Companions on the Journey

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Companions on the Journey The Catholic Women’s League of Canada 1990-2005 companions on the journey Sheila Ross The Catholic Women’s League of Canada C-702 Scotland Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3M 1X5 Tel: (888) 656-4040 Fax: (888) 831-9507 Website: E-mail: [email protected] The Catholic Women’s League of Canada 1990-2005: companions on the journey Contents Introduction ................................................................................................. 2 1990: Woman: Sharing in the Life and Mission of the Church.................. 8 1991: Parish: A Family of the Local Church: Part 1 ................................. 16 1992: Parish: A Family of the Local Church: Part II ................................. 23 1993: The Catholic Women’s League of Canada – rooted in gospel values: Part I........................................................................................ 30 1994: The Catholic Women’s League of Canada – rooted in gospel values: Part II ....................................................................................... 36 1995: The Catholic Women’s League of Canada − calling its members to holiness............................................................................................ 42 1996: The Catholic Women’s League of Canada − through service to the people of God: Part I ................................................................... 47 1997: The Catholic Women’s League of Canada − through service to the people of God: Part II .................................................................. 54 1998: People of God − A Time for Healing .............................................. 60 1999: People of God − A Time for Celebration: Part I ............................ 66 2000: People of God − A Time for Celebration: Part II ........................... 73 2001: The Open Door: Part I...................................................................... 81 2002: The Open Door: Part II..................................................................... 87 2003: cast out into the deep: Part I.......................................................... 94 2004: cast out into the deep: Part II....................................................... 100 2005: companions on the journey: Part I .............................................. 105 Conclusion............................................................................................... 111 Acknowledgements ............................................................................... 113 Commonly Used Acronyms ................................................................... 113 Index ........................................................................................................ 114 1 The Catholic Women’s League of Canada 1990-2005: companions on the journey Introduction When members of The Catholic the ground springs of its activity. It ex- Women’s League of Canada gathered amines its day to day workings as ideas for the 85th annual national convention are taken from a grassroots level and in August 2005, National President funneled step by step to a national level Agnes Bedard called for a celebration to be fine tuned by its leadership, and of the League’s long history. She said returned to be implemented in parishes that it was a time for looking back and throughout the country. Because The planning the future, a time for renewing Catholic Women’s League of Canada: friendships and forging new ones, and companions on the journey is an addi- an opportunity for members to revitalize tion to previous histories, the immediate both their spiritual life and commitment application is from 1990 to 2005, a mi- to the organization. She likened belong- crocosm of the years in which the ing to the League to a life journey and League has maintained its strong iden- members were companions on the jour- tity while continuing to make an impact ney. Those assembled were to view on society. themselves as part of a picture that needed every one of them to be com- A Call to Catholic Action plete. They were blessed with gifts and talents to develop and share within the Catholic Action was the reason for organization as they lived out their bap- the formation of the League on June 17, tismal promise in the Roman Catholic 1920, in Montréal, Quebec. Four mem- Church and the community. They were bers of the Catholic Women’s Club of to familiarize themselves with the Montréal – Bellelle Guerin, Margaret League’s goals for the following year Jones, Margaret Fortier and Agnes Bury and carry suggestions for action back to – extended an invitation to similar their respective provinces, dioceses and groups across the country to meet to parishes. They were called to Catholic consider the possibility of federating Action, to a pursuit of Christian perfec- with a view to standardizing their aims tion. and objectives. Although proponents of social ac- Units of the Catholic Women’s tion have often tried to unite women League had been established in Edmon- into groups, few have seen the light of ton, Alberta in 1912, in Montréal in day, and rare indeed is the group that 1917, in Toronto, Ontario and Ottawa, has lasted through the night. It is diffi- Ontario in 1918 and in Halifax, Nova cult in this day and age just to get Scotia and Regina, Saskatchewan in women together let alone ask for their 1919. All were organized from a local time and service. Yet, the League has point of view, usually by women work- remained the largest and one of the old- ing in the field of immigration. Accord- est organizations of Catholic women in ing to Katherine Hughes, organizer of the country, with a membership of al- the Edmonton unit, it was active pres- most 100,000 women. What are the sure from the Edmonton women that strategies that have enabled it to main- brought about a national conference. tain a sizable membership? The scope Her sister, Loretta Kneil, formerly the of this history is to determine how the president of the Catholic Women’s League is able to find resources and League of Edmonton, was employed means within its structure to replenish with the Women’s Division of the Ca- 2 The Catholic Women’s League of Canada 1990-2005: companions on the journey nadian Immigration Department in Ot- Although the ideas of Catholic Ac- tawa following World War I. She noted tion can be traced back to the time of that Catholic women were not being the New Testament, when early Chris- represented alongside other denomina- tians were to seek that which was for tions in the government consultation the benefit of the community, Pope Pius meetings concerning the settling of X brought the term into popular use. He post-war immigrants because there was said that it “excludes absolutely nothing no appropriate national organization. It of what in any way pertains, directly or was suggested that she confer with Jus- indirectly, to the divine mission of the tice Minister C. J. Doherty, whose wife Church” (Il fermo proposito, Catholic Catherine Doherty was a member of the Action in Italy, 1905). In the 1920s, Ottawa unit. In turn, he suggested that Pope Pius XI defined it as “the partici- Loretta Kneil should contact Bellelle pation of the laity in the apostolate of Guerin, president of the Catholic the Church’s hierarchy” (quoted in The Women’s Club in Montréal. Northwest Review, May 1936). He said that the laity must be related in a dy- Bellelle Guerin and members of namic way to the mission of the church Montréal’s Catholic Women’s Club and that Catholic Action was also social readily agreed with Loretta Kneil that action because it promoted the supreme given the splendid service of women good of society, the Kingdom of Jesus during the war, the time had come for Christ. Catholic Action was not un- an organization of “Catholic women mindful of the problems of society, be- power” that would be of far reaching cause under the guidance of the hierar- value to the cause of women at large chy it faced these problems and pro- and the church in particular. The sister posed solutions according to the princi- and official hostess for Montréal Mayor ples of justice and Christian charity. James Guerin, Bellelle Guerin had ear- lier acknowledged a belief in Catholic From the beginning, plans to unite feminism. She said, “The term should Catholic women in action found favour be used when facing important social within the Canadian hierarchy. Apos- problems and a woman should look at tolic Delegate Pietro di Maria assured them with clear eyes, and with sound the four Montréal women of his friend- judgment decide what is best for our ship. Archbishop Paul Bruchesi, of families and for ourselves. It is for her Montréal, offered earnest support to the to direct thought, to guard morals, and proposal of a national organization. to carry her influence into the scale of Archbishop Neil McNeil, of Toronto, justice whenever righteousness de- honoured the first conference, held in mands” (The Albany Diocesan, 1919). Montréal June 16-18, 1920, with his She informed Apostolic Delegate Pietro patronage. The archbishops stood on di Maria of her plans “to unite all either side of Bellelle Guerin as she Catholic women in a bond of common welcomed an audience of almost 500 fellowship for the promotion of reli- people on the first evening of the con- gious and intellectual interests and so- ference. With eloquence and using cial work; to foster among Catholics a rhetoric of the day, she announced, “We right public opinion upon questions of may be said to be laying the corner the day; the betterment of Catholic ac- stone of an edifice
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