Census and Property Survey for Florentine Domains and Th E City of Verona in Fifteenth Century Italy
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CENSUS AND PROPERTY SURVEY FOR FLORENTINE DOMAINS AND TH E CITY OF VERONA IN FIFTEENTH CENTURY ITALY . A User's Guide to the Machine Readable Data Fil e Principal Investigator s David Herlihy Department of History Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts and Christiane Klapishe-Zube r Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etude s Paris, France 1977 Documentation Prepared b y Data and Program Library Servic e 198 1 Data Distributed b y Data and Program Library Servic e 3308 Social Science Buildin g University of Wisconsi n Madison, Wisconsin 5370 6 608-262-7962 CATALOGING-IN-SOURC E (Machine-readable data file plus codebook ) Herlihy, David and Klapisch-Zuber, Christiane Census and property survey o f Florentine domains and the city of Verona in fifteenth century Italy [machine- readable data file] / principal investigators, David Herlihy and Christian e Klapisch-Zuber . --Darcy ed . / reformatted by Robert Darcy -- Madison, Wis . : Data and Program Library Service [distributor], 1981 . 31 data files + 2 location code files + 2 program files + 1 codebook (p .90) . Summary: The data were coded during 1966 to 1976 from the officia l manuscripts of the tax declarations (Campioni) in the fifteenth century Italy . For each household, one person was assigned as the 'fiscal head', th e individual primarily responsible for the tax . Data for each household includ e name of fiscal head, type of dwelling, animal ownership, occupation of fisca l head, value of public and private investments, deductions, and tax. This data set is also known as Catasto study . Archival study number: AG-504-001 . 1 . Florence (Italy)--Social conditions . 2 . Florence (Italy)--Economic conditions . 3. Florence (Italy)--Census, 1427 . I . title . II . Catasto study. III . Klapisch-Zube r Christiane. (Printed Codebook Only) Census and property survey of Florentine domains and the city of Verona i n fifteenth century Italy: a user's guide to the machine-readable data file / principal investigators, David Herlihy and Christiane Klapisch-Zuber . --DPLS ed .-- Madison, Wis . : Data and Program Library Service, 1981 . 1 v. ca. 90 p . This codebook is to be used in conjunction with machine-readable dat a collection with the same title . It documents data locations, variabl e description and code values . I . Herlihy, David II .Klapisch-Zuber, Christiane III . Catasto Study IV . title . BIBLIOGRAPHIC CITATIO N Publications based on DPLS data collections should acknowledge those sources by means of bibliographic citations. To ensure that such source attributions are captured for social science bibliographic utilities, citations must appear i n footnotes or in the reference section of publications . The bibliographic citation fo r this data collection is: Herlihy, David and Christiane Klapisch-Zuber . Census and property survey of Florentine domains and the city of Verona in the fifteent h century Italy [machine-readable data file] . Cambridge, Mass . : David Herlihy, Harvard University, Department of History and Paris, France : Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes [producers] , 1977. Madison, Wis .: University of Wisconsin, Data and Progra m Library Service [distributor], 1981 . TABLE OF CONTENT Introduction 1 Codebook 4 Appendices Appendix A. Location Codes 9 Appendix B. Occupation Codes 48 Appendix C . Code of Relationships of Household Members 56 Appendix D . Commentary Code 59 Appendix E. Notes Covering Various Aspects of the Study 6 1 Appendix F . Chart of Series Title and Number of Observations 73 Appendix G . Sample Coding Form 75 Appendix H . Bibliography 77 INTRODUCTION The data were coded, during 1966 to 1976, from the official manuscripts of the tax declarations (Campioni) for the city of Florence and environs (Florentin e domains) from 1427 to 1429, the 10% samples of the declarations for Florence i n 1458 and 1480 and for the city of Verona in 1425 and 1502 . Parts of the 1425 survey have been lost. Therefore, the data set includes only those household s and parishes for which records have survived . The survey of 1502 is als o incomplete as it includes only those parishes which are included in the earlie r survey. The survey consists of data on the fiscal household as defined by th e government for the purpose of collecting the tax . For each household, the surve y assigns one person as the 'fiscal head', the individual primarily responsible fo r collecting the tax . Data for the entire household include : name of fiscal head , type of dwelling, animal ownership, occupation of fiscal head, value of public an d private investments, deductions, prossessions, members, fina l assessments and tax. Data on individual members include : age, sex, matrimonial state , relationship to fiscal head, and commentary . The file is hierarchical with two record types . Each record has 6 cards and eac h card is 80 characters long . The first record type is an economic record whic h provides data on the entire household. All households have one . The second record type is a demographic record listing information on individual members o f the household . There can be more than one demographic record (0 to 5) pe r household depending on the number of members in the household . The numbe r of observations varies with each series (see Appendix F for the number o f observations for each series) . Consistency and edit checks have been carrie d out for all variables . There are no restrictions on access to the public use files . Also available are: 1 ) an extraction program (written in PL/1) developed by Robert Darcy, Oklahom a State University, Department of Political Science and 2) data on the Diocese o f Florence (no edit checks have been performed) . Copies of the data and documentation (also the extraction program and the Diocese data) can b e obtained from Ms. Laura Guy, Data and Program Library Service, 3308 Socia l Science Building, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 . Ms. Guy can also be reached at (608) 262-7962. 1 NOTES ON THE DARCY EDITION OF THE CATASTO STUD Y The original Catasto public use file consists of one economic card describin g each household (the unit of analysis) followed by one, two, three, four, five, or n o demographic cards pertaining to individuals in the household . Because standard analysis packages such as SAS or SPSS require each case to have the sam e format, the original Catasto public use file was awkward to work with . Thus Dr. Robert Darcy in the Department of Political Science in the Oklahoma State University wrote a program to correct certain extant errors and pad households with as many blank records as necessary to ensure each has five demographic cards. No records were deleted . There were 2 types of corrections . The first correction was where the sequence of demographic cards was out of order; in which case they were put in the correct order. The second correction was where the number of demographic cards per household, i .e. column 8 of th e demographic cards, did not correspond with the actual data . The correction s were made to reflect the actual number of demographic cards per household . An SPSS setup was prepared which defines the 279 variables in the new data set and label each appropriately. DPLS is distributing the DARCY edition of Catasto study. There are 31 data files which are the reformatted Catasto an d correspond to the 31 files in the original public use data set . The CATASTO .SPSS is a SPSS setup file . It includes the job control languag e necessary to run analysis . Users should list and output this file . It can be modified to suit the requirements of the user's installation . The SPSS setu p defines variables for the household (V1 to V29) and for each of 50 possibl e household members (V30 to V279) . The SPSS setup serves as th e documentation to the reformatted Catasto . The CATASO .PRG contains the PL/l program used to reformat and correct th e original public use file . The file contains the job control language necessary t o run the program at Oklahoma State University . It, too, can be listed, output, an d modified to suit the requirements of the user's installation . If you have further question regarding the reformatted data set please contac t Robert Darcy at the Department of Political Science, Oklahoma State University , Stillwater, OK74078, (405)624-5569. Reference: J . Paul Bischoff and Robert Darcy, "Reformatting the Florentine Catasto fo r use by Standard Statistical Analysis Programs," Computers and Medieval Data Processing . XI, (October, 1981) :5-6. 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DONATIO N This edition of the census and property survey of Florentine domains and the city of Verona in fifteenth century Italy has been deposited at the Data and Progra m Library Service, University of Wisconsin-Madison for public distribution by Davi d Herlihy, Department History, Harvard University and Christiane Klapisch-Zuber , Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, France . Funding support for preparing the original data and this public use edition was provided to Professor Herlih y and Madam Klapisch-Zuber by the following agencies : the American Council of Learned Societies, the Centre National de la Rescherche Scinetifique (CNRS) , the Graduate Research Committee, University of Wisconsin-Madison, th e National Science Foundation (Grant No . GS-36723) and the Center for Advance d Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University . ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ASSISTANCE All manuscripts utilizing data made available through the Data and Program Library Service should acknowledge that fact as well as cite the title of the stud y as indicated on the title page and sample catalog statement and identify th e original collectors of the data. All users of these data are urged to follow som e adaptation of this statement with the parentheses indicating items to b e completed or deleted appropriated by the individual analyst.