KRZYSZTOF KONSTANTY VORBRICH Polish Academy of Sciences Space Research Centre
[email protected] THREE MEMOIRS OF THE FORSTERS – THE POLISH-BORN PARTICIPANTS OF COOK’S SECOND VOYAGE The rationale behind this work is to present research on the humanistic heritage of Johann Forster and his son George.1 The Forsters were born near Gdańsk in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (First Commonwealth – “Rzeczpo- spolita”). They were of Scottish ancestry. The Forsters took part in the Second Circumnavigation commanded by James Cook.2 They wrote numerous works, the most important of them in English, based on their experiences on Cook’s Second Expedition. The Forsters made their own particular contributions to the genres of the travelogue and the scholarly treatise. The Forsters did not adhere to any prevailing philosophical or literary tradition. In fact, they invented their own method of literary and scientific expression. 1 Note 1. This study presents edited fragments of: K. K. Vorbrich, Memoirs of the Forsters – the Pol- ish-Born Participants of Cook’s Expedition: The Same Voyage, Worlds Apart, unpublished PhD dissertation, Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań) 2008. Note 2. The edited fragments of the above mentioned PhD dissertation have been published among other as follows: K. K. Vorbrich, Memoirs of the Forsters – the Polish-Born Participants of Cook’s Expedi- tion: The Same Voyage, Worlds Apart. Excerpts: Biography; Journals..., Observations..., and Voyage...; Essays Reply... and Letter...; Non-narrative Legacy, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Contact, Poznań 2009; K. K. Vorbrich, Memoirs of the Forsters – the Polish-Born Participants of Cook’s Expedition: The Same Voyage, Worlds Apart. Excerpts: Volume Two, History of European Oceanic Exploration Discussed in the Forsters’ Narrative Writings – Selected Issues, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Contact, Poznań 2010.