
Name ______Three Worlds Meet, 1400 to 1682 12a

Use The Nystrom Atlas of Our Country’s History to help map the search for Atlas Activity Globe the Northwest Passage. Activity Map Map Marker 1. In the late 1400s, Europeans were anxious to find a route to the Indies. a. Give the Activity Map or Globe a title. Across the top of the World map, or near the on the Globe, write NORTHWEST PASSAGE. b. On the Activity Map or Globe, draw a dot at the following locations: l 40°N, 60°E l 40°N, 140°E l 10°S, 140°E l 10°S, 60°E c. In the same order, draw lines to connect those dots. d. Above the box you just drew, write INDIES.

2. Cabot sailed five years after Columbus first reached , 1497 the Americas. Like Columbus, Cabot felt he could sail west and reach the Indies. Cabot had a hunch that he a. Turn to map B on page 14 of the Atlas. Use your could find a new route to the finger to trace Cabot’s route. Indies. Portugal and Spain both refused to fund his voyage. b. Cabot sailed for England. England is part of the Finally England gave Cabot British Isles. On your Activity Map or Globe, find permission to sail. the British Isles. Mark the the southern end of Cabot left England in May the largest island with an E for England. 1497. His crew spotted land c. Cabot sailed west from England until he reached

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use only. ©2015 Nystrom Education. (800) 421-4246. www.nystromeducation.com 421-4246. (800) Education. Nystrom ©2015 only. classroom use for reproduce to granted Permission on June 24, 1497. Historians land. Draw an arrow west across the Atlantic. believe Cabot explored what is d. Label your arrow CABOT 1497. now Newfoundland. e. Did Cabot reach the Indies? ______Like Columbus, Cabot believed f. Cabot claimed this land for England. On he had reached the Indies. Newfoundland, write an E for England. When he returned to England, g. While exploring Newfoundland, Cabot noticed he announced his success received a reward. From that the fish were so plentiful he could catch and them with an empty basket. This became a major then on, he was called “The fishing region for Europeans. Near Great Admiral.” Newfoundland, draw a fish symbol .

Exploring Where & Why NYSTROM Education 51 Our Country’s History Name ______Three Worlds Meet, 1400 to 1682 3. In 1498 Portugal finally found a 12b sea route to the Indies. However, the route was long and slow and Atlas involved sailing around Africa. Activity Globe Activity Map a. Turn to map D on page 13 of Map Marker the Atlas. Use your finger to trace da Gama’s route. b. On your Activity Map or Globe, draw da Gama’s route to the Indies. c. Label the arrow DA GAMA 1497–1498.

4. In 1521 Ferdinand Magellan discovered another sea route to the Indies. However, his route involved sailing around the southern tip of South America. His route was even longer and more dangerous than da Gama’s. a. Magellan sailed for Spain. Spain is on the Iberian Peninsula. Label the peninsula S for Spain. b. Draw an arrow from Spain to the southern tip of South America. c. Continue your arrow northwest to the Philippine Islands. (If you are using an Activity Map, draw your arrow to the Equator on the west side of the Giovanni da Verrazano, 1524 map. Then, on the east side of the map, start at Giovanni da Verrazano thought the Equator and draw an arrow northwest to the he could find a shortcut to the Philippine Islands.) Pacific Ocean. In 1524 he sailed d. What region did Magellan reach?______for France. e. Label the line MAGELLAN 1521. He started out with four ships. However, early in the trip, two ships were wrecked and 5. By the 1500s many Europeans, including Verrazano, one was sent home. So only were certain that there must be a shorter route to one of his ships crossed the the Indies by sailing across or around . Ocean. www.nystromeducation.com 421-4246. (800) Education. Nystrom ©2015 only. classroom use for reproduce to granted Permission Atlantic They called this route the Northwest Passage. Verrazano sailed along the a. Turn to map B on page 14 of the Atlas. Use your eastern coast of North America. finger to trace Verrazano’s route. He traveled as far south as b. Verrazano sailed for France. Look at map A on what is now the Carolinas and page 10 to find France. as as Newfoundland. c. On your Activity Map or Globe, label France While Giovanni kept a journal, with an F. his brother Girolamo drew maps d. Verrazano sailed to the Madeira Islands. of the journey. Draw an arrow from France southwest to the Madeira Islands.

Exploring Where & Why NYSTROM Education 52 Our Country’s History Name ______Three Worlds Meet, 1400 to 1682 e. From the Madeira 12c Islands, continue your arrow west until you reach Atlas North America. Activity Globe Activity Map f. Draw your arrow slightly Map Marker south, and then north along the coast to Newfoundland. g. Label your arrow VERRAZANO 1524. h. Did Verrazano find a Northwest Passage? ______i. Verrazano claimed this land for France. On the east coast of North America, write F for France. j. The descriptions and maps that the Verrazanos kept helped future explorers. Near the F, draw a map symbol .

Henry Hudson, 1609 6. During each of Hudson’s four trips, he searched for the Northwest Passage to the Indies. Henry Hudson was an English a. Turn to map B on page 14 of the Atlas. Use your explorer and sea captain. He finger to trace Hudson’s route in 1609. made four trips to North b. In 1609 Hudson sailed for the Dutch East India America. In 1609 he was hired by the Company in the Netherlands. Look at map A on page 10 to find the Netherlands. Dutch to find the Northwest Passage. c. On your Activity Map or Globe, mark the The Dutch company gave him Netherlands with a D for Dutch. a ship named the Half Moon. d. Hudson sailed north around the British Isles. They also gave him a crew of From the Netherlands to the northern tip of the 20 men. British Isles, draw a dashed line. Hudson sailed northwest e. When the crew became cold, he headed from Europe. However the southwest. Continue your dashed line to the crew rebelled when the weather southern coast of Newfoundland. became cold. So Hudson f. Continue your dashed line south to 41°N, 74°W. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use only. ©2015 Nystrom Education. (800) 421-4246. www.nystromeducation.com 421-4246. (800) Education. Nystrom ©2015 only. classroom use for reproduce to granted Permission headed south, where it would g. Label your dashed line HUDSON 1609. be warmer. He explored h. Did Hudson find a Northwest Passage?______parts of the east coast of North America. i. Hudson claimed the land he explored for the Hudson traveled up what is . In North America, near his route, write D.E.I.C. for Dutch East now called the . India Company. At first he thought this might be the Northwest Passage. j. Three bodies of water that Hudson explored are But as he sailed up the river, it named after him: the Hudson River, the , and . On your map or globe, became too shallow for the ship circle the words Hudson Bay. to continue.

Exploring Where & Why NYSTROM Education 53 Our Country’s History Name ______Three Worlds Meet, 1400 to 1682 Northwest Passage 12d

Atlas Pulling It Together Activity Globe Activity Map Use the Atlas, your Activity Map or Globe, and Activity Sheets 12a–12c Map Marker to fill in the missing words in the newspaper articles below.

New World, 1609

Cabot Returns made in 1524 for the coun- of the New World where The explorer John Cabot try of ______. John Cabot and Giovanni da returned from his search Sadly the famous naviga- Verrazano had sailed before for the Northwest Passage. tor brother is no longer with him. Hudson sailed up a Although Cabot did not us. On a later trip to the river that he claimed for the bring back silk or spices, New World, he was killed ______he claims he reached the by a group of natives in Company. ______. the Caribbean. Hudson thought the river Cabot says he foundExplorers a Digestmight be part of the North- great spot in the ocean to Hudson Looks for a west Passage, but it was too catch ______. Northwest Passage — ______for Cabot also claimed all Again his ship. the land he explored for Sea captain Henry Hud- ______. son has had problems with weather. On his first two New Maps of the trips in search of the North- World Released west Passage, he turned back Girolamo da Verrazano, because of dangerous ice. who traveled to the New On his most recent trip, World with his brother his crew rebelled because Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use only. ©2015 Nystrom Education. (800) 421-4246. www.nystromeducation.com 421-4246. (800) Education. Nystrom ©2015 only. classroom use for reproduce to granted Permission ______, of ______weather. published a new map of the Quick-thinking Hudson world. This map is based de-cided to turn south. on the voyage the brothers He sailed along the shore

On the Activity Map or Globe, find a Northwest Passage to the Indies. The passage should be a water route. Write instructions for the journey, so someone else can make the trip.

Exploring Where & Why NYSTROM Education 54 Our Country’s History