National Committee Central People’s All People’s CPPCC Government Congres 180 Members CM Mao Zedong To be soon elected CM Mao Zedong

Voorzitter: Mao Standing CommitteeZedong Local Committees Central People’s 28 Members (in major cities & Government CM Mao Zedong provinces) Council SG 56 Members SG Li Boqu Director CPG office Zhi Yuanmin Presidium 1st GAC CMC SupremePeople’s Procurator Session P CM Mao Zedong Court General’s Office 89 Members 4 VP & 1 SG & 5 VSG 5 VCM & 22 Members Chief Justice PG CM Mao Zedong &32 Councillers 2 VPG & 11 Members 2 VCJ & 11 Members

Standing Committee Min of Foreign Information 31Members Affairs Administration Zhou Enlai Zou Dabeng

Commission of Min of National Overseas Chinese Defense Affairs Peng Dehuai Ho Xiangning

Com of People’s Com of Political & Com of Finance & Com of Culture & Supervision Legal Affairs Economics Education Tan Pingshan Guo Moro 2 VCM & 15 Members 4 VCM & 47 Members 2 VCM & 50 Members 4 VCM & 42 Members

Min of Interior Min Public Min of Finance Min of Post Min of Culture Academy of Xie Jiaozai Security Bo Yibo Zhu Xuefan Sciences Luo Ruiqing

Min of Justice Com of Law Min of Trade Min of Agriculture Min of Education News CM Zhen Shaoyu Ye Jizhuang Li Shucheng Administration 3VCM&15Members Hu Jiaomu

Com Nationalities Min of Heavy Min of Forestry & Min of Public Publication Affairs Industry Landreclamation Health Administratin CM Li Weihan He Changgong Liang Xi Hu Yushi 3VCM&22Members

Min of Fuel Min of Water Industry Conservancy Chen Yu

Min of Textile Min of Labour Ceng Shan Li Lisan

Min of Food People’s Bank Industry Nan Hancheng Yang Lisan

Min of Light Maritime Customs Industry Administration Kuang Yuan

Min of Railways Teng Daiyuan