Public Document Pack Meeting Development Control and Regulatory Board Time/Date Thursday, 28 June 2001 at 2:00 pm Location Guthlaxton Committee Room, County Hall, Glenfield Officer to contact Mr. D.J. Ward (Tel: 0116 265 6028) E-Mail
[email protected] Membership Mr. D. C. Bill CC Mr. D. R. Bown CC Mrs. C. E. Brock CC Mr. P. Callis CC Mr. B. Chapman AE, CC Mr. R. Fraser CC Mr. R. Jenkins CC Mr. D. Jennings CC Mr. C. H. G. Macleod CC Mr. M. B. Page CC Mr. E. Palmer CC Mr. G.H. Perkins JP, CC Mr. J. W. Royce CC AGENDA Item Marked 1. Election of Chairman. 2. Appointment of Deputy Chairman. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 24th May, 2001. A 4. Question Time. 5. Questions asked under Standing Order 7(3) and (5). 6. To advise of any other items which the Chairman has decided to take as urgent elsewhere on the agenda. 7. To receive declarations by members of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in respect of items on this agenda. 8. Leicestershire County Council Horninghold Tree Preservation Order 1973 - B Application to fell four trees. Report of the Acting Director of Planning and Transportation. _______C O U N T Y H A L L • G L E N F I E L D • L E I C E S T E R • L E 3 8 R A_____ T E L E P H O N E: 0116 232 3232 • F A X: 0116 265 6260 • M I N I C O M: 0116 265 6160 e.mail:
[email protected] 2 The following are reports of the Acting Director of Planning and Transportation on Planning Matters.