Different Types of Multiethnic Societies and Different Patterns Of
SPECIAL FEATURE: PERSPECTIVE PERSPECTIVE SPECIAL FEATURE: Different types of multiethnic societies and different patterns of development and change in the prehistoric Near East Marcella Frangipane1 Department of Antiquities, Sapienza University of Rome, 00185 Rome, Italy Edited by Linda R. Manzanilla, Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México, Mexico City, D.F., Mexico, and approved April 28, 2015 (received for review December 15, 2014) After briefly examining the forms of cultural contact in pre- and protohistoric societies in relation to the problem of the varying perception of territories and their “borders” as well as of “membership” in those societies, and after a brief reconsideration of the concept of culture and ethnicity in such archaic contexts, this paper then examines three examples of multiethnic societies in the Near East, and specifically in Upper Mesopotamia and Southeast Anatolia, in the fifth, fourth, and at the beginning of the third millennia before the common era (BCE), re- spectively. These examples are dealt with as emblematic cases of different models of society, types of interaction with alien groups, levels of integration, and development dynamics. Each of these cases is examined with respect to its socioeconomic context, the archeological evidence of “multiethnicity,” the types of interaction between different components, the degree of cultural integration achieved, and the effects on the dynamics of change and the development of the societies examined. By analyzing and comparing these examples, the paper aims
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