National Medal of Science Recipients
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THEROLE OF THEHIGH SCHOOLBIOLOGY TEACHER 271 time scheduledfor science subjects. There is I have emphasizedour need for scientific need for a curriculumthat would allow the and technicalmanpower, and particularlyour child to perform. As aptly stated by the need for public understandingof and public Steering Committee of the BSCS: ". no supportfor science. I have reviewedsome of child can comprehendwhat science is simply the dangerous and wasteful by-productsof by learningfacts about nature. Real involve- biological illiteracy, citing some of these as ment in scientificinquiry is needed, an active evidencethat there is a criticalneed for pub- participationthat can enable the learner to lic understandingof science. The heavy re- distinguish between experiment and instru- sponsibility for reversing the illiteracy falls on mentation, between evidence and authority, the high school biology teacher, but help should come from the entire scientific com- between science and magic... ." Borrowing munity, from the mass media-and indeed Downloaded from by guest on 29 September 2021 from the phraseologyof a documentmemo- from all thinking citizens. Abraham Lincoln rized by all high school students: Among expressed it perfectly: "Public support is those truths we hold self-evident is that in everything,without it nothing can succeed, order to study life we must study the living. with it nothing can fail." National Medal of Science Teacher Education in East Africa Recipients Thirty American teachers are being sought Recently President Johnson presented elev- for two-year participation to serve as staff en National Medals of Science at a White members for primary and secondary training House ceremony. Following are the names, colleges in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. of the recipients of this award and the areas Recruitment and selection of the applicants in which their contributions were made: will be in charge of Teachers College, Co- Roger Adams (organic chemistry), Othmar lumbia University. Ammann (bridge designer), Theodosius Dob- Qualifications for the applicant must in- zhansky (human genetics), Charles S. Draper clude a Master's degree and a minimum of (missile guidance), Solomon Lefschetz (al- five years of teaching experience. Applicants gebraic topology), Neal E. Miller (human must be U. S. citizens, and male applicants motivation), Marston Morse (differential to- must have completed their military obliga- pology), Marshall W. Nirenberg (code of tions. Total salary should be approximately heredity), Julian S. Schwinger (theoretical $9500 per year. Further information may be physics), Harold C. Urey (origin of solar obtained by writing: Teacher Education in system), and Robert B. Woodward (strych- East Africa, Teachers College, Columbia nine synthesis). University, New York, 10027. Warning! Prize for Algae Study The handling of cancer-causing viruses and The Botanical Society of America is ac- chemicals in school laboratories is a type of cepting nominations for the Darbaker Prize activity which should be carried on with a that is given to a person for meritorious work great deal of care, and probably should not in the study of algae. Persons need not be be done by high school students. Two staff members of the Botanical Society. The com- members of the Public Health Service's Na- mittee bases its judgment on papers published tional Cancer Institute indicate that the haz- by the nominee during the last two years. The value of the prize will be approximately ards of such a project are considerable, espe- $250, and nominations for the 1965 award, since new cially knowledge indicates that accompanied by a statement of the merits of viruses and such chemicals may induce sim- the case and by reprints, should be sent by ilar growths in humans. This is a Warning June 1, 1965 to Dr. Paul G. Green, Dart- which should be heeded by all biology teach- mouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hamp- ers in their work with students in projects. shire. .