Arahant Mahinda - Redactor of the Buddhapåjàva in Sinhala Buddhism
Arahant Mahinda - Redactor of the Buddhapåjàva in Sinhala Buddhism This study seeks to establish that Arahant Mahinda, who introduced the Buddhadhamma to Sri Lanka, is the Redactor of the Buddhapåjàva in Sinhala Buddhism. The Sãla Trio – Pa¤ca-, Aññhangika- and Dasa-Sãla, is also found to emerge in the same process. The launch date has been determined to be the full moon day of Kattika in the year 247 BCE, i.e., 2260 years ago (current year: Oct. 1, 2012), or even more likely, 42 days prior to that (parallel: Aug. 18, 2012). By the same Author Buddhism (selected) “‘Asoulity’ as Translation of Anattà: Absence, not Negation”, Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies (7), 2011, 101-134. Rebirth as Empirical Basis for the Buddha’s Four Noble Truths, Sumeru, 2010. “ ‘Against Belief’: Mindfulness Meditation (satipaññàna bhàvanà) as Empirical Method”, Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies (5), 2009, 59 - 96. “Inherited Buddhists and Acquired Buddhists”, 2006, Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies (2), 2009, 103 - 141. Embryo as Person: Buddhism, Bioethics and Society, 2005, Toronto: Nalanda Publishing Canada. You’re What You Sense: Buddha on Mindbody, 2001; Dehiwala, Sri Lanka: Buddhist Cultural Centre. “Whole Body, not Heart, the Seat of Consciousness: the Buddha’s View,” Philosophy East and West, 45: 3 (1995): 409 - 430. Buddhist View of the Dead Body’, in Proceedings of the Transplantation Society, 22:3, 1990. ‘Buddhism in Metropolitan Toronto: a preliminary survey’, Canadian Ethnic Studies, xxi:2, 1989. Arahant Mahinda - Redactor of the Buddhapåjàva in Sinhala Buddhism with Pali Text, Translation and Analysis Suwanda H J Sugunasiri, PhD Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Sugunasiri, Suwanda H.
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