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PROGRAM BOOK September 8-13 2019, Krakow, POLAND 14th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant www.mercury2019krakow.com SCHEDULE AT GLANCE TIME SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 08:00 Registration Registration Registration Registration Registration 08:30 Plenary #1 Plenary #2 Plenary #3 Plenary #4 Plenary #5 09:00 09:30 Concurrent Concurrent Concurrent Concurrent Concurrent 10:00 Sessions Sessions Sessions Sessions Sessions 10:30 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break 11:00 Concurrent Concurrent Concurrent Concurrent Concurrent 11:30 Sessions Sessions Sessions Sessions Sessions Workshops 12:00 Boxed lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Closing 12:30 to go Ceremony 13:00 Poster Poster Poster 13:30 Sessions Sessions Sessions Lunch 14:00 14:30 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break 15:00 Field trips Concurrent Concurrent 15:30 Concurrent Sessions Sessions 16:00 Sessions 16:30 Registration 17:00 Poster Poster Poster 17:30 Sessions Sessions Sessions Cocktails Cocktails Cocktails 18:00 18:30 Opening 19:00 Ceremony 19:30 20:00 20:30 Reception 21:00 Gala Dinner 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 PROGRAM BOOK September 8-13 2019, Krakow, POLAND 14th Interna onal Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant www.mercury2019krakow.com Editor: Prof. Józef M. Pacyna, Ph.D. Elisabeth G. Pacyna in associa on with Conference Secretariat: Targi w Krakowie Ltd. 9 Galicyjska St., 31-586 Krakow, Poland ph. +4812 644 69 32, [email protected] www.targi.krakow.pl www.expokrakow.com ICMGP 2019 Project Manager: Marta Leszczyńska Head of the PCO&DMC Department: Agnieszka Ziemiańska Team of the PCO&DMC Department: Justyna Bazia, Beata Harańczyk, Magdalena Owczarek, Magdalena Rabiega Graphics, DTP: Dominika Reńda, Ewa Kozłowska-Nadachowska CONTENTS 1. Words of Welcome ...............................................................................................................4 2. The Scien fi c Steering Commi ee ....................................................................................6 3. The Local Organizing Commi ee .......................................................................................7 4. Sponsors and Partners .........................................................................................................8 5. General Informa on ..............................................................................................................9 6. ICMGP Code of Ethics and Conduct .............................................................................12 7. Plenary Overviews .............................................................................................................. 14 8. Detailed Programme ▪ Orals .................................................................................................................................... 17 ▪ Posters ................................................................................................................................54 9. Venue Plan ..........................................................................................................................100 10. The Life me Achievement Award ..............................................................................104 11. Workshops .......................................................................................................................106 12. Mentors Lunch ................................................................................................................108 13. Public Open Day .............................................................................................................109 14. Krakow and Venue .........................................................................................................110 15. Social Events ....................................................................................................................112 16. Company's Profi les .........................................................................................................114 17. Index by Author ...............................................................................................................128 18. Exhibitors List ..................................................................................................................184 19. Exhibi on Plan .................................................................................................................185 14th Internaঞ onal Conference on Mearcury as a Global Pollutant WORDS OF WELCOME Dear Par cipant, I am honored and very happy to welcome you to the 14th Interna onal Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (the 14th ICMGP) in Krakow, Poland, from 8 through 13 September, 2019. Considerable scien fi c knowledge has been developed on sources and emissions of mercury, its pathways and cycling through the environment, human exposure and impacts on human health. An agreement has been reached between scien sts that mercury exposure today is so high in many areas of the globe that it threatens human health. This scien fi c knowledge, obtained through studies carried out in various research centers in all con nents, formed the basis for policy makers decision to develop an interna onal agreement on reduc on of emissions and exposure to mercury, known as the UN Minamata Conven on. While this Conven on has been signed in 2013 and ra fi ed in 2017, the 14th ICMGP is a very important step in assessing the completeness of our knowledge on mercury as a global environmental pollutant on one side, and implementa on of solu ons to reduce the emissions and exposure to this pollutant on the other side. In this way, the 14th ICMGP is the fi rst major event of tes ng the effi ciency of implementa on of the Minamata Conven on in various parts of the world. Needs for improvement of our knowledge on mercury in the environment, as well as measures of improvement of the Minamata Conven on implementa on effi ciency will be discussed. Therefore, the theme of the ICMGP will be: Bridging knowledge on global mercury with environmental responsibility, human welfare and policy response. The Conference is going to explore newly researched publica ons and policies related to: ▪ How is mercury cycling changing on the global, regional and local scales in response to perturba ons caused by major anthropogenic drivers of the environmental change. ▪ What is the rela ve risk of mercury exposure to human health and wildlife in the context of human welfare? ▪ How can technological development contribute to the reduc on of mercury exposure and improvement of environmental responsibility? How will industry achieve more control of Hg emissions, handle waste products, and clean up contaminated site? ▪ How can scien fi c knowledge contribute to the implementa on and eff ec veness evalua on of the Minamata Conven ons and other regulatory agreements? Importance of integra on and implementa on of emerging and future mercury research into the policy making. 4 8-13 September 2019, Krakow, Poland The Conference provides the opportunity for exhibi on of most recent developed equipment to measure mercury in various environmental samples, and technology to reduce mercury emissions and exposure. Although various solu ons have been adopted to reduce the level of exposure to mercury contamina on, the discussions at the 14th ICMGP will contribute to development of new measures and policies towards reducing the mercury problem worldwide. Poland is a very appropriate country to host the 14th ICMGP. The country’s energy demand is met primarily by combus on of fossil fuels. Major improvement has been made in recent years to have this energy produc on process not only economically viable but also environmentally safe. Krakow is a very engaged venue for the 14th ICMGP. The city dates back to the 7th century. Krakow has tradi onally been one of the leading centers of Polish and the European academic, cultural, and ar s c life. It was the capital of Poland from 1038 to 1569 and Nicolas Copernicus educated here in the Jagiellonian University (established in 1364). With the establishment of new universi es and cultural venues at the emergence of the Second Polish Republic in 1918 and throughout the 20th century, Krakow reaffi rmed its role as a major na onal academic and ar s c center. In 1978, UNESCO approved the fi rst ever sites for its new World Heritage List, including the en re Old Town. Prof. Józef M. Pacyna Conference Chairman 5 14th Internaঞ onal Conference on Mearcury as a Global Pollutant THE SCIENTIFIC STEERING COMMITTEE The Scien fi c Steering Commi ee (SSC) consists of experts in mercury research and policy from around the world. This commi ee oversaw the scien fi c progress and the organiza on of the conference to ensure that the high quality of this conference series is maintained. Józef M. Pacyna – the Chairman AGH University of Sciences and Technology, Poland Torunn Berg Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Ludovic Bernaudat UNEP, Switzerland Steve Brown The Dow Chemical Company, USA Celia Chen Dartmouth College, USA Pål Midtlien Danielsen Norwegian Ins tute of Air Research, Norway Charles Driscoll Syracuse University, USA Ralf Ebinghaus Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany David Evers Biodiversity Research Ins tute, USA Jerzy Falandysz – the Vice-Chairman University of Gdańsk, Poland Lucyna Falkowska University of Gdańsk, Poland Janusz Gołaś – the Vice-Chairman AGH University of Sciences and Technology, Poland Lars-Eric Heimbürger-Boavida CNRS-Mediterrianean Ins tute of Oceanography, France Milena