of learning lo millions of human souls, anil consign to the platform, and bow they would whip all the other parties The Saral Bunalning Boud. N. C. Bryant, Ali>ho.ue Uai oOt, IUrt" THE REPUBLICANS AT THI TABERNACLE. prison the humane and benevolent who aUempt to teach the Hindoo, hoft t.hi-11 and hard shell.out of the Arid. He C. B. .*. Tf pcrtlth, KteL !XjSB& DuoCM' ««*¦> and servile to r.-a-.l the precepUot our Sartor and Our Hat of promotiona to be nude, ba*ed on the Regis¬ Batch, Banjo.; BKerk^8CS?E5lite ignorant the lait wax m»ch applauded. J. M. Wainwiight, J. C. i'ebtgfi the teaching* of his Apo. County Mass Meeting to Beot Dele¬ ban Ihv'11 b V mercenary ana ruling politician* from free State*, the adoption of the address and resolution*, and tl»«y resignations. W append the additions, and Ti G. fatrain, Burtoo about noon iMh with . HW wind. but after reaehliur wbo have sacrificed their patriotism at the altar of ambition, wtre adopted, . corrected Uat will be printed in the Wmur Hkrald:. E. TbompMiD, J. !». Muury, ita buy nrt i KK wtai) with itroiii loutlii, and put baok to have beiM.ni>1 arrogant, turlmleut, diWQUrlfiCUS, and not nn- Ml, Jitani Birvt said Mr. wai unafolda- 1 J. 8. hennard, P. Croaby, w Ih* In Nantashat Read*. Wh.nTf lW.il, Boeka^ gates Syracuse abusive of who the that Wilson Commander to be . V. Sands. llufe N ol Nantaakat about iP she was a via frequeutlv ttl« deign to uphold natural but he would be in the course of a Captain Benjamin J. WtUtoaon, C. W. lla/a. Hill, If, straci by of i- TanJiK^ aiHi '"aturt^f, My absent, ready day I'ataoi Midshipmen to be 1Jentenant*. Edw. P. Williams, J. J. B. '-<».. ,«U squall and cot the Rocks. A signal of distress was bupyiitj-and to or two to take hii part in the preeeut movement. He Cucot, t'reigii net. Informationupon sent to the city by the Masr peace nil who venture repeat the word* of the .Is red P. K. John D. David B. I . ««d immedtatel} SIGNS OF OVER. Country's then stated that to the laws in Mygatt, Halney, Harmony, D. MfN. Fairfax, A. K. ugL1. at Bull. The steamer was soon aa A 8TOBM.BLEW declaration lit which It* Independence wa* originally di e-tared. according present Kansas, William twin. John J. Cornwall, James P. Foster, Henry J. M. B. E. netlc Telegraph Neptune, The political power 01 slaveholders thus aided, baa beeu a man waa liable to be sent to prison for reading the A. K. K. Beuliam, Robert T. Wm. P. CtlU, Barrett, her way to the ship, but .mbsequenlly was telegraphed to beaa used, not only to repeal the Missouri < lomprotnlse, and thereby Declaration of Wilson, Chapman, li. H. Stevena, C. Torrett, her way back, haTin* probabnr been unable to render mack Independence. A. Campbell, Wilson McCunnegle, John Irwin, James A. It. M. J. W. Kennett fall as the tide which had been about aa boar allow the extension of over a territory larger than the Uev. . Lt.l, service, ebbing bat tieuty »f Guhw for slavery Mr. Edgar Kkotium informed the audience that Charles H. Greene, Francis H. Isaac W. Cuyler, struck, would not commence flowing until after Speech, original thirteen State*, but It ha* been used in the enactment a* had to Greer, Baker, (i. M. Ilanaom, H. C. ItlaUe, when the ship of a law free citizens be and have been Henry Ward Beecher would not be presen-., he Hester. Aaron John E. Austin o'clock. The la In rather an exposed situation, aad wh< ' deprived nine ship At.tew. rehy may attend resolutions were Ward, Weaver, Johnston, W. F. Suicer, C. II. Welt-i, waier In the bold. of llbertv « uhout the right of trial by jury, and denied the pri¬ another meeting. The following l'endeigrast Joseph P. Fyffe. W. W. Ht. p. at ia« accounts had seven feet of The vilege of the writ of habeas corpua. In violation of the moat then read by Mr. McMullen. and adopted unanimously:. Roberta, tjuackenbush. steamer ft U Forbes left the city at midnight to be In readiness valued aud moat sacred of the constitution of our That the New York delegation have to fill We have received the following letter from one of tlie R. Fairfax, E. Kiigtiih to tow oB tike ship as soon as Hie Ude would admit, and with her guarantees Resolved, power M. be able to heraSeat ADDRESS AND RESOhUTIONH. all racanrles that may occur in their own body. officers :. 8. Nicholson, J. Bradford, steam pump, will probably keep government. sub¬ dropped powerful to the news columns.) Indeed, so !>old and arrogant has this power become, that Resolved, That when this meeting adjourns, tt adjourn TO THE PUBLIC. W A. Webb, R. B. Iowry, until she can be towed back city. (See Ac., 4c., tc. recently, within a neighboring free Suite, a weak, tlintd and ject to the call of the ew York delegation to the Kupubliruu of in- J. 8. Ilay, J. II. Carter, Bark Pilorim, Andres, hence for Mobile, got ashore on the fccrvlle, It' not corrupt Judge, at the Instance ot a single slave Slate Convention, tor considering the ticket to be nominated, Suffering under intense feelings from an aet gross W. K. W. H. about 4th Inst, «nd slier discharging three lighter in of the of the common and such other action as be for to committed the Board of Naval Otli- Hipkina. Park*, Tortugas holder, direct violation principle* law, for the purpose of taking !may justice myself, by .!. P. loads ol ber cargo oil and put Into Key West 8th Inst. She w the ot has ta*ued the writ of of the a late offi¬ P. Shirley, .tones, got a A muM in«'K <>' the party calling themaelTe- repub¬ and ithout sanction any statute, the beet Interest* republican party. cers convened under law of Congress, to retire C. C. B. A. was not much damaged, and would sail (or Mobile In few habeas corpus to inquire, not by what right freemen arc im¬ Afler the adoption ot the foregoing, the meeting ad cer* incai able of performing efficiently and all minimal, McDermut, days, was. no doubt, the bark seen by Capt Sladden, af of the ami ounut * of New assembled last or rest rained ol their but what free¬ promptly 11. N. T. W. P, frills licans city Turk, prisoned liberty by right duties.a law which 1 consider and ne- Arnold, Uuckner, at New reported yesterday). unaccused or crime or are jourceu. their important T. G. F.. ship Indiana, Orleans, I' at tho to the men, any mtodemeanor, permitted for the of the it eth Beach about 11 o'clock night of I7U», sartag lican Mate Convention to assemble at Syracuse on the itiih .heir became free. had been adopted. to report thoee who, in tlieir judgment, were incapable of Siui|*ton, but account from Lewes, Inalant. masters, thereby Such, indeed, and all their duties both W. (J. Temple, 8. R. Franklin, nothing what tbey stood In. Another Hon. ITenry Wilson, niteil States Senator from Massachu¬ the law, sanctioned nnd upheld by the highest judicial authori¬ Petition* were first in order, but none of any impor¬ performing promptly efficiently G. P. Welsh, W. D. Whiting, I»el, says the A is ashore, and that the wreck master ha* goae setts. Re* Wanl Beecher, Hon. Knotlus Wm. ty But the modern arrogance of the slave power yields to ue on shore and afloat, is a matter of the deepest astonish- 8. W. li. to her asslsUknra. One of the crew reports that when thebrte Henry Oulrer, law, and submits to 110 precedent counter to its Interest, or that tance were presented. ithment to and to the officers with whom I have P. Carter, Powell, was abandoned she had seven feet water In the hold, aai rnrtis Nova*, K» ordinance of secret, without there to a McCauler, Murdougk. Ifotkea to Karlncii, cord, been aroused to a realizing sense of the majtiai that i e^forcem?nt in -aid busine«s. having been, my knowledge, T. 8. J. M. Brooke, tbat the would be a and before fa ^!n» 1DjuBt to}hom' tn(PN word of me. never having been Phelpa, Notice in hereby that, pursuant to the intentions ea- meeting large one; ao, "eteinnl vigilance is the price of liberty," and have come to This i evolution was referredife to Committee on Ordinances. complaint against A. V. Warier, W. Gil*on, given it time to read anew the Declaration of no charge ever having been preferred against- reused in an advertisement from this house, dated 30th May the hour appointed had arrived, the Tabernacle was consider IndependenceA memorial was here read from Professor Robert Orant, arrested, fa. W. iU'utiuitoai, E. Kenshaw, St. the .liowm- hare taken place In the Prtece's ami ihe constitution of our government, and to renew their ef¬ me, my habits having been temperate, officer-like and l. J. E changes crowded. There seemed to be a great deal of outside forts to uphold the venerated maxims ol the former, and guard asking a special committee to inquire into and report in full of health, in active em¬ l'auliling, Q. Panels, Cham i, viz>. well the and the latter was Intended to se¬ the merits ot a muterial which he was (rentlemauly, possession F. P. J. Ycuiik, The ungur light vessel has b' on moved about three fourths influence and interests at work. It seems that a number rights privileges upon disinfecting ami never refused to obey an order. Conorer, a the Into lu with the cure. The that have heretofore, agitated the public master and with which he could disinfect ships and ployment, having J. T. Walker, W. K. Mayo, of mile to northwestward, tnthoms, fet- questions . .f from the wards had mind, and which the have bean divided into dif¬ of, 1 have been in the navy thirteen years and eleven J. C. P. Be T. lowlng l>earlr .m: political philosophers city gone upon people cities of disease, the wUow fever included. The object of which time I have been eleven Krafft, Young, Minster Eh till on with the centre oi the Coast Guard ate- ferent parties, have been mainly settled; while the great ques¬ 'K tried in disin¬ months, during engaged J. Vun J. E. I, into the affair on the primary election principle and tion ol and the and claimed slave¬ ®*I*'ri«>ent and one month in active service, ana have been McCalluaa, Jouett, Uon, in Wcstgate Bay, 8 by W W. slavery, power privileges by « M off NoriolkJL' ,nTu of fever. The memorial years J. E. llnrt, T. 8. Fillebrowa, width of its oaeasd nominated their own delegates to tho convention. holder*, Iibs assumed a new nnd formidable aspect that threat¬ fectingfestin^?Kthe city yellow master of the last two vessels In which I have sailed. Murgate Old Church, the apparent tower, ens to the vcrv founds Hon* oft our Slate and national to tho ^mwittee on f'ubdc Health O. C. Badger, J. Frye, to the castwurd oi the Pier lighthouse, South. The committee of sixteen did not, however, relish this sap gov¬ na.refe,r, Board 1of Al- assume that I have always been aide to perform my T. C. I.. Ii. Shingles beacon. NW )i N. ernments. The elementary trutlu o! the Dei luraiion of Inde¬ g Wa* tben r8P°rted ^om the as as officer In the and fur¬ Hard*, I.yne, of and so met in the Astor House the Continental Congress, rf«.Haermen forr concurrence:.- duty efficiently any navv, J. Kill, E. C. t. radon, Northeast spit. SK % 8. .system business, pendence, solemnly proclaimed by . doing to stihliiin which the .lood of the best was with as much ability as any officer of my grade; L. N V Mariners are cautioned alwavs to pass to the narth on an.l the names of patriot* freely shed, lrom ,he report, re- ther, J. Parte, M. Havtun, TucMlay last, agreed upon silicon nnd which formed the corner stone of Ihe most powerful I1 °lpt'®rH Comptroller's and 1 demand, through the American people, the A. A. It. wml of this light vessel. ccntly made to the Common Council, thut n large amount to be heard. Semin«*, St-ldea, half a delegates to be sent to the convention at Syracuse. It republic on earth, and had come to be acquiesced In by bills of carriage right of an American citizen Through .1. S. Thorntn*, A. Allmand. The Northeast Tongue buoy has been moved about nearly twenty millions of Ireeineu, the metaphysical P»yin8 them I demand an examination into my career in the .1. B. StewMi R. mile westward. Into 4& rathomi, with was to ratify this nomination, and to listen to the report genius of a single Carolinian first discovered to be l ^rn:!Pl118 Comn»on Council, while on offi- to serve in the to t, Stuart, Peter's Church in Une with New Church, R bf i i . i navy, my services and my ability grade M. I'. T. Izee. Margate of the oommittee on address und resolutions, that the a sophism. The slave breeders of and iho cot¬ tial huhineHH an in allowed, and wlucli 1 had risen Jon«*8, ton growers of the Southern Stales, generally bailed the dis¬ lK,"(,ved 41,8 amount charged in said offi- W. Snulli fi. H. Bier, Monckton beaeon, twlca It* apparent length, on the East ead was and it was to its own nomina¬ as the touchstone of Then !h,lt 'Ihe j.iibllc will not see a meritorious and deserving M. P. fa. ol Lower Hale 8 W J. W. meeting called, carry covery genuine political philosophy. J2TE*" 'V8T>url»°«o is positively an extFaragnnce I claim to be in A. Be l.ree, Watmougb, Grove, by tions the ion was It was (lint this lie >v unit miraculous inspiration, brcakiug sud¬ on cer a with all respedt unimpeachable .1. E. Be Haven, fa. W. North Tongue buoy, W by N )i N. that opposi organized. denly the whole siaveholdlng disclosed the In??. 8 dlschar8e of olUeial duties and character, to bo thus summarily dealt with, Young, Shingles beacon, NE by N. upon population, the t «H W;'r.r,e"of the members7 of the therefore. capacity A. W. Hatx-rHhaa, J. II. lUiHaell, The meeting was culled to order by J. Ketchum, at 8 facithat the constitution founded upon those truths, and iho part corporation, without any cause being assigned. W. T. E. E. The North Tongue buoy has been moved about one fourth ar object of which w us originally to "secure the blessings of liber¬ That the Comptroller be, aud he is hereby, to that I the closest Truxtua, stone, a mile to the went into six la with o'clock precisely, by the nomination or Mr. John II. to To my friends I wish nay. challenge J. K. Wili> T. C. l .uton, ward, thorns, ty to ourselves and our posterity," was in reality intended Resolved, m aay fui ther payments for bills coii- on and on, of WooJ. J"*t open to the westward af aid in the and ditlusion ol human This f. scrutiny and invests into my ability standing B. »i f.*!- *3? S!nre t; Lscom as chairman of the meet tig. propagation slavery.1 1 acted after thesi passage of this resolution, for carriage naval and I CMIlcy, i'benix, Birchlngtou fl est Mill, South. new light, spreading with Hie power and patronage of govern¬ for members ol the Common heads of de¬ during my career, pledge myself H. N. Crabb, R. F. 11. I,ewin, Barr Hill twloe Its apparent length, open to the eastward « The nomination was ratified by ucclumat ion. ment, ami reflected every aspirant tor place and hire Council, that character and competency will do found by awning or member of the city my S. Magaw. C. P. McGary, Mai gale llook beaoon. it by W 5, ff. The follow ing named gentlemen were also proposed as plunder, hu t become truly alarming. When It had broken lh>s partments any government. equal to that of any officer in the navy, J. II. Koc.lielle, II. St. Geo. Hunter, Not Uieast l'an Band buoy, W by N li N. vice Luther Andrew barriers tliat for more than thirty years staid the Northern Upon this p»pcr a long and exciting debate sprung up, not excepting those who composed the late board, whom, It. 1'. H. Pnvidj-oa, Olrdler spit, N by W ^ w. presidents, viz., llrocish, Lester, march of bondago, and carried slavery into Kansas, It bad due 1 never felt wore moro or Minor, done enough lo arouse the active advocates of But and all sorts or motions were made.to postpone, to lav with all respect, worthy W. C. We*t, A. W. Johnson, The Girdlcr light vessel has been moved about one ebrtth af Jeremiah Turhell and Jacob S. .Miller. These gentlemen liberty. than eer- a mile to the southward. into with since il lots trenched so boldly upon Ihe rights ofanind^end- upon the to concur, to amend, to reconsider, ke. possessed greater professional ability myself, N. II. Van /audi, s. B. Lm, 3>, fathoms, were accordingly appointed vice presidents; und the fol¬ ent Male, and incarcerated one o! its most worthy citizens, aiid table, no higher social standing, and they shall not, with F. 0. Ash Church spire, midway between George's farm aad Re- was an t pre- tiiiiily of Pallas, J. Maury, 8 E. were named and soiled the ei mine ol the judiciary, il would seem lo h.iws done Finally the previous question gained, the thus depreciate me in the estimation my S. S. I'. A. culvert, «4 lowing nominated secrotmles of the and W'lS " non'concu,reuc« with the of impunity, Bax-ett, 1'orreat, West end of Clevc Wood, open to the eastward of 8t Nlobata-s enough totirouse all the latent energies of huiiiauil|' iuelt, Board friends and the public, and blight my future prospects. R. ('. Be R. W. Eastern Coast Guard 8 E. meeting, viz., Chad. W. Livingston and Albert Bogart, Jr. called on them to arrest Its further progress. with the of the institutions Vail, Scott, station, by E The ol Aldermtn* As one deeply imbued spirit 1). 1'. Mi-Corbie, W. M. <;wen, Redding street beaeon, Its length open lo the east¬ It w us moved Mr. people the free Stales have been told, ea^ liave list¬ name of Connciln.au Wild was called, he and honor of Its apparent by Muori, ol' the opposition, that ened to the tale, that a sectional 1* to of his country, and with the pride flag W. It. R. Carter, ward ol Northdown Tower, 8E V 8. party IVdepreeated. ftaid. Mr. I resident . A few words of will b* has sensitively felt Kielly, Sand NNW. t h;i*. Uiddle act as one of the secretaries. Again and again has tho same tale been repeated while al the explanation and representatives, and who always G.H. E. W. Henry, Shivering buoy, same Uiue the w hole ol ihe slave States has necessary for me at the present (Great laughter.) and maintained its as a naval .nicer, in the hum¬ Hare, West Pan Sand buoy, 8 by E E. Ihe ( 'hair max stated that the secretaries had been al¬ political power honor, W. Sharp, T. T. Houston, been concentrated ana constantly exerted, not only in the are you laughing at, gentlemen? (laughing re ble rank I have held, 1 ask the Secretary of the Navy, the JameaJ. Waeeu placed in this vlsi and that the motion wag not in order. spread ol slavery, but In Ihe dispensation of patronage to its *^at 01 tbc Committee ou Roads, and and of the United to luvesti- Chandler, nlty, viz:. ready appointed, friends, ttllnoinnu of abstract sentiments ol President, Congress States, Win. 11. Gamble, .1. it. Hamilton, '. suspected even n«»r 2 J ' ,he temvHf, . I was not less A chequered black anil white buoy, marked "East Toagae ft wss then move 1 that the of the Committee on Its Is allowed to hold most olUce in the Iiul>lic expense gate my case. They will find that many deserving, K. O. J. P. K. report injustice. the humble on. » officialI7"}e.albusiness. 1 have been ol'robbcrv und while I Guinea, Mygatt, lias been placed In 1 lathoms. wltli tho following marks aad gilt of the Executive. How then, are the uiilhous ol' enlighten Massed less efficient officers are rotained in the navy. J. P. I ». iUiincy, viz:. Delegate* be now p e.tonted. ed to therefore I want to define my vote. 1 have been called a liave been an unlit to remain it. Injustice Parker, bearing-., Northern freemen, who conscientious!) believe slavery I designated P. C. .lohnaoa, B. B. Harmony, «u?t n<,,t HW ot St Nichols Ohurch, In line with The motion was ug. ted to, and the following report was be. an evil and a curst!, to share in the honors of their govern pickpocket. I intend to define my vote. amon the will appear, when a fair, open, impartial investigation J. W. Ht Nicholas Western Coast Guard station, SW S. or be to it with like< una 'ommittee on jind a as 1 have oc¬ to Water*, Gwlun, presented:. ment, able upheld but by organizing Roads and have H^.it,' can be had, such as hitherto has been always granted K. j. J. J. Cornwall, Minster West Mill, in line with the West end of the East cliff nanny. casion, to ride. as a constitutional lli-eere, of Westgale S by W W. «" vain did our the Oreat Britain (laughter.) every American citizen, right. O. F. Johnston, J. P. l'««ter, bay, °' It was lu father* throne of . whom referred at petition Prisidkbt Confine to the question. I am to submit for examination, West Tongue buoy, W by N ,'4 N. . *T<,'omn,i!t*0 to rodrsi* their grievances. In vain have the lovers of free¬ yourself ready, further, myself I.. A. Kimtxrly. H. Wilson, W S '» S. y .eetln8 l,e,d '!' <*.". C'ty Sept. 1st, to aeioct touncilman Wiid.I have never stolen a dollar from and to a board comfAent Wedge buoy, by v rti^ to roiireHfini tin* in the dom prolo-ied against the wrongs and outrages which the slave morally, mentally physically, II. Konnon, A. E. K. Benhaaa. A red l.uoy, marked ,rWest Girdlcr," in 2« fathoms, WlUt city Republican Cou- has in In vaiu will men ever laughter.) Any man »hr> savs I to examine me and to determine whether .'fjf to be bull) at on the ie- power pcipetraied ourcounU-.v. ((:rpat professionally, 8.1* Uieete, R. T. Chapman, Ash Church spire just opeii to westward of Reculvers village. venHon, Syracuse ifeth inn., ask lenicnci from the hand of arrogance and tyranny. In vain H«vn faL«ry"»i'.ney wrongfully, tells that which is" not or no I am competent efficiently to discharge my duty G. U. W. 1'. A. wpectlnlly rejjort tlj.it. in performin* the duty committed may we sk for au Executive. or a Judiciary, opposed to tiue.tine lu^en(t.reat laughter.) 0. you may in ugh and lauirh ashore and afloat. J. HOWARD MARCII, Morri«, Campbell, West end of Clcve Wood, open to the westward or Marsala to was to oamn of and macbi- .T, ti. Spro«ton. W. Mc'iunnigie. thetn, their lii'Mt object heJect heretofore alavery, at the band the disgraced dilapidating an> wilPn u Iunu ought to explain fits' Ijite Pawed , U. S. N. I!, J. Hook beacon, the apparent length of the beacon, S brRK E. known in both the ((rent parties that divided the coun- uery ol n«rn out parties. It matters not whether with bcinled vote N. 18, 1866. fahcrardi, Irwin, Shivering Sand buov. NKWEW. number of names from aeeinir to kneo and humble supplication we approach a George or a runs Brooki.vn, Y., Sept. I). I,. Biainc, T. A. farcer, Girdlcr beacon and South Olrdler buoy, In line E8E. .'inul each, a Pierce or a Kane. Official aud obdurate in¬ Hcvnai. Voich>.O, yes; when he fur Senator comman¬ J. it that ail,.nwere m lavor of tluit movement i.s Jeflries, power can- how The following Is a complete list of captains, T. Wood, C. H. (iroenc, lofegoin* are all and th