Northern Catholic News SPECIAL EDITION P a G E 3
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D I O C E S E O F Northern Catholic PRINCE GEORGE News SPECIAL EDITION JANUARY 2013 Msgr. Stephen Jensen appointed Bishop of Prince George On January 3, Master of Divinity in 1979. the Curia and Vicar for Evangeli- 2013, Pope He was ordained a priest of the zation and Education, a member Benedict XVI Archdiocese of Vancouver on of the Archdiocesan Finance appointed Msgr. May 24, 1980. From 1984 to Council, Chair of the Steering Stephen Jensen, 1998 he was a pastor in three Committee of the archdiocesan Vicar General of parishes: Immaculate Concep- annual appeal, and a member of the Archdiocese tion and Corpus Christi in Van- archdiocesan advisory boards of Vancouver, as couver and St. Ann’s in Abbots- for Catholic cemeteries, evange- Bishop of the ford. lization, stewardship and voca- Diocese of Since 1984 he has served on tions. Prince George. the Catholic School Board, over- Bishop-elect Jensen was a trus- He succeeds seeing a total of 46 elementary tee of Vancouver College and St. Bishop Gerald and secondary schools in the Thomas More Collegiate Wiesner, OMI, Vancouver Archdiocese. He was schools – both non-parochial who, after over named a Prelate of Honour in high schools originally run by the 19 years, offered 1996 and Vicar for Education in Christian Brothers – and a his resignation to 1997, assisting with elementary member of the board of the the Holy Father and secondary Catholic schools, theological school St. Mark’s in Jun 2012 when as well as adult catechesis. College and the undergraduate he reached the age of 75, as In 2001 he earned a doctorate liberal arts program Corpus required by the Code of Canon in Education, specializing in edu- Christi College – both affiliated Law. cational leadership, at the Jesuit with the University of British Bishop-elect Stephen Jensen University of San Francisco. In Columbia. was born May 30, 1954 in North 2009, the Most Rev. J. Michael He was a trustee of Providence Vancouver, BC. He attended St. Miller, CSB, Archbishop of Van- Health Care, the largest Catho- Peter’s Seminary in London, couver, named him Vicar Gen- lic health care organization in Ontario where he received his eral of the Archdiocese. Canada. BA in Philosophy in 1976 and a He has also been Moderator of Shortly after his appointment as bishop of the Diocese of Prince George, Msgr. Stephen Jensen made a brief trip to the diocese to meet with his new staff at the Diocesan Centre. Pictured here with Msgr. Jensen, centre, are the Director of the Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Susan Campbell and Diocesan Administrator Father Richard Beau- dette, OMI. PHOTO BY: Mary-Anne Lewis Jamin P a g e 2 Tireless priest moves north By Nathan Rumohr “Church was very impor- mer classmate’s mastery of Reprinted with permission from tant to them, and the priest- catechesis and religious edu- The B.C. Catholic hood was revered.” He said cation will not only be a Msgr. Stephen Jensen grew his parents didn’t hinder him great contribution for the up serving the Church and from the priesthood but people of Prince George, but he’s never stopped. didn’t put any pressure on also for the entire country The Bishop-elect of Prince him. when he becomes a member George has always kept ser- “The family sets the frame- of the Canadian Conference vice and obedience to the work for your world; if fam- of Catholic Bishops. Lord close to his heart. His ily life is conducive to faith Bishop-elect Jensen re- friends and collogues know and vocation than it's possi- turned to Vancouver in 1980 he will bring that attitude to ble to hear the call.” and was ordained by Northern the people of Northern Brit- Bishop-elect Jensen, as he Archbishop Carney. He was Catholic News ish Columbia. will be known until his epis- assigned as an assistant pas- Published by the “It's all God’s grace, not copal ordination, was also tor at Corpus Christi Parish Diocese of Prince our personal abilities,” he influenced by his pastor Fa- in Vancouver and later at told The B.C. Catholic. “We ther John Kilty, who inspired Assumption Parish in Powell George can't be under any illusions him to serve God’s faithful. River. on where it comes from.” Once Bishop-elect Jensen From 1984 to 1998 he 6500 Southridge Ave The archdiocese's vicar- decided to pursue the priest- served as pastor at Immacu- Box 7000 general knew he wanted to hood he was sent by former late Conception and Corpus Prince George, BC serve Jesus relatively early in Archbishop James Carney to Christi parishes in Vancouver V2N 3Z2 his life. Growing up in North St. Peter’s Seminary in Lon- and St. Ann’s in Abbotsford. Vancouver in the 1950s and don, Ontario. He obtained a “The good people were Phone: 250-964-5644 1960s, he attended Holy master of divinity degree in always inspiring and edifying Trinity Church with his par- 1979. to priests,” he said. Fax: 250-964-2101 ents Kathleen and Mark “I thoroughly enjoyed St. He had the chance to work (both deceased) and studied Peter’s,” he recalled. “The for four “outstanding Email: at Holy Trinity Elementary priests and seminarians were archbishops,” he added, from [email protected] School. really fine people.” Archbishop Carney to “In those days North Van- He said his class of seven Archbishop J. Michael Miller. Editor: couver was like a small seminarians was a tight-knit He was named a prelate of Mary-Anne Lewis Jamin town,” he recalled. “It was group. “It was remarked at honor with the title monsi- Layout: much less developed than it the seminary that that the gnor in 1997 and in 2009 Stacy Gaal is now, so you recognized a class was an extraordinary Archbishop Miller appointed lot more people you saw on one because we really all him to his current post as the street.” were friends and, I would vicar-general. It was a close-knit commu- like to think, a positive influ- The bishop-elect appears to nity. Parish life, he added, ence.” keep somewhat to himself was a great influence on him. One of his classmates, now and maintain a certain level He saw “the Church at its Bishop Brian Dunn of Anti- of privacy but his coworkers best.” gonish, NS, will be on hand within the chancery know “In that parish there was a at Bishop-elect Jensen's ordi- him as a witty man with a great tradition of service,” he nation Mass. sense of humor and a good said. “Altar boys would serve Bishop Dunn described his heart. in large numbers at weekday friend as a solid, insightful, Bishop-elect Jensen will face masses. It was just part of firm and reliable man. “In the his new appointment with growing up there; it wasn't seminary he was very quiet, humility and a reliance on the seen as exceptional.” but whenever he spoke you Lord. “It's not going to be He said this was probably got to the core of the truth my abilities or skills that do where the “seed of vocation he was talking about. He had it; it’s only by God’s help. was planted.” He also cred- a wonderful way of penetrat- We’re not sufficient our- ited his parents for being ing the reality of the situa- selves, but God is.” good examples of how to be tion.” faithful Catholics. Bishop Dunn said his for- Northern Catholic News SPECIAL EDITION P a g e 3 “Catholic education equips us for mission” Bishop-elect Stephen Jensen served to us,” he said. “It equips us for mis- San Francisco. education in the Vancouver Archdio- sion, to be witnesses so that others “He's a wonderful vicar of educa- cese as a member of the Catholic may come to know and serve God, tion,” commented Bobbi Duncan, school board and currently sits as vice too, in the family of the Church.” office manager of the Catholic Inde- -president. In 1997 Archbishop Adam Exner, pendent Schools office of Vancouver “Catholic education, in a school or OMI, appointed him vicar of education Archdiocese. “He always has the parish setting, is really a continuation in the archdiocese. At the same time schools as his first priority. He’s a of the ministry of Jesus, so we can he earned a doctorate in education wonderful man and Prince George is know and respond to God’s goodness leadership from the Jesuit University in lucky to have him. What people are saying … Most Rev. J. Michael Miller Barb Dowding Archbishop of Vancouver Vice Chancellor The appointment is “a great blessing to the Diocese of Prince Archdiocese of Vancouver George,” but “a loss for the Archdiocese of Vancouver.” “It's going to be huge loss for us.” She said she wasn't surprised “The Holy Father has chosen a worthy shepherd and successor to by the monsignor's appointment. “He has such a sense of duty to Bishop Wiesner, and we shall all pray that his ministry will be fruitful the Church and will bring his gifts to the diocese (of Prince for the entire People of God entrusted to his care.” George) and do a great job there.” The Archbishop described Msgr. Jensen as “indefatigable in carrying Lynn Monteith out his priestly ministry” and said those who know and work with Accountant him “shall miss his exemplary simplicity, his wisdom and his wit.” Diocese of Prince George “He is an inspiration to us all.” “Each person brings their talents and treasures to their particu- Rev.