U S S R EEVES (DLG - 2 4 / C G - 2 4 ) A SSOCIATION

Winter 2010/2011 Volume 3, Issue 4

The Ironman—A Double Ender’s Newsletter

Membership Scorebox What You Can Find By Surfing The Net Current 35 For those of you with access to the inter- Isle Royal (AD-29) before getting under- Past Due 91 net, there is a wealth of information to be way for Hong Kong on the 19th. Snail Mail Ad- 101 pulled up—if you know how to surf the dresses Only web without getting in trouble. Just be From the USS Collett (DD-730) deck- aware that someone, somewhere out there log: Email Address 425 is tracking every mouse-click. Regard- Total Shipmates 1143 less, here are some 1960‘s results of ask- The first day of June (1967) found COL- ing questions that start to fill in the mosa- LETT once more enroute to Southern Dues Notice! ic of the Iron Lady‘s life at sea... SAR station in the Tonkin Gulf, with the Please be sure to check usual brief stop for fuel on June 3rd in your mailing label or From the USS Warrington (DD-843) Buckner Bay. Arriving in Danang Harbor email notation. decklog: on 7 June for briefings and SAR training, If it doesn’t say Current COLLETT reported to the USS REEVES (plus year) above your Warrington returned to Newport on 18 (DLG-24) for duty. The REEVES and name at the top of the la- December (1964) and began almost two COLLETT arrived on South SAR station bel, you should renew years of operations along the east coast 9 June. COLLETT received her SAR your annual dues. To primarily ASW training evolutions as well turnover folder from USS ARNOLD J. reach the greatest num- as occasional cruises to the ISBELL (DD-869) and remained on SAR ber of shipmates, we will publish the complete As- area for "Springboard" operations, gun- station ―riding shotgun‖ for the REEVES sociation newsletter to nery drills, and refresher training. That through 3 July. The month of SAR sta- duty ended late on 4 October 1966 when tion was relatively quiet. Although ample the stood out of Newport to de- opportunity for independent and dual ship Inside this issue: ploy to the Far East. She transited the training was taken advantage of, the peri- Canal on 9 October, stopped at od was generally tedious, boring and frus- President’s Message 2 Pearl Harbor on 24 October, and arrived trating, as the tropical sun beat down of Shipmates’ Deck Log 3 at Yokosuka, , on 10 November. the COLLETT and REEVES patrolling Congress 2011 Agenda 4 That same day, she headed for the Tonkin their SAR station in the ripple-less waters Gulf in company with Manley (DD-940) of the Tonkin Gulf. Long hours stretched Next Reunion 5 and Keppler (DD-766). On 21 November, into long days, and days to weeks, with Financials/Dues 6 she relieved Reeves (DDG-24) (sic) on occasional underway replenishments, in- New Navy Logo 6 "Traffic Cop" station off the coast of flight helicopter refueling, and Junior Of- RAO Bulletins 7 North Vietnam. Operation "Traffic Cop," ficer tactical maneuvering drills between VA Eligibility 7 soon to be redesignated Operation "Sea REEVES and COLLETT providing the Dragon," was an ongoing patrol to inter- main breaks in the routine. However, all Building the Association 8 dict waterborne logistics to the insurgents the monotonous hours, days and weeks Tricare Update 9 in South Vietnam. After 13 days of proved worthwhile on the second of July, Ruminations 10 "Traffic Cop" duty, Warrington put into when ―Clementine 2‖, the REEVES‘ heli- Danang on 3 December before sailing copter, successfully recovered a downed Medicare Part B Update 10 later that same day for Kaohsiung, Tai- Air Force pilot from the jungle southwest Have You Heard? 11 wan. There she spent another 13 days un- of Vinh. Internet News 11 dergoing a tender availability alongside (Continued on page 6) P a g e 2 The Ironman — A Double Ender’s Newsletter The President’s Page—Spring Is In The Air Greetings to the year out - without a reunion. No, they have been able to pull off Reeves Associa- this time I have to find creative talk some memorable reunions. Now tion Family; to keep us alive as an organization picture yourself in the same posi- until we can get together again in tion, and after a few years you may I‘m sitting 2012. also feel like the risk, expense, and here on the first This conversation is about the trouble are more than you want to day of March actions needed to sustain the asso- step up for each year. It boils hoping that my ciation. First and foremost is mem- down to maintaining energy and opening line of ‗Spring is in the bership, as members are the only enthusiasm for a process that has air‘ is a big hint to the weather asset of the association. We must moderate risk and low satisfaction. gods that we‘ve had enough winter generate enough interest to keep Don‘t get this wrong. Mike has for this year. March snuck in quiet- the members we have, and at the not backed away from the planners ly this morning, and that usually same time find a way to entice new task, but he must be wondering just sets us up for a rough exit. I really members to join us. We are very when the whole uncomfortable shouldn‘t complain, as it turned out fortunate in that we have an estab- feeling of planning-at-risk becomes to be an easy winter for the Mid- lished core group of members that more fun. I got to spend some time Atlantic States. We were fortu- enjoy being part of the association, with Mike this past November by nately just-south of all the heavy and value the friendships they have inviting myself for a weekend visit snow storms that slammed the made at our reunions. I couldn‘t to their new home in Spokane. I Northeast, and very thankful that think of a better foundation for any was in the upper left corner of the we didn‘t repeat the 90-plus inches group. Unfortunately, the number country on business, so it was easy of snow from last year. So the of the core group alone is not suffi- to stop in and see how Mike and northern states get my thanks for cient to sustain annual reunions, as Lorri were doing in their new being a better snow target. I‘m go- the cost of putting on a reunion is hideout. I was warmly welcomed ing to stop with the weather talk not being met. I‘m not trying to to their home, and we got to spend before March decides to provide us sound too ―for profit‖ here by say- some time discussing the affairs of with some late season sledding op- ing that money is a limiter, but we the world over a few drinks and portunities. don‘t have the funding that allows some wonderful meals. After re- I guess the entire paragraph of us to put on quality annual reun- solving some important worldly weather whining means I‘m strug- ions for a small group. issues (while also reducing Mike‘s gling with an opening to associa- As discussed in the last news- supply of Single-Malt), we got tion business. For the last few years letter, it was the pure volunteerism around to where we were as an or- I have used the first newsletter of of Mike and Lorri Robertson that ganization, and what we thought the year to get everyone excited made the last three reunions hap- was needed to move it off the about attending the Annual Reun- pen. The first reunion in Long- ground floor. ion. That normally gives me plenty mont, CO was the product of Past- We believe the future of the of material, and I find myself try- President Robert Lewis, and others. association depends on our ability ing to stay within the space provid- Pure volunteerism in these cases to draw new members. A larger ed for my column. I get to ramble meant that the reunion planners member base would increase par- on about the great reunion venue used their own time and funds to ticipation at reunions and give us a that was selected, the good deal solicit, find, qualify, and visit the far better bargaining angle for eve- we‘re getting on room rates, the sites to make sure the rest of us rything we are trying to accom- terrific tours that are available, and weren‘t surprised by a bad hotel plish. More attendees will help us the fabulous company that will be deal. In every case I know that get into better hotels and tours, there to share it all with you. That Mike and Robert had to be hoping while reducing the costs for both. won‘t work this time, because we that the effort was worth all the The reunions to date have been a decided at last year‘s business energy and expense that it took to good time for everyone who at- meeting that we‘re going to sit this accomplish. And….fortunately, (Continued at Message on page 4) Volume 3, Issue 4 P a g e 3 Mail/eMail/Decklog From Our Shipmates — Lest We Forget the Other Reeves The First USS Reeves (DE-156/APD-52)… USS Reeves (DE-156/APD-52) Through D-Day and the summer of was a Buckley-class of 1944, Reeves continued to escort fast I am James Flynn, brother of John F. the Navy, named in hon- convoys. On 23 September she com- Flynn, who is now 85, and in declining or of Warrant Officer Thomas J. pleted her last Atlantic escort mission health. John served aboard the USS Reeves (1895–1941), who was killed and entered the Philadelphia Navy Reeves (DE-156), and later when re- in action, while serving aboard the bat- Yard for conversion to a Charles Law- named APD-52, [for] the entire war tleship (BB-44) during the rence-class high speed transport. years. I just heard his stories when I . For his distin- Redesignated APD-52 on 25 Sep- escorted him to the doctors. I am the guished conduct to bring ammunition younger brother of this hero and I had tember, Reeves emerged from the ship- to anti-aircraft guns, he was posthu- yard on 23 December and after am- never heard these stories, until the doc- mously awarded the Medal of Honor. tor asked him about his service record. phibious training, headed for the Pana- The story that most sticks in my mind The first Reeves was laid down by ma Canal and duty in the Pacific. Ar- was when he told me that the USS the Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth, riving at on 26 February 1945, Reeves actually sank a German U-Boat Virginia, on 7 February 1943; she continued on to the in with depth charges. The sub never sur- launched on 23 April 1943; sponsored early March to rehearse for Operation faced, but the wreckage floated to the by Miss Mary Anne Reeves, niece of Iceberg, the invasion of the Ryukyus. surface. It was, he said, an un- Chief Radioman Reeves; and commis- On 26 March Reeves arrived off confirmed sinking. I checked the U- sioned on 9 June 1943, Lieutenant the Kerama Retto invasion area and, Boat web site, and it is listed with at Commander Mathias S. Clark in com- after initial duties as a standby ship for least 8 missing U-Boats in the area of mand. Underwater Demolition Team opera- the Atlantic where the USS Reeves was tions, shifted to anti- and [operating]. He told me that he person- anti-aircraft screening duties. She ally gave water to Pappy Boyington served on that harrowing duty for 109 when [he was] rescued from the liberat- days interrupted only for a fast ed Jap POW camps. Great stories. to Ulithi and a brief availability in the Philippines. Detached 18 August, the This was posted on our website Deck APD delivered men, mail, and provi- Log. Mr. Flynn has been thanked for Following shakedown, Reeves re- sions to ships of the fleet, then sailed his submission. turned to Norfolk and on 16 August north to Japan. There, into October, got underway on her first transatlantic she assisted in the repatriation of for- escort run, a slow convoy to Casablan- mer POWs, then supported the United ca. Arriving at New York six weeks States Strategic Bombing Survey mis- later, she underwent availability and sion assigned to the Nagasaki area. further training, at Casco Bay, then Reeves sailed for the United States Charleston returned to escort duty and for the next on 26 November and, after stops in the 12 months shepherded fast tanker con- Volcano, Marshall, and Hawaiian is- where history lives voys between New York and the Unit- lands, arrived at on 23 De- ed Kingdom. On 18 March 1944, after cember. Three days later she continued SS Seakay had been sunk, Reeves res- on, and, on 10 January 1946, she ar- cued 83 of the merchantman's 84 man rived at to begin inactivation. crew. For heroism during that rescue, Assigned to the Florida Group, Atlan- one of the escort's coxswains, E. E. tic Reserve Fleet, she decommissioned Angus, was awarded the Navy and Ma- on 30 July at Green Cove Springs, rine Corps Medal. The following day, Florida where she remained until Reeves took Donnell (DE-56) in tow struck from the Navy List on 1 June after she had been torpedoed, stood by 1960 and transferred to the Govern- until relieved by tugs, then continued ment of Ecuador for use as an electric on carrying the damaged escort's more generator plant. seriously wounded men. Source: Wikipedia P a g e 4 The Ironman — A Double Ender’s Newsletter President’s Message (continued from page 2) tended. We have a good thing go- where else. We‘re planning for the short newsletter article to share ing, but we just need the involve- 2012 reunion in Charleston. AND some Reeves memories, tell us ment of more shipmates to make it now we‘re reaching out to our what you think may help get more sustainable. membership to help us determine attention, get current with your as- So what are we doing about it? what is going to be the silver bullet sociation dues, and plan on attend- We have the website and newslet- that gets the organization on the ing the 2012 reunion. Step up ter spreading the word. We have right track to success. shipmates, we need your help. refined our contact lists and im- What can you do? I believe Here‘s wishing you Fair Winds proved our advertising techniques. that any combination of the fol- & Following Seas…. and maybe We are working to establish a lowing gestures may also be help- an early Spring ship‘s store to offer Reeves specif- ful; call an old shipmate and con- ic items that you can‘t find any- vince them to get involved, write a Tom

112th Congress—Agenda Update Have you visited the Navy Me- morial in Washington, DC, lately? Following is an estimated timeline of completion of action on the budget You can get there online very easily. when important actions will occur in resolution (though partisan and fiscal One of the many features includes the first year of the 112th Congress: differences have precluded approval NavyTV. There is an excellent con- of a formal budget resolution in re- versation with Ernest Borgnine when * Feb. 14: The president will sub- cent years, and that may prove true he discusses his time onboard USS mit his annual budget proposals to again in 2011.) Lamberson (DD-119/DMS-2) during Congress. On this date we‘ll find out World War II. To find the video, go what the Pentagon will propose for * May: The House and Senate to military manpower levels, the 2012 Armed Services Committees will www.navytv.org pay raise, TRICARE fee levels and likely begin work on the FY2012 De- then click on NavyTV from the home more. fense Authorization Bill 2011 includ- page and then search for Borgnine. ing any changes that may be imposed * Late March: Six weeks after the by budget resolution spending limits. While you are there, check out President delivers his budget to Con- the many different conversations gress, congressional committees are * May-July: Full House and Senate from many Navy veterans that have required to submit their "views and pass their respective versions of the been saved for posterity. estimates" of spending and revenues defense bill. And, don‘t forget about joining. within their respective jurisdictions to the House and Senate Budget Com- * July-October: House and Senate Visit: TogetherWeServed.com mittees. negotiators resolve differences be- You‘ll find a lot of us there, with all tween their respective versions. the details about our service time. * April: House and Senate Budget Committees draft and mark up con- * October-December: Final De- current resolution on the budget, fense Authorization Bill passed by This newsletter is published by: which sets spending limits for the House and Senate and becomes law. The USS Reeves Association year. April 15 is the deadline for Source: MOAA Leg Up 21 Jan 2011 15709 N Sycamore St Mead, WA 99021 Senior’s Bumper Stickers Newsletter Editor - *Cremation? Think outside the box. Michael Robertson * I'M Retired. I was tired yesterday, and I am tired again today. Phone: 509-315-8107 * When I was younger all I wanted was a BMW. Now, I don't care about the W. Fax: 703-740-9161 * We got married for better or worse. He couldn't do better and I couldn't do worse. E-mail: [email protected] * I was always taught to respect my elders. Now I don't have anybody to respect. All comments, suggestions, submissions * I asked my wife if old men wear boxers or briefs? She said Depends. and criticism are welcome. My email is * I'm so old ... I don't buy green bananas. always open... Volume 3, Issue 4 P a g e 5 Welcome to the East Coast—Our Next Reunion At the Chicago Reunion, it was There are many hotels very near decided that the association would the airport, so shuttle service will be change reunions to a bi-annual schedule. The size of the association and expense of travel was a deciding factor. Sticking to the goal of bringing a reunion to a region close to you, the East/West/Central plan was reaffirmed. Thus, the next reunion in 2012 will be held on the East Coast. The majority response has been Charleston. Down to the Battery. The place that Sher- Charleston had a large Naval Base man forgot in his march to the sea. before BRAC that is now closed. However, Charleston still has a If you are a Civil War history tremendous amount to offer. It has buff, this is the place to visit. Ft. been rated as the second most popular Sumter was the opening act of the destination spot in the U.S., edged out Middleton Place on the Ashley War Between the States. by San Francisco by less than one River, Charleston percentage point. available. If there is a large enough For the Navy side, there is the registration for tours, there will be Patriots Point Naval and Maritime tours arranged for Friday, Saturday Museum. Tour the USS Yorktown, and Sunday. There are some dinner cruises available — can be set up if there‘s enough interest. And, of course, we are looking for a hotel rate around $80 per day. Every piece of correspondence we And there is so much more to be receive tells us that this is an exciting seen and experienced in Charleston. place to visit. Having been personally stationed in Charleston in the late 70‘s and early 80‘s, this is a new and revitalized town. First of all, look at the Cooper River Bridge photo above...it‘s not the same bridge from the forecastle or USS Yorktown at Charleston‘s Patriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum bridge of a destroyer back when— before BRAC. USS Clamagore, Medal of Honor Museum, Cold War Submarine One of the oldest colonial cities, ( Memorial and the only Vietnam Charles Town, 1670) Charleston Support Base Camp in the U.S. Its offers a glimpse of our colonial past, history you can touch. the battle to keep us together as a History buffs have access to Fort young nation, and the reservoir of our Sumter, Magnolia and Boone Hall earliest heritage. plantations, Middleton Place and Join us for Reunion 2012 in one Drayton Hall, just to mention a few of New Cooper River Bridge of our earliest seaports. very many. P a g e 6 The Ironman — A Double Ender’s Newsletter Net Surfing (cont) Financials News Sources On the fourth of July, the 191st anni- USS Reeves Association You may notice that the past few versary of the Republic‘s birth, COL- 2011 Income Statement YTD issues of this newsletter have carried LETT and REEVES left SAR station veterans‘ information. At the urging of and headed for one of the most popular Income our shipmate, Eric Wenzel (our Re- liberty ports in the Far East: Hong Reunions $0 cording Secretary), we are providing Kong. Arriving in the British Crown extracts from Veteran's RAO Bulletins Colony on July 6, COLLETT‘s crew Program $912 that are published twice montly by Lt. James "EMO" Tichacek, USN (Ret) spent an interesting and memorable six Total Income $912 day visit that few would ever forget. Associate Director, Retiree Activities Expense Office & U.S. Embassy Warden Ba- guio City RP The VA-116 Saint’s: Advertising $27

Newsletters $0 July 23, 1966: Commander Wynn F. [email protected] Foster, the Saint's commanding officer, Supplies $0 was personally hit by antiaircraft fire http://post_119_gulfport_ms.tripod.co Reunions $0 over Vinh, North Vietnam; Command- m/rao1.html er Foster suffered the loss of his right Total Expense $7 arm. Using only his left hand, Com- Jim is probably a member of every vet- Net Income $878 mander Foster piloted his crippled erans association that is currently ac- Skyhawk to sea and ejected, where tive. And, his bulletin is the most in- personnel of the United States Ship formative of any I have seen. There 2011 Assets Statement YTD are examples of his reporting through- Reeves (DLG-24) rescued him. Com- mander Foster was awarded the Silver Cash Assets $3,374 out this edition of the newsletter. Ed. Star for his actions. Please see the Liabilities $0 Charitable/Educational Objectives SOURCES PAGE for information about obtaining Captain Foster's book Net Equity $3,374 The USS Reeves Association is an recounting the action. educational, non-profit 501(c)(3) or- ganization registered with the Internal Revenue Service, FEIN 86-1163983. New Navy Logo For that purpose at the 2010 business This is the newest Navy Logo that grandson or grand-daughter (it hurts to meeting, it was recommended that fu- has been approved by our Department say that!). Regardless, I‘m download- ture excess funds be used for donations of the Navy. In fact, this is just the ing it and printing it on something that and scholarships as determined at busi- Staples can laminate for a buck. May- ness meetings starting in 2012. be I‘ll find a website or two to paste it into. Veterans Benefits What do you think? Like it? Or This editor normally doesn‘t push any- not? The old email or snail mail ad- thing from Military.com. They seem dress is always open. I‘m told that it to be selling a lot. makes for a great dashboard addition. However, there is now a benefit If you are looking for the link to ―calculator‖ for all of us veterans that the website, it is: is a pretty good list of anything and http://www.navy.mil/view_ggsingl everything for which you might be e.asp?id=455 entitled. There is also a copy of the image Check out on our website with all the possible http://benefits.military.com/reg/Vetera variations at ns-Benefits.do lead logo in a whole series that http://ussreeves.net/newsletters/Na vy%20Logo.pdf to see if you have covered all your stretched from the Navy Veteran (you) bets and bases. to your future son, grandson or great- Michael Volume 3, Issue 4 P a g e 7 E -Mail Tracker Programs Any time you see an email that dresses to use in SPAM emails or sell You can do your Friends and Fami- says "forward this on to '10' (or howev- to other spammers. Even when you get ly members a GREAT favor by sending er many) of your friends", "sign this emails that demand you send the email this information to them. You will be petition", or "you'll get bad luck" or on if you're not ashamed of God/ providing a service to your "you'll get good luck" or "you'll see Jesus --- that is email tracking, and friends. And you will be rewarded by something funny on your screen after they are playing on our emotions. The- not getting thousands of spam emails in you send it" or whatever --- it almost se people don't care how they get your the future! always has an email tracker program email addresses - just as long as they Do yourself a favor and STOP adding attached that tracks the cookies and get them. Also, emails that talk about a your name(s) to those types of listing emails of those folks you forward missing child or a child with an incura- regardless how inviting they might to. The host sender is getting a copy ble disease "how would you feel if that sound! Or make you feel guilty if you each time it gets forwarded and then is was your child" --- email tracking. Ig- don't! It's all about getting email ad- able to get lists of 'active' email ad- nore them and don't participate! dresses and nothing more. VA Eligibility VA Health Care Myths: Rumor Myth Number One - I wasn‘t in- one out online or at a VA Medical mills are permanent fixtures in jured in the service, so I‘m not eligi- Center. If you are an Iraq or Afghani- schools, offices and wherever people ble for VA health care. Status: False - stan Veteran, there are special combat congregate, and most of the time Veteran benefits from VA, like tem- they‘re pretty innocuous. But myths One of the most common myths porary access to dental care and guar- and rumors that deal with health–in revolves around eligibility for health anteed access to Priority 6 for five this case Veterans health–are a seri- care at VA. Many think that you have years (unless you are eligible for a ous matter that can prevent qualified to first establish a disability rating higher priority group). See the priori- Vets from seeking the care they both before you can start to make appoint- ty enrollment groups here. Also, if need and deserve. Many have come ments, see doctors and receive medi- new regulations are established re- up in the comments section at cation. That is not the case. If you garding health benefits, VA will auto- served in the military, even during matically reassess your case if it‘s on http://www.blogs.va.gov/VAntage/?p peace time, and were honorably dis- file. =586, charged, you likely qualify for VA [This is a partial extract from care. Even if you don‘t meet those http://post_119_gulfport_ms.tripod.co and others I hear from the guys in my requirements, special circumstances m/rao1.html article source: VAntage old unit. The myths won‘t die unless might apply, like Vietnam service, Point Alex Horton article 18 Nov they are addressed publicly and clear- exposure to Agent Orange and house- 2010 ++] ly, so we present you with the most hold income. The best way to find out The complete article is worth- common we hear, and the straightfor- if you qualify is to submit an applica- while reading. Ed. ward answers they need. tion for health benefits. You can fill National Parks Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar has announced that site: http://www.nps.gov/findapark/feefreeparks.htm National Park Service officials will waive admission fees on 17 selected dates throughout 2011 to encourage all Following are the fee-free days in 2011: Americans to visit a national park this year. With 394 na- tional parks throughout the country, most Americans live * January 15-17 (Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday week- within a few hours of a park, making them places for easy end) and affordable vacations any time of the year. Many na- * April 16-24 (National Park Week) tional park concessions also will offer discounts on fee-free * June 21 (First day of summer) days, saving visitors money on food, lodging, tours and * September 24 (Public Lands Day) souvenirs. * November 11-13 (Veterans Day weekend)

For more information, visit the National Park Service web- [Source: Miitary.com Veterans Report 17 Jan 2011 ++] P a g e 8 The Ironman — A Double Ender’s Newsletter Good Advice On Building Our Association Received your newsletter and somewhat costly as it is about $ 75.00 to spend a lot of personal time and wanted to make a few comments and a CD. Each CD will cover a number our own money to research and select suggestions. I know how it feels to of years, about 5 or 6 per CD. Figure locations. Consider joining RFN receive comments and suggestions spending what you paid out in adver- (Reunion Friendly Network). I can from someone that isn't really active tising. Advertising gets you a small send you information if you think you in your association, but I think I can return. This will get you the names of are interested. You will find all the possibly help you out with your stra- every shipmate. Let me warn you, information about how to select, con- tegic process for increased member- this is a very tedious task. You will tract and conduct a reunion. The ship and reunions. need to find someone that likes re- good thing about belonging is a ma- I think I have told you in the searching and creating a data jority of the grunt work is done for past, I was on in 68-69 when USS base. This is not a small task, but you. Take for example your next re- Reeves (DLG 24) returned from its 30 very rewarding. Consider it will take union location either Charleston or month deployment then was decom- someone a year to complete. The Jacksonville. We did ours in Charles- missioned in May 1969 at the Bath Muster Roles show the onboard and ton, actually it was at the Holiday Inn Iron Works. I then was transferred to off of every shipmate. Problem is in Mt. Pleasant. You can't get any USS Frank E. Evans (DD 754) and on you have to find the first on and the closer to Patriots Point then staying at 3 June 1969 was in that fatal collision last off. Every time a shipmate goes the Holiday Inn. They host reunions with HMAS Melbourne (R 21). I am on leave, goes to school, TAD etc. almost every week so they have eve- currently the Vice President of our they are reflected on the Muster rything down to science. We have association. Roles. Our Historian took on this done 18 reunions since 1992. We task, took him over a year to locate have tried to keep close to areas that 4,300 shipmates. offer military attractions, ships, The next step we did was pur- etc. We do more then we should to chase a search contract from a web make sure our members have the best search site, we used Intelius. There time possible. Some times I think we are a number of sites, I think they all do too much. The one thing I was search the same records. We made told years ago was to not start skip- the mistake of buying 4,000 searches, ping years. We have a reunion every all had to be done within a year. We year. Once you start skipping or let only did about 500. If you decide to members hold their own regional start researching addresses, let me reunions you are doomed. People Building the Assocation know and I can direct you on what I by nature break into groups, once would do different. you do this they will have the ten- When I became active we had Next step is to get people in geo- dency to form their own events and about 120 members. Our member- graphic areas to start the phone, mail, association. The size of the reunion is ship then covered those shipmates e-mail process on the addresses you not the necessary measurement of from the 40's, 50's and 60's. As all obtain. This is the step we are cur- success, its the quality of the people. associations, there is a sunset effect rently working on. We now have 240 Anyhow, hope this helps. on membership. We wanted the asso- members, in the last two years we had ciation to continue and thrive so we 30 shipmates pass away so you can Steve Kraus modified our By-laws to allow mem- see we still are seeing a positive re- Vice President bership to those that wanted to join sponse. USS Frank E. Evans (DD 754) Assn the association, not just ship- "Lest We Forget" mates. We titled these members as Reunions "Second Watch Members". These [Steve was an SM2 who served on members enjoy all the privileges as I sensed disappointment about Reeves during the first forward de- "Shipmates". Of course our member- attendance at the reunion. This too ployment.] ship increased somewhat in the next will take time, it grows with increased following years. membership. Our last reunion had You can read about the Frank Evans Our next step was to purchase about 190 attendees (that's about 90 at: from the Navy archives all the Muster members). We had it in San Diego, Roles for 1945 to 1969. This is the week before yours. We too used http://www.ussfee.org/ Volume 3, Issue 4 P a g e 9 RAO Tricare Update Tricare User Fee Update 56: Once tion, Medicare-eligible retirees using Extra would be charged an enroll- again the subject of increasing TRI- TRICARE for Life as a supplement to ment for the first time of $150. CARE costs has hit the news - the latest Medicare would be required to begin Pharmacy co-pays in TRICARE re- proposal being offered by the bipartisan paying minimal cost sharing amounts tail network – now $3 for generic, $9 Debt Reduction Task Force, co-chaired under the plan. Based on the language of for brand-name drugs on formulary by former Republican Sen. Pete Dome- the report this cost-share increase is to and $22 for non-formulary drugs — nici and economist Alice Rivlin. maintain equity among retirees – both would be reset at zero for generic One of the stated goals of the bipar- between different cohorts of military drugs, $15 for brand names on for- tisan task force is to reduce the cost of retirees and between military and the mulary and $45 for brand names off military health care by imposing greater wider community of seniors that also formulary. faces higher costs. cost-sharing on TRICARE beneficiaries. It seems each year the subject of The rationale is that the program was Some retirees could see their TRI- increasing TRICARE out-of-pocket ex- originally designed so that retiree‘s pre- CARE premiums increase by as much as penses comes up, and of course ensuring miums would cover 27% of the total $2,000 a year. Tom Philpott recently TRICARE sustainability is vital. But the cost of TRICARE. The program fees offered a glimpse at what future premi- members of so-called debt reduction have not increased since TRICARE re- ums, cost-shares and co-pays would panels need to remember that eligibility placed CHAMPUS in 1995; in today‘s look like based on the panel‘s sugges- for TRICARE benefits is not based on dollars retirees are only covering 11% of tions. age, income, or employability – these the program cost. A married retiree with less than benefits are earned through service and The task force report states that ac- $20,000 in annual retired pay would commitment to our nation‘s defense. tive duty personnel and their dependents pay $730 in year one, $900 in year To compare the above proposed use less than half (42%) of TRICARE‘s two. These larger incremental raises rates with the present rates refer to total cost, pay no premiums or co-pays. would stop in year five when the www.military.com/benefits/tricare/tricar Thankfully for this group, the Task yearly fee would hit $1260 an in- e-co-pay/tricare-cost-co-pay-schedule. Force decided to focus exclusively on crease of $800 a year. retirees and their dependents, for whom You are encouraged to let DoD and Those with retired pay of $20,000 to your elected officials know how you feel benefits have expanded without a signif- $40,000 would pay more. The high- icant change in cost-sharing. about these cost cutting proposals. One est enrollment fees, for those draw- easy way to do this is to go to The task force report lays out a plan ing more than $40,000 in retired pay, that would raise working age retiree pre- would top off in year five at $2460, http://www.capwiz.com/military/issues/ miums, cost-shares and co-pays so that or $2000 more than they pay now. alert/?alertid=19823501 working-age retirees would once again Fees for outpatient visits would more and forward a pre-formatted editable cover the 27% of TRICARE costs as than double, to $28. message to your legislators. [Source: was part of the original plan. Increasing Military.com November Terry Howell the fees seems to make sense from a Working-age retirees using TRI- article 22 Nov 2010 ++] purely economic point of view. In addi- CARE Standard plan or TRICARE VA Tinnitus Care Update

Scientists from the University of and a whopping 40% of veterans. The rats) electronically stimulates the Vagus Texas announced in the scientific journal scientists believe that it is caused by the nerve (which runs from the brain to the Nature that they have found a way to brain failing to adjust to nerve damage abdomen) while playing a high pitched treat chronic tinnitus. caused to exposure to loud or continual tone. Human clinical trials are expected Tinnitus, a chronic ringing in the noise. Michael Kilgard, the co-author of to start in the next several months. This ears is the most common service con- the study said: ―Brain changes in re- technique called VNS is already used to nected disability for enlisted Air Force sponse to nerve damage or cochlear trau- treat approximately 50,000 people with retirees and veterans returning from the ma cause irregular neural activity be- epilepsy or depression. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan The VA lieved to be responsible for many types If the trials are successful this would pays approximately one billion dollars of chronic pain and tinnitus. We believe be the first treatment that would elimi- ($1 billion) a year for service connected the part of the brain that processes nate rather than just mask tinnitus. disability payments for tinnitus. sounds- the auditory cortex-delegates too Doctors believe that over 23 million many neurons to some frequencies and [Source: TREA Washington Update Americans suffer from some degree of things begin to go awry.‖ 14 Jan 2011 ++] this condition including 10% of seniors The treatment (so far successful in P a g e 1 0 The Ironman — A Double Ender’s Newsletter Ruminations from the Inland Northwest It can be said that retirement is that there‘s probably an office some- Priest Lake, or a jaunt over to Kettle restful. It isn‘t. It can also be said that where out there where I‘m supposed to Falls and Lake Roosevelt. Maybe, just retirement is the last path traveled. It be—at this very moment—life is real- maybe, we could take an hour and one isn‘t. I went out at eight this morning ly, really different. half jog up Route 395 to Paterson, BC, and threw wet snow and snow clods Tom Bailey dropped by for a and check out the Canadian Cascades. and other such cold stuff from the end weekend visit, drank some wine, ate That might mean getting our of my driveway, where Spokane Coun- Lorri‘s breakfasts, visited our local Washington driver‘s licenses upgraded ty deposited more than I deserved. Of ―bistro‖ and drank a modest amount of to include our U.S. Citizen status. course, I had a new snow thrower from my Scotch. It was a real wakeup, per- That‘s a lot cheaper than buying a cur- the PX at Fairchild AFB. It liked to sonally. rent passport from the State Depart- climb over the snow—not through it, ment via the Post Office. as I would have liked. There‘s a lot to be done and seen that we haven‘t gotten to, yet. Just Maybe, after Christmas, a road trip There‘s too much to get done— because we retreated into the shadow north might be in order. As I told Lor- and there‘s too many tomorrows to get of Mt. Spokane and parked the truck in ri, keep an overnight bag packed so through. a warm, dry garage doesn‘t mean that that we can just take off anywhere, Aside from the snow (lots), plan- we have to retire from life … yet! anytime. Obviously, I‘m not a practi- ning for the first Christmas in Spokane So, where to from here? tioner and she‘s not a believer, yet. (unlike Virginia), and the sensation Well, there‘s a trip up Route 2 to By the time we all get to Charles- ton, Jacksonville, Orlando or where ever, I expect to have pictures—for anyone who has the patience to look at them. In the meantime, we‘ve found one of those ConFAM things for reun- ion planners next October in Warwick, RI. Plan on it: the 2015, 2016 or later reunion will be in Warwick (which is a really great place to get together— been there, done that and have the T- Shirt. Don‘t leave a old guy any space to fill in the newsletter. Anything is fair My Mt. Spokane on a fine winter‘s day… (I took this shot, using my wife as a tripod. game and I love to fill empty space. Don‘t ask.) Mike

Medicare Part B Update The Military Retiree Health Care Relief Act of 2011 (H.R.238), was introduced in the 112th Congress by Representative Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO-08).

The bill would restore a long broken promise relating to free life time health care by amending the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow a refundable credit to military retirees and their spouses/widows for premiums paid for coverage under Medicare Part B. Veterans are encouraged to contact their legislators and request they actively support this bill and urge their colleagues to do the same.

One method to accomplish this is to access the USDR Action Alert site http://capwiz.com/usdr/issues/alert/?alertid=23523796&queueid=[capwiz:queue_id ] and forward the editable message provided to their representatives. [Source: USDR Action Alert] Published in the RAO Baguio Veterans Information Newslet- ter, 1 Feb 2011 Volume 3, Issue 4 P a g e 11 Have You Heard? An old prospector shuffled into old fool, you're gonna' dance now," man stared at the old timer and the the town of El Paso, Texas leading an and started shooting at the old man's large gaping holes of those twin bar- old tired mule. The old man headed feet. The old prospector, not wanting rels. The barrels of the shotgun never straight for the only saloon in town, to to get a toe blown off, started hopping wavered in the old man's hands, as he clear his parched throat. He walked around like a flea on a hot skillet. quietly said, "Son, have you ever up to the saloon and tied his old mule Everybody was laughing, fit to be kissed a mule's ass?" The gunslinger to the hitch rail. As he stood there, tied. When his last bullet had been swallowed hard and said, "No brushing some of the dust from his fired, the young gunslinger, still sir.....but I've always wanted to." face and clothes, a young gunslinger laughing, holstered his gun and turned stepped out of the saloon with a gun around to go back into the saloon. There are two lessons for us all in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in The old man turned to his pack mule, here: the other. pulled out a double-barreled shotgun, and cocked both hammers. 1.Don't waste ammunition. The young gunslinger looked at the old man and laughed, saying, The loud clicks carried clearly 2.Don't mess with old people. "Hey old man, have you ever through the desert air. The crowd danced?" The old man looked up at stopped laughing immediately. The [Source: RAO Bulletin] the gunslinger and said, "No, I never young gunslinger heard the sounds did dance… never really wanted to." too, and he turned around very slow- http://post_119_gulfport_ms.tripod.co A crowd had gathered as the gun- ly. The silence was almost deafening. m/rao1.html slinger grinned and said, "Well, you The crowd watched as the young gun-

Another Sign of the Times Internet News The U.S. Navy was the first branch to Of the 200 million websites world- Recently, shipmate Jon Acord (76-78) give the Good Conduct Medal, starting wide (stats courtesy of Glenn Beck‘s turned the .com site into a mirror im- in 1869. The U.S. Air Force didn't start new ―faction‖ novel The Overton Win- age of the .net site. Thanks, Jon. giving a separate Good Conduct Medal dow), we now occupy two real web- until 1963, although it was first author- sites: USSReeves.com and ized in 1960. Until 1963, USAF per- USSReeves.net. Most shipmates are Also, shipmate Victor Maxwell sonnel received the U.S. Army's ver- probably familiar with the .net site as (ETNSN, 71-74) has established a sion of the Good Conduct Medal. The it has been in operation since just after Facebook group site Air Force decided to quit giving the the first reunion in Longmont, CO. (http://www.facebook.com/group.php Good Conduct Medal in 2006 because ?gid=243690108827) they felt that good conduct is ex- that has more photo- pected among its airman, thus mak- graphs (with pop up ing the medal inappropriate. Air Force captions by Vic and personnel who won the medal are still George), comments authorized to wear it. and a growing list of members. Right now, Leave it to the Air Force… They there‘s an ongoing must’ve never made a port call in dialogue between Olongapo. Ed. Victor, George Has Anyone Noticed? McHaley (FTG2, 70- 72) and John Joyner Even though the Bush tax cuts were (Info TBD). extended for two years and the em- ployee-portion of the Social Security deduction has been suspended for one Take a look and join year, FITW taxes have increased by the group. Get into the Liberty Call...early 70‘s, probably Hong Kong ‗72. about 2% on an unchanging income. conversation... From Vic Maxwell‘s Facebook site,

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