independent or shared interface. 9.3.3. Six core CPU – minimum 2.40 GHz per core – 1 piece. 9.3.4. CPU Cache – minimum 15 MB. 9.3.5. CPU QPI – minimum 7.2 GT/s. 9.3.6. RAM memory – at least 16 GB. 9.3.7. Ability to upgrade RAM memory to at least 768 GB. 9.3.8. Hard disk: • Installed minimum 2 pieces SAS 10K drives • at least 300 GB in RAID1 9.3.9. Integrated RAID controller 9.3.10. Minimum 2 integrated Ethernet 10/100/1000 RJ-45 interface cards 9.3.11. Minimum 1 integrated Ethernet 10/100/1000 RJ-45 interface card for control 9.3.12. Minimum 2 USB ports 9.3.13. At least 1 serial port 9.3.14. At least 1 VGA port 9.3.15. Maximum 1 Rack Unit (1RU) height 9.3.16. Have modular redundant AC power supply in the range 200 – 240 V 9.3.17. Have maximum consumption not more than 800 W.

9.4. Minimum technical requirements for voice SIP trunk/TDM routers 9.4.1. Each of the routers pairs shall support: • a minimum of 50 simultaneous sessions IP-to-IP Gateway for Plovdiv • a minimum of 25 simultaneous sessions IP-to-IP Gateway for Stara Zagora and Burgas. 9.4.2. Be able to increase simultaneous sessions IP-to-IP Gateway to at least 100, without requiring replacement of hardware; 9.4.3. Support protocols H.323 and SIP; 9.4.4. Be able to build connections between different types VoIP networks (H.323-to-SIP); 9.4.5. Support the following audio codecs: • G.711 u-law and a-law; • G.722; • G.723ar53, G.723ar63, G.723r53, G.723r63;

69 • G.726r16, G.726r24, G.726r32; • G.728; • G.729, G.729A, G.729B, G.729AB; • Internet Low Bitrate Codec (iLBC); • Mid-call codec renegotiation; 9.4.6. Support the conversion of codecs (transcoding) • G.711 a-law and u-law; • G.729, G.729A, G.729B, and G.729AB; • G.723 (5.3 and 6.3 kbps); • iLBC; • G.722; • Mid-call codec renegotiation; 9.4.7. Support Dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF): • H.245 alphanumeric; • H.245 signal; • RFC 2833; • SIP notify; • Key Press Markup Language (KPML); 9.4.8. Possibility of interaction: • H.323 to SIP; • RFC 2833 to G.711 in-band DTMF; • Various SIP-to-H.323 DTMF Interworking Option; 9.4.9. Supports the following video codecs: • N.261; • H.263; • H.264; 9.4.10. Support authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA) with RADIUS protocol; 9.4.11. Support access control lists (ACL); 9.4.12. Support SSHv2 and SNMP v3 protocols; 9.4.13. Hiding internal network topology from outside administrative domains; 9.4.14. Rules for translation of VoIP numbers; 9.4.15. Methods to ensure the quality of the service: • IP Precedence; • DSCP marking; 9.4.16. Support a fax transmission upon standard T.38; 9.4.17. Support transport protocols TCP and UDP;

70 9.4.18. Support the following protocols: • IPv4, IPv6; • OSPF, BGP, IS-IS; • IGMPv3, PIM SM, PIM SSM; • GRE (RFC1702); • Bidirectional Forwarding Detection; • IPv4-to-IPv6 multicast; • IEEE 802.1ag, 802.3ah; 9.4.19. Support the following protocols: • Ethernet, IEEE 802.1q VLAN; • Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP); • Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol (MLPPP); • High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC); • Serial (RS-232, RS-449, X.21, V.35, and EIA-530); • Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE); 9.4.20. Support the following protocols QoS: • Class-Based Weighted Fair Queuing (CBWFQ); • Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED); • Hierarchical QoS; • Policy-Based Routing (PBR); 9.4.21. Each of the routers needs to have: • At least two external slots for Compact Flash memory • Minimum 256 MB Compact Flash memory • Ability to upgrade the Compact Flash memory up to 8 GB • Minimum two high-speed USB 2.0 ports • Serial auxiliary port for remote console access • Serial console port • At least two integrated 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports • Minimum 512 MB DRAM memory • Ability to upgrade the DRAM memory up to 2 GB • Occupy maximum 1RU in the rack 9.4.22. Support the AC power supply in the range 120 – 240 V 9.4.23. Have a maximum consumption not more than 160 W

9.5. Minimum technical requirements for IP phone with black & white display 9.5.1. Have graphical monochrome display with a resolution of at least 128 x 32 pixels. 9.5.2. Have one phone line.

71 9.5.3. Have Full-duplex speaker. 9.5.4. Support standards: G.711a, G.711μ, G.729, G.729a and G.729ab of coders/decoders for audio compression. 9.5.5. Have a light indicator showing the presence of a new voice message. 9.5.6. Support obtaining power supply from compatible with IEEE 802. 3af sources. 9.5.7. Support Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). 9.5.8. Support Voice Activity Detection (VAD). 9.5.9. Have a minimum of 4 MB flash memory. 9.5.10. Have a minimum of 32 MB synchronous dynamic RAM (SDRAM). 9.5.11. Have the following minimum hardware buttons: • Select, Back, and Two-Way Navigation; • Redial, Transfer, and Hold/Resume; • Mute, Volume Up/Down, and Speakerphone; 9.5.12. Support localisation in Bulgarian. 9.5.13. Have a minimum of two 10/100BASE-T ports - one for connecting to LAN and one for connecting a PC. 9.5.14. Range of operating temperatures: 0 to 40 °C. 9.5.15. Range of relative humidity: 10 to 95% (non-condensing). 9.5.16. Support CLIP 9.6. Minimum technical requirements for IP phone with colour display 9.6.1. Have minimum 5-inch colour WVGA display with a resolution of at least 800 x 480 pixels. 9.6.2. Have a minimum of 5 telephone lines with quick access to each of them through a button with light indication. 9.6.3. Have a minimum of four dynamic soft keys that provide users access to business functions. 9.6.4. Have Full-duplex speaker. 9.6.5. Support standards: G.711a-law и mu-law, G.722, G.729a, Internet Low Bitrate Codec (iLBC), and Internet Speech Audio Codec (iSAC). 9.6.6. Have a light indicator indicating the presence of a new voice message both on the phone and the handset 9.6.7. Be energy saving. 9.6.8. Minimum two 10/100/1000BASE-T ports – one for connecting to LAN and other for connecting a PC. 9.6.9. Support obtaining power supply from compatible with IEEE 802.3af sources. 9.6.10. Support Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). 9.6.11. Support Voice Activity Detection (VAD). 9.6.12. Support localisation in Bulgarian.

72 9.6.13. Ability to include additional headset to the phone. 9.6.14. Have AUX port. 9.6.15. Support standard IEEE 802.1 q/p. 9.6.16. Support HTTPS. 9.6.17. Support IPv4 and IPv6. 9.6.18. Support CLIP.

9.7. Minimum technical requirements for FXS analogue adapters 9.7.1. Analogue adapters shall be compatible with IP telephone exchange and necessary licenses to be provided according to the licensing policy of the manufacturer if needed. 9.7.2. To provide the required number of analogue FXS ports with one or more devices according to the number of required FXS ports for each station and service. 9.7.3. Have at least one 10/100 BASE Ethernet-T port. 9.7.4. Support fax transmission upon standard T.38. 9.7.5. Support standards: G.711a, G.711μ, G.729а and G.729ab of coders/decoders for audio compression. 9.7.6. Support protocols: SIP or H.323. 9.7.7. Support encrypted TFTP configuration files or support automated provisioning of configurations. 9.7.8. Support minimum RFC 2833. 9.7.9. Support minimum RFC 2131. 9.7.10. Operating temperature 0 to 40 °C. 9.7.11. Support remote monitoring through SNMP protocol. 9.7.12. Support minimum Web or CLI interface for administration and control. 9.7.13. Support DC supply 48 V. 9.7.14. Support CLIP.

The technical requirements for FXS devices shall be identical, regardless of how many ports the devices have. We set the minimum technical requirements that these devices shall cover. I think the project developer should have the liberty to choose the manufacturer of devices and the number of devices as long as they meet the set minimum technical requirements.

9.8. Requirements for network connection of IP telephone exchange 9.8.1. IP telephone exchange shall be connected in a network with other telephone exchanges from RATE network of NRIC. The connection shall be done by connecting lines by type (signallings) and numbers according to preliminary design. 9.8.2. IP telephone exchange shall allow automatic outbound and inbound dialling to all

73 subscribers of the RATE network of NRIC, in accordance with the current numbering plan in NRIC. 9.8.3. IP telephone exchange shall support the following types of signalling to the other RATEs: R2D&MFC. The physical interface is E1 line on G.703/704. It is used for connecting to digital telephone exchanges – GSM R, “Meridian” and others through digital connector line.

LINE SIGNALS R2 Outbound connection

State of the circuit Direction PCM Signalling TS 16 Forward Backward af bf cf df ab bb cb db Idle 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Seizure > 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Seizure < 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 acknowledge MFC R2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 Answer < 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 Metering < 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 Forced release < 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Clear back < 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 Clear forward > 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 Backward blocking < 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1


Inbound connection

State of the circuit Direction PCM Signalling TS 16 Forward Backward af bf cf df ab bb cb db Idle 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Seizure > 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Seizure < 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 acknowledge MFC R2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 Answer < 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 Clear back < 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 Clear forward > 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 Backward blocking < 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1

REGISTER SIGNALS R2 Signals forward

Group I SIGNAL МЕАNING ОF SIGNAL 1-1 В - Digit 1 1-2 В - Digit 2 1-3 В - Digit з 1-4 В - Digit 4 1-5 В - Digit 5 1-6 В - Digit 6 1-7 В - Digit 7 1-8 В - Digit 8 1-9 В - Digit 9 1-10 В - Digit 0 1-11 Not used 1-12 Request not accepted 1-13 For maintenance equipment 1-14 Spare

75 1-15 a) End of dialling (for B-Nr digits) b) End of identification (for A-Nr digits)

Group II SIGNAL МЕАNING ОF SIGNAL II - 1 Normal subscriber II - 2 Subscriber with priority II - 3 For maintenance equipment II -4 Coinbox II - 5 Operator II - 6 Data transmission II - 7 Normal subscriber (international) II - 8 Data transmission (international) II - 9 Subscriber with priority (international) II - 10 Operator (international) II -11 Spare II - 12 Spare II - 13 Spare II - 14 Spare II - 15 Spare

Signals backwards Group A SIGNAL МЕАNING ОF SIGNAL

А - 1 Send next digit (n + 1)

А - 2 Send last but one digit (n-1)

А - 3 Address complete, change to B-signal

А - 4 Congestion in the national network

А - 5 Send calling party's category, ANI request

А - 6 Set up speech condition

А - 7 Send last but two digits (n-2)

А - 8 Send last but three digits (n-3)

А - 9 Not used

76 А - 10 Not used

Group В


B - 1 Malicious call identification

B - 2 Not used

B - 3 Subscriber line busy

B - 4 Congestion

B - 5 Not used

B - 6 Subscriber line free, charge

B - 7 Subscriber line free, no charge

B - 8 Not used

B - 9 Not used

B - 10 Not used

Notes: 1. In inbound connection, А-subscriber should hear the tone signals of В-exchange (“Call Control” etc.) CAS&DTMF. The physical interface is E1 line on G.703/704. Used for connecting to digital telephone exchanges RATEs type “OMNI” through a digital connector line.

Signal (state) Direction Signal (state) Shape af bf cf df ab bb cb db Idle State 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1

Seizure --> Pulse 60 ms (20-80) a 1 0 1 1 1 0 1

Proceed to send <-- Pulse 300 ms (240-360) 1 1 0 1 a 1 0 1

Dialling --> DTMF 50/50 ms 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1

Extension busy <-- Two Pulses 60/120/60 ms 1 1 0 1 a 1 0 1

Extension free <-- Pulse 200 ms (160-220) 1 1 0 1 a 1 0 1

77 Answer <-- Pulse 60 ms (20-80) 1 1 0 1 a 1 0 1

Clear forward --> Pulse 500 ms (380-600) a 1 0 1 x 1 0 1

Clear back <-- Pulse 500 ms (380-600) x 1 0 1 a 1 0 1

Blocking forward --> State a 1 0 1 x 1 0 1

Blocking backward <-- State x 1 0 1 a 1 0 1 Type 4.1. The physical interface shall be standard analogue 4-wire channel with separate signal wire E & M. It is used for connection to analogue RATEs type “ATSK” through RF channel.

Signal Direction Forward Backward (state) М Е a1,b1 М Е 1. Idle 2. Seizure --> 60 ms 3. Seizure ack and w. f. first digit: <-- tone a) state 8 after 7s b) unlimited 4. Dialling --> pulse 60 ms (First digit at least 800 ms after pause off 40 ms seizure. pause off 600 ms Interdigit time-out 7 s.) 5. Wait for answer <-- tone a)state 8 or 9 after time out b)unlimited 6. Answer <-- 0 ms 7. State after answer 8. Clear forward --> 600 ms


9. Clear back <-- 600 ms 10.Extention busy: <-- tone a) unlimited b) state 9 c) "a" followed by "b" after 7 s 11. Blocking -> continuous 12. Blocking <-- continuous Internal blocking for outgoing seizure after the end of “Clear forward”, “Clear back”, and “Blocking” Type 4.8. The physical interface shall be standard analogue 4-wire channel with separate signal wire E & M. It is used for connection to digital RATEs type “OMNI”, “Meridian” and others through RF channel.

Signal Direction Forward Backward (state) a1, b1 М а2, b2 Е 1. Idle 2. Seizure ---> 60 ms on 3. Proceed to send <-- 300 ms on 4. Sending digits ---> DTMF 5a. Extension free <-- r.b. tone 200 ms on 5b. Extension busy <-- busy tone 2 pulses 60 ms on 120 ms off 5c. Congestion <-- 3 pulses 60 ms on 120 ms off 6. Answer <-- 600 ms on 7. Clear forward --> 60 ms on 8. Clear back <-- 600 ms on 9. Blocking --> cont. on Notes: 1. Internal blocking for outgoing seizure after the end of "Clear forward", "Clear back", and "Blocking" - 1 s. 2. Digits (state 4) include:

79 • local area code of the calling party; • number of the calling party; • separation (*); • local area code of the called party; • number of the called party.


10.1. Capacity When calculating the capacity of the rectifier(s) and batteries, it shall be borne in mind that they will supply all newly installing telecommunication systems – transmission SDH system, multiplex equipment, station hubs of connections, backbone Gigabit Ethernet network for data transmission, travel information loudspeaker and electronic information systems, GSM-R subsystem and others.

10.2. Requirements Batteries shall comply with the following: • Sealed gel batteries on ACM technology or equivalent, allowing to be installed in technical rooms with equipment • Minimum period of use 10 years • Maintain minimum 8 hours of work per equipment in the corresponding unit after voltage shutdown – primary and backup (calculated according to node consumption) • Operating temperature according to the standards of ETSI 300019-2-3 class 3.1 E. • Batteries shall meet fire safety standards, have relevant certificates from the National Fire Brigade and can be placed in standard rooms without the need for mechanical ventilation.

10.3. Rectifiers The rectifiers shall meet the following requirements • Be pulse with processor control and remote control from control centres in Plovdiv and Stara Zagora • The output voltage shall not have ripples more than 2 mVp; • The output voltage shall not interfere with the normal operation of connected devices and causing disturbances in their work; • The parameters of rectifiers (accuracy of stabilized voltage, temperature compensation of the charging voltage, maximum current load) shall be compatible with batteries;

80 • In mode of overhead contact line power supply 27.5 kV rectifiers shall work in widely varying input voltage 220 V in the range -30% to + 20%.

10.4. Location New Independent 48 V DC power supplies and batteries shall be installed in all stations and substations in the section Plovdiv – Stara Zagora – Burgas to service the newly built telecommunication equipment and systems.


11.1. Reconstruction, repair and adaptation of existing premises

Repair and reconstruction of existing communication facilities, as well as new rooms identified for deployment of equipment in the stations of the section. When completing the detailed design and construction activities for the adaptation of the premises, taking into account the fact that a large part of the existing rooms have working devices serving both this railroad and other areas of the telecommunications network of the Contracting Authority. In the absence of adequate facilities, specialized containers for telecommunication equipment shall be provided.

11.2. Climatic parameters of the equipment and conditioning of rooms and containers

• Regardless of the requirements for telecommunication equipment for a wider temperature range - Class 3.1 E, new air conditioning shall be delivered and installed in all rooms where the equipment is located no matter whether there are currently available air conditioners. • All systems shall be maintenance-free (without the presence of staff in stations) it is necessary that air conditioners be professional grade for servicing of telecommunication equipment with autostart system – restoring their work with the set parameters after a power failure. Air conditioners have to work year round, automatically – 365 days non-stop. • Cooling capacity – according to calculated necessary capacity, but not less than 8,000 BTu/h with a minimum reserve of 4,000 BTu/h. • Air conditioners that are installed in less than 3 m, measured from the bottom of the unit down to the ground or to another element where access of people is possible shall be protected with metal grilles, firmly anchored to the building structure. • Adequate measures shall be undertaken for removal of condensate water.

81 11.3. Requirements for power supply and electrical installation 220 V • The power supply for all rectifiers of telecommunication devices and in the premises shall be single phase 220 V / 50 Hz. • The power supply 220 V / 50 Hz for telecommunication devices and rooms shall be reserved by securing 2 sources with automatic switching (ABP) – normal from public electricity operator – local urban / rural power supply and backup power supply from overhead contact line in accordance with Article 99 of Ordinance No. 58 of MTITC. Contractor shall have to deliver and install a new power supply from overhead contact line for telecommunication equipment to all stations in the section, realized through transformers 25 / 0,230 KV with power of at least 10 KVA and one-lever disconnectors with earthing knife, according to TSRI 007/2006 on the supply of non- traction loads of overhead contact line. • To the telecommunication rooms, suitable high voltage cables shall be laid. Provide metering and remote reading of power consumption. Implement independent ABP devices for telecommunication equipment. • The transformers shall be aerial mounted on independent pillars. To the telecommunication rooms suitable high voltage cables shall be laid. Provide metering and remote reading of power consumption. Implement independent ABP devices for telecommunication equipment. • Switchboards shall be provided with arrestor protection (on two levels in the main switchboard and in the secondary switchboard in the telecommunication room) against voltage surge and electric shocks according to IEC 61643-1: 2000-09, providing protection against electric shock and peak load in power cords. • The electrical installation shall be built with a three-wire cable (Φ, NK, PE). • Only the circuits of telecommunication equipment and air conditioning shall be subject of power supply from two sources (primary and backup) with automatic switching from ABP. All other circuits - lighting and general needs contacts shall not be reserved and shall be connected only to the main power source.

11.4. Requirements for grounding of telecommunications equipment The grounding system for telecommunication equipment shall be designed and executed in accordance with BDS ETS300 253: 1999 (Equipment Engineering (EE). Earthing and bonding of telecommunication equipment in telecommunication centres); BDS EN 300 253 V2.1.1: 2003 (Environmental Engineering (EE) - Earthing and bonding of telecommunication equipment in telecommunication centres) and BDS EN 50310: 2006 (Application of equipotential bonding and earthing in buildings with information technology equipment) of Instruction for earthing installations in telecommunication sites, Edition of BTC –

82 Research Institute of Communications, 2000, Instruction for earthing facilities in electrified sections of railways, Sofia, 1997 and Rules D-06-002 (Regulations for the protection of communication lines against dangerously disruptive electromagnetic influence from power lines and the permissible minimum collision – appr. by The Ministry of Labour and social welfare, 1970 amend. and suppl. Information list on labour of MLSW, No. 4 of 1994).

In all other stations the Contractor shall build a new earthing system. The value of this new earthing system shall not exceed the norm for safety earthing upon art. 184 of Ordinance No. 3 on devices of electrical installations and power lines dated June 9, 2004 of the Ministry of Energy (SG 90 and 91/2004).

In the event that the manufacturer of new build equipment has demands for value of earthing less than the above, it shall be implemented in accordance with the standards and requirements of the manufacturer.

In all stations, units and posts, in the rooms with equipment, a secondary copper earthing plate (bus) shall be installed connected with the earthing circuit. The connection between the earthing plate (bus) and earthing installation shall be performed with copper stranded wire with PVC or rubber insulation with yellow-green marking and of the necessary section. The equipment shall be grounded to the plate according to the manufacturer's instructions.

In all stations, units and posts, in the premises with equipment, a Fire detection system shall be installed that:  Is consistent with the adopted in Bulgaria European standard EN54 on Fire detection;  Selected facilities are in accordance with the category of production – B and class of fire hazard - P IIa.  The cables of the Fire detection system shall be separated from those for other systems. They shall work more than 1 min after detecting a fire and shall withstand the effects of fire at least 30 min.  The cabinets of telecommunication equipment shall be grounded through direct connections to the grounding plates (bus) for communications.