Macedonian Journal of Ecology and Environment Diversity of Invertebrates in the Republic of Macedonia
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Macedonian Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol. 17, issue 1 pp. 5-44 Skopje (2015) ISSN 1857 - 8330 Original scientific paper Available online at Diversity of invertebrates in the Republic of Macedonia Диверзитет на безрбетниците во Република Македонија 1,2, * 1,2 3 4 Slavčo HRISTOVSKI , Valentina SLAVEVSKA-STAMENKOVIĆ , Nikola HRISTOVSKI , Kiril ARSOVSKI , 5 6 6 7 8 Rostislav BEKCHIEV , Dragan CHOBANOV , Ivaylo DEDOV , Dušan DEVETAK , Ivo KARAMAN , Despina 2 9 6 2 10 KITANOVA , Marjan KOMNENOV , Toshko LJUBOMIROV , Dime MELOVSKI , Vladimir PEŠIĆ , Nikolay 5 SIMOV 1 Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Arhimedova 5, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia 2 Macedonian Ecological Society, Vladimir Nazor 10, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia 3 Faculty of Biotechnology, St. Kliment Ohridski University, 7000 Bitola, Macedonia 4 Biology Students' Research Society, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Arhimedova 5, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia 5 National Museum of Natural History, 1 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria 6 Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria 7 Department of Biology, University of Maribor, Koroška cesta 160, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia 8 Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences, Trg D. Obradovića 2, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 9 Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Democritus University of Thrace, 68100 Alexandroupoli, Greece 10 Department of Biology, University of Montenegro, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro The assessment of the diversity of invertebrates in Macedonia was based on previous assess- ments and analyses of new published data in the period 2003-2013 (after the first country study on biodiversity). The total number of species was estimated at almost 13400 that represents an increase of more than 3700 species. The largest number of species is in the phyllum Arthropoda (over 11800 species) i.e. the class Insecta with more than 10000 species. In this 10-years period (2003-2013) 64 new invertebrate species have been described for science MJEE with its locus typicus in Macedonia or at least part of the type series originates from Macedonia. The highest number of endemic and relict species can be found in the lakes of Ohrid and Prespa as well as the mountainous areas, especially in western Macedonia. Although less known, endogean habitats in Macedonia (including caves) hold significant diversity of species. This paper also deals with the conservation of invertebrates. According to the national legislation there are 35 invertebrates listed as strictly protected and 513 species as protected, however the criteria for selection are vague and taxonomic status of many of these species is doubtful. This situation might be overcome by elaboration of national red list assessment. So far, only daily butterflies were subject to an attempt for assessment according to the IUCN red list criteria. Furthermore, eight Prime Butterfly Areas were designated in Macedonia on the basis of five target species. The information on allochtonous and invasive species of invertebrates in Macedonia is very scarce. The presented list includes about 50 species. Key words: Invertebrates, Macedonia, number of species, diversity, centres of endemism Проценката на разновидноста на видови и подвидови безрбетници во Македонија беше направена врз база на претходните проценки и анализа на објавените податоци во периодот 2003-2013 година (по објавувањето на првата студија за биолошка разновидност). Вкупниот број видови е проценет над 13400 што претставува зголемување за над 3700 видови. Типот Arthropo- da вклучува најголем дел од видовите (над 11800), поточно класата Insecta со над 10000 видови. Во последниот 10-годишен период (2003-2013) од Македонија се опишани 64 нови видови безрбетници за науката: за поголемиот дел од нив locus typicus се наоѓа во Македонија, а за останатите барем дел од типската серија потекнува од Македонија. Најголем дел од ендемичните и реликтните видови безрбетници живеат во Охридското и Преспанското Езеро, како и планинските подрачја, особено во западна Македонија. Ендогејските хабитати (вклучувајќи ги пештерите) исто така содржат значајна разновидност на видови. Submitted: 31.03.2015 Accepted: 19.07.2015 * Author for correspondence: [email protected] 5 Hristovski et al. Во овој труд се прикажани обидите за зачувување на безрбетниците. Според националното законодавство, во Македонија се идентификувани 35 строго заштитени видови и уште 513 заштитени видови безрбетници. За жал, критериумите за селекција на видовите не се добро дефинирани, а таксономскиот статус на некои од овие видови е сомнителен. Ваквата ситуација може да се надмине само со изработка на црвена листа на загрозени видови. Единствено за дневните пеперутки е направен обид за проценка на нивниот статус според критериумите на IUCN. Дополнително, осум Значајни подрачја за пепрутки врз база на пет целни видови. Достапната информација за алохтоните и инвазивните видови безрбетници во Македонија е многу оскудна. Засега, во листата се вклучени околу 50 видови. Клучни зборови: Инвертебрати, Македонија, бројност на видови, диверзитет, центри на ендемизам Introduction are noted in the text regarding particular invertebrate groups. In the course of preparation of the new strategy The research on genetic diversity of invertebrates on biodiversity conservation in Macedonia we had the task in Macedonia is negligible. Some studies that were pub- to assess the diversity of invertebrates based on the as- lished recently are commented in the analyses of particu- sessment done within the first country study (MoEPP lar invertebrate groups. 2003) and the progress made in the knowledge in the last The conservation of invertebrate species in Mace- decade (2003-2013). The first assessment of the number donia (as in most of the world) receives much less atten- of invertebrates (MoEPP 2003) revealed 8720 species tion compared to plants or vertebrates. Macedonia lacks (excluding Protozoa) for the Macedonian fauna, 618 official red list of threatened species. In a separate chap- (7.1%) of them being endemic. Later on, Petkovski ter, we tried to summarize the information regarding the (2009) updated this information and listed a total of 9706 national efforts for identification of species important for invertebrate species with 608 endemics (6.3%). conservation. The main goal of this study is to assess the ad- The knowledge on allochtonous (and invasive) vance in the knowledge of the diversity of invertebrates in species in Macedonia is in its infancy. Nevertheless, the last 10 years, after the publication of the first Country some studies were published recently concerning the study on biodiversity of the Republic of Macedonia issue of allochtonous species. The information derived (MoEPP 2003). In the cases of some less elaborated from these studies is summarized in a separate chapter, groups (e.g. Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Acari, as well. Trichoptera) completely new estimation was performed. The term endemic in the former two studies Abbreviations and explanations (MoEPP 2003, Petkovski 2009) was used for species that are distributed solely in Macedonia (Macedonian endemics MoEPP - Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning or national endemics). This concept was inconsistently of the Republic of Macedonia used since many of the endemics in Ohrid and Prespa Fauna Europaea (2013) - de Jong, Y. S. D. M. (ed.) lakes (distributed in Macedonia and Albania/Greece) were (2013) Fauna Europaea version 2.6. Web considered as "Macedonian endemics". On the other Service available online at http:// hand, some of the endemics (not all) distributed in moun- tainous border regions were not considered as taxon/taxa - with this term we refer only to species "Macedonian endemics" (e.g. Deltomerus paradoxus, and subspecies and not to supraspecific Trechus thessalonicus, etc.). Endemic species need spe- categories. cial conservation measures no matter whether the en- demic species is "Macedonian" or shared with the neigh- Species counts boring countries. The number of endemics among butter- flies and moths was very high in MoEPP (2003) - 69 taxa The first estimation of the invertebrates of Mace- and Petkovski (2009) - 62 taxa. However, the number of donia of 8720 species (excluding Protozoa) was pub- endemic butterflies in Macedonia is much lower if new lished within the Country study on biodiversity of the studies on distribution of butterflies are taken into ac- Republic of Macedonia (MoEPP 2003). This assessment count (see references for Lepidoptera in Tab. 1). Many of was further amended by Petkovski (2009) by 986 spe- the butterflies listed as endemics were recorded in other cies, resulting in a total of 9706 species (excluding Proto- European or even Asian countries. Having in mind the zoa - 113 species). However, the sources of this amend- complexity of the endemism in Macedonia, in this study ments are not clear, although one can assume that the we are not aiming at documenting and assessing the en- new literature (2003-2009) or older omitted records demic species. We feel that this is one of the main lacks were taken into account. Fauna Europaea (Fauna Euro- of the present paper since the concept of biological diver- paea 2013) database (de Yong ed. 2013) contains infor- sity especially cares about the diversity of species and mation on the presence of 10365 invertebrate species for within