Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church Pastor Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Iglesia Católica Romana de la Santa Cruz Santa la Romana de Católica Iglesia Director of Religious Malagreca Education Mrs. Catherine Hayes Parochial Vicar 347-406-6333 Rev. St-Martin Estiverne Baptism Parish Secretaries Celebrated once a month in English, Spanish or Creole Pearl Larnage Beatrice Rousseau Reconciliation Yessenia Hernández Confessions: Saturday 9 AM & 4 PM or by appointment Director of Music Patrick David Marriages Spanish Mass Arrangements should be made Sandra Roper at least 6 months in advance. Haitian Mass Croix Sainte de la Romaine Catholique Eglise call Rectory for appointment. Frélior Charles On Line Giving: GiveCeral.org/holycross Souls in Harmony 2530 Church Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11226 718-469-5900; Fax 718-469-5901 e-mail:
[email protected] Web Site: holycrossrcchurch.org Sunday Masses: 5:00 PM Saturday; 8:30 AM & 11:30 AM Sunday – in English 10:00 AM domingo en español; 11h30 AM dimanche en créole – dans l'église THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD - Jan. 3, 2021 ``We have seen His star at its rising, and we have come to do Him homage.’ and myrrh.'' ``They saw the Child with Mary His Mother. They prostrated themselves, and did Him homage. Then they opened their treasures and offered Him gifts of gold, frankincense Masses and Services for the Week of Jan. 3rd Jan. 3 - The Epiphany of the Lord WEDNESDAY, Jan. 6 - St. André Bessette (Breaking Bread: p. 58) 8:30 AM In Thanksgiving to God 8:30 AM For the People of the Parish by Joycelyn Adrien 10:00 AM En Acción de Gracias Sandra Martínez THURSDAY, Jan.