
Anyonic two- statistics with a semiconductor chip

S. Francesconi,1 A. Raymond,1 N. Fabre,1, 2 A. Lemaˆıtre,3 M. I. Amanti,1 P. Milman,1 F. Baboux,1, ∗ and S. Ducci1 1Laboratoire Mat´eriauxet Ph´enom`enesQuantiques, Universit´ede Paris, CNRS-UMR 7162, Paris 75013, France 2Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, ul. Banacha 2c, 02-097 Warszawa, Poland 3Universit´eParis-Saclay, CNRS, Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, 91120, Palaiseau, France (Dated: July 1, 2021) , displaying a fractional exchange statistics intermediate between and , play a central role in the fractional quantum Hall effect and various lattice models, and have been proposed for topological schemes due to their resilience to noise. Here we use parametric down-conversion in an integrated semiconductor chip to generate biphoton states simulating anyonic statistics, in a reconfigurable manner. Our scheme exploits the frequency entanglement of the photon pairs, which is directly controlled through the spatial shaping of the pump beam. These results, demonstrated at room and telecom wavelength on a chip-integrated platform, pave the way to the practical implementation of quantum simulation tasks with tailored .

Anyons, living in 2D or 1D with frac- able asset in view of scalable applications in quantum tional statistics [1,2], have stimulated strong research information. efforts over the past decades. This interest initiated Here, we exploit spontaneous parametric down con- with the theoretical prediction that anyons occur as ele- version (SPDC) in a semiconductor AlGaAs microcavity mentary excitations in the fractional quantum Hall effect under transverse pumping [20–22] to engineer the ex- [3,4], in 2D gases submitted to a strong perpen- change statistics of photon pairs directly at the genera- dicular magnetic field. However, a direct observation of tion stage, without post-manipulation. Our scheme ex- fractional statistics in these systems, in particular us- ploits the frequency entanglement of the photon pairs, ing single-particle interferometers [5,6], has long proven which is directly controlled through the spatial shaping challenging, until the recent experimental demonstration of the pump beam. Applying a phase step profile to a of two-particle interference provides definitive evidence Gaussian pump beam allows to tune the symmetry of of anyonic statistics [7]. the spectral wavefunction, so as to mimic any exchange In parallel, anyons have been spotted as promising statistics interpolating between bosonic and fermionic candidates to implement topological quantum comput- behaviors in two-photon interference; we exemplify this ing and error correction tasks [8], due to their predicted technique by simulating π/2 anyons. This constitutes to robustness to noise. Among the variety of proposed our knowledge the first demonstration of an integrated schemes, models based on lattices of localized spins, as source of photon pairs with anyonic statistics. exemplified by the Kitaev [9], have attracted great attention. Indeed, it has been shown that the ob- servation of anyonic excitations in the toric code does not THEORY necessitate a demanding ground-state cooling, but could also be obtained by generating dynamically the ground A schematics of our semiconductor integrated source state and the excitations [10]. Using this scheme, the of pairs is shown in Fig.1a, and a SEM im- fractional statistics of anyons and the topological path- age in Fig.1b. The source is a Bragg ridge microcavity arXiv:2106.16045v1 [quant-ph] 30 Jun 2021 independence of braiding have been experimen- made of a stack of AlGaAs layers with alternating alu- tally demonstrated using photons [11–13], cold in minum concentrations [21–23]. It is based on a trans- optical lattices [14] and superconducting circuits [15]. verse pump configuration, where a pulsed laser beam impinging on top of the waveguide (with incidence angle The peculiar exchange statistics of anyons can also θ) generates pairs of counterpropagating and orthogo- be simulated through the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect (two- nally polarized photons (signal and idler) through SPDC particle interference) [16] of entangled photons. This has [22, 24]. Two nonlinear interactions can occur in the de- been demonstrated by implementing quantum walks in vice [22]; we consider here the one that generates a TE- arrays of beamsplitters [17] or parallel waveguides [18], polarized signal photon (propagating along z > 0, see and by monitoring the propagation of spatial quantum Fig.1a) and a TM-polarized idler photon (propagating correlations in scattering media [19]. In all cases, these along z < 0). The corresponding two-photon state reads experiments rely on an external bulk source of photon |ψi = RR dω dω φ(ω , ω )ˆa†(ω )ˆa†(ω ) |0, 0i , where the pairs, which are then fed into a passive optical circuitry. s i s i s s i i s,i † By contrast, an integrated and reconfigurable source of operatora ˆs(i)(ω) creates a signal (idler) photon of fre- entangled states with anyonic statistics would be a valu- quency ω. The joint spectral amplitude (JSA) φ(ωs, ωi) 2

FIG. 1. (a) Schematics and (b) SEM image of an AlGaAs ridge microcavity generating frequency-entangled photon pairs by SPDC in a transverse pump configuration. (c)-(e) Sketch of the experiment, showing the pump shaping stage (c), the fiber spectrograph (d) and the Hong-Ou-Mandel (e) setups. Abbreviations: SLM=spatial light modulator, WFA=wavefront analyzer, BS=beam splitter, FPC=fibered polarization controller, P=polarizer, HWP=half-wave plate, F=frequency filter, DCF=dispersion compensating fiber, SNSPD=superconducting nanowire single photon detector, TDC=time-to-digital con- verter. is the probability amplitude to measure a signal pho- tailored such that: ton at frequency ωs and an idler photon at frequency ±iαπ ωi. Neglecting group velocity dispersion and consider- φ(ωs, ωi) = e φ(ωi, ωs) (2) ing a narrow pump bandwidth (which is justified in our experimental conditions), the JSA can be expressed as The case α = 0 corresponds to bosons, α = 1 to fermions, φ(ωs, ωi) = φspectral(ω+) φPM(ω−), where we have intro- while intermediate values of α define anyons. In the duced ω± = ωs ± ωi [25, 26]. The function φspectral, latter case, the wavefunction acquires a phase (different which reflects the condition of energy conservation, is from π or 2π) upon particle exchange, and the sign of given by the spectrum of the pump beam, while the func- this phase depends on the directionality of the exchange, tion φPM, which reflects the phase-matching condition, which is a peculiarity of anyons. Consequently, exchang- is controlled by the spatial properties of the pump beam: ing anyons twice successively (an operation called braid- ing) does not lead back to the original wavefunction; ±i2απ Z L/2 rather, the wavefunction acquires a phase e in this −i(kdeg+ω−/vg)z φPM(ω−) = dz Ap(z)e (1) process. In a general manner, the number of exchange −L/2 operations applied to a two-anyon wavefunction can be ”counted” by the phase it acquires. Additionally, ex- Here, Ap(z) is the pump amplitude profile along the changing anyonic particles is equivalent to complex con- waveguide direction, L is the waveguide length, vg is jugation of the wavefunction [28–30], meaning that in the harmonic mean of the group velocities of the SPDC ∗ our case the JSA must verify φ(ωs, ωi) = φ(ωi, ωs) . photon modes and k = ω sin(θ )/c, with ω the deg p deg p Since the spectral term φspectral only depends on the pump central frequency, c the velocity of light and frequency sum ω+ = ωs +ωi, it is not affected by particle θdeg the pump incidence angle that generates frequency- exchange, therefore Eq. (2) reduces to a condition on the degenerate photons. The direct relationship expressed ±iαπ phase-matching function: φPM(ω−) = e φPM(−ω−). by Eq. (1) between the spatial profile ot the pump beam We choose a suitable phase-matching function by anal- and the phase-matching of the SPDC process is a specific ogy with the wavefunction describing the relative motion asset of the transverse pumping scheme, which offers a of two anyons placed in a harmonic potential [31], since high versatility for the generation of frequency-entangled this situation yields Gaussian-like wavefunctions in close photonic states [21, 25, 27]. homology with the Gaussian frequency-time wavepack- Let us now show how we can exploit this versatility ets naturally generated by SPDC. Translated into the to simulate the exchange statistics of anyons. We here frequency degree of freedom, the simplest choice of suit- concentrate on frequency-entangled photons, and show able phase-matching function is: that they can behave in a HOM experiment exactly as anyons would, upon a proper engineering of the JSA (see 2 2 α −ω−/2β Supporting Information). To this aim, the JSA must be φPM(ω−) ∝ ω−e (3) 3

α ±iπ α α since (−ω−) = (e ) (ω−) . Here, β is a parameter length L. The resulting pump spatial profile is plotted controlling the width of the phase-matching condition. in Fig.2b (modulus in blue, phase in red): it consists This choice for φPM is well adapted to our experimental of two uneven lobes, shifted from the waveguide center situation since, when pumping the ridge cavity with a (z = 0) and with a relative π phase offset. Gaussian pump spot with flat phase profile, the resulting To reveal the symmetry of the entangled biphoton phase-matching function is purely Gaussian (i.e. α = 0) state encoded by the phase-matching function φPM, with a width β = vg/wz, where wz is the waist [22, 25]. we resort to Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interferometry. In the following, we focus on the simulation of anyonic When two photons are delayed by a time τ and sent in particles with α = 1/2, i.e. acquiring a π/2 phase shift the two input ports of a beamsplitter, they can either exit upon exchange, as occurs e.g. in the fractional quantum the beamsplitter through the same output port (bunch- Hall effect at 1/2 filling factor [3,4]. We target the im- ing) or through opposite ports (antibunching), with two plementation of the following phase-matching function: possibilities for each case. For independent and indistin- guishable photons, antibunching probability amplitudes ( iπ/4p −ω2 /2β2 Ce |ω−|e − if ω− ≥ 0 cancel each other at τ = 0; this leaves only bunching φPM(ω−) = −iπ/4p −ω2 /2β2 (4) Ce |ω−|e − if ω− < 0 events, giving rise to the traditional HOM dip in the coincidence probability P between the two beamsplit- where C is a real-valued normalization constant. ter outputs, typical of bosonic statistics (α = 0 in Eq. Note that this function verifies indeed φPM(ω−) = (2)). For an entangled biphoton state, by contrast, the ±iπ/2 e φPM(−ω−) (where the sign of the phase depends interference between the probability amplitudes associ- on the directionality of the exchange, which corresponds ated to the four possible events can give rise to any value here to increasing or decreasing ω−) and φPM(ω−) = for the coincidence probability at zero delay, depending ∗ φPM(−ω−) . on the biphoton wavefunction [32–34]. For instance, an entangled state antisymmetric with respect to particle (a) Phase Matching (b) Pump Profile exchange (α = 1) will give rise to a perfect coincidence 1 1 2 0.5 peak (P (τ = 0) = 1), as would be the case for inde- pendent fermions, while an entangled state with anyonic unit) unit) symmetry (0 < α < 1) will produce a result intermediate 0.5 0 0.5 1 between that of bosons and fermions. Phase ( -0.5 Phase ( Quantitatively, the HOM coincidence probability for Amplitude (a.u.) Amplitude (a.u.) 0 0 0 frequency-entangled photons described by a phase- -1 0 1 -2 0 2 matching function φPM can be calculated as: (nm) z (mm) - R ∗ −iω τ ! (c) HOM 1 Re dω φ (ω )φ (−ω )e − 1 P (τ) = 1 − − PM − PM − R 2 2 dω− |φPM(ω−)| (5) 0.5 Fig.2c reports the HOM interferogram calculated for the targeted anyons with α = 1/2. It shows a coinci- dence probability of 1/2 at zero delay, a peak at nega- 0 tive delay and a dip at positive delay, and it is point- Coincidence probability -40 -20 0 20 40 symmetric with respect to (τ = 0,P = 1/2). These Delay (ps) properties can be analytically retrieved by injecting the anyonic relationship φ (ω ) = e±iαπφ (−ω ) into FIG. 2. (a) Phase-matching function and (b) pump beam PM − PM − spatial profile (modulus in blue, phase in red) to simulate Eq. (5), leading to P (τ = 0) = (1 − cos(απ))/2 and R ∞ 2 α = 1/2 anyonic statistics with frequency-entangled bipho- P (τ) − 1/2 ∝ 0 dω−|φPM(ω−)| cos(ω−τ + απ), which tons. (c) Corresponding simulated Hong-Ou-Mandel inter- is an odd function of τ when α = 1/2. ferogram. The pump beam spatial profile (Fig.2b) needed to generate such biphoton state with anyonic statistics can Fig.2a shows a plot (in the wavelength space) of the be obtained using spatial light modulators (SLM). How- phase-matching function of Eq. (4) (modulus in blue, ever, this requires a non-trivial control over both the phase in red), with β given by the parameters of our intensity and phase of the beam. Here we will imple- experiments presented in the following. This function ment an easier situation, by using a single phase-only consists of two symmetric lobes with a relative π/2 phase SLM. We use a pump beam having a Gaussian inten- difference between them. The pump beam spatial profile sity profile shifted from the waveguide center, and with Ap(z) needed to generate such phase-matching function a π phase step applied at z = 0: numerical simulations can be retrieved by inverse Fourier Transform of Eq. (1), (see Supporting Information) show that this pump spot ik z R iω−z/vg Ap(z) ∝ e deg dω− e φPM(ω−), which is valid produces a good approximation of the anyonic phase- if the pump beam size is narrower than the waveguide matching function of Fig.2a, and thus a very similar 4

HOM interferogram. (a) (b)


The experimental setup is sketched in Fig.1c. The AlGaAs device (waveguide length L = 1.9 mm, width 6 µm and height 7 µm) is pumped with a pulsed Ti:Sa laser of central wavelength λp ' 773 nm, pulse duration ' 4.5 ps, repetition rate 76 MHz and average power 50 mW on FIG. 3. (a) Measured and (b) simulated joint spectral in- the sample. The pump beam is shaped with a reflective tensity of the generated biphoton state mimicking α = 1/2 phase-only SLM in a 4f configuration, and analyzed with anyons. a Wavefront Analyser (WFA) to check the quality of the shaping. A cylindrical lens focuses the beam on the top of the waveguide, and the generated SPDC photons are overlap between experiment and theory is 96.5 %. collected with two microscope objectives and collimated Another implementation of α = 1/2 anyonic state can into single-mode telecom optical fibers. be obtained by using a pump spot profile symmetric to ◦ We set the pump incidence angle to θdeg ∼ 0.5 to pro- the previous one with respect to the waveguide center, duce frequency-degenerate photons [25] and we pump the i.e. with maximum intensity shifted by +0.4 mm instead source with the aforementioned spatial profile, a Gaus- of −0.4 mm. This corresponds to the other possible im- sian spot of waist 1 mm, shifted from the waveguide plementation of α = 1/2 anyons, with interchanged def- center by 0.4 mm and with a π phase step at the cen- initions for the sectors ω− > 0 and ω− < 0 in Eq. (4). ter of the waveguide (z = 0). We first characterize the The corresponding HOM interferogram is shown in Fig. emitted by measuring the Joint Spectral 4b: it is mirror-symmetric to the interferogram of4a, Intensity (JSI), that is the modulus squared of the JSA. with a coincidence dip at negative delay and a peak at For this we employ a fiber spectrograph [35] (see Fig. positive delay. Again, good agreement is found with the 1d), where signal and idler are separately sent into a theoretical inteferogram (solid lines) without adjustable spool of highly dispersive fiber. This converts the fre- parameter (overlap 97 %). quency information into a time-of-arrival information, 500 500 which is recorded using superconducting nanowire single (a) (b) photon detectors (SNSPD, of detection efficiency 80%) 400 400 connected to a time-to-digital converter (TDC). Fig.3a 300 300 reports the resulting measurement of the JSI. It shows 200 200 two lobes of comparable intensity along the antidiago- 100 100 nal direction (corresponding to ω−), in accordance with Coincidences (/s) Coincidences Coincidences (/s) Coincidences the analytically calculated phase-matching function of 0 0 anyonic-like biphotons (Fig.2a). The experimental JSI -40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40 is also well reproduced by a full numerical simulation Delay (ps) Delay (ps) (Fig.3b) taking into account our experimental parame- FIG. 4. Measured (points) and simulated (lines) Hong- ters (including the waveguide modal birefringence and Ou-Mandel interferograms for a frequency-entangled bipho- chromatic dispersion) without adjustment, confirming ton state with α = 1/2 anyonic exchange statistics, for a the accurate tailoring of the joint spectrum through the pump spot with maximum intensity shifted at z < 0 (a) and pump spot profile. The generation rate of these quantum z > 0 (b) along the waveguide direction. Experimental data states is of ' 107 pairs/s at the chip output. show raw (uncorrected) counts. We now perform two-photon interference in a HOM setup to reveal the underlying exchange statistics of the generated quantum state. As sketched in Fig.1e, the polarization of the signal photon is rotated to align it DISCUSSION with that of the idler, the signal photon then enters a fibered delay line and is recombined with the idler pho- These results demonstrate the on-chip generation of ton in a fibered 50/50 beamsplitter. Coincidence counts biphoton states with anyonic exchange statistics, in a re- between the two output ports are recorded while varying configurable manner. This is a key asset of our approach the delay τ in the interferometer. 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Supporting Information

Equivalence between HOM interference of anyons and entangled bosons

This section demonstrates that the Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interference of anyons can be simulated with entangled bosons, upon a proper engineering of their quantum correlations.

In the HOM experiment, the wavefunction of two particles of joint spectral amplitude φ(ωs, ωi) impinging on the beamsplitter (of respective spatial modes a and b) with a delay τ, can be written as: ZZ iωsτ † ˆ† |ψ(τ)i = dωsdωiφ(ωs, ωi)e aˆ (ωs)b (ωi) |0, 0i (S1)

After the (balanced and lossless) beamsplitter and post-selecting only the coincidence events, we obtain: 1 ZZ |ψ(τ)i = dω dω φ(ω , ω )eiωsτ (ˆa†(ω )ˆb†(ω ) − ˆb†(ω )ˆa†(ω )) |0, 0i (S2) 2 s i s i s i s i The commutation relation of the operators depend on the particle statistics; they read, for bosons and anyons respectively: ˆ† † † ˆ† b (ωs)ˆa (ωi) =a ˆ (ωi)b (ωs) (S3) ˆ† † † ˆ† b (ωs)ˆa (ωi) = A(ωi, ωs)ˆa (ωi)b (ωs) (S4) ∗ where the function A verifies A(ωi, ωs) = A(ωs, ωi) and |A| = 1; in the article we considered A(ωs, ωi) = iα π sign(ω −ω ) e 2 s i .

The wavefunctions for the bosonic case (|ψ(τ)iB, of joint spectrum φB) and the anyonic case (|ψ(τ)iA, of joint spectrum φA) become, after performing a change of variable in the second term: 1 ZZ |ψ(τ)i = dω dω (φ (ω , ω )eiωsτ − φ (ω , ω )eiωiτ )ˆa†(ω )ˆb†(ω ) |0, 0i (S5) B 2 s i B s i B i s s i 1 ZZ |ψ(τ)i = dω dω (φ (ω , ω )eiωsτ − φ (ω , ω )A(ω , ω )eiωiτ )ˆa†(ω )ˆb†(ω ) |0, 0i (S6) A 2 s i A s i A i s i s s i RR 2 The HOM coincidence probability P (τ) can then be calculated as P (τ) = |hωs, ωi|ψ(τ)i| dωsdωi, yielding, for the bosonic and anyonic cases respectively: 1  ZZ  P (τ) = 1 − Re dω dω φ (ω , ω )φ∗ (ω , ω )ei(ωs−ωi)τ (S7) B 2 s i B s i B i s 1  ZZ  P (τ) = 1 − Re dω dω φ (ω , ω )φ∗ (ω , ω )A∗(ω , ω )ei(ωs−ωi)τ (S8) A 2 s i A s i A i s i s where Re denotes the real part. Let us now assume that the joint spectral amplitude of the bosons φB is related to that of the anyons φA by p φB(ωs, ωi) = A(ωs, ωi)φA(ωs, ωi). Assuming that φA is symmetric under exchange (φA(ωi, ωs) = φA(ωs, ωi)), ∗ and given the properties of A we find that φB verifies φB(ωi, ωs) = φB(ωs, ωi) = A(ωi, ωs)φB(ωs, ωi). Using these ∗ ∗ 2 properties, in Eq. (S7) we have φB(ωs, ωi)φB(ωi, ωs) = φB(ωs, ωi)φB(ωs, ωi)A(ωs, ωi) = |φB(ωs, ωi)| A(ωs, ωi) ∗ ∗ 2 Similarly, in Eq. (S8) we have φA(ωs, ωi)φA(ωi, ωs)A (ωi, ωs) = |φA(ωs, ωi)| A(ωs, ωi). Since |A| = 1, |φB| = |φA| and the two expressions of the coincidence probability are identical. Therefore, the√ HOM interference of anyons with symmetric√ spectrum φA can be simulated using bosons with spectrum φB = A φA. In the case of bosons, the term A in the spectrum mimicks the effect of fractional exchange statistics, which in the case of anyons is directly encoded in the operators algebra (Eq. (S4)).

Calculation of HOM interferogram using the experimental pump spot profile

Figure S1 shows the phase-matching function (a) and corresponding HOM interferogram (b) calculated for the pump spot profile experimentally implemented in the article, i.e. a Gaussian spot of waist 1 mm, shifted from the waveguide center by 0.4 mm and with a π phase step at the center of the waveguide. Similarly to the ideal case (Fig. 2a of the article) the phase-matching function shows two symmetric lobes, with a close to π/2 phase step between them. The corresponding HOM interferogram is also close to the ideal one (Fig.2c of the article), albeit with a slight deviation near τ = −20 ps (consistently with the experimental data shown in Fig.4 of the article). 8

Phase-matching HOM (a) 0.5 (b) 1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 unit) 0.6 0 0.4 0.4 Phase ( Amplitude (a.u.) Amplitude 0.2 0.2 Coincidence Probability Coincidence 0 -0.5 0 -1 0 1 -40 -20 0 20 40 (nm) Delay (ps) -

FIG. S1. (a) Calculated phase-matching function and (b) corresponding HOM inteferogram for the pump spot profile experimentally implemented in the article to simulate α = 1/2 anyons.