"In These Perilous Times": Plague and Plague Policies in Early Modem Denmark
Medical History, 2003, 47: 413-450 "In These Perilous Times": Plague and Plague Policies in Early Modem Denmark PETER CHRISTENSEN* Plague has long since disappeared from Denmark. Why it did so remains a puzzle and is one of the themes of this article. More recently, and almost as puzzling, plague has also disappeared from Danish historiography. In the works of eighteenth-century historians the Black Death was described in considerable, if often imaginative, detail and the recurring plague outbreaks were mentioned regularly.' By the late nineteenth century this was no longer the case. The terrible mortality still guaranteed the Black Death a few lines in the history books, but there was practically no discussion ofthe causes nor ofthe possible short or long-term consequences. The rest ofthe plague cycle was almost completely ignored with the exception of the well-documented, but also isolated, 1711 outbreak in Copenhagen.2 The reason for this revision must be sought in the rise ofmodem historical scholarship in Denmark in the late nineteenth century. As in other countries, history had until then been the preserve of so-called antiquarians who had uncritically paraphrased chronicles and annals, sources which modem critical examination has proved to be biased, inaccurate and unreli- able. Now an emerging group of professional, academic historians, most of them mediev- alists incidentally, argued that henceforward the study of history should be based on solid, objective archival materials such as parish registers, laws, estate accounts, cadastral surveys, minutes, etc. Unfortunately, the sources relevant to the Black Death were sparse * Dr Peter Christensen, Department of History, ' For example, P F Suhm, Historie afDanmark, 14 University of Copenhagen, Njalsgade 102-2300 vols, Copenhagen, 1782-1828, vol.
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