Vehicle Keeper Marking Register List by Countries

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Vehicle Keeper Marking Register List by Countries Issue: 11/2010 Date: 02.12.2010 Vehicle Keeper Marking Register List by countries Explanation: VKM: Codes shown on vehicles UNIQUE: Combination for uniqueness check Country VKM UNIQUE VK Name Status www. Albania HsH HSH Hekurudha Shqiptare SH.A. in use Armenia ARM ARM Armenian Railway CJSC in use AT AE AE Alpine-Energie Österreich GmbH in use AT ALPIN ALPIN Alpine Bau GmbH in use AT BBW BBW Bahnbau Wels GmbH in use AT BIF BIF Bahn im Film in use AT BRTG BRTG Brenntag CEE GmbH in use AT BUB BUB Brenner & Brenner Dampflokomotiven Betriebsgesellschaft mbH in use AT CAT CAT City Air Terminal BetriebsgmbH in use AT CRL CRL CRL Car Rail Logistics GmbH in use AT CSV CSV CargoServ GmbH Revoked AT CWL CWL Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits et du Tourisme SA in use AT DIENO DIENO Dieselnostalgie Schienenfahrzeugbereitstellungs GmbH in use AT EPH EPH Erdbewegung Paul Herzog GmbH in use AT ETE ETE European Trans Energy GmbH in use AT FELB FELB Felbermayr Transport- und Hebetechnik GmbH & Co KG in use AT FLAIR FLAIR Fürstlich Liechtensteinische Eisenbahn-Romantik Stiftung in use AT FLOBA FLOBA Florianer Bahn Forschungs- und Errichtungsgesellschaft mbH in use AT GATXA GATXA GATX Rail Austria GmbH in use AT GHS GHS G. Hinteregger & Söhne Baugesellschaft mbH in use AT GKB GKB Graz-Köflacher Eisenbahn in use AT GRAN GRAN Bauunternehmung Granit GmbH in use AT GV GV Lokalbahn Gmunden-Vorchdorf Revoked AT HF HF Held & Francke Bau GmbH & Co KG in use AT HKBAU HKBAU Hieden & Kall Hoch- und Tiefbaugesellschaft mbH in use AT HMAN HMAN H. Manhart GmbH in use AT ITG ITG ITG Transportmittel GmbH in use AT IVB IVB Innsbrucker Verkehrsbetriebe Revoked AT IWAG IWAG Industriewaggon GmbH in use AT JESSL JESSL Brüder Jessl KG in use AT KVGH KVGH KVG-Hamburg Kesselwagen Vermietgesellschaft mbH in use AT KVGV KVGV KVG-Wien Kesselwagen Vermietgesellschaft mbH in use AT LGAT LGAT Linde Gas GmbH in use AT LILO LILO Linzer Lokalbahn Revoked AT LIN LIN LINSINGER Maschinenbau GmbH in use AT LOGS LOGS Logistik Service GmbH in use AT LTE LTE LTE Logistik und Transport GmbH in use AT LVE LVE Lokalbahn Lambach - Vorchdorf=Eggenberg Revoked AT MAST MAST Martin Schienentechnik KEG in use AT MBI MBI Münzer Bioindustrie GmbH in use AT MBS MBS Montafonerbahn AG in use AT META META Metzger & Co GmbH Revoked AT MITL MITL Majestic Imperator Train de Luxe Waggon Charter GmbH in use AT MLV MLV Martinsberger Lokalbahnverein in use AT NBIK NBIK Nostalgiebahnen in K ärnten in use AT NÖSBB NOSBB Niederösterreichische Schneebergbahn GmbH in use AT NOSTA NOSTA NOSTA Niederösterreichische Außenhandelsgesellschaft mbH in use AT NPG NPG NPG Bau Neuschitzer GmbH & Co KG in use AT NSBAG NSBAG Neusiedler Seebahn Revoked AT NWP NWP Lokalbahn Neuenmarkt-Waizenkirchen-Peuerbach Revoked AT ÖBB OBB Österreichische Bundesbahnen in use AT ÖGEG OGEG Österreichische Gesellschaft für Eisenbahngeschichte (ÖGEG) in use AT ÖKWBG OKWBG ÖKOMBI GmbH in use AT ÖSEK OSEK Austrovapor Bahnnostalgie Veranstaltungs GmbH in use AT PAA PAA PORR-ALPINE Austriarail GmbH in use AT PLA PLA Franz Plasser Vermietung von Bahnbaumaschinen GmbH in use AT PTU PTU Porr Technobau & Umwelt AG in use AT RAIF RAIF Raiffeisen Lagerhaus Hopfgarten - Wörgl und Umgebung reg. in use AT RhoBT RhoBT RhombergGen. mbH Bahntechnik GmbH in use AT ROeEE ROEEE Raab-Ödenburg-Ebenfurter Eisenbahn Revoked AT RPS RPS Rail Professionals St ütz GmbH in use AT RTS RTS RTS Rail Transport Service GmbH in use 1 Country VKM UNIQUE VK Name Status www. AT SETG SETG Salzburger Eisenbahn Transportlogistik GmbH in use AT SIESS SIESS Siess Brennstoffe GmbH & Co KG in use AT SLB SLB Salzburg AG für Energie, Verkehr und Telekommunikation - in use Salzburger Lokalbahn AT SÖG SOG SOLVAY ÖSTERREICH GmbH in use AT SRB SRB Südburgenländische Regionalbahn in use AT STBAT STBAT Steiermarkbahn Transport & Logistik GmbH in use AT StH STH Stern & Hafferl Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH in use AT STLB STLB Steiermärkische Landesbahnen in use AT STRA STRA Strabag AG in use AT TMW TMW Technisches Museum Wien in use AT TRGAZ TRGAZ TRANSGAZ S.A. in use AT VA VA Lokalbahn Vöcklamarkt - Attersee Revoked AT VAT VAT voestalpine Tubulars GmbH & Co KG in use AT VDEA VDEA Verband der Eisenbahn-Akademiker in use AT VEFL VEFL Verein der Eisenbahnfreunde in Lienz in use AT VEFÖ VEFO Verband der Eisenbahnfreunde in use AT VSS VSS Verein Schiene S üdburgenland in use AT VTGA VTGA VTG Austria GmbH in use AT WCS WCS Wagon Center S üd GmbH in use AT WL WL WIENER LINIEN GmbH & Co KG in use AT WLB WLB Wiener Lokalbahnen AG in use AT WLC WLC Wiener Lokalbahnen Cargo GmbH in use AT WSTBA WSTBA Westbahn Management GmbH in use AT WVDO WVDO Waggonvermietung Delta Oil GmbH in use AT WWG WWG Weichenwerk W örth GmbH in use AT ZB ZB Zillertaler Verkehrsbetriebe AG in use Azerbaidjan AZ AZ Railways of Azerbaidjan in use BE B B NMBS/SNCB in use BE CIWL CIWL Compagnie des Wagon-Lits in use BE COBRA COBRA Cobelfret Rail NV in use BE EURL EURL EURORAIL NV/SA in use BE ICF ICF Interfrigo/Intercontainer in use BE IFB IFB INTERFERRYBOATS NV in use BE NMBS NMBS Nationale Maatschappij van Belgische Spoorwegen in use BE QUADR QUADR QUADRUM BVBA in use BE SEARL SEARL SEA-RAIL NV in use BE SFB SFB SNCF Fret Benelux N.V. in use BE SNCB SNCB Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Belges in use BE TRWBE TRWBE TRW in use BE XPS XPS XPEDYS in use BE XRAIL XRAIL Crossrail Benelux nv in use Belarus BC BC Belarus Railways in use BG APH APH Agropolychim / Агрополихим in use BG ASTR ASTR Astra Finance / " Астра финанс" ЕООД in use BG BDZ BDZ Chemin de fer de l'Etat bulgare - Bulgarski Durzhavni Zheleznitsi in use BG BMDM BMDM Bulmarket DM / " Булмаркет ДМ" ООД in use BG BREL BREL Brikel EAD / Брикел ЕАД in use BG BZK/ БЖК BZK Bulgarian Railway company / Българска железопътна компания in use BG CERB CERB Centralna Energoremontna Baza AD / Централна in use Енергоремонтна База АД BG CMED CMED Cumerio-Med AG / Кумерио Мед АД in use BG DBSBG DBSBG DB Schenker Rail Bulgaria in use BG DSCR DSCR Discordia Plc in use BG EKOBG EKOBG EKO Bulgaria in use BG EVTR EVTR Evrometal OOD / Еврометал ООД in use BG EXPR EXPR Express Service LTD. in use BG GSTR GSTR Gastrade S.A. / Газтрейд АД in use BG INSA INSA "Insa Gas" OOD in use BG JPK/ ЖПК JPK Jelezopaten komplex / " Железопътен комплекс" ЕАД in use BG KALV KALV Kalvacha Gas / Кълвача Газ in use BG KALVN KALVN Kalvacha Energia / Кълвача Енергия in use BG KCM/ КЦМ KCM KTsM PLC / КЦМ АД in use BG KREM KREM Kremikovtzi AD in use BG KRO KRO Kronospan CR s.r.o. in use BG LGBG LGBG Linde Gas Bulgaria EOOD in use BG LKKP LKKP Luka Koper in use BG LOKO LOKO Loko Trans BG OOD / Локо Транс БГ ООД in use BG LUKo LUKo Neftohimtrejn in use BG LZC LZC Lead & Zinc Complex PLC / Оловно цинков комплекс in use BG MANTI MANTI MANTI KO OOD in use 2 Country VKM UNIQUE VK Name Status www. BG MMIRL MMIRL Mini Maritza-Iztok EAD / Мини Марица-Изток ЕАД in use BG MONDI MONDI Mondi Stamboliiski in use BG NEON NEON Neochim AD / Неохим АД in use BG NRIC NRIC Nationar railway infrastructure company / Национална компания in use "Железопътна инфраструктура" BG OMVB OMVB OMB Bulgaria OOD in use BG OTEX OTEX Optima Tours BG /O птима турс БГ in use BG PAPAS PAPAS Zarneni hrani 99 /" Зърнени храни 99" ЕАД in use BG POIL POIL Prista Oil in use BG POLI POLI Polimeri AD / Полимери АД in use BG RVP RVP Remontno-Vuzstanovitelno Predprijatie - Koehne in use BG SLVY SLVY Solvay Bulgaria AD / Солвей България АД in use BG SNG SNG Singergon Petroleum in use BG SZA SZA "Sviloza" AD / " Свилоза" АД in use BG TPL TPL Toplivo PLC / Топливо АД in use BG TRAK TRAK Trakcia AD / Тракция АД in use BG TRI TRI Transins Industry in use BG TSVG TSVG "TSV"Gorna Orjahovitza in use BG TSVP TSVP "TSV" Plovdiv in use BG TSVS TSVS "TSV" Sofia in use BG TSVV TSVV "TSV" Varna in use BG TTL TTL TTL Ltd in use BG TWBS TWBS Transwagon Burgas in use BG UTK UTK Unitranscom in use BG VZSP VZSP Vagonoremonten zavod-99 S.A.
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