40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2009) 2179.pdf MODELED CATASTROPHIC OUTFLOW AT ARAM CHAOS CHANNEL, MARS. D. A. Howard, Earth & Planetary Sciences, University of Tennessee, 306 Earth & Planetary Sciences Bldg., 1412 Circle Drive, Knoxville, TN 37996,
[email protected]. Introduction: The Aram Chaos channel located at tional algorithms relied on in this study were devel- 2.8°N, 18.5°W, is approximately 100 km long, ranges oped by Komar [1] and I have adapted them for use from 8 to 14 km wide, and has a maximum depth of with the Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Anal- 2000 m (Figure 1). The confined innermost approx- ysis System (HEC-RAS) based on solution of the con- imately 67 km reach selected for this study includes tinuity and momentum equations [2]. HEC-RAS ad- the area of the channel where the trimline is evident justed for Mars’ gravitational acceleration was only for the stream head at the time of initial catastrophic applied to Mars channels once previously by Burr [3] flow and the outflow height at the channel’s mouth. at Athabasca Vallis and therefore provides the oppor- tunity to further develop the method here. The HEC- RAS model used for both Earth and Mars are identical except that the Mars version was adjusted for the gra- vitational acceleration and the specific weight of water differences between the two planets. Using the HEC- Ares Valles GeoRAS ArcGIS geospatial tool to generate the chan- nel geometry for input to the HEC-RAS flow model, Aram Chaos the hypothesized output potentially quantifies the hy- draulics of the channels more accurately than previous orders-of-magnitude estimates reported in the litera- ture.