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Second class postage paid at Washington, D.C. and at additional mailing offices PRINTED IN THE USA PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is published monthly by THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20418 INFORMATION TO CONTRIBUTORS (Revised 1977) Purpose and scope member is to be billed for page charges (currently $85 per page), then the member should identify which author has The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA otherwise, the Academy member reports that describe the results of original theoretical agreed to pay the charges; publishes is responsible for the cost of publication. Authors are also billed or research of exceptional importance or novelty. experimental the costs of extensive changes made in proof, for color re- are if contributed by a member of the for Reports accepted only productions, and for other special items. 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Authors referred char- to the Declaration of Helsinki for further guidance. in such cases, the author must indicate the preliminary experimentation reported in the PROCEEDINGS, paper and where a subsequent detailed report will For animal acter of the it must be clear that the conditions conformed to the Guiding be published. Use Animals by the papers presented Principles in the Care and of approved Upon invitation from the Editorial Board, Society. special Academy lectures, reviews, or Council of the American Physiological at Academy symposia, Manuscripts that report recombinant DNA research should papers on of general interest to are also pub- subjects state, in the Materials and Methods section, the physical and lished in the PROCEEDINGS. biological containment levels used, as outlined in the "National Institutes of Health Recombinant DNA Research Guidelines, Procedures for submitting manuscripts Part II" (see Federal Register, July 7, 1976). un- Manuscripts that meet the criteria listed below should be sent, When reference is made to a personal communication, NATIONAL published work, or a paper in press that does not involve at least in duplicate, to the PROCEEDINGS OF THE sent to the PROCEEDINGS, it is the ACADEMY OF SCIENCES USA, Room 253, 2101 Constitution one author of the manuscript 20418. Manuscripts that meet all submitting author's responsibility to furnish a statement that Avenue, Washington, D.C. authorizes the citation of such material and is signed by one of criteria are usually published within 8-13 weeks. However, as of the Academy, the Editorial Board the persons cited. authorized by the Bylaws Receipt of each manuscript is acknowledged by the PRO- reserves the right to subject manuscripts to further review when not meet the cri- CEEDINGS Office; the author should notify this office if an necessary and to reject those that do general within a reasonable as in some acknowledgment has not been received teria for publication or are regarded inappropriate period. Academy members or authors should call the PRO- significant way. if they have questions on these or other are from members of the National CEEDINGS Office Manuscripts accepted only When calling on manuscript-related matters, an author Academy of Sciences. 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Articles should be as brief as full documentation the paper from two qualified referees. Only the member should allows. They may not exceed five printed pages (approximately select the referees; their names should be divulged to the author 5500 words). The title, key terms, names of authors and their only at the member's discretion and after he has reviewed their affiliation(s), and statement of communication or contribution comments. Referees should be chosen solely for their imparti- usually occupy space equal to about 600 words. Appropriate ality and their ability to judge the work. Forms for the referees' allowance must be made for the space occupied by footnotes, comments are provided to members on request to the PRO- references, tables, and figures with their legends. Figures are CEEDINGS Office. An author should see all referee queries scaled to a one- or two-column width at the PROCEEDINGS before the paper is forwarded to the PROCEEDINGS Office. Office, according to the size of the lettering used (see Illustra- The Academy member should send signed copies of both tions, below). Instructions for calculating the length of a referee reports with the manuscript and letter of communica- manuscript are available from the PROCEEDINGS Office. tion. The member may communicate a paper for which a ref- However, responsibility for final measurements of manuscript eree report is unfavorable, but in this case the reasons for so length is retained by the PROCEEDINGS Office. doing should be stated. Because only members are privileged Articles estimated to exceed five pages will be returned for to communicate manuscripts to the PROCEEDINGS, the letter shortening without further editorial consideration. of communication must come from and be signed- by the Manuscripts must be typed, double-spaced throughout, on member. only one side of each page. In the letter of communication on behalf of a nonmember, Title Page. Provide a title page containing. only the following an Academy member should indicate explicitly that the report information: is particularly novel, of exceptional importance, or of broad Classification. Give any one of the sciences named in the interest to diverse groups of scientists. In addition, if a non- titles of the Academy Sections with these exceptions: Sections

i 41 (Medical Genetics, Hematology, and Oncology), 42 (Medical notes and should be brief. Acknowledgments to people usually Physiology, Endocrinology, and Metabolism), and 43 (Infectious precede those for grant support. Abbreviations are not normally Diseases and ) are all listed as Medical Sciences; used except for an author's name, where initials only with pe- and Section 27 (Population Biology, , and Ecology) riods are used. may be listed as Population Biology, Evolution, or Ecology. References. Cite references in numerical order as they ap- Additional headings that may be used but that are not Academy pear in the text. Tables and figures will be inserted in the text Sections are , Immunology, Microbiology, and Sta- where first cited, so references, if used, in these sections should tistics. be numbered accordingly. Use arabic numerals separated by Title. The title should be brief, specific, and rich in infor- commas (except for sequences of three or more when a dash is mative words. Titles usually should not begin with such general used between the first and last numeral) and enclose the ref- word as "The," "A," "'Results," "Study, or "Effect." erences in parentheses. References may not be cited in any other Titles should not include phrases in which more than three order. words modify another word (for example, "simian virus Only papers that are either published or in press may be cited transformed fetal mammalian heart fibroblast" should be in the reference list. Each reference is given a separate number; written as "simian virus-transformed fibroblast from fetal multiple citations under one numeral are not used. All other mammalian heart"). The PROCEEDINGS does not use serial citations are shown directly in the text where first men- titles such as On Steroids, XIX. The serial title followed by a tioned. colon and the specific title may be used. Therefore, the title The full citation is given at the of the manuscript. The could be written On steroids: Metabolism of cortisone. If a PROCEEDINGS requires inclusive pagination, and the use of paper is part of a series, this may be indicated by a symbol at article and chapter titles is encouraged. If a reference is an the end of the title and a footnote: "This is paper no. 19 in a abstract, then this should be noted in the citation, after the page series. Paper no. 18 is ref. " The preceding paper must then numbers. be included in the list of references. Journal articles are cited as follows: Key Terms. These terms should be given below the title, 10. Smith, A. B., Jones, C. D. & Robinson, E. F. (1969) enclosed within parentheses, and separated by a slash (/) mark. " conformation," Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Up to five new terms, composed of words not used in the title, 64, 191-195. may be included to alert readers and indexers to other subjects For the correct abbreviations of journal titles, refer to either in the paper. Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI) or Biblio- Author Affiliation. The department, institution, city, state, graphic Guidefor Editors and Authors (1974). Both are pub- and ZIP code or country for each author should be furnished. lished by the American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C. If there are several authors with different affiliations, authors Articles or chapters in books are cited as follows: should be matched to their respective institutions by means of 11. Jones, C. D. & Shapiro, L. M. (1966) in Enzyme Reactions superscript symbols after the authors' names in this order: *, t, in Protozoa, eds. Smith, T. G. & Williams, H. I. (Universal * §s¶11 Press, New Brunswick, N.J.), Vol. 21, pp. 646-672. If an author has moved since doing the work described, in- Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the citations. dicate the institution at which the work was done in the primary Tables. Tables should be prepared so that they are self- affiliation listing and use an additional symbol and footnote to explanatory. Vertical rules are not used to set columns apart, indicate the present address. and horizontal rules are used sparingly. Tables should have a If reprint requests are to be addressed to an author other than brief title and be numbered with arabic numerals. Each table the first one listed, also indicate this with a symbol as noted should be typed double-spaced throughout. Nonstandard ab- above and a footnote. The footnote should state: "To whom breviations should be used sparingly and must be defined in the reprint requests should be addressed." legend at the bottom of the table, if not defined in the abbre- Abbreviations Footnote. Only nonstandard abbreviations viations section on the title page. Each vertical column requires that are used five or more times throughout the paper should a heading. Reference to footnotes should be made by means of be listed in this section. The PROCEEDINGS discourages the use the symbols *, ti,f§,¶ 11, in that order. If more than six footnotes of acronyms, and manuscripts will be edited so that abbrevia- are required, then superscript lower-case letters should be used. tions are consistent with recommended international nomen- For use of powers of 10, see section below. clature. Nonstandard abbreviations should be kept to a mini- Illustrations. Either original drawings or high-quality mum and should not be used in the title, key terms, or abstract. photographs are needed. Xerographic copies of illustrations are Introduce nonstandard abbreviations by defining where first not acceptable. It is essential that, when illustrations are reduced mentioned in the text followed by the abbreviation in paren- for publication, they (i) fit into a one-column (83 mm) or two- theses. Subsequently, the abbreviation only should be given. column (175 mm) width and (ii) have letters no smaller than Abstract Page. The second page of every paper must carry 1.5 mm in height. All illustrations should be identified on the only the abstract. The abstract should be no longer than 250 reverse side by marking with a soft pencil. Where necessary, words. It should state the subject and main conclusions of the the orientation for the illustration should be indicated by means article in generally intelligible terms. Abbreviations should be of an arrow and the word "top." Legends for the illustrations avoided unless used more than five times in the abstract. The should be typed double-spaced, in numerical order, on a sep- abstract must be understandable to the reader before he reads arate page. the paper, suitable for reproduction without rewriting, and Line drawings should be marked with index lines and labeled unambiguous without recourse to any other part of the manu- with scales on the x- and y-axes. Line drawings should also be script, including title page. enclosed on the top and right side of the figure and index lines Footnotes in Text. The number of footnotes should be kept only should be used there unless more than one x- or y-axis scale to a minimum and they should be indicated in text by use of a is plotted. Scales that involve large or small numbers should use symbol. Symbols should be used in the order *, t, t, §,A 11, but numbers multiplied by powers of 10. The PROCEEDINGS uses should not repeat symbols used earlier, particularly those of the the following convention: 3000 cpm is represented as 3 and the title page. axis is labeled cpm X 1o-3. For maximal clarity, use both sep- Acknowledgments. All acknowledgments, including those arate symbols and various lines (solid, broken, etc.). Keys to for financial support, should be cited here rather than in foot- symbols and lines should be included in the legend, not on the ii figure. It is particularly important that nomenclature, abbre- Provide a list of special characters used in the paper for the viations, and units used in figures agree precisely with those printer, and identify Greek, Hebrew, or script letters in the used in the text of the paper. For micrograp d margin at the line where they first appear. similar illustrative materials, authors should note that the quality . Style Manualfor Guidance in the Preparation of of reproduction cannot exceed the quality of the submitted Papers Published by the American Institute ofPhysics (1969). material. Do not mount illustrations unless a composite figure American Institute of Physics, 335 East 45th Street, New York, is required. Indicate the magnification of photomicrographs N.Y. 10017. in the legend or include a bar in the figure to indicate the scale Chemistry. Handbookfor Authors ofPapers in the Journals (or both). of the American Chemical Society (1967). American Chemical Nomenclature. International standards on nomenclature Society Publications, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. should be used. The following guides are recommended: 20036. . A Manualfor Authors ofMathematical Pa- . Publication Manual of the American Psycho- pers (1970). American Mathematical Society, 321 South Main logical Association (1967). American Psychological Association, Street, P.O. Box 6248, Providence, R.I. 02904. 1200 17th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Notations that are expensive to typeset should be avoided. Life Sciences. Council of Biology Editors Style Manual Some Standard Abbreviations absorbancea A hemoglobin Hb acetate OAc histidine'l His acetyl Ac immunoglobulin Ig (IgG, IgM, etc.) N-acetylglucosamine GIcNAc inosinelbc I, Ino adenine Ade isoleucinel1 Ile adenosinebc A, Ado isotopesf 14C, 3H, 32p alanine'l Ala leucinell Leu arginine'l Arg lysine'l Lys asparagine'l Asn mannose Man asparagine or aspartic acidd Asx messenger RNA mRNA aspartic acid'1 Asp methionine'l Met 5-bromodeoxyuridinee BrdUrd mitochondrial DNA mtDNA carbon monoxide hemoglobin HbCO myoglobin Mb carbon monoxide myoglobin MbCO nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide NAD+, NADH O-carboxymethylcellulose CM-cellulose nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide coenzyme A CoA phosphate NADP+, NADPH complementary DNA cDNA nicotinamide mononucleotide NMN counts per minute cpm nucleoside (unknown)I) N, Nuc cysteine or Y% cystined Cys optical density, OD cytidinelbc C, Cyd oxyhemoglobin HbO2 cytosine Cyt phenylalanine'l Phe deoxy (carbohydrates and nucleic acids) d phosphate (in compounds) Porp deoxyribonuclease DNase phosphate (inorganic) Pi deoxyribonucleic acid DNA poly(adenylic acid)9 poly(A) diethylaminoethylcellulose DEAE-cellulose proline'l Pro diphosphopyridine nucleotide DPN+, DPNH rhesus factor Rh direct current dc ribonuclease RNase flavin-adenine dinucleotide FAD ribonucleic acid RNA flavin mononucleotide FMN ribose Rib formylmethionineci fMet ribosomal ribonucleic acid rRNA fructose Fru ribosylthymine T or Thd fucose Fuc serinell Ser galactosamine GaIN threoninedl Thr galactose Gal thymidine (2'-deoxyribosylthymine)1).C dT or dThd gluconic acid GlcA thymine Thy glucosamine GlcN transfer RNA tRNA glucosee G, Gic triphosphopyridine nucleotide TPN, TPNH glucuronic acid GIcUA tryptophan' Trp glutamic acid'P Glu tyrosineel Tyr glutamic acid or glutamined Glx ultraviolet UV glutamine'l Gin uracil Ura glycinedl Gly uridine1'- U, Urd guanine Gua valine'l Val guanosinel)c G, Guo a Use absorbance, A, for light absorption by solutions; use optical eUse three-letter abbreviation when single letter is ambiguous. density, OD, for light transmission through turbid suspensions. f The mass number is written as a superior prefix: 14C, not C14. En- b The 5' mono-, di-, and triphosphate derivatives are abbreviated close the isotope symbol in square brackets immediately before the as AMP, ADP, ATP; other nucleoside 5'-phosphates are abbreviated name or abbreviation of the compound: [32P]CMP; [14C]urea; [1- similarly. cAMP (adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate) and cGMP 14C]leucine; L-[methyl-14C]methionine; [1-14C]glucose. Do not use (guanosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate) are not considered stan- brackets if atom does not occur naturally in the compound or if isotope dard. is not used in a specific sense. Examples are [125I]thyroxine but 125I- labeled trypsin; [U-3H]arginine but 3H-labeled amino acids. With c Similarly abbreviate other substituted purines, pyrimidines, and chemical formulas, use without brackets as "4CO2, H235SO4. nucleosides. g Similarly abbreviate oligo- and polynucleotides containing the d Use only in sequence descriptions, tables, or figures. purine and pyrimidine bases listed in this table. iii (1972), 3rd ed. American Institute of Biological Sciences, 1401 Hartman, P. E. (1966) Genetics 54, 61-76. Note that genotypes Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Va. 22209. Collected Tentative are italicized (underlined in typed copy); phenotypes are Rules & Recommendations of the Commission on Biochemical not. Nomenclature IUPAC-IUB and Related Documents (1975), Immunology. For human immunoglobulins and their genetic 2nd ed. American Society of Biological Chemists, Inc., 9650 factors use the rules of the World Health Organization or the Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Md. 20014. reference for Life Sciences above. The second Life Sciences reference contains the Interna- Abbreviations and Symbols. The PROCEEDINGS distin- tional Union of rules of nomenclature for amino guishes between standard and nonstandard abbreviations. acids, peptides, nucleic acids, polynucleotides, vitamins, Standard abbreviations for certain substances and units of coenzymes, quinones, folic acid and related compounds, cor- measure listed here do not need to be defined. Most, if not all, rinoids, lipids, enzymes, proteins, cyclitols, steroids, carbohy- other abbreviations are considered to be nonstandard, should drates, carotenoids, peptide hormones, and human immuno- be kept to a minimum, and must be spelled out on first usage. globulins. Nonstandard abbreviations should be used only for terms Enzymes should be given the recommended name followed mentioned five or more times in the paper (for such cases, see by the systematic name and Enzyme Commission (EC) number information about Title Page). on first mention, both in the abstract and text. For guidance Nonstandard abbreviations should be unambiguous, and refer to: Enzyme Nomenclature: Recommendations (1972) should not simply be acronyms. Both standard and nonstandard of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry abbreviations should also conform to international standards and the International Union of Biochemistry (1975). Ameri- as set forth above. Authors should refer to: IUPAC Manual of can Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc., 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New Symbols and Terminology for Physiochemical Quantities and York, N.Y. 10017. See also Supplement 1: Corrections and Units (1970) Butterworths, London, England; National Bureau Additions (1975). of Standards Special Publication 330 (1974), eds. Page, C. H. Genetics. A guide to nomenclature in bacterial genetics may & Vigoureux, P. (United States Government Printing Office); be found in: Demerec, M., Adelberg, E. A., Clark, A. J. & or Pure and Applied Chemistry (1970) 21, 3-44.

Abbreviations for Units of Measurement and of Physical and Chemical Quantities

Prefixes to the Names of Units Units of Energy and Work J exa 1018 E milli 10-3 m joule peta 101' P micro 10-65 calorie cal tera 1012 T nano 10-9 n Units of Temperature giga 10'9 G pico 10-12 p mega 106 M femto 10-1- f degree centigrade or Celsius kilo 103 k atto 10-18 a thermodynamic temperature (kelvin) K centi 10-2 c Units of Radioactivity Units of Concentration* counts per minute cpm molar (mol/liter) M curie(s) Ci parts per million ppm Miscellaneous Units revolutions per minute rpm Units of Length Svedberg unit of sedimentation meter m coefficient (10-1'3 s) S micrometer (not micron) Am (notu) cycles per second (hertz) Hz nanometer nm (not myA) pascal (newton/meter-) Pa angstrom (0.1 nm) A lux lx candela cd Units of Volumet lumen Im milliliter ml microliter IAl (not X) Physical and Chemical Quantities retardation factor RF Units of Mass acceleration of gravity g gram g partial specific volume v microgram Aig (not y) refractive index n specific rotation Units of Time [a]t hour hr sedimentation coefficient s minute min diffusion coefficient (usually given in cm2 s-') D second s, sec equilibrium constant K Michaelis constant Km Units of Electricity molecular weight Mr ampere amp Other Words milliampere mA standard deviation of series SD volt V standard error of mean SEM ohm Q probability p

* For units of concentration based on molecular weight, the mole The PROCEEDINGS uses units that are part of the Systeme Interna- is used. Weight concentrations should be given as g/ml, g/liter, ppm tional (SI). When such units are not used, the SI equivalent should be etc.; mg% is not acceptable. given in parentheses where first mentioned. t Liter should not be abbreviated unless used with a prefix.

iv 4078



Term expires President-PHILIP HANDLER June 30, 1981 Vice-President-SAUNDERS MAC LANE June 30, 1981 Home Secretary-DAVID R. GODDARD June 30, 1979 Foreign Secretary-GEORGE S. HAMMOND June 30, 1978 Treasurer-E. R. PIORE June 30, 1980

Executive Officer Comptroller John S. Coleman David Williams Business Manager Bernard L. Kropp

COUNCIL Anderson, Philip W. (1979) Mac Lane, Saunders (1981) Bing, R. H. (1980) Markert, C. L. (1980) Bloembergen, Nicolaas (1978) Piore, E. R. (1980) Crawford, Bryce, Jr. (1978) Ranney, H. M. (1980) Goddard, David R. (1979) Solow, R. M. (1980) Gomory, R. E. (1978) Stetten, DeWitt, Jr. (1979) Gunsalus, Irwin C. (1978) Westheimer, Frank H. (1979) Hammond, George S. (1978) Handler, Philip (1981) Lehninger, A. L. (1979) 4079

SECTIONS The Academy is divided into the following Sections, to which members are assigned at their own choice: (11) Mathematics (31) Engineering (12) Astronomy (32) Applied Biology (13) Physics (33) Applied Physical and (14) Chemistry Mathematical Sciences (15) Geology (41) Medical Genetics, Hema- (16) Geophysics tology, and Oncology (21) Biochemistry (42) Medical Physiology, En- (22) Cellular and Develop- docrinology, and Me- mental Biology tabolism (23) Physiological Sciences (43) MedicalMicrobiologyand (24) Neurobiology Immunology (25) Botany (51) Anthropology (26) Genetics (52) Psychology (27) Population Biology, Evo- (53) Social and Political Sci- lution, and Ecology ences (54) Economic Sciences In the alphabetical list of members, the numbers in parentheses, following year of election, indicate the respective Class and Section of the member.

CLASSES The members of Sections are grouped in the following Classes: I. Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16). II. Biological Sciences (Sections 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27). III. Engineering and Applied Sciences (Sections 31, 32, 33). IV. Medical Sciences (Sections 41, 42, 43). V. Behavioral and Social Sciences (Sections 51, 52, 53, 54).

OFFICERS Class I: Chairman-John D. Roberts (1980) Secretary-Robert H. Dicke (1980) Class II: Chairman-Clifford Grobstein (1978) Secretary-Martin D. Kamen (1980) Class III: Chairman-John W. Tukey (1978) Secretary-J. C. R. Licklider (1980) Class IV: Chairman-James G. Hirsch (1980) Secretary-Alexander G. Bearn (1980) Class V: Chairman-Theodore W. Schultz (1980) Secretary-William H. Sewell (1980) 4080

MEMBERS Anderson, Theodore Wilbur, 1976 (33), Department of Statistics, , Stanford, California Abeles, Robert Heinz, 1976 (21), Graduate Department of 94305 Biochemistry, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachu- Anderson, Thomas Foxen, 1964 (26), Institute for Cancer setts 02154 Research, 7701 Burholme Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- Abelson, Philip Hauge, 1959 (15), Office of the President, vania 19111 Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1530 P Street, N.W., Andrews, Henry Nathaniel, Jr., 1975 (25), R.F.D. 1, Box 146, Washington, D.C. 20005 Laconia, New Hampshire 03246 Adair, Robert Kemp, 1976 (13), Department of Physics, Yale Anfinsen, Christian Boehmer, 1963 (21), Laboratory of University, 217 Prospect Street, New Haven, Connecticut Chemical Biology, National Institute of Arthritis, Metab- 06520 olism, and Digestive Diseases, Building 10, 9N-307, Na- Adams, Robert McCormick, 1970 (51), The Oriental Insti- tional Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20014 tute, 1155 East 58th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637 Arnold, James Richard, 1964 (16), Department ofChemistry, Adelberg, Edward Allen, 1971 (26), Department of Human B-017 University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Cali- Genetics, School of Medicine, 333 Cedar fornia 92093 Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06510 Arnold, William Archibald, 1962 (25), Biology Division, Oak Adler, Stephen Louis, 1975 (13), School of Natural Sciences, Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box Y, Oak Ridge, Ten- The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey nessee 37830 08540 Arnon, Daniel Israel, 1961 (21), Department of Cell Physi- Ahlfors, Lars Valerian, 1953 (11), Department of Mathe- ology, Hilgard Hall, University of California, Berkeley, matics, , Science Center, 1 Oxford California 94720 Street, Cambridge, 02138 Arrow, Kenneth Joseph, 1968 (54), Room 404, Harvard Ahrens, Edward Hamblin, Jr., 1973 (42), Rockefeller Uni- University, 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, Massa- versity, 1230 York Avenue, New York, New York 10021 chusetts 02138 Alberty, Robert Arnold, 1965 (14), Room 6-215, School of Artin, Michael, 1977 (11), Department of Mathematics, Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Mas- 2-239 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, sachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Massachusetts 02139 Alder, Berni Julian, 1970 (14), Lawrence Livermore Labo- Astin, Allen Varley, 1960 (33), 5008 Battery Lane, Bethesda, ratory, P. O. Box 808, Livermore, California 94550 Maryland 20014 Alexander, Richard Dale, 1974 (27), Museum of Zoology, Atkinson, Richard Chatham, 1974 (52), National Science , Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Foundation, Room 520,1800 G Street, N.W., Washington, Allard, Robert Wayne, 1973 (27), Department of Genetics, D.C. 20550 University of California, Davis, California 95616 Austen, Karl Frank, 1974 (43), , Allen, Clarence Roderic, 1976 (15), Seismological Labora- Robert B. Brigham Hospital, Parker Hill Avenue, , tory, California Institute-of Technology, Pasadena, Cali- Massachusetts 02120 fornia 91125 Axelrod, Julius, 1971 (24), National Institute of Mental Aller, Lawrence Hugh, 1962 (12), DepartmentofAstronomy, Health, 9000 Rockville Pike, Building 10, Room 2D-47, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90024 Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Almond, Gabriel Abraham, 1977 (53), Department of Po- Aydelotte, William Osgood, 1974 (53), Department of His- litical Science, Stanford University, Stanford, California tory, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242 94305 Alvarez, Luis Walter, 1947 (13), Lawrence Berkeley Labo- ratory, University of California, Berkeley, California Babcock, Horace Welcome, 1954 (12), Hale Observatories, 94720 813 Santa Barbara Street, Pasadena, California 91101 ofBiochemis- Bacher, Robert Fox, 1947 (13), 405-47, California Institute Ames, Bruce Nathan, 1972 (21), Department of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 try, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 1969 Institute of Anders, Edward, 1974 (16), Institute, Uni- Backus, George Edward, (33), Geophysics Illi- and Planetary Physics, University of California, San Diego, versity of Chicago, 5630 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, A-025, La Jolla, California 92093 nois 60637 Backus, John, 1974 (33), 91 St. Germain Avenue, San Anderson, Carl David, 1938 (13), California Institute of Francisco, California 94114 Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 Bahcall, John Norris, 1976 (12), School of Natural Sciences, Anderson, Charles Alfred, 1957 (15), Earth Sciences Board, The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey Applied Sciences Building, University of California, Santa 08540 Cruz, California 95064 Bainbridge, Kenneth Tompkins, 1946 (13), 5 Nobscot Road, Anderson, Herbert Lawrence, 1960 (13), Enrico Fermi In- Weston, Massachusetts 02193 stitute, , 5630 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Baker, James Gilbert, 1965 (12), Harvard College Observa- Illinois 60637 tory, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Anderson, Philip Warren, 1967 (13), Room 1D-26B, Bell Baker, William Oliver, 1961 (14), Bell Laboratories, 600 Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 600 Mountain Avenue, Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 Baldeschwieler, John Dickson, 1970 (14), Division of t Deceased since July 1, 1977. Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 164-30, California * Became an Emeritus Member. Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 4081

Ball, Eric Glendinning, 1948 (21), P.O. Box 406, Falmouth, Berg, Paul, 1966 (21), Department of Biochemistry, Stanford Massachusetts 02541 University School of Medicine, Stanford, California Ballou, Clinton Edward, 1975 (21), Department of Bio- 94305 chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California Berliner, Robert William, 1968 (42), Yale University School 94720 of Medicine, 333 Cedar Street, New Haven, Connecticut Baltimore, David, 1974 (43), Department of Biology, E17- 06510 517A, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Bern, Howard Alan, 1973 (23), Department of Zoology, Massachusetts 02139 University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Bardeen, John, 1954 (13), Department ofPhysics, University Bernstein, Richard Barry, 1968 (14), Department of of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801 Chemistry, , New York, New York Barghoorn, Elso Sterrenberg, 1967 (25), Biological Labo- 10027 ratories, Harvard University, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cam- Berry, Brian Joe Lobley, 1975 (53), Old Tavern Farm 471 bridge, Massachusetts 02138 Massachusetts Avenue, West Acton, Massachusetts Barker, Horace Albert, 1953 (21), Department of Biochem- 01720 istry, Biochemistry Building, University of California, Bers, Lipman, 1964 (11), Department of Mathematics, Co- Berkeley, California 94720 lumbia University, New York, New York 10027 Barrett, Charles Sanborn, 1967 (31), Denver Research In- Berson, Jerome Abraham, 1970 (14), Department of stitute, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado 80208 Chemistry, Yale University, 225 Prospect Street, New Barschall, Henry Herman, 1972 (13), Engineering Research Haven, Connecticut 06520 Building, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Bethe, Hans Albrecht, 1944 (13), Laboratory of Nuclear 53706 Studies, , Ithaca, New York 14853 Bartlett, Paul Doughty, 1947 (14), Department ofChemistry, Beutler, Ernest, 1976 (41), Division of Medicine, City of Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas 76129 Hope National Medical Center, 1500 East Duarte Road, Beach, Frank Ambrose, 1949 (52), Department of Psychol- Duarte, California 91010 ogy, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Bigeleisen, Jacob, 1966 (14), Department of Chemistry, Beadle, George Wells, 1944 (26), 5533 Dorchester Avenue, University of Rochester, River Campus, Rochester, New Chicago, Illinois 60637 York 14627 Beams, Jesse Wakefield, 1943 (13), Physics Laboratory, Bing, R. H., 1965 (11), Department of Mathematics, Uni- McCormick Road, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, versity of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 Virginia 22903 Birch, Albert Francis, 1950 (15), Department of Geological Bean, Charles Palmer, 1976 (33), Company, Sciences, Harvard University, 24 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Research and Development Center, Post Office Box 8, Massachusetts 02138 Schenectady, New York 12301 Birge, Raymond Thayer, 1932 (13), 1639 La Vereda, Bearn, Alexander Gordon, 1972 (41), Cornell University Berkeley, California 94709 Medical College, 525 E. 68th Street, New York, New York Birkhoff, Garrett, 1968 (11), Department of Mathematics, 10021 Harvard University, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massa- Becker, Gary Stanley, 1975 (54), Department of Economics, chusetts 02138 University of Chicago, 1126 East 59th Street, Chicago, Il- Bisplinghoff, Raymond Lewis, 1967 (31), Office of the Di- linois 60637 rector for Research and Development, Tyco Laboratories, Beeson, Paul Bruce, 1969 (43), Seattle Veterans Adminis- Inc., Tyco Park, Exeter, New Hampshire 03833 tration Hospital, 4435 Beacon Avenue South, Seattle, Bjorken, James Daniel, 1973 (13), Stanford Linear Accel- Washington 98108 erator Center, Stanford University, P.O. Box 4349, Stan- Beevers, Harry, 1969 (25), Division of Natural Sciences, ford, California 94305 University of California, Santa Cruz, California 95064 Blackwell, David Harold, 1965 (11), Department of Statis- Beidler, Lloyd M., 1974 (24), Department of Biological tics, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Science, Unit I, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Blalock, Hubert Morse, Jr., 1976 (53) 18425 17th Avenue, Florida 32306 N.W., Seattle, Washington 98177 Benacerraf, Baruj, 1972 (43), Department of , Blinks, Lawrence Rogers, 1955 (25), Hopkins Marine Sta- Harvard Medical School, 25 Shattuck Street, Boston, tion of Stanford,University, Pacific Grove, California Massachusetts 02115 93950 Bender, MyrQn Lee, 1968 (14), Department of Chemistry, Bloch, Felix, 1948 (13), Department of Physics, Stanford Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60201 University, Stanford, California 94305 Benditt, Earl Philip, 1975 (42), Department of Pathology, Bloch, Herman Samuel, 1975 (14), Universal Oil Products, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Incorporated, World Headquarters, Ten UOP Plaza, Des Washington 98195 Plaines, Illinois 60016 Benedict, Manson, 1956 (31), Room 24-109, Department of Bloch, Konrad Emil, 1956 (21), Department of Chemistry, Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- Harvard University, 12 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Mas- nology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 sachusetts 02138 Benson, Andrew Alm, 1973 (25), Scripps Institution of Bloembergen, Nicolaas, 1960 (13), Pierce Hall, Harvard Oceanography, A-002 University of California, San Diego, University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 La Jolla, California 92093 Bloom, Floyd Elliot, 1977 (24), Office of the Director, Arthur Benzer, Seymour, 1961 (26), Division of Biology, California V. Davis Center for Behavioral Neurobiology, The Salk Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 Institute, P.O. Box 1809, San Diego, California 92112 4082

Blout, Elkan Rogers, 1969 (21), Department of Biological Brace, William Francis, 1971 (15), Room 54-720, Department Chemistry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachu- of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute setts 02115 of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Blumberg, Baruch Samuel, 1975 (41), Institute for Cancer Bradbury, Norris Edwin, 1951 (13), 1451 47th Street, Los Research, 7701 Burholme Avenue, Fox Chase, Philadelphia, Alamos, New Mexico 87544 Pennsylvania 19111 Brady, Roscoe O., 1975 (21), 9501 Kingsley Avenue, Be- Bochner, Salomon, 1950 (11), Department of Mathematics, thesda, Maryland 20014 , Houston, Texas 77001 Braidwood, Robert John, 1964 (51), RR5, Box 316, La Porte, Bode, Hendrik Wade, 1957 (33), Room 321, Pierce Hall, Indiana 46350 Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Brakke, Myron Kendall, 1974 (32), Plant Pathology De- Bodenstein, Dietrich H. F. A., 1958 (22), Department of partment, 304 Plant Industry Building, 7U, University of Biology, Gilmer Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68583 Virginia 22903 Branscomb, Lewis McAdory, 1970 (33), IBM Corporation, Bodian, David, 1958 (24), Traylor Building, Room 424, Johns Old Orchard Road, Armonk, New York 10504 Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1721 Madison Brattain, Walter Houser, 1959 (13), Whitman College, Walla Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21205 Walla, Washington 99362 Boekelheide, Virgil Carl, 1962 (14), Department of Chem- Brauman, John I., 1976 (14), Department of Chemistry, istry, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403 Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Bogorad, Lawrence, 1971 (25), Biological Laboratories, Braun, Armin Charles, 1960 (25), , Harvard University, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, New York, New York 10021 Massachusetts 02138 Braunwald, Eugene, 1974 (42), Department of Medicine, Bok, Bart Jan, 1968 (12), Steward Observatory, University Harvard Medical School, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, 721 of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02215 Bold, Harold Charles, 1973 (25), Department of Botany, Breit, Gregory, 1939 (13), Office of the Vice President For University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 Research, State University of New York, 178 Hayes Hall, Bonner, James Frederick, 1950 (22), Division of Biology, Buffalo, New York 14214 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California Breslow, Ronald, 1966 (14), Department of Chemistry, Co- 91125 lumbia University, New York, New York 10027 Bonner, John Tyler, 1973 (22), Department of Biology, Brewer, Leo, 1959 (14), Department ofChemistry, University , Princeton, New Jersey 08540 of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Booker, Henry George, 1960 (16), Department of Applied Briggs, Robert William, 1962 (22), Department of Zoology, Physics and Information Science, University of California, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47401 San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093 Briggs, Winslow Russell, 1974 (25), Department of Plant Borchert, John Robert, 1976 (53), Department of Geogra- Biology, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 290 Panama phy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Street, Stanford, California 94305 55455 Brink, Frank, Jr., 1959 (24), Rockefeller University, New Borlaug, Norman Ernest, 1968 (32), International Maize and York, New York 10021 Wheat Improvement Center, Londres 40, Mexico 6, D.F., Brink, Royal Alexander, 1947 (26), Department of Genetics, Mexico University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Bormann, Frederick Herbert, 1973 (32), Greeley Memorial Brinkhous, Kenneth Merle, 1972 (41), Department of Pa- Laboratory, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, thology, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Yale University, 370 Prospect Street, New Haven, Con- Chapel Hill, North Carolina necticut 06511 27514 Bose, Raj Chandra, 1976 (11), Department of Mathematics, Britten, Roy John, 1972 (26), KerckhoffMarine Laboratory, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 California Institute of Technology, 101 Dahlia Street, Co- Bott, Raoul, 1964 (11), Department of Mathematics, Harvard rona Del Mar, California 92625 University, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts Brobeck, John Raymond, 1975 (23), 224 Vassar Avenue, 02138 Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081 Boudart, Michel, 1975 (14) Department of Chemical Engi- Brode, Robert Bigham, 1949 (13), Department of Physics, neering, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Boulding, Kenneth Ewart, 1975 (53), Institute of Behavioral Brodie, Bernard Beryl, 1966 (23), 232 Angler Avenue, Palm Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado Beach, Florida 33480 80309 Broecker, Wallace Smith, 1977 (16), Lamont-Doherty Bovey, Frank Alden, 1975 (14), Bell Laboratories, 600 Geological Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 New York 10964 Bower, Gordon Howard, 1973 (52), Department of Psy- Brooks, Chandler McCuskey, 1975 (23), Department of chology, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Physiology, Box 31, State University of New York Down- Boyd, Francis R., Jr., 1974 (15), Geophysical Laboratory, state Medical Center, 450 Clarkson Avenue, Brooklyn, New Carnegie Institution of Washington, 2801 Upton Street, York 11203 N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 Brooks, Harvey, 1962 (33), Aiken Computation Laboratory Boyer, Paul Delos, 1970 (21), Molecular Biology Institute, 226, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts University of California, Los Angeles, California 90024 02138 4083 Browder, Felix Earl, 1973 (11), Department of Mathematics, Cahn, John Werner, 1973 (33), National Bureau of Stan- University of Chicago, 5734 University Avenue, Chicago, dards, Building 223, Room A153, Washington, D.C. Illinois 60637 20234 Brown, Donald David, 1973 (22), Department of Embryo- Cain, Stanley Adair, 1970 (32), Environmental Studies, logy, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 115 West Uni- University of California, Santa Cruz, California 95060 versity Parkway, Baltimore, Maryland 21210 Cairns, Theodore L., 1966 (14), Central Research and De- Brown, Harold, 1977 (31), Secretary ofDefense, Washington, velopment Department, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & D.C. 20301 Company, Incorporated, Wilmington, Delaware 19898 Brown, Harrison Scott, 1955 (16), Division of Humanities Calderon, Alberto Pedro, 1968 (11), Department of Math- and Social Sciences, Baxter Hall, California Institute of ematics, University of Chicago, 5734 University, Chicago, Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 Illinois 60637 Brown, Herbert Charles, 1957 (14), Department of Chem- Calvin, Melvin, 1954 (14), Laboratory of Chemical Biody- istry, , Lafayette, Indiana 47907 namics, University of California, Berkeley, California Brown, Roger William, 1972 (52), Department ofPsychology 94720 and Social Relations, Harvard University, 33 Kirkland Cameron, Alastair Graham Walter, 1976 (16), Harvard Col- Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 lege Observatory, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, Massa- Brueckner, Keith Allan, 1969 (13), Department of Physics chusetts 02138 B-019, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Cali- Campbell, Allan McCulloch, 1971 (26), Department ofBio- fornia 92093 logical Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California Bruice, Thomas Charles, 1974 (14), Department of Chem- 94305 istry, University of California, Santa Barbara, California Campbell, Donald Thomas, 1973 (53), Department of Psy- 93106 chology, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Bryson, Arthur Earl, Jr., 1973 (31), Department of Aero- 60201 nautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, Stanford, Cannon, Paul Roberts, 1946 (43), Box 79, Route 2, Yorkville, California 94305 Illinois 60560 Buchanan, John Machlin, 1962 (21), Room 16-619, De- Carrier, George Francis, 1967 (33), Division of Engineering partment of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technol- and Applied Physics, Pierce Hall, Harvard University, ogy, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Buchi, George H., 1965 (14), Room 18-287, Department of Carter, Herbert Edmund, 1953 (21), Administration 512-C, Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721 bridge, Massachusetts 02139 Case, Kenneth Myron, 1975 (33), Rockefeller University, Buchsbaum, Solomon Jan, 1974 (31), Room 2G-602, Bell 1230 York Avenue, New York, New York 10021 Telephone Laboratories Inc., Crawford Corner Road, Chalmers, Bruce, 1975 (33), Division of Engineering and Holmdel, New Jersey 07733 Applied Physics, Pierce Hall, Harvard University, Cam- Budiansky, Bernard, 1973 (33), Division ofApplied Sciences, bridge, Massachusetts 02138 Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Chamberlain, Joseph Wyan, 1965 (16), Department ofSpace Bueche, Arthur Maynard, 1971 (31), Corporate Research Physics and Astronomy, Rice University, Houston, Texas and Development, General Electric Company, P.O. Box 8, 77001 Schenectady, New York 12301 Chamberlain, Owen, 1960 (13), Lawrence Berkeley Labo- Buerger, Martin Julian, 1953 (15), Institute of Materials ratory, 50A/5123, University ofCalifornia, Berkeley, Cali- Science, U-136, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Con- fornia 94720 necticut 06268 Chance, Britton, 1954 (21), Johnson Research Foundation, Bullock, Theodore Holmes, 1963 (24), Department of Department of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry, Neurosciences, A-001 School of Medicine, University of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093 19104 Burke, Bernard Flood, 1970 (12), Room 26-335, Department Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan, 1955 (12), Laboratory for of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam- Astrophysics and Space Research, 933 East 56th Street, bridge, Massachusetts 02139 Chicago, Illinois 60637 Burns, John J., 1975 (42), Hoffmann-La Roche Inc., Nutley, Chanock, Robert Merritt, 1973 (43), Laboratory ofInfectious New Jersey 07110 Diseases, National Institute ofAllergy and Infectious Dis- Burris, Robert Harza, 1961 (25), Department of Biochem- eases, Building 7, Room 301, National Institutes of Health, istry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Bethesda, Maryland 20014 53706 Chapman, Orville Lamar, 1974 (14), Department of Chem- Burton, Glenn Willard, 1975 (32), Agricultural Research istry, University of California, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Georgia Coastal Angeles, California 90024 Plain Experiment Station, Tifton, Georgia 31794 Chargaff, Erwin, 1965 (21), Cell Chemistry Laboratory, The Butler, Warren Lee, 1976 (25), Department of Biology, B- Roosevelt Hospital, 428 West 59th Street, New York, New 022, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California York 10019 92093 Charney, Jule Gregory, 1964 (16), Department of Meteo- Byerly, Perry, 1946 (16), 5340 Broadway Terrace, #401, rology, 54-1424, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Oakland, California 94618 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Byers, Horace Robert, 1952 (16), 1036 Fairway, Santa Bar- Chase, Merrill Wallace, 1975 (22), Rockefeller University, bara, California 93108 1230 York Avenue, New York, New York 10021 4084

Chern, Shiing-shen, 1961 (11), Department of Mathematics, Cole, Julian David, 1976 (33), Mechanics and Structures University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Department, University of California, Los Angeles, Cali- Chew, Geoffrey Foucar, 1962 (13), Department of Physics, fornia 90024 University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Cole, Kenneth Stewart, 1956 (23), National Institutes of Chodorow, Marvin, 1971 (31), Edward L. Ginzton Labora- Health, Building 36, Room 2A29, Bethesda, Maryland tory, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 20014 Chomsky, Avram Noam, 1972 (51), Department of Foreign Coleman, James Samuel, 1972 (53), Department of Sociol- Literatures and Linguistics, Massachusetts Institute of ogy, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637 Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Collins, Samuel Cornette, 1969 (31), 12322 Riverview Road, Choppin, Purnell Whittington, 1977 (43), The Rockefeller Oxon Hill, Maryland 20022 University, 1230 York Avenue, New York, New York Collman, James Paddock, 1975 (14), Department of Chem- 10021 istry, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Christy, Robert Frederick, 1965 (13), California Institute Colowick, Sidney Paul, 1972 (21), Department of Micro- of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 biology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nash- Clayton, Roderick Keener, 1977 (25), 111 Brandon Place, ville, Tennessee 37232 Ithaca, New York, 14850 Colson, Elizabeth Florence, 1977 (51), Department of An- Clements, John Allen, 1974 (42), Cardiovascular Research thropology, University of California, Berkeley, California Institute, University of California, , California 94720 94143 Comroe, Julius Hiram, Jr., 1961 (23), Cardiovascular Re- Clogston,- Albert McCavour, 1973 (33), Bell Telephone search Institute, University of California, San Francisco, Laboratories, Inc., 600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, New California 94143 Jersey 07974 Conklin, Harold Colyer, 1976 (51), Department of Anthro- Closs, Gerhard Ludwig, 1974 (14), Department of Chemistry, pology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520 University of Chicago, 5735 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Conn, Jerome W., 1969 (42), (liC) Veterans Administration Illinois 60637 Hospital, 2215 Fuller Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 Cloud, Preston, 1961 (15), U.S. Geological Survey, Biogeology Connick, Robert Elwell, 1963 (14), College of Chemistry, Clean Laboratory, University of California, Santa Barbara, Latimer Hall, University of California, Berkeley, California California 93106 94720 Coale, Ansley Johnson, 1973 (53), Office of Population Re- Converse, Philip Ernest, 1973 (53), Institute for Social Re- search, Princeton University, 21 Prospect Avenue, search, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Princeton, New Jersey 08540 48106 Cochrap, William Gemmell, 1974 (33), P.O. Box 249, South Cool, Rodney Lee, 1972 (13), Rockefeller University, New Orleans, Massachusetts 02662 York, New York 10021 Cockerham, Columbus Clark, 1974 (32), Department of Coon, Carleton Stevens, 1955 (51), 207 Concord Street, Statistics, North Carolina State University, Box 5457, Gloucester, Massachusetts 01930 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Coons, Albert Hewett, 1962 (43), Department of Pathology, Code, Arthur Dodd, 1971 (12), Washburn Observatory, Harvard Medical School, 25 Shattuck Street, Boston, University of Wisconsin, 475 North Charter Street, Madi- Massachusetts 02115 son, Wisconsin 53706 Cooper, Leon N, 1975 (13), Department of Physics, Brown Cohen, Melvin Joseph, 1975 (24), Department of Biology, University, Providence, Rhode Island 02912 Kline Biology Tower, Yale University, New Haven, Con- Corey, Elias James, 1966 (14), Department of Chemistry, necticut 06520 Harvard University, 12 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Mas- Cohen, Morris, 1968 (31), Room 13-5046, Department of sachusetts 02138 Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute Cori, Carl Ferdinand, 1940 (21), Massachusetts General of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 02114 of Hospital, Fruit Street, Boston, Massachusetts Cohen, Paul Joseph, 1967 (11), Department Mathematics, Cotton, Frank Albert, 1967 (14), Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Texas 77843 Cohen, Philip Pacy, 1971 (21), Department of Physiological Texas A&M University, College Station, Chemistry, 694 Medical Sciences Building, University of Couch, John Nathaniel, 1943 (25), Department of Botany, Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina Cohen, Seymour Stanley, 1967 (21), Department of Phar- 27514 macological Sciences, School ofBasic Health Sciences, State Courant, Ernest David, 1976 (13), Building 902, Brookhaven University of New York, Stony Brook, Long Island, New National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973 York 11794 Cournand, Andr6 Frederic, 1958 (23), Columbia University Cohn, Mildred, 1971 (21), Department of Biochemistry and College ofPhysicians and Surgeons, 630 West 168th Street, Biophysics, A-611, Richards Building, G3, University of New York, New York 10032 Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- Cowling, Ellis Brevier, 1973 (32), Department of Plant Pa- vania 19104 thology, North Carolina State University, Box 5397, Ra- Cohn, Zanvil Alexander, 1975 (41), Rockefeller University, leigh, North Carolina 27607 New York, New York 10021 Cox, Allan, 1969 (16), Department of Geophysics, Stanford Colbert, Edwin Harris, 1957 (27), Museum of Northern Ar- University, Stanford, California 94305 izona, Fort Valley Road, Route 4, Box 720, Flagstaff, Ari- Cox, Gertrude Mary, 1975 (32), 1116 Blenheim Drive, Ra- zona 86001 leigh, North Carolina 27612 4085

Cram, Donald James, 1961 (14), Department of Chemistry, Davis, Hallowell, 1948 (24), Central Institute for the Deaf, University of California, Los Angeles, California .90024 818 South Euclid, St. Louis, 63110 Crane, Horace Richard, 1966 (13), Physics Department, Davis, Kingsley, 1966 (53), International Population and Dennison Building, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Urban Research, University of California, 2234 Piedmont Michigan 48109 Avenue, Berkeley, California 94720 Crawford, Bryce, Jr., 1956 (14), Molecular Spectroscopy Dawson, John Myrick, 1977 (33), Department of Physics, Laboratory, 13 Smith Hall, University of Minnesota, 207 University of California, Los Angeles, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Pleasant Street, S.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 Los Angeles, California 90024 Creutz, Edward C., 1975 (13), Office of the Assistant Director Debreu, Gerard, 1977 (54), Department of Economics, for Research, National Science Foundation, Washington, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 D.C., 20550 de Laguna, Frederica Annis Lopez de Leo, 1975 (51), 221 Crewe, Albert Victor, 1972 (13), Physical Sciences Division, Roberts Road, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010 Eckhart Hall, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Deere, Don Uel, 1971 (31), 6834 S.W. 35th Way, Gainesville, 60637 Florida 32601 Cristol, Stanley Jerome, 1972 (14), Department of Chem- Delbruck, Max, 1949 (26), California Institute ofTechnology, istry, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309 Pasadena, California 91125 Cronbach, Lee Joseph, 1974 (53), School of Education, Den Hartog, Jacob Pieter, 1953 (31), Room 3-262, Massa- Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 chusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachu- Cronin, , 1970 (13), Enrico Fermi Institute, setts 02139 University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637 Dethier, Vincent Gaston, 1965 (24), Department ofZoology, Crow, James Franklin, 1961 (26), Department of Medical University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 01002 53706 Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang, 1976 (53), Faculty of Arts and Curtin, David Yarrow, 1964 (14), Department of Chemistry, Sciences, Littauer 213, Harvard University, Cambridge, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801 Massachusetts 02138 Cutler, Cassius Chapin, 1976 (31), Research Laboratory, Bell Deutsch, Martin, 1958 (13), Room 26-419, Laboratory for Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 4C-502, Holmdel, New Jersey Nuclear Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 07733 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 De Valois, Russell Lee, 1976 (52), Department ofPsychology, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Dahl, Robert Alan, 1972 (53), Department of Political Dicke, Robert H., 1967 (13), Laboratories, Science, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520 Physics Department, Princeton University, Princeton, New Dantzig, George Bernard, 1971 (33), Operations Research Jersey 08540 Department, Stanford University, Stanford, California Diener, Theodor Otto, 1977 (32), Plant Virology Laboratory, 94305 United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Darby, William Jefferson, 1972 (32), The Nutrition Foun- Research Center, Beltsville, Maryland 20705 dation, Inc., 489 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York Dische, Zacharias, 1976 (21), Department of Ophthalmology, 10017 College of Physicians and Surgeons, 630 W. 168th Street, Darken, Lawrence Stamper, 1961 (33), Department of New York, New York 10032 Geosciences, 248 Deike Building, Pennsylvania State Dixon, Frank James, 1971 (43), Scripps Clinic and Research University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 Foundation, 10666 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, Darlington, Philip Jackson, Jr., 1964 (27), 71 Juniper Road, California 92037 Belmont, Massachusetts 02178 Djerassi, Carl, 1961 (14), Department ofChemistry, Stanford Darnell, James Edwin, Jr., 1973 (22), Rockefeller University, University, Stanford, California 94305 New York, New York 10021 Doell, Richard Rayman, 1969 (15), United States Geological Dauben, William Garfield, 1970 (14), Department of Survey, 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, California Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California 94025 94720 Davenport, Horace Willard, 1974 Doering, William von Eggers, 1961 (14), 53 Francis Avenue, (23), Department of Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Physiology, University of Michigan School of Medicine, Medical Sciences Building, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Doermann, August Henry, 1975 (26), Department of Ge- David, Edward Emil, Jr., 1970 (31), Office of The President, netics, SK-50, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash- Exxon Research and Engineering Company, P.O. Box 101, ington 98195 Florham, New Jersey 07932 Doisy, Edward Adelbert, 1938 (25), St. Louis University Davidson, Norman Ralph, 1960 (21), Department of School ofMedicine, 1402 South Grand Boulevard, St. Louis, Chemistry, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Missouri 63104 California 91125 Dole, Vincent Paul, 1972 (42), Rockefeller University, New Davis, Bernard David, 1967 (21), Bacterial Physiology Unit, York, New York 10021 Harvard Medical School, 25 Shattuck Street, Boston, Doob, Joseph Leo, 1957 (11), Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts 02115 University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois-61801 Davis, George Kelso, 1976 (32), Nutrition Laboratory, In- Dorfman, Albert, 1973 (42), Department of Pediatrics, stitute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of University of Chicago, 5825 Maryland Avenue, Chicago, Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611 Illinois 60637 4086 Doty, Paul Mead, 1957 (21), Program for Science and Inter- Eisner, Thomas, 1969 (27), Section of Neurobiology and national Affairs, Harvard University, 9 Divinity Avenue, Behavior, Division of Biological Sciences, Langmuir Lab- Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 oratory, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 Dowling, John Elliott, 1976 (24), The Biological Laborato- Elias, Peter, 1975 (31), Department of Electrical Engineering ries, Harvard University, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, and Computer Science, Room NE43-839, Massachusetts Massachusetts 02138 Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts Drake, Frank Donald, 1972 (12), National Astronomy and 02139 Ionosphere Center, Space Sciences Building, Cornell Uni- Eliel, Ernest Ludwig, 1972 (14), Department of Chemistry, versity, Ithaca, New York 14853 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina Draper, Charles Stark, 1957 (31), 27514 Laboratory, Inc., 555 Technology Square, Cambridge, Elsasser, Walter Maurice, 1957 (16), Department of Earth Massachusetts 02139 and Planetary Sciences, , Balti- Drell, Sidney David, 1969 (13), Stanford Linear Accelerator more, Maryland 21218 Center, Stanford University, P.O. Box 4349, Stanford, Emerson, Ralph, 1970 (25), Department of Botany, Uni- California 94305 versity of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Drickamer, Harry George, 1965 (14), School of Chemical Emerson, Sterling, 1970,(26), Division ofBiology, California Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801 Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 DuBridge, Lee Alvin, 1943 (13), 5309 Cantante, Laguna Hills, Emery, Kenneth Orris, 1971 (15), Woods Hole Oceanographic California 92653 Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 Duffin, Richard James, 1972 (33), Department of Mathe- Emmett, Paul Hugh, 1955 (14), 23 DaVinci, Lake Oswego, matics, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Penn- Oregon 97034 sylvania 15213 Emmons, Howard Wilson, 1966 (31), Pierce Hall, Harvard Dulbecco, Renato, 1961 (22), The Salk Institute, P.O. Box University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 1809, San Diego, California 92112 Enders, John Franklin, 1953 (22), 64 Colbourne Crescent, Dunbar, Carl Owen, 1944 (15), 1615 Santa Barbara Drive, Brookline, Massachusetts 02146 Dunedin, Florida 33528 Engel, Albert Edward John, 1970 (15), Scripps Institution Duncan, Otis Dudley, 1973 (53), Department of Sociology, of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, A- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721 020, La Jolla, California 92093 Duwez, Pol Edgard, 1972 (31), W. M. Keck Laboratory of Epstein, Samuel, 1977 (16), Division of iGeological and Engineering Materials, California Institute of Technology, Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 Pasadena, California 91125 Dyson, Freeman John, 1964 (13), The Institute for Advanced Ernst, Wallace Gary, 1975 (15), Department of Earth and Study, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90024 Estes, William Kaye, 1963 (52), Rockefeller University, New Eagle, Harry, 1963 (22), College of Medicine, York, New York 10021 1300 Morris Park Avenue, Bronx, New York 10461 Eugster, Hans Peter, 1972 (15), Department of Earth and Ebert, James David, 1967 (22), Marine Biological Labora- Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, tory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 Maryland 21218 Edelman, Gerald Maurice, 1969 (21), Rockefeller University, Evans, Harold J., 1972 (25), Department ofBotany and Plant 1230 York Avenue, New York, New York 10021 Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon Edelman, Isidore Samuel, 1973 (42), Cardiovascular Re- 97331 search Institute, University of California, San Francisco, Evans, Howard Ensign, 1977 (27), Department of Zoology California 94143 and Entomology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Edgerton, Harold Eugene, 1964 (31), Room 4-405, Depart- Colorado 80523 ment of Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Evarts, Edward Vaughan, 1976 (24), Building 36, Room Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 2D10, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Edmondson, W. Thomas, 1973 (27), Department of Zoology, Maryland 20014 NJ-15, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington Eyring, Henry, 1945 (14), Department of Chemistry, Uni- 98195 versity of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 Edsall, John Tileston, 1951 (21), Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Fairbank, William Martin, 1963 (13), Department of Eggan, Fred Russell, 1963 (51), Department ofAnthropology, Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 University of Chicago, 1126 East 59th Street, Chicago, Il- Fano, Ugo, 1976 (13), The University of Chicago, 1118 East linois 60637 58th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637 Eilenberg, Samuel, 1959 (11), Department of Mathematics, Fawcett, Don Wayne, 1972 (22), Department of Anatomy, Columbia University, new York, New York 10027 Harvard Medical School, 25 Shattuck Street, Boston, Eisen, Herman Nathaniel, 1969 (22), Room E17-128B, Center Massachusetts 02115 for Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technol- Federer, Herbert, 1975 (11), 287 Elmgrove Avenue, Provi- ogy, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 dence, Rhode Island 02906 4087

Feenberg, Eugene, 1975 (13), Department of Physics, Fraenkel, Gottfried Samuel, 1968 (22), Department of En- Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 63130 tomology, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801 Feher, George, 1975 (13), Department of Physics, B-019, Fraenkel-Conrat, Heinz Ludwig, 1974 (21), Virus Labora- University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California tory, Stanley Hall, University of California, Berkeley, 92093 California 94720 Feit, Walter, 1977 (11), Department of Mathematics, Yale Frauenfelder, Hans, 1975 (13), Department of Physics, University, Box 2155, Yale Station, New Haven, Connect- University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801 icut 06520 Fred, Edwin Broun, 1931 (25),1636 Van Hise Hall, University Felsenfeld, Gary, 1976 (21), Laboratory of Molecular Biol- of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 ogy, NIAMDD, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Fredrickson, Donald Sharp, 1973 (42), Office ofthe Director, Maryland 20014 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Ferry, John Douglass, 1959 (14), Department of Chemistry, Freedman, Ronald, 1974 (53), Population Studies Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 University ofMichigan, 1225 South University Avenue, Ann Feshbach, Herman, 1969 (13), Room 6-113, Department of Arbor, Michigan 48109 Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam- French, Charles Stacy, 1963 (25), Department of Plant bridge, Massachusetts 02139 Biology, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Stanford, Festinger, Leon, 1972 (52), Graduate Faculty, Department California 94305 of Psychology, New School for Social Research, 65 Fifth Fried, Josef, 1971 (14), Department of Chemistry, University Avenue, New York, New York 10003 of Chicago, 5735 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Fieser, Louis Frederick, 1940 (14), Department ofChemistry, 60637 Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Friedlander, Gerhart, 1973 (14), Department ofChemistry, Finch, Clement Alfred, 1974 (41), Division of Hematology, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York RM-10, University of Washington School of Medicine, 11973 Seattle, Washington 98195 Friedman, Herbert, 1960 (12), United States Naval Research Finland, Maxwell, 1972 (43), Boston City Hospital, Boston, Laboratory (Code 7100), Washington, D.C. 20375 Massachusetts 02118 Friedman, Milton, 1973 (54), Hoover Institution, Stanford Fischer, Edmond Henri, 1973 (21), Department of Bio- University, Stanford, California 94305 chemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington Friedrichs, Kurt Otto, 1959 (11), Courant Institute of 98195 Mathematical Sciences, , 251 Mercer Fisk, James Brown, 1954 (31), Lee's Hill Road, Box 85, Street, New York, New York 10012 Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920 Friend, Charlotte, 1976 (41), Center for Experimental Cell Fitch, Val Logsdon, 1966 (13), Joseph Henry Laboratories, Biology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, City University Princeton University, P.O. Box 708, Princeton, New Jersey of New York, Fifth and 100th Street, New York, New York 08540 10029 Fixman, Marshall, 1973 (14), Department ofChemistry, Yale Fruton, Joseph Stewart, 1952 (21), 350 Kline Biology Tower, University, 225 Prospect Street, New Haven, Connecticut Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520 06520 Fultz, Dave, 1975 (16), Department of the Geophysical Sci- Fletcher, Harvey, 1935 (31), 276 Eyring Science Center, ences, University of Chicago, 5734 South Ellis Avenue, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602 Chicago, Illinois 60637 Flexner, Louis Barkhouse, 1964 (24), Department of Anat- Fuoss, Raymond Matthew, 1951 (14), 68 North Lake Drive, omy, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Hamden, Connecticut 06517 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 Furth, Harold Paul, 1976 (31), Princeton University, Post Flory, Paul John, 1953 (14), Department of Chemistry, Office Box 451, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Furth, Jacob, 1974 (41), Institute ofCancer Research, Room Flygare, Willis H., 1974 (14), Noyes Chemical Laboratory, 1003, Columbia University College ofPhysicians and Sur- University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801 geons, 701 W. 168th Street, New York, New York 10032 Fogel, Robert William, 1973 (54), Department ofEconomics, Fuson, Reynold Clayton, 1944 (14), Department of Chemis- Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 try, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801 Folkers, Karl August, 1948 (14), Institute of Biomedical Research, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 Forbush, Scott Ellsworth, 1962 (16), Department of Ter- restrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Gajdusek, Daniel Carleton, 1974 (24), National Institute of 5241 Broad Branch Road, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20015 Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke, Forster, Robert Elder, 1973 (23), Department of Physiology, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20014 University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadel- Galambos, Robert, 1960 (52), Department of Neurosciences, phia, Pennsylvania 19104 A-012, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Cali- Foster, George McClelland, Jr., 1976 (51), Department of fornia 92093 Anthropology University of California, Berkeley, California Gall, Joseph Grafton, 1972 (22), Department ofBiology, 418 94720 Kline Biology Tower, Yale University, New Haven, Con- Fowler, William Alfred, 1956 (13), W. K. Kellogg Radiation necticut 06520 Laboratory 106-38, California Institute of Technology, Garabedian, Paul Roesel, 1975 (33), New York University, Pasadena, California 91125 251 Mercer Street, New York, New York 10012 4088

Garen, Alan, 1971 (22), Department of Molecular Biophysics Glass, Hiram Bentley, 1959 (26), Division of Biological Sci- and Biochemistry, Yale University, Box 1937, Yale Station, ences, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New New Haven, Connecticut 06520 York 11790 Garn, Stanley Marion, 1976 (51), Center for Human Growth Gleason, Andrew Mattei, 1966 (11), Department of Mathe- and Development, University of Michigan, 1111 East matics, Harvard University, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Catherine Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Massachusetts 02138 Garner, Wendell Richard, 1965 (52), Department of Psy- Goddard, David Rockwell, 1950 (25), National Academy of chology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520 Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C. Garrels, Robert Minard, 1962 (15), Department of Geolog- 20418 ical Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Godel, Kurt, 1955 (11), The Institute for Advanced Study, 60201 Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Garwin, Richard Lawrence, 1966 (13), Thomas J. Watson Goebel, Walther Frederick, 1958 (24), Rockefeller Univer- Research Center, IBM Corporation, P.O. Box 218, York- sity, New York, New York 10021 town Heights, New York 10598 Gold, Thomas, 1968 (16), Center for Radiophysics and Space Gates, Marshall DeMotte, Jr., 1958 (14), Department of Research, Space Sciences Building, Cornell University, Chemistry, University ofRochester, Rochester, New York Ithaca, New York 14853 14627 Goldberg, Leo, 1958 (12), Kitt Peak National Observatory, Geballe, Theodore Henry, 1973 (33), Department of Applied Aura, Inc., P.O. Box 26732, 950 North Cherry Avenue, Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Tucson, Arizona 85726 Geertz, Clifford James, 1973 (51), The Institute for Ad- Goldberger, Marvin Leonard, 1963 (13), Department of vanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Physics, Jadwin Hall, Princeton University, P.O. Box 708, Geiduschek, Ernest Peter, 1974 (21), Department ofBiology, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 University of California, San Diego, P.O. Box 109, La Jolla, Goldhaber, Gerson, 1977 (13), Lawrence Berkeley Labora- California 92037 tory, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Gell-Mann, Murray, 1960 (13), Lauritsen Laboratory of Goldhaber, Gertrude Scharff, 1972 (13), Department of Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Physics, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New California 91125 York 11973 Giacconi, Riccardo, 1971 (12), Center for Astrophysics, 60 Goldhaber, Maurice, 1958 (13), Department of Physics, Garden Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York Giaever, Ivar, 1974 (33), Research and Development Center, 11973 General Electric Company, P.O. Box 8, Schenectady, New Goldmark, Peter Carl, 1972 (31), Goldmark Communica- York 12301 tions Corporation, 98 Commerce Road, Stamford, Con- Giauque, William Francis, 1935 (14), Department of Chem- necticut 06904 istry, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Goldreich, Peter Martin, 1972 (16), Division of Geological Gibbs, Martin, 1974 (25), Institute for Photobiology of Cells and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, and Organelles, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massa- Pasadena, California 91125 chusetts 02154 Goldstine, Herman Heine, 1974 (33), Thomas J. Watson Gibson, Eleanor Jack, 1971 (52), Department of Psychology, Research Center, IBM Corporation, P.O. Box 218, York- Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 town Heights, New York 10598 Gibson, James Jerome, 1967 (52), Department ofPsychology, Gomory, Ralph Edward, 1972 (33), Thomas J. Watson Re- Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 search Center, IBM Corporation, P.O. Box 218, Yorktown Gilbert, James Freeman, 1973 (16), Institute of Geophysics Heights, New York 10598 and Planetary Physics, A-025, University of California, San Good, Robert Alan, 1970 (43), Office of the President and Diego, La Jolla, California 92093 Director, Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, Gilbert, Walter, 1976 (21), Biological Laboratories, Harvard 410 East 68th Street, New York, New York 10021 University, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts Goodenough, Ward Hunt, 1971 (51), Department of An- 02138 thropology, University of Pennsylvania Museum, 33rd and Giles, Norman Henry, 1966 (26), Department of Zoology, Spruce Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602 Goodman, Leo A., 1974 (53), Department of Statistics, Uni- Gilman, Alfred, 1964 (23), Department of Pharmacology, versity of Chicago, 1126 East 59th Street, Chicago, Illinois Yale University School of Medicine, 333 Cedar Street, New 60637 Haven, Connecticut 06510 Goodman, Louis Sanford, 1965 (23), Department of Phar- Gilman, Henry, 1945 (14), Department of Chemistry, Iowa macology, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake State University, Ames, Iowa 50012 City, Utah 84132 Gilruth, Robert Rowe, 1974 (31), 5128 Park Avenue, Dick- Goody, Richard Mead, 1970 (16), Pierce Hall, Harvard inson, Texas 77539 University, Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts Ginzton, Edward Leonard, 1966 (31), Varian Associates, 611 02138 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, California 94303 Gordon, Roy Gerald, 1975 (14), Department of Chemistry, Glaser, Donald Arthur, 1962 (13), Department of Molecular Harvard University, 12 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Mas- Biology, University of California, Berkeley, California sachusetts 02138 94720 Gordon, William Edwin, 1968 (33), School of Natural Sci- Glashow, Sheldon Lee, 1977 (13), 30 prescott Street, ences, Rice University, P.O. Box 1892 Houston, Texas Brookline, Massachusetts 02146 77001 4089

Gordy, Walter, 1964 (13), Department of Physics, Duke Gunsalus, Irwin Clyde, 1965 (21), Biochemistry Department, University, Durham, North Carolina 27706 420 Laboratory, University of Illinois, Ur- Gottschalk, Carl William, 1975 (42), Department of Medi- bana, Illinois 61801 cine, 229H, University of North Carolina School of Medi- Gutowsky, Herbert Sander, 1960 (14), Department of cine, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 Chemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801 Goudsmit, Samuel Abraham, 1947 (13), Department of Physics, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada 89507 Gould, Roy Walter, 1974 (31), California Institute of Tech- Habel, Karl, 1968 (22), Room 108E, The Reading Institute nology, Pasadena, California 91125 ofRehabilitation, RD #1, Box 252, Reading, Pennsylvania Grad, Harold, 1970 (33), Courant Institute of Mathematical 19607 Sciences, New York University, 251 Mercer Street, New Hackerman, Norman, 1971 (14), Office of the President, York, New York 10012 Rice University, P.O. Box 1892, Houston, Texas 77001 Grant, Verne Edwin, 1968 (27), Department of Botany, Haensel, Vladimir, 1971 (31), Universal Oil Products In- University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 corporated, 10 UOP Plaza, Des Plaines, Illinois 60016 Gray, Harry Barkus, 1971 (14), Division of Chemistry and Hagstrum, Homer Dupre, 1976 (33), Surface Physics Re- Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, search Department, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 600 Pasadena, California 91125 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 Green, David Ezra, 1962 (21), Institute for Enzyme Research, Hahn, Erwin Louis, 1972 (13), Department of Physics, Uni- University of Wisconsin, 1710 University Avenue, Madison, versity of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Wisconsin 53706 Hamburger, Viktor, 1953 (24), Department of Biology, Greenberg, Joseph Harold, 1965 (51), Department of An- Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 63130 thropology, Stanford University, Stanford, California Hammes, Gordon G., 1973 (14), Department of Chemistry, 94305 Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 Greenstein, Jesse Leonard, 1957 (12), California Institute Hammond, George Simms, 1963 (14), Merrill College, Uni- of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 versity of California, Santa Cruz, California 95064 Greisen, Kenneth Ingvard, 1974 (13), Department of As- Handler, Philip, 1964 (21), National Academy of Sciences, tronomy, Space Sciences Building, Cornell University, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20418 Ithaca, New York 14853 Hannay, Norman Bruce, 1977 (31), Office of the Vice Pres- Griffin, Donald Redfield, 1960 (24), Rockefeller University, ident, Research and Patents, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1230 York Avenue, New York, New York 10021 Inc., 600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, New Jersey Griffin, James Bennett, 1968 (51), 9/1/77-12/15/77: De- 07974 partment of Archaeology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Hansen, Morris Howard, 1976 (33), 5212 Goddard Road, Canada T2N 1N4. After 12/15/77: Museum of Anthropol- Bethesda, Maryland 20014 ogy, University Museums Building, 1109 Geddes, Ann Hardy, James Daniel, 1970 (23), Pierce Foundation Labo- Arbor, Michigan 48104 ratory, Yale University, 290 Congress Avenue, New Haven, Griliches, Zvi, 1975 (54), Harvard Connecticut 06519 University, Room 414,1737 Hlarker, David, 1977 (14), 23 High Street, Buffalo, New York Cambridge Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 14203 Grobstein, Clifford, 1966 (22), Science, Technology and Jack Public Affairs, B-028, University of California, San Diego, Harlan, Rodney, 1972 (32), Department of Agronomy, La Jolla, California 92093 S-516 Turner Hall, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Gross, Jerome, 1974 61801 (22), Developmental Biology Labora- 1951 tory, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massa- Harlow, Harry F., (52), 672 Roller Coaster Road, chusetts 02114 Tucson, Arizona 85704 J. Gross, Ludwik, 1973 (41), Cancer Research Unit, Veterans Harrar, George, 1966 (32), 125 Puritan Drive, Scarsdale, Administration Hospital, 130 West Kingsbridge Road, New York 10583 Bronx, New York 10468 Harrington, William Fields, 1976 (21), Mergenthaler Lab- Gross, Robert Edward, 1975 (42) Box 493, Brattleboro, oratory for Biology, McCollum-Pratt Institute, Johns Vermont 05301 Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21218 Grundfest, Harry, 1976 (24), Columbia University, 630 West Harris, Zellig S., 1973 (33), Department of Linguistics, 168th Street, New University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania York, New York 10032 19104 Grunwald, Ernest, 1971 (14), Department of Chemistry, Hartline, Haldan Keffer, 1948 (24), Rockefeller University, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154 New York, New York 10021 Guilford, Joy Paul, 1954 (52), P.O. Box 1288, Beverly Hills, Haskins, Caryl Parker, 1956 (26), Suite 600,2100 M Street, California 90213 N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 Guillemin, Roger Charles Louis, 1974 (42), Department of Hasler, Arthur Davis, 1969 (27), Laboratory of Limnology, Neuroendocrinology, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, University of Wisconsin, P.O. Box Madison, Wisconsin 53706 1809, San Diego, California 92112 Haurowitz, Felix, 1975 (21), Department of Chemistry, In- Gunn, James Edward, 1977 (12), Hale Observatories, Car- diana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47401 negie Institution of Washington, California Institute of Haurwitz, Bernhard, 1960 (16), Department ofAtmospheric Technology, 813 Santa Barbara Street, Pasadena, Cali- Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado fornia 91101 80523 4090

Haury, Emil Walter, 1956 (51), Department ofAnthropology, Hilgard, Ernest Ropiequet, 1948 (52), Department of Psy- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721 chology, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Hauser, Philip Morris, 1976 (53), Population Research Robert Center, Hill, Lee, 1975 (21), Department of Biochemistry, University of Chicago, 1126 East 59th Street, Chi- Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina cago, Illinois 60637 27710 Haworth, Leland John, 1965 (13), 15 Deer Path, Belle Terre, Port Jefferson, Hill, Terrell Leslie, 1965 (21), National Institute of Arthritis, New York 11777 Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases, Building 2, National Hawthorne, Marion Frederick, 1973 (14), Department of Institutes of Chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, California Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20014 90024 Hille, Einar, 1953 (11), 8862 La Jolla Scenic Drive N., La Hedberg, Hollis Dow, 1960 (15), 118 Library Place, Prince- Jolla, California 92037 ton, New Jersey 08540 Hirsch, James Gerald, 1972 (43), Rockefeller University, Heeschen, David Sutphin, 1971 (12), National Radio As- New York, New York 10021 tronomy Observatory, Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, Hirschfelder, Joseph Oakland, 1953 (14), Theoretical Virginia 22901 Chemistry Institute, University of Wisconsin, 1101 Uni- Hegsted, David Mark, 1973 (32), Department of Nutrition, versity Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Harvard University School of Public Health, 665 Hun- Hirst, George Keble, 1966 (43), Public Health Research In- tington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 stitute ofthe City of New York, Inc., 455 First Avenue, New Heidelberger, Michael, 1942 (43), Department ofPathology, York, New York 10016 New York University School of Medicine, 550 First Avenue, Hitchings, George Herbert, 1977 (21), 4022 Bristol Road, New York, New York 10016 Durham, North Carolina 27707 Heizer, Robert Fleming, 1973 (51), Department of Anthro- Hoard, James Lynn, 1972 (14), Department of Chemistry, pology, Archaeological 'Research Facility, University of Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 California, Berkeley, California 94720 Hockett, Charles Francis, 1974 (51), Department of An- Held, Richard M., 1973 (52), E10-137, Department of Psy- thropology, McGraw Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New chology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam- York 14853 bridge, Massachusetts 02139 Hoeffding, Wassily, 1976 (11), Department of Statistics, Helliwell, Robert Arthur, 1967 (16), Radioscience Labora- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina tory, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 27514 Hendricks, Sterling Brown, 1952 (25), 1118 Dale Drive, Hoffmann, Roald, 1972 (14), Department of Chemistry, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 Henle, Werner, 1975 (43), The Joseph Stokes, Jr. Research Hofmann, Klaus Heinrich, 1963 (21), Protein Research Institute, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Phila- Laboratory, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, delphia, Pennsylvania 19104 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261 Heppel, Leon Alma, 1970 (21), Section of Biochemistry and Hofstadter, Robert, 1958 (13), Department of Physics, Molecular Biology, Wing Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 New York 14853 Hogness, David Swenson, 1976 (22), Department of Bio- Hepting, George Henry, 1969 (32), 11 Maplewood Road, chemistry, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, Asheville, North Carolina 28804 California 94305 Herb, Raymond George, 1955 (13), National Electrostatics Hollaender, Alexander, 1957 (26), Associated Universities, Corporation, P.O. Box 117, Graber Road, Middleton, Inc., 1717 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. Wisconsin 53562 20036 Herbig, George Howard, 1964 (12), Lick Observatory, Uni- Holley, Robert William, 1968 (22), Salk Institute for Bio- versity of California, Santa Cruz, California 95064 logical Studies, P.O. Box 1809, San Diego, California Herget, Paul, 1962 (12), Cincinnati Observatory, Observatory 92112 Place, Cincinnati, Ohio 45208 Holm, Richard Hadley, 1975 (14), Department of Chemistry, Herring, William Conyers, 1968 (13), Bell Laboratories, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 Holtfreter, Johannes, 1955 (22), Department of Biology, Herschbach, Dudley Robert, 1967 (14), Department of University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14627 Chemistry, Harvard University, 12 Oxford Street, Cam- Homans, George Caspar, 1972 (53), Department ofSociology, bridge, Massachusetts 02138 William James Hall 480, Harvard University, Cambridge, Hershey, Alfred Day, 1958 (26), RD Box 1640, Moores Hill Massachusetts 02138 Road, Syosset, New York 11791 Hopfield, John Joseph, 1973 (13), Department of Physics, Hertz, Roy, 1972 (42), Department of Pharmacology, Ross Joseph Henry Laboratories, Princeton University, Hall, Room 655, George Washington University, 2300 Eye Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 Horecker, Bernard Leonard, 1961 (21), Roche Institute of Herzfeld, Karl Ferdifiand, 1960 (13), Department ofPhysics, Molecular Biology, Nutley, New Jersey 07110 Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. 20017 Hornig, Donald Frederick, 1957 (14), Room 226, Aiken Hewlett, William Redington, 1977 (31), Office of the Pres- Computation Laboratory, Harvard University, Cambridge, ident, Hewlett-Packard Company, 1501 Page Mill Road, Massachusetts 02138 Palo Alto, California 94304 Horowitz, Norman Harold, 1969 (26), Division of Biology, Hildebrand, Joel Henry, 1929 (14), 500 Coventry Road, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California Berkeley (Kensington), California 94707 91125 4091

Horsfall, James Gordon, 1953 (32), Connecticut Agricultural Inghram, Mark Gordon, 1961 (13), Department of Physics, Experiment Station, Box 1106, New Haven, Connecticut University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637 06504 Ingle, Dwight Joyce, 1963 (42), Box 335, Route 1, Rapid City, Horstmann, Dorothy Millicent, 1975 (43), Yale University Michigan 49676 School of Medicine, 333 Cedar Street, New Haven, Con- Irwin, Malcolm Robert, 1950 (26), Department of Genetics, necticut 06510 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Hotchkiss, Rollin Douglas, 1961 (22), Rockefeller University, Isaacs, John Dove, 1974 (31), Institute of Marine Resources, New York, New York 10021 A-027, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Cali- Hottel, Hoyt Clarke, 1963 (31), Room 66-458, Department fornia 92093 of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Isselbacher, Kurt Julius, 1973 (42), Gastrointestinal Unit, Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Housner, George William, 1972 (31), Division ofEngineering 02114 and Applied Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 Houthakker, Hendrik Samuel, 1974 (54), 218 Littauer Jacobson, Leon Orris, 1965 (41), University of Chicago, The Center, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts Franklin McLean Memorial Research Institute, 950 East 02138 59th Street, Box 420, Chicago, Illinois 60637 Howard, Louis Norberg, 1977 (33), Department of Mathe- Jacobson, Nathan, 1954 (11), Department of Mathematics, matics, 2-377 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yale New Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 University, Haven, Connecticut 06520 Howell, Francis Clark, 1972 (51), Department of Anthro- James, Harold Lloyd, 1962 (15), United States Geological pology, University of California, Berkeley, California Survey, 1617 Washington Street, Port Townsend, Wash- 94720 ington 98368 Howells, William White, 1967 (51), Peabody Museum, Har- Jameson, Dorothea, 1975 (52), Department of Psychology, vard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 University of Pennsylvania, 3815 Walnut Street, Phila- Hubbert, Marion King, 1955 (15), 5208 Westwood Drive, delphia, Pennsylvania 19104 N.W., Washington, D.C. 20016 Javan, Ali, 1974 (13), 6-208, Department of Physics, Mas- Hubbs, Carl Leavitt, 1952 (27), Scripps Institution of sachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massa- Oceanography, La Jolla, California 92093 chusetts 02139 Hubel, David Hunter, 1971 (24), Department of Neurobiol- Jencks, William Platt, 1971 (21), Graduate Department of ogy, Harvard Medical School, 25 Shattuck Street, Boston, Biochemistry, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachu- Massachusetts 02115 setts 02154 Huebner, Robert Joseph, 1960 (43), Building 37, Room Jennings, Jesse David, 1977 (51), Department of Anthro- 2D09, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of pology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Jensen, Elwood Vernon, 1974 (42), Ben May Laboratory for Huggins, Charles Brenton, 1949 (41), Ben May Laboratory Cancer Research, University of Chicago, 950 East 59th for Cancer Research, University of Chicago, 950 East 59th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637 Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637 John, Fritz, 1964 (33), Courant Institute of Mathematical Hughes, Vernon Willard, 1967 (13), Department of Physics, Sciences, New York University, 251 Mercer Street, New Yale University, New haven, Connecticut 06520 York, New York 10012 Huizenga, John Robert, 1976 (14), Departments of Chem- Johnson, Clarence Leonard, 1965 (31), Lockheed Aircraft istry and Physics, University of Rochester, Rochester, New Corporation, Burbank, California 91503 York 14627 Johnson, Harold Lester, 1969 (12), Steward Observatory, Hulse, Frederick Seymour, 1974 (51), Department of An- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721 thropology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona Johnson, William Summer, 1952 (14), Department of 85721 Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, California Hunsaker, Jerome Clarke, 1935 (31), Room 33-207, De- 94305 partment of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Johnston, Harold Sledge, 1965 (14), Department of Chem- Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts istry, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 02139 Hurvich, Leo Maurice, 1975 (52), Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, 3815 Walnut Street, Phila- Kabat, Elvin Abraham, 1966 (21), Department of Micro- delphia, Pennsylvania 19104 biology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Hurwicz, Leonid, 1974 (54), Department of Economics, Surgeons, 701 West 168th Street, New York, New York University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 10032 Hurwitz, Jerard, 1974 (21), Department of Developmental Kac, Mark, 1965 (11), Rockefeller University, New York, New Biology and Cancer, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, York 10021 1300 Morris Park Avenue, Bronx, New York 10461 Kaiser, Armin Dale, 1970 (26), Department of Biochemistry, Hutchinson, George Evelyn, 1950 (27), Osborn Memorial Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, Cali- Laboratories, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut fornia 94305 06520 Kalckar, Herman Moritz, 1959 (21), Huntington Labora- Hutchison, Clyde Allen Jr., 1963 (14), Department of tories, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massa- Chemistry, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637 chusetts 02114 4092 Kamen, Martin David, 1962 (21), Chemicdl-Biological De- Keyfitz, Nathan, 1977 (53), Room 480, William James Hall, velopment Laboratory, University Park, W.AHM. 126, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California Khorana, Har Gobind, 1966 (21), Room 18-511, Departments 90007 of Biology and Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Kkndel, Eric Richard, 1974 (24), Division of Neurobiology Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Mas- and Behavior, Columbia University College of Physicians sachusetts 02139 and Surgeons, 630 West 168th Street, New York, New York Kiefer, Jack Carl, 1975 (11), Department of Mathematics, 10032 White Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 Kantrowitz, Arthur Robert, 1966 (33), AVCO-Everett Re- Kilbourne, Edwin Dennis, 1977 (43), Department of Mi- search Laboratory, Inc., 2385 Revere Beach Parkway, Ev- crobiology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, One Gustave erett, Massachusetts 02149 Levy Place, at 100 Street and 5th Avenue, New York, New Kaplan, Henry Seymour, 1972 (41), Department of Radiol- York 10029 ogy, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, Cali- King, Charles Glen, 1951 (32), 192 Kendal at Longwood, fornia 94305 Kennett Square, Pennsylvania 19348 Kaplan, Joseph, 1957 (33),1565 Kelton Avenue, Los Angeles, Kinzel, Augustus Braun, 1960 (31), 1738 Castellana Road, California 90024 La Jolla, California 92037 Kaplan, Nathan Oram, 1970 (21), Department of Chemistry, Kistiakowsky, George Bogdan, 1939 (14), Gibbs Chemical Q058, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Cali- Laboratory, Harvard University, 12 Oxford Street, Cam- fornia 92093 bridge, Massachusetts 02138 Kaplinsky, Irving, 1966 (11) Department of Mathematics, Kittel, Charles, 1957 (13), Department of Physics, University 5734 S. University Avenue, University ofChicago, Chicago, of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Illinois 60637 Kleene; Stephen Cole, 1969 (11), Department of Mathe- Karle, Jerome, 1976 (14), Code 6030, Labdratory for the matics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Structure of Matter, Naval Research Laboratory, Wash- 53706 ington, D.C., 20375 Klein, Lawrence Robert, 1973 (54), Economics Department, Karlin, Samuel, 1972 (33), Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 19104 Karplus, Martin, 1967 (14), Department of Chemistry, Klein, Martin Jesse, 1977 (13), Department of History of Harvard University, 12 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Mas- Science and Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, Con- sachusetts 02138 necticut 06520 Kasha, Michael, 1971 (14), Institute of Molecular Biophysics, Klemperer- William, 1969 (14), Department of Chemistry, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306 Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Kates, Robert William, 1975 (53), Graduate School of Ge- Klotz, Irving Myron, 1970 (21), Department of Chemistry, ography, Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60201 01610 Kluver, Heinrich, 1957 (52), Culver Hall, University of Katz, Joseph Jacob, 1973 (14), Chemistry Division, Argonne Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637 National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, Knipling, Edward Fred, 1966 (32), 2623 Military Road, Ar- Illinois 60639 lington, Virginia 22207 Kauzmann, Walter Joseph, 1964 (14), Department of Knovoff, Leon, 1963 (16), Institute of Geophysics and Chemistry, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, 08540 California 90024 Keller, Joseph Bishop, 1973 (33), Courant Institute of Knuth, Donald Ervin, 1975 (33), Computer Science De- Mathematical Sciences, New York University, 251 Mercer partment, Stanford University, Stanford, California Street, New York, New York 10012 94305 Kellermann, Kenneth Irwin, 1975 (12), National Radio As- Koelle, George Brampton, 1972 (24), Department of Phar- tronomy Observatory, P.O. Box 2, Greenbank, West Vir- macology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine ginia 24944 G-3, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 Kelman, Arthur, 1976 (32), Department of Plant Pathology, Kohn, Walter, 1969 (13), Department of Physics, University University of Wisconsin, 1630 Linden Drive, Madison, of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093 Wisconsin 53706 Kok, Bessel, 1974 (25), Martin Marietta Laboratories, 1450 Kennedy, Donald, 1972 (24), Office of the Commissioner of South Rolling Road, Baltimote, Maryland 21227 Food and Drugs, Room 14-81, Parklawn, 5600 Fishers Lane, Kolthoff, Izaak Maurits, 1958 (14), School of Chemistry, Rockville, Maryland 20857 University of Minnesota, Smith Hall, 207 Pleasant Street, Kennedy, Eugene Patrick, 1964 (21), Department of Bio- S. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 logical Chemistry, Harvard Medical School, 25 Shattuck Kompfner, Rudolf, 1968 (31), E. L. Ginzton, Laboratory, Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Kerst, Donald William, 1951 (13), Physics Department, Koopmansi Tjalling Charles, 1969 (54), Cowles Foundation University of Wisconsin, 1150 University Avenue, Madison, for Research in Economics at Yale University, Box 2125, Wisconsin 53706 Yale Station, New Haven, Connecticut 06520 Kety, Seymour Solomon, 1962 (24), Mailman Research Koprowski, Hilary, 1976 (22), The Wistar Institute, Center, McLean Hospital, 115 Mill Street, Belmont, Mas- Thirty-sixth Street at Spruce, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania sachusetts 02178 19104 4093

Kornberg, Arthur, 1957 (21), Department of Biochemistry, Lasswell, Harold Dwight, 1974 (53), Yale University Law Stanford University Medical School, Stanford, California School, 127 Wall Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06520 94305 Lawrence, Henry Sherwood, 1972 (43), New York Univer- Koshland, Daniel Edward, Jr., 1966 (21), Department of sity Medical Center, 550 First Avenue, New York, New Biochemistry, 401 Biochemisty Building, University of York 10016 California, Berkeley, California 94720 Lax, Benjamin, 1969 (33), Francis Bitter National Magnet Kraft, Robert Paul, 1971 (12), Lick Observatory, University Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, of California, Santa Cruz, California 95064 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Kramer, Paul Jackson, 1962 (25), Department of Botany, Lax, Peter David, 1970 (11), Courant Institute of Mathe- Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27706 matical Sciences, New York University, 251 Mercer Street, Krause, Richard Michael, 1977 (43), Office ofthe Director, New York, New York 10012 National Institute ofAllergy and Infectious Diseases, Na- tional Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Leaf, Alexander, 1972 (42), Massachusetts General Hospital, Kraushaar, William Lester, 1973 (12), Department of Boston, Massachusetts 02114 Physics, University of Wisconsin, 1150 University Avenue, Lederberg, Joshua, 1957 (26), Genetics Department, Stan- Madison, Wisconsin 53706 ford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California Krauskopf, Konrad Bates, 1959 (15), School of Earth Sci- 94305 ences, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Lederman, Leon Max, 1965 (13), Department of Physics, Krayer, Otto, 1964 (23), 3940 East Timrod Street, Apt. 202, Columbia University, 538 West 120th Street, New York, Tucson, Arizona 85711 New York 10027 Krebs, Edwin G., 1973 (21), Department of Pharmacology, Lee, Tsung-Dao, 1964 (13), Department of Physics, Co- SJ-30, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington lumbia University, New York, New York 10027 98195 Lehman, Israel Robert, 1977 (21), Department of Bio- Krogman, Wilton Marion, 1966 (51), Lancaster Cleft Palate chemistry, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stan- Clinic, 24 North Lime Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania ford, California 94305 17602 Lehninger, Albert Lester, 1956 (21), Department of Physi- Kroll, Norman Myles, 1974 (13), Department of Physics, ological Chemistry, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins B-019, University of California, San Diego, P.O. Box 109, University, 725 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, Maryland La Jolla, California 92093 21205 Krugman, Saul, 1976 (43), New York University Medical Leighton, Robert Benjamin, 1966 (12), Division of Physics, Center, 550 First Avenue, New York, New York 10016 Mathematics, and Astronomy, California Institute of Kuffler, Stephen William, 1964 (24), Department of Neu- Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 robiology, Harvard Medical School, 25 Shattuck Street, Leonard, Nelson Jordan, 1955 (14), 470 B Roger Adams Boston, Massachusetts 02115 Laboratory, University of Illinois School of Chemical Sci- Kunkel, Henry George, 1967 (43), Rockefeller University, ences, Urbana, Illinois 61801 New York, New York 10021 Leontief, Wassily, 1974 (54), Department of Economics, 518 Kusch, Polykarp, 1956 (13), University of Texas, Dallas, Box Tisch Hall, New York University, Washington Square, New 688, Richardson, Texas 75080 York, New York 10003 Kuznets, Simon, 1972 (54), 67 Francis Avenue, Cambridge, Leopold, Aldo Starker, 1970 (32), Department of Forestry Massachusetts 02138 and Conservation, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Leopold, Estella Bergere, 1974 (25), Quaternary Research Lachenbruch, Arthur Herold, 1975 (15), Branch of Tecto- Center, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington nophysics, U.S. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Road, 98195 Menlo Park, California 94025 Leopold, Luna Bergere, 1967 (15), Department of Geology Lamb, Willis Eugene, Jr., 1954 (13), Department of Physics, and Geophysics, Earth Sciences Building, University of University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721 California, Berkeley, California 94720 Lancefield, Rebecca Craighill, 1970 (43), Rockefeller Uni- Lerner, Aaron Bunsen, 1973 (42), Department of Derma- versity, New York, New York 10021 tology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Land, Edwin Herbert, 1953 (13), Polaroid Corporation, Connecticut 06510 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Lerner, Abba Ptachya, 1974 (54), Department of Economics, Lang, Anton, 1967 (25), MSU/ERDA Plant Research Labo- Queen's College of the City University of New York, ratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan Flushing, New York 11367 48824 Levi-Montalcini, Rita, 1968 (24), Department of Biology, Langbein, Walter B., 1970 (15), United States Geological Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 63130 Survey, Reston, Virginia 22092 Levine, Philip, 1966 (41), Division of Immunohematology, Lardy, Henry Arnold, 1958 (21), Institute for Enzyme Re- Ortho Research Foundation, Raritan, New Jersey 08869 search, University of Wisconsin, 1710 University Avenue, Levinthal, Cyrus, 1970 (26), Department of Biological Sci- Madison, Wisconsin 53706 ences, 754 Schermerhorn, Columbia University, New York, Larrabee, Martin Glover, 1969 (24), Department of Bio- New York 10027 physics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland Lewis, Edward B., 1968 (26), Division of Biology, California 21218 Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 4094

Lewy, Hans, 1964 (11), Department of Mathematics, 970 Low, Frank James, 1974 (12), Lunar and Planetary Labo- Evans Hall, University of California, Berkeley, California ratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721 94720 Lowry, Oliver Howe, 1964 (21), Washington University Li, Choh Hao, 1973 (21), Hormone Research Laboratory, School of Medicine, 660 South Euclid, St. Louis, Missouri University of California, San Francisco, California 94143 63110 Libby, Willard Frank, 1950 (14), Department of Chemistry, Luce, Robert Duncan, 1972 (52), Department of Psychology University of California, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, and Social Relations, William James Hall, Harvard Uni- California 90024 versity, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Liberman, Alvin M., 1976 (52), Department of Psychology, Luria, Salvador Edward, 1960 (26), Room E17-110, Massa- University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut 06268 chusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachu- Licklider, Joseph Carl Robnett, 1969 (31), 40 Pleasant View setts 02139 Road, Arlington, Massachusetts 02174 Lush, Jay Laurence, 1967 (32), Department of Animal Lieberman, Seymour, 1977 (42), College of Physicians and Science, Kildee Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa Surgeons, 630 W. 168 Street, New York, New York 10032 50011 Liepmann, Hans Wolfgang, 1971 (33), Graduate Aeronautical Luttinger, Joaquin Mazdak, 1976 (13), Department of Laboratories, 105-50 Firestone, California Institute of Physics, Columbia University, New York, New York Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 10027 Lin, Chia-Chiao, 1962 (33), Department of Mathematics, Luyten, Willem Jacob, 1970 (12), 211 Space Science Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mas- University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 sachusetts 02139 Lynds, Roger, 1974 (12), Aura, Inc., Kitt Peak National Lindsley, Dan Leslie, Jr., 1974 (26), Department of Biology, Observatory, 950 North Cherry Avenue, P.O. Box 26732, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California Tucson, Arizona 85726 92093 Lindsley, Donald Benjamin, 1952 (52), Department ofPsy- chology, University of California, Los Angeles, California MacDonald, Gordon James Fraser, 1962 (16), 308 Murdough 90024 Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire Lindzen, Richard Siegmund, 1977 (16), 301 Lake Avenue, 03755 Newton, Massachusetts 02161 Macdonald, James Ross, 1973 (33), Department of Physics Lipmann, Fritz Albert, 1950 (21), Rockefeller University, and Astronomy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1230 York Avenue, New York, New York 10021 North Carolina 27514 Lipscomb, William Nunn, 1961 (14), Department of Chem- Mackey, George Whitelaw, 1962 (11), Department of istry, Harvard University, 12 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Mathematics, Harvard University, 1 Oxford Street, Cam- Massachusetts 02138 bridge, Massachusetts 02138 Lipset, Seymour Martin, 1973 (53), Department of Political Mac Lane, Saunders, 1949 (11), University of Chicago, 5734 Sciences and Sociology, Stanford University, Stanford, University Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637 California 94305 MacNeish, Richard Stockton, 1974 (51), R. S. Peabody Littlefield, John Walley, 1977 (41), Department of Pediat- Foundation for Archaeology, Box 71, Andover, Massachu- rics, CMSC 2-116, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, setts 01810 Maryland 21205 Magasanik, Boris, 1969 (21), Department of Biology, Room Livingston, Milton Stanley, 1970 (13), 1005 Calle Largo, 56-423, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 Massachusetts 02139 London, Irving Myer, 1971 (41), Harvard-MIT Division of Mahan, Bruce Herbert, 1976 (14), Department of Chemistry, Health Sciences and Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Malkus, Willem Van Rensselaer, 1972 (16), Department of Long, Franklin A., 1962 (14), Department of Chemistry and Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Program on Science, Technology and Society, 632 Clark Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 Malone, Thomas Francis, 1968 (16), Holcomb Research In- Lorente de N6, Rafael, 1950 (24), 32-36 Rehabilitation stitute, Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana 46208 Center, University of California School of Medicine, Los Mangelsdorf, Paul Christoph, 1945 (32), 510 Caswell Road, Angeles, California 90024 Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 Lorenz, Edward Norton, 1975 (16), Department of Meteo- March, James Gardner, 1973 (53), Stanford University rology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, School of Education, Stanford, California 94305 Massachusetts 02139 Marcus, Rudolph Arthur, 1970 (14), Department of Chem- Lounsbury, Floyd Glenn, 1969 (51), Department of An- istry, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801 thropology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut Margoliash, Emanuel, 1975 (21), Department of Biochem- 06520 istry and Molecular Biology, Northwestern University, Lovering, Thomas Seward, 1949 (15), 186 Northview, The Evanston, Illinois 60201 Samarkand, 2663 Tallant Road, Santa Barbara, California Margrave, John Lee, 1974 (14), Office of Advanced Studies 93105 and Research, Rice University, P.O. Box 1892, Houston, Low, Francis Eugene, 1967 (13), Room 6-313, Department Texas 77001 of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam- Mark, Hermann Francis, 1961 (14), Polytechnic Institute of bridge, Massachusetts 02139 Brooklyn, 333 Jay Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201 4095

Markert, Clement Lawrence, 1967 (22), Department of Melton, Arthur Weever, 1969 (52), 405 Harmon Drive, San Biology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520 Antonio, Texas, 78209 Marks, Paul A., 1973 (41), Columbia University College of Menard, Henry William, 1968 (15), Scripps Institution of Physicians and Surgeons, 630 West 168th Street, New York, Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, P.O. New York 10032 Box 109, La Jolla, California 92037 Marler, Peter Robert, 1971 (24), Rockefeller University Merrifield, Robert Bruce, 1972 (21), Rockefeller University, Center for Research, Tyrrel Road, Millbrook, New New York, New York 10021 York 12545 Merton, Robert K., 1968 (53),415 Fayerweather, Columbia Marschak, Jacob, 1973 (54), Western Management Science University, New York, New York 10027 Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, California Mertz, Edwin Theodore, 1975 (32), Department of Bio- 90024 chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana Marshak, Robert Eugene, 1958 (13), City College of New 49707 York, Convent Avenue and 138th Street, New York, New Meselson, Matthew Stanley, 1968 (26), Biological Labora- York 10031 tories, Harvard University, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Marvel, Carl Shipp, 1938 (14), Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts 02138 University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721 Metcalf, Robert Lee, 1967 (32), Department ofEntomology, Mathews, Max Vernon, 1975 (31), Bell Laboratories, 600 320 Morrill Hall, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 61801 Matthias, Bernd T., 1965 (13), B-019, Department of Meyer, Karl, 1967 (21), Eye Research Division, Columbia Physics, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, 630 West California 92093 168th Street, New York, New York 10032 Mayall, Nicholas Ulrich, 1949 (12), 5945 Mina Vista, Tucson, Arizona Michener, Charles Duncan, 1965 (27), Departments of 85718 Entomology and of Systematics and Ecology, University Mayer, Joseph Edward, 1946 (14), Department ofChemistry, of Kansas, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California Lawrence, Kansas 66045 92037 Miles, Walter Richard, 1933 (52), 5306 Reno Road, N.W., Mayr, Ernst, 1954 (27), Museum of Comparative Zoology at Washington, D.C. 20015 Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Miller, Charles Phillip, 1956 (43), 5757 Kimbark Avenue, Mazia, Daniel, 1960 (22), Department of Zoology, University Chicago, Illinois 60637 of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Miller, George Armitage, 1962 (52), Rockefeller University, McCarty, Maclyn, 1963 (43), Rockefeller University, New New York, New York 10021 York, New York 10021 Miller, Neal Elgar, 1958 (52), Rockefeller University, New McClintock, Barbara, 1944 (26), Cold Spring Harbor Lab- York, New York 10021 oratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724 Miller, Stanley Lloyd, 1973 (21), B-017, Department of McConnell, Harden Marsden, 1965 (14), Department of Chemistry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, California California 92093 94305 Milnor, John Willard, 1963 (11), The Institute for Advanced McDermott, Walsh, 1967 (43), Robert Wood Johnson Study, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Foundation, P.O. Box 2316, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Mindlin, Raymond David, 1973 (33), 89 Deer Hill Drive, McDevitt, Hugh O'Neill, 1977 (43), Division of Immunology, Ridgefield, Connecticut 06877 Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, Cali- Minsky, Marvin Lee, 1973 (33), The Artificial Intelligence fornia 94305 Laboratory, Room 820, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- McElroy, William David, 1963 (21), Office ofthe Chancellor, nology, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts Q-005, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Cali- 02139 fornia 92093 Mintz, Beatrice, 1973 (26), Institute for Cancer Research, McKay, Kenneth Gardiner, 1976 (31), Bell Telephone 7701 Burholme Avenue, Fox Chase, Philadelphia, Penn- Laboratories, Incorporated, 600 Mountain Avenue, Murray sylvania 19111 Hill, New Jersey 07974 Mislow, Kurt Martin, 1972 (14), Department of Chemistry, McKusick, Victor Almon, 1973 (41), Department of Medi- Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 cine, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland 21205 Modigliani, Franco, 1973 (54), Sloan School ofManagement, McMillan, Edwin Mattison, 1947 (13), Lawrence Berkeley Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mas- Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California sachusetts 02139 94720 Montgomery, Deane, 1955 (11), School of Mathematics, The McShane, Edward James, 1948 (11), 209 Maury Avenue, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 08540 Mead, Margaret, 1975 (51), 15 West 77th Street, New York, Montroll, Elliott Waters, 1969 (33), Department ofPhysics New York 10024 and Astronomy, University of Rochester, Rochester, New Meinwald, Jerrold, 1969 (14), Department of Chemistry, York 14627 Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 Moore, John Alexander, 1963 (27), Department of Bioiogy, Meister, Alton, 1969 (21), Department of Biochemistry, University of California, Riverside, California 92521 Cornell University Medical College, 1300 York Avenue, Moore, Stanford, 1960 (21), Rockefeller University, New New York, New York 10021 York, New York 10021 4096

Morales, Manuel Francisco, 1975 (21), Cardiovascular Re- Nachmansohn, David, 1965 (21), Columbia University search Institute, University of California, San Francisco, College ofPhysicians and Surgeons, 630 West 168th Street, California 94143 New York, New York 10032 Morgan, James Newton, 1975 (54), Survey Research Center, Nambu, Yoichiro, 1973 (13), Enrico Fermi Institute, Uni- Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann versity of Chicago, 5630 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Arbor, Michigan 48106 60637 Morgan, William Wilson, 1956 (12), Yerkes Observatory, Nauta, Walle Jetze Harinx, 1967 (24), Room E10-104, De- University of Chicago, Williams Bay, Wisconsin 53191 partment of Psychology, Massachusetts Institute of Morrey, Charles Bradfield, Jr., 1962 (11), 210 Yale Avenue, Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Berkeley, California 94708 Neel, James Van Gundia, 1963 (26), Department of Human Morrison, Philip, 1971 (13), Room 6-205, Massachusetts Genetics, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cam- Arbor, Michigan 48109 bridge, Massachusetts 02139 Neff, William Duwayne, 1964 (52), Center for Neural Sci- Morse, Philip McCord, 1955 (13), 126 Wildwood Street, ences, Psychology #320, Indiana University, Bloomington, Winchester, Massachusetts 01890 Indiana 47401 Moscona, Aron Arthur, 1977 (22), Cummings Life Sciences Nelson, Oliver Evans, Jr., 1972 (32), Department of Ge- Center, The University of Chicago, 920 East 58th Street, netics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Chicago, Illinois 60637 53706 Moser, Jurgen Kurt, 1971 (11), Courant Institute of Math- Neufeld, Elizabeth Fondal, 1977 (21), National Institute of ematical Sciences, New York University, 251 Mercer Street, Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases, National New York, New York 10012 Institutes of Health, Building 10, 9N238, Bethesda, Mosteller, Charles Frederick, 1974 (33), Department of Maryland 20014 Mathematical Sciences, Science Center, Room 604, Harvard Neugebauer, Gerry, 1973 (12), George W. Downs Laboratory University, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts of Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, 02138 California 91125 Mostow, George Daniel, 1974 (11), Department of Mathe- Neugebauer, Otto E., 1977 (12), Brown University, Box 1900, matics, Box 2155, Yale Station, Yale University, New Providence, Rhode Island 02912 Haven, Connecticut 06520 Neurath, Hans, 1961 (21), Department of Biochemistry, J405 Motulsky, Arno Gunther, 1976 (41), Division of Medical Health Sciences Building, University of Washington, Genetics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington Seattle, Washington 98195 98195 Newcomb, Theodore Mead, 1974 (53), 1045 Cedar Bend Mounteastle, Vernon Benjamin, 1966 (24), Department of Drive, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 Physiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Newell, Allen, 1972 (52), Carnegie-Mellon University, 725 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21205 Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 Movius, Hallam Leonard, Jr., 1957 (51), Peabody Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Newman, Melvin Spencer, 1956 (14), Department of Muetterties, Earl Leonard, 1971 (14), Department of Chemistry, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210 Chemistry, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 Newmark, Nathan Mortimore, 1966 (31), Department of Muller-Eberhard, Hans Joachim, 1974 (43), Department Civil Engineering, 1211 Civil Engineering Building, Uni- of Molecular Immunology, Scripps Clinic and Research versity of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801 Foundation, 10666 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, Ney, Edward Purdy, 1971 (16), School of Physics and As- California 92037 tronomy, University of Minnesota, 116 Church Street, S.E., Mulliken, Robert Sanderson, 1936 (14), Department of Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 Chemistry, University of Chicago, 5735 South Ellis Avenue, Neyman, Jerzy, 1963 (11), Department of Statistics, Uni- Chicago, Illinois 60637 versity of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Mumford, David Bryant, 1975 (11), Department of Mathe- Nier, Alfred Otto C., 1950 (13), University of Minnesota matics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts School of Physics and Astronomy, Minneapolis, Minnesota 02138 55455 Munch, Guido, 1967 (12), Max Planck Institut fur Astro- Nierenberg, William Aaron, 1971 (16), Office ofthe Director, nomie 69 Heidelberg 1, K6nigstuhl, (BRD). After Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of Cali- 10-15-77: 105-24 Hale Observatories, California Institute fornia, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093 of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 Nirenberg, Louis, 1969 (11), Courant Institute of Mathe- Munk, Walter Heinrich, 1956 (16), Institute of Geophysics matical Sciences, New York University, 251 Mercer Street, and Planetary Physics, A-025, University of California, San New York, New York 10012 Diego, La Jolla, California 92093 Nirenberg, Marshall Warren, 1967 (21), Laboratory of Munro, Hamish Nisbet, 1974 (32), Physiological Chemistry Biochemical Genetics, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Laboratories, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Mary- 56-225, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, land 20014 Massachusetts 02139 Nolan, Thomas Brennan, 1951 (15), 2219 California Street, Murdock, George Peter, 1964 (51), Wynnewood Plaza, Apt. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 107, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania 19096 Novikoff, Alex Benjamin, 1974 (22), Department of Pa- Myers, Jack, 1975 (25), Department of Zoology, University thology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1300 Morris of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 Park Avenue, Bronx, New York 10461 4097

Nowell, Peter Carey, 1976 (41), Department of Pathology, Pappehheimer, John Richard, 1965 (23), bepartment of School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadel- Physiology, Harvard Medical School, 25 Shattuck Street, phia, Pennsylvania 19104 Boston, Massachusetts 02115. Noyes, Richard Macy, 1977 (14), Department of Chemistry, Pardee, Arthur Beck, 1968 (22), Sidney Farber Cancer University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403 Center, 35 Binney Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 Noyes, William Albert, Jr., 1943 (14), Department of Parker, Eugene Newman, 1967 (12), Laboratory for Astro- Chemistry, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 physics, 933 East 56th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637 Parr, Robert Ghormley, 1973 (14), Department of Chemis- try, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Car- O'Brien, Brian, 1954 (13), Box 166, Woodstock, Connecticut olina 27514 06281 Patel, Chandra Kumar Ngranbhai, 1974 (31), Physical Re- Ochoa, Severo, 1957 (21), Roche Institute of Molecular search Laboratory, 1D269, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Biology, Nutley, New Jersey 07110 Incorporated, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 Odum, Eugene Pleasants, 1970 (27), Institute of Ecology, Patrick, Ruth, 1970 (27), Department of Limnology, The Biological Sciences Building, University of Georgia, Athens Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and The Parkway, Georgia 30602 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 Olah, George Andrew, 1976 (14), Department of Chemistry, Patterson, Bryan, 1963 (15), Museum of Comparative University of Southern California, University Park, Los Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts Angeles, California, 90007 02138 Oliver, Bernard More, 1973 (31), Hewlett-Packard Company, Pauling, Linus, 1933 (14), Big Sur, California 93920 1501 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, California 94304 Pearson, Gerald Leondus, 1970 (31), Stanford Electronics Stanford Olson, Harry Ferdinand, 1959 (31), RCA Laboratories, David Laboratories, University, Stanford, California Sarnoff Research New 08540 94305 Center, Princeton, Jersey 1974 of Oncley, John Lawrence, 1947 (21), Biophysics Research Di- Pearson, Ralph Gottfrid, (14), Department Chem- vision, Institute of Science and Technology, University of istry, University of California, Santa Barbara, California Michigan, 2200 Bonisteel Boulevard, Ann Arbor, Michigan 93106 48105 Perry, Robert Palese, 1977 (22), The Institute for Cancer Research Orowan, Egon, 1969 (31), 44 Payson Terrace, Belmont, and the University of Pennsylvania, 7701 Bu- Massachusetts 02178 rholme Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsyivania 19111 Osgood, Charles Egerton, 1972 (53), Institute of Commu- Pekeris, Chaim Leib, 1952 (16), Department of Applied nications Research, 120 Gregory Hall, University of Illinois, Mathematics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Urbana, Illinois 61801 Israel Osterbrock, Donald Edward, 1966 (12), Lick Observatory, Penzias, Arno A., 1975 (12), Crawford Hill Laboratory, Bell University of California, Santa California 95064 Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated, Box 400, Holmdel, Cruz, New Jersey 07733 Ostriker, Jeremiah Paul, 1974 (12), Princeton University Perlman, Isadore, 1963 (14), 14-29th of November Street, Observatory, Peyton Hall, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Jerusalem, Israel Overhauser, Albert Warner, 1976 (13), Department of Pettijohn, Francis John, 1966 (15), Department of Earth and Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 47907 Maryland 21218 Owen, Ray David, 1966 (26), Division of Biology, 156-29, Pettit, Rowland, 1973 (14), Department of Chemistry, Uni- California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California versity of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 91125 Pfaffmann, Carl, 1959 (52), Rockefeller University, New York, New York 10021 Pfann, William Gardner, 1974 (31), Material Research Lab- Page, Irvine Heinly, 1971 (42), Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid oratory, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated, 600 Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 Pais, Abraham, 1962 (13), Rockefeller University, New York, Phillips, James Charles, 1977 (33), Bell Telephone Labora- New York 10021 tories, Inc., 600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, New Jersey Pake, George Edward, 1976 (13), Xerox Research Center, 07974 3333 Coyote Hill Road, Palo Alto, California 94304 Phillips, Norman A., 1976 (16), 4609 Keppler Place, Camp Palade, George Emil, 1961 (22), Section of Cell Biology, Yale Springs, Maryland 20031 University School of Medicine, 333 Cedar Street, New Phillips, William Dale, 1971 (21), 50 Shellburne Drive, Haven, Connecticut 06510 Wilmington, Delaware 19803 Palay, Sanford Louis, 1977 (24), Department of Anatomy, Pickering, William Hayward, 1962 (31), Department of Harvard Medical School, 25 Shattuck Street, Boston, Electrical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Massachusetts 02115 Pasadena, California 91125 Panofsky, Wolfgang K. H., 1954 (13), Stanford Linear Ac- Pierce, John Robinson, 1955 (31), Steele Laboratory, 116-81, celerator Center, Stanford University, P.O. Box 4349, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California Stanford, California 94305 91125 Pappenheimer, Alwin Max, Jr., 1973 (23), Biological Lab- Pigford, Robert Lamar, 1972 (31), Department of Chemical oratories, Harvard University, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cam- Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware bridge, Massachusetts 02138 19711 4098

Pimentel, George Claude, 1966 (14), National Science Putnam, Frank William, 1976 (43), Department of Biology, Foundation, Washington, D.C. 20550 Indiana University, Jordan Hall 206, Bloomington, Indiana Pines, David, 1973 (13), Department of Physics, University 47401 of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801 Piore, Emanuel Ruben, 1963 (31), 115 Central Park West, New York, New York 10023 Quate, Calvin Forrest, 1975 (31), Ginzton Laboratories, Pittendrigh, Colin Stephenson, 1963 (24), Hopkins Marine Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Station of Stanford University, Pacific Grove, California Quine, Willard Van Orman, 1977 (11), Department of Phi- 93950 losophy, Emerson Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, Pitzer, Kenneth Sanborn, 1949 (14), Department of Chem- Massachusetts 02138 istry, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Polya, George, 1976 (11), 2260 Dartmouth Street, Palo Alto, California 94306 Rabi, Isidor Isaac, 1940 (13), 450 Riverside Drive, New York, Popper, Hans, 1976 (42), Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York 10027 City University of New York, Fifth Avenue and 100th Racker, Efraim, 1966 (21), Section of Biochemistry, Mo- Street, New York, New York 10029 lecular and Cell Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New Porter, Keith Roberts, 1964 (22), Department of Molecular, York 14853 Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of Colo- Radner, Roy, 1975 (54), Department of Economics, 250 rado, Boulder, Colorado 80302 Barrows Hall, University of California, Berkeley, California Postman, Leo Joseph, 1974 (52), Department of Psychology, 94720 University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Rahn, Hermann, 1968 (23), Department of Physiology, Potter, Van Rensselaer, 1975 (41), McArdle Laboratory for Sherman Hall, State University of New York, Buffalo, New Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin Medical Center, York 14214 450 North Randall Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Rainwater, Leo James, 1968 (13), Department of Physics, Pound, Robert Vivian, 1961 (13), Lyman Laboratory of Columbia University, New York, New York 10027 Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts Rammelkamp, Charles Henry, 1973 (43), Department of 02138 Medicine, Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital, 3395 Prager, William, 1968 (33), Tgesa Tgampi 4/27, 7451 Sa- Scranton Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44109 vognin, Ramo, Simon, 1973 (31), TRW Inc., One Space Park, Re- Prausnitz, John Michael, 1973 (33), Department of Chemical dondo Beach, California 90278 Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, California Ramsey, Norman Foster, 1952 (13), Lyman Laboratory of 94720 Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts Preer, John Randolph, Jr., 1976 (26), Department of Biol- 02138 ogy, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47401 Ranney, Helen M., 1973 (41), Department of Medicine, Prescott, David Marshall, 1974 (22), Department of Mo- University Hospital, 225 West Dickinson Street, San Diego, lecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, University California 92103 of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309 Raper, Kenneth Bryan, 1949 (25), Department of Bacteri- Press, Frank, 1958 (16), Office of the Director, Science & ology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Technology Policy, Executive Office ofthe President, Room 53706 360, Washington, D.C., 20500 Ratliff, Floyd, 1966 (52), Rockefeller University, 1230 Park Preston, George Worrall III, 1977 (12), Hale Observatories, Avenue, New York, New York 10021 Carnegie Institution of Washington, California Institute Ratner, Sarah, 1974 (21), Department of Biochemistry, of Technology, 813 Santa Barbara Street, Pasadena, Cali- Public Health Research Institute City of New York, Inc., fornia 91101 455 First Avenue, New York, New York 10016 Price, Paul Buford, Jr., 1975 (16), Department of Physics, Ratnoff, Oscar Davis, 1976 (41), University Hospitals of University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Primakoff, Henry, 1968 (13), Department of Physics, Uni- Raven, Peter Hamilton, 1977 (25), Office of the Director, versity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania St. 19104 Missouri Botanical Garden, 2345 Tower Grove Avenue, Prosser, Clifford Ladd, 1974 (23), Department of Physiology, Louis, Missouri 63110 524 Burrill Hall, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Raymond, Arthur Emmons, 1950 (31), 73 Oakmont Drive, 61801 Los Angeles, California 90049 Puck, Theodore Thomas, 1960 (22), B129, Department of Reed, Lester James, 1973 (21), Department of Chemistry, Biophysics and Genetics, University of Colorado Medical Clayton Foundation Biochemical Institute, University of Center, Denver, Colorado 80262 Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 1974 Hughes Aircraft Com- Reichelderfer, Francis Wilton, 1945 (16), 3031 Sedgwick Puckett, Allen Emerson, (31), D.C. 20008 pany, Mail Station A/159, Centinela and Teale Streets, Street, N.W., (E-201), Washington, Culver City, California 90230 Reilley, Charles Norwood, 1977 (14), Venable and Kenan Purcell, Edward Mills, 1951 (13), Lyman Laboratory of Laboratories, 045A, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts Reiss, Howard, 1977 (33), Department of Chemistry, Uni- 02138 versity of California, Los Angeles, California 90024 4099

Revelle, Roger Randall, 1957 (16), 9/15/77-1/31/78: Harvard Rose, William Cumming, 1936 (21), 405 West University Center for Population Studies, 9 Bow Street, Cambridge, Avenue, Champaign, Illinois 61820 Massachusetts 02138. After 1/31/78: Department ofPolit- Roseman, Saul, 1972 (21), Department of Biology and ical Science, Mail Code B-028, University of California, San McCollum-Pratt Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Diego, La Jolla, California 92093 Charles and 34th Streets, Baltimore, Maryland 21218 Reynolds, John Hamilton, 1968 (16), Department of Physics, Rosenblith, Walter A., 1976 (24), Room 3-240, Massachu- University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 setts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts Rhoades, Marcus Morton, 1946 (26), Department ofBiology, 02139 Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47401 Rosenbluth, Marshall N., 1969 (33), The Institute for Ad- Rice, Oscar Knefler, 1964 (14), Department of Chemistry, vanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina Ross, John, 1976 (14), Room 6-123, Massachusetts Institute 27514 of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Rice, Stuart Alan, 1968 (14), James Franck Institute, Uni- Rossi, Bruno Benedetto, 1950 (13), Room 37-667, Center for versity of Chicago, 5640 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 60637 Cambridge, Masachusetts 02139 Rich, Alexander, 1970 (21), Department of Biology, Mas- Rossini, Frederick Dominic, 1951 (14), Department of sachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massa- Chemistry, Rice University, Post Office Box 1892, Houston, chusetts 02139 Texas 77001 Richards, Frederic Middlebrook, 1971 (21), Department of Rouse, Irving, 1962 (51), Department ofAnthropology, Yale Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, University, Box 2114, Yale Station, New Haven, Connect- Box 1937, Yale Station, New Haven, Connecticut 06520 icut 06520 Richter, Burton, 1977 (13), Stanford Linear Accelerator Rowe, Wallace Prescott, 1975 (43), Laboratory of Viral Center, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Diseases, National Institute ofAllergy and Infectious Dis- Richter, Curt Paul, 1948 (52), Johns Hopkins Hospital, eases, National Institutes ofHealth, Building 7, Room 304, Baltimore, Maryland 21205 Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Rick, Charles Madeira, Jr., 1967 (32), Department ofVege- Ruddle, Francis Hugh, 1976 (41), Department of Biology, table Crops, University of California, Davis, California Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520 95616 Ruderman, Malvin Avram, 1972 (13), Pupin Physics Labo- Riggs, Lorrin Andrews, 1961 (52), Hunter Laboratory of ratories, Columbia University, New York, New York Psychology, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 10027 02912 Russell, Elizabeth Shull, 1972 (26), The Jackson Laboratory, Riker, William Harrison, 1974 (53), Department ofPolitical Bar Harbor, Maine 04609 Science, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York Russell, William Lawson, 1973 (26), Biology Division, Oak 14627 Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box Y, Oak Ridge, Ten- Ripley, Sidney Dillon II, 1968 (27), , nessee 37830 Washington, D.C. 20560 Ris, Hans, 1974 (22), Department of Zoology, Zoology Re- search Building, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis- Sabin, Albert B., 1951 (43), Medical University of South consin 53706 Carolina, 171 Ashley Avenue, Charleston, South Carolina Robbins, Frederick Chapman, 1972 (43), Case Western 29401 Reserve School of Medicine, 2119 Abington Road, Cleve- Sachs, Robert Green, 1971 (13), 5490 South Shore Drive, land, Ohio 44106 Chicago, Illinois 60615 Robbins, Herbert Ellis, 1974 (11), Department of Mathe- Sager, Ruth, 1977 (26), Sidney Farber Cancer Institute, 44 matical Statistics, Mathematics Building, Columbia Uni- Binney Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 versity, New York, New York 10027 Salisbury, Glenn Wade, 1974 (32), Office of the Director, Roberts, John D., 1956 (14), Gates and Crellin Laboratories Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agriculture, of Chemistry, California Institute ofTechnology, Pasadena, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801 California 91125 Salpeter, Edwin Ernest, 1967 (12), Laboratory of Nuclear Roberts, Richard Brooke, 1961 (24), Department of Ter- Studies, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 restrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Samuelson, Paul Anthony, 1970 (54), Room E52-383, De- 5241 Broad Branch Road, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20015 partment of Economics, Massachusetts Institute ofTech- Robinson, Julia, 1976 (11), 243 Lake Drive, Berkeley, Cali- nology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 fornia 94708 Sandage, Allan Rex, 1963 (12), Hale Observatories, 813 Santa Rodgers, John, 1969 (15), Department ofGeology and Geo- Barbara Street, Pasadena, California 91106 physics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520 Sarett, Lewis Hastings, 1977 (14), Office ofthe Senior Vice Rollins, Reed Clark, 1972 (25), Gray Herbarium, Harvard President ofScience and Technology, Merck and Company, University, 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts Inc., P.O. Box 2000, Rahway, New Jersey 07065 02138 Scarf, Herbert Eli, 1976 (54), Department of Economics, Roman, Herschel Lewis, 1970 (26), Department ofGenetics, Yale University, Box 2125, Yale Station, New Haven, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195 Connecticut 06520 Rose, Jerzy Edwin, 1972 (24), Department ofNeurophysio- Schachman, Howard Kapnek, 1968 (21), Department of logy, 283 Medical Sciences Building, University of Wis- Molecular Biology, University of California, Berkeley, consin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 California 94720 4100

Schairer, George Swift, 1968 (31), The Boeing Company, Sears, William Rees, 1974 (31), Department of Aerospace Post Office Box 3707, M.S. 10-47, Seattle, Washington and Mechanical Engineering, University of Arizona, Tuc- 98124 son, Arizona 85721 Scharrer, Berta Vogel, 1967 (24), Department of Anatomy, Seegmiller, Jarvis Edwin, 1973 (42), Department of Medi- Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1300 Morris Park cine, M-013, University of California, San Diego, School of Avenue, Bronx, New York 10461 Medicine, La Jolla, California 92093 Schawlow, Arthur Leonard, 1970 (13), Department of Segal, Irving Ezra, 1973 (11), Department of Mathematics, Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mas- Scheraga, Harold Abraham, 1966 (14), Department of sachusetts 02139 Chemistry, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 Segre, Emilio, 1952 (13), Department of Physics, University Schiffer, Menahem Max, 1970 (11), Department of Mathe- of California, Berkeley, California 94720 matics, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Seitz, Frederick, 1951 (13), Rockefeller University, 1230 Schimke, Robert Tod, 1976 (21), Department of Biological York Avenue, New York, New York 10021 Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California Serber, Robert, 1952 (13), Department of Physics, Columbia 94305 University, New York, New York 10027 Schmid, Rudi, 1974 (42), Department ofMedicine, University Setlow, Richard B., 1973 (26), Biology Department, of California, San Francisco, California 94143 Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York Schmidt, Gerhard, 1976 (21), Department of Biochemistry 11973 and Pharmacology, Tufts University School of Medicine, Sewell, William H., 1976 (53), Department of Sociology, 136 Harrison Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02111 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Schmidt-Nielsen, Knut, 1963 (23), Department of Zoology, Shane, Charles Donald, 1961 (12), P.O. Box 582, Santa Cruz, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27706 California 95061 Schmitt, Francis Otto, 1948 (24), Neurosciences Research Shannon, Claude Elwood, 1956 (11), 5 Cambridge Street, Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 165 Al- Winchester, Massachusetts 01890 landale Street, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130 Shannon, James Augustine, 1965 (42), 5101 River Road, Apt. Schneiderman, Howard Allen, 1975 (22), Center for Pa- 1212, Chevy Chase, Maryland 20016 thobiology, University of California, Irvine, California Shapiro, Ascher Herman, 1967 (31), Department of Me- 92717 chanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- Scholander, Per Fredrik, 1961 (23), Physiological Research nology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Laboratory, A-004, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Shapiro, Harry Lionel, 1949 (51), American Museum of University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New 92093 York, New York 10024 Schrieffer, John Robert, 1971 (13), Department of Physics, Shapiro, Irwin Ira, 1974 (12), Department of Earth and University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Planetary Sciences and Department of Physics, 54-620, 19104 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mas- Schultes, Richard Evans, 1971 (32), Botanical Museum of sachusetts 02139 Harvard University, Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massa- Sharp, Robert Phillip, 1973 (15), Division of Geological and chusetts 02138 Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Schultz, Theodore William, 1974 (54), Department of Eco- Pasadena, California 91125 nomics, University of Chicago, 1126 East 59th Street, Sheehan, John Clark, 1957 (14), Department of Chemistry, Chicago, Illinois 60637 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mas- Schwartz, Jacob Theodore, 1976 (33), Department of sachusetts 02139 Computer Science, Courant Institute of Mathematical Shemin, David, 1958 (21), Department of Biochemistry and Sciences, New York University, 251 Mercer Street, New Molecular Biology, Northwestern University, Evanston, York, New York 10012 Illinois 60201 Schwartz, Melvin, 1975 (13), Department of Physics, Shepard, Roger Newland, 1977 (52), Department of Psy- Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 chology, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Schwarzschild, Martin, 1956 (12), Princeton University Shockley, William, 1951 (31), Stanford Electronics Labora- Observatory, Peyton Hall, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 tories, McC 202, Stanford University, Stanford, California Schwinger, Julian, 1949 (13), Department of Physics, Uni- 94305 versity of California, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, Shull, Clifford G., 1975 (33), Department of Physics, Mas- California 90024 sachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massa- Scrimshaw, Nevin Stewart, 1971 (32), Room 16-325, De- chusetts 02139 partment of Nutrition and Food Science, Massachusetts Shull, Harrison, 1969 (14), Department of Chemistry, In- Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts diana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47401 02139 Shulman, Robert Gerson, 1974 (21), Biophysics Department, Seaborg, Glenn Theodore, 1948 (14), Lawrence Berkeley Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California Siekevitz, Philip, 1975 (22), Rockefeller University, 130 York 94720 Avenue, New York, New York 10021 Sears, Ernest Robert, 1964 (32), United States Department Silver, Leon Theodore, 1974 (15), Division of Geological and of Agriculture, 108 Curtis Hall, , Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Columbia, Missouri 65201 Pasadena, California 91125 4101

Simmons, Howard Ensign, Jr., 1975 (14), Central Research Sonneborn, Tracy Morton, 1946 (26), Department ofBiology, and Development Department, Experimental Station, E. 220 Jordan Hall, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana I. du Pont de Nemours & Company Incorporated, Wil- 47401 mington, Delaware 19898 Sorokin, Peter P., 1976 (13), Thomas J. Watson Research Simon, Herbert Alexander, 1967 (53), Department of Psy- Center, International Business Machines Corporation, Post chology, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Penn- Office Box 218, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598 sylvania 15213 Spedding, Frank Harold, 1952 (14), Ames Laboratory of the Simpson, George Gaylord, 1941 (15), 5151 East Holmes E.R.D.A., Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50010 Street, Tucson, Arizona 85711 Spencer, Donald Clayton, 1961 (11), Department of Math- Simpson, John Alexander, 1959 (13), Enrico Fermi Institute, ematics, Fine Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, New University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637 Jersey 08540 Singer, Isadore Manual, 1968 (11), Mathematics Department, Sperry, Roger Wolcott, 1960 (52), California Institute of Evans Hall, University of California, Berkeley, California, Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 94720 Spicer, Edward Holland, 1975 (51), Department of An- Singer, Seymour Jonathan, 1969 (21), Department of Biol- thropology, College of Liberal Arts, University ofArizona, ogy, University ofCalifornia, San Diego, La Jolla, California Tucson, Arizona 85721 92037 Spiegelman, Sol, 1965 (41), 100 Haven Avenue, Apt. 12A, Sinsheimer, Robert Louis, 1967 (21), Division of Biology, New York, New York 10032 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California Spitzer, Lyman, Jr., 1952 (12), Princeton University Ob- 91125 servatory, Peyton Hall, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Skinner, Burrhus Frederic, 1950 (52), William James Hall, Spoehr, Alexander, 1972 (51), Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, 33 Kirkland Street, Cambridge, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Massachusetts 02138 15213 Skell, Philip S., 1977 (14), Davey Laboratory, University Sporn, Philip, 1962 (31), 74 Trinity Place, Suite 1511, New Park, Pennsylvania 16802 York, New York 10006 Skoog, Folke Karl, 1956 (25), Department of Botany, Birge Sprague, George Frederick, 1968 (32), Department of Hall, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Agronomy, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801 Slepian, David, 1977 (33), Department of Mathematical Srb, Adrian Morris, 1968 (25), Section of Genetics, Devel- Studies, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 600 Mountain opment, and Physiology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New Avenue, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 York 14853 Slichter, Charles Pence, 1967 (13), Department ofPhysics, Stadtman, Earl Reece, 1969 (21), Laboratory ofBiochemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National In- Slichter, Louis Byrne, 1944 (16), Institute of Geophysics, stitutes of Health, 3/222, Bethesda, Maryland 20014 University of California, Los Angeles, California 90024 Stahl, Franklin William, 1976 (26), Institute of Molecular Smale, Stephen, 1970 (11), Department of Mathematics, Biology, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403 University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Stakman, Elvin Charles, 1934 (32), Department of Plant Smith, Albert Charles, 1963 (25), Department of Botany, Pathology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 3190 Maile Way, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, 55108 96822 Starr, Richard Cawthon, 1976 (25), Department of Botany, Smith, Cyril Stanley, 1957 (33), 31 Madison Street, Cam- University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 bridge, Massachusetts 02138 Stebbins, George Ledyard, 1952 (27), Department of Ge- Smith, Emil L., 1962 (21), Department of Biological Chem- netics, University of California, Davis, California 95616 istry, University of California School of Medicine, Los Stein, Charles M., 1975 (11), 821 Santa Fe Avenue, Stanford, Angeles, California 90024 California 94305 Smith, Paul Althaus, 1947 (11), Department of Mathematics, Stein, Elias M., 1974 (11), Department of Mathematics, Fine Columbia University, New York, New York 10027 Hall, Box 37, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey Smithies, Oliver, 1971 (26), Laboratory of Genetics, Uni- 08540 versity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Stein, William Howard, 1960 (21), Rockefeller University, Smyth, Charles Phelps, 1955 (14), Frick Chemical Labora- New York, New York 10021 tory, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Steinberger, Jack, 1966 (13), CERN, Geneva 23, Switzer- Snell, Esmond Emerson, 1955 (21), Department of Micro- land biology, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 78712 Steiner, Donald Frederick, 1975 (21), Department of Bio- Snell, George Davis, 1970 (43), 21 Atlantic Avenue, Bar chemistry, University of Chicago, 920 East 58th Street, Harbor, Maine 04609 Chicago, Illinois 60637 Soderberg, Carl Richard, 1947 (31), 100 Memorial Drive, Stellar, Eliot, 1968 (52), 102 College Hall, University of Apt. 11-6B, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19174 Solomon, Richard Lester, 1968 (52), Department of Psy- Stephens, Stanley George, 1967 (32), 3219 Darien Drive, chology, University of Pennsylvania, 3815 Walnut Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 Stern, Curt, 1948 (26), Department of Zoology, University Solow, Robert Merton, 1972 (54), E52-383, Department of of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam- Stetten, DeWitt, Jr., 1974 (42), National Institutes ofHealth, bridge, Massachusetts 02139 Building 1, Room 122, Bethesda, Maryland 20014 4102 Stever, Horton Guyford, 1973 (31), 1528 33rd Street N.W., Talmage, David W. 1976 (43), Department of Microbiology Washington, D.C. 20007 and Immunology, University of Colorado Medical Center, Stewart, Thomas Dale, 1962 (51), National Museum of Denver, Colorado 80220 Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, Tamm, Igor, 1975 (43), Rockefeller University, 1230 York D.C. 20560 Avenue, New York, New York 10021 Stigler, George Joseph, 1975 (54), Charles R. Walgreen Tanford, Charles, 1972 (21), Department of Biochemistry, Foundation for the Study of American Institutions, Uni- Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina versity of Chicago, 5836 Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, Illi- 27710 nois 60637 Tarbell, Dean Stanley, 1959 (14), Department of Chemistry, Stockmayer, Walter Hugo, 1956 (14), Department of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37235 Chemistry, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire Tarski, Alfred, 1965 (11), 462 Michigan Avenue, Berkeley, 03755 California 94707 Stoker, James Johnston, 1963 (33), Courant Institute of Tate, John Torrence, 1969 (11), Department of Mathematics, Mathematical Sciences, New York University, 251 Mercer Harvard University, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massa- Street, New York, New York 10012 chusetts 02138 Stommel, Henry Melson, 1961 (16), Room 54-1416, Massa- Taube, Henry, 1959 (14), Department of Chemistry, Stanford chusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachu- University, Stanford, California 94305 setts 02139 Taussig, Helen Brooke, 1973 (42), Johns Hopkins Hospital, Stone, Marshall Harvey, 1938 (11), Department of Mathe- 550 North Broadway, Baltimore, Maryland 21205 matics and Statistics, Arnold House 202, University of Taylor, James Herbert, 1977 (26), Institute of Molecular Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 Biophysics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida Stork, Gilbert, 1960 (14), Department of Chemistry, Co- 32306 lumbia University, New York, New York 10027 Teitelbaum, Philip, 1974 (52), Department of Psychology, Stratton, Julius Adams, 1950 (31), Room 14N-112, Massa- University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois 61820 chusetts Institute ofTechnology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Telegdi, Valentine Louis, 1968 (13), Enrico Fermi Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 University of Chicago, 5630 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Straus, William Louis, Jr., 1962 (22), 7111 Park Heights 60637 Avenue, Apt. 506, Baltimore, Maryland 21215 Teller, Edward, 1948 (13), Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Street, Jabez Curry, 1953 (13), Lyman Laboratory ofPhysics, P.O. Box 808, Livermore, California 94550 Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Temin, Howard Martin, 1974 (26), McArdle Laboratory for Streisinger, George, 1975 (26), Institute of Molecular Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin Medical Center, Biology, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403 Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Streitwieser, Andrew, Jr., 1969 (14), Department of Terman, Frederick Emmons, 1946 (31), 445 El Escarpado, Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California Stanford, California 94305 94720 Thimann, Kenneth Vivian, 1948 (25), Thimann Laborato- Strominger, Jack Leonard, 1970 (21), Biological Labora- ries, University of California, Santa Cruz, California tories, Harvard University, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, 95064 Massachusetts 02138 Thomas, Charles Allen, 1948 (31), 7701 Forsyth Boulevard, Sturtevant, Julian Munson, 1973 (21), Department of St. Louis, Missouri 63105 Chemistry, Kline Chemistry Laboratory, Yale University, Thomas, Lewis, 1972 (43), Office ofthe President, Memorial New Haven, Connecticut 06520 Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, New Suess, Hans Eduard, 1966 (16), B-017, Department of York, New York 10021 Chemistry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Thomas, Llewellyn Hilleth, 1958 (33), 3012 Wycliff Road, California 92093 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Suhl, Harry, 1976 (13), Departments of Physics, B-019, Re- Thomas, Tracy Yerkes, 1941 (11), 249 North Glenroy Avenue, velle College, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Los Angeles, California 90049 California 92093 Thompson, James Burleigh, Jr., 1967 (15), Department of Suits, Chauncey Guy, 1946 (31), Crosswinds, Pilot Knob, New Geological Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, York, 12844 Massachusetts 02138 Swan, Richard Gordon, 1976 (11), Department of Mathe- Thompson, John Griggs, 1971 (11), Department of Pure matics, University of Chicago, 5734 University Avenue, Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, University of Chicago, Illinois 60637 Cambridge, 16 Mill Lane, Cambridge CB2 1SB, England Swift, Hewson Hoyt, 1971 (22), Department of Biology, Thompson, Richard Frederick, 1977 (52), Department of University of Chicago, 1103 East 57th Street, Chicago, Il- Psychobiology, University of California, Irvine, California linois 60637 92717 Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert, 1956 (21), P.O. Box 187, Woods Hole, Thorne, Kip Stephen, 1973 (12), 130-33, California Institute Massachusetts 02543 of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 Tilton, George Robert, 1977 (15), Department of Geological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, Cali- Tabor, Herbert, 1977 (21), National Institute of Arthritis, fornia 93106 Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases, National Institutes Ting, Samuel C.C., 1977 (13), Massachusetts Institute of of Health, Building 4, Room 110, Bethesda, Maryland Technology, Building 44, Cambridge, Massachusetts 20014 02139 4103

Tinkham, Michael, 1970 (13), Department of Physics, Har- Van Allen, James Alfred, 1959 (16), Department of Physics vard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 and Astronomy, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Tishler, Max, 1953 (14), Department of Chemistry, Wesleyan 52242 University, Middletown, Connecticut 06457 Van Niel, Cornelis Bernardus, 1945 (25), Post Office Box Tobin, James, 1972 (54), Department of Economics, Yale 1833, Carmel, California 93921 University, Box 2125, Yale Station, New Haven, Connect- van Tamelen, Eugene Earl, 1968 (14), Department of icut 06520 Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, California Tousey, Richard, 1960 (12), United States Naval Research 94305 Laboratory (Code 7140), Washington, D.C. 20375 Van Vleck, John Hasbrouck, 1935 (13), Lyman Laboratory Townes, Charles Hard, 1956 (13), Department of Physics, of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts LeConte Hall, University of California, Berkeley, California 02138 94720 Verhoogen, John, 1956 (16), Department of Geology and Trager, William, 1973 (22), Rockefeller University, New Geophysics, University of California, Berkeley, California York, New York 10021 94720 Treiman, Sam Bard, 1972 (13), Joseph Henry Laboratories, Vickery, Hubert Bradford, 1943 (21), Connecticut Agricul- Jadwin Hall, Princeton University, P.O. Box 708, Princeton, tural Experiment Station, New Haven, Connecticut New Jersey 08540 06504 Tukey, John Wilder, 1961 (33), Bell Telephone Laboratories, Villard, Oswald Garrison, Jr., 1958 (16), Radioscience Incorporated, 2C-580,600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, California New Jersey 07974 94305 Turkevich, Anthony Leonid, 1967 (14), Enrico Fermi In- Visscher, Maurice Bolks, 1956 (23), 1 Orlin Avenue, S.E., stitute, University of Chicago, 5640 South Ellis Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 Chicago, Illinois 60637 Turnbull, David, 1968 (33), Division of Engineering and Applied Physics, Pierce Hall 207, Harvard University, Wadleigh, Cecil Herbert, 1973 (32), 5621 Whitefield Chapel Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Road, Lanham, Maryland 20801 Turner, Francis John, 1956 (15), Department ofGeology and Wald, George, 1950 (21), Biological Laboratories, Harvard Geophysics, University of California, Berkeley, California University, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 94720 02138 Tuttle, 0. Frank, 1968 (15), 4850 Lazy C Drive, Tucson, Walker, John Charles, 1945 (32), 14016 Newcastle Drive, Sun Arizona 85705 City, Arizona 85351 Walker, Robert Mowbray, 1973 (16), Department ofPhysics, Box 1105, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri Udenfriend, Sidney, 1971 (21), Roche Institute of Molecular 63130 Biology, Nutley, New Jersey 07110 Wall, Frederick Theodore, 1961 (14), Department of Uhlenbeck, George Eugene, 1955 (13), Rockefeller Uni- Chemistry, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77001 versity, New York, New York 10021 Wallace, Anthony Francis Clarke, 1973 (51), Department Ulam, Stanislaw Marcin, 1966 (11), Department of Mathe- of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, University matics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32609 Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19174 Umbarger, H. Edwin, 1976 (21), Department of Biological Walling, Cheves Thomson, 1964 (14), Department of Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 47907 84112 Underwood, Benton J., 1970 (52), Department of Psychol- Wangensteen, Owen H., 1966 (42), University of Minnesota ogy, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60201 Health Sciences Center, P.O. Box 610, Minneapolis, Min- Urey, Harold Clayton, 1935 (14), Department of Chemistry, nesota 55455 B-017, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Cali- Warner, John Christian, 1956 (14), 4742 Center Avenue, Apt. fornia 92093 301, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 Utter, Merton Franklin, 1973 (21), Department of Bio- Warren, Shields, 1962 (41), Cancer Research Institute, New chemistry, Case Western Reserve University School of England Deaconess Hospital, 194 Pilgrim Road, Boston, Medicine, 2119 Abington Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Massachusetts 02215 Washburn, Sherwood Larned, 1963 (51), Department of Anthropology, University ofCalifornia, Berkeley, California Vagelos, Pindaros Roy, 1972 (21), Merck Sharp & Dohme 94720 Research Laboratories, Rahway, New Jersey 07065 Wasserburg, Gerald Joseph, 1971 (16), Division ofGeological Valentine, William Newton, 1977 (41), Department of and Planetary Sciences, 170-25, California Institute of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, California Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 90024 Waters, Aaron Clement, 1964 (15), 308 Moore Street, Santa Vallee, Bert Lester, 1974 (21), Biophysics Research Labo- Cruz, California 95060 ratory, Department of Biochemistry, Harvard Medical Watson, Cecil James, 1959 (42), University of Minnesota School, 721 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts Medical Unit, Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis, Min- 02115 nesota 55407 4104 Watson, James Dewey, 1962 (21), Cold Spring Harbor Lab- White, Abraham, 1970 (21),580 Arastradero Road, Apt. 507, oratory, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York Palo Alto, California 94306 11724 White, Donald Edward, 1973 (15), U.S. Geological Survey, Watson, Kenneth Marshall, 1974 (13), Department of 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, California 94025 Physics, University of California, Berkeley, California White, Gilbert Fowler, 1973 (53), Institute of Behavioral 94720 Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado Waugh, John Stewart, 1974 (14), Department of Chemistry, 80309 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mas- White, Harrison Colyar, 1975 (53), Department of Sociology, sachusetts 02139 William James Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, Weaver, Warren, 1969 (33), Second Hill RR 3, New Milford, Massachusetts 02138 Connecticut 06776 Whitehead, George William, 1972 (11), Room 2-284, De- Weber, Ernst, 1965 (31), P.O. Box 1619, Tryon, North Car- partment of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of olina 28782 Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Weber, Gregorio, 1975 (21), Department of Biochemistry, Whitford, Albert Edward, 1954 (12), Lick Observatory, Roger Adams Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana, University of California, Santa Cruz, California 95064 Illinois 61801 Whitney, Hassler, 1945 (11), The Institute for Advanced Wedel, Waldo Rudolph, 1965 (51), Department of Anthro- Study, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 pology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560 Whittaker, Robert H., 1975 (27), Section of Ecology and Weinberg, Alvin Martin, 1961 (33), Office of the Director, Systematics, Building #6 Langmuir Laboratory, Cornell Institute for Energy Analysis, P.O. Box 117, Oak Ridge, University, Ithaca, New York 14853 Tennessee 37830 Wiberg, Kenneth Berle, 1967 (14), Department of Chemis- Weinberg, Steven, 1972 (13), Department of Physics, Har- try, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520 vard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Wick, Gian-Carlo, 1963 (13), Department of Physics, Co- Weiss, Paul Alfred, 1947 (22), Rockefeller University, New lumbia University, New York, New York 10027 York, New York 10021 Widom, Benjamin, 1974 (14), Department of Chemistry, Weisskopf, Victor Frederick, 1952 (13), Department of Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam- Wiesner, Jerome Bert, 1960 (31), Office of the President, bridge, Massachusetts 02139 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mas- Weissman, Samuel Isaac, 1966 (14), Department of Chem- sachusetts 02139 istry, Louderman Hall, Washington University, St. Louis, Wightman, Arthur Strong, 1970 (13), Joseph Henry Labo- Missouri 63130 ratories, Princeton University, P.O. Box 708, Princeton, Weller, Thomas Huckle, 1964 (43), Department ofTropical New Jersey 08540 Public Health, Harvard School of Public Health, 665 Wigner, Eugene Paul, 1945 (13), Jadwin Hall, Princeton Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 University, P.O. Box 708, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Wells, John West, 1968 (15), Department of Geological Sci- Wilder, Raymond Louis, 1963 (11), 2427 Calle Montilla, ences, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 Santa Barbara, California 93109 Went, Frits Warmolt, 1947 (25), Desert Research Institute, Willey, Gordon Randolph, 1960 (51), Peabody Museum, Water Resources Building, University of Nevada, Reno, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Nevada 89507 Williams, Carroll Milton, 1960 (22), Biological Laboratories, Wentzel, Gregor, 1959 (13), 77 Via Collina, Ascona (Ticino), Harvard University, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Switzerland Massachusetts 02138 Westheimer, Frank Henry, 1954 (14), Department of Williams, John Warren, 1952 (14), Chemistry Building, Chemistry, Harvard University, 12 Oxford Street, Cam- University of Wisconsin, 1101 University Avenue, Madison, bridge, Massachusetts 02138 Wisconsin 53706 Wetherill, George West, 1974 (16), Department of Terres- Williams, Robley Cook, 1955 (21), Department of Molecular trial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 5241 Biology, University of California, Berkeley, California Broad Branch Road, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20015 94720 Wetmore, Alexander, 1945 (27), Smithsonian Institution, Williams, Roger John, 1946 (21), Clayton Foundation Bio- Washington, D.C. 20560 chemical Institute, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, Wever, Ernest Glen, 1940 (52), Auditory Research Labora- 78712 tories, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey Wilson, Edgar Bright, 1947 (14), Department of Chemistry, 08540 Harvard University, 12 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Mas- Wheatley, John Charles, 1975 (13), Department ofPhysics, sachusetts 02138 B-019, Revelle College, University of California, San Diego, Wilson, Edward Osborne, 1969 (27), Museum of Compara- La Jolla, California 92093 tive Zoology Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, Wheeler, John Archibald, 1952 (13), Department of Physics, Massachusetts 02138 University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 Wilson, Kenneth Geddes, 1975 (13), Laboratory of Nuclear Whinnery, John Roy, 1972 (31), Department of Electrical Studies, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of Cali- Wilson, Olin Chaddock, 1960 (12), Hale Observatories, 813 fornia, Berkeley, California 94720 Santa Barbara Street, Pasadena, California 91101 Whipple, Fred Lawrence, 1959 (12), Astrophysical Obser- Wilson, Perry William, 1955 (25), Department of Bacteri- vatory, Smithsonian Institution, 60 Garden Street, Cam- ology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin bridge, Massachusetts 02138 53706 4105

Wilson, Robert Rathbun, 1957 (13), Fermi National Accel- Yoder, Hatten Schuyler, Jr., 1958 (15), Geophysical Labo- erator Laboratory, P.O. Box 500, Batavia, Illinois 60510 ratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 2801 Upton Wintrobe, Maxwell Myer, 1973 (41), University of Utah Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 College of Medicine, 50 North Medical Drive, Salt Lake Young, William Gould, 1951 (14), 5036 Avenida del Sol, City, Utah 84132 Laguna Hills, California 92653 Witkin, Evelyn Maisel, 1977 (26), 88 Balcort Drive, Prince- ton, New Jersey 08540 Witkop, Bernhard, 1969 (14), Laboratory of Chemistry, Zacharias, Jerrold Reinach, 1957 (13), 32 Clifton Street, National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Belmont, Massachusetts 02178 Diseases, Building 4, Room 330, National Institutes of Zachariasen, Frederik William Houlder, 1949 (13), 100 Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Mateo Circle, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 Wogan, Gerald Norman, 1977 (32), Massachusetts Institute Zamecnik, Paul Charles, 1968 (21), Huntington Laboratories of Technology, Room 56-215, Cambridge, Massachusetts of Harvard University, Massachusetts General Hospital, 02139 Boston, Massachusetts 02114 Wolfowitz, Jacob, 1974 (11), Department of Mathematics, Zare, Richard N., 1976 (14), Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801 Stanford University, Stanford, California, 94305 Wolman, Abel, 1963 (31), 209 Ames Hall, Johns Hopkins Zariski, Oscar, 1944 (11), Department of Mathematics, University, Baltimore, Maryland 21218 Harvard University, Science Center, 1 Oxford Street, Wolpert, Julian, 1977 (53), School ofArchitecture and Urban Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Planning and Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton Univer- Zen, E-an, 1976 (15), U. S. Geological Survey, National sity, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Center, Mail Stop 959, Reston, Virginia 22092 Wood, Harland Goff, 1953 (21), Department ofBiochemistry, Zener, Clarence Melvin, 1959 (33), Carnegie-Mellon Uni- Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 versity, Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 Wood, William Barry III, 1972 (26), Division of Biology Zimm, Bruno Hasbrouck, 1958 (14), Department of Chem- 156-29, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, istry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Cali- California 91125 fornia 92093 Woodward, Robert Burns, 1953 (14), Department of Zinder, Norton David, 1969 (26), Rockefeller University, Chemistry, Harvard University, 12 Oxford Street, Cam- New York, New York 10021 bridge, Massachusetts 02138 Zinn, Walter Henry, 1956 (31), 1155 Ford Lane, Dunedin, Wooldridge, Dean Everett, 1969 (31), 4545 Via Esperanza, Florida 33528 Santa Barbara, California 93110 Zirkle, Raymond Elliott, 1959 (22), 4675 West Red Rock Woolsey, Clinton Nathan, 1960 (24), Department of Neu- Drive, Perry Park SWDC, Larkspur, Colorado 80118 rophysiology, 627 Waisman Center, University of Wiscon- Zwanzig, Robert Walter, 1972 (33), Institute for Physical sin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Science & Technology, University of Maryland, College Wright, H. E., Jr., 1977 (15), University of Minnesota, 310 Park, Maryland 20742 Pillsbury Drive, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 Zworykin, Vladimir Kosma, 1943 (31), RCA Laboratories, Wright, Sewall, 1934 (26), 3905 Council Crest, Madison, David Sarnoff Research Center, Princeton, New Jersey Wisconsin 53711 08540 Wu, Chien-Shiung, 1958 (13), Department of Physics, Co- Zygmund, Antoni, 1960 (11), Department of Mathematics, lumbia University, New York, New York 10027 University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637 Wulf, Oliver Reynolds, 1949 (16), Arthur Amos Noyes Lab- oratory of Chemical Physics, California Institute ofTech- Number of Members July 1, 1977: 1208 nology, Pasadena, California 91125 Wyckoff, Ralph Walter Graystone, 1949 (14), Department of Physics, Bldg. 81, University ofArizona, Tucson, Arizona MEMBERS EMERITI 85721 Wyman, Jeffries, 1969 (21), Istituti Fisioterapici Ospitalieri, Istituto Regina Elena, Viale Regina Elena, 291, Rome, Italy Members Emeriti affected by restructuring of sections have been 00161 assigned at the discretion of the Home Secretary. Wyngaarden, James Barnes, 1974 (42), Department of Billings, Marland Pratt, 1968 (15), Department of Geological Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Sciences, Harvard University, 24 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Carolina 27710 Massachusetts 02138 Yalow, Rosalyn Sussman, 1975 (42), Veterans Administra- Bleakney, Walker, 1959 (13), 4681 La Espada Drive, Santa tion Hospital, 130 West Kingsbridge Road, Bronx, New Barbara, California 93111 York 10468 Blomquist, Alfred Theodore, 1960 (14), Department of Yang, Chen Ning, 1965 (13), Department of Physics, State Chemistry, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 University of New York, Stony Brook, New York 11794 Bradley, Wilmot Hyde, 1946 (15), Pigeon Hill Road, Mil- Yanofsky, Charles, 1966 (26), Department of Biological bridge, Maine 04658 Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California Buddington, Arthur Francis, 1943 (15), 65 Pond St., Co- 94305 hasset, Massachusetts 02025 4106 Burns, Robert Kyle, 1955 (22), 303 North Second Street, Schmidt, Carl Frederic, 1949 (42), Reynolds Farm, 13300 Bridgewater, Virginia 22812 Indian Rocks Road, Largo, Florida 33540 Castle, William Bosworth, 1939 (42), 22 Irving Street, Tuve, Merle Antony, 1946 (13), 135 Hesketh Street, Chevy Brookline, Massachusetts 02146 Chase, Maryland 20015 Chipman, John, 1955 (33), 19 Lorena Road, Winchester, Wetmore, Ralph Hartley, 1954 (25), 12 Francis Avenue, Massachusetts 01890 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Coggeshall, Lowell Thelwell, 1949 (42), Route 2, Foley, Al- Williams, Howel, 1950 (15), Department of Geology and abama 36535 Geophysics, University of California, Berkeley, California Conant, James Bryant, 1929 (14), Manhattan House, 200 94720 East 66th Street, New York, New York 10021 Woodring, Wendell Phillips, 1946 (15), National Museum Corner, George Washington, 1940 (42), American Philo- of Natural History, Washington, D.C. 20560 sophical Society, 104 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106 Number of Members Emeriti July 1, 1977: 40 Dalldorf, Gilbert, 1955 (43), Oxford, Maryland 21654 Dubos, Rene, 1941 (43), Rockefeller University, New York, New York 10021 FOREIGN ASSOCIATES du Vigneaud, Vincent, 1944 (21), 200 White Park Road, Ithaca, New York 14580 The number in parentheses following the year of election Elderfield, Robert Cooley, 1949 (14), 1800 Hermitage Road, indicates association within the Sections of the National Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Academy of Sciences. Foreign Associates are listed with the Esau, Katherine, 1957 (25), Department of Biological Sci- section that nominated them, unless they have indicated ences, University of California, Santa Barbara, California otherwise. 93106 Abragam, Anatole, 1977 (13), Directeur de Recherches au Friedmann, Herbert, 1962 (27), 350 South Fuller Avenue, Commissariat A l'Energie Atomique, Centre d'Etudes Nu- Apt. 12H, Los Angeles, California 90036 cleaires de Saclay, B.P. n° 2, 91190 GIF-sur-YVETTE, Gilluly, James, 1947 (15), 975 Estes Street, Lakewood, Col- orado 80215 Adrian, of Cambridge, Edgar Douglas, Baron, 1941 (23), Greenewalt, Crawford Hallock, 1952 (31), E.I. du Pont de Trinity College, Cambridge, England Nemours & Company, Incorporated, Wilmington, Delaware Aigrain, Pierre Raoul, 1974 (33), 8 Square Henry Pate, Paris 19898 75016, France Hammett, Louis Plack, 1943 (14), 288 Medford Leas, Med- Alexandroff, Paul, S., 1947 (11), Mathematical Institute of ford, New Jersey 08055 the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Bolshaya Ka- Hastings, Albert Baird, 1939 (42), 2130 Vallecitos, Apt. 147, lushskaya 19, Moscow, U.S.S.R. La Jolla, California 92037 Alfv6n, Hannes 0. G., 1966 (16), Division of Physics, Johnson, John Raven, 1948 (14), Deer Valley Farm, Town- Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 70, Sweden shend, Vermont 05353 Amaldi, Edoardo, 1962 (13), University of Rome, Piazzale Kemble, Edwin Crawford, 1931 (13), 8 Ash St. Place, Cam- delle Scienze, 5, Rome, Italy bridge, Massachusetts 02138 Ambartsumian, Victor Amazaspovich, 1959 (12), Burakan Kunitz, Moses, 1967 (21), Valley Stream Apartments, Q-203, Astronomical Observatory, Erevan, Armenia, U.S.S.R. Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 Andrewes, Sir Christopher Howard, 1964 (43), Overchalke, Landis, Eugene Markley, 1954 (23), 1547 Silver Creek Drive, Coombe Bissett, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England Hellertown, Pennsylvania 18055 Auerbach, Charlotte, 1970 (26), Department of Genetics, Link, Karl Paul, 1946 (21), Department of Biochemistry, Institute ofAnimal Genetics, West Mains Road, Edinburgh, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 EH9 3JN, Scotland Lloyd, David Pierce Caradoc, 1953 (23), New Cottage, Barton, Derek Harold Richard, 1970 (14), Department of Greatham, Pulborough RH20 2ES, Sussex, England Chemistry, Imperial College of Science and Technology, Long, Esmond Ray, 1946 (43), 220 Locust Street, Apt. 23-B, South Kensington, London SW7, England Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106 Beerman, Wolfgang, 1975 (22), Max-Planck-Institut fur Longsworthl, Lewis Gibson, 1947 (14), 144-60 29th Avenue, Biologie, Spemannstr. 34, Tubingen, West Germany Flushing, New York 11354 Bell, Ronald Percy, 1972 (14), 28 Ayresome Terrace, Leeds Magoun, Horace Winchell, 1955 (23), 427 25th Street, Santa LS8 IBH, England Monica, California 90402 Bergstrom, Sune, 1973 (21), Karolinska Institutet, S1OY01, Northrop, John Howard, 1934 (21), P.O. Box 1387, Stockholm, Sweden Wickenburg, Arizona 85358 Best, Charles Herbert, 1950 (23), The C. H. Best Institute, Redfield, Alfred Clarence, 1958 (16), P.O. Box 106, Woods 112 College Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1L6, Canada Hole, Massachusetts 02543 Biermann, Ludwig Franz Benedikt, 1976 (13), Institute for Riker, Albert Joyce, 1951 (25), 2760 East Eighth Street, Astrophysics, Max-Planck-Institute for Physics and As- Tuscon, Arizona 85716 trophysics, Foehringer 6, 8000 Munich 40, Federal Robbins, William Jacob, 1940 (25), Rockefeller University, Republic of Germany New York, New York 10021 Bogolubov, Nikolai Nikolaevich, 1969 (13), Joint Institute Roeder, Kenneth David, 1964 (22), 454 Monument Street, for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Main Post Office, P.O. Box Concord, Massachusetts 01742 79, Moscow, U.S.S.R. 4107 Bohr, Aage Niels, 1971 (13), Department of Physics, Niels Engelhardt, Wladimir Aleksandrovitch, 1973 (21), Institute Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, Copenhagen, Denmark of Molecular Biology, Academy of Sciences ofthe U.S.S.R., Brachet, Jean, 1965 (22), Laboratoire de Morphologie Ani- Vavilov str. 32, Moscow B-312, U.S.S.R. male, Universitk Libre de Bruxelles, 67, rue des Chevaux, Ephrussi, Boris, 1961 (26), Laboratoire de G6netique 1640 Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium Physiologique, 91, Gif-sur-Yvette, France Braunstein, Aleksandr E., 1974 (21), Novoslobodskaya ul., Esaki, Leo, 1976 (31), Thomas J. Watson Research Center, 57/65, KV. 24, Moscow K-55, U.S.S.R. -International Business Machines Corporation, York-town Brenner, Sydney, 1977 (26), University Postgraduate Heights, New York 10598 Medical School, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH, En- Eschenmoser, Albert Jakob, 1973 (14), Laboratorium -fur gland Organische Chemie, Eidgenossische Technische Hoch- Broadbent, Donald E., 1970 (52), University of Oxford, schule, Universitatstrasse 6/8, CH-8006 Zurich, Switzer- Department of Experimental Psychology, South Parks land Road, Oxford, OXI 3UD, England Fenner, Frank John, 1977 (43), Office of the Director, The Brun, Edmond Antoine, 1960 (31), University of Paris, 8-10, Australian National University, Centre for Resource and place du Commerce, Paris XV, France Environmental Studies, Box 4, P.O., Canberra, A.C.T. 2600, Bullard, Sir Edward Crisp, 1959 (16), University of Cali- Australia fornia, A-025, La Jolla, California 92093 Frey-Wyssling, Albert Friedrich, 1970 (25), Institut fur Bunning, Erwin, 1968 (25), Institut fur Biologie, I, D-7400, Allgemeine Botanik, Eidgenossische Technische Hoch- 74 Tibingen, Auf der Morgenstelle I, Germany-W schule, Universitatstrasse 2, Zurich, Switzerland Burnet, Sir Macfarlane, 1954 (43), c/o Department of Mi- Gabor, Dennis, 1973 (31), CBS Laboratories, 227 High Ridge crobiology, University of Melbourne, Parkville, 3052, Vic- Road, Stamford, Connecticut 06905 U.S.A. toria, Australia Gansser, Augusto, 1971 (15), Geologisches Institut, Eidgen- Cartan, Henri Paul, 1972 (11), 95, Boulevard Jourdan, ossische Technische Hochschule, Sonneggstrasse 5, Zurich, 75014-Paris, France Switzerland Casimir, Hendrik Brugt Gerhard, 1970 (33), De Zegge 7, Gelfand, Israel M., 1970 (11), Laboratory of Mathematical Heeze, The Netherlands Methods in Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow Catcheside, David Guthrie, 1974 (26), Waite Agricultural 117234, U.S.S.R. Research Institute, Glen Osmond, South Australia 5064 Glass, David V., 1973 (53), The London School ofEconomics Clark, John Grahme Douglas, 1974 (51), The Master's Lodge, and Political Science, Houghton Street, Aldwych, London, Peterhouse, Cambridge, CB2 iQY, England WC2A 2AE, England Coombs, Douglas Saxon, 1977 (15), Department of Geology, Glen, Robert, 1967 (32), 4523 Juniper Place, Victoria, British University of Otago, Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand Columbia, V8N 3K1, Canada Cottrell, Sir Alan Howard, 1972 (31), The Master's Lodge, Goguel, Jean, 1973 (15), Ecole Nationale Sup6rieure des Jesus College, Cambridge CB5 8BL, England Mines, 100 Rue du Bac, Paris VIle, France Cousteau, Jacques Yves, 1968 (27), c/o Cousteau Society, Gorter, Cornelis Jacobus, 1967 (13), Kamerlingh Onnes 777 Third Ave, New York, New York 10017 Laboratory, State University of Leiden, Nieuwsteeg 18, Crick, Francis Harry Compton, 1969 (21), The Salk Institute Leiden, The Netherlands for Biological Studies, P.O. Box 1809, San Diego, California Granit, Ragnar, 1968 (23), The Nobel Institute for Neuro- 92112 physiology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm 60, Sweden Dahrendorf, Ralf, 1977 (53), Office of the Director, The Gustafsson, Carl Ake Torsten, 1967 (25), Institute of Ge- London School of Economics and Political Science, Uni- netics, Lund University, S6lvegaten 29, S-223, 62 Lund, versity of London, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE, Sweden England Harris, Harry, 1976 (26), Department of Human Genetics, de Broglie, Prince Louis, 1948 (13), 94 Rue Perronet, University of Pennsylvania, D-104 Richards Bldg., Ham- Neuilly-sur-Seine, France ilton Walk, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 de Duve, Christian, 1975 (41), International Institute of Harrison, James Merritt, 1965 (15), 4 Kippewa Drive, Ottowa Cellular and Molecular Pathology, Avenue Hippocrate, 75, KIS 364, Canada B-1200 Brussels, Belgium Hawthorne, William Rede, 1965 (31), University Engineering Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice, 1949 (11), Department of Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Trumpington Street, Physics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida Cambridge, England 32306 U.S.A. Hayaishi, Osamu, 1972 (21), Department of Medical Dubinin, Nikolai Petrovich, 1969 (26), Institute of General Chemistry, Kyoto University Faculty of Medicine, Sakyo- Genetics, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow, ku, Kyoto 606, Japan B-I33, Moscow, U.S.S.R. Herzberg, Gerhard, 1968 (13), National Research Council Duysens, Louis N. M., 1977 (25), Department of Biophysics, of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A OR6, Canada State University of Leiden, Huygens Laboratory, Wasse- Hill, Robert (Robin), 1975 (25), Department of Biochemistry, naarseweg 78, Leiden, The Netherlands Cambridge University, Cambridge CB2 1QW, England Eccles, Sir John Carew, 1966 (23), Cai a la Graf, Contra, CH Hodgkin, Sir Alan Lloyd, 1974 (23), The Royal Society, 6 6611, Switzerland Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AG, England Eigen, Manfred, 1966 (14), Max-Planck-Institut fur Physi- Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot, 1971 (14), Molecular Bio- kalische Chemie, Bunsenstrasse 10, 3400 Gottingen, Ger- physics Laboratory, Department of Zoology, South Parks many Road, Oxford, England 4108 Hormander, Lars, 1976 (11), Department of Mathematics, Longuet-Higgins, Hugh Christopher, 1968 (14), Centre for University of Lund, Lund, Sweden Research on Perception and Cognition, Laboratory of Ex- Hoyle, Sir Fred, 1969 (12), Cockley Moor, Dockray, Penrith, perimental Psychology, University of Sussex, Falmer, Cumberland CA 11 OLG, England Brighton BN1 9QY, England Inose, Hiroshi, 1977 (31), Department of Electronic Engi- Lorenz, Konrad, 1966 (24), Max-Planck-Institut fuir Vergl. neering, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan Verhaltensforschung, Abt. 4, Tiersoziologie A-3422, Jacob, Francois, 1969 (22), Institut Pasteur, 25 Rue du Altenberg, Austria Docteur Roux, Paris XVe, France Luft, Rolf, 1977 (42), Department of Endocrinology and Jeffreys, Sir Harold, 1945 (16), St. John's College, Cam- Metabolism, Karolinska Institutet, 104 01, Stockholm 60, bridge, England Sweden Jerne, Niels Kaj, 1975 (43), Basel Institute for Immunology, Luria, Alexander R., 1968 (52), Psychology Faculty, Uni- 487 Grenzacherstrasse, Ch-4058 Basel, Switzerland versity of Moscow, 13 Frunze Street, Moscow G.19, Jost, Res, 1976 (33), Institute for Theoretical Physics, U.S.S.R. Eidgenossische Techische Hochschule CH8093, Zurich, Lwoff, Andr6,1955 (22), Institut Pasteur, 25 Rue du Docteur Switzerland Roux, 75724 Paris Cedey 15, France Kapitza, Peter Leonidovich, 1946 (13), S. I. Vavilov Institute Lynen, Feodor, 1962 (21), Max-Planck-Institut fur Bioche- of Physical Problems, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., mie, 8033 Martinsried b., Munchen, Germany Vordbyevskoe Shosse, 2, Moscow 117334, U.S.S.R. Malinvaud, Edmond, 1977 (54), Institut National de la Katz, Sir Bernard, 1976 (13), Department of Biophysics, Statistique et des Etudes Economiques, Paris, France University College, University of London, London, En- gland McMichael, Sir John, 1974 (42), 2 North Square, London, Ephraim, 1966 (21), Residence of the NW11 7AA, England Katzir-Katchalski, Medawar, Sir Peter Brian, 1965 (22), Clinical Research President of the State of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel 1 3 UJ, Keilis-Borok, Vladimir Isackovich, 1971 (16), Institute of Centre, Watford Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA of Sciences of the England the Physics of the Earth, Academy Milner, Brenda, 1976 (52), Psychology Research Unit, De- U.S.S.R., Moscow, U.S.S.R. Institute, Kendrew, John Cowdery, 1972 (21), Medical Research partment of Neurology, Montreal, Neurological Council, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Quebec, Canada Cambridge CB2 2QH, England Mitchell, Peter D., 1977 (21), Glynn Research Laboratories, Kihara Institute for Biological Glynn Research Limited, Glynn House, Bodmin, Cornwall, Kihara, Hitoshi, 1958 (26), PL30 4AU, England Research Mutsakawa 3-122-21, Minami-Ku, Yokohama, Mizushima, Sanichiro, 1970 (14), 2-10-6, Tamagawa-Den- Japan 233 Kimura, Motoo, 1973 (26), National Institute of Genetics, enchofu, Setagayaku, Tokyo, Japan Misima, 411 Japan Monin, Andrei S., 1976 (16), Institute of Oceanology, Acad- Klein, George, 1973 (41), Institutet for Tumorbiologi, emy of Sciences of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Karolinska Institutet, 104 01 Stockholm 60, Sweden Moscow, U.S.S.R. Kodaira, Kunihiko, 1975 (11), Department of Mathematics, Mott, Sir Nevill Francis, 1957 (13), , Faculty of Sciences, Gakushuin University, 1-5-1 Mejiro, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 Toshima, Tokyo, Japan OHE, England Kolmogorov, Andrej N., 1967 (11), Moscow State University, Mottelson, Ben Roy, 1973 (13), Nordisk Institut for Teoretisk Moscow, U.S.S.R. Atomfysik, Biegdamsvej 17, DK-2100, Copenhagen 0, Krebs, Sir Hans Adolf, 1964 (21), Metabolic Research Lab- Denmark oratory, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, Rad- Nagata, Takesi, 1969 (16), Office of the Director, National cliffe Infirmary, Oxford, England Institute of Polar Research, 1-9-10 Koga, Itabashi, Tokyo Kubo, Ryogo, 1974 (13), Department of Physics, University 173, Japan of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113 Japan Ne'eman, Yuval, 1972 (13), Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Lal, Devendra, 1975 (16), Physical Research Laboratory, Israel Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380009, India Nicolet, Marcel, 1972 (16), External Geophysics, Brussels Leloir, Luis F., 1960 (21), Instituto de Investigaciones University, 30, Avenue Den Doorn, 1180 Brussels, Bel- Bioquimicas, Obligado 2490, Buenos Aires, Argentina gium Leray, Jean, 1965 (11), College de France, 11 Place Mar- Oort, Jan Hendrik, 1953 (12), Observatory of Leiden, Leiden, celin-Berthelot, Paris V, France The Netherlands Levi-Strauss, Claude, 1967 (51), Laboratoire d'Anthropo- Opik, Ernst Julius, 1975 (12) Armagh Observatory, Armagh logie Sociale, College de France, 11 Place Marcelin-Ber- BT61 9DG, Northern Ireland thelot, Paris V, France Oudin, Jacques, 1974 (43), Institut Pasteur, 28, rue du Lighthill, Sir M. James, 1976 (33), Department of Applied Docteur Roux, Paris XVe, France Mathematics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, En- Peierls, Sir Rudolf, 1970 (13), Department of Theoretical gland Physics, University of Oxford, 12 Parks Road, Oxford OX1 Lindauer, Martin, 1976 (24), Department of Zoology and 3PQ, England Comparative Physiology, Bayerische-Julius-Maximilians Penney, William George, Baron, 1962 (33), Wantage, Ox- Universitat, Wurzbuirg, Federal Republic of Germany fordshire, England 4109 Perutz, Max Ferdinand, 1970 (21), Laboratory of Molecular Semenov, Nikolai Nikolaevich, 1963 (14), Institute of Biology, University Postgraduate Medical School, Hills Chemical Physics, Vorobyevskoye chaussee 2, Moscow, Road, Cambridge CB2 2QH, England V-133, U.S.S.R. Piaget, Jean, 1966 (52), Facult6 de Psychologie et des Sci- Shafarevich, Igor R., 1974 (11), Mathematical Institute of ences de l'Education, Rue General-Dufour 24,1211 Geneve the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Ul. Vavilova 42, Moscow 4, Switzerland II7333, U.S.S.R. Pickering, Sir George, 1970 (41), Cairns Library, Radcliffe Shklovsky, I. S., 1973 (12), Astrophysical Department, In- Infirmary, Oxford OX2 6HE, England stitute of Space Research, Academy of Sciences of the Pople, John Anthony, 1977 (14), Department of Chemistry, U.S.S.R., 14 Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow, U.S.S.R. Carnegie-Mellon University, 4400 Fifth Avenue, Pitts- Siegel, Carl Ludwig, 1968 (11), Mathematics Institute, burgh, Pennsylvania 15213 University of Gottingen, 34 Gottingen, Germany Porter, Sir George, 1974 (14), The Royal Institution, 21 Slatyer, Ralph Owen, 1976 (25), Department of Environ- Albemarle Street, London W1X 4BS, England mental Biology, Australian National University, Canberra, Porter, Rodney Robert, 1972 (43), Department of Bio- Australia chemistry, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford Sokolov, Eugene Nikolaievich, 1975 (52), Faculty of Psy- OX1 3QU, England chology, Moscow State University, Moscow, U.S.S.R. Prelog, Vladimir, 1961 (14), Laboratorium fur organische Aorm, Frantisek, 1971 (14), Institute of Organic Chemistry Chemie, Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, and Biochemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Science, Switzerland Prague 6, Prigogine, Ilya, 1967 (14), University of Brussels, Serv. de Stromgren, Bengt, 1971 (12), Cph Observatory, 0ster- Chimie Physique II, Code Postal n0 231, Boulevard du voldgade 3, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark Triomphe, 1050 Brussels-Belgium Swaminathan, Monkombu S., 1977 (32), Office of the Di- Ramalingaswami, Vulimiri, 1973 (32), All India Institute rector General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110016, Krishi Bhavan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi, India 110001, India Reichel-Dolmatoff, Gerardo, 1976 (51), Universidad de los Swings, Pol, 1966 (12), Institut d'Astrophysique, Universitk Andes, Bogata, Colombia de Liege, Cointe-Ougree, Belgium Reichstein, Tadeus, 1952 (14), Organisch-chemische Anstalt, Szentfigothai, Janos, 1972 (22), 1st Department of Anatomy, St. Johanns-Ring 19, CH-4056, Basel, Switzerland Semmelweis University Medical School, Tuzolto utca 58, Rensch, Bernhard C. E., 1977 (27), Zoologisches Institut der 1450 Budapest, Hungary Westfilischen Wilhelms-Universitat, 44 Munster (Westf.) Takhtajan, Armen Leonovich, 1971 (25), Komarov Botanical Badestrasse 9, Federal Republic of Germany Institute, 2 Prof. Popov Street, Leningrad 197022, Ringwood, Alfred Edward, 1975 (15), The Australian Na- U.S.S.R. tional University, Research School of Earth Sciences, In- Tamiya, Hiroshi, 1966 (25), Shinjuku-ku, Shimo-ochiai, stitute of Advanced Studies, P.O. Box 4, Canberra 2600, Tokyo, 3-9-10, Japan (161) Australia Theorell, Axel Hugo, 1957 (21), Nobel Institute of Medicine, Robertson, Sir Rutherford Ness, 1962 (25), Research School Solnavagen 1, Stockholm 60, Sweden ofBiological Sciences, Australian National University, Box Tinbergen, Jan, 1974 (53), Erasmus University, Rotterdam 4, P.O. Canberra, A.C.T., Australia 2600 3016, The Netherlands Rocha, Manuel Coelho Mendes, 1975 (31), Avenida Estados Tinbergen, Nikolaas, 1974 (24), Department of Zoology, Unidos da America, 95-3°.Dt°., Lisboa-5, Portugal Animal Behaviour Research , South Parks Road, Rokkan, Stein, 1976 (53), Department ofPolitical Sociology, Oxford OX1 3PS, England University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway Todd, of Trumpington, Alexander Robertus, Baron, 1955 Rosenblueth, Emilio, 1970 (31), Instituto de Ingenieria, (14), University of Cambridge, University Chemical Lab- Ciudad Universitaria, D.F. Mexico oratory, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, England Roy, Maurice, 1964 (31), 86, Avenue Niel, Paris XVII, Tomonaga, Sin-itiro, 1965 (13), 3-17-12 Kyonan-cho, Mu- France sashino-city, Tokyo 180, Japan Ryle, Si artin, 1975 (12), Cavendish Laboratory, Madin- Uyeda, Seiya, 1976 (16), Earthquake Research Institute, gley Ro& Caibridge CB3 OHE, England University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Sakharov, Andrei, 1973 (13), P.N. Lebedev, Institute of van de Hulst, Hendrik C., 1977 (12), Sterrewacht, Leiden, Physics, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., 14 Leninsky Huygens Laboratorium, Wassenaarseweg 78, Leiden 2405, Prospekt, Moscow, U.S.S.R. The Netherlands Sander, Bruno Hermann Max, 1966 (15), Mineralogisches von Euler, Ulf Svante, 1972 (23), Fysiologiska Institutionen Institut, Alte Universitat, Universitatstrasse 4,6020 Inns- 1, Karolinska Institutet, S-104 01 Stockholm 60, Sweden bruck, Austria von Frisch, Karl, 1951 (24), Uber der Klause 10, 8000 Sanger, Frederick, 1967 (21), Medical Research Council, Munchen 90, Germany Laboratory of Molecular Biology, University Postgraduate von Koenigswald, G. H. Ralph, 1972 (51), Forschungsinst- Medical School, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2QH, En- itut Senckenberg, Senckenberganlage 25, 6 Frankfurt-M gland 1, Germany Sela, Michael, 1976 (21), Office of the President, Weizmann Wagner, Carl, 1967 (31), Max-Planck-Institut fur Physika- Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel lische Chemie, Bunsenstrasse 10, 34 Gottingen, Germany 4110 Waldenstrom, Jan Gosta, 1969 (41), Department of Medi- Wilson, John Tuzo, 1968 (15), Office of the Director General, cine, General Hospital, Malmo, Sweden Ontario Science Centre, 770 Don Mills Road, Don Mills, Weil, Andr6,1977 (11), School of Mathematics, The Institute Ontario, M3C 1T3, Canada for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Yukawa, Hideki, 1949 (13), Yukawa Hall, Kyoto University, Wigglesworth, Sir Vincent Brian, 1971 (22), Department Kyoto, Japan of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, England Wilkinson, Geoffrey, 1975 (14), Department of Chemistry, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London SW7 2AY, England Number of Foreign Associates July 1, 1977: 165

PUBLIC WELFARE MEDALISTS (Conferral year shown in parentheses)

Baumgartner, Leona, (1977) Harvard Medical School, 25 Hill, Lister (1969),1618 Gilmer Avenue, Montgomery, Ala- Shuttuck Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 bama 36104 Daddario, Emilio Quincy, (1976) Office of Technology As- Killian, James R., Jr. (1956), Massachusetts Institute of sessment, Room 721,119 D Street, N. E., Washington, D.C. Technology, Room 9-235, Cambridge, Massachusetts 20510 02139 Doolittle, James Harold (1959), 5225 Wilshire Boulevard, Lilienthal, David Eli (1954), 88 Battle Road, Princeton, New Los Angeles, California 90036 Jersey 08540 Gardner, John William (1966), 5325 Kenwood Avenue, Shannon, James Augustine (1962), 5101 River Road, Apt. Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015 1212, Chevy Chase, Maryland 20016 Harrar J. George (1963), Room 907, 30 West 54th Street, Weaver, Warren (1957), Second Hill RR 3, New Milford, New York, New York 10019 Connecticut 06776 AUTHOR INDEX, SEPTEMBER 1977

Adams, J. E. 4017 Emery, R. 3898 Khosla, M. C. 4029 Ross, G. D. 4012 Adelberg, E. A. 3956 Erbe, E. 3859 Khoury, G. 3686 Rossi, G. B. 3869 Adler, S. W. 3754 Eriksen, N. 4025 Kobayashi, I. 3932 Rosso, G. C. 3762 Aloni, Y. 3686 Eyring, H. 3623 Kuempel, P. L. 3927 Roth, R. 3951 Alper, C. A. 3980 Falardeau, P. 3691 Kuhar, M. J. 4059 Rothman, S. S. 4068 Alston, T. A. 3767 Fitzpatrick, F. A. 4007 Labourdette, G. 3855 Ruddle, F. H. 3937 Amici, D. 3869 Flamig, D. P. 3814 Laub, 0. 3686 Rudland, P. S. 3845 Amos, L. A. 3772 Flanegan, J. B. 3677 Leibovitch, S. A. 3720 Saito, Y. 3730 Arnon, D. I. 3826 Fleming, H. 3681 Lester, E. P. 3988 Sawyer, B. D. 3864 Asano, T. 3657 Ford, P. J. 3835 Levitz, M. 3754 Scarf, H. E. 3637 Avrameas, S. 3997 Fournier, R. E. K. 3937 Li, C. H. 4017 Schachman, H. K. 3777 Bach, R. 3898 Gainer, H. 4046 Lichti, U. 3908 Schoffeniels, E. 3810 Baltimore, D. 3677 Garewal, H. 3745 Light, S. 3745 Schubert, D. 4055 Barton, R. W. 3993 Gart, J. J. 3850 Lin, S. H. 3623 Schuerch-Rathgeb, Y. 3893 Ben, T. 3908 Gelfand, E. W. 3980 Lindsay, R. M. 3893 Seeley, N. R. 3927 Benacerraf, B. 3975 Gerard, C. 3725 Livingston, D. M. 3745 Seeman, P. 3750 Benditt, E. P. 4025 Germain, R. N. 3975 Loskutoff, D. J. 3903 Sercarz, E. E. 3984 Benz, E. J., Jr. 3960 Gershman, H. 3874 Majerus, P. W. 4033 Sevastopoulos, C. G. 3947 Berger, E. A. 3647 Geynet, P. 3710 Manasek, F. J. 4076 Sharrow, S. 0. 3850 Bern, H. A. 4020 Gianfranceschi, G. L. 3869 Manservigi, R. 3913 Shiu, R. P. C. 3840 Beutler, E. 3701 Gibbons, I. 3777 Marcus, A. J. 3922 Shooter, E. M. 3647 Black, L. W. 3652 Gilman, A. G. 3715 Margineanu, D.-G. 3810 Silbert, D. F. 3730 Blondin, G. A. 3662, 3667 Glaser, D. A. 3947 Marks, A. 3855 Singer, S. J. 3883 Bollum, F. J. 3993 Goldschneider, I. 3993 Masushige, S. 3762 Slaga, T. J. 3908 Bornens, M. 3997 Gorman, R. R. 4007 Matarese, G. P. 3869 Slater, M. L. 3850 Bothwell, M. A. 3777 Graffe, M. 3970 Matthews, P. G. 4029 Snyder, S. H. 4059 Braestrup, C. 3805 Green, D. E. 3662, 3667 Meglio, M. 4017 Spear, P. G. 3913 Brandt, P. W. 4073 Greene, G. L. 3681 Mela, L. 3767 Sperling, R. 3772 Bright, H. J. 3767 Gregoire, K. E. 3993 Messing, J. 3642 Springer, M. 3970 Brown, G. S. 3821 Gronenborn, B. 3642 Metcalf, D. 3879 Squires, R. F. 3805 Brown, T. R. 3627 Guglielmi, L. 3869 Meyer, P. 4029 Srb, A. M. 3831 Brownstein, M. J. 4046 Guilbert, B. 3997 Miletich, J. P. 4033 Steere, R. L. 3859 Broxmeyer, H. E. 4012 Hadidi, A. 3859 Miller, I. L. 3956 Stone, W. L. 3796 Buchan, A. 3913 Haines, L. L. 3745 Miller, J. B. 3988 Strominger, J. L. 4002 Bumpus, F. M. 4029 Halper, J. 4012 Miller, 0. V. 4007 Strosberg, A. D. 3710 Bundy, G. L. 4007 Hammarstrom, S. 3691 Mirels, L. 3965 Subramani, S. 3777 Bush, G. L. 3942 Hanoune, J. 3710 Monard, D. 3893 Sun, F. F. 4007 Bustamante, E. 3735 Hansson, H.-A. 3782 Moss, B. 3758 Svennerholm, L. 3782 Calvet, J. P. 3705 Harel, J. 3720 Muller-Hill, B. 3642 Tanford, C. 3796 Canellakis, E. S. 3791 Haslam, S. Z. 4020 Nasrallah, J. B. 3831 Tapiero, H. 3720 Carrino, D. 3874 Haworth, R. A. 3662 Neimark, H. C. 4041 Taraskevich, P. S. 4064 Case, S. M. 3942 Heggeness, M. H. 3883 Nienhuis, A. W. 3960 Tenen, D. G. 3745 Chamberlin, M. J. 3740 Hennecke, H. 3970 O'Farrell, M. K. 3845 Terhorst, C. 4002 Champoux, J. J. 3800 Hennings, H. 3908 Ogawa, S. 3627 Thang, M. N. 3787 Chan, S. I. 3821 Herschman, H. R. 3918 Owens, R. A. 3859 Tittler, M. 3750 Chan-Palay, V. 4050 Hidaka, H. 3657 Ozols, J. 3725 Torrance, J. D. 3701 Chen, K. Y. 3791 Hill, T. L. 3632 Palay, S. L. 4050 Troll, W. 3754 Chou, S. M. 3730 Hiyama, T. 3826 Parkhurst, L. J. 3814 Tsen, H.-Y. 3696 Cioe, L. 3869 Hofschneider, P. H. 3642 Parks, C. M. 3888 Tsujimoto, H. Y. 3826 Clingan, D. 3845 Holmgren, J. 3782 Pastan, I. 3840 Turkin, D. 3984 Closs, L. E. 3681 Hopfield, J. J. 3817 Patterson, E. 3908 Turner, P. 3960 Cohen, A. M. 4076 Horowitz, M. 3686 Patton, J. L. 3942 Uhl, G. R. 4059 Davis, A. E. III 3980 Hosobuchi, Y. 4017 Pedersen, P. L. 3735 Van Zande, H. 3662 Degnen, G. E. 3956 Hsiao, C. L. 3652 Pederson, T. 3705 Vauquelin, G. 3710 De Maeyer, E. 3787 Hu, V. W. 3821 Perlman, S. M. 3835 Wang, C. Y. 4012 De Maeyer-Guignard, J. 3787 Hudson, J. 3745 Pernollet, M.-G. 4029 Wang, K. 3883 Deonier, R. C. 3965 Ikeda, H. 3932 Peterson, D. C. 4007 Wei, C.-M. 3758 Deshmukh, K. 3864 Isenman, L. D. 4068 Pierres, M. 3975 Weinreich, P. 3750 Desmedt, J. E. 4037 Jackson, C. M. 4033 Potasek, M. J. 3817 Weksler, B. B. 3922 DeSombre, E. R. 3681 Jaffe, E. A. 3922 Pouyssegur, J. 3840 Whitlock, C. 4055 Devynck, M.-A. 4029 Jarowski, C. I. 4012 Pruss, R. M. 3918 Whittaker, D. 3701 Dhar, R. 3686 Jensen, E. V. 3681 Quill, H. 3762 Williams, R. C. 3740 Diener, T. 0. 3859 Jimenez de Asua, L. 3845 Rentsch, M. 3893 Wilson, A. C. 3942 Dolei, A. 3869 Johnson, G. R. 3879 Reynolds, J. A. 3796 Winchester, R. J. 4012 Dorf, M. E. 3975 Jones, C. 4002 Robb, R. 4002 Wolf, G. 3762 Douglas, W. W. 4064 Karsenti, E. 3997 Roe, B. A. 3696 Woodard, V. 3745 Duerr, S. A. 3927 Katz, J. 3754 Rosbash, M. M. 3835 Yachnin, S. 3988 Edgington, T. S. 3903 Kaufman, S. J. 3888 Rose, J. K. 3672 Yang, Y. R. 3777 Eisen, H. 3898 Kawai, M. 4073 Rosen, F. S. 3980 Yuspa, S. H. 3908 Eisenstadt, J. M. 3956 Kessler, R. J. 3662, 3667 Ross, E. M. 3715 Zamb, T. J. 3951 Ziegler, J. B. 3980
