CSU ASTEX Surface Data Sets from Porto Santo (June 1-28, 1992)

by S. Cox, S. Gillies, A. Heidinger, and C. Keith

FIRE Series No.9

Department ofAtmospheric Science Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado

Funding Agencies: Office ofNaval Research National Aeronautics & Space Administration Department ofEnergy National Science Foundation CSU ASTEX SURFACE DATA SETS FROM

PORTO SANTO (JUNE 1-28, 1992) by: S. Cox, S. Gillies, A Heidinger, and C. Keith Department ofAtmospheric Science Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523

FIRE Series No. 9

Funding Agencies: Office of Naval Research National Aeronautics & Space Administration Department of Energy National Science Foundation


1. Introduction 0 1

2. Data Storage and Accessibility ...... 10 A Station 1 Data ...... 10 B. Data 11 C. 11 Micron Brightness Temperature 12 D. Rawinsonde Surface Data 12 E. Data Accessibility 13

3. Surface Time Series ...... 14

4. Radiation and Ceiling Time Series 42

5. Rawinsonde Surface Meteorology Observations 72

6. Hourly Distributions of Radiation and Cloud Variables...... 76

7. Frequency Distributions for the Experiment 134

8. Acknowledgements...... 146

APPENDIX A: Rawinsonde Ascent Times and Comments A-I


Figure 1 Map of the Island of Porto Santo 2

Section 3 15-41 Surface Meteorology Time Series (Full resolution) Wind Speed Wind Direction Temperature Relative Humidity

Section 4 43-71 Radiation and Ceiling Time Series (Full resolution) Infrared Irradiance Solar Irradiance 11 micron Brightness Temperature Ceiling

Section 5 73-75 Rawinsonde Surface Observations (Time Series) Pressure Temperature Relative Humidity Wind Speed Wind Direction

Section 6 77-133 Hourly Summaries of Radiation and Cloud Cover Infrared Irradiance Solar Irradiance Solar Transmittance Cloud Cover 11 micron Brightness Temperature Daily Frequency Distributions Ceiling 11 micron Brightness Temperature

Section 7 135-145 Daily MinIMax Temperature and Relative Humidity Daily Mean Solar and Infrared Irradiance Values Total Experiment Time Series and Frequency Distributions Temperature Relative Humidity Wind Speed Wind Direction Infrared Irradiance Solar Irradiance Ceiling 11 micron Brightness Temperature


Table 1. Surface Meteorology Observations 0 • 0 • 0 0 ••• 0 • • • •• 3

Table 2. Infrared Radiation Observations .. 0 • 0 ••••••••• 0 • 0 •• 0 •• 0 0 0 • • •• 3

Table 3. Solar Radiation Observations 0 •••••••• 0 ••••••••• 0 •• 0 •• 4

Table 4. Cloud Observations 0 •••••••••••••• 0 •••• 0 • • • • • • • •• 5

Table 5. Upper Air Observations 0 ••••••••••••• 0 ••• 0 0 0 0 • • • • • • •• 6

Table 6. Summary of CSU ASTEX Data ... 0 •• 0 •••••• 0 • 0 •• 0 •••• 0 • • • • •• 7

IV 1. Introduction

During the ASTEX-FIRE II field phase, June 1- 27, 1992, Colorado State University and NOAA/WPL scientists operated an extensive ensemble of in situ and remote sensing instrumentation on the island of Porto Santo, Madeiras. Figure 1 shows map of the island of Porto Santo and the relative location of the ASTEX site near the north end of the airport runway. Summaries of the site characteristics and instrumentation were presented by Cox et aI., (1993). In addition, a document by Schubert, et aI., (1992) presented data in graphical format from three-hourly rawinsonde releases from the Porto Santo site. The intent of the Schubert document was to provide the scientific community with a "quick look" visual depiction of a large data set; we have the same intention with the presentations which follow. While the graphical data presentations do not lend themselves to detailep scientific study, they do provide the reader with a nearly continuous summary of surface conditions on the island of Porto Santo during the ASTEX field experiment. From these summaries one can select times of special interest and then access higher time resolution data in digital format for quantitative analyses.

Tables 1-5 summarize the entire set of measurements conducted from the island of

Porto Santo during the ASTEX field expedition. More detailed summaries of these instruments and the respective data collection procedures may be found in Cox, et aI.,


1 Experiment Site PORrro SANrr"O '."flrl I., " .•I.,·r., 1 7 3 4Iulnm"" p,~ ') - ---'-- ---r ..1-__,..-______J ') (p""'~


"" llhtllFerr.. r IlMu d•• ( :enour.~ ,~ -~

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~., .. hl".I'"'' )\' I"·' ~II' 1I~1

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Figure 1: Map of the island of Porto Santo

2 ASTEX - PORTO SANTO JUNE 1 - 28, 1992

Table 1. Surface Meteorology Observations

INSTRUMENTATION VARIABLES DERIVEABLE SAMPLING AGENCY/lNSTITU MEASURED PARAMETERS TION Campbell 21X System Temperature Same as Continuous, CSU Relative Humidity measured 2 min. Wind Speed Wind Direction variables interval

Table 2. Infrared Radiation Observations

INSTRUMENTATION VARIABLES DERIVEABLE SAMPLING AGENCY/ MEASURED PARAMETERS INSTITUTION Pyrgeometer 3-50JLm irradiance Cloud emittance, Continuous, CSU & WPL effective radiating 2 min. interval temperature, cloud base temperature PRT - 6, 1Q-llJLm; 8-lOJLm Cloud base Continuous, CSU, WPL PRT- 5 radiance temperature, Cloud 10 sec. interval respectively 2 degree FOV, emittance, effective vertical radiating temperature Infrared interferometer 5-15JLm; 1 cm-t Temperature(z), On demand CSU spectral atmospheric radiance, 40mr spectral emittance, FOV, vertical and equivalent emitting angle scan temperature,

3 ASTEX - PORTO SANTO JUNE 1 - 28, 1992

Table 3. Solar Radiation Observations

INSTRUMENTATION VARIABLES MEASURED DERIVEABLE SAMPLING AGENCY/ PARAMETERS INSTITUTION .3-2.8J.1.m irradiance Global, radiation, Continuous CSU & WPL .695-2.8J.1.m irradiance Diffuse component 2 min. interval CSU w/ Pyrheliometer Pyrheliometer .3-2.8J.1.m direct solar Direct component, Continuous CSU .53-2.8J.1.m direct solar aerosol extinction 2 min. interval .695-2.8J.1.m direct solar coefficient, cloud 1.0-2.8J.1.m direct solar optical depth All 5 degree FOV (1/2 angle)

Sun Photometer 0.50,2 J.l.m Aerosol extinction On demand CSU/ coefficient WPL Multiple Field of View 2°"5° 10°,20° and 30° Cloud optical depth, Continuous CSU Radiometer fields of view, Spectral droplet/crystal size 2 min. interval band pass .4 to 1.1J.1.m

4 ASTEX - PORTO SANTO JUNE 1 - 28, 1992

Table 4. Cloud Observations

INSTRUMENTATION VARIABLES DERIVEABLE SAMPLING AGENCY/ MEASURED PARAMETERS INSTITUTION Scanning 6.8 mm Radar radar cross section as a liquid/ice water Continuous WPL function of height, content; radial doppler shifted component of frequency velocity; particle fall velocity; cloud base/top height Scanning 10.7 #Lm back scatter coefficient radial component of On demand WPL Doppler as a function of height, velocity; cloud doppler shifted base/top height; frequency aerosol backscatter .9#Lm Laser Ceilometer back scatter efficiency Cloud base height Continuous CSU as a function of height 1 min repetition Video all sky camera cloud imagery cloud cover, cloud Continuous CSU type

5 ASTEX - PORTO SANTO JUNE 1 - 28, 1992

Table 5. Upper Air Observations1

INSTRUMENTATION VARIABLES DERIVEABLE SAMPLING AGENCY/ MEASURED PARAMETERS INSTITUTION Rawinsonde Temperature (z) Thickness, OI~e per 3 CSU Relative precipitable water, hours Humidity (z) stability, dry/moist Horizontal wind static energy components (z)

404 Mhz Backscatter signal Horizontal wind Continuous 1 CSU strength (z), doppler velocity, vertical wind set/IO shifted frequency (z) wind velocity min. Radio acoustic sounding velocity of sound(z) Temperature (z) one sounding CSU system [RASS] per hour

1 The NOAA/WPL radar and lidar also produce air motion information. The experiment site was maintained twenty-four hours a day during the entire IFO (6/1/92 - 6/28/92). Some remote sensing, surface radiation systems and surface meteorology systems operated continuously. Other systems operated "on demand" and data were collected only during periods of high interest. Rawinsondes were released every three hours from June 8 to June 27. From June 1 to June 8 a shortage of helium and hydrogen compressed gas dictated scaling down the rawinsonde schedule to six launches per day. Liquid nitrogen was not available on Porto Santo until June 4; therefore CSU's infrared interferometer and NOAA's doppler lidar systems operated only for the period June 4-June 27. Table 6 presents a summary of data acquired from the CSU systems during this period.

6 Table 6. Summary of CSU ASTEX Data May 30 . June 29 1992 Colorado State University Porto Santo Site

May June I~ttaI I I 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Station x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1

Station x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 3

Wind x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Profiler /RASS

Ceilometer x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Sky Camera x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Rawin- 1 1 7 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 sonde


Interferometer 6 12 12 6 15 15 6 18 60 15 12 78 78 99 24 42 41 99

PRT-6 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

7 The following sections present three basic data sets from the Porto Santo site.

Section 2 presents brief descriptions of data storage and accessibility. Section 3 presents a time series for each experiment day of the following variables: air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and wind direction. Section 4 presents similar time series of broadband solar irradiance, downwelling broadband infrared irradiance, 11~m sky brightness temperature and ceiling (height of the lowest cloud layer below 5 Km). These data were nominally collected continuously throughout the experiment. More detailed explanations of the instrumentation used to collect the above data are given in Cox, S. K. et aI., (1993). Section 5 contains considerably lower temporal resolution depictions of surface pressure, temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and wind direction. These data were manually recorded at the time of each rawinsonde launch; therefore the nominal temporal resolution is one data point every three hours.

A number of preliminary analyses were conducted as a means of evaluating data quality. These analyses produced summaries of the data products which are in themselves useful and interesting in gaining an overall understanding of the meteorological conditions encountered during the experiment.

Section 6 presents hourly depictions of the following variables for each day of the experiment: downward infrared and solar irradiances; solar transmittance; cloud cover deduced from ceilometer data; and 11 micron equivalent radiative brightness temperature. Frequency distributions of cloud cover and 11 micron brightness temperatures for each day are also presented.

8 Section 7 presents basic statistical data for the experimental period as a whole.

Frequency distributions oftemperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, ceiling, infrared radiance, solar irradiance and 11 micron brightness temperature are provided. Also included is a graphical depiction of daily extrema in temperature and relative humidity.

Appendix I is a reproduction of surface weather comments recorded by rawinsonde teams during the experiment.

9 2. Data Storage and Accessibility

A. Station 1 Data

The station 1 data files contain all measurements shown in this report except for the

PRT-6, the ceilometer data and the manually recorded surface data prior to each

rawinsonde release. The data files can be found in the /data/astexdata/campbell/station1 directory on the machine trueno.atmos.colostate.edu ( The files are named stationl.nnn where nnn is the julian day. Data fields are separated by a single whitespace

character and can be read in using the FORTRAN free format specifier (*). Missing or

erroneous data were assigned the value -99.00.

The data were collected every two minutes and the order of the data fields on each

line is shown below with an estimate of the precision of each measurement given in the units

of the measurement.

Variable Estimated Precision

l. Fractional Julian Day 0.0001157

2. Wind Speed (m/s) 0.5

3. Wind Direction (degrees) 5.0

4. Temperature (Celsius) 0.2

5. Relative Humidity (%) 5.0

2 6. Solar Total Irradiance (W/m ) 5.0

2 7. Near Infrared Irradiance (W/m ) 5.0

2 8. Infrared Irradiance (W/m ) 5.0

10 9. Dome Temperature (Celsius) 0.2

10. Sink Temperature (Celsius) 0.2

2 II. Direct Solar - Yellow Filter (W/m ) [0 sec] 5.0

2 12. Direct Solar - Red Filter (W/m ) [30 sec] 5.0

2 13. Direct Solar - Dark Red Filter (W/m ) [.60 sec] 5.0

2 14. Direct Solar - No Filter (W/m ) [90 sec] 5.0

2 15. Direct Solar - No Filter (W/m ) [0 sec] 5.0

2 16. Direct Solar - No Filter (W/m ) [30 sec] 5.0

2 17. Direct Solar - No Filter (W/m ) [60 sec] 5.0

2 18. Direct Solar - No Filter (W/m ) [90 sec] 5.0

19. Hour-Minute (hhmm UTC) 0.1667

B. Ceilometer Data

Ceilometer data is stored in the /data/astexdata/ceilometer directory on TRUENO.

The naming convention on the files is such that the data for June 12, 1992 is located in the file called 920612.prn. Data were collected every minute and each data line consists of 5 fields separated by commas. The first three fields are the month, the day of the month, and the year respectively. The fifth field is the measured ceiling in meters with negative values meaning no ceiling was detected. An example section of a data file is shown below.


6,12,1992,1215, 853.4400

6,12,1992,1216, 876.3000

11 c. 11 Micron Brightness Temperature

The 11 micron brightness temperature data are stored in the file /data/astexdata on

TRUENO. Data were recorded every ten seconds. Each line consists of the fractional julian day and the 11 micron equivalent brightness temperature in degrees Absolute. The

FORTRAN format statement used to produce the files was (Fll.7,2x,F8.3). The file

naming convention for these files is such that the data for June 12, 1992 is in the file called

prt0612.ebt. Missing values were assigned the value -99.00.

An example of the data is shown below.

164.5090332 285.693

164.5091553 285.864

164.5092621 285.475

D. Rawinsonde Surface Data

During the launching of each rawinsonde, a set of surface observations was taken.

These observations included the surface pressure measured from an aneroid , the

temperature and relative humidity measured using an aspirated psychrometer and the wind

speed and direction measured from the position of a wind sock. The wind speed was

estimated to the nearest knot and the wind direction to the nearest ten degrees. These data were recorded from May 30 to June 28 and are stored in the sfc.obs file in the

data/astexdata/sfcobs directory on TRUENO. The wind speed recorded in the sfc.obs file

has been converted from knots to meters/second. The value of -99.0 was given to any

missing data points.

12 A section of the sfc.obs file is shown below.

Time Pressure Temperature RH Wind Wind Julian Day (mb) (C) (%) Speed (m/s) Direction ooססOO 87.00000 2.57220 350.0סס18.6 1004.09998 149.33130 ooססOO 74.00000 3.60108 350.0סס16.8 1006.09998 150.95419 ooסס350.0 1.54332 74.00000 16.80000 1005.79999 151.07291

E. Data Accessibility

All of the above data is available through anonymous ftp on trueno.atmos.colostate.edu (12982.107.109). More details on this process can be obtained from Paul Hein. His computer address is [email protected] or he can reached at the following phone number: 303-491-8714 .

13 3. Surface Meteorology Time Series

Air Temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and wind direction were monitored on the Porto Santo experiment site continuously from June 2 to June 28, 1992. The four parameters were sampled once every two minutes. The data were recorded using a

Campbell 21X data system and downloaded once each day to a floppy disk. Pages 15 - 41 present these data at full temporal resolution.

14 Julian Day 154 (2 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction

18 135 .c 16 +oJ .... ~ I 90 E "014 o ~ Z 012 S 45 C,) Q) o 0010 ~ 0 ~ 00 ~ 8 00 Q) Q) -45 +oJ Q) Q) 6 ~ ~ b1) -90 Q) 4 ~ -135 2

-1800L....-~----'---~~----~-....J24S 4 8 12 16 20 24 4 8 12 16 20 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity

30 r--~---'----~--'-----, 100 ~---.--~-~--~-...,

28 95

26 90 00 ~ 24 85 • .-4 00 -Q) 22 ~80 U Q) 00 20 C,)75 ~ Q) Q) 18 ~70 ~ b1) Q) 16 65 ~ 14 60

12 55

10 L-....o.~_~_""'---~_~----' 50 '--~----'---~~----~--' o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe 15 Julian Day 155 (3 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction 180 .--~-~-~~-~--,S

18 135 ~ 16 .-4 -+-' I Soo4 90 E "'d14 o ~ Z 012 S 45 Co) Q) o 0010 Soo4 0 '+-4 00 ~ 8 rn Q) OJ -45 -+-' Q) Q) 6 Soo4 ::;E Q.() -90 w 4 OJ ~ -135 2

-1800'--~---'--~-~~---'2·S 4 8 12 16 20 24 4 8 12 16 20 .. Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity

30 .--~-~-~~-~--, 100 r------...------.--...... -----,

28 95

26 90 00 ~ 24 85 'I"""l 00 a) 22 U 00 20 Q) Q) 18 ~ 01l Q) 16 65 ~ 14 60

12 55

10 L.....-~_ __'__~_""'__~_._J 50 L.....-~_ __'__~_""'__~_ __' o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 16 Time UTe Julian Day 156 (4 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction

18 135 ..c:: 16 .+oJ ...-4 I $.c 90 E "'tj14 o ~ Z 012 S 45 C,) O.l o 0010 $.c 0 ~ 00 ~ 8 00 O.l O.l -45 ...... ,J O.l O.l 6 $.c ~ -90 :E O.l 4 o -135 2

-1800L-~.--o._----'--~~-----l24S 4 8 12 16 20 24 4 8 12 16 20 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity 100 ...---~---~--.--~--.

28 95

26 90 00 ;:l 24 85 .~ 00 aJ 22 ~80 U O.l 00 20 C,)75 Q) Soot O.l 18 ~70 ~ ~ Q) 16 65 o 14 60

12 55

10 '-----'~~~_....L---_'----'-_--l 50 l-.-~_-,--_~~_~----J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 17 Time UTe Julian Day 157 (4 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction 20 ,.--~-~-~-~----.----, 180 ,.--~-~-~-~----.----,5

18 135 ..c:: 16 ~ ....-I ~ E I 90 "014 o c= Z 012 S 45 C) Q.) o 00 10 ~ 0 ~ 00 ~ 8 00 Q.) Q.) -45 ~ (1) Q.) 6 ~ Q.() -90 w ::E Q.) 4 o -135 2

-180 5 4 8 .1.2 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity 100 .....-----.---.--...-~-~-----.

28 95

26 90 00 ~ 24 .~ 00 a) 22 U 00 20 Q.) Q.) 18 ~ Q.() Q.) 16 o 14 60

12 55

50 L-- -"-_....o.--~"-""~_...... J 10 L------'-_~_....o.--_"-""~_...... J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe 18 Julian Day 158 (6 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction 180 ,.--~-~-....--~~-..,S

18 135 ..c:: 16 .+oJ ~ E -I o 90 "'d14 l::: Z 012 S 45 C,) Q.) 00 10 E 0 t:+-4 00 ~ 8 00 Q.) Q.) -45 +J Q.) Q.) 6 ~ ~ bD -90 w Q.) 4 o -135 2

-1800L.-~-~-~---':""~~---l24S 4 8 12 16 20 24 4 8 12 16 20 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity 30 r--~----~----'------'

28 95

26 90 rt.l ~ 24 85 0""'" 00 Q) 22 ~80 U Q.) 00 20 C,)75 ~ Q.) Q.) 18 ~70 ~ 1'o-I.....r"fV' Q..() Q.) 16 65 o 14 60

12 55

10 L---'-_--o-..J.L--"--~_--'--J 50 L---'-_--'--_"--~_~_J o 4 B 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 19 Time UTe Julian Day 159 (7 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction 20 180' S

18 135 ..c 16 ~ ...... ~ I 90 E "014 0 ~ Z b.() 012 Co) C S • .-1 Q) 0 0010 ~ 0 N"O ~ ca 00 Q) ~ 8 00 Q) Q) -45 ::I:: ~ Q) Q) 6 ~ ~ b.() -90 W Q) 4 0 -135 2

-180 S 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity 30 .----.----.------.---.----.

28 95

26 90 00 ;:l 24 85 • .-l 00 ~ 22 Q) ~80 U Q) 00 20 C)75 ~ Q) Q) 18 ~70 ~ Q.(J Q) 16 o 14 60

12 55

50 L- --"--_""-----.-...._----'----' 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe 20 Julian Day 160 (8 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction 180 r--~~~-~~-~___'S

18 135 ~ 16 .+oJ ~ E -I o 90 "'d14 ~ Z 012 S 45 (,) OJ o 0010 ~ 0 ~ 00 ~ 8 00 OJ OJ -45 +-' OJ OJ 6 ~ ::;E Q.() -90 4 oOJ -135 2

-1800L-~-~-~--'------'-----.J24S 4 8 12 16 20 24 4 8 12 16 20 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity 100 r----.--....,...... ~...-,r------....--.--___,

28 95

26 90 rI.l ;l 24 85 .~ rI.l ~ 22 ~80 U OJ rI.l 20 (,)75 ~ OJ OJ OJ 18 ~70 ~ "~~~Wf OJ 16 65 o 14 60

12 55

10 '--~_~_.....JI---,-_----,-----.J 50 l-~_-'--_~--'- --...J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 21 Time UTe Julian Day 161 (9 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction

18 135 ~ 16 -+oJ ~ I 90 E -"C14 o ~ Z 012 S 45 C,) (l) o 0010 ~ 0 ~ 00 ~ 8 00 (l) Q) -45 -+oJ (l) (l) 6 ~ ::g Q.() -90 w Q) 4 o -135 2

-180 L..---,,-_~_~~,",-~_---JS 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity 100 ,..---.----.---.....--.-----.---,

28 95

26 90 00 ~ 24 • ...-1 00 a) 22 U rn 20 Q.) Q.) 18 ~ Q.() Q.) 16 o 14

12 55

10 '-----"-_...... o-_~ ---'-_--J 50 L-----"-_...... o-_~_"-----"-_--J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24- Time UTe 22 Time UTe Julian Day 162 (10 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction

18 135 ..c:: 16 .+oJ ~ E --I 90 "014 0 ~ Z ~ 012 C) S 0 (1) 0 .... 0010 ~ 0 N"O ~ ~ 00 Q,) ~ 8 00 (1) Q,) -45 =r:= .+oJ Q,) Q,) 6 ~ ~ -90 W ::E Q,) 4 0 -135 2

-180 L....-~_~_~---'-_--'-----JS 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity 30 r------~-~---, 100 ..------~-~---,

28 95

26 90 rn ;:l 24 85 • .-4 rn OJ 22 ~80 U (1) rn 20 C)75 ~ (1) Q) 18 ~70 ~ ~ (1) 16 65 o 14 60

12 55

10 '--~_~_~_'--__"__--J 50 L---'-_--'----_~__'__ __"_---J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 23 Time UTe Julian Day 163 (11 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction 20r--~-~-~-~~--' 180 r--~-~-~-~~---'S

18 135 ..c: 16 -+-l .... ~ I 90 E '"d14 0 ~ Z 45 QD 012 ~ C,) S •....c Q) 0 0010 ~ 0 N'"d ~ ~ 00 Q) ~ 8 00 Q) Q) -45 ::t= -+-l Q) Q) 6 ~ ~ QD -90 W Q) 4 Q -135 2

-180 l-~-~-~-~~_--JS 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity

30 .---~----~---...--~-....., 100 .---~-~-...-----.--...... ---,

28 95

26 90 00 85 •::l....c 24 (f.] ~ 22 ~80 U Q) (f.] 20 C,)75 ~ Q) Q) 18 ~70 ~ 1'''~MJ,rI QD Q) 16 65 Q 14 60

12 55

10 l-~_~_~_o.---~_--J 50 L-~_~_~_o.---~_--' o 4 8 12 16 20 24- o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 24 Time UTe Julian Day 164 (12 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction 20 .----~-~--~-~_ 180 ~~-~--~-~----,S

18 135 ..d 16 .p.) ~ E -I 90 "014 o ~ Z 012 S 45 c.> Q) o 0010 ~ 0 ~ 00 s-. 8 00 Q) Q) -45 .+oJ Q) Q)6 ~ ~ b..O -90 Q) 4 o -135 2

oL...-~_~_~~_~-.J -180 L.-~_~_...... u...~_~---JS o 4 8 12 16 20 24- o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity 30 ..--~-~----.-----_ 100 ~~------r------'


26 00 ~ 24 .~ rn ~ 22 U rn 20 ~ 18lJr.Jl.~~~~~' s-. b.D Q) 16 65 o 14 60

12 55

50 L.-~ .-....lJ.,...l-..o.._--,------...J 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 25 Time UTe Julian Day 165 (13 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction

18 135 ..c 16 -+-' ~ -I 90 E "'d14 o c: Z 012 S 45 C,) Q) o CIllO ~ 0 ~ CIl ~ 8 CIl Q) Q) -45 -+-' Q) Q) 6 ~ ~ QD -90 Q) 4 o -135 2

-1800L..-~-~-~~'--~---J24S 4 8 12 16 20 24 4 8 12 16 20 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity 30 .--~---~---.--~---, 100 r--~-~--'---~~-"""

28 95

26 90 CIl ~ 24 85 • .-4 CIl .....-4 22 Q) ~80 U Q) CIl 20 C,)75 ~ Q) Q) 18 ~70 ~ b.D Q) 16 65 o 14 60

12 55

50 L..-~_~_~~'--~_--' 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 26 Time UTe Julian Day 166 (14 June, 1992)

Wind Speed· Wind Direction

18 135 ..c: 16 .-+J -I ~ 90 ""d14 o ~ Z o012 S 45 Q) o 0010 ~ 0 ~ 00 ~ 8 00 Q) Q) -45 ..;...l Q) Q) 6 ~ :;E b..() -90 w Q) 4 o -135 2

-1800'----~-~-~~~~--'24S 4 8 12 16 20 24 4 8 12 16 20 Time UTC Time UTC

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity

100 r------.--~-_--.-----.---,

28 95

26 90 00 ;j 24 .~ 85 00 OJ 22 ~80 U Q) rn 20 075 ~ Q) ~ 181"'~~m'" ~70 b..() Q) 16 65 o 14 60

12 55

10 L..-~_~_~~_~----J 50L..-~-~-~~-~~ o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 27 Time UTC Julian Day 167 (15 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction

18 135 ..c 16 ..p..l ..... ~ I 90 E "'014 o l:::: Z 012 S 45 C,) Q.) o 0010 ~ 0 ~ 00 ~ 8 00 Q.) Q.) -45 ..p..l Q.) Q.) 6 ~ bD -90 w ::;s Q.) 4 Q -135 2

o '----~-~-~~-~---' -180 S o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity


28 95

26 00 ;:j 24 • ...-4 00 .-Q.) 22 U 00 20 Q.) Q.) 18fT"\'1'1l\'~~r ~ bD Q.) 16 65 Q 14 60

12 55

10 I...-----'-_~_-"--- ~___'__--J 50 L--",-_~_~-:-,,:_~--:, o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 28 Time UTe Julian Day 168 (16 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction 180 r--~-~-""""-~~~-""'S

18 135 ..c 16 .+oJ ... ~ 90 E I 'ij14 o l::: Z 012 S 45 (,) Q) o 0010 ~ 0 ~ 00 ~ 8 00 Q) Q) -45 .+oJ Q) Q) 6 ~ ~ b.O -90 Q) 4 Q -135 2

-1800l.---~-~-...... L-~-~----l24S 4 8 12 16 20 24 4 8 12 16 20 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity 30 ~~-~-~------, 100 r------..-~--.------,

28 95

26 90 rn ~ 24 85 • .-4en -.,.)80 U) 22 C U Q) 00 20 (,)75 ~ Q) Q) Q) 18l·~~~ ~70 ~ b.O Q) 16 65 Q 14 60

12 55

10 l.---~_~_.....J.-~_~----J 50 l.---__~_...... __'_ __'__-l o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 29 Time UTe Julian Day 169 (17 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction 180 r--~-~---~~~-...... ,S

18 135 ..c .... 16 -+-oJ I l'-t 90 E '"d14 o l:::: Z 012 S 45 C) Q) o 0010 l'-t 0 ~ 00 l'-t 8 rn Q) Q) -45 -+-oJ Q) Q) 6 l'-t ;:;E QLl -90 Q) o -135 2

o'--~_~_~~~~_--J -180 S o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity

30 r--~-~----~--'--""'"

28 95

26 90 00 ;:::l 24 85 .,.-4 00 a) 22 U 00 20 Q) Q) 18 l'-t QLl Q) 16 65 o 14 60

12 55

10 l--~_~_~~~~_--J 50 l--~_~_~~~~_-' o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 30 Time UTe Julian Day 170 (18 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction

18 135 ..c: 16 +J ..... ~ E I 90 "'C14 o ~ Z 012 S 45 () Q) o 0010 ~ 0 C+-4 00 ~8 00 Q) Q) -45 +J Q) Q) 6 ~ QO -90 ::E Q) 4 o -135 2

o L...-.~_~_~~_~----l -180 S o 4 8 12 16 20 24 a 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity 100,-----.--...... --...---..---.------,

28 95

26 90 rn ;j 24 85 .~ rn OJ 22 ~80 U Q) rn 20 ()75 ~ Q) Q) la~If'lWI'l\~~ ~70 ~ QO Q.) 16 65 o 14 60

12 55

10 '-- ""---"- --.1 50 L.- ""------' o 4 8 12 16 20 24- o 4 8 12 16 20 24- Time UTe 31 Time UTe Julian Day 171 (19 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction 180 r---~-~-~~-~----'S

18 135 ..d 16 -+-l ~ -I o 90 E "014 ~ Z 012 S 45 () (1) ml0 8 0 ~ m ~ 8 m (1) (1) -45 -+-l (1) (1) 6 ~ QD -90 w ::E (1) 4 ~ -135

o'--~-~-~-,--~--' -180 S o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity

100 r--~-~-~~-~----'

28 95

26 90 m .....;::j 24 m ~ 22 U m 20 (1) (1) 18~~1ljrif"" ~ b.D (1) 16 65 ~ 14 60

12 55

50 L-~_--,-_~ ,-- -~ 100 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 32 Time UTe Julian Day 172 (20 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction 20r-~-~-"""'-~-~_ lao r-~-~-"""'-~-~----'S

18 135 .d 16 ....,J ~ 90 -I E "'t:l14 o ~ z 012 8 45 CJ (J) o 0010 ~ 0 ~ ·00 ~8 00 Q) Q) -45 ....,J Q) Q) 6 ~ ~ bD -90 w Q.) 4 o -135 2

°o'----~-~---'----'---...J -180 L.-----'-_~_~...... _ __'______J S 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity 30...------...... ----.

28 95

26 en ;::j 24 .~en ....,Jao ~ 22 Q U Q) en 20 CJ75 ~ 0,) (J) Q) 18~~. 70 ~ 0.. Q.O 0,) 16 65 o 14 60

12 55

10 '---____'___~---'-_ ___'__--..J 50 L----'-_-"--_"'__---'-_---'-----I o 4 6 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe . 33 Time UTe Julian Day 173 (21 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction 180 r--~-~-~--'--~----'S

18 135 ..c 16 .+oJ .-4 ~ I 90 E "014 z0 C 45 012 b1J Co) C 8 • .-4 Q) 0 0010 ~ 0 N"O I:+-< ctl 00 Q) ~ 8 00 Q) Q) -45 ::r:: .+oJ (1) Q) 6 ~ ::;E b.D -90 W (1) 4 Cl -135 2

o '----~_ __L__~~~~_ __J -180 L--~_--L-_~~_~--JS o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity

30 ,...... --.--~-~-.....--~--, 100 .---~---.---~--.---.------,

28 95

26 90 rn ;:::l 24 ',-04 00 ~ 22 Q) U (f.l 20 Q) Q) 18 ~~WJIoiII ~ b.D Q) 16 65 Cl 14 60

12 55

10 L-..-.~_--'--_~~~~_--J 50 L-..-.~_--,--_-,--~~----,-_--J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 34 Time UTe Julian Day 174 (22 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction 180 r-~---~~-~----'S

18 135 ..c:: .... 16 +ol I So-4 90 E "014 o ~ z 012 CJ 8 Q.) o mlO ~ 0 l:+-I m So-4 8 rn Q.) Q) ~ Q.) Q.) 6 So-4 Q.() -90 ::E Q) 4 o -135 2

o·L--~-~-",,----~-~-l -180 S o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity

30 r--~---'--~-----'

28 95

26 90 rn ::l 24 85 • .-4en ~ 22 ~80 U Q.) rn 20 CJ75 Q) J.-l Q)18~~"" ~70 So-4 Q.() Q) 16 65 o 14 60

12 55

~_"'-----'- _"'_____J 10 '--- ~_""----~_~-J 50 L-- _ o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 35 Time UTe Julian Day 175 (23 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction

18 135

16 ..c.....,; ~ -I o 90 E "'014 ~ Z 012 S 45 Co) Q.l o 0010 ~ 0 ~ 00 ~ 8 r:n Q.l Q.l -45 .....,; Q.l Q.l 6 ~ QLl -90 ::E Q.l 4 ~ " -135 2

-180 S 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity

30 ,----.~-~-~~~~-....., 100 r--~---'----~-~--'

28 95

26 90 rn ;ju • .-4rn a) 22 U rn 20 Q.l OJ 18 ~ QLl Q.l 16 65 ~ 14 60

12 55

L-~_--,--_-,----' 10 ,---~_---,--_~~~~_.....J 50 ---,-_--! o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 36 Time UTe Julian Day 176 (24 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction 180 r-~---~~---'-----'S

18 135 16 ....,..d ~ E -I 90 "014 o ~ Z 012 S 45 C) Q) o mlO et: 0 00 ~ 8 rn Q) Q) -45 ...., Q) Q) 6 ~ Q.() -90 w ::E CL> 4 o -135

-180 S 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity

30 r--~---~~---'-----' 100 r----.----~~---.-----,

28 95

26 90 Cf.l 24 85 .,...,j::l m ~ 22 ~80 U Q) Cf.l 20 e.>75 ~ Q) Q) 18 ~~.."",. ~70 ~ Q.() Q) 16 65 o 14 60

12 55

10 l..-.---.-...._--'--_""-----'-_--'--_ o 4 8 12 16 20 24 5°0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 37 Time UTe Julian Day 177 (25 June, 1992) Wind Speed Wind Direction 20. , 180, is

18 135 ..... ~' "'"'"' It 16 .+oJ ::? j: .. ...-4 ~ 90' .~~.". ~~E..... I o ./ :1~l'""1'. "'Cl14 '*. Z ··~l~.i· ~ 45 ~ • b..O 012 ;.' .... '.• .. ... #It . ~.?:",~r"'_..,.,.:...,...;< ~... C,) -J ...,. ~. I:: S l.j.:.,( C • ••: -r \: .~ Q) ~ 0 I •••••• • ••'; .. ~ :H.,~:>:··:·.:;....'1>... ~O ...... '1:-':' 0010 '.I' .}:l N"'Cl ~ \. "'... It .. ~."':'" .... ~'t,:""';.,~•• 00 ~ ., ...... Q) ~ 8 (JJ '. . ; Q) Q) -45 ~ .. ::t:: .+oJ Q) Q) 6 ~ ::;E Q.() -90 w Q) 4 o -135 2

-180 I IS 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity 30, , IOOr'-~-~-~-~---~I

28 95

26 90 rn ;::l 24 .~ 85 rn ...... +oJ (]) 22 ~80 U Q) 00 20 C,)75 ~ (]) (]) (]) 18 ~70 So-t b..O (]) 16 65 o 14 60

12 55

10 I" I 50!' I o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 38 Time UTe Julian Day 178 (26 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction 180 r-~-~-~-~~~,--'S

.: -ll 18 " 135 ~...... ~' ,-4 "", ...... 1 ~ 16 ~ 1'0,,-, ' -< ~ 90 ..;~V ~ I '"d14 o ~ Z 012 S 45 C,) Q) o 00 10 ~ o ~ 00 ~ 8 00 Q) Q) -45 +J Q) Q) 6 ~ QV -90 w ::?J Q) 4 o -135 . ~. " -1800L.-~-~-~-~---'--':'--.l24-S 4 8 12 16 20 24 4- 8 12 16 20 " Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity

30 r--~----'---""""-----'-----' 100 r--~--"---'---""""-----'----'

28 95

26 90 rn ;::l24 85 '.-4rn ....-04Q) 22 ~80 U Q) 00 20 C,)75 ~ Q) Q) 18 ~70 ~ Q.() Q) 16 65 Cl 14 60

12 55

501..-....-----"---""'-----'--.....J 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4- 8 12 16 20 24- Time UTe 39 Time UTe Julian Day 179 (27 June, 1992) Wind Speed


16 ~ I "014 l:: 012 (.) Q) 00 10 00 ~ 8 00 Q) Q) -45 ...jooJ Q) Q) 6 ~ b.D -90 ::E Q) 4 o .. -135 .~ 2 : .: '" -180 L...-..~_~.:..:...--~--:.....'~.~.r...... :.....~-...o..J' S 4 8 12 16 2420 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity 100 .-----.--~-~-~---.---,

28 95

26 90 00 ...... ;:l 24 85 00 CU 22 U 00 20 Q) Q) 18 ~ b.D Q) 16 65 o 14 60

12 55

10 '--~-~-~~~~--' 50 L...-..~_~_~_-,--~_---J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 B 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 40 Time UTe Julian Day 180 (28 June, 1992)

Wind Speed Wind Direction

18 .d 16 ~ .... ~ E I 90 "014 o ~ Z 012 S 45 C,) Q.) o ~* .;;. • 0010 ~ 0 ~ 00 ~ 8 00 Q) Q.) -45 +-> Q.) Q.) 6 ~ btl -90 ::E Q.) 4 o -135 2

-1800L.-~-~~~~----,.~----J24S 4 8 12 16 20 24 4 8 12 16 20 Time UTe Time UTe

Surface Temperature Relative Humidity

30 r------..--.....-~---.------. 100 r--~---"--""'-~---'------'


26 rtJ ;::l 24 • .-4 rtJ ...,l80 ~ 22 ~ U Q.) rtJ 20~~~. C,)75 ~ Q) Q.) Q) 18 ~70 i-.t btl Q) 16 65 o 14 60

12 55

50 L-~ ~----J 10 '-----~------_...-....---' o 4 B 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 41 Time UTe 4. Radiation and Ceiling Time Series

The downwelling infrared and solar radiation irradiances, the 11 micron brightness temperature of the sky at zenith and the ceiling were monitored at the experiment site continuously from June 1 to June 28, 1992. The irradiances were sampled once every two minutes, the 11 micron brightness temperature sampling frequency was once per 10 sec and the ceiling was sampled once per minute. The irradiance data were recorded on the same system as the surface meteorology data while the 11 micron brightness temperature data were recorded on a separate Campbell 21X system. The ceilometer data were recorded via a RS-232 connection on a 386 class Pc. These data are presented at full temporal resolution on the following pages 43 - 71.

42 Julian Day 153 (1 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 ....--~-~-~-~-~----. 440 1300 1200 420 1100 400 ~ N 1000 I ~ 900 ~380 Q) Q) .po) t 800 Q)360 S 700 8 340 00 600 00 +J ..+oJ +J 500 .po) 320 ctl h~ ctl ~ 400 ~300 300 200 280

100 .~ 260 0 0 4 8 12 16\ 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 11m Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 ...-~-~--.----....-----. 5000 r--~---"'--"""""----'--""--"

290 4500

280 ~ ~ 4000 11.. 11. C '.-1 270 "" 3500 ;>

Q) 260 003000 - ~ ~ 00 250 22500 -. Q) . ~ ~.~, ,/'fit . Q) i!~- \.i ' ~ . 1 ' ...' ... Q) ~2000 };,'.~ ,~. ~ 240 ...... •.-, 0. ~ \ =J r~ ; b1l • • c '. .~ .'!~~ Q) 230 1500 ~r' Q .) 220 .'. 210

L-~_---,,"_---,-_--'- ...J 200 L-~_~_--,-_~_~-.J o o 4 6 12 16 20 24 o 4 6 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 43 Time UTe Julian Day 154 (2 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 ,-~-~-~-~-~--, 440 1300

1200 420 1100 N 400 ~ 1000 I ~ 900 ~380 Q.) .....,Q.) ....., 800 Q.) Q.) 360 8 700 S en 340 .....,en 600 ....., ....., 500 """320 ctl ctl ~ 400 ~300 300 200 280 100 260 00 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 f.Lm Brightness Temp Ceiling

300 ,-~-~--....-~-~--, 5000

290 4500

280 4000

.S 270 3500 ;> ...... -4 Q.) 260 en 3000 ~ ~ en 250 ,32500 Q.) Q.) Q.) 240 :E2000 ~ ":!.. b1l Q.) 230 1500 o .. " . .' /- ~~ .;;~ .~ .' I, 1000' . .: ... I :" 220 .", "t •• ;.. ~; ...;,.. ,,\ ~ ":\ .~.~ ::~, .'" >~\." :J" ,'.....: ... ' .• :c- .:.• " .. .- .'--r'.' ~ .. ~'i. -., . 210 500'~ .~ ' ..( r "~ 200 '------'--'"--'-...... ----'----'--'---' o'------'------"----'----'------' o 4 8 12 16 20 24- o 4- B 12 16 20 24- Time UTe 44 Time UTe Julian Day 155 (3 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 .----~-~-~-~----. 440 1300

1200 420 1100 400 N ~ 1000 I ~ ~380 900 .....,Q) t 800 Q.)360 S 700 S 340 .....,rn 600 .....,cn .....,ro 500 """320ro ~ 400 ~300 300 200 280

100 260 Ol.....-----t:.---"-_~_~_~___J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 /-lID Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 r---~-~-~--'----' 5000 r----~-~--...---.--___,

290 4500

280 4000 ~ .~ 270 3500 ;;> ~ Q) 260 cn3000 ~ ~ rn 250 .22500 Q) Q.) Q) 240 ~2000 ~ Q.O ; f!t' . ~ . ": .. \ Q) 230 1500 I 'I: ~ •: H: . : : .. ~ 220 :,'. :' 0 ;".~:~0 0 -'·"';'''-''·~'·~4.·"''••: ;:•~ .. ':".~. ti.:, .. 210 '-'-;\1=: if

4 8 12 16 20 24 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 45 Time UTe Julian Day 156 (4 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 r--~-~-~-~-~----, 440 1300

1200 420 1100 C\I 400 ~ 1000 I ~ ~380 Q.) 900 Q.) -+-' t 800 Q.)360 S 700 S 340 00 600 00 -+-' -+-' -+-' 500 -+-'320 etl etl ~ 400 ~300

300 ) 200 280 100 260 o '--~--':"-""_~_~_---"-~--J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 {Lill Brightness Temp Ceiling 5000 r--~-~-~-~-~-"'"

290 4500

280 4000 ~ .~ 270 3500 ;> ~ Q.) 260 003000 ~ ~ 00 250 22500 Q.) Q.) Q.) 240 ~2000 ~ b.D ' .. ,. ,~. Q.) 230 1500 ~tr·<·',1-:. 'Ii' '~:f \,. " .' :;.) ,,', ': ~;' ,;. '.,~ Q • if.;' ,.... 0" •• 220 1000 :';': ~. : <. . i I : :. ~ ... ,.,~ .oj- 't\.~....;.~.~~~·:...... ;.~, :' .. ;:,~~;.:. -

l....-~_~_--'-_~ 200 '--~_~_~_~__~--J o ...J o 4 8 12 16 20 24- o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 46 Time UTe Julian Day 157 (5 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 ,---~-~-~-~-~-- 440 1300

1200 420 1100 400 ~ N 1000 I ~380 ~ 900 Q..l +ol t 600 Q..l360 S 700 11\ S 340 rn 600 rn +.l +.l +.l 500 +.l320 ctl ctl ~ 400 ~300 300 200 280 100 j 260 0 0 4 6 12 16 20 24 0 4 6 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 JLm Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 ..----~----.----...... ---, 5000 r---....---.--...... -;---.---....----,

290 4500

280 4000 ~ .~ 270 3500 ..-:> Q) 260 m3000 ~ ~ m 250 .,232500 Q) Q..l ~ 240 ::E2000 Q.() Q..l 230 1500 o :...:~ .\0.. 220 1000'. ! •.,;It .. ~., ,," 210 500 • ."'"

4 8 12 16 20 24 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 47 Time UTe Julian Day 158 (6 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 ,--~-~-~-~-~---, 440 1300

1200 420 1100 N 400 ~ 1000 I ~ 900 ~380 OJ OJ +oJ t 800 Q)360 a700 S 340 rn 600 rn +oJ +oJ +oJro 500 +oJro 320 ;s; 400 ;S; 300 300 200 280 100 260

00 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 /-Lm Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 ,--~-~-~-~-~---, 5000

290 4500

280 4000 ~ .~ 270 3500 :> -OJ 260 rn3000 ~ ~ rn 250 ,32500 OJ Q) ~2000 OJ~ 240 QlJ f OJ 230 1500 , ,-"'" .,~ .; ~ .~'# o ..... ; . 220 1000 ; \;: " "",:i : .". J 1; :J;{:.:: ~" 210 500 t4 ,"t' "" ~, .. ~ ": - .. 1. 1.~ ,:,. ~a; ;: 200 t.-~_----,"_---,-_----,-_--,-:""_....J 0 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 48 Time UTe Julian Day 159 (7 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 ,--~-~-~-~-~----, 440 1300 1200 420 . 1100 400 ~ C\l 1000 I ~ 900 ~380 Q.) Q.) +01 t 800 Q.)360 S 700 S 340 00 600 00 ...j-J +01 ...j-J 500 +01 320 etl etl ~ 400 ~300 300

200 ~ 280

100 .\ 260 0'--_--L~-~---..6-.---I o 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 f.Lm Brightness Temp Ceiling 5000 r----.---.---.-----..----,

290 4500

280 4000

.S 270 3500 :> ....-4 Q.) 260 003000 ~ ~ rn 250 22500 Q.) Q.) ~ 240 ::?J2000 bD Q) 230 1500 '''' '" Cl ';. 220 1000 ,.: ' .. •- .0 ..'f" .0.°, 0.' 210 500 ~; :~.;.....

200 '----~-~---~---I o 4 8 12 16 20 24 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 49 Time UTe Julian Day 160 (8 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 ,....--~-~-~-~-~---, 440 1300

1200 420 1100 C\l 400 ~ 1000 I ~ !i ~380 900 .­Q) t 600 Q)360 S 700 S 340 .­00 600 .-00 .- 500 '-320 Cd Cd ~ 400 ~300 300 200 280 100 ) 260 00 4 6 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 /-Lm Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 r--~-~-~---'--~-"" 5000 ,...... --~-~----.--~-~--,

290 4500

260 4000 ~ ...... 270 3500 ;> Q) 260 003000 - ~ ~ 00 250 ,32500 Q) Q) 240 ~2000 Q)~ bD . Q) 230 1500 ! o .. ..A~.~' " ;"-" tIt .' "'-~ .. ,• 't 220 1000 ~i~ .:,:;." . ':: .. ~;;" \-:;-.' .it.. ·: If'" ·'·'~;i." . .. l. 0° \ to': ·;.l~. ~:\: 210 500 .... ;: '.l~·.1". \. ::...... 200 L..-~ ---lo.--l...--,-_~_--,-_....J o l.-~~--,"_-,-_----,-_--,-_--J o 4 6 12 16 20 24 o 4 6 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 50 Time UTe Julian Day 161 (9 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400r-~---~-~-~-"'" 440 1300

1200 420 1100 400 ~ C\l 1000 I ~ So-4380 0) 900 0) +-1 t 800 0)360 S 700 S 00340 00 600 +-1 +-1 +-1 500 +-1 320 Ci.l Ci.l ~ 400 ~300 300 200 280 100 260 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 Mm Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 ,---~---~-~-~-.....,

290 4500

280 4000 ~ .~ 270 3500 ...... :> Q) 260 003000 ~ ~ 00 250 .,32500 Q) 0) ~ 240 ::g2000 Q1) Q) 230 1500 ~ 1000 to; .~. •.•• . ... 220 ~•. , ':II.:• '. :~.:.s 210 500

200 L..--__--'-_--'-_""""--_~_.J OL..--__--'-_--'-_""""--_~__J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 51 Time UTe Julian Day 162 (10 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 r---~-~-~-~-~--, 440 1300

1200 420 1100 400 C'J j1 1000 I ~ ~380 (J,) 900 (J,) ~ -+-l 800 (J,)360 S 700 S 340 00 600 00 -+-l -+-l -+-lro 500 -+-l320ro ~ 400 h ~300 300 280 200 J 100 260 o '-~-«-""-~-~----"--~ o 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 11m Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 5000

290 4500 280 Jl" 4000 ~ ..... 270 3500 :> (J,) 260 003000 - ~ ~ rn 250 22500 (J,) (J,) (J,) 240 ~ ::S2000 Q1) (J,) 230 ~~\J~ 1500 Q ...I' '~.,,!'" ~. , ~ ~! .,..1..i./'1, " ~ 1000 •• ·t 220 ..' . ~f I,;.~ ...... _i.o';;;'\.; .: .i'" ,..1 .•._ e .A:' ""o! .. .".... ~...... ~ts· !:.Ja~ I 210 500

200 o L.-~_---o._~_~_--'-_-' 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 52 Time UTe Julian Day 163 (11 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 ~~-~-~-r-~-~--' 440 1300 1200 420 1100 400 ~ C\l 1000 I ~ 900 ) ~380 Q.l 0,) ~ t 800 0,)360 S 700 S 340 Cf.l 600 00 o+-l +:I o+-l 500 ~320 ctl ctl ~ 400 ~300 300 200 280

100) ~ 260 o l--~----'~_~_~_~_...J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 j.Lffi Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 ,..--~-~-~-...... -~-.., 5000

290 4500

280 4000 C .~ 270 3500

~> 0,) 260 003000 ~ J..t 22500 Q.l ::E2000

1500 . ~ ••• I- 1000 ~! '~"" \ " " .,•• : ...... : •• :.:~~~.: #:. .t .... ilT.,~i;!~ :. •: l<.... " .. .ti'l:~'" r,;.:l'JIl,~,,~,cI 210 500 .. \ ..,,~~~.: .~~. ~ 200 '--_'-----"_---'-_--'-_---'-_...... J 0 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 53 Time UTe Julian Day 164 (12 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 ,.-~-~-~---.--~---, 440 1300

1200 420 1100 N 400 ~ 1000 I f" nfr¥"IfIJttl~HVlflrrr,rrll ~ ~380 Q,) 900 Q,) ~ ..j-J 800 Q,)360 S 700 S 340 00 600 00 ..j-J ..j-J ..j-Jro 500 ..j-J320ro ~ 400 ~300 300 200 280 100 260

o '----~_""___o._~...I..i._J...... _ _'_"'__ __' o 4 8 12 16 20 24 ·0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 /-Lm Brightness Temp Ceiling

300 ,....-~-~-~---.--~---, 5000 ,------..-~---.--....--____,

290 4500

280 4000 C '.-4 270 3500 .-:> Q,) 260 003000 ~ ~ rn 250 ~2500 Q,) Q,) Q,) 240 ~ ::E2000 bLJ Q,) 230 1500 o l: . ~~~ 220 1000 .. f . ;'0\ f , ••1,,: t l : ...... ! !. ' \'':. ~ ~ ~ :. '" ,,::', " ..\t f 1~' : "1:« r." . 210 500,' ,',~ ~., ,: :" '~'~L1': :~ . .' . ;,"-- ~: .,.~. :.:~ t'··""~\,:·2': ~~",;11 ,~... . t ,,';; v~ 11, 'tli:¥~ 200 '------"----'"-~-~-'------' o 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 54 Time UTe Julian Day 165 (13 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 ,..--~-~-~-~-~--, 440 1300

1200 420 1100 ~ N 1000 I ~ ~380 Q) 900 Q) ~ -+..l 800 Q)360 S 700 S en 600 en 340 -+..l -+..l -+..lco 500 -+..l320co ;5:: 400 ;5:: 300 300

200 280

100 260

00 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 /-Lm Brightness Temp Ceiling

300 r-~-~-~--'---~---' 5000 ....-----.---.------r-::------,

290 4500

280 4000 ~ .... 270 3500 ;> Q.) 260 en 3000 - ~ ~ en 250 22500 Q.) Q) Q.) 240 ~ ::E2000 b1l Q.) 230 1500 Q . '1~ t ~~. :\~ ~ .,'~ :is'" 220 1000 . :' '"M ·\I.~· ; 0.::: "':~:15\:t:::~i:ol • '. <1' '~ • -I. .~.~. ~'... l"i:' ·"11 ~ 0"·".. • :'~1;'. ",.... :: if~ '~~"i I'. : ~..\.~~~.~~~. 1 •• ~.:" 210 500 •..• '• 1;"( '. <: ,.' ,,,.,, .. ~'J ". ~ .... :t?w~r... . 200 L-.-~_ ___'__~ ~----J o L..-~_ ___'__ __'__ _""__"""'_----J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 55 Time UTe Julian Day 166 (14 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 r--~-~-~-~-~----' 440 1300

1200 420 1100 400 ~ C\l 1000 I ~ 900 ~380 ~ ~ -+-1 t 800 ~360 S 700 S 340 00 600 00 -+-1 -+-1 .+oJ 500 -+-1 320 ctl ctl ~ 400 ~300 300 200 280 100 260

00 4 8 Jl2 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 /-Lm Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 r---~~--~-~------' 5000 r---~~----r-~----'

290 4500

280 4000

.S 270 3500 :> ....-4 ~ 260 003000 ~ ~ 00 250 ,32500 0,) ~ 0,) 240 ~ ::E2000 blJ 0,) 230 Cl 220


oL...--..._---'-_---'- -'--__ 200 L-~_~_---,-_--,-_--'-_.....J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 56 Time UTe Julian Day 167 (15 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 ..-~-~-~-~-~---, 440 1300

1200 420 1100 N 400 ~ 1000 I ~ 900 ~380 Q,) Q,) -+-> 800 -+-> Q,) 0,)360 S 700 1\ S 340 00 600 00 -+-> -+-> -+-> 500 1\ -+->320 ctl ctl ~ 400 ~300 300 1\ 200 280

100 ) 260 0 \ 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 f.Lm Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 r---~-~-""""--"""'----'

290 4500

280 4000 ~ '1""'l270 3500 ;> -Q,) 260 003000 ~ ~ 00 250 ~2500 Q,) Q,) Q,) 240 ~ ::E 2000 b.ll " Q,) 230 ....' r . . .rs 1500 ~ .; .0\ !. Cl :. ,,",. ' ••• J,. ( ...... ~. 220 1000 ., ,.: • to I" \; .... :' ., I ...... :1.... • ;;.... ': '. • '. . 210 500" '. ..'.:.'1' j;.~I'r. i " ••'• j:.., .•\~;t"l

~_--'- ~----J 200 '--__~_--'- ~_.....J o L...-__ o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 57 Time UTe Julian Day 168 (16 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 ,..--~~~-~-~-~--, 440 1300

1200 420 1100 N 400 "j! 1000 I ~ 900 ~380 Q.l Q) ..j-J t 800 Q)360 S 700 S 340 00 600 00 ..j-J ..j-J ..j-Jco 500 ..j-J320co ~ 400 ~300 300 200 280 100 260 °0L...--~-~-~...L..-~----"'--~ 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 f-Lm Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 5000 r------.-~~--.---~---.--....,

290 4500 ~ 280 ~ ~ 4000 .S 270 3500 :> Q.l 260 003000 - ~ ~ rn 250 ,22500 Q.l Q.l 1III ~2000 Q.l~ 240 Q.() r j. ~~. ,", Q.l 230 1500 ~ ,

220 1000 . I ~~

500 ~'.: : ,\}":' 210 "I~~ !.l'l.,~,:,

oL-~ ----",_~_~_---'-_~ 200 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 58 Time UTe Julian Day 169 (17 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 ,--~-~-~-~-~---, 440 1300

1200 420 1100 ~ C\l 1000 I ~ ~380 Q) 900 Q) ~ ~ 800 Q)360 S 700 S 340 00 600 00 +oJ +oJ +oJ 500 ~320 ctl ctl ~ 400 ~300 300 200 280 WO 260 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 /-Lm Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 r---~-~-~-~____. 5000 ,------.--~-...... --~----.

290 4500

280 4000

.S 270 3500 ;> .-; Q) 260 003000 ~ f-4 00 250 22500 Q) Q) ~ 240 ::g2000 Q.D oQ) 230 1500

_~ O 220 1000 J " .. wi ...... ~·~i,,'~. 210 500 1... :.}' \: •• I" .. ~ :.~.,\.. 4 B 12 16 20 24 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 59 Time UTe Julian Day 170 (18 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 ,....--~~~-~-~-~--, 440 1300

1200 420 1100 400 ~ N 1000 I s..380 s..Q.) 900 Q.) ~ -+oJ 800 0)360 S 700 S 340 rn 600 rn -+oJ -+oJ -+oJ 500 -+oJ 320 eel eel ~ 400 ~300 300 200 280 100 260 o L...-~_~_~_~_~_-1 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 /-Lm Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 ,..--~-~-~---~-----, 5000 ,..--~-~--.-.--:---...... ----,

290 4500

280 4000

.S 270 3500 ;> -Q.) 260 003000 ~ s.. rn 250 1:$2500 Q.) 0) ~ 240 ~2000 b.D o0) 230 1500 220


L-~_--,- ~_~----J 200 L..-~_--,- ~_~----, o o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 60 Time UTe Julian Day 171 (19 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 ~~-~-~-~-~-----, 440 1300 1200 420 1100 400 ~ C\l 1000 I So-4 380 So-4a.> 900 a.> ~ +oJ 800 a.> 360 S700 S 340 00 600 rn +J +J +J 500 +J320 d d ~ 400 ~300 300 200 280

100 260

00 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 /-lm Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 5000

290 4500

280 4000 ~ '.-4 270 3500 ;;;.

Q,) 260 rn3000 - So-4 ~

C/} 250 -,32500 Q,) a.> ~2000 a.>s... 240 b.O a.> 230 1500 Q 220 1000

210 500

200 0 0 4 6 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 61 Time UTe Julian Day 172 (20 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 ..---~-~-~~~-~--, 440 1300

1200 420 1100 C\! 400 ~ 1000 I ~ ~380 Q.) 900 Q.) -+oJ t 800 Q.)360 S 700 S 340 00 600 00 -+oJ -+oJ -+oJro 500 -+oJro 320 ~ 400 ~300 300

200 280

100 260

00 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 f.Lm Brightness Temp· Ceiling

300 .--~-~-~-~----, 5000 ..---~------.----~--,

290 4500

280 4000 ~ .~ 270 3500 ;> III 260 003000 .' - ~ ~ 00 250 ..32500 III III 240 ~2000 III~ Q1J oIII 230 220


200 l.------'-_~_~_~_~ o L-----'-_--'-_-'-_-'--_~___' o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 62 Time UTe Julian Day 173 (21 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 ~~-~-~-~-~----, 440 1300

1200 420 1100 400 ~ C\l 1000 I ~ ~380 0,) 900 0,) +J t 800 0,)360 E700 E 340 en 600 00 +J +J +J 500 +J320 ~ ~ ~ 400 ~300 300

200 280

100 260 OL--~_""-L_~_~_.l.....----J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 /-Lm Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 r--~-~-~---~----' 5000 ~----.~---,.-----r-----'---'---"""

290 4500

280 4000

.~o 270 3500 ;> ...... Q) 260 003000 ~ .~ en 250 22500 Q) Q) ~2000 OJ~ 240 Q.D o0,) 230 220


200 '- ----" ...... Il.._...J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 63 Time UTe Julian Day 174 (22 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 r---~-~-~-~-~-----, 440 1300

1200 420 1100 N 400 ~ 1000 I ~380 ~ 900 Q.) -+oJ t 800 Q.) 360 S 700 S 340 00 600 00 -+oJ -+oJ -+oJ 500 -+oJ 320 ctl ctl ~ 400 ~300 300 200 280 100 260 00 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 /-Lm Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 5000 r--~---'--~---~---' .'. 290 4500

280 JLu.... ftI..,.J.. ,J./. 4000 ~. 'I ~ • ...-1 270 1 3500 :> -Q.) 260 rn3000 ~ ~ rn 250 22500 Q.) Q.) Q.) 240 ~ :::S2000 QlJ .d. V' ... -. f<' . Q.) 230 1500 . J.. J •• ~ I Q ~\. t.. il. J .: .;' . '.4''''T 'l~.·,'tt/\-;r 220 1000 ;, :y ... t " .. ~: ~ l : ;.~' 500 ,r;,: r ,; .... 210 " 200 OL...-~-~-~--'---"""-----' o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 64 Time UTe Julian Day 175 (23 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 ...-----~-~-~-~---, 440 1300

1200 420 1100 400 ~ N 1000 I ~ 900 ~380 Q) Q) +-' 800 +-' Q) 0)360 S700 S 340 00 600 ~ 00 +-' +-' +-' 500 +-'320 C'I:l C'I:l ~ 400 1\ ~300 300 200 280 100 jAh ~ 260 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 /-Lm Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 ...-----~---.----...... ----, 5000 '. " 290 4500

280 4000

.S 270 3500 :> ..-I Q) 260 003000 ~ ~ 00 250 ,32500 Q) 0) ~ 240 ~2000 b.O . ,~ ,,'Il , oQ) 230 220


200 L--~_--,-_--,,- ~---...... J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 65 Time UTe Julian Day 176 (24 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 ,....--~~~-~..----~-~---, 440 1300

1200 420 1100 C'J 400 "I' 1000 I ~ 900 ~380 Q.) Q) +J t 800 0,)360 S 700 S 340 rn 600 rn +J +J +J 500 +J320 ctl ctl ~ 400 ~300 300 200 280 100 260 00 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 f.Lm Brightness Temp Ceiling

300 ,..--~-~-~---~---,

290 4500

280 4000

.S 270 3500 ;> Q) 260 C/J3000 - ~ ~ rn 250 ~2500 Q) 0,) Q) 240 ~2000 ~ ,.". """~ ,. b1l ";-' ~~...: ,'h·t·\', Q) 230 1500 .. r: Cl 220 1000 •I !{,"o.: t" "*' 210 500

L...--,,_~_--'-_'-'- 200 L...--,,_~_--,-_.-.- -' o -::' o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 66 Time UTe Julian Day 177 (25 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 .--~-~-~-~~~-----, 440 1300

1200 420 1100 N 400 Cjl 1000 I ~ 900 ~380 Q.l Q.l -+-> t 800 Q.l360 S 700 S 340 00 600 r.n -+-> -+-> -+-> 500 -+->320 C\l C\l ~ 400 ~300 300

200 280

100 260 o '----~----'-~_--'-_--"-_~_...J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 /-Lm Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 .------.--~-~-~---. 5000

290 4500

280 4000

.S 270 3500 ;> Q.l 260 003000 - ~ ~ rn 250 22500 Q.l Q.l ~ 240 ::E2000 b1l oQ.l 230 1500 220 1000

210 500

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 67 Time UTe Julian Day 178 (26 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 .----~-~-~-~-~-_, 440 1300

1200 420 1100 400 ~ N 1000 I ~380 cu~ 900 cu -+-oJ t 800 CU360 S 700 S 340 00 600 00 -+-oJ -+-oJ -+-oJ 500 ...,J320 t\l t\l ~ 400 ~300 300 200 280 100 260

4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 /-Lm Brigh.tness Temp Ceiling 300 5000

290 4500

280 4000 C • .-4 270 3500 ;> cu 260 003000 - ~ ~

if] 250 ~2500 CU CU ~2000 CU~ 240 Q.() Q) 230 1500 Q 220 1000

210 500

200 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 68 Time UTe Julian Day 179 (27 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 r:-.-~-~-~~-~---, 440 1300

1200 420 1100 400 ~ N 1000 I ~ 900 ~380 Q) Q) ~ +J 800 Q)360 S 700 S 340 00 600 00 +J +J +Jro 500 +J320ro ~ 400 ~300 300

200 280

100 260

00 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 J-Lm Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 ,..--~-~--.--...... --....-----. 5000

290 4500

280 4000 ~ "1"""l270 3500 :> ....-4 Q) 260 003000 ~ ~ 00 250 $2500 Q) Q) Q) 240 ~ =S2000 0.0 Q) 230 1500 ~ 220 1000

210 500

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 69 Time UTe Julian Day 180 (28 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 ,..--~-~-~-~-~--. 440 1300

1200 420 1100 N 400 "I' 1000 I ~ ~380 Q.) 900 Q.) ~ ..;..l 800 Q.)360 S 700 S 340 rn 600 rn ..;..l ..;..l ..;..l 500 ..;..l320 ~ ~ ~ 400 ~300 300

200 280

100 260 0 0 4 /8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 }-lill Brightness Temp Ceiling 5000 r---~-----"---'--~---,

290 4500

280 4000 ~ ..... 270 3500 ~ -Q.) 260 rn3000 ~ ~ rn 250 ~2500 Q.) Q) ::E2000 ~ 240 I""/III-''''''''''''~' b1l ." Q.) 230 1500 Q 220 1000

210 500

200 L.----'_-.-._--'-_----'- -' o L.----'_---"_~_----'- -' o 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 70 Time UTe Julian Day 181 (29 June, 1992)

Solar Irradiance IR Irradiance 1400 .--~-~-~-~-.,.----,...... , 440 1300

1200 420 1100 400 ~ N 1000 I ~ 900 ~3BO Q.) Q.) -+-l t 800 Q.)360 S 700 S 340 00 600 00 -+-l -+-l -+-l 500 -+-l320 C\l C\l ~ 400 ~300

300 } 200 280

100 260 °o'--~----t.~-~-~-~-' 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe Time UTe

11 J-Lm Brightness Temp Ceiling 300 .--~-~---~-.,.----,...... , 5000 .--~---.------.--...... -----,

290 4500

280 4000 ~ '.-4 270 3500 ...... ;> Q.) 260 003000 ~ ~ 00 250 ~2500 Q.) Q.) Q.) 240 ~ :::;g2000 Q.() oQ.) 230 1500 220 1000 ~:. : , ~ ; j:. 210 500 • .; c • 0 .' . , : .""1.. "': oL-.---..._--'-_--'-_--'--_-'-----J 4 8 12 16 20 24 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time UTe 71 Time UTe 5. Rawinsonde Surface Meteorology Observations

The following figures show lower temporal resolution depictions of surface pressure, temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and wind direction. These data were manually recorded at the time of each rawinsonde launch; therefore the nominal temporal resolution is one data point every three hours. The pressure was measured using a Model PAB-5

Micro Altimeter-Barometer manufactured by American Paulin System, the dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures were measured using an Assman aspirated psychrometer and the wind speed and direction were estimated from a visual inspection of a wind sock approximately

1200 K meters south of the rawinsonde launch site. The nominal three-hour resolution data recorded prior to each rawinsonde launch are presented on pages 73-75.

72 Surface Pressure and Temperature

Surface Pressure

1020 1-L....-L.-L...... JL-..J----I-l----L----l.--L----Ir---L--L----1..----1..~___L..____L._+--'---'--J--J---'-_+--'---'---'---L-__1 1019 Mean 1009.4 mb Total 208 1018 u= 2.62 mb 1.....------1 1017 -...... 1016 ------. 1015 - . 1014 . . rn 1013 -...... ~ :gn.:••.::::::: •••:::::.:::::::::.••. ': ::::::::::::::: :.:::::.:.:::.:::::::::::.::::.::..:::::::::.::::'....•:::'••.•:::. ::::= 1009 .. . -.. .. '1""'4 S~ gg~ :::::::::. -.. ::::::: ::::::::::: :::::::.::::: ::::::::::::::: ::::: .::.:: ..::::::::.:.. ' ..:. 1006 1005 1004 -- -- . 1003 . 1002 . 1001 , - 1000 1-~.----r---"1r---"1----,----,----r----r--r--r--r--r---r---r----r----r---.----.----.----.--r--r--.---.---,--,--.--.---; 150 152 154 156 158 160 162 164 166 168 170 172 174 176 178 Julian Day

Surface Temperature

28 1-...-...-'--'----I----I----L----L----r.----r.---L-+----1..----1..~~____L._+_--'---'---'---'---'---'--T---'---'---'---L--; 27 Mean 18.5°C Total 208 26 u= 1.8°C . 25 . 24 , . 23 . 22 -..- . U 21 _. o 20 19 18 17 .. 16 15 . 14 . 13 1--r--~r--r---"1----,----,----,----r---,.---r---r---r---.----.-.....,...----r----r---.----.---r---r---r....,...... ,..-.---.---..---r--t 150 152 154 156 158 160 162 164 166 168 170 172 174 176 178 Julian Day

73 Relative Humidity

Relative Humidity

110 105 .. -----.- ---.------...... ------.. -- .. -L....----l 100 95 90 -+oJ I::: 85 Q) C,) 80 ~ Q) p... 75 70 65 60 55 -.-- .. --- --.. -.. -.. - .. --- .. -.-- -.- .. -.- .. -- --.-.------.

50 f--.--.--o-"r-r-r-,..-.,-L--r-""""'='-r--r--r--r--r--r--r--r-....-....-....-.---.---.----.---.---.---.--"""""'" 150 153 156 159 162 165 168 171 174 177 Julian Day

74 Surface Wind Speed and Direction

Surface Wind Speed

15 1--l....-l....-l....-.l....-.l....-.l....-.l....-~~.1..-J..-,-~~~-'----'----'----...... L-...L-...L-...L-...J....-...J....---'r---L---L---L--....L.-.-j 14 ...... Mean 3.4 m/s -- -.. -.. Total 207 13 ...... --...... u= 2.5 m/s . .... 12 111 ]10 o 9 ~ 8 rn 7 ~ 6 ~ 5 S 4 3 2 1 OI--.--~t--,-,-,-,-,-.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.----,...--,...--,...--,...--,...-...... --i\IIIl!I&-re-__+-I 150 152 154 156 158 160 162 164 166 168 170 172 174 176 178 Julian Day

Surface Wind Direction

180 1--l....-l....-l....-"--;-~.l....-.l....-"'--.l....-"'--"'--...... ,..."'---'---'---.J.-...... J.-...l..-...l..-...l..--'---'---'--..L.-..L.-..L.-....l...iIi~ 160 -180(1 South -90(1 West 140 0(1 North 120 90(1 East .•••••.•••••••••••.••••..••••.. •• '------J.. •••••. ••••• .•••••. ••••. .••••••••••. •••••••••••• •. 100 180(1 South 80 Total 207 60 f-..-..-._-._.-..-..-..-...---1•••.•••••.••••••••••.• _._ •.•••••..•••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••.•.•• ' .• ' ••••••.••••••••. ••••••••• •• •. rn 40 ~ 20 ~ 0 ~ -20 Q -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 -180 1--.--.--,-,-,-.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.----,...--,...--.---,...--,...--,...-.,...-.,...-.,...-,--.-,--.-...,..--1 150 152 154 156 158 160 162 164 166 168 170 172 174 176 178 Julian Day

75 6. Hourly Distributions of Radiation and Ooud Variables

For the period of June 1-29, mean hourly values of downwelling solar and longwave irradiance, transmittance of the direct solar beam, zenith cloud cover, and equivalent brightness temperature of the zenith sky have been computed. The mean downwelling irradiances are derived from the average of 30 sample per hour (30 sa hoi) data. Small gaps in the high resolution data have been bridged by linear interpolation. No hourly mean values are reported for hours in which all data were missing. The reported solar transmittance is the hourly average of 30 sa h-I pyrheliometer data divided by the solar flux density at the top of the atmosphere. The top of the atmosphere irradiance was calculated daily. The reported cloud cover is the number of ceilings measured at zenith (60 sa hoI) divided by sixty. The hourly means of equivalent brightness temperature are the average of the high resolution (360 sa hoi) data. These data are shown in the figures appearing on pages 77 - 105.

For the period of June 1-29, histograms representing the frequency of occurrence of ceiling and brightness temperature observations have been compiled. Observations of ceilings are distributed into 50 meter bins. The number of clear sky, high ceiling (greater than three kilometer), and all observations are also reported. Observations of equivalent brightness temperature are distributed in 2 degree Kelvin bins and the total number of observations is also reported. The frequency of occurrence analyses ofceiling and 11 micron brightness temperature are displayed in the figures on pages 106 - 133.

76 1 June (Day 153) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance

I I I 1300 I I I I 1 , I II,II I r I,I, I I' , ! II I 1.0 • LW Q) 1200 D sw C,)0.9 ctl 1100 ~ ~0.8 1000 ;:1 C\l I 900 ifl O•7 ~ o Q) 800 +ol +ol 0.6 Q) 700 "d 20.5 a600 +ol CfJ ..... ~ +ol 500 +ol a°.4 ctl 400 CfJ I ~ ~0.3 300 l co I·,,' ~0.2 }" 200 ~ ~0.1 100 " ifl [ o 0.0 I I o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer 11/-Lm Equivalent Brightness Temp

I I I 1.0, I I I 300

I .. ~0.9 290 . ~ ifl 0.8 I',· ' 280 I "',p ~ ~ S P I, +ol 0.7 I' ..... 270 I,i ..... ;.> I'" , I .: ~ i , Q) 0.6 Q) 260 ;""'1 , ;, , - I' I, ~ N ·,,·,/I:i ~ I I, I II' I· rn 250 0.5 •••• I,'· ," 1 I I' Q) I·· -,-- ,. o I I' ~ Q) 240 0.4 I , ~ I I bLJ o I "'8 :.j 0.3 Q) 230 f" "":: 1,1 I ," 1 Cl .,"I" ;", C,) I "; I 1 II Iii I' ctl 0.2 220 "I i I.. , ~ , I. I" I " I I ,', .", ~ 1 II i' 0.1 1 210 I ",. I I "I"· " I' i,. I: I. , ,. i .. i I· " 0.0 200 I o 6 12 18 24 77 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe 2 June (Day 154) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance

1300 1 I ! I I ,. I, ! I II ! I ! I ! 1 ! 1 ! I I I I', i I 1.0 • LW Q) 1200 o SW C,)0.9 Cd 1100 l:+-4 i-I0.8 1000 ~ N ClJ. • I 900 O7 ~ o Q.) 800 ...... ,0.6 -+-l Q.) 700 "'d ;$0.5 S 600 ...... , rn -+-l 500 ·SOA -+-l CfJ Cd400 ~ ~0.3 300 ~ Cd $..;0.2 200 ~ ~0.1 100 CIJ. rfl '·1'" R o 0.0, I I o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover • Ceilometer I1fLm Equivalent Brightness Temp

1.0 I I I 300 I I I

~0.9 290 ~ CI10.8 280 I ~ ..c:...... , 0.7 .~ 270 .~ ~:> ~ Q.) 0.6 Q) 260 ~ r- N l:+-4 0.5 CfJ"250 '. o Q) Q) 240 ~ 0.4 $..; , o b1J :.;j 0.3 Q) 230 o I" C,)

Cd0.2 220 1 I:" i-I 1 1 ~ : 210 0.1 :: ,.':. J .': I ,J' I .' 1 I," I> , "'I': ,::' I: :;ii I,.. ' " I . I' 0.0 " I" 200, o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 78 Time UTe 3 June (Day 155) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance

1300 I I,,I, I II,I, I I, !, I I,, !! I I I I I I 1.0 • LW (l) 1200 o SW C,)0.9 Cd 1100 '4-1 ~0.8 1000 ;j C\l I 900 ifJ.0.7 ~ o ~(l) 800 ~0.6 (l) 700 '"d 2 0.5 a600 ~ r.n .~ ~ ~ 500 a°.4 ,... Cd 400 r.n ~ ~0.3 300 ctl ~0.2 200 ~ ~0.1 ,Ii' 100 ifJ. t o 0.0, I I o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer 11/Lm Equivalent Brightness Temp

1.0 I I I 300, I I I

, ~0.9 290 ~ , ifJ. 0.8 280

~ .r::~ 0.7 .~ 270, .~ I ;> I

~ 1 (l) 0.6 -(l) 260 :::s::: N ·,,·'1 '4-1 0.5 r.n250 I o " (l) (].) 240 ~ 0.4I r ~ Q1) I' o I I, .. (].) 230 :.;j 0.3 "'.' I , f- I' C,) o I', I'·' ..! Cd0.2 220 I i •• ~ " I" ',' :' ~ " 0.1 I' 210 I I " 1/ I i,," I , "i ". I' I' I 0.0 200 ",' o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe .79 Time UTe 4 June (Day 156) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance

1.0 I I I :::: I,,,,,I,,,,,I I~~~ I',,,, Q) C,) 0.9 cd 1100 1:.+-4 ~0.8 1000 ;:l N I 900 lfl O.7 ~ o ~Q) 800 ~0.6 Q) 700 "'d ,30.5 S 600 ~ en .~ ~ 0 ""'r-- " ~ 500 8 .4 '·,"1; I' .,.,' cd 400 en ~ ~0.3 I' 1/ I· ' 300 j i IIII i II i ~ cd ...... ~0.2 r ~O •••••••• IIII.IIIIII •• E-- , ~0.1 100 ••••••• 1 I I I I m I I II II .1 lfl ."

:" "'" ~l""l""r~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ rf o r r I"" 0.0, 0 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover .. Ceilometer IIp,m Equivalent Brightness Temp

1.0 I I 300 I I I

;>, 0.9 290 ~ ifl 0.8 280 , ..r:: ~ ~ 0.7 .~ 270 .~ .... :> ~ I , Q) 260 Q) 0.6 r' - ~ N 1'1' .:. 1:.+-40.5 f- en250 o Q) Q) 240 ~ 0.4 ~ o b.D :.;J0.3 Q) 230 I C,) o cd 0.2 , 220 I ~ ',., . .1·' .• ~ '.. I' 0.1 210 ". ' . '1 ': . I.· I" "1· I· I· I ...,. .., I ••••••••• 1'1': ,'1,·· I·' I I I:· I 0.0 200 I··.· o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 80 Time UTe 6 June (Day 158) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux' Solar Transmittance

I I I ~~: 1.0 ::: ~,,,,,I,,,,,I,,,,,I I 0,) C,)0.9 cd 1100 '+-4 ~0.8 1000 ;j C\l I 900 (fJ0.7 ~ o 0,) 800 ..p.) ..p.) 0.6 '1j 0,) 700 ~0.5 S 600 ..p.) rn • .-l .., ..p.) 500 SOo4 ..p.) rn cd 400 ~ C O•3 cd 300 ...... 111111111.. ··1 ~0.2 ~ ~O ••••••••• IIIIIII.I~.II ~0.1 100 •••••••• 1IIIIIIIIII .11 (fJ ~ I.·..., a 1·".~~I·'I·f1~" ~, I' ," ~~, r, ,-" 0.0, I 0 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer I111m Equivalent Brightness Temp

I I 1.0 I I 300 I r 290 >:.0.9 ~ (fJ 0.8 280 '1' ~ .c..p.) 0.7 I; .... 270 • .-l ;> ./ ...... •...... ;1/ ~ I 0,) 0.6 .... 0,) 260 ~ "'1· V N I '+-4 0.5 rn 250 ,··••·Ii> o 0,) 0,) 240 ~ 004 ~ , " o b1J I· 0,) 230 :;::j 0.3 i- , T Q C,) . .., j I I cd 0.2 220 I ••• ~ " '" 1 1... 1/ I'> ~ .... I·," I ..", 0.1 210 . , I.· I' t I I" 0.0 Wl 200 o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 81 Time UTe 7 June (Day 159) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance

I I I I , I I 1300 1.0 • LW Q.) 1200 o SW ~0.9 1100 1:.+-4 ~0.8 1000 ~ C\I • I 900 UJ O 7 ~ o Q.) 800 .;...l .;...l 0.6 'ij Q.) 700 Q.) .;...l0.5 8 600 .;...l r:n •...-4 .' ." .;...l 500 ", .;...l 8°.4 ".. ~ 400 r:n ~ C O•3 300 ~ ~0.2 200 E-t ~0.1 100 UJ

0 0.0 I II 6 12 18 24 0 6 12 18 24 Time UTe ° Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer IIp,m Equivalent Brightness Temp

I I I I I I 1.0 300

>-:. 0.9 290 ~ UJ 0.8 280

.;...l..0 0.7 I' .9270 •...-4 ~ ~ ...... Q.) 0.6 Q.) 260 ~ N 1:.+-4 0.5 r:n 250 o i Q.) Q.) 240 ~ 0.4 ~ bD o t- ·...-403 Q.) 230 .;...l' Cl C,) ~ 0.2 .--- 220 ~ I '. r- ~ 0.1 210 H 1,1 i· I I' I >11 , q ,. I,' ., I' I,' I'" ,.,." F 0.0 I I 200 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 ° Time UTe 82 ° Time UTe 8 June (Day 160) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance

I I I 1300 I I,,II I, I,II I I , 1 I I 'I' I t I, I 1.0 • LW (1) 1200 III! sw c:.>0.9 C'd 1100 ~ ~0.8 1000 ;:::l C\l r.rJ. . 1 900 O7 ~ o Q) 800 ....,; ....,;0.6 Q) 700 "'c:1 ,20.5 S 600 ....,; rn ...... ,; 500 SO.4 ....,; ~ rn 400 ~0.3 ~ .,. ~ 300 , " ~0.2 I', ..." 200 ~ ~0.1 Ii' ,Iii Cf) 10:~ ["1"21. 0.0, o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer 1f/-Lm Equivalent Brightness Temp

II,,, I, I,,I I I,,,, I II,,, 1.0 1.1 ',,, I I,,I, I I,I,, I II',I I 3001 I

~0.9 290 I- ~ Cf) 0.8 I 280

...c: ~ ....,; 0.7 ~I .... 270 ...... ~ .-4 ~ Q) 0.6 (1) 260 r- ~ N r ~ 0.5 00 250 o I' (1) ~ 0.4 ~240 o bD :;j 0.3 (1) 230 C,) o ~ 0.2 ~ ~ III 0.1

6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 83 Time UTe 9 June (Day 161 ) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance 1.0 I I I :::: I,,,,, I,,,,, I ~ ~: I',,,, 0,) C,,)0.9 etl 1100 C+-4 ~0.8 1000 ~ C\l I 900 ifJ. 0.7 ~ o 0,) 800 -+-l -+-l0.6 .--- I 0,) 700 '"d ~0.5 I' S 600 -+-l rn • .-4 -+-l 500 -+-l S°.4 I': I etl 400 rn ~ ~0.3 I I: etl I, II ~O~"'.•I'jiliiiiiii~··11~0.2 200 IIIIII I I. ••• ••••••• II Eo-< ~0.1 100 III IIII ••••• •••••• ••• ifJ. I,

o ~~~~~f1 ~" ~\' I" i' ~I' " i' r\' ~ 0.0. 0 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer IIp,m Equivalent Brightness Temp

I I I I I I 1.0 .--- 300

:>, 0.9 290 ~ ifJ. 0.8 280 ..c: ~ -+-l 0.7 • .-4 270 ~ .. :> . ....-( ~ 0,) 0.6 0,) 260 ~ N rn 250 C+-40.5 .--- o Q.) I·,·' Q.) 240 ~ 0.4 ~ o b.D :;j 0.3 Q.) 230 Q C,,) 1 etl 0.2 220 .' ~ ~ I 0.1 210 . , .... I 1 ' ., 1. 1'1, I n ::"'1' ·1 R-nJf I 0.0 I 200 o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 84 Time UTe 10 June (Day 162) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance I I I 1300 I' I , I 1 I II,II I ! IIII I., I 1 , I I 1.0 • LW Q) 1200 o SW c.>0.9 ctl 1100 C+-4 ~0.8 1000 ;::l N I 900 00.0.7 ~ o Q) 800 +oJ +oJ0.6 Q) 700 '"d Bo.5 8 600 +oJ rn ...... +oJ 500 0.4 +oJ 8 rn ctl 400 QO.3 ~ I::::~i p. 300 ctl ~0.2 I } 200 ~ I I, ~ I'" ,'.i ~0.1 I i} I,'" 100 1",1 i'" 00. i'I' """] I'. i" o ~ 0.0. r I'" o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer IIp,m Equivalent Brightness Temp

1 I I 300 I' I,,! I II,, ! I,,,,!III,,, I 1.0I


~0.9 i, I'", 290

~ ' .. ifJ. 0.8 280

..", ..c: I' o +oJ 0.7 I," ...... 270 ...... ~ •••• .-4 Q I' I'·· .• Q) 0.6 Q) 260 ... "ii' I ~ N ! C+-40.5 'i I rn 250 o ,I Q) Q) 240 Q 0.4 f I ~ o ... , Q.() .. Q) 230 :0 0.3 k , " I·" o c.> I', :'. I: Ii .', ctl 0.2 , I·, ~ I· ... ~ ". 0.1 H I i•. . i'.' 1·11:1iii,l} 1[1I1' "'1 0.0 " I o 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 85 Time UTe 11 June (Day 163) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance 1.0 I I I • LW Q.) 1200 D SW ~0.9

1100 ~ ~0.8 1000 ::l C\l I 900 r:n. 0.7 ~ o Q.) 800 -+-ol -+-ol 0.6 Q.) 700 "d Q.) -+-ol 0.5 S 600 -+-ol rn .~ 004 ::3 500 8 ro 400 rn :- I> ~ ~0.3 300 co ~0.2 200 ~ ;5:: 0.1 I 100 r:n. n 0.0 J o I I6 12 18 6 12 18 24 o 24 o Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer IIp,m Equivalent Brightness Temp

1.0 I I 300 I I I

~0.9 290 ~ rn 0.8 280 ~ -+-ol 0.7 .S 270 • .-4 ;> . C ....-4 Q.) 0.6 I Q.) 260 ~ N I· ~ 0.5 rn 250 o Q.) I· Q.) ~ 240 C 004 1 1 o bLl Q.) 230 :;j 0.3 ~ ~ c.> f- .' " ro 0.2 l- .. 220 r- ~ . ...• ~ 0.1 .', .' .•.. 210 '. .. I' ..... ' I ..... I'" 1 ,,' 1"1" I:.. II,1:.1 0.0 I' 200 o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 86 Time UTe 12 June (Day 164) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance

I,,I t III 1 I II 1 I I I I II,II I I f I,I I IIIII I,,, II 1300 I I,, I ! I , I 1..01 I • LW Q) 1200 [J SW ~0.9 1100 CM So.40.8 1000 ~ C\l I 900 lfl O•7 ~ o .,>(J) 800 .,> 0.6 (J) 700 '"C Q) .,>0.5 8 600 .,> rn •...-4 0 .,> 500 8 .4 ~ 400 rn ~ 1::0•3 300 ~ III So.40.2 200 ~ ~0.1 100 lfl

I~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o IIIII., I In I I 0.01, ,, iii' i , n Iii ii' I' ,., iii o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover· Ceilometer IlJ1m Equivalent Brightness Temp

1.0 I I I 300 I',,,, ! !,,,,,,,,,,, !I,,, I

, [, ;; ~ '.'. " ~0.9 290 . Ii / ~ I, i/, lfl 0.8 I"" I,' 280 i ...' ,. ..c: I I:: .,> 0.7 .,' •...-4270 I' .~ I': I' :> .··.,1 'I,' ~ I:: " 1 Q) 0.6 I", I" I, Q) 260 I' '" ..", ~ N iI:: ",.1" 1,11 , '" CM 0.5 1 rn 250 o 1 I' Q) , . I '. • Q) 240 I:: 0.4 So.4

, b1l o . :.;:j 0.3 H:'1/ '., Q) 230 J 1 Q C,) i;; I ,,,I'· 1 ''',.' .. ~ 0.2 , 220 1 .,' I So.4 I "I .. 1 "'ii' :l~ :"'1:.' ·'1 ~ I'·, ','•• 1 " 0.1 1,1 1 210 k " ,.":" I' I' .. """1 r: 1,1" 0.0 200 IT II IIII I II IIIIIII III II II o 6 12 18 24 87 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe 13 June (Day 165) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance

I I I 1300 I', 1 , I I J I , II I, J,, I I., III ! I 1.0 • LW Q.l 1200 o SW C,)0.9 ctl 1100 l:+-4 ~0.8 1000 :;j C\l I 900 U'"10•7 ~ o ~Q.) BOO ...,J 0.6 .... Q.) 700 "0 ..2$0.5 S 600 ~ 1 en • .-4 0 ~ 500 8 .4 ctl 400 en ~ c::0.3 300 ctl ., ~0.2 200 ~ ~0.1 100 ifJ. [ ~ o 0.0, I I o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer IIp,m Equivalent Brightness Temp

1.0 I I I 300 I I I

~0.9 290 ~ ..,. I- ifJ. 0.8 280 ····1 c:: ..c:~ 0.7 , .... 270 I • .-4 ~ c:: I Q.) 0.6 Q.l 260 I - ~ N l- I' en250 11'1 l:+-40.5 I o I Q.l Q.) 240 ~ 0.4 ~ o b1l :;j 0.3 Q.l 230 o 1 C,) ctl 0.2 220 I' ~ ~ 0.1 210 .,' I• I ..... I>· I" ',. j.,.' I: '. '" . 0.0 200 o 6 12 18 24 88 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe 14 June (Day 166) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance

I 1300 I I I 1.0 I I • LW Q) 1200 D SW C,)0.9 ~ 1100 ~ ~0.8 1000 ::l C\l I 900 rno.? ~ o Q) 800 +.l +.l 0.6 Q) 700 "'0 ,20.5 a600 +.l .~ rn I· +.l 500 OA +.l a .I~ ~ 400 rn ~ ~0.3 '.' 300 ~ ) .'.... ~0.2 ,..') 200 • ~ I" I" ~0.1 100 rn J in o 0.0, I 6 12 18 I24 o 6 12 18 24 o Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer IlJ-Lffi Equivalent Brightness Temp

1.0 I I 300 I I I

I ~0.9 290 ~ rn 0.8 280 ..c ~ +.l 0.7 • ...-4 270 .~ ~ I ~ Q) 0.6 -Q) 260 ~ N I, ~ 0.5 r' rn 250 o I Q) Q) 240 ~ 004 ~ b.O o , I :.;j 0.3 Q) 230 ..' ,' Q .. . I: CJ ':1... ~ 0.2 . '.' 220 I ." I I: '. ::: 1+ ~ i· Ii I··:...•·'··· ...... ".1.. , ': I " .i .ii ~ I r- I I' 0.1 ,. ,,'" 210 . "'1" ... I· '.' '. " 0.0 200 I I·" I o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 89 Time UTe 15 June (Day 167) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance 1 I 1 1300 I II,!, I I,!,I I 1 J, !, I I' ! ! !I I 1.0 • LW Q) 1200 o SW C,,)0.9 ctl 1100 ~ ~0.8 1000 ;J C\l I 900 ifJ.0.7 ~ o Q) 800 -+-l -+oJ0.6 Q) 700 'ij 20.5 S 600 -+oJ rn ...... -+oJ 500 SOA -+oJ ctl 400 r.n ~ l:::::0.3 300 ctl ~0.2 200 ~

~O.l ["'·1.. 100 1Jl' 1< r- ,'.. o 0.0, rl o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer IIp,m Equivalent Brightness Temp

I I I 1.0 I 1 1 300

~0.9 290 ~ 280 ifJ. 0.8 r I' ...c= ...... l:::::270 -+oJ 0.7 " ...... -;> l::::: Q) 0.6 Q) 260 ~ N , ;, ~ 0.5 r.n250 r- o Q.) Q) 240 I'. l::::: 0.4 s.... i b.(J o .". :.;:j 0.3 Q.) 230 I': o I C,,) I· 220 I ctl 0.2 I· ~ ~ . .;, 0.1 , 210 " i. ; .., I It I. '.; .... I,' 0.0 nl I 200 o 6 12 18 24 90 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe 16 June (Day 168) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance

~, ,,I, III r , III 1300 II!,, I, I,,, I I J II, I,,, I J .1-...l.-JLL...L-.l'---L1 .1-1 J'_'LL' ...J.'--ll,-~II_I I I I 1.0 • LW Q) 1200 EI SW c.>0.9 ctl 1100 l:+-t ~0.8 1000 ::1 C\l I 900 7JJ.0•7 ~ o ...,Q) 800 ~0.6 Q) 700 "'0 B005 S 600 ~ en 0§0.4 ...,~ 500 ctl 400 en ~ ~0.3 300 ctl ~0.2 200 ~ 100 0::7JJ.0.[ •., " I,"" I II 'I,,, I o 0.0 I II Iii I rill ! o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer IIp,m Equivalent Brightness Temp

I I I 1.0 300 I II !, i I I i I I! I,,I'IIII ! I' I I ~0.9 290 ~ .... r.n0.8 ": ... 260 ~ ~ ..., 0.7 0..-1 270 I 0..-1 ::> .i' ~ ~ I"'! Q) 0.6 I·j Q) 260 I: I.:. >1:: ~ N --: I":, I' l:+-t 0.5 ,'. en250 o I, ,. I I Q) I' ~ ~ 0.4 240 o " Q.() ~ 0.3 Q) 230 , o c.> ," I,,' "Hi , " ctl 0.2 I ~ I' I I, , ~ I 0.1 ,1m 210 ".> 'i'i I' •• >' I", h" I, ,..,' i, 0.0, 200 I r I' I TIl I III I I liT I I I r IIT I o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 91 Time UTe 17 June (Day 169) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance

1300 1-J-l....J...J1....L.l1...J..-L...l-J.-I-L1...L..I....J....L...L-'o'-I.l-I.....I-..I...i 1.0 1-J---lL.l-l-L.l1...L..I..-'-L-.l....L.l-1L.l-l-L..J.1-Ll--L-l--'-I • LW (1) 1200 [J SW ~0.9

1100 ~ ~0.8 1000 ;:j C\l I 900 UJ O•7 ~ o Q) 800 ~ ~0.6 Q) 700 '"d ~0.5 S 600 ~ en .~ ~ 500 0 ~ 8 .4 ro 400 en ~ CO•3 300 ctl ~0.2 200 ~ ~0.1 100 UJ o 0.0 h-r-r--1r-T"Ol""""""""""T"TI"1""'T""T""T""T"""""I,-,-r-r-/ o 6 12 18 I24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer II/Lm Equivalent Brightness Temp

I I I 1.0 I 300 I

:>, 0.9 r- 290 ~ I UJ 0.8 I 280 I

~ ..c:~ 0.7 .S 270 .~ :> C I' Q) 0.6 -Q) 260 ~ N ~ 0.5 en 250 Q) o I (1) 240 C 0.4 ~ o b.D :;:j 0.3 (1) 230 I I C,) 1 o 1 220 ro 0.2 1 I' ~ I Id' I , ~ I I' 0.1 I, 210 I> 1 't'I' II h' I I: I,' 1 h 1 I' 0.0 I 200 o 6 12 18 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 92 Time UTe 18 June (Day 170) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance I I I 1300 I' !I,I I I,,!! I, I , 1 ! I., II !! I 1.0 • LW Q.) 1200 o SW 00.9 ro 1100 ~ ~0.8 1000 :J C\l I 900 'fJl 0.7 ~ o Q.) 800 +oJ +oJ 0.6 Q.) 700 '"0 2 0.5 S 600 +oJ lfJ. .I""l +oJ 500 +oJ S°.4 I' ro 400 lfJ. ~ ~0.3 ,.,1 300 ro ~0.2 i 200 ~ iiI, ,I .. ~0.1 100 'fJl ~ ...., o 0.0, I I o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer IIp,m Equivalent Brightness Temp

I I I I I 1.0 I- 300

~0.9 290 ~ 'fJl 0.8 280 ~ ~ +oJ 0.7 • .-4 270 'I""l :>

~ , Q.) 0.6 -Q.) 260 N I' :::s::: I:' ~ 0.5 lfJ. 250 I' o Q.) I' Q.) ~ 0.4 ~ 240 :.,' bJ) r .1," o ....." :;j 0.3 Q.) 230 Q

o ••••••• ro0.2 220 1 .: .;·.'1'" ~ ~ '.:. 0.1 , 210 I" .' '. I, ;:I: :'1; .. I .. 0.0 1 200 o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 93 Time UTe 19 June (Day 171 ) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance

I II ! I I , 1 J, IIII, , II I I I 1300 I ! I I I' ! I 1.0 • LW (l) 1200 [J SW C,)0.9 eel 1100 I:+-t i-40.8 1000 ;j C\I I 900 lfJ. 0.7 i-4 o ~(l) 800 ~0.6 (l) 700 "'0 ,20.5 S 600 ~ en .~ r ~ 500 8°·4 l- eel 400 rn ~ ~0.3 300 ctl I i-40.2 200 ~ , ~0.1 I 100 lfJ. r " o 0.0, rL o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer IIp,m Equivalent Brightness Temp

1.0 I I 1 300 I I I

~0.9 290 ~ lfJ. 0.8 280

~ ~..c:0.7 .... 270 .~ :> ~ (l) 0.6 -(l) 260 ~ N I:+-t 0.5 " rn 250 o t (l) (l) 240 ~ 0.4 i-4 o b.O :- (l) 230 :;j 0.3 , o C) f- eel 0.2 220 I' i-4 I I." ~ :- ( 0.1 , 210 I Ii ,I' :'" J" ..•·.1. I> I, •.··1> •• ,,' I • I'" j. I. ,;:! i'I' 1·1,':" >1 ". ' }i.i·.I." 0.0 200 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 ° Time UTe 94 Time UTe 20 June (Day 172) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance

I I I 1300 1-'-~~IL.-.l--'L.....1-JL.....1-JIL..L..JL..L..JL..L..JI...,J-L---'-'"-'-I 1.0 • LW Q) 1200 o SW ~0.9 1100 t+-4 s...0.8 1000 ~ N I 900 00 0.7 s... o ~ 800 ~0.6 -+-l ~ 700 "0 Cl) -+-l0.5 S 600 -+-l rn .,-.4 -+-l 500 -+-l S°.4 r rn ctl 400 I ~ l:: 0.3 300 ctl I, s...O.2 200 ~ ~0.1 ,'.,' 100 rn ~ n o 0.0 I o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer II/Lill Equivalent Brightness Temp

I I I I I I 1.0 300

~0.9 290 ~ rn 0.8 280 ~ ..c:-+-l 0.7 •....c 270 .,-.4 r ~ ~ 1"""'4 ~ 0.6 ~ 260 i=- I· ~ N I t+-4 0.5 rn 250 Ii o ~ I I' Cl) 240 l:: 0.4 ~ f- b.() I o r ',-.4 03 Q) 230 -+-l' Cl I. r I"· C,) I I· I' ro 0.2 220 !} I· s... I ~ 0.1 210 I I I I' k I , I 0.0 200 o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 95 Time UTe 21 June (Day 173) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance

1.0 I I I :::: I,,,,,I,,,,,I I: ~: I',,,, Q) C,,)0.9 ro 1100 t+-4 ~0.8 1000 ;;:j C\l I 900 rnO•7 ~ o Q) 800 .....- .....-0.6 Q) 700 "'d ~0.5 S 600 .....- 00 .~ 0 .....- 500 .4 .....- 8 r- .' ro400 00 ~ ~0.3 I .... ro 300 ...... 11111 ".1 ~O.2 ~O ~ ••••••••••••• IIIIII.I ... ;s::0.1 100 ...... IIIIIIIII •• rn r " o r-~~~~~~~~~~·r" I' " I' l' r.',- 0.0, 0 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer II/tm Equivalent Brightness Temp

I r I 1.0 I I 300

~0.9 290 ~ lfJ. 0.8 280

~ ...c: .....- 0.7 .~ 270 .~ ;>- ~ Q) 260 Q) 0.6 l- . - • ~ N I···· t+-4 0.5 00 250 I, Q) , o I· Q) 240 : " ~ 0.4 ~ Q.lJ o Q) 230 ~ 0.3 o , C,,) ro0.2 220 ~ I , ~ , 1 0.1 I 210 I·" I·.·. !I: "·1,,', '·1'. . ILl" ••••• /1> I··•• 1·1' I· 0.0 I> 200 " o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 96 Time UTe 22 June (Day 174) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance I I I ::: t' ,,,, I,,,,,I,,,,,I I~~ 1.0 Q.) c.>0.9 Cd 1100 C;--4 ~0.6 1000 ::1 C\l I 900 ifJ. 0.7 ~ o Q.) 800 .....,; .....,;0.6

Q.) 700 'i:J 2°·5 S 600 .....,; rn .~ .....,; 500 .....,; 8°.4 UJ Cd 400 ~ CO.3 Cd ..,.. .QQ ...... n.IIIIII· .. ·111 ~0.2 Eo-< 200 ••••••••• 1 I I I I I I I I U I ..,.. ~0.1 100 IIIIIIIII >:: •••••••• n •• ifJ...... r o ~1",-I"I"r"1,"," I' ,,,," I' " '-, 0.0, I I 0 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 Time UTe ° Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer IIp,m Equivalent Brightness Temp

1.0 I I I 300 I I I

~0.9 290 f- ~ ifJ. 0.8 280 r- , ..,.. f- .,.', ~ , ..c.....,; 0.7 • ...-4 270 • ...-4 ~;> :: C i Q.) 0.6 Q.) 260 ~ 1 N I ~ 0.5 UJ 250 o Q.) Q.) 240 C 0.4 ~ o b.O :.;j 0.3 Q.) 230 I Q , c.> ., Cd0.2 220 ~ I'.",; ~ 1 r- 1\::'·'.: 0.1 I', 210 , I, ·.1 I::: " I' I , ." I,' 1 I I 0.0 n- 200 I' o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 97 Time UTe 23 June (Day 175) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance 1.0 I I I ::::t' , , , , I,,,,,I,,,,,I I~~: Q.) 00.9 ctl 1100 ~ l-40.8 1000 :::l C\l I 900 en0.7 ~ o Q.) 800 +-l +-l0.6 Q.) 700 '"d Q.) +-l0.5 S 600 +-l I rn +-l 500 004 +-l '8 ctl 400 rn ~ ~0.3 ctl r 300 ...... 1111111 •••• 1 l-40.2 r- ' ~ 'I 200 IIIIIIIII I ••••••••• III < ~0.1 ... '.... 100 I I 1.1 III ...... I ElII en '1'"

~~~~~~f1 ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ o r r , 0.0, I 0 6 12 18 24 a 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer llflm Equivalent Brightness Temp

I I I 1.0 I 1 I 300

~0.9 290 r- ~ 280 ifJ. 0.8 r ..c: C r- +-l 0.7 '1""'4 270 '1""'4 :> C ....-. Q.) 0.6 Q.) 260 I'.' ~ N ~ 0.5 rn 250 I" o Q.) Q.) 240 ~ 0.4 l-4 · .. 1 o b.lJ :0 0.3 oQ.) 230 o r- ctl 0.2 220 r . I· If- ~ I I I· \- ~ I· I·" 0.1 210 ." .', I'· 'r rl I I" ·1 II. I [, I" I·' 0.0 200 " o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 98 Time UTe 24 June (Day 176) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance

II !, !, I,I ,,! I,,,,, I 1300 I', ! II I !, II, I,, 1 t I I,, I I , 1 I 1.0 I',, I ! • LW Q) 1200 o SW \.)0.9 ct1 1100 Co+-4 f-40.8 1000 ;:::j C'IJ I 900 rnO•7 f-4 o Q) 800 +.l +.l 0.6 Q) 700 "0 2 0•5 S 600 -+-l en ...... +.l 500 0 +.l 6 .4 rJ) ct1400 ~ ~0.3 300 OJ S-C0.2 200 ~ III~11I1Ir1lmil 100 '~npnnnnn· ~O.1rillllllill r ',,,I o 0.0 I, IIII I o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover -Ceilometer lllLffi Equivalent Brightness Temp

I I I 1.0 I I 300

~0.9 290 ~ - C/J 0.8 280 r

~ Q ,.. +.l 0.7 ...... 270 ...... ~ Q .- Q) 0.6 Q) 260 ~ N Co+-40.5 en250 o Q) Q) 240 Q 0.4 f-4 o b.D :;3 0.3 Q) 230 \.) o ". ct10.2 220 II"'· I' - f-4 ~ " I, I", 0.1 210 I' I ..... I .... I.: 0.0 200 o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 99 Time UTe 25 June (Day 177) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance I I I 1.0 I I I • LW 0) D SW C,)0.9 ~ctl ~0.8 ::l ifl o.7 o ~0.6 "C ,20.5 ~ ..... • ...-j I.: 80.4 ,"'.

00 I ~0.3 : .. S [I.' .:... ctl .... ~0.2 I' Ii ••. ~ I" 1+ [I ..•.e- ~0.1 I II ifl iii: I···•... r Is r 1< 1+ lJJ 0.0, I '1 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover .. Ceilometer ilJ-Lm Equivalent Brightness Temp

I 1 I 1.0 I 300

~0.9 290 ~ I ifl 0.8 280 1< ..c: ~ ~ 0.7 • ...-j 270 .. 1 1•••.'•. • ...-j > ~ ...1••·· Q.) 0) 0.6 I' +I 260 I'·:·· i "'. - I' ~ ,.;: + ... N I· [i •• ~ 0.5 00 250 I' Q.) r- '1 I, I>I> I,' o IS' '.. , 0) 240 ~ 0.4 I, ~ I.';. o I. Ql) I' :.;::j0.3 '., , 0) 230 1;····1 ' ... o , .... 1 C,) I·' .. 1. I f- ctl 0.2 I' H 220 , I ~ I I· I" Ii Tel<' ····Is...:., ..,. I, .. ~ I « ... 0.1 210 I' 1<:':: I :.:. ....[11 Ii:: I siS I I: 1':1' <:1· l: ..:' I..i. "'1. ., I' ,. I " ;:;1· .... .:.... I' b1 , .'. .;,.11' , ····1 I.' 0.0 1 200, o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 100 Time UTe 26 June (Day 178) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance

I I 1 I I I 1300 1.0 • LW Q) 1200 D SW ~O.9

1100 ~ ~0.8 1000 ::l C\l I 900 (/)0.7 ~ o Q) 600 -+..l -+..l 0.6 I Q) 700 "'d Q) I, -+..l0.5 r"'" S 600 -+..l "·,·1,1;,, fIJ • ..-1 I -+..l 500 -+..l SOA ~ 400 r.n ~ l:: 0.3 1,1:,· 300 ro I, I::' l-.0.2 I ,',. 1'1 200 ~ I, I ~0.1 100 (/) ~ 0 0.0 I 0 6 12 18 I24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer IIp,m Equivalent Brightness Temp

I r I 300

~0.9 290 ~ U1 0.8 280

..c=-+..l 0.7 .S 270 -..-I .....:> l::Q) 0.6 Q) 260 N :::s::: ~ 0.5 r.n 250 o Q) Q) 240 l:: 0.4 l-. o b.O -..-I 03 Q) 230 -+..l . Q I,HI·· C,) ro 0.2 220 l-. i"'" II ~ 0.1 210 I

O.°f--r-,r-r-r~I-r-r-.,.-,-.,...... -r-"1r-r-r...... I-r-r-.,.-,-~ 200 o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 101 Time UTe 27 June (Day 179) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance 1300 I I I 1.0 I I I LW Q.) 1200 •0 SW C,)0.9 ~ 1100 I:.+-t ~0.8 1000 ;j N I 900 (f)0.7 ~ o r- Q.) 800 -+.J -+.J0.6 Q.) 700 "d 20.5 1<: 8 600 -+.J ,'< r ' ... rn • ...-1 ," 0 I"" -+.J 500 8 .4 -+.J 1>1; ~ 400 rn ~ ~0.3 ~ 300 ,,'., I ~0.2 200 ~ ;:. ~0.1 100 I'·; ifl i' o 0.0, 1 o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover - Ceilometer I1p,m Equivalent Brightness Temp

1.0 I I I 300 I I I 290 ~0.9 ~ ifl 0.8 280 ..c: ~ -+.J 0.7 • ...-1 270 • ...-1 ;> ...... ~ Q.) 0.6 (],) 260 ~ N rn 250 I:.+-t 0.5 r- o Q.) r- ~ 0.4 ~240 b.O o .-- (],) 230 :;j 0.3 o C,) . ~ 0.2 220 ~ 1:1 "1'; H CJ:..t I 0.1 210 'i I.:.· I,J I.., II 'I : ..... 1"1 ...,n~ ,.' I I ",I i·l. 0.0 200 i" o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 102 Time UTe 28 June (Day 180) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance

1.0 I I I :::: I,,,,,I,,,,,I ~ ~: I',,,, Q) 00.9 co 1100 C+-c ~0.8 1000 ::l N I 900 ifJ. 0.7 ~ o Q) 800 ....,> ....,>0.6 Q) 700 "d 2 0.5 a600 ....,> en • r-1 OA ....,> 500 ....,> a lfJ ~~ ~ IU .; 400 ~0.3 300 co ~0.2 200 E-- ~0.1 100 . ifJ. ,1· ':. 0 0.0, m-n 0 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover • Ceilometer IIp,m Equivalent Brightness Temp

I I I 1.0 I I I 300

~0.9 290 ,- ~ ?

ifJ. 0.8 280 .' I r- I.' ~ ..0 , .: ....,> 0.7 .... 270 ...... ,.. r I,;:: • r-1 ~> I· ~ I Q) 0.6 Q) 260 ~ I· N II C+-c0.5 lfJ 250 o Q) Q) 240 ~ 004 /-.t o b.O Q) 230 :.;j 0.3 I, o Q co0.2 220 . . . I /-.t , 1,11.1 ', I; I' I ~ " , II 0.1 , 210 .. I " .' I' .... ·1 , " I n . I I 0.0 I 200 a 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 103 Time UTe 29 June (Day 181) Hourly Means

Mean Downwelling Flux Solar Transmittance

1.0 f--J-'L....L...J~I....L....L...J....J.....J-I..I..l....J.....L-L-...... J....L...IJ....L....'--'--i • LW Q) 1200 EJ SW ~0.9 1100 C+-t ~0.8 1000 ;:j C\I I 900 rn O•7 ~ o Q) 800 ~0.6 ~ Q) 700 "0 .2$0.5 8 600 ~ rn .~ 0 ~ 500 8 .4 ctl 400 rn ~ ~0.3 300 ctl ~0.2 200 E--i ~0.1 100 rn o 0.0 1-r-1"""'T""'r""'1-r1"""T""'T"""T'""'T--r-T","'-'-"'T'"""r--'-T"'"'T'"'"Ir-r-r-rl o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe Time UTe

Cloud Cover· Ceilometer IlJ1.ffi Equivalent Brightness Temp

1.0 I I I

~0.9 290 , ~ rn 0.8 280

..c::~ 0.7 .S 270 .~ ;> ..-I ~ '.. ,' Q) 0.6 Q) 260 ~ N C+-t 0.5 rn 250 o Q) Q) 240 ~ 0.4 ~ I bLJ o I, .~ 03 Q) 230 ~. Q C) •••• ctl 0.2 , ',... '.. 220 ~ . , ~ O.~ .. 210 > ••• 200 F-H+f-4-++t-.,..,....r-r-r-r-r.,...,...... ,.--,-.,...,.., 0.0 I I o 6 12 18 24 o 6 12 18 24 Time UTe 104 Time UTe 1 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 309 350 >3 km 47 ,...,.-4 cd All 1364 :>300 ~ Q) -~250 .9200

~ Q) 150 ,.Cl §100 Z 50

OI--r--,F9""'I"""T""'T""""''''''-++++++-+-+-+-t=l-~-r-T-F9'=I-++++++++-+-+--+-I-HH'''i-H-++-++--A-..,...,...,..,--~rl 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

1I/Lm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 1-'-...L...... l..--'--'---'--L...... l.-...L...... l..--'--'---'--L...... l.-...L...... l..-J...... l.--Y,-"--...L...... l..-J...... l.--"--''-'-r.L.....J...-J...... l.--"--,---l-.L.....J...-J...... l.--"--,---l-.L.....J...... L-.J..-'--J-i

2800 .

c;2400 :>r-. .32000 --l:: .S 1600 '" r-.


oh--,.,-,.,-,.,-,.--,--~f-.-HH==l===f=l=F=!=FI==Ft=t=F==Ft=t=f=F=t=+=+=I-l---+--.J--+4+:::j...,.-r-r--r-r-rl 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin 105 2 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 533 350 >3 km 78 co All 1415 -:>300 ~ Q.) ~250

-~200 .~

~ Q.) 150 ..0

S;:J 100 Z 50 .

oh--l=!=F9'""'F;==Rq::j.-I--I-++-I-W++:w:+--I=1:::p:=R==FH~-I--I--W=FA=!=t-"'T""'FT--r-1"...-r...... -r-t"""'t"'"'T...... ,..j 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

IltLm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 1-'-.J.-l...... s...... J.-J.-i-J-..J.-.J...... s...... J.-J.-i-J-.J.-l...... s...... J.--L..,-i-J-.J.-l...... s...... J.--L.-l...... l.,.J.-l...... s...... J.-J.-...... J.-l...... s...... J.-J.-...... J.-l..-l--L.....l,.....JL...... i

2800 .. c;j2400 ..... t 22000 l:::: -.S 1600 l-< Q) 81200 ~ ?; 800


oh-,.-,-"T"""T"-.--r-+:4~~FFH+++t=+-+-H~~+4-+-+...f..-l--+-I+~~+4==i--r--,---r--,-;-.-j 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin 106 3 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 708 350 .-.--.-.------.. ------.. --.--.- .. -----.---- .. ------.. -- .. -.. -- ---.------.------.. ------.. ------>3 km 45 ~ C'd All 1410 ~300 ~ (J,) ~250

-~200 • .-4

~ (J,) 150 ..0 ~100 Z 50

oh-,,..__,_r--r"T...,...,..,...-t:++_l_l_++-l=FR=1~=J=I:=A-F+++_l_l_++A_,....,_...... ,,..__,_r~...,...,_,__,.,...... ,..,_,..-,--rl 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

II/lm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 1-'--'--'--'--'----'--L...... I--'--'--'--'---'--'L...... I--'--'-~-'-r'___l._.l..._L..~_'__'__'_r.I.-L.....l--I--'--'---l.-.l.-L.....l--I--'--'---l.-.l.-L.....l--I--'--'--i


~2400 :> l-o Q) +0> 2000 -.. ----. - -. --.. --- - -. ------.. -. -.. --- -. ---- -. --. -. ------.. ------. ....d .s1600 .... l-o Q) 61200 ;:l ?'; 800


OI-r-,--,---r--r----r-F9--t-+-+-t-t-t-+--t-+-+-t-t-lt-+-+--r-+-t-t-lt-+--t-+-+-t-t-lI-t--t-+-+-t-t-lI-t-.,.--,-r--r---r-lrl 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin 107 4 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 713 350 ...... >3 km 49 ....-4co All 1430 :>300 i--4 Q,) -~250

50 , .

OI--r-....-r-1-,.-,....,.--,.....-+++++++++t-f-t--f=H-1-t-+-+-+-+-+++"'T""T""...... -r--r-r-..--r-r-T"""""'r-r--I-"-"--r""T-r-T"""T"'"'T'""'-"'-r-r-T"'"'1 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

11Jlm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (ZOK Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 1--'-...L.....l..~---'--...... L.....l..~---'--...... L.....l..~--'-r...... L.....l..~---'--'--'-T...L.....l..~---'--...... L.....l..~---'--...... L.....l...... ---'--'--i


~2400 . :> ~ ~2000 l:::: -.S 1600 ~ (I) .0 1200 . 8 ;:l ?; 800

400 o L.....,.-,-...,--d-Jjjl.tG.tU2l=8+++=+=t:=+=I=H=+~q::::j:+=I=+=CJ-mL-,r-r-r--~ 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin 108 5 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 566 350 ...... >3 km 32 ~co All 966 ~300 ... ~ Q) ~250

-~200 '0""'4 ~ Q) 150 ~ §100 Z 50

Oh-..-.....,...,.....,...,.....,...,-R-H-R--R-Fl'~++++-h-.,.-,-...,...,.....,-,-,....,..."rT""~-r-r--r-r-,.-,-,.-,-r-r-r-r-r-r-1.....,...,.....,...,-l 0.0 0.25 0.5 0:75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

111Lm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 t---L-...... L.-J'-J...... L.....J...... '-l...-.L.....I-....L.-l.1-'-L....l...... L.....J..1 r'--'---J..-.l-~I....L.-J~..L.....J...I ...... ---J..-.I...... I..I....L.-l.--'--L-I-I...... -->-...JI'--L-..L.....J...~ I Total 7429 I 2800

C;2400 . :> l-. 22000 . l:: .S-1600 l-. (l) - 81200 ;:l ;7, 800 ...... ~ .

400 I . r- ~.,.....,.--r-r-...,....,-r-Wr,·t'·-W---U-t-t1R=+=I==R=I=t=+=H::+=l~q=P+=!=l=l=l=~.r?ICR=t--T'"""T""".."...... --r~I: fl II II O I I I I I I I I 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin

109 6 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 345 350 ...... >3 km 47 ....-4co All 1149 ~300 f..4 Q) -~250


o~-+-I--W=l--J-l.-++-H-W-+++.J-..l=1R=+uW::t~-4f==t-T""FF=F\-r-r-r--r-r-.,,--r-T"'"'T-,--r-T'"T"'""1,.,.--,--rT""r-l 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

11jLm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

~2400 :> l-< 22000 .....C .91600 l-< Q) S1200 ;:::l :7. 800


O~-.-.-...,.-,.-r-,-,-..,.....-,--+-t~~++-+-+--'+-~+-+--+-+--'+-~+-+--+-+-t--i-'-t-'+--+-+-+-t--t---f--A--r-r-r-rl 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin 110 7 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 1000 350 ------. >3 km 43 -co All 1428 >300 ~ (l) -~250


Of---r--,r-r-t-r-r--1"'"'l--I-+-H-+-l==H--H-H-H=l-I-+--I---Jo~~_r__r__..,.....,..._r_r__,.__,__r_T"""""',.....,...... __._r_.___r__r_r_-,-,--_r__r__..,.....,...r._rl 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

11Jtm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 f-J-..L-l.....J...... L--I--L...... l...... L-l.....J...... L--l.....-'L...... l...... L-l.....J...... l.--I...;J'--'-..L-l.....J...... l.....L-I--'T..L...... L...... L...... J...... 1-I--'-..L...... L...... L...... J...... L-J--'-,.L...... I...... L....J.....L-J-j


";;2400 -­ ;> ~ 22000 ---­ C -.S 1600 ~ Q) '8 1200 ;:l ?'; 800

400 ------

oh-,--,--,.-r-l-4-+-I--+-+-1-+-l=+=r=~=+=F=R=FF=F1==FF+=I=H=!=1=I=P+:++~-!=T-...,-,--r-r-,....j 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin 111 8 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 535 350 ...... >3 km 52 -ct:l All 1380 :>300 So-4 Q) ~250

-~200 • .-4 So-4 Q) 150 ,.Cl ~100 Z 50 .

01--r-11-H:::::r=t-+-+-t-+-+--t-++++++-+-+-1-H1-H.:.::r--F"'Fl--F!"'"I"""1"9-T-..,....,...-r-r-,.-,-~,.....,.....,....,..,.--r-T"'T"'T"..,.-,-~,.-,--r-i 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

I1JLm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 j---L-..L-L-~--'--L.....L...... ~--'--L.....L.....L-L-~---&..,-L.....L.....L-L-~--'--L-I-r..L-L-~--'--L.....L.....L-L-~----'--L.....L.....L-L-~-l--J'---l


~2400 :>s.. .32000 -C .S 1600 ~


OI--r-..,.--,--r""""1---r--r-r-.,...-t~~-!--'-f'-++---l--'-I~-!--'-f'-++-H~l-+--t-+----l--'-I~t-+-+-+-+-i-F+-+-+-r...,.....,---r--rl 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin

112 9 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 905 350 .... -- .. ---- >3 km 33 -co All 1423 :>300 ~ Q) -~250 .,-l1=1200 .------.------

~ Q) 150 --- -.------.------.-----.--- .- ..0

S;::j 100 Z 50

OJ-r---,c....-r-,--r__,__,_-.-r-,---,-..,.-f--H-H-~H-f=r_t++_l_++++_r_,_,_.._r_,__,_r_r__o------,,-___,_,___,__,__r_r__,__,___rr_~.._r_r_1 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

Ilpm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 f--l-.J-.L..--l..-l.....J.-L....L...J-.L..--l..-l.--l-l-.I...... l..-J---I..rI.-l.-...... -L.-l.-'--L-.l;-..L-J....l..-J--I---JI-..i.-..l..-l-...l.-l.-I-J'---'-..L-J.....l.-l.....J....J'--j Total 8640 ~,.,.,.,..,.~.,.,., 2800 ,.-__ - __ ,.,.,J. .. ._ .•• __ .. • _

Cij 2400 .. -- -. -. > l-< .32000 ... '--"" ..... -.. -- .. -.- ­ C .S-1600 ... l-< Cll S1200 ~ :7. 800 ...

400 -- .. - .. -- -- - .. -'.-.-'--"-

ol-r-,-r-r-r-1"~+_l_W_!=!=l+++++=1=+=I=+=!=Jr::::!=+:++::q:++Pl=P=1_UL--r-r-~~ 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin

113 10 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 748 350 ...... """" >3 km 66 cd All 1426 -:>300 ~ Q.J ~250

-~200 '1""'4 ~ Q.J 150 ..0 5100 Z 50 .

Ot-r-.....-r--1...... ---r-r...,...-f-+-++++++-+-+-++-+-I-H-H-+-t-+-r-.,.-,--r-r...... -r-.,-,-r-r-T'""T""'1r-r--1----r-r--,--,-...,.,--r-r-r-r...... ri 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

111Lm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 I--'-...... I---l.--'--'---'-~....I---l.---'--'---'-~....I---l.---'-r'---'- ...... I---l.--'--'--'-T...... I---l.--'--'---'-~-l.-L--'--L....I-...... -l.-L--'--'---l

2800 ...... aj2400 .. ~ l-o ,32000 ~

-.S 1600 l-o Q.l S1200

~ ;7, 800


Oh-,--,.-,--,.-,--,-~l_4_l-4-~H__jW-1~~~=::w=+=!=t=I=R=l=+~--+4-+:4'9-T..,--o-,--,-.-rl 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin

114 11 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 639 350 >3 km 42 --'ro All 1426 ;>300 ~ Q) ~250 .....

• .-4l::200 ~ ..cQ) 150 §100 Z 50 -.

0,.....,..~,.,-+-+-t-++++++++-+-t-t-~f--i=1-r""l"...... -r-r....-r---r-r.,-,-r-r-.-.---,,--,--,-,-,.--r-T...... -.-r.,...... ,-r-r-.....-,.-j 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

IlJLm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 1-'-...L-L.--'--'--'--L.....J...... L-L.--'--'--'--L.....J...... --I...,-L.....L-...... -L-J'---'-r.l.....l-~-L....JL...... L- ...... J....J.-'--''-'--J.....J...... J....J.-'--'-1


~2400 :> l-t .32000 C -.S 1600 l-t (]) 81200 ~ :7. 800

400 o ~....,.....,.-4l-Un:t4=Q::l:=t=t=++=H=l==!=l=+=l=1H=+=1=l=rnmnwU-\.-,--r-~ 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin

115 12 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 63 350 .. ---.-----. >3 km 22 ...... co All 1413 >300 ~ Q) ~250

-~200 .~

~ Q) 150 ... r:-:_. __ __ _ "'.'.. _'_' ______._ _.. ___. ,.Q

... '." .f-,- - __ . §100 l­ f- Z r- 50 f-'-'r- . f-r-H-H-H-+-+-+-+-+++++illl-m+++++-+--+-rL-A-.,...... ,...,...... ,...,...... ,...,.....,...,.....,..-.--r...,....,....,....,.-,-,.--r-T-,-,.--r-T--r-t...,.....,..,....,.""'l-r~ o I I , , , I I , 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25. 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

11JLm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 1---L-...... --J.-.l.-L.1....L...... l---L.....!.-L.'....L-J---l..-..l.-L.I....L-JL...... J...... L.,-'-I....L....L...... J...... 1--J.-J..-J..,...L.'....L-JL...... J...... I...-J..1....L....L...... J...... '--J.-J.-L...... L....-J.'--J.-...... L..-l I Total 7693 I 2800

~2400 :> - l-. 22000 ...... :..;. '_ ..'." " -C ,. .. .S 1600 . l-. a.J 81200 ;::$ ?; 800

I 400 ..; ·\"l:Q···-· .. ·····

o h--.-r--r-"-'-''''''--''---'-'''''''I-'---'-'-''''',--'-''''-'-'''''I--,-,r--r-,-,-1--r-,.-,-.,-I-r--1""""T"".,..,.I-r-r-F'FfI+~+4I....,-,.-,-~ 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin

116 13 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 208 350 ...... >3 km 77 1""""'4 ctl All 1431 ~300 ~ a.> -~250


Oh-l-H-H-+-+-+-++++++-+-++-H-1-H-H-1-I-~..,...-,--r-r-...-r-..--r-,...... ,-,r-T"""1-r-r.,...... ,.-r-r""T"""T""..,...-,--r-r-...-r-..-r-~ 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 .1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

I1pm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 1-'-..L-l---l...... J.--'--'--'-..L-l---l...... J.--'--'--'-..L.-l-....L..-L--L..,-'--'-..L.-l-..L-L~L..-J..,..l.-.L...L-L~'--'-..L.-l-..L-L-'--''--'-.J.....t....L-L-J....J'-I


(;;2400 :> s.. ~2000 l:: .S-1600 ... s.. (l) .0 1200 .... 8 ;::l ?: 800 - ._- .._....


0h--,.--.---r--R==FF1:--W4=I:++=Fl=t=R===FF=FF=t=F:p::J:::::;R=J:=t=+++=++-l---+-4-1-1-#..,...,.....~ 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin

117 14 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 548 350 ...... - -- >3 km 79 ,...... -4 ~ All 1425 >300 So-4 Q) ~250

-~200 '1""'1 So-4 Q) 150 ,.0 ~100 Z 50 ------.

0h-r-r-1r--r-;--,--r--t-+++++++-++-t-I-H-1-H'-H-t-t-t-r...,...... ,.,...,.-r-,...,-r-r-T"'"'r"1r-r-1r--r-;--,--r--r-r-r-r..,....,-.,..,--...-i 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

II/Lm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 ~...... -'--'---'--.L-I-..L-....l..-'--'---'--.l-J-...... -'--'-'-r...... -'--'---'--~ ...... ---'--...... L-....l...... ---'--...... L-....l...... --'--'--i


-;2400 "­ > l-. 22000 C -.S1600 ------.------.------. l-. Q) S1200 .. ------.

?;=' 800 -.

400 Oh-r~W~UE=+:::p:j:+=l=1~+++=H=+=4=++=m=w-~-J-+~h--r--.--.-~ 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin

118 15 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 818 350 "" "' .. '.' '.. '"." .. '"""" """ .. " >3 km 82 ctl All 1429 ;>300 . ~ Q) -+-l ~250 .

-~200 .~

~ ,..cQ.) 150

100 Z5 50

okr-r-l-,-,--J.-.t-+-+-H--H--f::.1=:j:..:..j:::R=H=l:::::W::::W-l-+=W:U=t=T-..-r-r-r-r-T""""1",-,-,-,-,.~--.--r--r-1"'''''''''''.....-r--r-r-~ 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0. 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

I1fLm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 1-'--'--l--L...... l.--L..-L.-J-.-'--l--L...... l.--L..-L.-J-...l.-l...... L...... J.--l...rJ'--'-..l.-l...... L...... J.-"--''-'-TJ...... I...... L...... J.--1---l--l-.l-.J.-..l--L--1---l--l-.L...... I...... l--L--1---l--j


~2400 :> s... .32000 ~ -.S 1600 s... Cl) ..0 1200 .. S ;:::1 ?; 800

400 o h-.---,--,-~-1-I-W-1-++U++~f=H::::+++++=1=~::::H=n4W-1--W.l.h--r-r-~ 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin 119 17 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 14.40 Samples/Day)

Clear 181 350 ...... "."""" >3 km 3 -ro All 1075 :>300 ~ Q) -~250


Ot-rlf-+-i-+-+-H-+-+++++++++-t-+-t-HI-r-r---r-T--r-r--r-r-.-.,...,...... -r-r-~,....-,,....,....,---r-T--r-r--r-r..,..,....,...... ,...... ,.-j 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

11/lm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 I--'-..L.....L.....L-J.---'--L-L-..L.....L.....L-J.---'--L-L-..L.....L.....L-J.-L..,-L-L-..L.....L.....L-J.---'--~..L.....L.....L-J.---'--L-L-..L.....L.....L-J.---'--L-L-..L.....L.....L-J.---'--'--I


~2400 > l-. .32000 l:: -.91600 '... " l-. Q) 81200 :::l ;7, 800

400 .

Oh-r---,---r-r-..,.....,-..-+--W:=i=f=A=t=f=FI===F'FFt=t=FF=FFFF+=t==r==r=Ff=R=+1~~t--,-,-,--r--r-l 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin 120 16 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 742 350 ...... >3 km 55 -cd All 1430 :>300 f-1 IJ) ~250 """'" ~200 '1""'4 f-1 OJ 150 ..0

S;:l 100 Z 50 '-......

O/--r-:-r-r-H-t-I--++++++++-+-+-t-HI-f=T::::r-f;:;pf=t-+++++-I-l-or-r-,....--,r--r-I-,--,-,-r...,.....-r-r""""""'1"""T"-r-r-,....,-r--J 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

11/Lm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 1--'-...... l...-J.--'--L...... l.-.J..-l...... --'--l..-.-J-..L.....J...... J.,-'-'-..L.....J...... L-1.-'--'--'-r.!-L.....I.-J.--L-IL.....L-..L.....J...-l....J....J.--J'-'-~....I.-J.~'-I


C;2400 . > 1-< 22000 ~ -.81600 . 1-< (l) '8 1200 ;::l ?: 800 ., -

400 .

O~,...,-.,..-,-.,.....,--r-r--r++-+44~::wW-I--+=l==l=+=t==H==t=I==R==R==R=H:::::H+I-+-~,...,-~ 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin 121 18 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 467 350 ...... - - --_ _.- >3 km 76 -ro All 1407 ~300 S-4 (1) ~250

-~200 '.-4 S-4 (1) 150 ..0

§100 ,,',""" ~ , " '., ' ' ' . Z ~~" 5: !-r...... ,.-.".,...,.'...... ,.-...,...,."....,.-.. 'r-!'''. -;-'ir" '-t-''7 ' "-t-''H'-t-'f'-'HrL-t-'.+-f'• '.,...,.'...... ,.-.. ".,...,.'.....,.-....,...,...... ,.-.'.,...,.'...... ,.-..'.,...,."'-r-"'.,...,."' '-.--''.,...,.".....,.-.. ".,...,.'...... ,.-.. '.,...,."....,.-.. ".,...,.'...... ,.-... '.,...,."...... -1...

I I H H I I I I I I 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

11JLm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 t-'-~-'--...... --'--''--'-~-'--'--'-.L-.L-~"T''''-L.....L...... --'--'--'-..I..r-'---'--'--'-...... ~-'--L.....L...... '--'-~-'--'--i


";2400 :> M $2000 C -.S 1600 ~ (J) e1200 ~ ;7, 800

400 '

Of-r-"""""'"'T'O-+-+++1--+-++++"-+-I-+-++-l--1-+-t++-+-+-++-+-+-+-t++-+-+-F-t--'++...,...... ,-.-,....,...... ,.-,--j 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin

122 19 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 760 350 ...... >3 km 87 -ro All 1430 ~300 S-4 Q,) ~250

-~200 . .~ S-4 ..cQ,) 150 . §100 . Z 50 ......

Ol-r-,,.....,-,---r-r--.-.-H-++++-A-+--t-'l""""i-f-H-H-+-+-H--+-r.,...... -r-r-"T""'!""""r-r-,--,-,,.....,-,--r-T-,-,....,...... ,.....,.....,....,...... ~'T"'"'T"",.....-l 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

Ilpm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 1--'-..I...... l...... L...... L---'--L...... L.....I...... l...... L...... L---'--L...... L.....I...... l...... L-.L.....L...,-J'-J...... I...... l.....L...... L....l--J---'-r.I...... L.....L...... L....l--J--L-.l...... L.....L...... L....l--J--L-J-J...... L...... L...J..-l---l


~2400 :> l-o $2000 -C .S 1600 l-o (1) ,.D 1200 ...... S ;:l ;7, 800 ..


0h-,--,--.--r-,--,--~H--j~.:..u=+=l=+=4=+=+=+=+::w::p=!--+--+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-I-+=h-...... --r...... --r--r--l 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin 123 20 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 703 350 ...... >3 km 82 ...-.4 (\l All 1423 :>300 ~ (J,) -~250 .5200 ~ (J,) 150 ..0

§100 Z 50 .

O~---,--,...... ~~Uf::l=FH-R==FFt-R-+-+...J.-+-+-l-I--I--f=t-r~r-r"'T-.r..,.....,...,...,...,r""'I-r.,....,...... r-r-t'...,....,....j 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

11pm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 t-'-~....l.-J.--'--L...-.l-~.....L.....l.-'--L...-.l-~....l.-J.-'-rl...... l-~....l.-J.-'--'-'-r...... l.-J.-'--I...... l-...... l.-J.--'--I...... l-...... -L-J.--'--'--l


"'C\12400 :> ~ 22000 t:: -.S 1600 ~ Q) 81200 ;::l ?; 800 .


Oh--r-T"--,---,-r-r-r--r-T"~~~-I-l--+-+-+-I--+-++-+-+-+-I--+-++-+-+-+-~++---f-t-+-t-t-....-r---r-r-r-rl 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin 124 21 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 411 350 >3 km 53 ro All 1385 -~300 ~ ClJ ~250

-~200 .P""'I

~ ClJ 150 ~ §100 Z 50

Ol---T--,r-r-T...... ,.,.-,--r-Fl-+++++++-+-f-+--'I--+--!-H-H--++++""I"""t-.,.-,-.....-r-r-r-r-lr-r-T...... ,.,....,...-,--,--,--r-r-~.,...... ~r-l 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

11/Lm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (ZOK Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 t--'-.J...... J...... L...... L--'--L-l...... l.-J...... L...... L--'--L...... J...... L...... L...... L....J.-Y'--'-..L...... L.....L...J...... l...... J--'-T.L.-l-..J-J..--1.....J---'-..L...... L....J...... I...... l...... J---'-~..J-J...... L-.J--1

2800 c;2400 . ~ 1-0 22000 ~ .s-1600 ... 1-0 Q) S1200 -.. . . -.-.-.

:7.::l 800 _- -......

400 _ _- -- _- .

of-,-T"""T'""-F!-U-+--I-'-I=+=t=F==Ff=t=l=t=l:=:::t=FFFFFF=FF::f=l==t=F=+=I==t=I---+--+--H+R-.....-r-T"""T'""..--.--l 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin 125 22 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 456 350 ...... >3 km 77 ...... ~ All 1428 ;:> 300 ~ Q) -~250 • l::.-4 200 ~ Q) 150 ..0

100 ::lE Z 50 .. .

0t-r-,..,....,,..,....,r-r--1r-r--1-+-l-+-l-+-l-H-i-t-+-t-++-+++++++++-I-"'-'-..,--,-..,--,-..,--,--r-r--r-r--r-r-r-r-r-r-,....,--,..,....,r-1"""'l-i 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

11/Lm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 ~...L-.L.....l-iI'--'-~-J-.Jl...... 1.-.l.....I-....l...... J.I....L-I--L-....I.-LI-r-'---JL...... L...J.-1,.I...J...... L-J--'-r1-1...... L-...... I.-L.1....l.....l-J-.L...... J...1...... L-'L..-L....L-.L...J...... j I Total 8640 I 2800

- C;2400 :> l-o 22000 -C .S1600 ...... I:-:- . l-. Q) 1200 8::s ?; 800

r-t- 400 ...... •. _ •...... •.....•.. ~ . "'r'-' •...•...... r- ~ 1-:] I ...... ,....,.--r-~-:l lJ.4:I++=+=I=IF=t=+=+=I=l=t=:t=F=R==FR=:q:=l'Jr~l+=nrT=!l4-U-!--hI--'-""-"T""T~ O~ I ... I I I I I I 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin 126 23 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 644 350 ...... >3 km 97 -co All 1411 ~300 ~ Q.) ~250

-~200 . • .-l ~ ~150

S~100 .... Z 50 .

oh-,--.--r-r-r"T"""T""~_Fl_F=l_l....j..:.:j:=Fl=+_+=+=I=l=+_W-4_+_J._+++_l_+-I-A-,r__r_T__r_T-r-r"T"""T""-r-1'"'",....,....,r__r_T_._T...... -.-I 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

Il/tm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (ZOK Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 t---L-...... J.....J.---'--'---'-...... J.....J.---'--'---'-.I...... l.....L.-J...... I..,-'---'-.I...... l.....L.-J.--'--'--'-r.l...... l....l...... l.--'--L...... J.....J..-l-..L-L--'--L...... J.....L.....L....l...... l...... L.....J~ 2800 ....

~2400 . ~ M 22000 . ~ .S-1600 ".""'.. "" . M Q) '8 1200 ;::l :7. 800

400 ....

0h-,--,--,.++4-+-I-I-+:l=++=FH~=H....w+t+++-I---I=I=1=1=H--I-+4-W+t..,.--r-..,.-,-,.....,-,-j 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin 127 24 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 460 350 ..... __ _- __ _-- -.-.- _- . >3 km 48 .....c ! cd All 1432 >300 ~ Q,) -~250

...... _-_ ,.. - .. -- _-_ __ .

5: ··T~;·······l·········································

I I I I I I I I I 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

II/Lm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 t---L-~--1--J'--'-...... L...... l--'--"--'-....l.-.l.....I-I--l-~r--''--'- ...... L...... l--l-J..,-I-...L-J.....I-I--l-~-'-'--'-...... --1--J--'--''--'-..J.....L--l

2800 -..

~2400 > l-4 22000 ....C .S1600 l-4 Q) '8 1200 =' ?; 800


O~,....-r-,.....,..-,.....,..-~~H==~R=iR=l==;==:l=Fl=R=l=I=+--l+4-W--+-f-W+4-44~-,--T...,...... ,..-.-I 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin 128 25 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 355 350 ------>3 km 13 .- ro All 955 :>300 ~ Q) ~250 .....-~200 ~ Q) 150 ..0

S~ 100 Z 50 ------

OI--r---lr-r-r--,---,---,--,--,----,--r-r--r++-+-+-+-l--Hf-----r-T-r---r-.---r---Ft--+-+-+--+,-+---r--.--r-.---r-r--r--1r-r-r--,---,---,--,--,----,--r-r-.--.-,-,-,-,---rl 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

II/Lm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 f-l--'--'-...L-J.-J....J"--,-.J.-l...... L-J.....J.-J'--l.....J.-l...... L-J...... J..,-J"--,-.J.-l...... L-J...... J.-J----'-r--J...... L.....L-J..---l.-.I--'-"--'-...L-J..--'---'--'-J-.l...... L.....L.--'---'-l

2800 --

~2400 ------­ ;> l-o 22000 --­ ~ .S-1600 l-o


0~-r-r-_r_F4W_1_i=l:=+=!==l=J=H=l=+=+=t=F=R=++~UU-1=l=P-I4-\.-r---r-.,--,--~ 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin

129 26 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 553 350 ...... >3 km 0 ~ C\l All 553 >300 ~ (l,) -~250


o n-r-r-r"1Ir"1r"1r;r;-'I-,-,-,-,-rI-'-'-'-'-""',"""""""""I..,...,-..,...,--rI """"""""""I""""""""'---'-1,---,-...... 1 ....,....-..-1..-..-r-r-r-1 r"1r"1r--! 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

I1Jlm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (ZOK Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 i--'-...I--l---l--Jl..-l.-...... L..-l-'-.J.-l...... l...... J.--'--J.-J-~~~...L.-I...-.L-J--'-.J-r-I-...... --'--J...... l...-'--'-.....J.-l--J...... I--l---l....-J~..L.-..J...... ---l Total 8640 2800 ca2400 :> lo. 22000 -C .:h600 lo. Q) 81200 ~ ;7'; 800

400 .

0f-..--r-r--r-"-+-+-+-+--l~~-+4---+-f=!-~--r-r-r-.....-r...,.-,,....,...... ,.,..-r-r-r-""""-r-T-,-r-r--r-r--r-,.-,-.....-r--r--r-; 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin

130 27 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 1338 350 . >3 km 12 -ro All 1433 >300 ... J,..c Q,) +J ~250 .

-~200 • .-4 J,..c ..cQ,) 150 S::l100 . Z 50

Oh-r-r-"'rT""1rT""1-rl-t-l-+-t-h....,--r....,--r,....,...... "...,..,..,..,...,..-,-.,..-,-,...,-,...,-,-,-,-,-,.-r-rr-rr-r-r-"'r-r-lr-r-l""'-'--,--,-l 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

II/Lm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 j---L-..L...... L.--'---J1---'--'--'-...L..-.L1-'---'--'--'---l.1--,--,---,--,---,-1...-'--'---,--,--,-1-'---'----'--J.-,--'--'-I...L..-.L-,---,--,-I-'---l.--'--''---'-..L...... L.--'---J'---'--'--'-...J....! I Total 8640 I 2800

C;;2400 .. :> 1-0 22000 ...... r=-: _-_ . l:: - -.S 1600 1-0 (l) 81200 ~ r- - ?; 800 400 . ,i;'" re·· ·· ··· · ..

o h-.,....,.""T""""1Ir--r-,...... ,..--r-TI--r-....--r-..,.....j.:..+-l---+-..J.-+~=l=+==l=1=R=FF=t=F1=t-f9""''F9'"1..,.....,.-r-,..-,=I=r=T""T""""1Ir--r-,...... ,..~ 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin 131 28 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

400 f-'---L-L....JL-J1WL-JWL-J....J1....J....J....J....J...J.1...J....J....J....J....L1...J...... L....L.....L...L1 ...L...L...L...L..J...1..J.....J.....J.....J.....J.....J...1..1-1....1...... 1-1..1..L.....L...J...... L.....L...1.l-.l-Y-.l-.L-L-L....J1L-L....JWW-l Clear 634 350 >3 km 27 -co All 1433 ~300 ~ Q)

...... __ -- - __ . Q250 ,

-~200 .~

~ Q) 150 ~

§100 Z 5: =r;r ~=, ....., , r""

0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 ,1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

11/Lffi Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 I-'-..J...... L-l--L.....J.....J-.L...... L-J'--'-..L.....J...... L..-.l--L-"--'-..J...... LT"'-L.....J.....J-.L..-'--''--'-...... ,...... L..-.l--L-''--'-..J...... L-'--...... -'--''--'-...... L..-.l-l


C;;2400 .. _ - -- -- ,. ~ ~ 22000 -C .51600 ~ Q) S1200 ;::l ~ 800

400 0~.....--r-...... -r-...... --r-1,.....,.-r--r-r-r~wnm=l=l=I=R=Wmm4W4+-h-,.~ 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin

132 29 June Ceiling, Brightness Temperature Frequency

Ceiling by LIDAR (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day)

Clear 256 >3 km 0 All 461

50 ....

Of-r-FF"9-+-+-A-+-+-++-I==F=A===l-FJ-+-I--H~--.-r-r-r""T"'"'T'"-r-r""'-'-"'--'--T"'"'"7'""",...... ,....,,....,....,-,--,.--r-r-r-r--r-r"'T"'"'T""""'-'-"'-'-,--J 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

I1flm Equivalent Brightness Temperatures (2°K Bins; 8640 Samples/Day)

3200 !--'-...I...... l.....J...... J.---'--...... I...... l.....J...... J.---'--L-l...... I...... l.....J...... J...... !.TL...... l..-...I...... l....!.....L--1---'L...... l...r..L...... L.....J...... J.-L---IL....I..-.L.-..J....J-J.-l-JL...... l..-..L.-l....J-J.-l-J-l


(ij2400 :> l-o 22000 -~ .S 1600 l-o w 81200 ;:l ?; 800

400 .

oh-,-,--r-r-.....,.-..,...,.,...... ,..--r--r-r-t4-f--+-.j-+=H=t=t=FF"F'F=R="Ff'=t-f==r=f=r=f9=l=+=I=f.ih-...-r-~ 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin

133 7. Frequency Distributions for the Experiment

The figures on pages 135 to 144 display variables for the 28 day experiment period.

These analyses show the daily variability of the meteorological, radiation and cloud parameters over the course of the experiment.

Data are presented in several ways: time series, frequency distributions, mean values and standard deviations. The histograms show a statistical summary over the period from

June 1 to June 28, 1992 of the eight variables plotted in sections 2 and 3. Each histogram plot shows the frequency of occurrence over a range of measurements. The ordinate represents the actual number of occurrences of the measurements in a particular bin over the entire period. The range and units of the abscissa depend on the variable plotted. Bin sizes vary from plot to plot in order to resolve as much structure in the histogram as possible.

In each plot, the mean value over the period is shown in the box at the top center with the standard deviation in the measurements printed below. In the top right box, the total number of occurrences in the histogram is shown. This number is less than the total possible due to instrument power losses or data collection failures. In the histogram of measured ceilings on page 144, the number of plotted values is the total number of measurements minus the clear number. The number of occurrences outside the plotted range, if any exist, is shown in the box at the top right corner of each plot.

134 Daily Temperature and Relative Humidity Extrema ~oo •• _ -+-J : .: : •• ~ 90 .... ,__.• _...•... :. :._..• __.•_... : ._. ._.: .•, ~ o .~ .' S ••• -:: • : 0 : o ;j 80 ------.-:--.------,.'. ------.---,- ----~------.--.------;------0 -----.--:-. -.------·· -. -- ~ o' 0.·.0: 0 ' : 0 . · 0 ~ 70 ---0 -~------:------0 - . - -.. -- ~--. -- -. -. ------_0.--o· -- --0 --~.-0 --0- -- --6------OJ 0: . 0 CJ : 0:' - s-. 60 ------;---0------. -,------.. --,--'------. -.------,--' ...... _-_ __ _- OJ : 0

P-e 50 I . .: . __o_ ...... _ · , _ _----_ . s-. · , o • Max Temperature o Min Temperature rn 40 .------,--­ ;j • Max Humidity .~ a Min Humidity rn 'OJ30 --.------..--.... :-...-.-.------:-----.------:--.------:------:-.-.------..------.------, u •• .,: .•• : : ~ ---6-~---~--·~--~-o--~---~--;---o---o·--t---:--o.. '.. -~-... 20 ..;---0-t- -0-t-.f 0---0-- --;---0-- .0--- 0

-~- ~ -~- ~ ~ 10 ------~---..------.-.----... --.------..--... ---.;..------.---... --.--. OJ : ~ 0 : 154 158 162 166 170 174 178 182 Julian Day, 1992

135 Daily ~1eanDownwelling Fluxes

1000, I I o Mean Shorlwave • Mean Longwave 900 ... Mean Tolal 800

C\I :-~ 700 ...... I ...... ~ ...... lJ. ~600 ------~---- "'-- ... -~ -----lJ.--- ... +J ... .. lJ. CI)

8500 ... rn ... ~400 . . --.- -- .-:---. Cd ' - . ..' • . . ~ ~ ~ • ('} •• ------r____ _:_0 ~ ~300 OO . : . . .. . -- --- . - . • ,0 ...., 0 I; 0 o 0 ... o. ..~.~..e ., 0 ...... ¢ i;'0: ..... to,. ~ .. - 200 -?---

100 --0'--- ,------~--- o o I 0 I 154 158 162 166 170 174 178 182 Julian Day, 1992

Mean and Standard Deviation of Daily Averages

Mean Std. Deviation w m-2 w m-2

Solar 258.1 68.2 Longwave 353.1 16.8 Total 611.2 70.2

136 1-28 June Surface Temperature

Surface Temperature (720 Samples/day)

28 1---'-----'-----'------'------1.---'----L-'-----'---...1...-T'---'----'---'---'"---''r-.l..--...1...---L.---'----'-...... --'"---'-.l..---'---! 27 ------bad data ------Mean 18.8°C ------Total 20092 26 ------II------ff=1.6°C ------. 25 _.. __ . __ _.. _.. _ ._ .. _ __ . ______.. _._ .. _.. _ 24 - - - - - . rn :s 23 " - - . .~ ..!"!a 22 '.'.. '." . Q.l u 21 - . ~ 20 ~ 19 l:lI) Q) 18 Q 17 16 -.-.------.----.----- .. ------.------.---- . 15 .-.-.------.------.. --.------.. ------.. -- .. --- 14 ------... -.... --.... -.. ---. -----. ------. ------. --.-.- ---.- -. ------. ------.. ------. ------

13 I--..--..,.---,----,.---.----.----.-..,r---r--..,.----r-----r---r----r----.-----,-.----...------r-----r---r----r----.-----,-.----....---l 153 156 159 162 165 168 171 174 177 180 Julian Day

Surface Temperature Occurrence Histogram (O.l°C Intervals)

1000 1--...1...-....'_-'--.....1 ---L_-'--'...1...-....'_-'--.....I----l._'----'..L...-....I.'_'----..L...-1--L.-_'----'..L...-....I.1_'----..L.'----l.-'----'..I..-..i

900 ------

....-4 ~800 ~ ....,~700 -~600 .9500

~400 HJHHH.. ···· ------.. -- . ..c 8300 i200

100 ------. -- -. -.-. -.. --.. -~---rrr 11.1 !iBHii-!" .. 1l-nl-rL..;'..:" -- ~ :~ - ---.- ..

nih- ~mliT "L o t--.,.---rl--'-'-...... :::p::w-1'9-'-'-.u...... '-f--U-L"+'-'-LJ..t-L'...... ,.....I..l...If.u...u...... -f--U-L"+'-'-LJ..t-L'...... ,.....I..l...If~I1IIIllnHrrflnim...... -f--U-L"'+I.u...u...... ".....1.,.....~Ir----r---I 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Degrees Celsius

137 1-28 June Relative Humidity

Relative Humidity (720 Samples/Day)

110 1--.L....._.1..._..L_....L...-....._._______...._....._..---L----J....~--..l-----1..---'-----I.-1,...___JL.....-.L.....-.1...-..L-..1._,r_'__....I.-.--I-----I....-.....I-.._1 105 Mean 80.7% Total 20092 u=7.5% 100 ...... ••...... •...... •..•...... L....- --' c.c ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 95 .

90 d 85 Q) C,) 80 lo. ~ 75 70 65 . 60 . 55 .

50 f--,.....-.--.....---..,.---r----r--r----r-----r----r---,-----.---r~--r----,r--.--,.....-...... --r---.-----,----r----r--r----r----f 153 156 159 162 165 168 171 174 177 180 Julian Day

Relative Humidity (1% Intervals)

1500 r--'-...L.-L...... I_...L.-J...... L.-L.-'--'--I.-.L.-J...... L.-L...... I_...L.-J.....-'--'- --I.-.L.-J...... L.-L. --I.-.L.-J.....-'--'- --1.-.L.-J.....-'--'- --'--L.....-j 1400 . 1300 . ~ctl1200 . . tl100 . 21000 . ~ 900 . -~ 800 . • .-4 700 . ~ 600 .

..c 500 ·1····I""·'f-·I·"/ 'S 400 . i 300 200 100 01---T-.,.....,...-r-r-r-.....,..."'f'9-+-+"-'+-'-t=P+++-+-+-t--+-'++-+--4-~~.pq..;.++~.:LfL;.p;p+44-'-l~+-++++4 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Percent

138 1-28 June Surface Wind Speed

Deviation of the Wind Speed (0.2 mls Intervals)

14 1--.1--..L.-....l..-....l..-.....L--'---J.--I---l-----'-,...-I---'---'---'-----'---l.--,-'----''---.L..--.1---'----r-'--....l..-.....L--'---J.---l 13 ----.-- .. ------Mean 3.6 mls ------.------Total 20092 12 ----.-----.---- .. ---- .. ------<:J=1.7 mls ------.. ------.. -.------.--- 11 --. -. ----. ------.. ----. --.-- -.- -. - . "'t:l 10 ------.-- -- .. - ----.------.. -.. -.- . § 9 - -- -- .. --- . ~ 8 ------.------.. -.. -.------.. ----. rn "7rn ~ 6 - ---.--.- -. ~ Cl) 5 E 4 3 2 1 Ol--r--,.--.,---r---r-'--.--r----r---,--,---,--!...,----r---r-----r----.------,-.--r---r--,.---,.:--r---T-----.-L--'Y--'i 153 156 159 162 165 168 171 174 177 180 Julian Day

Wind Speed (0.2 mls Intervals; 720 Samples/Day)

1200 1---'--',--,--,.....L.-J,...J...... l....L....l...... L...J...... L.....I.....L...J.....L....l..-.I-I..-,--,--,.....L.-J,...J...... l....L....l...... L...J...... L.....I.....L...J.....L....l..-.I-I..-,--,--,.....L.-J,...J...... l....L....l...... L...J...... L.....I.....L...J.....L....l..-.I-I..-Y 1100 - -.-. ------.. -.- -. .-1000 ------­ ctl :> 900 - --.-- . ~ 2 800 ~ 700 .. --.-.- .... -.....-.- .S 600 ~ 500 .- .. ------.--- ....•.. - Q)

~ 400 .. --.--... ..,c•• _ .. S;l 300 ," . ,. " .. ". Z 200 ------. ,-' .

Of-HH-I++-++4-++-+-++~R---R--1H-1++++4-++-+++-++R---I-HH-I==t==J'==r-t-r-r..,..-,--r-r-"T""T"""..-T"""T'""1M o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 meters/second

139 1-28 June Surface Wind Direction

Wind Direction (720 Samples/Day)

180 1---'----"--.....1-or--'---'-_'---'----"---'---'---+---''---'--...J..--'--+---l--''----'--...J..--'--,.-'-----l----'_L..-...l..--; 0 -180 South .--_._- .... ------. __ ...._----.--_ .. 160 _900 Wesl • 140 00 Norlh ------._-~ ------" .. -_ .. ------0 90 Easl __ ••..•••• 0 •••••.••••••••••••• _ ••••• '"-- --' 120 1800 Soulh 100 _900 Wesl 80 I--...... --.--J 60 rf.l 40 ~ 20 ~ 0 ~ -20 Q -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 -180 f---...--~__.___r----r---=-.--...--~__._---r-~-.---...--.....---r----r-~---,.---..----.....---r----r----r----,r__..----..;.--»:... 153 156 159 162 165 168 171 174 177 180 Julian Day

Wind Direction (5° Intervals; 720 Samples/Day)

-1800 South -900 West 1600 0 0 North 900 East ~1400 1800 South - 0 ~ -90 West ,21200 ~ -1000 ~ -..-I ~ 800 Q) ~ 600 S ::J 400 Z 200 .

O~I9""I""i~FFA~~=l44~mWWmffim+++W+f:R=R+_~j:Q::~Pf42j+P~ -180-160-140-120-100-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Degrees

140 1-28 June Infrared Irradiance

Infrared Irradiance (720 Samples/Day)

430 f---'----'----'----'---'---'-----L-'----'-----r'----JL-"'____-'----...L...-..J---'---.Lr--'---'-~___'__,_'L-"'----.L...--'--....L...... _j :~~ ::::.::::::::::::::::::::::'::::::::::::.::::::: ~~~~.;~i~v/m2 ::::::::::::::::::::: ~~:~~ ..~~?~~ .. 400 . 390 """" . Ns.. 380 2370 Q) S 360 ";;;- 350 ~ 340 ~ a= 330 320 310 300 . 290 .

280 f--.---.---....--.--r---r----r-----r-----r---,.----,r-.----.----.---.---.---.---.----r-.,---,-----,-.----.---.----,---I 153 156 159 162 165 168 171 174 177 180 Julian Day

IR. Irradiance Occurrence Histogram (2 W/m2 Intervals)


ctl800 -> ~700 .....,J !=: 600 -...... ~500 ~400 ..0 6300 i200


Oh-T""""r"'T"T"-A-i-+++-H+I-++++ 280 290 300 310320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 Watts meter-2

141 1-28 June Solar Irradiance

Solar Irradiance (720 Samples/Day)

1600 I--.L...-...I.--...J..I---L---'~.L...-I..l.--'--....LI---,J__L-.L...-'-'------L--I.'---'__L,-..l.-'....L.---'-----l'---rL-.L...--l-I-L---'---l 1500 Mean 258.1 W/.m2 ·····---····· ..··--··1 Total 20160 1400 - u= 337.8 W/m2 -.. ------. 1300 -.. ------.. --. 1200 ' "'.'." --- -. - -- -

CIl 1100 . '" '.. '.-.-.. -. -- - - - _ - -' s.. ~ 1000 Q,) 900 ,e 800 ~ 700 ~ 600 ~ 500 400 300 -- '" - -- . 200 _.

100 ...... ~ -.

1Ly-L--l.,-L-...l.rI.L...... L,...L.....J..~,-L-'J,-L-J.,-L-...l,-,..L-..L,rL---J-,....L--JLy-L- o J-II--l.,-J-'-,-L---TI.L.-I,-..l-J,,.-L---1r---: 1.lr-+-.J..,-L-....l,I...L....l.,-J-J,L-YI L.....I.rL...J.,-.L....lJ 153 156 159 162 165 168 171 174 177 180 Julian Day

Mean Daily Solar Irradiance Occurrence Histogram (20 W/m2 Intervals)

2 MEAN 258.1 W!m _ __ __ . u= 63.9 W/m

~3 OJ ,.Q 82 ...... r---r----;;.-.--. t---+··"-"·f'-, ::;j Z 1

o ~-.---,r----r---l"-=-'-'+ o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 Watts/meter2

142 1-28 June Daily Mean Downwelling Irradiance

.Mean Solar and Longwave Irradiance

500 I---L-J.---,----'----,----,---..L...-..L...-..L---..L-----L.-...J..---L---L--'---'---'----'----'----'----'--,.-L---I---I---'---'--j Solar 450 -- -- -...... o• Longwave

400 - --- -.- - -.

C'J I 350 .- -- ~ 2300 Q,) 8250 2$200 . ~ ~150 .

100 .

50 .

3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 21.0 24.0 27.0 Day of June, 1992

143 1-28 June l1J.Lm Equivalent Brightness Temperature

I1ttm Brightness Temperature (8640 Samples/Day)

320 t-...L...-..J.--'----'-----L-'--...L...-..J.--'----'- --''---'--...L..---'---'-,-L--''----'--...L..---'-T--'---'---''----'---'-----i 310 -. Mean 251.1°K q= 26.7°K 300 -- ---.. -.. ---- .. -- -.L.....- --1...•.•...... -- -.--..••••....•••.... -- ..

~ 290 .. - -- - -.- -.-: ----.-- --. -- . .:;= 280 ··I"I~·:~"-*r~t:.~~-./~§~,-.,I ;J·.~N'~;JfI:IS .. "il-:,I·:c&fi~~'·(t ·,:·!\~t···J-·····--·i .. :<~~]. ~'l4' ~.·.i"S.·':-•. ,.,,~~~y t ':!f1~ ~I,\ -.~~ .. rt·... .:r; '\ \~'a "":I l \ ,.., .. ;'."'-' - .... 1 -••""':1:' ,:,r....f(l ",,;1'1'· .. , ••,;'-I.t ••oq; ','" & !."liI'>l .. :•• ,-,.1 "'t"8:. '\ trio ~'- ~ 1"1I"-~'p ~I ~...., 270 ....·~·~·~·~'li~?:;,·'s .... ·~:·;:lrf~~··:-·~·•. '.'-" .... ,.....~;··.;:-:·~';':~-'-·-7··o.:·r';;,,!~·:.~;t·,·····~:.... "" ..ta.\.."...... t.. ··:';~t'::;·-:-.~·'·rJ~,--'I' t :l .-.. -~., .: ... .0 -: :r1....-- ...... ' ~ oo,t:'loF" • :,., ~~ .. 'c:"" i' l _.. iIt~. \.. \f" '.' ••! ~.. 1::~ ~:. -.!-'. '~. .'I ~ 0··..~ '., ':. I.:' ' ... .'1. ..;.-~ .' : 4:.'t,'':~.!r;- ~,..;J.:..; ,'. '~' '+::-: ~\..!!;.--:,t: ...... " .. : ...... ~""I·"f':.""'i.· , .. ;''r. rn 260 -, ..L .!, ' ...~.....0,••••••• -'.;:l~.;/•. "'..,.~ .'. y. •.:'..•...•' •. T. f'- -/11_•.•...}•. -r' "".ot,,,.. ...1 \ I...... II ';'15,.1.. ••• ' •• tI' r' "I "," .':':t!" .... , '.e "II' II .- -\.. Q) • ",' i~:(I':..:-·1. ::::'::.:."~' "! ~·J••• ~t. . ';,t .;,; ~:'.~;: " f ··\~ ...r.!!:,,:"'1 :" .~;. ~I! .. ~ i." . ..f IV 250 - ~-:·~·r::-~;··;~!';~· ~ .1- ,r:.~ ~(;r..:---1~.'-'•. - -," ~.I"!r~~· .. .:~",.lt·t: ----C\" .. '::';!ti';::::o't- ••. _~.'~ .. ..,.".'tI• ..... ~:1· .. t.· .. ·· .. ·· 1•• t' . '.. ,11.:,," J .::.,. ,. ',r,: t. 1·..• .. ~ .. ,. ~ .., •••••• '.' .. I' ''j!.. -'I }.: ".1 "': •••••: •• ,. ~ ...... ·..... ·,,'~· ••• ·c.-' -,,,, •.•• "~'~h}o' I if',..,: ·····:,;::· ...I'.r "" '7 ~., ,;;a" ; 'I' ...... : .," s-.I'l • 'I.e. "' ":"',,," .:;:' ,'-':;~";t ~ ~.... ., ;It"):.,, .. ,.. ,-,4.. .":'.' '. _. ~ ,. ,I, ".. .. '-W 240 -:-. ~"'.;-.; ;~::~..-;~.~ .._! .~<.~- -:.~•. -.J~'~ ~.:: t-::=-= ..;··· .. -- .:~ ••;.. r;•.:•.••~. -~ ;;.. ·t.~ ·.."!l-~· ~ -_. '-;' ' !,.:.•. !~ .:- ~ _. Q) •• :~."''' .:~' ~:.:;~"'I ~:. 2. f~ ::~\ i}-::·:; .•t~ .-' . I. • ~ ,.-!. t· J; '.. ~ .J:.;.!,.':.;.: ;.i.-: ~.. ' ::'I ~ -: Q 230 . -&l.'" . _..... '~"~ ...... -10 .~.~: t••,. " ••,.: i ~ ~~ . " .., .,: I•" ... ··n ..\'•. >-.•.•~. .,. ';/1'" #. :>' ~ 'd"~' •-, t '~' .W's.~ -"4'· .<.. ~""'.'.''f'·tt~· r j; ~~~ l'.:~'... ~,.' ':i' - .,·t'····'. ""~:' ,.. • .' '. j;:~;: .$1. \\ . ~,.. ~'I iJi.... · :: : :'':.~1 ~ .~: ~ • -,!".i\ f '....."": 'i. iti1 J I. -. I' ,": I.:1" :~~ ••••.. :....•..... ·· ...•·•• ·.....·•• ··I ....• ~y.·.I~it •.••..•.... I.t· .•..·••• ]il~~'~l; •••·••

200 I--..---~--r-~---r-r---..---~--r-~-..,.---,r---r--~....,....---r---r---,-r--~....,....---r---r---r-r---r--l 153 156 159 162 165 168 171 174 177 180 Julian Day

I1JLm Brightness Temperature Occurrence Histogram (2°K Bins)

20000 1-'--'--..L....L_~I-'--..L....L_~I-'--..L....L_~I-'--..L....L_~I-'--.L...l._I .L...l.....JI .L...l.....JI ....JI ....JI'- '-'-..., 19000 -- -. 18000 -- -- ~. -.. -- -. 17000 - -- -. -, -- - --.. '.-. ---.. - -- . 16000 ------." ------. (;15000 .------.. -.. -- - -::-:" •• ..:..: . i:;14000 -.- ; . Q) 13000 r-'-'" ••••.••••.••••••.••••.•••••.•••••.•••••.••••••••...••••..••• - ..•••••.•....•••••• ..:..: .••....•.••..••••. ~ 12000 ------. -11000 ------"-'-" ,-. r- .510000 -.. _- -_ --- ~ -.. _- ~.~.~~., ~ . J.4 9000 .. - - ..:..: - . ~ 8000 - ;...:.....:....:. - .. ;..;.. - -- . 8 7000 , -- -- -,:..:. f:...:..••••••••••••• - •• ~ 6000 --" -.;.:..:------.. - --.:.:.. .. -- .. -. ·c·- -. z ~ggg :::::::::::::::~:: :-,:' :: -'::~:'~ ::~:: ~-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~:;:~ .. :...-:::.::: .. ::::::::::::::: ~ggg;:':;~~",:; :,,:::.:·I}:,~I:.f.i=.::~:( ..•:.:~ ··i· .~:~[ o I I 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Degrees Kelvin

144 1-28 June Ceiling Measurements

Ceiling (1440 Samples/Day)

3.0 f-.l.--..L.-...L---l---L-----L----L----'------l.------l--,--JL--l.---'-----....l....--l-.....1-r-----l---..l....---1..------l-rL--I.....-.l.--..L.---'----j

2.75 ------. Mean 1.16 km • •••••••... ---6' ---_ .••• Clear 21100 a= 0.93 km o >3 km 441 2.5 ------.. ----t...- ...j •••.•...... • __ .••• Total 36671 2.25

rn 2.0 ~ B1.75 Q) S 1.5 o :;: 1.25 :::c:: 1.0 0.75 0.5 0.25 O. 0 f-~-r-.....-----r---r----r----r----r----r----,---,.--r-.---....----.---.---,----.-----.--r---r---,.--.-.---.,--..---l 153 156 159 162 165 168 171 174 177 180 Julian Day

Ceilings (50m Intervals; 1440 Samples/Day) 1000 1'-'-L...J.....J---'--'-\...... L-L....L-L....L..L.L...l-L.L...l...-'-'-rw---'--'-\...... L-l...J..-L....L..L..L-'-I--'-'-L.L-L...... L...J.....J...... --'-',~-L....L-L....L..l.....L...l-LJ....j 950 -- -.-.------.. ---.---.------Mean 1.16 km -.. ------.--- ....- Clear 21100 _~~g -::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: a= 0.93 km :::::::::::::::::::::::: >3 km 441 ro800 ------Total 36671 ::> 750 ...... _--- _-- .. __ _--- _-_ __ . ~700 - .. ------.--- .. ----.- ~ ~ - .. -- ... -.. --- . ------. - . ------. ---.. --- -...... _---_ __ _ _- _-_ . +J650 . . ~ ... ------.. . ------_. ---- - . ---- .. _---._--- -.. -._ .. _.-_ ... - ~600 V+ .IfdH·· . .... - __ __ _. . _. __ .. __ . ~550 ...... - . _ . .,...-t500 - . . _.. _ . ~:gg ::::::::::::::::.:::::::::: ,.c350 - -. ,- . ~~gg,:,_: •--- :: -:, -::,- 150 -. 100 50 o H"'!H-'-l-+-+-++-+++++++- 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 Height in km

145 8. Acknowledgements

We wish to acknowledge the following individuals for the key roles they played in the deployment and data acquisition phases of ASTEX: P. Anikin, C. Cornwall, J. Davis,

P. Hein, J. Kleist, T. McKee, D. Randall, W. Schubert and D. Wood. Our appreciation also goes to Melissa Tucker for her efforts on our behalf while we were in the field and in organizing and assembling this manuscript.

This research has been supported by The Office of Naval Research under

Contract No. N00014-91-J-1422, POOOO2, National Aeronautics and Space

Administration under Grant NAG 1-1146, The Department of Energy, Contract No. DE­

FG02-90ER60970 and The National Science Foundation, Contract No. ATM-9113129.


A-I Sounding Date Start End Maximum Observer's Comments Number Time Time Altitude (UTC) (UTC) (kIn) 1 June 01 02:03 03:05 18.5 Good flight 70mb 2 June 01 04:56 05:35 12.0 Temperature and RH quit at 200mb just like # 1. 3 June 01 08:04 09:16 22.0 1st sonde bad; good flight 40mb. 4 June 01 10:55 12:04 23.9 Lost APC near 150mb to 30mb 5 June 01 14:00 14:56 17.8 Lost T and DP at 90mb 6 June 01 16:56 18:19 26.0 Good flight. Launch at 5:57. Reached 30mb at 7:15 Cut off at 21 mb. 7 June 01 23:01 23:46 13.5 Drizzle/15min(heavy). Good flight. 8 June 02 05:02 05:28 9.9 Lost track at launch until 895mb. Balloon burst at 280mb. 9 June 02 07:58 09:20 24.3 Launch at 8:58. Had to change . pressure because it was a approx. 6 mb off. 10 June 02 10:57 12:19 23.9 no comment 11 June 02 16:57 18:18 22.6 Sonde in and out about 135mb due to 13 degree elev. and 120 azimuth (behind mountain). 12 June 02 20:08 21:12 19.5 Difficulty in getting signal strength large enough. Had to turn off and on again. Lost track at launch; used manual to acquire. 13 June 02 23:28 00:16 14.1 Flight good. Terminate to get report. 14 June 03 01:52 02:36 12.7 Lost at launch;got back at 990mb. Good flight, lost T, RH at 200mb. 15 June 03 04:57 05:20 6.1 Launch fine. Frequency shift: 1680-1671 prior to launch; 1671-1666 so quickly APC missed. Balloon burst at 147mb. 16 June 03 07:57 09:09 22.1 no comment 17 June 03 11:02 12:14 20.9 1st balloon had holes 18 June 03 16:57 17:27 7.8 1st hydrogen balloon 19 June 03 23:05 00:15 20.7 Sonde seemed erratic went OK 20 June 04 05:00 06:13 21.3 Bad wind. Auto track stuck on hill. Good flight-50mb. 21 June 04 07:57 09:09 23.8 no comment 22 June 04 11:01 12:14 25.0 no comment

A-2 Sounding Date Start End Maximum Observer's Comments Number Time Time Altitude (UTC) (UTC) (km) 23 June 04 14:01 15:16 24.3 no comment 24 June 04 16:50 18:15 25.5 no comment 25 June 04 22:51 00:10 24.9 Perfect flight 26 June 05 05:05 06:16 21.5 1 balloon broke. 3/4 full. Launch good 27 June 05 07:55 09:06 23.7 no comment 28 June 05 10:51 12:15 24.7 no comment 29 June 05 13:50 15:15 25.3 no comment 30 June 05 16:47 18:02 24.8 no comment 31 June 05 22:55 00:12 24.8 Winds below 700mb questionable. Signal strength was low and tracking was to SW but balloon was to SSE. 32 June 06 05:02 06:17 21.5 Drizzle during second half of flight. Turned to light rain at 06:05. 33 June 06 07:58 09:15 20.7 no comment 34 June 06 10:51 12:06 24.5 no comment 35 June 06 13:46 15:03 25.3 Some data lost in stratosphere 36 June 06 16:54 18:14 22.2 Debris 10% SC,Cu 50% 37 June 06 23:03 23:30 7.7 Could not auto track. No wind data. Flight terminated early. 38 June 07 04:59 06:44 25.2 Good launch. Auto track acquired after about 100m height. Balloon burst at , about 13 mb. 39 June 07 08:06 09:28 26.5 Clear sky 40 June 07 10:56 12:17 24.5 Some data lost below about 100m height. Cu 5%, Cist 10%. 41 June 07 16:49 17:48 19.1 30% Cu, watched balloon go through cloud edge 42 June 07 22:51 00:19 22.0 Fractional cloudiness was small at launch but balloon went right up through a low cloud. Some interesting behavior of T & RH at cloud top-perhaps due to sensor wetting. 43 June 08 04:56 06:42 15.0 This sounding was made with a low ascent rate (2.1 m/s) in lower half. An excellent sounding with much detail. 44 June 08 08:30 09:50 26.0 Delayed launch due to generator maintenance. 30% Cu

A-3 Sounding Date Start End Maximum Observer's Comments Number Time Time Altitude (UTC) (UTC) (km) 45 June 08 10:57 12:14 24.1 30% Cu here, stratus to north 46 June 08 13:59 15:44 25.3 Thin Sc 47 June 08 16:50 18:12 20.0 Sc and Cu 48 June 08 22:48 00:19 19.5 Light rain at 12:31 winds around 140 mb and above have low elevation. 49 June 08 01:44 04:04 24.9 Winds above 100 mb look questionable due to low elevation. Burst at 19mb. 50 June 09 04:53 05:21 5.8 Did not auto track at launch but was acquired in first 200m. Sonde had very low signal. Lost it at 5OOm. 51 June 09 08:05 09:17 19.3 Bad humidity sonde, not aspirated 52 June 09 11:07 12:13 18.6 no comment 53 June 09 14:07 15:18 22.5 no comment 54 June 09 17:03 18:08 20.8 1st sonde bad: no signal 55 June 09 22:52 23:31 11.7 Radar has 15km region over us. No drizzle at launch; very light when sonde at 650 mb. Good sounding to 319 mb, but suddenly quit there.

56 June 09 01:52 03:21 24.0 Excellent flight. Burst at about 30mb. 57 June 10 04:55 05:47 14.5 Good sounding. Sonde quit at about 150mb. 58 June 10 07:54 09:14 25.1 Surface levels lost. Opr error 59 June 10 13:03 14:28 23.5 no comment 60 June 10 16:55 18:16 26.2 no comment 61 June 10 19:42 21:28 25.5 Scattered Cu, some Cist. Lost first 300m. 62 June 10 22:47 00:15 24.2 Dark, light shower 63 June 10 02:01 03:57 28.9 Cu. Burst at about 15 mb 64 June 11 04:49 06:13 21.3 Mostly clear 65 June 11 08:09 09:18 17.5 Ceiling 8:14:03 888 mb Cu hum 66 June 11 11:03 12:19 22.7 Cuhum 67 June 11 14:03 15:19 18.9 Cu hum

A-4 Sounding Date Start End Maximum Observer's Comments Number Time Time Altitude (UTC) (UTC) (kIn) 68 June 11 16:53 18:17 21.7 Sc 69 June 11 20:05 21:17 9.9 Cu, Ci, St. Lost signal for awhile, twice. 70 June 11 22:46 00:05 20.8 Drizzle 71 June 12 01:50 03:36 24.5 Drizzle 72 June 12 04:45 06:17 23.0 Cloudy 73 June 12 08:07 09:18 18.2 Ooudy - adjusted pressure 74 June 12 10:51 12:19 26.3 Cloudy 75 June 12 13:51 15:19 26.1 Cloudy - rain 76 June 12 16:52 18:17 20.8 Cloudy 77 June 12 20:06 21:23 17.3 Sc 78 June 12 22:49 00:15 21.0 Drizzle 79 June 13 01:53 03:14 11.4 Drizzle. Humidity not good 80 June 13 05:38 06:39 17.0 Clear Sc Software problem- delayed launch. 81 June 13 07:50 09:28 25.3 Good sounding to 30mb 82 June 13 10:47 12:19 23.4 Good sounding 83 June 13 14:01 15:32 24.7 Good sounding to 30mb 84 June 13 16:52 18:20 22.0 Good sounding to 41mb 85 June 13 19:58 21:29 23.5 Sc, RH suspect in upper troposphere. 86 June 13 22:59 00:17 21.0 Sc, dramatic RH drop in above cloud, RH suspect again - very low in mid 87 June 14 01:52 03:25 27.7 troposphere. Sc BINOVC similar to last 88 June 14 05:42 06:17 7.9 sounding. Sc BINOVC; RH<95% in cloud; ceilometer cloud base= 1100m, ceilometer 89 June 14 07:54 09:25 26.4 cloud top=1400m. Good sounding up to 150mb. Signal weak above 90 June 14 10:52 12:10 16.4 this. Burst at 32mb. Hygristor shield fell off at launch.Radiation error in humidity? Signal lost at 91 June 14 13:53 15:37 25.3 100mb. 92 June 14 16:47 18:20 22.4 Good sounding to 12.4mb Did not auto track at launch but 93 June 14 20:09 22:00 25.3 acquired in about 30s. 1st sonde stopped transmitting at launch. 2nd launch 94 June 14 23:00 23:59 16.6 accomplished to 16mb. June 15 Cu. RH no good above 320mb? Cu hum. Balloon burst and sonde fell at 534 mb.

A-5 Sounding Date Start End Maximum Observer's Comments Number Time Time Altitude (UTC) (UTC) (km) June 15 Cu hum. RH no good above 350 mb? June 15 Cu hum. Good winds to >50 mb. RH no good above 320 mb? 95 June 15 07:57 09:13 15.3 Cu and St 96 June 15 10:50 12:19 25.4 Cll, haze June 15 Broken Sc, haze 97 June 15 16:56 18:19 15.8 Cu, some 98 June 15 19:49 21:41 25.3 Cu; balloon burst at 12.8 mb June 15 Cu to Sc. Balloon sank at 764 mb 99 June 15 23:32 00:19 17.6 Sc. Pressure bad <310 mb 100 June 16 01:58 03:18 21.7 Sc. lost at first, recovered by 1 min 101 June 16 04:54 06:24 21.9 Cu fra 102 June 16 07:58 09:34 25.4 Broken Sc. Did not auto track at launch. Lost lowest few hundred meters 103 June 16 10:55 12:19 17.2 Few ragged looking Cu 104 June 16 13:47 15:49 30.0 Scattered Cu and haze 105 June 16 16:56 18:14 15.4 Cu, haze 106 June 16 20:17 21:29 20.9 Cu fra, hum 107 June 16 22:52 00:18 23.2 Overcast, occasional drizzle 108 June 17 01:56 03:08 21.0 Overcast 109 June 17 04:52 06:18 24.1 Overcast 110 June 17 .08:04 09:25 18.1 Overcast stratus; drizzle 111 June 17 10:53 12:14 18.7 Overcast stratus 112 June 17 13:54 15:29 23.7 Overcast 113 June 17 16:59 18:18 13.0 Complete overcast of stratus 114 June 17 19:59 21:11 20.7 Intermittent sonde. Partly cloudy 115 June 17 22:51 00:15 21.2 Mostly clear 116 June 18 01:49 03:13 22.7 Cloudy 117 June 18 04:53 06:11 22.9 Cloudy 118 June 18 07:53 09:46 28.0 St 119 June 18 10:55 12:41 27.9 St 120 June 18 13:54 15:28 22.1 Cloudy 121 June 18 16:51 18:17 17.4 Scattered Cu, mostly clear

A-6 Sounding Date Start End Maximum Observer's Comments Number Time Time Altitude (UTC) (UTC) (kIn) 122 June 18 20:01 21:18 21.0 Mostly clear. Lost at 90 mb, regained at 69 mb. 123 June 18 22:49 00:15 23.4 Cloudy 124 June 19 01:54 03:15 23.6 Thin clouds 125 June 19 04:53 05:54 16.3 Cloudy. Lost then reacquired sonde at launch. Sonde lost due to interference at 1671 MHz. 126 June 19 07:53 10:00 25.9 Overcast 5000 ft. Some low cloud at 3000 ft. Sonde reached 11.1 mb. 127 June 19 10:54 12:21 14.8 Scattered 2/10 5000 ft, 1/10 1500 ft. 128 June 19 13:57 15:49 25.3 50% cloud cover. Good sounding to 11.9 mb. June 19 10% cloud cover. Balloon burst (or leak) at 890 mb. Launched 2nd balloon. 129 June 19 17:07 18:20 16.6 10% cloud cover June 19 Bad sonde or something June 19 Bad sonde 130 June 19 20:48 22:12 22.9 Launch occurred at 20:50 GMT. Lots of trouble with other two. 131 June 19 22:53 00:11 21.9 no comment 132 June 20 01:57 03:03 17.2 no comment 133 June 20 04:54 05:55 17.4 no comment 134 June 20 07:41 09:54 31.4 Cu with St above. Reached 10.2 mb. 135 June 20 10:44 12:17 22.7 Ci and Cu 136 June 20 13:45 15:44 27.0 Broken St 137 June 20 16:46 18:19 22.6 Cu, Ci 138 June 20 19:59 21:21 18.6 Cu 5%, Haze 139 June 20 22:57 23:52 12.5 Balloon burst at 190 mb 140 June 21 02:03 04:14 25.4 no comment 141 June 21 04:58 06:18 20.8 Stratus 4200-4700 ft. Terminated at 50 mb. 142 June 21 07:51 09:10 22.7 Stratus; drizzle at 8:23Z 143 June 21 10:48 12:16 13.4 Stratus 144 June 21 13:52 14:51 13.4 Cu, broken, high stratus (next to last brown balloon). 145 June 21 16:56 18:20 14.9 Cu 146 June 21 19:45 21:16· 21.8 Broken Cu. Light drizzle on launch 147 June 21 22:54 00:14 22.3 Drizzle 148 June 22 01:54 03:42 22.6 Noisy hygristor 149 June 22 04:58 06:18 20.8 Stopped at 50 mb. Overcast, light drizzle.

A-7 Sounding Date Start End Maximum Observer's Comments Number Time Time Altitude (UTC) (UTC) (km) 150 June 22 07:39 09:24 25.2 Cu with St above 151 June 22 10:45 12:14 25.4 Cu with St above 152 June 22 13:44 15:20 23.9 Cu with St above 153 June 22 16:41 18:32 23.6 Thin Sc, some thicker blobs 154 June 22 20:01 21:56 23.8 Cu, St 155 June 22 22:53 00:16 19.2 no comment 156 June 23 01:51 03:21 22.0 no comment 157 June 23 04:52 06:02 21.1 no comment 158 June 23 07:49 08:55 20.1 Cu below St. Lowest 50 mb lost 159 June 23 10:47 12:00 21.9 Light rain. Cu below St. 160 June 23 13:47 15:38 24.5 Broken Sc 161 June 23 16:51 18:08 22.4 Ci and some Cu 162 June 23 19:56 21:03 19.8 Cu 163 June 23 22:50 00:01 21.2 no comment 164 June 24 01:50 02:38 13.8 Widely scattered Cu. Lost signal at 139 mb. 165 June 24 05:04 06:16 22.2 Thin stratus 166 June 24 07:51 09:04 23.0 Cloud base at 857 m. Data gap near 200 mb. 167 June 24 10:44 11:48 21.7 Cu below St 168 June 24 13:54 15:16 22.5 Cu below St. Some holes 169 June 24 16:46 18:08 23.2 Cu penetrating into a broken layer cloud at 2000 ft. Bad pressure sensor. 170 June 24 19:57 21:16 15.2 Few scattered Cu 5% 171 June 24 22:58 00:15 18.8 Clear 172 June 25 01:44 03:23 22.0 Clear 173 June 25 04:58 06:15 22.2 Thin stratus 174 June 25 07:49 09:07 21.7 Sonde intermittent above 200 mb 175 June 25 10:51 12:03 22.6 no comment 176 June 25 13:51 14:53 21.5 no comment 177 June 25 16:47 18:15 24.1 no comment 178 June 25 19:44 21:32 25.1 Mostly clear 179 June 25 22:46 00:20 22.5 Clear 180 June 26 01:48 03:32 24.6 Clear. Can see stars. A little foggy at surface. RH decreased with height. 181 June 26 04:37 06:07 23.4 Clear. May be thin surface inversion. RH decreased with height initially again. 182 June 26 07:49 09:04 22.3 Lost tracking in lowest 50 mb 183 June 26 10:55 12:07 22.2 no comment 184 June 26 13:51 15:08 23.6 Did not autotrack at launch but regained in 30 s. 185 June 26 16:48 17:49 21.6 Lost track in lowest 50 mb 186 June 26 19:51 20:59 22.5 Almost completely clear 187 June 26 22:51 00:48 25.9 Clear

A-8 Sounding Date Start End Maximum Observer's Comments Number Time Time Altitude (UTC) (UTC) (kIn) 188 June 27 01:59 03:17 22.8 Did not autotrack at launch but regained at about 900 mb. AFC failed between 500 mb and 425 mb. 189 June 27 04:49 06:04 22.0 Less than 10% cloud cover 190 June 27 07:50 09:02 21.1 Severe clear 191 June 27 10:49 11:54 21.1 no comment 192 June 27 13:51 14:45 17.6 Ci. Mostly clear. Lost at 83 mb. Vapor=3.69. 193 June 27 16:40 17:21 11.4 Hygristor cover fell off at launch. 4 balloons! 194 June 27 20:08 21:28 21.5 Clear except St on N horizon. Lost hygristor cover. 195 June 27 22:59 00:19 17.8 Very clear 196 June 27 01:48 03:20 22.5 No visible cloud 197 June 28 04:50 06:13 21.4 No cloud 198 June 28 07:46 09:12 23.3 Did not autotrack at launch, regained in about lOs. 199 June 28 10:45 12:04 21.2 Cumulus scattered. Sonde entered cloud soon after launch (about 300 mb). 200 June 28 13:48 15:18 23.3 Scattered Cu 201 June 28 16:47 18:05 22.0 Cloud overhead with breaks to the North. 202 June 28 20:14 21:54 22.6 Broken St 203 June 28 22:53 00:25 21.0 Cloudy; RT failed to track but we regained. Did not lose signal. Winds garbage, below 750 mb.
