I THE SUN SATURDAY JULY 10 1880 f Manawr4afltsli road on hIs way to Xovafleolla lila tunrtionf- CrcnrsiottJ- I su5upnaet the alleged lorgery consists Ini sIgning tIe LONU BIIANOH Rn music br Prof Nloholas Electric been University or Pennsylvania crew will arrive on Monday Americas 31 00 Web Shady Walks Oraiid Old Treci Cool Ilrceiei Philadelphia of Hancock among the soldiers and sailors of Intense prevails as lo the result of the race LYJOVTU UOV lid Republic 1020 1035 1i err eieltement l CIIAItMINU EXCURSIONS TWICE Plalnflold comprise a very part of nil 100 r hI I N STEAMBOATS LEAVI Open for the lars TWO ColumbIa 2fO 215 2140 10 pOll Season In vicinity and others havo prom- ¬ DAILT INCLUDING SUNDAYS LEAVE lANAI BTItEET 701 A M LEn there are the 2U 300 A M OIAIIC Lessee mooting 1nnttbJtntllU Amrlcua 23 2f DAILY Hm nrvnT ised to join Tho woe called to order I LEAVES fOOT WEST 33D BT RETURNING LANDINO al 24th and 3Uh 11 JO AM by E C Morse The permanent officers of the A AUVRUTINKR- TRIPS The boats wilt leave the wharf of the new hotelI Rock STREETS 12IU M- MnrV11Vleave their favori for Tni Sox al the only an- M 11 SO M 12 M 10t and 13 Minutes Later a W P M MUSTARD j AND 130til away at A 4 30 530 and 8 30 PM society Woro then olectod Tbo Chairman Is Uinrlred up town adverUMment odlc- Oil AM 310PM-I l 315 M ol P 98 I A M M BCTTEIl AND CHEAPER n1SI8 BreiiKviy corner aiei it till 0 K and LEAVESJSTONE 1IER 1 K FARE EITHER ORANIf K3CCURS1ON FIFTY l iii 6 445 1 THAN IMPOllTEB Major Klgar A Gross tile Vlcnlreslilents are We till P CENTS 1 BOM t i3d corner of 8th ar s M DAILY SINGLE TRIP 35 CENTS IJ P >1I MI B115 11I 1 1 n Col II F Bamuul F Randolphand- 3d it of 47th till H PM- a M Voli 1ounil nnvcd In Duty Ondunlonk JOO ar cornet st 10 H AND 3 X- gdod 1 01 P50 M- P V Ticket on either boat HUI M H al11 I Ib Tins A > > K 0 Morse the Secretory isl Julian Bcutt and OS East 14th it corner Untou iquare UII8 T A 201 TO1 M- Grocrra l ruiMst elI It tho Trtaathrer James S VoBseller Noextra charge DKLHIHTFUL MUSIC DENTS MARINE RAND AMIATTAN DFALII For SUNDAY TIMKTABL i see SPECIAL ADVT Bocretary Bcott MKTY M The Julian read letters he HITVATIOMI ready rot 2 cooka chamber ticket NTS FORT LEE CERTAIN CUIU lor headache constipation piles GENUINE from vKrloua onicprn of army A and help 139 Olh FAIflneludloolr SIXTY VIA ORFENPOINT and MANIUTTANVILIP FERRY ISlE ovir bad recolxd the iimlli waitresses other ar EXUUISIN itohI I itomachUrerkldneyor akin nervous exliaual- I of UMieaml Including pier Steamer SYLVAN UflOVK of 23d R- The MW KASr BOAT MIDLAND makes forty dMaus and navy One from Gun McQimdn closed above loth nt die admlnluna irom foot It M mill Uoo sta 45 o 4010 45 and half hourly tnH M milniitc iriiis lnlojpI M lOcent- ois weakneis lost of manhood and uliceseen or the bysaylni We have got em Its it walk over EXTRA l ute I ti f aaii CARS terry 1 for the ht counter PLYMOUTH WiCK leave Manhattan Beach al 10 WNlt IWl urinary passages Casea pronounced Incurable solicited but at the Same time keep your eye on thocun A IALELAUY 27581b a- 11I arid every 73 li ELECTRIC BELTS This wilts rocnlved with chrorlng as was IIXUNS TOMORROW SUNDAY July It- O VIA 10 ACONKY HIAMH and cured or money returned 35c Soc SI and uicnt 154 13 A SEA RFAC1I PALACE U following Gun Daldy smith III IM lo finish and sew on chlldreiii caps and HAVBRLYS GENUINE COLORED Steamers THOS YhjJO3I finniple 00 also the from YG IM Houtll Mh MINSTREL Nio from CABLES AND THE bIllY IRON bottle clrenUra and advice fret West 4ti at 23d N R at 9 10 10 hourly BAY The delegates went to Cincinnati lo tick out the test A now perlormlng at Nlbloa harden Thoatr I it aa VIA rtimlh PlR bind and appliances for the cure of ntrvoiii drools n anti most available man and selection ofllie TF1LM wanted on overcoat linings 4 SHORTEST AND CHEAPIST ROUTB atid epochal are by theI thtlr saltier WILL HE ON HOARD leaving ST I disease inanufiulureJ atatesmau shows that ther hell the urafllv or the situa- Q tiper week Apply at 303 Edt Bill it- LEROY ten mlnutei and PIFRNO a thirty VERY DAY IN TIIK WEEK SUNDAY INCLUDED tion ami were determine to art wIth sound Jmlement t accompanied by their mammoth minutes leaving 22d st The boats leaving Kd st- Steamers IDLBVULD and JOShPHINE will make MOSQUITO CANOPIES OAIVAMCCO- 7 25 Ale M IUJVJIIMACIIIH pesce MACIIIMH rented old exrhmhted-f at P do not stop at Leroy st and Tier e N It mcana to this cuuntrr true liberty and econo EVIU MILITARY BAND IN FULL UNIFORM- ld hourly trips connecting wllh Y and Set bleach Rail- my It means that ilrilxnliiir men shall no longer for I repaired Slncer DomcatlcVllllcnxi hhba W 4 w- The steamer I R MAIITIS leates toot ol 5 road for Sea the New Pier and I UPWARD ALSO 2C5an 1114 BROADWAY NY up 21 a > t A M 2S p M PaleeeCatiles Iron I theIr ow selfish purposes kern ante ncrtlunal bitter- Grccuwlch corner WI loth st or 137 and will render nome of their rarorlter- hourly ton Trains hlhllL a lt other loch of Brlghtnn Beach as NfJ111DA FIXTURES wAil I t7 1 t 02 connecting D R Wet Call or tn either nIEce for tree Pnmphlet and ness soil bail lilood The outliers who ha > o followed and t flro dwar near Canal it LANTATIOX MhLODIFS JOYOUS JUIIILRB KB with MAItTIN lor White ViesfMth- Ct Mot Illth it- IolowoI FOloI IkUfI- I 11 leaveI hourly from H30A M I Irankllnit- CO Tho Electric Baa lew COM taint nil full ptrticiilnr- eoiiAJcilIn Hancock when their lives were at stake will < FHAISH SHfcKTUAMP MhhTINOI HYMNS PM IJS OdO A M U IDA M H JO A M 0 30 A M 250 Canal St l as Iou M New Home Domeitlc M n 20 MI loUil10 M1 AuM locus coiic rn tfpfclnlly thom IHUTKND a rntii2ently l to him tlio government ol this EWI 0 t IIIKH bII r 7 20 to r anti 40 P Trellis lOin A M 10 10 A M 10 JO A 10 30 M- WilLAMS lull assln S W w Singer Mlirox A Olbbs AND CHOIlUShrt- connecUng ft A to tscnit flucMcl EkJtric 1111Its Ac on trial great country knowint that the lojottviHplayrJ Iiy him i cahoTl with steamers toe Pier Lvrovst and 2dit 11 JO A 1 I weekly warranted BI1OUN2 near Yora7t- HEMEMDEHI TOMORHOW JULY leaveI every hour II A M VI Ip M IOJAW WIAI In war he Jast aa bright a In him ant that the skill SUNDAy toll UI IAMI 12 JO PJ M 111 ettr OILMOItFS frllNAND and LEVY every Situmbmb nub aiiown by him on tie battle Hell will nnd it cnnlerpart hEWIN3 JIACHIVFt all dr7 warranted Time table above afternoon 1101PI M 120PM b31PMI ob5 I and etenlng ltar5 administration ol the laws Hancock and 5 i l Pt M I M I M- 1 In tin victory S 301 I P for tears Fast Brovlwav innctlonof Grand SYLVAN Dodds hxpress will take baggage any 20 210 220 i bipl- WILLIaM F HMIT- ant II between Ellrabeth and Molt sU- MKIC from place In P M 1 M M I DAY 1IOATHAL1HNY slid C I3H rom A ASTF ROMANTIC HUDSON DEL- New York transport 310 32OP 2111 A JUt1Y l it Ur TIlE ant It to Manhattan Beach twice 31 P M I1 M PM-I I M ILJHAItl duly Sundays ledl leave Vestry < lilgv CiMrAN T UXbo from Oon McClollan was ns follows 811MIAV dally COols per package- 420 4SOP Mecei t A TIA VTii letter forelsdy on and JULY II INK al to P M M1 M M- Pier 835 and 24th by Annex TIUSh ItT TEIPAn aIatant children 41 I 6 P 5 JO P M stalUA Hrookltii al New York and Havre N 1 XI- V V Ruth Ac L KKIIULAH LINrf fJ 8 A P I GIIInJ ORinci J lan Infants wear Address giving particular OfnPSt0 015PM landlnialNvaik rerrv West Inl Newburch Cotuupanyapier new4J Niirth Itlvcr foci of Morton JDLUN 8corr tirarSlr t am very Rlid tonlay and not box 1S1 Hun office TUB FAHT8A11IMI PAlACE BTEAMEB FIREWORRSTIIK ALEXANDRIA EXHIBITION CO 7UOP M Pouiilikeepsle Hhlneliock UatsklllI and HudsonI I Pas st SYLVAN DELU with give a dlsplarof I Aincrloiicil Jimcla Wednesday Jnlv 1410 n A M at all iurt rls d to learn that so man of your old com 1 irand Firework KVIiltY hATUIt P M- scums landlim al estPolntorNewburiilicaiirelurn 21 jIJiNTEH A housekeeperI for ttncuitnt housea LYNCH DAY hVENINn Juno IU 80 by down trance Trmlollo nrilniMlay July 4 P rades are going to support hen Hancock The General JUlES commencing under the personal Returning rains connecting with boa n wilt leaveI boat Coiiicct at Rliluetwck Ill tern with LOUIS liP iluwlinzI x Oil ao much to Insure war L CallatCUOlst- Will make regularOArSunday morning NEW of ot In the 245 PI M train on the Ulster jill Delaware It IlEIIIANAiicnto Green Ito aircceis of the know 10 ncuroonlo eludingurvlslon LndolL Beach Palace lo 30 II JO A M It well what It was nnd perceived 10 clearly when It BUltOH landing ONKEE D J5c j without wet Sr 4 30 I Ticket sold and haguaire checked NORTH and HI COMPANY fr avIIANTKIIWeavenatChelsea Jute Mills foot of WEST and 1 lO aTI 5 M 03 and P 1123113 or coupons VET PACIFIC AH NFFAMHIIII was over that tie de crcs the henrty ant enlhustittio- > Y WstiStlist POINT fOLD 8PBINU L biXcurKlmi 6173 H3 40 Tickets good on the lIsbon River IL R re- tool nf Canal t North River as litancoof all the old anldlera That he wilt receive ROCKAWAY 1IKIf 1IIUEOT Single Ickel 25ccntsenl ceived lor pasime Special trains to and Iront Haraioua Putt TIm IHTIIMUS OK PANAMA the support ol the great majority ul them I do tint doubt Martins grand Military Utah Rend will render the ma lOlA IIKACH Steamship UllLSChNT UITY Hiiturdaj 10 BEST AND ONLY PALACE Ii cow under tho management < > July noon I trust Unit thin minority In this Shale will IM too to Heal attractions a style ol supreme grandeur An titus EXCURSION CHEAPEST BOAT C > It connecting small I of A MKHHITT proprietor of Anihmir New Foil VAIK AMI IIAMIUHV for Central and Sunlit America anil Mexican be counted anti we shall sit work JSlniu- traied mat of the Hudson iilven to each passenger The TICKhTS- Palace strnmer leaves A dally NO DUMnconnecting ccch way with ltsnttuiry that with the utmost 22tl Nllol 45 A M TIIJUIT York Itestaurant now nncn at reamnshln loua enemy roe the succen of our gallant itetnan Dell v 111 make tile hollowing ONLY St 9 ant New Haven Railroad APELPIII I POVlmVIAN TO comrade A M 1 I M- TAIII11 D DINNfcRilIrica lease FRANCIiro JAPAN AND MIINA my my csperlenccd stock clerk InI a harlem M sliplandluIl-UK- 8 10 A M leroy P Pier 22 Fulton N Y I I With cordial iiretlni to old companion In reck 5 I Ladies tlilUng the IrE bays terry Mi J3J st East ftonmliln CITY OP ITKIX Haliirilnr Jill 31 noun I N f M 3111 M tan parceli chocked arms slid my wishes cempleto of this tbATllonoUOIIlT house only such ad 130th M I 1443451- Plet It A River J P M Fare 35 cents He FROM test for the success Uar It I free of charge ezcurilon tickets 50 cents SAN FrtAMIMd TO HONOLULU NEW ERA ni t M CENTS Reluming I IJI > PI 1 7 P II organization I am sincerely IIEO B HCCLILUV droM stitinr rticrcnces Iand salary expected BOIS tIlt A > jours tK lJ WcitlOIhttN AM N Mt LAND AND AU T ALIA- I 1H4 101 Arrives IrnllleP following CLOTHING box Siinifllce Gland It E R A NIWeot4tti 191 5- IIOTKI 1INETWOI DOLLARS tollISfi Rteamihlp AUsriiAlM Satiirdni July 31 noon or The letter from Gon Hancock him- 00suthattsuliile B JO A LNa115A H311 SKA I AMWlOllT lunlud tickets hteamera on 1 4 FREE ADMITTANCE TO Nhv anlttl of 10111111 at San Francisco self was road MIMeouu4hattd lulu lldlel- FARE ENTIRE UltANU EXCUIIHION50 PIER j SplendidlyItCIIIf1located and IKON PIER IsI now COLONY from Pier ax N R font of Slur RIg TAt A I UIU 51 CENTS 10 i ppioiit 10HTnlln I hOlICPKMIllllANTfl fnrwarjnl SAlt JDIIIII Peon Secretary Dmr Tlease accept my tl Rofrcshments 01 all kinds at popular WITlE5 T under the manaiement of Mr CHARLES A MERR1TT Slnd excepted alOP Mlull hillilta peat FKAMIMO liltUThi KilN O4L1FORNIA KUONA fir UAMhIION Agent Saudi it Brooklyn PROF RUIHKIlOtl UONDFRFUL- I New Ldly thinks for tour cordial connrmulatlons or the BMh nit t f Y ONLY York NEW ALAND stud AUKTRAIIA the alghti of N both the 8UHMINO PEATS r express the same also to IlioM > 8 11 harbor lute bnir 25 The restaurant prices are reasonable table IROY 1IOATM CITiZENS LINE Sew For I general Information al- all will whom 5uu are Oi TH wanted for our tatuctltng Deinwratic and A fleet can by C15 on- CENTS dhnt A night imssauc and opply excursion be eeu tall steamers tease dnll > except I aoearacally working tuy brhaif- A RepublicanI Lampalgn Charli HAASIS A LU centi the feet on the Island fl The most lienaulit ant so Saturday from toot of rntnpanya ofhce un the pi r loot of nt birth ateamer Murrlianla See time table roMMODORrl l 1 horsy at n P MI JTCUMIOII tickets 4 ainl Vi uirmLD SCOTT iliicocx BRKCIIT 41 Out number lsI 4- NUT lecl hotel for families and excursion parties Ludlci- st to frojJ to liver II J RULLAY buperlnundtnt YcaL TIlE IAMOIH t lilting tile have Baruloga and 10 Lake Hhore and return Scott IOMl to Newburjh and ONLY RKAIiI UIIAI Wind unl thilr packages checked rcturt41ti Comrade also read nn nutngrnnh letter IT lot Seaside Hotel ain toumrmentI STKAMKU SUNDA or charge Ire 1 LIP TA written by Gen Hancock to honey K Clark A city and country 13 0 Bway- Itm- IS SUPKRINTKNDENT OK CIIIOIP PIER AT lIOATMPUOPLKMISKDRBWand AL JtHITLM Y FOR ANTWPRP eIIN ROCKAWAY tIE IHOI i A T1IATST N 111 JOHN leave Pier41 foot Unlteil And Royal Mail dated SpotUylvnnia May 1C 18G1 Ceo I IAltlVN GLEN ISLAND R of Canal st every slates Rrlilau Menmers HOY 12 i f without l CI 1111P M l tears ate travel > weekday Excurnloni Albany only fi- Tin sijIlId flr t clttaa lull pjuered suamcrs Iluncock said Our troops liars had somo A 1 < I 1IUD1OX- I j hi t lath it two HUlita iron NEW nOCHFLLK HAItBOR IONd IIIAND SOUND Vaderlanil July 10 7 A M Z rlnil Julr 17I IU A N success thus far Tile Intn operations of the ranlo n5ntml5 Ut TlJ bLHOANT STKAMbllS Trotis SaloonitHintfroomHSinokitiir rut Koumn 5 undshipa I I I FMIK tint Beeond Corps wore good Wo secured twenty A FIKFMAN rot light dll 14TH ST II SUNDAY JULY ISflO III TII 8TAR1N AND ST MGIIOLItfi xrwnunnlThlulrlolo1 61p1 M Second Cabin Arcommntlfltloii In country 110 Suffolk L- VU corner of 14th Fore Silo ion Untriuallcd- pieces of nrtlllary the etipmvft a 4k tanci IIe H it leave for ULhN IlLAND daIly and Sunda > s as followii hxrur tIcket f Good for return on bialoriMims all on Mrtlu Dick works J IIAVERLY noTUEProprietor Manager GRAND FAMILY EXCURSION S boat MARY POWELL ¬ and l of the No 18 N P I st mornlni No Mieep strongly tlotundud ontrenchment 4000 prison > lo work In a Weary a- Pltr Jewells East lInes Collie or hide Inrrlrd L TO I Ml MA liable Call 1 PO1ITIVKLV LAST WEEK PALATIAL aiTSAlt > OF hit footofC Cilbln and 541I ers including two Gcnurnln about thirty stand A Jl and 33 North Moore C LONG IIRANCII rllaudtll VOlta Fy River a It P ForHest totittCornwatlNesvI Pint 75 itO Hrconil Cilln nlld m t W MITCllhLLS PARTY In H 30 A M Ih31illLn A M I OT FII Bteernirt tn Antwerp JH Rrtiirn 50 of colors anil about 1UOOO nf OUTI lIoSUKI CAPT OIIAS M PIn ins burgh toilOtlkeeltle ttonjol Isnt f7 ctand small one BROOKn 11 15 A M A M cit PETER A a > N T- I4t waiter in the habit of checking FUN to IONA HIA at tl000eno Stiltuti slid RIGHT t SONdGenl nrnic Oen Hnncock also epokti in this irtler lA rcaaurjntItT 1O Chatham Or ON TIlE RIIINE and ISLAND I 30 PI M 103 PI P M II Nw Iidt IllIltrdl it a NEIIUIOI 11 1101 c5lry 4 at lmhlKI a Irk > MATINEES WEDNFSDtY ack antI I circa at I of tlm effectvo work In hint campaign by SATURDAY laodlni al TrYlown br ferry 3 M P M PI M PI M- 51 sir unem cave done MONDAY 11 400 5 exreptehh Couuttectlii PL121keesle- rTKlllMU LINK Ioin then O A FIIINTrljAtH bran moulder wanted June UT1IK AlI NORMANDY by West Puint anti Cold Spring Returning leave A 51 ISIIJ at R pitivu pierI aJjuinlnit PJVMIIH Perry JcriMjy Fronds llirlotv of Now inrlc Addriu LEN ISLAND 1443- sIll > 1111 tv It f Cur O the IJoiton opera Company This steamer lisa been newly pointed redecorated and S M- r eiinia train it itiriinriiinni Beat ROTTIUIUM I I VI As ncoutrnst to tli military ueruces ol IL IKt s station hncllih 1llanlf4 P 731 BY hXPRESS Juli 7hrilItDVM July den returnlsued specially fur tutu and i the > UKUOL Ireceived at only IatCsLulih 21 1J < I rote Pcoplta No 18 N R root of Corllandt II blocks fIit711 Cnlun 5l5S hitcersceStt ZlnncocK C ln Scott from I AKFICH arouse the tweltth annual it three rlrvL I mirn Jullnn read the afternoon OAllDKN TIC EATRE- Favorite Hoat Belntf large and commodious her pas fromIle av twu I I FUSLM L W MDIIKII 11 P 11 NI1trole nnd flock Ulh nv L Bund via I Itebolllon llsoorJ tlio only ot Urn ant evinhu c1f Bakers Union al them L I J II IIAVKKIY Prpprlftor and Manaier fruiters are not housed up end jammed they would b- fem FUlOlfF AMIIIIICK INIAMI 27 S Win st ut < lieu retort > at UKlMi CONCERn DAILY N tong Island Railroad Alld bteamer Frances liillwiT Pai Aced Gnrflelda successful military work wlilch was ilton Park nth t and id av Haturilay July K O OILVOItP AoCIatel Mainicr- on A smell boat Elegant Honing lAIILUI Poe iJft dancln to commence 14 P M With I N Batnlix Billlords Newport daily eXcept Sunday leave HunUr I rivcrpoul villain lie cnuturcil ton Mr Scott Minatrell Itighllt Wrnjr and HIv Matinees Carnival leave Pier R 815AM CLAMBAKi M OTATK IIMITO lliuow Kelut nnl irleonurs also 1lb Minitrel IFNtlINK- Hill leave itIltttl AM IILNVHI served on lurMlays and IrilTls stopplnK Iulnill O Irom I r ol il X R KV Bl to tlio Hint floorman lieloer IIAVHIUS Carnltal- it it New York UIIHAM frnm 12 M IHINl the mnxnlnrent dining hull of Newport 75 block Isl 7o ollok Lnndonderr lie lot cm it r callod nttentlon fact Uiirllold woe and wanted Mluitrel rOLOIIKI M1N4TKELS- WIIIh M M inl M hlu1 THURSDAY to oh BIACKNM1TII A Carmtal at NIK Ncw t Ile llouw 111 of MAX M I U PiiKWcrsaithniuh rates leaJInf home on sick Inavo and stumping the Bluto in man F FRIEND Qraveaend- Mlnitlel- 21J Men 4JIJuljlleolArtlsls York950 nub aupertlilon HIRAM lAYF4N P A Zifl Broadway Fnrope Jrt- L Take oo inol Pod Carnival WIIo the enure excursion AOcciils A PI RID tho oHebratrd cities 1 f liU own bohnlt ns n cundlUnto Conurpsa horoc MliHtrel Ilk Slinren Ac ovelty U caterer AUnTIN A rrNi1 CO Acentv 53 Hroildtva- for and Artists rnltal fcXCUHSIov TICKETS round 40 centsllungleI lt U KillI LINK TU HUSTON Worcester 1 lIly > < tr trip while lie was receiving the pay of rt Mxjor T A K anted a first rate nrrond hand on Minstrel 1m Artl t Carnival UAN1 ocax KXOV1ISIUN 25 Clitmhake 75 N Portland ant tile White Mountain New FRNMi rake MAMMOTH AND G SUNDAY JULY enl cents tu ton Oouernl- JJ and pie at Cumin rland st and Parkar Brooklyn IASI BoND ORCHESTRA don steamers leave Pier 40 North RHer at a P M Cnpt Jnmes M Brady next spoke lie said The managers 1 irKHT JO iltCltIIeN it K dailY Suudjr except- Jltbtat vo rillINlinK wanted Apply to WM S Til KA l KRBo erybelow Canal of the New York and Hartford line or 11 CONEY IOI nbout n BIIASH A I V it tire cntvrloc litton cnnviiss that 00 at factory laaihtt near 3d av- IXDJOI tw o rertormniirea of steamers have con eiited tn their palatial steamer PROSPbCT PARK CoNK ISLAND RAILROAD LINT TO In It CITY eJPHOVIIIFMK llnHTOVIletant vCFItTVIV 1 for hrailaclie wcoftls ltniiortano arty thuk prooiidnd In KATE CLAXTON- OF HAUTMIH- Brooklyn Depot tfth 4Nland JOth l MASSACIIUITTS end HUOUi A plte Mom rlJlti gi- UlHtory wanted QUINS 135 Imakini a trip down BROAD It Orcentroo ich liver kidneyoriklndhciisei the ot out politlca The cntnunlcn III Ill fit Dlkeman- In the the ny and out on the Tate Park ant Vanderbilt avenue Fulton ISHNU dallr leicrpt SottIeya Irom Pier 29 N R foot 11 B st near Van ApI1 ATLANTIC M nhuUolI weaknesi lisa manhonil Jc Brounhtun which resullrd In the election ot Lincoln Hrunt TWO ORPHANS and Catharine ferries ColruD at15- Vic SI pro K ONE MILKS WnL llnhtontuni SHill JV and SI Ccci doubtless oxliituftad morn wanted a- MallneeallPM enliiKnta nuxnnni TRAINS RUN EVERY 20 MINIITB IV THE nouticeth lliicurnljleituUclled and cured foerluh cxcitemont 13 IIASI MOVLIIKU Cannon July COMPANY leaving pier21 Knit adioinliur Ferry aID nrnioncv returned Ills 110 MIRCBOSSS OPKRA M liner tullon MOKMNfl EVLKY IS MINUTL AFTERNOON Sample bond itn litdvicc no SVat 4th s- and durinc nJmlnlstrntion tlio drinctra A and I North Iliter all M EM ASl 1PENNYJVI UAIUOI rirciilars trie Which i M ANt AND fltaT T threnttiiiid our Inalitutions went morn Krturnlnir elh arrive at 7 iP A EXCURSION ONLY I ROUTE IOU uI II ii 1 tC IAlNTKUHFirstclau Nhw YllKK AUVAllIVMasth nLanlliroatl 93 TICKETS 25 CENTS Trains I NIVIk It Ctfl II ntiler hue manifest but for ono feel In fact know I Way PRUF with 7 I Keireshtnunts kind served on board at reason Special I lease and Cortlandt A o 1 V U I thru alIUtOr rubber and young nian Irlpr lRKKK hln canine wondera prices excursion Uckels fur ladles and children Ferries as IltiIttIii anl the iluse rslty itdlcnh ttileee the Interests hint are nt 6MIU In worked alrohlu1 lOcal educated dora on earth LOdRENIAS unrivalled aMe 011 ONLY good on alt I Htnets follow rEt con tie A 00Cr- tho contest loflnlh hu trade also good general Tnese excursions will every trains to Coney Island betore 3 rousuitci prlvlIy nhlueSu tractRo of before usnro paramount to those which were wuoutaorkcr 143 trained bird cat and white mice I also In his grand Ulan made Sunday during clock P M antI on alt trains from Cnmt Island be Southwith Pullman SI yeura ellteS huh I cnotnicC btice hit ci cured UestSlst the Mason M rllurhlh A M B and H JO P M bully jnvolvndat to which heal Illuklona b fore 0 oclock P iSuuidaysexceptedi will bo sold at lrbur itt a low days 2 Cejitre at ISsues 7 A PtI tills tha time I have MJTK Passengers I 1 I Ole referred IIItOS101 Ireenr st want an ex Every afternoon al Evening Admlulon by elevated railroad leave cars at 13 centsI for ladles 12 Ullliainsport Lock llaten9 MHJOP MCorrvand N rep uitlesi cured llepnbllcan party WIts tho- IL13CN anl lOcenta children wider yean P M HI BSo The orcunlcJ from G perienced desizner on ladiea cloaks liberal arrance Fulton streel In me United Htates Hotel where Uckcta ofagt children under years or age tree Erie at 8 Jo cnnuectlne Carry tar Tllusvllle 11 Bhnttored of oveiry mcnMmade wllh a 28 S3 may obtained nte Pitrolei m Centre and the Oil 11 remuants Ism that over firstlass party Call tot one week MeM Orand lireel etery and etenlng CUICKS2i cow irbittc his Baltimore Ihe South Limited tAfjUKK > ear dlsernciii our political history crystallized to IDIMS KQUAUETIIK VTUK AT830 b FARE5OCEN- on the enerl Wesl Ironby Downlngi cele Vash lat Iliienf CAM4Ltncit lit ti 11cC tile Abolition plemrnt make snnkes aol finish aim single man 24th st and Broadway Vackayei double stage i brated Nlnfi Regiment Innlon WIIIOIn Parlor Cars holly exceot hate Ntrvuiti litbllity loa of mutiliotlI tlmroiulilj- around ns n nucleus Us MAX IlIiMlVDKI TAoa > Band and Arbuckle the worl- 10 I MI i Will Olive Hrldgi Ulster 101ST TIME H > stem of 131AMh- Hundar Slt arrive Washlnslon4 P Regular rctirij Noiiiirciiri used H Sleticil Its ostensible aim wits the abolition of County N Y- luinmer renowned t M 4 itDr 1UNA iicuru I Tlio vnlluonI- L UMUniiuenKXCUKrflOS- deornelloIL al4 SOandSJiiA I and lull M nunday 10 PI M rtliute tvjit tith as near 3Jtli cIty Advice air passed Last M irte slavery mid to secure to I at Express H- it the freedman the AZELoklp I 8iTUKUAY I lrl ilnd 1151 for led l Philadelphia 4 7311120 wdOLim- lloiirnBA M tojIi PI on work on Sinner SROCKAVrV 11 M I 41 elective franchise So far so good Ity the TOn buttonhole BEACH < Ited A 3 JO 4 4 5 8 7 8 JO and lo P Apply IAhe J SMITH 4 SON 2 IIEAIII M emancipation proclamation by adop ¬ Oln10ehl IIlT BUIIIT tLATBUSII AND ISLAND and U liuht Mindayl and a A M TXENTION 1Thirty sara rru iinn unlArner and the Corner luth and Alnslle I M r 07 sis CTllliaintbnreh METBOIOIITAV CUXEIT Lease Hunters Point and 1 I CONE H 3I aol 10 i sOil 12 ht30 A tcau practice epoch Iltici itlvrtfi Dfiitcii anJ loss of tion olnnd ha Kenoral nqiilos nco In hits 3 H M RAILWAY llOXKH WanTrd on RUDOLPH AROSSOSd hUPtltD ORCHESTRAILL Ji ant JM alI AWn1828 TRAINS IFAW FLATBUSII AVENUE LONO Express for Philadelphia TU Camden 79 A M msnlnwnl roii iiltnti ii inC Dr lite bt l tl HlecKir n- constitutional nmundtnonts tho purposeit of VIKit Clarks ma Kockaway Beach 4 I P SI Sutilav and A n lease at except Pchloe Apply to cule 3 Wi osier Fitly Popular Concerts at P U 405 300 30and ISLAND DEPOT BROOKLYN honrtv mom 8 JO to 915 ol ekhu U that party were accomplished and It coaaed to UiSMiI I- M For A I 11 niSK tSKS mm laIr let tu rxiiMde- CI lrlofDrLcents Private Boxes 1 and IU r 73 A aol tram U 13 A MI 101043 P M Atlantic Cltv II and 2 PM LA il hays this extra Itaifhourly I I I Aloand MI bllll > ciirr Jo > ear4 Pails In SI right to exist Since however It tins I MACIIIM wanted at 120 ROUND TRIP CENTS arab tralni run broil BEDrORD halt f nun I i For Cape Play II 110111iP M nulidlh Ill eshsurt tilIItn FEEDeR hourlr 01 I r Plioils 177 Mniluiuiil M tntmi pUce endured precariously by what has been well IL Wllilim strear- A DIALS HALL fly HrFAN O P A A tit 10 in p M Last train Irom the Beach floats Bro ktn Annex conned with all throach tire mart COCEUT M-I Jersey a termed the colipelys power of public plunder KOSTKK 31 Hth ar I 10 PI trains at City affordin speedy and direct l > < > Drug Stnear FltEE TO allI tu 11111 VATT IHKsrStqUckcur end has not only proclaimed TUIIlKKIeadburnera AoolYIJAIES SAUNDERS RUDOLPH DIALS IHASD ORCHESTRA BAT1IIMJ AMI IIFATIISO Plalliush avenue L I Depot U reached via Hatbush- transfer lor Brook travel A store fj P irk at 2 blocX i Lli uli un openly tlio vicious Jreenpolnc TF > S ALL Trains From 7 10 40 A Ml H Vi- Iron gtuirc prclr1 n- Admlinu J cents to new ar corn from Fulioii Perry and oars learn arrlte PHtihuniti principle of centralization but has boon en > the West KMI Pier COMY ISlAND Atlantic P M dallt t and MID PI M tally except Mondny Iroukl Tuleeday July 13SlYfcNTH W1LI1HLMJ CONCERT RuniiayJutly 11 Suutli t flflVJ4hIIONS Female Invlirornlinn fit rnp citrus to by evnry I a three hours call 111cC A UttavoiliiR rntabllsli it means lawful AKTHUR AIIIIlllonlrrle I From Wajnin2ton and Baltimore 2 5O B ittomach liver akin wood engraven for light 21h H A M U 11 Grand and Roosevelt st O5 J kilns dlMiw loc nrliuii and unlawful 1WO work Meadr work wilt leave EaL st and P MI Irand st SLlln M Sun tap M From AI fein ss iO I a in season stud out of Heison 1 and Hood pay Apply to II I of Chicago having 8 M M Ferries by the at carsand RanidTranslt 4W I035P 111 t Ihlla lelphla lie wutku 5 nulfl Ai Ira Irs fbI II Cut 4li riU > FTEINKQBIU 170th st lIAIIKMlKrlt 20 A and P West End Pier MI rankiln trellis a ao u 50 < A M a M- IApplan el ant lIlt MltM Invited to conluct the Oopel Temperance M HA andS W E DORHINOeneralSuperlnundent-I I I 71140 Wilt n 2 50 4 ar h P The 22of pssscnrers with be absolutelyI InnI r D jo 8 30 PI M 1 rilVlu E J nh Air Hrady In- ¬ Kert ice al Cooper Union during Ihe will jit 925 sIll 11It 1 umlay J 50 DTtMM Siircon Mn j hit iiT then reviewed the proceedings thou No disorderly with 41tI U tomorrow evenlngat 8 o pakf characters be permittedI bs OTICE NOTICE n 50 7 ID 40 III A M11130 J5 P I- chit strl ture nirvous iletlUtv lliY mttlio4 cident to the adoption of the Constitution i 1 beaurlorrhlcaionl at Simdav Ulle picial consideration will to given to J restores Intl till 001 hull WAVrFIIAEooleold 0 rk nil year Inquire song at 7 30 ltd by L P Hert IcesI every rtmillei ioillilues eLite tsti ihiCt rca dwollln forcibly upon the provisions looking Katur Thatcher Sun KAIIES TEN UKsrS The new going bunt rlnr and Sunday at tin Eturtevanl Homo from T tan day evening durln the > car without Interruption lea IlIIIAIIEIIllIAI- I consiildd to tile strict Interpretation of the A M JANE To A I It OOTKIt II lu lie st nicy le ci instrument oclock JULIUS IIFS- MOELET I 1 allili NRCA of a 40 and Usa reservation of power by tIle tREAT Ch8ET ISLAND Wilt take the place of the steamer the IRON PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD is rlAle nutuir yar priicUc noeral TAMMANY iItLITIIE ILOCK Adelaide enable it Ito to m We l > prrimniMitcnrei- States Ho said That In title particular 3irATKII 4 fnr hat cotters that underitand tha hAST CIIANCK TO Cheapeit and most PIER at LONG BRANCH cm- tire anl of a < Burri machine thorouglily Open 10 M M 11Y direct route The and da TIlE AND SHORT LINE of sovereIgn only l good waeei and iteady to 101l Admittance lightm steamer SATURDAY JULY 10 K IxTcoiillS Ewnce ot lllii riiTnnintli ro- federal union btnteii was our work In good su ady men Apply cent MOKItlstMl 1ires heaving I N M OLDE9TAIILlSIIII republic at Nostrand ar A Tickets 20cents lrt Ital4A with freight D tores lost ininliooJ in tour wtekn lalhire liniiuAni- distinguished from those whose wrecks Brooklyn N Y hxcursUn 30cents llr MW YORK nearMtrtlc 12 VlestXJd 43 A M 11 AM PlIILiDELVHIA ble price a caw 7 pUce trnw cos ot history Stl 433 Tl IP It Returning I JJ onite Univtrsitj the PI Cittieral Tile leroy 10 A M 3 45 I U learei at T A 22J moulder a first class hand on col dqt st fi15 P N R M LONUANCI Mi it IS TRAINS 3 malntonnnceof these prlnelplos lisa over been UJArE1aAV V S II 10 11 1 II i I M 1021 45 A M Pier I N CJII object until none other need answer ApnlvI I tn nI Plerl t 1134 03 P II III A MItLong Branch DhPOTS IN YJVklt 2 the aim and of the Democratic party Itt MA > Sr IKLD A FAIIAN 232 ONMOTU PARK BACIEWLong Branch Coney Itland 10 M A M 150 4 P M 5PM xIrIIltZ antb Hltb 001119 nx Willow St Hoboken M N SUMMER 30843 tee tomorrows papers for regular time table prlnclplLs nre inimitable tho lows of tin 0 J FIRST MEBT1NU 180 DOUBLE TRACK TUB MO41liPltOVED EQUIPMENT Mode uud IVrslans the Hamn today tos when jolnurs and engravers on COVEY IMIAMl AMI WILLI IMSHURdll AND FASTEST A lathes and gentlemen WANTIDSprlnrera Thursday July s Saturday 10 and reliable propeller SAY RIIHih Ll5tlIIU milessllami3horns Till TIME CONslSTfNr FPV accommodated vltk first enunoated by the Immortal Jefferson July six or even Inot rlshliigI on For pure health WITH AllKOLUlh SAihTY 1 board Ionic airy rooms gas built IUJ HuJimu- JOiFlOl Maiden racea each day Including steeplechase or hurdleI race leave It ttharf deity at 10 A V I 4wil I INn1J air To usa the expression of lies FAHY35 lane city and HP M 5h Comfort ana spurt go on the new fast steamer U K Frenchman Cotter Inland rla Locust Iruve 12 lea ON AND id I room Imlh and homf enemy 11I I M 3 KEI24EY with palace aulooia Every list AFTER JUNE 21 18PO NGlarga hal our friends tho nt Chicago flrstclass fireman horwhoetng Trains directly to course llelllrWnc 725 MA P M tBfi 7H K nfter flTiTE1ATV OR Irom Central n of N It BIb 7u4a Express Trains leave New first dais table 4 iaoi 12 Hwir- thirty or more ballots very Addrill SMITH Liberty b > lot SIMILE TRIP 2rl at 710 lurkvia Deshroisei anl Cort nominated the In J it boat via Sandy Hook a 020 MIII I N A SI landl street as ftillowi South Orange J- 11 30 L by 7 43 I I EXCURSION TICKETS 35 CENTS her ltl43U tittots terries parlor aim pnrlor lioiiMkie liuc carnntlnn of their principles And who Is this Mana train at f iI4 Aak 1J13 1IrfIIHO> etud aJe 7 3il H JO U 111 d A M I I11IOVF lack fir z which Includes rare un boird 49 Llmi II gentleman SI Ml 224 0 L man Unentered tIle ns car flaw IocuatJroyedock Coney 1 7 H JO 10 M 33044405 I fj nnollicr f Srln war Colonel of n reifl ASIEIA mon lo take care of a horse ant make ihtiiM Inland and return Excellent Hshlng 1IklIy AL HldTEK Manag- 6 and P and U night Sun Ills 4 JO mont of volunteers froth Ohio but ha did not WIhlinrelf useltil luusl como nell recommended Ap and 9 A MI 38 78 3iand 10 P M U nUlit m OMH lor llzhl hoiisekieplnt o RACES WILL COMMENCE PROMPTLY 2 > Express I alt VIIMMI1 long stay nt the hend of his men ho PlY 4 College place room 15 this day Highlands Seabrlght Ac via irCOMY IsIusio AM IVA 11 HTThe Trains tease Nov York dail > except Sunday Irom J In 4liper week 40 Vaiidjtn rt Instead A ULOCK IIHAMII and reliablel profiler ItAY KIlHiK will leasel M 4 P I left them for H berth ontbostnfT of Gen Hoso- young A LOG Hook and Sew Jerrey houthnrii Railway at7 IIA aol Mrunning through tu Ironloa ArEhJA man as second hand on cakes hUMIAY JULVII IHju- 11010111 dolly lor Conor I land al 10 JO A M sill Camden KVIlrMr accoinmndatMl wllli Stat elsie ornnz Nor did ha romniu there W and plea carry Fare for round trip lnclidiuigsdmiaalon to field I so- 7 31 IP M 1 either but alsoabnrio out orders Apply at f F IIOYT will I N R Of Only six minutes ride by Boatsuf Brooklyn Annex connect with all through G board single or double rooms i ttcck toiled 8J4 L- iteamer Jfi leave Pier II foot t I left that position to stump his native to so ad dr Mih i- L M steam cars ruIn Iocusi throne lo Cone Island 3 Madison Stub No core Liberty at Leave East Long Hranch 51PI M- trams at Jersey Cit aflordinz a speedy ant direct lIt st Ir euro his election as a representative tn Con ¬ U3 H I trantler for Brookltn iratel titan accustnmrd to drive and deliver Sabhujs auh5 A P IIALPUIN IONO to Newburgh oath Rrlurnlng quiet vrorKtra go nt5- gress- W liquoriitTE1A Z General Agent 51KAMEK trains leave West Phllidelphla I12DI 3 55 ie rKMAllIK Inllui anl Addreis L box 18 Sun ufflce withI best Passeiuer I M II isCrotniliohleI with irooj i air Tho speaker gave a references and salary 1111 1111 7 72 S 4bi aill 11 A LlmittdI Express 1 JO hnintt rnunit aid them comprehensive and expected 8UNIAJulII 4iM ineAls to Bull the time 5H vvvkl > ds > HAVINOS 1IAMC UNiA IV CATSKIII MOUNTUNS UCUSTM P I 2 3 4 5 Jo 7 and 730 on ulu14y ° JO f4 board remarkably clear view of the Credit Mobiller METICUIUMTAN THOMASI Till ltd Vi AMI PIIMU SIICIVNIe 3 4V H M 11 eta aecoinmodatrd li 2 a v Du Ilulcher Zooll lobtr man Apply tot opposite Conner Initltute Steamboat CORMIL leutei pier root of L tree of charge to excursion parties These grounds U nl 422 S JO A I 4 a1lll71PI M Love 4i briberytlio Oolyer contract con ¬ WANTFIs FIFTYFOUItril Harrison N R every I I M Philadelphia lII M SO M and other j t cur Newark and Henderson it- st hatunlay at 30 P fur ate situated only IHO miles ttntll Coil the via Camden A and 3 P i dally clusively proven ar 3O West II tlant except Sunday KAHT ToTlI alt rtiutleinencaa matters of fraud with which Jersey CIty NEW YOKE June I8IW Cnurni Point Cornwall icwbo rOb Marlboro ol which con be reached by catTln six Cllr 127 bo accommi datedMIlalica and the Republican cnndlduto Is so compleluly INTEREST at the rate oT PElt CKNT PKIl AN Milton Poiighkcepkie EsopuA chilly sleamcr connecUng Ticket Ofllues52fl antI Hit Broadway I Astor House tilth lnwr IMJ lath lien > PIN A Chopper on sutpondcrs plow un sums not exceeding I r al Kondmit with ci citingl fur I el loot ol 4 1 tlfliid quoting at leneth from tho report of i ATII and hny to team ant at the role of train summer rezone pnfKAtVAY IIKAOIItColosean IbId Pier ash Debrushes Corttandl Court st ant W the butlnesi F A CO D5 Spring FOUlt PKIt CENT PKR rW-larger sums which through Ihe Catskll- blue steamer MARION leaves dally uSaiuirdya ex- llronklMt Annex Depot footot Fulton l 114 Juiltri Iolnnds committee and from the Re ¬ ttRKlllT a- IL it lirouklvn publican have remained on deposit three months tciodl from Iranklin it N < iAM and I 43 lie ml UH nuli tn st Hoboken DepotJerset city press at time t1I7A1ElOood men for wIlIng ending July I will dulllhe K lsHTKASlru f ISNrO HKIM FULTON 1 Ital8 1 I S- Office 8 Buttery hut Y architectural ton I8H or1Ihe Ily I i IM bxcuriionUclclixic LeatcsR ckattay al3 P Kirlsrant Ticket place Thtiii the speaker Is work Apply to IIAltUY 315 Kastonn Laws nn and Wednesday I 21 T MARKFT SUP KhUY SUSDAY al II TIle IIKOK continued thoro slier July AM lor New York Transfer Company ttlll call for and BAUMAW KT- A I COILhOE POINT landing slut < JJ MlSf IITH Con Chef ter Arthur who wits limited out of rANTKUAgood omnibus INTERPH1 nut coiled fur will be added to the principal sll it and 11 t each IS3TIAMKK IOO 1111k NeIl to Newburgh cud Check hamage from hotels alii residences Now > body maker 23 West antI draw Interust I way Leave College Point at PI VI hO SUNDAY July IBui THOMSON IIFTWhKN Sill AND 6Th AVS the inrk Custom Housa by Mr Hayes arid 431 it Firth Avenue htagn Line from Jul H3 reIns FRANK L IP FARMER Offer nxe UEPUHTH made on or belore July 10 wIth In Excurtlon tlcken 2J cenu lONsrKHET Manager Passenger their Imnii stork of Mr Hhcriniin who ore now upboldlnirthiitlcket draw I Utneral tlenl A4ciit- lUKMTURK AND CAIIPHTS- Is on us a 1JANTEtA tintmlth a general workman terest from thy first I ho lit one for thu sulTraues V IUtn loNenburgh and ai of the P plr early at 21 I st Ap O N COMCLIN CIIASL TIFFANY S lone Io IIICAMII American people Dismissed from office Elm Island SUNDAY July lllfW SSIIUS1 RlICt- ORKATLY REDUCED PRICES his as Secretary President IisuhltOU5 ctb for or and Collector of Port on charge operator I caIi wcikly mmitlilv oatmntiF- thi the of being V onUrovsri Baker sewln 11 retail Tenth Iletenth Tonal corrupt ATEnMan7 machine al 177 South it- HA A and IIENCH HAIS AND rOUNfKY COTTAOES anti Incompetent SKAMRVM HAMt FOIl VINO lOami Tliirlee hIll Warts are requested to atsujiible at 314e1C NAIK Liger beer slut liquor store ferry A SUismil Insiumunis OH I neir UlTY- But thin Cincinnati Convention has presented strong The trtislees have ordered that Interest No rursth st al Joclotk rite the purpose of I In llrrenpoinlI 1 1 Irish ncigiburhoi l inquire Ut Slll active boy for a itore AdJrcss be paid to depositors entitled for tlie six taking Intu A to the people tile name of n man whose Ufa Is it WANTEI1A ending thereto monthi NRCON the advisability shortening TOSSEHAr corner 20ih st IM1IKNSI lirDIKrPION In pricesof lurilllure the 30th tilt as follows On sums ittl tvxi and un FEW IIIAHi VVKIIKII the hours ondealol 1 carpets bedding Ac pert of our common history whom tho at the rate of FIVE A at very greet bargains mine ol them d- a very ulbur < oilcloths lor cash or weeK- nualnt young man attend Apply t dir PER CENT per annum and on but JAIIiilV lorsilealabar Iormonlhly painent at A A L BAUMANN inamiiio- voice of smother Is completely V IfNIFlaAV JOH bar at sums exceeding faoo the M time by our best musicians and really AIIAMHONH shoulder brace PIIOTOOKAril tliuauU In a county silent from esi20ih at rate FOUR hEll tPNT per lhor almosl as lEX aol run lesnbiislimeiii I M4l 51L 0 it new I A I I takne I lU ciii tin at come01 Hill whoso unstained armor tha shafts of calumny t annum pavable on aol crIer MONDAY luih IniL The i lute warranted In every respect Pleaw turf truss aiu pronounced lh heat In the worid town New Jerwy no other gallerj In tin POUIIIJ doing vail al the Manuiaclory 710 guild fall bluutud and polnlloM It IR IITANTEIJ young roan ai butcher Apply 9- Interest nit be credited todeposlturs as principal KlltR warehouse 5th av and huh st Broadway Pew York a builnei and rent tote a splendid chance lots pa menu Flirnltuie Cirpeli hIcA needless for V P thlh Pt W M lo- LT IY itt mo before lila old companions av llenrv Marshall Cashier H MACY 11 good artist For particulars applv thug nutcs COWPKItrilWAITS ndli1 In arms to dwell a New H Ire 111II I IMPIIOVLD ROOT B nj I5i on tlm military York lult IHH- NICE OICOIN used but abort time fur tU Jl IIBKItOne tack WM IIOLMIS BU Broadway New York ciiaih tin et Lancit stuck and loss earner of Uon Hancock Mm 6WANTEjO A carpenter at mouldlnu 48th A pianos IromI IO up call before purchasing else 1 ag makes floe gallons ol a delicious and sparkling et lirllL f nlllcent thoimh hn was ut Gettysburg ho mil it where tuning slid repairing a specialty open evenings bcterage J3 cents a package Soil by dmigisK whin OUMU2V JIIJIi HAVltUH INHTITJTIU 5 1 roth lIlting your lines torn by the Broadway Mil si and nth ac- OILUEMEhhTER H 25U concentrated ANTKDIllackiiiiitli 1U6 West Ilouitoa Ell HlhL flOST OFFICE > OTI foreign malls tar tire of Runs which heralded tho charge of W it NE the ending KThe A TIlE FOLIOWINO niVIIIIiNI 1 1 111CR upright Piano low price second I week Saturday July 101HHO will close al ricUtts division history will regard EICita M him as a I this uRIc on Tmsday at 2 P Europe pure tea SI worth 3 guaranteed HALF YEAR has heed declared Vmfriile117T haul fvi qua IM 125 u lop organ 30 for by nobler picture seated calmly at rite desk In New Pt 19 per upward OORUON SON 13 skainshlp Wyomlnir via Qunenstown on i For U TEA CO July cent I rent tl East iitii at- Vdnexlar al thecampaign No 203 Iearl st and 40 Fulton st- HK err i w p M Europe Moan Inditing his order 40 Ceo timlth rlllp 540 anti FOUR cent on any over ISlIh li lor hy steamship Bothnia via whosu letter you have just MONEY IirPOSITEII ON ORrices 1 M MAW H3 East 13lh jiieciiHtovn correspondence lor Krnnce must be hoard rend whose BliFORK JULY 10 FI1 stRecona hand > p reputation HI a DRAWS INTKRbST FROM 1ST C pianos organi altl makers bousht sold soeclall aildr svdiniiii at 3 I M roe France directly soldier anti a BonHrman Is tinntioru repaired slrainsliliiht Laurenl via known tIle world over has Tlp HHITTON slaraee Havre nn Thursdayr at II A I said I would feel lnntb President M for ranee I I Ao by steamship Westphalia proudorto have boon temperate young GARDNER OHAFIN Treasurer Ormanr l fli the author of hint order HTKAIIT man wants employ CIIARLFa SPIIAUUK lt5AN f2 np pianos i50up second hard In via Pit mouth Cherbourg aol Hamburg correspond than ol soy publlo ¬ A mont 183 oBlca Secretar- i Ii document sln the Declara Addren II box Sun o itrumenls at bargains CliI enc fur Ireal Britain and the Continent beI E real rents installments I I toIlet lion of Independence 0 Unouihly IIOUACE UA1KIIH A ma specially ndilreisrdl arid at U M for Europe by WHntetl hy German Broadway p I sleam Lot us adopt as cry SITUA11U baker al second o ciii CIty ol llrnwels vIa Qtieenaluw II i on hniunUyI our war The Constitution- ibi tf M al 1 and cake city or country Addresi f 4 JO A The S tlb Mr Europe bi lOmnshlp Weekly No llrlunnlc vhs Sun anti civil liberty and In the coIning oloctlon 839 Wn Qiieensluwn correspondence place Wlnllold Scott td The Jlml ftslnlf- for Ucrmam and Rciitlnnd Hancockoursecond Wash A yNOTIOr Ioulsvllle and Nashville Railroad mint ho rpiclally rea It and M In situation by a practical mechanic to declared tithe ali otlflA lor Jncton the PrasldautUl chair I use the WAVrKIi ol day a semi annual dhldend lent direct by tiamshli Bolivia via Illastrow HI sleam heallnit plumhlim and gas In of floe 151 per cent upon the stock of company house In New Ynrkone block 11 M Will term second Wiishlnnton advisedly ¬ a the par from A Eurnpe bv I sent Gettys hotel or CIIKAPRHT steamship Donau HuiithI be other large Institution Address 0 box able on Clot Aug 2 J Itt via SIX after fheairo itorv and lot on MONTHS burg next houi ampton The piovml him Ilrstln war Now Orleans Sun offlc- IH Jersey near Mulberry P22151 and Bremen mails tor Deninurk bwidpn in peace Dividends on slock rcmiwred In New York will pal it price rrnt MJ per dull era despatched by Hamliurg and i first anti ha looks to you his old office of the company 51 at 10 ruonlh A KAlKLtB Hmnrn erANTKIi by an KntllshmanI a In any Wall room lUlrultonit Irameri nnlv Thus mails lor the WindwardI IsUnds comrade to aid In proving him at th polls vT illnatlon ali transier books will U clowd from 21 bto In capacity where he can make lilunelfiiielul coun July Aug 2 leave New York July 7 Tho mulls for Haiti leam New first thieheartiof Ibis countrymBn try no Address W S both days Inclusive P OTTAOK dill lots Laurel Phil tear Calvary Yurk 7 Cheersl olJictlon o c 131 liowery Cemetery 850 otto JI I The malls for llellzo and Buy Islands Irate Addressee were also madn by W V H VICTOR NEWCOMII President t on iut t nllruid HrouUin Now Jul July 7 TIle JImon a New York 7 IMO A maiUlor jHiiinlcariAtanilla Ac yeterau ol Mexico Major John M Casoy Chap July f RAPHUh lUUtuUonst It ate New lurk July H Tho llsvana leave H > New York July Thr hot V Ilnr lain HohnrlI ndreusK r Jttlimcms in our Colony sa lucre > mills unit For suit others iMT iaiil mu tadvanco II Now CurAoo Fifty CIIIZKXN1 IMltllCANUI CUM Irate July IU Cents The Hancock Vnteran Association OFKICK I iuatratetivataiiul Jmnes ToilI The mails los I propose to u elc lbS July 7 IrW me Hhrr llemld will keep Siinlh Pacific I New York IU bold amass meetIng very week niFTII A dividend ol CENT on capital tou pulled atsiic mcar J1 t leate Jul The mulls lor A Church corner 01l PKKMIIYTKIIIVN stork and MAMIUtUrniiontVii and tIll West linHoI lee Ce New York This will embrace ¬ st lltev Dr Hall I THRKK CENT the whole period S 1 Iaslorl NrjlliR on reserved lund Is IIT Mexico vita Nets ans I from the Nominat- Ihalluv rrliuhial MIr Bdlnhuruli Is I payable ASI A PAP llAIIOAIM4lnllH s flOO Irllu Orh leatr Julll lo WALTON j 11 1 occupy theI 1 rxntui 01 Mcrctnri IL up he dun lo see iliiin SlAilUb July The mxilsliir Chlnit and Jtmnn save SAt r run Words stud UlnHra between hand also this IHlh InL- demn flPOI Atlan 15I ing Conventions to Ilroker Services A Pt h 50 I tic and Van Hiclen cl ci Jul The niHlU lur Ae the Election at ru hh hast New York i Anslrnlla leave Han covering the full term ot VI h FrnnrlvnJiilr HI TIKH LI JAMh i Charles F ¬ v PoUinailer Parmcnter a of 4 member the Prod tap Tin I Jiimiinn- A lor tIne loin cnrnrr 13 POT UKKIUK NEW VoilE 3 1KH-I ace Frchanite was ChRIS a G r andHth nr 1Ur nunulcl Jull out chick at one of the desks Herilces on and 715 OCCC ever 2O 111 lt firryNw York Addreiiowner In tile Itikts at B to be CO m hAulS Jr 40 at liuitun ITAIIAN IIOII if oIl patiitiutg CCIII liichanit yesterday mornlni when Julius Rclliti rJIIkJ FAKOO A llroadway ALI hii hater MOL pillhot die MlI to I Illawow cud lWKIIS HUT I Ktert one shnuld collie acquainted TilE PRESIDENTIAL berg a utheri no ANtI MI1IL wlui CAMPAIGN brother broker stepped up aol Mr dially invlud- 11 rel MIIlrol Miningl Blocks end thisi art Adlres WAVriltli A CO Peoria Ill Iarmenter oilier Incinc Uuast srcurllles sell Ex 1 P says looked over tile change shoulder Mr Parmenler wee an IP Tklceraiihic Tmnileri and Cudlls avnllalile political Tu TNI I 18 purchase a Inn of cacao large curn norcd and It IsI KITMIiVr OAlIIDIK CIIUIKII thriHiuhout the eat and burope and torn rrelclil WANTEII U CLbMbNTSDI that he turned lo Mr BllmVtrit 1 Madlion iv cnrnorJHth st ralhers JlcNamara and packaecs and to sri re oo Morgan All those who desire to aid ¬ and characterized his conduct as Impertinent OOcmnor III valaUr nil lIens ol the world I OP IIAMCOCK soy stJer in the noble work of re ibis re Mnrnlnit Wi 3 A rMUIHII mark resulted In a vehement dispute In nor I Itrnool rallirrliron ilartleldnnd at 211 cents bshugatere tihlcu Mr oil Ihi Tru alhollo awl Vllhacy and Arthur each also lie n inn ck forming Insisted thai he had out U < n lullly of an un Mirrlase ol Irksls K cnlnp 7 JO tne Ilev cratlc Hnniiir and thu Rtpiililican Banner at the National Government can most act Mr Marinui otitli each Sent utah i 31 efficiently I renlleinanlr Panncnt said he did not wish lo Wijijt nnachai on Power of Jlolitc- post aid on reef Iplof prke I Ocfor Suit iini iOiate any f Ihe rules ol Clue Tru the Chrlsilan- publisher OCllHlbll A 11 tt Kichancs bj dlKiiilnn it bS IU Nassau st New York contribute to end the question upon tile floor of me Richanse but ex sIATI PICINlEIIceVXiONriuo regular that by circulating THE WEEKLY T pleased his willingness to settle II II uIuettuig for ol rpo IET 41 outside the Uulldlnif II I IIAIIIMIIXJIt orcijlcau havliw clecllon ofllctrs Monday evening Ulli The two Weal Into ths street where the was M hecn in conduct Iho lospel I atOONasexal L SUN for the 11 debau re leinuerancr Siltmrbs A LARQE OFFICE next six months nnwed slid carried l such Unullii that Parmentsr Krvlceat Cooiier Union darien aiiniinor will sped 45 alapptd Kellnswrif ID the tomorrow i The only one vacant 0 f lace Before the latter could Sunlll nenlni at oclock Pc r rico ol A A A The very tlnesi I hit bsck or Pup I P Billiard Tables Oiled Now is the ¬ IKJs urlher hostilities develop the brokers wen ThatcherI Vertices every MunI itsttutuort A with the woiiderlul IN TUB RUN time to raise Clubs every Dis- aeparaied bv the Is on117311 UOXAIICH cushloni lowesl BUILDINO in School crowd II understood Uiallu matter 111 durll the leir wllhout iiiUrrupUoii prices The M Brunswick A BalkeCo 734 III will that ba followed any nirthtr Broadway Said office ls Immediately al1 the head of MIA II HVMiHY will slnRlnJ PItTItIjut arched from Paris Is readv loac M standard 11IIS HKsT trict Mil t tile looter Inslllilli on elldlIII ifi- A cept pupilsi for the summer Urnu modorate A iUIOAt hilllanl slid pool table now FLHIIIT OF STAIRS fh Z K 118I sIll lltna 11 treat burgaliis and euav terms A Skip Accused llallcnbck lonilucls the Ice and M box Sun upI leOI W Peat the Brkur uf ForfftrT- iIIcritij atni Mr Mesrs Jas All lwl ore IlilHlTIIff1 4 CO broadway corner Oili Five Dollars will pay for a Club Ton BT hut Kenan will speak Uverbody I-I it NASSAU S1lKKTKNTfANOK- of and socur l Joint N D July tiled I 1 7 0Rome excitement 3tittlP1TIl Hli well lighted and steam heated and U-I I was occasional liar last night by the nnb nfl eleventh copy fro- arrest of John nIKMKU MIUHOV by Ur I NKt MANTon = lotmi BU1TABLK lOll PUBLISHERS Mellcka well known ship broker on a O rrlday 8 < a campJIf jes charge of foriery al Cliff mcillni I 25c wRit 50c U Un lima of mnclna 35 Steamer from pXTlAlTl0 gai sell f3 nil bathing In Excelsior Drove LAWYERS yr iOKNTS hli arrssl Millck wlsdrlrlnj down the No enl 1fek slip CIflart lute npalnd hue waiting Canal LOHTWhlla watch 31taHiUsrleavssal41Si 8JJst4 a COt literal reward ao auciUoiu Ad RENT LOW oAddress tt 14 della WATCH box 177 Sun office ipplyte TUB FUBLIIHKK OF TUB SUN THE SUN il1 rT w 21Lx GSX-

7 = = r y I XI I