Houston, We Have a Problem vort-2013-06-06

Hello everyone and welcome to The Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and exposed. I’m Michael Voris.

In the never-ending sad saga of the Church of Nice .. we have yet ANOTHER example of horrible judgment on the part of senior clergy in the United States and the American Patriotic Church.

A short while ago, ’s Cardinal Daniel DiNardo sent shockwaves of scandal throughout the Church .. shockwaves by the way that the archdiocese of Houston flat out denies.

Here’s the quick background .. last week, May 28 .. an event called a "service of commissioning and ordination" occurred at the Co-Cathedral conducted by Methodist Janice R. Huie.

We called and talked with the Chancellor of the archdiocese .. Bishop George Sheltz who confirmed for us directly that Cardinal DiNardo had approved this personally.

He said the “bishop” Janice is someone he works with closely and when she called and said, hey can we use your cathedral for our ceremony to “ordain” our clergy, the Cardinal was more than happy to oblige.

Moreover, when we asked Bishop Sheltz if the Cardinal had asked others in the chancery for their input .. he said he had and they all agreed unanimously – no one thought a thing about it.

So lets get all this clear shall we .. a fake ceremony by a fake bishop .. who is a woman bishop .. fakely ordaining a lay person to a fake position of being a fake priest is allowed to occur inside the sanctuary of a Catholic cathedral.

Man – Martin Luther really has triumphed hasn’t he?!

Many senior clerics have already sold out the faith to Protestants in the liturgy, catechesis and catholic identity – why not hand over the cathedral to boot? BTW – did they charge them rent.

Oh and by the way – the United Methodist Church – and believe us, we use the term Church VERY LOOSELY – is not only part of the larger heresy known as Protestantism – but it also supports abortion.

We have received dozens of emails from Catholics in Houston – here is the text of one of them ..

“Just talked with Cardinal DiNardo for 15mins on the phone. He made the decision and sees nothing wrong with what he did. I mentioned the fact that the Methodists are pro-gay 1 "marriage" and pro-abortion. He didn't seem to care. Considered the action to be "ecumenical hospitality" to promote "goodwill" with the Protestants. I told him that he has created scandal. He said "sorry you're scandalized".. but I responded "it's not just me.. it's many young adults." I suggested he give a public explanation for his actions. He said "well they are your friends, so you tell them." I said, "I definitely will, but I think it would be appropriate for you to do it yourself, publicly, so that I don't misrepresent anything you told me." He said he'd consider my advisement.”

Imagine .. cozying up to abortion supporting, same-sex marriage endorsing, heresy- promoting false religionists .. turning over your own cathedral for their fake religious ceremony – all in the name of what he told one caller to him was “ecumenical hospitality” for the sake of “goodwill”.

Me thinks the Cardinal needs to learn what goodwill is – it ain’t caving to heresy supporters.

That woman is not a bishop – not because she’s a woman - but because she has no claim to the title other than what her clique of fellow heresy supporters claim.

She has no touchstone back to the apostles. United Methodism came into existence as a totally man-made religion in 1968 founded by the union of the Methodist ecclesial communion with the Evangelical United Brethern ecclesial communion.

You’ll notice by the way that they are ecclesial communions – not churches. Our Blessed Lord only founded ONE church – which is why this is reprehensible that this was allowed to happen – and by a prince of the Church no less – unashamedly, without apology and total indifference to his flock and the scandal HE has caused among them.

The individuals who heads she put her hands on have exactly the same authority they had when they knelt down before her – which is to say, absolutely none at all, because SHE doesn’t have any authority.

This is a great big charade – a game of pretend. Nothing spiritual happened in that co- cathedral last week – there was no sacrament, there was no ordaining of any kind because the person allegedly doing the ordaining has no power to do it.

Someone has the physical ability to stand in the street and pretend he’s the rightful President of the United States .. he might even get a few whack jobs to agree with him, but at the end of the day – he ISNT.

Talk about confusing the faithful. But when we talk about confused faithful in Houston .. this isn’t the first time.

Houston is home to the largest Planned Parenthood chamber in the world. We were there a couple of years ago for a prayer vigil led by Cardinal Raymond Burke. Conspicuously absent from Cardinal Burke’s side was Cardinal DiNardo.

Never thinking anything other than the most charitable thought .. we asked some of the 2 pro-lifers if they knew where Cardinal DiNardo was or if he was unable to attend.

They looked at each a little searchingly and finally said .. he doesn’t come to these abortion chamber prayer vigils .. he told us they were nothing more than grandstanding.

I asked precisely if that was the word the CARDINAL used and they all said yes .. grandstanding – a quote.

And immediately two other people there said paraphrasing – “but the Cardinal has no problem leading processions to the prison or showing up at demonstrations against capital punishment” - so you can forgive the good Catholics in Houston if they are more than a little confused here.

Followers of a heresy .. who fight directly and bitterly against the teachings of the Church about life and dignity .. not only have the friendship of the Prince of the Church .. but get to use the cathedral by just a simple phone call – but faithful Catholics trying to save the same lives the heresy supporters want snuffed out are accused by the same Cardinal of being granstanders!

By the way .. we asked the chancellor .. bishop Sheltz what he thought abut it all and he said he backs the Cardinal 100 percent. When I asked about scandal he said .. there are over a million Catholics here and I’ve only received four phones calls – I don’t consider that a scandal.

When asked about the uproar on the internet he said – I don’t care about the internet.

If you’d like to speak to the bishop who apparently thinks no one cares – here’s his number .. 713-659-5461.

Maybe it IS the case with the faith being treated like this .. that there really ARE only 4 faithful Catholics left out of those 1 million in Houston.

GOD Love you.

I’m Michael Voris