Volume 107 • Summer Issue 2017 • www.kofpc.org

Recapturing the Spirit: WE ARE FAMILY


A Catholic fraternal magazine published by: The National Council and National Court Knights of Peter Claver, Ladies Auxiliary Approbation The Most Reverend Gregory M. Aymond Archbishop of James K. Ellis, Supreme Knight Vertelle A. Kenion, Supreme Lady Grant A. Jones, Executive Director Debra Frazier, Assistant Athanase Jones, Publisher Liaison

Sarah Jane vonHaack, Managing Editor

The Knights of Peter Claver Founded in Mobile, Alabama, on November 7, 1909 Headquarters in New Orleans, Louisiana

All items for publication in The Claverite Winter 2017/2018 issue must be submitted by October 8, 2017.

Please send your news items to [email protected].

Text Submissions: • Please send the text of your news submission in a Word document. • Include your Council or Court number at the top of the page. • Up to 200 words total will be considered per Council or Court. • Up to three news items will be considered per Unit. • Please do not submit a PDF, scanned, faxed or handwritten material. ONLY ELECTRONIC TEXT DOCUMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Photo Submissions: • Please send photos as an attachment to the email (as a jpeg file). • DO NOT insert the photo into the Word document. • The photos should be at least 300 dpi. • Up to three photos with news items will be considered per Unit. • Photos that are out of focus or too small will not be printed. • Photo collages will not be accepted.

“TRUST IN GOD” is our password “ONWARD” is our war cry

2 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 30 30

26 Inside this issue

4 Message from the Supreme Knight

6 Message from the Supreme Lady

8 Message from the National Chaplain

9 Message from the Executive Director

10 Officer Messages

24  Feature Story: Pro-life Committee

26  Feature Story: Unit #8

28 Message from the National Treasurer 48 30 Cover Story 32 St. Peter Claver Foundation

36 District News

46  Junior Division News

48  Emerging Leaders

49  2017 Resolutions

54 2016-2018 National Council and Court Board of Directors

55  Privacy Policy

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 3 Message from the Supreme Knight

Message from the Supreme Knight

reetings to my brothers and sisters in Claverism. I pray that God’s graces and blessings continue to be bestowed upon you James K. Ellis, and our Noble Order as we diligently engage in our work and Supreme Knight G service to our churches, communities and each other!

We are in the midst of exciting and eventful times in our hope that you will join us in Dallas as we share ideas, vote on organization. Not only are we preparing for the convening of resolutions that will help to guide our Order and engage in fra- both our Junior and Senior Divisions’ National Conventions, ternal and charitable experiences that will have lasting impacts but we are also celebrating significant milestones in our Or- on our world and one another. der’s history, as well as present-day Claver achievements. Just as our Junior Knights Division will celebrate its historic On July 6-9, 2017, our Junior Knight and Junior Daughter milestone, our Fourth Degree Knights will also celebrate the Divisions will convene their 22nd biennial National Conven- 100th anniversary of their authorization at this year’s conclave. tion in Kansas City, Mo. I am pleased that the Director Gener- I look forward to celebrating this momentous occasion and am al, Dr. Christopher Pichon, and the National Counselor, Katie honored to serve at such a time of honor and glory for our Order! Guidry Johnson, have been working so diligently to ensure the I must congratulate several of our Order’s members, all of success of our Junior Divisions and, particularly, the upcoming whom have served in leadership positions within our organiza- Junior National Convention. The members of our Junior Divi- tion, and who continue to serve the Church and represent the sions represent the future of our Noble Order, our Church and ideals and principles of Claverism. Three of our brothers who our faith. Thousands of Junior members look to us to serve are active and engaged Church authorities celebrated recent as examples of Christian brotherhood and charity. Our duty transitions. His Excellency, Dominic Carmon’s faithful and pledge to properly nurture these young minds – not only years of service and retirement were celebrated and honored through our words, but through our actions and deeds as well with a Mass and the establishment of an endowed scholar- ship in his name. His Excellency, Bishop Terry Steib was also – must be taken seriously. I also applaud the hard work and recently honored with a Mass and celebration upon his retire- service leadership provided by the Junior Supreme Knight, ment from the Archdiocese of Memphis. Lastly, our Immedi- Carrington Guillory, and Junior Supreme Lady, Callia Cox, as ate Past National Chaplain, his Excellency, Bishop Martin D. they lead their brothers and sisters. Holley, was installed as the new Bishop of Memphis! We are At this year’s Junior Convention, we will also celebrate the blessed to count so many among our ranks and be afforded the Centennial Jubilee of the authorization of the Junior Knights right to call them Brother! Division! In an age that has seen too much havoc and damage As my first year as Supreme Knight draws to a close, I am ex- done in our communities, especially in regards to our young cited about the progress we have made thus far, but even more African-American men, we have an awesome task and record excited about the many goals and objectives we will achieve of providing leadership and guidance to our brothers and sis- over the upcoming months. ters. This centennial is a clarion call for us to not only contin- I take the mission and purpose of our organization very seri- ue our efforts, but to strengthen them in response to the ever ously. To that note, I have worked closely with all the divisions changing and increasing needs in the communities we serve. in our Order to ensure that we maximize our works, energy Our Senior Divisions will convene in Dallas, Texas, July 21- and output. I continue to work with the Emerging Leaders to 26, 2017, at the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary’s ensure that they are afforded effective and efficient opportuni- 102nd Annual National Convention. Each year, our Order’s ties to serve our organization and the Church, as well as con- leadership has consistently provided an enriching, enjoyable tinually given opportunities to strengthen the many skills and and eventful convention, and I give my word our attendees talents they bring to our Order. will have nothing short of the same at this year’s convention. I Along with our State and District Deputies and the National

4 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org Knights of Peter Claver

Office, we have engaged in efforts to strengthen reclamation December 2016 and retention of members. This included more direct contact • Meeting with Executive Director, National Treasurer, with members, updating and distributing new marketing ma- Director General, KPC Investment Advisor, , Texas terials and offering value-added services to our members. We • Fourth Quarter 2016/First Quarter 2017 Investment are constantly seeking to find out the most effective ways to meet the needs of our membership. Committee Meeting, Houston, Texas Our National Office, led by Executive Director Grant Jones, • Council and Court 138 Christmas Party, Houston, Texas has done an outstanding in continuing to control opera- • Council and Court 151 Christmas Party, Houston, Texas tional expenses and sustain revenues. Our financial soundness is essential to our survival and further growth, if we are to ef- January 2017 fectively serve our Church and communities. In order to help • Mass with Council and Court 358, Las Vegas, Nev. ensure our financial success, we are strengthening the benefits we, as well as our members, receive from our insurance offer- • First Quarter Executive Committee Meeting, Dallas, Texas ings. Additionally, we are finalizing the trademarking of our • 2017 Senior Convention hotel site visit, Dallas, Texas intellectual property to ensure the protection of our image, • Meeting with Councils and Courts of Metro-Washington, D.C. name and logos; and that we receive just compensation when • Att ended the USCCB Pro-life Mass and activities, they are used in for-profit ventures. Washington, D.C. Finally, let us always remember what led us to Claverism • Diocese of Galveston/Houston MLK Mass, Houston, Texas – the mission, values, principles, and fraternal love and op- portunities to serve. I pray that those valuable and beneficial • Assembly and Chapter 4 Awards Banquet, Lafayette, La. ideals will be the leading factors in our every decision, action, • Junior Unit 151 MLK Breakfast, Houston, Texas word and deed. • Habitat for Humanity MLK Service Project, Houston, Texas • Council and Court 72, 151 and 159 Installation of Officers, August 2016 Houston, Texas • T ransition meeting with Executive Director, National • Council and Court 163 Installation of Officers, La Marque, Treasurer, Past Supreme Knight, KPC Investment Advisor, Texas Houston, Texas • Texas Junior State Picnic, LaMarque, Texas February 2017 • Louisiana Junior State Picnic Lake Charles, La. • HICC Mardi Gras Celebration, Houston, Texas • Att ended funeral of Junior Supreme Knight’s grandmother, September 2016 Lake Charles, La. • Investment Committee meeting, Houston, Texas • Council and Court 15 100th Anniversary, Houston, Texas March 2017 • T eleconference with the Alabama Department of Insurance, • Texas State Junior Conference, Houston, Texas Houston, Texas • Louisiana State Junior Conference, Lafayette, La. • St. Peter Claver Day Mass and Celebration, Houston, Texas April 2017 October 2016 • Second Quarter Investment Committee meeting, • Executive Committee meeting, New Orleans Marksville, La. • Council 49 90th Anniversary, Breaux Bridge, La. • Second Quarter Executive Committee meeting, Marksville, La. • Court 98 Hats for Service Awards, Barret Station, Texas • Louisiana State Conference, Marksville, La. • Council and Court 151 Service Awards Luncheon, • Northern States District Conference, Milwaukee, Wis. Houston, Texas May 2017 November 2016 • Texas State Conference, Corpus Christi, Texas • Sapphire and Ice Gala, Council 168, Lake Charles, La. • Black Catholic Program, Archdiocese of Mobile, Mobile, Ala. • KPC Founders Day Turnout, Council 4, Pascagoula, Miss. • National Black Catholic Congress Board Meeting, Baltimore, Md.

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 5 Message from the Supreme Lady

Message from the Supreme Lady

reetings, It is an honor to submit my fifth annual report as the Su- preme Lady. I extend heartfelt appreciation to each of you Vertelle A. Kenion, G for your continued support and commitment as we strive together to Supreme Lady ensure the longevity of our Noble Order.

I am pleased to share with you that the relationship between you will be able to share your time, talents and treasures. Your full the National Council and National Court Boards of Directors con- participation is necessary if we are going to obtain the information tinues to flourish as we address the concerns of our membership needed to develop a strategic plan for our Noble Order. that affect our Noble Order. Expansion Update: The Family Expansion Committee is I am indeed honored to be afforded the opportunity to serve chaired by Worthy Deputy Supreme Knight Brother Oscar Benoit with the officers elected to represent the Knights of Peter Claver and Esteemed Vice Supreme Lady Hilda L. Wiltz. The commit- under the leadership of Most Worthy Supreme Knight James K. tee is comprised of the State/District Deputies, Director General Ellis. He has held two meetings of the Executive Committee and of the Junior Knights, National Counselor of Junior Daughters, it has been a privilege for me to engage in the deliberations with Supreme Navigators (4th Degree Division) and the Emerging the Brother Knights on behalf of the Ladies Auxiliary. Leaders Co-Chairs. They continue to strategize via regular tele- I continue to be amazed at the outstanding job Brother Execu- conferences on ways to recruit, reclaim and retain members for tive Director Jones does in the National Office on behalf of our the growth of our Noble Order. Noble Order and the St. Peter Claver Foundation. The National During the period covering Jan. 1, 2016, through Dec. 31, Court Board of Directors and I extend sincere gratitude to him for 2016, the Ladies Division had a total of 9,563 members. The La- the assistance he provides to each of us as we perform the duties dies added 370 new members, while 68 members were reinstated of our respective offices. and 496 members were dropped for various reasons. In addition, The Junior Knights and Junior Daughters will convene their we had 202 deceased members. 22nd biennial Junior National Convention, July 6-9, 2017, in The Junior Division had a total of 1,572 Junior Daughters. Kansas City, Mo. Under the leadership of Brother Dr. Christopher They added 211 new members while 290 juniors were dropped Pichon, Sr., Director General of the Junior Knights, and Lady Ka- for various reasons. tie Guidry Johnson, National Counselor of the Junior Daughters, Emerging Leaders Update: The Emerging Leaders continue Junior Supreme Knight Carrington Guillory and Junior Supreme their efforts to expand our Noble Order on college campuses. Lady Callia Cox have developed an outstanding agenda to include They have recommended two colleges as pilot units. Additional informative workshops. information is forthcoming. The Knights of Peter Claver will convene the 102nd Annual Affiliates: We continue to collaborate with our affiliates. I -at National Convention and the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Aux- tended the National Council of Catholic Women annual Conven- iliary will gather for our 87th Annual National Convention in tion in Indianapolis, Sept. 6-10, 2016. I have also participated in Dallas, Texas, July 21-26, 2017. Although this is not an election several monthly teleconferences. Information was disseminated year, we still need your presence because there is much to do as to our members via the State/District Deputies on behalf of the it relates to our Noble Order. In addition to the business of the National Council of Negro Women, the World Union of Catho- convention, the St. Peter Claver Foundation will host the second lic Women Organization and the National Council of Catholic Annual Fashion Show and Auction, as well as the Foundation Women. I continue to represent the Ladies Auxiliary on the Board Gala. Please do your best to support our Foundation, as it is the of Trustees for the National Black Catholic Congress. During the charitable arm of our Noble Order. 2016 grant cycle, Congress awarded 25 grants through the Strategic Planning Process Update: I am delighted to report Rudd Fund. that although it has taken a little time, the committee has been ap- Disaster Response: In the fall of 2016, some of our Claver pointed with five Knights and five Ladies serving on the National families were affected by major flooding in parts of Louisiana. In Committee. You will be receiving additional information and ways addition, in several cities around the country, Clavers were im-

6 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org Ladies Auxiliary

pacted by Hurricane Matthew. Thanks to our National Office and August/September 2016 your generosity, we were able to come to the aid of our members • Participated Teleconference, KPCLA State/District Deputies Meeting with a small financial token. • Participated Teleconference, St. Peter Claver Foundation Meeting In closing, as I prepare this report, we have entered the Lenten • Att ended National Council of Catholic Women National season. Each of us is given the opportunity to grow closer to our Convention, Indianapolis Father through prayers, strive to be more loving and caring for • P articipated Teleconference, KPC National Council Board one another, and to live our lives each day with a kinder and of Directors Meeting gentler spirit as we prepare ourselves for the joy of Easter Sunday. • Participated Teleconference, KPC Investment Committee Meeting (3rd Quarter) Yours in Christ and Claverism, • P articipated Teleconference, KPC/KPCLA Family Expansion Meeting

October/November/December 2016 Vertelle A. Kenion, • Att ended Charleston Area Justice Ministry Community Meeting, Supreme Lady Charleston, S.C. • Participated Teleconference, St Peter Claver Foundation Meeting April/May 2016 • Att ended KPC National Council Board of Directors Executive • Attended Unit 276 Banquet, Atlanta, Ga. Committee Meeting, New Orleans • Attended Northern State Conference, Westlake, Ohio • Participated Teleconference, St. Peter Claver Foundation Meeting • Attended Louisiana State Conference, Baton Rouge, La. • Participated KPC Investment Committee Meeting (4th Quarter) • P articipated teleconference, KPC National Council Board of Directors Meeting January/February 2017 • Attended Texas State Senior Conference, Houston, Texas • Participated Chapter 45 (LOG) Exemplification, Charleston, S.C. • Attended Gulf Coast District Senior Conference, Mobile, Ala. • Participated Teleconference St. Peter Claver Foundation Meeting • Att ended Charleston Area Justice Ministry Meeting (CAJM), • P articipated Teleconference KPC/KPCLA Family Expansion Charleston, S.C. Meeting • Participated Teleconference, St. Peter Claver Foundation Meeting • P articipated Teleconference National Council of Catholic Women • Participated in Chapter 45 (LOG) Exemplification (monthly call) • Participated Teleconference, KPCLA State/District Deputies Meeting • Att ended National Council Board of Directors Executive • P articipated Teleconference, KPC Investment Committee Meeting Committee Meeting, Baton Rouge, La. (1st Quarter) (2nd Quarter) • Att ended Black History Retreat (St. Patrick ), • Participated Teleconference St. Peter Claver Foundation Charleston, S.C. Board Meeting • F acilitated Initiation, Junior Court 110, • Participated Teleconference, KPC/KPCLA Family Expansion Charleston, S.C. Meeting • Participated Joint Planning Meeting – Unit 110, Charleston, S.C. • Participated Teleconference, KPCLA National Court Board • F acilitated Orientation – First Holy Communion Class of Directors Meeting (St. Patrick), Charleston, S.C.

June/July 2016 March 2017 • P articipated Teleconference, National Black Catholic Congress • Participated Teleconference, St. Peter Claver Foundation Meeting Board of Trustees Meeting • P articipated Teleconference, National Black Catholic Congress • Att ended 50th Anniversary Mass for Sister Roberta Fulton, Board of Trustees Columbia, S.C. • P articipated Teleconference National Council of Catholic Women • P articipated Teleconference, St. Peter Claver Foundation Executive (monthly call) Committee Meeting • F acilitated First Holy Communion Class, St. Patrick Catholic • Participated Teleconference, KPC Investment Committee Meeting Church (catechist) • Participated Teleconference, Emerging Leaders Meeting • Attended Texas State Junior Conference, Houston, Texas • P articipated Teleconference, National Council Board of Directors • Participated Teleconference, KPC/KPCLA Family Expansion Executive Committee • Attended/Participated St. Patrick Church Pastoral Finance • P articipated National Council Board of Directors Full Council Meeting Board Meeting • Attended KPC/KPCLA National Convention, New Orleans In addition to the aforementioned activities, I continue to serve as a • Attended Fourth Degree Ladies of Grace Conclave, lector and catechist at St. Patrick Catholic Church, attend my Court New Orleans and Chapter meetings and maintain my association with various • Participated teleconference, Emerging Leaders community organizations.

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 7 OfficerMessages

Message from the National Chaplain

athering with others to enjoy a meal is a powerful experi- ence. There is a real joy in gathering with family and friends, G with those whom we love and those who love us, for meals at Thanksgiving, Christmas or simply at any time when we are able to be Most Rev. Shelton J. together. These memories imprint themselves on our minds and hearts Fabre, National Chaplain and are recalled for many years beyond the gathering.

Perhaps we can also think of occasions when two people who were The celebrations of the Eucharist that take place at our summer considered enemies came together to share a meal, and, after encoun- conventions are graced opportunities for us to pray with one anoth- tering one another and sharing food together, they emerged with a er as members of the Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver. Even more better understanding of one another and a greater willingness to work importantly, however, our celebrations of the Eucharist during our to resolve their differences. Formal dinner parties, large or small re- Annual Convention are opportunities for us all as members of our ceptions, picnics, a summer barbecue or even last minute unexpected Noble Order to enter into the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. What friends who show up requiring that more water be poured into the a grace! What a blessing! The celebrations of the Eucharist that take soup – in all of these and in countless other ways that involve food place during our Annual Convention are not simply “another meet- and fellowship, we deal with our basic need to come to new insights, to ing’” or “another event” during the convention, but our celebrations share camaraderie and to nourish ourselves, both physically and spiri- of the Eucharist during convention are at the very heart of who we are tually. All these meal events serve to nourish us physically with the as Roman Catholics and as Knights and Ladies of Peter Calver. Our food that we share, but in a deeper way they also nourish and nurture celebrations of the Eucharist root us in who we are, challenge us to be- our spirits, and allow us to deepen the ties that bind us and to seek come who God calls us to be and unite and strengthen us to undertake healing and reconciliation for past hurts and misunderstandings with the responsibilities that are ours as Knights and Ladies. others. These experiences are part of the fabric of our lives, and we One of the most powerful indications of what the Eucharist is can should recognize the special nature of all such gatherings. We can cer- be found in the Gospel of St. John and is known as the “Bread of tainly offer thanks to God for times when we are able to gather for food Life Discourse,” which is found in St. John’s Gospel in chapter 6, and friendship to nourish our bodies and spirits, and we look forward verses 22-59. In these verses, Jesus reveals himself as the bread of to the next gathering where recent and old memories can be shared, life come down from heaven to nourish and sustain each and every and new ones forged by the simple fact of our encounter with others. one of us on our journey to his eternal banquet. Jesus’ notion of The Eucharist, the sacrificial memorial of Jesus Christ and of his hospitality far outshines anyone else’s notion of what it means to body the Church, encompasses all that is stated above about meals provide hospitality in providing a meal and food for others. Unlike – and infinitely much more. Our gathering for the eucharistic meal all others, Jesus will feed his guests with his real presence, his own that is the Mass is the highest form of worship that we offer to God body and blood. Worthily receiving the Lord in the Eucharist joins as Roman Catholics. We are fed, joy-filled, challenged, comforted and us to Jesus Christ, and we remain in Jesus, and Jesus remains in us. supported each and every time we come together to celebrate the Eu- Jesus reminds his listeners in this discourse that even though earthly charist. The celebration of the Eucharist invites us to come to new in- meals are wonderful, those who share in these earthly meals will still sight in our relationship with Jesus Christ, and to seek to become what die. Earthly meals only temporarily save us from earthly death. How- we receive. As we receive the real presence of the Lord Jesus in the ever, those who share in the meal Jesus offers, the meal of himself in Eucharist, we desire to become more and more a reflection of his love the Holy Eucharist, will live forever. It is the Eucharist that saves us to others. We recognize the grace that comes to us in the Eucharist, from death. During these summer months, reflect on the “Bread of and we should be a part of the celebration of the Eucharist in our par- Life Discourse,” join your family at least each Sunday for the ish church AT LEAST every Sunday. Some people have the opportunity celebration of the Eucharist and join your Peter Claver family for the in their lives, and some people make the opportunity in their lives, to celebrations of the Eucharist during our Annual Convention. God’s attend weekday celebrations of the Eucharist as well. peace and blessings to you all!

8 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org Knights of Peter Claver Message from the Executive Director

ear Claver Family, tions for recurring billing of membership dues, and automated charitable giving. Statutory Reporting to State Departments of Insurance. For the year end- D I respectfully submit to the ing December 31, 2016, again, all statutory reports required by the states in which membership my fourth annual report as the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. has insurance licensing authorization were sub- Executive Director. I began my tenure as mitted on time as required. The Order is currently undergoing its routine triennial Executive Director in September 2013, examination by the Alabama Department of Insurance for the years 2013, 2014, Grant Jones, and remain grateful for the opportunity 2015; and with our commitment to building fundamentally sound business prac- Executive Director and blessing to serve our Noble Order. I tices, we continue to stay abreast of the ever-evolving requirements set forth by the am pleased to report that following the various state insurance regulatory agencies. 2016 elections there was a smooth and Financials. For the year ending December 31, 2016, the Order’s financial seamless transition between the past and incoming administrations. Please know standings remained stable, and as illustrated in the financials section of this edi- that as Executive Director, I will continue to serve the Order to the best of my abil- tion, the Order completed its fifth consecutive year of positive financial results ity, in support of the National Council and Court, while ensuring that the National while maintaining our statutory surplus. Our financial stability is a direct result Office serves the best interest of the Order and the membership in carrying out our of the development of sound budgeting and accounting practices by the National mission to serve the Church and the communities in which we serve. Office in coordination and under the governance and approval of the National Membership. The greatest impact on our strength and capacity to serve is Council Board of Directors. our membership. To that end, we have put several methods in place focusing on Dues Resolutions. This year there will be resolutions introduced regard- retention of active Clavers, reclamation of inactive members, and recruitment of ing a long-overdue increase of the membership dues. The past two increases oc- prospects. In an effort to retain our active members, the National Office sends curred in 1997 (dedicated to the insurance program) and in 2011 (dedicated to each State and District Deputy a report reflecting all members who are sixty (60) The Claverite magazine and Charity expenses). For the majority of members, the days past due and at-risk of being dropped from the rolls. The Deputies use these amount of monthly dues per member remitted to the National Office is $6.60 or reports to proactively reach out to those Clavers to help ensure they remain ac- $7.60 (with $4.75 or $5.60 dedicated to providing insurance, 1.35 or 1.50 for tive and do not lose insurance benefits or voting privileges. It is imperative that administrative cost, and .50 for The Claverite magazine and our Charity Fund).. All all units submit their dues remittances to the National Office by the 20th of each dues and assessments paid to your local unit above those amounts are retained by month to make sure our membership can remain active and intact. Additionally, your local council or court for unit operations and community service projects. In surveys were recently sent to Juniors that either will or have aged out in 2017 2018, we are seeking to shore up our operational income and further reduce our encouraging them to join the 3rd degree; and we also surveyed Emerging Leaders dependency on investment income with a request for a $1.00 per month dues in- in an effort to determine how the Order can best keep them engaged and benefit crease. Reducing our dependency on investment income for operational expenses from this most valuable asset. The National Office has also engaged in exten- will lead to growth of our assets – allowing us to reinvest interest and dividends. sive reclamation efforts seeking to re-establish dormant councils and courts, this The proposed dues increase will enable the Order to concentrate on much needed spring we successfully re-established a council in Miami, Fla. Finally, I encourage expansion and enable us to better support worthy causes. each current member of the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary to invite 2018 Senior National Convention. The 2018 Senior National Convention at least one person to join the Order. Each of us represents what it means to be will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in (Anaheim) Orange County, Calif., be- a Claver, and as Western States Deputy Bruce Sampson so eloquently says, “Each ginning Friday, August 3, 2018 thru Wednesday, August 8, 2018. The hotel room One, Bring One.” If each member recruits just one (1) additional member, by the rate is $155 per night plus applicable tax. end of 2018, we will have the potential to double the size of our organization and 2019 Junior National Convention. The 2019 Junior National Convention will be substantially increase our ability to serve God and His Church. held in Houston, Texas at the Westin Galleria beginning Thursday, July 11, 2019 Insurance and Member Benefits. Earlier this year, an insurance survey was thru Sunday, July 14, 2019. The hotel room rate is $129per night plus applicable tax. sent to the membership via email to help determine how to better serve the insur- Peter Claver Foundation. With the support of members the Knights of ance needs of the Order. Based upon the responses, we are actively exploring op- Peter Claver and public and corporate donations, the Foundation has been able to tions with insurance professionals from Catholic Foresters, Mutual of Omaha, and increase its giving and ability to address the needs of the communities in which we Innovation Partners to make additional death benefits available to members. I am serve. A meaningful example of this ability was the quick and impactful Disaster currently working on some initiative of the National Treasurer to expand member Assistance Program that was able to assist in the recovery efforts of Clavers and benefits; we are finalizing discount programs with Office Depot, Southwest- Air Church Parishes affected by natural disasters. In regards to the funds of the Order’s lines, and additional third party entities. National Programs, the Order maintains control over all of the National Program Office Operations.A few years ago, the National Office introduced a web- funds, which are distributed by the Foundation only as directed by the various based membership management system that accepts online payments for dues National Program Committees of the convention. and assessments, event registrations, donations, grant and award application In closing, I want to thank the membership at large and National Office Staff submissions, and other e-commerce functions. Over the past three and a half for your continued support. years, the membership has continued to embrace this technology, with usage of the e-commerce features generating approximately 70% of the Order’s revenue. Yours in Claverism, This year, in 2017, we were able to offer for the first time, a payment plan for Grant A. Jones Senior Convention registration. If this program is successful, we will look at op- Executive Director

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 9 OfficerMessages

Message from Message from the the Deputy Vice Supreme Lady Supreme Knight March/April 2016 reetings in the name • Texas Junior State Conference of our patron, St. Pe- • Louisiana Junior State Conference G ter Claver! I first want hosted by District 6, Lafayette, La. to express my sincere and • Louisiana State Conference, Baton Rouge, La. Oscar J. Benoit, heartfelt appreciation for the Hilda L. Wiltz, Deputy Supreme support and confidence the Vice Supreme Lady • Louisiana State District Planning Meeting Knight membership has placed in me to serve you as Deputy May/June 2016 Supreme Knight. I am proud of the hard work • May Crowning and Mother Daughter Brunch, Rayne, La. • Conducted Initiation of Juniors transferring to Senior Division and recruitment efforts of our State and District and Initiations, Lafayette, La. Deputies as they strive to grow our Noble Order. July/August 2016 However, remember it is the responsibility of ev- • Attended the 2016 Conclave and Convention, New Orleans ery good Knight to recruit new members to our • Attended Louisiana Junior Picnic, Lake Charles, La. Noble Order. It is an honor to submit my report. • Louisiana State Workshop – Presenter – Marksville, La. • St. Paul Chapter 3 Blue and Gold Ball, Lafayette, La. September/October September/October 2016 • Turnout – St. Francis & Banquet Council 49, Breaux Bridge, La. • Attended several St. Peter Claver Day celebrations, Duson Lafayette, Baton Rouge, Alexandria, Rayne, La. • Turnout – Immaculate Heart of Mary, Council 76, Lafayette, La. • Keynote Speaker, Court 124 “Ladies: A Day of Nouishment and • Turnout – St. Augustine, Council 29, New Orleans Renewal,” Jeanerette, La. • Executive Board Meeting, New Orleans, La. • Attended Court and Council 54 Annual Awards Banquet. St. Martinsville, La. November/December • Louisiana State Planning Meeting, New Orleans • Turnout – Immaculate Heart of Mary, Council 76, Lafayette, La. November/December 2016 • Turnout – St. , Council 325, New Orleans • Day of Recollection and Reflection, St. Paul Chapter 3, Lafayette, La. • Turnout Immaculate Heart of Mary, Council 76, Lafayette, La. • Attended the Annual Scholarship Sapphire & Ice Gala, Lake Charles, La. January • ASBS Retreat, St. Martinsville, La. • Executive Board Meeting, Dallas, Texas • Attended several holiday celebrations throughout the Order • Turnout – Father Schmodry, Council 52, New Orleans • Attended Holiday Gala, NOCC District Celebration, New Orleans February/March January/February 2017 • Chaired the Rayne City wide/NAUW/KPC Dr. Martin Luther • Turnout – Immaculate Heart of Mary, Council 76, Lafayette, La. King Jr. Celebration • Turnout – Lady of the Assumption, Council 269, Carencro, La. • Attended Louisiana Winter Meeting – Workshop Presenter – New Roads, La. • Mistress of Ceremony at Awards Ceremony Assembly and Chapter 3, Lafayette, La. • Installed the Oath of Office at Meetings, District/State/Local functions • Council 49 Annual Valentine Ball, Lafayette, La. • Council 52 90th Anniversary Mass and Celebration, Lafayette, La. • Attended KPC’s Junior Brown Bag Project, La. March 2017 • Attended Lenten Missions throughout the diocese • Texas Junior State Conference • Louisiana Junior State Conference (hosted By District 6) Lafayette, La.

10 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org Knights of Peter Claver

Message from the Message from the Junior Supreme Knight Junior Supreme Lady

laver family, erving the Knights of I am very appreciative Peter Claver and La- C of your prayers and S dies Auxiliary as the support over the last two 20th Junior Supreme Lady years. During this time, I has been the greatest honor have traveled to the dif- in my life. The love, support Carrington Callia Cox, and Claverism I have experi- Guillory, ferent districts and states, Junior Supreme enced has been a true bless- Junior Supreme and I have met hundreds of Lady Knight Junior Knights and Junior ing from God and I am thank- Daughters, as well as Se- ful for everyone who has been nior Knights and Ladies from across the nation. I by my side the last ten years through my Claver have also received the best hospitality and love journey. With the opportunities KPC has given me, during every visit. At a young age, I was taught the people and relationships, I have formed, and to always help others. This was the mind-set of the learning experiences I have faced have all made our patron, St. Peter Claver. The Claver prayer me the best version of myself; a young lady I am states: “St. Peter Claver, who became an exam- proud to be. I was most significantly affected by ple for us, showed us the light of Christ and the each and every one of the Junior Daughters I have strength of the Holy Spirit.” This means that we met. Regardless of their age, location, or position, must take charge of our faith, and do the true they believed in me and they ignited the passion in will of God for our lives and let our light shine. me that I will always have for the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc., especially the Junior Division. 2015-2017 Participated in the following activities and events: Activities/Events 2015-2016: • Senior National Convention, Kansas City, Mo. • Junior Daughter Initiation, Charleston, S.C. • RMHC, Court 110 • Emerging Leader Service Project, Kansas City, Mo. • Gulf Coast Junior Conference • Louisiana District 5 cluster initiation, Alexandria, La. • Northern District Junior Conference • District 6 Cluster Initiation, Lake Charles, La. • Louisiana State Junior Conference • Texas Founders Day Program, Houston, Texas • Knights of Peter Claver 101st Annual Convention • District 6 Founders Day program, Lake Charles, La. • Texas Junior Picnic • Unit 31 Holiday Service Project, Lake Charles, La. • Louisiana Junior Picnic • Junior Daughter Initiation, New Orleans • District 1 Christmas Social, New Orleans • Dressed out for St. Peter Claver Day, Blessed Trinity, New Orleans • Junior Texas State Conference, Austin, Texas • Blood donation at St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Church, • Senior Louisiana State Conference, Baton Rouge, La. New Orleans • Junior Northern States District Conference, Cleveland, Ohio • Junior National Board Meeting, Lake Charles, La. • Junior Louisiana State Conference, Shreveport, La. • Black Celebration with Bishop Carmon • Funeral of Junior Knight Recka Williams, Lake Charles, La. • Attended Mass of Celebration for Junior Knights and Junior Daughters • St. Peter Claver Catholic Church, participated in community • Senior National Convention, New Orleans service activity, donated fruit baskets to local nursing home • Emerging Leader Service Project, New Orleans • Funeral Mass for Christine Zenon, 96 years old and life member • Thanksgiving Day Lunch Service Project, Lake Charles, La. of KPCLA • District 6 St. Peter Claver Day, Lake Charles, La. • Black Catholic Youth Conference, Lafayette, La. • Sapphire & Ice Gala, Lake Charles, La. • Attended Louisiana District 1 Christmas Social • Junior Texas State Conference, Houston, Texas • MLK Day at St. Raymond/St. Leo the Great, Archdiocese of New Orleans • Junior Louisiana State Conference, Lafayette, La. • Reactivation of Court 224, Little Rock, Ark. • Texas Junior Conference • Louisiana Junior Conference

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 11 OfficerMessages

Message from Message from the Office of the the Office of the National Secretary National Secretary

raternal greetings, my reetings. Brothers and Sisters It is an honor and F in Claverism: G privilege to, once I am honored and indeed again, address you about the William T. Debra Gray humbled to submit my an- activities of the KPC Ladies Everette, Jr., Bridges, National Secretary nual report as the National National Secretary Auxiliary as your National Secretary of the Knights of Secretary. Peter Claver. I am both grateful and thankful August 2016 • Court 160 Annual Backpack Buddies, Mass Turnout, to our Claver family for their love and support, monthly meeting which enables me to be of service to our Noble • Flapjack Fundraiser NELA Food Bank Order. I am very thankful to the Executive Board • Submitted minutes of the 86th KPC Ladies National Convention and 36th Annual Conclave Supreme General members for their support and advice during Chapter to the Secretary Pro Tem this transition. • Green-Scott-Smith Chapter 36 Exemplification/Mass Turnout September/October 2016 Since being installed on the National Board, I have been able • Green-Scott-Smith Chapter 36 Fourth Degree Meeting • Rock N Box with Food Bank of NELA; Little Flower’s Fall Bazaar to work on many issues that affect the future growth of our • Afternoon Tea: Hosted by The Spice & Tea Exchange and order. I have attended three Executive Board meetings, two In- The Hamilton House Inn vestment Committee meetings, several State and District Con- • Families Helping Families; Think Pink Tea – GRMC; Early Vote ferences and several conferences calls. I have had the pleasure Ouachita Parish! of responding to several letters, emails and phone calls relative • Green-Scott-Smith Chapter 36 Fourth Degree meeting to issues and concerns of members of the Order. • Fifth Sunday Court 160 Recruit, Retain, Reclaim Please ensure that your voice is heard as we meet to plan the November/December 2016 • Employees of Distinction Banquet future of the Order in Dallas, Texas. This is a By-Laws review • Big Brother-Big Sisters Fall Auction and Banquet, West Monroe year and there are several interesting issues being presented to Convention Center the National Council. • Thanksgiving Baskets gatherings for needy families I am grateful to those who have afforded me their guidance • Prepared KPCLA Ladies Password Mailing for January- and advice. I ask that you keep this administration and me in June 2017 your prayers as we work to deliver on our promises and the • Court 160 Veterans Day Observance; Adult Healthy Living Fair • Stuff-A-Bus 2016; Journey to Bethlehem promise of our patron St. Peter Claver. • Songs of the Season, Little Flower of Jesus Catholic Church, Monroe, La. January/February 2017 • Completed 2017 KPCLA Ladies Credential Packet • Empty Bowls; Pancakes and Progress • Fifth Sunday Court 160 Recruit, Retain, Reclaim/Confirmation Sunday with Bishop M. Duca • Red Carpet Rendezvous; Women in Red • 3r d Annual KPC/KPCLA Council and Court 160 Mardi Gras Soiree March 2017 • Little Flower of Jesus Catholic Church Lenten Revival Lecture • Green-Scott-Smith Chapter 36 Fourth Degree Meeting • Flood the Love – food/water/clothing collection for flood victims of Northeast/Northwest Louisiana • Stuff the ruckT – food/water collection

12 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org Knights of Peter Claver

Message from Message from the Office of the the Office of the National Advocate National Treasurer

t is my pleasure to serve t is indeed a privilege and as your National Ad- honor to serve as your I vocate. Thank you for I National Treasurer. My ac- your continued prayers and tivities of the past year are as Omar K. Mason, confidence, as I aim to protect Marie L. Johnson, follows: National Advocate the legal interests of the Or- National Treasurer der. My activities since my July 2016 election are as follows: April/May 2016 • 78th Northern District Conference, West Lake, Ohio July/August 2016 • Father Bernard Hall Court 354 Meetings, Grand Rapids, Mich. • Sworn in as newly elected National Advocate • St. Martin DePorres Chapter 11 Meetings, Detroit, Mich. • Participated at Post-Convention Board Meeting, New Orleans • West Michigan Annex and City Parks Meetings • Analyzed and revised 2018 National Convention hotel contract • Ladies National Board of Directors Conference • Initial meeting with patent and trademark attorney on protect- June/July 2016 ing KPC’s intellectual property • Father Bernard Hall Court 354 Meetings, Grand Rapids, Mich. • Discussions with Supreme Knight and Executive Director • St Martin DePorres Chapter 11 Meetings, Detroit, Mich. regarding KPC Social Media Policy • 101st Annual National Convention, New Orleans • Att ended the Pre-and Post-Convention Board Meetings, New Orleans September/October 2016 August/September 2016 • Draft detailed, reasoned opinion regarding Texas State • Att ended Kent County Save the Children Meeting, Grand Rapids, Mich. Deputy election issues • Participated with West Michigan Gleaners Food Drive, Co-chair • Attended 100th Anniversary Celebration Mass at Corpus • Celebrat ed the St. Peter Claver Day Mass with Council and Court 395, Christi-Epiphany Church in New Orleans Detroit, Mich. • Participated in Investment Committee Conference Call October/November 2016 • Attended Fourth Degree Exemplification for E.O. Moss • Attended St. Andrew Cathedral’s Giving Tree Committee Meeting Grand Assembly 4 • Participated in distibuting the wrapped Giving Tree gifts • KPC National Board Conference Call • Attended Father Bernard Court 354 Feast and Fest • KPC Executive Committee meeting in Kenner, La. December 2016 • Att ended Father Bernard Hall Court 354 Meeting, Grand Rapids, Mich. November/December 2016 • Att ended St. Andrew Cathedral Midnight Mass, Grand Rapids, Mich. • Reviewed and analyzed minutes and referendum vote January/February 2017 approving KPC Social Media Policy, in preparation for • Att ended the Christian homegoing for Gracious Lady Joyce Borden, communications to membership Detroit, Mich. • Attended KPC Unit 325 Holiday Social • Participated St. Martin DePorres Chapter 11 Meeting • Att ended Father Bernard Hall Court 354 meeting, Grand Rapids, Mich. January/February 2017 • Att ended Martin Luther King’s Prayer Service and Brunch, Grand • Retention meeting with intellectual property attorney and Rapids, Mich. Executive Director regarding trademarks • Follow-up on KPC Social Media Policy communications Knights of Peter Claver National Convention, New Orleans, July • Conferred with Supreme Knight and Executive Director 21-28, 2016, Intake Report: regarding Junior Daughter By-laws and licensing agreements, Conclave Mass:...... $ 1,699.11 pending trademark registration Convention Opening Mass:...... $ 4,910.00 Baby Shower:...... $ 1,855.00 March 2017 Silent Auction:...... $ 2,127.00 • Received, reviewed and analyzed audit response request Pot of Gold Raffle:...... $ 1,468.00 communication from outside auditors/accountants Greeting to the Ladies:...... $ 600.00 • Prepared National Advocate report for publication Ladies Board Donation to Claver Foundation:...... $ 490.00 Total Intake: ...... $13,149.11

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 13 OfficerMessages

Message from Message from the National Lay the National Lay Board Member Board Member

raternal greetings: reetings Claver fam- It is an honor to ily! Thank you again F address this first G for all of the love and Jari C. Honora, annual communication to Candace Procter, support you all have given National Lay Board you by way of our official National Lay Board me while serving as your Na- Member Member organ. As I stated prior to tional Lay Board Member for our last National Conven- the National Court Board of tion, my goal is to build a more visible and Directors. Along with working with my counter- more viable Order by developing our coun- part to prepare this year’s convention workshop cils and our rank-and-file membership, as well program, please find below a list of my activities as advocating the “layman’s” position on the for the past year: National Council Board. Over the past several months, I have visited with several councils and March/April 2016 • Contributed to Court 196 Lenten Fish Fries spoken at length with the State and District • Attended and participated in the Northern States District Deputies. I have spoken at the milestone anni- Conference, Westlake, Ohio versaries of several councils, including my own, Father Schmodry Council 52, which recently May/June 2016 celebrated 90 years of service. Please know • P articipated in National Court Board of Directors that the lines of communication are open and Conference Call that I expect to receive phone calls and emails • Participated in National Emerging Leaders Conference Call relative to your concerns and questions. July/August 2016 • Attended and Participated in 2016 Senior National Convention I encourage you to view our councils and, indeed, our entire • Participated in Court 247 Thanksgiving Baskets for Senior Order as a pyramid. The largest component is the base, our members of the parish membership. You make the Order what it is – your service to • Participated in Founders Day Celebration with Northern your parishes, your outreach in your communities, your fraternal California Inter-Council and Courts, Oakland, Calif. bonds are what keep us going. This requires each of you to be knowledgeable about the Order, the Church and our civic and December 2016/January 2017 community responsibilities. • Participated in Adopt a Child Program, Detroit, Mich. Lady Proctor and I will present workshops at the upcoming • Attended homegoing service for Gracious Lady Joyce Y. Broden convention, which we hope will be informative and engaging. Please stop us during convention and visit with us! I will certainly stop and engage with as many of you as I can! In closing, I should mention that this is a special year – the centennial anniversary of the first conferral of the Fourth Degree in August 1917. Congratulations to our Sir Knights! May the intercession of our Holy Patron continue to bring blessings to our Noble Order. Onward is our war cry!

14 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org Knights of Peter Claver

Message from the Message from Director General, the National Counselor Junior Knights of the Junior Daughters

reetings my Claver t continues to be a great G family! honor and privilege for me I to serve as I submit my fifth The National Counselor, Junior National annual report as your National Board, Commanders, Counselors and I Katie G. Johnson, Counselor of Junior Daughters. Dr. Christopher continue to accomplish goals and objectives Pichon, Sr., National Counselor Recruiting, reclaiming and retain- to propel and sustain the Junior Division ing our Junior Daughter member- Director General, for years to come. With ongoing support of the Junior Junior Knights and collaboration from all Clavers, we will Daughters ship continues to be our top pri- continue to expand the Junior Division and ority. Since March 2016, we have produce outstanding leaders in our Noble Order! Since March 2016, I recruited 226 new Junior Daughters, with one new Junior have also been involved in the following activities: Court established in the State of Louisiana – Our Lady of Guadalupe Junior Court 394, New Orleans. This past Feb- April-June 2016 ruary, I, along with the Junior Supreme Lady and other • Participated in KPC Family Expansion Conference Call Meeting Junior National Officers, had the pleasure of reactivating • Attended the Senior Texas State Conference in Houston, Texas in the Central States District Father Moody Junior • Attended the funeral of Texas State Deputy Ron R. Mitchell in Houston, Texas Court 224 in Little Rock, Ark. A special thank you to our • Att ended the Junior Northern States District Conference in Westlake, Ohio State/District Deputies, Grand Ladies, Counselors and • Attended the Junior Western States District Conference in Las Vegas, Nev. Area Counselors, who played a key role in helping us re- • Attended the funeral of Knight Recka Williams III in Lake Charles, La. build our Junior Division by sharing the Claver opportunity. • Participated in KPC Family Expansion Conference Call Meeting Below you will find our current membership numbers and July/August 2016 a breakdown of newly initiated members. • Attended the Texas State Expansion Project/Picnic in LaMarque, Texas • Attended the Louisiana State Expansion Project/Picnic in Lake Charles, La. 03/2016 03/2016 03/2017 03/2017 District Membership Units Membership Units September/October 2016 • Attended the Houston Area Brown Bag/Feed the Homeless Project in Central 89 12 92 13 Houston, Texas Gulf Coast 246 27 232 27 • Attended the St. Peter Claver Day Celebration in Houston, Texas Louisiana 571 55 539 54 • Participated in KPC Family Expansion Conference Call Meeting • Participated in National Board Subcommittee Meeting in Houston, Texas Northern 258 38 260 36 • Participated in and National Convention Planning Committee Conference Texas 318 23 296 22 Call Meeting Western 81 12 73 12 November/December 2016 Total • Participated in KPC Family Expansion Conference Call Meeting Jr. Daughters 1,563 167 1,492 164 • Participated in National Board Subcommittee Meeting in Houston, Texas • Attended the Junior Texas State Christmas Party in Houston, Texas Newly Initiated Junior Daughters January-March 2017 2015-2016 2016-2017 • Att ended the Houston Area Blanket Drive for the Homeless in District New Members New Members Houston, Texas • Participated in Texas Commanders/Counselors Meeting Central 12 10 • Attended the MLK Celebration in Houston, Texas Gulf Coast 60 29 • Attended the Farewell Reception for Texas State Chaplain Father Joseph Louisiana 117 96 Benjamin in Beaumont, Texas • Participated in Junior National Convention Conference Call Meeting Northern 46 45 with Supremes Texas 46 36 • Attended the Junior Texas State Conference in Houston, Texas Western 5 10 • Participated in Junior Knight National Board Meeting Total New • Participated in Junior Joint National Board Meeting 286 226 • Attended the Junior Louisiana State Conference in Lafayette, La. Members

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 15 officerOfficermessages Messages

Message from the Message from Past Supreme Knight the Past Supreme Lady

s Supreme Knight am honored to serve as I often expressed, your Immediate Past Su- A “While the respon- I preme Lady and submit my sibility for the implemen- fifth annual report. My activities tation of many plans rests from April 2016 through March with the Supreme Knight, 2017 are as follows: F. DeKarlos Geralyn C. Shelvin, together with the National Blackmon, Obl.S.B., Past Supreme April-June 2016 Past Supreme Council Board of Directors Lady • Attended the following conferences: Knight and the Executive Director, Central States District, Western States broad participation in the District, Louisiana State Junior and development of goals and objectives by the Senior Conference Supreme Lady and the National Court Board is July/August 2016 essential and imperative to our success.” There • Attended the National Convention in New Orleans should be no partiality between our six divi- • Executive Committee Meeting for St. Peter Claver Foundation sions when it comes to standing up all that is • Attended the Annual Awards Luncheon for St. Catherine of Sienna right and just. We must continue to be “one Chapter 16 and Prosper A. Bijou Assembly 16 • Attended St. Paul Chapter 3, Fourth Degree Ladies of Grace Division family in Christ” (cf Gal 3:28), the whole family of Annual Blue and Gold Ball Claverism without regard to distinction. September/October 2016 I enjoyed my tenure as Supreme Knight. It has been a privilege • Voting Delegate for National Council of Catholic Women National to work with the members, the boards, and the hierarchy – dur- Convention in Indianapolis ing a period which, at times, had been difficult because of inter- • Attended Mass of Thanksgiving and Reception for 17th Supreme nal strife and occasionally for other reasons. While I am grateful Knight James K. Ellis in Houston, Texas for the patience, understanding and support of the membership • Turnout with Acadiana District 4 for St. Peter Claver Day during those incredibly difficult periods, I cannot help but also • Hostess for reception honoring Bishop J. Douglas Deshotel, thank so many of you for having been wonderful throughout my Diocese of Lafayette, following his Initiation and Exemplification tenure. While there are some who may be tempted to hassle the into the Knights of Peter Claver leadership, or mislead others about my successor, I encourage • Attended St. Paul Chapter 3 Exemplification you to remember that the way we should be in the Communion • Attended Louisiana State Conference Fall Planning Meeting line is the way we are called to be in the world. • Attended Installation Mass for Bishop Martin D. Holley as fifth I pray that my successor, the Most Worthy James K. Ellis, genu- Bishop for the Diocese of Memphis, Tenn. inely receives and enjoys the warm and truly collaborative spirit • Attended Mass and Luncheon for 90th Anniversary of St. Francis of a grateful membership, a membership that is shaped by the of Assisi Council 49 theological virtues – faith, hope and love. Further, I commend Su- • Presented report to Executive Committee of the National Council preme Knight Ellis for allowing me to truly effect what is intended Board of Directors regarding the St. Peter Claver Foundation by Article II, Section 52 of the Charter, Constitution and By-laws of November/December 2016 the Knights of Peter Claver (2011). Had I known that being Past Su- • Attended Council and Court 168 Sapphire & Ice Gala preme Knight would be this fantastic, I am beginning to think I • Attended Memorial Day turnouts for deceased members at various units should have become a Past Supreme Knight sooner! • Attended African-American Catholic Youth Congress, Diocese My activities have included representing Supreme Knight Ellis at of Lafayette various activities, serving on planning committees, mentoring lead- • Attended holiday activities and socials from invitations received ers and serving as a consultant to the United States Conference of from several Claver Units Catholic . I will retire as the President of the International Al- January-March 2017 liance of Catholic Knights at the Biennial Conference in September. • Attended Louisiana State Conference Winter Planning Meeting Supreme Knights come and go – I am clearly evidence of this • Attended Awards Banquet for St. Paul Assembly and Chapter 3 – but the Order goes on. Be assured of my prayers for God’s • Moderator for Acadiana District 4 Ladies Initiation blessing on our Most Worthy Supreme Knight and the members • Attended funeral services for Lady Jacqueline Parks Hunt, Past of this Order, which is now, of course, the Order to which I will Louisiana State Junior Daughter Directress belong until the Lord calls me home. • Attended the Louisiana State Junior Conference

16 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org Knights of Peter Claver

Message from the Message from the Supreme Navigator Supreme Navigator

raternal greetings t is with humility that I F to you Sir Knights: I write my third Claver I address you with a ser- report. vant’s humble heart and Gracious Ladies, as we pre- Lawrence Sylvester, with sincere gratitude for Marion Smith- pare for our annual conclave, Supreme Navigator Reynoso, the opportunity to serve Supreme Navigator please adhere to all dead- as Supreme Navigator. lines. This is a resolution year, With the wise counsel and support of our very and you can find By-Law forms on the Knights faithful supreme officers, I am striving toward of Peter Claver website, with deadline for resolu- our goal of a more visible and viable Fourth tions on June 1, 2017. Degree Division. In November 2016, the National Council Board of Directors approved a motion made at the 2016 onclave to increase the The only constant in life is change. The Fourth Degree Di- Death Benefit by $100. Starting January 2017, deceased member’s vision is poised for change as we seek to recruit and retain beneficiary will receive $300, as long as the funds are available. The Ladies of Grace Division is doing quite well – we are fi- Sir Knights. There are open lines of communication with the nancial solvent and the Supreme Boards Annual Raffle is a big Grand Assemblies and their leaders – from the quarterly com- success, thank you to all who participated. We use the funds gen- erated from this raffle to benefit the Ladies of Grace, via such munications to frequent phone calls and emails – all in order services as Constant Contact. We use Constant Contact to get out to achieve what is best for the Fourth Degree. to every Gracious Lady, whose email address we have, the same information that is received by the Navigator. We also put out We should take pride in the fact that since our last Supreme “The LOG Connection” a newsletter with information gathered Conclave, three ordinary bishops and one auxiliary bishop from every State and District about the Ladies of Grace. We able to increase information that is put in the conclave agenda book. have joined our ranks. Please pray for these dedicated shep- These are just a few of our services. Thank you Gracious Lady herds who have honored our Sublimed and Meritorious De- Julian-Taylor for all the hard work you do with Constant Contact in getting the information out to all the Gracious Ladies. If you gree with their membership. are not receiving information, please get your email address to the I look forward to presiding over the 87th Supreme Con- Supreme Comptroller, Gracious Lady Julian-Taylor. We also use the funds to conduct workshops and provide mate- clave. This is a special year – the centennial anniversary of rials at the workshops. We will continue to have workshops and the first conferral of the Fourth Degree in August 1917. We committees meetings on Friday, so please arrange your traveling schedule so that you will be able to attend. Workshops are 3 p.m. expect a record number of Sir Knights at Conclave in Dallas! to 5 p.m. and committees will meet 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. My thanks go to Past Supreme Navigators Daniel Santos, I take this opportunity to thank Inez Y. Bowman, Chapter 2, and James E. Mosby, Jr., Chapter 40, for stepping up to the plate James Neal, Harry Beevers and Dwight Alexander for their and hosting the 2017 Gospel Extravaganza. A special thank you support. It is an absolute joy working with Supreme Naviga- to their Chairperson, Gracious Lady Shaunte Collins of Chapter 40. They have a wonderful show planned for you: LOG Voices of tor Dame Marion Reynoso. Let us prayerfully strive to advance Inspiration Choir, CAMM Choir, Jesus Team A Group and Past the True Ark of the Fourth Degree toward Christ, our Light! Supreme Knight DeKarlos Blackmon, just to name a few seg- ments of the show. God bless and I look forward to seeing you in Dallas, Texas.

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 17 OfficerMessages

Message from the Message from the Central States Deputy Central States Deputy

ctivities for year reetings: It is an honor to A 2016 through serve as Deputy of the February 2017: G Central States. In addition March-May 2016 to communicating with Grand • Family Expansion Conference Ladies and Area Deputies and at- Skip Riley, Call, National Board Alma Moore, tending monthly Senior and Ju- Central States • Central States District Confer- Central States nior Court meetings, my activi- District Deputy ence Planning Committee District Deputy ties of the past year are: • Attended 70th Central States Conference in Memphis, Tenn. April/May 2016 • Results of elections held – I was re-elected Central States • Attended teleconference call for planning of the 2016 CSD Senior Conference District Deputy • Presided at Initiation and presented new member workshop for Court 224 • Central States Conference Planning Committee conference in Little Rock, Ark. call for Junior Knights Conference • Attended Teleconference Call for planning of the 2016 CSD Junior Conference • Attended 70th CSD Senior Conference in Memphis, Tenn. July-September 2016 • Attended Teleconference Call for 2016 CSD Junior Conference planning • Attended Knights of Peter Claver Convention held in June/July 2016 New Orleans • Attended transition meeting with incoming/outgoing CSD Board in Kansas City, Mo. • Installed as Central States District Deputy • Attended Annual Meeting with CSD Executive Board in Kansas City, Mo. • Board meeting with National Council members • Attended 2016 CSD Jr. Conference in Kansas City, Mo. • Attended Teleconference Call Meeting to close out 2016 CSD Senior Conference • Celebrate St. Peter Claver Day • Attended 101st KPC/86th KPCLA National Convention in New Orleans • Visited Oklahoma City for Central States Conference and workshop August/September 2016 • Attended pre-conference planning meeting for 71st CSD Conference • Discussed with hotel staff use of facility for Central States with Presidents and Council/Court 264 in Oklahoma City Conference next year • Teleconference with National Court Board • Teleconference with CSD Ladies Executive Board October-December 2016 • Site visit for 2017 CSD Conference • District Executive Board Conference Call • National Family Expansion Committee Teleconference October/November 2016 • Presided at Initiation and presented a new member workshop for Court 233 • Deputies’ Conference Call with Deputy Supreme in Lexington, Ky. Oscar Benoit • Teleconference Meeting with National Family Expansion Committee • Founders Day Mass • Organization Meeting with 71st CSD Conference Host Committee, presented • Council and Court 261 provided Thanksgiving baskets “How to Give a Conference” workshop in parish community • Site visit to venue of 2017 CSD Conference with Host Committee in Oklahoma City • Central States District Planning Committee Conference • Teleconference Meeting with CSD Board for conference planning • Teleconference with Ladies CSD Board Call for Junior Knights • Discussion and contracts talks relating to the Central States December/January 2016/2017 District Conference to be held in Oklahoma City • Teleconference with National Family Expansion Committee • Participated in and contributed to the annual program and Christmas gifts • Financial close-out of the Junior Conference that was held for children of incarcerated parents in Kansas City, Mo. • Meeting with 2017 CSD Conference Co-Chairs • Teleconference with CSD Ladies Executive Board January-March 2017 • Teleconference with National Family Expansion Committee • Deputies met with Supreme James K. Ellis on Conference Call • Attended Q&A meeting with 2017 CSD Conference Committee • Central States Executive Planning Committee Conference Call • Teleconference with District Executive Board • Expansion Conference Call for all Deputies on the National February/March 2017 Council • Presided at Initiation and presented new member workshop for Court 261, • Central States District Planning Committee on Conference Call Denver, Colo. • Attended Council and Court 261 Mardi Gras celebration • Met with 2017 Conference Co-Chairs • Attended rosary and wake for Past Central States Deputy • Presided at Initiation and presented new member workshop for Court 219 Sir Knight L. Moore in Louisville, Ky. • Meeting with 2017 Conference Co-Chairs • Attended funeral services on March 15, 2017, at • Teleconference with CSD Board and Conference Co-Chairs for 71st CSD St. Joseph Catholic Church, Memphis, Tenn. Conference planning

18 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org Knights of Peter Claver

Message from the Message from the Gulf Coast Deputy Gulf Coast Deputy

hank you for granting reetings! I am honored me the opportunity to serve as your Lady T to continue serving as G Deputy of the Gulf Coast the Deputy of the Gulf Coast. District. Thank you for your sup- My activities for the past year port. My activities and our ex- are as follows: pansion accomplishments dur- Carlton Robinson, Barbara J. Birds, Gulf Coast District ing the past year are as follows. Gulf Coast District April-June 2016 Deputy Deputy • Unit 276 – 30th Anniversary Gala and Mass Celebration in Atlanta, Ga. April/May 2016 • National Council Board of Directors Teleconference • Attended Council and Court 30th Anniversary, Atlanta, Ga. • Gulf Coast District Senior Conference in Mobile, Ala. • Expansion, Zone 1 • Unit 272 – 30th Anniversary Luncheon in Bessemer, Ala. • Low Sunday, KPCLA Mass Turnout • National Audit Committee Teleconference • Attended Gulf Coast District Conference and Workshop, Mobile, Ala. • National Expansion Committee Teleconference • Expansion Initiation, Zone 7 • Zone 4 Teleconference June/July 2016 • National Council Board of Directors Teleconference • Expansion Initiations, Zones 2, 5 and 7 July-September 2016 • Attended Lady Sister Roberta Fulton’s 50th Anniversary Mass and Dinner, Columbia, S.C. • National Council Board of Directors Teleconference • Participated in Court 110 Community Outreach Service, Florence Critten • National Convention in New Orleans Home for Unwed Teens • Communication sent out to the District • Attended KPC/KPCLA Annual National Convention • Units 148 and 345 St. Peter Claver Day Turnout in • Attended Ladies of Grace, Fourth Degree Division Conclave Montgomery, Ala. • Expansion, New Transfer to Zone 5, Court 388 • National Council Board of Directors Teleconference August/September 2016 • Unit 382 – 10th Anniversary Celebration – San Andres Island • P articipated in Court 110 Community Outreach Service, Riverside Rehab Center in , • National Court District and State Deputies Teleconference Call • National Expansion Committee Teleconference • Expansion Initiation and Reclamation – Zones 5 and 7 • Traveled to San Andres Island, Colombia, South America, for Council and October-December 2016 Court 10th Anniversary • National Black Catholic Men’s Conference in Philadelphia, Pa. • Deputies conducted Initiation and Workshop for Council and Court 382 • National Council Board of Directors Teleconference in San Andres • Zone 4 Teleconference • Attended Atlanta Archdiocese Convention, Marietta, Ga. • District Board Meeting in Adamsville, Ala. • Expansion Initiation Zone 5 • Zone 5 Annual Meeting and Workshop in Greenville, S.C. October/November 2016 • Knights Division Deputies Teleconference • Annual GCD Deputies workshop, Zone 5, Greenville, S.C. • Black Catholic History Month Mass in Mobile, Ala. • Reclamation Zone 7 • Zone 4 Mass for Deceased Members in Birmingham, Ala. • Conducted workshop, St. Andrews Catholic Church, Myrtle Beach, S.C. • Knights of Peter Claver Founders Day Celebration • Unit 148 Founders Day Turnout in Montgomery, Ala. • KPC National Family Expansion Committee Teleconference Meeting • National Black Catholic Congress Day of Reflection in • Attended Advent Retreat, Sister Mary Mauldin, Charleston, S.C. Birmingham, Ala. • Expansion Initiation, Zone 4 January-March 2017 December 2016-February 2017 • National Budget Teleconference • Chairperson, Diocese Ethnic Ministry Black Catholics Heritage Day Celebra- • Communication sent out to the District tion, two-day event. Topic: “Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Racial Harmony.” • Zone 4 Teleconference • Keynote Guest Speaker, Most Reverend Edward K. Braxton, PH.D, S.T.D. • National Expansion Teleconference author of Pastoral Letter • The Racial Divide in the United States • Area Deputies Teleconference • Expansion Initiation – Zones: Courts 1 and 3 • Grand Knights Teleconference • KPC National Family Expansion Committee Teleconference Meeting • Council 148 Men’s Fellowship Luncheon • Martin Luther King Observance Event, North Charleston, S.C. • Council 345 Initiation in Montgomery, Ala. • Area Deputies Teleconference Meeting • National Expansion Teleconference • Expansion Initiation, Zones 1, 2 and 7 • Council 288 Initiation in Miami, Fla. • Conducted workshop, St. Mary Catholic Church, Greenville, S.C.

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 19 OfficerMessages

Message from the State Message from State of Louisiana Deputy of Louisiana Deputy

hanks for the opportu- his year was a trying nity to be of service to time for my state, T our most Noble Order. T I offer below highlights of a from floods to torna- few activities I have partici- does. Through it all, my Area Alvin Wiltz, pated in since my last annual Cheryl W. Williams, Deputies, Grand Ladies and State of Louisiana report: State of Louisiana Deputy Deputy members stayed the course. All were instrumental in help- 2016 • 72nd Louisiana State Conference, Baton Rouge, La. ing me initiate and reinstate over 50 members. Al- • Funeral service, Sir Knight Ron R. Mitchell, Houston, Texas though our annual statewide workshop was can- • T eche Central District III meeting, Jeanerette, La. • T eleconference, Family Expansion Meeting celled due to flooding, several mini-workshops • T eleconference, National Board of Directors meeting (special) were conducted throughout the state and during • 101st Annual National Convention, New Orleans • Louisiana State Conference Joint Board Post 101 our state’s quarterly meetings. I aided my Dis- • Annual National Convention meeting, New Orleans trict in hosting our first Junior retreat (District 3), • Initiation by St. Council 242, Cecilia, La. • Louisiana State Junior Expansion Picnic, Westlake, La. helped with our State Annual Junior Conference, • T eche Central Committee District III Emergency Executive Call with over 500 Juniors participating (hosted by Meeting, New Iberia, La. • T eche Central District III Meeting, Parks, La. District 3), and I attended our annual statewide • T eleconference, National Council Board of Directors meeting Junior expansion picnic hosted by District 6. • Mass and reception honoring the 17th Supreme Knight, Houston, Texas Thank you, Texas State Junior Conference Junior Presidents, • T eleconference, Louisiana State Conference Knights Board Meeting and Texas State Director and Directress for giving me such warm • T eleconference, Family Expansion Committee Meeting • T eleconference, National Board of Directors Meeting hospitality during my visit at the Texas Junior State Conference. • Louisiana State Conference Joint Board meeting, New Orleans I attended several funerals and sent condolences to members • T eleconference, Louisiana State Conference Joint Board Meeting throughout the state, including those for grandmothers of Junior • St. Council 49 90th Anniversary Celebration, Supreme Knight Carrington Guillory, Lady Jackie Hunt and Breaux Bridge, La. Junior Knight Recka Williams II. May the perpetual light shine • Louisiana State Conference Joint Board meeting, Marksville upon them. • T eche Central Committee District III Quarterly meeting, Loreauville, La. Since the election of our new president, our entire nation has • T eleconference, Audit Committee Meeting been going through the fire. We, being members of the largest • T eleconference, Family Expansion Meeting African-American Catholic organization and the largest Christian group worldwide, must trust in our faith. If God brings us to it, 2017 he will bring us through it. So, get prayed up, sit back, relax and • Funeral service, Bobby Irving Jones, Breaux Bridge, La. watch God move. • Annual Awards Banquet, Meritorious Fourth Degree, St. Paul Assembly and Chapter 3, Lafayette, La. • Louisiana State Conference Joint Board Meeting, New Roads, La. • Funeral service, Peter W. Bonhomme, Cecilia, La. • Dr . Martin Luther King, Jr. Mass and Awards Presentation for the Diocese of Lafayette, Lafayette, La. • 90th Anniversary, Father Schmodry, Council 52, New Orleans • Funeral service, Antoine Clifton LeBlanc, Breaux Bridge, La. • Louisiana State 50th Junior Conference, Lafayette, La.

20 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org Knights of Peter Claver

Message from the Message from the Northern States Deputy Northern States Deputy

y Claver family, this t has been a blessing and an honor to serve as your past year has been M I Northern District Deputy. a year of obstacles My major activities, including and prayer. Thank God for attendance of 3rd and 4th Joseph R. Bradfield, the power of prayer be- Lena F. Young, Degree and Chicago Inter- Northern States Northern States Council meetings, since my last District Deputy cause his grace and mercy District Deputy report are: have brought me through. April-June 2016 I would like to commend • Attended St. Felicitas/St. Ailbe, Court 181 40th Anniversary Mass my Area Deputies for their hard work in helping and Luncheon • Attended 78th Northern District/State Conference in West Lake, Ohio with recruitment and expansion. Grand Knights, • Attended St. , Court 149 Anniversary please make sure that you submit an updated • Attended Holy Angels/Corpus Christi Court 200 fundraiser • Facilitated an Archdiocese of Chicago Protecting God’s Children Workshop roster for your Council. The most difficult part of • Attended Deacon Leroy Gill’s Ordination Mass • Attended Northern States/District Junior Conference in West Lake, Ohio my job is trying to reach out without having the • Held a workshop at St. Michael Church Hall in Hartford, Conn. right information. July-September 2016 • Attended the 101st National Convention in New Orleans • Attended the Anna Cannon Health Fair I have been active with my Council, Assembly and Inter-Council. • Marched in the Bud Billiken Parade with the Clavers Here are a few things I have participated in since my last report: • Participated in Council 200 fundraiser • Participated in Deputies and Vice Supreme Lady Conference Call Meeting • Participated in city-wide Claver Day Mass • Father Paul Whittington 25th Anniversary in the priesthood • Facilitated an Archdiocese of Chicago Protecting God’s Children’s Workshop • Claver Day Celebration at St. Margaret of Scotland • Participated in the Family Expansion Committee Meeting October-December 2016 • Junior Unity Weekend where workshops, Initiations, spiritual • Attended Eucharistic Ministers Retreat growth, Mass and a Luncheon were held for the Juniors and • Attended city-wide Junior Unity Mass • Established Our Lady of Hope, Court 399 (13 Ladies Initiated for the chaperones that participated Established Court and 13 Initiated and 1 Reinstated from various • National Board Meetings Courts in the area) • National Family Expansion calls • Attended District Board Meeting in Milwaukee, Wis. • Participated in Deputies and Vice Supreme Lady Conference Call Meeting • Hot el site visit in Milwaukee for the 2017 Northern • Participated in Family Expansion Committee Meeting District Conference • Attended the Installation Mass for Father Anthony Anise • Climate Justice Conference • Participated in conference call with St. Crispina, Court 334 • Talked with Area Deputy regarding St. Joseph, Court 191 • Received the Chicago Archdiocese Christifedeles • Participated in Deputies and Vice Supreme Lady Conference Call Meeting • Award for service to the life of the Church January-March 2017 • Attended the funeral services of Lady Joyce Broden, Northern District Mother of the Courts I have been very involved with the growth of our District by • Met with the Ladies of St. Anslem, Court 88 participating in many Initiations, both Senior and Junior Divi- • Participated in Family Expansion Committee Meeting • Facilitated an Archdiocese of Chicago Protecting God’s Children Workshop sions. The Northern District is growing and I see great potential • Attended Milwaukee Inter-Council Mardi Gras Ball for us in our Order. So I ask all of you to participate in the District • Attended St. Felicitas/St. Ailbe Court 181 Male Image Awards • Held an Initiation in Chicago, Ill. Conference and the National Convention. Being informed is • Participated in Holy Angels/Corpus Christi Court 200 fundraiser important in life and growth. • Participated in Family Expansion Committee Meeting

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 21 OfficerMessages

Message from the Message from the State of Texas Deputy State of Texas Deputy

t has been an honor to elow is a listing of activi- serve this great State ties and events from Au- I of Texas, as the Deputy B gust 2016 to March 2017: this past year. I will continue July/August 2016 to work fervently for the • National Convention, New Orleans • Junior Texas State Conference good of the Order with your Expansion Picnic Adrian S. Adams, Janae Tinsley, help. May God bless Texas • Anniversary Mass and Celebration of State Deputy State Deputy and all of its members. St. Nicholas Council 15-100 years and of Texas of Texas St. Elizabeth Court 90 years of service • T exas State Conference Joint Senior Board meeting 2016 • National Court District/State Deputies Conference Call • St. Francis of Xavier Health Fair, Council and Court 138 • Initiation Hosted by Court 98, Barrett Station, Past State Deputy Eva Volter • Citywide Initiation, St. Monica Council 151 • Initiation Hosted by Court 138, Houston, Area Deputy Ollie Duplechain • Citywide Initiation, St. Mary of the Purification Council 159 • Wake Service Past Supreme Lady Elise Morris September/October 2016 • TSC Board Meeting • Grand Lady Conference Call • Initiation, Sacred Heart Council 32 Port Arthur, Texas • Junior Division Brown Bag, Houston, Texas • St. Nicholas 100th and 90th Anniversary Mass, Council and Court 15 • St. Peter Claver Day Mass, Houston, Texas • National Deputies Conference Call • Initiation Hosted by Court 72, Houston, Texas • 75th Anniversary Mass for Council and Court 89, Fort Worth, Texas • Initiation Hosted by Court 35, San Antonio, Texas, Area Deputy, Patricia Cormier • National Board Conference Call • Celebratory Mass and Reception for Most Worthy Supreme Knight Ellis, • National Budget Conference Call Houston, Texas • Archdiocese Memorial Service for Peace, Co-Cathedral, Houston, Texas • National Expansion Conference Call • HICC Meeting and Election of Officers – Installation of HICC Officers • HICC Monthly Meeting, Houston, Texas • Fourth Degree Memorial Mass, St. Philip Neri • 75th Anniversary Mass and reception for Council 89, Fort Worth, Texas • St. Peter Claver Day Celebration Mass hosted by HICC at St. Francis of Assisi • Site visit to various Dallas, Texas, hotels for 2018 TSC • Exemplification of Most Reverend Bishop George Sheltz, St. Francis of November/December 2016 Assisi Council 231 • Officers Dutiesorkshop W Hosted by Court 248, Houston, Texas, • Senior Day Mass Celebration, Council and Court 101 Past State Deputy Volter • HICC Founders Day Celebration and St. Monica Founders Day Celebration • Member Recognition Luncheon for Council and Court 139, Houston, Texas • Citywide Junior Division Brown Bag and Blanket Drive • Initiation hosted by Court 89, Fort Worth, Texas • Celebration Mass for Most Worthy Supreme Knight James K. Ellis • Grand Lady Conference Call • St. Phillip Neri Council and Court 222 Bazaar • Initiation hosted by Court 284, Austin, Texas, Area Deputy Dean Dorsey • National Expansion Conference Call • Initiation hosted by Court 138, Houston, Texas, Area Deputies, Ollie • Hats off wardsA Luncheon, St. Monica Court 151 Duplechain, Esperanza (Hope) Gloria, Athena Adams and Wanda Davis • Junior Citywide Christmas Party, Our Lady Star of the Sea Council • Site visit to the Dallas Sheraton, National Convention host hotel and Court 139 • Our Lady Star of the Sea Council and Court 139 Awards and January/February 2017 Recognition Banquet • Initiation Hosted by Court 64, Beaumont, Texas • Annual Christmas Party and Awards Banquet, St. Monica Council • Installation of Officers Court 138, Houston, Texas, Area Deputies Ollie and Court 151 Duplechain, Esperanza (Hope) Gloria and Wanda Davis 2017 • Installation of Officers, Court 72, Houston, Texas, Area Deputy Delilah Francis • St. Monica Unit 151 Installation of Officers • MLK Mass of Remembrance, Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth, Texas • St. Council 138 Installation of Officers • Conducted Parliamentary Workshop, Court 284, Austin, Texas • Junior Division 151 Recognition Banquet • Initiation hosted by Court 35, San Antonio, Texas, Area Deputy • Joint TSC Board Meeting Patricia Cormier • Martin Luther King Celebration Breakfast, St. Monica 151 Junior Division • Initiation hosted by Court 32, Port Arthur, Texas, Area Deputies, Tema Lewis • Initiation, Our Lady Star of the Sea Council 139 and Delilah Francis • Installation of Officers, St.eter P the Apostle Council and Court 238, • 75th Anniversary Mass and Celebration Court 89, Fort Worth, Texas and attended Joint Meeting • Conducted Parliamentary Workshop, Court 152, Houston, Texas • St. Peter Claver Council and Court 152 Turnout Mass and Installation • Turnout Mass and Recruitment Sunday, Court 385, Waco, Texas of Officers • Ladies of Grace 35th Anniversary Celebration Mass, St. Monica March 2017 Council and Court 151 • Initiation hosted by Court 159, Houston, Texas, Area Deputies Wanda • Houston Inter-City Councils and Courts Mardi Gras Ball Davis, Patricia Clark and Hines • Junior Texas State Conference, Houston, Texas • Audit Workshop hosted by Court 64, Beaumont, Texas, Area Deputy • Local monthly meetings, 3rd Degree and 4th Degree Delilah Francis

22 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org Knights of Peter Claver

Message from the Message from the Western States Deputy Western States Deputy raternal greetings. I raternal greetings. I am am honored to serve honored to serve and F as District Deputy of F represent the Ladies the Western States. Beyond of the Western States District attending monthly Council (WSD). In addition to attend- and Assembly meetings, ing my Court and Chapter Bruce D. Sampson, my activities from August Lori McCoy Shuler, meetings, my activities from Western States Western States 2016 to March 2017, includ- April 2016-March 2017 include: District Deputy District Deputy ed the following: April/May 2106 August/September 2016 • WSD Conference • Attended CCC Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., and the Votive • Teleconferences – planning WSD Junior Conference Mass at Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels Grand Marian • Coordinating Councils and Courts (“CCC”) Meeting Procession to the La Pacita • 5th Sunday Recruitment Turnout, Holy Name of Jesus • Participated in National Expansion teleconference • Conducted Knights Initiation at Council 369, Phoenix, Ariz. June/July 2016 • St. Peter Claver Day Turnout Mass, St. Pius X Church • WSD Junior Conference • Senior National Convention • Conducted Knights Joint Initiation with Councils 371/384 • 5th Sunday Recruitment Turnout, Holy Name of Jesus • Turnout Mass with Families 371/384 at St. Rita Church August/September 2016 October/November 2016 • Initiation, Sacred Heart • Conducted Knights Initiation at Council 358, Las Vegas, Nev. • CCC Day of Prayer and Reflection • Turnout Mass with St. James Family 358 • Mistress of Ceremonies, Chapter 13 Fundraiser • 10th Annual St. James Church Gospel Jazz Brunch • Conducted Junior Daughter Workshop • Founders Day Turnout Mass at St. James the Apostle • R epresented the Supreme Lady at St. Peter Claver Day Mass, Holy Name of Jesus • Participated in National Expansion Teleconference • Los Angeles Archdiocesan Prayer Breakfast • Conduct ed Knights Initiation at Council 175, Sacramento, Calif. • Initiation, St. Rita • Turnout Mass at St Anne’s Church with Family 175 October/November 2106 • Chaired Council 358 Officer Nominations • Conducted two Workshops for Ladies Leadership December/January 2016/2017 • Initiation, St. Albert the Great • Claver Family 358 Annual Christmas Social • Represented the Supreme Lady at Founders Day Mass, Ascension Church • Christmas clothing collected for local community • Mistress of Ceremonies, Peter Claver Awards Program Luncheon • Ushered at Christmas Vigil Mass at St. James Church • Junior Court 121 Meeting • Chaired Council 358 Officer Elections December/January 2016/2017 • Family 358 Officers Installation with Supreme Knight James • Court 121 Christmas Celebration Ellis and Immediate Past Supreme Knight F. DeKarlos • Chapter 13 Christmas Celebration Blackmon at St. James the Apostle Church • Court 389 Meeting/Conducted Election and Officers Installation • Conducted Officer Workshop, Council 371 and 384 and • Court 87 Meeting/Election of Officers Installed Officers of both Councils in San Diego, Calif. • Court 121 Meeting/Conducted Election and Officers Installation • Junior Court 220 Christmas Party • Attended Archdiocese of Los Angeles African American • Junior Daughter Initiation Catholic Center for Evangelization Prayer Breakfast in honor • Court 220 Officers Installation of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. • Court 400 Meeting/Officers Installation • Attended Dr. King Turnout Mass celebrated by Bishop Joseph • Co-Chair, Archdiocese of Los Angeles African-American Catholic Center Pepe at St. James the Apostle Church for Evangelization MLK Prayer Breakfast • Participated in National Expansion Teleconference • Represented the Supreme Lady at MLK Mass, Cathedral of Our Lady • Attended CCC Meeting in Los Angeles, Calif. of the Angels • Coordinated Knights Initiation, • Initiation, St. Benedict Council 218, Seattle, Wash., (with Area Deputies Caesar • 5th Sunday Recruitment Turnout, St. Columba Patterson and Tychaun Jones from Sacramento Council 175) February/March 2017 February/March 2017 • Initiation, St. Pius X (Presided by Area Deputy Cassandra Young) • WSD Conference Planning Teleconference • Represented the Supreme Lady at Unit 121 65th Anniversary Celebration • Participated in the Exemplification of Bishop Eduardo A. • Initiation, Holy Name of Jesus Nevares, Auxiliary of the Diocese of Phoenix, Ariz. • Texas State Junior Conference

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 23 Feature Story

Photo taken at pro-life event seriously consider the plight of our ancestors that was held in Austin, Texas. just over a century ago, we face the reality that we are not too far removed from the experi- ences of migrants and people of low socioeco- nomic status today. When we think about the explosive issue of immigration reform, we are harkened to be ever mindful of the implica- tions of discrimination toward anyone, par- ticularly migrants, refugees and those on the peripheries of society. Each of us possesses an inherent value; each of us is important, we count and we matter. No matter how young, how old, the color of our skin, our cultural background or our socioeconomic status, there is sacred dig- nity in each one of us. When any of us, espe- cially those who have endured discrimination By Past Supreme Knight F. DeKarlos Blackmon or suffering at the hands of another, reflect on how it feels to be spurned and rejected, we Pro-life: A commitment to restoring see the importance of recognizing the dignity of every human person. Thus, we must be dignity for everyone mindful of how we treat each other. We must pray for a restoration of dignity: Past Supreme Knight Arthur C. McFar- In Catholic Spirit, the newspaper of the Di- an end to violence, discrimination, hatred land always advocated that the Knights of ocese of Austin, I commented that every elec- and putting down others. We must exercise Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary speak out tion season seems to be seen through a lens a deeper understanding of each other which on pressing issues of social concern. McFar- tempered by what it means to be pro-life. The requires us to do more listening and less talk- land was emphasizing our responsibility to danger in thinking about this superficially is ing. Even when we disagree, we must always promote the just ordering of society. Since that sometimes people forget that being pro- be willing to afford each other dignity. In spite freedom always involves responsibility, we life also encompasses the serious concerns of the rhetoric we hear in our nation, in the cannot merely sit on the sidelines. Rather, of extensive hunger, poverty, homelessness, midst of the anxiety and uncertainty around we must stand up, speak out and advocate violence, euthanasia, capital punishment and the presidential executive orders about immi- for justice for all God’s people. While there the absence of adequate health care. These gration and building border walls, we must is no doubt that many people are still in dis- aforementioned concerns, these inherently stand up and speak out for justice. belief about the results of the recent federal pro-life issues, are some of the social con- Remember, to be pro-life should impel us election cycle, we still have an obligation to cerns that plague our communities every day. to contribute ourselves individually and col- commit ourselves to work in other ways to As a result of the tumult and the strife lectively by equality in dignity. For this rea- promote and defend the good that political throughout the country concerning violence son, the Knights of Peter Claver cannot allow leaders may undermine. We must stand up in 2016, Bishop Joe S. Vasquez and Bishop hatred, hostility, despair and indifference to and speak out for justice. Daniel E. Garcia commemorated the Day of prevail in our society. We must endeavor to Prior to becoming the Director of Life, Prayer for Peace in Our Communities with Mass stamp out the growing culture of aggression Charity and Justice for the Diocese of Austin at St. Austin Catholic School on Sept. 9, the that is gripping the nation by standing up and in 2015, I held a variety of roles in ecclesial Memorial of St. Peter Claver. Bishop Vasquez speaking out against the destructive effects of ministry that afforded me the designation “na- inspired the young people to remember that violence in our land. tional Catholic leader.” Whether I found my- they were each made in the image and like- In the depths of our consciences is a moral self as the chairperson of the Diocesan School ness of God, and that when looking at others, law which holds us to obedience, summons Board in Birmingham, the Supreme Knight of we must see the dignity of each person re- us to love good and avoid evil, and speaks to the Knights of Peter Claver, the President of gardless of ethnicity or culture, age or gender. our hearts. (Gaudium et spes, 16) As we follow that the International Alliance of Catholic Knights The bishop encouraged the youth to emulate “law” within the depths of our consciences or a parishioner of St. Elizabeth Parish in St. Peter Claver, “as a man who recognized which summons us to love good and avoid Pflugerville, I was always reminded of two the presence of Christ in slaves, people who evil, may we hold fast to our faith in Christ very important truths: (1) we are made for the whose dignity was disregarded by society.” and defend the intrinsic value and dignity praise and glory of God, and (2) we must take In the United States, we work and live of all people, regardless of their racial, so- on the mantle of promoting peace, protecting among citizens, residents, immigrants, ex- cioeconomic or political background. After life and ensuring justice – a responsibility that iles and refugees who share a common all, St. Peter Claver is the exemplar of what it emanates from our faith in Christ. bond: being the people of God. When we means to be “pro-life.”

24 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 25 Feature Story

Celebrating Unit #8, one of the oldest and largest units

By Katie Fiermonti

rother Alfred Dupree, Grand Knight of Father John Council 8, and Cynthia Singleton, Grand Lady of Holy Ghost Court 8, seem to have unlocked the secret to a thriving group. B They belong to the Order’s largest combined Unit — Knights, Ladies and Juniors — as well as one of the oldest. The Unit’s active membership includes 150 Knights, 175 Ladies and 23 Juniors. The Council dates back to 1912, and the Court was organized in 1928. They are affiliated with the largest black Catholic Church in the nation, Holy Ghost Church of Opelousas, La.

Both Alfred and Cynthia know that they some of these men. And they are friends of Mary; we provide snacks for the confirma- are lucky to have so many highly motivated mine! There’s one guy I’ve been asking for tion candidates; we provide meals for the and involved members. In his first six-year five or six years. Every time I see him in a needy; we bring prayers to the homebound term as Grand Knight (he’s in his second black suit, I tell him he’s halfway there!” and say the rosary; we have a giant Mardi term now), Alfred estimates he recruited But how are they so successful? Cynthia Gras Ball – this year 450 people came!” says roughly 75 members; he is very persistent. thinks the key is to keep members inter- Cynthia, who notes that many of the Ladies When he spots a potential Knight, wheth- ested. “You have to have energy in the plan, also serve as extraordinary ministers of holy er in church or out-and-about on his daily and stick to an agenda,” she says. “Keep the communion, lectors, ushers and religious travels, he never gives up trying to get meetings as brief as possible. We try not to educators. They also remain active national- them to join the Knights of Peter Claver. go too long. And we try to find projects and ly – the Knights, Ladies and Juniors all send “I’m always looking for a few good men,” do a lot of things in the church itself.” representatives to conventions each year. Alfred laughs. “You get more ‘no’s’ than Staying visible, relevant and indispens- “We also have our turnout days at church. ‘yes’s.’ I know they have loyalties, to their able to the Church community are just a few The Ladies wear their white dresses. We re- families and to their church. But I never stop of Court 8’s methods for its vibrant longev- arranged religious education classes so our asking. It’s taken me three years to recruit ity. “We have a breakfast for the Children of Juniors could turn out with us – it gives

26 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org Feature Story

“We also have our turnout days at church. The Ladies wear their white dresses. We rearranged religious education classes so our Juniors could turn out with us — it gives them exposure and involvement. When people see us turned out in church, it’s very striking, and people want to be a part of it.”

them exposure and involvement. When were able to work hard to keep that roof So we’re working on getting that refined.” people see us turned out in church, it’s very over our heads. We give it a team effort.” For all its challenges, being a part of striking, and people want to be a part of it.” Another challenge facing many Units the Order has bigger rewards. Cynthia Alfred agrees. The Knights are heavily in- nationwide is an aging membership. “Years acknowledges that the group was an out- volved in church, serving in all capacities. ago, our membership really started to age. let, respite and support for her when her “We help our priest with whatever he needs.” It’s not easy. Our members have been ac- mother was ill. “I find it spiritually uplift- Despite their respective success in a tive for a very long time,” says Alfred, who ing. And I’m so proud of the Ladies. I’m historically energetic Council and Court, is 57 and also active in a variety of other always so amazed at the networking and Alfred and Cynthia say maintaining mem- organizations outside of the Church. “The the love. We’re in keeping with the pur- bership isn’t always easy. They say you have majority who help maintain the Council are pose of the early Clavers, because the orga- to have good leaders who can get creative retired or semi-retired – most are between nization was founded to help the Church when membership declines. Cynthia cred- 65 and 81. It’s good we have a youth group carry out its mission. We provide care to its those early women of Court 8 for really in the parish, so the Juniors can recruit.” our members and our community. We’re getting the group off the ground. “We have “We have women in their 30s and some just blessed,” she says. had very strong leaders,” she says. “One into their 90s,” adds Cynthia, who last year We’re an old Council. And a proud of our first members was a leader for 28 attended the funeral of one of the Court’s Council,” says Alfred, who exhorts lead- years! She recruited a lot of members.” charter members. She was 95. “So we’re re- ers to always be courteous and smile. “We “Look, the Knights aren’t a profitable ally trying to keep up with the Juniors, who want to comply with what is expected of group,” says Alfred. Most councils don’t age out of that Unit at the age of 19. We’re us. We’re honored to have been the first own anything. But we have a lodge – and trying to get them to transfer.” Council in Louisiana, and proud of what facilities cost. Money wasn’t flowing and we Even staying on top of all the membership the early crowd of men and women did. were near closing our doors. What sparked paperwork can be daunting. “The applica- Everyone who belongs to a church should the fire was one man who started a red tion process is a challenge to complete in a be involved. If your church needs your beans and rice dinner for $3 every Sunday. timely manner,” she says. “If you make the help, you should help. You should be a From there, we continued to grow and we recruits wait for too long, they lose interest. part of it.”

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 27 Message from the National Treasurer

Brothers and Sisters in Claverism, I regularly communicate with our investment advisor, who ad- Ricky Sassau, It is my pleasure to present to you vises and assists the Investment Committee with managing our National Treasurer my first report as your National Trea- investment assets in accordance with National Association of In- surer. Upon taking office last summer, I surance Commissioners (NAIC) guidelines, and the regulations sought to have a complete understand- of the Alabama Department of Insurance. Our established Invest- ing of the Order’s financial condition; and in doing so, I have had a ment Strategy has allowed the Order to maintain a solid portfolio series of ongoing meetings and dialogue with the Supreme Knight, that responds swiftly to the changes in the economy, and as the Executive Director and the KPC investment advisor. Based upon economy continues to recover, the Investment Committee will these meetings, and my regular reviewing of the various financial continue to explore investment options necessary to keep our in- statements, I can report that the financial status of the Knights of Pe- vestment portfolio profitable. ter Claver remains stable, and has great potential for future growth. As a fraternal organization, the membership is the reason for our Going forward, my goals are to explore options to improve the mar- existence, and is our primary source of income. It is for this reason ketability of the Order, and seek additional income streams to carry that we are pursuing partnerships with companies such as AARP, out the financial and charitable ambitions of the Board, while adher- Catholic Order of Foresters, Office Depot and Southwest Airlines ing to generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP. to provide our membership with perks and discounts that will help For the year ended Dec. 31, 2016, total revenue increased by 5.4 reduce the cost of everyday purchases. We hope that providing percent from $1,788,681 in 2015 to $1,885,326 in 2016. The in- these types of enhanced member benefits will help with our recruit- crease in premium income was due to the Order’s focus on member- ment and retention efforts. In addition to enhancing membership ship retention, and the increase of convention income was attribut- benefits, we are pursuing the launch of an official line of Knights able to the above average attendance at the National Convention of Peter Claver products that will aid current members and entice held in New Orleans. Total expenses for Death Benefits were con- individuals for expansion. These efforts coupled with the foresight sistent with our recent trends, illustrating a 4.8 percent decrease of the Supreme Knight collaborating with other religious organiza- from the previous year, with the value of the aggregate reserve for tions will aid in the enhancing the marketability of the Order. life certificates increasing by $26,322. The general insurance and I look forward to providing updates on the progress of our ini- fraternal expenses increased incrementally by 1.3 percent from the tiatives, and please know that the continued growth and financial previous year, namely due to the Alabama Department of Insurance stability of our Noble Order remains the primary focus my office. examination expenses. Overall, the organizations yielded a $73,826 profit in the 2016 fiscal year. Yours in Claverism, As the National Treasurer, I will strive to achieve efficient Ricky P. Sassau spending, reduce operational costs and monitor our investments. National Treasurer

Membership Summary As of March 2017

District Knights Ladies Junior Knights Junior Daughters Central 330 551 63 92 Gulf Coast 781 1,371 149 232 Louisiana 2,130 3,285 360 538 Northern 866 1,901 153 255 Texas 995 1,609 202 296 Western 421 820 23 73 Total 5,523 9,686 950 1,486 Total Membership 17,496

28 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org Business and Financial Operations

Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. Summary of Operations and Admitted Assets on Dec. 31, 2016 and 2015


*2016 2015 Premium and annuity considerations $ 1,166,983 $ 1,145,418 Net investment income 24,395 48,889 Registration fees 414,671 339,646 Other income/ grants and special funds 279,277 254,728 Total revenue $1,885,326 $1,788,681

Benefits and Expenses Death benefits $ 396,955 $ 416,802 Increase (decrease) in aggregate reserves for life certificates (66,858) (93,180) General insurance and fraternal expenses 1,453,371 1,434,597 Taxes, licenses and fees 26,281 29,515 Total Benefits and Expenses $1,809,749 $ 1,787,734 Gain (losses) from operations before net realized capital gains (losses) 75,577 947 Net realized capital gains (losses) (1,751) 792 Net Income (loss) $ 73,826 $ 1,739

Net Admitted Assets Investments $ 2,630,159 $ 2,633,943 Real estate 153,639 151,645 Cash and cash equivalents 244,754 243,129 Other assets 18,617 14,070 Total Admitted Assets $3,047,169 $3,042,787

Liabilities and Surplus Liabilities Reserve for life insurance and life claims payable $ 1,281,735 $ 1,350,163 Reserve for asset valuation and miscellaneous liabilities 120,171 102,910 Total Liabilities $1,401,906 $1,453,073 Surplus Unassigned funds $ 1,645,263 $ 1,589,714 Total Surplus 1,645,263 1,589,714 Total Liabilities and Surplus $3,047,169 $3,042,787


The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 29 Cover Story

Sir Knight Craig Guillory, current Direc- tor of Louisiana’s Junior Knights and Faith- ful Navigator of Father Hannigan Assem- bly 6, and his wife, Gracious Lady Jackie Guillory, love what KPC has added to their faith lives. Their oldest child, 24-year-old daughter JonMarie, introduced the family to KPC. She now serves as a Gracious Lady in St. Katharine Drexel Chapter 6. Creighton, their 20-year-old middle child, first walked around a Knights of Peter Claver National Convention in New Orleans at the age of 3. Both Creighton and the Guillorys’ youngest child, Carrington, age 15, have been Junior Supreme Knights (Carrington is currently serving his first term). They are the first brothers to ever hold the title of Junior Su- preme Knight. The Guillory brothers have also served in a variety of other offices. “Each day is a blessing,” says Jackie who, along with her family, is a parishio- ner at Lake Charles’ Sacred Heart of Je- sus Church. “It’s been a wonderful jour- ney. In Louisiana, everybody loves to eat! And in our family, Craig is a minister cook. We bring our mobile kitchen ev- erywhere we go, even to conventions. It’s something positive that the whole family can do in order to be of service to others. With the Clavers, you become leaders.” Brother Dr. Marc Cox, a KPC member since 2001, knows that “the family that prays together, stays together.” He has taken that adage to heart. The members of the Baton Rouge-based Cox family have been long-time members of their respective Knights of Peter Claver Units Recapturing the Spirit: – channeling and enhancing their faith into the Order that has given them so much over the years. For the Coxes, the Knights of Peter Claver is a family affair. “I guess you could say we weren’t re- WE ARE FAMILY ally a Claver family growing up,” says Rebecca Cox, parishioner at Immaculate Conception Church in Baton Rouge. “I By Katie Fiermonti remember my grandparents being mem- bers of KPC, but we always thought KPC was for old people to dress in their white and sit at church together. Our daughters, ince the early 1900s, the Knights of Peter Claver and 18-year-old Junior Supreme Lady Callia Ladies Auxiliary has been one of the only Orders con- and 14-year-old National Officer Leigha, tinually offering membership and service and fellowship both joined St. Patrick Court 10 when we S lived in Charleston, S.C., as soon as they opportunities to the entire family unit. The Guillory and Cox families, both of Louisiana, are shining examples of family units made their first Communion. And then fully engaging and serving under the banner of Claverism! my girls actively recruited me in 2013. I was Junior Daughter Counselor.”

30 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org Cover Story

The girls, along with their parents, found that their involvement in KPC was a natural progression from their service to their church parish. All the members of the family were already serving as ushers, altar servers, lectors and choir members. Through Claver service outreach projects with organizations such as the Ronald Mc- Donald House, domestic violence shelters, food banks, homeless shelters and more, the Cox family found that Claverism helped form another strong bond between them. It also helped reinforce the lessons Rebecca and Marc were trying to impart to their daughters. “I’ve been saying for years, I wish the Junior Daughters and Junior Knights had their own school, because the Juniors are the types of kids I wish I had around me constantly,” says Callia Cox, who found that her Claver network helped support her during the family’s 2016 move from South Carolina to Louisiana. “For me, and I think for a lot of kids in KPC, it’s easier to form relationships with people when they share your values, beliefs and experiences. Commemorating And there’s no better example than being surrounded with young, African-Ameri- the Summer 1997 can Roman Catholics. We are a rarity, but we are strong. Strong because we have “We Are Family” been cultivated by KPC and our churches and families. That is why it is so important edition of that we keep these bonds lifelong.” Her father knows the importance of get- ting youth involved at an early age, espe- The Claverite, cially to combat the looming membership decreases as aging members pass on. “I twenty years later! believe that KPC must make institutional changes if it wants to continue to grow and prosper in the future,” says Marc. “I am very concerned at the level of youth in- volvement. KPC leadership must act now if it wants to remain viable and relevant in fortunate. Being Clavers has strengthened looking forward to the next several years,” the lives of African-American Catholics in our family. It’s our little team.” echoes Rebecca. “Having our girls on the Ju- the future. I am so pleased to be involved The Guillory and Cox families encourage nior National Board has really opened our with such a wonderful organization and others to explore how to be fully involved eyes to the importance of youth being more excited about the future and what our with the Clavers. They are both doing their involved. We are encouraging our girls to join youth can bring to the KPC table.” part to make sure KPC remains vital for their the Senior division so that they can continue “Being a Claver means serving and help- families and the families they serve. They to be heard. They have great insight into the ing others,” says Rebecca, who loves to sup- agree that the Order has brought their fami- organization and they want to see it expand port her daughters as they serve the Order lies closer together. “I really think it has,” says and grow in the right direction.” through dedicated work and pursuit of var- Jackie Guillory. “Faith has placed us on this “If you are active in your church commu- ious KPC leadership and service opportuni- wonderful journey. We can share Commu- nity,” adds Marc, “KPC is the right place for ties. “We try to teach the girls to be thankful nion with each other and with other people. you. Our kids love the fellowship, friendships for the things they have. Claverism is about That power has been placed on our family.” and activities. As a family, we are blessed to be giving of yourselves and doing for those less “It has been a great road to travel and I am part of KPC. It has had a wonderful impact.”

31 St. Peter Claver Foundation Message from the St. Peter Claver Foundation


t is my distinct privilege to greet you again on behalf of the Calhoun and Lady Frances Owens, who Board of Directors of the St. Peter Claver Foundation! With your transitioned off the Board of Directors, support and energy, our Order’s charitable arm has continued for their hard work and dedication. I also I want to welcome Brother Anderson Fred- increasing its reach and impact. I am honored to serve as President and extremely grateful for the generosity my fellows Clavers have rick Shaw to the Board. We are apprecia- tive of the new ideas and energy he has shown over the past year! brought to the Foundation thus far and know he will only continue to increase The St. Peter Claver Foundation was exempt funding and resources. the varied resources he has already al- voted on and authorized several years Our Board of Directors and staff have lowed us access. ago by the National Council in Conven- been fervent in their dedication and com- I want to also welcome our Order’s re- tion in order to promote and enhance the mitment to increasing our Foundation’s cently elected Supreme Knight and Chief charitable mission of the Knights of Peter capacity to serve and meet the needs of Executive Officer, Most Worthy James K. Claver, Inc., as well as expand our Order’s our communities throughout the United Ellis, who has gracefully continued and ex- ability to seek and utilize additional tax- States. I want to thank Brother Anthony panded upon the support and commitment

32 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org St. Peter Claver Foundation

of his predecessor, Worthy F. DeKarlos Blackmon, to whom our Foundation is ex- tremely grateful and wishes much success in his current and future endeavors. The Foundation operates solely on funds received as donations and its expenses are not borne from membership dues or other financial assets of our Noble Order. With an understanding of the increasing needs of our communities, we strive to create and support the strongest and most effective impact for each and every dollar our donors entrust to our care. We are very proud of the impact we have been able to have thanks to your support. As you are aware, we assisted over 100 of our Clavers who were dev- astated by several unforeseen and unex- pected natural disasters that affected our Clavers and churches throughout Louisi- ana and along the East Coast. Addition- ally, we continue to effectively fulfill our mission to improve our communities Foundation Sponsorship Levels: through direct support of Claver and out- • Reversal of Poverty Giving: $7,800. Silver Level...... $50.00 side programs addressing issues plaguing Funding for temporary and emergen- Gold Level...... $100.00 our communities across the country. cy housing, home furnishings and Platinum Level...... $500.00 On behalf of the Order, the St. Peter supplies, food pantries, and employ- President’s Club...... $1,000.00 Claver Foundation was able to provide ment education and training Basic Council/Court...... $100.00 the following support to worthy and im- Council/Court Sponsor...... $1,000.00 pactful causes: • Women’s and Domestic Issues Donations may be made online at: Giving: $19,215. Support for do- www.kofpc.org/spcf • Disaster Relief Giving: $21,250. mestic abuse survivors and families, As of December 31, 2016, individual providing of living allowances and You are also encouraged to support the assistance was provided to Clavers di- assistance. Foundation by purchasing tickets and making rectly impacted by flood, tornado, hur- donations to the Hats and Bow Ties Fashion ricane and other natural disasters that We need your continued support! Show and Luncheon, as well as the Founders affected the United States in 2016. Gala for Education – both held at the National The St. Peter Claver Foundation Convention. These two fundraisers benefit ed- • Religious Support Giving: $14,124. needs you to support our Order’s Chari- ucational efforts and Catholic Charities in the Support of individuals pursuing table efforts by committing to become Dallas/Fort Worth area. I hope that you will religious vocations and support of annual sponsors as individuals, Courts, purchase tickets to attend these events and tell religious orders. Councils, Districts, States, Chapters or a friend to tell a friend! Tickets may be pur- Assemblies. Please consider dedicating chased online at: www.kofpc.org/events. • Education Giving: $52,899. Support a portion of one fundraising event or This year has truly been a blessing as your for tutoring and after-school programs, activity per year or making future dona- increasing support has allowed us to reach tuition assistance/scholarships, youth tions via estate planning, planned giv- and aid so many. We are forever grateful and leadership and development, and sup- ing, and/or wills. pray that you will continue to increase our plies and equipment for classrooms We also urge you to discuss our Noble ability to serve! Order and the works we do with the in- Best wishes for a fruitful and successful 2017 • Health and Wellness Giving: dividuals, businesses, corporations and National Convention and I will see you in Dallas! $8,966. Support for Sickle Cell other entities in your communities and to Research and funding for medical request their support through donations Geralyn C. Shelvin equipment and supplies. and sponsorships. President, St. Peter Claver Foundation

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 33 St. Peter Claver Foundation

INCOME EXPENSES INCOME EXPENSES RESTRICTED DONATIONS RESTRICTED GIVING Micro-Grants $ 5,369.98 Micro-Grants $ 4,000.00 Founders Gala 27,769.00 Educational 51,399.50 Disaster 32,869.05 Disaster Assistance 21,250.00 Charitable 19,450.00 Charitable 20,150.00 Sponorships 1,500.00 Religious 13,174.00 Religious 7,174.00 Institutional Educational 51,320.02 Sickle Cell 7,315.96 Institutional 16,065.96 Human Development 2,800.00 TOTAL RESTRICTED DONATIONS $ 161,518.01 Other 9,815.00 TOTAL RESTRICTED GIVING $ 129,904.46 UNRESTRICTED DONATIONS Corporate Contributions $ 2,000.00 ADMIN / OPERATIONS Public Donations 11,511.84 Postage and Shipping 293.55 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED DONATIONS $ 13,511.84 Printing and Copying 2,079.09 Supplies 1,451.72 FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES Website Develoment / Maint. 239.40 Convention Fundraisers $ 11,868.00 Processing Fees 131.32 Donations / Silent Auction 910.00 Professional Services 2,960.00 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED DONATIONS $ 12,778.00 Bank Fees 118.33 Taxes and Fees 15.00 TOTAL ADMIN / OPERATIONS $ 7,288.41



2015 VS. 2016 TOTAL FOUNDATION INCOME 2015 VS. 2016 ANNUAL INCOME $200,000.00 $187,807.85 $180,000.00



$120,000.00 $117,949.17






$- 2015 2016

34 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org St. Peter Claver Foundation


Operating Director Sponsored $7,288.41 Donations 5% $21,542.00

Giving All Other $129,904.46 Donations 95% $166,265.85


$8,000.00 $7,288.41 $7,000.00





$2,000.00 $922.52 $1,000.00

$- 2015 2016


Disaster Relief $21,250.00 Micro Grants 17% $4,000.00 3%

Charitable $23,050.00 Institutional 18% $16,065.00 12%

Religious $13,174.00 10%

Educational $51,400.00 40%

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 35 Central States District District News

Court #226 Unit #272 Louisville, Kentucky Birmingham, Alabama On March 19, 2017, the members of Court 226 honored and celebrated the birthday of their oldest active member on her 94th Court 272 held its second annual Valentine’s Day Brunch on birthday. Lady Ross has been an active member for 44 years. She Feb.11, 2017, at Holy Family Parish hall. The guests enjoyed has held many offices in the Auxiliary, including Grand Lady years music and dance, delicious food and beverages and received ago. Even after her health did not permit her to attend regular door prizes that were donated by the Ladies. All proceeds from meetings, she sent birthday cards to each member regularly. She is the brunch will go to support Holy Family Catholic Academy. a faithful member of Court 226 and was very active as long as able. Our church and Auxiliary will always consider her a “Grand Lady.” Court #276 Atlanta, Georgia

On January 29, 2017, gulf coast district Court 276 celebrated the Mardi Gras season with our Court #140 annual Mardi Gras party. We Birmingham, Alabama brought a taste of New Or- leans to St. Catholic Church, with good food, good music, good peo- ple and lots of fun. Our guests searched the king cake for the “baby” and the honor of being crowned King or Queen of Mardi Gras. We also had our guests participate in a parasol decorating contest and their creativity was amazing.

Court 276 congratulates and welcomes our two new- est members: Lady Imani Duhe’ and Lady Tiffany Jennings. They transferred from the Junior to the Senior Division in summer 2016. Members of Court 140 Knights of Peter Claver read to children Lady Imani attends Manhattan School of Music where she is a clas- at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School in observance of Read Across sical trumpet major. Lady Tiffany Jennings attends South Carolina America Day. Members dressed as Dr. Seuss characters as children State University and is majoring in fashion merchandising. in grades Pre-K-3 grades listened to a variety of Dr. Seuss stories. The children enjoyed treats from the organization to help celebrate Court 276 held our first annual Senior Citizens Valentine Party the day. Photographed (l-r): Lady Mary Thomas, Lady Janie Camp- on February 11 at St. Anthony Catholic Church. We invited se- bell and Grand Lady Susan Ford. nior citizens 65 years old and up from St. Anthony, our Claver

36 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org Gulf Coast District

ing and enjoyed an appetizing lunch. This event is their annual scholarship fundraiser and the proceeds will be donated to Holy Family Catholic School in Huntsville, Alabama. Knight Bruce brothers and sisters of Zone 7 and senior high rises in the com- Taylor and Lady Helen Taylor co-chaired this annual event. Grand munity. We provide transportation from the high rises for those Knight Booker T. Terry and Grand Lady Brenda Brown are pic- who don’t drive. As we served 64 guests a delicious meal, we tured below after enjoying the successful event. The Knights and were entertained by musical selections from Alan and Lita Blake. Ladies of Unit 286 are also pictured. Council 276 helped transport senior citizens, while Junior Court 276 helped to distribute the Valentine gifts for our guests and St. Anthony KeenAgers donated gifts and helped serve. Unit #345 Court 276 provided a meal for 67 homeless men and 4 over- Montgomery, Alabama night volunteers at the Central Presbyterian night shelter on Feb. 22. We also donated 72 bag lunches for the next day. On March On behalf of KPC Unit 345, 10, we prepared breakfast sacks for 40 men for the night shelter Grand Knight W. Clifford Petty and located at the of the Immaculate Conception. Grand Lady Yolanda Robinson pre- sented a donation of $8,400 to Res- urrection Catholic Missions. This Unit #286 donation was used to help purchase Huntsville, Alabama a new piano and sound equipment for the church.

Unit 345 hosted a Mardi Gras Ball Fundraiser 2017. Funds raised will benefit Resurrection Catholic Missions. Ladies not pic- tured: Lady LaQuandra Robinson, Lady Dolores Turner and Lady Thelma Williams; several Knights were not pictured.

Junior Daughters and Knights turn out for Low Sunday. The Knights and Ladies of Unit 286 hosted their 14th An- nual Valentine-Champagne Luncheon on February 11, 2017, at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Approximately 200 guests attended and were entertained with live music and danc-

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 37 Northern States District

Court #181 on September 30, 2017, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Blue Ash, Ohio. The black-tie event, which costs $50, will feature a buffet- Chicago, Illinois meal, silent auction and dancing. Also, a panel of sickle cell doctors and patients will give insights into and answer questions about living with the disease that af- flicts mostly . This year, the proceeds from the event will be donated to the University of Cincinnati Adult Sickle Cell Anemia Center, which treats and cares for adult patients. Since Sickle Cell Anemia is one of the primary charitable causes of the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary or- ganizations, we hope we can count on your support through ads in our souvenir book or by buying tickets to our event. For more information, contact Vice Grand Knight Reginald E. Lee at [email protected] or Lady Tommie Pritchett at [email protected].

In other news, the Knights and Ladies of Council/Court 363 Court 181 held their 23rd Annual Archbishop James P. Lyke Afri- participated as the honor guard with the for can-American Male Image Awards Gala Luncheon on February 26, the first Annual Celebration and Mass for Black History Month on 2017. The award is named in honor of Archbishop James P. Lyke, February 5, 2017 at Holy Name Catholic Church in Cincinnati. who was born in Chicago, Ill., in 1939 and grew up in a Chicago Our ladies were featured in coverage of the event in The Catholic housing project. He rose to become the Archbishop of Atlanta and Telegraph and on television. his dedication to the poor as well as to African-American religious, educational and community issues made him a national leader. The In December, the Ladies Auxiliary donated toys and clothing to Archbishop James P. Lyke African-American Male Image Award rec- two families during our annual Christmas Adopt-A-Family pro- ognizes outstanding African-American males for their leadership, gram. One was the Bethany House for homeless families and one Christian values, community service and dedication to the African- from the Salvation Army. American community. The Image Awards have allowed Court 181 to award over $100,000 in scholarships to deserving high school se- niors and donate over $200,000 to African-American Catholic high schools in our community. Court 181 honored 26 men this year Court #386 including well-known Chicago community activist Andrew Holmes Camden, New Jersey (pictured). Eight scholarships were also awarded to high school se- niors entering college in the fall. Grand Lady Dicie Moore says she is proud of the record of service of Court 181 and the continuing tradition of the African-American Male Image Awards.

Unit #363 Cincinnati, Ohio

On February 4, 2017, four Ladies were initiated into Court 386. In the picture, Grand Lady Carolyn Taylor, Lady Helene Shorter, The Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary of Coun- Lady Alexis – branch transfer from Juniors – and Lady Patricia Best, cil/Court 363 are busy working on plans for its Second Biennial LadyClaudia Tucker-Keto and Lady Madeline Times, Area Deputy. Sickle Cell Anemia Gala “Overcoming Life’s Daily Challenges” There were Ladies from Court 383 in attendance.

38 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org District News

Court #399 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The banquet also bestowed the Body of Christ Community Ser- vice Award to nine worthy recipients, as well as the Chaplain’s Award to six young adults. The 2016 Philadelphia Claver Awards On October 22, 2016, Lady Lena Young, Northern States Dis- Banquet was chaired by Grand Lady Sandra T. Layton, MBS Court trict Deputy, established Our Lady of Hope Court 399 in Phila- 320, and co-chaired by Lady Carolyn Jenkins, Sister Thea Bow- delphia. There were 13 Ladies initiated and 13 Ladies from other man Court 346, backed by a hard working Banquet Committee. Courts: Court 280 had three Ladies, Court 314 had one Lady, Court 326 had six Ladies and Court 342 had three Ladies – all for a total of 26 Ladies. After Mass, Brother Grant Jones and Lady State of Louisiana Lena Young gave the charter for Court 399 to Grand Lady Ber- nice Oakman, and Brother Oakman who is the Grand Knight. All Unit #54 Knights and Ladies from the Tri States celebrated the Mass with St. Martinville, Louisiana the new Court. The Knights and Ladies in Philadelphia and Tri States are working very hard on expansion. Installation Mass for newly elected officers of Unit 54 of was held on February 18, 2017, at Notre Dame Catholic Church. Of- ficiating was Pastor Father Michael Sucharski, SVD. Philadelphia Central Committee

On November 19, 2016, the Knights of Peter Claver and La- dies Auxiliary, Philadelphia Central Committee, consisting of Clavers in Philadelphia, Pa., Camden, N.J., and Wilmington, Del., celebrated the 10th annual Philadelphia Claver Awards Banquet “Sharing Faith, Hope and Charity.” The banquet was held at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood, Pa., recognizing 40 years of Claverism in Philadelphia. This year’s Claver Award re- cipient was Father Rayford E. Emmons, Chaplain of the Philadel- phia Central Committee, who was honored for his faithful and dedicated service to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and for his generous ministry to the African-American Catholic community.

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 39 districtState news of Louisiana

Council #73 Council #141 Reserve, Louisiana Lake Charles, Louisiana

During a recent Mass at Our Lady of Grace Roman Catholic Church, Reserve, La., Council 73 recognized three of its members During the Good of the Order at the December meeting, a who have served Council 73 for over 50 years of unselfish service. re-enactment of Mary and Joseph trying to find a place for the The members are: (l-r) Brother Sidney Sanders; Brother Sterling child Jesus to be born is portrayed by: Mary – Lady Rena Sterling, Simon and Brother Willie Wallace, Jr. Joseph – Johnnie Lavergne and Innkeeper – Keith Citizen.

During the January meeting, the epiphany was reviewed in detail.

The Silver Medal was presented to Brother Willie Wallace, Jr. of Council 73 by Grand Knight Clinton M. Bourgeois, Sr. on August 14, 2015, at Our Lady of Grace Roman Catholic Church. Brother Wallace has been a devoted member of the KPC for over 50 years. His unselfish service to the organization has been noteworthy. Pic- tured are Grand Knight Clinton M. Bourgeois, Sr., Brother Willie Wallace, Jr., and pastor of Our Lady of Grace, Father Christopher Chike Amadi. During the February and March meetings, emphasis was dedi- cated to the Lenten Season: “Give up, Take up, Lift up.”

40 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org District News

Council #144 Shreveport, Louisiana

On January 15 2017, the Knights, Ladies and Juniors of Unit Three new men were initiated into Council 144 on February 267 celebrated our 31st Annual Martin Luther King Mass Celebra- 18, 2017, at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church by Area tion. Father Eugene Jacques, pastor, celebrated the Mass and did the Deputy Tim Ford. New Knights are: David Butler, Jeff Scallan and introduction to the event. The guest speaker, Deacon Terrel Brous- Herbert Encalarde, Sr. Photographed (l-r, seated): David Butler, sard of St. Church in New Orleans, stated that King Jeff Scallan and Herbert Encalarde, Sr. offered his life to rid the nation of economic and racial injustice. He said that we should strive to see God in each other as we work and live together. He said that suffering and struggle have their reward. Unit #267 Marrero, Louisiana State of Texas

Court #35 San Antonio, Texas

Court 35 received the 2017 Christifideles Laici Award given by Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, M.Sp.S. Photographed (l-r): Very Rev. Kevin P. Fausz, C.M., V.U., pastor, Holy Redeemer Church, Lady Carol White and Most Rev. Gustavo Garcia-Siller, M.Sp.S, Archbishop of San Antonio.

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 41 State of Texas

The Ladies of Court 35 participated in Holy Redeemer Church’s Underwear Drive as part of the National Day of Service in honor of our Noble Order’s seven founders’ vision of service to the Church, community and mankind by collecting and donating adult and children underwear and socks to the church. Photographed (l-r): Ladies Ida Miles, Ramona “Lisa” Webb (GL), Linda Henderson and Evelyn Harrison.

have made great contributions spiritually, civically and profession- ally. Outstanding entertainment was provided by local vocalist Paul Shanklin and the award-winning Aldine Independent School Dis- trict’s Westfield High School Theatre Department, under the direc- tion of Monet Salone. Knight Emitte Roque and Lady Joyce Jones served as chairs of this event. The Grand Knight and Grand Lady are Welborn Williams and Norma J. Woodson.

Court 35 honored the senior Ladies of the Court with a dinner at the Cormiers’ home. Seniors filled up on their favorite foods, sides and desserts. Photographed (l-r, seated): Irma Anderson Fre- ida Kennedy, Ida Miles, Very Rev. Kevin P. Fausz, pastor; (l-r, stand- ing) Ramona “Lisa” Webb (GL), Linda Henderson, Ethel Carroll, Carol White, Berta Walker, Carolyn Thompson, Virginia Hartfield, Harolyn Kidd; (l-r, back row) Patricia Cormier, Margaret Ume, Di- anna Burns Banks and Debra Garrett.

Unit #151 On January 28, 2017, a welcome tea reception was held in Houston, Texas the St. Monica Catholic Church hall for the 2017 debutantes of Court 151. The Ladies of the Court and attendees wore their Council and Court 151 celebrated Black History Month by pre- Sunday best with hats and gloves. The debutantes, along with senting its 22nd Annual Elvina LeBlanc Memorial Dinner Theatre their parents, were introduced at the reception. Eight young la- at the St. Monica parish hall on February 25, 2017. The event in- dies are preparing to make their debut into society. “Royal Jewels” cluded a light soul food dinner, entertainment and a presentation is the theme of the Ball that will be held on June 10, 2017, at of the Lady Elvina LeBlanc and Sir Knight Willie French, Jr. Awards the Crowne Plaza Northwest-Brookhollow Hotel. The Debutante to Lady Athena Adams and Knight Harris, Jr., respectively. Committee chairpersons are Ladies Gwendolyn Berry and Dr. These awards are presented annually to a Knight and Lady who Julie Guillory.

42 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org District News

Unit #72 Court #138 Houston, Texas Houston, Texas

Once again, Court 138 proved to highlight the true meaning of friendship, unity and Christian charity by putting on one of the most successful two-day Lenten Retreats anyone could hope to attend. The theme of the retreat was: Women of God: Joy in the Journey. There were over 175 attendees from across the Galveston-Houston Diocese and volunteers, including Junior Daughters who helped to make this retreat such a success. There were eight awesome speakers who de- livered transformation messages on topics ranging from the Joy of Knowing Jesus to the Joy of Living God’s Word. The retreat ended with roundtable discussions followed by participation at Mass. Grand Knight Donald Sterling and Lady Bernadette Mitchell were Court 138 representatives for the HICC Mardi Gras Ball this year. Grand Lady Carolyn Garrison accepted an award for second place top ticket sales for the Court. Giving back to the Sunnyside community this past Christmas was the focus of the Council and Court, when over 10 bicycles were donated to children in the community, along with free food, games and overwhelming community participation.

Unit #284 Austin, Texas

On January 8, 2017, the entire Claver Family of Unit 72 that is domiciled at Our Mother of Mercy Parish in Houston’s Historic Fifth Ward were honored to host the Most Worthy Supreme Knight James K. Ellis for Installation of Officers of the Unit. He also spoke to the membership and thanked the Senior members of the Unit for their support in assisting him in his bid for the Office of Supreme On December 11, 2016, Unit 284 commemorated their 30th Knight at the 2016 Convention that convened in New Orleans. anniversary in the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary. The membership surprised the Most Worthy with a nice reception, The following Knights and Ladies received certificates and recog- along with a birthday cake to celebration his birthday! nition for 30 years of faithful service in the name of Claverism:

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 43 State of Texas

Johnnie Dorsey, Lester Johnson, Dean Dorsey, Donna Sistrunk- Irving, Geri Stewart, Theresa Fontenette and Carolyn Davis. This journey in Claverism began on December 7, 1986, when the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc., established Holy Cross Council and Court 284 at Holy Cross Parish in Austin, Texas. On that day, 12 Charter Knights and 20 Charter Ladies were initiated and officers were installed. The Council and Court began when Father George Artis petitioned Bishop John McCarthy for their establishment. During the last 30 years, Holy Cross Council and Court 284 have had many significant achievements and accomplishments and as a result have been honored with numerous national and state awards for services and support to Church, Claverism and the community. Specifically, through the years, the Knights and Ladies have conducted fan drives, collected toiletries for Family notably were the black saints, such as, St. Josephine Bakhita, Sts. Eldercare, raised money for youth scholarships, delivered food , St. Peter Claver, St. Martin de Porres, St. with Meals on Wheels, held various food drives and sponsored Pierre Toussant and St. , to name a few. community service projects for Junior Knights and Daughters. Holy Cross Council 284 currently has an active membership of Blood Drive: To give blood is to give a gift of life to others 46 Knights and Holy Cross Court 284 currently has an active to help them heal and live. Our Lady, Theresa Keppard-Nelson, membership of 64 Ladies. spearheaded the recent Blood Drive at St. Catholic Church. She is to be commended for her continued ef- forts reaching out to others in such a special way.

Court #359 Houston, Texas Houston Inter-City Councils and Courts (HICC) Although small in number, Court 359 continues to be a presence in both the parish of St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church and the community. The following are a few of our most recent involvement:

Holy Doors of Mercy: As a community of faith, Ladies from Court 359, along with parishioners from St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church, crossed the Holy Doors of Mercy at St. Theresa Catholic Church in Sugar Land, Texas, in November 2016. This special experience offered us an opportunity to atone for sins, ask for forgiveness, and draw closer to God.

Knight Reginald Johnson and Lady Brandye Porter of Council and Court 151 served as King and Queen at the annual HICC Annual Mardi Gras Ball on February 18, 2017, held at Brady’s Landing. Councils and Courts represented were: 72, 138, 139, 151, 159, 231 and 252. An array of themed baskets were donated from Councils and Courts to be part of the silent auction. Council 72 led the second line dance, while music was provided by DJ Black History Month: To celebrate the achievements by Black Jammin J. The emcees for the night were: Knight Paul H. Ledet, Americans, and to recognize the importance of African Americans Council 72, and Lady Charolette Davis, Court 138. Lady Tam- in the United States, the Ladies of Court 359 sponsored a Black mara Singleton, Court 159, served as chairperson, with a great History Month display at St. Mark’s Church, with a spectacular committee to make this event a success. Lady Norma Woodson, display featuring famous African Americans in U.S. history. Most Court 151, is the President of HICC.

44 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org Western States District District News

Court #121 but also the four young, dynamic Knights initiated earlier this year. Los Angeles, California The Knights were joined later that afternoon by members of the La- dies Auxiliary, Court 369, who also initiated four lovely ladies this year, for photos, lunch and laughter. The festive day ended peace- fully and prayerfully at Mass, where the Claver family was recog- nized at the beautiful St. Mary’s Basilica in downtown Phoenix.

The African-American Catholic Center for Evangelization’s Keeper of the Flame Award is presented in remembrance of the founder of the National Black Catholic Congress, . The award is presented in recognition of those who have kept the flame of evange- lization burning in the Los Angeles African-American Catholic Com- munity. The 2017 award was presented to Lady Dana Sims of Court 121 by Bishop Robert Barron at the Annual Black Catholic History Mass on February 18, 2017. 4th Degree News

The Commanders and Counselors of Southern California con- gratulate Junior Knight Commander Michael Hicks on his well- Assembly 27 deserved honor. In December, the Los Angeles headquarters of the National Red Cross held their annual volunteer awards ceremo- nies. Brother Hicks received the Red Cross Centennial Volunteer & Employee Excellence Award – President Volunteer Service Bronze Award. In addition, Brother Hicks was honored with the U.S. Presi- dential Volunteer Service Award. He received a letter from President Obama thanking him for his service and devotion to the commu- nity. This award is very special because you must meet certain cri- teria and be nominated by a qualifying organization. Brother Hicks continues to volunteer countless hours with Juniors of KPC, the Assembly 27 of Alexandria, La., celebrated the first “Veterans Red Cross shelters, LA Works, Community Groups, homeless and of Valor” Appreciation Day at the VA Medical Center in Pineville battered women shelter, Operation Gratitude, emergency shelters, on February 25, 2017. Veterans were treated to hot dogs and and various churches and food banks. refreshments compliments of Assembly 27. Hats and mugs were presented to all the veterans. Father Scott Chemino, Vicar General of the Diocese of Alexandria, provided prayer and fellowship to the veterans. Unit #369 Phoenix, Arizona

On the morning of February 25, 2017, Most Rev. Eduardo Ne- vares, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Phoenix, was exemplified as new Sir Knight of the Knights of Peter Claver at St. Pius X Catho- lic Mission. Council 369 was joined that morning at the Exem- plification by Western States District Deputy Sir Bruce Sampson, Past District Deputy Sir Knight Greg Warner, Faithful Navigator Sir Knight James Dumas, Executive Director Grant A. Jones and other honored guest Knights who welcomed not only the bishop,

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 45 4th Degree News District News

Louisiana District 6 Juniors of #31

The Annual Tea & Fashion Show theme was celebrating 50 plus members of our Noble Order. Mistresses of ceremony Mrs. Lydia Moreaux, Lady Eula Mae Carmen, Lady Dorothy Sterling and Lady Willa Golden, along with our Junior Daughters and Lady Freda Stokes (Counselor) and Lady Linda Carrier (Asst. Counselor).

Juniors of #35

On January 21, 2017, Bishop Glen John Provost, Bishop of the Diocese of Lake Charles, became the newest bishop of our Noble Order. Under the direction of Supreme Knight James Ellis and Supreme Navigator Lawrence Silvester, the brother Knights conferred the highest honor upon His Excellency. The exempli- From March 10-12, 2017, the Junior Knights and Daughters of fication was performed with the assistance and devout service of Court 35 attended the Junior Texas State Conference in Houston, Sir Knights of Assembly 6 and Assembly 22, along with brother Texas, and received two second-place trophies in group singers, Knights from Councils 31, Council 141 and Council 168, who and individual instrument talent and second place in spelling bee helped with the third degree ceremony. (10-12 age group). Attending Texas State Following his Exemplification, Most Rev. Glen John Provost Conference talent show held a Mass of Thanksgiving at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church. (front row, l-r): Amora, Serving with the bishop in that Mass of Thanksgiving were Scarlett, Kaitlyn, Alayne, Junior Supreme Knight Carrington Guillory, Junior National Kendall, Michaela, Jaela- vonniah and ; (back Secretary Breland Cook and Branch 31 Deputy Grand Knight row, l-r): Lady Alayah Lawrence Sweet. Cantu, Junior Daughter Counselor, and Lady An- drea Randle, chaperone. Junior Knights and Daughters attended the conference Mass along with their parish pastor, Very Rev. Kevin P. Fausz, C.M., V.U.

46 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org Junior Division News

Juniors of #151 Juniors of #276

The Juniors have been very busy. Here are some of their activities: Halloween KidsFest: The Junior Daughters sponsored their yearly Halloween celebration for the children of St. Anthony of Pad- ua. The various activities included: face painting, cookie decorating, pumpkin carving and musical chairs. Junior Branch 276 participated in the pumpkin carving. The meal was provided by Court 276. Thanksgiving Basket: The Junior Daughters and Knights choose a St. Anthony parishioner every year and donate a Thanksgiving bas- ket. This year they chose Mrs. Greenie Lyons. She is 80 years old and lives with her daughter. She has emphysema and is not able to go outside. Her daughter does all the cooking and for Thanksgiving she wanted a few ways to prepare food for the holiday. Junior Daughter Christine Belcher serves as the chair for Junior Daughter Community Outreach for the Sick and Shut-In of the parish. All of the food was donated by the Junior Knights and Daughters. On January 14, 2017, members of Junior Branch & Court 151 Senior Valentine Party: The Junior Daughters continued their hosted their Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast at the St. tradition of assisting the Senior Court at the Senior Citizens’ Val- Monica Catholic Church hall. The guest speaker for the event was entine Party. They serve guests with mobility issues and distribute Texas State Representative Jarvis Johnson. Representative Johnson gifts to party attendees. had a strong message to the audience about the importance of com- munity service and giving back. The Junior members showcased their talents through song, poetry and musical selections. Most Worthy Supreme Knight James K. Ellis was also in attendance and Juniors of #358 spoke on the importance of serving others as Claver members. The program concluded with the singing of the Black National Anthem, The Junior Division of Court and Council 358 enjoyed a tremen- “Lift Every Voice and Sing.” dous year of shared and new experiences, individual and collective growth and spiritual development. The Junior Daughters and Knights kicked off 2016 with a joint ef- fort to stuff Blessing Bags with toiletries and other items donated by the Senior Division, which were distributed to disadvantaged people living on the streets in Las Vegas, Nev. The Junior Daughters started their fundraising efforts with gourmet popcorn and cupcake bake sales, as preparations began for hosting the Western States District Junior Conference, held in Las Vegas for the first time. Our Juniors lived up to the Junior Conference theme: “Keep Calm Claver Is With Us.” The Junior Daughter Court and Junior Council Chapter 358 took full advantage of the opportunity to attend, participating in all aspects of this gathering and ensuring fellow Junior Clavers were accommodated well. Junior Daughters Carley Trantham and Bethany Trantham capably won first and second place in spelling competitions and Junior Knights Brian Young and Ayiden Tyler were elected Western States District Junior Conference Vice President and On January 14, 2017, members of Junior Branch & Court 151 Junior Conference Recording Secretary, respectively. attended the UNCF 20th annual Youth Gala at the Bayou City Juniors from 358 closed the summer season with a journey to Los Event Center in Houston, Texas. It was a grand affair. Ms. Nikki Angeles, Calif., to participate in the sixth annual Votive Mass at Our Robinson, one of our KPC parents, held a reception at her home Lady of the Angels Cathedral, the Grand Marian Procession and Bene- prior to the Juniors being picked up by two limousines to transport diction at La Placita/Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, followed by them to the gala in fashion. The Junior Division members helped food, and Mayan festooned entertainers. raise funds for the local annual UNCF scholarships by purchasing The Junior Division of 358 rounded out the year’s service efforts, six bricks and a total of 24 tickets for the event, for a contribution by again joining the Senior Division in November for a second day of of over $1,000, while over 1,000 students attended the event. The volunteering at Three Square. Three Square is a community service United Negro College Fund is the nation’s largest private scholar- organization that sources food, raises funds, and relies on volunteers ship provider to minority group members. Each year, the organiza- to help supply program partners with the food and services they need tion awards over $100 million in scholarships to students across to provide wholesome food directly to hungry people in hundreds of the country. neighborhoods in Southern Nevada.

The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 47 Emerging Leaders

reetings Clavers, first recipient of the Emerging Leader Service Award at the 2016 It brings us great joy to update the National Convention. We look forward to receiving the 2017 G membership on the many projects and applications. programs our committee has launched and suc- – E. Desmond Taylor – Emerging Leaders National Chair KPC and cessfully implemented since we last convened Anngelica Barrow – Emerging Leaders National Chair KPCLA at the 2016 national convention in New Orleans. As a committee, we are dedicated to expand- ing our reach to ages 18-35, as well as imple- Emerging Leader Round-Up menting new programs focused on service and leadership development.

The National Committee on Emerging Leaders has been abundantly blessed by the ongoing support of the National Council and Court Board of Directors. Additionally, our com- mittee has worked diligently with the Family Expansion Com- mittee to explore new and creative ways to reclaim, retain and recruit new members into our Noble Order. On behalf of the Emerging Leaders across all six districts/ states, we would like to thank all the Units that participated in the National Day of Service in November 2016 – honoring our seven illustrious founders. We continue to encourage every unit and all divisions of our Noble Order to incorporate a ser- vice project on/near Founders Day – November 7. It is our goal in 2017 to have 100 percent support and activity from all units. Moreover, we are excited to announce the ongoing efforts to We thank our district/state liaisons for their commitment and establish our first collegiate Council on the campus of Xavier all the emerging leaders for their service to our Noble Order. University of Louisiana (New Orleans). As discussed during Texas Emerging Leaders, in conjunction with Council its inception at the 2016 National Convention, the purpose and Court 138, hosted an Emerging Leader Round-Up on of establishing collegiate Units is to help the Order fill its gap April 1, 2017, at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church. The of traditional collegiate students. While many of our Juniors event was the result of brainstorming different ideas to re- transfer into the Senior Division upon graduation from high claim past Juniors who have not transferred into the Senior school, many do not remain active while in college. Addition- Division, to introduce young adults to the Knights of Peter ally, as we look to expand our organization’s membership, it is Claver and to reconnect inactive Emerging Leaders. Attend- imperative that we establish a presence of the Knights of Peter ees enjoyed an entertaining evening featuring cards, domi- Claver and Ladies Auxiliary on college campuses. Our commit- noes, food, beverages and the sounds of DJ “Dat Dude,” a tee is committed to molding and emerging young minds into young adult member of St. Phillip Neri. leaders of our Order and communities. We lean on the support The event successfully provided a social and relaxed atmo- and counsel of our entire Claver family to help make this initia- sphere that allowed conversations with other young adults tive a reality. regarding our Noble Order, as well as extend an invitation to Thirdly, in order to keep an accurate record of our entire them to join or re-activate their membership in our organiza- committee and Clavers of the ages 18-35, we have created an tion. A total of 12 non-members and past Juniors along with emerging leader log – a database capturing the place of resi- current emerging leaders, Senior members, State and Nation- dence, birth date, occupation, student status (if currently en- al Officers attended the Round-Up. Our Texas State Deputies, rolled) and KPC leadership positions held. Thank you to all Brother Adrian Adams and Lady Janae Tinsley, were on-hand those who have responded thus far. The information is be- to speak with interested individuals one on one and distrib- ing stored at the National Office on a database to access for ute membership applications. special committee and/or convention appointments to utilize It is our hope to host Round-Up events quarterly, rotat- the diverse talents and expertise of our young Claver brothers ing parishes, and welcoming new faces from across the state and sisters. Our committee is devoted to assisting the Supreme of Texas. Donations to help ensure the success of the event Knight and Supreme Lady in enhancing, rejuvenating and di- were provided by many, including our Most Worthy Supreme versifying our business activities. Knight James Ellis; Councils and Courts 138 and 159; our Lastly, the committee congratulates again Worthy Past Su- Texas State Deputies, Board and Emerging Leaders, as well as preme Knight, F. DeKarlos Blackmon for being awarded as the the National Emerging Leaders Chair, Desmond Taylor.

48 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 2017 Resolutions

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50 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 2017 Resolutions

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The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org 53 54 2016-2018 National Council and Court Board of Directors

Knights of Mr. Joseph R. Bradfield Mrs. Katie Guidry Johnson District Deputy of Northern States National Counselor, Junior Daughters Peter Claver Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Mr. James K. Ellis Mr. Carlton Robinson Mrs. Geralyn C. Shelvin Supreme Knight District Deputy of Gulf Coast Past Supreme Lady Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Mr. Oscar J. Benoit Mr. Lawrence Sylvester Mrs. Cheryl W. Williams Deputy Supreme Knight Supreme Navigator State Deputy of Louisiana Email: [email protected] Fourth Degree, KPC Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mr. William T. Everette Mrs. Lori McCoy Shuler National Secretary Mr. Grant A. Jones District Deputy of Western States Email: [email protected] Executive Director Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mr. Ricky Sassau Ms. Barbara J. Birds National Treasurer District Deputy of Gulf Coast Email: [email protected] Knights of Peter Claver, Email: [email protected] Ladies Auxiliary Mr. Omar K. Mason Ms. Alma Moore National Advocate Mrs. Vertelle A. Kenion District Deputy of Central States Email: [email protected] Supreme Lady Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mr. Jari C. Honora Mrs. Janae Tinsley Lay Board Member Ms. Hilda L. Wiltz State Deputy of Texas Email: [email protected] Vice Supreme Lady Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Dr. Christopher Pichon, Sr. Ms. Lena F. Young Director General, Junior Knights Ms. Debra Gray Bridges District Deputy of Northern States Email: [email protected] National Secretary Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Most Rev. Shelton J. Fabre Ms. Marion Smith-Reynoso Bishop of the Diocese of Ms. Marie L. Johnson Supreme Navigator Houma-Thibodaux National Treasurer Fourth Degree, Ladies of Grace National Chaplain Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Ms. Candace Procter Mr. F. DeKarlos Blackmon Lay Board Member Past Supreme Knight Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Mr. Skip Riley FOR ADDRESS CHANGE District Deputy of Central States Email: [email protected] Moving? Please notify us Mr. Alvin Wiltz four weeks in advance. New address State Deputy of Louisiana Email: [email protected] Cut your old address label from Name the magazine and attach it to this Mr. Adrian S. Adams coupon. Fill in your new address Address State Deputy of Texas at right and mail to: City/State/Zip Email: [email protected] The Claverite Magazine Council # or Court # Mr. Bruce D. Sampson 1825 Orleans Ave. District Deputy of Western States New Orleans, LA 70116-2894 Insurance Certificate # Email: [email protected]

54 The Claverite | Summer 2017 | www.kofpc.org Knights of Peter Claver



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The Claver Prayer God, our Heavenly Father, You Claver, who became have given us life through the an example for us, You showed death and resurrection of your us the love of God, the light Beloved Son, Jesus Christ; of Christ, and the strength of the Holy Spirit; Jesus, our Saving Lord, You came into a world darkened by We pray now that all we say a man’s sin and gave it light and do, in your honor, be a through your teachings; continuation of your work here on earth. Holy Spirit, the Breath of God within us, You guide and St. Peter Claver, enlighten us and give us the Pray For Us strength of our convictions;

Senior National Convention

Sheraton Dallas Hotel – Dallas, Texas Friday, July 21st – Wednesday 26th, 2017

Hotel and Registration Information: www.kofpc.org/conventions ROOM RATE: $139 / Night + applicable taxes and fees Non-refundable deposit for one night room + taxes and fees applied at the time of booking.