Conformational Transition in Immunoglobulin MOPC 460" by Correction. in Themembership List of the National Academy of Scien

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Conformational Transition in Immunoglobulin MOPC 460 Corrections Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 74 (1977) 1301 Correction. In the article "Kinetic evidence for hapten-induced Correction. In the membership list of the National Academy conformational transition in immunoglobulin MOPC 460" by of Sciences that appeared in the October 1976 issue of Proc. D. Lancet and I. Pecht, which appeared in the October 1976 Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 73,3750-3781, please note the following issue of Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA 73,3549-3553, the authors corrections: H. E. Carter, Britton Chance, Seymour S. Cohen, have requested the following changes. On p. 3550, right-hand E. A. Doisy, Gerald M. Edelman, and John T. Edsall are affil- column, second line from bottom, and p. 3551, left-hand col- iated with the Section ofBiochemistry (21), not the Section of umn, fourth line from the top, "Fig. 2" should be "Fig. 1A." Botany (25). In the legend of Table 2, third line, note (f) should read "AG, = -RTlnKj." On p. 3553, left-hand column, third paragraph, fifth line, "ko" should be replaced by "Ko." Correction. In the Author Index to Volume 73, January-De- cember 1976, which appeared in the December 1976 issue of Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 73, 4781-4788, the limitations of Correction. In the article "Amino-terminal sequences of two computer alphabetization resulted in the listing of one person polypeptides from human serum with nonsuppressible insu- as the author of another's paper. On p. 4786, it should indicate lin-like and cell-growth-promoting activities: Evidence for that James Christopher Phillips had an article beginning on p. structural homology with insulin B chain" by E. Rinderknecht 128, and James Charles Phillips had an article beginning on p. and R. E. Humbel, which appeared in the December 1976 issue 3820. of Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA 73, 4379-4381, a symbol was misprinted. In the legend of Fig. 1 on pp. 4380-4381, the third and fourth lines should read "_, automatic Edman degradation and gas chromatography." Correction. In the article "Studies of human myasthenia gravis: Electrophysiological and ultrastructural evidence compatible with antibody attachment to acetylcholine receptor complex" by J. E. Rash, E. X. Albuquerque, C. S. Hudson, R. F. Mayer, and J. R. Satterfield, which appeared in the December 1976 issue of Proc. Natl. Acad. * Sci. USA 73, 4584-4588, a printer's error deleted the first author of ref. 1. The correct reference is: 1. Fambrough, D., Drachman, D. B. & Satyamurti, S. (1973) Science 182,293-295. Downloaded by guest on September 24, 2021 Members N.A.S. Organization NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES JULY 1, 1976 OFFICERS Term expires President-PHILIP HANDLER June 30, 1981 Vice-President-SAUNDERS MAC LANE June 30, 1977 Home Secretary- DAVID R. GODDARD June 30, 1979 Foreign Secretary-GEORGE S. HAMMOND June 30, 1978 Treasurer-E. R. PIORE June 30, 1980 Executive Officer Comptroller John S. Coleman David Williams Business Manager Bernard L. Kropp COUNCIL Anderson, Philip W. (1979) *Mac Lane, Saunders (1977) Anfinsen, C. B. (1977) *Piore, E. R. (1980) Bloembergen, Nicolaas (1978) Press, Frank (1978) *Crawford, Bryce, Jr. (1978) *Revelle, Roger (1977) Fowler, William A. (1977) Russell, Elizabeth S. (1977) *Goddard, David R. (1979) Stetten, DeWitt, Jr. (1979) Gunsalus, Irwin C. (1978) *Westheimer, Frank H. (1979) Hammond, George S. (1978) *Handler, Philip (1981) Lehninger, A. L. (1979) * Members of the Executive Committee of the Council of the Academy. 3750 Members N.A.S. Organization 3751 SECTIONS The Academy is divided into the following Sections, to which members are assigned at their own choice: (11) Mathematics (31) Engineering (12) Astronomy (32) Applied Biology (13) Physics (33) Applied Physical and (14) Chemistry Mathematical Sciences (15) Geology (41) Medical Genetics, Hema- (16) Geophysics tology, and Oncology (21) Biochemistry (42) Medical Physiology, En- (22) Cellular and Developmen- docrinology, and Me- tal Biology tabolism (23) Physiological Sciences (43) Medical Microbiology and (24) Neurobiology Immunology (25) Botany (51) Anthropology (26) Genetics (52) Psychology (27) Population Biology, Evo- (53) Social and Political Sci- lution, and Ecology ences (54) Economic Sciences In the alphabetical list of members, the numbers in parentheses, following year of election, indicate the respective Class and Section of the member. CLASSES The members of Sections are grouped in the following Classes: I. Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16). II. Biological Sciences (Sections 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27). III. Engineering and Applied Sciences (Sections 31, 32, 33). IV. Medical Sciences (Sections 41, 42, 43). V. Behavioral and Social Sciences (Sections 51, 52, 53, 54). OFFICERS Class I: Chairman-M. L. Goldberger (1977) Secretary-John D. Roberts (1977) Class II: Acting Chairman-Clifford Grobstein (1978) Secretary-Philip P. Cohen (1977) Class III: Chairman-John W. Tukey (1978) Secretary-Jack R. Harlan (1977) Class IV: Chairman-Leon 0. Jacobson (1977) Secretary-M. M. Wintrobe (1977) Class V: Chairman-Ward H. Goodenough (1977) Secretary-James Tobin (1977) 3752 Members N.A.S. Organization MEMBERS Anderson, Thomas Foxen, 1964 (26), Institute for Cancer Research, 7701 Burholme Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- Abeles, Robert Heinz, 1976 (21), Graduate Department of vania 19111 Biochemistry, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachu- Andrews, Henry Nathaniel, Jr., 1975 (25), Biological Sci- setts 02154 ences Group, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences U43, Abelson, Philip Hauge, 1959 (15), Office of the President, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut 06268 Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1530 P Street, N.W., Anfinsen, Christian Boehmer, 1963 (21), Laboratory of Washington, D.C. 20005 Chemical Biology, National Institute of Arthritis, Metab- Adair, Robert Kemp, 1976 (13), Department of Physics, Yale olism, and Digestive Diseases, Building 10, 9N-307, Na- University, 217 Prospect Street, New Haven, Connecticut tional Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20014 06520 Arnold, James Richard, 1964 (16), Department ofChemistry, Adams, Robert McCormick, 1970 (51), The Oriental Insti- B-017 University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Cali- tute, 1155 East 58th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637 fornia 92093 Adelberg, Edward Allen, 1971 (26), Department of Human Arnold, William Archibald, 1962 (25), Biology Division, Oak Genetics, Yale University School of Medicine, 333 Cedar Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box Y, Oak Ridge, Ten- Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06510 nessee 37830 Adler, Stephen Louis, 1975 (13), School of Natural Sciences, Arnon, Daniel Israel, 1961 (21), Department of Cell Physi- The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey ology, Hilgard Hall, University of California, Berkeley, 08540 California 94720 Ahlfors, Lars Valerian, 1953 (11), Department of Mathe- Arrow, Kenneth Joseph, 1968 (54), Room 404, Harvard matics, Harvard University, Science Center, 1 Oxford University, 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, Massa- Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 chusetts 02138 Ahrens, Edward Hamblin, Jr., 1973 (42), Rockefeller Uni- Astin, Allen Varley, 1960 (33), 5008 Battery Lane, Bethesda, versity, New York, New York 10021 Maryland 20014 Alberty, Robert Arnold, 1965 (14), Room 6-215, School of Atkinson, Richard Chatham, 1974 (52), National Science Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Mas- Foundation, Room 520,1800 G Street, N.W., Washington, sachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 D.C. 20550 Alder, Berni Julian, 1970 (14), Lawrence Livermore Labo- Austen, Karl Frank, 1974 (43), Harvard Medical School, ratory, P. 0. Box 808, Livermore, California 94550 Robert B. Brigham Hospital, Parker Hill Avenue, Boston, Alexander, Richard Dale, 1974 (27), Museum of Zoology, Massachusetts 02120 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Axelrod, Julius, 1971 (24), National Institute of Mental Allard, Robert Wayne, 1973 (26), Department of Genetics, Health, 9000 Rockville Pike, Building 10, Room 2D-47, University of California, Davis, California 95616 Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Allen, Clarence Roderic, 1976 (15), Seismological Labora- Aydelotte, William Osgood, 1974 (53), Department of His- tory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Cali- tory, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242 fornia 91125 Aller, Lawrence Hugh, 1962 (12)Department of Astronomy, Babcock, Horace Welcome, 1954 (12), Hale Observatories, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90024 813 Santa Barbara Street, Pasadena, California 91101 Alvarez, Luis Walter, 1947 (13), Lawrence Berkeley Labo- Bacher, Robert Fox, 1947 (13), 405-47, California Institute ratory, University of California, Berkeley, California of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 94720 Backus, George Edward, 1969 (33), Institute of Geophysics Ames, Bruce Nathan, 1972 (21), Department of Biochemis- and Planetary Physics, University of California, San Diego, try, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 A-025, La Jolla, California 92093 Anders, Edward, 1974 (16), Enrico Fermi Institute, Uni- Backus, John, 1974 (33), 91 St. Germain Avenue, San versity of Chicago, 5630 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illi- Francisco, California 94114 nois 60637 Bahcall, John Norris, 1976 (12), School of Natural Sciences, Anderson, Carl David, 1938 (13), California Institute of The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 08540 Anderson, Charles Alfred, 1957 (15), Earth Sciences Board, Bainbridge, Kenneth Tompkins, 1946 (13), Department of
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