The History French Revolution
THE HISTORY OP TRB FRENCH REVOLUTION THEHISTOItt OF THE ~1ToLUTrON OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTTaN 1789-1800 BY LOUIS ADOLPHE THIERS TRANSLATIID, WITH NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS, FROM THB MOST AUTHRNTIO SOURCES, BY FREDERICK SHOBERL NEW A'DITION, WITH UPWARDS OF FORTY ILLUSTRATIONS ON STEEL ENGRA YED BY WILLlAM GREATBATOR IN FIVE VOLUMES VOL, III. LONDON RICHARD BENTLEY AND SON lIIubIisbns in @rlJinaT!,! to ~et' ~ajtllt! t!Je 'aueen 1895 [All .-ightl rmrved] 'v r:;~ :511/·,L:J C~-· 3 2-Ucg ILLUSTRATIONS VOLUME III. AsSASSINATION OF MARAT I to face Title PORTRAIT OF CHARLOTTE CORDAY • ." 46 PORTRAIT OF CAMILLE-DESMOU,LINS ." 60 CONDEMNATION' QF MARIE ANTOINETTE. " ;10 PORTRAIT OF BAILLY (MAYOR OF PARIS) " 224 TR!AL OF DANTON, CAMILLE-DESMOULINS, 2 &C. " 35 • PORTRAiT OF DANTON 60 " 3 PORTRAIT OF MADAME ELIZABETH 0 " 45 CARRIER AT NANTES " 454 PORTRAIT OF ROBESPIERRE ". 490 APPENDICES. APPENDICES. A. [Page 27.] BERTHIER. .. Louis Alexandre Berthier, Prince of Neufchatel and Wagram, mar shal, vice-constable of France, was born in Paris in 1753. He was the son of a distinguished officer, and was, while yet young, employed in the general staff, and fought with Lafayette for the liberty of the United States. In 1791 he was appointed chief of the general staff in Luckner's army, marched against La Vendee in 1793, and joined the army of. Italy in 1796. In the year 1798 he received the chief command of the army of Italy, and afterwards went to Egypt with Bonaparte, to whom he was much attached, and who, on his return to Paris, appointed him minister of war.
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