Spiritual Reading

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Spiritual Reading SPIRITUAL READING NAME: ………………………………... English-language & translated titles are shown in bold. Square brackets [ ] are inserted before each item so that it can be ticked when read. St Josemaría’s works & related [ ] The Way [ ] Critical-Historical Edition of The Way (only the Spanish is such an edn.; the English may help those lacking Spanish) [ ] Furrow [ ] The Forge [ ] Way of the Cross [ ] Holy Rosary [ ] Christ is Passing By [ ] Friends of God [ ] In Love with the Church [ ] Along the Paths to Love and Faith [ ] Conversations Cf. anthologies like: [ ] DERVILLE, G. (ed.) – Praying 15 Days with St. Josemaría [ ] O’DOGHERTY, J. (ed.), On Retreat with St. Josemaría Escrivá Also Spanish critical-historical editions of Santo Rosario, Conversaciones and Es Cristo que pasa [ ] En Diálogo con el Señor: Textos de predicación oral now in an English version as [ ] In Dialogue with the Lord plus a volume of Textos varios. See also contents of [ ] J.L. Illanes (ed.), Diccionario de San Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer (certain people may be referred to specific articles; translation in process). [ ] Ut essemus sancti (treasury of meditations translated into English from Crónica) [ ] Ut iumentum! [ ] In Dialogue with the Lord (internal version – for expanded version, see above) [ ] Hogares luminosos y alegres [ ] Alone with God [ ] Growing on the Inside [ ] While He Spoke to Us on the Way Plus other volumes in internal ‘Bonus Pastor’ series. See, in centres only, 2 vols. translated from Obras: [ ] During the Spanish Civil War 1 [ ] During the Spanish Civil War: The Burgos Period. Especially good are: [ ] [ ] two published vols. by José Luis González Gullón, listed below alphabetically and another follow-on volume (below, under his name) by [ ] Onésimo Díaz (with a vol. by him on 1941–46 in the pipeline). As of now, people may be recommended to read the new [2019–] annual versions of Crónica with selected articles in English from monthly Spanish originals. Chosen items from the journals, Romana and Studia et Documenta, might also be read. There is much available – some originally from Crónica and Obras (the latter no longer published as of 2019) – in translation on the Opus Dei UK website. It may help some to advise reading articles and e-books from there, either electronically or printed out on paper. Among these, the translated 5 articles on ‘New Mediterraneans’ are quite outstanding, referring as they do to the prayer-life of St. Josemaría. Generally, the only works not available in English that are listed below are those which are of special significance and potential usefulness, including works relating to St. Josemaría & Opus Dei, + on Psalm II, the Adoro Te devote, Athanasian Creed, etc. A potentially useful ‘Progressive Initial Plan of Basic Spiritual Reading’ (covering a first six years), in numbered sections of ‘books of a kind’, one of which might be selected in each case in order to cover – up to a certain point – the same territory: Years 1 to 3: 1. Each year (available only in centres and at retreats/annual courses) one of [ ] Notebook 3 [ ] Notebook 5 [ ] Notebook 7 2. [ ] SHEED, F.J. – To Know Christ Jesus; or (much longer:) [ ] [ ] [ ] FILLION, F.C. – Life of Christ (3 vols.) 3. [ ] CANALS, S. – Jesus as Friend (with much of the spirit of Opus Dei in brief); or [ ] BAUR, B. – In Silence with God; 4. [ ] [S]CDF – Declaration Persona humana together with Obras editorials: [ ] Apr. 1977 and [ ] Dec. 1978; or [ ] SORIA , J.L. – On Purity (a.k.a. Is Purity Possible?); also found as two pamphlets: [ ] Sixth Commandment [ ] Ninth Commandment 5. [ ] Articulos del Postulador or [ ] BERNAL, S. – Profile or [ ] GONDRAND, F. – At God’s Pace 2 or [ ] BERGLAR, P. – Opus Dei or (much longer) [ ] [ ] [ ] VÁZQUEZ de PRADA, A. – The Founder of Opus Dei (3 vols.) 6. [ ] SUÁREZ, F. – Mary of Nazareth (a.k.a. Our Lady the Virgin or [ ] WILLAM, F.M. – Mary the Mother of Jesus 7. [ ] CHEVROT, G. – Simon Peter or [ ] ST. AUGUSTINE – Confessions or [ ] TISSOT, J. – How to Profit from One’s Faults 8. [ ] LUNA, F. – How to Pray (pamphlet) or [ ] ST. ALPHONSUS LIGUORI – How to Converse Familiarly with God (substantial pamphlet/booklet) or [ ] BOYLAN, E. – Difficulties in Mental Prayer 9. [ ] BAUR, B. – Frequent Confession 10. [ ] COMPENDIUM OF THE CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH [ ] CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH [ ] TRESE, L. – The Faith Explained (n.b., there is a more recent edition of the same updated by a priest of Opus Dei, and yet another later work of like title wholly rewritten by a priest of the Work) or [ ] SHEED, F.J. – Theology for Beginners or (a lot lengthier & more demanding) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] FARRELL, W. – A Companion to the Summa (4 vols.) Years 4 to 6: 11. Yearly (in centres) one of [ ] Cuadernos 1 [ ] Notebook 2 [ ] Cuadernos 4 [ ] Notebook 6 [ ] Notebook 8 [ ] Notebook 9 [ ] Notebook 10 [ ] Cuadernos 11 [ ] Notebook 12 [ ] Christian Family (portion of Notebook 10: Obras editorials 1987-89); 12. [ ] TISSOT, J. – The Interior Life or [ ] [ ] GARRIGOU-LAGRANGE, R. – The Three Ages of the Interior Life (2 large vols.) or [ ] TANQUEREY, A. – The Spiritual Life: A Treatise on Ascetical & Mystical Theology or [ ] AUMANN, J. – Spiritual Theology 3 13. [ ] VALLE, F.J. del – About the Holy Spirit or [ ] editorials from Crónica July 83 to Nov. 84 (these and other editorials on the Holy Spirit are collected and bound for use in centres as The Holy Spirit Lord and Giver of Life) 14. [ ] ST. FRANCIS de SALES – Introduction to the Devout Life or [ ] BOYLAN, E. – This Tremendous Lover or [ ] CHAUTARD, J.B. – The Soul of the Apostolate [ ] (Inner Strength for Active Apostles = abridgement of last work) 15. [ ] ST. TERESA OF ÁVILA – Autobiography [ ] The Foundations [ ] Way of Perfection 16. [ ] Le TOURNEAU, D. – What is Opus Dei? (a.k.a. All About Opus Dei in some editions) 17. [ ] SUÁREZ, F. – The Sacrifice of the Altar 18. [ ] ST. ALPHONSUS de LIGUORI – The Glories of Mary (also available in an abridged edition) or [ ] GARRIGOU-LAGRANGE, R. – The Mother of the Saviour or [ ] WALSH, W.T. – Our Lady of Fatima 19. [ ] ST. ALPHONSUS de LIGUORI – Meditations on the Passion a.k.a., in an abridgement, [ ] Into Your Hands) 20. Documents on the Church’s Social Teaching (and related matters): [ ] Rerum novarum [ ] Quadragesimo anno [ ] Pacem in terris [ ] Mater et magistra [ ] Octogesima adveniens [ ] Populorum progressio [ ] Laborem exercens [ ] Sollicitudo rei socialis [ ] Centesimus annus [ ] CDF – Theology of Liberation [ ] CDF – Christian Freedom and Liberation [ ] Humanae vitae [ ] Familiaris consortio [ ] Donum vitae [ ] Benedict XVI, Caritas in veritate [ ] Francis, Evangelii gaudium [ ] [ ] Compendium of the Social Teaching of the Church (rather diffuse collected texts) 21. [ ] ST. JOSEMARÍA – Conversations Navarre Bible: In Years 1 to 6 a spread, starting with the Gospels: [ ] Matthew 4 [ ] Mark [ ] Luke [ ] John then [ ] Acts [ ] Romans & Galatians [ ] Corinthians [ ] Captivity Epistles [ ] Thessalonians [ ] Hebrews [ ] Catholic Epistles [ ] Revelation It may also be worth reading early on some Old Testament vols. such as, for example, that on [ ] Psalms that may help particularly with prayer. (N.T. fascicles of the Ignatius Study Bible (eds. S. Hahn et al.), or even the consolidated I.S.B. New Testament, may help some.) 5 Some readily available Patristic or ‘classical’ texts, & collections or summaries thereof: ST. ALPHONSUS LIGUORI [ ] Practice of Love for Jesus Christ [ ] The Passion of Jesus Christ [ ] Visits to the Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary ST. AMBROSE [ ] The Nun’s Ideal (despite the odd title for a Scepter book, it is really, and usefully, about virginity, etc.; in another edition a.k.a. [ ] Given to Love) [ ] On / About Penance [ ] De Mysteriis [ ] Christian Initiation ST. ANSELM [ ] Cur Deus Homo APOSTOLIC FATHERS [ ] the [collectively] (essential works in translation collected in the C.U.A. or other good Catholic edition) ST. ATHANASIUS [ ] On the Incarnation (the most readily available modern translation is Anglican, but it seems all right) ST. AUGUSTINE [ ] Sermons [ ] On the Psalms [ ] The Lord’s Sermon on the Mount [ ] On the Holy Trinity ST. BASIL THE GREAT [ ] On the Holy Spirit ST. BERNARD [ ] Christmas Sermons [ ] Sermons on the Blessed Virgin Mary [ ] On the Love of God [ ] Opera omnia BONA, Card. G. [ ] The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass CABASILAS, N. (a C14th Greek Orthodox writer) [ ] Life in Christ ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA [ ] The Dialogue [ ] (also in a modern, usefully, abbreviated edition as [ ] Little Talks with God) ST. CLEMENT OF ROME [ ] Letter to the Corinthians ST. CYRIL OF JERUSALEM [ ] Catechetical Lectures FARRELL, W. (& HEALY, M.J.) [ ] My Way of Life (useful, simple devotional summary of the Summa Theologiae of Aquinas) ST. FRANCIS DE SALES [ ] Treatise on the Love of God 6 ST. GREGORY OF NYSSA [ ] The Great Catechesis [ ] The Life of Moses ST. GREGORY THE GREAT [ ] Pastoral Care (a.k.a. Pastoral Rule) [ ] Parables of the Gospel (select) [ ] Forty Gospel Homilies [ ] On the Book of Job (a.k.a. Moralia in Job) ST. IRENAEUS OF LYONS [ ] On the Apostolic Preaching ST. JOHN OF ÁVILA [ ] The Holy Ghost (in a recently revised Scepter edition a.k.a. The Holy Spirit Within) [ ] Audi Filia ST. JOHN CASSIAN [ ] Conferences ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM [ ] Homilies on the Gospel of St. John ST. JOHN DAMASCENE [ ] Christological and Marian Homilies ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS [ ] Spiritual Canticle [ ] Living Flame of Love [ ] Ascent of Mount Carmel [ ] Opera omnia ST. JUSTIN MARTYR [ ] The Apologies KEMPIS, THOMAS Á (traditionally attributed to) [ ] Imitation of Christ ST. LEO THE GREAT [ ] Homilies Fray LUIS de GRANADA [ ] The Sinner’s Guide [ ] Book of Prayer and Meditation [ ] Life of Christ ST. MAXIMUS THE CONFESSOR [ ] Meditations on Christ’s Agony OSUNA, F. de [ ] The Third Spiritual Alphabet PALMA, L. de la [ ] History of the Passion (a.k.a. The Sacred Passion in a modern edition published by Scepter U.S.A.) ST. PETER OF ALCANTARA [ ] Treatise on Prayer [ST. PIUS V] [ ] ‘Catechism of the Council of Trent’ PUENTE, L. de la [ ] Meditations on the Mysteries of Our Holy Faith, Together With a Treatise on Mental Prayer RODRÍGUEZ, A.
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