I. from the Ancient Times Until

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I. from the Ancient Times Until Scientific Works. Series C. Veterinary Medicine. Vol. LIX (3) ISSN 2065-1295, ISSN Online 2067-3663, ISSN-L 2065-1295 OF THE CONC ERN S OF OU R ANC ES TORS IN THE CARPATO-D ANUBIO -P ONTIC REGIO N FOR ANIMAL BREE DING (I. From t he ancien t t imes un til t he Romans leving Dacia) Dumi tru CURC Ă Faculty of Veterinary Me dicine, 105 Sp laiu l Indepen den ܊ei, sector 5, 050097 Bucharest, Ro mania Correspon ding author e-m ai l: curca _fi ziopat @yahoo.co m ABSTRACT I. From the Neo/eneolithic, bronze an d ir on ag es. The popula tion of the Cucut eni cultu re was hunter s an d ag ri cultu ri sts an d han dicrafts men su ch as weaver s, pott er y worker s an d too lmaker s. The archaeology displa y sever al artefac ts or painting s on cer amics pictu ri ng the an imal specie s us ed by the people of that time: A zoo morphic re pre sentation; Zoo morphic pictu re ; Z ooo morphic vess el. II . From the peri od of the R oman occ upation (1 st – 3rd centu rie s). O n the Column of Trajan , histo ri c monument from Rome built upon order of Trajan E mp er or in comm emoration of his victo ry from D ac ia, by Apolodorus de D amasc an d pre ser ved until ou r pre sent time. R eac hing the apogee of the histo ri c R oman bas-re lie f, the 12 4 episo des ca rved in spir al on the Column, ill ust rating the Comm entarie s of Trajan about the D ac ic wars (De bell o dac ico), by their charac ter of histo ri c document, are a true document about the conc er ns of the D ac ian s for the bree ding an d us e of horses in defenc e. Some intere st ing scenes depict domest ica ted an imal s us ed for sac ri fices or for foo d. Anot her imp ortan t monument is the “T ri ump hal Monument” loca ted north of Adamcl isi comm une in D obrogea, in an are a of fore st ed hill s. Among the bas-re lie fs from Adamcl isi one may not ice thos e showing grou ps of shee p an d goats , specie s loved by the people who inhabited an d st ill inhabits these plac es. II I. Histo ri ography us ing ter minology from the R oman ian ling uist ic. The moder n R oman ian la ng uag e is considere d a Roman ic lang uag e. From the D ac ian -T hrac ic-I liri c lang uag es in the basic lexical fund will st ill have just about (1 70- 180) 165 words, su ch as: hearth, earth, ash, child, infan t, meadow, orog, hornbeam, comm on oak, fir tree , chee se, so ft cow chee se, whey, ford, swamp, wave, su nset, su nri se, swarm, peas, ca bb ag e, grapes, wild boar, st ork, head ker chie f, sca rf, peasan t san dal , hoo d, pole, hill , shore , etc. The apicultu ral ter minology is la rgely of Latin ori gin an d it is one of the st rong est arguments for under st an ding the st able life of the R oman ian s. B ee bree ding words of Latin ori gin: al bina (bee ), stu p (bee hive), fag ur (honey comb), miere (honey), ceară (w ax), păst ură (maiden wax). Foll owing are sever al bee bree ding words of Sla v ori gin: pri sac ă (bee ga rden), matcă (q uee n), trânto r (mal e bee ), R oi (swarm), B ezmetic (w an der ing aimless ly).Other Sla v ter ms with the same mean ing : ulei (oil), from the B g. uleju in O ltenia; útiubei , from Ukr. stu b+su f. – ei , in Moldova an d B ucovina ; coúniĠă , from the old Sl. kos nica , in Tran sylvan ia an d B an at. Key words: ours ancestors, concerns, ani mal bree ding, Ro manian ter mino logy I. FROM THE NEO/ENEOLITHIC, the Neo lithic Age, with specific high -han dle BRON ZE AND IRON AGES pots an d large vesse ls adorne d with gir dles (no paintings ). The two sites with bron ze The neo /eneo lithic age (6000 -2000 B.C. ) objects (scythes an d soc kete d axes ), surprises by the evolved too ls (han d axe an d unearthe d at Ruginoasa an d Doljeúti (Nea mĠ pierce d axe ), by the diversity of the incise d County ) are spectacu lar disco veries (2, 4). We pottery or of the pottery painte d with spira l- can also notice a wide range of bron ze win ding motifs (storage vesse ls, bowls, lids, needles, of different si zes, so me bone piercers support -v esse ls, vesse ls for re ligious an d pen dants. These artefacts in dicate the purposes ). Most of it is specific to the Pre - progress fro m the stage of „pre dator ” to the Cucuteni an d Cucuteni cu lture (phases A, A- stage of „gro wer -har vester ”. They were B) also due to the anthropo morphic an d disco vere d at the sites fro m Bu dăile-Blănariu, zoo morphic design (hu man representations - Văleni, Săbăoani (Nea mĠ County ) an d Bra d idols, an d representations of different (Bac ău County). The transition from ani mals). It also inc ludes the Cucuteni (phase prehistory to anti quity is intro duce d by the C) „co mbed pottery ”, adorne d with a toothe d Dacic stan dar d (engra ved on a Dacian vesse l too l, si milar to a co mb (26, 27). unearthed at Bu dureasca - Praho va County), The bron ze age (22 00 -11 00 B.C. ) stan ds out exhi bite d in Ha ll no. 3, as an in vitation to by the different for ms of pottery, co mpare d to 197 learn about the Geto -Dacic ci vilization. Thus, hair pin with the hea d in the shape of a swan, starting fro m Ha ll no. 4, all ocate d to the older petrifie d bir d egg. There also are fi ve si lver stage of the Geto -Dacic history (4th -2nd coin treasures unearthe d at St ăni Ġa, Bo zieni, centuries B.C. ), one can notice a broa d range Făurei, Si mione úti úi Tămăúeni – Nea mĠ of obj ects characteristic to their materia l County (1st century B.C. - 2nd century A. D.). cu lture. Most of these items ha ve been In 188 9, at the 10th Congress of History an d unearthe d fro m the most long -lasting Thraco logy he ld at Paris, professor Butureanu archaeo logica l site (over 45 years of presente d the “First scientific disco veries research ), locate d at Bra d-N egri (present ly in about the antiquities unearthed at Băiceni - Bac ău County ), where was the Dacian fortress Cucuteni “, which were of great interest (2). mentione d by the Gree k geographer Clau diu Im presse d by what he hear d at the French Pto lemeu (1st - 2nd centuries A. D.), as Congress of History an d Thraco logy, the Zargi dava (7, 18, 19). Ger man researcher Hu bert Sch midt ca me to The co mb ination bet ween the ite ms of Geto - poor Mo ldova, in 1892 (22 ). Here, he starte d Dacic tra dition : pottery (censer, jar -v esse ls, digging in the hi ll s aroun d the vill age of cups, small cups, strainers, fruit -ho lding Băiceni -Cucuteni an d deter mine d the vita l vesse ls etc. ), so me agricu ltura l an d crafts men truth for our Ro manian history : the sett lement tools (k ni ves, plough coulter, axes ), orna ment fro m Cucuteni is the oldest site fro m South - an d househo ld obj ects (brace lets, rings, ear - Eastern Europe. rings, bea ds, hair pins, mirrors ) or ite ms Hu bert Sch midt (Figure 1 a), the researchers specific to different acti vities (bone piercer, who ha d pre vious ly disco vere d the Troy spin dle whor ls, fishing hoo ks, arro w hea ds Fortress, unearthe d the Cucuteni ci vilisation, etc. ), an d the importe d obj ects, of Gree k- restoring the initia l meanings of our history. Ro man origin (amphorae, trays, go blets ) The „Ger man “, ho w the vill agers ca ll ed hi m, sho w differences specific to each historic was the first one to spe ll the na me of the perio d (evolution of the different for ms of Mo ldavian vill age abro ad. The vill agers fro m pottery, appearance or disappearance of Cucuteni didn’t forget hi m ever since. The particu lar obj ects, etc. ). vill age Băiceni -Cucuteni – is locate d 8 Besi des the evidence which confir m the basic kilometres fro m the roa d fro m Târgu Fru mos occupations of the Dacians (agricu lture, to Hârlău, Iaúi County. This small vill age ani mal hus ban dry, pottery -m aking, fishing, which “turne d upsi de-d own” the history of hunting, spinning etc.
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