U.S. Army Military History Institute Germany-WWII 950 Soldiers Drive Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013-5021 14 Sep 2012

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U.S. Army Military History Institute Germany-WWII 950 Soldiers Drive Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013-5021 14 Sep 2012 U.S. Army Military History Institute Germany-WWII 950 Soldiers Drive Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013-5021 14 Sep 2012 GERMAN ARMY, WWII A Working Bibliography of MHI Sources CONTENTS General Sources.....p.1 Strength and Casualties.....p.4 High Command and Control.....p.4 Organization and Doctrine.....p.8 Intelligence and Deception.....p.10 Administration and Logistics.....p.11 Weapons and Equipment.....p.13 Uniforms, Insignia and Decorations.....p.14 Unit and Personal Narratives.....p.15 Support Services….p.17 Foreign Volunteers.....p.17 Volkssturm.....p.20 Officers and Soldiers.....p.20 Evaluation and Comparison.....p.22 Miscellaneous.....p.23 GENERAL SOURCES Bartov, Omer. Hitler's Army: Soldiers, Nazis, and War in the Third Reich. NY: Oxford, 1991. 238 p. D757.B27. Argues the pervasiveness of Nazi ideology, especially on the Eastern Front. Bauer, Magna. Historical studies. OCMH Coll, Arch. American scholar. Bodling, Walter J.E. "Documents of the German Army." Military Review (Aug 1961): pp. 17-24. Per. Captured WWII records in U.S. hands. Castillo, Jasen J. “The Will to Fight: Explaining an Army’s Staying Power.” PhD dss, U Chicago, 2003. 339 p. U21.5.C37. See Pt. 3. German Army, WWII p.2 Citino, Robert M. Blitzkrieg to Desert Storm: The Evolution of Operational Warfare. Lawrence, KS: U KS, 2004. 418 p. U163.C58. See Chap. 2. _____. The German Way of War: From the Thirty Years’ War to the Third Reich. Manhattan, KS: U KS, 2005. 428 p. DD101.C58. See Chaps. 7-8. DiNardo, Richard L. Germany and the Axis Powers: From Coalition to Collapse. Manhattan, KS: U KS, 2005. 282 p. D751.D56. Donovan, William J. Papers. 300 Boxes, 200 reels. Arch & Microfilm. OSS analysis and intelligence on Ger forces. Fritz, Stephen G. Frontsoldaten: The German Soldier in World War II. Lexington, KY: U KY, 1995. 299 p. D757.F75. Germany. Oberkommando der Wehrmacht. Die Wehrmacht. 3 vols. Berlin: Verlag Die Wehrmacht, 1940-42. WC#34-1449. Golaz, Andre. L'Armee Allemande de 1939 a 45. Paris: Etat-Major de L'Armee, Service Historique, 1957. WC#37-1513. Lucas, James. The Last Year of the German Army, May 1944-May 1945. London, England: Arms and Armor, 1994. 224 p. D757.L79. Millett, Allan R., & Murray, Williamson. Military Effectiveness. Vol. III: The Second World War. Boston: Allen & Unwin, 1988. 375 p. U42.M54.1987.v3. See Chap 5. Mitcham, Samuel W., Jr. Blitzkrieg no Longer: The German Wehrmacht in Battle, 1943. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole, 2010. 316 p. D757.M56. _____. German Order of Battle. 3 vols. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole, 2007. D757.3.M58. _____. The Rise of the Wehrmacht: The German Armed Forces and World War II. 2 vols. Westport, CT: Praeger Security International, 2008. D757.M58. Muller-Hillebrand, Burkhart. Das Heer, 1933-45. Darmstadt, Germany: Mittler und Sohn, 1954-69. 3 vols. UA712.M80Bd2. Quarrie, Bruce. Encyclopedia of the German Army in the 20th Century. England: Stephens, 1989. 400 p. UA712.Q82. See Pt 2. Rosinski, Herbert. The German Army. Wash, DC: Infantry Journal, 1944. 220 p. UA712.R49. German Army, WWII p.3 Rottman, Gordon L. German Field Fortifications, 1939-45. University Park, IL: Osprey, 2004. 64 p. UG430.G3.R68. Stone, David. Hitler’s Army, 1939-1945: The Men, Machines and Organization. Minneapolis, MN: Zenith, 2009. 288 p. D757.S775. Tessin, Georg. Formationsgeschichte der Wehrmacht, 1933-39: Stabe und Truppenteile des Heeres und der Luftwaffe. Boppard-am-Rhein, Germany: Boldt, 1959. 266 p. UA712.T47. U.S. Army, Europe. Historical Division “Foreign Military Studies.” Typescript carbons and other reproductions of reports in English & German, 1945-54. ca 2000 items. D739.F6713. Prepared by former German officers under auspices of USAREUR and predecessor commands. See pub index-guide. U.S. Dept of Army. General Staff, G-2. "G-2 Information Digest: Military Attaché Reports, Germany." [Military operations, Apr 1940-Jan 1941.] 1 vol. UB251.U6.G23. _____. Handbook on German Military Forces: Technical Manual E30-451, dated Mar 1945. MilPub-TM. And 1941 & 1943 editions, plus 1990 reprint. _____. Adjutant General's Office. Guide to Captured German Records in the Custody of Department of the Army Agencies in the United States. Wash, DC, Jun 1951. 64 p. CD3028.G3.G83. _____. Mil Intell Div. U.S. Military Intelligence Reports: Germany, 1919-41. Collection of selected docs from MID files in National Archives Record Group 165. Microfilmed by UPA, Inc, 1983. 28 reels. UB251.32.G3Microfilm. See printed guide & index. U.S. Office of Strategic Services. R&A Branch. “European Axis Manpower Summary: German Armed Forces and Satellite Forces.” Report, 29 Mar 1945. 28 p. D757.E97. _____. “Nationality and Age of German Armed Forces Prisoners Captured in Northern France, Jun-Aug 1944.” Study, Jan 1945. 14 p. D805.F8.N374. Random sample of 10% studied; see also Mar 1945 study on an Aug/Sep 1944 sample (D805.F8.N37). Warlimont, Walther. Postwar writings. OCMH Coll, Arch. Westwood, David. The German Army, 1938-1945: Organisation and Personnel: OKW, OKH, Armies, Corps Including Orders of Battle, Officer Appointments, Locations and Engagements. Uckfield, England: Naval & Military Press, 2003. 419 p. UA710.W47. Wheeler-Bennett, John W. The Nemesis of Power: The German Army in Politics, 1918-45. 2d ed. London: Macmillan, 1964. 831 p. DD240.W5. German Army, WWII p.4 World War II German Military Studies: A Collection of 213 Special Reports on the Second World War Prepared by Former Officers of the Wehrmacht for the United States Army. [Edited by Donald S. Detwiler] 24 vols. NY: Garland, 1979. D757.W67. Selected reprints from U.S. Army, Europe's Foreign Military Studies. STRENGTH AND CASUALTIES Liedtke, Gregory P. “Too Few to Fight? The German Army and the Issue of Force Maintenance on the Russian Front, June 1943 to May 1944 = Trop Peu à Combattre?: L’Armée Allemande et la Question de L’éntrentien des Forces au Front Oriental de Juin 1943 à Mai 1944.” MA thesis, Royal Military College of Canada, 2006. 149 p. D764.L54. McLean, "German General Officer Casualties," cited below. Schramm, Percy E. "Wehrmacht Losses (World War II)." USAREUR Foreign Mil Study, 33 p. D739.F6713noB-716. Based on the officially prepared figures of Wehrmacht, as of 31 Jan 1945. Including personnel, animal & equipment data. Sorge, Martin K. The Other Price of Hitler's War: German Military and Civilian Losses Resulting From World War II. NY: Greenwood, 1986. 175 p. D757.S74. HIGH COMMAND AND CONTROL Adams, Allan H. “Wolfsschantze Revisited.” After the Battle No. 153. pp. 21-31. Per. Detailed look at Hitler’s HQ in East Prussia (now Poland). Addington, Larry H. “General Franz Halder and the German Army and General Staff, 1938-1941.” PhD dss, Duke, 1962. 348 p. D757.A33. Barnett, Correlli, ed. Hitler's Generals. NY: Weidenfeld, 1989. 497 p. D736.H57. Blumentritt, Gunther. "Top-Level Agencies of the Army General Staff: The Chief of Operations, Training, and Organization." USAREUR Foreign Mil Study. 17p. D739F6713noP-041d. Brett-Smith, Richard. Hitler's Generals. London: Osprey, 1976. 306 p. U54.G3.B7. Carlson, Verner R. "Portrait of a German General Staff Officer." Military Review (Apr 1990): pp. 69-81. Per. Career of & interview with Friedrich von Mellenthin. German Army, WWII p.5 Clarke, Bruce C. The Command, Control and Communications National System of Germany During World War II. Study, Defense Analysis Center, 8 May 1963. 23 p. D757.C36. Cooper, Matthew. The German Army, 1933-45: Its Political and Military Failure. NY: Stein & Day, 1978. 598 p. UA712.C66. Highly critical account & analysis. Demeter, Karl. The German Officer-Corps in Society and State, 1650-1945. NY: Praeger, 1965. 414 p. UB415.G2.D4. Deutsche Wehr, 1939-41. Vols. 42-45. Per. Weekly journal. See also its weekly supplement Der Truppendienst. DeWeerd, Harvey A. "The German Officer Corps Versus Hitler." Military Affairs (Winter 1949): pp. 199-208. Per. Germany. Oberkommando der Wehrmacht. "Fuehrer Directives and Other Top-Level Directives of the German Armed Forces, 1942-45." Mimeo, 1948. 236 p. D757.A5. Goerlitz, Walter. History of the German General Staff, 1657-1945. NY: Praeger, 1965. 508 p. UB225.G4.G613. Greiner, Helmuth. "Entwurfe zum Kriegstagebush des Wehrmacht-fuhrungsstabes Vom 1.8.1940- 30.11.1940." USAREUR Foreign Mil Study, 1949. 272 p. D739.F6713noC-065j. _____. "Aufzechnungen Uber die Lagebesprechungen bei der Abteilung Landesverteidigung August 1940-Juli 1941." USAREUR Foreign Mil Study, 1949. 288 p. D739.F6713noC-065. _____. "Die Deutsche Oberste Fuhrung Im Zweiten Weltkriege." USAREUR Foreign Mil Study, 1949. 31 p. D739.F6713noC-065b. Grimmeis, Max. "Die Verbindungsoffiziere des OKH." [OKH Project: The Army High Command, Liaison Officers]. USAREUR Foreign Mil Study, 1947. 20 p. D739.F6713noP-041cc. Grunberger, Richard. The 12-Year Reich: A Social History of Nazi Germany, 1933-45. NY: Holt, 1971. 535 p. DD256.5.G78. See Chap 10. Halder, Franz. The Private War Journal of Generaloberst Franz Halder. Mimeo, Jun 1950. 9 vols. DD247.H25.A28213. Reprinted & indexed as Halder War Diary (see below) _____. "Control of the German Army General Staff." USAREUR Foreign Mil Study, 1946. 18 p. D739.F6713noP-041d. German Army, WWII p.6 _____. The Halder War Diary, 1939-42. [Ed by Charles Burdick & Hans-Adolf Jacobsen] Novato, CA: Presidio, 1988. 716 p. DD247.H25.A2813. Indexed. Reprint of his Private War. Hechler, Kenneth W. "Interviews with German Military Leaders, 1945." Typescript carbon, 1945. 15 p. D757.H4. Generals Warlimont, Keitel, and Jodl. Hitler, Adolf. Papers. Minutes of meetings with OKW and miscellaneous papers. Arch. Humble, Richard. Hitler's Generals. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1974. 167 p. DD247.H5.H83. Keegan, John. The Mask of Command. NY: Sifton, 1987. 368 p. UB210.K44. Explores high command as cultural activity of time and place, exemplified by case studies that include Adolf Hitler.
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