
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 96, 012116 (2017)

Many- trial states

Douglas Lundholm Department of Mathematics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden (Received 30 December 2016; published 14 July 2017)

The problem of bounding the (Abelian) many-anyon ground-state energy from above, with a dependence on the statistics parameter which matches that of currently available lower bounds, is reduced to studying the correlation functions of Moore-Read (Pfaffian) and Read-Rezayi type clustering states.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.96.012116

I. INTRODUCTION [17–21], which is a manifestation of a strongly correlated many-body state of subject to planar confinement The importance of the concept of quantum statistics for and a strong transverse magnetic field. More recently it our understanding of observed collective phenomena in nature has been proposed that similar effects apply to trapped cannot be overstated. While stack according to the bosonic in artificial magnetic fields [22–26], and to Pauli principle to form a Fermi sea, with its implications [27,28]. The arising in the FQHE of for atomic structure, conduction bands in solids, etc., electrons are predicted to be with a corresponding can sit together to display amplified single- behavior, fractional statistics parameter. However, as discussed in ([19], as manifested by Bose-Einstein condensation and the co- Sec. 9.8.2), there has been some confusion in the literature herent propagation of light. Upon restricting to two spatial concerning the exact values of α involved. This can be traced , on the other hand, it turns out to be logically to different conventions but also to the fact that the statistics conceivable to have other types of identical than parameter has hitherto only been defined indirectly via the bosons and fermions, satisfying instead of operation of adiabatic braiding and the computation of a permutation statistics, and which have been given the name corresponding Berry phase, as first outlined in [29]. Only very “anyons” [1–5](seealso([6], p. 386)). These have the property recently has an effective Hamiltonian for anyons been derived that under continuous exchange of two particles their wave [30], which shows unambiguously how they may arise in a function changes not merely by a sign ±1, but any complex FQHE context and what the statistics parameter then should be, phase factor eiαπ is allowed, where the real number α is confirming that fermions against the background of a fermionic known as their “statistics parameter.” Moreover, for logical Laughlin state with odd exponent 2p + 1 effectively couple consistency one has to keep track of any topological winding to Laughlin quasiholes to behave as emergent anyons with of the particles during their exchange. For instance, if one α = 2p/(2p + 1) (see also [31]). particle moves around in configuration space in such a way as Despite the concept of anyons having been around now to enclose p other particles in a complete (counterclockwise, for almost four decades, a satisfactory understanding of their say) loop, a phase 2pαπ must arise, while if two particles is still lacking. Due to their complicated many-body are exchanged once and in the process p other particles are interaction (or geometry) it has not been possible to solve enclosed, the phase must be (1 + 2p)απ. All such topological the anyon Hamiltonian for its complete spectrum or even its complications vanish in the case of α = 0 (bosons) and α = 1 ground state, except in the two-particle case where it can (fermions). The concept has also been extended from phases be reduced to a one-particle problem and thus be solved (Abelian) to unitary matrices (non-Abelian), but we shall here analytically [1,4,32], while in the three- and four-particle cases stick to the simpler (though not at all simple) Abelian case. it has been studied numerically [33–36]. Nevertheless, as is Furthermore, instead of demanding that the wave function evident from the vast body of literature (the author can count changes its phase according to the above form of topological more than 300 papers on the topic), there has been a fair amount boundary conditions, also known as the “anyon gauge picture,” of progress on the many-anyon problem, most of which is one may equivalently model such phases by means of attaching based on various approximations. One of the most discussed is magnetic flux to ordinary , i.e., bosons or average-field theory (see, e.g., Refs. [10,16,37–39] for review), fermions, resulting in a magnetic many-body interaction. This where the individual anyons are replaced by their average is then called the “magnetic gauge picture” for anyons. We magnetic field, something which is arguably reasonable in a refer to the extensive reviews [7–16] for a more complete sufficiently dense regime. Other approximations assume either background on the topic. a very strong external magnetic field, thereby reducing to The idea of particles with attached magnetic flux is lowest-Landau-level anyons which turn out to be solvable with fundamental to the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) a connection to Calogero–Sutherland models [14,40], or in the case of the free dilute gas, that it is sufficient to only take two-particle interactions into account [32,41]. It has however been stressed that real progress in understanding the anyon Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the gas cannot be made without knowledge of the true many-body Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further spectrum. distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) In a recent series of works [42–47], the question concerning and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. the many-anyon ground state has been investigated in the

2469-9926/2017/96(1)/012116(12) 012116-1 Published by the American Physical Society DOUGLAS LUNDHOLM PHYSICAL REVIEW A 96, 012116 (2017) light of modern mathematical methods. Interestingly, it was = D N = 1 2N bosons and α 1 to fermions, with α=0 Hsym(R ) and found that the ground-state energy for the free ideal anyon D N = −1 1 2N α=1 U Hasym(R ) the Sobolev spaces of symmetric gas can be nontrivially bounded from below, but only under respectively antisymmetric square-integrable functions having the assumption that α is an odd-numerator rational number square-integrable first derivatives. In the latter case we have (in contrast to FQHE which typically involves odd- −1 used the singular gauge transformation U ∇x U = iAj , with denominator filling factors). To settle the issue whether this j is the true behavior or rather just an artifact of the method 2 → 2 U : Lsym/asym Lasym/sym, used to obtain the bounds, one also needs to bound the energy z − z from above using suitable trial states. This however turns out (U)(x):= j k (x), |z − z | to be a very difficult problem for anyons, contrary to the more 1j

α∗ := lim αN = inf αN For reference we take the Hamiltonian HˆN to act on bosonic N→∞ N2 states  ∈ L2 ((R2)N ), and there is associated with the free sym 1 , if α = μ ∈ Q reduced, μ odd and ν  1, = ν ν kinetic energy operator Tˆα a natural subspace (form domain) D N 0, otherwise. α consisting of the states  which have a finite expectation value for their kinetic energy (see [44], Sec. 2.2 and [46], 3/2 In particular, the factor√ in front of ωN in the lower bound = −1/2 Sec. 1.1 for details). The case α 0 then corresponds to in (3) depends on α as α∗ = ν for small odd-numerator fractions and tends to zero with N for even-numerator and irrational numbers. 1That is, without interactions other than the statistical one, and In addition to the above, for an arbitrary state  with purely pointlike as opposed to extended; cf. Sec. VI below. fixed total angular momentum L ∈ Z one also has the bound


α j ∗ α∗

α α

  ∈ FIG. 1. Plots of α∗ respectively jα∗ for 0 α 1. These can be continued to all α R using periodicity and reflection (conjugation) symmetry.

[13,50,51] one needs to be careful with what is meant exactly with the approximation and how such a limit is performed since strictly N(N − 1) ,HˆN   ω N + L + α , (5) speaking the anyons cannot be ideal but extended (see [52] and 2 Sec. VI below). Also note that the periodicity for ideal anyons =− N mentioned above is not naturally implemented in (6), so where, if L α( 2 ) (i.e., an average angular momentum of −α per particle pair) would be achieved exactly on some we must at least expect to replace α with its periodization α2 state, then the remaining bound is just the ground-state energy from (4). 3/2 The main question raised from the bounds (3) and (5)is for bosons. As discussed in [50], since E0(N) = O(N )the whether for certain α such that α∗  α2—most notably for bound (5) implies that as the number of particles increases = = there will be more and more level crossings in the ground state even-numerator rational α such as α 2/3, for which α∗ 0—and for particular states such that L ∼−α( N ), the true to different angular momenta, resulting in a qualitative picture 2 (see [50,Fig.1]) with some interesting features in common ground-state energy E0(N) could be considerably lower than with Fig. 1. Note that, for every finite N, the ground-state curve the one (6) expected from average-field theory. Building on [43], we shall here explore the possibility that this is actually is conjectured to be continuous in α and piecewise√ smooth; however, the number of such pieces grows like N. the case. On the other hand, an approach that has been used III. LOCAL EXCLUSION PRINCIPLE FOR ANYONS extensively in the literature to understand the anyon gas (see the reviews and references therein) is to employ the In order to understand the origin of the peculiar dependence “average-field approximation”2 of the above energy bounds on α∗, and of the form of the | | 2 corresponding proposed trial states, we first need to briefly π α 2 mω 2 E0(N) ≈ inf (x) + |x| (x) dx discuss the findings in [42,43,46] of a local exclusion principle   0 R2 m 2 for anyons.  = N √ Normally when one talks about an exclusion principle for 8 identical particles one has in mind an occupation picture, = |α| ωN3/2. (6) 3 where only a limited number of particles can sit in each distinguishable one-body state. The prime example is of course Here it has been assumed that the anyons see each other via the usual Pauli exclusion principle for fermions, although an approximately constant magnetic field B(x) ∼ 2πα(x), various extensions have also been discussed in the literature with (x) the local density of particles, and hence they each [40,48,49,53–56] (the role of such generalized exclusion in the have a lowest-Landau-level energy |B|/(2m) ∼ π|α|/m.In context of anyons has also been reviewed in [57]). Sometimes [45] it has been shown rigorously that such an approximation the notion is generously extended to concern exclusion of is indeed correct in the limit of “almost-bosonic” anyons coincident points in the configuration space, and anyons have (i.e., α → 0;seealso[47]) in a confining trap; however, often been pointed out to obey such exclusion, either because it is required for their topological definition or because their singular (for ideal anyons) magnetic interaction forces the 2This is also known as the mean-field approximation in the wave function to vanish on the diagonals, just like fermions literature, although it is useful to make a distinction between the do by means of antisymmetry (see also [58]). However, note names; cf. [16,45]. that such a notion of exclusion also applies to the hard-core

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Bose gas whose thermodynamic ground-state energy vanishes in the dilute limit (in analogy with the noninteracting gas) in ∗ two and higher dimensions [59–64]. V1 For anyons whose statistics is generated by a true many- V body interaction (or a very complicated geometry), a stronger 3 ⇒ notion of exclusion is required, and such a notion has been αAj developed in [42,43,46] in the form of an effective repulsive long-range pair interaction. Namely, recall that the effect xj j V V of the statistics is a change of phase of the anyonic wave 1 2 Jj function by eiαπ whenever two particles are interchanged via a simple continuous loop in configuration space, or a total FIG. 2. Illustration of a coloring of N = 12 particles with ν = 3 + phase (1 2p)απ whenever such an exchange loop at the colors into K = 4 clusters. Each colored edge corresponds to one unit same time encloses p other particles. On the other hand, −μ of pairwise angular momentum. Also shown is the contribution particles are also allowed to have pairwise relative angular to the magnetic potential αAj and the current Jj of particle j due V∗ momenta, and such momenta are by continuity restricted to solely to the cluster 1 . only change the phase by an even multiple of π.Oneway of viewing this condition (in the magnetic gauge picture) is in the many-anyon system. Although the effect is in some sense that the many-body wave function is modeled as a bosonic (or local and weighted only linearly in the number of particles (in fermionic) one and thus it needs to be antipodal-symmetric contrast to a usual pair-interaction term in the Hamiltonian), (antisymmetric) with respect to the relative coordinate, hence it is still of long-range type and sufficiently strong to produce π-periodic (antiperiodic) in the relative angle. Another way to a “degeneracy pressure” (represented concretely in the form see it (in the anyon gauge or geometric picture) is that the wave of Lieb-Thirring inequalities; cf. [43,68]) and consequently function is a section of a locally flat complex line bundle with nontrivial energy bounds in terms of α∗ for the ideal or dilute the topological continuity condition that its phase around such anyon gas, such as (3). We also stress that the method used to + a loop should jump by (1 2p)απ plus 2π times an arbitrary obtain the effective pair potential (7), which was introduced winding number. Assuming then that the relative momentum in [42] and developed to encompass more general situations − or winding is the even integer 2q if the particles are orbiting in [46], is well suited for numerical investigations of lower in a reversed (for α>0) direction in order to cancel as much bounds to the ground-state energy. of the magnetic or topological phase as possible, we arrive + − at a total phase (2p 1)α 2q times π per exchange for IV. CONSTRUCTING ANYONIC TRIAL STATES the particle pair. In the kinetic energy, any nonzero remainder phase of this sort gives rise to a centrifugal-barrier repulsion In order to match the available lower bounds for E0(N) from above, it was in [43] suggested to study variational trial 1 α2 α2 V (r) =|(2p + 1)α − 2q|2  N  ∗ , (7) states of the form stat r2 r2 r2 = ∈ 2 2N where r denotes the relative distance of the particle pair,  ψα Lsym(R ), and we have taken the infimum over all possibilities p ∈ ∈ 1 = {0,1,...,N − 2} and q ∈ Z to obtain the lower bounds in with Lloc,sym a locally integrable regularizing factor, N  = νK a suitable sequence of particle numbers, and, in the case of terms of αN α∗. In the case of α μ/ν being an arbitrary = ∈ reduced fraction with an odd numerator μ and a positive α being an even-numerator reduced fraction α μ/ν [0,1], ⎡ ⎤ denominator ν, it turns out using simple number theory ([42] ν N Prop. 5) that this phase mismatch can never be completely −α ⎣ μ⎦ ψα := |zjk| S (z¯jk) ϕ0(xl), (8) canceled, and in fact α∗ = 1/ν > 0. On the other hand, if μ = ∈E = is an even number it is evident that cancellation is possible j

012116-4 MANY-ANYON TRIAL STATES PHYSICAL REVIEW A 96, 012116 (2017) one-body Hamiltonian with exponent ν2α, 1 2 = − νμ Hˆ1 = (−i∇x + Aext(x)) + V (x), (10) fN (z) (ζp ζq ) . (13) 2m 1p

3The normalization factor here is chosen to simplify the identities kμ, ν = kν, and k  2. Note first that the necessary properties below. The number of terms in the symmetrized expression is of the states may not be valid for such fractions and indeed (νK)!/[ν!(K!)ν ]. there are certain assumptions on irreducibility in the context

012116-5 DOUGLAS LUNDHOLM PHYSICAL REVIEW A 96, 012116 (2017)

0 1


FIG. 3. Sequence of three particle configurations chosen to illustrate the properties of the trial states , here with α = 2/3, N = 12, and = r0=1.3 as defined in (17). We fix the positions of 11 particles in two three-clusters (dashed circles), two two-clusters (dash-dotted circles), and a single particle at three intermediate positions between the two-clusters (dotted circles). Then arg  (top row) and ||2 (bottom row; normalization chosen for illustration) are plotted as functions of the remaining particle position on the square [−10,10]2. One may note that each three-cluster binds two vortices, which produce the desired orbital angular momentum and also cancel the attraction from the cluster very effectively. The attraction is much stronger from a two-cluster than from a single particle, but entirely absent from three-clusters. of Jack polynomials [76], but let us proceed anyway with the less than the average interparticle distance, we can accept a discussion, aiming for a better understanding of the argument. phase mismatch and strong repulsion, to be controlled by , Within the class of even or odd states we expect that the size in analogy with, e.g., the hard-core Bose gas whose energy of clusters, i.e., the denominator ν respectively ν , dictates the vanishes logarithmically with low density in two dimensions energy of the regulator which therefore favors the irreducible [61,63]. In the case α = 2/3 it is natural that as the scale then case k = 1. Also note that we cannot shift from an even state increases a bit we first see exactly one enclosed anyon, p = 1, to an odd one by extending the fraction by k in this way, but of the ν = 3 cluster of which the particle pair is taken, and then one could certainly take k to be even and thereby shift an odd additional full clusters on the scale of the average interparticle state into an even one, and thus argue that the energy should distance (cf. [46], Fig. 3 and Fig. 4). Hence this allows for a then become lower (consider, for example, α = 2/6 instead full cancellation of the exchange phase over large scales in this of 1/3or,forα = 1, Cooper pairs instead of a single Slater particular state, thus reducing its overall statistical repulsion on determinant of fermions). To argue against this possibility we large regions of the configuration space. However, in general it need to study the pairwise structure of the states closer. seems that there needs to be a delicate balance between and First note that the pairwise relative angular momentum ψα in order to obtain such special probability distributions, and for any (shifted or not) even state ψα=μ /ν always comes in this remains the least understood aspect of these trial states at multiples of μ . The statistical repulsion (7) then always gives the moment (see also [77]). a positive energy unless for some p,q ∈{0,1,2,...} (1 + 2p)α = qμ ⇒ qν = 1 + 2p, V. IDEAL ANYONS IN A HARMONIC TRAP At this point one might worry about actually computing which requires ν to be odd, so that k = 1 (and ν is already (or at least bounding) the energy of the proposed trial states. odd if μ was even). We also note that if any ν-particle Fortunately, however, it turns out that ψ given in (8)for clusters happen to be enclosed in the two-anyon exchange α even-numerator α is an exact (but singular) eigenfunction of loops, they each contribute ν to p, that is 2να to the magnetic the harmonic-oscillator Hamiltonian Hˆ with (see [13,78–80]) phase, and at the same time a matching −2μ to the relative N momentum (one −μ for each of the anyons orbiting around the cluster). Furthermore, on a length scale such that a typical HˆN ψα = ω(N + deg ψα) ψα, (15) pair of particles has exactly one multiple of μ as orbital angular momentum, a full cancellation with the magnetic where the degree of the state is, by (11), phase demands p = (ν − 1)/2 (this is indeed an integer in the even-numerator case), i.e., about half of the particles of a N ν − 1 deg ψ =−α − L =−α N. cluster are enclosed. On the very smallest scales, i.e., much α 2 2


0 1


FIG. 4. Similar plot as in Fig, 3 with the same state . Now three three-clusters are fixed, one particle takes three different positions along the horizontal axis, while the relative coordinate of the remaining pair of particles is plotted on the square [−20,20]2 with the center of mass of the pair fixed at the origin. In relative coordinates the picture is antipodal symmetrized, and one may also note that on a circle with radius equal to the nearest three-cluster distance (dotted) the total phase circulation is 4π. In this way the probability of finding a third particle within an interparticle distance may possibly be increased without a significant cost in exclusion energy.

Being a singular eigenfunction means that the identity (15) nnk(j; A)]. However, as seen below, an ansatz closer to the holds wherever ψα is smooth, namely outside of the fat Bijl–Jastrow form diagonal of the configuration space BJ = f (|zjk|), (19) ´ :={x = (x1,...,xN ) j 0 to be optimized over, or the parameter- ω(N + deg ) ∼ ων K3/2 free (but less smooth) √ 3 √ N ν−1 √ 8 −1/2 3/2 8 3/2 = | |α = ν ωN = α∗ ωN , 0 zj nnk (j) , (18) 3 3 = = j 1 k 1 which matches both the average-field approximation (6)for where nnk(j) denotes the kth nearest neighbor of particle j α = α∗ and, for small α∗ and up to the value of the numerical [among particles of the set A ⊆{1,2,...,N} if instead writing constant, the improved rigorous lower bound (3) that was

012116-7 DOUGLAS LUNDHOLM PHYSICAL REVIEW A 96, 012116 (2017) ⎛ recently obtained by means of a Lieb-Thirring inequality [46] 1 as a consequence of the statistical repulsion (7). + ⎝ D  · (−i∇ )ψ dx 2m j j α Using the above observations, we then shift the problem j of estimating the ground-state energy E0(N) from above for ⎞ even-numerator fractions to concern only the energy of the ⎠ regulator . − (−i∇j )ψα · Dj dx , ∈ 1 2N = Proposition 1. Assume Hloc(R ; R) is such that  j ψ ∈ D N and (∇ )ψ ∈ L2(R2N ; CN ), where α is an even- α α α and by (15) it then remains to be proven that the last expression numerator fraction. Then ⎛ ⎞ is zero. Expanding the derivative and collecting the terms, 2 =| |2 ∈ N 2 and making another partial integration [now for ⎝ 1 2 mω 2 2⎠ ∞ 2N \ ,HˆN = |Dj | + |x| || dx Cc (R ´)], one finds that it equals 2N 2m 2 R j=1 i 2 2 | | ∇j · (Jj [ψα] + αAj |ψα| ) dx, 2m 2N 2 j R = ω(N + deg ψα) || dx R2N where J[u]:= i (u∇u¯ − u¯∇u). Finally we may use that ∇ · N 2 1 2 2 A = 0 and the eigenfunction equation (15) and its complex + |∇j | |ψα| dx. 2m 2N conjugate to show that R j=1 2 ∇j · (Jj [ψα] + αAj |ψα| ) = 0 Proof. By taking an appropriate approximating sequence 1 2N = 1 2N \ j in H (R ) H0 (R ´)(see[44], Lemma 3) we may ∈ ∞ 2N \ 2N \  assume without loss of generality that Cc (R ´) on R ´, which proves the proposition. (smooth with compact support outside ´). Then The energy in the state  thus depends solely on the corre- 2 lations of the weight |ψα| and its balance with the regulator = − ∇ + ∈ ∞ 2N \ Dj  ( i j )ψα Dj ψα Cc (R ´) , which is required to vanish sufficiently fast as particles come together. However, if these correlations effectively turn and out to decay faster than the average interparticle spacing then, in analogy with dilute hard-core bosons [61,63], there may 2 |Dj | dx = Dj  · (−i∇j )ψα dx be room for a smaller energy (note that should not have j j Dirichlet but rather Neumann-type boundary conditions at the interparticle scale). + Dj  · Dj ψα dx, j VI. R-EXTENDED ANYON GAS where, using that αAj is real and a partial integration, That exact eigenstates for the many-anyon problem can be found at all is far from trivial, and the reason for it to hold for the above states is that they satisfy a remarkable simplifying D  · D ψ dx j j α identity. Here we shall consider this identity in detail and greater generality, in the context of the extended anyon gas. = i∇j  · Dj ψα dx + αAj  · Dj ψα dx By an “R-extended anyon” we mean that we have replaced the singular Aharonov-Bohm flux on each anyon by a uniform field on a disk of finite radius R>0. In other words, we replace = − ∇ · ( i j ) Dj ψα dx (2)by(cf.[30,45,46,52,81,82]) (x − x )⊥ + − ∇ · + · A (x):= k , |x| := max{|x|,R}, (21)  ( i j Dj ψα) dx  αAj Dj ψα dx j | − |2 R = x xk R k j =− − ∇ · − − ∇ so that ( i j )ψα (Dj  ( i j )ψα) dx 1 (x) R→0 curl αA (x) = 2πα D(xk ,R) −−→ 2πα δ (x), j πR2 xk k=j k=j +  Dj · Dj ψα dx. where 1D(y,R) denotes the indicator function on a disk of Hence radius R centered at y. Note that this form for the magnetic ⎛ ⎞ interaction is actually the natural one from the perspective of 2 emergent anyons [30], for which the size R is implied by the ⎝ 1 2 mω 2 2⎠ |Dj | + |x| || dx experimental conditions. There is also a natural dimensionless 2m 2 j parameter in the problem given by the ratio of the size of the magnetic flux to the average interparticle distance, 1 =  Hˆ ψ dx + |∇ |2|ψ |2 dx γ¯ := R¯ 1/2. This has been called the “magnetic filling ratio” N α 2m j α j in [46,52,83].


e e α =3 α =1 ∗ α =2

α =1

α =2/3 α∗ =1/3 α =1/3 α∗ =0

γ¯ γ¯

FIG. 5. Dependence on the densityγ ¯ of the lower bound e(α,γ¯) for the ground-state energy of the extended anyon gas for some values of α, with constants and scales chosen for illustrative purposes as explained in [46].

Based on the long-range local exclusion principle (7) and with further short-range magnetic bounds that arise only in this ∇ = −1 = | |2 extended context, it was shown rigorously in [46] that a wR(x) (x)R : x/ x R homogeneous gas of such R-extended anyons satisfies in the and thermodynamic limit (on a box of side length L →∞and 2 N N with fixed average density ¯ = N/L ) a universal bound for 1D(0,R) 4 W (x) := w (x − x ) = 2π (x − x ). the energy per particle of the form R R j k πR2 j k j,k=1 j,k=1 E (N) ¯ j=k j=k lim inf 0  Ce(α,γ¯) , (22) N,L →∞ N 2m We then have the following property, which is essentially a N/L2 = ¯ result concerning of the corresponding Pauli where C is a positive universal constant and (dimensionless; operator. It has been discussed in that context in [73,81]; see Fig. 5) however, we will here supply a different proof. ∓α w (x −x ) Proposition 2. Let ±(x) = e jR, k=j w (x):= R ln R + 1 (|x|2/R2 − 1), |x|  R, 2 Furthermore,   ∓α wR (xi −xk ) ∓α wR (xi −xk ) Dj · Dj ± = [(Dj e i

012116-9 DOUGLAS LUNDHOLM PHYSICAL REVIEW A 96, 012116 (2017) =± ∇ · − −1 ∓ energy of a system of N Abelian anyons with even-numerator α j (xj xk)R (1 iI)± k=j rational statistics parameter to the study of the N dependence of the quantity =±α wR(xj − xk)±,    N |∇ |2 + | |2 | |2 k=j 2N = j αWR ψα dx R j 1 , | |2| |2 where the fundamental simplifying identity used is that for any R2N ψα dx x,y ∈ C2, which is essentially the energy of a repulsive 2D Bose gas 2 x(1 ± iI) · y(1 ± iI) = 0, described by but weighted by |ψα| . One could try to since I 2 =−1 and xI · yI = x · y.Wehavealsoused∇ · estimate this using the techniques of Dingle, Jastrow, and ⊥ ∇I = ∇ · ∇ = 0, and that for z± = x ± iy and f : C → C Dyson (see [60,64] and references therein). Alternatively, analytic Monte Carlo methods could prove useful in this formulation. In any case, since the weight |ψ |2 is designed so as to ∇ = ± = ± α (f (z±)) f (z±)(e1 ie2) f (z±)e1(1 iI), cancel any long-range correlations by means of its clustering and f = 0.  properties, and since the energy of a dilute 2D Bose gas is In the R-extended case we therefore take as our trial states logarithmically small [61,63], the discussed approach indeed looks very promising. Also, if the anyons are not completely  = ψα with the Jastrow factor in (8) and (9) replaced by −α w (x −x ) free but an additional attraction is added then it seems rather e jR, Abelian anyons, then they could possibly also explain from αwR (x) = e −α α (1−|x|2/R2) R e 2 , |x|  R. a more fundamental perspective the occurrence of such clustering states in the FQHE (cf. [15], pp. 239–240, and note However, in order to obtain the correct balance for a low total that the usual Read-Rezayi states are supposed to be built of energy, and to take the appropriate limits, we expect that an clusters of k anyons with α = 2/k in a zero magnetic field). additional regulator is still necessary. In particular, in the dilute Furthermore, the elementary excitations of such an Abelian = 1/2 → limitγ ¯ R¯ 0 the Jastrow factor describes an attraction anyon condensed ground state may, according to well-known which needs to be turned into a short-range repulsion, as properties of clustering states, in turn be non-Abelian anyons. illustrated by the below reformulation of the energy in terms Note added. The author has in very recent unpublished work of . The proof is almost identical to that of Proposition 1, with R. Seiringer proved that the ground-state energy of the where the use of the identity (15) is replaced by Proposition 2. ideal anyon gas satisfies upper and lower bounds in terms of ∈ 1 N = Proposition 3. Assume H0 (QL ; R) is such that  α , i.e., linear in α, up to a constant which is weaker than ψ ∈ D N and (∇ )ψ ∈ L2(QN ), where α ∈ [0,1] is an 2 α α α L that in previous bounds in terms of α∗ such as (3) and (22). even-numerator fraction. Then However, the arguments discussed here for the proposed trial N states and the conclusions of this paper suggest that these states 2 2m,Tˆα= |Dj | dx may actually be closer to the true ground states of the problem, QN L j=1 and that the exact energy could be lower for even-numerator ⎛ ⎞ α than for odd numerators. Furthermore, in the scale-free N ⎝ 2 2⎠ 2 ideal case the clustering behavior seems to be balanced by = |∇j | + αWR| | |ψα| dx. N the energy cost of localization of the uncertainty principle, QL = j 1 but this may well change with the addition of an attractive In the dilute limit, in which the scattering length of the interaction. soft-disk potential αWR becomes relatively small, this again seems to be able to produce a low energy for even-numerator ACKNOWLEDGMENTS states. Also, for odd-numerator states, naively estimating the energy of  in terms of that of the one-body states ϕk of the The idea for using the clustering states (8) and (9)for Slater determinants in (9) yields the tentative bound the many-anyon problem came during a postdoctoral stay at IHÉS as part of an EPDI fellowship and, upon coming  2 2 ∼ 2mE0(N) ν 2πK /L 2πα∗N,¯ across the paper in [71], I found out about their intriguing which again matches the available lower bounds. Note also connection to the Moore-Read and Read-Rezayi states of the that the repulsive pair potential αWR that emerged above FQHE. I am especially grateful to Jan Philip Solovej for fruitful matches in the dilute limit the point interaction conventionally discussions and collaboration on this topic, and for initiating introduced to regularize ideal anyons [84]. our mathematical study of anyons in the first place during my postdoc in Copenhagen. The plots of Figs. 3–5 were produced in collaboration with Simon Larson. I also thank VII. CONCLUSIONS Michele Correggi, Phan Thành Nam, Fabian Portmann, and With the ansatz given by the discussed trial states, we have Nicolas Rougerie for valuable discussions and collaborations reduced the difficult problem of bounding the ground-state on closely related subjects, as well as Eddy Ardonne, Hans


Hansson, Thierry Jolicoeur, Stéphane Ouvry, Raoul San- the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Grant No. KAW tachiara, Robert Seiringer, and Andrea Trombettoni for useful 2010.0063, and the Swedish Research Council, Grant No. references, comments, and discussions. Financial support from 2013-4734, is gratefully acknowledged.

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