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|_ D ( G E = (el SI. « hed 0 T- fad at ENGI &. f ite E © AS U T RA LIA > 6 Z T- T- o Z ou co 6 ~> www.engineersaustralia.org.au INCOME ERV # f A LSO IN THIS ISSUE: mEProcess engineering M Communications m S ustainable project of the month It's a s hore thing. Barrow I sland at sunset. Photo: Pendoley Environmental Barrow I sland is a Class A nature AJ L ucas Group Limited reserve and the home of the Chevron www.lucas.com.au operated Gorgon Project - Australia's S ydney (02) 9490 4000 largest-ever energy development. Perth (08) 6216 9800 Maintaining t his precious environment Melbourne (03) 8615 7800 is integral to the project. And a key Brisbane (07) 3235 8100 aspect of any environment are its 'edge zones', where one environment 2009 Sustainable \\V/ meets another. Infrastructure Lucas h orizontal directional drilling is Company o f zm~ bringing the project's gas lines ashore the Year ,\ - s on Barrow Island, safely below North n ere JWMJWI for the trip to _M Whites Beach and its wildlife. 1009023 PIPELINES * T RENCHLESS « WATER TREATMENT & RECYCLING « COAL SEAM GAS LUCAS FROMHE T PRESIDENT a 4G» RALIA Reflections o n a presidential year ow! W hat a year this has been sions a nd Chapters and Interest Groups for me - one full of exciting and overseas have been a highlight of my year meaningful experiences along as your president. with some challenges. I have a The most moving experience I had was much deeper appreciation of the breadth at the Women in Engineering function in and depth of our great profession. I have Perth. I was moved to tears as Ros Wor- learned a lot about my own profession. I thington spoke so passionately about the have met many people (both within and need for everyone of us to become more outside our great organisation) and made aware and more educated about breast lifelong friendships. cancer and depression. I committed to We together have achieved much this wear my purple boots (safety footwear) year, the Year of Engineering Leadership: on all site visits. continued increase in membership (93,000 As I have said before in this column, I as of 30 June), a new 5-year Strategic wish I could "bottle" the passion, energy Plan, a refreshed Code of Ethics, a draft and enthusiasm engineers have for their Doug H argreaves rewrite of the Royal Charter and By-Laws, projects, and release it to young people [email protected] infrastructure report cards for each state making career choices. I am sure we would and territory and a consolidated national have many more engineering students. report card, and a very successful Make I know you will support Merv Lindsay It So campaign designed to make the as he takes over the leadership of our or- The l asting legacy of the community more aware of the value ganisation at our Annual General Meeting engineering brings to our community later this month. 2010 Year of Engineering and engendering a curiosity in younger It has been an absolute privilege and Leadership could be to persons so that they might choose engi- pleasure to be your national president neering as their career of choice. for 2010. I acknowledge the tremendous light the fires of passion The engineering leadership confer- leadership, dedication and guidance our ence in Brisbane in May attracted over 2009 national president Peter Godfrey af- and inspiration within 600 delegates and brought together our forded to me and others. He and other past us as engineers about young engineers and students with many national presidents have set a somewhat more experienced engineers. The six-day daunting benchmark for us who follow. the wonderful impact we residential leadership program purpose- I wish also to express my gratitude to my can (and do) have on designed for delegates with 10-15 years fellow councillors who have assisted me experience was a resounding success. enormously throughout the year. I also society, the environment The Make It So campaign attracted 7000 acknowledge the huge contribution that suggestions to "make it so" over the 12- our volunteer office bearers, both in Aus- and the communities week timeframe, the winner being "Make tralia and overseas, make to the effective in which we live. it so that developing communities can functioning of our organisation. I wish reuse agricultural waste to create energy to say a special thank you to our chief for heating and cooking". This connects executive Peter Taylor and his excellent very well with 2011 being nominated as staff across the country who support our the Year of Humanitarian Engineering. endeavours so well. The lasting legacy of the 2010 Year Without the support of my executive of Engineering Leadership could be to dean and colleagues at the Queensland light the fires of passion and inspiration University of Technology, I would not within us as engineers about the wonderful have been able to achieve so much. I impact we can (and do) have on society, also wish to acknowledge the tremendous the environment and the communities in support given by my wife Desley. This which we live. year without any doubt has been the pin- Thanks to all of you who have already nacle of my own engineering career and contributed to discussions whether face I feel so privileged to be part of such a to face or electronically on the impacts great profession. of the predicted growth in population especially in terms of infrastructure. I will continue to carry this important issue forward next year. My visits to the Divi- ENGINEERS A USTRALIA | NOVEMBER 2010 3 I HE J OURNAL OF ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA Ki COVER S TORY Incoming n ational president 32 Merv L indsay will take over Engineers Australia's presidency from Professor Doug Hargreaves at the Annual General Meeting on 25 November in Canberra. He believes greater awareness of humanitarian engineering can make the profession more attractive to young people. Cover p hoto: Andrew M onger Cover design: Jin Liaskos ALSO... Sustainability a cross the Tasman 38 Energy-efficient s ystems for New Zealand's second-largest airport. CONTENTS ENGINEERS MEDIA HEAD O FFICE ACCOUNTANT ADVERTISING R EPRESENTATIVES Engineers A ustralia magazine, published by 2 Emest Place, Crows Nest, NSW T issa Mohotti Victoria & Tasmania Engineers Media (registerednameEngineers (PO Box 588, Crows Nest 1585) Wyeth Media Services Pty Ltd Australia Pty Limited, ACN 001311511), phone 02 9438 1533 NATIONAL M ARKETING MANAGER 10 Keysborough Close Engineers Australia's publishing company, fax 02 9438 5934, Terry Marsden Keysborough Vic 3173 is a magazine reporting impartially the www.engineersmedia.com.au PO Box 161 Dingley Vic 3172 latest news of interest to engineers, The PRODUCTION M ANAGER phone 03 9701 8844, fax 03 9701 8877. statements made or opinions expressed in EDITORIAL E MAIL Chris Gerelli [email protected] South A ustralia & Northern Territory the magazine do not necessarily reflect the Russell Baker Advertising & Marketing views of the Institution. PRODUCTION ADVERTISING E MAIL J in Liaskos, Stefan Novak PO Box 413 Engineers M edia retains copyright for this [email protected] North Adelaide, SA 5006 publication. Written permission is required EA B OOKS MANAGER phone 08 8267 1198 for the reprinting of any of its content. GENERAL M ANAGER Daniel Kneprath Queensland Bruce Roff M BL Media, PO Box 5834, Q Supercentre, BOARDF O DIRECTORS ADVERTISING M ANAGER Dr Peter Greenwood, HonFIEAust Mermaid Waters, Old 4218, MANAGING E DITOR New South Wales (Head office) phone 07 5594 5455. EngExec (chairman); Gunilla Burrowes, Dr Dietrich Georg, FIEAust Maria Mamone FIEAust; Rupert Grayston, FIEAust CPEng; mobile 0417 266 459 Western A ustralia David Lees, MIEAust CPEng; EDITORIAL O'Keeffe Media Services E/Prof Elizabeth Taylor, AO FIEAust; Peter D anny Cameron, Kirill Reztsov, 181 York Street, Subiaco WA 6008 Taylor, FIEAust CPEng; Dr Liam Michael Lee, Thomas Derricott phone 08 9381 7766, fax 08 9382 4850. Waldron, FIEAustCPEng. Average N et Distribution Reader s urveys by x General E dition Memberof P ublishers Australia o ur- cmcunamons 2 0910 Vol 82 No 11 media that engages Nie Isen AUDIT BOARD October 2009 Ii to M arch 2010 ISSN 1448-4951 ENGINEERS A USTRALIA | NOVEMBER 2010 THE J OURNAL OF ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA | IN T HIS ISSUE... 3 F ROM THE PRESIDENT 45 M ARGOT CAIRNES Reflecting on the past year Uncertainty c an be beneficial 6 F ROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE 46 COMMUNICATIONS - F eature Report c ards an outstanding success 52 P ROCESS CONTROL - Feature 8 L ETTERS 58 H ERITAGE 14 N EWS Burdekin R iver Bridge in northern Queensland recognised 31 S NAPSHOT Michelle S hi-Verdaasdonk - Chair of 60 OBITUARIES the N ational Committee of Women in - C arlo Salteri - founder of Transfield and Engineering Tenix - A llan Disney - founder of NDY 32 C OVER STORY - R upert Vallentine - civil engineering academic 38 S USTAINABLE PROJECT OF THE MONTH 61 C OURSES, CONFERENCES & MEETINGS Buildingn a energy-efficient airport terminal 63 P ROCESSES 40 P OLICY Examining t he findings of a government reviewf o energy efficiency 66 C LASSIFIEDS 42 S USTAINABILITY Integrating s ustainability into corporate reporting ENGINEERS A USTRALIA NATIONAL V ICE-PRESIDENTS NEWCASTLE VICTORIA Alex Baitch, FIEAust CPEng; Dr Marlene 1 22 Parry St, Newcastle West 2302 1 3-21 Bedford St, North Melbourne 3051 NATIONAL O FFICE Kanga, FIEAust CPEng; David McHugh, phone 02 4926 4440, fax 02 4929 7121. phone 03 9329 8188, fax 03 9326 6515. 11 National Circuit, Barton, ACT 2600 FIEAust CPEng; Bronte Strout, FIEAust phone 02 6270 6555, fax 02 6273 1488 CPEng; Barry Tonkin, FIEAust CPEng NORTHERN WESTERN A USTRALIA www.engineersaustralia.org.au G PO Box 417, Darwin 0801 712 Murray St, West Perth 6005 Customer Service email CHIEF E XECUTIVE phone 08 8981 4137, fax 08 8941 3449.