The Longterm Impacts of Clear-Cut Logging on Insect

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The Longterm Impacts of Clear-Cut Logging on Insect THE LONGTERM IMPACTS OF CLEAR-CUT LOGGING ON INSECT COMMUNITIES IN THE BOREAL MIXEDWOOD FORESTS OF NORTHEASTERN ONTARIO Alissa Sugar A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Forestry Graduate Faculty of Forestry University of Toronto O Copyright by Alissa Sugar 2000 National Library Bibliothèque nationale 1+1 of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Services services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395, rue Wdlig(on OttawaON KIA O(J4 OnawaON KlAONi) canada CaMda The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une Licence non exclusive Licence aliowing the exchive permettant à la National Library of Canada to Bibliothèque natioaale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or seii reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronk formats. la fome de microfiche/nlm, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts from it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or othenwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son pennission. autorisation. The long-term impacts of clear-cut loggiag on insect communities in the boreal mixedwood forests of northeastern Ontario. Masters of Science in Forestry. 2000. Alissa Sugar, Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto. ABSTRACT Large-scale clear-cut logging in the boreal forest may contribute to ihe loss of insect b iodiversity through reductions in the amount of older, undisturbed forest and through stand-level decreases in structural heterogeneity. To investigate the long-term effects of clear-cutting on insect comrnunities, hymenopteran and dipteran communities were surveyed with Malaise traps during the summer of 1998 in 12 mature (30-50 year old) post-logged and 12 unlogged boreal mixedwood stands in northeastem Ontario. Unlogged stands yielded a significantly higher abundance of Dolichopodidae (long-legged flies), several Syrphidae (hoverflies) species, and the Syrphidae larval wood-inhabiting guild. These differences were predominantly due to the older ages of the unlogged stands which supported different habitat features, though some evidence of a logging effect per se was found. These resuits dernonstrate the need for maintairring features characteristic of older forests in post-logged stands, and suggest a potential loss of insect species characteristic of older forests, particularly species dependent on downed woody debris, in the face of continued clear-cut logging activities. 1 am extremely grateful to my supervisor, Jay Malcolm, for his support, advice, and ongoing enthusiasm, and for allowing me the opportunity as his first graduate student to become involved with this project. 1 would like to extend thanks to my committee members, Chris Darlicg, Justina Ray, and Sandy Smith for their helphl comrnents, both during and outside of the committee meetings. Thanks atso to Teny Carleton who in addition to J. Malcolm and J. Ray, was instrumental in creating and designing this project. Many thanks must be granted to Paul Gelok, who's invaluable assistance in the field allowed for a successhl and enjoyable field season, and Adam Tatamic, who through his hours and hours of sorting sarnples, made an improbable task actually feasible. 1 wodd like to thank Dr. Bill Crins (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Peterborough) and Dr. Henri Goulet (Eastern Cereal and Oil Seed Research Centre, Ottawa), who took time out of their busy schedules to provide insect identifications. 1 would also like to acknowledge John Swam who provided helpfui information on insect drying techniques and provided access to the Royal Ontario Museum insect collections. 1 owe a great deal of thanks to some of rny fellow students, Warren Mabee, Rob Kmus, and Aaron Deans for their assistance and support, and in particular to Brian Campbell, who in addition to collecting the vast majority of the habitat data, has provided substantial help and support throughout the entire production of the thesis. Finally, much gratitude must be extended to rny family for their ongoing support and love. This project was only possible through the financial support of the National Science Engineering and Research Council (NSERC), the Richard Ivey Foundation, Wildlife Habitat Canada, and the Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto. S.. 111 .. Abstract .................................................................... ...ii Acknowtedgments ........................................................... 111 TableofContents ............................................................ iv ListofTables ............................................................... vi ListofFigures ............................................................... ix General Introduction .......................................................... 1 CHAPTER 1 The impacts of clear-cutting on the abundances of selected higher-level dipteran and hymenopteran taxa in the boreal mixedwood forests of northeastern Ontario ..................................................................... 9 Introduction ............................................................... 9 Methods ................................................................. 15 Studydesign ...........................................................15 MentiQing sites ..................................................... 15 Ecozone ........................................................... 19 Agecriteria ........................................................ 20 Tree increment cores .............................................. 21 Standage ....................................................... 21 Insect sampling ..................................................... 23 Habitatvariables .................................................... 25 Structural variables ............................................... 25 Canopyvariables ................................................. 28 Substratevariables ................................................ 30 Environmental variables .......................................... -31 Insect analysis ..................................................... -32 Multivariate analysis ................................................ -34 Bivariate analysis ................................................... -36 Results .................................................................. 35 Habitat associations ..................................................... 50 Ecozone .............................................................. 60 Trophicanalysis ........................................................ 61 Discussion ............................................................... 63 CHAPTER 2 Hovertlies (Diptera: Syrphidae) and their responses to clear-cut logging in the boreal mixedwood forests on northeastern Ontario ............................. 70 Introduction .............................................................. 70 Methods ................................................................. 77 Species-level analyses ................................................... 78 Trophic analyses ....................................................... 80 Multivariate analyses ................................................... -81 Allspecies ......................................................... 81 Feedingandhabitatguilds ............................................. 82 Results ............................................................... 83 Sexdifferences ......................................................... 89 Logging effects on abundance and diversity ................................. -89 Feeding and habitat guilds ................................................ 94 Habitat variables ...................................................... -98 Multivariate analyses ................................................... 102 Ecozoneeffect ........................................................ 117 Discussion .............................................................. 120 Sex differences ........................................................ 120 Loggingeffect ........................................................ 121 Ecozoneeffect ........................................................129 Conclusion ........................................................... 130 CHAPTER 3 The influence of clear-cut logging on generic- and species-level patterns of sawfly diversity (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) in boreal mixedwood forests of northeastern Ontario ................................................................... 132 Introduction ............................................................. 132 Methods ................................................................ 136 Species- and generic-level analyses ........................................ 136 Host plant analyses .................................................... 138 Multivariate analyses ................................................... 139 Results ................................................................ 146 Loggingeffect ........................................................ 147 Host plant analyses .................................................... 150 Muhivariate anaiyses ................................................... 157 Discussion .............................................................
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