The Civil War

Chapter 11 From Bull Run to Antietam

Chapter 11 Section 1 The First Battle of Bull Run • Union commander – Irvin McDowell • Union troops not very organized – need more time – but Lincoln wants men into action • Goal was to take Manassas – important railroad junction near Washington • Union marched toward Bull Run Stream • Looked like a Union victory early on • But Confederates rally behind Thomas Jackson – “STONEWALL” • The South won the First Battle of Bull Run Preparing for War • North had advantages in population, railroads, money, weapon • South had the advantage of superior officers and fighting on their home field • Union Strategy – cut off South from everything – • Confederate Strategy – war of attrition • Old tactics were used against new technology War in the West • George McClellan named commander after Bull Run disaster • Lincoln wanted to take control of Mississippi River • Union forces in the west led by Ulysses Grant • Grant wins Forts Henry and Donelson easily • Grant endures heavy losses as the however but learns a lesson – defensive fighting will win the war • Union is able to capture southern points on the Mississippi however War in the East • Monitor and make wooden vessels obsolete • At the Peninsular Campaign, McClellan was in striking distance of Richmond but he let Confederates organize attack. • Confederates now led by E. Lee The South Attacks • Lee and Jackson join forces to attack Union troops • John Pope replaced McClellan after being to hesitant • Jackson attacks Pope, when Pope goes on the offensive – Lee brings reinforcements • Second Battle of Bull Run • After the Battle, McClellan is reinstated • Now that Richmond was no longer in danger, time to invade the North • Lee invades W. Maryland in Sept. 1862 • Union troops found a copy of Lee’s orders but again McClellan delays • Lee able to reorganize and they meet at Antietam Creek in Sharpsburg, MD • At this battle over 6500 killed and 26,000 total casualties • Confederates on the retreat but McClellan again hesitates • Bloodiest day of the entire war, but it isn’t over yet!