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Masaryk University Faculty of Arts Department of Archaeology and Museology BACHELOR’S DIPLOMA THESIS The Study of Halaf pottery from the Eastern Khabur Archaeological Survey (EHAS) in Iraqi Kurdistan Brno 2017 Beáta Baluchová Masaryk University Faculty of Arts Department of Archaeology and Museology Centre of Prehistoric Archaeology of the Near East Beáta Baluchová Bachelor’s Diploma Thesis Supervisor: Mgr. Mateiciucová, Inna Ph.D. Consultant: Prof. Dr. Pfälzner, Peter Dr. Sconzo, Paola Dr. Nieuwenhuyse Olivier Brno 2017 DECLARATION I declare that I have worked on this thesis independently, Using only the primary and secondary sources listed in the bibliography. I agree with storing this work in the library of the Prehistoric Archaeology of the Near East At the Masaryk University in Brno and making it accessible for study purposes. Brno 30.06.2017 ............................................................. Signature Abstract/Annotation Title: The Study of Halaf pottery from the Eastern Khabur Archaeological Survey (EHAS) in Iraqi Kurdistan Author: Beáta Baluchová Department/Institute: Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology and Museology, Centre of Prehistoric Archaeology of the Near East Supervisor: Mgr. Mateiciucová Inna Ph.D. Consultant: Prof. Dr. Pfälzner Peter Dr. Sconzo Paola Dr. Nieuwenhuyse Olivier The study deals with the Halaf pottery from the autonomous area of Kurdistan in Iraq. The material, which I analysed, originates from a surface collection carried out by the team of Tuebingen University from 2013. The work in field is lead under supervision of prof. Peter Pfälzner and Post. Doc Paola Sconzo. The thesis is a preliminary effort to present material and distinguish more precisely the Halaf pottery, if possible, in the chronological order from Proto-Halaf, Pre-Halaf/Proto-Hassuna, Early, Middle, Late Halaf and Halaf-Ubaid Transitional. The Halaf pottery will be divided on ware bases according to the technological and morphological characteristics. To achieve more accurate results I will compare this material with those known from continuously occupied sites like Tell Arpachiyah and Yarim Tepe, which are located in Iraq, and Tell Sabi Abyad, Tell Arbid Abyad and Chagar Bazar, which are situated in Syria. My research focuses on a description and analysis of material obtained from three different sites, which belong to diverse areas. These zones were divided in the EHAS project according to geographical and morphological attributes. It is the Tigris valley, the eastern Tigris valley plateau and the lower Zagros chains with Khabur basin. There will also be mention the amount of Late Neolithic pottery, which have been found in each zone from the beginning of project in 2013 until the campaign 2016, including. For chosen sites, where the remains of Halaf pottery were found, I will compare the amount of painted and non-painted pottery, decoration style, as well as the types of rims, bases and vessels and ware that were preserved. Keywords: the Late Neolithic pottery, Halaf, survey, Iraq, Kurdistan, comparison, the Tuebingen Eastern Khabur Archaeological Survey (EHAS) Abstrakt/Anotacia Názov práce: Štúdia Halafskej keramiky z Eastern Khabur Archaeological Survey (EHAS) v Iraku Autor: Beáta Baluchová Oddelenie/Inštitút: Masaryková Univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Oddelenie Archeológie a Muzeológie, Centrum Pravekej Archeológie Predného Východu Vedúci práce Mgr. Mateiciucová Inna, Ph.D. Konzultant: Prof. Dr. Pfälzner Peter Dr. Sconzo Paola Dr. Nieuwenhuyse Olivier Štúdia sa zaoberá Halafskou keramikou z autonómnej oblasti Kurdistan v Iraku. Materiál, ktorý som analyzovala pochádza z povrchového archeologického zberu, ktorý je organizovaný tímom z univerzity v Tuebingene od roku 2013. Práca v teréne je realizovaná pod vedením prof. Petra Pfälznera a Post. Doc Paoli Sconzo. Bakalárska práca je predbežné predstavenie a prezentácia materiálu s cieľom rozlíšiť Haláfsku keramiku do chronologického rámca od Proto-Halafskej, Pre-Halafskej keramiky, rannej, strednej a neskorej Halafskej keramiky až prechodu k Obejdskej kultúrnej tradícii. Halafska keramika bude rozdelená na základe technologických a morfologických charakteristických do predchádzajúcimi výskumami zadefinovaných skupín. Na dosiahnutie presnejších výsledkov je materiál porovnávaný s tým, ktorý je vypublikovaný z výskumov vykonávaných na dlhodobejšie osídlených lokalitách. Jedná sa o osídlenia v Iraku a to Tell Arpachiyah a Yarim Tepe, a sídliska Tell Sabi Abyad, Tell Arbid Abyad a Chagar Bazar, ktoré sú situované v Sýrii. Práca sa zameriava na opis a analýzu materiálu získaného z troch odlišných lokalít, ktoré patria k rozdielnym zónam. Tieto zóny boli diferencované v EHAS projekte podľa geografických a morfologických vlastností krajiny. Jedná sa o údolie Tigrisu, východnú plošinu údolia Tigrisu a pohorie nízkeho Zagrosu s povodí rieky Khabur. Taktiež bude spomenuté množstvo keramiky z obdobia neskorého neolitu, ktoré bolo nájdené v každej zo zón od začiatku projektu v roku 2013 po kampaň v roku 2016 a vrátane nej. Na vybraných miestach, kde boli nájdene pozostatky Halafskej tradície budem porovnávať množstvo maľovanej a nemaľovanej keramiky ako aj typy okrajov, dien nádob a rôznych typov keramiky. Kľúčové slová: neskoro neolitická keramika, Halaf, povrchový zber, Irak, Kurdistan, porovnanie, Tuebingen Eastern Khabur Archaeological Survey (EHAS) Acknowledgement First of all, I would like to express my thanks to my great family and close friends, for their love, support, understanding and concern not only during the writing of this thesis but also during the study. In this place I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Mgr. Inna Mateiciucova Ph.D. for her guidance and help during the writing of this thesis. I would like to express my thanks I would like to express to the Prof. Dr. Peter Pfälzner and Dr. Paola Sconzo, who allowed me to be a member of a team in EHAS project. Without this possibility I could not write down this thesis and have learnt so much about the beauties of the Neolithic pottery. I am also very grateful to other members of “pottery team” who though me basic information also about their pottery-period. And other enormous thanks go to the Dr. Olivier Nieuwenhuyse, who was very helpful and provided me with a lot of valuable information about the pottery. Table of contents 1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………..….4 2 Research questions/additional aims…………………….……………………..…..…6 3 Methodology…………………………………………………………….…………….7 3.1 Introduction………………………………………...………………………7 3.2 Methodological-conceptual discussion………………...…………………..8 4 State of research in Iraqi Kurdistan….……………………………………………10 4.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………….10 4.2 Research conducted in Iraq until 2010……………………………………11 4.3 Research conducted after 2010……………………………………………14 4.3.1 Survey Projects………………………………………………….14 Introduction…………………………………………....14 Governorate of Dohuk……………………………..…..15 Governorate of Erbil……………………………….…..15 Governorate of Sulaimaniyah………………………….16 4.3.2 Excavation Projects……………………………………………...19 Governorate of Erbil………………………………..….19 Governorate of Sulaimaniyah……………………….…20 5 Criticism of the sources and the ceramic material…………………………….……24 6 The Eastern Khabur Archaeological Survey EHAS……………………………….26 6.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………....26 6.2 The surveyed area……………………………………………………..27 6.3 The main aims………………………………………………………....27 6.4 Methodology…………………………………………………………..28 6.5 The Late Neolithic assemblages……………………………………….30 7 Physical Environment of the surveyed area………………………………..………31 7.1 Introduction…………………………………………………..………..31 7.2 Geomorphology of the surveyed are……………..……...…………….31 7.3 Climate………………………………………………………………...32 7.4 Hydrology……………………………………………………………..33 7.5 Flora and fauna…………………………………………………..........34 8 Sites with Halaf pottery in EHAS…………………………….…………..………....35 8.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………35 8.2 Zone A: The Tigris valley……………………………………………..36 7.2.1 A006…………………………………………………...37 8.3 Zone B: The eastern Tigris valley plateau……………………………..39 8.3.1 B003…………………………………………………...40 8.3.2 B010…………………………………………………...41 8.3.3 B011…………………………………………………...42 8.3.4 B012………………………………………………...…43 8.3.5 B013…………………………………………………...44 8.3.6 B015…………………………………………………...45 8.3.7 B016………………………………………………...…46 8.3.8 B032…………………………………………………...47 8.3.9 B034…………………………………………………...48 8.3.10 B046…………………………………………………...49 8.3.11 B054…………………………………………………...50 8.3.12 B056…………………………………………………...51 8.3.13 B101…………………………………………………...52 8.3.14 B114…………………………………………………...53 8.3.15 B115…………………………………………………...54 8.3.16 B120…………………………………………………...54 8.3.17 B134…………………………………………………...55 8.3.18 B145…………………………………………………...56 8.3.19 B146…………………………………………………...57 8.4 Zone C: The lower Zagros chains with the Khabur basin……………...58 8.4.1 C02…………………………………………………….59 8.4.2 C054…………………………………………………...60 8.4.3 C062…………………………………………………...61 8.4.4 C095…………………………………………………...62 8.4.5 C096…………………………………………………...62 9 Background of Halaf pottery……………………………………………………..…63 9.1 Introduction………………………………………………………..…..64 9.2 Division of ware………………………………………………………64 9.2.1 Introduction………………………………………………..64 9.2.2 Standard Ware (SW)/ Coarse Ware (CW)…………………66 9.2.3 Standard Fine Ware/Standard Hassuna/Samarra Fine Ware.68 9.2.4 Grey Black Ware/Grey Burnished Ware…………………..69 9.2.5 Mineral Coarse Ware……………………………………...71 9.2.6 Dark-Faced Burnished Ware………………………………72 9.2.7 Orange Fine Ware…………………………………………73 9.2.8 Fine Painted Ware………………………………………...76