

Dear Redeemer Church Family,


Instead, as we look forward to meeting in our homes throughout Whatcom County for an Online Sunday Service at 10 am at RedeemerNW.org, here are some recommendations, connection opportunities, preparations for our service, and prayer points to keep us all connected. This is a longer update, but we encourage you to read through each of these.

RECOMMENDATIONS We are recommending that groups press pause on in-person gatherings for the remainder of March in an effort to implement (as recommended by the Whatcom County Health Department).

This includes: • Gospel Communities • Redeemer Students • Book studies • Other Redeemer Church events and meetings

5 CONNECTION OPPORTUNITIES In light of the recommendations above, we encourage continued connection through alternate avenues: 1. Social media: Use the hashtag #RedeemerNWFamily on and as much as possible (especially during this Sunday’s Online Service) 2. Realm: 2.1. Sign up for Realm 2.2. Prayer Requests: Let’s pray for one another and our community. Please post your specific prayer requests! 2.3. Needs/serving: We have a church family of over 600+. 2.3.1. If you have a tangible need that somebody else might have the ability to meet, please post it! 2.3.2. If you have the ability to meet a need, or if you want to offer a service to our church family, please post it! 3. Family: Time together at home 3.1. Sunday Online Service together (prayer, worship, sermon, Communion) 3.2. Family devotionals 4. Gospel Community (GC): 4.1. Video conferencing (, FaceTime, Skype) 4.2. Group messaging (Facebook Messenger, texting) 5. Smaller gatherings if people are comfortable with it and feeling well (2-3 people)

SUNDAY PREPARATIONS We are so excited about our Online Sunday Service on 3/15/2020 at 10 am. We encourage you to: • Prepare to Pray (at 9:30 am): Before the service, beginning at 9:30 am, we will open up an opportunity to pray together corporately via video conferencing. • In order to participate, you will need to set up an account • Click here to pray together. Click the link ahead of time to have it ready. The meeting will go live at 9:30 am on Sunday, 3/15/2020. • Prepare to meet (at 10:00 am): Our church service will start promptly at 10 am this Sunday, March 15th, on our website. We encourage everyone to set aside this specific time in your home with the intention of being united by the Holy Spirit across our county at the same time. • Prepare to respond (during the service): • Communion: Feel free to grab some grape juice and bread from your pantry or the store to participate in this special part of our Sunday gathering. • Giving: Some of you give financially on Sundays. While we are not publicly gathering, this link will give you three other options to give.

PRAYER POINTS As we continue to pray for our global community, we want to be sure we keep in mind: • Healthcare professionals and first responders who are in close contact with those who have the virus • The pregnant and immunocompromised, who are more at risk of contracting the virus • Restaurant workers, business owners, and others who may be impacted financially by this outbreak and social distancing • Educators who continue to teach and love on our children • Government and School Board leaders who are making decisions for our community • Our church planting and missionary teams abroad who may be unable to leave the countries they are serving in. • The spiritually hungry. Times like these can make people spiritually hungry. May God use this global pandemic to bring people to Himself and help people experience His goodness. COVID-19 CHURCH-WIDE UPDATE March 11, 2020

Dear Redeemer Church Family,

We have continued to monitor the COVID-19 situation as it unfolds. Yesterday, Whatcom County declared a public health emergency as it confirmed the first COVID-19 case in Whatcom County, and this morning Governor imposed restrictions on gatherings of 250 or more in 3 of the counties south of us. So, in an effort to be proactive and prudent, we have decided to temporarily change the location of our Sunday gathering.

Rather than panic or cancel, we have decided to offer a service this Sunday, March 15th, but NOT in our building. Instead, we will be gathering across Whatcom County in our homes for a Digital Liturgy service at 10am. This option gives us the ability to provide a service experience that people can engage with in their own homes, allowing each family the option to implement the recommendations of the health department to employ social distancing as they feel led.

We recognize there are a lot of different opinions and reactions to this outbreak, and we believe this course of action is prudent and wise. It is the best compromise, as it allows us to worship and grow together while keeping our community safe. More information will be coming soon, but for now we look forward to meeting you in your homes this Sunday at 10am!

Let’s continue to pray together:

...for our healthcare professionals ...for those who are more vulnerable ...for those who have fear and anxiety ...for quick and ultimate healing for those affected ...that God uses this to draw people to Himself

A helpful article that outlines some things to keep in mind as we process and pray: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/things-coronavirus-teach-us/ COVID-19 CHURCH-WIDE UPDATE March 07, 2020

Dear Redeemer Church Family,

We want to take a moment to respond to the ongoing Covid-19 Coronavirus outbreak in Washington State and across the world. We’d like to start with what’s right and not with what’s wrong by claiming the sovereignty of God! He is good and faithful despite the disease and brokenness of this world. And, He is Emmanuel—God with us…amen.

As we continue walking with and serving Him, we want to be wise and prudent. With that in mind, here are the precautions we are taking to minimize the spread of germs and keep people as safe as possible:

1) We will continue to meet together until it is no longer prudent and/or advised by the health department to do so. Updates from the health department can be found at: www.whatcomcounty.us/360/Health-Department. Please note, if you or your children are ill or experiencing symptoms, we encourage you to stay home to rest up and get well, and to prevent the spread of germs.

2) Handshakes and hugs will be replaced with a smile and a friendly nod. :)

3) Hand sanitizers will be available throughout the church. However, hand sanitizing is not a replacement for good old-fashioned hand-washing, with soap and water. Please wash your hands regularly (upon arrival, after using the restroom, and before touching food).

4) We will be taking extra measures to do our best to have things be sanitary. We encourage Redeemer Kids volunteers and the kiddos they disciple to sneeze and/or cough into their elbows.

5) We will be offering a more sanitary delivery of the elements for Communion beginning this Sunday, as we feel this is an important part of our service and want to make it a priority, while still exercising an abundance of caution.

Our team will prep and place Communion using gloves and they will be served in pre-filled individual containers with the wafer on top and juice underneath.

We look forward to seeing, serving, worshipping, and growing in Christ with you this Sunday!