
Anyon condensation and its applications

F. J. Burnell1 1School of and Astronomy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA (Dated: June 16, 2017) Bose condensation is central to our understanding of quantum phases of . Here we review Bose condensation in topologically ordered phases (also called topological symmetry breaking), where the condensing have non-trivial mutual statistics with other in the system. We give a non-technical overview of the relationship between the phases before and after condensation, drawing parallels with more familiar symmetry-breaking transitions. We then review two important applications of this phenomenon. First, we describe the equivalence between such condensation transitions and pairs of phases with gappable boundaries, as well as examples where multiple types of gapped boundary between the same two phases exist. Second, we discuss how such transitions can lead to global symmetries which exchange or permute anyon types. Finally we discuss the nature of the critical point, which can be mapped to a conventional phase transition in some – but not all – cases.

I. INTRODUCTION The study of transitions in which non-local objects condense dates back to Kosterlitz and Thouless,4,5 who One of the richest and longest-lived questions in theo- described how vortices in a 2D superfluid proliferate at retical has been to understand finite and destroy the quasi-long ranged su- different phases of matter. Recent progress on these ques- perfluid order. However, these vortices are quite different tions has focussed primarily on phases “beyond Landau”, from anyons: they are non-local in the sense that they meaning those which cannot be distinguished by a local disturb the superfluid everywhere in space, leading to order parameter. These new families of phases require a a vortex energy cost that grows at least logarithmically re-thinking of much of the machinery developed by Lan- with the system size. Anyons, in contrast, have a finite dau and others, which relies on a local order parameter energy, but are non-local due to their long-ranged statis- not only to distinguish phases, but also to describe phase tical interactions. This is much more like the situation diagrams and phase transitions of interacting many-body in a 2D superconductor, where the vortices are (ener- systems. What is the analogue of this framework when getically speaking) point defects, because the gauge field a local order parameter is absent? screens the kinetic energy cost of the superflow, but have long-ranged statistical interactions with the Bogoliubov- This question is particularly interesting for topologi- de Gennes quasiparticles.6 Thus vortex proliferation in a cally ordered systems,1,2 which are intrinsically strongly 2D superconductor can be viewed as a process in which interacting. In 2 (which will be our focus anyons (the vortices)7 condense, destroying the supercon- here), is characterized by point-like ducting phase. Unlike an ordinary Bose condensate, this quasiparticles known as anyons that interact through vortex condensate does not break any global symmetry; self- and mutual- (possibly non-abelian) Aharanov-Bohm consequently it does not lead to Goldstone modes but phases.3 How does this topological order dictate which rather to a gapped phase with trivial topological order. other phases may be attained via a direct (and possibly This is a general feature of anyon condensation transi- continuous) phase transition? tions: they relate two incompressible phases with distinct In a conventional ordering transition, the order pa- topological orders. rameter results from condensing a bosonic excitation– for example, the ordering of a magnet can be viewed as The idea that vortex proliferation can be used to relate the Bose condensation of spinons. Similarly, one way different topological orders was pursued by a number of 8–12 to approach the phase structure of topologically ordered authors, who showed that it can also occur in systems systems is to study the possible ways in which anyons where the vortices are not bosons; this allows a system- can condense. Such anyon condensation is fundamen- atic description of the hierarchy of fractional quantum Hall states13–16 in terms of cascades of anyon condensa- arXiv:1706.04940v1 [cond-mat.str-el] 15 Jun 2017 tally different from the Bose condensation that describes a conventional magnet or superfluid: though an anyon tion transitions. More recently, this idea has also been can be a in the sense that the phase of the wave applied to study the possible surface states of interacting 17–19 function is not affected by exchanging it with another topological insulators, which can also be topologi- anyon of the same type, by definition there must be at cally ordered. These approaches illustrate the fact that least one other anyon type in the system with which it has anyon condensation can lead to a rich phenomenology a non-trivial exchange phase. Consequently it always has relating different topological orders. long-ranged statistical Aharanov-Bohm type interactions A general framework to describe how anyon conden- with one or more other quasiparticles, and can never be sation connects different topological orders would clearly a local boson. Thus no local order parameter is produced reveal interesting structure in the phase space of topo- by condensing such objects. logically ordered systems. However, the field-theoretic 2 techniques used in the fractional quantum Hall hierarchy ogoue of understanding how condensing (local) bosons, states are understood only for a limited (abelian) class of which generates a local order parameter, affects a sys- models. Indeed, for processes in which arbitrary anyons tem’s unbroken symmetries. In the latter case Bose con- condense, no fully general prescription is known. How- densation reduces the symmetry group to a (possibly ever, when the condensing anyons are bosons, it is pos- trivial) subgroup. Here we review how TSB describes sible to systematically describe the relationship between an analogous reduction in the topological order resulting the condensed and uncondensed topological orders.20–37 from condensing non-local bosons. This description requires knowledge only of the initial The term “topological symmetry breaking” is some- topological order and the anyon(s) to condense, rather what misleading: in general we will not be able to iden- than full field theoretic description of the transition. This tify a symmetry of the uncondensed phase that is bro- is sufficient to understand the gapped phases related by ken by the condensate. The transitions always connect anyon condensation, much as for conventional symmetry- gapped phases, and never produce Goldstone modes. breaking transitions, the symmetry of the broken phase Rather, the name refers to numerous similarites with the is fully determined by the unbroken symmetry group and Anderson-Higgs mechanism, in which a gauge symme- the order parameter. To distinguish this framework from try is effectively reduced by a Bose condensate. Indeed the more general situation where we could contemplate for discrete gauge groups, where Yang-Mills theory de- condensing non-bosonic anyons, we refer to it as topolog- scribes a fully gapped topologically ordered phase,92 the ical symmetry breaking (TSB).26–28,38 Anderson-Higgs mechanism is equivalent to TSB. For The mathematics of TSB is far from new: it was first more general topological orders the phenomenology re- developed in 2D conformal field theory,20–25,39–41. (For mains very similar, as we shall see. a review of the connection between topological order Unlike general anyon condensation processes, which and conformal field theory, see Ref.42.) In mathemat- can increase the anyon content or even create topolog- ics, it has been studied in the context of modular tensor ical order from a trivial phase, TSB necessarily reduces categories,31–36 which are the mathematical structures the total number of deconfined anyon states (in techni- underpinning topological order. Refs.26–28,38 described cal terms, the total quantum ). Thus while how, in the context of topologically ordered systems, this (at least for some topological orders) it can describe a formalism can be interpreted as condensation of non-local process in which the topological order is completely de- bosons; more systematic methods to use this approach to stroyed, an alternative framework is needed to describe obtain the topological order of the condensed phase have the reverse process, in which the topological order is cre- been described by Refs.29,30. Here we will primarily use ated from the vacuum. This is similar to the situation their approach and language. in symmetry-breaking transitions, where Bose condensa- Though the framework is not new, TSB’s relevance tion necessarily reduces the symmetry; to describe the to several important questions about topologically or- inverse process a different (dual) description is required. dered phases has only recently been appreciated. No- tably, it provides a complete answer to the question of whether the boundary between two topological phases A. Topological order, anyons, and bosons can be gapped, and whether a given pair of phases ad- 43–54 mits multiple distinct gapped boundary types. It To begin, we will review the key features of topological also naturally gives rise to symmetries that interchange order that play a role in TSB. The aspects of a phase cap- different species of anyons.55–64 Both of these are in- 65–75 tured by topological order are similar in spirit to those timately connected to the possibility of engineer- described by its symmetry. In the latter case, point-like ing bound states whose statistical interactions emulate quasiparticles are characterized by the representation of those of non-abelian anyons. By studying concrete mod- 76–83 the symmetry group under which they transform. This els of TSB, some progress has also been made to- representation cannot change unless either the symmetry wards understanding the (possibly second-order) critical 84–91 is broken, or the fuses with another quasi- points that arise when non-local bosons condense. . The action of symmetry on a region A con- The present work aims to provide a basic introduction to taining multiple quasiparticles is obtained by combining the formalism itself, and give an overview of these recent their respective representations. If the symmetry is non- developments. abelian this combination is not unique, and A may trans- form in one of several representations. In a topologically ordered system, the analogue of a II. CONDENSING ANYONS THAT ARE representation is the anyon type, or topological charge. BOSONS: TOPOLOGICAL SYMMETRY We use the set of labels ai to denote the possible topo- BREAKING logical charges; each label{ represents} a fixed set of statis- tical interactions (i.e. braiding) with other anyon types. Our first objective is to review how condensing non- A particle’s statistical interactions, and hence the topo- local bosons – i.e. anyons with bosonic self-statistics – logical charge, must be conserved unless it fuses with changes a system’s topological order. This is the anal- another quasiparticle. If a region A contains multiple 3 anyons, its net statistical interaction with the outside statistics. Fig.1 shows that rotating the anyon’s world is fixed by its total topological charge, which is ob- world line by 2π is equivalent to exchanging a with tained by combining the topological charges of all of its a, and then interchanging a space-like and a time- quasiparticles. The anyons are said to be non-abelian if like direction. The statistical phase associated with this combination is not unique, such that A may carry exchanging anyons a and a (when fused in the vac- one of several topological charges. uum channel, if they are non-abelian) is therefore In practise, there is a key difference between topolog- given by the anyon a’s topological . (Specifi- ical order and symmetry: the latter is generally present cally, it is the product of a’s topological spin and at the level of the microscopic Hamiltonian, whereas in a quantity known as its Frobenius Schur indicator; physically realistic situations the former is necessarily see e.g.42,93. For simplicity, here we will assume emergent. Thus one might worry that if the energy den- that the Frobenius Schur indicator is +1, though sity in region A is too large, its topological charge is this is not necessary for the formalism we discuss no longer meaningful. Provided that outside of region to hold.29) A (or more generally, outside of a finite set of bounded spatial regions, which could contain an arbitrary energy If a = a (as is the case for the examples we discuss density or even holes in the material) the system is in here), then this implies that in the vacuum fusion its ground state, however, a quasiparticle encircling the channel a anyons are bosons () under ex- region A from a sufficient distance will pick up a path- change if they have topological spin +1 ( 1). independent Berry phase determined only by the total − topological charge in A. In this sense the topological charge in a bounded high-energy region is a meaningful Braiding quantity. 4. is the process in which two anyons are ex- To understand TSB, we will require a basic under- changed twice (see Fig.2). In general the resulting standing of some of the properties of anyons in 2 spatial complex phase depends on the fusion channel of dimensions: the two anyons, and we call the resulting matrix element M ab. (If a = b a single exchange results in c 6 1. The fusion rules a different spatial configuration of anyons, so that ab only the double exchange Mc is a physically mean- X k ai aj = Nijak (1) ingful quantity). Note that braiding with the iden- × a1 k tity is always a trivial operation, i.e. Ma = 1. tell us how anyons brought close together combine to give other anyons. (This is analogous to the way that the Clebsch-Gordon coefficients tell us how (a) a (b) transforming in representations r and r0 of a symmetry group combine to give a particle a a transforming in one of the possible representations r r0). For the examples we will discuss here N k × ij

will always be either 1 or 0, though in general they time need only to be non-negative . An anyon a for which a b = c (with no sum) for every b is called abelian;× otherwise, if the right-hand side of a (1) contains multiple terms, a is non-abelian.

2. Unique and conserved topological FIG. 1. A space-time depiction of the relationship between charge: Every anyon ai must have a unique anti- the topological spin of the anyon a and the phase incurred particle ai, with which it can annihilate to give the when exchanging a with a. (a) In order to represent the ef- vacuum (which we denote by 1)– i.e. fect of rotating an anyon by 2π, it is convenient to fatten its worldline into a ribbon; the rotation is then depicted by a 2π ai ai = 1 + ... (2) twist in the ribbon. (b) A process in which a pair of anyons a × and a is created from the vacuum and then exchanged. This Note that we can – and in the present work, often worldline can be smoothly deformed into a horizontal ribbon will – have a = a. Conversely, the total topological with a 2π twist. (Do try this at home!) charge is conserved: only particle-antiparticle pairs may be created from the vacuum.

iθa 3. The topological spin sa = e = sa of an anyon a Mathematically, these properties (among others) is the phase incurred when the anyon is rotated by are described by a unitary modular tensor category 42 2π. Note that S1 = 1. In the examples we will (UMTC) – a structure which is roughly analogous to consider, this spin dictates the anyon a’s exchange the symmetry group in a conventional phase.94 4

a b a b This leads to the following braiding and fusion rules:

ψ ψ = 1 , ψ σ = σ , σ σ = 1 + ψ × × × iπ/8 sψ = 1 , sσ = e a,b − = M M ψψ = 1 ,M ψσ = 1 c 1 σ − σσ −iπ/4 σσ 3iπ/4 time M1 = e ,Mψ = e (6)

In this case, there is an important feature of the statisti- c c cal interaction not captured by M and the fusion rules: if a σ anyon is braided around one member of a pair of σ anyons, the parity of this pair (encoded by FIG. 2. A space-time depiction of a process in which anyon whether the fusion channel of the two σ anyons is 1 or a is braided around anyon b, where the fusion channel of a×b 103 is fixed to be c. The red (blue) line labeled a (b)denotes the ψ) will be flipped after the braiding process. This will trajectory of anyon a (b) in time; the vertex (a, b, c) indicates be important to our analysis later. that a and b were fused at some point in the past to c. One important difference between the true and Ising topological orders and their superconductor counterparts is that in the latter, vortices are created by externally applied electromagnetic fields, whereas 1. Examples in the former they are excitations intrinsic to the 2D system, as can be realized in somewhat less famil- In what follows we will primarily focus on exam- iar models.42,96,105,106 Readers should be aware that ples constructed from two well-known topological orders, throughout this work, m and σ are intrinsic 2D exci- which we describe here. tations, rather than superconducting vortices. Toric code: The Toric code95,96 describes the topo- Gk: In addition, we will sometimes allude to other logical order of an s wave superconductor7 (or equiva- topological orders described by Chern-Simons gauge 97–101 theories with gauge group G in 2 spatial dimensions. lently, of a Z2 spin liquid ). It contains one fermion Because they are intimately related to Wess-Zumino- (the Bogolon) ψ, and two types of abelian bosons: a 107–110 π-flux vortex which we call m, and a of a Witten models, exact results from 2D conformal fermion and a vortex, which we will call e. Since two field theory can be leveraged to understand the corre- sponding topological orders,111 as well as TSB in these Bogolons can form a Cooper pair, two ψ particles can 20,27 annihilate to give the vacuum. Similarly a pair of π- systems. Anyons in these models are associated with flux vortices has trivial statistical interactions with the fluxes (a.k.a. Wilson lines) of the Chern-Simons gauge fermion, implying that two m particles can also annihi- field; their statistical interactions realize a wide variety late. Note that we do not require that combining the of anyon theories depending on the choice of the - two m particles actually returns the system locally to valued Chern-Simons coupling k and the gauge group its ground state; the topological order is indifferent to G. We will primarily take G= SU(2), and denote the questions of local energetics and depends only on the net resulting topological order as SU(2)k. Details of these Berry phase detected by a fermion encircling the region topological orders, together with a much more thorough from a distance. introduction to topological order than we give here, can be found in Refs.42,93. These properties are described by the following braid- Combining and conjugating topological orders: ing and fusion rules: Finally, it is useful to define the product of two topologi- cal orders , which simply denotes that we have the ψ ψ = 1 , m m = 1 , ψ m = e (3) anyons ofC both × D and , where anyons in have triv- × × × C D C se = sm = 1 , sψ = 1 (4) ial braiding (i.e. no statistical interactions) with anyons − in . In addition, the conjugate of a topological or- M aa = 1 ,M ab = 1 , a = b (5) D C 1 a×b − 6 der is a topological order with the same fusion rules, butC where the topological spins and braiding phases are Ising: Our second example is the Ising topologi- complex conjugated. cal order, which essentially describes a spinless chiral p wave superconductor.102–104 The superconductor has a fermion (the Bogolon) ψ and a π vortex. In this case 2. Condensable bosons we will call the vortex σ, as it has a Majorana bound state.102–104 This implies that σ is a non-abelian anyon, In order to discuss Bose condensation, we must first since a pair of vortices can have a net topological charge specify what is required for anyons to be bosons. For of either 1 (even fermion parity) or ψ (odd fermion par- non-abelian anyons, we require only that the particles aa ity). be bosons under exchange (i.e. Mc = 1) in at least 5 one of the possible fusion channels c; this is sufficient to charge, which could be any integer multiple of e; in a su- allow condensation to occur.27 For abelian anyons where perconductor, where Cooper pairs of charge 2e have con- the fusion outcome is fixed, they must be bosons under densed, we label them by their charge modulo 2e. Thus a exchange in the usual sense. region with any even number of is now indistin- As discussed above, if a = a, then by this definition a guishable from the vacuum; any odd number is equivalent is a boson if its topological spin is 1. If not, it turns out to having a single unpaired (at least for experi- that it is both necessary and sufficient for both a and one ments attempting to measure the local charge). We have of the fusion products b a a to have topological spin identified excitations of charge q and q + 2e. 1.26,27,29 Thus in general,∈ in× order for an anyon a to be b Second, if the symmetry is non-abelian, such that it has a boson, we require that sa = 1 and that Na,a > 0 for representations of dimension greater than 1, it is also pos- some b (which may be the vacuum) with sb = 1. sible that one representation in the unbroken phase splits One can also consider condensing multiple bosons into two or more distinct representations after the sym- γ1, ...γn simultaneously. In this case, we additionally re- metry is broken. For example, if the SU(2) spin rotation quire that there is at least one fusion channel in which symmetry of a magnet is broken to the group of rota- each pair of particles braid trivially with each other. This tions about the z axis, the spin S representation splits will be the case if, for each i and j there is at least one γiγj into 2s + 1 distinct representations with different eigen- fusion channel c such that Mc = 1. If the condensing values of the now conserved quantitySz. boson(s) are abelian, meaning that γi γj = c (with no sum), this turns out to requires that c×is also a boson; if In addition to the possibility of identifying or split- c = 1 then c will also condense.29,30 ting quasi-particles, we must account for the fact that 6 the bosons we condense have non-trivial braiding with some of the other anyons. These anyons will therefore B. Understanding the condensed phase cause destructive interference between different configu- ration histories of the condensate, and become confined in To understand the effect of forming a Bose conden- the condensed phase. A similar phenomenon occurs for sate of anyons, it is helpful to draw parallels with the magnetic flux in a superconductor: general fluxes have more familiar setting of spontaneous symmetry breaking. non-trivial Aharonov Bohm phases with the condensed Here Bose condensation reduces a microscopic symmetry Cooper pairs, and flux (where permitted at all) is con- group G to a subgroup H of G. Before condensation fined to vortex cores carrying an integer number of half- quasiparticles can be classified according to the repre- flux quanta. By confined, we mean that subdividing the sentations of G; afterwards we label them by the repre- vortex core into two halves would incur an energy cost sentations of H. This has two possible effects, both of that increases at least logarithmically with their separa- which can occur in TSB. tion, such that the two halves are energetically bound First, distinct particles may become identified in the together. condensed phase. For example, in an insulator we may The parallels between TSB and spontaneous symmetry (in the absence of screening) label excitations by their breaking are summarized in TableI.

1. Example gates. This ensures that sσ1σ2 = 1, and thus since σ1σ2 is its own anti-particle (i.e. σ1σ2 σ1σ2 = 1 + ...) , it satisfies our criterion to be a boson.× 76,82 The anyons in the condensed phase can be understood Let us now condense ψ1ψ2 – an inter-layer bound using these three principles. Before discussing the gen- pair of fermions. What effect does this have on the al- eral case, let us illustrate this with an example. We begin lowed topological charges? First, after condensation the with Ising Ising – i.e. two copies of the Ising topologi- fermionic quasiparticle is a superposition of ψ and ψ , × 1 2 cal order with opposite chirality. Roughly speaking, this in much the same way that the Bogolon itself is a super- descripes a time-reversal invariant bilayer chiral p wave position of particle and hole excitations. Similarly the superconductor, in which the two layers are initially de- new vacuum 1˜ is a superposition of the original vacuum coupled. The non-trivial anyons are the fermions ψ1, ψ2 and the inter-layer pairs. Thus up to normalization the of layers 1 and 2 respectively, the two vortices σ1, σ2, and vacuum 1˜ and fermion ψ˜ of the condensed phase are: the 4 combinations σ1ψ2, ψ1σ2, ψ1ψ2, and σ1σ2. (Note that in a real superconductor σ1 and σ2 would not typi- ψ˜ (ψ1 + ψ2) , 1˜ (1 + ψ1ψ2) (7) cally be independent, since an external flux would thread ∼ ∼ both layers. However in the Ising topological order σ is We say that ψ1 and ψ2 have been identified, as have 1 an intrinsic 2D excitation, so that the two are indepen- and ψ1ψ2. dent). Since the two layers to have opposite chirality, Since ψ1 (ψ2) has a non-trivial Berry phase only with the topological spins of σ1 and σ2 are complex conju- σ1 (σ2), braiding an inter-layer pair around an isolated 6

Topological order Symmetry breaking Analogy UMTC T Symmetry group G Underlying mathematical structure Topological charge Irreducible representation (irreps) specifies conserved properties of quasiparticles (i.e. charge, braiding statistics, etc.) Fusion Tensor product of irreps Describes possible conserved properties of a region in space with two or more quasiparticles Braiding a Long-ranged statistical interaction between quasiparticles Condensed topological order T˜ H (a subgroup of G) Mathematical structure of the condensed phase

Identification a1 → a,˜ a2 → a˜ 2 irreps of G → same irrep of H After condensation, two sets of conserved properties are no longer physically distinguishable

Splitting a → a˜1 +a ˜2 1 irrep of G → 2 irreps of H After condensation, multiple internal states of the same anyon or irrep become physically distinct Confinement Analogous to confinement in Anderson-Higgs phases Goldstone mode Not present in TSB (or Anderson-Higgs phases) a Braiding is present only in theories where the symmetry is gauged, where it corresponds to a Berry phase between particles and vortices.

TABLE I. Analogy between Bose condensation leading to spontaneous symmetry breaking, and Bose condensation leading to TSB. Braiding, and consequently confinement, do not occur in theories with a global symmetry– although they do arise when the symmetry is gauged (in which case spontaneous symmetry breaking describes the Anderson-Higgs mechanism). Like Higgs phases, a phase obtained from TSB is fully gapped, and never contains Goldstone modes. vortex in either layer gives the Berry phase M σψ = 1. (a) σ − This means that the four anyons σ1, σ2, σ1ψ2, and ψ1σ2 Layer 2 all induce branch cuts in our condensate wave-function, whose energy cost grows with the length of the branch cut. These anyons are therefore confined, and are not part of the topoloigcal order of the condensed phase. Layer 1 The bound state σ1σ2, however, remains deconfined after the transition. Because σ1 and σ2 each have an 12 12 associated Majorana bound state, the resulting anyonσ ˜ 1 comes in two flavours– one with even fermion parity, and (b) one with odd. Before condensation, we have: Layer 2 2 (σ σ ) (σ σ ) = 1 + ψ ψ + ψ + ψ (8) 1 2 × 1 2 1 2 1 2 After condensation, this becomes:

σ˜ σ˜ = 1˜ + 1˜ + ψ˜ + ψ˜ (9) Layer 1 × 12 12 The two copies of the vacuum state correspond to two or- thogonal states that have trivial topological charge in the condensed phase. However, ifσ ˜ represents a single anyon type, this multiplicity of the vacuum in the fusion prod- FIG. 3. A pair of σ1σ2 bound states, initially with both uct is not compatible with the mathematical structure σ1 particles, and both σ2 particles, fusing to the vacuum, required for a consistent topological order. The resolu- is braided with a σ2 particle. (a) Before braiding, the net fermion parity of the two pairs is even. (b) After braiding a tion is that the two flavours ofσ ˜ (with even and odd σ2 anyon around one of the σ1σ2 anyons, the fermion parity fermion parity, respectively) split into two distinct anyon of the remaining two σ’s in layer 2 (represented by a black types,σ ˜e andσ ˜m. dashed line) has changed. The net fermion parity of the two The end resut of this process is a topological order σ1σ2 pairs is now odd, meaning that one of these pairs has with one species of fermion ψ˜, and two abelian anyonsσ ˜e changed its fermion parity. A similar argument holds in other andσ ˜m, both with π Berry phase when braided with the initial fusion channels. fermion. As σ1 and σ2 have opposite topological spins, these particles are both bosons. The fusion rules are: Identifyingσ ˜ = m, σ˜ = e, we have recovered the topo- ψ˜ ψ˜ = 1 , ψ˜ σ˜ =σ ˜ , ψ˜ σ˜ =σ ˜ m e × × e m × m e logical order of the Toric code! σ˜ σ˜ =σ ˜ σ˜ = 1 , σ˜ σ˜ = ψ˜ (10) e × e m × m e × m One might rightly ask why, before condensation, σ1σ2 7 could not be split into a fermion parity even and fermion 3. Confinement: If the condensing bosons are abelian, parity odd particle. Before condensation, braiding a σ1σ2 only anyons which obey: pair with a σ2 anyon changes the pair’s fermion par- a,γi ity. (See Fig.3). Since topological charge must be Ma×γi = 1 (13) conserved under braiding operations, these two internal states therefore cannot comprise different anyon types. remain deconfined after condensation. Once the single-layer vortices σ1 and σ2 are confined, If γi is non-abelian, this condition is required to however, the pair’s fermion parity is conserved under hold only in some of the fusion channels a γi. × braiding, and it splits into two distinct anyon types. This is because different superpositions (11) involv- ing the anyon a are associated with different fusion channels of a γ , and may therefore have different × i 2. General prescription braidings with γi. After condensation, this means that some linear combinations involving a become This example illustrates the main phenomena that confined while others do not. This also applies to c arise in TSB transitions. We now summarize these in the condensate itself: if Nγi,γi > 0 and c is not a the general case. The main complications that can arise boson, then c is confined in the condensed phase. here are that (1) we may condense multiple boson types Since c is manifestly not topologically equivalent γi , which is often necessary in order to obtain a con- to the vacuum, this is necessary to ensure that the sistent{ } vacuum 1˜ in the condensed phase; and (2) the point particles that remain after condensation have 29 condensing boson may be non-abelian. conserved topological charge. Ref. gives an exam- Let γi be a set of bosons that we wish to condense. ple of how this occurs in SU(2)10. Then:20{,22},27,29 In general, it can be somewhat technically involved 1. Identification: An anyon t˜ in the condensed phase to work out the details of the topological order that is is often comprised of a superposition of the original obtained by condensation; systematic approaches to do- anyons: up to normalization, ing this are described in Refs.29,30 and will not be a fo- cus of this review. Additionally, many interesting exam- X t˜ n a (11) ples have been studied in the context of conformal field ∼ a a theory.20,24,25 At this point, the reader may be wondering how TSB As was the case for the two fermions ψ1 and ψ2 in our example above, in the condensed phase often relates to more familiar field-theoretic treatments of sym- metry breaking, such as the Higgs mechanism. If the two anyons a and b will only appear as the super- 92 position a+b, and are therefore reduced to a single topological order describes a discrete gauge theory, anyon type. In this case we say that a and b have and the condensing boson can be mapped to a charge been identified. (rather than flux) type excitation, then the two yield the same gapped phases. For topological orders de- The condensing bosons are always identified with scribed by Chern-Simons theories, one might wonder the vacuum. If the condensing boson γi is abelian, whether a Chern-Simons-Higgs description similarly cap- a and γ a are always identified. Thus fusing i × tures the phenomenology of TSB. Though there are sit- any anyon with the condensate returns the same uations where this holds112,113, it need not be the case: anyon type. (Clearly this must be the case if γi is for example, a TSB transition relates the Chern-Simons to be topologically equivalent to the vacuum after theory with gauge group G = SU(2) to that with gauge condensation!) group G = SO(3); however there is no Higgs field that 2. Splitting: If reduces the gauge symmetry from SU(2) to SO(3), since these have the same Lie algebra. . a a = 1 + γ + ... , (12) × i then in the condensed phasea ˜ a˜ contains orthogo- III. ANYON CONDENSATION AND PHYSICS nal copies of the vacuum 1.˜ This× implies thata ˜ can- AT THE EDGE not be a single anyon type (otherwise the topolog- ical order would be mathematically inconsistent). One interesting feature of topologically ordered sys- Thusa ˜ (and consequently a˜) split into multiple tems is that they can possess ungappable boundaries. By anyon types. Clearly this can only happen if, before ungappable, we mean that they cannot be gapped even condensation, a is non-abelian. in the absence of any symmetry. This is the case, for As in our example, where one excitation σ1σ2 with example, for the boundary between an integer quantum two internal states split into two excitations σe and Hall system and the vacuum – but not between an integer σm, each with one internal state, splitting conserves spin Hall system and the vacuum. One may then won- the total number of internal states (called the total der: given two phases with different topological orders quantum dimension) of the a anyons. and , when can the boundary between them be fully C D 8 gapped? This question turns out46–50 to be intimately re- ary is gapped, but the upper boundary remains gapless. lated to the question, “when can a set of non-local bosons At energy scales below the gap, this 1D system is de- in be condensed to obtain ?” (Or vice versa). Here we scribed by the conformal field theory (CFT) correspond- willC review this relationship,D and some of its interesting ing to the upper gapless edge alone. Following Levin,45 physical consequences. we can assess whether the lower edge of our strip really In general, two phases that cannot be separated by can be gapped by determining whether this CFT is a a gapped boundary must be topologically distinct: For well-defined 1D theory. If not, we arrive at a contra- example, an ordinary band insulator admits a gapped diction, and will be forced to conclude that either the boundary with a Mott insulating state, but a quantum upper boundary is also gapped, or the lower boundary Hall insulator, whose band structure is topologically non- is gapless – i.e. the upper and lower boundaries are not trivial, does not. This stems from the fact that the two individually gappable. topologically distinct phases contribute differently to the To see how this question is connected to TSB, we con- flow of energy on the boundary, requiring an ungappable sider the fate of a quasiparticle a created in the re- boundary mode to ensure energy conservation.114–116 For gion and brought to the gapped boundary. If a is amongT example, if phases and have different thermal Hall the anyons that become confined, then it cannot cross C D conductivities117, the boundary between them must be into the vacuum without paying a high energy cost. Ev- gapless. There are known examples,45 however, where idently, if the boundary is gapped, in this case a anyons C and have the same thermal Hall conductivity, but the correspond to gapped excitations at the boundary. If D boundary nonetheless cannot be gapped. a γi is among the bosons condensed in the vacuum, Given that the thermal Hall conductance is not suf- then∈ { the} a quasiparticle “dissappears” at the boundary; ficient, what features of the topological orders and its energy cost falls to 0 as it enters the condensed region, determine whether their boundary can be gapped?C Here,D where it is indistinguishable from the vacuum. This must we review arguments44–46 implying that boundaries be- hold even if the boundary is gapped. Since all anyons tween topological orders related by TSB are gappable, must be either confined or condensed in the vacuum, while other boundaries are not. these are the only two possibilities.47 To simplify our task, we note that a gapped boundary At energies below the bulk gap, our strip model is between and is equivalent to a gapped boundary therefore described by a 1D CFT whose local operators C D between and the vacuum. This is shown in Fig.4: can carry the topological charges of the γ . since we C × D i “folding” along the gapped boundary between and can create a γ γ pair in the bulk, and bring{ one} of them C D i i gives a gapped boundary between and the vacuum. (say γ ) to the lower gapped boundary, and the other (say C ×D i (Folding reverses the orientation of , and therefore also γ ) to the gapless boundary. Since γ dissappears into the D i i flips its chirality, giving ). Therefore to understand in vacuum at the gapped boundary, the result is a local op- D general when boundaries may be gapped, we need only to erator with topological charge γi. For all other anyons, study gapped boundaries between a general topological our only option is to bring both a and a to the gap- order and the vacuum. less boundary, corresponding to an operator with trivial T ≡ C × D topological charge. (b) To determine whether the lower boundary is indeed (a) gappable, we must ascertain whether this set of local operators corresponds to a legitimate 1D CFT. It is be- lieved that this requires118,119 the partition function con- structed from these local operators to be invariant under a set of operations known as modular transformations on C the torus. As is well known in CFT21,120–122 (where the a C Da construction analogous to TSB is known as “extending 20,27 x =0 the chiral algebra” ), this is guaranteed if γi are a set of bosons in that can be condensed to produce{ } the T FIG. 4. (a) Creating a boundary between topologicalD orders vacuum. C and D by condensing the boson γ in the region x > 0. γ In other words, the 1D CFT associated with the anyons can “dissappear” (indicated by an x) at this boundary; boundary between two phases related by TSB is always a confined anyon a brought to x > 0 incurs an energy cost invariant under modular transformations. In this case proportional to its separation from the boundary (indicated the corresponding boundary is always gappable. In fact, by the thick dashed red line). (b) By folding the plane along this can be proven by direct construction: if contains the line x = 0, we see that this is equivalent to a boundary a set of bosons (known as a Lagrangian algebraT 46) that C × D with the vacuum. can be condensed to give the vacuum, then is a special type of modular tensor category (i.e. of topologicalT or- To test whether admits a gapped boundary with der) known as a Drinfeld center;35 for these topological the vacuum, imagineT a 1D system comprised of a thin orders Hamiltonian models with gapped boundaries can strip of our topological phase, on which the lower bound- be constructed explicitly.44,46,123,124 9

Conversely, we could ask whether a topological order (Fig.5), where some regions have e-type boundaries, and which is not related to the vacuum by TSB is always gap-T some have m-type boundaries. Despite the fact that out- less. In this case, we arrive at a potential contradiction: side the square the system is uniformly in a topologically the strip with 1 gapped boundary has a partition func- trivial phase (which is certainly possible here since the tion that is modular invariant only if and the vacuum regions of condensed e and of condensed m can be adia- are either isomorphic121 or related byT extending the chi- batically connected129), the square with mixed boundary ral algebra (e.g. by TSB).21,23,36,125–127 This is believed conditions has a larger number of ground states than one to imply that the lower boundary of our strip cannot be with uniform boundary conditions! To see this, consider gapped – i.e. the boundary between and the vacuum a process where a pair of e quasiparticles are created in is ungappable. T the bulk of the system and brought to an e boundary. In summary, results developed in the study of CFT If the boundary conditions are uniform, each e particle strongly suggest that the boundary between and may be brought to any point on the boundary, and all can be gapped if (and only if) the two topologicalC or-D such choices are equivalent. If the boundary conditions ders are related by TSB. Here “related by” means that are mixed as in Fig.5, however, there are two different contains a set of bosons (known as a Lagrangian ways to bring these quasiparticles to the boundary: ei- algebra)C × D that can be condensed to give the vacuum.45,46 ther we can bring them both to the top (or bottom) edge Physically, this means that TSB – like Bose condensation of the square, or we can send one to the top and one to in conventional systems – does not alter any interdepen- the bottom. These two choices are energetically degener- dence of the bulk and boundary. For example, it cannot ate (both return the system to its ground state), but are alter the topological central charge,27 which describes the nonetheless physically distinct: an m particle tunneling thermal Hall conductivity modulo 8.104128 between the left and right boundaries of the square will give a different phase depending on whether the charges went to the same or to opposite edges. A. Multiple boundary types and topological bound Numerous other examples of topological orders states with multiple types of gapped boundary have been studied;43,50–53 in all cases increasing the number of in- It often happens that there is more than one choice terfaces between the different boundary types increases of bosons to condense in to obtain ; this can lead the number of ground states. In some cases a bosonized to multiple distinct typesC of gapped boundaryD between treatment of the edges in question can be used to derive these two topological orders. The simplest example of this increased ground state degeneracy,54 and show that this phenomenon occurs in the Toric code model, for it can be attributed to the presence of bound states at which either e or m (but not both) can be condensed to the interface between the two domain wall types.65–68,75 obtain the vacuum. This leads to two distinct boundaries These bound states encode a degenerate ground-state with the vacuum43: an e-edge, where e particles may be , and can be viewed as non-abelian anyons locally annihilated, and an m edge where m particles can that have been pinned to a specific spatial location. In be locally annihilated. the Toric code example given above, a Majorana bound state occurs at each interface between different domain wall types; thus each new segment of m-type domain wall after the first one increases the number of ground states by a factor of 2. e e e e IV. TSB, DEFECTS, AND ANYON-PERMUTING SYMMETRIES

Another way to create interesting non-abelian bound states is by making defects in a topologically or- dered phase with a symmetry that permutes anyon FIG. 5. Mixed boundary conditions between the Toric code 44,69–74 and the vacuum: along the top and bottom edges of the square types. This has generated considerable interest in 59–64 (solid red lines) e anyons have condensed; on the left and right such anyon permuting symmetries (APS). Here, we edges (dashed green lines) m anyons have. Dashed yellow lines describe how such symmetries are related to TSB. show two distinct paths by which a pair of e particles created One example of an APS occurs in the Toric code:44,48 in the bulk can be brought to the e boundaries, where they from the fusion and braiding rules in Eq. (3), it is evi- can disappear. dent that exchanging the two bosons e and m leaves the fusion and braiding rules that define this topological or- Given that there are two distinct types of boundary der invariant. (This symmetry at the level of fusion and with the vacuum, it is natural to ask what happens when braiding rules is not necessarily a symmetry of Hamilto- we consider a system with mixed boundary conditions nians that realize this phase.61,62,96,106) To understand 10 the origin of this symmetry, recall that we may obtain V. TSB AND CRITICALITY the Toric code from two copies of the Ising topological order (with opposite chirality) by condensing the boson For continuous phase transitions in which a global sym- ψ1ψ2, as described in Sec. IIB1. After condensation, the metry is broken, there is a close relationship between non-abelian anyon σ1σ2 splits into two abelian anyonsσ ˜e the nature of the broken symmetry and the long-distance andσ ˜m, each with spin 1 and identical braiding, which physics at the critical point. One might therefore hope we identify with the e and m anyons of the Toric code. that a similar result holds for phase transitions driven Thus the anyon-permuting symmetry can be viewed as a by TSB. Though a general framework comparable to the consequence of the splitting of σ1σ2 intoσ ˜e andσ ˜m. Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson theory for symmetry-breaking transitions is not currently known, in certain cases sig- One reason this symmetry is interesting is that, even nificant progress has been made towards characterizing if it is not a symmetry of the Hamiltonian realizing these critical points. the Toric code phase, this phase always admits de- fect lines with the property that an e particle crossing To discuss critical points, we require some under- the line becomes an m particle, and vice versa. The standing of the underlying Hamiltonian that describes end-points of such a defect line, and their analogues the transition itself. The more experimentally relevant Hamiltonian realizations of TSB involve bilayer quan- for other APS, host non-abelian bound states similar 78–80,82,113 to those encountered in Sec.IIIA. 44,70,74 These de- tum Hall systems, since a number of candi- fect lines are also easy to understand in the conden- date topological orders to describe fractional quantum Hall states contain bosons that can potentially condense. sation picture: recall that after condensation the four 78,130 Notable examples include the Z4 Read-Rezayi state, anyon types σ1, σ2, σ1ψ2, ψ1σ2 become confined. Any at- 76,113 tempt to create particle-antiparticle pairs of these will and a bilayer of the Moore-Read state. However, to create a defect line (i.e. the energy cost will be propor- study the critical point in a systematic way it is advanta- geous to use more tractable (but less physically realistic) tional to the separation between the particle and anti- 42,60,76,77,84,86,129,131–138 particle). Before condensation, we showed (see Fig.3) lattice models, which will be our focus here. Tensor-network constructions58,139 provide that braiding σ1σ2 around a σ1 particle (i.e. around one end of the defect line) interchanges its two inter- an alternative, wave-function based, approach to TSB nal states. As can be shown using explicit Hamiltonians on the lattice. realizing this transition87, this aspect of the statistical in- A powerful approach to studying transitions in which teraction remains even in the condensed phase,60 where the condensing bosons are not local is to use a duality these two internal states correspond to the two bosons mapping. One advantage of lattice models is that of- ten this duality can be shown to be exact at the level e σ˜e, m σ˜m. Thus e and m are interchanged when crossing≡ a line≡ defect. of the lattice Hamiltonian, even when the appropriate field theory (and hence its dual) is not readily appar- The relationship between APS – or indeed any global ent. This approach was originally used by Wegner95, symmetry acting on a system of anyons – and conden- and later by Fradkin and Shenker129, who showed that sation transitions is quite general.56–58 A topological or- the two transitions which, in the notation of this pa- der with non-trivial APS– which host multiple gapped per, amount to condensing the e or the m boson in boundaries with itself44,121,125,127 – will admit defect lines the Toric code, are described by the same 3D Ising across which the anyons are permuted by the symme- critical point. Numerous subsequent studies have con- try. These lines terminate on bound states which can be firmed and expanded upon this result.101,140–143 How- viewed as confined non-abelian anyons.59,60,63,69,72 This ever, it can be generalized76,77,83,87 to a wide class of suggests that there is a parent topological order in which transitions in which the condensing boson is abelian (and these bound states become deconfined anyons, connected non-chiral), even when the underlying topological or- to our symmetric topological order by a TSB transi- der is non-abelian. One example is the condensation tion. In this parent topological order, however, excita- of ψ1ψ2 in the example of Sec. IIB1, for which the tions (such as e and m in our example) that are per- low-energy degrees of freedom (but not the non-abelian muted when crossing a defect line must become a single anyons, which remain gapped at the transition) are dual anyon type, since this is the only way for the topological to critical Ising spins. More generally, an abelian boson charge to be conserved under braiding. Thus the TSB γ for which γp = 1 is dual to a p-state Potts spin; in transition in question always splits a single anyon type this case the Hamiltonian can be chosen to drive transi- in this parent phase into all of the anyon types related tions of the Potts or Clock type.77 Such duality mappings by symmetry. It turns out that any topological order in can also be used to characterize dynamical behaviour of which a subset of the anyons transform under a discrete time-dependent Hamiltonians near the phase transition symmetry group can be obtained by TSB from such a in terms of the dynamics of their (much better under- parent topological order, and vice versa.55,60 This con- stood) spin model counterparts.144 nection between APS and TSB gives an alternate route More generally, one may consider transitions where the to identifying examples where such symmetry exists, as condensing bosons have the fusion and braiding rules of well as to constructing symmetric Hamiltonians.61,62 a set of charges of a discrete gauge theory. This would 11 be the case, for example, in any situation where TSB VI. SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK results in an anyon model with a discrete global symme- try, even if the underlying topological order is not, itself, Anyon condensation is a cornerstone of our under- a discrete gauge theory.60 In this case, one expects that standing of topological orders and the relationship be- the critical point will be identical to that of the relevant tween them. Topological symmetry breaking (TSB)– i.e. Higgs transition of the discrete gauge theory. Models re- condensing bosons in a topologically ordered system – alizing such condensation transitions have been studied has had a particularly long reach in this respect, due in by several groups,81,86,145 and are in principle amenable large part to the fact that it is relatively well understood, to Monte Carlo techniques. having been extensively studied in the context both of If we are in search of exotic second-order critical points, conformal field theory and of mathematics. Our focus however, this leaves only transitions in which the con- here has been to provide a non-technical review of the densing boson is non-abelian (and in fact, not equivalent essence of this approach, and some of its most timely to a charge of any discrete gauge theory). In this case, applications in the study of 2D topological phases. although the condensing anyons are bosons in the sense described in Sec.IIA, they generally have long-ranged We have seen that a deep correspondence exists be- statistical interactions which rule out a dual spin descrip- tween TSB and gappable boundaries between differing tion of the type described above. A simple example of topological orders, which follows from the relation of TSB to (“off-diagonal”) modular invariants in CFT. Of par- this type is to condense the σ1σ2 boson in our bilayer ticular interest is the systematic classification44,46 of sys- Ising example. σ1σ2 is a boson, in the sense that no phase tems admitting multiple gapped boundary types, which is accrued upon exchanging a pair of σ1σ2 particles fused admit interesting bound states at their interfaces. to the vacuum. However, σ1σ2 has long-ranged statisti- cal interactions with all other particles except ψ1ψ2 – in- We have also reviewed how global symmetries in anyon cluding with itself, since braiding a σ1σ2 particle around systems arise from TSB in of the topological order in another can alter its fusion channel with the remaining which the symmetry has been gauged; the anyons that σ1σ2 particles. become confined as this transition is crossed become de- These transitions are only poorly understood. They fect lines hosting non-abelian bound states. Among other can be described analytically in a 1D variant, where things, this perspective can be useful in constructing ex- the condensing anyons may fuse but not braid; in amples of anyonic symmetry, since a large number of ex- this case they can be mapped onto so-called restricted amples of such transitions (including those in which an solid on solid models for which the critical behaviour is anyon type splits) exist in the literature.20,122 84,85 known. In 2D several examples have been studied by Though in some cases the critical points can be well- a combination of numerics and high-order perturbative characterised, TSB provides many interesting examples 89–91 expansions. The current accuracy of these combined of phase transitions that are qualitatively different from methods is not sufficient to determine the order of the both ordinary symmetry-breaking transitions and Higgs transition in these cases, and there is evidence that they transitions, even of the non-abelian type. Studying 88,91 may generically be first order. However if they are lattice Hamiltonians with TSB transitions has enabled 89 second order, series expansion results suggest that they a limited analysis of these poorly understood critical may comprise novel universality classes, and as such are points. However, a general framework to reveal the rela- worthy of further study. tionship between phases separated by these more exotic In addition to transitions which only affect the topolog- transitions and the nature of the critical points remains ical order, one can consider transitions in which a change an interesting open problem. in the topological order coincides with another type of change in the system, such as breaking an underlying symmetry. A number of such scenarios have been studied in the context of spin liquids, including transitions to Z2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS magnetically ordered146–148 and gapless99,100,149 phases. Transitions in which reduction of a non-abelian topolog- ical order coincides with spontaneous breaking of lattice The author is grateful to Shivaji Sondhi, Michael symmetry are also known to exist.87 In general the set Levin, Steve Simon, Anushya Chandran and Chris Lau- of possible critical points in this situation is richer than mann for helpful comments on this manuscript, as well that described above, and little is known about the pos- as to NSF-DMR 1352271 and the Sloan Foundation FG- sibilities. 2015-65927 for their financial support.

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