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Henry Hudson Reading Passage Worksheet

Henry Hudson explored and navigated the world. He started as a cabin boy and eventually worked his way to a ship’s captain. His voyages were that of legend and lead to many great navigational finds.

Hudson first set sail in 1607 in the attempt to find the to the . Three subsequent voyages followed.

The first two voyages were made on the shop "Hopewell." After a third unsuccessful voyage, Hudson could no longer find anyone in England interested in sponsoring his of finding a shortcut to the Orient.

In 1608, Hudson dined with a Dutchman named Emmanuel van Meteran, an English representative to the Dutch . The company was looking for a shorter route to trade with the Orient. Ultimately, the Dutch hired Hudson.

With the assistance of a trusty Dutch sailing vessel, Hudson continued on his voyage and eventually discovered a river that had been called an assortment of names, including Muhheakunnuk, Grande River, Rio de Sant Antonio, and River of Mountains. This river was finally named after Hudson himself.

In 1610 Hudson captained, the , in the name of England. Hudson was in search of the Northwest Passage through the continent. He spent most of his time mapping , a distinct Northeastern region of . In November of that year the ship became trapped in ice and the crew moved ashore to wait out the ice.

In spring the crew retook the ship and Hudson planned on continuing to map what today is named . The ship crew wanted to return home. Eventually this difference of opinion came to blows. Hudson, his son John, and several crew members were outnumbered and forced off the ship. They were placed on a small boat and never heard from again.

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